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Feature Extraction and Classification Using

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Jyostna Devi Bodapati1 and N. Veeranjaneyulu2,∗

Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Vignan’s Foundation for Science,
Technology and Research, Vadlamudi, Andhra Pradesh, India
Professor, Department of IT, Vignan’s Foundation for Science,
Technology and Research, Vadlamudi, Andhra Pradesh, India
Email: veeru2006n@gmail.com
*Corresponding Author

Received 17 January 2018; Accepted 21 May 2018;

Publication 25 January 2019

The impressive gain in performance obtained using deep neural networks
(DNN) for various tasks encouraged us to apply DNN for image classification
task. We have used a variant of DNN called Deep convolutional Neural
Networks (DCNN) for feature extraction and image classification. Neural
networks can be used for classification as well as for feature extraction.
Our whole work can be better seen as two different tasks. In the first task,
DCNN is used for feature extraction and classification task. In the second
task, features are extracted using DCNN and then SVM, a shallow classifier, is
used to classify the extracted features. Performance of these tasks is compared.
Various configurations of DCNN are used for our experimental studies.Among
different architectures that we have considered, the architecture with 3 levels
of convolutional and pooling layers, followed by a fully connected output
layer is used for feature extraction. In task 1 DCNN extracted features are fed
to a 2 hidden layer neural network for classification. In task 2 SVM is used
to classify the features extracted by DCNN. Experimental studies show that
the performance of υ-SVM classification on DCNN features is slightly better
than the results of neural network classification on DCNN extracted features.

Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, Vol. 8 2, 261–276.

doi: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.825
This is an Open Access publication. 
c 2019 the Author(s). All rights reserved.
262 J. D. Bodapati and N. Veeranjaneyulu

Keywords: Convolutional neural network, Max pooling, Average pooling,

Subsampling, parameter sharing, local connectivity.

1 Introduction
All Pattern recognition is the process of identifying patterns in the given
data and received increased focus from researcher of this field. In the area of
pattern recognition there are many subfields like: Classification, Clustering,
regression and dimensionality reduction. These are all highlydemanding
tasks in multiple real-time applications [1]. These tasks can be classified
as either supervised or unsupervised depending on whether any supervised
information is provided while training or not. As supervised information is
being used while training, classification and regression tasks fall under the
category of supervised learning. In clustering and dimensionality reduction
tasks supervised information is not available during training and fall in the
category of unsupervised learning.
Regression is a function approximation task in which a continuous value is
to be assigned to a given data point. Classification is a type of regression, where
the output of the test data is discrete. For classification models like simple
K-nearest neighbourhood (KNN), Gaussian mixture models (GMM)-based
Baye’s classification [7], artificial neural networks (ANN)-based Multi-
layer feedforward neural networks (MLFFNN) [10], support vector machine
(SVM)-based classification can be used.
Dimensionality reduction is the process of representing high dimensional
data in a lower dimensional space. This process can be viewed as projection
of data from higher dimensional space to a lower dimensional space. These
dimensionality reduction techniques are basically categorized into linear
and non-linear methods depending on the way data is projected. Principal
component analysis (PCA), Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), ICA, CCA,
NMF come under linear dimensionality reduction techniques as the projected
data is linearly related to the data in the input space. KPCA [13], KLDA, auto
encoders come under non-linear dimensionality reduction techniques, as the
projected data is non-linearly related to the data in the input space [3].
Auto associative Neural networks (AANN) are basically feed forward
neural networks (FFNN) with structures satisfying the requirements for
performing auto-association. Mapping in an AANN [12] is achieved by
using a dimension reduction followed by a dimension expansion. Dimension
reduction part of the network is called encoder while the dimension expansion
part of the network is known as decoder. After training auto-associative
Feature Extraction and Classification Using Deep Convolutional 263

