Bio Protocol52
Bio Protocol52
Bio Protocol52
[Abstract] This protocol describes general cloning steps from preparation of both vector and
insert DNA to the ligation reaction.
1. Luria-Bertani broth (LB) medium: Bacto-tryptone (BD Biosciences), yeast extract (BD
2. Antibiotics (Sigma-Aldrich/Thermo Fisher Scientific)
3. QIAGEN Plasmid Purification Handbook (QIAGEN)
4. SeaKem® LE Agarose (Cambrex)
5. Plasmid Prep Kit (QIAGEN /Fermentas)
6. PCR Clean-up kit (QIAGEN /Fermentas)
7. Restriction enzymes (New England Biolabs)
8. Alkaline Phosphatase: Calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CIP) (New England Biolabs,
catalog number: M0290) or Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP) (Promega Corporation,
catalog number: M8201)
9. Ligase enzyme (New England Biolabs)
10. DNA ladder
11. NaCl
12. LB broth media (see Recipes)
13. Ligation reaction (see Recipes)
prepared by using the Mini-prep kit. If it is a low copy (<10 copies/cell) plasmid, use the Midi-
prep or Maxi-prep kit.
1. Grow E. coli cell culture carrying vector plasmid in LB liquid medium with appropriate
antibiotics at 37 °C overnight.
2. Follow QIAGEN Plasmid Purification Handbook to obtain DNA. If plasmid DNA does not
need to be purified, and to be more economical, plasmid DNA can be extracted without
using a plasmid prep kit (See protocol “Plasmid DNA extraction from E. coli using alkaline
lysis method”).
3. Estimate plasmid DNA concentration using one of the following two ways:
a. Load 2-3 μl plamid DNA and a DNA ladder on a DNA agarose gel and estimate DNA
according to the DNA marker.
b. Easier and more accurate way is to measure DNA using Nanodrop if it is available.
4. Digest 2-5 μg vector DNA using restriction enzymes needed for the insert DNA. To make
sure the vector is completely digested, extra enzyme and long incubation may be needed.
5. To reduce the chance of self-ligation, dephosphorylate the 5′ phosphorylated ends of the
digested vector with alkaline phosphatase.
Note: If the shrimp alkaline phosphatase (SAP) is used, then add 2 μl SAP directly to 100
μl digest solution, incubate at 37 °C for 1 h, then inactivate SAP at 65 °C for 10 min. If the
calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CIP) is used, then add 5 μl CIP enzyme to 100 μl
digestion solution, incubate at 37 °C for 1 h, then inactivate SAP at 65 °C for 30 min.
6. Perform gel purification of digested vector DNA.
c. Digest PCR product with the corresponding restriction enzymes. Or, first clone PCR
product to pGEM T-easy vector, and then generate insert DNA from the resulting
d. Perform gel purification of insert DNA.
e. Estimate DNA concentration.
E. Colony PCR to screen for plasmids carrying the correct inserts and then confirm the result by
digestion and sequencing of the plasmid.