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0900766b8002d65e Bios

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BIOS Configuration

Award's BIOS ROM has a built-in Setup program that allows users to modify
the basic system configuration. This type of information is stored in battery-
backed CMOS SRAM so that it retains the Setup information when the power
is turned off.
Power ON the computer and press <Del> immediately will allow you to enter
Setup. If the message disappears before you respond and you still wish to
enter Setup, restart the system to try again by turning it OFF then ON or
pressing the "RESET" bottom on the system case. You may also restart by
simultaneously press <Ctrl>, <Alt>, and <Del> keys.
Up arrow Move to previous item
Down arrow Move to next item
Left arrow Move to the item in the left hand
Right arrow Move to the item in the right hand
Esc key Main Menu - Quit and not save changes into CMOS
Status Page Setup Menu and Option Page Setup Menu -
Exit current page and return to Main Menu
PgUp key Increase the numeric value or make changes
PgDn key Decrease the numeric value or make changes
F1 key General help, only for Status Page Setup Menu and Option
Page Setup Menu
F2 key Change color from total 16 colors
F3 key Reserved
F4 key Reserved
F5 key Restore the previous CMOS value from CMOS, only for
Option Page Setup Menu
F6 key Load the default CMOS value from BIOS default table, only
for Option Page Setup Menu
F7 key Load the default
F8 key Reserved
F9 key Reserved
F10 key Save all the CMOS changes, only for Main Menu



4.3.1. Main Menu

The on-line description of the highlighted setup function is displayed at the

bottom of the screen.
4.3.2. Status Page Setup Menu / Option Page Setup Menu

Press F1 to pop up a small help window that describes the appropriate keys
to use and the possible selections for the highlighted item. To exit the Help
Window press <Esc>.
Once you enter Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility, the Main Menu (Figure 4.1)
will appear on the screen. The Main Menu allows you to select from nine
setup functions and two exit choices. Use arrow keys to select among the
items and press <Enter> to accept or enter the sub-menu.

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software

4Standard CMOS Features 4Frequency/Voltage Control

4Advanced BIOS Features Load Fail-Safe Defaults

4Advanced Chipset Features Load Optimized Defaults

4Integrated Peripherals Set Supervisor Password

4Power Management Setup Set User Password

4PnP/PCI Configurations Save & Exit Setup

4PC Health Status Exit Without Saving

ESC:Quit ↑↓→ ← : Select Item
F10:Save & Exit Setup

Time, Date, Hard Disk Type…

Figure 4.1: Main Menu

BIOS Configuration

• Standard CMOS Features

This setup page includes all the items in standard compatible BIOS.
• Advanced BIOS Features
This setup page includes all the items of Award special enhanced

• Advanced Chipset Features

This setup page includes all the items of chipset special features.
• Integrated Peripherals
This setup page includes all onboard peripherals.
• Power Management Setup
This setup page includes all the items of Green function features.
• PnP/PCI Configurations

This setup page includes all the configurations of PCI & PnP ISA
• PC Health Status
This setup page is the System auto detect Temperature, voltage , fan
• Frequency/Voltage Control
This setup page is select CPU’ s type.
• Load Fail-Safe Defaults
Fail-Safe Defaults indicates the value of the system parameters which
the system would be in safe configuration.
• Load Optimized Defaults

Optimized Defaults indicates the value of the system parameters which

the system would be in best performance configuration.
• Set Supervisor password
Change, set, or disable password. It allows you to limit access to the
system and Setup, or just to Setup.

• Set User password

Change, set, or disable password. It allows you to limit access to the
• Save & Exit Setup
Save CMOS value settings to CMOS and exit setup.
• Exit Without Saving
Abandon all CMOS value changes and exit setup.

BIOS Configuration


The items in Standard CMOS Setup Menu (Figure 4.2) are divided into 9
categories. Each category includes no, one or more than one setup items.
Use the arrows to highlight the item and then use the <PgUp> or <PgDn>
keys to select the value you want in each item.

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software

Standard CMOS Features
Date (mm:dd:yy) Thu , Jan 7 1999 Item Help
Time (hh:mm:ss) 2 : 31 : 24
Menu Level 4
4IDE Primary Master Press Enter None
4IDE Primary Slave Press Enter None Change the
4IDE Secondary Master Press Enter None Day, month,
4IDE Secondary Slave Press Enter None Year and
Drive A 1.44M, 3.5 in.
Drive B None
Floppy 3 Mode Support Disabled

Video EGA / VGA

Halt On All Errors

Base Memory 640K

Extended Memory 129024K
Total Memory 130048K

↑↓→ ←Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help

F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults
Figure 4.2: Standard CMOS Features Menu


• Date
The date format is <day>, <month> <date> <year>.
day The day, from Sun to Sat, determined by the BIOS and is
month The month, Jan. Through Dec.
date The date, from 1 to 31 (or the maximum allowed in the
year The year, from 1994 through 2079

• Time
The times format in <hour> <minute> <second>. The time is calculated
base on the 24-hour military-time clock. For example, 1 p.m. is 13:00:00.
• IDE Primary Master, Slave / Secondary Master, Slave
The category identifies the types of hard disk from drive C to F that has
been installed in the computer. There are two types: auto type, and user
definable type. User type is user-definable; Auto type which will
automatically detect HDD type.
Note that the specifications of your drive must match with the drive table.
The hard disk will not work properly if you enter improper information for
this category.
If you select User Type, related information will be asked to enter to the
following items. Enter the information directly from the keyboard and
press <Enter>. Such information should be provided in the documentation
form your hard disk vendor or the system manufacturer.

