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Electrolysis Based Water Treatment

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,800,206 B2

Robinson (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 5, 2004

(54) ELECTROLYSIS BASED WATER DE 44.16973 11/1995

TREATMENT DE 1964.2999 8/1997
DE 19819303 11/1999
(75) Inventor: Vivian Noel Edward Robinson, Five DE 10146961 A1 * 4/2003
Dock (AU) EP OO74530 3/1983
EP O341614 11/1989
EP O623558 11/1994
(73) Assignee: Ozcent PTY Ltd., New South Wales WO WO 200386981 A1 * 10/2003
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Derwent Abstract English Translation of EP 623558 Dated
U.S.C. 154(b) by 85 days. Nov. 9, 1994.
Derwent Abstract Accession No. 85-091789/15 SU
(21) Appl. No.: 10/221,055 1114–621-A Dated Sep. 23, 1984.
(22) PCT Filed: Mar. 15, 2001 Derwent Abstract English Translation of DE 19819303
(86) PCT No.: PCT/AU01/00283 Dated Nov. 4, 1999.
Derwent Abstract English Translation of EP 341 614 Dated
S371 (c)(1), Nov. 15, 1989.
(2), (4) Date: Dec. 16, 2002 Derwent Abstract English Translation of EP 74530 Dated
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO01/68532 Mar. 23, 1983.
Derwent Abstract English Translation of DE 19642999
PCT Pub. Date: Sep. 20, 2001 Dated Aug. 7, 1997.
(65) Prior Publication Data Derwent Abstract English Translation of DE 4416973 Dated
Nov. 16, 1995.
US 2003/0106854A1 Jun. 12, 2003
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data * cited by examiner
Mar. 15, 2000 (AU) ............................................ PO 6238 Primary Examiner Frank M. Lawrence
Nov. 22, 2000 (AU) ............................................. PR 1589 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Ladas & Parry
(51) Int. Cl. ................................................. CO2F 1/461 (57) ABSTRACT
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 210/746; 210/748; 210/243; Water treatment involves delivering an instantaneous elec
204/555 tric current to one or more pairs of activated electrodes
(58) Field of Search ................................. 210/703-707, immersed in the water, each of the pairs of electrodes
210/748, 746, 198.1, 205, 243, 221.1; 204/554, comprising a Sacrificial electrode operating predominantly
555, 556, 660, 661; 205/742, 743, 757 as an anode and an inert electrode operating predominantly
as a cathode. The Sacrifical electrode, when as an anode, is
(56) References Cited able to provide dissolved ions to the water as current passes
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS between the pairs of electrodes, to assist in treating the
water. The polarity of the electrodes is periodically reversed
4,855,061 A * 8/1989 Martin ....................... 210/709 to reduce electrode clogging. The amount of charge passed
4908,109 A * 3/1990 Wright ....................... 210/703 by the instantaneous electric current is indicative of the
5,282,381 A * 2/1994 Krone-Schmidt .......... 73/6141 degree to which the water has been treated, and is used to
control the treatment process.
AU 22485OO 10/2000 16 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets


Electrode 234
Power Supply and
U.S. Patent Oct. 5, 2004 Sheet 1 of 6 US 6,800,206 B2

Power Supply


140 Anode

FIG. 1
U.S. Patent Oct. 5, 2004 Sheet 2 of 6 US 6,800,206 B2


240 Pollutant

Clean Water Outlet Electrode 234

Reaction Tank
Power Supply and
Water In Raw Water
255 ta H

FIG. 2
U.S. Patent Oct. 5, 2004 Sheet 3 of 6 US 6,800,206 B2


F.G. 3
U.S. Patent Oct. 5, 2004 Sheet 5 of 6 US 6,800,206 B2
U.S. Patent Oct. 5, 2004 Sheet 6 of 6 US 6,800,206 B2



