Pem Pie 1991
Pem Pie 1991
Pem Pie 1991
Liquid Propulsion Engines On Ariane V
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES on July 30, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1991-2511
P. Pempie
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales
EVRY, France
The next generation of European ARIANE Launch Vehicle : a main cryogenic Stage (H 155) powered by a HM/60
ARIANE V uses for the propulsion two solid strap-on booster, VULCAIN engine of LOOT thrust (230.000 IbO.
one cryogenic fust stage engine oC 1000 k N (225000 ibo thrust
and one storable (MMH-N204) engine of 27.5 kN (6140 IbO This stage holds 155 T (25 T of LH2 in the lower part and
thrust for the second stage. Hydrazine thrusters of 400 N 130TofLOXintheupperpart).
(90 IbO located in the VEB are used for altitude control.
For safety reason i.e to be able to control the good engine
For all these engines during the last year. many tests at start-up before lift off it is ignitcd on the ground. The bum
subcomponent level and firing engine tests were performed. time is about 615 s .
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES on July 30, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1991-2511
This present paper describes these three liquid propulsion The reliability figure dedicated to the cryogenic stage is
engines in terms of design principles to meet the flight-manned 0.9919.
safety and commercial low production cost requirements. The
dcscription is completed by technical main characteristics. Two large solid-propellant boosters P 230 each containing
development and test logic, and presents the main test results. 230T of grain and delivering a thrust of about 750 T at
liftoffforaburningtimcofaboui 120s 171.
HMI60 L7 Thmsters
This Altitude Control System in made u p of 2 x 3 hydrazine 3. GUIDE-LINES FOR LIQUID ENGINE
thrusters oC 400 N thrust Ced by one (or two according to DEVELOPMENT
the mission) pressurized nitrogen tank.
To meet the high level ocreliabilityand safetyrequircd needs a
vcryscrupulous approach concerning the design. the tcsls, and
the development plan.
3.1. DesirnNles Some of these limits cannot be identirtcd at engine test level
and require tests at component level.
For design the basic work is the funtional design of the engine.
it shows how the basic functions are realized and what For example the development of the HM/GO engine has been
hardware is used. the source of many test-rigs in Europe :
It must be emphasized that this functional design is also the Two Engine test Facilities one at SEP in French and one at
basic work for cost and value analysis. DLR in Germany.
3.2. Ranges and marains Two Turbopumps test bench one for LH2 TP at SEP in French
and one at MEB in Germany.
A high level of reliability and safety requires also the
knowledge ofthe margins. A chamber test facility at DLR in Germany.
Thc dirrercnt ranges consider the following causes of errors Agas generator test facilityat M B B in Gcrmnny
and dispersions betwecn requirements, reality, hardware and
software models. Two Seal and Bearing test rigs one for LOX and the other for
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES on July 30, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1991-2511
dispersions o n functional conditions
Water hydraulic and hot gas loops to validate the design of
approximations in the physical models used for the design pumps and turbine.
manufacturing tolerances, scatter in material properties T h e knowledge of certain kinds of limits requires special tests
like Tribological tests in lox and liquid hydrogen, or materials
uncertain data from measurements during control and test testsin hydrogenenvironment ...
nominal range o r flight Range : The targets of these important tests arc to give conridence in
the engine ; to demonstrate that component failures shall nor
. limit Range : it is the extcnsion of the nominal range propagate sequentially and to check whether the Fail
i, caused by the dXTerent sources ofscatter operationnal o r Fail safe requirements arc meet.
dcsign range : it is the limit range multiplied by factors of For example such following tests will be perfoormcd.
oNdesign ignition and shut off sequence.
3.3. Limitations
turbopumps test with degraded dynamic - seals. with OK-
A high lcvel of s a k t y requires to know the ultimate limitations design '"unbalance" on rotor to simulate a blade loss, with
of thc engines and to define thc measurcment plan to diagnosis crackedTurhinc disk.
loss of Helium o n Lox turbopumps buffered Seal.