CYLS. Number of cylinders

HEADS number of heads
PRECOMP write precomp
LANDZONE Landing zone
SECTORS number of sectors
If a hard disk has not been installed select NONE and press <Enter>.

BIOS Configuration

• Drive A type / Drive B type

The category identifies the types of floppy disk drive A or drive B that has
been installed in the computer.

None No floppy drive installed

360K, 5.25 in. 5.25 inch PC-type standard drive; 360K byte capacity.
1.2M, 5.25 in. 5.25 inch AT-type high-density drive; 1.2M byte
capacity (3.5 inch when 3 Mode is Enabled).
720K, 3.5 in. 3.5 inch double-sided drive; 720K byte capacity
1.44M, 3.5 in. 3.5 inch double-sided drive; 1.44M byte capacity.
2.88M, 3.5 in. 3.5 inch double-sided drive; 2.88M byte capacity.

• Floppy 3 Mode Support (for Japan Area)

Disabled Normal Floppy Drive.

Drive A Drive A is 3 mode Floppy Drive.
Drive B Drive B is 3 mode Floppy Drive.
Both Drive A & B are 3 mode Floppy Drives.

• Video
The category detects the type of adapter used for the primary system
monitor that must match your video display card and monitor. Although
secondary monitors are supported, you do not have to select the type in

EGA/VGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter/Video Graphics Array. For

EGA, VGA, SVGA, or PGA monitor adapters
CGA 40 Color Graphics Adapter, power up in 40 column mode
CGA 80 Color Graphics Adapter, power up in 80 column mode
MONO Monochrome adapter, includes high resolution
monochrome adapters


• Halt on
The category determines whether the computer will stop if an error is
detected during power up.

NO Errors The system boot will not stop for any error that
may be detected and you will be prompted
All Errors Whenever the BIOS detects a non-fatal error the
system will be stopped
All, But Keyboard The system boot will not stop for a keyboard error;
it will stop for all other errors
All, But Diskette The system boot will not stop for a disk error; it will
stop for all other errors
All, But Disk/Key The system boot will not stop for a keyboard or
disk error; it will stop for all other errors

• Memory
The category is display-only which is determined by POST (Power On
Self Test) of the BIOS.
Base Memory

The POST of the BIOS will determine the amount of base (or
conventional) memory installed in the system.
The value of the base memory is typically 512 K for systems
with 512 K memory installed on the motherboard, or 640 K for
systems with 640 K or more memory installed on the
Extended Memory

The BIOS determines how much extended memory is present

during the POST.
This is the amount of memory located above 1 MB in the CPU's
memory address map.

BIOS Configuration

4.6. Advanced BIOS Features

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software
Advanced BIOS Features
Virus Warning Disabled Item Help
CPU cache Enabled
CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking Disabled Menu Level 4
Processor Number Feature Enabled Allows you to
Quick Power On Self Test Enabled choose the VIRUS
First Boot Device Floppy Warning feature
Second Boot Device HDD-0 For IDE Hard disk
Third Boot Device LS/ZIP Boot sector
Boot Other Device Enabled Protection. If this
Swap Floppy Drive Disabled Function is enable
Boot Up Floppy Seek Enabled And someone
Boot Up NumLock Status On Attempt to write
Gate A20 Option Fast Data into this area
Typematic Rate Setting Disabled , BIOS will show
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec) 6 A warning
Typematic Delay (Msec) 250 Message on
Security Option Setup Screen and alarm
OS Select For DRAM >64MB Non-OS2 beep
HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability Disabled
Report No FDD For WIN 95 No
↑↓→ ←Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults

Figure 4.3: Advanced BIOS Features Setup

R System will detect automatically and show up when you install the Pentium
III processor.
• Virus Warning
If it is set to enable, the category will flash on the screen when there is
any attempt to write to the boot sector or partition table of the hard disk
drive. The system will halt and the following error message will appear in
the mean time. You can run anti-virus program to locate the problem.
Default value is Disabled.
Enabled Activate automatically when the system boots up causing a
warning message to appear when anything attempts to
access the boot sector or hard disk partition table
Disabled No warning message to appear when anything attempts to
access the boot sector or hard disk partition table


• CPU cache

These two categories speed up memory access. However, it depends on

CPU / chipset design. The default value is Enabled.
Enabled Enable cache
Disabled Disable cache

• CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking

The default value is Disabled.

Enabled Enable CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking
Disabled Disable CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking
• Processor Number Feature
This item will show up when you install the Pentium III processor.
The default value is Enabled.
Enabled Pentium III Processor Number Feature.
Disabled Disable this function

• Quick Power On Self Test

This category speeds up Power On Self Test (POST) after you power on
the computer. If it is set to Enable, BIOS will shorten or skip some check
items during POST.

The default value is Enabled.

