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Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform g1000

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Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000

Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages


Product Version

Getting Help

© 2015 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Hitachi and Hitachi Data Systems reserve the right to make changes to this document at any time
without notice and assume no responsibility for its use. This document contains the most current
information available at the time of publication. When new and/or revised information becomes
available, this entire document will be updated and distributed to all registered users.

Some of the features described in this document may not be currently available. Refer to the most
recent product announcement or contact your local Hitachi Data Systems sales office for information
about feature and product availability.

Notice: Hitachi Data Systems products and services can be ordered only under the terms and
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Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Preface................................................................................................. vii
Intended audience...................................................................................................viii
Product version....................................................................................................... viii
Document revision level........................................................................................... viii
Referenced documents.............................................................................................viii
Document conventions.............................................................................................viii
Convention for storage capacity values....................................................................... ix
Accessing product documentation............................................................................... x
Getting help...............................................................................................................x
Comments................................................................................................................ xi

1 Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000 messages and error codes........... 1-1
Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000 messages......................................................1-2
Message window format..........................................................................................1-2
Advanced message window..................................................................................... 1-3
Remote Console-Device Manager - Storage Navigator error codes.............................. 1-4

2 Message (part code group 00nnn)......................................................... 2-1

Part code 00001..................................................................................................... 2-3
Part code 00002..................................................................................................... 2-8
Part code 00003....................................................................................................2-11
Part code 00004....................................................................................................2-13
Part code 00005....................................................................................................2-14
Part code 00006....................................................................................................2-14
Part code 00007....................................................................................................2-15
Part code 00010....................................................................................................2-15
Part code 00021....................................................................................................2-16
Part code 00022....................................................................................................2-16
Part code 00110....................................................................................................2-17
Part code 00122....................................................................................................2-19
Part code 00190....................................................................................................2-20
Part code 00221....................................................................................................2-23
Part code 00222....................................................................................................2-23
Part code 00290....................................................................................................2-35
Part code 00305....................................................................................................2-39

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 00321....................................................................................................2-40
Part code 00322....................................................................................................2-40
Part code 00405....................................................................................................2-41
Part code 00407....................................................................................................2-46
Part code 00421....................................................................................................2-46
Part code 00422....................................................................................................2-46
Part code 00605....................................................................................................2-48
Part code 00621....................................................................................................2-59
Part code 00622....................................................................................................2-59
Part code 00721....................................................................................................2-64
Part code 00722....................................................................................................2-64
Part code 00726....................................................................................................2-65
Part code 00810....................................................................................................2-67

3 Message (part code group 01nnn)......................................................... 3-1

Part code 01005..................................................................................................... 3-2
Part code 01022....................................................................................................3-12
Part code 01305....................................................................................................3-22
Part code 01310....................................................................................................3-23

4 Message (part code group 02nnn)......................................................... 4-1

Part code 02005..................................................................................................... 4-2

5 Message (part code group 03nnn)......................................................... 5-1

Part code 03005..................................................................................................... 5-2
Part code 03010....................................................................................................5-23
Part code 03021....................................................................................................5-24
Part code 03022....................................................................................................5-24
Part code 03121....................................................................................................5-32
Part code 03122....................................................................................................5-33
Part code 03205....................................................................................................5-39
Part code 03222....................................................................................................5-44
Part code 03305....................................................................................................5-46
Part code 03405....................................................................................................5-52
Part code 03505....................................................................................................5-62

6 Message (part code group 04nnn)......................................................... 6-1

Part code 04005..................................................................................................... 6-2
Part code 04010..................................................................................................... 6-5

7 Message (part code group 05nnn)......................................................... 7-1

Part code 05105..................................................................................................... 7-2
Part code 05107..................................................................................................... 7-4
Part code 05121..................................................................................................... 7-4
Part code 05122..................................................................................................... 7-5
Part code 05205..................................................................................................... 7-7
Part code 05221....................................................................................................7-22
Part code 05222....................................................................................................7-23
Part code 05305....................................................................................................7-25

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 05307....................................................................................................7-30
Part code 05310....................................................................................................7-30

8 Message (part code group 06nnn)......................................................... 8-1

Part code 06005..................................................................................................... 8-2
Part code 06007....................................................................................................8-26
Part code 06205....................................................................................................8-27
Part code 06505....................................................................................................8-41
Part code 06507....................................................................................................8-91
Part code 06805....................................................................................................8-92
Part code 06810....................................................................................................8-93

9 Message (part code group 07nnn)......................................................... 9-1

Part code 07005..................................................................................................... 9-2
Part code 07007....................................................................................................9-30
Part code 07105....................................................................................................9-31

10 Message (part code group 08nnn)......................................................10-1

Part code 08005....................................................................................................10-2
Part code 08107....................................................................................................10-4
Part code 08222....................................................................................................10-4
Part code 08505....................................................................................................10-5
Part code 08507....................................................................................................10-9
Part code 08521..................................................................................................10-10
Part code 08522..................................................................................................10-10
Part code 08605..................................................................................................10-11
Part code 08621..................................................................................................10-12
Part code 08622..................................................................................................10-13
Part code 08805..................................................................................................10-13
Part code 08905..................................................................................................10-14

11 Message (part code group 09nnn)......................................................11-1

Part code 09005....................................................................................................11-2
Part code 09007....................................................................................................11-3
Part code 09010....................................................................................................11-3
Part code 09205....................................................................................................11-4
Part code 09210....................................................................................................11-7
Part code 09605....................................................................................................11-8
Part code 09610..................................................................................................11-12

12 Message (part code group 10nnn)......................................................12-1

Part code 10021....................................................................................................12-2
Part code 10022....................................................................................................12-2
Part code 10121....................................................................................................12-2
Part code 10122....................................................................................................12-3
Part code 10126....................................................................................................12-6

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
13 Message (part code group 20nnn)......................................................13-1
Part code 20020....................................................................................................13-3
Part code 20121....................................................................................................13-8
Part code 20122..................................................................................................13-11
Part code 20123..................................................................................................13-15
Part code 20222..................................................................................................13-18
Part code 20305..................................................................................................13-19
Part code 20321..................................................................................................13-20
Part code 20322..................................................................................................13-21
Part code 20422..................................................................................................13-21
Part code 20520..................................................................................................13-23
Part code 20522..................................................................................................13-24
Part code 20525..................................................................................................13-24
Part code 20624..................................................................................................13-26
Part code 20705..................................................................................................13-26
Part code 20721..................................................................................................13-32
Part code 20722..................................................................................................13-33
Part code 20825..................................................................................................13-36
Part code 20921..................................................................................................13-37
Part code 20922..................................................................................................13-38

14 Message (part code group 21nnn)......................................................14-1

Part code 21021....................................................................................................14-2
Part code 21022....................................................................................................14-4
Part code 21122..................................................................................................14-17

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
This document lists the error codes and error messages for the Hitachi Device
Manager - Storage Navigator for the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000
storage system, and provides the recommended action for the error
Please read this document carefully to understand how to use this product,
and maintain a copy for reference purposes.

□ Intended audience

□ Product version

□ Document revision level

□ Referenced documents

□ Document conventions

□ Convention for storage capacity values

□ Accessing product documentation

□ Getting help

□ Comments

Preface vii
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Intended audience
This document is intended for system administrators, Hitachi Data Systems
representatives, and authorized service providers who are involved in
installing, configuring, and operating the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform
G1000 storage system.
Readers of this document should have at least the following knowledge and
• You should have a background in data processing and understand RAID
storage systems and their basic functions.
• You should be familiar with the Device Manager - Storage Navigator
software for the Virtual Storage Platform G1000 and have read the Hitachi
Command Suite User Guide or the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000
System Administrator Guide.
• You should be familiar with the operating system and web browser
software on the system hosting the Device Manager - Storage Navigator

Product version
This document revision applies to Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000
microcode 80-02-4x and later.

Document revision level

Revision Date Description

MK-92RD8017-00 February 2015 Initial release.

MK-92RD8017-01 May 2015 Supersedes and replaces MK-92RD8017-00.

Referenced documents
• Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000 Hardware Guide, MK-92RD8007
• Hitachi Command Suite User Guide or Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform
G1000 System Administrator Guide, MK-92RD8016

Document conventions
This document uses the following typographic conventions:

Convention Description

Bold Indicates text on a window, other than the window title, including
menus, menu options, buttons, fields, and labels. Example: Click

viii Preface
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Convention Description

Italic Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text

provided by the user or system. Example: copy source-file
Note: Angled brackets (< >) are also used to indicate variables.
screen/code Indicates text that is displayed on screen or entered by the user.
Example: # pairdisplay -g oradb

< > angled brackets Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text
provided by the user or system. Example: # pairdisplay -g
Note: Italic font is also used to indicate variables.

[ ] square brackets Indicates optional values. Example: [ a | b ] indicates that you

can choose a, b, or nothing.

{ } braces Indicates required or expected values. Example: { a | b }

indicates that you must choose either a or b.

| vertical bar Indicates that you have a choice between two or more options or
arguments. Examples:
[ a | b ] indicates that you can choose a, b, or nothing.
{ a | b } indicates that you must choose either a or b.

This document uses the following icons to draw attention to information:

Icon Meaning Description

Tip Tips provide helpful information, guidelines, or suggestions for

performing tasks more effectively.

Note Notes emphasize or supplement important points of the main


Caution Cautions indicate that failure to take a specified action could

result in damage to the software or hardware.

WARNING Warnings indicate that failure to take a specified action could

result in loss of data or serious damage to hardware.

Convention for storage capacity values

Physical storage capacity values (disk drive capacity) are calculated based on
the following values:

Physical capacity unit Value

1 KB 1,000 bytes

1 MB 1,0002 bytes

Preface ix
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Physical capacity unit Value

1 GB 1,0003 bytes

1 TB 1,0004 bytes

1 PB 1,0005 bytes

1 EB 1,0006 bytes

Logical storage capacity values (logical device capacity) are calculated based
on the following values:

Logical capacity unit Value

1 KB 1,024 bytes

1 MB 1,024 KB or 1,0242 bytes

1 GB 1,024 MB or 1,0243 bytes

1 TB 1,024 GB or 1,0244 bytes

1 PB 1,024 TB or 1,0245 bytes

1 EB 1,024 PB or 1,0246 bytes

1 block 512 bytes

1 Cyl • For open systems

¢ OPEN-V: 960 KB
¢ Other than OPEN-V: 720 KB
• For mainframe systems: 870 KB

Accessing product documentation

The VSP G1000 user documentation is available on the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Portal: https://hdssupport.hds.com. Please check this site for the
most current documentation, including important updates that may have
been made after the release of the product.

Getting help
The Hitachi Data Systems customer support staff is available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. If you need technical support, log on to the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Portal for contact information: https://

x Preface
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Please send us your comments on this document: doc.comments@hds.com.
Include the document title, number, and revision. Please refer to specific
section(s) and paragraph(s) whenever possible.
Thank you! (All comments become the property of Hitachi Data Systems.)

Preface xi
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
xii Preface
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000
messages and error codes
This chapter covers the various messages and error codes released by the
storage system.

□ Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000 messages

□ Message window format

□ Advanced message window

□ Remote Console-Device Manager - Storage Navigator error codes

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000 messages and error codes 1-1
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000 messages
Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 show examples of typical message windows.

Figure 1-1 Sample message window1

Figure 1-2 Sample message window2

Message window format

Message level
There are four message levels as shown below.



Fatal error

The server is unable to accept the request from Device Manager -

Storage Navigator. One possible cause is that another process is in progress
at the server. This message does not indicate an error.

Message text
Descriptive text that appears in the message window.

1-2 Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000 messages and error codes
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Recommended action
This column provides recommended actions corresponding to the message.
Take actions based on instructions provided in the error message or in the
recommended action column written in this manual.
In some cases, a message window is displayed without any recommended
actions. In these circumstances, take actions based on instructions with the
part code and the error code provided in this manual.

Part code
The part code is the ID of the application that issued the message. In some
cases, the number of digits in the message may not match the number of
digits described in this manual, so if a four-digit part code is displayed in a
message window, add a zero "0" to the beginning of the part code so as to
make it a five-digit code.
For example, when the four-digit part code "7005" is displayed in a message
window, refer to the five-digit part code "07005" in this manual.

Error code
The error code is a message ID. In some cases, the number of digits in the
message may not match the number of digits described in this manual, so if a
part code having five or less digits is displayed in a message window, add
some zeros to the beginning of the part code so as to make it a six-digit
For example, when the four-digit error code "6023" is displayed in a message
window, refer to the six-digit error code "006023" in this manual. When the
five-digit error code "55505" is displayed in a message window, refer to the
six-digit part code "055505" in this manual.
If Device Manager - Storage Navigator starts and displays the following
message, refer to the error code and number the (YYYY ZZZZZ) represent. A
check box may be indicated in the message window. If you check the box the
message will not appear until you log in again.
A network error occurred, the server is not ready, or an error
occurred in the server. (YYYY ZZZZZ)

Advanced message window

Figure1-3 shows an example of the advance message window.

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000 messages and error codes 1-3
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Figure 1-3 Example of advanced message window
When multiple errors occur at the same time, the errors are listed by error
code number on the message window as shown above. To open and read one
of the error messages, click the error code number for the error.
The advanced message window can also be viewed from the Task window.
For the procedure for checking the Task window and task status, see the
Hitachi Command Suite User Guide or the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform
G1000 System Administrator Guide.

Remote Console-Device Manager - Storage Navigator error

To resolve errors in Hitachi Device Manager - Storage Navigator for VSP
• See the Troubleshooting chapter in the user guide for the product you
were using when the error occurred (for example, ShadowImage).
• Look up the error message in the error code tables in this manual, and
follow the recommended action for the error condition.
The error code tables list the Device Manager - Storage Navigator error
messages numerically by error code and provide the recommended action
and severity levels for the error conditions. If there is no recommended
action for an error message, follow the instructions in the error message and
for the task you are performing. The severity levels for the error conditions
• i: Information
• E: Error
• W: Warning

1-4 Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000 messages and error codes
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
• N: The server is unable to accept the request from Device Manager -
Storage Navigator. One possible cause is that some process is in progress
at the server. This message does not indicate an error.
In this manual, xxx in descriptive texts represents a string/variable that is
determined by the content of the processing, and it is replaced by the actual
sting/variable determined by the content of the processing on the message
However, no string/variable might appear in xxx in some cases.

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000 messages and error codes 1-5
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
1-6 Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000 messages and error codes
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 00nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 00001 to 00810.

□ Part code 00001

□ Part code 00002

□ Part code 00003

□ Part code 00004

□ Part code 00005

□ Part code 00006

□ Part code 00007

□ Part code 00010

□ Part code 00021

□ Part code 00022

□ Part code 00110

□ Part code 00122

□ Part code 00190

□ Part code 00221

□ Part code 00222

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
□ Part code 00290

□ Part code 00305

□ Part code 00321

□ Part code 00322

□ Part code 00405

□ Part code 00407

□ Part code 00421

□ Part code 00422

□ Part code 00605

□ Part code 00621

□ Part code 00622

□ Part code 00721

□ Part code 00722

□ Part code 00726

□ Part code 00810

2-2 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 00001
Table 2-1 Error codes (part code 00001)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00001 001000 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 001001 A time-out error occurred. The array controller reboots E

automatically. If the same error occurs
despite retrying, please call the Support

00001 001002 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 001003 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 001004 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 002000 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 002001 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 002002 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 002005 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 003000 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 003001 The number of set operations Please reduce the number of set E
exceeds the maximum (20000). operations, and perform again.

00001 003002 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 004001 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 004006 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 004007 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 004008 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00001 004009 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00001 004010 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00001 004011 A network error occurred. The Log on again. A network error may E
probable cause is: occur when the load of another

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• A timeout error occurred application program working on the
during communication with same PC with Storage Navigator is high.
the SVP. Increase the value of the RMI time-out
period when network error occurs.
00001 004012 The number of clients logged on Log on again after a while. E
to the RMI server has exceeded

00001 004013 The SVP configuration is invalid. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

00001 004020 Network error detected; Lock is removed. Lock again. W

exclusive lock is released.

00001 005013 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005014 The user ID or password is Enter a correct user name or a E

invalid. password.

00001 005075 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005099 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005132 The specified user ID is already Log in with a different user name. Or, E
logged on, or the previous logon there is a possibility that the previous
was not properly terminated. termination process might be invalid.
Please try again later. (By (Terminated by clicking the end button
default, the session/RMI time- of the browser.) In this case, log in
out is one minute.) again after the RMI Time-out (default 1

00001 005300 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005301 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005400 Failed to access the monitoring A different user might open one of the W
data because accessing the following windows or run the export
monitoring data on the SVP is tool. In this case, wait until one of the
busy. users moves to a different window or
exits the export tool.
• [Usage Monitor] window of the True
• [Usage Monitor] window of the
Universal Replicator
• Volume Migration window
• Server Priority Manager window

00001 005508 An administrator is changing a If the problem persists despite retrying, E

system environment file. Please please call the Support Center.
log on again after waiting for a

2-4 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00001 005509 Modify mode released due to To get back to the Modify mode, click E
inactivity. Do you want to get [OK]. Otherwise, click [Cancel].
back to the Modify mode?

00001 005514 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

00001 005515 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

00001 005516 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

00001 005517 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

00001 005518 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

00001 005519 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

00001 005520 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

00001 005521 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005522 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005523 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005635 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005636 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005637 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005638 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005639 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005640 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-5

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00001 005811 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

00001 005813 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 005814 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 006002 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 006004 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 006022 A file open error has occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

00001 006023 Failed to access the file. Check If the problem persists despite retrying, E
the setting, and then retry the please call the Support Center.
operation. If the same problem
persists despite retrying, please
call the Support Center.

00001 006039 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. If this problem please call the Support Center.
persists, please call the Support

00001 007003 The content of the management If the problem persists despite retrying, E
file of the audit log is invalid. please call the Support Center.

00001 007050 An error occurred during If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. The version of please call the Support Center.
Storage Navigator may not
match the version of destination
SVP. Clear the cache of JRE and
the browser, restart the
browser, and then retry the
processing. If this problem
persists, the proxy server may
be the cause of the problem.
Please contact your network
administrator. If your network
does not have any problem, and
this problem persists, please call
the Support Center.

00001 055034 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 055044 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00001 055200 An internal logical error If the problem persists despite retrying, E
occurred. please call the Support Center.

2-6 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00001 056545 The operation failed because the If the problem persists despite retrying, E
audit log is being processed. please call the Support Center.
Please wait for a while, and then
retry the operation.

00001 056548 The SVP is transferring the file If the problem persists despite retrying, E
to the FTP server. Wait for a please call the Support Center.
while, then retry the operation.

00001 056549 Another user is downloading the If the problem persists despite retrying, E
file or transferring the file to the please call the Support Center.
FTP server. Please wait for a
while, and then retry the

00001 056550 Transfer to the FTP server is If the problem persists despite retrying, E
disabled. Check the setting. please call the Support Center.

00001 056551 Failed to connect to the FTP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
server. Check the IP address, or please call the Support Center.
the connection between the SVP
and the FTP server.

00001 056552 The file transfer to the FTP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
server failed. Check the user ID please call the Support Center.
and the password.

00001 056553 The file transfer to the FTP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
server failed. Check the output please call the Support Center.
folder and the status of the FTP

00001 056554 The file transfer to the FTP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
server failed. If this problem please call the Support Center.
persists, please call the Support

00001 056555 The complete operation is If the problem persists despite retrying, E
performed to all SIMs related to please call the Support Center.
Audit Log.

00001 056556 Complete operation of SIMs If the problem persists despite retrying, E
failed because the number of please call the Support Center.
audit logs that had not been
transferred exceeded the

00001 056557 The complete operation of the If the problem persists despite retrying, E
SIM may not have completed please call the Support Center.
since the SVP is busy.

00001 057106 An invalid value is included in If the problem persists despite retrying, E
the management file of the audit please call the Support Center.
log. Please retry the operation.

00001 065734 CVAE version information ID is If the problem persists despite retrying, E
invalid. Check the setting, and please call the Support Center.
then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-7

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00001 066100 The login could not be If the problem persists despite retrying, E
performed because a function please call the Support Center.
failed to start during SVP

00001 066559 The operation failed because the If the problem persists despite retrying, E
SVP OS does not support IPv6. please call the Support Center.

00001 066802 No more CVAE version If the problem persists despite retrying, E
information can be registered, please call the Support Center.
because the number of
registered CVAE version
information reached the
maximum. Reduce the number
of CVAE version information and
then retry the operation.

Part code 00002

Table 2-2 Error codes (part code 00002)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00002 002001 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 002002 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 002003 The SVP is busy. Click [Refresh All] on the File menu and W
refresh the configuration.

00002 002004 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 002005 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 002006 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 002007 The storage system is refreshing Wait and then retry the operation. W
or some other user is changing
the setting.

00002 002008 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 002009 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 002010 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

2-8 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00002 002011 The SVP configuration is invalid. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

00002 002012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 002013 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 002015 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 002016 The array is refreshing, or some Wait, then retry the operation. W
other user is registering the

00002 002145 An error occurred while Wait for a while, and then retry the W
communicating with the storage operation. If this problem persists,
system. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

00002 003003 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 005010 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 005040 The number of requests exceeds Reduce the number of requests, then W
the maximum number that can retry the operation.
be processed.

00002 005130 A sequence error occurred. Connection is terminated from the E

server due to a network failure, etc. Log
on again. This error might occur and
remain internally in the unlock function
log when a user in View mode selects
the Exit button, but this is not a
problem. In other cases, please call the
Support Center.

00002 005510 The storage system is in the Wait, then click [Refresh] on the [File] W
internal process, or some other menu or login again.
user is changing the

00002 006000 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 006002 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 006022 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 006023 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-9

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00002 006040 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 006050 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 006051 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 006502 Processing is in progress. If the problem persists despite retrying, W

please call the Support Center.

00002 006531 The SVP is busy. If the problem persists despite retrying, W
please call the Support Center.

00002 007030 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 007060 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 007111 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 007211 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 008000 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, E
connecting to the storage please call the Support Center.

00002 008001 A communication time-out error If the problem persists despite retrying, E
occurred. please call the Support Center.

00002 008005 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 008100 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, E
connecting to the storage please call the Support Center.

00002 009000 Another user is accessing with Wait, then retry the operation. W
Modify mode.

00002 009001 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 009999 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00002 058578 An error occurred in the storage Click [Refresh All] on the [File] menu, W
system. The configuration may then refresh the configuration.
be inconsistent.

00002 065740 The configuration changing Check if the configuration changing W

processes are conflicting at DKC. process by the Command Control
Interface, the Volume Migration, or the
Quick Restore is not in operation, and
then retry the operation.

00002 066100 The login could not be Please call the Support Center. E
performed because a function

2-10 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
failed to start during SVP

00002 076516 The resource group definition is Wait, and then retry the operation. W
being changed.

00002 077001 Failed to get the resource lock. Restart the SVP. If the problem E
persists, call the Support Center.

00002 206500 The configuration information of Refresh the window, and then retry the W
the Virtual Storage Machine has operation. If this problem persists,
changed. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

Part code 00003

Table 2-3 Error codes (part code 00003)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00003 001040 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 001141 Processing is in progress. If the problem persists despite retrying, W

please call the Support Center.

00003 001900 Maintenance operation is Wait for the maintenance to complete, W

executed by the SVP. then retry the operation.

00003 002001 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 002002 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 002003 Such as Volume Migration and Wait a while, then click [Refresh]. If this W
QuickRestore are in progress. problem persists, inconsistency of
configuration may have occurred.
Please call the Support Center. If the
problem occurred when starting SVP,
check the version number of the
microcode and the configuration

00003 002004 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 002005 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 002006 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 002009 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-11

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00003 002011 The status of the storage system If the problem persists despite retrying, E
requires maintenance (for please call the Support Center.
example, the storage system is
blocked, the shared memory is
inconsistent, or some other

00003 002012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 002013 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 002014 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 002015 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, E
connecting to the storage please call the Support Center.

00003 002016 A service engineer is accessing Retry the operation later. W

the system in Modify mode.

00003 002017 Network error detected; Re-execute the request for starting W
exclusive lock is released. exclusive lock.

00003 002022 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00003 002032 Communication busy. Retry the operation later. W

00003 002033 The SVP is not ready yet, or an Wait, then click [Refresh] on the [File] W
internal processing is being menu. When an error occurs during a
executed. login, wait, then log in again.

00003 002083 The storage system status is Check the DKC status and the current E
invalid. status of the configuration setting. If
necessary, re-execute the setting

00003 002084 The storage system status is Check the DKC status and the current E
invalid. status of the configuration setting. If
necessary, re-execute the setting

00003 002098 The operation cannot be When the same problem persists, E
performed, because the SVP please call the Support Center.
microcode version does not
match the DKCMAIN(storage
system) microcode version.

00003 002099 The operation cannot be Wait a while, then retry the operation. W
performed, because an If the same problem persists, please
inoperative MP exists. call the Support Center.

00003 002100 An error occurred while Click [Refresh All] on the [File] menu, W
connecting to the storage then refresh the configuration.
system. The configuration may
be inconsistent.

2-12 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00003 003000 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 003001 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 003002 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 003003 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 003004 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 003005 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 003006 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00003 003007 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

Part code 00004

Table 2-4 Error codes (part code 00004)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00004 002006 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00004 006000 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00004 006001 A time-out error occurred. The array controller reboots E

automatically. If the same error occurs
despite retrying, please call the Support

00004 006002 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00004 006003 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00004 006010 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00004 006011 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00004 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-13

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00004 006013 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00004 006023 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00004 006037 The storage system status is If the problem persists despite retrying, E
invalid. please call the Support Center.

00004 008010 The storage system status is If the problem persists despite retrying, E
invalid. please call the Support Center.

Part code 00005

Table 2-5 Error codes (part code 00005)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00005 002007 The storage system is refreshing Wait and then retry the operation. W
or some other user is changing
the setting.

00005 005099 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00005 066101 This function could not be used Click [Refresh All] on the [File] menu, E
because a function failed to start then retry the operation. If the same
during SVP initialization. problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

Part code 00006

Table 2-6 Error codes (part code 00006)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00006 001005 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00006 001006 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00006 001007 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00006 001009 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00006 004000 The SVP configuration is invalid. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

2-14 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 00007
Table 2-7 Error codes (part code 00007)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00007 005013 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00007 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00007 006022 File access error is occurred. If a If the problem persists despite retrying, E
file is transferred between SVP please call the Support Center.
and client PC, confirm that the
file name does not contain
invalid characters. In other
cases, please wait for a while,
and retry the operation.

00007 006023 File access error is occurred. If a If the problem persists despite retrying, E
file is transferred between SVP please call the Support Center.
and client PC, confirm that the
file name does not contain
invalid characters. In other
cases, please wait for a while,
and retry the operation.

00007 006091 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, E
compressing a file. please call the Support Center.

00007 006092 An error occurred while reading If the problem persists despite retrying, E
a file. please call the Support Center.

00007 006093 The specified file was not found. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

00007 056546 Another user is downloading the If the problem persists despite retrying, E
file or transferring the file to the please call the Support Center.
FTP server. Please wait for a
while, and then retry the

Part code 00010

Table 2-8 Error codes (part code 00010)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00010 006027 A network error occurred. The You cannot connect to the SVP because E
causes might be one of the of factors, such as a network error or
following. SVP error. Check the IP address. If the
• The SVP was not ready. IP address is correct, close the browser
(also close the browser of the storage
• An error occurred in the list), and log in again after waiting a
SVP. while. If the problem persists, please

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-15

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• A timeout error occurred contact the HSSC. The version of
while communicating with Storage Navigator may not match the
the SVP. version of destination SVP. Clear the
cache of JRE and the browser. Restart
the browser,and then retry the
processing. The Storage Navigator is
downloaded via the network and then
executed. If you use a proxy server, the
old version of the program may remain
in the cache of the proxy, and may be
downloaded and executed. If this
problem persists, contact your network
administrator. If your network does not
have any problem, and this problem
persists, please contact the HSSC.