neural network, decoder part is removed and encoder part is used for non-
linear dimension reduction if the activation function of the hidden layer is
non-linear [2].
A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a type of artificial neural network
usually designed to extract features from data and to classify given high
dimensional data. CNN is designed specifically to reorganize two dimensional
shapes with a high degree of invariance to translation, scaling, skewing
and other forms of distortion. The structure includes feature extraction,
feature mapping and subsampling layers. A CNN consists of a number of
convolutional and subsampling layers optionally followed by fully connected
output layers. Back propagation algorithm is used to train the model.
Convolution Neural Networks are biologically inspired variants of Mul-
tilayer Neural Network [6]. From experiments mentioned in [3] it is known
that the visual cortex of animals is a complex network of cells. Each cell
is sensitive to small sub-region of the visual fields, known as the receptive
field. According to [4], there are two kinds of cells: Simple cells and Com-
plex cells, where simple cells extract features and complex cells combine
several such local features from a spatial neighbour-hood. CNN tries to
imitate this structure, by extracting the features in a similar way from the
input space and then performing the classification, unlike the standard tech-
niques where features are extracted manually and provided to the model for
classification [3].
A 32 × 32 color image can be represented as a 1024 dimensional vector.
Considering different values of color (R, G and B), the image can be better
represented as a vector of size 4096 (dimensions). To model such high
dimensional data using shallow networks involves estimation of large number
of parameters. Unless training data is large such models lead to overfit
the data.
Convolutional Neural Network can handle such problems by leveraging
the ideas of local connectivity, parameter Sharing and Pooling/Subsampling.
Local Connectivity:
Each image is divided into equal sized units called as blocks or patches. These
blocks of the image are also known as receptive fields. These blocks can be
overlapping or non-overlapping in nature. Overlapping blocks share some
common part of image while non-overlapping blocks do not share. In order
to extract smooth features, overlapping blocks are considered. In an image of
size 32 × 32 with a block size of 4 × 4 gives a total of 64 blocks.
264 J. D. Bodapati and N. Veeranjaneyulu

Figure 1 Local connectivity.

Each hidden unit is associated with one block of the input image and
extracts features from that block of the image. In this way local features
are extracted and the exact location of the features become less important.
This is beneficial until the relative location with respect to other features is
preserved [14]. Figure 1 illustrates an example of local connectivity where
each hidden unit is connected to a block or patch of the image.
Parameter Sharing:
Each computational layer, also known as convolutional layer in the network
comprises of a number of feature maps. The neurons in one feature map are
constrained to share the same weights. This constraint guarantees: reduction
in parameters and shift invariance [15].
This idea of parameter sharing allows different neurons to share the same
parameters [16]. To accomplish this task hidden neurons are organized into
feature maps that share parameters. Hidden units within a feature map cover
different blocks of an image share same parameters and extracts same type
of features from different blocks. Each block of an image is associated with
multiple feature maps and neurons in different feature maps extract different
features from the same block [17].
Figure 2 helps us to clearly understand the process of parameter sharing:
Each hidden unit in a feature map is connected to different blocks of an image
and extracts same type of features [18]. Hidden units in different feature maps
extract different features from the same block [19].
In an image, blocks can be overlapping. To obtain activation values for
each hidden unit, weights connecting the input channel to feature map is to
be multiplied with input vector. This operation is known as Convolution and
basically we are concerned with discrete convolutions.
Feature Extraction and Classification Using Deep Convolutional 265

Figure 2 Parameter sharing.

Discrete Convolution:
Discrete Convolution Operation can be defined as:

h[n] = f (n) ∗ g(n) = f [k]g[n − k],

f and g are two functions.

Discrete Convolution is a combination of shift, multiply and addition
operations [9]. Here convolution operation is performed by summing up
multiplication of the weight matrix with someblock of image and then shifting
weight matrix to other overlapping block [20].
Pooling and subsampling:
Pooling works basically in two ways namely max pooling and average
pooling. A window of some predefined size is selected in both the methods.
In Max pooling, maximum activation value among the values in a window is
considered. In Average pooling average of the activation values in a window
is considered.
266 J. D. Bodapati and N. Veeranjaneyulu

Max pooling is preferred to average pooling as Max pooling some-

times causes loss of information because it takes maximum value in a
local region and maynot be able to give whole information about that
region [11].
Advantages of introducing pooling layer are: It introduces invariance to
local transitions because pooled value remains same in that local neighbour-
hood. It reduces the number of hidden units in hidden layer as the size of
feature maps for the subsequent layers would be smaller. Due to this reduction
technique, pooling layer is also called as subsampling layer. Figure 3 illustrates
max and average pooling techniques. Consider the input is an 8 × 8 block
of activation values and the window is of size 2 × 2. In max pooling, the
maximum value from each window is taken and in average pooling average
of the activation values in a window is taken. As a result of subsampling
8 × 8 blocks are reduced to a size of 2 × 2 as there are 4 windows and each
window results in a single value. This makes the structure invariant to spatial

Figure 3 Max and Average pooling.

