Brake Systems
Brake Systems
Brake Systems
Workshop Manual
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems
Edition 12.2012
Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not permitted
unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Repair Group
00 - Technical data
45 - Anti-lock brake system
46 - Brakes - mechanism
47 - Brakes - hydraulics
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Technical information should always be available to the foremen and mechanics, because their
careful and constant adherence to the instructions is essential to ensure vehicle road-worthiness and
safety. In addition, the normal basic safety precautions for working on motor vehicles must, as a
matter of course, be observed.
00 - Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1 Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Brake variants and their assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Brake fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Brake inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
46 - Brakes - mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1 Repairing front wheel brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.1 Changing the brake pads of the front brake - Mounting instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.2 Repairing front wheel brake, brake caliper PC 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.3 Removing and installing the brake pads of the brake PC 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.4 Removing and installing the brake caliper of the brake PC 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2 Repairing rear brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.1 Changing the brake pads of the rear brake - Mounting instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2 Repairing rear brake C 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.3 Removing and installing brake pads (C 38) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.4 Removing and installing brake caliper (C 38) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.5 Repairing rear brake (PC 38 HRA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.6 Removing and installing brake pads (PC 38 HRA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.7 Removing and installing brake caliper (PC 38 HRA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3 Handbrake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.1 Handbrake lever - Summary of components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.2 Setting the hand-brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.3 Removing and installing the hand-brake cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4 Brake pedal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.1 Summary of componentsProtected of brake pedalCopying
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.... 51
4.2 Separating the brake pedal unlessfrom thebybrake
authorised ŠKODAservo
AUTO A.unit andAUTO
S. ŠKODA clipping onto
A. S. does not brake
guaranteeservoor acceptunit
any liability
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with
. . .respect
. . . .to. the
. . correctness
. . . . . . .of.information
. . . . . . in. this
. . .document.
. . . . . Copyright
. . . . . .by. ŠKODA. . . . .AUTO
. . . A.. .S.��
.. 52
4.3 Removing and installing brake pedal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.4 Removing and installing bearing bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.5 Removing and installing brake light switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
47 - Brakes - hydraulics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
1 Repairing front brake caliper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Contents i
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
ii Contents
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
00 – Technical data
1 Brakes
(SRL000560; Edition 12.2012)
Brake variants and their assignment ⇒ page 1
Brake fluid ⇒ page 2
Brake inspection ⇒ page 2
1. Brakes 1
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
1. Brakes 3
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
The control unit -1- and the hydraulic unit -2- form a single unit. It
is not possible to separate them, the hydraulic pump -3- must not
be separated from the hydraulic unit -2-.
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
1. General Instructions 5
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Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
3.1 Summary of components - hydraulic unit, brake servo unit - left-hand drive
3.2 Summary of components - hydraulic unit, brake servo unit - right-hand drive
1 - Brake line, 14 Nm
❑ from master brake cylin‐
der (floating piston cir‐
cuit) to ABS hydraulic
❑ Distinguishing feature:
∅ 6 mm and pipe screw
with long thread M10 x 1
2 - Brake line, 14 Nm
❑ from master brake cylin‐
der (push rod piston cir‐
cuit) to ABS hydraulic
❑ Distinguishing feature:
∅ 6 mm and pipe screw
with long thread M10 x 1
3 - Brake line, 14 Nm
❑ to rear right brake cali‐
❑ Distinguishing feature:
∅ 5,25 mm and pipe
screw with long thread
M12 x 1
4 - Brake line, 14 Nm
❑ to front left brake caliper
❑ Distinguishing feature:
∅ 5.25 mm and pipe
screw with long thread
Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not permitted
M10 x 1 unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
5 - Brake line, 14 Nm
❑ to front right brake cali‐
❑ Distinguishing feature:
∅ 5,25 mm and pipe
screw with long thread
M12 x 1
6 - Brake line, 14 Nm
❑ to rear left brake caliper
❑ Distinguishing feature: ∅ 5.25 mm and pipe screw with long thread M10 x 1
7 - Hydraulic unit for ABS -N55- with ABS/ESC control unit -J104-
❑ removing and installing ⇒ page 15
8 - Support
9 - Screw, 8 Nm
10 - Rubber shock absorber bushing
11 - Nut, 20 Nm
12 - Support
13 - Nut, 20 Nm
14 - Brake servo unit
❑ if there are faults replace completely
15 - Brake line, 14 Nm
❑ from master brake cylinder (push rod piston circuit) to ABS hydraulic unit
❑ Distinguishing feature: ∅ 6 mm and pipe screw with long thread M10 x 1
16 - Brake line, 14 Nm
❑ from master brake cylinder (floating piston circuit) to ABS hydraulic unit
❑ Distinguishing feature: ∅ 6 mm and pipe screw with long thread M10 x 1
The brake lines around the hydraulic unit must not be bent!