Part code 00021

Table 2-9 Error codes (part code 00021)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00021 105001 No table rows are selected. Select one or more table rows. W

00021 109006 Are you sure you want to apply To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
the setting information? [Cancel].

Part code 00022

Table 2-10 Error codes (part code 00022)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00022 107001 The process cannot be continued Refresh the window, then retry the E
due to an internal logical operation.If the same problem persists
contradiction. despite retrying, please call the Support

00022 107004 The process cannot be continued Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logical problem occurs again, close the dialog
contradiction. window, click [Refresh], then retry
again. If the same problem persists
despite retrying, please call the Support

2-16 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 00110
Table 2-11 Error codes (part code 00110)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00110 005030 The displayed information has Check the microprogram version of the W
not been changed. Try again. storage system.

00110 007060 An error occurred in the client Check the microprogram version of the E
logic. storage system.

00110 007440 An error occurred during Check the microprogram version of the E
processing. storage system.
If this problem persists, please
call the Support Center.

00110 008100 A SIM occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

00110 009002 The requested operation is Click [OK]. i


00110 009100 Do you want to exit? Click [OK] to finish window. i

00110 009101 Do you want to cancel? To cancel processing, click [OK]. To i

continue processing, click [Cancel].

00110 009102 Do you want to apply? To continue processing, click [OK]. To i

cancel processing, click [Cancel].

00110 009104 Do you want to change the Click [OK] to change mode. To cancel i
mode? processing, click [Cancel]

00110 009105 The value that is under setup is Click [OK] to finish window. W
not reflected yet.
Do you want to exit?

00110 009106 The value that is under setup is Click [OK] to change mode. To cancel W
not reflected yet. processing, click [Cancel]
Do you want to change the

00110 009107 The value that is under setup is To continue processing, click [OK]. To W
not reflected yet. cancel processing, click [Cancel].
Do you want to continue the

00110 055045 The installation status of To update the status immediately, click i
program products has been [Refresh] on the File menu.
To update the status
immediately, click [Refresh] on
the File menu.

00110 056503 The unsupported JRE version is Install the supported version of JRE. E
Install the supported version of
JRE, then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-17

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00110 056558 Modify mode released due to Get back to the Modify mode and E
inactivity. Another user or change the configuration again.
service engineer may have
the configuration while the
Modify mode was released. Get
back to the Modify mode and
the configuration again. Set the
"RMI time-out period for Modify"
by using the "Set Env." dialog
located on the Control Panel of
the Storage Navigator to change
the time-out period for Modify

00110 057011 An error occurred regarding Please log off from Storage Navigator. E
screen display. After that, please log on to Storage
Please log off from Storage Navigator again and check whether
Navigator. After that, configuration changes have been made
please log on to Storage
Navigator again and
check whether configuration
changes have been made

00110 059002 The storage system is in internal Wait, then click [OK] and change the W
process, or some other user is mode to Modify.
changing the configuration.
Wait, then click [OK] and
change the mode to Modify. Do
you want to change the mode to
Modify again?

00110 059003 Succeeded to change the mode Reply to the message. i

to Modify.

00110 059105 Do you want to refresh all the To refresh all configuration, click [OK]. i
configuration information? To cancel refreshing, click [Cancel].

00110 065092 An error occurred regarding Select the window you wish to display W
screen display. Select the from the [Go] menu.
window you wish to display from
the [Go] menu.

00110 067005 Configuration information on the Click [Refresh All] on the File menu and E
storage system and the refresh the configuration information.
configuration information
on the SVP became inconsistent.
Click [Refresh All] on the File
menu and refresh
the configuration information.

2-18 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00110 069007 Another user is accessing in Please wait for a while, then retry the W
Modify mode. Please wait for a operation.
while, then retry the operation.

00110 069024 No function can be used. Please login with user with the required W

00110 069028 The setting may not be applied To continue processing, click [OK]. To i
when another user is applying cancel processing, click [Cancel].
the setting.
When the setting is not applied,
wait a while and retry the
Do you want to continue?

Part code 00122

Table 2-12 Error codes (part code 00122)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00122 105260 The free space for storing audit Download the Audit Log. W
log files is running out.
Usage Rate xxx%

00122 105261 The free space for storing audit Download the Audit Log. E
log files has run out. The old
audit log information will be
Usage Rate xxx%

00122 107016 The audit log is not reset Download the audit log again and save W
because the file of the audit log the file for resetting the audit log.
is not saved.

00122 107017 An error occurred while If the same problem persists despite E
accessing the alert information. retrying, please call the Support Center.

00122 107020 The state of Audit Log cannot be If the same problem persists despite E
acquired. retrying, please call the Support Center.

00122 107021 The lock status of the resource Check that the power is supplied to the E
cannot be obtained. DKC. If the same problem persists
despite retrying, please call the Support

00122 109011 The free space for storing audit - i

log files is normal value.
Usage Rate xxx%

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-19

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 00190
Table 2-13 Error codes (part code 00190)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00190 005110 Failed to compress the files. Click the close button and close the E
window. Retry the operation from the
Download Dump Files window.

00190 005111 Dump files are being collected Click the close button and close the E
by the dump tool. Wait until the window. Wait until the collection is
collection is complete, and then complete, and then retry the operation.
retry the operation.

00190 006018 An authentication error occurred Click the close button and close the E
(Dump file download window. Log in again to the Download
authentication). Dump Files function.

00190 007001 The signed public key certificate If this problem persists, contact the E
file (.crt file) is not uploaded. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 007002 The secret key file (.key file) is If this problem persists, contact the E
not uploaded. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 007003 Both of the signed public key If this problem persists, contact the E
certificate file (.crt file) and the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
secret key file (.key file) are not

00190 007004 Failed to create a certificate file. If this problem persists, call the Support E
Check the contents of the Center.
certificate file.

00190 007051 The signed public key certificate If this problem persists, contact the E
file (.crt file) cannot be backed Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 007052 The secret key file (.key file) If this problem persists, contact the E
cannot be backed up. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 007053 The signed public key certificate If this problem persists, contact the E
file (.crt file) cannot be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 007054 The secret key file (.key file) If this problem persists, contact the E
cannot be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 007055 The secret key file (.key file) If this problem persists, contact the E
cannot be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
The signed public key certificate
file (.crt file) cannot be restored.

00190 007058 There is no default file of signed If this problem persists, call the Support E
public key certificate (.crt file). Center.

00190 007059 There is no default secret key If this problem persists, call the Support E
file (.key file). Center.

00190 007060 There is no default certificate If this problem persists, call the Support E
file. Center.

2-20 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00190 007061 Failed to update the signed If this problem persists, call the Support E
public key certificate file (.crt Center.
file) and the secret key file (.key
file). Check the contents of the

00190 007062 Failed to update the signed If this problem persists, call the Support E
public key certificate file (.crt Center.
file) and the secret key file (.key
file). Check the contents of the

00190 007064 Failed to update the signed If this problem persists, call the Support E
public key certificate file (.crt Center.
file) and the secret key file (.key
file). Check the contents of the

00190 007100 The web server cannot be If this problem persists, contact the E
restarted. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 009101 This processing may affect the To continue the processing, click [OK]. i
I/O performance of DKC. Otherwise, click [Cancel].
And the operation of Apply from
the Storage Navigator or of
maintenance from the SVP
cannot be done during this
Are you sure you want to
execute this processing?

00190 057004 Specify both the certificate file If this problem persists, contact the W
and the secret key file. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 057271 The file name is not valid. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 057471 The file cannot be created. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 057671 The file cannot be created. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 057681 The file cannot be created. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 057791 Work files cannot be deleted. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 057908 The web server cannot be If this problem persists, contact the E
restarted. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 057909 SSL communication is required If this problem persists, contact the E
for this function. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
Reconnect by using an https

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-21

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00190 057915 An authentication error occurred If this problem persists, contact the E
(Set up HTTP Blocking/Release Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
HTTP Blocking).

00190 059304 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. i
change the setting?

00190 059305 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. i
change the setting?

00190 077002 The certificate for SMI-S cannot If this problem persists, contact the E
be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077003 The certificate for SMI-S cannot If this problem persists, contact the E
be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077004 The certificate for SMI-S cannot If this problem persists, contact the E
be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077005 The certificate for SMI-S cannot If this problem persists, contact the E
be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077006 The certificate for SMI-S cannot If this problem persists, contact the E
be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077101 Enter the file name. Enter the file name. W

00190 077104 Invalid file format. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077105 The default configuration file If this problem persists, contact the E
does not exist. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077106 The configuration file for SMI-S If this problem persists, contact the E
cannot be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077107 The configuration file for SMI-S If this problem persists, contact the E
cannot be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077108 The configuration file for SMI-S If this problem persists, contact the E
cannot be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077109 The configuration file for SMI-S If this problem persists, contact the E
cannot be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077110 The configuration file for SMI-S If this problem persists, contact the E
cannot be updated. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077201 Specify a certificate file. Specify a certificate file. W

00190 077202 The certificate for HCS cannot If this problem persists, contact the E
be registered. Verify the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
contents of the certificate.

00190 077203 The certificate for HCS cannot If this problem persists, contact the E
be deleted. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077302 The user ID or the password is Enter the correct user name or W
not valid. password, and then retry the operation.

00190 077303 An error occurred during the Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
listener information acquisition. Support Center.

2-22 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00190 077304 No listeners are subscribed to Subscribe some listeners to the W

the provider. provider, and then retry the operation.

00190 077305 The artificial indication cannot Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
be sent to some listeners. Support Center.

00190 077306 A time-out error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00190 077307 An internal error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

Part code 00221

Table 2-14 Error codes (part code 00221)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00221 105007 The re-entered password does Verify the settings, and then retry the W
not match the one entered operation.

00221 105008 The re-entered secret does not Verify the settings, and then retry the W
match the one entered operation.

Part code 00222

Table 2-15 Error codes (part code 00222)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00222 101533 The contents of the certificate Verify the contents of the file, and then E
file are not valid. retry the operation. If this problem
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

00222 105212 The characters used for the user Check the settings. W
name or the number of the
characters of the user name is

00222 105213 A radio button for Account Check the settings. W

Status is not selected.

00222 105214 A radio button for authentication Check the settings. W

is not selected.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-23

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00222 105215 The characters used for the Check the settings. W
password or the number of the
characters of the password is

00222 105216 The re-entered password does Check the settings. W

not match the password which
entered previously.

00222 105217 The specified current password Enter a correct password. W

is incorrect.

00222 105218 The new password is identical to Specify a password different from the W
the current password. current one.

00222 105219 The characters used for the new Check the settings. W
password or the number of the
characters of the new password
is invalid.

00222 105220 The re-entered new password Check the settings. W

does not match the new
password entered previously.

00222 105221 No check box is selected. Check the settings. W

00222 105222 The user to be registered is not Select a user to be registered, then W
selected. retry the operation.

00222 105223 No table row, or two or more Select one table row. W
table rows are selected.

00222 105224 Two or more table rows are Select one table row, or do not select W
selected. table row.

00222 105225 No table rows are selected. Select one or more table rows. W

00222 105316 No certificate file is selected. Select a certificate file. W

00222 105317 Invalid characters are used in " ; * ? < > | . cannot be used. W
the certificate file name.

00222 105318 The domain name of This is a compulsory input item. W

authentication server is not

00222 105319 The domain name of Enter with 1 to 255 characters. W

authentication server is too

00222 105320 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the domain name of symbols( - . ).
authentication server.

00222 105321 The user name attribute of This is a compulsory input item. W
authentication server is not

00222 105322 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified user name symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; <
= > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ ).

2-24 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
attribute of authentication

00222 105323 The timeout of authentication This is a compulsory input item. W

server is not input.

00222 105324 Other than the numeric Enter with numeric characters. W
characters are input to the
specified timeout of
authentication server.

00222 105325 The value that can be input to Set a value within the range. W
the timeout of authentication
server is 1 to 120.

00222 105326 The retry interval for the This is a compulsory input item. W
authentication server is not

00222 105327 Other than the numeric Enter with numeric characters. W
characters are input to the retry
interval of authentication server.

00222 105328 The value that can be input to Set a value within the range. W
the retry interval of
authentication server is 1 to 60.

00222 105329 The number of retries for the This is a compulsory input item. W
authentication server is not

00222 105330 Other than the numeric Enter with numeric characters. W
characters are input to the
specified number of retries of
authentication server.

00222 105331 The value that can be input to Set a value within the range. W
the number of retries of
authentication server is 1 to 50.

00222 105332 The base DN of authentication This is a compulsory input item. W

server is not input.

00222 105333 The base DN of authentication Enter with 1 to 255 characters. W

server is too long.

00222 105334 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters, W
the specified base DN of spaces, and symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) *
authentication server. +,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}
~ ").

00222 105335 The user DN of authentication This is a compulsory input item. W

server for searching is not input.

00222 105336 The user DN of authentication Enter with 1 to 255 characters. W

server for searching is too long.

00222 105337 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters, W
the specified user DN of spaces, and symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) *
authentication server for +,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}
searching. ~ ").

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-25

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00222 105338 The password of authentication This is a compulsory input item. W

server is not input.

00222 105339 The password of authentication Enter with 1 to 256 characters. W

server is too long.

00222 105340 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified password of symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^
authentication server. _ | ).

00222 105341 The Re-enter Password of This is a compulsory input item. W

authentication server is not

00222 105342 The re-entered password of Enter with 1 to 256 characters. W

authentication server is too

00222 105343 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the re-entered password of symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^
authentication server. _ | ).

00222 105344 The re-entered password does Enter the same password. W
not match the one entered

00222 105345 A secondary server cannot be If you want to enable the secondary W
enabled because DNS Lookup of server, disable the setting of DNS
authentication server is enabled. Lookup.

00222 105346 LDAP over SSL/TLS for protocol If you want to select LDAP over W
cannot be selected because DNS SSL/TLS for protocol, disable the setting
Lookup of authentication server of DNS Lookup.
is enabled.

00222 105347 The primary host name of This is a compulsory input item. W
authentication server is not

00222 105348 The primary host name of Enter with 1 to 255 characters. W
authentication server is too

00222 105349 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified primary host name symbols( - . ).
of authentication server.

00222 105350 The primary port number of This is a compulsory input item. W
authentication server is not

00222 105351 Other than the numeric Enter with numeric characters. W
characters are input to the
specified primary port number of
authentication server.

00222 105352 The value that can be input to Set a value within the range. W
the primary port number of
authentication server is 1 to

2-26 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00222 105353 The secondary host name of This is a compulsory input item. W
authentication server is not

00222 105354 The secondary host name of Enter with 1 to 255 characters. W
authentication server is too

00222 105355 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified secondary host symbols( - . ).
name of authentication server.

00222 105356 The secondary port number of This is a compulsory input item. W
authentication server is not

00222 105357 Other than the numeric Enter with numeric characters. W
characters are input to the
secondary port number of
authentication server.

00222 105358 The value that can be input to Set a value within the range. W
the secondary port number of
the authentication server is 1 to

00222 105359 The secret of authentication This is a compulsory input item. W

server is not input.

00222 105360 The secret of authentication Enter with 1 to 256 characters. W

server is too long.

00222 105361 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified secret of symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^
authentication server. _ | ).

00222 105362 The Re-enter Secret of This is a compulsory input item. W

authentication server is not

00222 105363 The re-entered secret of Enter with 1 to 256 characters. W

authentication server is too

00222 105364 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the Re-enter Secret of symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^
authentication server. _ | ).

00222 105365 The re-entered secret does not Enter the same secret. W
match the one entered

00222 105366 The NAS address of This is a compulsory input item. W

authentication server is not

00222 105367 The NAS address of Enter with 1 to 128 characters. W

authentication server is too

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-27

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00222 105368 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified NAS address of symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / ; : <
authentication server. > = ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ { } ~ " ).

00222 105371 The realm name of This is a compulsory input item. W

authentication server is not

00222 105372 The realm name of Enter with 1 to 255 characters. W

authentication server is too

00222 105373 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified realm name of symbols( - . ).
authentication server.

00222 105374 The clock skew of authentication This is a compulsory input item. W
server is not input.

00222 105375 Other than the numeric Enter with numeric characters. W
characters are input to the
specified clock skew of
authentication server.

00222 105376 The value that can be input to Set a value within the range. W
the clock skew of authentication
server is 1 to 120.

00222 105377 The domain name of external This is a compulsory input item. W
user group mapping is not input.

00222 105378 The domain name of external Enter with 1 to 255 characters. W
user group mapping is too long.

00222 105379 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified domain name of symbols( - . ).
external user group mapping.

00222 105380 The base DN of external user This is a compulsory input item. W
group mapping is not input.

00222 105381 The base DN of external user Enter with 1 to 255 characters. W
group mapping is too long.

00222 105382 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters, W
the specified base DN of spaces, and symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) *
external user group mapping. +,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}
~ ").

00222 105383 The user DN of external user This is a compulsory input item. W
group mapping for searching is
not input.

00222 105384 The user DN of external user Enter with 1 to 255 characters. W
group mapping for searching is
too long.

00222 105385 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters, W
the specified user DN of external spaces, and symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) *
~ ").

2-28 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
user group mapping for

00222 105386 The password of external user This is a compulsory input item. W
group mapping is not input.

00222 105387 The password of external user Enter with 1 to 256 characters. W
group mapping is too long.

00222 105388 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified password of symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^
external user group mapping. _ | ).

00222 105389 The Re-enter Password of This is a compulsory input item. W

external user group mapping is
not input.

00222 105390 The re-entered password of Enter with 1 to 256 characters. W

external user group mapping is
too long.

00222 105391 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the re-entered password of symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^
external user group mapping. _ | ).

00222 105392 The timeout value of external This is a compulsory input item. W
user group mapping is not input.

00222 105393 Other than the numeric Enter with numeric characters. W
characters are input to the
specified timeout value of
external user group mapping.

00222 105394 The value that can be set for the Set a value within the range. W
timeout of external user group
mapping is 1 to 120.

00222 105395 The retry interval for the This is a compulsory input item. W
external user group mapping is
not input.

00222 105396 Other than the numeric Enter with numeric characters. W
characters are input to the retry
interval of external user group

00222 105397 The value that can be input to Set a value within the range. W
the retry interval of external
user group mapping is 1 to 60.

00222 105398 The number of retries for the This is a compulsory input item. W
external user group mapping is
not input.

00222 105399 Other than the numeric Enter with numeric characters. W
characters are input to the
specified number of retries of
authentication server.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-29

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00222 105400 The value that can be input to Set a value within the range. W
the number of retries of external
user group mapping is 1 to 50.

00222 105401 A secondary server cannot be If you want to enable the secondary W
enabled because DNS Lookup of server, disable the setting of DNS
external user group mapping is Lookup.

00222 105402 LDAP over SSL/TLS for protocol If you want to select LDAP over W
cannot be selected because DNS SSL/TLS for protocol, disable the setting
Lookup of external user group of DNS Lookup.
mapping is enabled.

00222 105403 The primary host name of This is a compulsory input item. W
external user group mapping is
not input.

00222 105404 The primary host name of Enter with 1 to 255 characters. W
external user group mapping is
too long.

00222 105405 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified primary host name symbols( - . ).
of external user group mapping.

00222 105406 The primary port number of This is a compulsory input item. W
external user group mapping is
not input.

00222 105407 Other than the numeric Enter with numeric characters. W
characters are input to the
specified primary port number of
external user group mapping.

00222 105408 The value that can be input to Set a value within the range. W
the primary port number of
external user group mapping is
1 to 65535.

00222 105409 The secondary host name of This is a compulsory input item. W
external user group mapping is
not input.

00222 105410 The secondary host name of Enter with 1 to 255 characters. W
external user group mapping is
too long.

00222 105411 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified secondary host symbols( - . ).
name of external user group

00222 105412 The secondary port number of This is a compulsory input item. W
external user group mapping is
not input.

00222 105413 Other than the numeric Enter with numeric characters. W
characters are input to the

2-30 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
specified secondary port number
of external user group mapping.

00222 105414 The value that can be input to Set a value within the range. W
primary port number of external
user group mapping is 1 to

00222 105415 The user name for connecting This is a compulsory input item. W
test is not input.

00222 105416 The user name for connecting Enter with 1 to 128 characters. W
test is too long.

00222 105417 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified user name for symbols( ! # $ % & ' * + - . / = ? @ ^
connecting test. _ `{ | } ~ ).

00222 105418 The password for connecting This is a compulsory input item. W
test is not input.

00222 105419 The password for connecting Enter with 1 to 128 characters. W
test is too long.

00222 105420 Invalid characters are used in Enter with alphanumeric characters and W
the specified password for symbols( ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; <
connecting test. = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ ).

00222 106043 No more users can be Reduce the number of users, then retry E
registered, because the number the operation.
of registered users has reached
the maximum.

00222 106044 The same User Name is already Specify another user name. W

00222 106045 The specified operation cannot Change the password on the external E
be done, because the authentication server.
authentication type of the
selected user is not local.

00222 106046 You cannot disable your account Retry the operation using another user W
by yourself. account.

00222 106047 Neither disabling nor deleting Check if there is a valid local E
the user account is permitted. authentication user who belongs to the
Administrator User Group except the
specified user, then retry the operation.

00222 106048 Only the local authentication Check the settings. W

setting can be specified for the
built-in user.

00222 106049 Failed to change the user Check the following contents. W
information. • If the specified user exists.
• If there is a valid local
authentication user who belongs to
the Administrator User Group
except the specified user.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-31

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00222 106050 There is no user who can belong Check if there is a user other than the E
to the specified user group. built-in user, who does not belong to
the specified user group, then retry the

00222 106051 The number of user groups that Decrease the number of user groups W
can be associated with a user that are associated with the user, then
has reached the maximum. retry the operation.

00222 106052 Failed to change the user Check the following contents. W
account information. • If the specified user exists.
• If there is no built-in user in the
specified users.
• If the specified user does not
belong to the already specified user

00222 106053 A built-in user cannot be Specify users other than the built-in W
deleted. user, then retry the operation.

00222 106054 You cannot delete your own Retry the operation using another user W
account. account.

00222 106055 Failed to delete the user Check the following contents. W
account. • If the specified user exists.
• If there is no built-in user in the
specified users.
• If there is a valid local
authentication user who belongs to
the Administrator User Group
except the specified user, then
retry the operation.

00222 106056 No more user groups can be Reduce the number of user groups, and W
registered because the number then retry the operation.
of registered user groups has
reached the maximum.

00222 106057 A built-in group cannot be Specify user groups other than the W
deleted. built-in group, and then retry the

00222 106058 A built-in group cannot be Specify user groups other than the W
specified. built-in group, and then retry the

00222 106059 A user group where the "All Specify the other user groups where the W
Resource Groups Assigned" is "All Resource Groups Assigned" is set to
set to "Yes" cannot be specified. "No", and then retry the operation.

00222 106060 There are no resource groups Create resource groups, and then retry W
that can be allocated to the the operation.
specified user group.

00222 106061 Characters or the number of Enter a correct user group name. W
characters for user group name
are invalid.

2-32 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00222 106062 The same user group name is Specify another user group name. W
already registered.

00222 106063 Failed to change the user Verify the following. W

information. • If the specified user group is
• If there is no built-in group in the
specified user groups.

00222 106064 Failed to change the user Verify the following. W

information. • If the specified user group is
• If there is no built-in group in the
specified user groups.
• If the specified resource group is

00222 106065 Failed to delete the user group. Verify the following. W
• If the specified user group is
• If there is no built-in group in the
specified user groups.

00222 106066 The role of Storage Specify a role other than the Storage W
Administrator (View Only) Administrator (View Only), and then
cannot be removed. retry the operation.

00222 106067 "All Resource Groups Assigned" Click [OK]. W

becomes enabled.

00222 106068 You cannot remove the selected Select some users as "Administrator W
users, because "Administrator User Group" has at least one enabled
User Group" will have no user who has the local authentication
enabled users who have the setting.
local authentication setting.

00222 106069 You cannot remove the selected Check the number of the groups which W
users, because they will not the selected users belong to.
belong to any groups.

00222 106070 The Built-in user cannot be Select the users whose types are not W
removed. the Built-in.

00222 106071 The selected users could not be You must not perform operations such W
removed. as;
• Removing an User-created user
from a group again if the user has
been removed from the group.
• Removing an User-created user
from a group if the user has been
• Removing a user belonging to two
groups from one group if the user
has been removed from another

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-33

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00222 106072 "All Resource Groups Assigned" Click [OK]. W

becomes disabled. Assign
resource groups.

00222 106073 There are some user groups to Verify the resource groups that are W
which an unmounted resource allocated to user groups.
group is allocated.

00222 106074 There is no selected resource Verify that there is a specified resource W
group. group.

00222 106075 It is important to backup your Click [OK]. W

Use the "Download File" window
located on the Control Panel of
the Storage Navigator, and then
backup your setting information.

00222 106076 The password cannot be • If the specified user is a local user, W
changed due to one of the verify the registered status of the
following reasons. user.
• The selected user does not • If you use the external
exist in local accounts . authentication server to log in,
• The user who logged in is change the password on the side of
registered in the external the external authentication server.
authentication server.

00222 106077 Failed to connect to the Verify the settings of the authentication W
authentication server. server.

00222 106078 The specified user group cannot Verify the users belong to the selected W
be deleted because the user user groups.
group has a user who will not
belong to any groups.

00222 107001 An error occurred while Try again. If this problem persists, call E
accessing the user information. the Support Center.

00222 107005 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, and then retry. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

00222 107010 The process cannot be continued If the problem persists despite retrying, E
due to internal logic please call the Support Center.

00222 107011 The selected user group does Check the user group information. E
not exist.

00222 107012 The selected user does not exist. Check the specified user information. E

00222 107013 Failed to get the user Check the specified user information. W

00222 107014 Failed to get the user group If the problem persists despite retrying, W
information. please call the Support Center.

2-34 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00222 107017 An error occurred while Try again. If this problem persists, call E
accessing the alert information. the Support Center.

00222 107024 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00222 109023 A logic contradiction is detected The displayed item shows unknown i
in the setting. condition. Click [Setup Server], and
then execute the server setting.

00222 109024 Any external authentication To set up an external authentication i

server is not set up. server, click [OK]. Otherwise, click

Part code 00290

Table 2-16 Error codes (part code 00290)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00290 005014 The user ID or the password is If this problem persists, contact the E
not valid. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00290 005020 The password is invalid. Input the correct password. -

00290 005021 The password is invalid. Input the correct password. -

00290 005090 The RMI time-out period is too Reply to this message. -
short compared to the time to
keep the RMI object.

00290 005100 The Polling period is too long Reply to this message. -
compared to the time to keep
the RMI object.

00290 005101 Specify at least 1 polling Reply to this message. -


00290 005110 The backup file does not exist. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00290 005120 No role (Security administrator One of following roles is required for -
[View & Modify], Storage this operation.
administrator [Initial • Security Administrator role (View &
configuration], Storage Modify)
Administrator [Provisioning],
Storage Administrator [Remote • Storage Administrator role (Initial
Copy], Storage Administrator configuration)
[System Resource • Storage Administrator role
Management], or Audit log (Provisioning)
administrator [View & Modify]).
• Storage Administrator role (Remote
• Storage Administrator role (System
Resource Management)

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-35

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• Audit log Administrator role (View &
Contact the security administrator, and
then register the user to an user group
which has a necessary role.

00290 005130 No role (Support personnel). The following role is required for this -
• Maintenance personnel (for
Contact the security administrator, and
then register the user to an user group
which has a necessary role.

00290 005140 No role (Storage administrator The following role is required for this -
[Initial configuration]). operation.
• Storage Administrator (Initial
Contact the security administrator, and
then register the user to an user group
which has a necessary role.

00290 005150 No role (Security administrator The following role is required for this -
[View & Modify]). operation.
• Security Administrator role (View &
Contact the security administrator, and
then register the user to an user group
which has a necessary role.

00290 006091 The user account list file cannot If this problem persists, contact the E
be backed up. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00290 006110 A permission error occurred. Please call the Support Center. -
(User Account List Edit

00290 006120 A permission error occurred. Please call the Support Center. -
(User Option Panel View

00290 006122 A permission error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00290 006123 A permission error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00290 006124 A permission error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00290 006190 Failed to open the environment If the same error occurs again despite -
file. retrying, please call the Support Center.

00290 006200 Failed to open the environment If the same error occurs again despite -
file. retrying, please call the Support Center.

2-36 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00290 006201 The environment parameter list If this problem persists, contact the E
file cannot be opened. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00290 006210 Failed to open the environment If the same error occurs again despite -
file. retrying, please call the Support Center.

00290 006220 Failed to back up the Please call the Support Center. -
environment file.

00290 006290 Failed to back up the Please call the Support Center. -
environment file.

00290 006300 No checkbox is checked. Select the download file. -

00290 006310 The audit log transfer - -

information file cannot be

00290 006320 The SIMSyslog transfer If this problem persists, contact the W
information file cannot be Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00290 006438 File format error. Specify the correct file, then retry the -

00290 006500 Failed to Backup. If the same error occurs again despite -
retrying, please call the Support Center.

00290 006610 The external authentication file If this problem persists, contact the E
cannot be opened. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00290 006710 The external application link file If this problem persists, contact the E
cannot be opened. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00290 006910 Failed to open the TrueCopy for Specify the upload file again from the -
Mainframe script. control panel.

00290 006911 The key management server If this problem persists, contact the E
config file cannot be opened. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00290 006912 The password policy config file If this problem persists, contact the E
cannot be opened. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00290 009002 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. i
register the parameters?

00290 009005 Are you sure you want to Reply to this message. -
restore these files?

00290 056301 No checkbox is checked. Check more than one checkbox, then -
retry the operation.

00290 056304 Enter the filename. Specify the file name, then retry the -

00290 056541 Failed to extract files. If this problem persists, please call the -
Support Center.

00290 056611 Failed to create the file. If this problem persists, please call the -
Support Center.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-37

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00290 056621 Failed to create the file. If this problem persists, please call the -
Support Center.

00290 056631 Failed to create the file. If this problem persists, please call the -
Support Center.

00290 056791 Failed to delete work files. If this problem persists, please call the -
Support Center.

00290 056792 Failed to delete work files. If this problem persists, please call the -
Support Center.

00290 059000 The configuration has Reply to this message. -

You need to login again to
update these parameters.

00290 059006 Are you sure you want to upload Reply to this message. -
these files?

00290 070000 Failed to get the session If the problem persists despite retrying, -
information. please call the Support Center.
Wait, then log in again.

00290 070001 A time-out error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, -
Log in again. please call the Support Center.

00290 075000 If a resource group setting was - W

changed after the user account
information was backed up with
Download File,
the resource that the user could
treat after the user account
information was restored with
Restore File would
differ from that of backed up.

00290 075001 If a resource group setting was - W

changed after the user account
information was backed up with
Download File,
the resource that the user could
treat after the user account
information was restored with
Restore File would
differ from that of backed up.
Be sure to verify the contents of
your user account in the user
account window after the

00290 076500 This site requires JavaScript. - W

2-38 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 00305
Table 2-17 Error codes (part code 00305)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00305 006001 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 006022 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 006023 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007060 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007102 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007103 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007110 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007201 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007202 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007203 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007204 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007205 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007206 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007207 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007208 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007209 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 007210 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00305 056525 Because the settings across the If the problem persists despite retrying, E
multiple SLPRs are contained, please call the Support Center.
the authority has been shifted to
the storage administrator from

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-39

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
the storage partition

00305 056526 The resources of other SLPR(s) If the problem persists despite retrying, E
cannot be accessed. please call the Support Center.

00305 065685 0 cannot be specified in all the Correct the settings, and then retry the E
fields. operation.

00305 065686 The SVP OS does not support Correct the settings, then retry the E
IPv6. operation.

Part code 00321

Table 2-18 Error codes (part code 00321)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00321 209013 Are you sure you want to send a To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click i
test SNMP trap based on the [Cancel].
applied information?

00321 209014 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
remove all the community [Cancel].
settings in the selected rows?

00321 209015 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
remove the trap destinations in [Cancel].
the selected rows?

Part code 00322

Table 2-19 Error codes (part code 00322)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00322 205025 No more communities can be Reduce the number of communities, W

registered because the number and then retry the operation.
of registered communities has
reached the maximum.

00322 205026 The IP address is already used. Check the settings. W

00322 205027 The community is already used. Check the settings. W

00322 205028 No more trap destinations can Reduce the number of IP Addresses, W
be registered because the and then retry the operation.
number of registered trap
destinations in the community
has reached the maximum.

2-40 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00322 205029 The combination of the selected Select communities and IP Addresses so W
rows is invalid. that values of all of the selected
communities or IP Addresses are the

00322 205030 The form of the community is Check the settings. W


00322 205031 No more managers can be Reduce the number of IP Addresses, W

registered because the number and then retry the operation.
of registered IP addresses has
reached the maximum.

00322 205040 Failed to send a test trap. Verify the PCB type, and then retry the W
operation with the correct parameters.

00322 209003 A test trap was sent. Wait for a while, and then verify the i

Part code 00405

Table 2-20 Error codes (part code 00405)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00405 005013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00405 005071 Unable to install the license key Purchase the official license to use this W
because the history of using the software.
temporary key remains.

00405 005073 To install/enable or remove/ Install/enable or remove/disable the W

disable this program product, related program product first.
you must install/enable or
remove/disable a different
program product first.
Program Product Name
>>>>> Prerequisite
Universal Replicator for
>>>>> TrueCopy for Mainframe
Universal Replicator
>>>>> TrueCopy
Server Priority Manager
>>>>> Performance Monitor
Volume Migration
>>>>> Performance Monitor

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-41

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Disaster Recovery Extended
>>>>> Universal Replicator for
Disaster Recovery Extended
>>>>> Universal Replicator
Compatible Hyper PAV
>>>>> Compatible PAV
Dynamic Tiering
>>>>> Dynamic Provisioning
Dynamic Provisioning for
>>>>> Dynamic Provisioning
Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe
>>>>> Dynamic Tiering
Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe
>>>>> Dynamic Provisioning
for Mainframe
Thin Image
>>>>> Dynamic Provisioning

00405 005074 The specified program product Retry the operation. If this problem W
ID is invalid. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

00405 005075 This key code is invalid. Any of the following is thought to be the W
problem. Reissue the key code.
• Key code character is invalid.
• Key code length is invalid.
• Key code issue order is invalid.

00405 005076 The serial number is wrong. Verify and correct the storage system E
serial number.

00405 005077 To remove or disable this Remove or disable the related program W
program product, you must product first.
remove or disable a different
program product first.
Program Product Name
>>>>> Prerequisite
Universal Replicator for
>>>>> TrueCopy for Mainframe
Universal Replicator
>>>>> TrueCopy
Server Priority Manager
>>>>> Performance Monitor

2-42 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Volume Migration
>>>>> Performance Monitor
Disaster Recovery Extended
>>>>> Universal Replicator for
Disaster Recovery Extended
>>>>> Universal Replicator
Compatible Hyper PAV
>>>>> Compatible PAV
Dynamic Tiering
>>>>> Dynamic Provisioning
Dynamic Provisioning for
>>>>> Dynamic Provisioning
Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe
>>>>> Dynamic Tiering
Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe
>>>>> Dynamic Provisioning
for Mainframe
Thin Image
>>>>> Dynamic Provisioning

00405 005078 To remove or disable this Remove or disable the related program W
program product, you must product first.
remove or disable a different
program product first.
Program Product Name
>>>>> Prerequisite
Universal Replicator for
>>>>> TrueCopy for Mainframe
Universal Replicator
>>>>> TrueCopy
Server Priority Manager
>>>>> Performance Monitor
Volume Migration
>>>>> Performance Monitor
Disaster Recovery Extended
>>>>> Universal Replicator for
Disaster Recovery Extended
>>>>> Universal Replicator
Compatible Hyper PAV

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-43

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
>>>>> Compatible PAV
Dynamic Tiering
>>>>> Dynamic Provisioning
Dynamic Provisioning for
>>>>> Dynamic Provisioning
Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe
>>>>> Dynamic Tiering
Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe
>>>>> Dynamic Provisioning
for Mainframe
Thin Image
>>>>> Dynamic Provisioning

00405 005079 This program product needs a If this problem persists, contact the W
different DKC type. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00405 005080 You cannot change this program If this problem persists, contact the W
product. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00405 005501 The trial days have exceeded Verify the installation status of the W
the specified extended days. program product.

00405 005502 The program product cannot be Increase the licensed capacity. W
enabled because there is not
enough licensed capacity.

00405 005525 Data Retention Utility cannot be Release the S-VOL Disable setting or W
removed because the S-VOL the reserved volume setting.
Disable setting or the reserved
volume setting remains.

00405 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00405 006022 The information in the license Verify the information in the license file, W
file cannot be acquired. and then contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

00405 006023 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00405 006517 Serverless Backup is running, If this problem persists, contact the E
but the host I/O operations Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
might be in progress.
Please stop the host I/O.

00405 007060 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00405 007063 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00405 007101 The program product has Verify the settings. E

already been installed.

2-44 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00405 007111 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00405 008003 The storage system status is If this problem persists, contact the E
invalid. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00405 008202 The DKCMAIN microcode does For the plans of the program product to W
not support this program be supported by DKCMAIN, contact the
product. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00405 008203 This program product requires a Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
later version of hardware. Support Center.

00405 008204 To use this program product, it Allocate additional shared memory, and W
is required to enable the then enable the program product. Add
program product by allocating cache memory if necessary.
additional shared memory.

00405 008205 The configuration must be If this problem persists, contact the W
changed to uninstall this Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
program product.

00405 008206 You cannot remove or disable Stop using this program product E
this program product because function.
the program product is in use.

00405 008301 The storage system status is If this problem persists, contact the E
invalid. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00405 055520 You cannot install this program If this problem persists, contact the W
product because this is a pre- Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
install program product.

00405 057003 The contents of the license file Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
are invalid. Support Center.

00405 065091 Not enough licensed capacity. Add the licensed capacity. W
The program product is installed
but it will be invalid unless you
add the licensed capacity during
the valid period.

00405 066018 The program product was Purchase a license for the program W
removed because the term product to continue the use.
license is expired.

00405 075012 A permanent license is Install a permanent license (excluding W

necessary to install before the frame unlimited).
installing the meter license.

00405 075014 This license cannot be installed Install this license after removing the W
because a meter license has meter license.
been installed.

00405 206500 The status of the specified Verify the status of the specified W
license is already changed. license.

00405 208011 The command cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
executed because the storage operation.
system is busy.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-45

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00405 208012 The model ID of the key code is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
not valid. Support Center to reissue the key code.

Part code 00407

Table 2-21 Error codes (part code 00407)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00407 005013 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00407 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00407 006023 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

00407 007111 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

Part code 00421

Table 2-22 Error codes (part code 00421)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00421 209001 Are you sure you want to clear To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
all rows in the [Selected License [Cancel].
Keys] table?

Part code 00422

Table 2-23 Error codes (part code 00422)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00422 205002 No table rows are selected. Select one or more table rows. W

00422 205003 No key code. Enter the key code. W

00422 205004 The license key file is not Select a license key file. W

2-46 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00422 205005 The license key file name Select a different file with the name W
exceeds 200 characters. within 200 characters.

00422 205006 The specified program product is Verify the license status. W
not installed.

00422 205007 The specified program product Verify the license status. W
cannot be enabled because the
status is not Install (Disable).

00422 205008 The specified program product Verify the license key type. W
cannot be disabled because the
status is not Term.

00422 205009 The specified program product Verify the license status. W
cannot be disabled because the
status is not Install.

00422 205010 The operation cannot be Complete the license setting task, and W
performed because a license then retry the operation.
setting task is being queued.

00422 205012 The specified program product Verify the license status. W
cannot be enabled because the
status is not Installed

00422 205013 The specified program product Verify the license status. W
cannot be disabled because the
status is not Installed.

00422 205052 The operation cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
performed because the storage operation.
system is in internal process, or
the configuration change is
being performed by a different

00422 207001 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

00422 207002 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

00422 207003 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

00422 207004 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

00422 209001 No licenses whose status update - i

is required.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-47

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 00605
Table 2-24 Error codes (part code 00605)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00605 002011 The status of the storage system Check the status of the storage system E
requires the maintenance (if the storage system is blocked,
(for example, the storage shared memory is inconsistent, or some
system is blocked, the shared other factor).
memory is inconsistent, or some If this problem persists, please call the
other factor). Support Center.

00605 002015 An error occurred while If the same problem persists despite E
communicating with the storage retrying, please call the Support Center.

00605 002087 The storage system is online to Take the storage system offline from W
the mainframe host. the connected host.

00605 002095 The specified operation cannot Wait for a while, and then retry the W
be performed due to one of the operation.
following maintenance
• LDEV formatting is in
• The CHA/DKA status is
• The processor status is
• The cache status is
• LDEV Shredding is in
• The configuration is

00605 002200 The Concurrent Copy or the Cancel the Concurrent Copy job or W
Compatible XRC operation is in delete a Compatible XRC pair via the
progress in the target volumes. host.
If the Concurrent Copy or the
Compatible XRC operation is not in
progress in the target volumes,
commands, check the SESSION ID No.,
and terminate SESSION by means of
the TERMSESS command.

00605 002201 Processing cannot be performed Release the setting of Data Retention W
because of Data Retention Utility Utility, then retry the operation.

00605 002202 Processing cannot be performed Release the setting of Volume Retention W
because of Volume Retention Manager, then retry the operation.
Manager settings.

2-48 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00605 002203 Processing cannot be performed Release the setting of Volume Security, W
because of Volume Security then retry the operation.

00605 002205 Journal volumes are included in Delete all the pairs that are using the W
the external volumes to be journal volumes to be maintained.

00605 002511 The restore operation has been Shred or format the specified LDEV. If W
failed, because the specified the specified LDEV is a Dynamic
LDEV was not shredded or Provisioning volume (DP-VOL), recover
formatted. the pool first.

00605 002515 A pair of TrueCopy, TrueCopy Release the configuration definition of W

for Mainframe, Universal TrueCopy or TrueCopy for Mainframe,
Replicator, or Universal then retry the operation.
Replicator for Mainframe is

00605 002516 A pair of TrueCopy, TrueCopy Delete the pair definition or suspend the W
for Mainframe, Universal pair, then retry the operation.
Replicator, or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe is

00605 002517 A pair of ShadowImage, Release the pair definition, and then W
ShadowImage for Mainframe, retry the operation. When quick split is
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2, in progress, suspend the pair, and then
Compatible Software for IBM(R) release it.
FlashCopy(R) SE, or Thin Image
is defined.

00605 002518 A pair of ShadowImage or Release the pair definition, and then W
ShadowImage for Mainframe is retry the operation. When quick split is
defined. in progress, suspend the pair, and then
release it.

00605 002520 A Volume Migration pair is Release the pair definition, then retry W
defined. the operation.

00605 002521 A Volume Migration pair is Release the pair definition, then retry W
defined. the operation.

00605 003003 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00605 005013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00605 005099 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00605 005511 Necessary program products are Install the following program products. W
not installed. • Universal Volume Manager
• Open Volume Management or
Virtual LVI (necessary for mapping
and creating an LDEV at the same

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-49

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00605 005827 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00605 005828 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00605 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00605 006022 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00605 006533 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00605 006534 The number of external volumes Reduce the number of external volumes W
that can be registered in the registered in the storage system, then
storage system has reached the retry the configuration operation.

00605 006535 The configuration cannot be Release the LUN Path, then change the W
changed because the LUN Path configuration again.
is remained in the target

00605 006537 The setting process has not Check the error factor in the others W
been executed because there is settings.
no error in this setting, but an
error in the others settings.

00605 008000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00605 008001 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

00605 008102 This function is not supported. Check whether the DKCMAIN microcode W
version and the SVP microcode version
are mismatched.

00605 008122 Another maintenance processing Wait for a while, then retry the W
is in progress. operation.

00605 008136 The command was rejected, Check the licensed capacity, then W
because the licensed capacity specify it within the licensed capacity or
has exceeded the maximum. add the licensed capacity.

00605 008140 The configuration of Compatible Release the configuration definition of W

FlashCopy(R) V2 or Compatible Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 or
Software for IBM(R) Compatible Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE is defined. FlashCopy(R) SE, and then retry the

00605 008958 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, please call the E
side. Support Center.

00605 008966 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, please call the E
side. Support Center.

2-50 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00605 008979 The operation of the external Restore more than one path to the W
volume has been failed because external volume, then perform the
all the paths to the external operation of the external volume.
volume are blocked.

00605 056513 An emulation type that cannot Check the emulation type. If you want W
be added is specified. to change the cache segment size to set
the specified emulation type, please call
the Support Center.

00605 056515 The Disconnect External Storage Execute the Disconnect External W
Systems or the Disconnect Storage Systems or the Disconnect
External Volumes is not External Volumes, then retry the
executed for the target volume. operation.

00605 056516 The configuration of TrueCopy or Release the configuration definition of W

TrueCopy for Mainframe is TrueCopy or TrueCopy for Mainframe,
defined. then retry the operation.

00605 056517 A pair of ShadowImage, Release the pair definition, and then W
ShadowImage for Mainframe, or retry the operation.
Thin Image is defined.

00605 058258 The operation cannot be Restore the blocked path status or set W
performed due to one of the the paths so as to remain at least one
following reasons: path available, and then retry the
• All the paths to the external operation.
volume are blocked.
• No paths will be available if
this operation is performed.

00605 058263 No paths will be available, if you Make the setting of the paths to keep at W
change the setting of paths. least one path available, then retry the

00605 058330 After executing the Disconnect Execute the Reconnect External Storage W
External Storage Systems or the Systems or the Reconnect External
Disconnect External Volumes, Volumes, then retry the operation.
neither the Reconnect External
Paths nor the Disconnect
External Paths can be executed.

00605 058331 The specified External Path is Check the specified External Path. W
not registered.

00605 058332 The external volume is blocked. Ensure that the external volume is not W
blocked, then retry the operation.

00605 058406 The configuration of Universal Release the configuration definition of W

Replicator or Universal Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe is Replicator for Mainframe, then retry the
defined. operation.

00605 058407 The reserved volume setting for Release the journal volume setting for W
Universal Replicator or Universal Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe is Replicator for Mainframe, then retry the
defined. operation.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-51

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00605 058409 The cache mode cannot be Execute the Reconnect External Storage W
changed when the Disconnect Systems or the Reconnect External
External Storage Systems or the Volumes, put the external volume in
Disconnect External Volume is in normal status, then retry the operation.

00605 058410 The cache mode cannot be Release the bind mode setting, then W
changed because the bind mode retry the operation.
is set to the specified volume.

00605 058622 The configuration of Pool VOL is Release the configuration definition of W
defined. Pool VOL, then retry the operation.

00605 058627 A Thin Image pool volume is Delete pools to which the Thin Image W
included in the items. pool volumes belong, and then retry the

00605 058710 The specified volumes include Delete all the Journal registered in the W
remote command devices extended consistency group, then retry
registered in the extended the operation.
consistency group of Universal
Replicator for Mainframe.

00605 058905 The extended shared memory The extended shared memory for W
for Universal Volume Manager is Universal Volume Manager needs to be
not installed. installed.
Please call the Support Center.

00605 065740 The configuration changing Check if the configuration changing W

processes are conflicting at DKC. process by the Command Control
Interface, the Volume Migration, or the
Quick Restore is not in operation, and
then retry the operation.

00605 065791 The specified External Path Check the specified External Path W
Group is not mounted. Group.

00605 065792 The specified External Path Check the specified External Path W
Group has already been Group.

00605 065793 The specified External Path Clear the duplicated setting, then retry W
Group has already been used. the operation.

00605 065794 The specified external volume is Check the specified external volume. W
not mounted.

00605 065795 The specified external volume Exclude the duplicated setting, then W
has already been specified. retry the operation.

00605 065796 The External Path Group Clear the duplicated setting, then retry W
specified as a migration source the operation.
has already been used as a
migration target.

00605 065797 The External Path Group Clear the duplicated setting, then retry W
specified as a migration target the operation.
has already been used as a
migration source.

2-52 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00605 065798 The path configuration of the Check the specified External Path W
External Path Group between Group.
the migration source and the
migration target is different.

00605 065799 There are no setting lines of Check the contents of the spreadsheet. W

00605 065800 The number of NewPathGroup Check the contents of the spreadsheet. W
setting lines exceeds the limit.

00605 065801 There are no setting lines of the Check the setting of ExG. W

00605 065802 There are no setting lines of Check the contents of the spreadsheet. W

00605 066011 The number of external LUs that Delete unnecessary external LU(s), then W
can be connected from a single retry the operation.
port has exceeded the maximum

00605 066012 The number of registered ports Operate within the ports of the W
of the external storage system connected external storage system.
has exceeded the maximum.

00605 066013 The specified emulation type Change the emulation type to be set in W
cannot be set because 3390-3R the volume.
is set in the storage system.

00605 066014 The specified emulation type Change the emulation type to be set in W
cannot be set because 3390-3 is the volume.
set in the storage system.

00605 066501 The number of LDEVs that can Check the number of LDEVs. W
be defined in an external volume
has exceeded the maximum

00605 066502 Specified ExG has already been Check the setting of ExG. W

00605 066503 The LDKC, CU, and LDEV are not Verify the settings of the specified W
set within the available range. LDKC, CU, and LDEV.

00605 066504 Specified LDKC:CU:LDEV has Check the setting of LDKC, CU, and W
already been used. LDEV.

00605 066505 The specified LDEV number has Check the setting of emulation groups W
already been assigned to within the range grouped by 32LDEV
another emulation group within numbers.
the range grouped by 32 LDEV

00605 066506 Specified SSID has already been Check the setting of SSID. W

00605 066507 The target external volume is Check the status and the capacity of W
blocked or not set within the target external volume.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-53

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
range of capacity that can be

00605 066508 The specified LDEV capacity is Check the setting of LDEV capacity. W

00605 066509 The total LDEV capacity defined Check the setting of LDEV capacity. W
in the external volume exceeds
the external volume size.

00605 066510 The specified emulation type Check the setting of the specified W
cannot be used. emulation type.

00605 066512 Specified CLPR is not mounted. Check the setting of CLPR. W

00605 066517 The target external volume has Check the configuration and the setting W
already been mapped or set for of external volume.

00605 066518 The External Path configuration Check the setting of path configuration. W
of the target external volume is
not corresponding to that of
another external volume in the
same External Path Group.

00605 066520 Mainframe volume and Check the mounted packages. W

intermediate volume cannot be
set because the package for
mainframe system is not

00605 066568 Multiple operation tags are Check the contents of the spreadsheet. W

00605 066675 The syntax of parameter is Check the syntax of parameter. W


00605 066692 The volume in the local storage Specify the volume in an external W
system cannot be operated. storage system.

00605 066693 A correct parameter as a data Check the setting of target external W
transfer volume is not set. volume.

00605 066694 A correct parameter as Check the setting of target external W

RemoteCommandDevice is not volume.

00605 066695 Specified port is not external Specify the external port. W

00605 066697 The value entered as PathMode Check the value entered as PathMode. W
is outside the setting range.

00605 066698 The number of alternate Path Check the number of alternate Path W
definitions that can be set to the definitions.
external volume has exceeded
the maximum.

00605 066699 The number of LDEV definitions Check the number of LDEV definitions. W
that can be set to the external

2-54 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
volume has exceeded the

00605 066702 The value of External Path Check the setting of External Path W
Group is not set within the Group.
available range.

00605 066705 Invalid port number. Check the setting of the port number. W

00605 066710 It is not set within the range Check the setting of LUN. W
where LUN can be used.

00605 066713 The value of ExG is not set Check the setting of ExG. W
within the available range.

00605 066715 Attribute is invalid. Check the setting of Attribute. W

00605 066718 It is not set within the range Check the setting of CLPR. W
where CLPR can be used.

00605 066720 It is not emulation type that can Check the setting of emulation type. W
be specified.

00605 066722 CacheMode is invalid. Check the setting of CacheMode. W

00605 066724 InflowControl is invalid. Check the setting of InflowControl. W

00605 066736 It is not set within the range Check the setting of LDKC. W
where LDKC can be used.

00605 066739 It is not set within the range Check the setting of CU. W
where CU can be used.

00605 066742 It is not set within the range Check the setting of LDEV. W
where LDEV can be used.

00605 066744 It is not set within the range Check the setting of LDEV capacity. W
where LDEV capacity can be

00605 066747 The value of SSID is not set Check the value of the specified SSID. W
within the available range.

00605 066748 A value different from SSID that Check the setting of SSID. W
has already been set is

00605 066749 The number of paths has Check the setting of path. W
reached the maximum number.

00605 066750 The specified WWN is not Check the specified WWN. W

00605 066751 The specified WWN has already Excluding the overlapping setting, then W
been specified. retry the operation.

00605 066752 The specified external volume is Check the type of the storage system. W
a volume of the storage system
that cannot be used as an
external storage.

00605 066798 Specified WWN was not found. Check the specified WWN. W

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-55

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00605 066799 Specified external volume was Check the specified external volume. W
not found.

00605 068733 The volumes registered in a Delete the Dynamic Provisioning Pool in W
Dynamic Provisioning Pool are which the volume included in the items
included in the items to be to be maintained is registered, then
maintained. retry the operation.

00605 068741 The Disconnect External Storage Change the status of the associated W
Systems or the Disconnect Dynamic Provisioning volume to
External Volumes cannot be blocked, then retry the operation.
executed for an external volume
that includes Pool VOLs
registered in the pool that has
the association with a normal
Dynamic Provisioning volume.

00605 068742 Set the same cache mode to all If there is a volume whose cache mode W
the volumes that compose a cannot be changed due to its bind mode
Pool VOL. setting, release the bind mode setting

00605 068800 Volume migration or Quick Wait for the migrating volume or the W
Restore is in progress. Quick Restore to be completed, then
retry the operation.

00605 068871 The specified volumes include Release the allocation of mirrors in the W
remote command devices being Journal for the remote command
used with mirrors in the Journal device, then retry the operation.
of the Universal Replicator or
the Universal Replicator for

00605 068884 Quorum disks are included in Release the quorum disks, then retry W
the items to be maintained. the operation.

00605 068901 An external volume was not able Check the status of the mapping path W
to be recovered. and resolve the root cause of blockade,
then retry the operation.

00605 068902 The external volume was able to Check the status of the mapping path W
be restored, but some of and resolve the root cause of blockade
mapping paths were not able to if needed, then retry the operation.
be restored normally.

00605 068903 Failed to disconnect from the Check the states of the external volume W
external volume. and the mapping path, and do not retry
the operation until the states return to
If the states cannot be restored to
normal, or if the problem persists
despite retrying, please call the Support

00605 077140 The operation cannot be Verify the settings. W

performed because the device
name or the virtual LDEV
information differs between
volumes of the migration source

2-56 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
storage system and the
migration target storage system.

00605 077142 The operation cannot be Disable the global storage virtualization W
performed because the global function, and then retry the operation.
storage virtualization function of
the specified LDEV ID is

00605 077143 The specified LDEV capacity is Verify the setting of the LDEV capacity. W
not valid.

00605 077145 This function is not available. Install the necessary program product W
Nondisruptive migration is license key.

00605 078031 The specified MP Blade is Recover the blocked MP Blade, then W
blocked. specify it.

00605 078032 The specified MP Blade is not Check the specified MP Blade. W

00605 078047 Enough cache management Delete unnecessary volumes, and then W
devices cannot be allocated to retry the operation. When there is a
the target volumes. Thin Image pair, delete all the pairs
related to the unnecessary primary
volumes, and then retry the operation.
If this problem persists, call the Support

00605 078048 An error occurred while Try again. If this problem persists, call W
accessing the user information. the Support Center.

00605 078049 The port that is connected to the Log out, and then log back in with W
specified external volume access to the resource group containing
belongs to a resource group that the port that is connected to the
you do not have permission to specified external volume.

00605 078050 The port that is connected to the Log out, and then log back in with W
specified external path belongs access to the resource group containing
to a resource group that you do the port that is connected to the
not have permission to access. specified external path.

00605 078051 The port that is connected to the Log out, and then log back in with W
specified external path group access to the resource group containing
belongs to a resource group that the port that is connected to the
you do not have permission to specified external path group.

00605 078052 The port that is connected to the Log out, and then log back in with W
specified external WWN belongs access to the resource group containing
to a resource group that you do the port that is connected to the
not have permission to access. specified external WWN.

00605 078053 The specified external volume Log out, and then log back in with W
belongs to a resource group that access to the resource group containing
you do not have permission to the specified external volume.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-57

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00605 078054 The specified external path Log out, and then log back in with W
contains an external volume in a access to the resource group containing
resource group that you do not the external volumes on the specified
have permission to access. external path.

00605 078055 The specified external path Log out, and then log back in with W
group contains an external access to the resource group containing
volume in a resource group that the external volumes on the specified
you do not have permission to external path group.

00605 078056 The specified external WWN is Log out, and then log back in with W
used for an external volume in a access to the resource group containing
resource group that you do not the external volume that uses the
have permission to access. specified external WWN.

00605 078057 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

00605 078058 The specified external volume Log out, and then log back in with W
contains an LDEV that belongs access to the resource group containing
to a resource group that you do the LDEV in the specified external
not have permission to access. volume.

00605 078060 The cache mode cannot be Verify the LDEV of the specified external W
changed because the LDEV of volume.
the specified external volume is
one of the following:
• The LDEV is a Pool VOL of a
pool containing external and
internal volumes.
• The LDEV is a Pool VOL of a
pool for which the multi tier
pool setting is enabled.

00605 078064 The operation cannot be Specify a volume other than the W
performed because the specified external volume mapped for the online
volume is used as an external data migration, and then retry the
volume that is mapped for the operation.
online data migration.

00605 078065 The storage system is in internal Wait for a while, and then retry the W
process, or a different user is operation.
changing the configuration.

00605 078066 The load balance mode cannot Specify a different external volume W
be changed because the path whose path mode is not "Single," and
mode of the specified external then retry the operation.
volume is "Single."

00605 078282 The specified operation cannot Delete the external volume, and then W
be performed because the retry the operation.
external volume mapped for the
online data migration is reserved
by the host.

2-58 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00605 088001 The operation cannot be Delete the global-active device pair, and W
performed because the specified then retry the operation.
volume is used as a primary
volume of a global-active device

00605 088002 The operation cannot be Delete the global-active device pair, and W
performed because the specified then retry the operation.
volume is used as a secondary
volume of a global-active device

Part code 00621

Table 2-25 Error codes (part code 00621)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00621 109214 If you enable the use of internal Disable the setting in general.If you W
volume, the local storage want to enable this setting, call the
system and internal volumes are Support Center.
displayed as external storage.
Are you sure you want to
change the setting?

Part code 00622

Table 2-26 Error codes (part code 00622)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00622 105009 All the check boxes are cleared. Check the check boxes for the items W
that you want to change, then retry the

00622 105040 [Detail] is clicked without Select one or more table rows. W
selecting any row.

00622 105042 [Delete] is clicked without Select one or more table rows. W
selecting any row.

00622 105084 The setting cannot be changed, Check the settings. W

because an invalid value has
been input.

00622 105204 A necessary program product is Install a necessary program product. W

not installed, or insufficient Otherwise, execute the operation with
permissions to execute editorial the user ID who has a permission to

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-59

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
execute editorial operation, or permit
the user to enable the operation.

00622 105234 A radio button is not selected. Check the settings. W

00622 105235 The operation cannot be done Select one or more table rows. W
because no row is selected.

00622 105236 The operation cannot be Set a target to be operate on the W

executed because no target item selected table, then execute the
is selected. operation.

00622 105237 External path group creation has Create an external path group. W
not finished yet.

00622 105238 The parity group ID cannot be Verify the settings. W

assigned due to either of the
following reasons:
• The total number of
external volumes and virtual
volumes has reached the
• There are no available
parity group IDs that are
subsequent to the specified
initial parity group ID.

00622 105239 The number of alternate paths Check the number of selected alternate W
that can be set to an external paths.
volume exceeds the maximum.

00622 105240 Failed to allocate an External Check the number of registered W

Path Group ID. external path groups.

00622 105241 An external volume that can be See the manual of the external device W
added was not found by the and check the setting of the external
result of VolumeDiscovery. volume.

00622 105242 An external volume is selected, Resolve the cause of the error, or only W
where Volume Discovery select an available external volume.
executed ends with an error.

00622 105243 The emulation type that cannot Check the settings. W
coexist is set.

00622 105244 The specified external volume Check the contents of the path W
cannot be set because the path configuration.
configuration is different.

00622 105245 The LDEV ID cannot be Verify and find an LDEV ID that can be W
assigned. assigned on the View LDEV IDs window.

00622 105246 The SSID cannot be assigned. Verify and find an SSID that can be W
assigned on the View SSIDs window.

00622 105251 The external volume is not Resolve the cause of the error, or only W
supported. select an available external volume.

2-60 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00622 105255 Only one LDEV can be set Check the settings. W
because the attribute of the
specified external volume is
Remote Command Device.

00622 105256 Only one LDEV can be set Check the settings. W
because the specified external
volume is in the data transfer

00622 105257 LDEV Name cannot be set Check the settings. W

because the value is out of

00622 105258 The path cannot be changed Select one or more normal path, or W
because there will be no normal restore the path.
path for the external volume.

00622 105262 LDEV Name can not be Edit LDEVs, or recreate external W
registered because there is a volumes if you want to register the
volume that failed to be created LDEV Name.
as an external volume.

00622 105265 Insufficient logical volumes to Reduce the number of external volumes W
map the external volumes. to be mapped, then retry the operation.
Or, check the initial-number of LDEV ID
or the interval setting.

00622 105266 Insufficient logical volumes to Reduce the number of external volumes W
map the external volumes. to be mapped, then retry the operation.

00622 105267 The port that is connected to the Log out, and then log back in with W
specified external path belongs access to the resource group containing
to a resource group that you do the port that is connected to the
not have permission to access. specified external path.

00622 105268 The port that is connected to the Log out, and then log back in with W
specified external path group access to the resource group containing
belongs to a resource group that the port that is connected to the
you do not have permission to specified external path group.

00622 105269 The specified external volume Log out, and then log back in with W
belongs to a resource group that access to the resource group containing
you do not have permission to the specified external volume.

00622 105270 The specified external volume Log out, and then log back in with W
contains an LDEV that belongs access to the resource group containing
to a resource group that you do the LDEV in the specified external
not have permission to access. volume.

00622 105271 The port that is connected to the Log out, and then log back in with W
specified external WWN belongs access to the resource group containing
to a resource group that you do the port that is connected to the
not have permission to access. specified external WWN.

00622 105272 The specified external WWN is Log out, and then log back in with W
used for an external volume in a access to the resource group containing

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-61

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
resource group that you do not the external volume that uses the
have permission to access. specified external WWN.

00622 105273 The port that is connected to the Log out, and then log back in with W
specified external WWN belongs access to the resource group containing
to a resource group that you do the port that is connected to the
not have permission to access. specified external WWN.

00622 105274 The specified external WWN is Log out, and then log back in with W
used for an external volume in a access to the resource group containing
resource group that you do not the external volume that uses the
have permission to access. specified external WWN.

00622 105275 The specified external path Log out, and then log back in with W
contains an external volume in a access to the resource group containing
resource group that you do not the external volumes on the specified
have permission to access. external path.

00622 105276 The port that is connected to the Log out, and then log back in with W
specified external path belongs access to the resource group containing
to a resource group that you do the port that is connected to the
not have permission to access. specified external path.

00622 105277 The specified external path Log out, and then log back in with W
contains an external volume in a access to the resource group containing
resource group that you do not the external volumes on the specified
have permission to access. external path.

00622 105278 The port that is connected to the Log out, and then log back in with W
specified external volume access to the resource group containing
belongs to a resource group that the port that is connected to the
you do not have permission to specified external volume.

00622 105279 The specified emulation type Check the capacity of the external W
cannot be applied because there volumes.
is no enough capacity in the
external volumes.

00622 105461 No valid value is set to the item Set a valid value, and then retry the W
whose check box is checked. operation.

00622 106055 The selected emulation type Release the command device, or select W
cannot be set because a another volume.
command device is set to an
external volume.

00622 106056 An emulation type that can not Specify a supported emulation type. W
be set is selected.

00622 106057 The cache mode cannot be Release the command device, or select W
enabled because a command another volume.
device is set to an external

00622 106086 The processing cannot continue If the same problem occurs again, close E
because the configuration the windows, and retry the operation
having been set doesn't consist after the internal processing or the
with the current configuration configuration change has been
information. completed.

2-62 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00622 106525 The specified external storage Refresh the window, and then retry the E
system does not exist in the operation. If this problem persists, call
configuration. the Support Center.

00622 106526 The specified mapping path does Refresh the window, and then retry the E
not exist in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

00622 106527 The specified external path Refresh the window, and then retry the E
group does not exist in the operation. If this problem persists, call
configuration. the Support Center.

00622 106528 The specified WWN does not Refresh the window, and then retry the E
exist in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

00622 106529 The specified external volume Refresh the window, and then retry the E
does not exist in the operation. If this problem persists, call
configuration. the Support Center.

00622 106530 The specified parity group does Refresh the window, and then retry the E
not exist in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

00622 106531 The specified LUN does not exist Refresh the window, and then retry the E
in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

00622 106532 The specified LDEV does not Refresh the window, and then retry the E
exist in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

00622 107001 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

00622 107002 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

00622 107003 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

00622 107004 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

00622 107005 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

00622 107018 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-63

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00622 109016 The filter was set to the table If you want to display the external i
because an external volume that volumes that cannot be used, unset the
could not be used was found as filter.
a result of Volume Discovery.

00622 109020 External volume discovering - i


00622 205070 Necessary program products are Install the following program products. W
not installed. • Universal Volume Manager
• Open Volume Management or
Virtual LVI (necessary for mapping
and creating an LDEV at the same

Part code 00721

Table 2-27 Error codes (part code 00721)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00721 205008 A radio button for Transfer Check the settings. W

Protocol is not selected.

00721 209016 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click i
download the Audit Log? [Cancel].

00721 209017 Are you sure you want to send a To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click i
test message based on the [Cancel].
entered information in the

Part code 00722

Table 2-28 Error codes (part code 00722)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00722 205042 The Primary Server and the Set a different IP Address or Port W
Secondary Server have the Number.
same settings.

00722 205043 The value you entered for the Check the settings. W
Port Number is not within the
allowable range (1 to 65535).

00722 205044 The value you entered for the Check the settings. W
Timout is not within the
allowable range (1 to 120).

2-64 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00722 205045 The value you entered for the Check the settings. W
Retry Interval is not within the
allowable range (1 to 60).

00722 205046 The value you entered for the Check the settings. W
Number of Retries is not within
the allowable range (1 to 50).

00722 205047 The form of the Password is Check the settings. W


00722 205056 The client certificate for syslog Upload the client certificate. W
transfer of the (xxx) is not

00722 205057 The root certificate for syslog Upload the root certificate. W
transfer of the (xxx) is not

00722 209004 Audit Log downloading has - i


Part code 00726

Table 2-29 Error codes (part code 00726)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00726 205000 The transmission to the xxx Verify that the server received a test i
succeeded. message.

00726 205001 The client certificate for syslog Verify that the client certificate and the E
transfer of the correct xxx is not password are correct. Upload the client
uploaded, or the password of certificate again, and then set it.
the client certificate is invalid.

00726 205002 The root certificate for syslog Verify that the root certificate is correct. E
transfer of the correct xxx is not Upload the root certificate again, and
uploaded. then set it.

00726 205003 Failed to connect to the xxx. Verify the following. E

• If the IP address is correct.
• If the port number is correct.
• If the LAN is connected.
• If the time-out period is enough.

00726 205004 Failed to connect to the xxx by Verify that the client certificate, root E
TLS. certificate and server certificate are

00726 205005 Failed to authenticate xxx. Verify that the IP address of the server E
certificate is correct.

Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-65

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00726 205006 Failed to send a test message to Verify the following. E

xxx. • If the client certificate is correct.
• If the root certificate of the server
side is correct.
• If the LAN is connected.

00726 205007 The client certificate or root Verify the following. Upload it again, E
certificate of the correct xxx is and then send a test message.
not uploaded, or a password of • If the client certificate is correct.
the Client Certificate is invalid.
• If the password of the client
certificate is correct.
• If the root certificate is correct.

00726 205008 The IP address of the xxx is Verify the IP address. E


00726 207001 The client certificate upload for Click [Refresh], and then retry the E
syslog transfer failed. operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

00726 207002 The root certificate upload for Click [Refresh], and then retry the E
syslog transfer failed. operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

00726 207003 The setting of a certificate for Retry the operation. If this problem E
syslog transfer failed. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

00726 207004 An error occurred during the Retry the operation. If the problem E
syslog test transmission occurs again, close the window, click
processing to a xxx. [Refresh], and then retry the operation.
If this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00726 207005 The acquisition of the client Retry the operation. If the problem E
certificate for syslog transfer of occurs again, close the window, click
the xxx failed. [Refresh], and then retry the operation.
If this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

00726 207006 The acquisition of the root Retry the operation. If the problem E
certificate for syslog transfer of occurs again, close the window, click
the xxx failed. [Refresh], and then retry the operation.
If this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

2-66 Message (part code group 00nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 00810
Table 2-30 Error codes (part code 00810)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

00810 065645 Enter up to 2,048 alphanumeric Enter up to 2,048 alphanumeric W

characters. characters.

00810 065646 Enter alphanumeric characters Enter alphanumeric characters only. W


Message (part code group 00nnn) 2-67

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
2-68 Message (part code group 00nnn)
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 01nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 01005 to 01310.

□ Part code 01005

□ Part code 01022

□ Part code 01305

□ Part code 01310

Message (part code group 01nnn) 3-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 01005
Table 3-1 Error codes (part code 01005)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01005 001002 The specified volume cannot be Specify a different volume. W

set as a command device
because the volume is being
used as a volume of TrueCopy,
Universal Replicator,
ShadowImage, Volume
Migration, Thin Image, or
global-active device.

01005 001003 You are trying to set multiple The configuration information has been W
paths to the same volume from already changed. Check the settings,
one group. and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

01005 001004 Multiple volumes are specified to The configuration information has been W
a single port, group or LUN already changed. Check the settings,
combination. and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

01005 001005 The following volumes cannot be Specify a different volume, and then W
specified to change the path retry the operation.
• A volume that does not
• A volume that is used by
Volume Migration.

01005 001007 The specified path cannot be Verify the settings. W

removed because it is the last
path of the volume used by
TrueCopy, Universal Replicator,
Universal Replicator for
Mainframe, ShadowImage,
ShadowImage for Mainframe,
Volume Migration, Thin Image,
or global-active device.

01005 001009 The emulation type of the The configuration information has been W
volumes is not for open already changed. Check the settings,
systems, or the volumes are not and request the setting of the
mounted. configuration information again.

01005 001010 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 001018 The specified port does not The configuration information has been W
exist. Or the specified port type already changed. Check the settings,
is not Fibre port. and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

01005 001020 Invalid LUN. The configuration information has been W

already changed. Check the settings,
and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

3-2 Message (part code group 01nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01005 001021 The specified volume does not The configuration information has been W
exist. already changed. Check the settings,
and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

01005 001022 Invalid host mode. The configuration information has been W
already changed. Check the settings,
and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

01005 001023 Invalid Fibre address. The configuration information has been W
already changed. Check the settings,
and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

01005 001024 Invalid Fibre topology The configuration information has been W
information. already changed. Check the settings,
and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

01005 001025 The specified LU path does not The configuration information has been W
exist. already changed. Check the settings,
and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

01005 001059 LUN security setting has been Check the specified content, and retry. W
made to a non-Fibre port. LUN
security is a function of LUN

01005 001061 Security Switch Off operation First, add paths, then click Apply. Next, W
and path adding operation turn off the security switch, then click
cannot be performed Apply.

01005 001063 The specified WWN is already in Correct the specified contents, and W
use. request the setting of the configuration
information again.

01005 001064 You are trying to register the The configuration information has been W
same WWN that is already already changed. Check the settings,
registered. and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

01005 001065 The specified host name or the Correct the specified contents, and W
host group name is already request the setting of the configuration
registered. (The host name and information again.
the host group name cannot be
the same.)

01005 001066 The unregistered WWN number The configuration information has been W
is specified. (When deleting or already changed. Check the settings,
changing) and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

01005 001067 You are trying to register the The configuration information has been W
same host group number as the already changed. Check the settings,
already registered one. and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

Message (part code group 01nnn) 3-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01005 001068 The specified host group has not The configuration information has been W
been registered. already changed. Check the settings,
and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

01005 001108 The following volumes cannot be Specify a different volume, and then W
specified to change the path retry the operation.
• A volume other than the
open-system volume
(including an unmounted
• A volume that is used by
Volume Migration.

01005 001110 Invalid characters are specified Check the setting, then retry the W
in the nickname to be used in operation.

01005 001111 When requesting a configuration Check the setting, then retry the W
change of LUN-Security, a operation.
nickname is not specified.
Specify the nickname of HOST

01005 001116 When registering WWN, the Check the setting, then retry the W
value is not specified. Or, zero is operation.
set as the value of WWN. Be
sure to set the WWN value
before requesting the
configuration change.

01005 001123 Command device security The configuration information has been W
cannot be set to the specified already changed. Check the settings,
volume because the volume is and request the setting of the
not a command device. configuration information again.

01005 001125 There are no host groups where The configuration information has been W
the WWN will be registered. already changed. Check the settings,
and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

01005 001128 The specified channel speed Check the setting, then retry the W
cannot be set for the target operation.
channel adapter.

01005 001130 You cannot specify the default Correct the specified contents, and W
nickname when setting the request again.
nickname of a host group or a

01005 001131 Failed to set the host group No more host groups can be set, W
because the number of host because the number of host groups has
groups exceeds the maximum reached the maximum (254) that can
that can be set in a port. be set in a port. Reduce the number of
host groups, then retry the operation.

3-4 Message (part code group 01nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01005 001132 Failed to set the WWN because The configuration information has been W
the number of WWNs exceeds already changed. Check the settings,
the maximum that can be set in and request the setting of the
a port. configuration information again.

01005 001133 Failed to set the host mode The configuration information has been W
because the number of host already changed. Check the settings,
modes exceeds the maximum and request the setting of the
that can be set in a port. configuration information again.

01005 001134 Failed to set the path because The configuration information has been W
the number of paths exceeds already changed. Check the settings,
the maximum that can be set in and request the setting of the
a port. configuration information again.

01005 001135 When setting the port Check the setting, then retry the W
information (Fibre Address/Fibre operation.
Topology/Channel Speed),
multiple change instructions are
set to the same port.

01005 001138 You specified same setting using The specified port does not exist. You W
LUNM operation. have specified a wrong port number. Or
the specified port type (exclusively for
mainframe) cannot be processed in this
agent. The error does not occur
normally because it cannot be modified
in the window. In the unlikely event
that this error occurs, please call the
Support Center.

01005 001140 Because the Port Group setting Release the Port Group setting. W
is done, it is impossible to

01005 001170 The volume cannot be Correct settings, then retry. W

configured as a command device
because the volume does not
have Read/Write attribute.

01005 001174 The specified host ID is already Correct the settings, then retry. W

01005 001177 The specified host is already Correct the settings, then retry. W

01005 001178 An incorrect host name was Correct the settings, then retry. W

01005 001180 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists please call the W
processing. Support Center.

01005 001181 The specified path cannot be Correct the specification, then retry the E
added, because the volume is operation.
used by a Remote Copy pair.

01005 001194 No information can be changed Correct the settings, then retry. W
about this external port because
the port has an external volume.

Message (part code group 01nnn) 3-5

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01005 001199 The path cannot be set to the Check the setting. W
specified volume because the
volume is not an open-systems

01005 001350 You could not add the path to To add a path, change the attribute of W
the initiator or external port. the specified port to Target or RCU

01005 001352 Logical paths remain on the Since the port you are trying to set is W
Fibre-MCU port. This operation for Remote Copy, you must delete the
may cause a fatal damage to the logical path, then retry the port setting.
logical paths. Please stop this
operation. If you want to
continue this operation, please
remove the logical paths from
the MCU port first.

01005 001353 S-VOLs remain on the Fibre-RCU Since the port you are trying to set is W
port. This operation may cause a for Remote Copy, you must delete the
fatal damage to S-VOLs. Please S-VOL logical path that is set to RCU
stop this operation. If you want Target, then retry the port setting.
to continue this operation,
please remove the S-VOLs from
the RCU port first.

01005 001354 You could not register the WWN To register the WWN, change the W
to the initiator or external port. attribute of the specified port to Target
or RCU Target.

01005 001355 You could not change the host To change the host mode, change the W
mode of the host group that you attribute of the specified port to Target
connected to the initiator or or RCU Target.
external port.

01005 001356 You could not add the host To add the host group, change the W
group to the initiator or external attribute of the specified port to Target
port. or RCU Target.

01005 001357 Since the logic path remains in The specified port is for Fibre TrueCopy. W
the RCU Target port, it cannot Delete a logical path, then retry the
change. operation.

01005 001361 The number of User LU settings Reduce the number of user LU settings, W
exceeds the maximum. then retry the operation.

01005 001363 You cannot add paths to journal An error occurred during processing. If W
volumes. this problem persists, please call the
Support Center.

01005 001364 The port type is incorrect. Check the port type, then retry the W

01005 001367 The host mode "4C" is used for Check the settings, then retry. W
a host group connecting to
volumes that cannot be used for
Universal Volume Manager.

3-6 Message (part code group 01nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01005 001368 The host mode "4C" can only be Check the settings, then retry. W
used with Universal Volume
Manager volumes.

01005 001369 The specified host mode option Verify the host mode option or the W
cannot be set to the initiator attribute of the port.

01005 001600 This functionality is not Install the necessary P.P. license key. W
available. LUN Manager is

01005 001601 This functionality is not Install the necessary P.P. license key. W
available. Open Volume
Management is required.

01005 001904 The specified volume cannot be Please select another volume. W
assigned as a command device,
and the path of the volume
cannot be set because it is being
used as a Pool volume.

01005 001906 The selected volume cannot be Select a different volume. W

set as a command device
because it is being used as a
virtual volume of Thin Image or
an LDEV with the ALU attribute.

01005 001912 The specified volume is a An error occurred during processing. If W

remote command device, and this problem persists, please call the
therefore the command device Support Center.
setting or the command device
security setting cannot be set or

01005 001918 An external volume is mapped Delete the external volume that is W
to the external port to be mapped to the external port to be
operated. operated, then retry the operation.

01005 001926 The path cannot be set to the Check the setting. W
specified volume, because the
volume is being used as a
quorum disk.

01005 001927 The specified volume cannot be Check the setting. W

set as a command device,
because it is being used as a
quorum disk.

01005 001928 Addition or deletion of paths for Set Host Mode Option 60 to OFF, and W
LUN0 cannot be done because then execute addition or deletion of
Host Mode Option 60 is set to paths for LUN0.
ON. Also, setting change of Host
Mode Option 60 and path
change (addition or deletion) for
LUN0 cannot be done at the
same time. Execute the
changing operations separately.

Message (part code group 01nnn) 3-7

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01005 001929 Releasing the Host Mode Option Call the Support Center. W
61 is disabled.

01005 001930 The operation cannot be Specify a volume other than the W
performed because the specified external volume mapped for the online
volume is used as an external data migration, and then retry the
volume that is mapped for the operation.
online data migration.

01005 001932 The path definition between the Perform the path definition by W
resources included in different specifying resources on the same
Virtual Storage Machines cannot Virtual Storage Machine.
be performed.

01005 001933 Releasing the Host Mode Option Call the Support Center. W
72 is disabled.

01005 002005 An error occurred during SVP Retry the operation later. E

01005 002009 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 002010 The LDEV is being used by the The recovery processing might take W
host, or an error occurred during about 1 minute. Wait for a little while.
SVP processing.

01005 002013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 002015 An error occurred while A communication error occurs. If the E

connecting to the storage same error occurs despite retrying,
system. please call the Support Center.

01005 002032 An error occurred while A communication error occurs. If the E

connecting to the storage same error occurs despite retrying,
system. please call the Support Center.

01005 002082 Processing is disabled because Unmount the host and cancel W
the host is mounted or the reservation of the device. If the host is
device is reserved. an AIX host, unmount the host, and
execute the varyoffvg command.

01005 002083 The storage system status is Check the DKC status and the current E
invalid. status of the configuration setting. If
necessary, re-execute the setting

01005 002084 The storage system status is Check the DKC status and the current E
invalid. status of the configuration setting. If
necessary, re-execute the setting

01005 002097 The host specified by the WWN Check the settings, then retry the W
is performing I/O operations. operation.

01005 002098 The operation cannot be When the same problem persists, E
performed, because the SVP please call the Support Center.
microcode version does not

3-8 Message (part code group 01nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
match the DKCMAIN(storage
system) microcode version.

01005 002099 The operation cannot be Wait a while, then retry the operation. W
performed, because an If the same problem persists. Please call
inoperative MP exists. the Support Center.

01005 002100 An error occurred while Click [Refresh All] on the [File] menu, W
connecting to the storage then refresh the configuration.
system. The configuration may
be inconsistent.

01005 002501 The volume cannot be Correct the settings, then retry. W
configured as a command device
because the volume does not
have Read/Write attribute.

01005 003002 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 003003 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 003006 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 003007 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 005010 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 005013 An error occurred during SVP Retry the operation. If this problem E
processing. persists, please call the Support Center.

01005 005099 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Support Center.

01005 006000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 006036 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 006040 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 006050 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 007060 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 008001 An error occurred while Retry the same operation several times. E
connecting to the storage If the same error occurs, please call the
system. Support Center.

Message (part code group 01nnn) 3-9

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01005 008100 An error occurred while If this problem persists, please call the E
connecting to the storage Support Center.

01005 008102 This function is not supported. Retry the same operation several times. E
If the same error occurs, please call the
Support Center.

01005 055206 The configuration information Check the settings, and then retry the E
being set does not match the operation.
current configuration

01005 055500 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 055553 The specified port is not a fibre Check the setting. W

01005 055554 The specified WWN is not Check the setting. W


01005 055555 The value of the WWN is not Check the setting. W
specified or is set to zero.

01005 055561 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 055566 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the W
processing. Support Center.

01005 055569 The specified Group-ID is Check the setting. W

already registered.

01005 055571 The target cannot be set Check the setting. W

because the number of targets
exceeds the maximum that can
be set in a port.

01005 055574 The setting of the specified port Check the setting. W
cannot be changed because the
attribute of the specified port is
Initiator or External.

01005 056301 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 056302 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 056303 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 057101 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

01005 057102 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

3-10 Message (part code group 01nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01005 058572 An error occurred while If this problem persists, please call the E
connecting to the storage Support Center.

01005 058573 This function is not supported. Check if the DKCMAIN and SVP E
microcode versions are mismatched.

01005 058574 An error occurred while If this problem persists, please call the E
connecting to the storage Support Center.

01005 058575 An error occurred while If this problem persists, please call the E
connecting to the storage Support Center.

01005 058576 A communication time-out error If this problem persists, please call the E
occurred in the storage system. Support Center.

01005 065660 The Dynamic Provisioning Associate the Dynamic Provisioning W

volume is not associated with a volume with a pool, then retry the
pool. operation.

01005 075009 The selected WWN was Check the settings, then retry the W
registered in a host group. operation.

01005 075044 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, please call the E
side. Support Center.

01005 075045 The setting process has not Check the error factor in the other W
been executed because there is settings.
no error in this setting, but an
error in the other settings.

01005 076510 The specified port belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified port.

01005 076511 The specified host group belongs Log out, and then log back in with W
to a resource group that you do access to the resource group containing
not have permission to access. the specified host group.

01005 076512 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

01005 205000 Paths cannot be added because Specify a host group and an LDEV, both W
the specified host group and of which belong to the same Virtual
LDEV belong to different Virtual Storage Machine.
Storage Machines.

01005 205001 The path definition on the Specify a host group whose ID is 1 or W
external volume that has the larger, or turn the security switch on,
nondisruptive migration and then retry the operation.
attribute cannot be performed
because the ID of the specified
host group is 0 and the security
switch of the specified port is

Message (part code group 01nnn) 3-11

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01005 208065 The host mode option cannot be Release the path definition on the LDEV W
released because a path is that belongs to a different virtual
defined on an LDEV that belongs storage machine from the one to which
to a different virtual storage the specified host group belongs, and
machine from the one to which then retry the operation.
the specified host group

01005 208548 The path definition between a Verify the settings, and then retry the W
host group and two or more operation.
LDEVs with the ALU attribute
cannot be performed.

01005 208549 The path cannot be removed Unbind the LDEV with the SLU attribute W
because there is an LDEV with from the LDEV with the ALU attribute,
the ALU attribute, to which an and then retry the operation.
LDEV with the SLU attribute is

Part code 01022

Table 3-2 Error codes (part code 01022)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01022 105009 All the check boxes are cleared. Check the check boxes for the items W
that you want to change, then retry the

01022 105010 The host group name is not set. Enter the host group name from 1 to 64 W

01022 105011 The number of characters Enter the host group name from 1 to 64 W
specified in the host group name characters.
has exceed the maximum.

01022 105012 Invalid characters are used in Remove the invalid characters, then W
the specified host group name. retry.
You cannot use the following
characters: \/:,;*?"<>|.

01022 105013 The specified host group name Specify another host group name. W
is already used by another host
group, which is on the same

01022 105014 The default host group name Specify another host group name. W
cannot be used for the host
group setting.

01022 105015 Host mode "4C" is set to the Check the settings. W
host group. However, this host
group is connected to a volume

3-12 Message (part code group 01nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
that cannot be used for
Universal Volume Manager.

01022 105016 Detail button pressing detection Select one table row. W
without line selection.

01022 105017 The Detail button pressing is Select one table row. W
detected by two or more-line

01022 105018 Multiple host groups are Check the settings. W

selected on the same port.

01022 105019 The specified port is neither Check the settings. W

Target nor RCU Target.

01022 105020 Hosts cannot be added because Select one or more table rows. W
none of [Available Hosts] table
rows is selected.

01022 105021 No more HBA WWNs can be Check the settings. W

registered, because the number
of registered HBA WWNs has
reached the maximum.

01022 105022 The selected information cannot Only the first duplicate item is added. W
be added, because a duplicated Check the contents that have been
HBA WWN is in the information added.
being selected.

01022 105023 The selected information cannot Only the first duplicate item is added. W
be added because a duplicated Check the contents that have been
host name is in the information added.
being selected.

01022 105024 The specified HBA WWN cannot Check the settings. W
be added because it is already
used in the same port, or it
exists in the [Selected Hosts]

01022 105025 The specified host name cannot Check the settings. W
be added because it is already
used in the same port, or it
exists in the [Selected Hosts]

01022 105026 The processing cannot be done Check if there is a target host to be set W
because of no data in the in the [Selected Hosts] table. When
[Selected Hosts] table. there is not, add host(s) and retry the
operation. When there is, close the
window(s) and refresh it, then retry
again. If the same problem persists
despite retrying, please call the Support

01022 105027 [Detail] is clicked in the state Select one table row. W
that no row is selected.

Message (part code group 01nnn) 3-13

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01022 105028 [Detail] is clicked in the state Select one table row. W
that multiple rows are selected.

01022 105029 Host groups cannot be added in Check the settings. W

this port, because the port is not
Target or RCU Target.

01022 105030 No more host groups can be Check the settings. W

added, because the number of
registered host groups that can
be added to the subject port has
reached the maximum.

01022 105031 The host group cannot be added Select one or more rows in the W
because no row is selected in [Available Hosts] table and the
any of the [Available Hosts] [Available Ports] table, then click [Add].
table and the [Available Ports]

01022 105033 No more host groups can be Check the settings. W

added, because the number of
registered hosts that can be
added to the subject port has
reached the maximum.

01022 105037 The specified name of the host Enter the host group name with up to W
group is incorrect. 64 alphanumeric characters and
symbols (\ /: , ; * ? "< > | are

01022 105038 The default host group name Specify another host group name. W
cannot be used for the host
group setting.

01022 105040 [Detail] is clicked without Select one table row. W

selecting any row.

01022 105041 [Detail] is clicked in the state of Select one table row. W
selecting multiple table rows.

01022 105042 [Delete] is clicked without Select one or more table rows. W
selecting any row.

01022 105043 The processing cannot be done Check if any of target host group to be W
because there is no data in the set exists in the [Selected Host Groups]
[Selected Host Groups] table. table. When there is not, add host
group(s) and retry the operation. When
there is, close the window(s) and
refresh it, then retry again. If the same
problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

01022 105044 [Detail] is clicked without Select one table row. W

selecting table rows.

01022 105045 [Detail] is clicked in the state of Select one table row. W
selecting multiple table rows.

01022 105046 HBA WWN cannot be converted Specify the HBA WWN with 16 digits in W
into hexadecimal. hexadecimal.

3-14 Message (part code group 01nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01022 105047 The length of the host name is Enter the host name within 1 to 64 W
incorrect. characters.

01022 105048 An invalid character is used in Remove the invalid characters, then W
the host name. retry.

01022 105049 You are trying to register the Check the settings. W
same host that has already
existed as a candidate.

01022 105050 The specified HBA WWN cannot Check the settings. W
be registered, because it is
already used in this port.

01022 105051 The specified Host Name cannot Check the settings. W
be registered, because it is
already used in this port.

01022 105052 There is no port information on Check the settings. W

the copy target.

01022 105070 The same host is specified at the Check the settings. W
same time.

01022 105071 The attribute of the specified Check the settings. W

port is neither Target nor RCU

01022 105072 The same host cannot be added Check the settings. W
in the same port.

01022 105073 [Finish] is clicked without Check the settings. W

completing the setting.

01022 105074 All the check boxes are being Check the check boxes for the items W
cleared. that you want to change, then retry the

01022 105075 The HBA WWN about to be Check the settings. W

changed has already existed in
the same port.

01022 105076 The host name about to be Check the settings. W

changed has already existed in
the same port.

01022 105077 The specified port type is not Check the settings. W
Fibre Port.

01022 105079 Changing to the external or the Check the settings. W

initiator port cannot be done,
because a host group other than
Host Group 0 is set.

01022 105080 The attribute of the specified Delete LUN Path from the host group in W
port cannot be changed. the specified port.

01022 105081 The setting cannot be changed Check the channel PCB. W
because of the unsupported port

Message (part code group 01nnn) 3-15

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01022 105082 The specified port does not exist Retry the operation. If the same E
in the configuration. problem occurs again, close the
windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

01022 105083 There is a radio button that is Check the settings. W

not selected.

01022 105084 The setting cannot be changed, Check the settings. W

because an invalid value has
been input.

01022 105085 The setting cannot be changed, Check the settings. W

because the value of UUID is
outside the range.

01022 105086 The input value of the starting Check the settings. W
LUN ID is outside the range.

01022 105087 The LUN ID cannot be set, Check the settings. W

because the value is outside the

01022 105088 The table column is not Check the check boxes for the items W
selected. that you want to change, then retry the

01022 105089 The number of LUNs that can be Check the settings. W
set to the specified port has
exceeded the maximum.

01022 105090 The specified LDEV and an LDEV Check the settings. W
with LUN registered to the
specified host group have the
same ID.

01022 105091 The number of selected host Check the settings. W

groups that can be set exceeds
the maximum value.

01022 105093 The attribute of the specified Check the settings. W

port is neither Target nor RCU

01022 105094 The length of the HBA WWN is Specify the HBA WWN with 16 digits in W
incorrect. hexadecimal.

01022 105145 An LDEV for FICON(R) Data Check the settings. W

Migration is selected.

01022 105204 The operation cannot be Install the program product. Or, log out, W
performed because the program and then log back in with permission to
product is not installed or you edit.
do not have permission to

01022 105207 The number of LUNs that can be Check the settings. W
set to the specified port has
exceeded the maximum.

3-16 Message (part code group 01nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01022 105208 The specified host cannot be Check the settings. W

added because the HBA WWN or
the host name is used in the
same port, or, it is used in the
item that has been moved in the
[Selected Host Groups] table.

01022 105209 The host mode is left blank. Set the item that is left blank, then W
retry the operation.

01022 105210 There are blank items in the Set the item that is left blank, then W
Host Mode Options Table. retry the operation.

01022 105252 Other than the Host Mode 00 To change the setting from Target/RCU W
[Standard] has been set to the Target to Initiator/External, set only 00
Host Group #00 of the specified to the host group of the target port, set
port. the host mode to 00 [Standard], and
set all of the host mode options to

01022 105253 [Enabled] has been set to the To change the setting from Target/RCU W
Host Mode Option for the Host Target to Initiator/External, set only 00
Group #00 of the specified port. to the host group of the target port, set
the host mode to 00 [Standard], and
set all of the host mode options to

01022 105277 Some LDEVs or Host Groups Click [OK], then continue the operation. W
that are not available for LUN
path setting are excluded from
the choices.

01022 105296 The specified port belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified port.

01022 105297 The specified host group belongs Log out, and then log back in with W
to a resource group that you do access to the resource group containing
not have permission to access. the specified host group.

01022 105298 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

01022 105304 The specified host group belongs Log out, and then log back in with W
to a resource group that you do access to the resource group containing
not have permission to access. the specified host group.

01022 105421 None of Target, RCU Target, or Correct the settings, and then retry the W
Initiator is the attribute of a port operation.
to which the specified host
group belongs.

01022 105422 Any host mode option other Select only the host group that belongs W
than 49, 50, 51, and 65 cannot to a port of Target or RCU Target
be enabled because the host attribute, and then retry the operation.
group of the Initiator port is
included in the operation object.

Message (part code group 01nnn) 3-17

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01022 105423 The operation cannot be Execute the operation with the user W
executed because you have no who has editorial permission, or ask the
editorial permission. administrator to provide editorial

01022 105424 The specified LDEV cannot be Verify the resources allocation for the W
used because you have no user who is assigned with the security
access right to a resource group administrator role.
to which the LDEV belongs.

01022 105425 Some LUN paths were excluded When you want to delete the LUN paths i
from the list because the LUN not listed here, verify the resources
paths were defined to the host allocation for the user with security
groups in the resource groups administrator role.
where you cannot access.

01022 106501 The specified port does not exist Refresh the window, and then retry the E
in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

01022 106502 The specified host group does Refresh the window, and then retry the E
not exist in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

01022 106503 The process cannot be Refresh the window, and then retry the E
continued, because there is no operation. If this problem persists, call
necessary data for the the Support Center.

01022 106504 No more host groups cannot be Check the settings. W

added to this port, because the
number of hosts that can be set
to the target port has reached
the maximum.

01022 106505 No more host groups cannot be Check the settings. W

set, because the number of host
groups that can be set to the
port has reached the maximum.

01022 106506 The specified LU does not exist Refresh the window, and then retry the E
in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

01022 106510 The specified host does not exist Refresh the window, and then retry the E
in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

01022 106511 The specified path does not exist Refresh the window, and then retry the E
in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

01022 106514 The specified host does not exist Refresh the window, and then retry the E
in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

01022 106519 The specified LDEV does not Refresh the window, and then retry the E
exist in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

3-18 Message (part code group 01nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01022 106520 Failed to get the configuration Refresh the window, and then retry the E
information. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

01022 106523 The specified host group is not Check the configuration information. W

01022 106524 The specified LDEV has no LU Check the settings. W


01022 106533 The configuration may have Refresh the window, and then retry the W
changed. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

01022 107001 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

01022 107002 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

01022 107003 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

01022 107004 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

01022 107005 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

01022 107006 The type of the specified port is Check the settings. W
not fibre port.

01022 108003 The volume, which is allocated Check the settings. W

as LDEV in the target path
information, is set as reserved
by Data Retention Utility.

01022 108004 The volume, which is allocated Check the settings. W

as LDEV in the path information
that is set under the target host
group, is set as reserved by
Data Retention Utility.

01022 108005 There is a volume, which is set Check the settings. W

as reserved by Data Retention
Utility, in the target path

01022 108006 The specified LDEV is a reserved Check the settings. W

volume of Data Retention Utility.

Message (part code group 01nnn) 3-19

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01022 108007 The specified LDEV is set other Check the settings. W
than the Read/Write (S-VOL
enabled) of Data Retention

01022 108008 The specified LDEV is a Check the settings. W

emulation type other than the
OPEN system.

01022 108011 The specified LDEV is a journal Check the settings. W

volume of Universal Replicator.

01022 108012 The specified LDEV is a pool Check the settings. W


01022 108013 The specified LDEV is a V-VOL. Check the settings. W

01022 108014 The specified LDEV is a remote Check the settings. W

command device.

01022 108015 The selected LDEV has been set Check the settings. W
as a quorum disk volume.

01022 108016 The specified LDEV is a reserved Check the settings. W

volume of Data Retention Utility.

01022 108017 The specified LDEV is neither Check the settings. W

OPEN Volume nor Mainframe
intermediate volume.

01022 108025 The specified port is neither Check the settings. W

Target nor RCU Target.

01022 108026 The host mode of the specified Check the settings. W
host group is "4C". Only a
Universal Volume Manager
volume can be specified.

01022 108027 An error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E

please call the Support Center.

01022 108028 An error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E

please call the Support Center.

01022 108034 The operation cannot be Select a different volume, and then W
performed because the specified retry the operation.
volume is used as an external
volume that is mapped for the
online data migration.

01022 109201 When you switched the host Check that no UUID is allocated to all W
mode option 33 from Enabled to LUs set in the host group, then reboot
Disabled, access to an LU where OpenVMS.
a UUID is allocated is disabled.

01022 109202 When you switched the host Check that UUID is allocated to all LUs W
mode option 33 from Disabled to set in the host group, then reboot
Enabled, access to LU where OpenVMS.
UUID is not allocated is disabled.

3-20 Message (part code group 01nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01022 109203 Consecutive LUN IDs could not Verify the LUN IDs by clicking [OK]. i
be assigned from the specified Retry the operation if you want to
number. However, unused LUN assign different LUN IDs.
IDs after the specified number
were assigned.

01022 205019 The FC-AL topology cannot be Check the settings. W

set to the port whose transfer
rate is 16 Gbps.

01022 205053 The virtual model types or the Check the settings. W
serial numbers of the selected
LDVEs are different.

01022 205054 The virtual model type or the Check the settings. W
serial number of the selected
host group is different from that
of the LDEV selected on the
previous window.

01022 205055 LDEVs whose virtual model Check the settings. W

types or serial numbers are
different cannot coexist in the
same host group.

01022 205058 A host group cannot be created. Verify the resources allocation for the W
To create a host group, the user with security administrator role.
following conditions are
• The attribute of the port is
Target or RCU Target.
• A host group ID that is not
assigned to any host group
exists for a resource group
that you have permission to
• The number of host groups
assigned to one port does
not reach the maximum.

01022 205146 A LUN path cannot be added Verify the settings. W

because models and serial
numbers of different virtual
storage machines coexist.

Message (part code group 01nnn) 3-21

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 01305
Table 3-3 Error codes (part code 01305)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01305 005013 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

01305 005099 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

01305 066566 This function cannot be used by If the problem persists despite retrying, E
the storage partition please call the Support Center.

01305 066567 Specified file name or directory Check the character string of the E
name is too long. specified file name or directory name.

01305 066568 Multiple operation tags are Check the contents of the spreadsheet. E

01305 066572 Declaration is invalid. Check the contents of the spreadsheet. E

01305 066573 The number of lines or the Check the contents of the spreadsheet. E
number of characters in one line
exceeds the maximum number.

01305 066574 There is a line that cannot be Check the contents of the spreadsheet. E
interpreted as an element of the

01305 066575 It is not corresponding to the Check the contents of the spreadsheet. E
serial number of the device that
executes the spreadsheet.

01305 066576 Any operation tag to the Check the contents of the spreadsheet. E
program product is not set.

01305 066577 Version number or program If the problem persists despite retrying, E
product of the declaration is not please call the Support Center.

01305 066578 There was an error while Check the contents of the spreadsheet. E
executing the spreadsheet.
Please confirm the result of each

01305 066675 The syntax of parameter is Check the contents of the spreadsheet. E

3-22 Message (part code group 01nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 01310
Table 3-4 Error codes (part code 01310)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

01310 005832 The user name is incorrect. Verify the settings. W

01310 005833 The secret is incorrect. Verify the settings. W

01310 005834 The reentered secret does not Verify the settings. W
match the previously entered

01310 005836 The user name or the secret has Verify the settings. W
not been changed.

01310 009366 If a host is connected, the To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
connection will be disconnected. [Cancel].
Do you want to continue?

01310 055601 The specified time out period is Verify the settings. W

01310 055602 The specified authentication Verify the settings. W

interval is invalid.

01310 055603 The specified number of times of Verify the settings. W

authentication is invalid.

Message (part code group 01nnn) 3-23

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
3-24 Message (part code group 01nnn)
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 02nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 02005.

□ Part code 02005

Message (part code group 02nnn) 4-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 02005
Table 4-1 Error codes (part code 02005)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

02005 001009 The emulation type of the The configuration information has been W
volumes is not for open already changed. Check the settings,
systems, or the volumes are not and request the setting of the
mounted. configuration information again.

02005 001010 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

02005 001021 The specified volume does not The configuration information has been W
exist. already changed. Check the settings,
and request the setting of the
configuration information again.

02005 001599 This functionality is not Install the necessary P.P. license key. W
available. Open Volume
or LUN Manager is required.

02005 001600 This functionality is not Install the necessary P.P. license key. W
available. LUN Manager is

02005 001601 This functionality is not Install the necessary P.P. license key. W
available. Open Volume
Management is required.

02005 002005 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

02005 002009 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

02005 002013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

02005 002015 An error occurred while A communication error occurs. If the E

connecting to the storage same error occurs despite retrying,
system. please call the Support Center.

02005 002032 An error occurred while A communication error occurs. If the E

connecting to the storage same error occurs despite retrying,
system. please call the Support Center.

02005 002082 Processing is disabled because The host is mounted or the device is W
the host is mounted or the reserved.
device is reserved. Unmount the host, and cancel
reservation of the device.
If the host is an AIX host, unmount the
host, and execute the varyoffvg

02005 002083 The storage system status is Check the DKC status and the current E
invalid. status of the configuration setting. If
necessary, re-execute the setting

4-2 Message (part code group 02nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

02005 002084 The storage system status is Check the DKC status and the current E
invalid. status of the configuration setting. If
necessary, re-execute the setting

02005 002098 The operation cannot be Please call the Support Center, when E
performed, because the SVP the same problem persists.
microcode version does not
match the DKCMAIN(storage
system) microcode version.

02005 002099 The operation cannot be Wait a while, then retry the operation. W
performed, because an If the same problem persists, please
inoperative MP exists. call the Support Center.

02005 003002 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

02005 003003 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

02005 003006 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

02005 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

02005 006036 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

02005 065660 The Dynamic Provisioning Associate the Dynamic Provisioning W

volume is not associated with a volume with a pool, then retry the
pool. operation.

02005 065704 The Dynamic Provisioning Associate the Dynamic Provisioning W

volumes are not associated with volumes with the same pool, then retry
the same pool. the operation.

02005 076512 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

Message (part code group 02nnn) 4-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
4-4 Message (part code group 02nnn)
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 03nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 03005 to 03505.

□ Part code 03005

□ Part code 03010

□ Part code 03021

□ Part code 03022

□ Part code 03121

□ Part code 03122

□ Part code 03205

□ Part code 03222

□ Part code 03305

□ Part code 03405

□ Part code 03505

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 03005
Table 5-1 Error codes (part code 03005)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 001910 The specified volume contains Check the setting of the specified W
Thin Image pair. volumes.

03005 001911 The specified volume contains Check the setting of the specified W
Pool-VOLs. volumes.

03005 002011 The status of the storage system Please call the Support Center. E
requires maintenance (for
example, the storage system is
blocked, the shared memory is
inconsistent, or some other

03005 002015 An error occurred while If this problem persists, please call the E
connecting to the storage Support Center.

03005 002085 Copying is in progress for Wait for a while, then retry the W
Remote Copy, ShadowImage, operation.
ShadowImage for Mainframe,
Thin Image, or Volume Migration

03005 002086 The configuration of Remote Release the configuration definition, W

Copy, ShadowImage, then retry the operation.
ShadowImage for Mainframe,
Volume Migration, or Thin Image
has been defined.

03005 002087 The system is online to the Take the storage system offline from W
mainframe host. the host.

03005 002088 The Remote Copy pair is Add an alternative path. W


03005 002089 The corresponding CHA might Make sure that there is an alternative W
contain the last path between path from the MCU.
the MCU and RCU of Remote

03005 002090 ShadowImage, ShadowImage Release the setting(s) or stop the I/ W

for Mainframe, or Thin Image O(s), then retry the operation.
setting exists.

03005 002091 The backup server of Stop the backup server, and then retry W
ShadowImage, ShadowImage the operation.
for Mainframe, or Thin Image is

03005 002092 Some ShadowImage, Split the ShadowImage, ShadowImage W

ShadowImage for Mainframe, or for Mainframe, or Thin Image pairs.
Thin Image pairs exist.

03005 002093 Some ShadowImage, Resynchronize the ShadowImage, W

ShadowImage for Mainframe, or ShadowImage for Mainframe, or Thin
Thin Image pairs exist. Image pairs.

5-2 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 002094 Some ShadowImage, Change the status of the volumes to W

ShadowImage for Mainframe, or Simplex.
Thin Image pairs exist.

03005 002095 The specified operation cannot Wait for a while, and then retry the W
be performed due to one of the operation.
following maintenance
• LDEV formatting is in
• Correction copy is in
• Dynamic sparing is in
• Copy back is in progress.
• The CHA/DKA status is
• The processor status is
• The cache status is
• LDEV shredding is in
• The configuration is

03005 002200 The Concurrent Copy or the If the Concurrent Copy or the W
Compatible XRC operation is in Compatible XRC operation is in progress
progress in the target volumes. in the target volumes, cancel the
Concurrent Copy job or delete a
Compatible XRC pair via the host. If the
Concurrent Copy or the Compatible XRC
operation is not in progress in the
target volumes, issue the LISTSESS and
LISTDVCS commands, check the
SESSION ID No., and terminate
SESSION by means of the TERMSESS

03005 002201 Processing cannot be performed Check the settings, then retry the W
because of Data Retention Utility operation.

03005 002202 The specified volume cannot be Check the settings, then retry the W
processed due to the effect of operation.
the access attribute assigned by
Volume Retention Manager.

03005 002203 Processing cannot be performed Check the settings, then retry the W
because of Volume Security operation.

03005 002204 Devices to be maintained Delete or suspend all pairs belonging to W

include journal volumes. journal volumes to be maintained.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 002205 Devices to be maintained Delete all pairs belonging to journal W

include journal volumes. volumes to be maintained.

03005 002511 The restore operation has been Shred or format the specified LDEV. If W
failed, because the specified the specified LDEV is Dynamic
LDEV was not shredded or Provisioning volume (DP-VOL), recover
formatted. the pool first.

03005 002512 The restore operation has been Please call the Support Center. E
failed, because the system
cannot access the specified

03005 002515 One of the following is defined: Release the pair definition or delete W
a Remote Copy pair, a Universal command devices defined by Business
Replicator pair, or a Universal Continuity Manager, and then retry the
Replicator for Mainframe pair. operation.
Alternatively, command devices
defined by Business Continuity
Manager are included.

03005 002516 One of the following is defined: Delete the pair definition or suspend the W
a Remote Copy pair, a Universal pair, and then retry the operation.
Replicator pair, or a Universal
Replicator for Mainframe pair.

03005 002517 The target volume is defined as Split the pair, and then retry the W
a pair of ShadowImage, operation. If the Quick Split mode is on,
ShadowImage for Mainframe, or suspend the pair, and then split the
Thin Image. Or, the volume is pair. Change the setting to not use the
used in Compatible volumes of the Compatible
FlashCopy(R) V2, Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2, Compatible Software
Software for IBM(R) for IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE, or
FlashCopy(R) SE, or Compatible Compatible XRC as a target volume,
XRC. and then retry the operation.

03005 002518 A pair of ShadowImage, Release the pair definition, and then W
ShadowImage for Mainframe, or retry the operation. When Quick Split is
Thin Image is defined. in progress, suspend the pair, and then
release it.

03005 002519 The volume is reserved by Cancel the reservation, and then retry W
ShadowImage or ShadowImage the operation.
for Mainframe.

03005 002520 A Volume Migration pair is Delete the pair definition, and then W
defined. retry the operation.

03005 002521 A Volume Migration pair is Release the pair definition. W


03005 003003 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 005010 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 005013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

5-4 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 005099 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 005874 The program product required Install the required program product. W
for using the shredding function
is not installed.

03005 005875 The specified volume is Retry the operation later. W

formatting or shredding.

03005 006000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 006022 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 006023 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 006024 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 006036 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 006050 An error occurred during SVP If nothing changes despite retrying, call E
processing. the Support Center.

03005 006533 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 006537 There is an error in another Check the error factor in the others W
setting and the setting settings.
processing has not been

03005 007060 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 007111 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 007310 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 008000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 008001 A communication time-out error If this problem persists, please call the E
occurred in the storage system. Support Center.

03005 008002 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 008100 An error occurred while If this problem persists, please call the E
connecting to the storage Support Center.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-5

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 008102 This function is not supported. Check whether the DKCMAIN microcode E
version and the SVP microcode version
are mismatched.

03005 008971 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, W
connecting to the storage please call the Support Center.

03005 008979 The operation of the external Restore more than one path to the W
volume has been failed because external volume, and then perform the
all the paths to the external operation of the external volume.
volume are blocked.

03005 055505 The specified operation cannot Check the setting. W

be performed because the pool
volume is specified to migrate to
a CLPR different from the one
that contains other pool volumes
in the same pool. Pool ID=xxx

03005 055506 The specified volume is used as Release the reserved volume setting or W
a reserved volume of Volume specify another volume.

03005 055507 The specified volume is used as Release the command device setting or W
a command device. specify another volume.

03005 055508 The specified volume has Release the Volume Security setting or W
Volume Security setting. specify another volume.

03005 055510 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 055511 The emulation type of the Select a different volume. W

specified volume is not OPEN-V.

03005 055512 The specified volume is an Select a different volume. W

external volume.

03005 055513 The specified volume is used as Select a different volume. W

a V-VOL.

03005 055514 The specified volume is not Select a different volume. W


03005 055516 This function is not available, Install the program product. W
because the program product is
not installed.

03005 055517 The specified volume is used as Specify another logical volume. W
a Pool-VOL.

03005 055519 The specified pool does not Check the settings. W

03005 055594 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 056301 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

5-6 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 056302 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 056303 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 057101 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 057102 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 058460 The logical volume cannot be Install the logical volume. W
registered, because it is not

03005 058461 The specified operation cannot Restore the blockade status of the W
be done, because the logical logical volume.
volume is blocked.

03005 058462 The logical volume cannot be Specify another logical volume. W
registered, because it is defined
as a Pool-VOL.

03005 058463 The specified logical volume Match the CLPR number of the logical W
cannot be registered, because volumes.
the CLPR number of the volume
does not match the number of
the logical volume already
registered to the Pool.

03005 058464 The specified logical volume Specify another logical volume. W
cannot be registered, because it
is a V-VOL.

03005 058465 The volume set as a Command Specify another logical volume. W
Device cannot be set as a
component of a Pool-VOL.

03005 058466 The specified logical volume Specify another logical volume. W
cannot be registered, because a
LUN path is set to the logical

03005 058467 The specified volume cannot be Take either of the following actions, and W
set as a pool volume due to one then retry the operation.
of the following reasons: • Install the license key of Dynamic
• The license key of Dynamic Provisioning or Thin Image.
Provisioning or Thin Image • Purchase the license key of
is not installed. Dynamic Provisioning or Thin
• The licensed capacity of Image to increase the licensed
Dynamic Provisioning or capacity.
Thin Image is not enough.

03005 058468 The emulation type of the logical Specify another logical volume. W
volume is incorrect.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-7

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 058469 The specified logical volume is Specify another logical volume. W
being used by another program

03005 058470 The operation cannot be done Add some Pool-VOLs, or decrease the W
because the usage of the data for Copy-on-Write Snapshot or
specified pool is 100% (full). Thin Image by restoring or deleting the
Thin Image pairs.

03005 058471 The shared memory for the V- Install additional shared memory for the W
VOL management area is V-VOL management area.

03005 058472 The pool information cannot be Verify the installation status of the W
acquired because pool virtual volume management area.
information is not acquired
• The virtual volume
management area is not
• The virtual volume
management area is not

03005 058473 An error occurred when setting Check the error message of the logical W
the Pool. volume(s) in the Pool.

03005 058474 The specified operation cannot Install the additional shared memory for W
be performed because there is the V-VOL management area, and then
not enough memory available on retry the operation. If the additional
the shared memory for the V- shared memory is already installed, the
VOL management area. capacity of pools and V-VOLs has
reached the maximum. In this case,
delete unnecessary pools and V-VOLs,
and then retry the operation.

03005 058475 The PCB for fibre port is not Install the PCB for fiber port, and retry W
installed. the operation.

03005 058491 A communication time-out error If this problem persists, please call the E
occurred in the storage system. Support Center.

03005 058570 The V-VOL management area is Delete the Thin Image pairs, and then W
being used. retry the operation.

03005 058571 The specified operation cannot Check the Pool-VOL setting. W
be executed because the Pool-
VOL is not mounted.

03005 058572 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, E
communicating with the storage please call the Support Center.

03005 058573 This function is not supported. The microcode versions of the DKCMAIN E
and the SVP might not match. Verify
each microcode version.

5-8 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 058574 An error occurred while If this problem persists, please call the E
connecting to the storage Support Center.

03005 058575 An error occurred while If this problem persists, please call the E
connecting to the storage Support Center.

03005 058576 A communication time-out error If this problem persists, please call the E
occurred in the storage system. Support Center.

03005 058623 The specified operation cannot Resynchronize the pair or release the W
be performed, because the Thin pair definition, then retry the operation.
Image pair using the pool
volumes to be maintained is in
PSUS status or being restored.

03005 058626 A Thin Image pair is defined. Cancel the pair definition, then retry the W

03005 058706 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 065659 The specified volume is used as Check the setting of the specified W
a Dynamic Provisioning volume. volume.

03005 065671 The pool volumes associated Release the association between the W
with the Dynamic Provisioning pool volume and the Dynamic
volume is included in the items Provisioning volume.
to be maintained.

03005 065675 The LDEV to be operated is not Check the setting and status of the W
included in the specified parity LDEV in the specified parity group.

03005 065676 The association cannot be made Confirm that it is associated with a pool W
because the pool is in a different in the same CLPR.

03005 065688 A failure occurred while Cancel the format processing from the W
formatting. SVP, then retry the formatting
processing again.

03005 065689 A failure occurred while quick Cancel the quick formatting processing W
formatting. from the SVP, then execute the quick
formatting processing again.

03005 065690 The specified volumes contain Check the settings and retry the W
volumes that are being quick operation.

03005 065691 Preparing for quick format. Check the status and wait until the W
status changes to a status that
maintenance is possible.

03005 065692 The specified volumes contain Select only the volumes that quick W
volumes that quick format format can be executed and execute
cannot be executed. quick format.

03005 065694 Quick format cannot be Change the setting or execute the quick W
executed because the number of formatting process after the quick

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-9

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
parity groups being quick format processing for other parity
formatted has exceeded the groups has completed.

03005 065695 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 065717 The specified volumes contain Select only the volumes that can be W
volumes that cannot be formatted and format the volumes.

03005 065740 The configuration changing Check if the configuration changing W

processes are conflicting at DKC. process by the Command Control
Interface, the Volume Migration, or the
Quick Restore is not in operation, and
then retry the operation.

03005 065790 The specified volume includes a Release the quorum disk, and then retry W
remote command device being the operation.
used by a mirror of the journal

03005 068722 The specified volume is not a Check the setting of the specified W
Dynamic Provisioning volume. volume.

03005 068723 An internal logic contradiction Please call the Support Center. E
occurred on the DKC side.

03005 068724 Shared memory is not installed. Install the shared memory. W

03005 068725 The capacity of the shared Delete unnecessary Dynamic W

memory for the virtual volume Provisioning pools (DP Pool) and
management area is not volumes (DP-VOL), and then retry the
enough. operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

03005 068726 The capacity of Dynamic Check volume capacity for the DP-VOL. W
Provisioning volume (DP-VOL) is

03005 068727 Shared memory is being Wait for a while, and then retry the W
initialized. operation.

03005 068728 The pool is in an abnormal state. Recover the pool, then retry the W

03005 068729 LDEV format is being executed Retry the operation after the formatting W
in the specified volume. operation has completed.

03005 068736 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03005 068748 The number of Dynamic Verify the current configuration of W

Provisioning volumes that can association.
be associated with a single pool
exceeds the maximum.

03005 068751 The storage system is releasing Wait for a while, and then retry the W
the association internally. operation.

5-10 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 068761 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, please call the E
side. Support Center.

03005 068785 A parity group that is not Check the specified parity groups. W
mounted is included in the
specified parity groups.

03005 068786 A parity group that is not Check the status of the specified parity W
blocked is included in the groups.
specified parity groups.

03005 068797 The pool cannot be restored Wait for a while, click [Refresh] or W
because pools are not restored [Refresh All] on the [File] menu of the
when: Storage Navigator window, and then
• The restore processing is verify the pool status on the pool
taking time because there window. If this problem persists, see
are blocked parts on the the troubleshooting section in the
storage system. Provisioning Guide for Open Systems.

• One or more pool volume is


03005 068798 Failed to delete the pool. A pool If the pool cannot be deleted, do the W
cannot be deleted when: following.
• The V-VOL management • Check the installation status of the
area is not initialized. V-VOL management area when the
• The V-VOL management V-VOL management area is not
area is not installed. initialized.

• A Thin Image pair still • Check the installation status of the

remains in the pool. V-VOL management area when the
V-VOL management area is not
• A P-VOL still remains in the installed.
• Delete the Thin Image pair if it still
• A Pool-VOL in the pool is remains in the pool.
• Delete the Thin Image pair if the P-
• The process to delete a VOL still remains in the pool.
Dynamic Provisioning
volume is in operation. • Restore the status of Pool-VOLs in
the pool when the pool is blocked,
and then retry the operation.
• Update the display content and
confirm that the usage rate of the
pool is zero, and then retry the

03005 068799 Failed to change the threshold of When the pool threshold cannot be W
the pool. changed, do the following:
The threshold of the pool cannot • Update the display content and
be changed when: confirm the usage rate of the pool.
• the threshold is set below • Wait for shrinking the pool to end if
the usage rate of the pool. it is shinking. Then retry the
• the pool is shrinking. operation.

• the Pool-VOL in the pool is • Check the status of the Pool-VOL in

blocked. the pool and restore it if it is
blocked. Then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-11

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 068818 The pool is blocked. Recover the pool, then retry the W

03005 068819 The specified volume cannot be Recover the volume, then retry the W
processed because it is blocked. operation.

03005 068820 The specified volume cannot be Associate the volume with a pool, then E
processed, because it is not retry the operation. If this problem
associated with a pool. persists, please call the Support Center.

03005 068821 The specified volume is currently Release the ShadowImage or E

used by ShadowImage or ShadowImage for Mainframe setting,
ShadowImage for Mainframe. and then retry the operation. If this
problem persists, contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

03005 068822 The specified volume is currently Release the Thin Image setting, and E
used by Thin Image. then retry the operation. If this problem
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03005 068823 The specified volume is currently Release the Volume Migration or E
used by Volume Migration or nondisruptive migration setting, and
nondisruptive migration. then retry the operation. If this problem
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03005 068824 The specified volume is currently Release the TrueCopy or TrueCopy for E
used by TrueCopy or TrueCopy Mainframe setting, and then retry the
for Mainframe. operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

03005 068825 The specified volume is currently Release the Universal Replicator or E
used by Universal Replicator or Universal Replicator for Mainframe
Universal Replicator for setting, and then retry the operation. If
Mainframe. this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

03005 068884 The specified volume contains a Release the quorum disk, and then retry W
quorum disk. the operation.

03005 068885 The specified volume contains a Delete the global-active device pair, and W
global-active device pair then retry the operation.

03005 068886 The specified volume contains a Delete the global-active device pair, and W
global-active device pair then retry the operation.

03005 068892 The item to be formatted Restore the pool that has been blocked W
includes a Dynamic Provisioning by the Dynamic Provisioning function.
volume (DP-VOL). However, the
DP-VOL cannot be formatted
because there is a pool that has
been blocked.

03005 068898 Zero page reclaiming is set to Please call the Support Center. E
Disable on the storage system.

5-12 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 075015 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

03005 075042 The operation cannot be Specify a volume other than the W
performed because the specified external volume mapped for the online
volume is used as an external data migration, and then retry the
volume that is mapped for the operation.
online data migration.

03005 075046 The specified volume is invalid. Verify the setting of LDKC, CU, and W

03005 075047 The number of the specified Verify the specified page ranges. W
page ranges is invalid.

03005 075048 The number of pages is invalid. Verify the total length of each specified W
page range.

03005 076509 The specified LDEV or parity Log out, and then log back in with W
group belongs to a resource access to the resource group containing
group that you do not have the specified LDEV or parity group.
permission to access.

03005 076517 The specified operation cannot Select an LDEV allocated to the same W
be done because there is an resource group.
LDEV that has been set to a
different resource group.

03005 078005 The specified operation cannot Check the specified LDEV capacity, then W
be executed, because the LDEV retry the operation.
capacity exceeds the maximum
reserved pool capacity.

03005 078006 The specified LDEV capacity is Check the specified volume, then retry W
invalid. the operation.

03005 078007 Failed to expand the V-VOLs, Retry the operation. W

because it took time for the

03005 078008 The specified LDEV capacity Check the specified LDEV capacity, then W
exceeds the threshold. retry the operation.

03005 078009 The virtual volumes for the Change the setting so as not to use the W
volumes that are being used by volumes of the following program
the following program products products as a target of expanding
cannot be expanded: virtual volumes, and then retry the
• ShadowImage operation.

• ShadowImage for • ShadowImage

Mainframe • ShadowImage for Mainframe
• Thin Image • Thin Image
• Volume Migration • Volume Migration
• TrueCopy • TrueCopy
• TrueCopy for Mainframe • TrueCopy for Mainframe
• Universal Replicator • Universal Replicator
• Universal Replicator for Mainframe

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-13

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• Universal Replicator for • Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
Mainframe • Compatible Software for IBM(R)
• Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 FlashCopy(R) SE
• Compatible Software for • Compatible XRC
IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE • Global-active device
• Compatible XRC
• Global-active device

03005 078010 The specified operation cannot Check the maximum reserved pool W
be executed, because the capacity, then retry the operation.
maximum reserved pool
capacity is incorrect.

03005 078011 The specified operation cannot Check the pool status. W
be executed, because the pool
status is invalid.

03005 078012 The specified operation cannot Check the threshold of the pool, then W
be executed, because the retry the operation.
threshold of the pool exceeds
the maximum.

03005 078013 The specified operation cannot Check the maximum reserved pool W
be executed, because it exceeds capacity, then retry the operation.
the maximum reserved pool

03005 078014 The operation cannot be Check the specified logical volume, then W
executed, because the specified retry the operation.
logical volume is a quorum disk.

03005 078015 The operation cannot be Check the specified logical volume, then W
executed, because RAID levels retry the operation.
of the specified logical volumes
do not match.

03005 078016 The operation cannot be Release the blocked status of the pool W
executed, because a blocked volume in the pool, then retry the
pool volume exists in the pool to operation.
which the specified logical
volume is to be added.

03005 078017 The operation cannot be Check the specified logical volume, then W
executed, because the specified retry the operation.
logical volume is the top pool

03005 078018 The operation cannot be Check the specified logical volume, then W
executed, because the number retry the operation.
of tiers of the specified logical
volume is incorrect.

03005 078019 The operation cannot be Check the specified logical volume, then W
executed, because the specified retry the operation.
logical volume is not a Dynamic
Tiering volume.

5-14 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 078020 The operation cannot be Verify the pool status. W

performed because the available
period to stop shrinking pools
has passed.

03005 078027 The frequency distribution data Wait for a while, then retry the W
cannot be obtained because it is operation.
not complete.

03005 078028 The frequency distribution data Collect the information, and then retry W
cannot be obtained. There is no the operation.
monitoring information of the
specified pool or DP-VOL.

03005 078029 The frequency distribution data Collect the information, and then retry W
cannot be obtained. There is no the operation.
monitoring information of the
specified DP-VOL because it is
created after collecting
monitoring information of a

03005 078030 The frequency distribution data Collect the information, and then retry W
cannot be obtained. There is no the operation.
monitoring information of the
specified DP-VOL because one of
the following is performed:
• Quick Restore of
• Volume Migration
• Initial copy of TrueCopy
• Initial copy of global-active

03005 078031 The specified MP Blade has been Recover the blocked MP Blade, then W
blockaded. specify it.

03005 078032 The specified MP Blade is not Check the specified MP Blade. W

03005 078034 The specified POOL ID or the Click [Refresh], then check the W
LDEV ID does not exist. configuration information again.

03005 078035 The frequency distribution data Verify the total capacity of Dynamic W
cannot be obtained. There is no Provisioning volumes, and then retry
monitoring information of the the operation.
specified DP-VOL because the
shared memory for collecting
monitoring information is

03005 078036 The specified operation cannot Check the specified logical volume W
be performed due to the status.
following reasons:
• The specified logical volume
is not blocked.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-15

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 078037 The pool is blocked. Recover the pool. W

03005 078038 The specified POOL ID or the Check the configuration information. W
LDEV ID is not for HDT use.

03005 078039 The DKC is set to the state of Please call the Support Center. E
suppression of pool shrinking.

03005 078040 The DKC is set to the state of Please call the Support Center. E
suppression of tier relocation

03005 078041 The operation cannot be Wait until the zero pages are reclaimed, W
executed because the specified or abort it.
pool is now in zero page
reclaiming process.

03005 078042 The operation cannot be Wait until the pool is shrunk or the tier W
executed because the pool is relocated, or abort it.
where the Dynamic Provisioning
Volume belongs to is now in pool
shrinking or tier relocation

03005 078043 The operation cannot be Verify the following items, and then E
executed because the specified retry the operation.
pool has following problems. • The threshold value of the pool.
• The pool usage exceeds the • The pool status.
• The pool status is invalid.

03005 078044 The operation cannot be Take any of the following actions, and E
executed because the specified then retry the operation. If this problem
pool has one of the following persists, contact the Hitachi Data
problems. Systems Support Center.
• The status of the specified • Restore the pool volume to the
Pool-VOL is not normal. normal status.
• The I/O load of the DP-VOL • Reduce the I/O load of the DP-VOL.
associated with the
specified pool is high.

03005 078045 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the DP-VOL or the E
performed because the DP-VOL Thin Image pair, and then retry the
or the Thin Image pair of the operation. If this problem persists,
specified pool has one of the contact the Hitachi Data Systems
following problems. Support Center.
• The DP-VOL is blocked.
• The DP-VOL is being
• The Thin Image pair is
being deleted.

03005 078046 The storage system requires Call the Support Center. E
maintenance (the cache memory
is blocked, or the pool is in the

5-16 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
pool shrinking suppression

03005 078047 A sufficient Cache Control Delete unnecessary volumes, then retry W
Device cannot be allocated to the operation. If this problem persists,
the target volume. please call the Support Center.

03005 078048 The pool shrinking was aborted Check the pool status. W
because the operation to stop
pool shrinking was executed.

03005 078049 The operation cannot be Power on the storage system, then W
executed because the storage retry the operation.
system is in the process of
shutting down.

03005 078052 The operation cannot be Wait until the pool is shrunk, or stop the W
executed because the specified operation.
pool is in the process of pool

03005 078053 The operation failed because the Check if the specified resource is W
specified resource was not installed or not.

03005 078054 The operation failed because the Change the name to another one, then W
specified name was already retry the operation.

03005 078059 A pool volume cannot be set to Check the number of the supported W
the specified pool because the drive types, then retry the operation.
number of drive types exceeds
the supported number.

03005 078060 The multi tier pool cannot be Check the configuration of the W
disabled because the RAID level supported RAID levels, then retry the
of each tier is different. operation.

03005 078061 Failed to delete the pool. Pools Wait until the processing is complete, W
cannot be deleted when they are and then retry the operation.
in the following status:
• Deleting a pair of Thin
Image is in progress.
• Deleting a volume of
Dynamic Provisioning is in

03005 078062 Failed to delete the pool. Pools Delete the following pairs or volumes if W
cannot be deleted when they are any, and then retry the operation.
in the following status: • Thin Image pairs
• Pairs of Thin Image are • Dynamic Provisioning volumes
• Volumes of Dynamic
Provisioning are remaining.

03005 078063 The pool cannot be deleted Wait until the formatting is complete, W
because pools are not deleted and then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-17

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
when any pool volume of the
specified pool is being

03005 078064 Failed to delete the pool volume Specify a pool volume, or, specify a W
because the specified pool pool volume that is set to the specified
volume had one of the following pool, then retry the operation.
• It is not a pool volume.
• The pool volume is not set
to the specified pool.

03005 078065 The LDEV ID of the specified Check the LDEV ID of the pool volume, W
pool volume is invalid. then retry the operation.

03005 078067 The maintenance operation Restore the blocked pool VOLs. W
cannot be performed on the
specified DP-VOLs because the
DP-VOLs include blocked pool

03005 078075 The microcode does not support Call the Support Center. E
the specified operation.

03005 078076 The operation cannot be done Set the specified LDEV to OFFLINE. W
because the specified V-VOL is
online from an EAV unsupported

03005 078077 The operation cannot be Release the Compatible XRC setting, W
performed because the specified and then retry the operation. If this
virtual volume is being used by problem persists, contact the Hitachi
Compatible XRC. Data Systems Support Center.

03005 078078 The operation cannot be Release the Compatible FlashCopy(R) W

performed because the specified V2 or Compatible Software for IBM(R)
virtual volume is being used by FlashCopy(R) SE setting, and then retry
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 or the operation. If this problem persists,
Compatible Software for IBM(R) contact the Hitachi Data Systems
FlashCopy(R) SE. Support Center.

03005 078107 An internal volume and an Verify the pool VOLs to be set in the W
external volume cannot be set specified pool.
as pool VOLs in the specified

03005 078111 External volumes with mixed Verify the cache mode of the subject W
cache mode setting, enabled external volumes.
and disabled, cannot be used as
pool volumes in an HDP pool.

03005 078112 External volumes with cache Verify the cache mode of the subject W
mode disabled cannot be external volumes.
specified as pool volumes for the

03005 078113 The pools cannot be initialized Perform all of the following tasks, and E
due to one of the following then retry the operation.

5-18 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• The DP-VOL is used by a • Release all settings of DP-VOL in
different program product. the different program product.
• There is a Thin Image pair • Release all Thin Image pairs.
on the storage system.

03005 078114 The operation failed, because Check the status of the pool, then retry W
the start of tier relocation the operation.
operation was specified for a
pool in tier relocation operation,
or the stop of tier relocation
operation was specified for a
pool not in tier relocation

03005 078115 The operation cannot be done Wait until the tier relocation is complete W
because the specified pool is or stop the tier relocation processing,
using monitoring information for and then retry the operation.
the tier relocation.

03005 078116 The processing cannot continue If the same problem persists despite E
due to an internal logical retrying, please call the Support Center.

03005 078124 Reclaim Zero Pages cannot be Check the settings. W

done for the TSE volume.

03005 078134 All the pool volumes cannot be If you want to delete pool volumes, W
deleted at the same time. leave at least one or more pool

03005 078135 The DP pool associated with a Release the settings of all the TSE W
TSE volume cannot be set to volumes that are associated with DP
enable the multi tier pool pools, and then retry the operation.

03005 078136 The specified LDEV cannot be Specify a volume other than the W
set as a pool volume because it external volume mapped for the online
is used as an external volume data migration for the pool volume, and
that is mapped for the online then retry the operation.
data migration.

03005 078192 The specified value related to Select a valid value for Dynamic Tiering, W
Dynamic Tiering is invalid. and then retry the operation.

03005 078193 The execution mode cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
changed because the storage operation.
system is preparing to execute
performance monitoring.

03005 078197 The operation cannot be Wait until the installation of additional W
performed because the shared memory is complete, and then
additional shared memory is retry the operation.
being installed.

03005 078198 The specified page range is Specify the start page number and the W
invalid. length of the page range within an
available page range of the specified

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-19

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 078199 The specified page tiering level Verify the specified page tiering level. W
of the tiering policy is invalid.

03005 078200 The processing of the subject Retry the operation after recovering W
page failed because an error from the error.
occurs in a different page

03005 078264 The operation cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
performed because monitoring operation.
information is being changed.

03005 078266 The specified pool is not a Verify the setting of the specified pool. W
Dynamic Provisioning pool.

03005 078267 The specified volume is an Select a different volume. W

internal volume.

03005 078268 The operation cannot be Specify a pool volume, or specify a pool W
performed due to one of the volume that is set to the specified pool,
following reasons: and then retry the operation.
• The specified volume is not
a pool volume.
• The specified pool volume is
not set to the specified pool.

03005 078269 The specified pool ID is invalid. Verify the specified pool ID, and then W
retry the operation.

03005 078283 The tiering policy ID or the Verify the tiering policy ID or the W
threshold value is invalid. threshold value, and then retry the

03005 078284 The specified volume cannot be Select a volume that satisfies the W
set as a Pool-VOL because the requirements for the Pool-VOL.
volume capacity does not satisfy
the requirements for the Pool-

03005 078286 The storage system Add some pool volumes to have the W
configuration does not comply configuration comply with the tiering
with the tiering policy. policy, or change the set tiering policy.

03005 078287 The number of the specified Verify the number of the specified W
tiering policies is invalid. tiering policies, and then retry the

03005 078288 The specified tiering policy name Set the tiering policy without specifying W
cannot be set because the the tiering policy name.
current microcode version does
not support this setting.

03005 078295 The operation failed because the See the troubleshooting section in the W
required capacity of cache Thin Image User Guide and reserve the
control device cannot be cache control device required for the
allocated. creation of Thin Image pools. If the
required capacity of cache control
device is already reserved, call the
Support Center.

5-20 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 078296 A Thin Image pool cannot be Delete resources requiring cache W
created because there are not management (external volumes, virtual
enough resources depending on volumes, and P-VOLs of Thin Image
cache management devices. pairs) so that the total number of
resources is less than or equal to
55,040, and then retry the operation. If
this problem persists, call the Support

03005 078305 The operation cannot be Restore the blocked status of the pool W
performed because the pool volume with a system area, and then
volume with a system area is retry the operation.

03005 106105 The operation cannot be Check the status of the pool, and then W
executed because the specified retry the operation.
pool has no monitoring data.

03005 106107 The operation cannot be Check the configuration of tier in the W
executed because there is only pool.
one tier in the specified pool.

03005 107100 This function cannot be used Mount the encryption DKA. E
because the encryption function
is not supported.

03005 107101 The specified operation cannot Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
be performed because the SAS Support Center to restore the blocked
controller is blocked. status of the SAS controller, and then
retry the operation.

03005 107102 The encryption environmental Verify the settings. W

settings are performed

03005 107103 This function is not available. Install the required program product. W
Encryption License Key is

03005 108100 A parameter error occurred on If this problem persists, contact the E
the storage system. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

03005 108102 The number of created keys Verify the setting. W

exceeds the maximum.

03005 108103 The key cannot be deleted. Specify a free key. W

03005 108104 There are not enough free keys. Create free keys. W

03005 108106 Some blocked parts exist Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
because an error occurred on Support Center to have the blockage
the DKC side. restored.

03005 108107 Some blocked parts exist Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
because an error occurred on Support Center to have the blockage
the DKC side. restored.

03005 108108 An error occurred on the DKC Block all of the specified parity groups, W
side. A parity group that is not and then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-21

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
blocked is included in the
specified parity groups.

03005 108109 An error occurred on the DKC Disable the encryption settings for the W
side. The encryption parity group, and then retry the
environmental settings cannot operation.
be initialized because there is an
encrypted parity group.

03005 108110 An error occurred on the DKC Initialize the encryption environmental W
side during the encryption settings, and then retry the operation.
environmental settings. If this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

03005 108111 Some blocked parts exist Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
because an error occurred on Support Center to have the blockage
the DKC side during the restored. After that initialize the
encryption environmental encryption environmental settings, and
settings. then retry the operation.

03005 108112 The specified operation cannot Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
be performed because the SAS Support Center to have the blockage
controller is blocked. restored. After that initialize the
encryption environmental settings, and
then retry the operation.

03005 108113 An error occurred during SVP Initialize the encryption environmental E
processing. settings, and then retry the operation.
If this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

03005 208000 An invalid relocation speed was Specify a supported relocation speed, W
specified. and then retry the operation. If this
problem persists, contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

03005 208001 The tier with heavy I/O load Verify the device configuration of the W
exists in the monitoring pool. storage system.

03005 208002 The zero page reclamation Release the journal volume setting. W
cannot be performed because
the specified Dynamic
Provisioning volume is used as a
journal volume.

03005 208003 The capacity of the specified Wait until the configuration change is W
Dynamic Provisioning volume complete, and then retry the operation.
cannot be expanded because the
configuration of journal volume
is changing.

03005 208006 To use a pool with the Dynamic Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
Tiering function enabled, it is Support Center.
required to install the additional
shared memory.

03005 208040 The specified volume is currently Release the global-active device setting, W
used by global-active device. and then retry the operation. If this
problem persists, contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

5-22 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03005 208041 Quick formatting cannot be Select Normal Format, and then retry W
performed because the specified the operation.
volume contains a pool volume.

