Iassessment of Worm Gearing
Iassessment of Worm Gearing
Iassessment of Worm Gearing
Lev Chaiko
ProPulsion Directorate
............ U.S. Army Aviation Research and Technology Activity--AFSCOM
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio ........
January 1990
.... _.................................. - .............. - ...... - -c._ AVIATIONng ACTiVII"Y
Uncl as
G3/07 020109_5
Lev Chalko
Propulsion Directorate
U.S. Army Aviation Research and Technology Activity - AVSCOM
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio 44135
Al land area
Ap pocket area
B slot width
K volume of part
Np pump power
Q oll flow
S slot length
T torque
W weight
n oil viscosity
p pitch of worm
c worm col]
d disk
g worm gear
opt optimum
t tooth
tot total
w worm
As an example let us assume a large cargo helicopter has three gas turblne
englnes (4000 kW each), and the engine shafts rotate at 14 280 rpm. The main
shaft of the hellcopter combines the power of these three gas turbine engines
by using three Input modules and three worm meshes (fig. 2). If the maln rotor
speed Is 130 rpm, the transmlsslon reduction ratlo is 14 280/130, or llO. The
maln rotor torque per worm Is
T-- . 288 531 N.m
If the worm gear radius R Is l m, the total force for one worm Is
F = _T = 288 53l N
Each worm gear mesh has flve teeth In engagement; therefore, the load force per
tooth F equals 57 706 N. The working surface of the worm gear tooth looks
llke a horseshoe; part of It Is a hydrostatic pocket and the rest Is land.
The oll pressure is at Its maximum In the pocket and gradually drops to zero
from the pocket edge to the perimeter of the horseshoe (fig. 3).
The optimum clearance, efficiency, and oll vlscoslty were calculated for
the condltlons that take place on a hydrostatlc bearing test stand (see refs. 2
and 3):
Q =
12nS = Constant
Pph 3 : Constant
p2h3 B
Np = 9.6nS
Nf = FfV
Ff " nVA
NF = """h = 4.15 kW
One worm has flve hydrostatlc gear meshes and one hydrostatic counterforce
bearlng. If the frlction losses in the counterforce hydrostatic bearlng are
three times greater than that of one worm gear mesh, the friction power losses
of the worm will be
The total power loss in a hydrostatic gear mesh equals the sumof the fr|ct|on
power losses and the pumppower losses"
N : _ Np + _ Nf
p2h3B nV2A]
N= P
9.6nS + h
The geometrlcal sizes B, S, and AI, the pressure Pp and the velocity are
constant, and therefore
= -- + Constant rl
N Constant n h
pmJnop t nV2A l
9 6nS 2
• hop t
Hence, for the glven appl|catlon the optimum mesh clearance Is 0.22 mm
(fig. 4).
Efficlenci. - The worm gear mesh efflclency may now be calculated. The
pump power fs
Np - 9.6nS
The pressure Px needed to create a lift force of 57 706 N on one tooth of the
worm gear can be found as
PxAp + _ = 57 706 N
57 706
Px = 23 + 32 - 1049 N/cm 2
The pumplng power required Is
The engagement of a worm gear transmission Involves five teeth and one counter-
force bearing. This counterforce bearing uses three tlmes more o11 than one
tooth of the hydrostatic worm gear mesh, and therefore pump power losses of the
worm gear mesh can be calculated as
The total power losses on one worm, Including friction and pump power losses,
Engine power Is 5350 hp, or 4000 kW. The efficiency of the hydrostatic worm
gear transmlsslon is
100 - 34.48 x I00 99 14 percent
4000 " "
N - _ nV2Al
- 9.6nS + h
The optimum oll vlscos|ty can be found from a derlvatlve of the functional
dependence of the worm gear power losses on the o|I viscosity at maximum worm
gear efficiency dN/dn = 0 and then
p_h3B V2 AI
2 6S h
nopt 9"
p m = V2AI nopt
2 9 .6S
= 3xi0 -6 N.slcm 2
n°pt \V2AI S9.6/
_x = arctan --P--
where p is the pitch of the worm. At the best efficiency the surfaces of the
worm gear teeth should be parallel to the surfaces of coils -1 and ] (fig. 1).
In thls case worm gear teeth have a minimum tilt angle with neighboring colls
O, -2, and 2 (fig. I).