– Release the fuse plug -1- -in the direction of arrow A- and pull
it off the control unit in the -direction of arrow 2-.
– Position brake pedal load , e.g. -V.A.G 1869/2- .
– Attach the bleeder hose of the bleeding bottle onto the vent
valves of the front left and rear left brake caliper and open vent
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– Press down brake pedal with brake unless
pedal load e.g. -V.A.G
authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
1869/2- at least 60 mm. with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
– Mark both brake lines -5- and -6- from the master brake cyl‐
inder and unscrew from the hydraulic unit.
– Close the brake lines and threaded holes immediately with
plugs from the repair kit -1H0 698 311 A- .
– Mark the brake lines (for brake caliper) -1- to -4-, unscrew and
– Pull hydraulic unit with control unit upwards and out of the
shock absorbers.
The ABS control unit -J104- and the ABS hydraulic unit -N55-
must not be separated from each other.
The hydraulic pump and the ABS hydraulic unit -N55- must not
be separated from each other.
♦ Only then remove plugs from the new hydraulic unit when the
relevant brake line is installed.
♦ If the plugs were already removed from the hydraulic unit, then
brake fluid may escape and adequate filling and bleeding of
the unit can no longer be guaranteed.
♦ Make sure that the rubber bearings are not pressed out of the
console when installing the bracket. After installing, check the
ABS control unit for tight fit, otherwise failure may be caused
by a malfunctioning.
Tightening torques:
Screw for hydraulic unit to bracket 8 Nm
Bracket for hydraulic unit to body 20 Nm
Brake lines to ABS unit:
Thread M 10 x 1 14 Nm
Thread M 12 x 1 14 Nm
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
The brake lines around the hydraulic unit must not be bent!
– Release the fuse plug -1- -in the direction of arrow A- and pull
it off the control unit in the -direction of arrow B-.
The illustration shows the ABS hydraulic unit -N55- with the ABS/
ESC control unit -J104- on left-hand drive vehicles.
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
– Mark both brake lines -A- and -B- from the master brake cyl‐
inder and unscrew from the hydraulic unit.
– Close the brake lines and threaded holes immediately with
plugs from the repair kit -1H0 698 311 A- .
– Mark the brake lines (for brake caliper) -1- to -4-, unscrew and
– Pull the hydraulic unit with the control unit -1- out of the shock
absorbers -arrows- -in direction of arrow-.
– Remove the ABS control unit -J104- and the ABS hydraulic
unit -N55- from the vehicle.
The ABS control unit -J104- and the ABS hydraulic unit -N55-
must not be separated from each other.
The hydraulic pump and the ABS hydraulic unit -N55- must not
be separated from each other.
♦ Only then remove plugs from the new hydraulic unit when the
relevant brake line is installed.
♦ If the plugs were already removed from the hydraulic unit, then
brake fluid may escape and adequate filling and bleeding of
the unit can no longer be guaranteed.
♦ Make sure that the rubber bearings are not pressed out of the
console when installing the bracket. After installing, check the
ABS control unit for tight fit, otherwise failure may be caused
by a malfunctioning.
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Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
Tightening torques:
Screw for hydraulic unit to bracket 8 Nm
Bracket for hydraulic unit to body 20 Nm
Brake lines to ABS unit:
Thread M 10 x 1 14 Nm
Thread M 12 x 1 14 Nm
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
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Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
Tightening torques:
Screw for hydraulic unit to bracket 8 Nm
Bracket for hydraulic unit to body 20 Nm
Brake lines to ABS unit:
Thread M 10 x 1 14 Nm
Thread M 12 x 1 14 Nm
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Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
4 Sensors
Assembly overview of the ABS speed sensor on the front axle
⇒ page 20
Assembly overview of the ABS speed sensor on the rear axle
⇒ page 23
Sensor unit for ESP -G419- ⇒ page 26
Steering angle sender -G85- ⇒ page 26
4.1 Assembly overview of the ABS speed sensor on the front axle
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
4. Sensors 21
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Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
Tightening torque:
Wheel speed sensor in wheel-bearing housing 8 Nm
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Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
4.2 Assembly overview of the ABS speed sensor on the rear axle
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
The procedure for removal and installation of the ABS speed sen‐
sor is the same for the torsion beam axle as well as for the multi-
link suspension.
