A Neuro Fuzzy Modeling For The Hydrologi
A Neuro Fuzzy Modeling For The Hydrologi
A Neuro Fuzzy Modeling For The Hydrologi
Many forecasting applications of science and technology are used to predict future
Salman Bin Sami,1 Tanveer Ahmad Siddiqi,2
values. Today, the flood peak flow discharges are extensively used on annual basis
in risk assessment by collecting quantitative data from several sources. The famous
Muhammad Jawed Iqbal3
Management Science Department, SZABIST (Karachi Campus),
rivers of Pakistan i.e. River Jhelum, River Kabul, River Chenab, and the very famous,
considering upper area parts and the lower area parts of the river, the Indus River are 2
Department of Mathematics, University of Karachi, Pakistan
the prime sources of flooding. These aforesaid rivers are the prime tributaries of the 3
Department of Mathematics and Institute of Space and
Indus River System which is the one, from all, most notable rivers of the world and Planetary Astrophysics, University of Karachi, Pakistan
for Pakistan, it is a supreme river. River Indus is Pakistan’s longest river with seven
(7) different gauge stations, Dams and various barrages, and plays a significant role- Correspondence: Salman Bin Sami, Management Science
in irrigation and maximum generation of power in Pakistan. In the present research Department, SZABIST (Karachi Campus), Karachi-Pakistan, Tel
the flood risk in the Indus River has been calculated by utilizing the historical peak +92-3333175611, Email
streamflow discharges recorded data on the daily basis. Nowadays, Adaptive Neuro-
Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) model which is widely used to analyze these Received: February 20, 2019 | Published: April 04, 2019
hydrological time series data sets obtained from different gauge stations. Adaptive
Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) merges the potentiality of Fuzzy Inference
Systems (FIS) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to work out problems of different
kinds. For this, the data covered eleven years from 2002 to 2012 daily (6-months
each year) streamflow period. From our analysis, the root mean square error (RMSE)
shows that the ANFIS model generated more satisfactory results than other models
with minimum prediction errors. The ANFIS model is very pliable and has feasibilities
of integrating the essence of a fuzzy system for real world.
Citation: Sami SB, Siddiqi TA, Iqbal MJ. A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan. Int J Hydro.
2019;3(2):138‒147. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2019.03.00175
A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan ©2019 Sami et al. 140
a. A rulebase, in which we have fuzzy rules selection consequent parts of this FIS and can be determined by the method of
simple least square error method.
b. A database element, which designates the functions called
membership functions (mfs) for the rules of fuzzy; and Let’s us consider, for FIS, x and y are the two input variables and
the one output variable is z. The fuzzy model of Sugeno for the first
c. A reasoning mechanism element, in which we execute the
order has two rules that are if-then rules which are conveyed as,
inference strategy based on the defined rules to yield an output
results as can see in Figure 3. Rule I: Let x stands for A1and y stands for B1, then for f1
= p x + q y + r1 (1)
1 1
Rule II: Let x stands for A2 and y stands for B2, then for f2
= p x + q y + r2 (2)
2 2
Here, for the input variables x & y the MFs are A1, A2 & B1, B2
respectively, and the parameters for the output function are p1, q1, r1
and p2, q2, r2. and Figure 4(A) explains fuzzy reasoning technique
to obtain the output function i.e. f for this Sugeno model from the
Figure 3 Brisky output by Fuzzy inference system. provided input variables [x, y]. The related equivalent architecture of
ANFIS is described in Figure 4(B), where the same layer nodes have
From the input area to the output area, fuzzy inference system
corresponding functions. The following are procedures of ANFIS
executes nonlinear plotting. This plotting is carried out by a number
of if-then rules of fuzzy, in which each rule reports the behavior of
the plotting locally. The parameters of the if-then rules (referred to as
antecedents or premises in fuzzy modeling) define a fuzzy region of
the input space, and the output parameters (also consequents in fuzzy
modeling) specify the corresponding output. Thus, this FIS (fuzzy
inference system) relies on the calculated parameters for its proficiency.
Nonetheless,20 for the fuzzy set (delineated by antecedents) the choice
of pattern leading to an input is not accompanied by any method.