US 6,800,206 B2
1 2
ELECTROLYSIS BASED WATER trocoagulation Similarly Suffers from problems of electrode
TREATMENT clogging and the need for purpose building each System to
the particular water to be cleaned.
This application is a 371 of International Application No. The electrocoagulation process has been tried for many
PCT/AU01/00283, filed on Mar. 15, 2001, which designated years but has not been made to work satisfactorily. For
the United States of America. example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,872,959 to Herbst et al describes
a tubular System in which the water passes between inner,
FIELD OF THE INVENTION outer and central electrodes, and is designed to add floccu
lating ions to settle the pollutants to the bottom of the
The invention relates to water treatment and relates Settling tank into which the water will be passed. It uses iron
particularly, though not eXclusively, to treating polluted and aluminium anodes, though Suggests other metals as
water using electroflocculation and/or electrocoagulation well, for example copper cathode, iron anode. It is not very
reactions. Successful because the electrodes have a tendency to clog.
Further, the System is designed for Specific conductivities of
the water, and controlling the dose of coagulating ions
required for a particular reaction is not easy.
The ready availability of clean water is a key requirement U.S. Pat. No. 5,372,690 to Gardner-Clayson et al
for health and economic prosperity. Accordingly, the treat acknowledges that replacement of electrodes is a big prob
ment of polluted water assumes a new importance with lem and uses metallic, preferably aluminium, Steel (alloy) or
increasing population and consequent demands on fresh magnesium as method of overcoming the problem. Uses a
water Supplies. layer of metal balls, shot, irregular shaped particles to be
Electrolysis-based water treatment techniques represent consumable, instead of sheet. Current is passed from metal
one kind of method for treating polluted water. In this anode to these balls etc., which then pass cations into the
respect there are three different types of electrolysis-based water and the process repeats itself. It has the problem that
water treatment processes: large Voltages are required to drive the electric current
(i) electroflotation; 25 between the anode and cathode. Also there is no guarantee
that the metal particles in this shape are well Suited for the
(ii) electroflocculation; and passage of an electric current. Also, it does not address the
(iii) electrocoagulation. problems of variations in electrical conductivity of the
Electroflotation involves the use of inert electrodes in Water.
conjunction with a coagulating agent which has been added U.S. Pat. No. 5,558,755 to Gardner-Clayson et al is based
to the polluted water to be treated. A Voltage is applied to the upon a continuation application of the patent noted directly
electrodes, and liberated gas bubbles capture coagulated above. The discussed apparatus includes a fluidised bed of
particles, floating them to the Surface. This is Similar to a metallic particles through which the medium is flowed and
process known as dissolved air flotation (DAF) for treating through which an electric current is applied by electrodes for
industrially polluted water-except that the gas bubbles are 35 agglomerating contaminants in the medium. In order to
Supplied by electrolysis of the water and not by compressed allow the electrodes to be non-consumable so that they do
air. The process has been commercially available Since the not require frequent replacement, the particles are consum
mid 1970s, and is generally described by Dr Anselm Kuhn able.
in Electroflotation-the technology and waste water In both electrocoagulation and electroflocculation, there
applications, Chemical Processing, IPC Industrial Press Ltd, 40 has been a tendency to use electrodes of the same material,
London. for example, an aluminium anode and an aluminium cath
Electroflocculation uses Sacrificial electrodes to generate ode. In this case, a Significant problem is that the electrodes
the coagulating agent, but also uses the bubbles liberated at have clogged because of the build up of an oxide type layer
the electrodes to float the contaminants to the Surface. A few acroSS the Surface of the electrodes. Aluminium is deliber
electroflocculation processes have been attempted before 45 ately oxidised in a process known as anodising, and it is
but they have not been Successful for various reasons. These generally thought that the aluminium went into Solution at
limitations include: the anode. As a result, it has been considered difficult to
the clogging of the electrodes before the metal has been overcome this problem of aluminium going into Solution at
adequately Sacrificed; and the anode without forming an oxide layer at the anode.
the requirement to purpose build each unit for a particular 50 In essence, existing techniques generally Suffer from one
application because of inability of a single Set of or more limitations, Such as:
electrodes to handle a wide array of water conductivi The electrodes continually clog up, long before the metal
ties. had been adequately Sacrificed into Solution. This
Electrode clogging considerably increases the cost of the meant that the metal electrodes must be replaced at a
treatment process due to the high cost of electrode 55 high cost, making the process uneconomic.
replacement, typically making the proceSS prohibitively Variations in the conductivity of the water meant that the
expensive. The latter limitation has meant that it is necessary process was often difficult to control.
to tailor existing electroflocculation Systems for particular Variations in the amount of pollutant present meant that
water qualities. This has not been found to be a practical installations had to be configured for a particular water
solution for commercial viability. 60 quality. This again made commercial viability difficult.
Electrocoagulation also involves the use of Sacrificial It is an object of the present invention to at least attempt
electrodes to generate the coagulating agent-usually alu to address one or more of these and other limitations
minium or iron ions. Once the water has been treated, it is asSociated with existing techniques.
either filtered, allowed to Settle or Sent to a gas or air SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
flotation unit to remove the contaminants. Electrocoagula 65
tion process offers a number of potential advantages, if they It has been recognised that aluminium goes into Solution
can be realised. However, as with electroflocculation, elec at the cathode as well as at the anode, and that the reaction
US 6,800,206 B2
3 4
rate at the cathode is around 2.5 to 3 times faster than at the water to form a coagulating agent which attaches itself to the
anode. The cathode is also the electrode at which hydrogen pollutant particles (molecules, ions etc). Simultaneously,
gas is liberated, generating hydroxide groups and raising the liberated gas bubbles capture the coagulated pollutants and
pH of the water. Aluminium is an amphoteric metal and float them to the Surface from where the pollutants are easily
reacts with alkaline radicals (OH) as well as with acidic removed.
conditions (H"). At the cathode, OH reacts with water and A power Supply and electrode combination can be used in
aluminium to form an insoluble AL(OH), which adheres to which the Sacrificial electrodes are worn away until they are
the cathode, while at the anode, aluminium only goes into almost entirely used up. The cost of Sacrificial electrodes
Solution without forming an oxide layer. equates to USD 0.10 to USD 0.30 of metal per 1,000 litres
The invention recognises that a water treatment proceSS of water treated, depending upon the degree of treatment
can be advantageously provided by using the required (that is, pollution encountered). Substantial cost
