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Adp Policy

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In pursuance of Entries 1 and 4 for Planning &

Development Department in Schedule II of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Rules of Business, 1985



Table of Contents


Section 1 Introduction 1

Section 2 Key Policy Principles 3

Section 3 Guiding Documents and Goals 6

Section 4 Improving the integration of different components of the budget 7

Section 5 The size of the ADP, and sectoral allocations 7

Section 6 Development Spending in the Newly Merged Tribal Districts 9

Section 7 The District ADP 9

Section 8 The Federal PSDP, and Foreign Development Assistance 10

Section 9 Public Private Partnerships 10

Section 10 Project Identification & Approval 10

Section 11 In year 2020-21 management and monitoring of the ADP Programme 11

Section 12 Special Development Programmes and Contingencies 12

Section 13 Procedures 13

Section 14 Policy Amendments and Guidelines 14

2020-21 POLICY

Section 1. Introduction.
1.1 The Annual Development Programme (ADP) is the instrument through
which the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa plans, executes and monitors a
significant proportion of development spending in the province. It is placed for
approval in the provincial assembly as part of the annual provincial budget, and
has the legal backing and approval of the provincial assembly as per Constitution
of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, once the budget is passed. The document
in hand i.e. the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Annual Development Programme (ADP)
Policy 2020-21 describes the rules and regulations which will guide how the ADP
is planned, executed and monitored.

1.2 The ADP has to be a reflection of the short term vision and priorities of
the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Therefore, in its formulation, it should
help achieve the goals and objectives of the provincial government.

1.3 The ADP must be made considering a number of factors, including but not
limited to: overall and sectoral policy choices; the overall financial outlay
available; the need to maximize economic growth and development for the
province; the need to maximize public impact; the goal of improving service
delivery and infrastructure; the goal of eradicating poverty, the need to address
the development lag of specific areas; the population and resource contribution
of specific areas; a consideration of past investments made and future
investments planned; investments made through other budgetary instruments,
such as the current budget or the PSDP; measures to address duplications; and
the need to invest in each part of the province, while ensuring value for money
(VFM). Naturally, in considering such a large number of factors, a key element
of making the ADP is the need to make policy and investment choices and trade-

1.4 Equitable, rather than equal distribution, is an important criterion in ADP

design. However, this is a principle that is often misunderstood, without any
rational impact per capita, and therefore it needs to be defined and explained

1.5 While the Provincial ADP assists in the development of the province, it
cannot be seen as an investment instrument in isolation, in particular, to gauge

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whether spending has been made in an equitable manner across the province.
This is because, as a planning instrument for the entire province, the ADP needs
to look at investments differently: intra-district projects such as highways; and
provincial projects such as specialized service delivery centers, (e.g. the Institute
of Kidney Diseases) may be located in one district, but serve the entire province;
other projects, such as building up tourism infrastructure, are likely to be region
specific; yet other projects, such as the demand for schools, are likely to be
based not just on population, but also on policy, as well as on economic
affluence of the region (e.g. in more developed areas a greater proportion of
parents will choose to send their children to private schools); similarly, over
multiple years, investments may be sequenced across the different parts of the
province, such as the district beautification schemes in which the first
investments were made in the divisional headquarters, followed by the districts.

1.6 These facts clearly demonstrate that a simple distribution of funds across
districts and constituencies would actually result in a sub-optimal planning
instrument that may actually be construed as a suboptimal use of public money.
The aim of the Provincial ADP is to decide investments across the province, in
an integrated and holistic manner, attempting to maximize economic impact. It
should attempt to incorporate equitability wherever appropriate; and more
importantly, it should attempt to be a fair instrument overall. An ADP should be
judged as fair if it can show that as part of the provincial budget, it helps advance
the development of each part of the province. In doing so, it should consider the
specific economic characteristics and development needs of different areas; as
well as other investments in those areas; through the PSDP; the current budget;
the district ADP; Foreign Development Assistance; private sector funding; and
any other sources, while also remaining cognizant of size of the development
kitty vs competing demands. The District ADP, an important as well as integral
part of the overall ADP, is the component that is ring-fenced for each district,
through the Provincial Finance Commission (PFC) award. It is an important
instrument of fairness, since it is the portion of the ADP that is actually dedicated
to each district.

