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The Purple Sweet Potato Body Scrub Cream Formulati

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The Purple Sweet Potato Body Scrub Cream Formulation

Article  in  Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology · February 2018

DOI: 10.24198/ijpst.v5i1.13747


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I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta

Udayana University


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IJPST - 5(1), 2018; 26-30

Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Journal Homepage : http://jurnal.unpad.ac.id/ijpst/

Formulation of The Body Scrub Cream from Purple Sweet Potato

(Ipomoea batatas L.)
I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta*, Ni Komang Dewi Triastuti, Kadek Sintia Deviyanthi,
Dyah Aryani Sartika, Putu Dyah Utari
Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Udayana University,
Submitted 06 September 2017; Revised 13 November 2017; Accepted 29 January 2018; Published 05 February 2018
*Corresponding author: gelgel.wirasuta@unud.ac.id

Anthocyanin is an active compound of purple sweet potato, has effect as anti-oxidative, anti-inflam-
matory, and anti-itching. It make them interesting ingredients for skin treatment. The bio-antioxidant
body scrub is one of the popular cosmetic products in SPA industry. Their stability property is one
crucial factor to develop a purple sweet potato body scrub cream. The steam and oven heating of tuber
were involved on the scrub powder preparation. The oven and non-heating preparation scrub powder
provided fine-sized powder more than 50%, but the steaming produced granular particle distribution.
Total anthocyanin content in scrub grains was 326.8 mg/100 g, 103.3 mg/ 100 g and 34.4 mg/100g for
steam preparation, oven and non-heating, respectively. The steamed scrub powder preparation method
produced stable anthocyanin content in body scrub cream for 25 days observation.
Key words: Purple sweet potato, anthocyanin, body scrub formulation.

1. Introduction keting. The purple color of sweet potato is

Scrub is a cosmetic product whose pri- formed by the stability of anthocyanin con-
mary function is as a body exfoliant, remove tents. The enzymatic deactivation process ac-
dirt, smooth the skin surface, cleanse the skin celerates degradation of the anthocyanin into
and increase body’s blood circulation1. It is a brownish quinon derivative6. The enzyme
also beneficial to provide skin vitamins, such deactivation of purple sweet potato before
as antioxidants. Antioxidant is necessary in the anthocyanin extraction is an important
the maintenance of skin health2, including process for improving anthocyanin stability7.
skin freshener, skin protection from UV A Enzymes deactivation involves heat, such as
and UV B exposure, as well as regeneration steam, microwave, or oven. It will be report-
of healthy skin cells3. The use of scrubs is be- ed the influence of anthocyanin content due
lieved to be able to nourish the skin to appear to heating pretreatment of purple sweet po-
more healthy natural beauty. Scrub is much tato and the color stability after 25 days light
needed in the spa tourism industry for beauty exposer.
care products. Purple sweet potato (Ipomoea
batatas L.) contains high anthocyanins con- 2. Materials and Methods
tent4, and other active compound founded in, 2.1. Materials and tools
such as: vitamin C, beta-carotene, caffeoyl- Purple sweet potato (Ipomoea bata-
daucic acid and its derivatives are very useful tas L.), citric acid, ethanol 70%, aquadest,
for skin health5. Purple color in purple sweet stearic acid, span-tween 60, cetyl alcohol,
potato can give high aesthetic value to the propilenglicol, lanolin, paraffin liquid, pro-
scrub. pyl- and methyl- paraben, with a pharmacy
The scrub should display stable colors degree were obtained from PT Brathachem
during the production process until the mar- Indonesia, sodium acetic, potassium chloride,

IJPST - 5(1), 2018; 26-30

and hydrochloride acid from Merck. The oil phase, such as paraffin, lanolin, stearic
The instrumentation were used, such acid, cetyl alcohol, span 60, and propyl-para-
as standard laboratory glass ware, analytical ben, is mixed, and then heated to 70 °C. Wa-
balance (AND-Japan), oven (Binder), bland- ter phases, such as aquadest, propylene gly-
er, hot plate (Cornig), sieve shaker in differ- col, tween 80, and methyl-paraben are mixed
ence size: 20, 40, 60, and 80 mesh, spectro- and then heated to 70°C. The two phases are
photometer UV-Vis (Shimadzu), magnetic stirred with a mixer to form a cream base, af-
stirrer, TLC-visualizer (Camag, Switzerland). ter the cream base is formed, add 10% of the
sweet potato powder to it, stirred to form a
2.2. Scrub grain sweet potato preparation homogeneous body scrub cream.
Purple sweet potato is collected, sorted
and washed clean. The yams were divided 2.5. The anthocyanin stability in body scrub
into 3 groups. The A and C groups were cut The anthocyanin stability was observed
with a size of 1 cm cubic, the B group sliced from purple color changes of body scrubs.
with 0.1 cm thickness. The A group was The body scrubs were placed next to the lab-
steamed at boiling water temperature within oratory window for 25 days. Color changes
7 minutes, then blended and afterward dried were observed under TLC-Visualizer by us-
at an oven at 70°C for 12 hours. The B group: ing white light lamp.
the sliced tuber were dried in the oven at
70°C for 12 hours, and then powdered with a 2.6. Body scrub evaluation
blender. The C group, cubical copped tubers The body scrub cream was evaluated
sweet potatoes were directly blended, and for organoleptic, pH, consistency, spreadabil-
then dried in an oven at 70°C for 12 hours. ity, irritability, washability and grittiness.
The 100 grams of powder sieved shaker with
multi-stage sieve ranging from mesh of 20, 3. Results and Discussion
40, 60, and 80 for 15 minutes. The particle The scrub powders of the three prepara-
size distribution of the powders was calculat- tion methods showed in Fig. 1 (under), while
ed from the sieving results of each mesh. The the particle size distribution of these powders
water content of powder was determinate by is presented in Fig. 1(upper). The water con-
using moisture balance. tent of powders A (the steamed tubers prepa-
ration), B (the oven drying preparation), and
2.3. Total anthocyanin determination C (direct blender preparation) was 5.718%,
Anthocyanin present in purple sweet 5.717%, and 5.695%, respectively. The dry-
potato based on absorbance changing in tow ing at the oven at 70°C for 12 hours produced
difference pH values (colored at pH 1.0 and less than 10% moisture content. This water
colorless at pH 4.5), while the results were content meets the requirements set by the
expressed as equivalent of cyaniding-3-glu- herbal pharmacopeia Indonesia.
coside3. Five gram powdered yam extracted The preparation method A provided
with 15 mL of 70% ethanol on ultrasonic bath granular particle distribution, where fine
for 30 minutes. The 2 mL of extract was used size was only 35% of the total powder. The
to anthocyanin determination8. method B and C produced fine-sized powder
more than 50%. The particle size distribution
2.4. Body scrub formulation of scrub powder influenced on the spread-
The base on the pre-formulation study, ability of body scrub cream, its stickiness,
it found out the formula of body scrub cream the exfoliant power, and introduced irritation.
consists of 10% powdered yam, 7% stearic The particle size distribution of the three de-
acid, 2% span-tween, 4% cetyl alcohol, 1% veloped scrub powder preparations consisted
propylene glycol, 5% paraffin liquidum, 5% of micro and grain particle governed good
lanoline, 0.2% methyl paraben, 0.05% propyl spreadability of body scrub cream. Study of
paraben, in add with aquadest up to 100%. exfoliate powder of body scrub cream, which

IJPST - 5(1), 2018; 26-30

Figure 1. Scrub powder and particle sizes distribution. A, B, and C are scrub grain sweet po-
tato preparation methods; A: steamed heating pre-treatment, B: oven heating pre-
treatment, and C: non-heating pre-treatment.

Figure 2. The body scrub cream (upper side) and the color stability test for 25 days (under
side). A, B, and C are scrub grain sweet potato preparation methods and the number
after that is the days of observation; A: steamed heating pre-treatment B: oven heat-
ing pre-treatment, and C: non-heating pre-treatment.
their particle size distributed between 20 and Total anthocyanin content in scrub
50 meshes, showed that the scrub with par- grains was 326.8 (mg/100 g) for A, 103.3
ticle size of 30/40 mesh has excellent skin- (mg/ 100 g) for B, and 34.4 (mg/100g) for C.
lifting ability. The majority particle sizes of Steaming sweet potatoes for 10 minutes re-
developed scrub powder were 40 mesh, so duced peroxidase activity by 100%9. Steam-
could be predicted has good ability to remove ing preparation of scrub powder could en-
skin dead cell. sure inactivation of degrading enzymes and

IJPST - 5(1), 2018; 26-30

Table 1. Evaluation of body scrub cream

prevent alteration of anthocyanin. The oven 4. Conclusion

heating tuber governed not fully the peroxi- Steamed sweet tuber deactivated per-
dase enzyme inactivation, so the anthocyanin oxidase enzymes and increases the stability
degradation was still observed. The unheated of anthocyanin purple color in the body scrub.
scrub powder preparation did not involve en- Steaming preparation method produced pow-
zyme degradation, so that anthocyanin degra- der, which was suitable particle distribution
dation occurred more rapidly than the other for body scrub cream.
methods. The steaming tuber was the better
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