Enabled Enable quick POST
Disabled Normal POST
• First / Second / Third Boot device

The default value is Floppy / HDD-0 / LS/ZIP.

Floppy Select your boot device priority by Floppy
LS/ZIP Select your boot device priority by LS/ZIP
HDD-0~3 Select your boot device priority by HDD-0~3
SCSI Select your boot device priority by SCSI
CDROM Select your boot device priority by CDROM
Disable Disable this function
LAN Select your boot device priority by LAN
BIOS Configuration

• Boot other device

The default value is Enabled

Enabled Enabled select your boot device priority function
Disabled Disabled this function

• Swap Floppy Drive

The default value is Disabled.

Enabled Floppy A & B will be swapped under DOS.
Disabled Floppy A & B will be normal definition.

• Boot Up Floppy Seek

During POST, BIOS will determine the floppy disk drive installed is 40 or
80 tracks. 360 K type is 40 tracks 720 K, 1.2 M and 1.44 M are all 80
tracks. The default value is Enabled.
Enabled BIOS searches for floppy disk drive to determine it is 40 or
80 tracks. Note that BIOS can not tell from 720 K, 1.2 M or
1.44 M drive type as they are all 80 tracks
Disabled BIOS will not search for the type of floppy disk drive by
track number. Note that there will not be any warning
message if the drive installed is 360 K

• Boot Up NumLock Status

The default value is On.

On Keypad is number keys.
Off Keypad is arrow keys.

• Gate A20 Option

The default value is Fast.

Normal Set Gate A20 Option is Normal.
Fast Set Gate A20 Option is Fast.


• Typematic Rate Setting

The default value is Disabled.

Enabled Enable Keyboard Typematic rate setting.
Disabled Disable Keyboard Typematic rate setting.

• Typematic Rate (Chars / Sec.)

The default value is 6.

6-30 Set the maximum Typematic rate from 6 chars. Per second
to 30 characters. Per second.

• Typematic Delay (Msec.)

The default value is 250.

250-1000 Set the time delay from first key to repeat the same key in
to computer.

• Security Option

This category allows you to limit access to the system and Setup, or just
to Setup. The default value is Setup.
System The system can not boot and can not access to Setup page
will be denied if the correct password is not entered at the
Setup The system will boot, but access to Setup will be denied if
the correct password is not entered at the prompt
• OS Select For DRAM>64MB

The default value is Non-OS2.

Non-OS2 Using non-OS2 operating system.
OS2 Using OS2 operating system and DRAM>64MB.

• HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability

The default value is Disable.

Enable Enable HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability

Disable Disable HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability

BIOS Configuration

• Report No FDD For WIN 95

The default value is No.

No Assign IRQ6 For FDD.
Yes FDD Detect IRQ6 Automatically.

4.7. Advanced Chipset Features

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software
Advanced Chipset Features
SDRAM CAS Latency Time 2 Item Help
SDRAM Cycle Time Tras/Trc 5/7
SDRAM RAS-to-CAS Delay 2 Menu Level 4
SDRAM RAS Precharge Time 2
DRAM Page Closing Policy Precharge Bank
System BIOS Cacheable Enabled
Video BIOS Cacheable Enabled
Delayed Transaction Disabled
On-Chip Video Window Size 64MB

* Onboard Display Cache Setting *

Initial Display Cache Enabled
Display Cache Timing Fast

↑↓→ ←Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help

F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults

Figure 4.4: Advanced Chipset Features Setup

• SDRAM CAS latency Time

The default value is 2

3 For 67 / 83 MHz SDRAM DIMM module.
2 For 100 MHz SDRAM DIMM module.


• SDRAM Cycle Time Tras/Trc

The default value is 5/7

6/8 Set DRAM Tras/Trc Cycle time is 6/8 SCLKs.
5/7 Set DRAM Tras/Trc Cycle time is 5/7 SCLKs.

• SDRAM RAS# to CAS# delay

The default value is 2

3 Set SDRAM RAS# to CAS# delay 3 SCLKs.
2 Set SDRAM RAS# to CAS# delay 2 SCLKs.

• SDRAM RAS# Precharge

The default value is 2.

3 Set SDRAM RAS# Precharge is 3.
2 Set SDRAM RAS# Precharge is 2.

• DRAM Page Closing Policy

The default value is Precharge Bank .

Precharge Bank Closing Policy Precharge Bank.
Precharge All Closing Policy Precharge All.

• System BIOS Cacheable

The default value is Enabled.

Enabled Enable System BIOS Cacheable.
Disabled Disable System BIOS Cacheable.

• Video BIOS Cacheable

The default value is Enabled.

Enabled Enable video BIOS Cacheable.
Disabled Disable video BIOS Cacheable.

BIOS Configuration

• Delayed Transaction

The default value is Disabled.

Disabled Normal operation.
Enabled For slow speed ISA device in system.

• On-Chip Video Window Size

The default value is 64MB.

32MB Set Graphics Aperture Size to 32MB.
64MB Set Graphics Aperture Size to 64MB.
Disabled Disabled this function.

• Initial Display Cache

The default value is Enabled.

Disabled Disabled Initial Display Cache.
Enabled Enabled Initial Display Cache.

• Display Cache Timing

The default value is Fast.