1.7 The Planning & Development (P&D) Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

intends to ensure that the process of formulation of the ADP results in the best
possible outcome, to help achieve the vision, priorities, policies, goals and
objectives of the Government. This policy, approved by the provincial cabinet,
will help to attain that through the tenure of this government, through to 2023.

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Section 2. Key Policy Principles:
The ADP is to be framed and administered according to the set of policy
principles below to which the Government, i.e. the Chief Minister and his
cabinet, are fully committed. These are:
2.1 The investments made in the ADP need to help develop the provincial
economy, and improve the lives of people. This principle needs to be at the
heart of designing, allocating and executing development investments in the

2.2 The ADP, so formulated, has to aim to maximize the scale and speed of
impact, and get as much development done as possible, as quickly as possible;
while reflecting the policies and goals of the government. This means that
money should be spent where it has the most direct impact on people or the
economy. It also means that any administrative spend that has no public impact
should be reviewed and minimized. Other traditional planning principles should
also be challenged. For example, due for completion schemes should be
prioritized, however only to the extent that they actually result in public or
economic impact.

2.3 The ADP is funded by tax payers’ money. It is therefore a public fund to
be spent on the people of Pakhtunkhwa and on developing the provincial
economy. The Government of the day has the responsibility to frame and
administer the ADP in the best interests of the people of the province.

2.4 No public representative or public servant, including the Chief Minister,

Ministers, MPAs of government or the opposition benches, or other public
servants, may claim any individual right or discretion over the ADP. In line with
multiple decisions of the superior judiciary, the practice of issuing CM
Directives, at his sole discretion, for allocation and distribution of funds for
umbrella / block development schemes shall be immediately discontinued. As
the development plan for the province, funded by tax-payers’ money, the ADP
project selection processes will be merit and criteria based and in line with
sectoral policies and need. The project selection processes will however be open
to input from all public representatives and citizens; with their proposals treated
on merit in line with government policy and strategy and the principles stated in
this document. Nothing in this section or policy shall prohibit CM, any Minister
or MPAs (both Treasury and Opposition benches) from making a proposal, to be
evaluated, as per policy.

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2.5 In line with the preceding principle, the concept of “Development Funds
for MPAs” has already been discontinued. Other than any existing schemes
already in the ADP where public fund has already been spent and scrapping
the project would mean loss to such outlay, no new schemes will be
introduced from now on that are constituency specific. This is because these
may be interpreted as effectively being an alternate form of development funds
for MPAs. However, all MPAs (both from treasury as well as opposition
benches), as well as other citizens, will continue to have a right to propose viable
development schemes for the ADP. These shall be scrutinized according to need
and criteria and in line with government policy and strategy, through well-
defined apolitical departmental and government approval processes.

2.6 The ADP will be designed on a sectoral basis. Each sector should develop
a sectoral plan that guides ADP project selection. Projects should contribute to
achieving the outcomes the sector intends to achieve and these outcomes
should in turn be driven by a clear definition of sectoral needs solutions, policies
and strategies to fulfil them. The financial constraints at hand must also be
considered in developing these plans. P&D Department shall help the line
departments to define sectoral goals with the consultation of all stakeholders
and make a comprehensive framework to achieve those goals.

2.7 The ADP must also ensure Regional Development across the province.
This will be done through a regional planning exercise, to identify the key
development needs in each region to make a phased plan for those investments,
in the context of sectoral policy and to fit them in the ADP framework.

2.8 Investments in the ADP must also be seen in conjunction with other
investments in the sector. These include the current budget, Foreign
Development Assistance, the Federal Public Sector Development Programme
(PSDP), other private sector investments, district budgets, and funding through
any other programme. Investments made in previous years must also be
considered. This will ensure that an integrated view of all investments made is
taken into consideration when deciding the ADP and will help to avoid
overlapping investments and encourage synergies.

2.9 The Provincial ADP must be designed in a fair and transparent manner
that maximizes economic value for the province, ensures development,
economic growth, improvement in service delivery and eradication of poverty,
amongst other goals. The equitable distribution of resources, wherever

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appropriate, should be one of the criterion taken into consideration in designing
the ADP.