electroflocculation/electrocoagulation principle, in which Savings compared with other water treatment methods are
two electrodes are used in combination. A Voltage is applied possible by almost completely consuming Sacrificial elec
acroSS the electrodes, with a positive Voltage being applied
to a Sacrificial anode and a negative Voltage applied to an 15 A preferred embodiment is able to effectively treat water
inert cathode. This voltage can be either direct current (DC) of varying conductivity, without needing to be specifically
or rectified alternating current. designed for treatment of a particular water type, or neces
Sarily requiring regular monitoring and adjustment by an
The polarity of the electrodes can be periodically reversed operator.
to mitigate Surface clogging of the aluminium electrode. Water is pumped into a tank, the electrodes activated, the
Reversing the polarity causes the material attracted to one pollutant removed from the top and the processed water
polarity to be driven off by repelling the material which was pumped out. The process repeats itself until Such time as
attracted. Repulsion can occur in a short time interval there is either no raw water available for processing or the
compared to that which results in clogging due to electric processed water is receiving tank is full. The one System can
attraction. Reversing the polarity for Small periods of time, 25 handle a wide range of pollutants including most materials
between a broad duty cycle range of 0.1% and 30% of the removed by particle filters, micro filtration and ultra filtra
time, reduces the build up of electrically deposited material, tion Systems, ie, Suspended Solids down to and including
thus extending effective electrode lifetime. large dissolved molecules, emulsified fats oils and greases
Using a predetermined amount of charge as an indication (FOGs), heavy metal cations and phosphates among others.
of the degree to which the water is treated allows for greater Suspended Solids include bacteria, parasites, algae, paint and
flexibility in the manner in which the water can be conve other pigments, carbon black, asbestos fibres, industrial grit,
niently treated allowing, for example, variations in water clay and Similar.
conductivity to be readily accommodated. A total charge, in The described system is able to treat water polluted with
terms of Ampere-hours, passed between the electrodes is large dissolved molecules including humus, dye molecules,
found to be an effective measure of degree to which the 35 proteins, latex and polymers and Similar. The System does
water has been treated, and can accordingly be used to not remove Small non-polar molecules Such as Sugars,
Secure appropriate treatment results. pesticides and Similar. Nor does it remove low atomic
The invention provides a method of treating water by number cations or anions (for example, it does not remove
electrolysis by passing a current between an anode and a salinity). Removal rates are typically greater than 98%, with
cathode. The invention also provides a water treatment unit 40 removal rates greater than 99.95% possible in some circum
having a Storage tank for holding water in which an anode StanceS.
and cathode are immersed for treating the water by elec BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
trolysis. The invention further provides a power Supply
apparatus Suitable for use in assisting to perform the inven FIG. 1 is a Schematic representation of the primary
tive method described above. In one aspect of the invention, 45 features of a water treatment unit constructed in accordance
the direction of the instantaneous electric current passed with an embodiment of the invention;
between the electrodes is periodically reversed to discourage FIG. 2 is a Schematic representation of a water treatment
clogging of the Sacrificial electrode, So that the Sacrificial unit constructed in accordance with the invention, the pri
electrode acts primarily as an anode and the inert electrode mary features of which are represented in FIG. 1;
acts predominantly as a cathode. In another aspect of the 50 FIG. 3 is a Schematic representation of a multiple elec
invention, the instantaneous electric current is delivered So trode array that can be used in the water treatment unit of
that a predetermined amount of charge is passed through the FIG. 2;
water, the predetermined amount of charge being indicative FIG. 4 is a schematic representation of a double electrode
of a degree to which the water has been treated. array that can be used in the water treatment unit of FIG. 2,
In preferred embodiments, a Series of electrodes can 55 as an alternative to the electrode array of FIG. 3;
desirably be used to accommodate water of varying con FIG. 5 is a schematic representation of a controller and
ductivity. The number of electrodes used can be externally asSociated power Supply to for operation of a multiply
Selectable, So that if the conductivity decreases more elec selectable electrode array of FIG. 3 operating in the water
trodes are Switched in to increase the area and thus get treatment unit of FIG. 2; and
greater current from the same Voltage. If the conductivity 60 FIG. 6 is a Schematic representation of a power Supply of
increases too much, So that the Voltage decreases FIG. 5.
Significantly, Some of the electrodes which are Switched out
to decrease the area thus provide a higher Voltage for the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS
Same Current. AND BEST MODE
In a preferred form, a batch proceSS is used in which 65 An embodiment of the invention is described in the
contaminated water is pumped into a reactor. The electrodes context of the treating batches of contaminated water with
are activated, causing Some of the material to go into the reference to the accompanying drawings.
US 6,800,206 B2
S 6
FIG. 1 schematically illustrates the features of such a FIG. 4 illustrates an alternative electrode arrangement to
System. A power Supply 110 Supplies current to two elec that of FIG. 3. In this situation, three anodes 420 and four
trodes: a cathode 140 and an anode 150, both of which are cathodes 410 form a group of electrodes. The cathodes are
immersed in water 130 held by a storage tank 120. The connected to the negative power supply 402 via cables 414
described treatment method depends upon the passage of an and within each group are connected to each other via the
electric current between the two electrodes, one of which is cables 413.
of Sacrificial material, typically aluminium or iron, and the Likewise, the anodes 420 are connected to each other via
other of an electroacqueously “inert' material, Such as Stain connectors 424. The anode 420 of the first group was
leSS Steel.
The current passes through the water 130, between the connected to the cathode of the Second group Via the cable
anode and cathode. At the cathode, hydrogen gas is released.
1O 450. All the cathodes of the second group are connected
At the anode, the Sacrificial metal goes from the anode into together via cable 490 and the anodes are connected to each
Solution as a metal ion of the Sacrificial material. other via the connectors 492.
FIG. 2 shows the features of an operating System incor This anode is connected to the positive terminal 404 via
porating the features of FIG. 1. A storage tank 210 receives 15
the connector 415. This may be selectable via a Switch 416,
and stores water 212 to be treated via pump 220 which as is the Second Set, or may be permanently attached. It is
supplies from a raw water source 222. Electrodes 230 easy to see that the electrons pass from the negative power
operating within the tank 210 are activated by an electrode supply 402, to the cathode of the first set, through the
Selection control 232 which is, in turn, connected with a Solution to the anode of the first Set, from there they pass