But the fuzzy inference rule of system and its structure make it easy
to assimilate human proficiency for the system into the process of
modeling directly to settle on significant no. of membership functions
for every number of input, etc. For parameter calculation there will be
leading numerical data. Nowadays, perception of the adaptive network,
which is an abstract principle of the ordinary backpropagation neural
network, is applied to tackle the parameter identification problem in
a FIS. ANN (adaptive neural network) is the multi layered furnish
Figure 4(a) Shows the inference system of Fuzzy; (b) Shows an Equivalent
shape structure whose overall output behavior is determined by the
architecture of ANFIS.
value of a collection of modifiable parameters. More specifically, the
configuration of an adaptive network is composed of a set of nodes Layer I: Here, every node of layer 1 creates grades of membership for
connected through directional links, where each node is a process unit variable inputs. To define the node output OP1i we have:
that performs a static node function on its incoming signal to generate
a single node output. Every function of node consists of parameterized = OP1i µ= A ( x ) wherei 1, 2
value function for some malleable parameters. It is noticeable in the
adaptive network that the attachments, between nodes with no weights,= OP1i µ= B (y) wherei 3, 4 (4)
only show the flow direction of signals affiliated with these links. In
1994, some of the readers mentioned21 additional characteristics of Here, the variable x or y is defined as input node & Ai or Bi-2
adaptive networks. The Jang22 established an understanding strategy is associated as a fuzzy set, designated by the structure of the
and a novel architecture for FIS that uses an understanding algorithm membership functions which is any suitable continuous and piecewise
of neural network for building a collection of if-then rules from the differentiable function like Gaussian, generalized bell, triangular &
determined input–output couples for fuzzy with the convenient MFs.23 trapezoidal shaped in this node. Considering MF has the shape of
Using this framework for the ANN (adaptive neural networks) for the generalized bell function, then the output
strategy of flourishing a FIS is known as an adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference system (ANFIS). result OP1i will be,
Architecture of ANFIS 1
OP1i µ=
= A ( x) (5)
(x −ci )bi
The common construction for ANFIS is reported in the Figure
3. When designing ANFIS, the main choice for FIS is a model of Here, the shape of MF can be changed by the parameter set {ai, bi,
particular objective system. Many categories of FIS are presented ci} from maximum 1 to minimum 0.
in the literature.24–26 Each example is portrayed by part of their
consequent parameters. Present research utilizes the fuzzy model of Layer II: Here each node multiplies the approaching signals,
Sugeno.26,27 Therefore, the linear equation and parameters are the most symbolized by Π, and the rule of firing strength is illustrated by the
Citation: Sami SB, Siddiqi TA, Iqbal MJ. A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan. Int J Hydro.
2019;3(2):138‒147. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2019.03.00175
A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan ©2019 Sami et al. 141
output OP i2 which can be calculated as: A LSE for X can be required that reduces the squared error AX − B
. Figure 4 shows the architecture of ANFIS and shows that for the
OP 2
i w= µ A (=
x ) µ B ( y ), i = 1, 2 (6) provided parametric values of the premise part, the total and final
i i i
output is conveyed by a linear combination of the parameters of the
Layer III: For this layer the ith node is symbolized by N, which consequent part. Formally, the final output f can be changed into:
calculates the normalized firing strengths as:
wi f =w f + w f ==( w x ) p + ( w y ) q + ( w ) r + ( w x ) p + ( w 2 y ) q + ( w ) r
OP i3 = wi = i = 1, 2 (7) 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
w1 + w2
Layer IV: In layer 4 the node i calculates the contribution of the Which is linear for parameters (p1, q1, r1, p2, q2 and r2) of the
ith rule towards the output of the model, with the following node consequent part. In an ANFIS, the overall no. of parameters (S), as a
function: result, can be classified into two sets in such a way that the set of premise
OP i4= wi fi = wi (px i + qy i + ri ) (8) part parameters is S1 and the set of consequent part parameters is S2.
Accordingly, the hybrid-learning algorithm combines the methods
Here {pi, qi, ri} represents the parameter set and layer 3 output is of least squares and back propagation gradient descent method,
represented by w . which is applied for a fruitful or a powerful search of the excellent
Layer V: In layer 5, the total output of ANFIS is calculated by a parameters of ANFIS. More indicatively, the algorithm of hybrid
single node as: learning in the forward pass, the node output goes forward until layer
4 and parameters of the consequent part are recognized by method
∑ wifi of least squares. The propagation of the error signal backwards in
OP i5
= = ∑=
Total Output wi f i i
(9) the backward pass and the premise parameters are corrected by the
∑ wi
i gradient descent technique. As stated earlier, the consequent part
parameters thus recognized are excellent under condition that the
Computation of parameters (Hybrid algorithm) premise part parameters are confirmed. Consequently, the approach
of hybrid algorithm converges much faster since in the original back-
Accession parameters are the premise parameters {ai, bi, ci} in propagation method, it minimizes the dimension of the search space.