2.10 However, this should not imply that the ADP should be equally,
proportionately or formulaically distributed across sectors, regions, districts,
tehsils or constituencies. Instead, a fair and transparent ADP should be able to
demonstrate that, seen in conjunction with other parts of the provincial budget,
the ADP helps advance the development across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The fair
geographic spread of ADP funds across the province will be addressed through
two ways; first, through the District ADP; and second, through the regional
planning exercise. Regional investments should be need based, and consider the
specific economic characteristics and development needs of different areas;
including factors such as the Human Development Index (HDI), fiscal
performance and revenue potential; as well as other investments made in each

2.11 In designing the ADP, provincial government must also consider a multi-
year view. The need to make policy choices means that the ADP in a single year
cannot be completely reflective of the Government’s intent to invest equitably
across the province. In- line with the Government’s policies and plans, a
medium-term ADP over the 2019-2023 cycle must be used to ensure that fair
investments are made in each part of the province.

2.12 Investments in the ADP must reduce unnecessary cost but not
compromise on impact. Hence investments must be judged not just on cost but
the impact and the value-for- money they bring, in particular in the context of
scarce financial resources available. Every sector must restrict itself to its legal
mandate e.g. Irrigation department must concentrate on building small dams,
canals and lining of canal rather than proposing roads and protection walls.

2.13 To maximize impact, the ADP formulation must move towards and mid-
term development framework. For example, sectoral investments must be
considered across multiple years and across the current and development
budgets available to the sectors; sectoral allocations will not be preset and
sectors will be able to compete for marginal allocations; and budget processes
across finance and the development budgets will be better integrated and
coordinated. Each sector must prepare its own priority lists and share it with
P&D Department.

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2.14 In ADP-2020-21 management will be based on giving greater
responsibility and flexibility to sectors in terms of making spending decisions,
with accountability and oversight processes being strengthened. In addition,
appraisal, approval and release processes will be continuously streamlined and
simplified to support faster delivery.

2.15 The ADP throw forward is one of the most important metrics to track.
Departments need to preferably keep their throw-forwards within reasonable
time limits. Departments with a throw forward of greater than five years shall
need to justify why they should be allowed to maintain a large portfolio they
cannot fund or prioritize. In the 2020-21 budget, the P&D department has
conducted an extensive exercise to prioritize and rationalize investments and
maintaining this discipline will be a continuous process.

Section 3. Guiding Documents and Goals:

3.1 The ADP formulation needs to take guidance from a number of
documents; including the sectoral policies framed and published in the policy
booklet titled “Delivering on the 100 Days Agenda”; the Sustainable
Development Strategy; the Tribal Decade Strategy; COVID-19, economic
recovery plan 2020 and any other sectoral policies or plans.

3.2 The ADP should also be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) that the Government of Pakhtunkhwa and the Government of Pakistan
have subscribed to, and help ensure that the targets underneath them can be

3.3 The ADP formulation process by individual departments should also be

cognizant of the Output Based Budget (OBB) stipulations prepared by the
provincial government and the Integrated Sectoral Reviews that will
compliment them.

3.4 Considering the points above, it is expected that departments will make
every effort to ensure that ADP is not a compendium of PC-Is only but is actually
reflective of the priorities and goals set out in these guiding documents, while
prioritizing investments that are strategic, sustainable, and have the greatest
impact; within a reasonable financial envelope.

3.5 Sectoral interventions in the ADP should contribute to the Government’s

mission of achieving accelerated GDP growth, and help ensure the goal of

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private sector-led economic development, boosting Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s
economic competitiveness.

Section 4. Improving the integration of different components of the budget:

4.1 The development budget, or the ADP, is not a standalone document and
thus cannot fully describe all the development and service delivery related work
going on the province. To maximize the service delivery potential of the
available funds in the budget, the budgeting process will ensure greater linkages
between the current and development budget finalization processes.

4.2 In addition, the budgeting process must ensure that the current and
development budgets for individual sectors are not viewed separately, but are
viewed as a whole, to be aligned with a sectoral plan for the sector. In addition,
in terms of considering the investments made in the sector, the Federal PSDP,
Foreign Project Assistance, and other private sector investments shall also be
considered while deciding the constitution of a sectoral ADP.

