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Chapter 8

Travel Demand Forecasting & Modeling

The Travel Demand Forecasting and Modeling process for the Jackson MPO was
developed in cooperation between the Region 2 Planning Commission (R2PC) and the
Urban Travel Analysis unit within the MDOT. MDOT was the lead role in the
development, calibration, validation, and application of the Travel Demand Forecast
Model (TDFM or “model”). The Jackson MPO acted as the liaison among members of
the public, local agencies, and the JACTS Technical Committee, the JACTS Policy
Committee, and the Region 2 Planning Commission. R2PC and MDOT collaborated on
the development schedule of the model, as well as dissemination and distribution of
model input and output data for review, comment, and subsequent approval.

Travel Demand Forecasting Models are used to identify and evaluate the capacity
demands of a region’s federal-aid road network. Identification of roadway capacity
deficiencies and analysis of the system as a whole, for the current year through and up
to the Horizon Year of the plan, is vital in the development of the plan. A thorough
review of the capacity demands of the roadway system is conducted at the regional
level and then evaluated with the goals associated with the plan, along with anticipated
financial outlooks. The assessments, priorities, and overall strategies included in the
plan are used to guide decision-makers in developing the Transportation Improvement
Plan (TIP), which is used to program current and upcoming transportation projects, as
well as to identify investments of the projects on the federal-aid road network within the

As economic conditions, transportation system trends, financial outlooks, and land use
environments change, it is important that the plan be updated to reflect and account for
these changes. The plan, following federal laws and regulations, is reevaluated and/or
updated every five years to reassess the travel demands on the federal-aid
transportation system. Along with the plan update, the TDFM is also redeveloped or
updated to include the changes associated with the new plan. Socio-economic trends
and forecasts are also reexamined, which alters travel behavior and demand on the
federal-aid road network, and may potentially change strategies of the Jackson MPO.

The TDFM is a valuable tool used to identify and analyze the capacity demand of the
Jackson MPO transportation system. Model results are useful in aiding the decision-
making process. The modeling process and resultant outputs are provided at a regional
level and are not necessarily applicable to small areas. The identification and analysis
of corridor capacity deficiencies and associated travel projections are intended to serve
as the basis for forming decisions regarding system improvement, expansion, or for
other roadway capacity changes.

Travel Demand Modeling & Forecasting Process
The Jackson MPO TDFM is currently developed and maintained on a computer platform
using the TransCAD Transportation Planning Software Package, as provided by
Caliper. The TDFM is a computerized tool used to replicate current roadway conditions
and travel demand, as well as to evaluate potential future roadway conditions and travel
demand on the road system. The TDFM is a regional-level transportation planning
model, focusing on long term transportation planning concerns and regional travel
characteristics. Model results provide road link traffic volumes (known in the modeling
tool as “traffic flow”) for a generalized 24-hour time period. The traffic flows are then
compared to the 24-hour capacity allowance of the road link which is used to calculate
the level of relative congestion on the road link.

The typical process used for developing the TDFM involves several inter-related steps.
Steps 2 through 5 are the traditional “Four-Step” Trip-end based model structure. The
output from each step is used as the input in the following step.

Step 1. Data Development, Collection, and Organization

Regional socio-economic data (SE-data) and the transportation system characteristics
are collected. This step also includes the development of the model road network and
the Travel Analysis Zone (TAZ or “zone”) structure.

Step 2. Trip Generation Produces trip origin and destination estimates by trip purpose
using land-use, household demographics, employment, and other SE-data

Step 3. Trip Distribution Trip origin and destination locations are matched based on a
“gravity” sub-model function.

Step 4. Mode Choice Trips distributed across the model network are broken into
modes of travel.

Step 5. Traffic Assignment Trips are assigned a route/path, by a particular mode, and
by time-of-day to the transportation system.

Step 6. Model Validation and Calibration The process by which the model is
calibrated to provide simulated results reflective of the current, local observed
conditions of the transportation system, within a set of established validation criteria.
This occurs throughout each step of the model development process.

Step 7. Model Application / System Analysis A fully calibrated and validated model is
used in the development of the plan, Air Quality conformity analysis, project
identification and prioritization, and / or impact analysis.

Model Data Development
There are two main modeling components that are required to be constructed prior to
model development: model road network and travel analysis zone development.

The model road network, which includes various roadway attributes, mostly consists of
the federal-aid road network. “Local” roads are included in the model network to
maintain continuity, for connectivity purposes, or if they are regionally significant. If
transit is modeled, which it is not for this model, road links that the transit system uses
should also be included.

Travel Analysis Zones (TAZ or “zone”) are geographic divisions of the modeled region.
They are developed by grouping areas with similar characteristics, including land-use or
human activity. For example, commercial areas are separated to the best extent
possible from residential areas. Socio-economic data is aggregated and applied to the
various TAZs throughout the model area.

The model road network and the TAZs are mutual. The TAZs are represented on the
model road network as a centroid, or a “point” on the model road network. The TAZ
centroid, referred to as centroid, is located at the centermost point of activity within the
TAZ area. All trips that use the model road network will start or end at a TAZ centroid.

Trips “produced” from or “attracted” to each centroid are connected to the main road
system via special model road links called “centroid connectors.” Traffic trips are either
loaded to the main road network system from the centroid, or are directed from the main
road network system to the centroid, via the centroid connectors. Stated another way,
these “hypothetical” connections carry the trips produced from and/or attracted to the
respective TAZ, represented as a centroid. Special development criteria are used to
ensure centroid connectors meet the main road network system at realistic locations.
Some of the criteria for connecting to the main road system include connections at
driveway cuts, local intersections, or other logical locations.

Base Year Socio-Economic Data Collection & Organization

Socio-economic data (SE-data) is comprised of demographic and employment
information. The SE-data is used to represent activity within the model and is the
generator of trips that are modeled across the road network. The SE-datasets were
collected and processed for the model base year of 2014, and then forecasted out to
the MTP horizon year of 2045. The two datasets that make up the SE-data for this
model include:

• Demographic Data
• Employment Data

Demographic Data
The 2010 Decennial Census provided the most detailed level of demographic
information. The population and housing characteristics, obtained from the 2010
Decennial Census, were available at the Census Block level, which are generally
smaller than TAZs. However, in order to reflect demographic conditions for the MTP
base year, the 2014 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year datasets were used.
Growth factors between the 2014 ACS and 2010 Decennial Census data were applied
to the respective level of equivalent geography available for each demographic

Employment Data
As with demographic data, employment for the Jackson MPO was developed to reflect
employment as of 2014. The raw form of employment data was derived from a list of
businesses residing within the Jackson MPO in 2014. This “master list” of data is
purchased by MDOT from two database sources: Claritas (a Nielson Company) and
Hoovers (a Dunn-Bradstreet Company). The employment data is geocoded using
Geographic Information System (GIS) tools, which can be used in the TDFM. Once
geocoded, each business location is combined to the respective TAZ, and divided into
various employment sectors.

After the initial collection of SE-data is completed, a thorough review by various

stakeholders is conducted. The agencies include the local Economic Development
Corporation (EDC), local agencies (cities, villages, and townships), and MPO staff.
Once reviewed, changes are incorporated into the employer dataset, and then formally
provided to the various MPO committees for additional comments, and then approval.
The various Jackson MPO committees approved the use of this data for inclusion into
the TDFM in the Fall of 2016.

Socio-Economic Data Collection & Organization for Future Years

After the base year SE-data is formally approved by the MPO committees, the
demographic and employment datasets are forecasted in 10 year increments up to the
plan horizon year of 2045. Using a series of intricate economic and demographic
variables as well as incorporating projected changes in alignment with overall trends, a
forecast is developed by the Regional Economic Models, Incorporated (REMI)
TranSight Model. The initial REMI results, which are provided at the County level, are
provided to the Regional Planning Agencies and MPOs for review and approval. During
the model development process, the approved growth factors are further stratified so
that more detailed and geographic-specific growth factors can be applied to the model

As with the plan base year data, the demographic and employment datasets are
provided to all stakeholders, including the local EDC and local agencies (city, villages,
and townships), for review and comment. Once the information is returned and the SE-
data is updated, the information is provided to the various MPO committees for further

review, and subsequent approval. The various Jackson MPO committees approved the
use of this forecasted data for inclusion into the TDFM in the late spring of 2017.

