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Introduction Concept of white coffer crime - Indim approaches to socio-fenc

fim of privileged clan deviance- ufficial deviance (Legislator, judges and bur) praeinal deviance, made
union devians, and law deviance upper cims deviance, police deviance, grader had deviance, deviance by
religious leaders and organisations

Official desiance Prevention of Comption Act 1988


Police and politician" device NN.Vom Commite Report: Lakgal and Lokayukts


Profemural destane Medical - The Lamia Common Report Legal profesion Opsions of Disciplinary
Committee of the Council of India


Gender hused deviance-sexual Offens apsildes and scheduled

1.“Every accused shall be presumed to be innocent till proved Guilty”. How far is this principle relevant in
tackling socio-economic

Offences ?

Q. No. 2. Explain the concept of Official Deviance.

Q. No. 3. The Constitution of lndia and Criminal Procedure Code Provide some safeguards against
arbitrary use of powers By police. Discuss. 3

Q. No” 4. Discuss the background, observation and suggestions of Lentin Commission.4

Q. No. 5. With reference to decided cases, discuss the provisions of The Advocate’s Act, 1961 regarding
disciplinary action against Advocates.4
6.Explain the salient features of Domestic Violence Act, 2005.5

7.Define White Collar Crimes with its kinds and characteristics. .

Q. No. 2. Enumerate the crimes under the Prevention of Corruption

Act, 1988. 2

Q. No. 3. Explain the provision regarding the appointment, powers

And procedure of Lokayukta under the Karnataka Lokayukta Act 1984.3

Q. No. 4. Discuss the background, observation and suggestion of

Lentin Commission.4

Q. No. 5. Discuss the provisions of Advocate’s Act’1961 regarding Disciplinary action against advocate

Discuss the salient features of Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1956.4

7. Explain the main features of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act,
1989 .5

Q. No. 7. Criticatly evatuate the policy of lmmoral Traffic (Prevention) ‘ Act,.

8. Explain the lndian approach to socio-economic offences.

Q. No. 3. Explain the underlying policy of Prevention of Corruption

Act, 1988.2

Q. No. 4. State the powers and functions of the Lokpal and Lokayukta institutions .2

5.Explain the Verma Cbmmittee Report On women ‘5

6 explain the illicit traffic in narcotics drugs and physchotric substance.4

Q. No. 8. Elucidate the structures of legal restraint on police power

In lndia. 3

Q. No. 2. Explain the political deviance and accountability mechanism.3

Q. No. 3. Explain illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic Substance*.4

Q. No. 4. Discuss the appointment, powers and procedure of Lokpal institution 3

Q. No. 5. Discuss the opinions of Disciplinary Committee ol Bar Council Of lndia.4

Q. No. 6. Explain the salient features of the Sexual Harassment of Women At Workptace (Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.4

7 Discuss the salient features of the Immoral Traffic (Prevention Act, 1956.
Q. No. 2. Explain briefly the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. Marks : 2

Q. No. 3. Analyse the Supreme Court of lndia directives on Police reform

In Prakash V/s Union of lndia. 3

Q. No. 4. The MedicalTermination of PregnancyAct, 1972isa mechanism.4

O. No. 5. Discuss the Lentin-Commission Report.4

6.Discuss the functions of the Bar Council of lndia.4

Q. No. 6. Explain the salient features of Domestic Violence Act, 2005. 5

Q.o. 7. Critically evaluate the Policy of lmmoral Traffic (Prevention) Act.5

Q. No. 3. Summarise the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 relating to corruption.2

Q. No. 4. What is professional deviance ? Explain the restrictions on Professiona! Dqviance by advocate
under the Advocates Act, 1961.4

Discuss the sarient features of the scheduled caste and Scheduled rribe (prevention of Atrocities) Act,

‘ O’ No. 6. Explain the salient features of the Sexual Harassment of

Women atwork Place (prevention, prohibition and Redressal)VAct, 2013.”5

Q’ No.7. Critically evaluate the policy of lmmoral Traffic (prevention) Act, 1956.5

Q’ No. 8. Explain the salient features of Domestic Violence Act, 2OOS.5

Q’ No’ 9’ How far Lokpal and Lokayukta lnstitutions contributed to Regulate white collar crimes in lndia.

10.“Crime committed by a person of respectability and high social Status in course of his occupation”.
Critically explain. 4

Q. No. 2. Explain political deviance and accountability mechanisms.3

Q. No. 3. Briefly explain the underlying policy of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. 2

4.What are the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court of lndia To prevenj sexual harrassment ? 5

Q’ No. 7. Fxplain “sociat disabilities” under Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1956.

1.Explain the nature, definition and growth of White Collar Criminality.

Q. No. 2. Explain the provisions relating to offences underthe Prevention

Of Corruption Act, 1988. 2

Q. No. 3. Explain political deviance and accountability mechanisms. 3

Q. No. 4. Explain the ‘lllicit Traffic’ in narcotic drugs and psychotropic

Substances. 4

Q. No. 5. What are the guidance issued by the Supreme Court of lndia To prevent sexual harassment ?5

Q. No. 6. Discuss the salient features of Protection of Civil Rights Act,1956

Q. No. 4. Explain the report of Lentin Commission 4

Explain the salient features of Domestic Violence Act, 2005.