4.3 The calendars for the current and development budget shall be aligned
with each other. Therefore, the Budget Call Circular and the ADP calendar
should run in parallel, with touch points through the budget cycle at which the
overall budget is actually reviewed together. The calendar should begin with a
policy / strategy setting phase for each sector; an exercise that reviews and
refines sectoral policy, and proposed projects and programs supporting this
policy. This policy level input should have the consent of the respective ministers
and secretaries.

4.4 The Budget Call Circular can be used to help support this goal; it contains
sufficient provisions to complement the goals of the “Output Based
Budgeting/Budgeting for Service Delivery” exercise; by clearly spelling the
vision, goal, outcomes and outputs of each department, with SMART output
level indicators. All developmental schemes identified for inclusion in the ADP
as per the prescribed format circulated should be mapped / incorporated in the
forms and formats circulated by Finance Department via Budget Call Circular.

Section 5. The size of the ADP, and sectoral allocations:

5.1 Every effort shall be made during the budget process to maximize the
proportion of the development budget; i.e. the ADP; by cutting unnecessary
costs on the current side of the budget.

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5.2 The ADP and the budget shall be designed on the basis of sectoral
allocations. This shall be done by first identifying an overall sectoral share for
each sector or department; and then by allowing the concerned department to
have a significant say in how it would like to distribute its sectoral share across
the current and development budget. In terms of defining sectoral shares, both
at the overall level, as well as at the development budget level, a number of
factors will be considered; overall fiscal constraints and overall government
policy; the sector’s previous years’ budget, actual expenditure and
performance; the quality of plans; and the strategic importance of the sector in
the government’s overall plans.

5.3 While these factors are to be considered, sectors or departments should

not expect that their budgets are fully protected. Government policy will allow
for allocating greater resources to strategic sectors, or sectoral plans and
projects with the highest demonstrable impact.

5.4 While keeping this in mind, spend in areas that actual improve the service
delivery of existing investments shall be prioritized. Spend on productive service
delivery staff (e.g. teachers, doctors, and rescue staff) is critical and will be
prioritized, in comparison to expenditure on support and administrative staff,
and administrative expenses. Similarly, specific non-salary expenses such as the
spend on the operations and maintenance of roads, schools, hospitals on the
current side of the budget should also be recognized as productive spend that
actually impacts the performance and service delivery of government, and also
be prioritized.

5.5 In particular, spend in the social sector; and sectors that focus on service
delivery will be prioritized. In such sectors, such as education and health, every
effort shall be made to break the cycle of investing in unnecessary additional
brick and mortar expansion. Sectoral budgets in these sectors shall ensure that
the consolidation and service delivery from existing investments is prioritized
while setting the budget.

5.6 Sectoral allocations (and project allocations within such sectors) will also
be driven by departmental throw forwards. In the 2019-20 budget, the P&D
department has conducted an extensive exercise to prioritize and rationalize
investments, and maintaining this discipline will be a continuous process.

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Section 6. Development Spending in the Newly Merged Tribal Districts:
6.1 Development spending in the Newly Merged Tribal Districts will be given
special priority, given the need to accelerate development spending within
these areas.

6.2 Development spending will occur through the Merged Areas ADP and the
Accelerated Implementation Programme (AIP) and Foreign Assisted

6.3 The Merged Areas ADP/AIP shall also be administered in line with the
standing principles for the ADP for the rest of the province.

6.4 The Accelerated Implementation Programme (AIP) will be funded out of

the 10-year commitment of the federal government to make at least Rs. 1,000
billion of additional funding available to the merged areas. This funding is to be
distributed between additional requirements in the current budget, and
projects in the AIP. The AIP shall be used to fund any initiatives deemed a priority
for the development of the merged areas, including investments in areas
typically funded by the federal government such as power infrastructure, dams,

6.5 All funding earmarked for the merged areas will be ring-fenced, and will
not be spent anywhere else in the province including any bridge financing
6.6 Merged Areas ADP and AIP shall be integrated into provincial ADP during
the FY 2020-21.

Section 7. The District ADP:

7.1 The District ADP (or any other appropriate tiers as defined under the Local
Government Laws, so amended from time to time), to be regulated by the local
governments, will complement the Provincial ADP.
7.2 The shares of individual districts and tehsils will be decided by the
Provincial Finance Commission (PFC), and the development of the district /
tehsil budgets will endeavor to complement provincial investments, in line with
relevant laws, rules and regulations.