Feature Extraction and Classification Using Deep Convolutional 267

Figure 4 Sample CNN architecture model.

The pooling operation is translation invariant [8], if the regions pooled

are from contiguous areas and the regions which are output of the same
replicated hidden nodes are chosen. Translation invariance means that the
same pooled features will be returned even for small translations in the
images [5].
Figure 4 illustrates the detailed architecture of CNN for classification of
32 × 32 images. This architecture comprises of 3 convolutional and pooling
layers followed by a fully connected output layer. In the first convolutional
layer receptive field is a 5 × 5 block, and each image is composed of such
multiple blocks in an overlapping fashion. Thus each image is described in
terms of 28 × 28 overlapping receptive fields. A convolution layer consists
of several feature maps, here the first convolution layer consists of 6 feature
maps. The neurons in one feature map are constrained to have the same weights
to reduce the number of parameters to be estimated. Each neuron thus receives
a 5 × 5 input, thus there are 26 features (25 weight parameters and one bias)
to be estimated for each feature map.
The next layer is the subsampling layer with a window of size 2 × 2. Input
to this layer is a 6 × 28 × 28 matrix and it is reduced to 6 × 14 × 14. Blocks at
this stage are non-overlapping. The reduction in the size of the matrix can be
performed either by subsampling or by max pooling [3, 4]. Empirical results
show that max pooling gives better performance compared to subsampling.
The output of the first sampling layer is a 6 × 14 × 14 matrix.
The subsequent layers are two convolutional and subsampling layers with
an increase in the number of feature maps and decrease in the spatial resolution.
The output layer is a fully connected layer. Output of this layer gives features
of the input image. Further classification of these features into classes can be
done using any neural network [21].
268 J. D. Bodapati and N. Veeranjaneyulu

Table 1 Data set after sampling

Class Label Number of Images
1 Sheep 758
2 Car 1042
3 Bus 974
4 Horse 750
5 Boat 1027

Dataset used for image classification task:

The task is to classify colored images of dimensions 200 × 200 into 5 classes
namely Sheep, Car, Bus, Horse and Boat where each image is of size
3 × 200 × 200. Total number of images in the dataset are 4548.
The dataset is highly imbalanced, with class 2 and class 5 are having more
data points compared to the other classes. So directly applying classification
on original data may lead to poor F-score measure as a lot of test cases from
the other classes would be classified as class 2 and class 5. In order to handle
this, a combination of under-sampling and over-sampling [5] is used, the large
number of points of class ‘car’ were under-sampled to about 400–500 points.
To undersample the data, we randomly remove the data points of class 2, so
that the number of class 2 data points after under sampling is in proportion
with other classes. Now the data is divided into train, validation and test sets.
The original images are resized from 3 × 200 × 200 to 3 × 32 × 32. Then RGB
pixel values are extracted and 3 × 32 × 32 data is formed for each image. Then
the whole dataset is normalized using zero mean and unit standard deviation.

2 Proposed CNN Model

Model Selection:
Pre-processed images are given as input to the CNN model for training. Cross
validation method is used to arrive at the best model. In the experiments
we conducted, following architecture gives the best performance and is
considered as the best model for the given dataset.
Proposed CNN architectures:
The Convolutional Neural Network is trained using Stochastic Gradient
Descent with Momentum. The network consists of an input layer, followed
Feature Extraction and Classification Using Deep Convolutional 269

by three convolutional and average pooling layers and followed by a soft

max fully connected output layer to extract features. After extracting features,
2 layer hidden neural-network is used for classification. We used different
configuration setups to extract features from the given data. In all these
configurations pooling layer window size is fixed as 2 × 2, and we tried with
different epochs with a batch size of 100. Some of these setups are motivated
by literature. Some of the guidelines we observed from the literature are:
(i) Fewer convolution filters in the early layers and increased filters in the
later layers. (ii) Larger window size early in the layers compared to the later
layers (iii) Dropouts can help to avoid over-fitting.
Choice of convolution window size, number of filters at different layers,
activation function used at each layer and pooling type (average or max
pooling) are selected based on the cross validation method.
Following table shows different configurations used in the experimental