Transportation System Attribution Collection & Organization

As stated earlier in this chapter, the model road network consists primarily of the
federal-aid road system within the Jackson MPO. The roadway geographic layer used
for the model was obtained from Version 15 of the Michigan Geographic Framework
(MGF). The MGF contains much of the needed roadway attributes to differentiate
between various roadway classes along with attributes needed in identifying paths of
trip travel.

In addition to the roadway attributes available in the MGF, R2PC and MDOT staff
reviewed the existing conditions via field verifications and aerial imagery. Initial road
attribution was provided to the three Jackson MPO road agencies for review and
comment: JCDOT, City of Jackson Engineering Division, and to staff at MDOT –
University Region.

The following information was provided to these agencies for review:

Facility Attributes
• Federal-Aid Status
• Facility Type Classification
• Area Type

Other Attributes
• Road Name
• Number of Thru-Lanes, By Road Direction
• Posted Speed Limit
• Lane Width: Standard of Sub-Standard
• On-Street parking availability: non, one side, or both sides
• Prohibited Turns
• Center-Left Turn Lanes

In addition to the aforementioned attributes, modeling staff applied link capacities, Free-
Flow Speeds, and validation data (traffic counts), as well as other attribution needed for
model operation. Roadway configuration and attribute adjustments are incorporated
when operating the model for future year applications.

Travel Analysis Zone Development

Travel Analysis Zones (TAZ or “zone”) are geographic divisions of the model area and
provide the structure for housing the SE-data approved by the MPO. As mentioned
earlier in this chapter, the TAZ is represented on the model road network as a centroid
based on the relative center of activity within each individual TAZ.

A number of guiding principles are used for developing the TAZ structure within the
model area. Some of the most critical guidelines for the TAZ structure are as follows:

• TAZ Structure should be compatible with the model road network

• TAZ Structure should be compatible with Census geography (Census Blocks,
Tracts, etc.)
• TAZ Structure should be compatible and adhere to political boundaries (city,
village, township, county, etc.)
• TAZ Structure should be compatible with the TAZ structure in the Michigan
Statewide Passenger Model and the Statewide Freight Model
• TAZ Structure should adhere to natural and man-made boundaries, such as
rivers, lakes, parks, railroads, changes in land-use, etc.
• TAZ Structure should accommodate the local transit service routes, to the best
extent possible

The 2014 TAZ structure for the model used the TAZ structure from the most recent
TDFM, which was used in the 2040 MTP. Adjustments to the structure were made
based on previous recommendations, changes in socio-economic conditions, and to
account for changes in traffic loading to the model road network. There are a total of
581 TAZs, 47 of which are used as External Stations.

These TAZs contain a number of different attributes used to account for differences in
land-use, socio-economic, and transportation related variances. Some of the
information contained in the TAZs include the following:

• Area Type indicators: Developed from land-use and socio-economic density

calculations as well as local agency and MPO staff recommendations
• Demographic totals: Population, Group Quarters, all housing availability,
Occupied Housing Units, school-age population proportions (Kindergarten
through 12th Grade / K-12), etc.
• Employment totals: Broken out into various employment sectors, such as Retail,
Industry, Service, etc.
• Transit Accessibility Indicator: Relative accessibility to transit services and
frequency of service
• Future Year Growth Factors: Applied to the various demographic and
employment attributes

TAZs are an important component for the initial stages of the TDFM development.
Later modeling steps will require the use of the information housed within the TAZs to
apply and run the respective step. The TAZs will also hold several outputs later.

