ALY6120 Project2 Sujay Torvi
ALY6120 Project2 Sujay Torvi
ALY6120 Project2 Sujay Torvi
Northeastern University
“CRN: 90349”
Sujay Torvi
Date: 07/22/2023
Business Problem:
One of the Business problems I have come across is to create an analytics-driven organization that
develops AI products to automate sales tasks. The problem here is that sales is an intensive process
that requires a lot of manual work, such as finding potential customers, reaching out to them,
following up, negotiating prices, and documenting conversations. Pitching the products to the
customers is not an easy task as what may work with one customer may not work with others –
everyone has a different temperament.
The product - We would use an AI to analyze customer data and create personalized pitches using
Natural Language Processing. The AI has the ability to analyze large amounts of data from the web
and social media and generate personalized content that is tailored to each individual customer. The
system will be like ChatGPT, however would specialize in creative sales/marketing content
especially for sales pitches. This could save businesses a significant amount of time and money, and
it could also help them to close more deals.
This product can be sold to various companies who would pay for this product in order to save money
spent on sales and marketing.
• The first objective would be to create a customer base and ensure that they are minimizing
their sale costs. Some key performance indicators here would be Customer Satisfaction Rate,
Product Feedback, Customer Growth Rate %.
• Now, the company has some customers, the objective here would be to ensure product
quality and make sure they do not stop using the product. Customer Churn Rate here is one
important KPI here.
• The next objective would be to improvise the product and expand the business to various
other locations to increase profitability.
• Secondly, I as a leader should ensure that my subordinates work in harmony and ensure that
there are no communication gaps among my subordinates or any project timeline issues.
• Finally, like any other company, I should set short term and long-term goals for my
organization as well as the vision so that my employees stay focused.
One paragraph summary connecting the business problem to a possible data mining solution:
Before launching our Minimum Viable Product (MVP), we'll use Customer Segmentation with
Clustering Techniques to identify our target customer base and we will also analyze their
demographics, thereby shaping our product and Go-to-market strategy. Once we have some
customers, we can perform sentiment analysis to analyze customer feedback. Once our company
becomes more mature, we can run various experiments to improve profitability. We can test various
schemes like making certain features premium and test them using A/B tests.
1. Sinha, P., Shastri, A., & Lorimer, S. E. (2023, March 31). How Generative AI Will Change
Sales. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from
2. Kate. (2023). The Beginner’s Guide to Startup Analytics: Metric that Matters. Startup
Marketing Africa. Retrieved July 22, 2023, from