Fast Set Display Cache speed to Fast.
Normal Set Display Cache speed to Normal.


4.8. Integrated Peripherals

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software
Integrated Peripherals
On-Chip Primary PCI IDE Enabled Item Help
On-Chip Secondary PCI IDE Enabled
IDE Primary Master PIO Auto Menu Level 4
IDE Primary Slave PIO Auto
IDE Secondary Master PIO Auto
IDE Secondary Slave PIO Auto
IDE Primary Master UDMA Auto
IDE Primary Slave UDMA Auto
IDE Secondary Master UDMA Auto
IDE Secondary Slave UDMA Auto
USB Controller Enabled
USB Keyboard Support Disabled
Init Display First PCI Slot
AC97 Audio Auto
AC97 Modem Auto
IDE HDD Block Mode Enabled
*KB Power ON Password Enter
Onboard FDC Controller Enabled
Onboard Serial Port 1 Auto
Onboard Serial Port 2 Auto
UART Mode Select Normal
*UR2 Duplex Mode Half
Onboard Parallel Port 378/IRQ7
Parallel Port Mode SPP
*ECP Mode Use DMA 3
Game Port Address Disabled
Midi Port Address Disabled
Midi Port IRQ 5
CIR Port Address Disabled
*CIR Port IRQ 11
↑↓→ ←Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults

Figure 4.5: Integrated Peripherals

BIOS Configuration

• On-Chip Primary PCI IDE

The default value is Enabled.

Enabled Enable onboard 1st channel IDE port.
Disabled Disable onboard 1st channel IDE port.

• On-Chip Secondary PCI IDE

The default value is Enabled.

Enabled Enable onboard 2nd channel IDE port.
Disabled Disable onboard 2nd channel IDE port.

• IDE Primary Master PIO (for onboard IDE 1st channel).

The default value is Auto.

Auto BIOS will automatically detect the IDE HDD Accessing
Mode0~4 Manually set the IDE Accessing mode.

• IDE Primary Slave PIO (for onboard IDE 1st channel).

The default value is Auto.

Auto BIOS will automatically detect the IDE HDD Accessing
Mode0~4 Manually set the IDE Accessing mode.

• IDE Secondary Master PIO (for onboard IDE 2nd channel).

The default value is Auto.

Auto BIOS will automatically detect the IDE HDD Accessing
Mode0~4 Manually set the IDE Accessing mode.


• IDE Secondary Slave PIO (for onboard IDE 2nd channel).

The default value is Auto.

Auto BIOS will automatically detect the IDE HDD Accessing
Mode0~4 Manually set the IDE Accessing mode.

• IDE Primary Master UDMA.

The default value is Auto.

Auto BIOS will automatically detect the IDE HDD Accessing
Disabled Disable UDMA function.

• IDE Primary Slave UDMA.

The default value is Auto.

Auto BIOS will automatically detect the IDE HDD Accessing
Disabled Disable UDMA function.

• IDE Secondary Master UDMA.

The default value is Auto.

Auto BIOS will automatically detect the IDE HDD Accessing
Disabled Disable UDMA function.

• IDE Secondary Slave UDMA.

The default value is Auto.

Auto BIOS will automatically detect the IDE HDD Accessing
Disabled Disable UDMA function.

BIOS Configuration

• USB Controller

The default value is Enabled.

Enabled Enable USB Controller.
Disabled Disable USB Controller.

• USB Keyboard Support

The default value is Disabled.

Enabled Enable USB Keyboard Support.
Disabled Disable USB Keyboard Support.

• Init Display First

The default value is PCI Slot.

PCI Slot Set Init Display First to PCI Slot.

Onboard Set Init Display First to onboard AGP.

• AC’ 97 Audio

The default value is Auto.

Enabled Enabled AC’ 97 Audio.
Disabled Disabled AC’ 97 Audio.
Auto Set AC’ 97 Audio to Auto.

• AC’ 97 Modem

The default value is Auto.

Enabled Enabled AC’ 97 Modem.
Disabled Disabled AC’ 97 Modem.
Auto Set AC’ 97 Modem to Auto.

• IDE HDD Block Mode

The default value is Enabled.

Enabled Enable IDE HDD Block Mode
Disabled Disable IDE HDD Block Mode


• POWER ON Function

The default value is BUTTON ONLY.

Password Enter from 1 to 5 characters to set the Keyboard
Power On Password.
Mouse Move Move the PS/2 mouse.
Mouse Click Double click twice on PS/2 mouse.
BUTTON ONLY If your keyboard have “POWER Key” button, you can
press the key to power on your system.
Keyboard 98 Windows 98 keyboard “Power” key.

• Onboard FDC Controller

The default value is Enabled.

Enabled Enable onboard FDC port.
Disabled Disable onboard FDC port.

• Onboard Serial Port 1

The default value is Auto.

Auto BIOS will automatically setup the port 1 address.
3F8/IRQ4 Enable onboard Serial port 1 and address is 3F8.
2F8/IRQ3 Enable onboard Serial port 1 and address is 2F8.
3E8/IRQ4 Enable onboard Serial port 1 and address is 3E8.
2E8/IRQ3 Enable onboard Serial port 1 and address is 2E8.
Disabled Disable onboard Serial port 1.

