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Scientia Iranica, Vol. 15, No.

3, pp 405{411
c Sharif University of Technology, June 2008
Research Note

Quality Function Deployment, Value

Engineering and Target Costing, an Integrated
Framework in Design Cost Management:
A Mathematical Programming Approach
F. Jariri and S.H. Zegordi1
In this paper, the need to incorporate three famous design cost management methods, called:
Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Value Engineering (VE) and Target Costing (TC) into
a single model has been addressed. Each method performs very well in cost management
procedures as design activities. These methods have been incorporated into a mathematical
programming model, in order to achieve the maximum bene t of each method. The model,
essentially, optimizes customer satisfaction subject to target cost. The tool is a mixed integer
zero-one nonlinear programming. The uni ed model has been proposed to prevent a non-optimal
solution when methods interact with each other. The practitioner should be con dent that the
quality solution would be achieved in contrast to when the methods are applied sequentially. A
simple automobile design example was formulated and solved to show the performance of the

INTRODUCTION method and value engineering. They elaborately

present the Survival Zone for a product that consists
Considering cost in the design process is an important of three characters:
issue. Many features of a product and ways in which
to produce it are determined in the design phase. This 1. Price,
encourages careful consideration in all stages of the
design activities. Much research has been conducted 2. Functionality,
in this subject through di erent approaches. Many 3. Quality.
authors studied cost through Quality Function Deploy-
ment (QFD) planning [1-3], where others studied this They discussed how these three factors interact with
process using the Value Engineering (VE) methodology each other and provide the Zone for the operations of
for design activities [4,5]. Target Costing (TC) is the rm. This Survival Zone is presented in Figure 1.
another approach to design cost management [4,6]. The interaction of price and functionality was, also,
All three methods try to manage cost in the design discussed by them. Here, an attempt has been made
phase and, therefore, achieve competitive produce. to incorporate the third method (QFD) in this set. It is
The complementary e ect of these methods has been believed that a mathematical model is the proper tool
recognized by many researchers. In particular, Cooper for this incorporation and its feasible region precisely
and Slagmulder [4], in their book, comprehensively demonstrates the Survival Zone, which was described
discussed the interaction between the target costing in [4].
In the following sections, rst, there is a brief
*. Corresponding Author, Department of Industrial Engi- explanation of these three methods. Then, a mathe-
neering, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, I.R. Iran; matical programming will be introduced to incorporate
Email: fjariri@gmail.com. all three methods in one model, therefore, achieving
1. Department of Industrial Engineering, Tarbiat Modarres an optimized result. A numerical example from the
University, Tehran, I.R. Iran. automobile industry will accompany the model.
406 F. Jariri and S.H. Zegordi

customer needs. Thus, the primary functions of QFD

are product development, quality management and
customer need analysis. Later, QFD's function was
expanded to wider elds, such as design, planning,
decision-making, engineering, management, teamwork,
time and cost.
The major bene ts of using QFD are:
* QFD helps companies to make the key trade-o s
between what the customer demands and what the
company can a ord to produce;
* QFD improves e ective communication between
company divisions and enhances teamwork;
* Quality is built in upstream;
Figure 1. The survival zone for a product source [4]. * QFD increases customer satisfaction by making sure
that customer demands are brought into the product
(QFD) * Important production control points are not over-
QFD is an overall concept that provides a means of
translating customer requirements into the appropriate * QFD brings together all the data required for the
Technical Attribute (TA) for each stage of product development of a good product and the development
development and production. Considering cost into team sees very quickly, where additional information
the House Of Quality (HOQ) has been studied by is needed during the process. Moreover, the infor-
some researchers [7-9]. It provides a tool for cost mation is better used and documented;
management in the design phase. Approaching cost to * QFD shortens time-to-market. The four-matrix
QFD, using mathematical modeling, has also been the QFD approach is pictured in Figure 2.
subject of di erent articles [1-3]. All articles reported
successful experiments when considering cost in the
QFD was originally proposed through collecting The society of American Value Engineering de nes
and analyzing the opinions of the customer to develop value engineering as \the systematic application of
products with higher quality in order to meet or surpass recognized techniques, which identify the function of

Figure 2. The four-phase approach of QFD.

An Integrated Framework in Design Cost Management 407

product or service, establishes a monetary value for

that function and provides the necessary function
reliability at the lowest overall cost". In VE, the term
\Function" refers to what makes a product work or
sell. Elias [10] and Cheah and Ting [11] discussed that
it is more bene cial to apply VE at the earlier stages
of development, namely; the preliminary design stage.
They reported successful achievement of VE analysis
in design cost management.
By applying VE for a project or product, one
can be sure that all di erent alternatives that are
candidates for satisfying the \Function", have been
considered. It has been suggested in this paper
that the best alternative should be chosen, based on
customer preferences and their associated cost. In
this article, the integration of VE and QFD has been
proposed, which means that simply presenting di erent
alternatives for the required \Function" is not enough
and that customer opinion for these alternatives should
be taken into account. This task would be performed
using the QFD technique.