ANFIS, which reports the structure of MFs, and {pi, qi, ri} consequent A comprehensive and complete description can be found for this
parameters which report the final output of this ANFIS system. In algorithm.29
1986, backpropagation algorithm by Rumelhart, the basic learning
rule of an adaptive network based on the gradient descent rule, can The defuzzification
be successfully applied to calculate these parameters.28 Nevertheless,
Jang insisted that the rule of gradient descent is normally slow and Basic ANFIS takes the fuzzy inputs or the crisp inputs, but the total
gets trapped in local minima.22 Jang suggested a much faster learning and final outputs are sets of fuzzy. Consequently, a defuzzification
algorithm, which merges the technique of least squares estimate approach is required to convert a fuzzy set to a value of crisp. By21
(LSE) and gradient descent to locate parameters as presented below: the crisp output is usually secured using different defuzzification
approaches. The approach of Takagi-Sugeno is applied for the present
The adaptive network has only one output and is supposed to be: inspection.26 Xiong, et al.30 do not have a direct defuzzification
technique or rather they combine two techniques, the decision of
output = F ( I , S ) (10)
logic and the procedures of defuzzification into the one composite
Here, the input variables set is I and the parameters set is S. If procedure.
the existence of function H is there in such a way that the composite
function H◦F in rare elements of S is linear, then the method of least Model configuration
squares is used to recognize these elements. Precisely, parameters of The course and broad facts regarding applied models are discussed
the set S are divided into two sets: in this section.
S S1 ⊕ S 2
= (11) Non-linear time series forecasting
Here ⊕ sign shows the direct summation in such a way that S2 These forecasting are to be made with the help of Neuro-fuzzy.
elements possess linear H◦F. Then H is applied to Eq.10, to get: For this purpose, we have observed and evaluated the flow forecast of
the three gauge stations (Tarbela Dam in FATA, Chashma Barrage in
H ( output ) = H F ( I , S ) (12) Punjab and Sukkur Barrage in Sindh). Using Neuro-fuzzy system, we
have selected readings of ten years daily stream flow from 2002-2011.
Which is linear for S2 elements; For the provided values of S1 Each year contains data of 6-months (from 1st April to 30th September
elements, the training data P can be plugged into Eq.12 in order to peak months). The daily stream flow data of six peak months of the
attain the equation of matrix; foresaid stations in 2012 is also chosen to test and verify the model.
AX = B (13) This data is then given to the system network.
Here, the unknown vector X has the parameters of S2 elements. Recruited of the neuro-Fuzzy network
Suppose lS2l = M, then P x M, M x 1 and P x 1 are the dimensions The managerial fuzzy interference network was chosen to be
of A, X and B. Therefore, for the training data the no. of pairs (P) executed by Sugeno model accompanied by the product operator. Two
are generally larger than the no. of linear parameters (M). This is an categories of Neuro-fuzzy system network have also been implemented
over-determined problem and usually Eq.13 has no accurate solution. that have different membership functions. Flow discharge is taken at
Citation: Sami SB, Siddiqi TA, Iqbal MJ. A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan. Int J Hydro.
2019;3(2):138‒147. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2019.03.00175
A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan ©2019 Sami et al. 142
two values, the present time dt and the past time dt–1 for one network of three previously mentioned gauge stations reveals that the surveyed
and flow discharge is taken at three values that are, the present time data is highly varied and disordered. Flow behavior of Tarbela Dam,
dt, the past time dt–1 and one step before the past time dt – 2. Five Chashma and Sukkur Barrages, from 2010 to 2012, are displayed in
different ANFIS models are considered as 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 membership Figure 5. Parameters which are interrelated to three foregoing stations
functions. For all model networks the membership functions are are provided in Table 1. From the Table 1, it is clear that standard
predicted as Gaussian and Triangular shaped once. Hence the first deviation and the difference between the maxima and minima are
system network uses dt and dt –1 as an input for two variables x and large, so that gauge station modeling will be complex. In this regard,
y and the second network system uses dt, dt –1 and dt–2 as an input for for fuzzy network, we consider input data for ten years from year
three variables x, y and z for the executed fuzzy rule base. Then in 2002 to year 2011 of the daily stream flow to check different models
accordance with the relation the yielding results are generated as the as training data. Moreover, different models were also tested using
final outcomes in defuzzification. We can see that ten different system testing data for only 1 year i.e. 2012, the daily stream flows (6 peak
networks are applied and the outcomes are determined and discussed months’data) for each gauge station. Entered the Input data into the
in the coming sections. neuro-fuzzy network and results are shown in Tables below.
Work explanation
Various categories of traditional statistic can be referred to as
statistical work explanation. But here we used root mean square error
(RMSE). This estimation test can also be estimated by using the
below equation.
p 2
∑in=1 ( di − di )
RMSE = (15)
o p
Where, d is the observed flow of stream at any time t, and d is
i i
Ratio of average to standard deviation (fps) 1.6 1.63 1.75 2.01 0.94 1.71
Outcomes and analysis stations. It is of great importance to note that the mentioned outcomes
are informed for Gaussian membership functions only because its
For obtaining outcomes, we have processed the network in various calculations and outcomes are better than the Triangular membership
approaches and RMSE is used to figure out the outcomes. Tables functions with error tolerance 0.001.