Trip Generation
Trip Generation is the first step of the four-step TDFM process. In this step, person trip
productions and attractions are calculated for each TAZ, for various trip purposes,
based on the relative SE-data available for the TAZ. The concept of this stage of model
development is to use demographic data to “produce” trips from each TAZ, if applicable,
and to use employment data within each TAZ to develop the “attraction” from generated
trips. The TDFM uses the concept of productions and attractions to replicate person
traveling behavior in the model area.

Factors are applied to each TAZ to account for movements where trips are strictly within
the area of one TAZ. The factors are often called “intra-zonal” travel factors. Non-
Motorized (NM) mode factors are also included in the calculation of trips produced. NM
trips were relatively minor for this model area as it related to the total amount of trips
being generated in the model area. NM trips were not distributed, nor assigned to the
road network, but simply taken out of the total vehicular trips being produced.

Several Trip Generation methods exist, each having its own strengths and weaknesses.
In this model, cross-classification methods were used to develop the trip productions.
Cross-classification is used to combine two different data variables, such as household
size and household income, and is used to develop the zonal trip productions. Trip
attractions for this model used a simple regression equation. Trip productions and
attractions were balanced so that the total productions and attractions were equal for
the entire model area – each trip produced is attracted somewhere. Cross-classification
and regression equations are common modeling structures used to develop trip
productions and attractions.

The methods used above apply to person trips that are generated for TAZs that are
within the model area. Trips that originate and/or terminate outside of the model area
need to be developed and applied to the model. This is accomplished through the
external travel development process, which is sometimes referred to as its own step in
the modeling process. There are three external trip types that are accounted for within
this model:

• External to Internal (EI): Trips that originate outside of the model area and end at
a TAZ within the model.
• Internal to External (IE): Trips that originate from a TAZ within the model area
and end somewhere outside of the model.
• External to External (EE): Trips that originate from one external station and end
at another external station. Represents “thru” trips.

Figure 8-1 External Trip Types

External travel and the type of external travel are originally provided from the Michigan
Statewide model. The information from the statewide model provides the amount of trips
in total, and the percentage of those trips that are EE trips. The information is then
further processed to develop an estimate of the number of EI and IE trips. The external
trip information and calculations are already in vehicular format, and do not need to go
through an auto-occupancy assignment routine.

Trip generation and external travel estimation is made up of various trip types, based on
the primary purpose of the trip being made. Each trip type has unique production and
attraction rates, which are based on SE-data and survey information. Trip purposes for
this model, and the vehicle modes they represent, are provided in Figure 8-2.

Trip purposes are classified for internal to internal passenger car trips only, while
internal to internal commercial vehicle and heavy truck trips do not have trip purpose
categories associated with them. They may be called “mode trips” or “trips by mode” for
clarity purposes. For external travel, trip purpose is not assigned based on the trip type,
but assigned based on the overall movement of trip (IE, EI, or EE). This is applied to
passenger cars and commercial vehicles, as well as heavy truck trip modes.

The trip generation and external travel estimation components, applications, factors,
and parameters, were developed based on the most recent survey data available – the
2004-2005 Comprehensive Household Travel Data Collection Program / MI Travel
Counts I program and the Urban Model Improvement Program (UMIP), both were
conducted by MDOT.

Figure 8-2 Trip Purposes & Types

The outputs of this step are a balanced trip table, which is used as an input into the next
step of the traditional four-step TDFM, Trip Distribution.

Trip Distribution
The second step of the four-step TDFM process is called Trip Distribution. In this step,
the balanced trip table from the Trip Generation stage (balanced productions and
attractions, by trip purpose) along with the model road network, are used to match trip
productions and trip attractions from TAZ to TAZ, which in turn, creates “trips” along the
model road network. Various methods are used in this step to best replicate the
potential travel along the model road network and to show a reasonable interaction
between one TAZ to another TAZ.