For more than a decade, target costing has been
recognized as an important tool for lowering costs and
increasing competitiveness [12-14]. The target costing
process is identi ed by its famous formula as follows:
target cost = target price desired pro t:
Figure 3 summarizes the target costing process. Tar-
get Costing should be recognized as a totally new
accounting philosophy. It concentrates on the selling
price of the product from the very beginning phase Figure 3. Target costing process [13].
of the design process. Many rms, especially Toyota,
reported successful application of the target costing

As discussed earlier, each method performs very well
in the area of cost management. Here, an attempt has
been made to incorporate these approaches into the
mathematical programming model, in order to achieve
the bene ts of each approach. The roadmap for this
integration is shown in Figure 4.
As discussed earlier, it is more bene cial to apply
VE at the earlier stage of the design process. The
output of the VE analysis would be some design
solutions. It is proposed to put these solutions into
the second matrix of QFD. Therefore, di erent levels
of the solution exist for each component characteristics
at the House Of Quality (HOQ). HOQ, in this format,
is shown in Figure 5.
It means that the rst column of the matrix is
partitioned into three levels, namely, L11 , L12 and Figure 4. Model integration.
408 F. Jariri and S.H. Zegordi

means that for each level of technical attribute and each

customer requirement, one has the value of uikL (uikL
can have the value 1-3-9 as the regular HOQ). Now,
one has the following mathematical programming:
max Z = wi yi ; (1)
Subject to:
xkL = 1; k = 1; 2;    ; m; (2)
Figure 5. HOQ including leveling. L=1

L13 , using VE analysis. For column k, therefore, this X Lk

m X
partitioning results into j levels (Lk1 ; Lk2 ;    ; Lkj ). yi = uikL xkL
This is the point of interaction between VE and QFD. k=1 L=1
With these changes, HOQ now has three dimen- Lj
Lk X
sions. It means that for each customer requirements X1 X
m m X
+ ikj xkL xj ; i = 1;    ; n;
and at each level, there exists a customer rating in the k=1 j =k+1 L=1  =1 (3)
On the other hand, the computations for calculat- Lk
ing the target cost have been performed and the output CkL xkL  TCk ; k = 1;    ; m; (4)
is prepared to feed the mathematical model. L=1
MATHEMATICAL MODEL TCi  Target cost; (5)
In this paper, the approach is the same as [15], which i=1
was developed for manpower planning and the authors xkL 2 f0; 1g: (6)
modi ed it to consider the cost.
Here, there are: To describe the above mathematical programming,
i: ith customer requirements, i = 1;    ; n, Equation 1 as an objective function, maximizes cus-
k: kth technical attribute, k = 1;    ; m, tomer satisfaction. yi , which is computed by Equa-
LkL : number of level for kth technical attribute, tion 3, re ects the impact of customer preference by
L = 1 ;    ; Lk , the rst term. The second term re ects the impact of
the roof of the House of Quality. ikj represents the
uikL : the intensity that the Lth level of the kth interaction between the technical attribute, k, and j
technical attributes has on ith customer for the ith customer requirement. When the second
requirements (uikL are the elements of term is the product of two x's and each x is the
HOQ), number between zero and one, the second term does
wi : weight for ith customer requirements, not dominate the rst term [15].
xkL : decision variable: Equations 4 and 5 together guarantee that the to-
1 if kth technical attribute tal cost of all subsystems does not exceed the previously
performs at level L computed target cost.
0 Otherwise, It should be mentioned here that this method can
CkL : the cost for performing in level L for kth be applied equally for each of the four QFD matrixes.
technical attribute, As discussed earlier, the best matrix for applying
yi : the summation of e ects of technical VE is the second matrix where the di erent design
attributes for ith customer requirements alternatives will be presented.
(notice for its computation in the formula), In some cases, in real world situations, the de-
ikj : the relation between technical attributes cision variables, xkL , can assume two or more levels
(roof of HOQ). from each TA. It means that some percentages of each
level optimize customer satisfaction and that is why
The point that should be made here is that, now, one the model is called mixed integer zero-one nonlinear
has a cubic of quality instead of House of Quality. It programming.
An Integrated Framework in Design Cost Management 409