03005 208061 The following cannot be set for Verify the requirements to set the W
the specified pool because it is following:
not a DP pool of an open • Protect V-VOLs when I/O fails to
system: Blocked Pool VOL
• Protect V-VOLs when I/O • Protect V-VOLs when I/O fails to
fails to Blocked Pool VOL Full Pool
• Protect V-VOLs when I/O
fails to Full Pool

03005 208062 The following cannot be set for a Verify the requirements to set the W
pool because Data Retention following:
Utility is not installed: • Protect V-VOLs when I/O fails to
• Protect V-VOLs when I/O Blocked Pool VOL
fails to Blocked Pool VOL • Protect V-VOLs when I/O fails to
• Protect V-VOLs when I/O Full Pool
fails to Full Pool

03005 208115 Page Reservation cannot be To enable Page Reservation, set the W
enabled for some DP-VOLs. ratio of the pool capacity to the total of
the used and reserved capacities lower
than the depletion threshold.

03005 208116 The setting processing of Page Verify the settings of Page Reservation. W
Reservation has not been To enable Page Reservation, set the
performed because an error ratio of the pool capacity to the total of
occurred during the processing. the used and reserved capacities lower
than the depletion threshold.

03005 208117 Full Allocation cannot be enabled Wait until the shrinking operation is W
for the specified DP-VOL complete, and then retry the operation.
because the pool is in shrinking

03005 208118 Full Allocation cannot be enabled Verify the emulation type. W
for the specified DP-VOL
because the emulation type is
not supported.

Part code 03010

Table 5-2 Error codes (part code 03010)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03010 001046 The number of Cache Residency Reduce the number of Cache Residency W
settings has exceeded the settings, then retry the operation.
maximum number of available
Cache Residency Areas.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-23

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 03021
Table 5-3 Error codes (part code 03021)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03021 109215 If this operation is performed, a To continue, click [OK]. To prevent an W

volume that is set to online by LDEV from being deleted
using the VARY command from unintentionally, delete the LDEV on the
the mainframe host will be Delete LDEVs window.
forcibly deleted. Are you sure
you want to continue the

Part code 03022

Table 5-4 Error codes (part code 03022)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03022 105131 SSID cannot be allocated to all Check the settings. W

the LDEVs with the specified
initial SSID.

03022 105132 Short of xxx LDEV ID(s). Check the settings. W

03022 105133 The processing cannot continue Execute refresh. E

due to an internal logic

03022 105134 The specified LDEV does not Execute refresh. E

exist in the configuration.

03022 105135 The selected LDEV has an LUN Check the settings. W
path setting.

03022 105136 The specified LDEV is a pool Check the settings. W


03022 105137 The selected LDEV has an LDEV Check the settings. W
Security setting.

03022 105140 The specified LDEV is a remote Check the settings. W

command device.

03022 105141 The selected LDEV has been set Check the settings. W
as a journal volume.

03022 105143 The selected LDEV has an Check the settings. W

access attribute setting.

03022 105144 An LDEV whose emulation type Check the settings. W

is OPEN-L is selected.

03022 105145 An LDEV for FICON(R) Data Check the settings. W

Migration is selected.

5-24 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03022 105146 The target LDEV is not Execute refresh, then retry the W
associated with a pool. operation. If the same problem persists
despite retrying, please call the Support

03022 105147 The target LDEV is blocked. Check the settings. W

03022 105148 The combo box is not selected. Check the settings. W

03022 105149 An error occurred while Execute refresh. E

accessing the user information.

03022 105150 Select a table. Specify the subject to be operated. W

03022 105151 The processing cannot continue Execute refresh. E

due to an internal logic

03022 105152 An LDEV in Normal or Quick Check the settings. E

Formatting status is selected.

03022 105153 The specified value is outside Check the settings. W

the range.

03022 105154 0 cannot be specified. Check the settings. W

03022 105155 A value other than the numerical Check the settings. W
value is specified.

03022 105156 The processing cannot continue Execute refresh. W

due to an internal logical

03022 105159 Multiple rows are selected. Check the settings. W

03022 105160 LDEVs with different emulation Check the settings. W

types are selected.

03022 105161 LDEVs with different RAID levels Check the settings. W
are selected.

03022 105162 LDEV names cannot be allocated Check the settings. W

to all the selected LDEVs with
the specified numerical value of
the Initial Number.

03022 105163 Insufficient free space to create Check the settings. W


03022 105164 LDEVs with different emulation Check the settings. W

types are selected.

03022 105165 LDEVs with different RAID levels Check the settings. W
are selected.

03022 105166 No more volumes can be Check the settings. W

created because the free space
of the specified parity group is
insufficient or the number of
LDEVs that can be set has
already reached the maximum.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-25

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03022 105167 The specified parity group Check the settings. W

cannot be set because the
emulation type is OPEN-L.

03022 105168 The selected parity group has no Check the settings. W
LDEV ID to specify.

03022 105169 Data in the table is not selected. Check the settings. W

03022 105170 A different parity group is Check the settings. W


03022 105171 The processing cannot continue Execute refresh. E

due to an internal logic

03022 105173 All the check boxes are being Specify the subject to be changed with W
cleared. the check boxes.

03022 105174 The number of characters for Check the settings. W

the LDEV name exceeds the
maximum (32 characters).

03022 105175 An invalid character was Check the settings. W

specified in the LDEV name.

03022 105176 A value other than the numerical Check the settings. W
value was entered in the initial

03022 105177 The specified initial number Check the settings. W

exceeds nine digits.

03022 105178 An unblocked LDEV is selected Check the settings. W

for the target LDEV to be

03022 105179 An LDEV in Normal or Quick Check the settings. W

Formatting status is selected.

03022 105181 Quick formatting cannot be Check the settings. E

performed because the number
of parity groups exceeds 72.

03022 105182 It is not available to change Check the settings. W

other than the newly allocated

03022 105183 The same SSID is specified. Check the settings. W

03022 105184 Quick formatting cannot be Check the settings. W

performed because the number
of parity groups exceeds 72.

03022 105185 Pools of different types are Check the settings. W


03022 105186 No more V-VOLs can be added Check the settings. W

to the selected pool.

5-26 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03022 105187 A pool in the abnormal state is Check the settings. W


03022 105188 There is no LDEV ID that can be Check the settings. W

set in the selected pool.

03022 105189 An LDEV cannot be added Check the specified value of the W
because the free space in the subscription limit, then retry the
selected pool is insufficient. operation.

03022 105191 LDEV that has already been set Check the settings. E
has been selected.

03022 105192 LDEV not set has been selected. Check the settings. E

03022 105193 The number of data patterns Check the settings. W

exceeds the setting range.

03022 105194 An error occurred while Execute refresh, then retry the E
formatting. operation. If the same problem persists
despite retrying, please call the Support

03022 105195 An error occurred while Execute refresh, then retry the E
preparing the quick format. operation. If the same problem persists
despite retrying, please call the Support

03022 105205 Any further, the Pool that Check the settings. E
selects it cannot set the volume.

03022 105231 An error occurred in the Execute refresh, then retry the E
shredding processing. operation. If the same problem persists
despite retrying, please call the Support

03022 105232 The same SSID is specified. Specify another unused SSID number. W

03022 105233 The specified number of digits Enter the SSID number with 4 digits. W
for SSID is incorrect.

03022 105248 The processing cannot continue Execute refresh. E

due to an internal logical

03022 105249 Insufficient free space to create Check the settings. W


03022 105250 Two or more Basic exists Check the settings. E

together to External.

03022 105259 There is no output file. Please operate it again after executing E

03022 105263 An LDEV that the Snapshot is Check the settings. W

set has been selected.

03022 105267 Volumes that can be shredded in Click [OK] to shred. i

the selected volumes will be

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-27

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03022 105270 The selected status will be Select the free spaces again from the W
canceled because the number of Select Free Space window.
free spaces that exist in the
selected parity group exceeds
the number that can be set.

03022 105271 The number of free spaces that Select the free spaces again from the W
exist in the selected parity group Select Free Space window.
exceeds the number of volumes
that can be set.

03022 105272 Data Output cannot be set more Check the settings. W
than 3.

03022 105273 The interruption process cannot Wait for a while, then retry the i
be done because there is an operation.
unexecuted specified task.

03022 105274 The interruption processing was The task status is changed. Close the i
completed. window, then check the task status.

03022 105275 The current setting exceeds the Check the settings. i
maximum number of quick
formatting that can be executed.

03022 105279 This functionality is not Check the settings. W

Virtual LVI is required.

03022 105280 This functionality is not Check the settings. W

Open Volume Management is

03022 105281 There is no LDEV that can be Check the settings. E


03022 105299 The specified LDEV cannot be Verify the resources allocation for the W
used because the user has no user with security administrator role.
access right to a resource group
to which the LDEV belongs.

03022 105300 The specified parity group Verify the resources allocation for the W
cannot be used because the user user with security administrator role.
has no access right to a
resource group to which the
parity group belongs.

03022 105301 The operation cannot be done Verify the resources allocation for the W
because the parity group which user with security administrator role.
belongs to a resource group to
which the user has no access
right includes the specified

03022 105302 The operation cannot be done Verify the resources allocation for the W
because the specified parity user with security administrator role.
group contains the LDEV that
belongs to a resource group to

5-28 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
which the user has no access

03022 105308 The operation cannot be done Verify the resources allocation for the W
because the specified DP-VOL is user with security administrator role.
included in the pool that belongs
to a resource group to which the
user has no access right.

03022 105309 The specified pool cannot be Verify the resources allocation for the W
used because the user has no user with security administrator role.
access right to a resource group
to which the pool belongs.

03022 105312 Open and mainframe pools Select either open pools or mainframe W
cannot be selected at the same pools, and then retry the operation.

03022 105313 An LDEV cannot be created Wait until the task is completed, and W
because the free space that is then retry the operation.
available to set has already been
registered in the task.

03022 105314 In the selected parity group, Select the emulation type or the free W
there is an area where LDEV space again, and then create an LDEV.
cannot be made by default.

03022 105435 The TSE volume is created in Wait until the Create LDEVs is W
blocked status. completed, and then format the TSE

03022 105436 The LDEV that is not in the state Check the settings. W
of Normal or Quick Formatting is

03022 105437 The parity group to be operated Check the settings. W

contains LDEVs that are not

03022 105438 The parity group to be operated Check the settings. W

contains LDEVs where access
attributes are assigned.

03022 105439 The parity group to be operated Check the settings. W

contains LDEVs where Pool-VOLs
are set.

03022 105440 The parity group to be operated Check the settings. W

contains LDEVs where journal
volumes are set.

03022 105445 The selected LDEV is an external Select a different LDEV. W

volume that is mapped for
online data migration.

03022 105446 The selected parity group Select a different parity group. W
contains an external volume that
is mapped for online data

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-29

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03022 105447 The specified capacity is larger Enter a value within the displayed W
than the selected free area. range.

03022 105448 No more LDEVs can be created Select a different free area. W
because the selected free area is
too small.

03022 105449 No more LDEVs can be created. Verify the device configuration of the W
storage system.

03022 105450 A parity group in which no more Verify the device configuration of the W
LDEVs can be created is included storage system.
in the selected free area.

03022 105451 There are no usable LDEV IDs. Verify the LDEV ID allocation status. W
Provide usable LDEV IDs if needed.

03022 105452 The number of virtual volumes Verify the device configuration of the W
that can be registered in the storage system.
storage system has reached the

03022 105453 There are not enough usable Decrease the number of the selected W
LDEV IDs in the selected free free areas or provide the number of
area. usable LDEV IDs.

03022 105454 LDEVs cannot be created in all Decrease the number of the selected W
the free areas. free areas.

03022 105455 LDEVs cannot be created Increase the free area of the pool. W
because there is not enough free
area in the pool.

03022 105456 No more LDEVs can be created Select a different area. W

in the selected area.

03022 105457 The specified LDEV is a TSE Specify a different LDEV. W


03022 105458 A volume for which the tier Enable the tier relocation setting for the W
relocation is disabled is included. volume, or select a different volume for
which the setting is enabled.

03022 105459 A radio button is not selected. Check the settings. W

03022 105473 Missing xxx SSIDs. Check the settings. W

03022 105498 The selected LDEV is not a V- Verify the settings. W

VOL of Dynamic Provisioning for

03022 107002 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

03022 205014 A parity group to be operated Select a different parity group. W

contains LDEVs that are remote
command devices.

5-30 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03022 205015 A parity group to be operated Select a different parity group. W

contains LDEVs that are not in
Normal or Quick Formatting

03022 205016 No LDEVs that can be shredded. Select a different parity group. W

03022 205017 No LDEVs that can be restored. Select a different parity group. W

03022 205018 No LDEVs that can be blocked. Select a different parity group. W

03022 205068 A LUN path cannot be added Create an LDEV by using virtual storage W
because models and serial machines with the same model and
numbers of different virtual serial number.
storage machines coexist.

03022 205071 Quick formatting will have an See the Provisioning Guide for Open W
impact on the host I/O Systems or the Provisioning Guide for
performance. Do you want to Mainframe Systems for the details of
continue this operation? quick formatting.

03022 205094 A pool volume belongs to the The I/O operation of the virtual volume W
parity group to be formatted. (DP-VOL) associated with the pool in
which the pool volume is registered
cannot be performed If the pool volume
is formatted. Wait until the formatting
operation is complete, and then format
the virtual volume (DP-VOL).

03022 205095 The volume to be formatted The I/O operation of the virtual volume W
contains a pool volume. (DP-VOL) associated with the pool in
which the pool volume is registered
cannot be performed If the pool volume
is formatted. Wait until the formatting
operation is complete, and then format
the virtual volume (DP-VOL).

03022 205096 The volume to be restored If the pool volume registered in the pool W
contains a virtual volume (DP- that is associated with the virtual
VOL). volume (DP-VOL) has been formatted,
perform LDEV formatting because I/O
operations on the specified volume
cannot be performed.

03022 205155 No ALU ID is assigned to the Verify whether the LDEV is included in W
selected LDEV. Even though the LDEVs in deletion process. After the
LDEV might be being deleted, it LDEV deletion is complete, click the
is selectable on the window. refresh button to have the latest
information displayed on the window,
and then retry the operation. If this
problem persists, contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

03022 205156 No SLU ID is assigned to the Verify whether the LDEV is included in W
selected LDEV. Even though the LDEVs in deletion process. After the
LDEV might be being deleted, it LDEV deletion is complete, click the
is selectable on the window. refresh button to have the latest
information displayed on the window,
and then retry the operation. If this

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-31

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
problem persists, contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

03022 205157 The selected LDEV cannot be Verify the setting. W

shredded because the ALU
attribute is set on it.

03022 205158 A volume whose attribute is not Only volumes whose attribute is ALU or W
ALU or SLU is included in the SLU are displayed.
selected LDEVs.

03022 205164 The number of LDEVs with the Verify the device configuration of the W
ALU attribute that can be added storage system.
to the storage system has
reached the maximum.

03022 206262 The ALU attribute is not set on Select only the LDEV with the ALU W
the selected LDEV. attribute.

03022 206264 The selected LDEV is not bound Select only the LDEV with the ALU W
to an LDEV with the SLU attribute to which an LDEV with the SLU
attribute. attribute is bound.

03022 206265 The selected LDEV does not Click the refresh button to have the W
exist in the configuration. latest information displayed on the
window, and then retry the operation. If
this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

Part code 03121

Table 5-5 Error codes (part code 03121)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03121 105001 The specified Tiering Policy Check the Tiering Policy setting. W
cannot be set due to one of the
following reasons:
• The Tier1 Min value exceeds
the Tier1 Max value.
• The Tier3 Min value exceeds
the Tier3 Max value.
• The total value of the Tier1
Min value and the Tier3 Min
value exceeds 100%.

03121 109205 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
initialize all the DP and TI pools? [Cancel].

5-32 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 03122
Table 5-6 Error codes (part code 03122)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03122 105264 The password is invalid. Verify the password, and then retry the W

03122 105483 The specified Tiering Policy Check the Tiering Policy setting. W
cannot be set due to one of the
following reasons:
• The Tier1 Min value exceeds
the Tier1 Max value.
• The Tier3 Min value exceeds
the Tier3 Max value.
• The total value of the Tier1
Min value and the Tier3 Min
value exceeds 100%.

03122 105485 The selected policy cannot be Tiering Policy from the ID 6 and above W
edited because the policy is are available to edit.
defined by the system.

03122 106005 No more pools can be Check the support configuration of W

registered, because the number pools, then retry the operation.
of registered pools has reached
the maximum.

03122 106006 The volume that can be set as a Check if there is a volume that can be W
pool volume does not exist. set as a pool volume, then retry the

03122 106007 The setting cannot be Check the support configuration of W

performed, because the number pools, then retry the operation.
of pools exceeds the maximum.

03122 106008 The volume to be set as a pool Specify the volume, then retry the W
volume is not selected. operation.

03122 106009 The setting cannot be Reduce the number of selected pool W
performed, because the number volumes, then retry the operation.
of pool volumes that can be set
to a pool exceeds the maximum.

03122 106010 The specified pool subscription Check the specified value of the W
limit value cannot be set. subscription limit, then retry the

03122 106011 The number of prefix characters Enter prefix characters with a valid W
of the pool name is invalid. number for the pool name.

03122 106012 The specified prefix characters Check the prefix characters of pool W
for a pool name contain an name, then retry the operation.
invalid character(s).

03122 106013 The initial number of specified Check the initial number of pool name, W
pool name is not input. then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-33

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03122 106014 The specified initial number of Check the initial number of pool name, W
pool name contains a character then retry the operation.
other than the numerical value.

03122 106015 The specified initial number of Check the initial number of pool name, W
pool name exceeds the then retry the operation.

03122 106016 The number of characters that Check the pool name, then retry the W
can be set for the pool name operation.
exceeds the maximum, or some
spaces are set.

03122 106017 The specified pool name is Specify another pool name, then retry W
already used. the operation.

03122 106018 The specified pool ID is invalid. Verify the specified pool ID, and then W
retry the operation.

03122 106019 The allocation cannot be done Specify a pool ID that is smaller than W
from the specified pool ID. the one specified before, then retry the

03122 106022 The selected volumes cannot be Specify the volumes that have the same W
specified as a pool volume, cache mode, then retry the operation.
because the cache modes of the
selected volumes coexist.

03122 106024 The operation cannot be Restore the status of the pool, then W
executed, because the specified retry the operation.
pool is blocked.

03122 106025 The operation cannot be Delete the pool. W

executed, because the specified
pool is blocked.

03122 106026 The operation cannot be Restore the status of the pool volume, W
executed, because the pool then retry the operation.
volume is blocked.

03122 106027 The operation cannot be Check the usage rate of the pool, then W
executed, because the pool retry the operation.
usage exceeds the threshold.

03122 106028 The operation cannot be Stop the shrinking operation on the W
executed, because the specified pool, then retry the operation.
pool is in shrinking operation.

03122 106029 The operation cannot be Check the status of the pool, then retry W
executed, because the specified the operation.
pool is in Normal status.

03122 106030 The operation cannot be Delete the associated Dynamic W

executed, because the specified Provisioning volume, then retry the
pool is associated with a operation.
Dynamic Provisioning volume.

03122 106031 The operation cannot be Check the pool usage, then retry the W
executed, because the specified operation.
pool is being used.

5-34 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03122 106032 The operation cannot be Check the status of the pool. W
executed, because the specified
pool is not in shrinking

03122 106033 The operation cannot be Verify the available pool types, select W
performed because at least one pools, and then retry the operation.
Thin Image pool is selected.

03122 106034 The shrinking operation cannot Verify the following settings, and then W
be performed on the specified retry the operation:
pool due to either of the • Pool capacity
following reasons:
• Depletion threshold value
• The ratio of the used
capacity to the total pool • Warning threshold value
capacity after shrinking • Pool VOL with System Area
becomes higher than the Capacity
higher one of the depletion
threshold or the warning
• There is no pool volume
that has enough free space
required to delete the pool
volume with system area.

03122 106035 The operation cannot be Select a volume other than the top pool W
executed, because the top pool volume.
volume has been selected.

03122 106036 The operation cannot be Check the state of the specified pool W
executed, because the specified volumes, then retry the operation.
pool volumes contain an
abnormal pool volume.

03122 106037 The setting cannot be executed, Execute any of the following actions, W
because the specified pool has then retry the operation.
no free space. • Increase the pool capacity by
adding pool volume(s).
• Reduce the pool usage.

03122 106038 No table row, or two or more Select one table row. W
table rows are selected.

03122 106041 There are no valid volumes, Restore the blocked status of the pools. W
because the pools are blocked.

03122 106042 The shrinking operation cannot Check the pool capacity, the maximum W
be performed on the specified reserved capacity, and the current
pool. reserved capacity, then retry the

03122 106062 The pool cannot be restored. Delete the pool. W

03122 106063 The pool cannot be restored. Execute any of the following actions, W
then retry the operation.
• Increase the pool capacity by
adding pool volume(s).

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-35

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• Reduce the pool usage.

03122 106064 The pool cannot be restored. Block the pool. W

03122 106078 The specified function is not Install the necessary program product. W
available because the necessary
program product is not installed.

03122 106087 The operation cannot be done Check the specified value of the W
because there is no pool that subscription limit, then retry the
can be associated with a operation.
Dynamic Provisioning volume

03122 106090 The depletion threshold is set Check the setting of depletion threshold W
lower than the warning and warning threshold, then retry the
threshold. operation.

03122 106091 The warning threshold is not Check the setting of warning threshold, W
input. then retry the operation.

03122 106093 The depletion threshold is not Check the setting of the depletion W
input. threshold, then retry the operation.

03122 106094 More than one volume type To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
(drive type, RAID level, or [Cancel].
internal/external volume) is
used between the LDEVs
selected for the pool volumes.
When different volume types are
used together in the same pool,
the performance will be
impacted by the lowest
performing volume types.
Confirm that the selected LDEVs
with a mix of volume types are

03122 106095 The operation cannot be Change the tier management of the W
performed because the tier pool to the manual operation.
management of the specified
pools is not in manual operation.

03122 106096 Failed to get the pool Check the status of the pool, and then W
information. retry the operation.

03122 106097 The operation cannot be done Check the status of the pool, and then W
because the specified pool is in retry the operation.
monitoring operation.

03122 106098 The operation cannot be done Check the status of the pool, and then W
because the specified pool is retry the operation.
calculating the monitor

03122 106099 The processing cannot continue If the problem persists despite retrying, E
due to an internal logic please call the Support Center.

5-36 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03122 106100 The operation cannot be done Check the status of the pool, and then W
because the specified pool is not retry the operation.
in the monitoring operation.

03122 106101 The operation cannot be done Check the configuration of the pools. W
because the configuration of the
specified pools does not meet
the conditions below.
• The multi tier pool is
• The tier management is in
manual operation.

03122 106102 The operation cannot be done Check the status of the pool, and then W
because the specified pool is in retry the operation.
tier relocating operation.

03122 106103 The operation cannot be done Check the status of the pool, and then W
because the specified pool is in retry the operation.
monitoring operation.

03122 106104 The operation cannot be done Check the status of the pool, and then W
because the specified pool is retry the operation.
calculating the monitor

03122 106105 The operation cannot be Check the status of the pool, and then W
executed because the specified retry the operation.
pool has no monitoring data.

03122 106106 The operation cannot be done Check the status of the pool, and then W
because the specified pool is not retry the operation.
in tier relocating operation.

03122 106107 The operation cannot be Check the configuration of tier in the W
executed because there is only pool.
one tier in the specified pool.

03122 106108 The specified LDEVs cannot be Select LDEVs allocated to the same W
set as pool volumes in the same resource group.
pool because the LDEVs are
allocated to different resource

03122 106111 There is an empty field in the Check the settings, and then retry the W
following items. operation.
• Tier Management
• Cycle Time
• Monitoring Period
• Monitoring Mode
• Relocation Speed
• Buffer Space for New page
• Buffer Space for Tier

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-37

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03122 106112 There is no check in the check Check the settings, and then retry the W
box of Multi-Tier Pool. operation.

03122 106139 This operation will delete the Verify that the currently stored monitor W
currently stored monitor data. data can be deleted. If not, cancel the

03122 106140 Enabling and disabling the Multi- Verify that the pool setting can be W
Tier Pool setting may impact the changed even if that will impact the
host I/O performance of each host I/O performance. If not, cancel the
Dynamic Provisioning volume operation.
associated with the pool.

03122 106163 Do you switch to the setting of To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
the selected row? [Cancel].

03122 106164 The operation cannot be The operation can be performed with W
performed with this pool. the following pools:
• Dynamic Provisioning
• Dynamic Tiering

03122 106165 This operation cannot be Select only the pool volumes that are W
performed because the pool external LDEVs, and then retry the
volumes are not external LDEVs. operation.

03122 106168 A required program product is Install the required program product, or W
not installed, or you do not have log off and then log back on with
permission to perform the permission to perform the operation.

03122 106169 If the tier configuration changes Make sure that there is no problem W
by performing this operation, even if the data is deleted.
the currently stored monitor
data will be deleted.

03122 107007 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

03122 107008 The processing cannot continue If the problem persists despite retrying, E
due to an internal logic please call the Support Center.

03122 107009 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

03122 107023 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

03122 200001 The pool of the specified Check the specified value of the Total W
capacity cannot be created. Capacity, and then retry the operation.

03122 205133 The radio button for Protect V- Select the radio button, and then retry W
VOLs when I/O fails to Blocked the operation.
Pool VOL (Yes/No) is not

5-38 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03122 205134 The radio button for Protect V- Select the radio button, and then retry W
VOLs when I/O fails to Full Pool the operation.
(Yes/No) is not selected.

03122 206140 The operation can not be Enable the multi tier pool. Or if you W
performed due to one of the want to use the Dynamic Tiering
following reasons: function, contact the Hitachi Data
• The Dynamic Tiering Systems Support Center.
function is not enabled.
• The shared memory for the
Dynamic Tiering function is
not installed.

Part code 03205

Table 5-7 Error codes (part code 03205)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03205 002011 The status of the storage system Check the status of the storage system E
requires the maintenance (if the storage system is blocked,
(for example, the storage shared memory is inconsistent, or some
system is blocked, the shared other factor).
memory is inconsistent, or some If this problem persists, please call the
other factor). Support Center.

03205 002015 An error occurred while If the same problem persists despite E
communicating with the storage retrying, please call the Support Center.

03205 002087 The storage system is online to Take the storage system offline from W
the mainframe host. the connected host.

03205 002095 The specified operation cannot Wait for a while, and then retry the W
be performed due to one of the operation.
following maintenance
• LDEV formatting is in
• The CHA/DKA status is
• The processor status is
• The cache status is
• LDEV Shredding is in
• The configuration is

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-39

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03205 002200 The Concurrent Copy or the Cancel the Concurrent Copy job or W
Compatible XRC operation is in delete a Compatible XRC pair via the
progress in the target volumes. host.
If the Concurrent Copy or the
Compatible XRC operation is not in
progress in the target volumes,
commands, check the SESSION ID No.,
and terminate SESSION by means of
the TERMSESS command.

03205 002201 Processing cannot be performed Release the setting of Data Retention W
because of Data Retention Utility Utility, then retry the operation.

03205 002202 Processing cannot be performed Release the setting of Volume Retention W
because of Volume Retention Manager, then retry the operation.
Manager settings.

03205 002203 Processing cannot be performed Release the setting of Volume Security, W
because of Volume Security then retry the operation.

03205 002515 A pair of TrueCopy, TrueCopy Release the pair definition, or delete W
for Mainframe, Universal command devices defined by Business
Replicator, or Universal Continuity Manager, and then retry the
Replicator for Mainframe is operation.
defined, or command devices
defined by Business Continuity
Manager are included.

03205 002520 A Volume Migration pair is Release the pair definition, then retry W
defined. the operation.

03205 002521 A Volume Migration pair is Release the pair definition, then retry W
defined. the operation.