power Supply 234 under microprocessor control as later directly to the cathode of the second set and from there
described. through the Solution to the anode of the Second Set and from
A flue 214 connected at the top of the tank 210 provides there back to the power supply positive 404. This means
a means of removing pollutants from the treated water 212. each electron passes twice through an electrode Set, dou
A pump 240 is provided to pump water 212 from the tank bling the effect of the current. The Second pair of Sets is a
after treatment by the electrodes 230. A further pump 250 repeat of the first pair of Sets, and may be Selectable. Control
feeds the tank 210 from a water reservoir 252 for periodi 25
of the current could simply be via Switching on the Second
cally flushing the tank 210 as part of a Scheduled mainte pair of Sets when the current was too low, or Switching it off
nance procedure. when the current becomes too high.
The constructional features and operation of the described In this case, a combination of electrodes is Selectable SO
water treatment process are outlined in further detail below. that either one Set or both Sets operate in parallel. In the
FIGS. 3 and 4 illustrate alternative electrode arrays suit arrangements of both FIGS. 3 and 4, electrons travel from
able for use in the described arrangements of FIGS. 1 and 2. the cathode of one through the Solution to the anode of the
FIG. 3 illustrates an example of a suitable electrode Same group, then directly to the cathode of the Second group,
arrangement in which the cathodes 340 are common for all going through the Solution to the anode of that Same group
electrode sets, and the anodes are independently Selectable. 35
and finally on to the anode of the power Supply. Each
Unless a particular anode Set is Selected, there will be no electron passes twice through a set of electrodes and water,
current passing through that anode. meaning that the reaction is twice that which would other
The mounting plate 310 can be bolted onto the side of a wise be expected from the passage of electric current.
reactor tank. The cathode feed through 320 is connected to FIG. 5 shows an example of an electrode and power
the cathode common carrier 330, which is in turn connected 40 Supply in combination with Supporting hardware, Suitable
to all the cathodes 340. Each separate anode feed through for use in the described embodiment. A control board 550 is
350 is connected to an individual anode 360 which is connected through a display board 540 to control logic 530.
independently Selectable. The logic control 530 receives input from the input distri
Between each set of anode/cathode electrodes 360/340 is bution board 560 as well as the control board 550, and
a neutral 370, in this case a combination of aluminium and 45 provides output to the display board 540 and via an output
Stainless Steel. A mounting mechanism involving a bolt and distribution board 570 to the power supply 110. The power
Spacer Set holds the electrode Sets together. Only when an supply 110 operates the electrodes 140, 150 under instruc
anode 360 is selected does the reaction occur between the tion from the control logic 530 as Subsequently described in
electrode set including that anode 360. further detail. The electrodes are powered by terminals 612,
In this manner, all anodes 360 can be activated when the 50
water to be treated is of relatively low conductivity and only, FIG. 6 illustrates the components of the power Supply 110
for example, one anode 360 activated when the water is of of FIG. 5. Power is supplied by mains voltage 610 of an
relatively high conductivity. external power Supply. The mains Voltage 610 passes
The remaining adjustments are done by the power Supply. through a circuit breaker 620 from where it branches to a
Any arbitrary number of independently Selectable anodes 55 low voltage supply 630, which in this case is a transformer
may be employed. regulator which delivers the appropriate Voltages to a dis
It should be noted in the arrangement shown in FIG. 3 that tribution board which is distributed to the appropriate
the electrical charge passes through two sets of electrodes electronicS/controls, and the main power Supply for the unit.
340/360 in their passage from the negative to the positive of A choke 650 and transformer 660 Supplies a voltage to a
the power supply. They firstly pass out of the cathode 340 60 set of SCRs 670, which both rectify the power and provide
through the water to the neutral 370, in this case consisting polarity changes as required. The Voltage Supplied to the
of an aluminium and Stainless Steel electrode combined, electrodes is measured acroSS the output. The current Sup
entering through the aluminium and passing out through the plied to the electrodes is measured with reference to the
Stainless Steel. In this mode, each electron reacts twice and, series bar of known low resistance. Other methods of current
as Such, the current reading of the electrodes should be 65 Sensing, e.g., magnetic field monitoring, may also be used.
doubled to get the appropriate anode amp hours measure The measured output Voltage at the output is Sensed
ment. across the terminals 612 and 614 and fed to the
US 6,800,206 B2
7 8
microprocessor/logic control 530. The status of the system is accumulation over a period of time. AS noted, it is found that
displayed via the display board 540 and controlled via the this can be reduced by reversing the polarity for short time
controls 550. Power is distributed from the distribution intervals. Reversing the polarity for between 0.1 percent (%)
board 560. Sensor signals are fed into the logic control 530 and 30% of the time of operation helps prevent this from
via sets of sensor wires (not shown) in the supply 110. occurring during the operational lifetime of the electrodes.
Polarity Reversal and pH Adjustment Polarity reversals, in which the aluminium functions as
Electrode clogging is one of the major problems prevent cathode and the inert electrode as anode for time periods
ing the proper functioning of existing electrolysis-based greater than 30% of the reaction time, has been found to still
water treatment Schemes. Clogging can occur by a minimum produce clogging due to oxide (hydroxide or similar) depo
of two reactions, one in which electrically charged particles Sition.
adhere to the electrodes, the other in which an oxide (or Cumulative Charge Treatment
other insulating) layer forms on the Surface of the electrodes. The present approach involves passing a certain amount
The possibility of electrically charged particles adhering of charge between the electrodes, irrespective of the water
to the surface of the electrodes is more likely to occur if the 15 conductivity. By using a batch process, a certain amount of
water is at an extreme of pH (that is, well away from 7, eg electrical charge is desirably passed, irrespective of how fast
less than 4 and greater than 10). It can be overcome by it is passed. It has been found that a Suspension of 0.1% clay
altering the pH to be close to pH 7. Some materials will still in water, 1 kilogram (kg) clay per kilolitre (kL), is desirably
adhere to the electrodes even if the pH is close to 7. It is treated with approximately 50 anode amp hours (aAh) of
found that treating the water with iron before treating with electricity passed through an aluminium anode to clear the
aluminium electrodes overcomes Some of this situation
when aluminium is used as the major electrode treatment water within a period of a couple of hours. From
System. calculations, it can be determined that this corresponds to
approximately 15 gms of aluminium electrolytically dis
It is found that polarity reversal helps drive off the Solved into the 1 kL of water, if all the current goes to putting
accumulated material. In preferred operation, polarity rever 25 aluminium into Solution.
sal is performed at Sufficiently short intervals that there is no A constant amount of current multiplied by time (amp
large accumulation of material on the Surface of the elec hours) is Suitable to achieve a particular quality of treated
trodes. Preferably, the polarity is reversed every few minutes water. However maintaining a constant current under a wide
for an appropriate length of time. AS noted, the polarity is range of conductivities is difficult. This effect can also be
preferably reversed for between 0.1% and 30% of the duty achieved using a variable current and measuring the current
cycle, more preferably between 2% and 25%. Generally, and time and Summing the product until the appropriate
10% polarity reversal is found to work well. level of passed charge has been reached. This can be
The desired amount of polarity reversal is related to water achieved with Some reasonable control over the power
pH. The closer the pH is to the 6-7 range, the less reversal Supply, but not one which is linear as far as Voltage and
is required to prevent clogging. For extremes of pH, eg. 35 current is concerned. It could be Something as Simple as a
3.5<pH-5 and 8<pH-9.5, polarity reversals between 12.5% transformer choke combination for the power Supply, in
and 8.5%, preferably 10% are sought. In the pH range which case the Voltage is dropped as the conductivity
5<pH-6 and 7.<pH-8, polarity reversal for between 15% and increases. Typically, Such a combination will increase the
5% of the operating time is Satisfactory. In the pH range, current by a factor of four, as it drops the Voltage by a factor
6.<pH-7, polarity reversals of between 20% and 2% give 40 of five, as the conductivity of the water increases by a factor
Satisfactory performance. of 20. This would enable the one power supply to handle
As mentioned above, a pH in the vicinity of 5.5 to 7 water conductivity changes over a range of up to 20 in terms
provides best results from the reaction, and it is desirable of conductivity change.
that the pH is within the range 3.5 to 9 before commence In the power Supply used, the cumulative electric charge
ment of operation, if the Starting pH is outside that range, 45 passed can be meaured with a capacitive device, or through
with the preferred adjustment being between 5.5 and 7. Such digital integration of the instantaneous current delivered to
adjustment can be done in either a pre-treatment tank, or in the electrodes.
the main reactor tank which contains the electrodes.
An accumulation of an oxide on the Surface of the active Electrode Arrays
electrodes usually occurs at the anode because of the high 50 A power Supply measuring the current is only able to
generation of an oxide layer. This can be overcome by using handle a certain variation in the conductivity range of the
the aluminium primarily as the anode. In this case, any oxide water. After that, there needs to be Some change to the
accumulation on the anode is removed by the dissolution of electrode array to handle greater conductivity changes. To
the Surrounding material. When aluminium goes into Solu achieve this, a System of variable electrodes can be used, as
tion at the anode, the reaction is one in which there is no 55 described earlier.
accumulation of oxide (at least at pH less than 9). Should AS the conductivity decreases, more electrodes can be
there be an oxide layer, the dissolution of the aluminium Switched into parallel, which lowers the resistance between
from around the oxide simply causes the oxide to fall off. the plates and gives a greater current for the same Voltage.
The use of an inert cathode, (for example “316 stainless Alternatively, as the conductivity increases, electrodes are
Steel') does not cause any blocking of the cathode because 60 Switched out, which gives less current for the same Voltage.
it is difficult to deposit onto the inert material and it causes It may be desirable to deliver an electric current between a
the oxide layer on the Surface of an aluminium anode to be target range. The number of electrodes that can be Switched
Sufficiently removed Such that the aluminium anode and in or out determines the variation factor which can be
inert cathode Set can continue to function as a Suitable achieved by this technique. For example, if it is done with
electrode Set. 65 four Sets of electrodes, the conductivity range can be
The use of electrodes in a single polarity mode, that is increased by a factor of four. If eight Sets are used, it can
aluminium as anode and Stainless Steel as cathode causes increase the range by a factor of eight.
US 6,800,206 B2
This combination can be achieved further to the factor of reactions. Using a Voltage power Supply of, for example, 30
20 that can be achieved using the electronicS control Volts, allows the applied Voltage to vary considerably.
described above. If eight Sets of electrodes are used, and a For a given Voltage and electrode array, the current passed
variation factor of 20 is achieved with the electronics is approximately proportional to the conductivity of the
control, this can result in a total variation of 160 in the water. Attempting to maintain a constant current for a given
conductivity of the water that can be treated. This is equiva electrode array, when the conductivity can vary by a factor
lent to being able to handle water conductivities between 50 of Several hundred places significant restrictions on the
tuS/cm and 8 mS/cm. Alternatively, it may be that the Voltage to be applied-it must be able to vary over a range
conductivity range to be used is from 20 uS/cm to 3 mS/cm. of a factor of Several hundred. AS this is impractical, it is
However, it may be preferable to use a factor of 50 for the usually overcome by making a combination of electrode/
conductivity, going from 30 uS/cm (typical conductivity of power Supply which is dedicated to the conductivity of the
rainwater in country regions), through to 1.5 mS/cm (typical particular application.
upper limit of conductivity of bore water considered useful AS noted above, the total charge that has passed can be
for domestic/agricultural use). For Small grey water treat measured, the product of current multiplied by time or, more
ment units, the range of water conductivity is typically 15 generally, the integral of the current over time can be
between 100 uS/cm and 2 mS/cm and can be easily handled determined. In this manner, the current Supplied can be the
by this system. maximum available to the particular power Supply under the
Another alternative is that the power Supply is unre given conditions and should the current vary as the conduc
stricted in terms of current flow and that it is controlled by tivity varies, this is compensated for by changing the time
the number of electrodes used. The components used are of during which the reaction occurs. This whole proceSS can be
Sufficient capability to handle the heaviest current and it is easily automated.
regulated only by Switching more electrodes in or out of the This in itself Still places great restrictions on the power
circuit. Monitoring of the Voltage and current would be Supply because, instead of it having to handle a wide range
required and the unit Switched off if the current became too of Voltages, it must now be able to handle a wide range of
large or the Voltage too low. 25 electrical currents, with the current varying with the con
While the electrode voltage control will be automatic, the ductivity of the water.
swapping of electrodes will be able to be done either AS noted above, if the power available from the Supply is
manually, as determined necessary by indicators and using controlled in an appropriate manner, Variations in the con
Switches, or done automatically, using Software and relayS. ductivity can be compensated by variations in both current
The latter is more effective and transparent to the user, but and Voltage. Conditions for maximum power can be
necessarily costs more. The former option may be preferred achieved by Such simple Steps as including an appropriately