(a) Lokayukta lnstitution 3

(b) Tax avoidance and tax evasion.
(c) Medical deviance
(d) Official deviance
(e) ) Food Adulteration
(f) Deviance of Advocates’
(g) N-N Vohra Committee RePort’***
(h) Domestic violence
(i) Police as prepetrators of crime*
(j) ‘Atrocity’ under the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) act, 1989.
(k) The recommendations of Director, C.B.l. under N. N. VohraCommittee.
(l) Suggestions of Lentin Commission.
(m) Lok pal institution
(n) Cyber crime
(o) D.D. Basu v/s State of West Bengal
(p) Food adulteration
(q) Police reforms
(r) Public servant

(a) ‘A’ who is a Public Servant charged for an offence Punishable under Sections 7 and 13 of
prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. The special Judge Commence The trial. At the”beginnlng of
trial ‘A’ argues that previou Sanction for prosecution has not obtained and liable to Be
discharged from prosecution. But judge discarding his Argurnent. Convicted. Hlm for the same
offence. Decide The validity of A’s conviction
(b) Some advocates practising in criminal courts in Bombay Positioned themselves at the entrance
of the Magistrate’s Court watchful of the arrival of potential litigants. At . sight they rush towards
them. Snatch of briefs and they Undercut the fee and they carry them into Bar library Solicit and
secure work for them. Whether this amount to Professional misconduct ?
(c) ) ln viilage the local MLA engaged ‘A’ a Scheduled Caste Woman forworking underbondage
system. When woman Demanded payment for services rendered ‘A’ was beate Up. Now ‘A’
wants to take legal action against, MLA Advise her.
(d) A lady employed in the factory was sexually harassed by Her male supervisor. She complains to
the owner of th Factory. She wants under the law to protect her. Advise her By referring similar
(e) A doctor has been prosecuted on the commission of illegal Abortion but he take defence that he
did so to save the life Of mother. Can such plea be accepted under the Medical termination of
Pregnancy Act, 1971.
(f) ‘A’a Government servant employed in Social Welfare department. He misappropriated Fls. 1,000
entrusted to him for distribution of scholarship. Can ‘A’ be prosecuted ?
(g) ‘A’the husband of ‘X’ is habitual drunkard, induced his wife To share bed with ‘B’for Rs. 5,000/-‘
But she refuses and Wants to take a legal action against her husband. Advice ‘X’.
(h) ‘X’ belongs to upper caste, restrained ‘Y’ who belongs to Scheduled caste from fetching water
from public well. ‘Y wants to take legal action against’X’. Advice ‘Y’.
(i) A person is found to be addicted to drugs. Can he be Prosecuted under the Drugs and
Psychotropic Substance Act, 1985 ?
(j) ) ‘A’ medical practitioner received Rs. 5,000 for issuing fake Medical ceftificate. A case is lodged
against him. Decide the Liability of ‘A’.
(k) ‘X’ an advocate practicing at district headquarters obtains a Licence for running a wine shop in
his name. Along with running A wine shop, he was also practicing as advocate before distric
Court. Does this amounts to professionaldeviance ?
(l) There was a custom requiring each of the house holder In the village to offer one day’s free
labour to the village Headman. ‘A’ refuses to offer the labour. Can the Headman enforce the
custom against’A’ ?
(m) A woman working as an air hostess was terminated from Service, because of her pregnancy
during her service Decide the legality of her termination.
(n) There was a custom requiring each of the househoider In the village to offer one day’s free
labour to the village Head man. ‘A’ refuses to offerthe labour. Can the headman Enforce the
custom against’A’ State the law in this regard for proper action.
(o) There was a custom in a village requiring each of the Debtor to work in the house of creditor till
the repayment Of debt, in case ol his death, his son has to work till the Repayment of said debt.
On death of the father, Son C Denies to work with creditor D who forceably made C t Work. Can
such customs be enforced ?
(p) ‘A’ a public servant is in possession of wealth beyond his Known sources of income. However,
there is no evidence To prove in what transactions he received bribe. Can he be prosecuted
(q) B) An officer not belonging to scheduled caste or scheduled Tribe, uses his position to dominate
over the will of Scheduled caste woman working under him and exploits Her sexually. What
offence has he committed ?
(r) There was a custom requiring each of the householder In the village to offer one day’s free
labour to the village Headman. ‘A’ refuses to offer the labour. Can the Headman enforce the
custom againsl’A’?
(s) ‘B’ an advocate did not attend the court in pursuance of a calt for Strike by the Bar Association
and the case was dismissed. Does it Amount to misconduct ?
(t) A'a medical practitioner received Rs. 2,000 and issues false medical Ceftificate. A case is lodged
against the ‘A’. Decide the liability of ‘A’
(u) A’a government servant employed in social welfare Department. He misappropriated Rs. 5,000
entrusted with him for distribution of Scholarship. Can he be prosecuted ?

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