– Raise vehicle.
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Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
Tightening torque:
Wheel speed sensor in wheel-bearing housing 8 Nm
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
46 – Brakes - mechanism
1 Repairing front wheel brake
Changing the brake pads of the front brake - Mounting instruc‐
tions ⇒ page 27
Repairing front wheel brake, brake caliper PC 57 ⇒ page 28
Removing and installing the brake pads of the brake PC 57
⇒ page 29
Removing and installing the brake caliper of the brake PC 57
⇒ page 31
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1 - Cover plate
2 - Torx screw, 12 Nm
3 - Brake disc
❑ Brake disc thickness
and wear limit ⇒ page 1
❑ always replace axle-
❑ unscrew the brake cali‐
per before removing
❑ Assignment ⇒ Electron‐
ic Catalogue of Original
4 - Screw, 4.5 Nm
5 - Brake carrier
❑ screwed onto the wheel-
bearing housing
6 - Brake pads
❑ Brake lining thickness
⇒ page 1
❑ with wear indicator
❑ with a corresponding
wear (limit: approx. 4
mm) a warning light in
the dash panel insert
lights up
❑ Wear limit ⇒ page 1
❑ always replace axle-
wise Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not permitted
❑ removing and installing unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
⇒ page 29
❑ Assignment ⇒ Electron‐
ic Catalogue of Original
❑ Observe the instructions for changing the pad ⇒ page 27
7 - Brake caliper
❑ do not unscrew the brake line when replacing the brake pad
❑ removing and installing ⇒ page 31
❑ Repairing ⇒ page 56 .
❑ Assignment ⇒ Electronic Catalogue of Original Parts
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
– Remove the brake caliper -1- and secure with wire in such a
way that the weight of the brake caliper does not burden or
damage the brake hose
– Remove brake pads -2- and -3- from the brake
Protectedcaliper -4-.
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Cleaning: with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Do not blow out brake system with compressed air; the result‐
ing dust constitutes a health hazard!
– Press the piston into the brake caliper using the piston reset‐
ting jig -T10145- .
– Lightly grease guiding surface for brake pads on brake carrier
with grease from the repair kit.
– Insert brake pads -2- with retaining springs -1- into the recess‐
es in the brake carrier -3-.
– Carefully position the brake caliper on the brake carrier.
– Screw the brake caliper onto the brake carrier with new self-
locking screws, while counterholding the guide bolts.
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– Mount plug connection -1- for brake unless
pad wear indicator.
authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
– Attach the wheels.
♦ After every brake pad change, depress brake pedal firmly sev‐
eral times with vehicle stationary, so that brake pads are
properly seated in their normal operating position.
♦ Check brake fluid level after replacing the brake pads.
Tightening torque:
Brake caliper to brake carrier 35 Nm
♦ always use new screws
The procedure applies only for the replacement or for the follow‐
ing repair work on the brake caliper.
– Remove wheels.
– Disconnect the plug connection for the brake pad wear indi‐
– Attach the bleeder hose of the bleeding bottle onto the vent
valve of the brake caliper and then open then bleeder valve.
– Position brake pedal load e.g. -V.A.G 1869/2- .
– Close the vent valve and remove the bleeding bottle.
– Remove brake hose.
– Unscrew both fixing screws while counterholding the guide
– Pull off brake caliper from brake carrier.
• The piston is pushed back.
• Both brake pads are inserted into the recesses in the brake
carrier with retaining springs.
– Fit brake caliper to the brake carrier.
While doing so, use new screws.
– Install brake hose.
– Remove brake pedal load e.g. -V.A.G 1869/2- .
– Mount the plug connection of the brake pad wear indicator.
– Bleed brake system.
– Attach the wheels.
Tightening torques:
Brake caliper to brake carrier 35 Nm
♦ always use new screws
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
1 - Screw, 8 Nm
2 - ABS wheel speed sensor
❑ clean the inner surface
of the hole before insert‐
ing the sensor and
brush over with a hot
bolt paste -
G 052 112 A3 - .