The efficiency test is conducted on a model representing a worm gear tooth
(horseshoe). Two of the horseshoes are Installed in a frame (caliper) facing
the disk with clearance h (fig. 5). The hlgh-speed rotating disk imitates a
coii of the worm. High-pressure oli flow is pumpedthrough the clearance
between the disk and the horseshoes (flg. 5). The oli pressure of the hydrau-
lic system and the oi] flow will determine the pumppower. The load force is
measured by a strain gage on the callper. The friction forces of the hydro-
static meshesare measured by a friction force gage. The horseshoes can be
installed with different clearances and at dlfferent tllt angles to the rotat-
Ing dlsk. Also, horseshoes of dlfferent shapes and with different pocket posi-
tions will be tested. The results of these tests w1]] show the experlmental
dependenceof the hydrostatic worm gear transmlsslon efficiency on these
This force Is distributed among five worm gear teeth so that the force on one
tooth Is
384 290
F z - 76 858 N = 7834 kg
Next we wlll calculate the area of a pad (horseshoe) when the hydraulic
pressure Is 15 000 psl (1000 bar) and the pocket area Is lO percent of the pad
area A - the remaining 90 percent of the pad area being land. The load force
created by hydrostatic pressure In the pocket is ApP. The load force created
by hydrostatic pressure in the land is AIP/3. The load force for the entire
pad Is
ApP + _ = 7834 kg
0.9 A x lO00
0.I A x 1000 + = 7834
A = 20 cm 2
Hence, the volume of the 11_ teeth is 4665 cm 3. The volume of the rim wlll be
three tlmRs more (14 000 cmJ). The total volume of the worm gear thus Is
18 665 cm j. If the worm=gear Is made of tltanlum (density, 4.5 g/cm3), the
weight of the worm gear Is Wg - 18 665 x 4.5 = 84 000 g (84 kg, or 185 Ib)
K d = 29 450 cm 3
The volume of a worm coll is four times greater than the volume of a worm
gear tooth:
Kc : 42.4 x 4 = 170 cm 3
The worm shaft and _earlngs double the volume, and the weight of the steel worm
(density, 7.85 g/cm J) Is g|ven by
Hydrostatic worm gearing comprises a worm gear wheel, a disk, and three worms.
Its welght Wt equals"
Baseline Hydrostatic
planetary worm gear
transmission transmission
Almost all hellcopter gearboxes have three or four stages of gear tralns
with one or two bevel gear stages and one or two spur gear (usually planetary)
stages (i.e., many gears, bearlngs, shafts, and support parts). Gear trains
are extensively used in mechanlcal systems, but In no other transport vehicle
is the relative weight of the transmlsslon as great as in the helicopter. In
recent years there has been progress in Improvlng the quality of helicopter
gearboxes as manufacturing was Improved and new technology and materials were
developed. However, any new steps In thls progress will be more and more dif-
ficult. Obviously, new energy transfer tralns for Improvlng the drive from the
gas turbine to the maln rotor shou]d be Investigated. A hydrostatic worm gear
transmlsslon could be one such train, since it weighs less than a conventional
gear train transmission. Also, a hydrostat|c contact could have a longer serv-
Ice life and make less noise as well as provides an opportunity to use llght
metals such as titanium, aluminum, and composites. The case where one of the
three engines is Inoperable must be considered for a hydrostatic worm gear
transmission -- tn this case the worm gear must run the worm (i.e., the trans-
mtsslon must be reversible). Reverslbtllty requires that the frlction angle
be less than the mlnlmum helix angle of the worm. For the realization of this
condition the worm gear tooth must have one more hydrostatlc pad on the back
side. This hydrostatic pad could be very small. The lift force of this pad
need be only enough to run the worm, the shaft, and part of the overrunning
2. That its benefits Include llghter welght, less noise, greater compact-
ness, longer service 11fe, and low manufacturing and malntenance costs.
Future research and development of thls transmission could open new per-
spectlves for Improvlng power transfer trains. For example, using high o11
pressure (to 30 000 psi) would allow a welght decrease or an efflclency In-
crease in the hydrostatic worm gear transmission.
I. Cone, S.T.: The Cone Drive, Product Catalog and Englneerlng Manual, Cone
Drlve Operations Inc., Traverse Clty, MI.
2. Stansfleld, F.M.: Hydrostatic Bearlngs for Machine Tools and Similar App11-
catlons. The Machlnery Publishing Co., Ltd., Brighton, England, 1970.
3. Fuller, D.D.: Theory and Practice of Lubricatlon for Englneers. 2nd edl-
tion, Wiley Intersclence, 1984.
R = 1.00 m
zl ._N = Np + N ! //
2 ,1
i I
----H Ed_I_Q_
- _lo-t-_-
_\ _ \_ CALIPER J"
', I I;_ I ,-- WORM GEAR
0.5 cm
om- t
Flgure 6. - Shape and cross section of won'n gear tooth.
R (75 cm)
"_-- 1 cm
I "%.,.
National Aeronautics and
Report Documentation Page
Space Adrninislralion
Lev Chaiko
16. Abstract
This report assesses a high-efficiency hydrostatic worm gear drive for helicopter transmissions. The example
given is for a large cargo helicopter with three 4000-kW engines and transmission reduction ratio of 110. The
report also contains an efficiency calculation, a description of the test stand for evaluating the feasibility of worm
gear hydrostatic mesh, a weight calculation, and a comparison with conventional helicopter transmissions of the
same power and transmission reduction ratio.
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NASAFORM1626OCT86 *For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161