BIOS Configuration

• Onboard Serial Port 2

The default value is Auto.

Auto BIOS will automatically setup the port 2 address.
3F8/IRQ4 Enable onboard Serial port 2 and address is 3F8.
2F8/IRQ3 Enable onboard Serial port 2 and address is 2F8.
3E8/IRQ4 Enable onboard Serial port 2 and address is 3E8.
2E8/IRQ3 Enable onboard Serial port 2 and address is 2E8.
Disabled Disable onboard Serial port 2.

• UART Mode Select

(This item allows you to determine which Infra Red(IR) function of

Onboard I/O chip)
The default value is Normal
ASKIR Onboard I/O chip supports ASKIR.
IrDA Onboard I/O chip supports IrDA.
Normal Onboard I/O chip supports Normal.
SCR Onboard I/O chip supports SCR.

• Onboard Parallel port

The default value is 378/IRQ7.

378/IRQ7 Enable onboard LPT port and address is 378/IRQ7.
278/IRQ5 Enable onboard LPT port and address is 278/IRQ5.
Disabled Disable onboard LPT port.
3BC/IRQ7 Enable onboard LPT port and address is 3BC/IRQ7.

• Parallel Port Mode

The default value is SPP.

SPP Using Parallel port as Standard Printer Port.
EPP Using Parallel port as Enhanced Parallel Port.
ECP Using Parallel port as Extended Capabilities Port.
ECP+EPP Using Parallel port as ECP & EPP mode.


• ECP Mode Use DMA

The default value is 3.
1 Set ECP Mode Use DMA is 1.
3 Set ECP Mode Use DMA is 3.
• Game Port Address
The default value is Disabled.
Disabled Disabled On Board IDE
201 Set onboard game port is 201.
209 Set onboard game port is 209.

• Midi Port Address

The default value is Disabled.

Disabled Disabled On Board Midi Port.
300 Set On Board Midi Port is 300.
330 Set On Board Midi Port is 330.
• Midi Port IRQ
The default value is 5.
5 Set 5 for Midi Port IRQ
10 Set 10 for Midi Port IRQ
• CIR Port Address
The default value is Disabled.
Disabled Disabled CIR function.
310 Set CIR Port Address to 310.
320 Set CIR Port Address to 320.

BIOS Configuration


CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software

Power Management Setup
ACPI Suspend Type S1(PowerOnSu Item Help
Power Management User Define
Video Off Method DPMS Menu Level 4
Video Off In Suspend Yes
Suspend Type Stop Grant
Suspend Mode Disabled
HDD Power Down Disabled
Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN Instant-off
Power LED in Suspend Blinking
AC BACK Function Memory
Wake-Up by PCI card Enabled
ModemRingOn/WakeOnLan Enabled
USB KB Wake-Up from S3 Disabled
FAN Off In Suspend Enabled
CPU Thermal-Throttling 50%
Resume by Alarm Disabled
* Date(of Month) Alarm 0
* Time(hh:mm:ss) Alarm 0 0 0

** Reload Global Timer Events **

Primary IDE 0 Disabled
Primary IDE 1 Disabled
Secondary IDE 0 Disabled
Secondary IDE 1 Disabled
FDD,COM,LPT Port Enabled
PCI PIRQ[A-D]# Enabled
↑↓→ ←Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults
Figure 4.6: Power Management Setup

• ACPI Suspend Type

The default value is S1 (PowerOn Suspend).

S1(PowerOn Suspend) Set ACPI Suspend type is S1.
S3(Suspend to RAM) Set ACPI Suspend type is S3.


• Power Management

The default value is User Define.

User Define For configuring our own power management features.
Min Saving Enable Green function.
Max Saving Disable Green function.

• Video off Method

The default value is DPMS.

V/H SYNC+Blank BIOS will turn off V/H-SYNC when gets into Green
mode for Green monitor power saving.
Blank Screen BIOS will only black monitor when gets into Green
DPMS BIOS will use DPMS Standard to control VGA
card. (The Green type VGA card will turn off V/H-
SYNC automatically.)
• Video Off In Suspend

The default value is Yes.

Yes Enabled video off in suspend.
No Disabled video off in suspend.

• Suspend Type

The default value is Stop Grant.

Stop Grant Set Suspend type is stop grant.
PwrOn Suspend Set Suspend type is Power on suspend.
The default value is 4.
3 Set MODEM Use IRQ to 3.
4 Set MODEM Use IRQ to 4.
5 Set MODEM Use IRQ to 5.
7 Set MODEM Use IRQ to 7.
9 Set MODEM Use IRQ to 9.
10 Set MODEM Use IRQ to 10.
11 Set MODEM Use IRQ to 11.

BIOS Configuration

• Suspend Mode

The default value is Disable.

Disabled Disable Suspend Mode.
1 min - 1 Hour Setup the timer to enter Suspend Mode.

• HDD Power Down

The default value is Disable.

Disable Disable HDD Power Down mode function.
1-15 mins. Enable HDD Power Down mode between 1 to 15 mins.
• Soft-off by PWR-BTTN

The default value is Instant-off.

Instant-off Soft switch ON/OFF for POWER ON/OFF
Delay 4 Sec. Soft switch ON 4sec. for POWER OFF.