3 - Screw, 90 Nm + 90°
❑ replace after each re‐
4 - Brake line
5 - Assembly carrier Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not permitted
6 - Hand-brake cable unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
❑ Setting the hand-brake
⇒ page 48
7 - Cover plate
❑ Assignment ⇒ Electron‐
ic Catalogue of Original
8 - Axle stud
9 - Screw, 30 Nm + 90°
❑ replace after each re‐
10 - Wheel hub with wheel
❑ Assignment ⇒ Electron‐
ic Catalogue of Original
11 - Screw, 200 Nm + 180°
❑ replace after each re‐
❑ Loosening and tightening ⇒ chassis, axles, steering; Rep. gr. 42
12 - Brake disc
❑ Brake disc thickness, wear limit and ∅ ⇒ page 1
❑ if worn replace axle-wise
❑ unscrew the brake caliper before removing
❑ Assignment ⇒ Electronic Catalogue of Original Parts
13 - Screw, 8 Nm
14 - Dust cap
❑ replace after each removal
❑ pressing off and driving in ⇒ chassis, axles, steering; Rep. gr. 42
15 - Brake carrier with guide bolts and protective caps
16 - Brake pads
❑ Brake disc thicknnes and wear limit ⇒ page 1
❑ always replace axle-wise
❑ removing and installing ⇒ page 36
❑ Observe the instructions for changing the pad ⇒ page 34
17 - Brake caliper
❑ do not unscrew the brake line when replacing the brake pad
❑ removing and installing ⇒ page 40
❑ one must adjust the hand-brake cable after undertaking repair or replacement work
❑ Setting the hand-brake ⇒ page 48
❑ Observe the instructions for changing the pad ⇒ page 34
18 - Self-locking screw, 35 Nm
❑ replace after each removal
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36 with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
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Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
♦ Drain the brake fluid from the brake fluid reservoir using a
ventilation bottle before resetting the piston. Otherwise brake
fluid can flow out and lead to damage if brake fluid was added
in the meantime.
♦ When resetting the piston with a piston resetting device the
automatic reset in the brake caliper is destroyed.
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
Brake fluid iswith
toxic and must never be sucked up by mouth!
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
There are four self-locking screws in the repair set, which must
be fitted.
– Secure the brake caliper to the brake carrier using new self-
locking screws.
Hold the guide bolts while tightening the screws.
– Connect up the plug connection for the brake pad wear indi‐
cator (where the vehcile is fitted with this - only right vehicle
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
Tightening torques:
Brake caliper to brake carrier 35 Nm
♦ Use new screws!
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
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Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
Tightening torques:
Brake caliper to brake carrier 35 Nm
♦ Use new self-locking screws!
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
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Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
1 - Screw, 8 Nm
2 - Brake disc
❑ Brake disc thickness,
wear limit and ∅
⇒ page 1
❑ if worn replace axle-
❑ unscrew the brake cali‐
per before removing
❑ Assignment ⇒ Electron‐
ic Catalogue of Original
3 - Screw, 200 Nm + 180°
❑ replace after each re‐
❑ Loosening and tighten‐
ing ⇒ chassis, axles,
steering; Rep. gr. 42
4 - Wheel hub with wheel bear‐
❑ Assignment ⇒ Electron‐
ic Catalogue of Original
5 - Screw, 12 Nm
6 - Cover plate
7 - Wheel-bearing housing
❑ Assignment ⇒ Electron‐
ic Catalogue of Original
8 - ABS wheel speed sensor
9 - Screw, 8 Nm
10 - Screw, 90 Nm + 90° Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not permitted
❑ replace after each removalunless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
11 - Self-locking screw, 35 Nm
❑ replace after each removal
12 - Hand-brake cable
❑ Setting the hand-brake ⇒ page 48
13 - Brake caliper
❑ do not unscrew the brake line when replacing the brake pad
❑ removing and installing ⇒ page 46
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
❑ one must adjust the hand-brake cable after undertaking repair or replacement work
❑ Setting the hand-brake ⇒ page 48
❑ Observe the instructions for changing the pad ⇒ page 34
14 - Brake carrier with guide bolts and protective caps
15 - Brake pads
❑ Brake disc thicknnes and wear limit ⇒ page 1
❑ always replace axle-wise
❑ removing and installing ⇒ page 43
❑ Observe the instructions for changing the pad ⇒ page 34
16 - Brake line
17 - Dust cap
❑ replace after each removal
❑ pressing off and driving in ⇒ chassis, axles, steering; Rep. gr. 42
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
– Insert brake pads -2- with retaining springs -1- into the recess‐
es in the brake carrier -3-.
– Carefully position the brake caliper on the brake carrier.
– Secure the brake caliper using new self-locking screws.
♦ There are four self-locking screws in the repair set, which must
be fitted.
– Attach the wheels.
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
Tightening torques:
Brake caliper to brake carrier 35 Nm
♦ Use new self-locking screws!
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
Tightening torques:
Brake caliper to brake carrier 35 Nm
♦ Use new self-locking screws!
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
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Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
3 Handbrake
Handbrake lever - Summary of components ⇒ page 48
Setting the hand-brake ⇒ page 48
Removing and installing the hand-brake cable ⇒ page 49
1 - Handbrake lever
❑ Remove the centre con‐
sole before removal
2 - Screw, 20 Nm + 90°
❑ replace after each re‐
3 - Tension rod
4 - Compensating clamp
5 - Adjusting nut
❑ Setting the hand-brake
⇒ page 48
6 - Hand-brake cable
❑ removing and installing
⇒ page 49
7 - Switch for hand-brake con‐
8 - Covering for the hand brake
❑ Assignment ⇒ Electron‐
ic Catalogue of Original
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
– ... that the levers -1- rise from the stop -2- on the brake cali‐
– The distance -a- to the stop -2- on the left and right brake cal‐
iper must together not exceed 1.5 mm.
– Check whether the wheels rotate freely.
Resetting of the hand-brake is not required after a new setting
procedure due to the automatic resetting of the rear wheel-brake.
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– Slacken the spring bushing -1- for the hand-brake cable from
the bracket on the brake caliper.
– Press the lever at brake caliper -2- in the
-direction of the arrow- and unhook the hand-brake cable -3-.
– Unscrew screw for hand brake cable from trailing arm.
Vehicles with torsion beam axle
– Pull hand-brake cable from guide tube.
Vehicles with multi-link suspension
3. Handbrake 49
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
– Unhook the hand-brake cable from the retaining clip -1- and
pull out of the guide tube.
Vehicles with torsion beam axle
– Push the hand-brake cable into the guide tube and attach it to
the bracket.
Vehicles with multi-link suspension
– Press the lever at brake caliper -2- in the direction of the arrow
and hook on the hand-brake cable -3-.
– Press the spring clip -1- onto the hand-brake cable.
The hand-brake cable must be fitted free of stress between the
brake caliper support and the retaining clip.
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
4 Brake pedal
Summary of components of brake pedal ⇒ page 51
Separating the brake pedal from the brake servo unit and clipping
onto the brake servo unit ⇒ page 52
Removing and installing brake pedal ⇒ page 53
Removing and installing bracket ⇒ page 54
Removing and installing brake light switch ⇒ page 55
1 - Self-locking nut, 25 Nm
❑ replace after each re‐
❑ observe the order of
tightening up
⇒ page 52
2 - Bearing bolt
❑ replace after each re‐
❑ removing
– Removing bracket
⇒ page 54 .
❑ Loosen the screw for the
bearing bolt anti-clock‐
⇒ Item 10 (page 52)
❑ Pull out bearing bolt.
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
3 - Bearing bracket
❑ removing and installing
⇒ page 54
4. Brake pedal 51
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
4 - Bushing
5 - Brake pedal
6 - Cap
7 - Bushing
8 - Bearing shell
9 - Support
❑ for ball head of pressure rod of brake servo unit
10 - Screw for bearing bolt
❑ replace after each removal
Tightening order
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
– Press the brake pedal towards the brake servo unit and hold
it in position.
2 - Pressure rod
3 - Retaining lugs
– Insert release tool -T10159A- and pull it in the direction of the
driver's seat while counterholding the brake pedal (the pedal
must not move backwards during this operation). This causes
the retaining lugs -3- of the support to be pressed off the
spherical head of the push rod -2-.
The fig. shows the separation of the brake pedal from the brake
servo unit with the foot controls removed for clarity.
– Now pull the release tool -T10159A- and the brake pedal jointly
towards the driver's seat. (This causes the brake pedal to be
pulled off the spherical head of the pressure rod).
Clipping the brake pedal onto the brake servo unit
– Hold the ball knob of the pressure rod against the support in
the brake pedal and press the brake pedal in the direction of
the arrow towards the brake servo unit so that the ball knob is
heard to click into the support.
Further installation occurs in reverse order.
Do not grease the bearing bolt. The bearing bolt must remain
4. Brake pedal 53
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
– Tighten the screw for the bearing bolt -in direction of arrow-.
The fuses -B- must click audibly into place.
– Installing bracket ⇒ page 54 .
– Release the nut -1- and carefully pull off the foot mat -2-
-in direction of arrow-.
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Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
– Disconnect the plug -1- from the brake light switch -F- -2-.
– Unscrew fixing screw of brake light switch -F- -2-.
– Remove brake light switch -F- -2-.
– Installation is carried out in the reverse order.
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Tightening torque with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
4. Brake pedal 55
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
47 – Brakes - hydraulics
1 Repairing front brake caliper
Repairing brake caliper C 57 ⇒ page 56
Removing and installing the piston of the brake caliper C 57
⇒ page 57
1 - Dust cap
2 - Bleeder valve, 10 Nm
❑ thinly coat thread with
Protected grease
by copyright. -Gfor052
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
150 A2- before screwing
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
3 - Screw, 35 Nm
❑ replace after each re‐
4 - Guide bolt
5 - Collar
❑ insert into the slot of the
brake carrier and of the
guide pin; grease the
slot first using grease
packing from the repair
6 - Brake carrier with guide
bolts and protective caps
❑ is supplied as replace‐
ment part assembled
with guide pin and pro‐
tective caps as well as
adequate quantity of
grease on guide pins
❑ if there is any damage to
the boots or guide bolts
fit a repair set (use the
enclosed grease pack‐
ing to grease the guide
7 - Protective cap
❑ removing and installing
⇒ page 57
❑ do not damage when inserting the piston
8 - Piston
❑ removing and installing ⇒ page 57
9 - Sealing ring
❑ removing and installing ⇒ page 57
10 - Brake caliper
Make sure that the cylinder surface is not damaged when remov‐
ing the gasket ring.
– Position the new protective cap with the outer sealing lip on
the piston.
– Insert the inner sealing lip of the collar into the groove of the
cylinder using the plastic wedge -3409- .
To do so hold the piston with the hand.
– Press the piston into the brake caliper using the piston reset‐
ting jig -T10145- .
The outer sealing lip of the protective cap will engage in the piston
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Rep. gr.47 - Brakes - hydraulics
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
– Position the new protective cap with the outer sealing lip on
the piston.
– Insert inner sealing lip of the protective cap with disassembly
wedge -3409 - in the groove of the cylinder.
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
Insert the resetting tool -T10165- in such a way that the collar is
resting on the brake caliper.
– Screw the piston by turning the knurled wheel of the resetting
tool -T10165- to the right into the brake caliper.
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– Connect the thread plug -1- of the brake filling and bleeding
device e.g. -VAS 5234- to the brake fluid reservoir.
– Provide a suitable catch pan for used brake fluid.
– Remove the dust caps of the bleeder valves at the brake cal‐
– Switch on the brake filling and bleeding device and activate
the system with a brake fluid pressure of approx. 0.2 MPa.
– Fit the hose of the bleeding bottle -1- onto the corresponding
bleeder valve.
– Loosen bleeder valve.
– Extract as much brake fluid as possible until even the smallest
air bubbles have escaped.
– Close vent valve.
– Repeat this procedure for all brake calipers in the prescribed
sequence until the brake system is fully bled.
Bleeding sequence
1. Rear right brake caliper
2. Rear left brake caliper
3. Front right brake caliper
4. Front left brake caliper
– Inspect pedal position and idle travel at brake pedal. Idle trav‐
el: max. 1/3 of pedal travel.
– Repeat the whole procedure if necessary (several times), until
perfect bleeding is achieved.
– After bleeding close the relevant vent valve and fit dust cap.
– If necessary, correct the brake fluid level in the brake fluid res‐
– Disconnect the brake filling and bleeding device .
– Disconnect the brake filling and bleeding device from the
brake fluid reservoir.
– Perform a test drive. While doing so, at least one ABS adjust‐
ment must be carried out on vehicles with ABS!