The following methods used in Trip Distribution are found below.
Figure 8-3 Trip Distribution Methods

The gravity model is calibrated using successive friction factor adjustments to produce
model travel time trip lengths that are consistent with “observed” travel time. Each trip
purpose will have a unique travel time trip length and thus, each trip purpose and trip
mode must be manually calibrated to ensure consistency with observed travel time

The results of the Trip Distribution step are a matrix that provides a breakdown of
relative TAZ to TAZ interactions by the various trip purposes and trip modes. The
results of Trip Distribution are used for the next step, Mode Choice.

Mode Choice
Mode Choice is the third step of the four-step TDFM process. At this stage in model
development, all trip data, with the exception of external travel data, are in “person-trip”
format. The trips must be allocated to distinct vehicular modes, which are auto and
transit trips. The chart below provides a brief overview of the types of vehicle modes
that are used to allocate the person-trips for this model.

Figure 8-4 Vehicle Modes Used in the Model

The above chart represents a “Nested Logit Structure,” which is a common method in
TDFM applications for combining trip results into various vehicular modes. Selecting the
appropriate vehicle mode relies on two key factors:

1. Trip purpose (HBW, HBR, NHB, etc.)

2. Access to transit (via a TAZ-level transit service categorization)

Transit trips, albeit a vehicle mode, are not assigned to the TDFM road network due to
the complex nature of the trip interactions and socio-economic conditions related with
transit ridership. The TDFM used for MTP purposes is to analyze regional transportation
patterns, and not necessarily micro-level or individual trip characteristics.

As such, mode choice for this model used a “simplified” approach where transit trips are
initially calculated prior to auto trips, and then subtracted from the total vehicular trips.
The resulting trip total is then broken into various auto shares: Single Occupancy
Vehicles (SOV), Shared Rides with two people (SR2), and Shared Rides with three or
more people (SR3+). Shared Rides may alternatively be referred to as “carpooling” or
“High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV).” The final results of the mode choice component is a
series of person-trip tables by vehicular mode and trip purpose for each TAZ Origin-
Destination pair.

Auto Occupancy and Time-of-Day (TOD), which can be classified as subsets of the
Mode Choice step, converts the person trips that are calculated from the mode choice
stage into vehicle trips and separates these vehicle mode trips into various TOD
periods. The conversion into vehicle trips and TOD are based on auto-occupancy and
TOD modeling factor. The finalized product from the Mode Choice step is a number of
tables representing vehicle mode trip categories by time periods. Figure 8-5 shows a
simplified view of the process.

Figure 8-5 Modeling Process

Mode Choice, along with auto occupancy and Time-of-Day modeling, factors, and
parameters are developed based on data provided in part by the 2004-2005
Comprehensive Household Travel Data Collection Program/MI Travel Counts program
and the Urban Model Improvement Program (UMIP), both were conducted by MDOT.

Traffic Assignment
Traffic (or “Trip”) Assignment is the final step in the traditional four-step TDFM process.
Trips assigned to a “route” on the model road network between each TAZ origin and
destination. Traffic assignment uses the underlying principle of a TDFM that trip makers
will use the “best” route, based on travel time, is developed using the equation in Figure
Figure 8-6 Travel Time Development Equations

The road link volume and capacity of the road link are included during the assignment
process. For example: a roadway that is reaching, or has reached its maximum capacity
will result in reduced travel time. As such, the assignment routine will include these time
reductions when choosing the “best” path. If the delay is significant, an alternative road
may be used to accommodate that traffic.

Though traffic assignment, at first glance, may appear as the most straight-forward step
of the four steps, it is made up of various procedures that are inherent of a TDFM and
requires careful consideration of the methods chosen to assign the trips to the model
road network. Different methods and supporting functions will produce very different
assignment results.

The traffic assignment method used for this model was the “User Equilibrium (UE)”
algorithm, which is commonly used in TDFMs. When selecting the “best” route, UE

assumes that trip makers will consider all available travel paths between an origin and
destination that have equal travel time. As a result, altering paths will not save travel
time. The algorithm attempts to optimize the travel time between all possible paths,
reflecting the effects of system congestion. TDFMs used for MTP purposes do not
include human-related factors when assigning trips, such as road geometrics (hills, tight
curves, etc.), road condition, and other considerations.