• Power LED in Suspend

The default value is BLINKING.

BLINKING Set Power LED in Suspend at BLINKING mode.
ON Set Power LED in Suspend at ON mode.
OFF/DUAL Set Power LED in Suspend at OFF/DUAL color mode.

• AC Back Function

The default value is Memory.

Memory This function depends on computer status
Soft-Off Set System Soft-Off Status.
Full-On Set System Full-On Status.

• Wake-Up by PCI card

The default value is Enabled.

Disabled Disabled this function.
Enabled Enabled wake-up by PCI card.


• ModemRingOn / WakeOnLan

The default value is Enabled.

Disabled Disable these functions.
Enabled Enable these functions.
• USB Mouse Wake From S3

The default value is Disabled.

Disabled Disable USB Mouse Wake From S3.

Enabled Enable USB Mouse Wake From S3.

• FAN Off In Suspend

The default value is Enabled.

Disabled Disable this function.
Enabled Stop CPU FAN when entering Suspend mode.

• CPU Thermal-Throttling

The default value is 50%.

87.5% Monitor CPU Temp. will cause system slow down
CPU Duty Cycle to 87.5%.
75.0% Monitor CPU Temp. will cause system slow down
CPU Duty Cycle to 75.0%.
62.5% Monitor CPU Temp. will cause system slow down
CPU Duty Cycle to 62.5%.
50.0% Monitor CPU Temp. will cause system slow down
CPU Duty Cycle to 50.0%.
37.5% Monitor CPU Temp. will cause system slow down
CPU Duty Cycle to 37.5%.
25.0% Monitor CPU Temp. will cause system slow down
CPU Duty Cycle to 25.0%.
12.5% Monitor CPU Temp. will cause system slow down
CPU Duty Cycle to 12.5%.

BIOS Configuration

• Resume by Alarm

The default value is Disabled.

Disabled Disable this function.
Enabled Enable alarm function to POWER ON system.
If the default value is Enabled.
Date ( of Month) Alarm : 0~31
Time ( hh: mm: ss) Alarm : (0~23) : (0~59) : (0~59)

• Primary IDE 0/1

The default value is Disabled.

Disabled Disable this function.
Enabled Enable monitor Primary IDE 0/1 for Green event.

• Secondary IDE 0/1

The default value is Disabled.

Disabled Disable this function.

Enabled Enable monitor Secondary IDE 0/1 for Green event.


The default value is Enabled.

Disabled Disable this function.

Enabled Enable monitor FDC/COM/LPT for Green event.

The default value is Enabled.

Enabled Monitor PCI PIRQ[A-D] IRQ Active.
Disabled Ignore PCI PIRQ[A-D] IRQ Active.


4.10. PnP/PCI Configurations

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software

PnP/PCI Configurations
PNP OS Installed No Item Help
Reset Configuration Data Disabled
Menu Level 4
Resources Controlled By Auto (ESCD)
* IRQ Resources Press Enter Select Yes if you
*DMA Resources Press Enter Are using a Plug
*Memory Resources Press Enter And Play capable
Operating system
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop Disabled Select No if you
Assign IRQ For USB Enabled Need the BIOS to
Configure non-
Boot devices

↑↓→ ←Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help

F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults

Figure 4.7: PCI Slot Configuration

• PNP OS Installed

The default value is No.

Yes Enable PNP OS Installed function.
No Disable PNP OS Installed function.

• Reset Configuration Data

The default value is Disabled.

Disabled Disable this function.
Enabled Enable clear PnP information in ESCD.

BIOS Configuration

• Resources Controlled by

The default value is Auto (ESCD)

Manual User can set the PnP resource (I/O Address, IRQ & DMA
channels) used by legacy ISA DEVICE.
Auto BIOS automatically use these PnP rescuers.

• IRQ (3,4,5,7,9, 10,11,12,14,15),DMA(0,1,3,5,6,7) assigned to

The default value is "Legacy ISA" or "PCI/ISA PnP".

Legacy ISA The resource is used by Legacy ISA device.
PCI/ISA PnP The resource is used by PCI/ISA PnP device (PCI or

• Reserved Memory Base

The default value is N/A.

N/A Disable the MEM. block using.
C800 ~ DC00 Select the MEM. block starting address.

• PCI/VGA Palette Snoop

The default value is Disabled.

Enabled For having Video Card on ISA Bus and VGA Card on PCI Bus.
Disabled For VGA Card only.
• Assign IRQ For USB

The default value is Enabled.

Enabled Assign IRQ For USB
Disabled Not assign IRQ For USB


4.11. PC Health Status

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software
PC Health Status
Reset Case Open Status Disabled Item Help
Case Opened Yes
VCORE 2.01 V Menu Level 4
VGTL 1.48 V
VCC3 3.45 V
+ 5V 5.02 V
+12V 12.16 V
- 12V -11.70 V
- 5V - 5.09 V
5VSB 4.97 V
VBAT 3.00 V
Current CPU Temperature 34°C
CPU FAN Speed 5443 RPM
Power FAN Speed 0 RPM
System FAN Speed 0 RPM
CPU Temperature Select 75°C/167°F
CPU FAN Fail Alarm Disabled
Power FAN Fail Alarm Disabled
System FAN Fail Alarm Disabled
↑↓→ ←Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults

Figure 4.8: PC Health Status

• Reset Case Open Status
• Case Opened
If the case is closed, “Case Opened” will show “No”.
If the case have been opened, “Case Opened” will show “Yes” .
If you want to reset “Case Opened” value, set “Reset Case Open Status”
to “Yes” and save CMOS, your computer will restart.
• Current Voltage (V) VCORE / VGTL/ VCC3 / ±12V / ±5V /VBAT /5VSB

Detect system’ s voltage status automatically.

• CPU FAN / Power FAN / System FAN Speed (RPM)
Detect Fan speed status automatically.

BIOS Configuration

• CPU Temperature Select (°C / °F)

The default value is 75°C /167°F

65°C / 149°F Monitor CPU Temp. at 65°C / 149°F
70°C / 158°F Monitor CPU Temp. at 70°C / 158°F
75°C / 167°F Monitor CPU Temp. at 75°C / 167°F
Disabled Disabled this function.

• Fan Fail Alarm


Disabled Fan Fail Alarm Function Disabled.
Enabled Fan Fail Alarm Function Enabled.


4.12. Frequency/Voltage Control

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software

Frequency/Voltage Control
Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk Enabled Item Help
Spread Spectrum Disabled
CPU Type Pentium III 500 Menu Level 4

↑↓→ ←Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help

F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults

Figure 4.9: Frequency/Voltage Control

• Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk

The default value is Enabled.

Disabled Disabled Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk
Enabled Enabled Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk

• Spread Spectrum
The default value is Disabled.

Disabled Disabled this function

0.25% (Cntr) Set Spread Spectrum to 0.25%(Center spread)
0.5%(Down) Set Spread Spectrum to 0.5%(Down spread)

BIOS Configuration

• CPU Type Pentium III (CPU type is depend on your CPU)

1. System Bus Speed :66MHz

200 / 233 / 266 / 300 / 333 / 366 / 400 / 433 / 466 / 500 / 533

2. System Bus Speed : 100MHz

300 / 350 / 400 / 450 / 500 / 550 / 600 / 650 / 700 / 750 / 800

3. System Bus Speed : 133MHz

400 / 466 / 533 / 600 / 666 / 733 / 800 / 866 / 933 / 1000 / 1066


4.13. Load Fail-Safe Defaults

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software

4Standard CMOS Features 4Frequency/Voltage Control

4Advanced BIOS Features Load Fail-Safe Defaults

4Advanced Chipset Features Load Optimized Defaults

4Integrated Peripherals Set Supervisor Password

4Power Management Setup Set User Password

Load Fail-Safe Defaults (Y/N)? N
4PnP/PCI Configurations Save & Exit Setup

4PC Health Status Exit Without Saving

ESC:Quit ↑↓→ ← : Select Item
F10:Save & Exit Setup

Time, Date, Hard Disk Type…

Figure 4.10: Load Fail-Safe Defaults

• Load Fail-Safe Defaults

Fail−Safe defaults contain the most appropriate values of the system

parameters that allow minimum system performance.

BIOS Configuration

4.14. Load Optimized Defaults

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software

4Standard CMOS Features 4Frequency/Voltage Control

4Advanced BIOS Features Load Fail-Safe Defaults

4Advanced Chipset Features Load Optimized Defaults

4Integrated Peripherals Set Supervisor Password

4Power Management Setup Set User Password

Load Optimized Defaults (Y/N)? N
4PnP/PCI Configurations Save & Exit Setup

4PC Health Status Exit Without Saving

ESC:Quit ↑↓→ ← : Select Item
F10:Save & Exit Setup

Time, Date, Hard Disk Type…

Figure 4.11: Load Optimized Defaults

• Load Optimized Defaults

Selecting this field loads the factory defaults for BIOS and Chipset
Features which the system automatically detects.


4.15. Set Supervisor / User Password

When you select this function, the following message will appear at the center
of the screen to assist you in creating a password.

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software

4Standard CMOS Features 4Frequency/Voltage Control

4Advanced BIOS Features Load Fail-Safe Defaults

4Advanced Chipset Features Load Optimized Defaults

4Integrated Peripherals Set Supervisor Password

4Power Management Setup Set User Password

Enter Password: Save & Exit Setup
4PnP/PCI Configurations

4PC Health Status Exit Without Saving

ESC:Quit ↑↓→ ← : Select Item
F10:Save & Exit Setup

Time, Date, Hard Disk Type…

Figure 4.12: Password Setting

Type the password, up to eight characters, and press <Enter>. The password
typed now will clear the previously entered password from CMOS memory.
You will be asked to confirm the password. Type the password again and
press <Enter>. You may also press <Esc> to abort the selection and not enter
a password.
To disable password, just press <Enter> when you are prompted to enter
password. A message “PASSWORD DISABLED” will appear to confirm the
password being disabled. Once the password is disabled, the system will boot
and you can enter Setup freely.
If you select System at Security Option in BIOS Features Setup Menu, you
will be prompted for the password every time the system is rebooted or any
time you try to enter Setup Menu. If you select Setup at Security Option in
BIOS Features Setup Menu, you will be prompted only when you try to enter
BIOS Configuration

4.16. Save & Exit Setup

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software

4Standard CMOS Features 4Frequency/Voltage Control

4Advanced BIOS Features Load Fail-Safe Defaults

4Advanced Chipset Features Load Optimized Defaults

4Integrated Peripherals Set Supervisor Password

4Power Management Setup Set User Password

SAVE to CMOS and EXIT (Y/N)? Y
4PnP/PCI Configurations Save & Exit Setup

4PC Health Status Exit Without Saving

ESC:Quit ↑↓→ ← : Select Item
F10:Save & Exit Setup

Time, Date, Hard Disk Type…

Figure 4.13: Save & Exit Setup

Type "Y" will quit the Setup Utility and save the user setup value to RTC

Type "N" will return to Setup Utility.


4.17. Exit Without Saving

CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-1999 Award Software

4Standard CMOS Features 4Frequency/Voltage Control

4Advanced BIOS Features Load Fail-Safe Defaults

4Advanced Chipset Features Load Optimized Defaults

4Integrated Peripherals Set Supervisor Password

4Power Management Setup Set User Password

Quit Without Saving (Y/N)? N
4PnP/PCI Configurations Save & Exit Setup

4PC Health Status Exit Without Saving

ESC:Quit ↑↓→ ← : Select Item
F10:Save & Exit Setup

Time, Date, Hard Disk Type…

Figure 4.14: Exit Without Saving

Type "Y" will quit the Setup Utility without saving to RTC CMOS SRAM.

Type "N" will return to Setup Utility.

FCC Compliance Statement:
Per FCC Part 2 Section 2. 1077(a)

This equipment has been tested and found to

comply with limits for a Class B digital device ,
Responsible Party Name: G.B.T. INC.

pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These

Address: 18305 Valley Blvd., Suite#A
LA Puent, CA 91744
limits are designed to provide reasonable
Phone/Fax No: (818) 854-9338/ (818) 854-9339

protection against harmful interference in

hereby declares that the product

Product Name: Mother Board

Model Number: GA-6WXM

residential installations. This equipment
generates, uses, and can radiate radio
Conforms to the following specifications:

FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Section 15.107(a) and Section 15.109(a),

Class B Digital Device frequency energy, and if not installed and used
Supplementary Information:

in accordance with the instructions, may cause

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any inference received, including interference
harmful interference to radio communications.
that may cause undesired operation.

Representative Person's Name: ERIC LU

Eric Lu Signature:
However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular
Date: Aug. 4, 1999

installation. If this equipment does cause

interference to radio or television equipment reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
-Move the equipment away from the receiver
-Plug the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for
additional suggestions
You are cautioned that any change or modifications to the equipment not
expressly approve by the party responsible for compliance could void Your
authority to operate such equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjected to
the following two conditions 1) this device may not cause harmful interference
and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Declaration of Conformity
We, Manufacturer/Importer
(full address)

G.B.T. Technology Träding GMbH

Ausschlager Weg 41, 1F, 20537 Hamburg, Germany

declare that the product

( description of the apparatus, system, installation to which it refers)

Mother Board
is in conformity with
(reference to the specification under which conformity is declared)
in accordance with 89/336 EEC-EMC Directive

EN 55011 Limits and methods of measurement EN 61000-3-2* Disturbances in supply systems caused

of radio disturbance characteristics of EN60555-2 by household appliances and similar

industrial, scientific and medical (ISM electrical equipment “Harmonics”
high frequency equipment

EN55013 Limits and methods of measurement EN61000-3-3* Disturbances in supply systems caused
of radio disturbance characteristics of EN60555-3 by household appliances and similar
broadcast receivers and associated electrical equipment “Voltage fluctuations”

EN 55014 Limits and methods of measurement EN 50081-1 Generic emission standard Part 1:
of radio disturbance characteristics of Residual, commercial and light industry
household electrical appliances,
portable tools and similar electrical EN 50082-1 Generic immunity standard Part 1:
apparatus Residual, commercial and light industry

EN 55015 Limits and methods of measurement EN 55081-2 Generic emission standard Part 2:
of radio disturbance characteristics of Industrial environment
fluorescent lamps and luminaries

EN 55020 Immunity from radio interference of EN 55082-2 Generic immunity standard Part 2:
broadcast receivers and associated Industrial environment

EN 55022 Limits and methods of measurement ENV 55104 Immunity requirements for household
of radio disturbance characteristics of appliances tools and similar apparatus
information technology equipment

DIN VDE 0855 Cabled distribution systems; Equipment EN 50091- 2 EMC requirements for uninterruptible
part 10 for receiving and/or distribution from power systems (UPS)
part 12 sound and television signals

CE marking (EC conformity marking)

The manufacturer also declares the conformity of above mentioned product

with the actual required safety standards in accordance with LVD 73/23 EEC

EN 60065 Safety requirements for mains operated EN 60950 Safety for information technology equipment
electronic and related apparatus for including electrical business equipment
household and similar general use

EN 60335 Safety of household and similar EN 50091-1 General and Safety requirements for
electrical appliances uninterruptible power systems (UPS)

Signature : Rex Lin
(Stamp) Date : Aug. 4, 1999 Name : Rex Lin

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