Table 2 Configurations of different models used in experimental studies

Model HL1 HL2 E
1st CL – 6FM – 3 × 3 rf – tanh – 2 × 2 avg pool 12 80 25
2nd CL– 16FM – 2 × 2 rf – tanh – 2 × 2 avg pool 0 100
20 120 5
3rd CL – 10FM – 5 × 5 rf – tanh, Full conn layer – 10 FM 0 25
with 6 × 6
1st CL – 6FM – 3 × 3 rf – tanh – 2 × 2 avg pool 60 24 25
2nd CL– 16FM – 2 × 2 rf – tanh – 2 × 2 avg pool 130
3rd CL – 10FM – 5 × 5 rf – tanh, Full conn layer – 10 FM 70 30 25
with 3 × 3
1st CL – 6FM – 3 × 3 rf – tanh – 2 × 2 avg pool 30 14 65
2nd CL– 16FM – 4 × 4 rf – tanh – 2 × 2 avg pool
3rd CL – 10FM – 2 × 2 rf – tanh, Full conn layer – 10 FM 85
with 3 × 3
1st CL – 8FM – 3 × 3 rf – tanh – 2 × 2 avg pool 60 24 95
2nd CL– 20FM – 2 × 2 rf – tanh – 2 × 2 avg pool 150
3rd CL – 10FM – 5 × 5 rf – tanh, Full conn layer – 10 FM
with 3 × 3
CL: Convolution layer, FM: feature maps, rf: receptive fields, HL: Hidden Layer,
E: Epochs
270 J. D. Bodapati and N. Veeranjaneyulu

3 Experimental Results
In this section the model that gives best performance is considered and results
are reported. We have divided the whole work into 2 different tasks. In the
task 1, a neural network with 2 hidden layers is used to classify the features
extracted by DCNN. In the task 2, υ-SVM is used to classify the features
extracted by DCNN.
Task 1 – Classification of DCNN features using neural-network:
The input image is of size 3 × 32 × 32 consists of 3 feature maps (RGB),
6 kernels are used to transform 3 feature maps (RGB) to 6 feature maps.
In each of the feature map different features are being extracted because
of this the image in each feature map looks different. There would be lot of
connections from input layer to convolutional layer but parameters will be less
due to weight sharing. Convolution of image is performed with 3 × 3 matrix

Figure 5 Original image.

Figure 6 Images in 6 different feature maps after first convolution.

Feature Extraction and Classification Using Deep Convolutional 271

Figure 7 Plot of accuracy vs Number of epochs using max pooling.

Figure 8 Best model for DCNN.

which results in 6 feature maps ofsize 30 × 30. To have non linearity, rectified
linear unit is used activation function for convolutional layer. From Figure 8
we can infer that having several feature maps allow us to look for different
patterns at different locations of the input image.
After applying convolution layer average pooling is applied for subsam-
pling with a window size of 2 × 2. This 2 × 2 subsampling is results in
6 feature maps of size 15 × 15 and weights equal to 1/4 can be used.
272 J. D. Bodapati and N. Veeranjaneyulu


Table 3 Parameters for model with best performance

Number of convolution layers 3
Number of pooling layers 3
Number of feature maps in convolutional layers 6, 20, 30
Receptive fields of convolutional layers 3 × 3, 2 × 2, 2 × 2 (overlapping)
Pooling/subsampling layer Average Pooling in all the layers
Receptive Field of Pooling layers 2 × 2 (non-overlapping)
Activation function at fully connected layer Tanh
No. of Hidden nodes in hidden layers 130, 80
No. of nodes in output layer 5 (5 classes)
Type of non-linearity ReLU (Rectified Linear Units)
Loss Function Mean Square Error
learning rate 0.001
optimization method SGD (stochastic gradient descend)