1 - Self-locking nut, 25 Nm
❑ replace after each re‐
2 - Foot controls
3 - Front wall
4 - Self-locking nut, 23 Nm
❑ replace after each re‐
5 - Master brake cylinder
❑ cannot be repaired
❑ if there are faults re‐
place completely
❑ removing and installing
⇒ page 68
❑ Assignment ⇒ Electron‐
ic Catalogue of Original
6 - Brake light switch -F -
❑ Fitting location: on mas‐
ter brake cylinder
❑ removing and installing
⇒ page 55
❑ check ⇒ Vehicle diag‐
nostic tester
7 - Screw, 8 Nm
8 - Brake line, 14 Nm
❑ Master brake cylinder/
floating piston circuit to
hydraulic unit
9 - Brake line, 14 Nm
❑ Master brake cylinder/
push rod piston circuit to hydraulic unit
10 - Plugs
❑ moisten with brake fluid, insert in the brake cylinder and press in the brake fluid reservoir
11 - Brake fluid level warning contact -F34-
12 - Brake fluid reservoir
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13 - Vacuum with
hose respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
14 - Screw cap
15 - Gasket
❑ for brake servo unit
16 - Gasket
17 - Brake servo unit
❑ Inspect proper operation:
– With the engine off press down brake pedal repeatedly with force (this reduces the pressure already
present in the device).
– Now hold the brake pedal in brake position using a medium foot pressure and start the engine. If the
brake servo unit operates perfectly the brake pedal must yield noticeably under your foot (servo boost
takes effect).
❑ if there are faults replace completely
❑ removing and installing ⇒ page 72
18 - Gasket
– Detach the return hose -B- of the clutch master cylinder from
the brake fluid reservoir and attach it slightly higher.
Continued for all vehicles:
– If present,Protected
disconnect the plug -1- from the brake light switch
by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not permitted
-F- , the plug
unless-2- from by
authorised the vacuum
ŠKODA AUTO A. sensor
S. ŠKODA -G608-
AUTO A. and the
S. does not plug
guarantee or accept any liability
-3- from thewith
to the level warning
correctness contact
of information in this-F34- . Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.��
– Unscrew the brake lines -1- at the master brake cylinder, close
the brake lines with the screw plugs from the repair kit -1H0
698 311 A- .
– Unscrew nuts -2- from brake master cylinder.
– If present, remove the protection plate.
– Carefully remove brake master cylinder from brake servo.
– Installation is carried out in the reverse order.
When installing, pay particular attention to the following points:
– When installing the master brake cylinder with the brake servo
unit pay attention to the correct positioning of the pressure rod
in the master brake cylinder.
– Bleeding brake system ⇒ page 65 .
– Bleed clutch ⇒ Gearbox; Rep. gr. 30 .
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Tightening torques:
Master brake cylinder to brake servo unit 23 Nm
♦ Use new nuts!
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Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
Tightening torques:
Brake servo to pedal cluster/bulkhead 25 Nm
♦ Use new nuts!
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Octavia III 2013 ➤
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6 Brake line
Repairing brake lines ⇒ page 74 .
Flaring tool - Summary of components ⇒ page 76 .
Work instruction ⇒ page 76 .
Octavia III 2013 ➤
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6. Brake line 75
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The arrow, on the rounded side of the flaring chucks, must point
to the housing edge and the straight side of the flaring chucks
must be installed to the spindle, otherwise the flaring head is not
properly formed.
Octavia III 2013 ➤
Brake systems - Edition 12.2012
– Clamp the brake line in the gripping pliers -4- tight enough, so
that it protrudes approx. 50 mm out of the plastic chuck jaws.
– Tension the peeler -3- in a boring machine and place it onto
the brake line.
– Peel off the coating of the brake line using the slower speed
of the boring machine and by exerting a slight pressure against
the brake line.
The length of the peeling is determined by the stop in the peeler.
– Separate the peeler from the brake line and remove peel res‐
– Remove the gripping pliers and push the pipe screw -D- onto
the brake line.
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– Push the brake line -B- against the stop -A- in the flaring tool.
When tightening the Allen screws the brake line must lie against
the stop, otherwise the flaring head does not function properly.
– Pre-tension the brake line in the flaring tool so that the brake
line can no longer be moved. Fold up the stop -A- and then
tighten the Allen screws crosswise completely with the offset
screwdriver -C-.
6. Brake line 77
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