Another point that should be mentioned here is 4. Industrial design consideration. This TA will per-
concerning the CkL parameters. CkL can be inter- form at two levels:
preted as the price of a speci ed solution or as the cost =fredesign all features, modify some featuresg
of developing this solution. These two interpretations
of CkL enhance the eciency of the model. L41 L42
C41 = 10000 C42 = 5000;
NUMERICAL EXAMPLE 5. Proper break system. This TA also performs at two
A simple automobile design example was designed to levels:
show the performance of the model. There are ve =fuse ABS system, modify current systemg
customer requirements and six technical attributes as L51 L52
follows: C51 = 5000 C52 = 8000;
Customer requirements:
1. Suitable acceleration, 6. Strength of body. This TA performs at three levels:
=fmodify current structure, redesign structure,
2. Suitable seats, reinforce the structureg
3. Internal Beauty,
4. Fuel Economy, L61 L62 L63
C61 = 5000 C62 = 9000 C63 = 3000:
5. Safety.
Technical Attributes: Voice of Customer or uijk Parameters
1. Proper performance of engine, After the determination of solutions or levels by VE
2. Ergonomical considerations, analysis, at the next step, the voice of the customer,
uikL parameters or the relationship matrix of the HOQ
3. Proper gear box, are gathered as an input for the model. These are the
4. Industrial design considerations, elements of the HOQ matrix, which in the presented
5. Proper break system, model are three-dimension and cannot be represented
as surface.
6. Strength of body. u111 means that, for the rst (i = 1) customer
For each technical attribute, VE analysis is used requirement, if one uses the rst (k = 1) TA and if it
to identify di erent solutions or, in other words, dif- performs at the rst (L = 1) level, then, the customer
ferent levels. For instance, in this case, for the rst satisfaction would be u111 . In this case:
technical attribute (proper performance of engine), the
solutions are to use either a 1600 cc engine, a 1800 i=1 ! suitable acceleration,
cc engine or a 2000 cc engine. In the same manner, k=1 ! proper performance of engine,
di erent levels (solutions) for each technical attribute
were categorized as follows; parameter CkL , for each L=1 ! use 1600 cc engine.
level of TA, will also be identi ed:
1. Proper performance of engine Then, the customer expresses his desire for in-
= f1600, 1800, 2000g stance 9, then u111 = 9.
Other uikL also would be identi ed by the cus-
L11 L12 L13 tomer. For the present example, the value of uikL is in
C11 = 5000 C12 = 8000 C13 = 10000; Appendix A. When there is a strong positive relation
between the second and fourth TA, then i24 = 9,
2. Ergonomical consideration for all i. In this case, the customer weights for his
= fuse external consultant, use current modelg preference are:
L21 L22 (w1 ; w2 ; w3 ; w4 ; w5 ) = (4; 3; 3; 4; 5):
C21 = 15000 C22 = 0;
The complete mathematical program for the example
3. Proper Gearbox is in Appendix B.
=fOptimization of Gearbox, use current Gearboxg Di erent target costs for the problem were exam-
ined and di erent solutions were achieved, as shown in
L31 L32 Table 1. For each TA, the solution shows which level
C31 = 10000 C32 = 0; should be chosen to maximize customer satisfaction.
410 F. Jariri and S.H. Zegordi

Table 1. Solutions of the model for di erent target costs.

Target Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 No. Iteration CPU Time Objective Function
60000 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 0.04 451
40000 1 2 1 1 1 3 25 1.164 403
30000 1 2 1 2 1 3 26 1.617 361
20000 1 2 2 2 1 3 22 0.467 297
15000 Infeasible

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cost of 40,000, then, the rst TA should perform at 3. Fung, R.Y.K., Tang, J., Tu, Y. and Wang, D. \Fuzzy
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It was proposed to incorporate three approaches, called deployment (QFD){Can it be used to develop food
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An Integrated Framework in Design Cost Management 411

APPENDIX A y2 = 9x21 + x22 + 9x41 + 3x42 + 9x21 x41

u111 = 1 u112 = 9 u113 = 3 u131 = 9 u132 = 1 + 9x21 x42 + 9x22 x41 + 9x22 x42 ;
u221 = 9 u222 = 1 u241 = 9 u242 = 3
u321 = 9 u322 = 1 u341 = 9 u342 = 1 y3 = 9x21 + x22 + 9x41 + x42 + 9x21 x41
u411 = 9 u412 = 1 u413 = 1 u431 = 9 u432 = 1
u551 = 9 u552 = 3 u561 = 1 u562 = 3 u563 = 3 + 9x21 x42 + 9x22 x41 + 9x22 x42 ;

All other uijk are 0. y4 = 9x11 + x12 + x13 + 9x31 + x32 + 9x21 x41
+ 9x21 x42 + 9x22 x41 + 9x22 x42 ;
y5 = 9x51 + 3x52 + x61 + 3x62 + 3x63 + 9x21 x41
max Z = 4y1 + 3y2 + 3y3 + 4y4 + 5y5 ;
+ 9x21 x42 + 9x22 x41 + 9x22 x42 ;
5000x11 + 8000x12 + 10000x13  TC1 ;
x11 + x12 + x13 = 1;
15000x21  TC2 ;
x21 + x22 = 1;
10000x31  TC3 ;
x31 + x32 = 1;
10000x41 + 5000x42  TC4 ;
x41 + x42 = 1;
5000x51 + 8000x52  TC5 ;
x51 + x52 = 1;
5000x61 + 9000x62 + 3000x63  TC6 ;
x61 + x62 + x63 = 1;
TC1 + TC2 + TC3 + TC4 + TC5 + TC6  30000;
y1 = x11 + 9x12 + 3x13 + 9x31 + 1x32 + 9x21 x41
xkL 2 f0; 1g
+ 9x21 x42 + 9x22 x41 + 9x22 x42 ;

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