cstp6 2009
cstp6 2009
cstp6 2009
6.4 Working with Is aware of the role of Acknowledges the Supports families to Provides opportunities Structures a wide
families to support the family in student importance of the contribute to the and support for range of opportunities
student learning learning and the need family’s role in student classroom and school. families to actively for families to
for interactions with learning. Seeks Adjusts communication participate in the contribute to the
families. information about to families based on classroom and school. classroom and school
cultural norms of awareness of cultural community. Supports
families represented in norms and wide range Communicates to a school/district
the school. Welcomes of experiences with families in ways which environment in which
family involvement at schools. show understanding of families take
classroom/ school and respect for leadership to improve
events. cultural student learning.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
6.5 Engaging local Develops awareness Seeks available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Collaborates with
communities in about local neighborhood and neighborhood and neighborhood and community members
support of the neighborhoods and community resources. community resources to community resources to increase
instructional communities support the curriculum. to support the instructional and
surrounding the Includes references or instructional program, learning opportunities
school. connections to Includes knowledge of students, and families. for students.
communities in single communities when
Uses available lessons or sequence of designing and Draws from Engages students in
neighborhood and lessons.7/16/2023 implementing understanding of leadership and service
community resources instruction community to improve in the community.
in single lessons. and enrich the Incorporates
instructional program. community members
into the school
learning community.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator