Reflection 1
Reflection 1
Reflection 1
Misamis University
College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
5R2R+386, H.T. Feliciano St, Ozamiz City, 7200 Misamis Occidental
Activity # 4
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beam
Direction: Analyze each problem carefully. Using NSCP 2010 Code, calculate and present
your solution neatly and clearly. Support your solution with drawings when necessary.
Problem 1: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 350 mm and over all depth of 650 mm.
Tension reinforcement consists of 8 – 28 mm Ø arranged in two layers while
compression reinforcement contains 4 – 25 mm Ø. Clear cover is 35 mm for both tension
and compression bars. The beam will be subjected to a maximum service dead load
moment of 250 kN – m. What is the service live load moment for this beam? Assume f’
= 24 MPa and fy = (300 + x) MPa
Problem 2: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 300 mm and effective depth of 520
mm. Tension reinforcement consists of 6 – 28 mm Ø while compression reinforcement
contains 2 – 25 mm Ø. Steel covering (measured from the centroid of the bar) is 60 mm
for both compression and tension bars. Assume f’ c = 28 MPa and fy = (275 + x) MPa.
Determine the following:
Problem 3: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 375 mm and effective depth of 650
mm. Tension reinforcement consists of 6 – 28 mm Ø while compression reinforcement
contains 2 – 25 mm Ø. Steel covering (measured from the centroid of the bar) is 60 mm
for both compression and tension bars. Assume f’ c = 28 MPa and fy = (300 + x) MPa.
Determine the following:
Activity No: ____
a. Depth of compression block
b. Ultimate moment capacity of the beam
c. Minimum and maximum tension steel area permitted by the code
Financial and Work Management Analysis for
Problem Construction:
4: A reinforced concrete beamahas
Case Study depth of 600 mm and subjected to a
an effective
total factored moment of 1,500 kN – m including its own weight. Steel covering
The case study is about comparing
(measured the difference
from the centroid of bar)between the primavera
is 75 mm software andand
for both compression the tension bars.
Assume f’
human-made tools that are used c = 30 MPa and f = (300 + x) MPa. Determine the following:
to estimatey project scheduling for financial and work
management. Oracle Primavera P6 is a project, program and portfolio management tool that is
Republic of the Philippines
Misamis University
College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
5R2R+386, H.T. Feliciano St, Ozamiz City, 7200 Misamis Occidental
Activity # 4
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beam
Direction: Analyze each problem carefully. Using NSCP 2010 Code, calculate and present
your solution neatly and clearly. Support your solution with drawings when necessary.
Problem 1: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 350 mm and over all depth of 650 mm.
Tension reinforcement consists of 8 – 28 mm Ø arranged in two layers while
compression reinforcement contains 4 – 25 mm Ø. Clear cover is 35 mm for both tension
and compression bars. The beam will be subjected to a maximum service dead load
moment of 250 kN – m. What is the service live load moment for this beam? Assume f’
= 24 MPa and fy = (300 + x) MPa
Problem 2: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 300 mm and effective depth of 520
mm. Tension reinforcement consists of 6 – 28 mm Ø while compression reinforcement
contains 2 – 25 mm Ø. Steel covering (measured from the centroid of the bar) is 60 mm
for both compression and tension bars. Assume f’ c = 28 MPa and fy = (275 + x) MPa.
Determine the following:
Problem 3: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 375 mm and effective depth of 650
mm. Tension reinforcement consists of 6 – 28 mm Ø while compression reinforcement
contains 2 – 25 mm Ø. Steel covering (measured from the centroid of the bar) is 60 mm
for both and
used for planning, managing compression
work.Assume f’ c = 28toMPa
It is designed handle andlarge
fy =and
(300 + x) MPa.
Determine the following:
small projects in a number of diverse industries, such as construction, manufacturing, energy,
and IT. (Keup, 2021).
a. Depth of compression block
b. Ultimatebudgetary
Time management and moment capacity
the beam
never been a part of the typical
c. Minimum and maximum tension steel area permitted by the code
construction process. Time, supplies, money, and construction quality are all lost in the process.
This is because Problem
it consumes 4: Amore time, require
reinforced concretematerials
beam hasneeded for the
an effective certain
depth of 600task,
mmandandofsubjected to a
course uses more fundstotalto factored
supply such needs,ofand
moment that leads
1,500 kN – sometimes
m including the construction
its own weight. quality
Steel covering
to be poor. The primavera, aidsfrom the centroid
in thorough of bar)
planning is 75
of the mmand
task forenhances
both compression
its quality and
and tension bars.
output. Also, it aids Assume f’c = 30modifying
in effectively MPa and project
fy = (300costs.
+ x) MPa.
With Determine
the help ofthe thisfollowing:
software, the
problem had been addressed, and the negative results of the traditional or manual estimation of
Republic of the Philippines
Misamis University
College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
5R2R+386, H.T. Feliciano St, Ozamiz City, 7200 Misamis Occidental
Activity # 4
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beam
Direction: Analyze each problem carefully. Using NSCP 2010 Code, calculate and present
your solution neatly and clearly. Support your solution with drawings when necessary.
Problem 1: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 350 mm and over all depth of 650 mm.
Tension reinforcement consists of 8 – 28 mm Ø arranged in two layers while
compression reinforcement contains 4 – 25 mm Ø. Clear cover is 35 mm for both tension
and compression bars. The beam will be subjected to a maximum service dead load
moment of 250 kN – m. What is the service live load moment for this beam? Assume f’
= 24 MPa and fy = (300 + x) MPa
Problem 2: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 300 mm and effective depth of 520
mm. Tension reinforcement consists of 6 – 28 mm Ø while compression reinforcement
contains 2 – 25 mm Ø. Steel covering (measured from the centroid of the bar) is 60 mm
for both compression and tension bars. Assume f’ c = 28 MPa and fy = (275 + x) MPa.
Determine the following:
Problem 3: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 375 mm and effective depth of 650
mm. Tension reinforcement consists of 6 – 28 mm Ø while compression reinforcement
contains 2 – 25 mm Ø. Steel covering (measured from the centroid of the bar) is 60 mm
project scheduling for both compression
financial and work and management
tension bars. Assume
has alsof’ cmanaged
= 28 MPatoand fy =The
lose. (300 + x) MPa.
Determine the following:
construction industry has recently relied heavily on such software to help solve these issues,
which has benefited work and financial management.
a. Depth of compression block
The result ofb.theUltimate moment
study states that,capacity
“It seemsof the
the primavera software is estimating
c. Minimum and maximum tension steel area permitted by the code
high cost than the manmade estimate it results that software includes all the taxes and accurate
and perfect result.Problem
Primavera software
4: A reduces
reinforced the time
concrete beamof has
the an
estimate. While
effective manmade
depth of 600 mmestimate
and subjected to a
is the time-consuming total factored moment of 1,500 kN – m including its own weight. its
process. So now days all companies prefer primavera software and Steel covering
demand is very high(measured from the
in the market.” Thecentroid
researchersof bar)
saw isa 75 mm
great for both between
difference compression and tension bars.
the times
spent on constructionAssume
using thef’ctraditional
= 30 MPa wayand fand
y = (300 + x)primavera
of using MPa. Determine the following:
Republic of the Philippines
Misamis University
College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
5R2R+386, H.T. Feliciano St, Ozamiz City, 7200 Misamis Occidental
Activity # 4
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beam
Direction: Analyze each problem carefully. Using NSCP 2010 Code, calculate and present
your solution neatly and clearly. Support your solution with drawings when necessary.
Problem 1: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 350 mm and over all depth of 650 mm.
