CEN 1-19 - Level-5-3-2 - R11 - DV Schedule Publishing Document 08-06-2023
CEN 1-19 - Level-5-3-2 - R11 - DV Schedule Publishing Document 08-06-2023
CEN 1-19 - Level-5-3-2 - R11 - DV Schedule Publishing Document 08-06-2023
Shortlisting of Candidates for Document Verification for CEN 01/2019 (NTPC G & UG)
LEVEL-5 Round-6, LEVEL-3 Round-4 & LEVEL-2 Round-4
1. The list of candidates shortlisted for Document Verification for Level-5, Level-3 & Level-2 was published in the official website of RRB, Bengaluru on 05-
06-2023 and 07-06-2023 respectively. These candidates have to attend Documents / Certificates verification and Medical Examination as scheduled
below. Candidates are advised to report to Railway Recruitment Board, No. 18, Millers Road (Behind Cantonment Railway Station), Bengaluru - 560046,
as per scheduled date and time mentioned below.
2. SMS/E-mail alerts are being sent to candidates' registered mobile / email ID for downloading their e-call letter from RRB's website.
3. The candidates called for DV should produce all the original documents along with two sets of photo-copies in A4 size as detailed in the CEN and e call
letter issued for Document Verification.
4. Those candidates who will be called for Document Verification may note that after completion of DV, they will be sent for medical examination at the
nominated Railway Hospital located in the jurisdiction of concerned RRB on the next day of the DV. The candidates are required to come prepared to stay
for more than four days for DV/Medical examination at their own cost. Candidates have to pay the prescribed medical fee of Rs 24/- only. There are no
other charges to be paid to the Hospitals/Health Unit for the medical examination. In rare cases, where the investigation like CT Scan, Ultra Sound, tests
to rule out refractive eye surgery etc., have to be carried out for which necessary facility is not available in the Railway Hospital/Health Unit, then for
such investigation, candidates may have to make the requisite payment to the concerned laboratory/hospital.
5. The candidature of all the shortlisted candidates is purely provisional and is liable to be cancelled at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, in case of
any inconsistency/ deficiency/ discrepancy detected in the information furnished by them in their online application or any malpractice on their part
coming to the notice at any stage of the recruitment process or thereafter.
6. It is to be noted that merely shortlisting or calling a candidate for Document Verification/Medical examination does not entitle him/her in any way to
an appointment in the Railways.
7. While every care has been taken in preparing the result, RRB reserves the right to rectify any inadvertent error or typographical/printing mistake etc.
RRB regrets the inability to entertain any correspondence on this account from the candidates.
Important: Beware of the touts who may misguide the candidates with false promises of getting them selected for the job on illegal consideration.
The recruitment process in the RRB exams is fully computerized and the selection is based on merit of candidates only. Please visit the official
websites of RRBs for regular updates and information.
The following candidates have to report to RRB/Bengaluru on 21-06-2023 at 9.00 AM for medical examination.
141194260563091 141194190710411 141195170301894 141192170409061 ⊠⊠⊠⊠⊠
1. Candidates are advised to upload colour scanned copy of their passport size photograph and signature in RRB Document Verification portal
https://oirms-ir.gov.in/rrbdv/ duly following the instructions mentioned therein. This portal will be active for uploading from 10 days prior to date of
DV and closes on the date of DV.
2. Candidates wearing spectacles are advised to carry the same for medical examination.
3. Candidates are advised to strictly adhere to COVID norms as per Advisory issued by Government of Karnataka.
4. Block date for verification of original documents for absentee candidates: 26-06-2023.
It must be noted that failure to report for the Document Verification on the scheduled date will tantamount to rejection of candidature unless it is
supported by documentary evidence that the candidate had to appear in a University/Government examination or due to sickness of the candidate.
No other reason for absence will be considered. No fresh e-call letter will be issued.
Total Number of candidates shortlisted for Document Verification & Medical Examination : 64
Date: 08-06-2023 Chairman / RRB / Bengaluru
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