7.3 The District ADP, however, remain an integral part of the Provincial ADP
and will inter- alia be used as one of the tools for territorial fiscal equalization,

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based on the factors enumerated in the Local Government Laws.

7.4 Planning & Development Department will facilitate the District

government, tehsils councils, village councils/neighborhood councils, etc. in the
automation (PCFMS, DPMS, GIS, etc.) of development budget and monitoring of
the development schemes.

Section 8. The Federal PSDP, and Foreign Development Assistance:

8.1 Two key components that drive development in the province include
projects funded by Foreign Development Assistance, and through the Federal
Public-Sector Development Programme (PSDP). The investments made through
both will be considered while making the overall development plan for the

8.2 Both the PSDP, and the Foreign Development Assistance portfolio will be
continuously tracked and managed through the year, to maximize spend versus
budget, and the impact attained.

8.3 In both the PSDP and the Foreign Development Assistance portfolios, the
discretion regarding choice and location of development schemes and
programs, however, largely rest with the investing agency. Provincial
government may, however, strive to align the priorities of the investors to the
principles enumerated herein.

8.4 For monitoring purpose the PSDP portfolio must be reflected in the

Section 9. Public Private Partnerships:

9.1 The provincial government will encourage and facilitate viable projects
that can be executed through the “Public Private Partnership” mode, to
maximize the amount of development expenditure, happening in the province.

Section 10. Project Identification & Approval:

10.1 No development funds shall be issued in the names of the Chief Minister,
Ministers or any MPAs of the Government or the opposition. The ADP is funded
through tax-payers’ money, and therefore the benefit attained through the
spending of the ADP is the right of the public of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and not a
privilege for which public representatives should be thanked or given credits.

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10.2 Going forward, no new projects shall be approved that are constituency
specific, because this indirectly implies that the funds are the domain of the
constituency of an MPA. Instead, the use of public funds needs to be governed
based on government policy including this ADP policy and any sectoral policies,
need, VFM, and a transparent approval process. This however doesn’t bar
Planning and Development Department to plan technically feasible and
economically viable projects that might fall within one or more than one

10.3 Elected representatives, as well as the general public, will be able to

initiate proposals that are in line with government policy and the development
needs of specific areas. All of these requests, as well as any projects proposals
initiated by the government or by individual departments will be duly examined
through an identification and selection process, by the administrative
department concerned. Those qualifying to be in line with sectoral policy and
needs may be considered for inclusion into ADP, subject to resource envelope
constraints of the Provincial Government. Appropriate scrutiny committees may
be constituted at department level for initial scrutiny of proposals. The
scrutinized requests, in line with sectoral plans, shall be forwarded to P&D along
with specific recommendations. P&D Department, being custodian of the
Development agenda as per KP Rules of Business, will have the responsibility to
scrutinize the recommendations of departments and finalize identification and
selection of the projects. Moreover, public representatives can also use the
DDAC Act, 1989, to send their recommendations to the Planning and
Development Department.
10.4 The practice of identification of schemes through Chief Ministers’
Directives shall be immediately discontinued. This shall not preclude CM, any
Minister or MPAs (both Treasury and Opposition) from making a proposal, to be
evaluated by the administrative departments as per policy. Every effort shall be
made to ensure that projects in the ADP are approved prior to inclusion by the
relevant forum (DDWP / PDWP). However, where this is not done, all
unapproved PC-1s should preferably be prepared within initial three months of
commencement of financial year.
Section 11. Management and Monitoring of the Annual Development
11.1 The intent of the government is to maximize ADP spend through the year,
in line with what is budgeted. A separate set of guidelines has been prepared

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and approved by cabinet to optimize the management of the ADP through the

11.2 In particular, policies and processes should be reviewed and continuously

improved, at the level of administrative departments, Finance, and the P&D
departments, to minimize unnecessary red tape, accelerate approvals and
disbursements, while not compromising on the quality and integrity of spend.

11.3 The philosophy of the overall release policy should be to ensure that
administrative departments have both the relevant powers and responsibility
to take decisions, and that controls are in place to ensure that they can also be
held accountable for those decisions. For example, departments should easily
have the right to be able to re-appropriate funds for valid reasons, with relevant
checks and balances at the Finance/P&D departments and in the Chief Minister’s
office. Current processes should be reviewed to align with this philosophy.

11.4 P&D Department shall devise a robust monitoring and evaluation

mechanism and software for informed decision making.

11.5 P&D Department shall extend the planning and monitoring set up to all
district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as soon as possible.

11.6 The departments who ignored the monitoring reports must be given

Section 12. Special Development Programmes and Contingencies:

12.1 There shall be no block provisions in the ADP, with block provisions being
defined as the traditional non-specific allocation of funds that used to be kept in
the ADP with the names/ designations/ offices of individuals.
12.2 Going forward, there shall be no traditional umbrella schemes in the ADP
either, where an umbrella scheme is defined as a programme that is meant for
distribution at the constituency level of MPAs. Any existing schemes with throw
forward in the 2020-21 ADP, since they have been approved by the cabinet as
well as the Provincial Assembly and public money has already been spent
thereupon previously, shall be continued and brought to completion, in the
interest of public impact.

12.3 Schemes of a general nature, multi-sectoral implications or crosscutting

impacts that can be defined as Special Development Programmes, and will

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continue to be a part of the ADP. These programmes may also be for investment
in specific sectors, or geographies, or both. They will however not be subject to
specific distribution between MPAs or between constituencies. Instead, they
will be driven by programme specific approved guidelines and principles.

12.4 Such schemes will be open to any proposals that are made within the
scope of the scheme; these proposals will be evaluated against the specific
criteria developed for the Special Development Programme. Committees at the
department, P&D or government level may be constituted if required to screen
these proposals in line with developed criteria for the Special Development
Programme; with technical approval at relevant forums such as the DDC or
DDWP or PDWP. No projects will be approved in any Special Development
Programme without the relevant guidelines being in place and approved by the
competent forum.

12.5 The ADP may also contain one or more blocks strictly for emergency or
contingencies strictly in line with sectoral plans and government needs.

12.6 The special forum for permanent reconstruction/construction approved

by the provincial Cabinet shall also ensure the regional equalization in the
merged areas.

Section 13. Procedures:

13.1 Concept paper must be submitted by the departments from the start of
a financial year for the new projects according to the SDGs and sectoral goals
and mapping through DPMS. Only the approved concept papers from Concept
Clearance Committee (CCC) shall be included in the ADP/AIP and preferably
with approved PC1s.

13.2 The development release shall be done with the approval of the
Additional Chief Secretary (ACS) planning and development. Due for
Completion schemes must be given full release in the first release as much as

13.3 All releases shall be in accordance with the release policy proposed by
Finance Department and approved by the Cabinet.

13.4 Release instructions will only be issued by P&D Department, and Finance
Department will ensure the entry of all releases within three days after the
receipt of advice from P&D.

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13.5 Re-appropriation from “Due for Completion (DFC)” schemes will not be
allowed. In case of such eventuality, prior approval of P&D shall be mandatory.

13.6 All inter-sectoral re-appropriations shall be decided and authorized by

the P&D Department in SAP system. In case of financial crunch, Finance
Department shall advise P&D Department to withhold such re-appropriations.

13.7 Departmental Development Performance must be monitored through

the criteria of approvals, Administrative approvals (AAs), Revenue clearance
(RCs), technical sanctions (TSs), releases, physical and financial progress,
completing the Due for Completions within the year and using the planning and
development Software’s for submitting the Concept papers, approval of
PC-Is/PC-II from DDWPs, PDWPs, and monitoring of the projects and submitting
PC-IV and PC-V.

Section 14. Policy Amendments and Guidelines:

14.1 This policy has been approved by the Cabinet, and enjoy the full
commitment of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The Government may
however choose, through a cabinet decision, to update from time to time, these
guidelines as required.

14.2 The Planning & Development Department in pursuance of this ADP Policy
may issue, after approval of Minister P&D, one or more set of appropriate
guidelines for implementation of this policy. Any subsequent amendments to
these guidelines, within overall framework of this ADP Policy may be issued by
P&D department in line with relevant procedures.

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