Tension reinforcement consists of 8 – 28 mm Ø arranged in two layers while
compression reinforcement contains 4 – 25 mm Ø. Clear cover is 35 mm for both tension
and compression bars. The beam will be subjected to a maximum service dead load
moment of 250 kN – m. What is the service live load moment for this beam? Assume f’
= 24 MPa and fy = (300 + x) MPa
Problem 2: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 300 mm and effective depth of 520
mm. Tension reinforcement consists of 6 – 28 mm Ø while compression reinforcement
contains 2 – 25 mm Ø. Steel covering (measured from the centroid of the bar) is 60 mm
for both compression and tension bars. Assume f’ c = 28 MPa and fy = (275 + x) MPa.
Determine the following:
Problem 3: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 375 mm and effective depth of 650
mm. Tension reinforcement consists of 6 – 28 mm Ø while compression reinforcement
contains 2 – 25 mm Ø. Steel covering (measured from the centroid of the bar) is 60 mm
Aziz, A. and for both compression
Kumar, S. concludedand thattension bars. Assume
with careful planning,f’ cimplementation
= 28 MPa and control,
fy = (300 + x) MPa.
Determine the following:
and monitoring of every activity using the Primavera tool, the project is only expected to take
486 days to complete. This was a lot different from the estimation of the contractor that the
a. Depth of compression block
project would take 560b. days
Ultimateto complete, or roughly
moment capacity 18 beam
of the months. When various project-related
activities are plannedc. out to the best
Minimum of their ability,
and maximum tensionwork
steel and
area finance
by the code can be
handled effectively.
Problem 4: A reinforced concrete beam has an effective depth of 600 mm and subjected to a
The study shows
total that using moment
factored Primaveraofsoftware
1,500 kN is more
– m efficient,
its own andweight.
Steel covering
tool for project management, from the centroid
monitoring, of bar)different
and regulating is 75 mm for both compression
construction projects. Thatand
the tension bars.
Assumea lot
technology has contributed f’c =to30 MPaour
make and fy =or
tasks (300 + x)
work MPa.than
easier Determine the following:
the traditional method that
we use.
Republic of the Philippines
Misamis University
College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
5R2R+386, H.T. Feliciano St, Ozamiz City, 7200 Misamis Occidental
Activity # 4
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beam
Direction: Analyze each problem carefully. Using NSCP 2010 Code, calculate and present
your solution neatly and clearly. Support your solution with drawings when necessary.
Problem 1: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 350 mm and over all depth of 650 mm.
Tension reinforcement consists of 8 – 28 mm Ø arranged in two layers while
compression reinforcement contains 4 – 25 mm Ø. Clear cover is 35 mm for both tension
and compression bars. The beam will be subjected to a maximum service dead load
moment of 250 kN – m. What is the service live load moment for this beam? Assume f’
= 24 MPa and fy = (300 + x) MPa
Problem 2: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 300 mm and effective depth of 520
mm. Tension reinforcement consists of 6 – 28 mm Ø while compression reinforcement
contains 2 – 25 mm Ø. Steel covering (measured from the centroid of the bar) is 60 mm
for both compression and tension bars. Assume f’ c = 28 MPa and fy = (275 + x) MPa.
Determine the following:
Problem 3: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 375 mm and effective depth of 650
mm. Tension reinforcement consists of 6 – 28 mm Ø while compression reinforcement
contains 2 – 25 mm Ø. Steel covering (measured from the centroid of the bar) is 60 mm
for both compression and tension bars. Assume f’ c = 28 MPa and fy = (300 + x) MPa.
ID NO.: Determine the following: SHEET:
a. Depth of compression block
b. Ultimate moment capacity of the beam
c. Minimum and maximum tension steel area permitted by the code
Problem 4: A reinforced concrete beam has an effective depth of 600 mm and subjected to a
total factored moment of 1,500 kN – m including its own weight. Steel covering
(measured from the centroid of bar) is 75 mm for both compression and tension bars.
Assume f’c = 30 MPa and fy = (300 + x) MPa. Determine the following: