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Glamox GMO Onshore Catalouge2017

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Onshore Energy and Petrochemical Industry

Total Lighting Solutions

Our brands Aqua Signal has been
delivering top-of-the-line marine lighting
Glamox is a leading
lighting brand established in 1947.
LINKSrechts offers a
comprehensive range of naval LED
For more than 75 years
Luxo has designed mainly armbased
Norselight delivers
added safety and security by providing
solutions since before the age of Manufacturing for oil & gas and lighting systems, including design, innovative, ergonomic lighting search light systems that work
electricity, providing lighting products petrochemical installations both for integration and programming. The products. Luxo products improve reliably even under the most extreme
designed and manufactured to meet offshore and onshore. The wide product range consists of specialised lighting conditions, taking particular conditions.
all relevant standards for quality and assortment of Glamox products is of lighting products for all naval care of individual needs.
performance at sea. superior technical quality, and available applications, including naval aviation.
for a wide range of applications –
including challenging environments.
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Table of contents
Global Lighting Solutions
Generations of experience

Glamox is the leading supplier to the world`s marine, energy and petrochemical
industries. We are a local partner with a global network. Through our five
brands, Aqua Signal, Glamox, LINKSrechts, Luxo and Norselight we fulfill your
Introduction............................ 3
requirements. From floodlights and searchlights, through explosion proof luminaires
and interior systems to navigation lighting. Our team of engineers has been carefully
chosen to achieve the right mix of experience and knowledge.

Glamox develops high quality products and energy efficient systems for extreme
applications. All based on innovative technology. Our solutions demand more than
today`s expertise – they demand generations of experience.

Floodlights/Area lighting........ 25

Area lighting........................ 39

Techincal lighting .................. 53

Photo: Helge Skodvin

Published by Glamox AS,

Birger Hatlebakks veg 15

We have done our utmost to make sure that LOW BAY

illustrations and technical specifications are Technical lighting –
correct at the date of publication.
recessed.............................. 93
We reserve the right to make technical
changes or adjustments involving products
and/or production processes without further
notice. Glamox disclaims responsibility
for any misprints and any consequences
such errors might lead to the users of this

Aqua Signal®, Glamox®, LINKSrechts®,

Luxo® and Norselight® are internationally
registered and copyright protected
trademarks. Technical information .......... 113

4 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 5
– Dedicated to Quality

The Glamox Group operates modern

assessment with dedicated laboratories in
Norway and Germany. Glamox takes pride in
providing products of superior technical quality
that work reliably even under the most extreme

The simulations performed in our laboratories aim to test our

products in the most realistic conditions possible. A selection of
these are described here.

• Vibration testing
• Impact resistance in sub-zero environments
• Climatic testing
• IP rating – water & object
• UV radiation testing
• Photometry
• Salt mist spray test

Photometry is the science of the measurement of light, in terms of its
perceived brightness to the human eye. Photometric measurement
is based on photodetectors that produce an electric signal when
exposed to light. Our luminaires are tested using rotating mirror
photometers, which keep the luminaire stationary at a sufficient
distance from the photocell that the luminaire can be considered a
point source. From the photometric data it is possible to produce light
technical data according to international standards and applications.
The data serves as basis for lighting calculation programs in which
entire rooms, fitted with diverse luminaires, are calculated and
evaluated, exact illumination design plans can be produced.

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Dedicated to quality
Climatic testing Impact resistance in sub-zero
Environmental simulations in climate test chambers allow us to environments
measure the effects of temperature and humidity on our products in
a controlled manner. Our climate test chambers have a test space Impact tests are used in studying the toughness of materials. A
of up to 1500 litres. They are used to undertake heat tests of up to material’s toughness is a factor of its ability to absorb energy during
+180°C, cold tests of down to -75°C and humidity examinations deformation. Brittle materials have low toughness as a result of the
in a range from 15% to 98%. Here we are able to reproduce the small amount of deformation that they can endure. The impact value
effect on our luminaires of a wide range of temperature and humidity of a material can also change with temperature. Generally, at lower
levels, including extreme stress parameters such as rapid temperature temperatures the impact energy of a material is decreased. We test
change. our luminaires with the aid of a pendulum of known mass and length
that is dropped from a known height to impact a specimen. The
specimen is placed in a special chamber with temperatures down
to -50°C. The temperature in the chamber should be five degrees
lower than the lowest ambient temperature (Ta value) specified by the
manufacturer for the luminaire being tested.

Salt mist spray test IP rating (water and objects)

Salt spray testing is very important for assessing the suitability of In our laboratories and dust chambers we assess the protection of our
products intended for use in shipping. Unacceptable products corrode luminaires against ingress of solid particles, varying over differing
within a short time under the influence of the saline air. Equipment degrees of protection, depending upon the requirements for the
for salt mist testing are standardised under national and international different types of lighting product. Dust tests are performed to test the
regulations. These standards describe the necessary information functioning of our luminaires under extreme environmental conditions.
needed to carry out the tests; determining testing parameters such International standards specify the test duration and the composition
as the size of the chamber, temperature, air pressure of the sprayed of dust used. The formation of dust within the test space is effected
solution, preparation of the spraying solution, concentration, pH, etc. by compressed air injection. The dust is blown and swirled in the
In our salt spray chamber with a volume of 1000 litres we are able to chamber by intensive air movement.
simulate the effect of saline air on our marine luminaires, sped up in
time. The appearance of corrosion products (oxides) is evaluated after In our wetrooms we assess the protection of our luminaires against
a period of time. Test duration depends on the corrosion resistance of ingress of water, varying over differing degrees of protection,
the coating; the more corrosion resistant the coating is, the longer the depending upon the requirements for the different types of lighting
period in testing without showing signs of corrosion. product. The IP code (Ingress Protection Rating) classifies and rates
the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid
objects (including body parts like hands and fingers), dust, accidental
contact, and water in mechanical casings and with electrical
Free fall shock tests
Mechanical shock has the potential for damaging a product. For this
reason there are shock resistance requirements based on a number
of international standards, depending on a luminaire’s intended
application and purpose. We test our luminaires in accordance
with these requirements for type approval purposes. In the fall-shock
facility, the objects are tested with a maximum weight of 70 kg.
Each shock pulse is recorded in an oscillogram. Depending on the
height of drop, a maximum of 300 G can be achieved. Our free fall
shock test stand is designed to perform high-G/short duration shock
impulses. This free fall shock test system will accomplish half-sine
wave impact results.

8 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 9
Glamox Plug-in PRO for

Save time and money on

lighting calculations.
Lighting calculations and recalculations are
time-consuming operations. Glamox Plug-in PRO
for AVEVA E3D PDMS™ utilises available 3D
models and makes lighting design much quicker
– and more accurate.

Once the Glamox plug-in is installed, users can carry out complete
lighting calculations in the PDMS user interface. The actual
calculations are made by a database which is included with the

Speed and accuracy

The speed and accuracy of the calculation program is impressive.
Once the calculations have been made, PDMS can visualise the
lighting design, showing average lux levels and uniformity.

This is a significant time- and cost saving tool for lighting design,
reducing the need for corrective work during the construction phase.
It also generates valuable “as built” documentation.

LITE version also available

Glamox Plug-in LITE for PDMS generates 3D files for lighting
calculation programs. More information about the LITE version is
available from our web site.

Glamox Plug-in PRO for AVEVA E3D and PDMS™

Time-saving lighting design

Major benefits: Register on-line to apply for Glamox

Plug-in PRO for AVEVA E3D PDMS™
If you have any questions or would like to
• Cost and schedule saving calculations learn more, please feel fre to get in touch with
• Higher design efficiency and accurate results us via e-mail at pdms@glamox.com.
• Increased accuracy means lower installation costs
• Reduced rework and delays
• Improved quality/3D
• Better communication with customers
• High quality "as built" documentation
• It's free!

10 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 11
Solutions for different applications

Hazardous areas
Areas where the explosion risk is high are present in installations as oil/gas rigs, made of zinc-anodised aluminium or stainless
exist in almost every process engineering processing refineries, chemical production steel, and they have extra batteries for
plant. Strict rules apply to mitigate these facilities, flammable liquids storage facilities, emergency lighting and increased lifetime.
risks and electrical luminaires is a vital fuel transportation, petrol stations, paint
part of the risk management. The use of production, paper production etc. Glamox has vast experience from the most
explosion-proof (Ex) luminaires is mandatory extreme Ex-conditions in the North sea.
in these areas and their classifications are For hazardous areas, it is important that We produce luminaires suited for Zone
based on zones according to their hazard the lighting product is designed for use 1/21 (gas/dust) and Zone 2/22 and for
potential. Hazardous areas are explosive in the actual area, and that operation maximum surface temperature groups T3
atmospheres created by gases, vapours and maintenance is according to the (200 deg) to T5 (100 deg) up to Gasgroup
and ignitable dusts or fibres. Typically they requirements. Luminaire housings are often IIC and IIIC for dust areas.

Petrochemical facilities
Chemical engineering facilities provide Where soiling is prevalent, enclosed
particularly harsh environments and a variety luminaires are needed. Such luminaires offer
of work tasks. High temperatures, dusty long-term protection and are resistant to dust,
environments and the presence of damaging moisture, chemicals, mechanical stresses and
gases may pose challenges to the lighting extreme ambient temperatures. Nevertheless,
installation. the plastic materials used in the enclosures
have varying chemical resistance and
Chemical processes are often fully should fit the application. One should also
automated and require constant surveillance. take care that the gases present do not
A proper vertical illumination is therefore reduce the lifetime of LED light sources. This
needed for monitoring. Where screens is mitigated by selecting durable LED and
are present, care should be taken to avoid control gear components.
unwanted glare and reflections. Illuminance
requirements vary with the presence Linear luminaire systems are suited for ceiling
of people. Remote-controlled facilities heights up to 6 m. Above 6 m, high-bay
require less light than constantly manned luminaires with narrow or medium beam
workplaces. reflectors are an alternative. Where the
general lighting is not enough to aid the task
In areas where substances are mixed, at hand, dimmable workplace luminaires
grinded or pulverised, luminaires need to be give extra illuminance.
dust-protected. Open containers need to be
well illuminated. Some facilities may involve
explosive substances, whereby explosion-
protected luminaires are needed.

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Reducing energy consumption with LMS
Light management systems (LMS) are not only useful for offices and public
buildings. Implementing LMS in (petro) chemical facilities may reduce the
energy consumption significantly.

Due to the automation of production processes, large (petro) chemical Reducing operational costs
plants of today are being operated by fewer employees than before. Even in hazardous areas you could use ATEX approved sensors to
This also raises the issue of a more sensible use of lighting. Why control ATEX lighting fixtures if you want to reduce your operational
should you have a lighting scheme that consumes energy where and expenses and shorten your return of investment time of your LED
when it’s not needed? luminaires.

Often, when somebody has to do work in a large chemical The potential savings will depend on more variables such as:
installation the complete hall or facility is illuminated when it’s really
only necessary to illuminate a small part where the work is done. • the maintenance factor (EN 12464-1)
Other parts of the hall or facility could remain dark or illuminated 10- • usage of the area (motion)
20 % as orientation lighting for the workforce present. • constructional conditions (existing level of daylight)
• a rough estimate is that more than 75% of industrial lighting
Using motion and daylight sensors installations are obsolete and should be replaed.
Motion and daylight sensors can be used to determine when
artificial lighting is needed and when it’s not. The lighting can then Improving quality
be completely switched off if it’s not needed, or it could be dimmed A refurbishment to new, high efficiency LED lighting solution may not
down to supplement the daylight. One may also use timers to keep only cut operating overhead costs significantly, but it also provides
an area illuminated at certain hours of the day if that is serviceable. new possibilities with innovative lighting to increase light quality such
All the features above could be managed by a Light Management as higher luminance levels, a more homogeneous light, better CRI
System based on DALI control. By installing such a system it is values or even the capability of adjusting the Kelvin value (warm or
possible to reduce the energy consumption related to lighting cold white).
Combining a refurbishment as described above with a Light
Management System will give you an even further reduction of the
energy consumption by making sure that lighting is only used when
and where it’s needed.

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Human Centric Lighting (HCL)
Biologically effective lighting

Light has a great effect on us humans. Not only does it

What is Human Centric Lighting? How does this work?
allow us to see. Light stimulates us, and influences our Human Centric Lighting solutions in control, machine and technical Our circadian rhythm is adapted to the sun. We are more awake
rooms and offices can benefit employees. Through increased energy and perform better during the day, while our body has its lowest
mood and activity level. and motivation. For example, a cool white light with high intensity performance at night when we are usually asleep. There are many
at the beginning of the workday can shift the sleep phase forward things that affect the circadian rhythm, including the time period
and help to reset back our biological clock. In countries with for sleeping, food consumption etc. But the most important external
Because our physiological response to light depends on the light’s limited daylight during the winter, luminaires with adjustable colour factor affecting the circadian rhythm is daylight, and specific parts of
characteristics such as intensity and colour temperature, the characteristics temperatures can alleviate winter depression and other seasonal it in particular. The eye contains photoreceptor cells called ganglion
of the artificial light in our surroundings will be of significance if we spend a related ailments. cells. These are particularly sensitive to a specific wave-length that
lot of time indoors. Human Centric Lighting solutions can support the human is found in blue light. When these cells are exposed to light with
circadian rhythm, enhance concentration, prevent sleeping disorders and the correct wavelenght, they send signals to our ’inner clock’ that, in
improve our overall well-being. turn, manages the excretion of the sleep hormone melatonin. Simply
stated, you can say that the more cool white light you are exposed
to, the more the need for sleep is displaced.

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Benefits of Human Centric Lighting (HCL)
The design and layout of control rooms is a scientific research field By influencing the secretion of the “sleep hormone” melatonin using
in its own right. Here, operators often work night shifts watching artificial lighting, we can adjust humans’ “body clock” in areas with
the operative state of plant equipment. A careful balance between little access to daylight.

in Control Rooms activating light to increase alertness and non-activating light to help
adjusting daily rhythms is needed as well as sufficient light levels to Benefits
read documents and understand operating panels efficiently. • Exposure to more intense light may boost employees’ feelings of
alertness and vitality during daytime and at night.
Challenges of shift work: • Circadian light exposure during the daytime may have a positive
Shift workers at chemical and petrochemical sites can gain important benefits • Shift work has a negative impact on the health effect on shift workers’ sleep during the subsequent night.
• People working shifts have a high risk of accidents during the • Circadian rhythm adjustment for nightshift workers is possible.
related to HSE by using Glamox HCL solutions. night shift, especially during the last hours of the shift. • The light settings can influence employees’ appraisals of the
lighting and the working environment.
Possible solution: • Their preferred light settings differ substantially from person to
Human Centric Lighting solutions contain tuneable white luminaires person. Thus individual lighting control will affect job satisfaction
and advanced light management systems that adjust the color positively.
temperature and light intensity according to the users’ physiological
and psychological needs. The effects are adjusted daily rhythms and
increased alertness.

These solutions require careful control of the light source’s color

spectrum, intensity, exposure time and duration. Glamox provides a
complete solutions to this.

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Reference: Aker BP
An onshore control room for offshore installations, Aker BP (previously Det
Norske Oljeselskap). The recessed, tuneable white luminaires provide a
standard light (3500 K) and energy light (6500 K).

The Norwegian oil company Aker BP has used HCL in its control room to help the operators stay concentrated and alert at all situations.

The control room consists of two rows minimum risk of misuse. To allow for more information systems is very delicate. Too little • One of the world’s first on-shore control room for offshore oil platforms.
of screens in a semi-circle. The room is individuality, tuneable white free standing information will not reveal the real state and • Equipped with 14 x Modul RC 600 LED CCT/RGB
operated 24/7 by two workers on an 8 or pendant luminaires by or above each performance of the operating equipment, • DALI DT 8 touch panel
or 12 hour shift cycle. The circadian light workstation is recommended. A semi- whereas too many blinking lights will • 2 or 3 shifts during the day
cycle is automatically controlled, but the automatic control system where parts of confuse the operator. Research on control • Automatic light sequence for shift work
workers can override it via a desk-mounted the cycle is automated, for instance in the room environments show that most accidents • Manual focus light (6.500 K) and standard light (3.500 K)
touch panel. For example, in the case of a morning when the energy light is needed, happen during the night shifts and especially • Opened January 2015. Fully operational in 2016
meeting or an unwanted event, a cool white is the best solution. During the day, the the last hours during those shifts. The control
focus light may be activated. The user has a user may set the colour temperature and room lighting plays a role in illuminating the
high grade of autonomy since they are few intensity levels according to his or her own most important parts of the panels, with the
and will receive proper light management preferences. That would give the user access correct lighting level and when needed.
training. to activating light whenever he or she wants,
just/simply by the push on a button.
A balance must be found between the need
for individual control and automatic control The barrier between information need
to ensure the maximum circadian effect and and information overload on screens and

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LED lifetime and heat management
At high internal temperatures, the LED chip and phosphor layer In our FX60 / FL60 TX65 and TX60/61 series which are made of
degenerates and the LED will eventually lose light. This happens Sea grade aluminum the Glamox LED drivers and LED strips are fully
gradually and the light output will slowly fade away. The internal integrated into the Aluminum body hence ensuring the best possible
temperature depends partly on the ambient temperature. The heat transfer.
higher temperature of the LED’s surroundings, the higher the internal
temperature gets.
LED lifetime is determined by the temperature inside the diode. Inside the LED the Heat affects lifetime of LED driver electronics
The lifetime of a LED module inside a luminaire is related to the Also when it comes to LED driver electronics, we have to take in
temperature may get very high. This causes the LED to gradually emit less light.
luminous flux depreciation at a given ambient temperature. L70, L80 account optimal heat management. The lifetime of a LED driver can
The higher the internal temperature gets, the faster the lumen degradation. or L90 indicates how many lumens (in percentage related to the initial be defined as the length of time it can operate and continue to
lumens) that remains after end-of-life. The L-value may be explained meet its specifications. The limitation of useful life is often due to two
B- and C-values. types of components that are known and well-documented wear-out
mechanisms. These components are electrolytic capacitors used for
For all luminaires, Glamox lists: filtering/energy storage and the optocoupler for high-voltage isolation
• The median useful life (IEC 62717) LxB50 at Ta 25 degrees. and electrical noise rejection between different voltage potentials.
Lx may vary from 70 to 90 depending on the product and the These standard components also show accelerated aging at higher
corresponding lifetime goes up to 100.000 hours. ambient temperatures.
• Lamp lumen maintenance factor (LLMF) 50000 h, B50, Ta 25
deg. This is a factor from 0 to 1,0.For industrial luminaires, we In our TX60, FX60/FL60 and TX65 LED series we have optimised
also list: the driver electronics with our own development by using special
• The median useful life (IEC 62717) LxB50 at maximum Ta. Lx SMD components which do not show the same aging problems as
may vary from 70 to 90 depending on the product and the conventional components (electrolytic capacitors).
corresponding lifetime goes up to 100.000 hours. With this design we also managed to ensure to eliminate all inrush

Heat management By managing the complete thermal characteristics of the luminaire,

Proper heat management is the key to control LED lifetime. In optimising the cooling mode (convection or conduction) of the power
luminaires, the LED is cooled by a heat sink and the size and design supply based on end use requirements, the designers of Glamox
of this determines the lifetime of the LED. maximize LED reliability and ensure a long life time for our LED
LED lights normally have metal heat sinks to draw the heat away from
the LED chip itself. If the heat sink is not adequate in size, poorly Hence Glamox offers a full warranty of 5 years on the whole
connected or of a poor design the LED can overheat and fail very luminaire, not only on the LED strips but also on the LED driver
rapidly. The same applies to degradation of the driver electronics. electronics.

Choosing the best materials LED chip

In luminaires the best heat transfer will obviously be obtained by
housing which conducts heat easily to the outside of the housing.
Over the years Glamox has gained a comprehensive competence LED
on the use of different materials. For the demanding environments Heat sink
often associated with the oil and gas market, we have experienced
that sturdy materials like aluminium and steel are the best choice
over time. This is both due to the superior heat conducting properties
and to the fact that metal housings are stronger, more resistant
to deformation and can have a mechanical longer lifetime than
alternative materials.
Schematic overview of a LED monted on a printed
Please refer to our website Metal housings (and copper free aluminum) and a sufficient direct circuit board (PCB) (green). Heat is removed from the
for information about connection of the electronics and LEDs to the metal housing will Led chip to the surroundings via the heat sink (grey).
our 5 year warranty. ensure the optimal heat dissipation to the outside of the luminaire.
For this reason Glamox recommend metal luminaires for demanding
environments instead of plastic luminaires. We also prefer metal
housings because they are stronger and more resistant to deformation
and can thus have a mechanical longer lifetime.

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High bay – Floodlights/Area lighting
Our cutting edge LED floodlights for safe and hazardous areas are made
from stainless steel and sea water resistant aluminum. These modularised and
maintenance free flood and high bay fixtures meet all your requirements.

FL40 ........................................ 26
FL60 ........................................ 28
FX60 ................................ 30
i80 ....................................... 32
i90 ....................................... 34
FL40 FL60 FX60 i80 i90 O91
Page 26 Page 28 Page 30 Page 32 Page 34 Page 36 O91 ........................................ 36

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High Bay Floodlight



• Attractive design
• Light weight
• Impact resistant ESG (safety glass)

Mounting Adjustable brackets stainless steel 316, unpowdered

Electric Inbuild driver for 110V to 240V AC/DC

or 12V to 24V DC. Connection cable 1.5m

Housing Seawater resistant aluminium module housing,

stainless steel mounting bracket

Lightsource/Optic The included 100W high power LED light source with
10.000lm light output and the driver are designed for
a long rated life time of 50.000 hours at ta 45°C and
covered by a safty glass diffuser. The floodlight is
available with different characteristics as Spot Beam (SB),
Narrow Beam (NB), Medium Beam (MB) or Wide Beam Description Part-no. Part-no.
(WB). HF 110-240V 50/60Hz 12-24V
FL40 8000 840 NB 0940114000
Remarks Weight: 3,7 kg FL40 8000 840 MB 0940116000
Protection degree: IP66/67 FL40 10000 830 MB 0940036000
FL40 10000 830 NB 0940034000
Inpact resistance: IK08
FL40 10000 830 SB 0940032000
FL40 10000 830 WB 0940038000
FL40 10000 840 MB 0940016000
Temperature from -35° up to +45°C.
FL40 10000 840 NB 0940014000
FL40 10000 840 SB 0940012000
FL40 10000 840 WB 0940018000
FL40 10000 850 MB 0940026000
FL40 10000 850 NB 0940024000
FL40 10000 850 SB 0940022000
FL40 10000 850 WB 0940028000

NB = Narrow beam, MB = Medium beam, WB = Wide beam, SB=Spot beam Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

26 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 27
High Bay Floodlight

Spare Parts/Accessories

FL60 1 module FL60 2 modules

FL60 3 modules FL60 4 modules

• Instant light • Low maintenance
• Long lifetime • Enhanced light quality
• Energy saving

Application IP 66/67 floodlight for decks and hulls, industrial areas

Design According to rules of maritime classification societies


Approvals GL approved


Ambient temperature Operation temperature from -45°C up to +55°C
258 166
265 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14
Housing Modules in die-casted seawater resistant aluminium, designed for excellent Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 240
heat management, frame and bracket stainless steel AISI 316L 446 261

160 A-A

Finish Anodised modules, special colours on request


Optic Floodlight is available in wide, medium or narrow beam characteristic,

with clear polycarbonate front cover. Floodlights available with 1 to 4
Modules corresponding 4500 lumen to 18000 lumen in 5000K light

Electric Integrated IC driver available in 120V or 230V 50/60Hz, power

consumption of 40W per module, only. Modules connected in the
Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14
external connection box. 240
355 165
446 261
Light source Array of LEDs with 4500 lumen output per module, with extreme long Description Part-No. Part. no.
lifetime of 100.000 hours at ambient temperature of 45°C. HF 120V 50/60Hz HF 230V 50/60Hz
FL60 4500 850 M24 NB FL60110000 FL60100000
Mounting 8x50 is standard for 2 to4 modules, 5x40 is standard for 1 module FL60 4500 850 M24 MB FL60111000 FL60101000
version: Adjustable bracket stainless steel unpowdered in 8x50 as FL60 4500 850 M24 WB FL60112000 FL60102000
standard for 2 to 4 ,module version, 1 module comes with bracket bin FL60 9000 850 M24 NB FL60210000 FL60200000
5x40 FL60 9000 850 M24 MB FL60211000 FL60201000
FL60 9000 850 M24 WB FL60212000 FL60202000

Connection Exteral connection box at the back with 2 Nickel plated brass cable FL60 13500 850 M24 NB FL60310000 FL60300000
glands M24 for cable diameter of 10mm to 14mm. Terminals for 6mm² FL60 13500 850 M24 MB FL60311000 FL60301000

external connection and through wiring. FL60 13500 850 M24 WB FL60312000 FL60302000
446 165 FL60 18000 850 M24 NB FL60410000 FL60400000
Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 FL60 18000 850 M24 MB FL60411000 FL60401000
FL60 18000 850 M24 WB FL60412000 FL60402000
A-A 240
NB = Narrow beam, MB = Medium beam, WB = Wide beam Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

28 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 29
High Bay Floodlight

Spare Parts/Accessories

FX60 1 module FX60 2 modules

FX60 3 modules FX60 4 modules

• Long lifetime, 100 000 hours at ambient temperature 45°C

• Low maintenanace
• Low power consumption
• Instant light FX60 6 modules
Special version available
on request.
Application Hazardous areas zone 1 and 21

Design According to rules of maritime classification societies and IEC standards

Approvals IECEx and ATEX approved

Ambient temperature Operation temperature from -50° C up to + 55°C



Housing Modules die-casting, seawater resistant aluminium; Frame and bracket A A

stainless steel AISI 316 L
258 166

Finish Modules anodised

Ø14 Ø14 Ø14


160 A-A
Optic Floodlight is available in wide, medium or narrow beam characteristic,
Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14
with clear safety glass dome. Floodlights available with 1 to 6 Modules 240
corresponding 4500 lumen to 27000 lumen in 5000K light colour. 446 261

Electric Integrated IC driver available in 120V or 230V or 254V 50/60Hz, FX60 NB4 FX60 WB4
power consumption of 40W per module, only. No inrush current du to

the IC driver technology. Modules connected in the external


connection box.

Light source Array of LEDs with 4500 lumen output per module, with extreme long Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Description Part-No. Part-No. Part-No.
lifetime of 100.000 hours at ambient temperature of 45°C 355 165 HF 120V 50/60Hz HF 230V 50/60Hz HF 254V 50/60Hz
446 261 FX60 4500 850 M25 NB FX60110000 FX60100000 FX60120000
Mounting Adjustable bracket stainless steel 316 unpowdered 8x50mm as FX60 4500 850 M25 MB FX60111000 FX60101000 FX60121000
standard for 2 to 4 module version FX60 4500 850 M25 WB FX60112000 FX60102000 FX60122000
FX60 9000 850 M25 NB FX60210000 FX60200000 FX60220000
Connection 2 cable glands M25 Ex e brass nickel plated (others on request)
FX60 9000 850 M25 MB FX60211000 FX60201000 FX60221000
standard for cable 10 to 17 mm
FX60 9000 850 M25 WB FX60212000 FX60202000 FX60222000

Ex e External connection box, terminal 6 mm²

FX60 13500 850 M25 NB FX60310000 FX60300000 FX60320000
FX60 13500 850 M25 MB FX60311000 FX60301000 FX60321000

FX60 13500 850 M25 WB FX60312000 FX60302000 FX60322000
FX60 18000 850 M25 NB FX60410000 FX60400000 FX60420000
Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14 Ø14
264 FX60 18000 850 M25 MB FX60411000 FX60401000 FX60421000
FX60 18000 850 M25 WB FX60412000 FX60402000 FX60422000
A-A 240
355 NB = Narrow beam, MB = Medium beam, WB = Wide beam Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

30 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 31
i80 LED
High to medium bay area lighting

Spare Parts/Accessories


Part-No. I80000004 Part-No. I80000011 Part-No. I80000022 Part-No. I80000003


• High quality front glass

• Efficient and Versatile
• Robust with quality materials
OP Cluster solution

Light source LED 7000 – 22000 Lumen out 4000 Kelvin, 3000K on request. CRI 80 180

Mounting Ceiling or wall, on luminaire tracks, side by side in cluster, on horizontal
wire or pendant. Suspension brackets have to be ordered separately.

i80 LED can also be mounted in open ceilings by use of a recessing frame.

Connection Standard i80 is supplied with pre-assembled 30 cm 3x1,5 mm² rubber

cable (H07RN-F) and Wieland IP68 plug RST20i3 for fixed output or 30 cm
5x1,5 mm² rubber cable (H07RN-F) and Wieland IP68 plug RST20i5 for
DALI. A standard i80 and a through wiring (TW) variant have to be

connected when mounted in cluster. The TW variant is equipped with two
cables and plugs (male and female).

Optic Medium beam - (MB), narrow beam (NB) and extreme narrow beam (XNB) 137
reflector in silver coated aluminium. Front glass in heat soak tested tempered 130
glass (HTG) or impact resistant clear acrylic (CL) front cover. The type of

glass is extra-white and specially coated on both sides to get high light

transmission. Opal film (OP) as option.

Electric Fixed output (HF) or DALI dimmable (10-100%).

Driver life time up to 120.000 h at Ta 25°C.
Housing Luminaire housing in die-cast aluminium with low content of iron and copper
(EN AB-44100), silicone free gasket. Screws made of acid proof steel.

Application The product is designed to light industrial facilities, ware houses, production Description Part-No. Part-No.
areas, workshops and cold storages down to Ta -40°C. HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
i80 LED 10000 G2 840 OP HTG TW I80222750
i80 LED 14000 G2 840 NB HTG I80412100 I80422100
Temperature Operation temperature from -40°C up to +50°C
i80 LED 2x14000 G2 840 NB CL I80512200
i80 LED 2x14000 G2 840 MB CL I80522400
Finish Aluminium grey (RAL 9006) epoxy/polyester powder coated paint finish
i80 LED 18000 G2 840 NB HTG I80612100 I80622100
i80 LED 2x18000 G2 840 NB CL I80712200 I80722200
i80 LED 2x18000 G2 840 OP HTG I80722700
i80 LED 22000 G2 840 MB HTG I80912300 I80922300

MB: Medium beam, OP: Opal, NB: Narrow beam, MB: Medium beam,
HTG: Heat soaked tested tempered glas, CL: Polycarbonate diffuser Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

32 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 33
i90-P LED
High to medium bay area lighting

Spare Parts/Accessories

i90-P MB/WB Part-No. I50504573 Part-No. I50503605 Part-No. I50504572

A90-P/i50/i75/i90-P/i95-P A90-P/i50/i75/i90-P/i95-P A90-P/i50/i75/i90-P/i95-P

• Easy mounting
• Accurate light distribution
• High bay solution

Light source LED with lumen out from 30000lm up to 60000lm

Light colour temperature of 4000 Kelvin, 3000K on request,
CRI 80

Mounting Delivered with eye-bolt for pendent mounting. Ceiling bracket

for surface mounting can be delivered as accessories.

Connection i90-P is supplied with pre-assembled 4 metre rubber cable

without plug. Other options on request.

Optic Wide beam - (WB), medium beam - (MB), narrow beam (NB)
and extreme narrow beam (XNB) reflector in anodised
aluminium. Front cover in a heat soak tested tempered glass
(HTG) with extra high light transmission or impact resistant clear i90-P MB/XNB
acrylic (CL). The type of glass is extra-white and specially
coated on both sides to get high light transmission.

Electric Fixed output (HF) or DALI, driver life time up to 100.000 h

at Ta 25°C.


Housing The luminaire housing is made of black epoxy / polyester

powder coated acid proof steel and die-casted aluminium with
low content of iron and copper. Cooling ribs in black anodised MB/XNB
extruded aluminium. Silicone free gaskets. Screws made of
acid proof steel.

Application Production premises, distribution centres, cross docking and

high bay warehouses up to 25 metre mounting high. Description Part-No. Part-No.

HF 220-240V 50/60Hz Dali 220-240V 50/60Hz

Design Robust and powerful industrial high bay LED luminaire for i90-P LED 30000 840 WB CL C4 I90331234 I90331238
i90-P LED 45000 840 WB CL C4 I90341234 I90341238
demanding applications
i90-P LED 60000 840 WB CL C4 I90361234 I90361238
Ambient MB/WB
i90-P LED 45000 840 MB CL C4 I90341235 I90341239
Temperature Operation temperature from -40°C up to +60°C
i90-P LED 45000 840 NB CL C4 I90361236 I90361240
i90-P LED 45000 840 XNB CL C4 I90341237 I90341241
Finish Housing in black epoxy / polyester powder coated,
cooling ribs are black anodised
WB: Wide beam, NB: Narrow beam, XNB: Extreme narrow beam, MB: Medium beam Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

34 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 35
High Bay Floodlight



• High lumen output

• DALI on request
• Variants for aggressive

Light source Array of LED with Lumen out from 35000lm to 55000lm
Light colour of 5000 Kelvin and CRI above 70


Mounting bracket in hot dipped galvanised steel


Connection 1 x PG16 cable gland for Ø10mm – 14 mm
3 pole (HF) or 5 pole (DALI) 4 mm² screw terminal block
0 30


in the housing.

Optic Medium beam - (MB) and asymmetrical reflectors (ASY) in silver 120

coated aluminium. Supplied with tempered safety glass cover with 205

extra high light transmission. Ø13 Ø13


Electric Version with fixed output (HF) as standard, DALI on request.

Housing Body in die-cast aluminium with silicone gasket and all screws
in stainless steel.

Application Large areas as sports grounds, sea ports, terminal docks,

container storage etc.

Design Equipped with a pressure equalisation filter to prevent the formation

of condensation.
Temperature Operation temperature from -30°C up to +40°C

Description Part-no.
Finish Body with silver grey polyester powder coated paint finish. HF 220-240V 50/60Hz
Variants with special pre-treatment and improved coating for O91 LED 40000 750 MB        514047517
aggressive environments can be delivered on request. O91 LED 35000 750 ASY       514047522
O91 LED 50000 750 MB        514047537
O91 LED 45000 750 ASY       514047542
O91 LED 55000 750 MB        514047557
O91 LED 50000 750 ASY       514047562

MB: Medium beam / ASY: Asymetric Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

36 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 37
Medium bay – Area lighting
Our low maintenance and energy efficient LED area lighting luminaries are designed
for medium bay installations. The products comply to all requirements for safe and
hazardous areas in the marine, oil, gas and petrochemical industries.

A90-P ...................................... 40
i75 .......................................... 42
i85 .......................................... 44
i95 .......................................... 46
O52 ........................................ 48
A90 i75 i85 TX65 .................................. 50
Page 40 Page 42 Page 44

i95 O52 TX65

Page 46 Page 48 Page 50

38 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 39
Area lighting

Spare Parts/Accessories

A90-P1 MB/WB A90-P1 OP

A90-P2 NB/MB/WB A90-P2 OP

Part-No. I50503605 Part-No. I50504572 Part-No. i50504573 Part-No. I50504733

A90-P/i50/i75/i90-P/i95-P A90-P/i50/i75/i90-P/i95-P A90-P/i50/i75/i90-P/i95-P A90-P/i50/i75/i95-P HEIGHT

• Decorative and tough

• Efficient heat management
• Satisfies both technical and aesthetic demands

Light source A90-P1: LED 1000 - 5000 Lumen out

Ø167 Ø167
A90-P2: LED 10000 - 20000 Lumen out

Light colour temperature 4000 Kelvin, 3000K on request.
CRI 80


Mounting Delivered with eye-bolt for pendent mounting.
Ceiling bracket for surface mounting can be delivered as accessories.

Connection A90-P is supplied with pre-assembled 4 metre rubber cable without plug.
Other options on request.

Optic Wide beam – (WB), medium beam – (MB) and narrow beam (NB) Ø375
reflector in anodised aluminium. Opal reflector in polystyrene. A90-P1 OP A90-P2 OP
Reflectors have to be ordered separately.

Electric Fixed output (HF) or DALI dimmable. Description Part-No. Part-No.

Driver life time up to 100.000 h at Ta 25°C HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
Ø223 Ø223 A90-P1 LED 1000 840 F/AL C4 A90112122
Housing Luminaire top in die-casted aluminium and component housing in injection A90-P1 LED 1000 840 F/AL C4 A90112121
moulded glass reinforced polycarbonate. Cooling ribs in black anodised A90-P1 LED 3000  840 F/AL C4 A90112124

extruded aluminium. Skirt in powder coated steel. A90-P1 LED 3000 840 F/AL C4 A90112123



A90-P1 LED 5000 840 F/AL C4 A90112126
Application Based on extensive requirements, the designers have developed a A90-P1 LED 5000 840 F/AL C4 A90112125
luminaire suitable for a wide range of applications. A90-P2 LED 10000 840 F/AL C4 A90212122
A90-P2 LED 10000 840 F/AL C4 A90212121
Design Operation temperature from -20°C up to +40°C A90-P2 LED 15000 840 F/AL C4 A90212124
A90-P2 LED 15000 840 F/AL C4 A90212123
Finish Top in black epoxy / polyester powder coated and component housing A90-P2 LED 20000 840 F/AL C4 A90212126
in black. Cooling ribs are anodised black, skirt is black epoxy/polyester Ø500 A90-P2 LED 20000 840 F/OP C4 A90212132
powder coated. A90-P2 LED 20000 840 F/AL C4 A90212125
A90-P1 MB/WB A90-P2 MB/NB/WB

A90-P1 REFLECTOR OP            A90000010
A90-P1 REFLECTOR AL MB         A90000012
A90-P2 REFLECTOR OP            A90000020
A90-P2 REFLECTOR AL MB         A90000022
Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

40 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 41
i75 LED
Area lighting

Spare Parts/Accessories

i75 LED WB

Part-No. I50503604 Part-No. I50503605 Part-No. I50504291 Part-No. I50504572

i50/i75 AIR FILTER IP64 A90-P/i50/i75/i90-P/i95-P i50/i75 SAFETY WIRE BRACKET A90-P/i50/i75/i90-P/i95-P

• Easy access
• Great felixibility Part-No. I50504573 Part-No. I50504733
• Smart solutions A90-P/i50/i75/i90-P/i95-P A90-P/i50/i75/i95-P HEIGHT

Light source LED included

Mounting Solid suspension spring hook for vertical wire suspension.

Suspension for cable track, horizontal wire or ceiling bracket
has to be ordered separately.

Connection 3 x membrane glands (cable Ø4 - 10 mm). 3- or 5 pole 2,5 mm² H

push-in terminal block, prepared for through wiring.

Optic Wide - (WB), medium - (MB) and narrow beam (NB) reflector in
anodised aluminium. Front cover in laminated glass (GL) or impact
resistant clear acrylic (CL).

Electric Fixed output (HF) or DALI dimmable (10-100%). Ø250

Driver life time up to 100.000 h at Ta 25°C.

Housing Luminaire housing in die-cast and extruded aluminium with. Type H

Front cover in laminated glass or impact resistant clear acrylic. i75 LED WB 177
EPDM gaskets. Screws made of stainless steel. i75 LED 1700/2500/4400 MB 296
Ambient i75 LED 6000 MB 177
Temperature Operation temperature range from -30°C up to +35°C i75 LED NB 296
depending on the version

Finish Aluminium grey (RAL 9006) epoxy/polyester powder

coated paint finish.
Description Part-No. Part-No.
HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
i75 LED 4400 840 MB GL I75085921 I75085914
i75 LED 2500 840 MB GL I75070948 I75070949
i75 LED 1700 840 MB GL I75071084 I75071085
i75 LED 6000 840 MB GL I75086961 I75086953

MB: Medium beam, GL: Front cover in laminated glas Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

42 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 43
i85 LED
Medium bay area lighting

Spare Parts/Accessories

Wide beam Extrem wide beam OP

Part-No. I80000018 Part-No. I80000011 Part-No. I80000022 Part-No. I80000021


• Compact design
• Efficient and Versatile Extrem wide beam PC OP
• Quality material

Light source LED 4500lm 840 (XWB)

LED 4500lm 840 (OP)
LED 5500lm 840 (WB)
LED 9000lm 840 (WB)
830 on request

Mounting Ceiling or wall, on luminaire tracks, on horizontal wire or pendant. Suspension brackets have to
be ordered separately. Can be mounted in open ceilings by use of a recessing frame.

Connection i85 is supplied with integrated Wieland IP68 male plug RST20i3 for fixed output and RST20i5
for DALI. Version for through wiring (TW) is supplied with integrated male plug and female
connector. There are two options: Connection from side or top. Connection from top does not
fit with ceiling- or side-bracket.

Optic Front glass in heat soak tested tempered glass (HTG) or impact resistant clear acrylic (CL) front
cover for the wide beam variant. The type of glass is extra-white and specially coated on both
sides to get high light transmission. Opal film (OP) as option. Diffuser in impact resistant clear
(PC) or frosted/opal (OP) polycarbonate for the extreme wide beam variant. Extreme wide
beam (XWB) reflector in metallised polycarbonate or wide beam - (WB) reflector in silver
coated aluminium.

Electric Fixed output (HF) or DALI dimmable (10-100%). Driver life time up to 120.000 h at Ta 25°C.

Housing Luminaire housing in die-cast aluminium with low content of iron and copper. Silicone gasket.
Safety screws made of acid proof steel.

Application Car parks, canopies and other demanding applications including environments predisposed
to saline concentrations

Design A robust and versatile LED luminaire for surface and pendant mounting or in open ceilings.
Description Part-No. Part-No.
HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
Ambient i85 LED 4500 840 XWB PC I851XS100
Temperature Operation temperature from -30°C up to +50°C i85 LED 5500 840 WB CL I853CS100
i85 LED 4500 840 XWB PC I853XS100
Finish Epoxy/polyester powder coated paint finish in Aluminium grey (RAL 9006). i85 LED 9000 840 WB CL XLT I856CS100

XWB: Extreme Wide beam, WB: Wide beam, XLT: Extended ambient temperature Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

44 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 45
i95 LED
Medium bay area lighting

• Robust and tough luminaire

• For production premises, warehouses, entrance halls and atriums
• High efficiency.

Light source LED 10.000 lm to 20.000lm

Ballast Fixed output (HF) or DALI

Material/colour Luminaire top in black epoxy / polyester powder coated

die-casted aluminium and component housing in injection
moulded black glass reinforced polycarbonate.
Cooling ribs in black anodised extruded aluminium.
Reflector in anodised aluminium with housing in black epoxy/
polyester powder coated steel. Front cover in a heat soak tested
tempered glass (HTG) with extra high light transmission or impact
resistant clear acrylic (CL).

Optics WB, MB, NB, XNB

Dimension (mm) Ø: 225

H: 384/446

46 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 47
Medium bay area lighting

Spare Parts/Accessories

Part-No. 514060026

• Slim design
• Tempered safety glass

Light source LED 3000 - 15000 Lumen-out 670

4000 Kelvin. CRI > 70. MacAdams 4.


Driver Fixed output (HF).

DALI on request.
Body material
Ø 46 - 76
& colour Body in die-cast aluminium with silver grey polyester
powder coated paint finish. The optical system is a 578
combination of lenses and reflectors in silver coated
aluminium. Supplied with 4 mm tempered safety glass
cover with extra high light transmission. The luminaire has

silicone gasket and all screws are in stainless steel.

Mounting Installation on pole with top diameter of 46-76 mm or on

wall by use of wall bracket.

Adjustable tilt from 0º to 20º at constant steps of 2,5º.

The wall bracket must be ordered separately.

Accessories Wall bracket Ø60

Connection 1 x PG16 cable gland (cable Ø10 - 14 mm).

3 pole (HF) or 5 pole (DALI) 2,5 mm² screw terminal
block in the luminaire housing.

Outdoor use requires suitable flexible cables assuring the

water tightness of the cable gland.

Optics Wide beam optic for street and pathway lighting (WBA).

Description Part-No. Part-No.

Electric Class II on request.
HF 220-240V 50/60Hz Dali 220-240V 50/60Hz
O52 LED 3000 740 WBA 514045026 514045023
Housing Equipped with a pressure equalisation filter to prevent
O52 LED 5000 740 WBA 514045026 514045389
the formation of condensation.
O52 LED 15000 740 WBA 514045026 514045323
Wind exposed
O52 LED 1000 740 WBA 514045089 514045387
surface 0,091 m²
Up to 10kV.

WBA: Wide beam optic for street and pathway. Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

48 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 49
Medium bay area lighting


Pole mounting
TX65 3000/4500 Pole mounting

TX65 6000/9000

• Long lifetime, 100 000 hours at ambient temperature 45°C

• Low maintenanace
• Low power consumption
• Instand light
• Enhanced light quality

Application Hazardous areas zone 1 and 21

Due to the extreme wide light output this area light can be
used in low base aplications instead of fixtures with tubes
Ceiling mounting
Design According to rules of maritime classification
societies and IEC standards

Approvals ATEX and IECEx approved

Ambient temperature Operation: - 50° C up to + 55° C

Storage temperature: - 55° C up to + 80° C Description Part-No. Part-No.
120V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz
Housing Modules in die-casted, seawater resistant aluminium, TX65 3000 850 M25 WB PB TX65310100 TX65300100
designed for exelent heat management, frame and bracket TX65 3000 850 M25 WB FB TX65310200 TX65300200

stainless steel AISI 316L TX65 3000 830 M25 WB PB TX65311100 TX65301100
TX65 3000 830 M25 WB FB TX65311200 TX65301200
TX65 4500 850 M25 WB PB TX65410100 TX65400100
Finish Modules anodised
TX65 4500 850 M25 WB FB TX65410200 TX65400200
TX65 4500 830 M25 WB PB TX65411100 TX65401100
Optic One or two module versions with safty glaas dome
TX65 4500 830 M25 WB FB TX65411200 TX65401200
TX65 6000 850 M25 WB PB TX65610100 TX65600100
Light source Array of LEDs with 3000, 4500lm output per module TX65 6000 850 M25 WB FB TX65610200 TX65600200
in 3000 or 5000k light colour temperature and CRI>80 TX65 6000 830 M25 WB PB TX65611100 TX65601100
Ceiling mounting TX65 6000 830 M25 WB FB TX65611200 TX65601200
Mounting Ceiling mounted or pole mounting TX65 9000 850 M25 WB PB TX65910100 TX65900100
(for diameters up to 65mm) TX65 9000 850 M25 WB FB TX65910200 TX65900200
TX65 9000 830 M25 WB PB TX65911100 TX65901100
Connection Ex e external connection box, terminal 6 mm² TX65 9000 830 M25 WB FB TX65911200 TX65901200
2 cable glands M25 Ex e brass nickel plated
(others on request) standard for cable 10 to 17 mm

WB: Wide beam, PB: Pole bracket, FB: Flat bracket Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

50 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 51
Low bay
Techincal lighting
A complete range of safe and hazardous area luminaries for indoor and outdoor industrial
applications. Designed for low to medium bay installations. Low maintenance fittings with slim
design and mounting versatility.

0673 LED ............................. 54

GIR LED ................................ 56
GPV2 LED ............................. 58
i35 ...................................... 60
i40 ...................................... 62
0673 LED GIR LED GPV2 LED i35 LED i40 LED i55 LED
Page 54 Page 56 Page 58 Page 60 Page 62 Page 64 i55 ...................................... 64
i60 ...................................... 66
MAX LED .......................... 68
MAX KIT LED ..................... 70
MIR LED ............................... 72
MIR KIT LED........................... 74
MIX LED ............................ 76
Page 66 Page 68 Page 70 Page 72 Page 74 Page 76 MIX KIT LED ....................... 78
O68-S210 LED ...................... 80
TL50 .................................... 82
TL60 .................................... 84
TX60 ................................ 86
TX51 E LED ....................... 88
TX61 ................................ 90
Page 78 Page 80 Page 82 Page 84 Page 86 Page 88

Page 90

52 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 53
0673 LED
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories

• Watertight down to 20 m
• 4 mm cover tube

Technical data IP classification: 68

Minimum ambient temperature (ºC): -35
Maximum ambient temperature (°C): 45

Body Body material: Polycarbonate

Optic Material of diffuser: Polycarbonate

Colour of reflector: RAL 9016 (G.t.)

Electrical data Minimum Voltage -10% (V) 110

Maximum voltage +10% (V) 230
Minimum frequency -5% (Hz) 50
Maximum frequency +5% (Hz) 60

Light data Light source LED

Lamp power (W) 10
Lamp code supplied light source CRI>80, 4000K

Optic Clear

Termination Type of cable gland M20-Polyamide

Number of cable glands 1
Minimum cable diameter 6 Description Part-No.
Maximum cable diameter 12 HF 110-230V 50/60Hz
0673 LED/10/110-230/5/6/IP68/20M/-O/M20-12 0673102000
0673 LED/10/110-230/5/6/IP68/20M/-O-/M20-12/TW 0673102001
Remarks Endcaps polycarbonate white Cable entry: 1xM20x1.
0673 LED/20/110-230/5/6/IP68/20M/-O/M20-12 0673104000
0673 LED/20/110-230/5/6/IP68/20M/-O-/M20/TW 0673104001

Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

54 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 55
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories

Wire suspension Chassis plug (IP20)

Part-No. 887980630 Part-No. 887980710 Part-No. GIR030642


• Extreme light efficiency

• Easy installation
• Available with emergency
solution 578



Light source LED from 4000lm up to 16000lm

Mounting Mounted directly to ceiling or on horizontal wire with diameter from

4 to 10 mm. Suspension brackets are integrated in the end caps. 1489
One hinged trap-door all along the length of housing gives a very
easy installation.

Connection One membrane gland in each end (cable Ø < 13 mm). GIR LED 60
5 pole 2,5 mm² push-in terminal block at one end, prepared 1514

for through wiring.


5 pole 2,5 mm² through wiring and 5-way chassis plug (IP20) GIR L C C1
1417 242
in both ends on request. GIR-1200 LED 1200 1176 1150
GIR-1500 LED 1480 1456 1430
Optic Reflector in silver coated aluminium.

Electric Most variants can be supplied with emergency lighting systems

(Standard, SelfTest or DALI addressable). Driver with fixed output (HF)
or DALI with life time up to 120.000 h at Ta 25°C. 1514
1489 Description Part-No. Part-No.
Housing Housing of unpainted Aluzink coated steel. HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
GIR-1200 LED 7000 830 GIR080948 GIR080950
Design A luminaire with extreme light efficiency with reflector in silver coated GIR-1200 LED 7000 840 GIR080949 GIR080951
GIR-1500 LED 9000 840 GIR084182 GIR082283
aluminium. Manufactured with housing of unpainted Aluzink coated 60
GIR-1500 LED 9000 830 GIR084183 GIR082282
GIR-1500 LED 11000 830 GIR084337 GIR084342

GIR-1500 LED 11000 840 GIR084338 GIR084343

Temperature Operation temperature from -25°C up to +30°C 242 GIR-1500 LED 12000 830 XNB GIR087159
GIR-1500 LED 12000 840 XNB GIR087162
Finish Unpainted Aluzink GIR LED XNB
GIR-1500 LED 16000 830 XNB GIR087163 GIR087165
GIR-1500 LED 16000 830 GIR087260 GIR087262

XNB: Extreme narrow beam Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

56 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 57
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories

M20 gland

Part-No. 887980614 Part-No. G002416A Part-No. G002414A Part-No. G002415A


Light source LED


Mounting Directly on ceiling, wall or tracks, alternatively by use

of suspension brackets to be ordered separately. On horizontal B
wire by use of accessories.

Connection 5 pole 2,5 mm² screw terminal block. 1 x M20 cable gland in
each end (cable Ø7 - 14 mm). 5 x 2,5 mm² through wiring.

Optic Polycarbonate diffuser (PC). L

Electric Fixed output (HF) or DALI dimmable (8-100%). Driver life time up
to 120.000 h at Ta 25°C. White painted gear-tray
GPV2-600 LED 172 702 105 500
Housing Luminaire housing in grey recyclable glass reinforced polyester.
GPV2-1200 LED 172 1312 105 800
Diffuser clips in stainless steel.
GPV2-1500 LED 172 1612 105 1100
Temperature Operation temperature from -20°C up to +40°C

Description Part-No. Part-No.

HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
GPV2-600 LED 2100 840 TW PC V492184067 V492184167
GPV2-600 LED 3000 840 TW PC V493084067 V493084167
GPV2-1200 LED 4300 840 TW PC V494384067 V494384167
GPV2-1200 LED 6100 840 TW PC V496184067 V496184167
GPV2-1500 LED 5300 840 TW PC V495384067 V495384167
GPV2-1500 LED 7500 840 TW PC V497584067 V497584167

Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

58 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 59
i35 LED
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories

M20 gland with cable

Part-No. 887980631 Part-No. 887980614 Part-No. 46500175


• 4 different optic options

• Easy maintenance
• Clean room applications

Light source LED 110


Mounting Ceiling or wall, on luminaire tracks or on horizontal wire.

Bracket for horizontal wire or revolvable bracket have to be

ordered separately.

Connection 1-4 x cable glands. M20 polyamide (cable Ø7 - 14 mm).

2,5 mm² push-in terminal block. Versions with 5 x 2,5 mm²
through wiring available.

Optic Double parabolic Softlight optic (SU). Reflector in silver coated

aluminium. Front cover in tempered glass (TG), laminated
tempered glass (LG) or impact resistant clear acrylic (CL).

Electric Fixed output (HF) or DALI, driver life time up to 120.000 h

at Ta 25°C.

Housing i35 is made of acid-proof steel (AISI 316) that is a corrosion

and chemical resistant material complying to corrosion class
C5-M. Housing and front cover fixing bolts in acid-proof steel
(AISI 316) with Silicon gasket.

Application Fish processing industry and slaughterhouses.

Design The product is designed to withstand cleaning products

and methods that meet the requirements in the fish processing
industry and slaughterhouses. The choices of materials are also
suitable for effective cleaning with acidic foam detergent.
Equipped with a pressure equalisation filter to prevent the
formation of condensation.
Ambient Description Part-No. Part-No.
Temperature Operation temperature from -20°C up to +35°C HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
i35-1200 LED 5400 TW 830 SU/TG M20 i35082896 i35082898
Finish Unpainted i35-1200 LED 5400 TW 840 SU/TG M20 i35082897 i35082899

SU: Double parabolic softlight optic, TG: Front cover in tempered glass Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

60 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 61
i40 LED
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Triangle bracket Diffuser clips in

stainless steel

• Easy mounting
• Installation with quick connector
• Available with DALI

Light source LED C

Mounting Ceiling or wall, on luminaire tracks or on horizontal wire.

Suspension brackets are included. L

Connection i40 LED without quick connector:

One membrane gland in each end (cable Ø7 - 11 mm).

5 pole 2,5 mm² screw terminal block. 5 x 2,5 mm² through wiring. B
i40 LED with quick connector (QW):
Supplied with integrated Wieland IP68 male plug RST20i3 for fixed
output and RST20i5 for DALI.
Item B L C
Supplied with integrated male plug and female connector for i40-600 LED 101 660 390
through wiring (TW). i40-1200 LED 101 1277 800
i40-1500 LED 101 1573 1100
Optic Polycarbonate diffuser (PC).

Electric Variants with emergency lighting systems are available. Some variants
can besupplied with ultra sonic movement sensor type U-SEN.
Fixed output (HF) or DALI, driver life time up to 750.000 h at Ta 25°C.

Housing Housing in grey recyclable polycarbonate. White painted geartray.

Diffuser clips in polyamide.

Application A versatile and robust luminaire which makes it suitable in a range of

demanding areas.
Temperature Operation temperature from -25°C up to +30°C
Description Part-No. Part-No. Part-No.
HF 220-240V 50/60Hz HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
Finish Housing in grey 3hr Emergency
i40-600 LED 2200 840 TW PC i40L22224
i40-1500 LED 5500 840 TW PC i40L52724
i40-1500 LED 5500 840 TW QW PC i40L53622

QW: With quick connector Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

62 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 63
i55 LED
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Cover with safety wire Chassis plug

• Impact resistant
• Chemical resistant
• Long lifetime

Light source LED 1634


Mounting The luminaire is supplied with fixed end brackets.


Connection 1 x M20 polyamide blind/cable gland

(cable Ø7 - 14 mm) in each end. 165

1 x M25 polyamide blind/cable gland
(cable Ø9 - 18 mm) in each end on request.
Supplied with 1 extra blind.
5 pole 6 mm² screw terminal block. 5 x 2,5 mm² through
wiring. 5-way chassis plug in both ends on request.

Optic Tempered 5 mm safety glass cover with silicone gasket.

Electric Electronic driver (HF) or DALI.Driver life time up to

120.000 h at Ta 25°C.

Housing Housing in Aluzink or acid-proof steel. Tempered 5 mm

safety glass cover with silicone gasket, spring-loaded acid
proof steel clips and safety wires.

Application The luminaire is very well suited for most chemical

environments and is ideal for use in car washes, grease
pits and chemical industry.

Design Glamox i55 LED is an impact-resistant and chemical resistant

IP66/67 luminaire with diffuser in 5 mm tempered safety glass.
Temperature Operation temperature from -20°C up to +35°C Description Part-No. Part-No.
HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
Finish White epoxy/polyester powder coated finish or alternatively i55-1500 S LED 5400 TW GL 840 M20 i55084185 i55084186
i55-1500 Z LED 5400 TW GL 840 M20 i55084008 i55084009
in unpainted acid-proof steel.

S: Acid proof, Z: Aluzinc Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

64 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 65
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories

Part-No. 815600000 Part-No. 815600001 Part-No. 887980614


• Flexible and streamlined

• Smart end cap solution
• Uniform light distribution

Light source i60-600: LED 2000 Lumen out 57 1502

1365 (C - C)
i60-1200: LED 3600 og 4600 Lumen out
i60-1500: LED 4600 og 6000 Lumen out
Light source information:
3000 og 4000 K. CRI 80. CRI 90 and CCT on request.

Mounting Ceiling or wall, on tracks or on horizontal wire. Can be used in

evacuation shelters using a special evacuation shelter bracket.
Can also be pendant mounted but then wire suspension kit and 1222
cable must be ordered separately. 57 1085 (C - C)

Connection 1 membrane gland in each end cap and 2 x membrane glands


in top of luminaire housing. 5 pole 2,5 mm² push-in terminal block.

5 x 2,5 mm² through wiring on request. i60-1200

Optic The diffuser is made of extruded opal fire rated polycarbonate.

Electric Fixed output (HF) or DALI dimmable (1-100%). Driver life time up to 662
120.000 h at Ta 25°C. Can be supplied with 1 or 3 hour emergency 57
525 (C - C)
lighting (Standard, SelfTest or DALI addressable) except the for shortest
version and ultra sonic movement sensor type U-SEN.

(Not recommended for wall mounting).


Housing The luminaire housing is made of galvanised pre-painted steel with a i60-600
second layer of white epoxy/polyester powder coated finish to achieve
extra protection against corrosion. End caps in injection molded ASA.

Application With the optional vibration damping suspension it is also well suited for
evacuation shelters or areas of high vibration.

Design A flexible and streamlined plash proof LED luminaire for interiors and
industry. Designed to be easily fitted onto ceilings or walls, rails, or
Description Part-No. Part-No.
horizontal wires.
HF 220-240V 50/60Hz Dali 220-240V 50/60Hz
3hr Emergency
Temperature Operation temperature up to +50°C i60-600 LED 2000 840 OP i60087190
i60-1200 LED 4600 CF 840 OP i60087246
Finish Pre-painted steel with a second layer of white epoxy/polyester i60-1200 LED 3600 830 OP i60087207
powder coated

Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

66 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 67
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories PA160116000

on request

on request

MAX with emergency

on request

MAX 600 PC: PA160116018

MAX 1200 PC: PA160116036
• High quality hazardous area luminaire
• Removable geartray for easy maintenance
• Easy maintenance
• Self-locking diffuser clips on request

Application For mounting indoor or outdoor Zone 1 and Zone 2 areas


Approvals ATEX and IECEx approved

L1 L
C1 C
Design Designed according to IEC, Ex and maritime requirements


Connection One cable gland and one blind plug at each end as standard. L1 + 134
One 6-way Ex screw terminal block 6 mm² each end. Through C1 + 134 50
wiring 6 x 2.5 mm².
124 150
Housing Housing in deep drawn acid proof stainless steel (S)
for outdoor marine environment or in galfan

Finish Powder coated white RAL9016 in gloss 90 for easy maintenance MAX LED L1 C1 L C
MAX-600 LED 724 704 681 430
Optic Diffuser in impact-proof polycarbonate with self- locking clips. MAX-1200 LED 1334 1314 1291 950
White painted cover plate between components and light sources.

Electric IC driver technology without inrush current, driver

integrated in LED module.

Light source LED modules are covered with opal diffuser for consistent light
output. Colour temperature 5000 Kelvin (cool white), other on
request. Description Part-no. Part. no.
HF 220-240V-50/60Hz HF 220-240V-50/60Hz
Mounting To be mounted on ceiling, cable trays or brackets welded to Emergency 3hr
building construction. Fixed end brackets as standard, other on MAXS67-600 LED 2200 TW PC 850 B25 MAX087531
request. MAXS67-600 LED 2200-EB3/S TW PC 850 B25 MAX087537
MAXS67-1200 LED 4500 TW PC 850 B25 MAX087533
MAXS67-1200 LED 4500-EB3/S TW PC 850 B25 MAX087539

B25 = brass cable gland M25 Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

68 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 69
LED Replacement kit to upgrade MAX T8 (18W and 36W)

Remove diffuser Disconnect T8 geartray

• Energy efficient LED solution

• For temperatures from -30ºC to +50ºC
• Enhanced light quality
• Easy conversion from T8 to LED

Remove clips Click on new clips

MAX KIT LED is a replacement kit to upgrade MAX T8 (18W and 36W) to
energy efficient LED solution. Designed for areas with temperatures from -30ºC to
+50ºC. The kit includes a new diffuser and diffuser clips.

Application For mounting indoor or outdoor Zone 1 and Zone 2 areas

Light source Special designet linear LED with integrated IC high quality
driver and hight colour temperature of 5000K.
MAX KIT-600 LED 645
MAX KIT-1200 LED 1250
Driver High quality IC driver without inrush current. Version with
emergency for 1.5 hours or 3 hours are available.
Replace with new LED geartray Install new diffuser

Connection 6 mm² screw terminal block.

Light measurements are for complete luminaire.

Description Part-No. Part-No.

HF 220-240V 50/60 Hz HF 220-240V 50/60 Hz
Emergency 3hr
MAX KIT-1200 LED 4500 PC 850 MAX087577 MAX087579
MAX KIT-600 LED 2200 PC 850 MAX087574 MAX087576

Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

70 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 71
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories PA980109005

on request

on request

MIR 600 PC: 485120067

MIR 600 Acrylic: 485120062
MIR 1200 PC: 485140067
MIR 1200 Acrylic: 485140062
MIR 1500 PC: 485160067
MIR 1500 Acrylic: 485160063
• Robust LED luminaire
• For temperatures from -30ºC to +45ºC
• Enhanced light quality
• Easy conversion from T8 to LED

on request

Light source LED 2500 840, LED 5000 840, LED 6500 840
LED 7500 840

Driver Fixed output (HF) and DALI dimmable (10-100%). Driver

life time up to 120,000 h/10 % (max failure) at Ta 25°C L

Body material
& colour Housing in Aluzink or acid-proof steel with white epoxy/
polyester powder coated finish. Alternatively in unpainted
acid-proof steel. The diffuser is made of impact-proof
MIR-600 LED 724 704 681 430
polycarbonate (PC) or modified impact resistant acrylic
MIR-1200 LED 1334 1314 1291 950
(KEM) with spring clips in acid-proof steel.
MIR-1500 LED 1634 1614 1591 1100

Mounting The luminaire is supplied with fixed end brackets, triangle

suspension or 2 x M8 hood nuts. Bracket for horizontal
wire and revolvable bracket to be mounted on the fixed
end bracket. M8 rod -, tube -, pole -, cable bridge -,
side- and vibration suspension to be mounted through the
M8 hood nut. M8 hood nuts with flexible CC and other
special suspensions on request.

Accessories Suspension kits.

Connection 5 pole 6 mm² screw terminal block. 5 x 2,5 mm² through

wiring on request.

Integrated emergency light Most variants can be supplied with emergency lighting
Description Part-No. Part-No.
systems (Standard, Self Test or DALI addressable) with
HF 220V-240V 50/60Hz HF 220V-240V 50/60Hz
internal battery (Ta=25°C) or external battery box. Emergency light 3hr
MIRS67-600 LED 2500 HF TW PC 840 M20 MIR078904 MIR078916
1-4 x cable glands. M20 polyamide (cable Ø7–14 mm), MIRS67-1200 LED 5000 HF TW PC 840 M20 MIR078905 MIR078917
M20 brass (cable Ø8–13 mm), M25 polyamide (cable
Ø9–18 mm), M25 brass (cable Ø12–19 mm).
Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

72 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 73
LED Replacement kit to upgrade MIR T5/T8 (18W and 36W)

Remove diffuser Remove gear tray

• Long lifetime
• Energy saving
• Enhanced light quality
• Easy conversion from T5/T8 to LED

Replace with our new MIR LED Replacement Kit Reinstall diffuser

Application Complete gear tray LED to replace T8

in MIR luminaire

Design According to rules of marine

classification societies L

Housing Aluzinc
Optic Soft optic diffuser MIR KIT-600 LED 645
MIR KIT-1200 LED 1250
Electric All components including LED and driver for MIR KIT-1500 LED 1550
230V mounted on a gear tray

Light source LED 2000, 2500, 5000lm

CRI>80, 4000K light colour temperature

Mounting Replacement of gear tray in MIR and can

upgrade MIR T5/T8 to MIR LED

Description Part-No. Part-No. Part-No. Part-No.

HF 220-240V 50/60Hz HF 220-240V 50/60Hz HF 220-240V 50/60Hz HF 220-240V 50/60Hz
1hr Emegency 1hr Emegency Ext. battery 3hr Emegency Ext. battery
MIR KIT-600 LED 2000 840 MIR078954 MIR078956 MIR078957 MIR078955
MIR KIT-600 LED 2500 840 MIR078940
MIR KIT-1200 LED 5000 840 MIR078941

Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

74 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 75
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories PA980109005

on request

Hinged gear tray Diffuser with gasket

on request

MIX 600 PC: PA970917018

MIX 1200 PC: PA970917036

• Easy maintenance
• Removable gear tray

on request

Application For mounting indoor or outdoor in Zone 2 areas


Light source LED


L1 L
C1 C
Driver Electronic ballast (HF) and DALI dimmable (10-100%).


Driver life time up to 120,000 h/10 % (max failure) at

Ta 25°C.
Body material
& colour Housing in aluzink or acid-proof steel with white epoxy/
polyester powder coated finish. Alternatively in unpainted MIX LED L1 (mm) C1 (mm) L (mm) C (mm)
acid-proof steel. The diffuser is made of impact-proof MIX-600 LED 724 704 681 430
polycarbonate (PC) with moulded silicone gasket and spring MIX-1200 LED 1334 1314 1291 950
clips in acid-proof steel. MIX-1500 LED 1634 1614 1591 1100

Mounting The luminaire is supplied with fixed end brackets, triangle

suspension or 2 x M8 hood nuts. Bracket for horizontal wire
and revolvable bracket to be mounted on the fixed end
bracket. M8 rod -, tube -, pole -, cable bridge -, side- and
vibration suspension to be mounted through the M8
hood nut. M8 hood nuts with flexible CC and other
special suspensions on request.

Accessories Suspension kits.

Connection 5 pole - 6 mm² screw terminal block. Variants with Description Part-No. Part-No.
5 x 2,5 mm² through wiring. HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
M20 glands B25 glands
1-4 x cable glands. M20 polyamide (cable
MIXS67-600 LED 2500 TW PC 840 MIX085323 MIX085744
Ø7 - 14 mm), M20 brass (cable Ø8 - 13 mm),
MIXS67-1200 LED 5000 TW PC 840 MIX085324 MIX085745
M25 polyamide (cable Ø9 - 18 mm), M25 brass MIXS67-1500 LED 7500 TW PC 840 MIX085502 MIX085746
(cable Ø12 - 19 mm).

Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

76 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 77
LED Replacement kit to upgrade MIX T5/T8 (18W and 36W)

Remove diffuser Disconnect T8 geartray

• Lifetime of minimum 50.000 hours (L70)

• For temperatures from -40ºC to +55ºC
• Enhanced light quality
• Easy conversion from T8 to LED

Remove clips Click on new clips

Application For mounting indoor or outdoor in Zone 2 areas

Light source LED

Driver Fixed output (HF). Driver life time up to 120,000 h/10 %

(max failure) at Ta 25°C

Connection Quick connector.

MIX KIT-600 LED 645
Light measurements are for complete luminaire.
MIX KIT-1200 LED 1250
MIX KIT-1500 LED 1550 Replace with new LED geartray Install new diffuser

Description Part-No. Part-No.

HF 220-240V 50/60Hz Dali 220-240V 50/60Hz
MIX KIT-600 LED 2500 840 MIX085750 MIX086008
MIX KIT-1200 LED 5000 840 MIX085751 Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

78 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 79
O68-S210 LED
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Light source LED 2500 lumen-out

Colour tolerances: MacAdams 3
Colour rendering: CRI 80
Lifetime: Minimum 50 000 hours, L70

For precise lumen values please see the data sheet

on item level

Driver Fixed output (HF) or DALI dimmable (100-1%).

Body material
& colour Manufactured with luminaire housing in die-cast aluminium.
Double layer black or aluminium grey polyester powder
coated paint finish. Reflector in anodised aluminium and
tempered safety glass cover. The luminaire has silicone
gasket and screws are in stainless steel.

Mounting Installation directly on the ceiling.

Accessories Set of two pcs. M20 cable glands for through wiring.

Connection 1 x M20 cable gland (cable Ø8 - 12 mm) on top of the

luminaire. 3 pole (HF) or 5 pole (DALI) 2,5 mm² screw
terminal block in the luminaire housing. Through wiring from
the side is possible by drilling two holes for M20 cable glands.
Description Part-No. Part-No.
Outdoor use requires suitable flexible cables assuring the HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
water tightness of the cable gland. O68-S210 LED 2500 840 MB AL O68581721 O68581721D
O68-S210 LED 2500 840 MB BL O68581712 O68581712D
Optics Wide (WB) and medium beam (MB) and reflector in O68-S210 LED 2500 840 WB BL O68582712 O68582712D
anodised aluminium. O68-S210 LED 2500 840 WB AL O68582721 O68582721D

WB: Wide beam, MB: Medium beam, AL: Aluminum grey, BL: Black Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

80 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 81
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories

• Long lifetime
• Easy installation
• Flexible mounting

Mounting Mounted to the ceiling or cable trays by:
682 +3
186 0
screws, different screwed mounting brackets, 562
shock mounts or triangles are available.

Mounting distace adjustable

Connection Connection box with cable entry 2xM25x1.5

polyamide D7-17mm and blind plugs 2xM25x1.5
polyamide Terminal 3-pole/4 mm² 697

Electric Flexible wiring heat resistant up to 105°C
Versions for emergency with 3 hours battery
backup (Ta40°C) available

Housing Seawater resistant, galvanised aluminium housing

Lightsource/Optic Designed in two length with 2200 or 4500

lumen output from the fixture, Led's are covered
by opalic polycarbonate diffuser

Application For areas like car decks, open decks, and other
demanding applications such as extreme
weather conditions at sea

Design According to rules of maritime classification Description Part-No.

societies, additional VDE and IEC/EN HF 220-240V 50/60Hz
Ambient TL50 2200 840 M25 GL TL50124000
Temperature Operation from -25ºC up to +45ºC in standard TL50 2200 840 2XM25 GL TL50124001
version TL50 2200 840 M25 AS TL50124400
TL50 2200 840 TW M25 AS TL50124700
Finish Grey anodised TL50 4500 840 2XM25 GL TL50624000
TL50 4500 840 M25 GL TL50624001
TL50 4500 840 M25 AS TL50624400
TL50 4500 840 TW M25 AS TL50624700

Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

82 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 83
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Tl60 2200 GL variant Spare Parts/Accessories

• Seawater resistant aluminium housing

• Long and short version available
• Compact and slim design
Tl60 2200 AS variant
• Long lifetime 100 000 hours at Ta45ºC
• Energy saving enhanged light quality

Application For areas like car decks, open decks, engine rooms and
other demanding applications such as extreme weather
conditions at sea

Design According to rules of maritime classification societies,

additional VDE and IEC/EN

Approvals Germanischer Lloyd approved

Tl60 4500 AS variant
temperature Operation from -30ºC up to +55ºC in standard version

Housing Seawater resistant aluminium

Finish Grey anodised

Optic Polycarbonate soft opal

Electric Flexible wiring heat resistant up to 105°C

Versions for emergency with 3 hours battery backup
(Ta40°C) or dimming (Ta -25 up to +40°C) as well as
Tl60 4500 GL variant Description Part-No. Part-No. Part-No.
through wiring with plugs are available
120V 50/60Hz 230V 50/60Hz 110-240V 50/60Hz
TL60 2200 840 110-240 HFDa M25 AS TL60404003
Light source LED 2200, 4500lm output in 4000K light temperature
TL60 4500 840 110-240 HFDa M25 AS TL60704003
and CRI>80
TL60 2200 840 110-240 M25 AS TL60404001
TL60 4500 840 110-240 M25 AS TL60704001
Mounting Mounting options with different mounting brackets;
TL60 2200 840 110-120 HFE3 M25 AS TL60414005
on request
TL60 2200 840 230 HFE3 M25 AS TL60424005
TL60 4500 840 110-120 HFE3 M25 AS TL60714005
Connection Connection box with cable entry 2xM25x1.5 polyamide TL60 4500 840 230 HFE3 M25 AS TL60724005
D7-17mm and blind plugs 2xM25x1.5 polyamide
Terminal 3-pole/6 mm²
Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

84 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 85
Technical lighting – surface mounting
Spare Parts/Accessories

Connection box Mounting bracket - AS

• Long lifetime
• No maintenance
M25 glands Mounting with M8
• Flexible mounting options
treaded rod

Mounting Mounted to the ceiling or cable trays by screws. Different

screwed mounting brackets, shock mounts or triangles are
available, mounting distance adjustable.

Connection Connection box with 2 certified cable glands M25

polyamide D7-17mm and blind plugs M25 polyamide.
Versions with through wiring with 2 connection boxes,
one each end. Terminals for 6 mm² core diameter

Electric High quality IC driver without inrush current. Flexible

wiring heat resistant up to 105°C. Versions with through
wiring and emergency are available.

Housing Seawater resistant, anodised aluminium housing

Lightsource/Optic Designed in two length with 2200 or 4500 lumen output

from the fixture, Led's are covered by soft opalic
polycarbonate diffuser.

Application For all zone 1 and zone 21 areas in onshore and

demanding applications.

Design According to rules of maritime classification societies,

additional VDE and IEC/EN
Temperature Operation from -40ºC up to +55ºC
Emergency version is charging and discharging Description Part-No. Part-No. Part-No. Part-No.
down to -40°C with 1.5h or 3h emergency duration HF 120V 50/60Hz HF 230V 50/60Hz HF E3 230V 50/60Hz HF E3 120V 50/60Hz
TX60 2200 850 TW M25 BN AS TX60185711 TX60195711 TX60195610 TX60195610
TX60 4500 850 TW M25 BN AS TX60785711 TX60795711 TX60795610 TX60795610
Finish Grey anodised

BN: Nickel plated brass, AS: Aqua Signal suspension brackets Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

86 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 87
Technical lighting – surface mounting

• High quality explosion proof luminaire, Zone 1

• Built in emergency light available
• Emergency versions

Application For mounting indoor or outdoor. 402 105
379 85

Design Designed according to maritime requirements. 347

Housing Housing in deep drawn acid proof stainless steel (S) for

outdoor marine environment.

Finish Powder coated white RAL9016 in gloss 90 for easy maintenance.

379 350
Diffuser Diffuser in moulded polycarbonate with self-locking clips.

Electric LED-tubes developed for optimum heat transmission from

LED light sources. Electronic for LED in moulded housing meeting
Ex-requirements and for maximum resistance regarding vibration and ­
moisture. LED-tubes are fixed to gear tray and connected by 2 wires
to driver. No lamp base. Emergency 3h, battery backup. 2,5h at
-30ºC. Charge time increased at battery temperature below 0ºC.
Description Part-No.
Light source LED tubes designed for TX51 fixtures. Tubes are with opal diffuser for HF 220-240V 50/60Hz
evenness light output looking similar to fluorescent tubes. Tubes are 3hr Emergency
moulded for Zone 1 operation. Can be delivered in different colour TX51 LED-E3 PM140116200
temperatures. Normally type cool white. TX51 LED-E3 2G M20 PM140901200
TX51 LED-E3 2G M20 EXIT PM150825200
Mounting To be mounted on ceiling, cable trays or brackets welded to TX51 LED-E3 2G M20 SIGN DOWN PM150825201
building construction. TX51 LED-E3 2G M20 SIGN LEFT PM150825203
TX51 LED-E3 2G M20 SIGN RIGHT PM150825202
Cable entry One cable gland and one blind plug at each end as standard.
TX51 LED-E3 SIGN EXIT PM131230201
Termination One 6-way Ex screw terminal block 6 mm² each end.
Through wiring 6 x 2,5 mm².
Heating cable Self regulating Ex heating cable in fittings with built in emergency light
to make it possible to charge the NiCd battery at low temperatures.

Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

88 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 89
Technical lighting – surface mounting
IP Zone 22

Spare Parts/Accessories

Flexible mounting (AS)

• No maintenance
• Long lifetime
• Flexible mounting options

Mounting Mounted to the ceiling or cable trays by screws.

Different screwed mounting brackets, shock mounts or
triangles are available, mounting distance adjustable

Connection Connection box with 2 certified cable entry M25

polyamide D10-17mm and blind plugs M25 polyamide.
Terminals for 6 mm² core diameter

Electric Flexible wiring heat resistant up to 105°C. Versions

with through wiring are available. High quality zone 2
driver 220V-240V 0/50/60Hz

Housing Seawater resistant, anodised aluminium housing

Lightsource/Optic Designed in two length with 2200 or 4500 lumen output

from the fixture, Led's are covered by soft opalic
polycarbonate diffuser.

Application For all zone 2 and zone 22 areas in onshore and

offshore demanding applications.

Design According to rules of maritime classification societies,

additional according to VDE and IEC/EN
Description Part-No.
HF 110-240V 50/60Hz
Temperature Operation from -25ºC up to +50ºC
TX61 2200 840 220-240 M25 AS TX61424400
TX61 4500 840 220-240 M25 AS TX61724400
Finish Grey anodised TX61 2200 840 220-240 M25 TW AS TX61424701
TX61 4500 840 220-240 M25 TW AS TX61724701

AS: Aqua Signal suspension brackets Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

90 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 91
Low bay
Technical lighting – recessed
We have developed a complete range of recessed mounted LED luminaries with high attention to
light quality, design, flexibility and visual performance. Versions for Human Centric Lighting (HCL)
solutions are available.

C60-R LED ............................ 94

C60-S LED ........................... 96
C90-R LED ........................... 98
GRX3 LED ....................... 100
TL11-R22 LED ....................... 102
Page 94–97 Page 98 Page 100 Page 102–105 TL11-R250 LED .. .................... 104

www.glamox.com/gmo 93
Technical lighting – surface mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories

C60-S with recessed

mounting frame

Part-No. 46500175
Suction pad

• For sterile evironments

• Easy maintenance
• Long lifetime

Light source LED from 3000 to 10600 lumen out. CRI80 as standard. L
CRI90 on request on some version. C1

Mounting For direct mounting in a ceiling or in a mounting frame for

recessed mounting. The mounting frame must be ordered separately.

Connection Cable entry from top. Can be supplied with cable or cable and plug.
3 or 5 pole push-in terminal block.

Optic Double parabolic Softlight optic type SL/SU with clear

diffuser in glass (GL) LED B L C C1
C60-R/S 240 x 1200 240 1173 165 940
Electric Electronic ballast (HF) or DALI. C60-R/S 240 x 1500 240 1473 165 1240
C60-R/S 315 x 600 315 573 240 340
Housing Aluzink C60-R/S 390 x 600 390 573 315 340
C60-R/S 390 x 1200 390 1173 315 940
Application For clean solutions C60-R/S 315 x 1500 315 1474 240 1240
For recessed mounting combine item no with item no for C60-R (se next page).

Design The C60-R LED are tested and certified in accordance with the
toughest ISO requirements for sterile rooms.
Description Part-No. Part-No.
Temperature Operation temperature up to +25°C HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
C60-R/S240X1200 LED 4200 930 2XSU/GL C60082480 C60082482
Finish Powder painted white steel body. C60-R/S240X1200 LED 4200 940 2XSU/GL C60082481 C60082483
C60-R/S240X1200 LED 4600 840 2XSU/GL C60082461 C60082460
C60-R/S240X1500 LED 5800 840 2XSU/GL C60082465 C60082464
C60-R/S315X600 LED 3000 840 3XSU/GL C60082457 C60082456
C60-R/S315X1500 LED 10600 840 SU/GL C60082469 C60082468
C60-R/S390X600 LED 3800 930 4XSU/GL C60082476 C60082478
C60-R/S390X600 LED 3800 940 4XSU/GL C60082477 C60082479
C60-R/S390X600 LED 4000 840 4XSU/GL C60082453 C60082452
C60-R/S390X1200 LED 10200 840 SU/GL C60082473 C60082472

Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

94 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 95
Technical lighting – recessed mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories

For 600x600 For solid ceiling

Part-No. 79000020 Part-No. 79000030 Part-No. 79000040 Part-No. C60052395

C60-R MNT ROD 0,3-0,6M (1PCS) C60-R MNT ROD 0.6-1.0M (1PCS) C60-R MNT ROD 1.0-2.0M (1PCS) C60-R MNT CEILING (4 PCS)


Only in combination with C60-S.

C60-R/S LED B (mm) B1 (mm) L (mm) C (mm) C1 (mm) Cut out (mm)
Housing White painted steel or aluminium frame. C60-R/S C60-R solid ceiling
240x1200 282 258 1224 75 940 1190x270
L 240x1500 282 258 1524 75 1240 1490x270
Application By using a C60-R mounting frame the C60-S can 75 C1 315x600 357 333 624 150 340 590x345
be turned in to a recessed clean room fitting.
315x1500 357 333 1524 150 1240 1490x345
390x600 432 408 624 225 340 590x420

Design 3 different type of recessed mounting frames: 390x1200 432 408 1224 225 940 1190x420

For modular ceiling:

Steel frame marked 300, 312, 600 or 625
C60-R C60-R T-profile
for correct module size.
94 L
For solid ceilings:
Steel frame marked "solid ceiling"

For system mounting:

Aluminium frame marked "AL"

C1 To be combined with C60-S. Ordered separately.


Description Part-No.
C60-R300 FR 240X1200 C60048564
Type L L1 C L2 C60-R600 FR 390X600 C60048568
1600 728 693 600 750 C60-R MNT CEILING (4 PCS) C60052395
3300 1338 1303 1210 1365 C60-R600 FR 315X600 C60048566
C60-R FR SOLID CEILING 390X600 C60048574
C60-R300 FR 240X1500 C60048565
C60-R600 FR 315X1200 C60048567
C60-R600 FR 390X1200 C60048569
C60-R FR SOLID CEILING 240X1200 C60048570
C60-R FR SOLID CEILING 315X600 C60048572 Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

96 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 97
Technical lighting – recessed mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories

Part-No. 61430034 Part-No. 815403301 Part-No. 815900113 Part-No. 61430040

LMS D2-SEN remote adv_IRT9090 MNT FRAME PLASTERBOARD MNT C90-R (4 pcs) LMS Actilume
600X600 PushButtonLCU2070
• Great flexibility
• Available with LLT and RGB
• Excellent light quality

Light source LED: 1200-5000lm out. 3000/4000K, CRI 80 or 90. MacAdams 3.

CCT-version: 4000lm out, 3000-6000K CRI 80.
RGB-version: 4600lm out, 2700-7000K CRI 90.
CCT/RGB not possible on the 312x312 version.
Part-No. 815900112 Part-No. C90000312 Part-No. 815900114
MNT SPRING-T36 C90-R (4 pcs) C90-R312x312 WEIGHT MNT CLICK-IN C90-R
Lifetime LED: Up to 100.000h Ta25. Minimum 50 000h Max Ta.
Mounting C90 is well suitable for all 15 and 24mm T-bar ceilings, and in Ecophon Focus Ds
and Rockfon system T24X (concealed profile). For concealed T-bar system a set of
clips (4pcs) is mounted on the body. For the 600x600 version there is a frame
for plasterboard ceilings available as an accessory. See accessories for more
information. The 312x312 version is supplied with mounting brackets.

Mounted in cluster:
As with conventional light sources you may perceive variations in colour temperature
between luminaires mounted close together (cluster). Colour tolerances for LED light
sources are normally better or the same as for conventional light sources. For more
information, please contact any member of our sales staff.

Connection Push in terminal from 3x2x2,5² up to 9x2x2,5²

Optic Micro prismatic (MP), Opalic (OP), Circle (CI) or Opalic Drop out (OD).
Glass in front of the opalic or micro prismatic optic (MP/GL, OP/GL).
Only OP/MP on the 312x312 version.

Electric HF or DALI. CCT-version only DALI. Standard (S), Self test (ST) or DALI. 1h or 3h.
Daylight and presence sensor (D2-SEN). Emergency system and sensor is not Description Part-No. Part-No.
available on CI or OD optics or on the 312x312 version. HF 220-240V 50/60Hz DALI 220-240V 50/60Hz
C90-R600x600 LED 2200 830 LI OP C90085784 C90085786
C90-R600x600 LED 2200 840 LI OP C90085785 C90085787
Housing Body in steel with plastic frame. IP55 from below and IP40 from above.
C90-R600x600 LED 3200 830 LI MP C90085771 C90085773
C90-R600x600 LED 3200 830 LI OP C90085770 C90085772
Application Premium luminous surface
C90-R600x600 LED 3200 840 LI MP C90085798 C90085801
C90-R600x600 LED 3200 840 LI OP C90085797 C90085800
Design C90-R is a family of modular LED luminaires with fully illuminated surfaces with
C90-R600x600 LED 4000 830 LI MP C90085775 C90085778
excellent design, flexibility and visual performance. C90-R600x600 LED 4000 830 LI OP C90085806 C90085776
Ambient C90-R600x600 LED 4000 840 LI MP C90085717 C90085742
Temperature Operation temperature from -25°C up to +40°C C90-R600x600 LED 4000 840 C2 OP C90085716
C90-R600x600 LED 4000 940 LI MP C90085815
Finish Body in white painted steel.

OP: Opalic optics, MP: Micro prismatic optics Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

98 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 99
Technical lighting – recessed mounting

Light source LED L1 125

Mounting Surface or recessed mounting with included

suspension rails or adjustable swingarm brackets. C
Electric The fixtures will be delivered with electronic ballast and
are available with battery backup with 90 or 180
minutes duration. GRX3 will have one gland 25 each end.

Housing Steel powder coated white RAL 9016 L3

Application Interior lighting fixture for use in marine and Ex-classified

Zone 1 areas.
L1 205

Design According to rules of maritime classification and


IEC norms. For recessed installation in variants of

panel ceilings. C

MAX = 72

MIN = 24

Cable entry One M25 brass cable gland in each end (36W) DAMPA/DANACOUSTIC
Two M25 brass cable gland in other end (18W)
L2 275 30

Optic/Diffuser DP3: Frame with double prismatic plastic diffuser. NORAC B500
Frame for adaption to actual ceiling type to be L2 280

ordered separately.
LL: Low luminance louvre type LL and frame with polycarbonate
sheet. Frame for adaption to actural ceiling type to be
ordered separately.

Termination One 6 pole Ex-certified terminal block for max 6 mm² cable
on 18W. Through-wiring and one termianl block each end Type L L1 C L2
on 36W. 1600 728 693 600 750
3300 1338 1303 1210 1365

100 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 101

Frame Unit
1200HF 6009242002 OP
1300HF 6009242001 DP
TL11-R222 LED 2400HF 6009244002 OP
2700HF 6009244001 DP

Technical lighting - recessed mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories Gromment Mounting Bracket

6005210001(2pcs) TL11210003(4pcs)

Cable clamp LED EM converter

6004510003 (2pcs) 1200HF-EB3 6003610003
Emergency kit E14 1300HF-EB3 6003610003
2400HF-EB3 6003610004
LED Driver 2700HF-EB3 6003610004
1200HF-EB3/1300HF-EB3 6003031501
2400HF-EB3/2700HF-EB3 6003028105

LED Line
1200HF/1300HF 830 6006561083(32PC)
2400HF/2700HF 830 6006561083(32PC) Terminal block
6003510035 5P (2pcs)
6003510002 2P (2pcs)

Frame Unit
• specially designed for shadow panels as Danacoustic or Dampa M3 1200HF 6009242002 OP
1300HF 6009242001 DP
• Luminaire for recessing into solid ceilings Emergency kit B15 2400HF 6009244002 OP
• Robust steel luminaire 2700HF 6009244001 DP

External battery box

6003613601 3.6V 4Ah
6003614801 4.8V 4Ah
Light source LED 830, 840 or 850 on request L
Electric With electronic driver HF, with analogue dimming HFDa 2-10 V
or with emergency HF-EB. External battery box to be ordered
separately. DALE on request.
Housing Steel housing and steel frame that fits to housing with screws. 246

Application For recessed installation in solid ceilings, where IP44-rating is

required (DP and OP variants).

Design According to maritime requirements.

B1 x L1
Finish Powder coated with RAL9016.
Cut out measure for solid ceiling
1200/1400 = 285 x 630 (W x L)
Diffuser Double prismatic (DP) or Opalic (OP)
2400/2700 = 285 x 1240 (W x L)
plastic sheet in steel frame (IP44).
For Damp/Dan M300 = only length

Reflector No reflector
TL11-R222 1400HF-EB3 120V DP TL11-R222 1200HF-EB3 830 OP

Mounting To be installed in ceiling cut out with adjustable suspension

brackets.Suspension brackets is included. Type L L1

TL11-R222 LED 1200 653 625 Description Part-No. Part-No. Part-No.

Cable entry Two holes Ø 20,5 mm with rubber grommet on top and two 100-240V 50/60Hz 100-240V 50/60Hz 120V 50/60Hz
TL11-R222 LED 1400 653 625
knock outs Ø 20,5 mm in each end. 3hr Emergency 3hr Emergency
TL11-R222 LED 2400 1261 1236,5 TL11-R222 LED 1400 830 DP TL22283101 TL22283401 TL22283411
Termination One 5-way push in terminal block, 2 x 2,5 mm². TL11-R222 LED 2700 1261 1236,5 TL11-R222 LED 1200 830 OP TL22283102 TL22283402 TL22283412
TL11-R222 LED 2700 830 DP TL22483101 TL22483401 TL22483411
TL11-R222 LED 2400 830 OP TL22483102 TL22483402 TL22483412
Remarks Emergency battery box to be ordered separately.
Cut out dimensions: Accessories Part-No.
1200 / 1400 W: 285 x 630 mm TL11-R EB3 Batterybox 1200–1500 3.6V 4Ah 6003613601
2400 / 2800 W: 285 x 1240 mm TL11-R EB3 Batterybox 2400–3000 4.8V 4Ah 6003614800

Optic Double prismatic (DP) or Opalic (OP) plastic sheet in

steel frame (IP44)
OP: Opalic, DP: Double prismatic Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

102 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 103

Frame Unit
1200HF 6009242002 OP
1300HF 6009242001 DP
TL11-R250 LED 2400HF 6009244002 OP
2700HF 6009244001 DP

Technical lighting - recessed mounting

Spare Parts/Accessories
Gromment Mounting Bracket
6005210001(2pcs) TL11210003(4pcs)

Cable clamp LED EM converter

6004510003 (2pcs) 1200HF-EB3 6003610003
Emergency kit E14 1300HF-EB3 6003610003
2400HF-EB3 6003610004
LED Driver 2700HF-EB3 6003610004
1200HF-EB3/1300HF-EB3 6003031501
2400HF-EB3/2700HF-EB3 6003028105

LED Line
1200HF/1300HF 830 6006561083(32PC)
2400HF/2700HF 830 6006561083(32PC) Terminal block
6003510035 5P (2pcs)
6003510002 2P (2pcs)

• Luminaire for recessing into solid ceilings Frame Unit

• It can be used for retrofit since it fits to old cut outs for old 1200HF 6009242002 OP
1300HF 6009242001 DP
aquas signal 1226 and old Glamox GIM with T8/T12 Emergency kit B15 2400HF 6009244002 OP
2700HF 6009244001 DP

External battery box

Light source LED 830, 840 or 850 on request L 6003613601 3.6V 4Ah
6003614801 4.8V 4Ah
Electric With electronic driver HF, with analogue dimming HFDa 2-10 V
or with emergency HF-EB. External battery box to be ordered
separately. DALI on request.

Housing Steel housing and steel frame that fits to housing with screws.

Application For recessed installation in solid ceilings, where IP44-rating is

required (DP and OP variants).

Design According to maritime requirements.

Finish Powder coated with RAL9016.

B1 x L1
Diffuser Double prismatic (DP) or Opalic (OP) Cut out measure for solid ceiling
plastic sheet in steel frame (IP44). 1300/1500 = 285 x 630 (W x L)
2600/3000 = 285 x 1240 (W x L)
Reflector No reflector For Damp/Dan M300 = only length

Mounting To be installed in ceiling cut out with adjustable suspension TL11-R250 LED 1500HF 830 100-240/5-6 DP TL11-R250 LED 1300HF 830 100-240/5-6 OP
brackets. Suspension brackets to be ordered separately.
Type L L1

Cable entry Two holes Ø 20,5 mm with rubber grommet on top and two TL11-R250 LED 1300 670 625 Description Part-No. Part-No. Part-No.
knock outs Ø 20,5 mm in each end. TL11-R250 LED 1500 670 625 100-240V 50/60Hz 100-240V 50/60Hz 120V 50/60Hz
3hr Emergency 3hr Emergency
TL11-R250 LED 2600 1280 1236,5
Termination One 5-way push in terminal block, 2 x 2,5 mm². TL11-R250 LED 1300 830  OP TL25283102 TL25283402 TL25283412
TL11-R250 LED 3000 1280 1236,5 TL11-R250 LED 1500 830 DP TL25283111 TL25283401 TL25283411
TL11-R250 LED 3000 830 DP TL25483101 TL25483401 TL25483411
Remarks Variants to adaption to panel ceiling available on request.
TL11-R250 LED 2600 830 OP TL25483102 TL25483402 TL25483412
Emergency battery box to be ordered separately.
Cut out dimensions: Accessories Part-No.
1200 / 1400 W: 285 x 630 mm TL11-R EB3 Batterybox 1200–1500 3.6V 4Ah 6003613601
2400 / 2800 W: 285 x 1240 mm TL11-R EB3 Batterybox 2400–3000 4.8V 4Ah 6003614800

Optic Double prismatic (DP) or Opalic (OP) plastic sheet in

steel frame (IP44) OP: Opalic, DP: Double prismatic Complete assortment on www.glamox.com/gmo

104 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 105

Mounting options for TL/TX technical luminaires
Standard Optional

Standard GL mounting Standard GL mounting Standard AS mounting Shock mount bracket, to Cranked bracket, to be Triangle bracket, to be Eye bolt bracket, to be Threaded pin bracket, to Pole mount bracket, to Pipe mount 1 1/4" Pipe mount 1 1/2"
bracket, delivered bracket, delivered bracket, delivered be ordered separately. ordered separately. ordered separately. ordered separately. be ordered separately. be ordered separately. bracket, to be ordered bracket, to be ordered
premounted on luminaire premounted on luminaire premounted on the separately. separately.
connection box. end cap. luminaire. For mounting on existing For mounting on existing For mounting on existing For mounting on existing For mounting on existing For mounting on existing
standard AS bracket. standard AS bracket. standard AS bracket. standard AS bracket. standard AS bracket. standard AS bracket. For mounting on existing For mounting on existing
For direct replacement For direct replacement Flexible and easy standard AS bracket. standard AS bracket.
with MAX, MIX, MIR with MAX, MIX, MIR replacement of
and MIL series. and MIL series. equivalent existing

Art-No. Art-No.
Art-No. Art-No. Art-No. Art-No. Art-No. Art-No. Art-No. Art-No. Art-No.
9840269700 9840269800
9840269300 9842218000 9840281300 9840281400 9840265100 8175114900 8175112000 8175115200 8175115300
1 pcs 1 pcs
2 pcs 2 pcs 2 pcs 2 pcs 2 pcs 2 pcs 1 pcs 1 pcs 2 pcs
mounted on battery box mounted on end cap

Premounted Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional


Premounted Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional


Premounted Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional


Premounted Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional


Premounted Premounted


Premounted Premounted


Premounted Premounted


Premounted Premounted


106 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 107

Mounting options for multi purpose luminaires
Standard Optional

Standard fixed end-bracket Universal mounting bracket M8 bolt Triangle Crosswise Shock absorbing bracket Adjustable swing bracket Wire

Delivered pre mounted from To be mounted to luminaire Must be specified when Delivered pre mounted from To be mounted to luminaire To be mounted to luminaire To be mounted in combination To be mounted in combination
factory as standard. Can be with M8 hood nut. Must placing order. Available factory on request. with M8 hood nut. Must be with M8 hood nut. Must be with standard fixed bracket with standard fixed bracket
combined with adjustable be specified when placing as accessory. Cannot be specified when placing order. specified when placing order. Ordered separately. Ordered separately.
swing bracket and wire order. Available as accessory. combined with standard fixed Available as accessory. Available as accessory.
suspension. Cannot be combined with bracket. Cannot be combined with Cannot be combined with
standard fixed bracket. standard fixed bracket. standard fixed bracket.

Aluzinc PA000321005 Aluzinc small 887980614

To be specified when PA000321010 Aluzinc small 887980630
Fixed Stainless steel PA000321006 PA000321009 PA000321004 Aluzink large 887980612
placing order PA000321011 Stainless steel large 887980631
2 pcs Stainless steel small 887980615

Fixed Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional


Fixed Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional


Fixed Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional


Fixed Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional


108 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 109

Torque 25Nm

Hexagon nut M13x1

Flat sealing ring
Flat sealing ring
Flat sealing ring
Threaded bushing





49 Ø2


Shock mount
Hexagon screw M8x20

Torque 17Nm

Threaded bushing
Nut M8 flat series;
Torque 25Nm
Torque 25Nm

counted to thread brush

Hexagon nut M13x1
Threaded bushing
Hexagon nut M13x1
Eye bolt, torque 17Nm,

Torque 17Nm; locked with screw locking glue

locked with screw locking glue

Torque 25Nm
Torque 25Nm

Hexagon nut M13x1

Dimension drawings of Multi mounting options

Hexagon nut M13x1

Flat sealing

Flat sealing
Washer Ø8.4

attached seperately
2x nut and 2x washer


VG75 3.5


screw lock glue

Torque 17Nm with
with screwlock glue

Threaded pin M8x45

Threated bushing
Hexagon screw M8x20
Torque 17Nm and locked

Measurements are in mm
Threated bushing M8/M13

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0 10 20 30 40 50 100 150
Scale/ Skala 1-150mm


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Glamox Production B




AS bracket
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Scale; Maßstab

GmbH & Co. KG



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Drawing No.; Zeichngs Nr.

eg 5 - 17166 Teterow

Nomenclature; Benennung
payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the ersatz. Alle Rechte für den Fall der Patent-, Gebrauchsmuster-

grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration. oder Geschmacksmustereintragung vorbehalten.





Source; Ursprung


AS Halter

AS bracket

MaßbildTL60 +

Dimension drawing TL60 +



Scale; Maßstab


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Pipe mount 11/2"

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payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the ersatz. Alle Rechte für den Fall der Patent-, Gebrauchsmuster-
grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration. oder Geschmacksmustereintragung vorbehalten.
Pole mount



Sub. for; Ers. für:





Drawing No.; Zeichngs Nr.
BNomenclature; Benennung







Scale; Maßstab




Pipe mount 1 1/2"

Maßbild TL60 2200 +



by; Ers. durch:Name

Rohrbefestigung 1 1/2"

GL bracket for terminal Box


Dimension drawing TL60 2200 +



Nomenclature; Benennung




Source; Ursprung


Source; Ursprung




The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieses Dokuments, Verwertung

Glamox Production GmbH & Co. KG as the communication of its contents to others without expressed und Mitteilung seines Inhaltes sind verboten, soweit nicht aus-

Glasower Weg 5 - 17166 Teterow authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the drücklich gestattet. Zuwiderhandlungen verpflichten zu Schaden-
payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the ersatz. Alle Rechte für den Fall der Patent-, Gebrauchsmuster-

grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration. oder Geschmacksmustereintragung vorbehalten.


Pipe mount

Scale; Maßstab



terminal box

Dimension drawing TL60 +

GL Halter - Anschlußdose
GL bracket - terminal box
Scale; Maßstab



GL mounting bracket

A 11/4"

Maßbild TL60 + 0 22478

Sub. for; Ers. für:
Dimension drawings of TL/TX mounting options



Drawing No.; Zeichngs Nr.

Sub. for; Ers. für:


Drawing No.; Zeichngs Nr.
Nomenclature; Benennung


- 4 Pole mount


Sub. by; Ers. durch:

2200 + Pole mount

3m TL60 2200 +


C 7175182000

Dimension drawing Type TL60

Source; Ursprung



Pipe mount 1 1/4"

Sub. by; Ers. durch:

Maßbild TL60 2200 +




Rohrbefestigung 1 1/4 "

Dimension drawing TL60 2200 +

Scale; Maßstab





GL bracket for end cap

Sub. for; Ers. für:

Drawing No.; Zeichngs Nr.
Nomenclature; Benennung


Maßbild TL60 +
end cap

Sub. by; Ers. durch:

GL bracket

GL bracket - end cap

GL Halter für Endkappe
Dimension drawing TL60 +




Technical information

Technical information
Optiwin 3D Pro ....................................... 114
What is Dali? .......................................... 116
Glamox Solutions ..................................... 117
Sensors .................................................. 118
Housing materials .................................... 120
Light distribution ....................................... 122
Light technical definitions ........................... 124
Industrial lighting ...................................... 126
International standards (ISO & CEN) . .......... 128
Protection degrees . .................................. 130
ATEX and IEC Ex marking .......................... 132
Protection in hazardous areas . ................... 134
ATEX and hazardous areas ........................ 136
North american marking ........................... 136
Protections types ..................................... 140
Installations Standard .................................142
Emergency light standards ........................ 146
Product marking and certification ................ 148
Icon description ....................................... 150
Alphabetic index . .................................... 152

www.glamox.com/gmo 113
Optiwin 3D Pro Optiwin 3D Pro
Lighting design Like working in the real world

“I have worked with lighting design for Glamox

Optiwin 3D Pro is developed for designing and documenting
lighting in the most complex outdoor structures. The goal is to offer since 1994. Previously design projects could take
effective and safe installation work, it makes it possible to calculate
up to a month with the tools we had available.
the most demanding environments. The result will secure the
installation as you are taking into consideration all equipment from Nowadays, with Optiwin 3D Pro, I can do the
drawing level. All results are available in comprehensive reports. You
same work in half an hour.”
can exchange the result database with other users through E-mail,
reducing communication time.
Project Manager Christian Pascal
Glamox is a total supplier of lighting design and products. With
knowledge on design and light calcultaion we want to build a long
term relationship with our customers.
“Customers using the new system indicate their savings to be up to
70% in electro-engineering. It is now possible to view the positioning
of light fixtures in 3D at an early stage of a project. This also reduces
the possibility of installation errors and the costs they incur. The fact
that we have spent so much time and money on developing such an
advanced calculation program is proof of our commitment to helping
our customers do a good job”, explains Pascal.

He continues talking as he opens a model of a onshore facility

on his computer screen. “We import the facility, place the lighting
and are able to carry out all the necessary calculations swiftly and
easily.” Christian Pascal studies the screen to make sure there is no
shadowing or conflict with other equipment. “I can use the screen
to take a walk around the facitlity, moving in between pipelines,
machines and other equipment to make sure the lighting is correct.
It really is great fun to work with such an advanced and detailed
system, almost more fun than playing a computer game”, he tells us
with a smile.
The result of the lighting design
programme is a comprehensive report. “Optiwin 3D Pro is available for all our customers. Contact us to find
out how this can work for you.”

27.10.2010 27.10.2010 27.10.2010

v2010.11.8 1 v2010.11.8 4 v2010.11.8 24

Report luminaire positioning Report luminaire positioning Report luminaire positioning

Responsible Christian PASCAL Responsible Christian PASCAL Responsible Christian PASCAL
Room name 01 Center Shaft Room name 01B North Shaft Room name 05A Center Shaft
Customer Customer Customer
Info EL 1600 Info EL 4000 Info EL 28200

Room dimensions Length x (m) 25,99 Room dimensions Length x (m) 11,19 Room dimensions Length x (m) 11,85
Width y (m) 24,73 Working plane (m) 1,0 Width y (m) 12,88 Working plane (m) 0,0 Width y (m) 12,46 Working plane (m) 1,0
Height z (m) 9,1 Maintenance factor 0,7 Height z (m) 6,2 Maintenance factor 0,7 Height z (m) 3,8 Maintenance factor 0,7
Area (m²) 496,74 Border zone 0,0 Area (m²) 113,57 Border zone 0,0 Area (m²) 139,41 Border zone 0,0

Reflection Ceiling 0,7 Floor 0,2 Reflection Ceiling 0,7 Floor 0,2 Reflection Ceiling 0,7 Floor 0,2
Walls 1-10 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Walls 1-6 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Walls 1-10 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5

Calculation result Calculation result - Emerg. light Calculation result

Calculation Area Room
Total installed kW
Emid = 350 Lux
4,93 kW
Evenness Emin/Emid: 0,28 Emin/Emax = 0,11 Calculation Area Room Emid = 2 Lux Evenness: 8:1 Calculation Area Room
Total installed kW
Emid = 411 Lux
1,83 kW
Evenness Emin/Emid: 0,32 Emin/Emax = 0,23
When light calculations
Specific load 9,93 W/m² 2,84 W/m² /100 Lux Specific load 13,13 W/m² 3,19 W/m² /100 Lux

are required for an area

Luminaire data - Emerg. light
No PosNr No Luminaire Type No Lights Lm Light src.
Luminaire data Luminaire data
3 3 MAXS67 236 PC W/BATTERY HF 1 335 T8 36 W
PosNr No
Luminaire Type
MAXS67 236 PC HF 2
No Lights Lm
Light src.
T8 36 W
PosNr No
Luminaire Type
MAXS67 236 PC HF 2
No Lights Lm
Light src.
T8 36 W
70 on a onshore facitlity,
2 6 GFX 400F HST WB F 1 55500 HST 400 W 437 2 11 10444..Vielzweckleuchte, F 2 6700 T26 36W/nw/G13 90

the customer submits

ISOLUX-diagram Calculation Area Room - Emerg. light
3 8 MAXS67 236 PC W/BATTERY HF 1 6700 T8 36 W 70 Abd_klar, 2x36W/G13
Average illuminance Emid = 2 Lux Evenness: 8:1 3 5 MAXS67 236 PC W/BATTERY HF 1 6700 T8 36 W 70

ISOLUX-diagram Calculation Area Room

Average illuminance Emid = 350 Lux Evenness Emin/Emid: 0,28 Emin/Emax = 0,11 ISOLUX-diagram Calculation Area Room 3D drawings which are
Average illuminance Emid = 411 Lux Evenness Emin/Emid: 0,32 Emin/Emax = 0,23

imported into Optiwin 3D

Pro. Once the necessary
parameters have been
specified, the system takes
just seconds to calculate
lighting and the positioning
of light fixtures.
Glamox International Glamox International Glamox International
Phone +47 71 25 04 11 Phone +47 71 25 04 11 Phone +47 71 25 04 11
Fax +47 71 21 85 40 Fax +47 71 21 85 40 Fax +47 71 21 85 40

114 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 115

What is DALI? Glamox’ solutions
Work to develop a digital standard for the lighting Glamox can offer a wide variety of lighting
industry began in 1996. By the autumn of 1999 solutions combined with the knowledge of different
the standard was ready. It was named DALI - DALI partners to optimize your lighting solutions.
Digital Addressable Light Interface.
Even non-DALI lighting fixtures can be connected via a DALI relay.
Optionally the relay can be built into an ATEX approved housing for
The greatest progress of the new standard was making ballasts
applications in hazardous areas.
addressable. Each luminaire could now be assigned a specific
address. DALI also allows for two-way communication with the
U / UM-Sensor (U=Ultrasonic)
luminaire. You can tell whether the tubes are working correctly, and
Glamox U-sensor is a presence sensor that can be wired in a
at what lighting level they are. The DALI protocol has been expanded
master-slave configuration (up to 400VA) or as a UM-sensor with
several times since the beginning and each new device has been
“low absence light” configuration. For a hazardous area it is possible
given a new number (Device Type X = DTX). The latest important
to build this U-sensor inside of a small Ex-d housing with a glass
updates are emergency light (DT1), LED (DT6) and RGB/Tunable
windshield which the U sensor looks through.
white control (DT8).

This can also be combined with a daylight sensor to combine light

Today DALI is the most common digital protocol for light control. The
level measurement with the controlling of the used luminaires.
DALI protocol is described in the technical standard IEC 62386.
DALI is a low speed communication BUS using standard installation
cable as media. It has a de-centralised intelligence with the following
information saved in each device.

Toady DALI is commonly used in offices and a wide variety of

industrial areas. However, the use of DALI and light management
systems (LMS) can also benefit modern Chemical / Petrochemical

116 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 117

How do microwave
(U-sen) sensors work?
Auto on 15 min. Auto off Power
The sensor sends out a high frequency signal (5,8GHz) and when L1
the reflection time of the signal changes, it is detected as movement,
and the light comes on. When reflection stays the same it is detected N
as absence and after a time delay the light goes off. The time delay
can be adjusted by the use of micro switches on the sensor. Because
of the high frequency the detection signal goes through glass and
light walls. The size of the detection area can be adjusted. The sensor
should not be placed close to strong ventilation outlets or close to
large metal constructions because of unwanted reflections.

The sensor detects the presence of people working and together with
a possible daylight sensor to switch the lighting on, on demand only.
Even in larger buildings it is possible to only create a pass way of
light for the available people present in that particular area and set
the rest of the building to for instance 10-20% orientation lighting or
shut down the not needed lighting fixtures completely.
Ex-d box
DALI DALI MIX with DALI relais
U motion sensor
Power supply switch Ex-e DALI LED or dimming

Other ATEX non-DALI

lighting fixtures (dimmable)
• TX60
• TX61
• TX65
• FX60

Power supply

118 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 119

Choosing the best housing materials
Choosing suitable housing materials is crucial to ensure a long product lifetime, especially when it
comes to luminaires that are developed for demanding environments. This is why Glamox prefers
high quality materials for our products to the petrochemical industry.

Knowing the mechanics of materials and • In the FX/FL and TX-65 series the light • When welding and cutting Aluzinc®, Epoxy/polyester powder coated finish
when and where to use them, is essential source bodies are made from marine the cut surfaces self-seal which restores • Glamox luminaire housings are finished
when designing products that must perform grade aluminum, the brackets and the rust protection. with epoxy/polyester powder coating
and endure in harsh conditions. Below plate housing of the bulbs are made of • In most applications, Aluzinc is as a standard.
you will find information about some of the Stainless steel 316L. particularly good compared to • Epoxy powder coating is used
materials we use most frequently. galvanised in salt laden, acidic and extensively when flexibility, adhesion,
polluted atmospheres. toughness and corrosion resistance is
Glamox Seagrade Aluminum • White rust can occur in some humid required,
Glamox Seagrade Aluminum EN AW-6060
or otherwise extreme environments on • Epoxy coating is based on epoxy
ENAC-44300 • For the TX60/TX61/TL60 series
unpainted sheets. resins, which is manufactured in a way
• Has an extremely low copper value Glamox uses a high grade of seawater
• Aluzinc® is a registered trademark of that makes it possible to coat a high
(<0,1 %) which prohibits corrosion from resistant Aluminum (low copper value
SSAB. film build without any defect in the
seawater. <0,1% ) EN AW-6060 ( AlMgSi –
coating when cured.
• As with all aluminum the seagrade 3.3206 ). This kind of copper free Stainless steel 316L • What is outstanding with this epoxy
aluminum has good heat dissipation aluminum also ensures that there is no • When an even higher grade of powder is its excellent resistance to
qualities which allow for the heat corrosion on luminaires used in a sea protection is desired the Glamox solvents and chemicals and that it
from the LED and the LED driver to be side environment. luminaires are also delivered in stainless provides a good corrosion protection
conducted out of the luminaire efficiently. • It is not recommended to cover this steel 316L as a standard. layer. It is especially suitable in
• This kind of Copper free aluminum alloy with a coating because this has • Grade 316 is the standard aggressive environments.
guarantees a corrosion free usage of our an insulating effect which slows the molybdenum-bearing grade, second
lighting fixtures when used in a marine heat dissipation down. in overall volume production to 304
coastal environment. • The alloy EN AW-6060 is a widely amongst the austenitic stainless steels.
• Aluminum is used because of its used extrusion alloy, suitable for many The molybdenum gives 316 better
extremely good heat dissipation applications. Parts can be produced overall corrosion resistant properties
qualities. LEDs and LED drivers emit a with a very good surface quality. than Grade 304, particularly higher
good portion of heat that needs to be • The corrosion resistance is very good, resistance to pitting and crevice
properly managed to ensure a maximum especially for marine use. corrosion in chloride environments.
life time of the electronics.
• 316L is considered resistant to potable
• To ensure optimal heat transfer it is not Aluzinc
water with up to about 1000mg/L
recommended to cover the aluminum • Coating sheet metal with aluminum-zinc
chlorides at ambient temperatures,
with coating because this has an is a very effective way of preventing
reducing to about 500mg/L at 60°C.
insulating effect which slows the heat corrosion.
• Grade 316L, is the low carbon version
dissipation down. • Aluzinc® coated sheets are made in
of 316 and has very high immunity
• Seagrade aluminum is a eutectic alloy the same way as hot-dip galvanised
from sensitization (grain boundary
that has excellent castability properties, sheet metal, but by using a mixture of
carbide precipitation). It is extensively
excellent fluidity, and high resistance to approximately 55% aluminum. 43.4%
used in the oil and gas and chemical
hot tearing. It has good machinability zinc. 1.6% silicon (by weight), rather
industries for its cost effective corrosion
and high resistance to chemical attacks. than just zinc, to coat the surface.
resistance and ease of fabrication.
• Aluminum 44300 is ideal for thin-walls • Parts made of Aluzinc® are ready
• 316L is usually regarded as the
and provides pressure tight, corrosion- for use immediately after shaping,
standard “marine grade stainless steel”
resistant castings. It has good elongation welding and bending. This makes it
and is therefore chosen as a Glamox
properties and is not age hardened. cost efficient, especially since there
standard material.
• sometimes isn’t a need for lacquering.

120 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 121

Light distribution

How to read a Light distribution curve? Symmetric light distribution

Crosswise Lengthwise
A light distribution curve, also called polar diagram is a visual When you want a uniformly illuminated area
representation of the light distribution of a lamp/luminaire. The and lighting point can be positioned directly
illustration represents the light distribution of a lamp in a room or area. over the illuminated area.

Starting from the center point of the light source you can see
two lines; a full line and a dotted line. These lines show the light
distribution and intensity from different angles of the light source.

The full line shows the front view (C0-C180), the dotted line the side
view (C90-C270). C0–C180 C90–C270

Light intensity Asymmetric light distribution

Light intensity is also defined in the polar diagram. It is measured Three important point for using asymmetric light
from the centre of the source of illumination. The light intensity distribution.
is expressed in Candela (cd) and is presented as circles in the
diagram. Larger circles means higher value in Candela. For an
overview of light technical definitions, see the table named “Light 1 la
technical definitions”. Even light distribution A
over a vertical area.

Absolute and Relative photometry

Absolute photometry is the Absolute number of lumen measured
Light intensity Light output ratio
from the luminaire. Relative photometry is related to the number of 2
450 = 450 cd/klm (1000 lumen) According to light measurement
lumen and the Light Output Ratio (LOR) for the luminaire. When Even lit horizontal area
Product with 2000lm out gives regulations LED light output shall
using absolute photometry the LOR are set to 100% since the lumen when luminaires can only
intensity = 2 x 450 = 900cd. be communicated in absolute
number equals the light coming out of the luminaire. lumen. This means LOR = 100. be mounted on the outer
edge of the area.
Relative photometry are used when the installed light sources
has a standard lumen value. This makes it easy to compare the
efficiency of the luminaire since that equals the LOR. On LED there
are no standard lumen values for the different LED modules so Remember distance law of photometry:
there it makes more sense to operate with absolute photometry. The illumination given by a point light source is inversely
That has also been implemented in the IEC standard for light proportional to the square of the distance between the light source 3
measurement. Remember that the polar diagram showing light and the illuminated surface and propotional with the light intensity Horizontal area where
intensity (cd/1000lm) in different angles are based on absolute in direction against the point. part of the surface is not
lumen when measured as absolute photometry and installed lumen to be illuminated e.g.
when based on relative photometry. Formula: minimum glare.
lb 2
EB = EA x ( )

122 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 123

Light technical definitions
Consept Symbol Unit Formula Explanation

Luminous Lumen Lumen output is the total amount of light from a light source defined toward
flux (lm) the sensitivity curve of the human eye.
Luminous Candela Intensity of the light output in a specific direction.
I I= Φ
intensity (cd) �
Defined as luminous flux per solid angle.
Illuminance Lux Φ
The luminous flux that hits an area divided by the size of that area.
E E= A
Luminance L= I The luminous intensity that reflects from a surface divided by the
L (cd/ m²) size of the perceived surface.
(L = AI cos Φ)

Luminance The luminance distribution in the field of view controls the adaptation level
distribution of the eyes, which affects task visibility.
Colour Kelvin The colour temperature is used to identify the respective light colour.
CIE 17.4
temperature K Less 4000K = Warm light. Above 4000K = Cold light.
Colour The colour-rendering index Ra derived from a set of six test colours and is used to
rendering evaluate the colour rendering characteristics of the lamp. The index is graded from
Ra Ra-index CIE 17.4 1 - 100 where 100 are lamps that contain radiation from the whole visible spectre.
DIN 5035 states six of these levels: 1A=90-100; 1B=80-90; 2A=70-80; 2B=60-
70; 3=40-60 and 4=20-40. 1B is recommended for indoor working environment.
Luminous Luminous flux from the lamps divided by the power loss of the lamps.
H Lm/W H= Φ
efficacy P

System Φ
Luminous flux from the lamps divided by the power loss of the system
Hs Lm/W H=
efficacy Ps
(lamps, ballast and others).
Uniformity / Emin Lmin Relations between the lowest and the average value.
Evenness Emid Lmid Passes for both Illuminance and luminance.
Glare A condition that affects the visibility to see details or gives distaste. Normally
divided in to: unpleasant glare (UGR/NB) and Sight restrictive glare (TI/º)
Cut-off angle The angle between a horizontal axes through the luminaire and the sightline
when the light source becomes visible.
Light output ratio Ratio of the total flux of the luminaire, measured under specific conditions, to the
ƞ %
sum of the individual luminous fluxes of the lamps operating outside the luminaire.
Φ out
Reflection coefficient p % Φ in Ratio of the total flux reflected from an area to the incoming flux on the same area.
Contrast / Contrast Objects can be distinguished primarily on the basis on the difference in luminance
sensitivity Lb÷Lo and colour between the objects and its immediate surroundings. The contrast
C= Lo
sensitivity expresses the least possible luminance contrast the eye can discern.
Cs is influenced among others by glare from the visual field.
Average Hours Average lifetime is defined as when 50% of a larger amount of the
lifetime (h) product is still running.
Service Hours Service lifetime is defined as when 80% of the calculated lux level is reached.
lifetime (h)

Economical lifetime Hours Economical lifetime is defined as when 70% of a larger amount of the
(h) product is still running.

124 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 125

Check list for industrial lighting
Increase in
output (%)
1. Ensure the right illuminance 5. Explosion-protected luminaires of the directive. Zone 0 and 20 require Category 1 marked
Proper illuminance at the task area is needed for maximum 140 The risk of explosion is present where combustible substances are equipment, zone 1 and 21 require at least Category 2 marked
productivity, reduction of errors, fatigue and accidents. With even 130
drilling processed and stored. The same hazard exists where combustible equipment and zone 2 and 22 require at least Category 3 marked
higher illuminances productivity may be further increased. Consider stripping Productivity increase dust is present. Our datasheets list the Ex rating according to the ATEX equipment. Zone 0 and 20 are the zones with the highest risk of an
increasing illuminance levels over those recommended in industry 120
with the illuminance. directive and IECEx. explosive atmosphere being present.
lighting norms. Source: licht.de.
110 cutting
The new ATEX equipment directive 2014/34/EU Equipment Depending on the minimum ignition energy of the gas, gases are
100 200 300 400 500 600
and protective systems is intended for use in potentially explosive classified in maximum surface temperature groups ranging from T1 =
Illuminance in lux
atmospheres. ATEX and IECEx define atmosphere groups depending 630° to T6 = 95° Celsius.
on the type and presence of gases and dust. Site owners must classify
areas where hazardous explosive atmospheres may occur into zones. Glamox Luxo Lighting has vast experience from the most extreme Ex-
2. Light source selection
conditions in the North sea. We produce luminaires suited for Zone
Maintenance intervals are determined mainly by light source lifetime. Areas classified into zones (0, 1, 2 for gas-vapour-mist and 20, 21, 1/21 and Zone 2/22 (Ex-n) and for maximum surface temperature
LED luminaires have long lifetime and with LED gear trays that are 22 for dust) must be protected from sources of ignition. Equipment
LED gear trays make groups T3 (200 deg) to T5 (100 deg).
easy to retro-fit, the lifetime of existing luminaires may be prolonged intended to be used in Ex-classified areas must meet the requirements
retro-fitting easy.
even further.

ATEX-rating rating rating

3. Hot/cold environments CE = Complies with European directive

The maximum rated ambient temperature (Ta) of the luminaire must 0518 0518 = Notified body number Ex Explosion protection Ex Explosion protection
not be exceeded in order to achieve the wanted light output and
lifetime. This applies in warm as well as cold environments, where the Testing of maximum
minimum temperature is important. ambient temperatures. Specific marking for explosion protection d Type of protection tb Type of protection

We carefully tests the temperature on all critical components inside II Equipment group IIC Gas group IIIC Dust type
our luminaires and match this with the corresponding Ta. The Temperature class
maximum rated temperature is listed in the product datasheet. 2 Equipment category T4 (T1 - T6) T135°C Temperature class (°C)
Equipment Equipment protection
G Environment Gb protection level Db level

4. Lighting principles for various ceiling heights

The light distribution curve visualizes both the orientation and the light Examples of different light distribution curves can be wide beam
distribution of the luminaire and depends upon reflector design, type (WB), medium beam (MB), narrow beam (NB) and extreme narrow
of glare control and light source. beam (XNB).
6. Operating conditions: IP/IK-rating
Luminaires with a lower IP-rating, e.g. IP 20, becomes dirty more
The IP code stands for Ingress Protection and consists of two digits.
quickly than enclosed luminaires with an IP-rating 50. So they require
WB MB NB XNB Correct type of luminaire and The first (1 to 6) indicates the degree of protection against solid
maintenance sooner. Glamox datasheets list the IP-rating on the
light distribution depends foreign bodies. The second (1 to 8) describes the waterproofness.
on the lighting requirements,
mounting height and the lumen-
out of the luminaire.

For lower mounting heights

a luminaire with wide beam 7. Chemical and corrosion resistance: material selection
light distribution will be the
In areas with presence of corrosive gases or vapour, the IP-rating
preferred choice in most cases.
may not be sufficient to achieve adequate protection. For instance,
For high bay warehouses
we normally recommend ammonia gases in agricultural buildings may harm the plastic
enclosure. Furthermore, luminaires in outdoor or salty environments Corrosion testing of
luminaires with narrow beam –
or extreme narrow beam light require proper corrosion protection. Powder-coated, acid-proof steel
distribution. provides better protection than aluzinc- coated steel. Our technical
information contains information on such measures.

126 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 127


CEN (European Committee for and European Standardization EMC

Standardization) and CENELEC Organizations (ESOs) to increase EMC is short for Electro Magnetic
(European Committee for Electrotechnical the transparency of ongoing work at Compatibility. By this we mean the product
Standardization) have dedicated agreements international and European levels. capability to function in its environment
with the International Organization for without disturbing or be disturbed by
Standardization (ISO) and the International The main standards and regulations electromagnetic interference. The EU
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), concerning Explosion safety are harmonised Directive refers to European standards EN
promoting the benefits of the international at two different continent levels, CENELEC 55015 EMC Radio interference and EN
standards to international trade and markets for Europe and NEC for the USA. 61547 EMC Immunity. For plants in Europe
harmonization. and where EMC Directive 2014/30/
Most of the countries have their testing EUis applicable for the apparatus, see also
The high level of convergence between authority, commonly referred to as NoBo’s Guide for the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU.
the European and international standards (Notified Bodies), following the national
is facilitated by the ongoing technical standards and regulations. A Notified body Glamox has, since the EMC Directive was
cooperation between CEN and ISO (Vienna is a certification body that is designated implemented, built advanced laboratories
Agreement, 1991) and between CENELEC by the notifying authority of a Member where we can do all relevant tests.
and IEC (Dresden Agreement, 1996). State to carry out the tasks pertaining to In parallel we have educated our staff to
the conformity assessment procedures, have knowledge on this matter.
CEN has an agreement for technical referred to in the applicable New Approach
co-operation with the International directives when a third party is required. Harmonic distortion
Organization for Standardization (ISO). In accordance with EMC directive
Through the involvement of experts in We can name for instance NEMKO for 2014/30/EU industrial networks, EN-IEC
Technical Committees, European and Norway, PTB for Germany, CSA in Canada 61000-3-2.
national expertise is being developed and etc. as well as some other, more marine
recognised globally. oriented as DNV for Norway, Dekra for Power factor of LED lighting
the Netherlands, RINA for Italy, BUREAU The power factor indicates the ratio of
CENELEC closely cooperates with its VERITAS for France or USCG for USA. real power (Watts used by the load) to
international counterpart, the International The NANDO (New Approach Notified apparent power (voltage x current drawn
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In order and Designated Organizations) Information into the circuit). A low power factor therefore
to facilitate a consensus-finding process System allows you to search for Notified indicates an inefficient product as it draws
between European and international Bodies by Directive or by country. more current into the circuit than is utilised by
standards development activities in All these authorities try to achieve the the load. The more current in the transmission
the electrical sector, CENELEC and same goal, to ensure safe installation and lines leads to more power loss in the form of
IEC formalised the framework of their operation of electrical equipment. heat and therefore wasted energy seen by
cooperation through the signature of an your electricity distributor. The optimal power
'agreement on common planning of new CE-MARK factor would be 1, in Glamox we put in a
work and parallel voting', known as the As consumers in the EU-market, we meet the lot of effort in developing to achieve the best
Dresden Agreement. CE-mark on all types of products. The possible power factor for our LED products
CE-mark means that the product meets all
A few objectives of the above cooperation relevant standards and the manufacturer Optical risk, Photobiological safety of lamps of optical radiation, including LEDs but market share and the heat measurements to the outside is even more important. The
• Integration of regional and global is responsible for creating a Declaration and lamp systems In accordance with IEC excluding lasers, in the wavelength range become more and more important. A rule optimal lifetime for LED will be obtained by
standardization of Conformity to assure that the product is 62471 from 200 nm through 3000 nm. of thumb says that ten degree decrease in the best possible heat dissipation. Because
• To adopt International Standards in designed and produced according to the Gives guidance for evaluating the temperature on the electronic will double of this GLAMOX uses metal housings with an
Europe whenever possible standards. photobiological safety of lamps and lamp HEAT its lifetime. That is why we always try to fully optimised heat transfer to ensure the best
• No duplication of work systems including luminaires. Specifically Important criteria when designing luminaires find the optimal and coldest position of possible life time for our LED products.
• framework for the optimal use of Many of the Glamox group products are it specifies the exposure limits, reference is the temperature on all critical components the electronic components in the fixture. Ta
resources and expertise available for certified by a 3rd. party, which means that measurement technique and classification in and outside the product. The Glamox means “Temperature ambient”. If the fixture is IP CLASS
standardization work also an independent test approval board scheme for the evaluation and control of group has standardised laboratories for labeled Ta40, it means that it is designed for IP (Ingress Protection) classification tells us
• to provide a mechanism for information has tested the product towards appropriate photobiological hazards from all electrically all types of heat measurements relevant to use in temperature up to 40°C. In LED fixtures the product capability to avoid ingress from
exchange between international product standards and created the certificate powered incoherent broadband sources luminaires. Electronics has more and more a solid heat transfer from within the housing water or solid objects.

128 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 129

Protection degrees

IP rating (objects and water) Index of protection (IK)

The IP code (Ingress Protection Rating) classifies and rates the degree of IK classification states resistance to external mechanical forces.
protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects (including body IK marking: EN-IEC 62262
parts like hands and fingers), dust, accidental contact, and water in IK marking consists of 2 codes; eg. IK 05
mechanical casings and with electrical enclosures.

Example: IP 6 7 20 IK Illustration h (cm) Impact energy

1 7,5 0,15
Ident. mark 2 10 0,2
3 0,2 kg 17,5 0,35
1st Ident. number
(see table 1) 4 25 0,5

5 35 0,7
2nd Ident. number
6 20 1
(see table 2)

1,7 kg
Immersion depth
in metres (for IP68)
7 40 2
8 29,5 5

Table 1 Table 2
3 kg
First Second
ident. Protection level (contact and foreign matters) ident. Protection level (water) 9 20 10
No. No.

0 No special protection 0 No special protection

5 kg
Protection against penetration of solid foreign matters, diameter Protection against vertical falling drip water, shall have no
1 > 50 mm, no protection against intentional contact e.g. by 1 harmful effect. 10 40 20
hand, body contact, however, is prevented.

Protection against penetration of solid foreign matters with Protection against vertical falling drip water; when fixture is shifted
2 outside diameter of more than 12 mm, finger contact or similar 2 up to 15° from its normal operating condition there shall be no
is prevented. harmful effect (flanking drip water).

Protection against penetration of solid foreign matters with Protection against spray water falling at any angle up to 60°
3 outside diameter of more than 2.5 mm. Prevents insertion of 3 against perpendicular. It shall have no harmful effect (spray water).
tools, wires or similar matters larger than 2.5 mm.

Protection against penetration of solid foreign matters with Protection against water splashed against the fixture from any
4 outside diameter of more than 1 mm. Prevents insertion of tools, 4 direction, shall have no harmful effect (splash water).
wires or similar matters larger than 1 mm.

Protection against damaging dust accumulation. The Protection against water jets. Water projected in jets against the
penetration of dust is not totally prevented but is not permitted enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects.
5 5
to penetrate to such a degree that the effectiveness of the
equipment is affected. Complete contact protection.

Protection against penetration of dust. Complete contact Water projected in powerful jets against the enclosure from any
6 6
protection. direction shall have no harmful effects.

Protection against water when fixture is submerged under defined

7 conditions of time pressure. Water shall not enter fixture in harmful
quantities (submerging).

The equipment is suitable for continous submersion in water under

8 conditions specified by the manufacturer.

130 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 131

ATEX and IEC Ex marking
The marking of ATEX and ATEX marking EN and IECEx marking At the end of the ATEX / IECEx product Equipment groups The different EPL categories are furthermore
marking there can be an extra symbol Electrical equipment has to be classified in divided in Ga,Gb and Gc. For example,
IECEx products 1180 II 2G Ex de IIC T4 Gb
present; two different category groups: in case of intrinsic safety, there is version Ex
Sign Explanation -- Group I Electrical equipment for mining ia, which is classified in category 1G or EPL
Below the marking of ATEX equipment is
Symbol “U” -- Group II Electrical equipment for all Ga. It can be installed in Zone 0, 1 and 2.
CE Marking Symbol used to denote an Ex Component remaining hazardous areas. Version Ex ib corresponds to category 2G or
The symbol “U” is used to identify that the EPL Gb, which is suitable for Zone 1and 2
The choice to use the correct certified Identification of the Notified Body responsible for the approval. 1180 is the identification
1180 equipment is incomplete and is not suitable and Ex ic, category 3G or EPL Gc, can be
equipment in a specific hazardous number of BASEEFA
for installation without further evaluation. Equipment protection level EPL applied only in Zone 2.
area should be made against the area
The European Comission mark for explosion protection. For instance an Ex-d component like an Ex-d Level of protection assigned to equipment
classification which has to be given by the
switch which should be built into an Ex-e based on its likelihood of becoming a source Some Protection methods therefore can only
end user / plant owner. It is important in II Equipment group: II = Surface Industry / I = Mines housing to be completely safe for use, or an of ignition and distinguishing the differences contain Gb and Gc or even only Gc.
which to know what hazardous area the
empty junction box which can only have a between explosive gas atmospheres, Ex-e could be “eb” or “ec”, but Ex-nA type
equipment will be installed to ensure the Equipment Category:
complete certificate after it is completed with explosive dust atmospheres, and the protection can only be Ex-nAc because this
correct EPL (Explosion Protection Level). 1 for Zone 0 or 20 / 2 for Zone 1 or 21 / 3 for Zone 2 or 22
2 terminals and cable glands. explosive atmospheres in mines susceptible protection method only is certified for use in
M1 - Mines: Required to remain functional in the presence of an explosive atmosphere
M2 - Mines: Must be de-energised in the presence of an explosive atmosphere to firedamp. zone 2 / Equipment cat 3G.
According to ATEX 153 there is the
Surrounding atmosphere:
Symbol “X”
obligation to have an up to date Explosion G
G = Gas / D = Dust The symbol “X” is used to provide a means In all cases Equipment Protection Levels (EPL)
safety document in which the hazardous
of identifying that essential information for as defined by IEC 60079-0 are related to
zones are classified. The end user is hereby EX Explosion Protected
the installation, use, and maintenance of the the corresponding Equipment Groups and
bound by regulations to supply the seller with
Explosion protection method; equipment is contained within the certificate. Equipment Categories. The same applies if
the correct EPL (Explosion protective level)/
Increased safety “e”; eb zone 1, ec zone 2 For instance, an Ex-i sensor which should be a standard makes reference to the intended
zone / equipment category information to Flameproof enclosures “d”; da zone 0, db zone 2, dc zone 2 connected to a separate Ex-i power supply use of equipment in Zones according to
choose the optimal certified products. • de, flameproof enclosure with integrated Ex-e connection box
Pressurised enclosures “p”; px/pxb zone 1/21, py/pyb zone 1/21, pz/pzc zone 2/22 ( typically placed in safe area ) to have a the definitions in IEC 60079-10-1 and IEC
Intrinsic safety “I”; ia zone 0/20, ib zone 1/21, ic zone 2/22 completely safe certified intrinsically safe 60079-10-2.
The typical minimum provided information • [Ex ib] = associated electrical apparatus – installation in the safe area circuit.
consists of Zone, Gas group and de
Liquid immersion “o”; ob zone 1, oc zone 2
Temperature class. Powder filling “q”; qb zone 1
Encapsulation “m”; ma zone 0/20, mb zone 1/21, mc zone 2/22
Zone 2 protection “n”; nA/nAc zone 2, nC/nCc zone 2, nR/nRc zone 2
The obligation to the end user / plant owner Optical radiation “op”; zone 0/20, zone 1/21, zone 2/22 Equipment category and Equipment protection level (EPL)
• op is = inherently safe optical radiation
to have an Explosion Safety document
• op pr = protected optical radiation
(according to ATEX 153) which consists • op sh = optical radiation interlock acc.to EU-directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX) acc. to IEC and CENELEC
furthermore of; Dust protection by enclosure “t”; ta zone 20, tb zone 21, tc zone 22 Group Equipment category EPL Protection level
• The registration of all necessary product Gas group Dust group Mines susceptible to firedamp
properties. IIC
IIA: Propane IIIA: combustible flyings
I M1 Ma Very high
IIB: Ethylene IIIB: non-conductive dust
• Having an up-to date Hazardous area
IIC: Acetylene, Hydrogen IIIC: conductive dust I M2 Mb High
classification ( non-older than 5 years)
Explosive gas atmosphere
• The realization of the area classifications T4 Temperature classification; T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6
into zones for Gas, Dust and Vapour II 1G Ga Zone 0 Very high
explosion hazards. Equipment protection level (EPL) G(gas) D(dust); II 2G Gb Zone 1 High
• Having an inventory of all ignition Ga Zone 0, safe in normal operation and during rare malfunctions II 3G Gc Zone 2 Increased
Gb Zone 1, safe in normal operation and during expected malfunctions
sources and their risk assessments. Gc Zone 2, safe in normal operation Explosive dust atmosphere
• To be clear on what way the risk
II 1D Da Zone 20 Very high
assessment of the ignition sources has Da Zone 20, safe in normal operation and during rare malfunctions
Db Zone 21, safe in normal operation and during expected malfunctions II 2D Db Zone 21 High
transpired. Dc Zone 22, safe in normal operation
II 3D Dc Zone 22 Increased
• The Method of assurance should be
clear so that the measures taken be
• That the workplace and work
equipment, including warning devices,
are designed, operated and maintained
with due regard for safety,

132 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 133

Protection in hazardous areas

For hazardous areas, it is very important The ATEX directives are covering both Basics of Explosion protection If ignition hazards are possible and most Possible ignition sources According to
that the product is designed for use in the electrical and non-electrical equipment, and of the times this is the case for instance in EN1127-1which can lead to the unwanted
actual hazardous area, and that operation also mechanical equipment falls under this What is an explosion? the production of flammable liquids, efforts ignition of an explosive atmosphere;
and maintenance is according to the type of legislation. shall be made to remove the sources of • Hot surfaces
requirements. The standards for hazardous ignition from the hazardous area. If this is not • Flames and hot gases
areas are not the same for all over the For more information download the latest possible, protective measures concerning the • Mechanically generated sparks
world, but during the last years, the world ATEX 114 or ATEX 153 directive on the ignition sources shall be implemented. • Electrical apparatus
wide harmonising work have had much European commission concerning Equipment • Stray electric currents, cathodic
focus, and the IECEx certification is being for potentially explosive atmospheres or look The measures shall render the sources corrosion protection
ratified by more and more countries. for the "Blue Guide" on the implementation of of ignition harmless or shall reduce the • Static electricity
EU product rules. likelihood of occurrence of the effective • Lightning
For Europe, the ATEX directives for equipment ignition sources. This can be achieved • Radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic
(94/9/EC, referred to as ATEX 95) and Furthermore there are other standards to be by proper design and construction waves from 104 Hz to 3 x 1011 Hz
worker protection (1999/92/EC, referred followed when working in or with hazardous of equipment, protective systems and • Electromagnetic waves from 3 x 1011
to as ATEX 137) in potentially explosive areas for instance concerning Erection and components, by operational procedures, Hz to 3. x 1015 Hz
atmospheres became mandatory from 1st operation; and also by means of appropriate • Ionising radiation
July 2003. measuring and control systems. The extent • Ultrasonics
IEC 60079-10-1: Classification of areas – of the protective measures depends on the • Adiabatic compression and shock
As from the 20th of April 2016 the new explosive gas atmospheres An explosion is the sudden chemical reaction likelihood of occurrence of an explosive waves
ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU (referred to IEC 60079-10-2: Classification of areas – of a flammable substance with oxygen with atmosphere and the consequences of • Exothermic reactions, including
as ATEX 114) is come into effect. The new combustible dust atmospheres the simultaneous release of high energy. a possible explosion. This likelihood of self-ignition of dusts
directive replaced the former ATEX Directive Flammable substances may be present in the occurrence will be described in an Explosion
94/9/EC (referred to as ATEX 95). IEC 60079-14: Design, selection and form of gases, vapours, mists or dusts. An Safety Document and in an zoning drawing The different ways to prevent the above
erection of electrical installations explosion can only take place when three of the particular plant. ignition sources are explained later on in this
In general there are not many changes EN-IEC 60079-17: Inspection and factors are present simultaneously; technical document.
concerning the Essential Safety Requirements maintenance of electrical installations
and the ATEX product standards will remain IEC 60079-19: Equipment repair, overhaul 1. Flammable material
the same. and reclamation (in ignitable quantities)
For non-electrical equipment, the standard 2. Oxygen (in the air)
A list of harmonised European standards will series EN 13463 has been prepared in 3. Ignition source
be published in the Official Journal of the Europe. Currently, these standards are
EU, one list referring to the old directive and discussed on an international level and they Basic rule of explosion protection, take away
an exact copy of this list referring to the new will be published as standard series ISO/ one or more of the 3 elements!
directive. New products which were placed IEC 80079.
on the market after the 20th of April 2016 Explosion protection can be done by 3
should always refer to the new ATEX 114 steps;
1. Avoid or reduce an explosive
At the same time the ATEX directive 137 atmosphere
(1999/92/EC) was replaced by the ATEX 2. Avoid any possible effective ignition
directive 153. source
3. Reduce the effects of an possible
The difference between the two directives explosion
is that the ATEX 114 concerns the product
guidelines and the ATEX 153 is concerning When equipment, protective systems and
the environment, the working procedures components are used in hazardous areas,
and instructions for the employees checks shall be made to see whether
(social guidelines) all concerning ATEX ignition hazards can occur, by considering
environments. the ignition processes discussed in the EN

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Protection in hazardous areas
Next to the ATEX and IECEx marking Glamox also delivers products certified according to different international certification schemes,
for the North American Market two types of marking/certification are possible.

Examples of North american marking Groups

Division System NEC 500 Zone System NEC 505/506
Group I Mines susceptible to firedamp —
Explosive atmosphere: Explosive atmosphere: Methane
- Class I (Gas or vapour) Class I
Class I - Class I (Gas or vapour) (3) Group II Explosive gas atmosphere Class I
- Class II (Dust)
- Class III (Flyings) Subdivisions Typical gas Subdivisions
Area classification:
Area classification: - Zone 1 (Gas or vapour) IIA Propane Propane Class I, Group D
Division 1 - Division 1 Zone 1 - Zone 2 (Gas or vapour)
IIB Ethylene Ethylene Class I, Group C
- Division 2 - Zone 21 (Dust)
- Zone 22 (Dust) IIC Hydrogen Acetylene Hydrogen Class I, Group B
Gas group: Acetylene Class I, Group A
- A: Acetylene Explosion Protected approved
AEx Group III* Explosive dust atmosphere Class II, Class III
- B: Hydrogen to U.S. Standards (4)
- C: Ethylene Subdivisions Typical dust Subdivisions
Group C & D
- D: Propane Protection concept:
- E: Metal dusts d - Flameproof IIA combustible flyings fibers/flyings Class III
- F: Carbonaceous dusts de - Flameproof with Increased Safety Terminal Box IIB non-conductive dust non-conductive dust Class II, Group G
- G: Combustible dusts e - Increased Safety
nA - Non-Sparking IIC conductive dust carbonaceous dust Class II, Group F
Temperature code: tb - By Enclosure - Zone 21
T4 combustible metal dust Class II, Group E
- T1, T2, T2A, T2B ... T4A, T5 or T6 tc - By Enclosure - Zone 22
px - Pressurised - Zone 1 * acc. To IEC (2007) and CENELEC (2009)
py - Pressurised - Zone 1
pz - Pressurised - Zone 2

Gas group Dust group

IIA: Propane IIIA: combustible flyings
IIB: Ethylene IIIB: non-conductive dust
IIC: Acetylene, Hydrogen IIIC: conductive dust

Gas group Temp. Class: Dust group Max. surface The North American temperature classifications differ from the ATEX temperature classification due to the fact
T4 T1, T2, T3, temperature: that there are more temperature classes being subdivided.
T4, T5 or T6 T125ºC

Gb Equipment Protection Level (optional)

North American temperature classifications
(3) For Dust environments (Zone 21 or 22) the Class of the hazard (Class II) shall not be
mentioned in the marking e.g. Zone 21, AEx tb IIIC T125ºC Db Temperature in Fahrenheit Temperature in Celsius North American Temperature code
(4) For Canadian Standards letter “A” shall not be mentioned in the marking e.g. Class I, Zone I, 842 450 T1
Ex d IIC T4 Gb
572 300 T2
536 280 T2A
500 260 T2B
A comparison between ATEX and NEC 500 / NEC 505/506 is made in the table below:
446 230 T2C

Classifications of Divisions and Zones 419 215 T2D

Type of area NEC and CEC* ATEX and IEC Definitions 392 200 T3

Continuous hazard Division 1 Zone 0 / Zone 20 Cat 1 A place in which an explosive 356 180 T3A
atmosphere is continually present 329 165 T3B
Intermittent hazard Division 1 Zone 1 / Zone 21 Cat 2 A place in which an explosive 320 160 T3C
atmosphere is likely to occur in normal
operation 275 135 T4

Hazard under abnormal conditions Division 2 Zone 2 / Zone 22 Cat 3 A place in which an explosive 248 120 T4A
atmosphere is not likely to occur in 212 100 T5
normal operation but may occur for
short periods 185 85 T6

136 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 137

ATEX and hazardous areas

Explosive atmospheres: Temperature classes according to ATEX

Classification of areas – Combustible dust atmospheres °C
Area in which an explosive atmosphere Ignition temperature of Temperature class Maximum surface
gases and vapors in °C temperature on IIA T1 AMMONIA 630°
consisting of a mixture with air of flammable 600°
Zone 0 substances in the form of gas or vapor is present equipment in °C IIC T1 HYDROGEN 560°
continuously or for long periods or frequently. IIA T1 METHANE 537°
>450 T1 450 500°
IIA T1 PROPANE 470° T1 450°
Area in which an explosive atmosphere >300 up to 450 T2 300 IIB T2 ETHYLENE 425° 400°
consisting of a mixture with air of flammable
Zone 1 >200 up to 300 T3 200 IIA T2 BUTANE 372°
Gas substances in the form of gas or vapor is likely to
occur in normal operation occasionally. IIC T2 ACETYLENE 305° 300° T2 300°
>135 up to 200 T4 135

Area in which an explosive atmosphere >100 up to 135 T5 100 IIA T3 KEROSENE 210° 200° T3 200°

consisting of a mixture with air of flammable IIB T4 DIETHYL ETHER 160° T4 135°
Zone 2 substances in the form of gas or vapor is not >85 up to 100 T6 85
likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does T6 85°
not occur, will persist for a short period only.

Area in which an explosive atmosphere in

Zone 20 the form of a cloud or dust in air is present
continuously, or for long period or frequently.

Area in which an explosive atmosphere in the

Zone 21 form of a cloud or dust in air is likely to occur, Please be aware that an ignition temperature Roughly four protection principles can -- For example, Ex-e, Ex-nA and Ex-nC
Dust occasionally, in normal operation. has no relation whatsoever to the minimum prevent equipment from becoming an Explosive mixtures can penetrate the
ignition energy of a gas. As an example, ignition source. The different types of enclosure but cannot be ignited. Sparks and
Area in which an explosive atmosphere in the Hydrogen has an very high ignition protection listed as examples can be seen in temperatures may only occur within certain
form of a cloud or dust in air is not likely to occur
Zone 22 temperature of 560 °C against a very low the table above. limits which will not exceed the minimum
in normal operation but, if it does occur, will
persist for a short period only. ignition energy, 0.017 mJ in mixtures with ignition energy or temperature.
air. Protection principles -- For example, Ex-i and Ex-op
Explosive mixtures can penetrate the
Types of protection enclosure of the equipment and can be The type of protection can be any of these
Electrical explosion-protected equipment ignited. Measures are taken to ensure protection types or a combination. These
Gas Group or Dust Group protection Flameproof Enclosure and Combustible gases and vapours are for gas and dust hazardous areas can be that the explosion cannot spread to the correspond to the equipment categories
according to IEC 60079-0 Intrinsic Safety. Concerning the protection classified in temperature classes according designed in different types of protection, surrounding atmosphere. For example, Ex-d defined in the ATEX Directive 2014/34/
Flameproof Enclosure it is based on the to their ease of ignition (see table on the next pursuant to the building regulations given and Ex-q. EU, or the equipment protection levels (EPL)
Group I: maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) page). Maximum surface temperature of an in standard series IEC 60079. Types of defined in the IEC 60079-0.
Equipment for use in mines susceptible to which is a measure for the discharge electrical device always has to be lower protection for non-electrical equipment are The equipment is provided with an enclosure
firedamp. behavior of a hot flame through a narrow than the ignition temperature of the gas or defined in standard series EN 13463. that prevents the ingress of an explosive
gap, and for Intrinsic Safety it is based on vapour/air mixture in which it is used. mixture. In these types of enclosures it is
Group II: the minimum ignition current (MIC), which is Equipment that is certified for use in a higher Protection principles are defined to exclude permissible to have sources of ignition since
Devices for areas with explosive gases, a measure for the minimum ignition energy temperature class is also permissible for equipment and components as ignition they do not come in contact with any sort
excluding mines. of the gases and vapours. applications where a lower temperature sources. Ignition sources which are caused of explosive or flammable atmosphere. For
class is required (e.g. T6 equipment in a T2 by sparks from friction or impact or from example, Ex-p, Ex-nR, Ex-m, Ex-t and Ex-o.
Group III: Devices for areas where combustible dust or T3 classified area). electro-static charging have to be prevented
Devices for areas with combustible dusts, can be present(group III) are furthermore in explosion protected equipment by Explosive mixtures can penetrate the
excluding mines. subdivided in groups IIIA, IIIB and IIIC, selecting appropriate materials and by enclosure but cannot be ignited. The
depending on the type of dust: constructive measures, and this must be enclosure has an IP-rating of minimum
Electrical devices of group II (gas) are • IIIA: combustible flying’s verified and confirmed by the appropriate IP 54 and the equipment inside is
subdivided in group IIA, IIB and IIC. • IIIB: non-conductive dust tests. non-sparking and does not generate
This classification concerns types of • IIIC: conductive dust temperatures outside its T-rating.

138 www.glamox.com/gmo www.glamox.com/gmo 139

Examples of protection types

Type of protection Marking Zone Icona Main application Standard

General requirements IEC 60079-0

EN 60079-0
UL 60079-0

Increased safety e, eb 1 Junction boxes, control stations for installing Ex- IEC 60079-7
e, ec 2 components (with a different type of protection), EN 60079-7
squirrel-cage motors, light fittings UL 60079-7

Flameproof enclosures da 0 Switchgears, sontrol stations, indicating equipment, IEC 60079-1

d, db 1 control systems, motors, transformers, heating EN 60079-1
dc 2 equipment, light fittings UL 60079-1

Pressurised enclosures px, pxb 1 21 Switchgear and control cabinets, analysers, large IEC 60079-2
py, pyb 1 21 motors EN 60079-2
pz, pzc 2 22 UL 60079-2

Intrinsic safety ia 0 20 Instrumentation technology, fieldbus technology, IEC 60079-11

ib 1 21 sensors, actuators [Ex ib]= associated electrivcal EN 60079-11
ic 2 22 apparatus - installation in the safe area: iaD = Einsatz UL 60079-11
in Zone 20,21,22 ibD = Ensatz in Zone 21,22 IEC 60079-25
instrinsically safe systems EN 60079-25
UL 60079-25

Liquid immersion o, ob 1 Transformers, starting resistors IEC 60079-6

oc 2 EN 60079-6
UL 60079-6

Powder filling q, qb 1 Sensors, display units, electronic ballasts, transmitters IEC 60079-5
EN 60079-5
UL 60079-5

Encapsulation ma 0 20 Switchgear with small capasity, control and signallings IEC 60079-18
mb 1 21 units, display units, sensors; maD = Einsatz EN 60079-18
mc 2 22 in Zone 20,21,22 mbD = Einsatz in UL 60079-18
Sone 21,22

Type of protection "n" nA, nAc 2 All electrical equipment foro Zone 2 IEC 60079-15
nC, nCc 2 nA = non-sparking device EN 60079-15
nR, nRc 2 nC = sparking device optical radiation UL 60079-15
nR = resticted breathing enclosures

Optical radiation op_, op_a 0 20 op is = inherently safe optical radiation IEC 60079-28
op_, op_b 1 21 op pr = protected optical radiation EN 60079-28
op_, op_c 2 22 op sh = optical rediation interlock

Protection by enclosures ta 20 Switchgear, control stations, junction boxes, control IEC 61241-1
tb 21 boxes, motors, light fittings EN 61241-1
tc 22 old identification; ISA 61241-1
tD A21 = under procedure A for Zone 21
tD B21 = under procedure B for Zone 21

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Installation Standard

Changes in the installation Standard EN-IEC 60079-14:2014

In 2013 there was a major change in the shall not be used in hazardous areas unless control measures to mitigate this condition
Installation Standard the 60079-14. The installed in conduit. NOTE Cables, with shall be considered (see Annex E of EN-IEC
standard changed from the EN-IEC 60079- sheaths of a tensile strength lower than 60079-14).
14: 2008 ( IEC edition 4) into the EN-IEC i) thermoplastic
60079-14: 2013 (IEC edition 5). • polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 2,5 N/mm² Where there is a likelihood that propagation
• polyethylene 15,0 N/mm² of flames may occur through the interstices
During this change a lot of chapters were ii) elastomeric between individual cores of a cable, this
added, numbering changed but most • polychloroprene, chlorosulfonated, shall also be considered.
important major changes were administered polyethylene or similar polymers 15,0 N/
concerning the use of cables and cabling mm² are commonly known as “easy tear” Selection of cable glands
systems. cables. The cable gland shall be selected to match
the cable diameter. The use of sealing tape,
Concerning this topic we would like to add Cables for fixed installations heat shrink tube or other materials is not
some tips and tricks for the cable connection Cables used for fixed installations in permitted to make the cable fit to the cable
of our luminaires and choosing the correct hazardous areas shall be appropriate for the gland.
cable gland. ambient conditions in service. Cables shall
be: Cable glands and/or cables shall be
When installing our luminaires in a a) sheathed with thermoplastic, selected to reduce the effects of “cold flow
hazardous area follow the installation thermosetting, or elastomeric material. They characteristics” of the cable.
instructions in our manual and use the latest shall be circular and compact. Any bedding
installation Standard EN-IEC 60079-14 to or sheath shall be extruded. Fillers, if any, Whilst the minimum Ingress Protection (IP)
make sure the installation is done according shall be nonhygroscopic or, rating required to achieve Ex e certification
to the latest regulations. b) mineral insulated metal sheathed; or under IEC 60079-7 is IP54, it is essential
c) special, e.g. flat cables with appropriate that the Cable Gland is capable of
Concerning our Glamox luminaires please cable glands. They shall be compact and maintaining the integrity of the equipment
read the installation manual for the correct any bedding or sheath shall be extruded. enclosure, which more often than not may
installation of the device. The use of Ex-e Fillers, if any, shall be non-hygroscopic. have a higher rating.
cable glands are the most common used
cable glands in our luminaires. Where there is a likelihood that gas or vapor Cable glands shall be in accordance with
migration may occur through the interstices IEC 60079-0 and shall be selected to
Cables between individual cores of a cable, maintain the requirements of the protection
General (from EN-IEC 60079-14, always and the cable leads to a non-hazardous technique according to Table 10, EN-IEC
refer to the latest edition of this standard) area or between different zones, then the 60079-14
Cables with low tensile strength sheaths construction and application of the cable
(commonly known as “easy tear” cables) shall be taken into account. Appropriate

Protection type device Protection type cable gland, adaptor and/or blind plug

Ex d Ex e Ex n Ex t
Ex d x
Ex e x x
Ex i / Ex nL x x x
Ex t x

Table 10 cross section example, for the complete table see EN-IEC 60079-14.

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Installation Standard

Consider the different kinds of armoring used when choosing the right cable gland

Protection type Armored and non-armored cables Armored cables

* Glands should be tested for connecting braided armored * Braided or steel wire armor
Cable armoring type
cables EN-IEC 60079-0

Increased safety Unarmored cable

- Ex e
EN-IEC 60079-7

Braid armor

- Ex d
EN-IEC 60079-1

Steel wire amor

Flameproof compound gland

- Ex d
EN-IEC 60079-1 Steel tape armor
EN-IEC 60079-14

Connections of cables to equipment

Also according to the EN-IEC 60079-0 are not likely to pass the necessary strength Cable glands shall be installed in a manner The connection of cables to the electrical Where the threaded entry or hole size
there is stated that when using armored test due to the prescribed proof torque which that after installation they are only capable equipment shall be effected by means of is different to that of the cable gland, a
cables in Cable glands with clamping by could lead to (temporary) deformations of of being released or dismantled by means cable glands appropriate to the type of threaded adapter complying with Table 10
the sealing ring, the used cable glands the thread, but there are certified non- of a tool. If additional clamping is required cable used and shall maintain the explosion (from EN-IEC 60079-14) shall be fitted.
should be tested and permitted to be used metallic glands on the market. to prevent pulling and twisting of the cable protection integrity of the relevant type of
with armored cables.Nonmetal cable glands transmitting the forces to the conductor protection. Coldflow in a cable due to incorrect use of
terminations inside the enclosure, a clamp a cable gland should be avoided.
shall be provided, as close as practicable to When braided or armored cables have There are special cable glands with internal
the gland along the cable. been terminated within the cable gland, the pressure compensation who automatically
body components that are intended to retain avoid coldflow, for example the Triton gland
Cables shall be routed straight from the and secure the cable braid or armor should from CMP.
cable gland to avoid lateral tension that may not be able to be released manually or
compromise the seal around the cable. opened by hand without the use of a tool.

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Emergency light standards
Planning emergency lights in your projects is not just about showing users the escape route. Lights must be carefully
located to provide sufficient illumination according to the different areas of premises and must conform to the latest
legislation. An emergency escape lighting system should normally cover the following areas:

EN 1838 Lighting applications - Emergency lighting

EN 1838 Emergency light includes light technical conditions like
reading distance, uniformity and level of light.

EN 50171:2001 Central power supply systems

Central power supply systems is a system standard that includes
design, operation and maintenance of a central based emergency
power supply. This is then referring to product standards for UPS and
emergency luminaires.

Escape routes with exit doors Intersections of corridors In change of direction

EN 50172:2004/BS 5266-8:2004 Emergency light systems
System standard for emergency light. This is a system standard that
includes design, operation and maintenance of an emergency light
system. This is then referring to productstandards for Emergency
luminaires andstationary batteries.

IEC 60598-2-22 (Emergency luminaires)

Product standards for emergency luminaires and Uninterruptible Power
Systems (UPS).

The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996
state that final exits and locations where the escape route may be
Staircase Emergency escape signs Fire fighting equipment
unclear must have signs installed to reduce uncertainty.

Plan according to rules and regulations. The classification society will

approve the installation according to IEC, IMO and Solas standards.

Areas with critical operations that need to be Changes in floor level

illuminated during an emergency situation.

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Product marking and certification
When quality matters

Glamox is the leading supplier of lighting solutions to the world’s

marine and offshore markets. We take pride in providing
products of superior technical quality that work reliably even
under the most extreme conditions.

pertaining to the conformity assessment procedures, referred to in the

Technology and expertise
applicable New Approach directives when a third party is required.
Our products and solutions are developed and tested by our
We can name for instance NEMKO for Norway, PTB for Germany,
engineers at our own research and testing facilities, and
CSA in Canada etc. as well as some other, more marine oriented as
manufactured and certified in accordance with all relevant quality
DNV-GL for Norway and Germany, Dekra for the Netherlands, RINA
and environmental standards. They are based on the latest technology
for Italy, BUREAU VERITAS for France or USCG for USA.
and expertise – and generations of experience.

Product marking and certification CE and ENEC marks

Official approvals provide security for our customers ensuring that Each luminaire that leaves our production includes the CE mark. The
we supply high quality lighting systems. CE mark indicates that the manufacturer guarantees that the relevant
requirements for health and safety expected of the product are
Special lighting leads to enhanced durability and stability of the fulfilled. Further, all major luminaire series from Glamox have ENEC
materials and electronic gears in use which leads to special demands certification. ENEC certification is a common certification agreement
and requirements. Standards and rules issued by international for lighting equipment, which is accepted in the whole CEN area.
authorities cover these extended requirements in design and
functionality, they outline the most sophisticated design process that Modern testing facilities
often results in a complex type approval procedure. As a result of the high demands placed on the quality and durability
of its products, the Glamox Group operates modern assessment and
testing laboratories in Norway and Germany for the simulation of a
Hazardous area certification (ATEX/IECEx/NEC/etc.) wide variety of environmental conditions.
For hazardous areas, it is very important that the product is designed
for use in the actual hazardous area, and that operation and Environmental test centers in Bremen, Germany and Molde, Norway
maintenance is according to the requirements. The standards for These institutes have earned an excellent reputation in the lighting
hazardous areas are not the same for all over the world, but during industry, and possess licences from institutions such as the European
the last years, the world wide harmonising work have had much Norms Electrical Certification (ENEC), the BSH Bundesamt für
focus, and the IECEx certification is being ratified by more and more Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (the German Federal Maritime and
countries. Hydrographic Agency) and (GL)DNV-GL.

For Europe we test according to the high safety standards of ATEX, Third party testing
testing will be carried out by the certified Notified Bodies, for the rest On account of their significance and their reliable simulation and
of the world we provide certification according to IECEx and local testing methods, the laboratories are also used by external firms and
standards, also here the (local) certified Notified Bodies will be used organisations. The test reports of our laboratories are accepted e.g.
for hazardous area certification. by Det Norske Veritas / Germanisher Lloyd (DNV-GL) Lloyd’s Register
(LR), Bureau Veritas (BV), Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Most of the countries have their testing authority, commonly referred and many more.
to as NoBo’s (Notified Bodies), following the national standards and
regulations. A Notified body is a certification body that is designated Glamox will always use the official recognised Notified bodies for
by the notifying authority of a Member State to carry out the tasks the correct certification.

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Icon description
Available choices are marked with different symbols (icons) or optic
descriptions. Use of symbols indicates an option within that product
group and not that all products have that functionality.

Icon Description Icon Description

Equipment certified for use in hazardous areas,

Bureau Veritas
IEC/CENELEC Area Classification Zone 1 and Zone 2
Equipment certified for use in hazardous areas,
DNV approved
IEC/CENELEC Area Classification Zone 2
Equipment certified for use in hazardous areas,
ENEC - Common on european safety label. Tested by
NEC505/CEC18 Hazard category; Class1 Area
a certified test institute
Classification; Zone1
Equipment certified for use in hazardous areas,
NEC505/CEC18 Hazard category; Class1 Area Emergency lights
Classification; Zone2
Equipment certified for use in hazardous areas,
NEC500/CEC18 Hazard category; Class1 Area Can be delivered with dimming
Classification; Division1
Equipment certified for use in hazardous areas,
NEC500/CEC18 Hazard category; Class1 Area Double isolated
Classification; Division2

Certified to European directive 94/9/EC, ATEX LED light source

Indicates ambient temperatures higher than standard

Certified to global certification scheme, IECEx
(25ºC). Best value is indicated

Certified for use in hazardous area (Brazil) Indicates IP rating from 20 - 68

Dry areas Indicates impact resistance, see table

CE approved. A decleration that the product is

according to relevant Eropean standards. Not used as Sportshall
an icon since all products are CE approved.

D mark certified Can be delivered with adjustable color temperature

Using silver coated reflector Can be delivered with adjustable colors

Pendant Can be delivered with daylight sensor

Wall surface Prepared for Linect quick connector system

Recessed Can be delivered with movement sensor

Surface Up/down lighter with percentages

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Alphabetic index

0673 LED...................................................................................... 54 ISO & CEN and IEC & CENELEC..................................................... 128
A90-P........................................................................................... 40 LED lifetime and heat management .................................................... 22
ATEX and IEC Ex marking................................................................ 132 Light distribution............................................................................. 122
Benefits of Human Centric Lighting (HCL) in Control Rooms......................18 Light technical definitions................................................................. 124
C60-R LED .....................................................................................96 Low bay – Technical lighting – surface mounting................................... 52
C60-S LED .....................................................................................94 MAX KIT LED.................................................................................. 70
C90-R LED .....................................................................................98 MAX LED....................................................................................... 68
Check list for industrial lighting ......................................................... 126 Medium bay – Area lighting ............................................................. 38
Choosing the best housing materials.................................................. 120 MIR KIT LED................................................................................... 74
Dimension drawings of mounting options............................................ 110 MIR LED........................................................................................ 72
Emergency light standard ................................................................146 MIX KIT LED................................................................................... 78
Examples of protection types ...........................................................140 MIX LED ....................................................................................... 76
FL40 ............................................................................................ 26 Mounting options for TL/TX technical luminaires ................................. 106
FL60 ............................................................................................ 28 O52 LED....................................................................................... 48
FX60 ........................................................................................... 30 O68-S210 LED............................................................................... 80
GIR LED ........................................................................................ 56 O91............................................................................................. 36
Glamox – Dedicated to Quality .......................................................... 6 Optional suspension possibilities for multi purpose luminaires..................108
Glamox Plug-in PRO for AVEVA E3D and PDMS ....................................10 Optiwin 3D PRO ........................................................................... 114
Glamox’ solutions .......................................................................... 117 Product marking and certification .....................................................148
GPV2 LED ..................................................................................... 58 Protection degrees ......................................................................... 130
GRX3 LED ....................................................................................100 Protection in hazardous areas .......................................................... 134
High bay – Floodlights .................................................................... 24 Reducing energy consumption with LMS ..............................................14
How do sensors work? ................................................................... 118 Reference: Aker BP.......................................................................... 20
Human Centric Lighting (HCL) ............................................................16 Solutions for different applications....................................................... 12
i35 LED......................................................................................... 60 Technical information...................................................................... 112
i40 LED......................................................................................... 62 Technical lighting – recessed mounting ............................................... 92
i55 LED......................................................................................... 64 TL11-R222 LED ............................................................................. 102
i60 LED......................................................................................... 66 TL11-R250 LED ............................................................................. 104
i75 LED......................................................................................... 42 TL50 LED....................................................................................... 82
i80 LED......................................................................................... 32 TL60 LED....................................................................................... 84
i85 LED......................................................................................... 44 TX51 E LED.................................................................................... 88
i90 LED......................................................................................... 34 TX60............................................................................................ 86
i95 LED......................................................................................... 46 TX61............................................................................................. 90
Icon description.............................................................................150 TX65............................................................................................ 50
Installation standard ....................................................................... 142 What is DALI?............................................................................... 116

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© Glamox June 2017 MRK00200

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