3.4. Tests
test engine with very low NPSP available.
The main problem for liquid propulsion engine is the limit
number of item for test and thc high figure of reliability and It is clear that these ultimate tests are risked and to be
safcty required. performed successfullyits needs a fine numerical modelisation
to simulate the hehaviour of the hardware under these cxtrcm
So to solvc this apparent contradiction, a optimised test logic conditions.
must be elaborated.
3.5. Limit Tests
This cryogenic engine developed by SEP in French has been
In particular tests must be able to identify the limitations such described in several papers [9]. [ I O ] , [ I l l , [IZ]. The figure 4
limits for high frequency stability in combustion chamber. for shows ageneralviewofthe engine.
Hydrogen Turbopump
Gas generator combustion pression = 80 bar.
Mass = 1350 Kg Gimbal Joint
VULCAIN engine
The thrust and general mixture ratio is calibrated by the two ---_ -
: Engine Ranges
gas generator injection valves and by the hot gas valve located
at the inlet of LOX turbine. 4.1. Generaltest status
TWeZ-wP l"RBoA*p
To day all the tests facilities arc full cadence running. The
figure no 7 shows a general test status.
- The most signiricant tests are the followings
Also all the limit ranges was explorated. The gas generator has
demonsrratcd its stability combustion without acoustic cavities
and b m e s in all the limit domain.
Today three engines have been tested. The point at 100 barwas
reached during 200 seconds one year only after the first test.
5.27,5 KN ENGINE
The basic propulsion characteristics are the following. m ;21.5 kN engine
Engine vacuum thrust = 21,5kN
Mass = I 1 1 kg
5.I. Test status The two main design drivcrs : low cost and European Supplier
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES on July 30, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1991-2511
They are located in DLR (Germany) one is used specially to The double bed is made up of the Kalie Chcmic Iridium
the engine. the second to the stage. catalyst for the upstream bed and the second is B Ruthcnium
based catalyst.
Today the engine has been tcrted during 1200 s cumulated.
The KC catalyst is described in references [IG]. 1171
The Attitude Control System (SCA) is powered by 2 x 3 The test are performed at TRAUEN in Germany, the figurc
hydrazine thrustcrs (400 N thrust). n' I I compares the actual results an pre-devclopment uni!
and requirements. W
These thrusters use a well known technology and profit of a
past experience form MBB-ERN0 on hydrazine satellite OCS.
ARIANE V program was approved as an ESA optional projet M. VEDRENNE
in 1985 and 1987 space conferences held in Rome and the Challenge'95 The Ariane 5 development
Hague. The European Space Agency E.S.A. has delegated the programme. Esa bulletin no 52 nov 1987
technical and financial management to the French National
Agency(C.N.E.S.). 121 : R. VIGNELLES
Space course. Aachen 1991
For Europc ARIANE V i s not only a technical challenge but
presents also a challenge in terms ofmanagement. 131 : C. J O H N S O N . JF. LlEBERHERR
Ariane 5. A mature development
The figure n' 12 shows a synthesis of the industria1 organisation Programme IAF 89-201
chart related to the development of the Ariane V liquid
propulsion engines. D.A. HEYDON
ARIANE program plans and outlook for
As it can be observed manyfirms from North to Sud from East commercial launch Services.
to West Europa are involved in the program. Each of these AIAA 90.0890
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES on July 30, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1991-2511
ARIANE 5 Design principles and development
A status.
13 INT. Camm Sattelite Syst. Conli. L. A March
Le moteur VULCAIN. ESA bulletin n'61
1131 : G . S C H M I D T - H. ZEWEN
Development Status of the ARIANE 5 Engine
AIAA 87. I938
Figure 12 : Organisation chart for ARIANE 5 liquid
Propulsion Engines
ARIANE 5 upper stage and the HERMES
propulsion module
AIM8 9 . 2 2 s