for industrial installations and in any situation where large chosen choke (ballast) with the transformer used in the
currents are involved. Supply. AS the conductivity of the water increases, the
With a Suitable choice of power Supply Settings, it is current through the transformer and choke increases, making
possible to use different programs to control the different
35 the effect of the choke that of restricting the current. This
automatically lowers the Voltage, lowering the current that
electrodes. For example, the iron electrodes could have the will flow under that particular conductivity.
polarity reversed every few minutes, while the aluminium In application, it is found that with a Suitable choice of
electrodes were reversed for only 10 to 25% of the reaction transformer and choke, it is possible to deal with changes in
time. Different sets of electrodes can be used for different 40 water conductivity which vary by a factor of approximately
applications. 15, or more. For example, a 30 V transformer with a 0.5 H
It can be advantageous to continually monitor the Voltage choke will restrict the maximum power to 91 W, and have
acroSS the electrodes So that the unit can be stopped if the a secondary voltage and current range (above 4 V) of
Voltage gets below a certain predetermined value, which is between 2 A at 25 volts through to 8 A at 10 V to 12 A at 6
determined by the number of electrodes in series. The unit 45 V. Allowing for a drop of 2 V through the circuit and
should stop only when this Voltage gets too low. If the rectifier, this corresponds to a circuit resistance range
current gets too low, the unit should Send out a flag, but between 11 S2 to 0.4 S2. All up, this corresponds to a useful
should otherwise keep counting, again Stopping only if the range of a factor of over 20. If we allow the minimum
time for processing is beyond the ability of the System to Voltage to be only 8 V, this corresponds to a range of 10.
COunt. 50 Typically a transformer can be used having the Specifi
Power Supply Considerations cations 30 V, 15 A, 100 VA core, with a mains choke of 0.5
H with a current capability of 2 A. This provides an ability
In summary, it is found that a power supply 110 preferably to handle a conductivity range from between 10 S2 to less
operates under the following conditions: than 0.5 S2. While the current at the lower resistance values
a) allowing the power Supply to output the maximum 55 will be adequate, the current at the higher values will be
current possible for the electrode combination and relatively low.
water conductivity and measuring the current passed When the electrode array is near to the lower limit of
between the electrodes; conductivity, that is, there is little current being passed, the
b) placing a power limiting device Such as a choke on the choke limiting the current could be Switched out.
input to the power Supply, Such that as the current 60 Alternatively, the tappings on a mains transformer could be
increases, the Voltage drops, reducing the current being changed So as to increase or decrease the Voltage put out by
passed; and the transformer. In this manner, the change in the number of
c) monitoring the Voltage across the electrodes, and electrodes and also the Selection of a Voltage can be all that
turning the power off to Stop the process once the power is used to limit the current for a particular conductivity,
drops below a predetermined value. 65 making the use of any current limiting device unnecessary.
It is observed that the voltage used is desirably at least, for However this voltage range varies the current consider
example, 4 V, in order to Suitably facilitate the electrode ably with changes in the conductivity of the water. In order
US 6,800,206 B2
11 12
to achieve the typically desired 50 anode amp hours (aAh) quantity of reactions for each quantity of current passing
per kilo litre (kL) we can use a constant current for a known through the electrodes. This has the disadvantage that large
time. If the conductivity is too high, maintaining a constant current capacity power Supplies are required at low voltages
current lowers the Voltage too much for a Small increase in to get Sufficient reaction to occur.
conductivity. For example, if a particular electrode Set 5 However, if Sets of electrodes are connected in Series, the
required 28 V to pass 10 A for a water conductivity of 100 current passes through each Set, multiplying the effect by the
tuS/cm, it would require a Voltage of only 4 V to pass 10 A number of electrodes used. In this manner, the same reaction
at a conductivity of 700 uS/cm. If it is decided that the lower is produced by a higher Voltage power Supply. This is
range of acceptable Voltage is 4 V, Such a System can only advantageous because it is easier to generate and control a
handle a change of conductivity by a factor of 7, out of a higher Voltage power Supply than a higher current power
total possible variation of over 1000. Supply. A design configuration is possible in which elec
Electrode Materials
trodes can be pre-wired in different combinations before
being installed, with each configuration being preferred for
The inert cathode can be fabricated from any suitable a given conductivity range. In that manner, the one set of
15 electrodes can also be used over a slightly different conduc
material, for example, 316 grade Stainless Steel, copper, mild tivity range.
Steel, platinum coated titanium, nickel coated mild Steel,
Silicon impregnated mild Steel. Any material that does not A set of copper electrodes in a tank could be activated,
readily form acqueous ions is generally Suitable for use as an which would kill some of the bacteria in water plus render
inert electrode. Similarly, the Sacrificial anode can also be the arsenates insoluble. After Suitable processing, the copper
fabricated from any Suitable material, for example, electrodes would be turned off and aluminium/stainless Steel
aluminium, iron, copper, magnesium. Polarity reversal can electrodes activated. This would remove the remaining
extend the operating life of Such electrodes until Such a time pollutants as well as the insoluble arsenates. The copper
as they are effectively worn out through Sacrificial operation, could also be used to kill algae before removing it and other
rather than being rendered effectively inoperative prior to 25
pollutants using the aluminium/stainless Steel electrodes.
Sacrificial consumption. Alternatively, iron could be used to condition paint waste
water prior to removal using aluminium electrodes.
Iron Pre-treatment Similarly, treatment with iron could break down the emul
Pre-treatment with iron generally reduces the amount of sified fats, oils and greases (FOGS), and the remainder of the
aluminium treatment Subsequently required, in most cases. material is removed by aluminium electrodes. Iron could be
This can be either done in the tank as a preliminary Step to used in place of copper to treat arsenate containing water. It
the main process, or in a separate tank prior to processing in could also be used to treat cyanide waters prior to their
the main reactor tank. The pre-treatment with iron in the removal using the aluminium electrodes. The whole reaction
manner outlined, can help reduce the overall cost of the is preferably carried out in the one tank, Saving time and
process. It can react with materials not easily reacted with by 35
aluminium. It should be noted that in a system in which there are more
The use of aluminium removes the residual iron during its than one set of electrode feed throughs available, able to be
normal operation. Often times other metals are useful, for controlled by the one power Supply, it is possible to put Sets
of different electrodes into the same reaction chamber. In
example: copper to kill bacteria or algae. The application of this case, it is possible to have one Set of electrodes
copper can kill these organisms before they are processed, 40
composed of iron and another Set of StainleSS Steel and
making their removal Somewhat easier. In the case of Stored aluminium. Whenever it was necessary to treat water with
water Such as grey water waiting to be processed, the two different sets of electrodes, this could be done in the one
addition of copper can prevent the bacteria from tank. For example, the treatment of water containing emul
multiplying, and thus further contaminating the water. sified FOGs requires pre-treatment using iron electrodes,
Variations to Described Embodiments which breaks up the emulsion and removes Some of the
contaminants, followed by a Second treatment with alu
Electrode Selection can be done using relays, Silicon minium electrodes to remove most of the remaining pollut
controlled rectifier (SCR) arrays or any other suitable ants. This could now be done in the one tank. Similarly, in
Switching means. With multiple electrodes selectable and all 50 the treatment of paints and other materials. The iron elec
controllable through a measured current device, it is possible trodes would be turned on for a while, followed by further
to use the one power Supply to control all electrode Sets. treatment using the aluminium electrodes.
SCRs could be used for both polarity reversal as well as By the appropriate choice of electrodes and Settings, it is
Voltage rectification. To operate with greater power, one possible to use the one reactor tank to remove a wider range
only needs to use SCRS that can handle a greater current as 55 of pollutants than can be handled by any other Single
well as Supply a greater power transformer/choke combina method. These possibilities become available if automati
tion and a different value shunt to determine the current cally Selectable electrodes are used.
being passed. A Set of Selectable electrodes can be used and the number
Parallel plates are preferably used as they provide an of electrodes adjusted automatically or manually to match
efficient use of power. Other shapes require greater Voltage 60 the conductivity of the water. The voltage is then adjusted or
(and therefore greater power) to drive the same current. In monitored So that an appropriate electric current flows
this context, the term parallel can include approximately through the electrodes. The electrodes are reversed as
parallel plates as well as (approximately) concentric cylin required, typically between 0.1% and 30% of the reaction
derS or an approximately central rod within a cylinder. These time, the current measured and the product of current times
plates can be connected in a variety of different combina 65 time calculated. It is found that polarity reversal for, for
tions. Preferably, plates are connected in parallel, in which example, 50% of the time, does not prevent electrode
case the passage of electric current results in only one clogging due to oxide type buildup. The flow rate of the
US 6,800,206 B2
13 14
water through the reaction chamber is adjusted So as to give tank, the electrodes are activated, the particulate contami
the appropriate reaction for a given Volume of water. nants removed from the top and the cleaned water pumped
This ensures that the amount of treatment given to the Out.
water is adequate for the degree of pollution encountered. In Other removal techniques can additionally be used,
this case, the operator Sets the amount of treatment required, including for example the use of a chemical to increase the
with greater anode amps hours used for more polluted water, floc level at the surface, as is currently employed in DAF
less for water with lower pollutant levels. The system then (dissolved air flotation). Such a method allows the use of
automatically adjusts the flow rate So that the water is treated only iron electrodes to generate an iron flocculating agent,
to the correct amount every time. This can be done in a Small while also capturing the material generated. Other tech
reaction chamber, where the water is in and out within a few niques can also be used, Such as raising the level of the water
Seconds and the coagulation reaction and/or pollutant to cause the flocculated material to overflow a weir wall for
removal occurs in an outside chamber. Or it can occur in a Subsequent waste collection.
larger chamber where the water stays longer and the reaction However, in many situations, the water could flow into
occurs inside the same chamber. In this latter case, the water one compartment where it would be treated and the pollut
can pass directly into the filter without occupying any 15 ants floated to the surface from where they would be
further Space. Alternatively, with a large enough chamber, periodically removed by any process. The addition of extra
the reaction and pollutant removal can occur in the one water in the form of continuous flow would result in the
chamber without the need for the use of a filter. water flowing from one tank to another past Some Sort of
Control of the pumps that pass the water through the barrier. In this Second Stage, the water could either Stand for
reactor can be in discrete bursts, as well as via a continuous a given period, or be treated by a Second Set of electrodes.
flowing pump. In this case in both of the above situations, After this, the water would flow again into a third region past
the water would be pumped into the chamber and controlled a barrier. There settling of the water would occur and the
by the same electronics and electrode System as described final flow of water out of the system would take place.
above. The water would then be processed for a particular Further reaction or Settling compartments could be used. It
reaction-anode amp hours per kilo litre (aAh/kL), or what 25 is of course desirable that water be sent through each
ever. Again the current would be measured and the product particular compartment and not be able to bypass the reac
of current times time recorded. At the conclusion of a tion region.
particular current times time, a predetermined amount of In this case, the flow of water would be controlled so that
water would be pumped in, displacing Some or all of the it approximately matches the treatment required. If, for
water already in the reactor. For efficient operation, it would example, a particular type of water required 80 anode amp
be best to displace a fraction, approximately 50% or less, hours per kilolitre of water to be treated, it would need to
and use the remaining water as a buffer for the incoming have the flow rate adjusted so that 1 kL of water would flow
water. It will be apparent to anyone skilled in the art that the through for each 80 anode amp hours of current Set up.
operation of the electrodes and the pumping could be carried Using the System described above, this proceSS would not
out either Separately or jointly and the results would not be 35 require any monitoring because changes in conductivity of
greatly different. Although less than 50% is desirable, pump the water could be compensated by changes to the flow rate
ing out 100% of the volume of the water being processed is of the water.
of course possible. Indeed measuring the Volume of water Alternatively, the Speed of the throughput could be con
pumped and stopping the pumps occasionally to allow the trolled by the current being passed. This could involve use
electrodes to process the water adequately is almost equiva 40 of a Servo mechanism in which a pump or throttle is
lent to a continuous process. It is desirable for the System to controlled by the rate at which current is being passed
Stop if the rate at which the electrodes process the water is through the electrodes. There are various existing techniques
faster than the rate at which the water can be pumped by which such a result would be obtained.
through the System, to avoid unnecessary over processing of It is desirable that the amount of current flow is controlled