2-4 are the calculated results for the three previously mentioned
Table 2A Error evaluation for Tarbela dam in 2012 of flow prediction as testing data
1 dt, dt – 1 2 113.787
2 dt, dt – 1 3 108.474
3 dt, dt – 1 4 105.902
4 dt, dt – 1 6 104.87
5 dt, dt – 1 8 97.42
Citation: Sami SB, Siddiqi TA, Iqbal MJ. A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan. Int J Hydro.
2019;3(2):138‒147. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2019.03.00175
A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan ©2019 Sami et al. 143
Table Continued....
6 dt, dt – 1, dt - 2 2 101.913
7 dt, dt – 1, dt - 2 3 90.465
8 dt, dt – 1, dt - 2 4 85.161
9 dt, dt – 1, dt - 2 6 68.037
10 dt, dt – 1, dt - 2 8 51.114
Table 2B Error evaluation for Tarbela dam in 2002-2011 of flow prediction Table 3B Error evaluation for Chashma Barrage in 2002-2011 of flow
as training data prediction as training data
Table 3A Error evaluation for Chashma Barrage in 2012 of flow prediction Table 4A Error evaluation for Sukkur Barrage in 2012 of flow prediction as
as testing data testing data
Citation: Sami SB, Siddiqi TA, Iqbal MJ. A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan. Int J Hydro.
2019;3(2):138‒147. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2019.03.00175
A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan ©2019 Sami et al. 144
Table 4B Error evaluation for Sukkur Barrage in 2002-2011 of flow prediction respectively for different inputs and different membership functions.
as training data Curves in Figure 6A, indicate the predicted values and surface area for
Tarbela dam using observed data and applied neuro-fuzzy technique
Different input No. of membership
Serial No. RMSE for the year 2012. In the graph above of predicted values in Figure
variations functions
6A, the output data on y- axis means stream data values in fps and on
1 dt, dt – 1 2 170.088 x-axis index means no. of days i.e. 183 peak days for the year 2012
and also Figure 6B indicates the predicted values and surface area
2 dt, dt – 1 3 149.33 for the years 2002 to 2011. In the graph above of predicted values in
Figure 6B, the output data on y- axis means stream data values in fps
3 dt, dt – 1 4 138.725 and on x-axis index means no. of days i.e. 1830 peak days for above
mentioned years.
4 dt, dt – 1 6 118.698
Chashma barrage results
5 dt, dt – 1 8 112.94 Same as previous calculations for Tarbela Dam, we can see the
results of Chashma barrage for flow prediction in year 2012 and
6 dt, dt – 1, dt - 2 2 135.046 in years 2002 - 2011 are presented in Table 3A and 3B. Curves in
Figure 7A, indicate the predicted values and surface area for Chashma
7 dt, dt – 1, dt - 2 3 114.976 barrage using the observed data and applied neuro-fuzzy technique
for the year 2012 and Figure 7B shows the same for the years 2002
8 dt, dt – 1, dt - 2 4 106.599 to 2011.
Figure 6A The predicted values and surface area for Tarbela Dam in year 2012.
Figure 6B The predicted values and surface area for Tarbela Dam in year 2002 to 2011.
Citation: Sami SB, Siddiqi TA, Iqbal MJ. A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan. Int J Hydro.
2019;3(2):138‒147. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2019.03.00175
A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan ©2019 Sami et al. 145
Figure 7A The predicted values and surface area for Chashma Barrage in year 2012.
Figure 7B The predicted values and surface area for Chashma Barrage in year 2002 to 2011.
Figure 8A The predicted values and surface area for Sukkur Barrage in year 2012.
Citation: Sami SB, Siddiqi TA, Iqbal MJ. A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan. Int J Hydro.
2019;3(2):138‒147. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2019.03.00175
A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan ©2019 Sami et al. 146
Figure 8B The predicted values and surface area for Sukkur Barrage in year 2002 to 2011.
An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) has been
Figure 9B Structure for 3-inputs dt, dt–1&dt–2. executed at three different gauge stations to presume cyclic behavior of
Citation: Sami SB, Siddiqi TA, Iqbal MJ. A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan. Int J Hydro.
2019;3(2):138‒147. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2019.03.00175
A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan ©2019 Sami et al. 147
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Citation: Sami SB, Siddiqi TA, Iqbal MJ. A neuro-fuzzy modeling for the hydrological time series of floods of river indus of Pakistan. Int J Hydro.
2019;3(2):138‒147. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2019.03.00175