Table 4 Task 1 – Confusion matrix

Sheep Car Bus Horse Boat
Sheep 477 55 55 104 67
Car 49 924 60 2 7
Bus 58 90 655 89 82
Horse 3 0 15 732 0
Boat 57 5 62 3 900
Accuracy: 81.03%

Table 4 shows confusion matrix of DCNN classifier. It shows how different

classes are being classified when a kernel size of 5 × 5 is used. From the
confusion matrix it is clearly evident that can see the confusion between
horse and sheep. Many of the sheep class data points are being classified
as horse.
Task 2 – Classification of DCNN features using υ-SVM:
Extract the features using DCNN (from task 1) for the whole data set.
Categorize the extracted data into train, test and validation data. Then train
the SVM for different parameter values. Then the best model parameters are
identified for SVM using cross validation method on validation data. Once we
select the best model parameters for SVM, use those parameters on test data
to get the accuracy of the model on test data. Gaussian kernel is used in this
model as Gaussian kernel can better classify the data in the projected space
Feature Extraction and Classification Using Deep Convolutional 273

Table 5 Task 2 – Confusion matrix

Sheep Car Bus Horse Boat
Sheep 465 58 66 105 64
Car 44 919 76 1 2
Bus 46 74 676 98 80
Horse 0 0 3 747 0
Boat 54 5 54 2 921
Accuracy: 81.75%

according to the literature. Gaussian kernel on two data samples x1 , x2 can be

defined as:
e−||x1 −x2 ||
K(x1 , x2 ) =
2σ 2
In C-SVM it is hard to set proper values for ‘C’ as there is no boundary on the
values of ‘C’. In υ-SVM it is easy to set values for υ as υ can take values only
within the range of 0 to 1 both inclusive. In our model υ > 0.5 values are
infeasible. The best chosen parameters are υ = 0.5 and gamma = 0.03125.
Table 5 shows the confusion matrix of the SVM classifier. It shows
how different classes are being classified when DCCN extracted features are
classified using υ-SVM. From the confusion matrix it is clearly evident that
majority of the sheep class data is misclassified. Many of the sheep class data
points are being predicted as horse. We can see few misclassifications in the
bus class too. It can be seen that for classes 2, 3 and 4 the performance is almost
the same as DCNN. DCNN performs better on class1and SVM-with-DCNN
works slightly better on class 5.
It is observed that performance of SVM is almost same or slightly better
than using NN as classifier using DCNN features.

4 Conclusion
In the convolutional neural network designed, the number of feature maps
in each convolutional layer and the number of pairs of convolutional and
sampling layer define the complexity of the network. We have used average
pooling and max pooling layer in our model and observed that for average
pooling results in better performance than max pooling. We can infer that
having several feature maps allow us to look for different patterns at different
locations of the input image. If we increase the number of feature maps and
convolutional layer beyond a limit, error on testing data starts increasing
slowly. If we keep slightly high learning rate, after several iterations the
274 J. D. Bodapati and N. Veeranjaneyulu

training error go up presumably. The model can attain similar performance

with considerably less feature maps just by adding two large fully connected
hidden layers. We infer that number of units in fully connected hidden layer
has as much impact as adding feature maps. As the weight for each feature
map is the same it reduces the number of parameters to be estimated.

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276 J. D. Bodapati and N. Veeranjaneyulu


Jyostna Devi Bodapati working as Assistant Professor in the Department

of Computer Science and Engineering, Vignan’s Foundation for Science,
Technology and Research (Deemed to be University), Vadlamudi, India
since 2010. She has published good number of research articles in reputed
International journals and Conferences. Her areas of interests are Deep
learning, Pattern Recognition and Kernel methods for pattern analysis.

N. Veeranjaneyulu is a Professor at Vignan’s Foundation for Science,

Technology and Research (Deemed to be University), Vadlamudi, India.
He has 21 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science.
He has around 50 publications in International journals and Conference
proceedings. His areas of interests are cloud computing and Big-data

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