the treated water. 45 by either the electrode array or power Supply or both as
In any case it is desirable that the electrodes are of a type mentioned above. In this manner, the water will be treated to
in which the number is controlled-manually or the extent required, irrespective of the conductivity of the
automatically-according to the conductivity of the water. water. This ideally produces a consistent result without the
need for human intervention.
The number of electrodes can also be controlled according 50 It is important that the Speed of water throughput be
to the amount of water passing through the reaction controlled by the current through the electrodes and a preset
chamber, to match the rate at which the electrolysis reaction value. If it is desired to treat the water further, it is merely
generates the flocculating ions. This is done by measuring
the current times time (that is, charge) and controlling the necessary to slow down the rate at which the water flows
amount of water flowing through the System by either through the System. This would require intelligent control in
controlling the pump rate or pumping a given Volume of 55 which the final throughput of water is controlled by both a
water after a given amount of charge had passed. predetermined dose rate, plus the rate at which the current
flows. Water flow would be slowed down if it was deter
There are a number of other features that can be added, if mined that a greater dose was required (and sped up if a
required. AS examples, these include: lower dose rate was required). It would also be slowed down
Automatic Stopping features if the Voltage gets too low; 60 if the conductivity of the water decreased (ie, less current
Warnings if the time to process is too long; was being passed) and increased as the conductivity
Warnings if the electrodes are getting worn out-based increased (ie, more current was being passed).
upon the time taken for the reaction being too long. The described scheme would enable such a system to be
The described embodiment provides a versatile electrof automatically controlled to take into consideration changes
locculation System in which one reactor tank can be used to 65 in the conductivity of the water and changes in the degree of
handle a wide range of different water conductivities, con pollution of the water. If the water was of high pollution
taining different pollutants. Water is pumped into the reactor level, the pumps would be slowed down so that there was a
US 6,800,206 B2
15 16
longer reaction time in the tank. If the conductivity the conductivity of the volume of water being treated so that
decreased and less current flowed, the pump would slow the electric current is generally maintained within a range of
down further so that there was still Sufficient reaction tome values.
to get the appropriate reaction to occur. In this manner the 7. A method as claimed in claim 6, wherein a relatively
operator Selects the amount of pollutant considered to be in greater number of pairs of electrodes are Selected for a
the water and the appropriate reaction required. The elec relatively lower water conductivity.
tronics then takes over and automatically adjusts for changes 8. A method as claimed in claim 7, comprising the further
in conductivity of the water. This provides an automatic Step of periodically reversing the direction of the electric
dosing System which does not need continuous observation current to discourage clogging of Said Sacrificial electrodes.
and change as conductivity changes. 9. A water treatment unit apparatus comprising:
While the use of a transformer choke combination is the
Simplest method of limiting the power, any arrangement a tank for receiving water to be treated;
which reduces the Voltage as the current increases would be one or more pairs of electrodes provided within the tank
equally acceptable. For example, pulse modulation Scheme for immersion in the water,
could be used. Indeed, a combination of pulse modulation 15
a power Supply to deliver an instantaneous electric current
and transformer choke operation may increase the ability of determined by the instantaneous conductivity of the
the System to handle a wider conductivity range. water through the pairs of electrodes to the water,
Alternatively, Such may be done with a tapped choke, or any whereby Sacrificial ones of the electrodes provide dis
combination thereof.
Solved ions to assist in treating the water to remove
It is understood that the invention is not limited to any one contaminants, and
of the embodiments described, but that various alterations means for monitoring the cumulative electric charge
and modifications, as would be apparent to one skilled in the
art, are included within the Scope of the invention. delivered by the electric current, the cumulative
What is claimed is: amount of charge being indicative of a degree to which
the water has been treated.
1. A method of treating water, the method comprising the 25
Steps of: 10. A water treatment unit apparatus as claimed in claim
providing one or more pairs of electrodes, and immersing 9, wherein a given volume of water is treated in Said tank,
and Said power Supply stops delivering Said electric current
the one or more pairs of electrodes in water to be when the cumulative amount of charge reaches a predeter
treated; mined amount of charge.
delivering an instantaneous electric current determined by 11. A water treatment unit apparatus as claimed in claim
the instantaneous conductivity of the water via the one 10, wherein said predetermined amount of charge is deter
or more pairs of electrodes to the water, whereby mined empirically based on the relative mass of contami
Sacrificial ones of the electrodes provide dissolved ions nants in a Volume of water.
to assist in treating the water to remove contaminants, 35 12. A water treatment unit apparatus as Volumes in claim
and 11, further comprising means for Separating Said contami
monitoring a cumulative amount of charge passed through nants from Said Volume of water after Said electric current
the water, the cumulative amount of charge being having been Stopped.
indicative of a degree to which the water has been 13. A water treatment apparatus as claimed in claim 9,
treated. 40 wherein Said power Supply has an in-line choke on its input
2. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein a Said Volume that acts to limit the maximum current that can be provided,
of water is treated, and the method comprises the further Step thus providing an upper limit to the electric current.
of Stopping the electric current when the cumulative amount 14. A water treatment apparatus as claimed in claim 9,
of charge reaches a predetermined amount of charge. wherein Said pairs of electrodes are adapted to be selectively
3. A method as claimed in claim 2, wherein Said prede 45 connected to vary their number depending upon the con
termined amount of charge is determined empirically based ductivity of the water being treated.
on the relative mass of contaminants in a Volume of water. 15. A water treatment apparatus as claimed in claim 14,
4. A method as claimed in claim 3, comprising the further wherein a relatively greater number of pairs of electrodes are
Step of Separating Said contaminants from Said Volume of selected for a relatively lower water conductivity.
water after having Stopped Said electric current. 50 16. A water treatment apparatus as claimed in claim 15,
5. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein Said electric wherein the power Supply is able to periodically reverse the
current is limited by a maximum current that can be pro direction of the electric current to discourage clogging of the
Vided by a Supplying power Supply. Sacrificial electrodes.
6. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the number of
Said pairs of electrodes is Selectively varied depending upon

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