The final product of Traffic Assignment is a series of vehicle-trip (modeled traffic volume
or “traffic flow”) tables, by vehicular mode, and separated into TOD, for each model road
link within the model road network. The “assigned” link traffic volumes are then
compared with “observed” traffic data (i.e. traffic counts) as part of the model calibration,
validation, and reasonability review.

Model Base Year Validation & Calibration

To ensure that the TDFM reflects observed base year conditions, a number of quality
checks were implemented. The most important, and ultimate goal, for the TDFM is to
have base year assigned volumes within a reasonable level of traffic counts used for the
model base year. Traffic counts on the federal-aid road system from all respective
maintaining road agencies within the MPO is crucial. Without this information, the
effectiveness of the model is limited. The local road agencies within the Jackson MPO
provided traffic count data to MDOT for use in this TDFM.

Model “calibration” is a term that means various modeling parameters and input or
output data are adjusted to replicate observed data as closely as possible, or within pre-
defined thresholds. In some cases, such as future year analysis, calibration is used to
provide reasonable and realistic results, which is not always straightforward if there are
large changes to the road network and/or SE-data throughout the model area. Model
“validation” is simply the comparison of the calibrated model to the observed data.
Several calibration adjustments may be performed to meet pre-defined validation

If issues are discovered during model application and validation, then it is necessary to
return to a previous step in the modeling process to calibrate the input and/or output
data. Model calibration and validation are applied for each step of the TDFM
development process and for the entire model system, preferably using observed data
not used for model estimation.

Application of the Validated Travel Demand Forecast Model

Once a model is fully calibrated and validated for the base year, it can be used to
forecast traffic patterns for future years. Approved SE-data and road network changes,
via the TIP and local support, can be used as substitutions into the various modeling
components to produce future year results. The assumption is that model formulas and
relations developed for the base year model structure remain constant over time, as to
provide an unbiased forecast.

Generally, there are three distinct “testing” scenarios that are developed for the LRTP,
as shown in Figure 8-7.
Figure 8-7 Testing Scenarios

In addition to various road network changes to test, a MPO may elect to use future land-
use modeling software tools to include in the TDFM for evaluating the potential traffic
impacts as it relates to socio-economic and land-use changes. The Jackson MPO did
not pursue this type of testing.

Once the base year and horizon year traffic outlooks have been evaluated, the MPO
reviews the traffic impacts of various road projects included in the TIP, for both the base
and horizon years. The MPO may then begin testing additional projects that are not yet
included in the TIP. If determined that additional projects should be tested, then
successive rounds of testing and review are pursued until the results are in line with the
goals of the MPO. The Jackson MPO elected to not pursue any further testing beyond
the Base Year/Horizon Year E+C scenario as a result of no current or expected
roadway capacity deficiencies and limited congested areas, over a 24-hour period. The

model results are discussed in more detail in the Roadway Transportation System
Deficiencies and Recommended Projects chapter of the plan.

The model can be used for additional transportation system analysis outside of the
planning process, which includes, but is not limited, to the following:

• Impact analysis for planned roadway improvements, expansions, or other

capacity-altering alternatives
• Individual links can be analyzed to determine which TAZs are contributing to
traffic flow on the particular link. Can be shown as a percentage breakdown or
by raw volumes, and can be referred to as the “service area” of the selected link
• New accessibility, such as a proposed bridge, can be tested to identify traffic
flows to and from the new roadway and for adjacent roadway links. Limiting
factors, such as closure of a bridge, or tolling, can also be tested
• Land-use and economic changes, such as a new retail establishment or
expansion of an existing manufacturing plant, can be applied to the model. Base
year and horizon year traffic flows can be evaluated as a result of these potential
• Road closure, road restriction, and / or detour evaluation studies can be
conducted to determine the effects of closing a roadway, and / or restricting
capacity, and detouring traffic during construction activities, which are useful for
construction management and are also referred to as “Workzone testing”


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