03205 003003 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03205 005013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03205 005099 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03205 005511 A necessary program product is Install the necessary program W

not installed. product(s).

03205 005827 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03205 005828 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03205 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

5-40 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03205 006022 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03205 006533 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03205 006534 The number of V-VOLs that can Reduce the number of V-VOLs W
be registered in the storage registered in the storage system, then
system has reached the retry the configuration operation.

03205 006535 The configuration cannot be Release the LUN Path, then change the W
changed because the LUN Path configuration again.
is remained in the target

03205 006537 The setting process has not Check the error factor in the others W
been executed because there is settings.
no error in this setting, but an
error in the others settings.

03205 008000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03205 008001 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03205 008102 This function is not supported. Check whether the DKCMAIN microcode W
version and the SVP microcode version
are mismatched.

03205 008140 The configuration of Compatible Release the configuration definition of W

FlashCopy(R) V2 or Compatible Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 or
Software for IBM(R) Compatible Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE is defined. FlashCopy(R) SE, and then retry the

03205 008958 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, please call the E
side. Support Center.

03205 008966 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, please call the E
side. Support Center.

03205 056513 An emulation type that cannot Check the emulation type. If you want W
be added is specified. to change the cache segment size to set
the specified emulation type, please call
the Support Center.

03205 056516 The configuration of TrueCopy or Release the configuration definition of W

TrueCopy for Mainframe is TrueCopy or TrueCopy for Mainframe,
defined. then retry the operation.

03205 056517 A pair of ShadowImage, Release the pair definition, and then W
ShadowImage for Mainframe, or retry the operation.
Thin Image is defined.

03205 058406 The configuration of Universal Release the configuration definition of W

Replicator or Universal Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe is Replicator for Mainframe, then retry the
defined. operation.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-41

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03205 058407 The reserved volume setting for Release the journal volume setting for W
Universal Replicator or Universal Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe is Replicator for Mainframe, then retry the
defined. operation.

03205 058474 The specified operation cannot Install the additional shared memory for W
be performed because there is the V-VOL management area, and then
not enough memory available on retry the operation. If the additional
the shared memory for the V- shared memory is already installed, the
VOL management area. capacity of pools and V-VOLs has
reached the maximum. In this case,
delete unnecessary pools and V-VOLs,
and then retry the operation.

03205 065740 The configuration changing Check if the configuration changing W

processes are conflicting at DKC. process by the Command Control
Interface, the Volume Migration, or the
Quick Restore is not in operation, and
then retry the operation.

03205 065794 The specified V-VOL is not Check the specified V-VOL. W

03205 065795 The specified V-VOL has already Exclude the duplicated setting, then W
been specified. retry the operation.

03205 066013 The specified emulation type Change the emulation type to be set in W
cannot be set because 3390-3R the volume.
is set in the storage system.

03205 066014 The specified emulation type Change the emulation type to be set in W
cannot be set because 3390-3 is the volume.
set in the storage system.

03205 066503 The LDKC, CU, and LDEV are not Verify the settings of the specified W
set within the available range. LDKC, CU, and LDEV.

03205 066504 Specified LDKC:CU:LDEV has Check the setting of LDKC, CU, and W
already been used. LDEV.

03205 066505 The specified LDEV number has Check the setting of emulation groups W
already been assigned to within the range grouped by 32LDEV
another emulation group within numbers.
the range grouped by 32 LDEV

03205 066506 Specified SSID has already been Check the setting of SSID. W

03205 066508 The specified LDEV capacity is Check the setting of LDEV capacity. W

03205 066510 The specified emulation type Check the setting of the specified W
cannot be used. emulation type.

03205 066512 Specified CLPR is not mounted. Check the setting of CLPR. W

03205 066520 Mainframe volume and Check the mounted packages. W

intermediate volume cannot be

5-42 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
set because the package for
mainframe system is not

03205 066747 The value of SSID is not set Check the value of the specified SSID. W
within the available range.

03205 066748 A value different from SSID that Check the setting of SSID. W
has already been set is

03205 068725 The specified operation cannot Install the additional shared memory for W
be performed because there is the V-VOL management area, and then
not enough memory available on retry the operation. If the additional
the shared memory for the V- shared memory is already installed, the
VOL management area. capacity of pools and V-VOLs has
reached the maximum. In this case,
delete unnecessary pools and V-VOLs,
and then retry the operation.

03205 068726 The capacity of Dynamic Check the capacity of Dynamic W

Provisioning volume (DP-VOL) is Provisioning volume (DP-VOL).

03205 068728 The pool is in an abnormal state. Recover the pool, then retry the W

03205 068748 The number of Dynamic Check the configuration of the current W
Provisioning volumes that can DP-VOL.
be made in a single pool has
exceeded the maximum.

03205 068751 The storage system is in process Wait for a while, then retry the W
to delete DP-VOL. operation.

03205 068800 Volume migration or Quick Wait for the migrating volume or the W
Restore is in progress. Quick Restore to be completed, then
retry the operation.

03205 068897 There is a pool that has been Restore the pool that has been blocked W
blocked. And the item to be by the Dynamic Provisioning function,
operated includes a Dynamic then retry the operation.
Provisioning volume (DP-VOL).

03205 068920 The total capacity of DP-VOLs Check the total capacity of DP-VOLs W
defined in the specified pool defined in the specified pool and its pool
exceeds the value that had been settings.
permitted to the pool. If this problem persists, please call the
Support Center.

03205 078047 Enough cache management Delete unnecessary volumes, and then W
devices cannot be allocated to retry the operation. When there is a
the target volumes. Thin Image pair, delete all the pairs
related to the unnecessary primary
volumes, and then retry the operation.
If this problem persists, call the Support

03205 078048 An error occurred while Try again. If this problem persists, call W
accessing the user information. the Support Center.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-43

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03205 078057 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

03205 078059 The pool associated with the Log out, and then log back in with W
specified LDEV contains LDEVs access to the resource group containing
that belong to a resource group the LDEVs in the associated pool.
that you do not have permission
to access.

03205 078061 The specified emulation type is Specify the same emulation type as the W
different from the emulation pool.
type of the selected pool.

03205 078062 The specified values of CU and Set the values of CU and pool ID to the W
pool ID do not follow the rule to odd or the even number.
create a volume of TSE

03205 078063 A TSE-VOL cannot be associated Specify a pool where the multi tier pool W
with a pool where the multi tier setting is disabled.
pool setting is enabled.

03205 078065 The storage system is in internal Wait for a while, and then retry the W
process, or a different user is operation.
changing the configuration.

03205 078067 A TSE-VOL cannot be created Specify 3390-A for the emulation type, W
with the specified emulation or disable the TSE attribute.

03205 201001 An LDEV, for which Full Specify an emulation type with which W
Allocation is enabled, cannot be Full Allocation can be enabled, or
created with the specified disable Full Allocation.
emulation type.

03205 201002 The specified pool is not a Verify the type of the specified pool. W
Dynamic Provisioning pool.

03205 203001 An LDEV, for which Full Wait until the shrinking operation is W
Allocation is enabled, cannot be complete, and then retry the operation.
created because the specified
pool is in shrinking operation.

Part code 03222

Table 5-8 Error codes (part code 03222)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03222 105190 There is no data. If the problem persists despite retrying, E

please call the Support Center.

5-44 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03222 105191 The processing cannot continue Execute refresh. E

due to an internal logic

03222 105192 The association information of Execute refresh. E

the specified LDEV does not
exist in the configuration.

03222 105193 The status of the specified LDEV Check the settings. W
is not normal.

03222 105194 The input value is out of the Check the settings. W
setting range.

03222 105195 Zero is set in the size. Check the settings. W

03222 105196 The size is not specified. Check the settings. W

03222 105197 Other than the numerical value Check the settings. W
is set in the size.

03222 105198 The specified LDEV is not a DP Check the settings. W


03222 105199 The specified LDEV is not in the Check the settings. W
state of zero page reclaiming.

03222 105200 The specified LDEV is in the Check the settings. W

state of zero page reclaiming.

03222 105201 The specified LDEV does not Execute refresh. E

exist in the configuration.

03222 105202 The status information of the Execute refresh. E

specified LDEV does not exist in
the configuration.

03222 105203 The detailed information of the Execute refresh. E

pool that is associated with the
specified LDEV does not exist in
the configuration.

03222 105211 The selected volume cannot be Please decrease the number of E
enhanced any further. selections of volumes of the object or
add the capacity of the pool.

03222 105432 The performance of host I/O Expand the capacity of a virtual volume W
might temporarily decrease for at the time when the expansion does
the expanded volume when the not affect operations.
capacity of a virtual volume is
expanded in a host connection
environment. Verify if the
system is affected or not.

03222 105433 Reclaim Zero Pages cannot be Check the settings. W

done to the TSE volume.

03222 105434 The TSE volume and the Select volumes of the same attribute W
Dynamic Provisioning for when expanding.
Mainframe volume cannot be
expanded at the same time.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-45

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03222 105484 Different pools are associated Select only LDEVs that are associated W
with the specified LDEVs. with the identical pool.

03222 105487 The V-VOL capacity of the Check the settings. W

specified volume cannot be

03222 205051 The selected LDEV has been set Verify Click the settings. W
as a journal volume.

03222 205136 The specified LDEV cannot be Verify the pool status. W
expanded because the used
capacity of the pool associated
with the LDEV exceeds the
depletion threshold and Full
Allocation is enabled for the

Part code 03305

Table 5-9 Error codes (part code 03305)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03305 001035 The SSIDs are not defined. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

03305 001036 The size of the specified volume The size of volume that can be set W
is outside the setting range. differs by the type of emulation. Check
the setting range of each emulation
type, then change the size of volume.

03305 001037 The free space remaining in the The error does not occur normally E
parity group is not enough to because it cannot be modified in the
install a customized volume window. In the unlikely event that this
(CV). error occurs, please call the Support

03305 001038 The specified emulation type of The error does not occur normally E
the customized volume (CV) is a because it cannot be modified in the
type that cannot be combined. window. In the unlikely event that this
error occurs, please call the Support

03305 001039 A path is defined to the specified Check the setting. W


03305 001041 The CU number and the LDEV Check and correct the settings. W
number set in the VLL operation
are the same as those of other

03305 001043 An operation is specified for the Correct the settings, then retry the W
uninstalled VDEV. operation.

5-46 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03305 001044 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 001045 The specified Subsystem ID Correct the specified content, and issue W
already exists. Specify another the request again.

03305 001049 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 001074 The specified CU number cannot Correct the settings. W

be set.

03305 001075 In the VLL operation (Create Specify one or more than one E
LDEVs, Delete LDEVs), there are operations of Create LDEVs, Delete
some operations which cannot LDEVs in the VLL operation.
be set together are specified.

03305 001101 An operation is specified for the Correct the settings, then retry the W
uninstalled volume. operation.

03305 001103 An operation is specified for the Correct the settings, then retry the W
uninstalled Parity Group. operation.

03305 001104 Subsystem ID cannot be set Request the change of the Subsystem W
alone. ID along with the VLL operation.

03305 001105 The number of volumes exceeds Check the settings. W

the maximum that can be set.

03305 001113 The specified volume is currently Change the volumes ID to specify, or W
used by Compatible PAV and is release the Compatible PAV setting.
not available for VLL operation.

03305 001142 The specified volume is used as Check the setting of the specified W
a volume of Volume Security. volume.

03305 001601 This functionality is not Install the necessary P.P. license key. W
available. Open Volume
Management is required.

03305 001602 This functionality is not Install the necessary program product. W
available. Virtual LVI is required.

03305 001900 Maintenance operation is Wait for the maintenance to complete, W

executed by the SVP. then retry the operation.

03305 001910 The specified volume contains Check the setting of the specified W
Thin Image pair. volume.

03305 001911 The specified volume contains Select a different volume. W


03305 001913 The setting cannot be made Check the setting. W

because the specified LDEV is a
remote command device.

03305 001914 The number of V-VOL(s) has Correct the settings, then retry the W
exceeded the maximum number operation.
of V-VOL(s) that can be set in a
storage system.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-47

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03305 002004 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 002005 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 002011 The status of the storage system If this problem persists, please call the E
requires maintenance (for Support Center.
example, the storage system is
blocked, the shared memory is
inconsistent, or some other

03305 002015 An error occurred while A communication error occurs. If the E

connecting to the storage same error occurs despite retrying,
system. please call the Support Center.

03305 002022 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 002081 An error occurred during a VLL If this problem persists, please call the E
operation to add or delete Support Center. To perform a VLL
customized volumes. Please wait operation on an external volume, check
for a while, and then retry the the status of the path to the external
operation. volume.

03305 002085 Copying is in progress for Wait for a while, and then retry the W
Remote Copy, ShadowImage, operation.
ShadowImage for Mainframe,
Thin Image, or Volume Migration

03305 002086 The configuration of Remote Release the configuration definition, W

Copy, ShadowImage, then retry the operation.
ShadowImage for Mainframe,
Volume Migration, or Thin Image
has been defined.

03305 002087 The system is online to the Take the storage system offline from W
mainframe host. the host.

03305 002088 The Remote Copy pair is Add an alternative path. W


03305 002089 The corresponding CHA might Be sure there is an alternative path W
contain the last path between from the MCU.
the MCU and RCU of Remote

03305 002090 ShadowImage, ShadowImage Release the setting(s) or stop the I/ W

for Mainframe, or Thin Image O(s), then retry the operation.
setting exists.

03305 002091 The backup server of Stop the backup server and then retry W
ShadowImage, ShadowImage the operation.
for Mainframe, or Thin Image is

5-48 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03305 002092 Some ShadowImage, Split them. W

ShadowImage for Mainframe, or
Thin Image pairs exist.

03305 002093 Some ShadowImage, Resynchronize them. W

ShadowImage for Mainframe, or
Thin Image pairs exist.

03305 002094 Some ShadowImage, Change the status of the volumes to W

ShadowImage for Mainframe, or Simplex.
Thin Image pairs exist.

03305 002095 The specified operation cannot Wait for a while, and then retry the W
be performed due to one of the operation.
following maintenance
• LDEV formatting is in
• Correction copy is in
• Dynamic sparing is in
• Copy back is in progress.
• The CHA/DKA status is
• The processor status is
• The cache status is
• LDEV shredding is in
• The configuration is

03305 002200 The Concurrent Copy or the Cancel the Concurrent Copy job or W
Compatible XRC operation is in delete a Compatible XRC pair via the
progress in the target volumes. host.

03305 002201 Processing cannot be performed Check the settings, then retry the W
because of Data Retention Utility operation.

03305 002202 The specified volume cannot be Check the settings, then retry the W
processed due to the effect of operation.
the access attribute assigned by
Volume Retention Manager.

03305 002204 Devices to be maintained Delete or suspend all pairs to which the W
include journal volumes. journal volumes belong.

03305 002205 Devices to be maintained Delete all pairs to which the journal W
include journal volumes. volumes belong.

03305 002515 One of the following is defined: Release the pair definition or delete W
a Remote Copy pair, a Universal command devices defined by Business
Replicator pair, or a Universal

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-49

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Replicator for Mainframe pair. Continuity Manager, then retry the
Alternatively, command devices operation.
defined by Business Continuity
Manager are included.

03305 002516 One of the following is defined: Release the pair definition or suspend W
a Remote Copy pair, a Universal the pair, then retry the operation.
Replicator pair, or a Universal
Replicator for Mainframe pair.

03305 002517 The target volume is defined as Split the pair, and then retry the W
a pair of ShadowImage, operation. If the Quick Split mode is on,
ShadowImage for Mainframe, or suspend the pair, and then split the
Thin Image. Or, the volume is pair. Change the setting to not use the
used in Compatible volumes of the Compatible
FlashCopy(R) V2, Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2, Compatible Software
Software for IBM(R) for IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE, or
FlashCopy(R) SE, or Compatible Compatible XRC as a target volume,
XRC. and then retry the operation.

03305 002518 A pair of ShadowImage, Release the pair definition, and then W
ShadowImage for Mainframe, or retry the operation. When Quick Split is
Thin Image is defined. in progress, suspend the pair, and then
release it.

03305 002520 A Volume Migration pair is Release the pair definition, then retry W
defined. the operation.

03305 002521 A Volume Migration pair is Release the pair definition. W


03305 003002 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 003003 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 003006 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 003008 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 005013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 006001 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 006011 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 006022 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 006023 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

5-50 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03305 006092 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 008966 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, please call the E
side. Support Center.

03305 055500 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 056526 The resources of other SLPR(s) An error occurred during processing. If E
cannot be accessed. this problem persists, please call the
Support Center.

03305 065661 There are no changes in the Check the setting. W

current configuration and the

03305 065670 The volumes registered in a Delete the Dynamic Provisioning Pool W
Dynamic Provisioning Pool Group that includes the items to be
Group are included in the items maintained.
to be maintained.

03305 065671 The pool volumes associated Release the association between the W
with the Dynamic Provisioning pool volume and the Dynamic
volume is included in the items Provisioning volume.
to be maintained.

03305 065691 Preparing for quick format. Check the status and wait until the W
status changes to a status that
maintenance is possible.

03305 065728 The specified volume is not Release the quorum disk, and then retry W
available to execute VLL the operation.
operation (Create LDEVs, Delete

03305 065740 The configuration changing Check if the configuration changing W

processes are conflicting at DKC. process by the Command Control
Interface, the Volume Migration, or the
Quick Restore is not in operation, and
then retry the operation.

03305 065741 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 065742 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03305 065768 The storage system is in internal Wait for a while, then click [Refresh] on W
process, or some other user is the [File] menu. When an error occurs
changing the configuration. during login, wait for a while and login

03305 065781 The specified volume contains a Release the quorum disk, and then retry W
quorum disk. the operation.

03305 065782 The specified volume contains a Delete the global-active device pair, and W
global-active device pair then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-51

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03305 065783 The specified volume contains a Delete the global-active device pair, and W
global-active device pair then retry the operation.

03305 065790 The specified volume includes a Release the quorum disk, and then retry W
remote command device being the operation.
used by a mirror of the journal

03305 075017 The volume of 3390-V cannot be If you create the volume of 3390-V, W
created with the RAID level of specify a parity group of other than the
the specified parity group. RAID1(2D+2D). If you do not create
the volume of 3390V, change the
emulation type to another one.

03305 075043 The operation cannot be Specify a volume other than the W
performed because the specified external volume mapped for the online
volume is used as an external data migration, and then retry the
volume that is mapped for the operation.
online data migration.

03305 075044 The VLL operation does not Specify a different emulation type. W
support the specified emulation

03305 076507 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

03305 076508 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

03305 078032 The specified MP Blade is not Verify the configuration, and then W
mounted. specify a mounted MP Blade.

03305 078033 Auto cannot be specified Release the Fixed attribute, or specify a W
because the Fixed attribute has mounted MP Blade.
been added to all of the MP

03305 205000 A volume other than an OPEN Specify an LDEV ID whose global W
volume cannot be created storage virtualization function is
because the global storage disabled.
virtualization function of the
specified LDEV ID is enabled.

Part code 03405

Table 5-10 Error codes (part code 03405)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03405 002011 The status of the storage system Check the status of the storage system E
requires the maintenance

5-52 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
(for example, the storage (if the storage system is blocked,
system is blocked, the shared shared memory is inconsistent, or some
memory is inconsistent, or some other factor).
other factor). If this problem persists, please call the
Support Center.
03405 002015 An error occurred while If the same problem persists despite E
communicating with the storage retrying, please call the Support Center.

03405 002087 The storage system is online to Take the storage system offline from W
the mainframe host. the connected host.

03405 002095 The specified operation cannot Wait for a while, and then retry the W
be performed due to one of the operation.
following maintenance
• LDEV formatting is in
• The CHA/DKA status is
• The processor status is
• The cache status is
• LDEV Shredding is in
• The configuration is

03405 002201 Processing cannot be performed Release the setting of Data Retention W
because of Data Retention Utility Utility, then retry the operation.

03405 002202 Processing cannot be performed Release the setting of Volume Retention W
because of Volume Retention Manager, then retry the operation.
Manager settings.

03405 002203 Processing cannot be performed Release the setting of Volume Security, W
because of Volume Security then retry the operation.

03405 002520 A Volume Migration pair is Release the pair definition, then retry W
defined. the operation.

03405 002521 A Volume Migration pair is Release the pair definition, then retry W
defined. the operation.

03405 005013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03405 005827 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03405 005828 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-53

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03405 006012 An error occurred during SVP Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
processing. Support Center.

03405 006036 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03405 006533 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03405 006534 The number of V-VOLs that can Reduce the number of V-VOLs W
be registered in the storage registered in the storage system, then
system has reached the retry the configuration operation.

03405 006535 The configuration cannot be Release the LUN Path, then change the W
changed because the LUN Path configuration again.
is remained in the target

03405 006537 The setting cannot be applied Verify and correct the error in the W
because there is no error in this different setting, and then retry the
setting but an error in a operation.
different setting.

03405 008000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

03405 008102 This function is not supported. Check whether the DKCMAIN microcode W
version and the SVP microcode version
are mismatched.

03405 008140 The configuration of Compatible Release the configuration definition of W

FlashCopy(R) V2 or Compatible Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 or
Software for IBM(R) Compatible Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE is defined. FlashCopy(R) SE, and then retry the

03405 008958 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, please call the E
side. Support Center.

03405 008966 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, please call the E
side. Support Center.

03405 055500 An error occurred during SVP Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
processing. Support Center.

03405 056301 An error occurred during SVP Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
processing. Support Center.

03405 056302 An error occurred during SVP Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
processing. Support Center.

03405 056303 An error occurred during SVP Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
processing. Support Center.

03405 056513 An emulation type that cannot Check the emulation type. If you want W
be added is specified. to change the cache segment size to set
the specified emulation type, please call
the Support Center.

5-54 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03405 056515 The Disconnect External Storage Execute the Disconnect External W
Systems or the Disconnect Storage Systems or the Disconnect
External Volumes is not External Volumes, then retry the
executed for the target volume. operation.

03405 056516 The configuration of TrueCopy or Release the configuration definition of W

TrueCopy for Mainframe is TrueCopy or TrueCopy for Mainframe,
defined. then retry the operation.

03405 056517 A pair of ShadowImage, Release the pair definition, and then W
ShadowImage for Mainframe, or retry the operation.
Thin Image is defined.

03405 057101 An error occurred during SVP Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
processing. Support Center.

03405 057102 An error occurred during SVP Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
processing. Support Center.

03405 058406 The configuration of Universal Release the configuration definition of W

Replicator or Universal Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe is Replicator for Mainframe, then retry the
defined. operation.

03405 058407 The reserved volume setting for Release the journal volume setting for W
Universal Replicator or Universal Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe is Replicator for Mainframe, then retry the
defined. operation.

03405 058474 The specified operation cannot Install the additional shared memory for W
be performed because there is the V-VOL management area, and then
not enough memory available on retry the operation. If the additional
the shared memory for the V- shared memory is already installed, the
VOL management area. capacity of pools and V-VOLs has
reached the maximum. In this case,
delete unnecessary pools and V-VOLs,
and then retry the operation.

03405 058572 An error occurred during Retry the operation. If this problem E
communication with the storage persists, contact the Hitachi Data
system. Systems Support Center.

03405 058573 This function is not supported. Verify the microcode versions of the E
DKCMAIN and the SVP.

03405 058574 An error occurred during Retry the operation. If this problem E
communication with the storage persists, contact the Hitachi Data
system. Systems Support Center.

03405 058575 An error occurred during Retry the operation. If this problem E
communication with the storage persists, contact the Hitachi Data
system. Systems Support Center.

03405 058576 A communication time-out error Retry the operation. If this problem E
occurred on the storage system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 058622 The configuration of Pool VOL is Release the configuration definition of W
defined. Pool VOL, then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-55

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03405 065740 The configuration changing Check if the configuration changing W

processes are conflicting at DKC. process by the Command Control
Interface, the Volume Migration, or the
Quick Restore is not in operation, and
then retry the operation.

03405 065794 The specified virtual volume is Verify the target virtual volume. W
not mounted.

03405 066501 The number of LDEVs that can Check the number of LDEVs. W
be defined in an external volume
has exceeded the maximum

03405 066502 Specified ExG has already been Check the setting of ExG. W

03405 066503 The LDKC, CU, and LDEV are not Verify the settings of the specified W
set within the available range. LDKC, CU, and LDEV.

03405 066504 Specified LDKC:CU:LDEV has Check the setting of LDKC, CU, and W
already been used. LDEV.

03405 066505 The specified LDEV number has Check the setting of emulation groups W
already been assigned to within the range grouped by 32LDEV
another emulation group within numbers.
the range grouped by 32 LDEV

03405 066506 The specified SSID is already Verify the SSID settings. W
used within a different range
grouped by 32 LDEV numbers.

03405 066507 The target external volume is Check the status and the capacity of W
blocked or not set within the target external volume.
range of capacity that can be

03405 066508 The specified LDEV capacity is Verify the settings of the LDEV capacity. W
not within the available range
for creation.

03405 066512 Specified CLPR is not mounted. Check the setting of CLPR. W

03405 066747 The value of SSID is not set Check the value of the specified SSID. W
within the available range.

03405 066748 The specified SSID differs from Verify the SSID settings. W
the one already used within the
range grouped by 32 LDEV

03405 068723 An internal logic contradiction Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
occurred on the storage system. Support Center.

03405 068724 Shared memory is not installed. Install the shared memory. W

03405 068725 The specified operation cannot Install the additional shared memory for W
be performed because there is the V-VOL management area, and then
not enough memory available on retry the operation. If the additional
shared memory is already installed, the

5-56 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
the shared memory for the V- capacity of pools and V-VOLs has
VOL management area. reached the maximum. In this case,
delete unnecessary pools and V-VOLs,
and then retry the operation.
03405 068726 The capacity of the specified DP- Verify the capacity of the DP-VOL. W
VOL is not within the available
range for creation.

03405 068727 Shared memory is being Wait for a while, and then retry the W
initialized. operation.

03405 068728 The pool is in an abnormal state. Recover the pool, then retry the W

03405 068748 The number of Dynamic Check the configuration of the current W
Provisioning volumes that can DP-VOL.
be made in a single pool has
exceeded the maximum.

03405 068751 The storage system is in process Wait for a while, then retry the W
to delete DP-VOL. operation.

03405 068800 Volume migration or Quick Wait for the migrating volume or the W
Restore is in progress. Quick Restore to be completed, then
retry the operation.

03405 068821 The specified volume is currently Release the ShadowImage or E

used by ShadowImage or ShadowImage for Mainframe setting,
ShadowImage for Mainframe. and then retry the operation. If this
problem persists, contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

03405 068822 The specified volume is currently Release the Thin Image setting, and E
used by Thin Image. then retry the operation. If this problem
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 068823 The specified volume is currently Release the Volume Migration or E
used by Volume Migration or nondisruptive migration setting, and
nondisruptive migration. then retry the operation. If this problem
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 068824 The specified volume is currently Release the TrueCopy or TrueCopy for E
used by TrueCopy or TrueCopy Mainframe setting, and then retry the
for Mainframe. operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

03405 068825 The specified volume is currently Release the Universal Replicator or E
used by Universal Replicator or Universal Replicator for Mainframe
Universal Replicator for setting, and then retry the operation. If
Mainframe. this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

03405 068884 Quorum disks are included in Release the quorum disks, then retry W
the items to be maintained. the operation.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-57

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03405 068920 The total capacity of DP-VOLs Check the total capacity of DP-VOLs W
defined in the specified pool defined in the specified pool and its pool
exceeds the value that had been settings.
permitted to the pool. If this problem persists, please call the
Support Center.

03405 078005 The specified operation cannot Check the specified LDEV capacity, then W
be executed, because the LDEV retry the operation.
capacity exceeds the maximum
reserved pool capacity.

03405 078006 The capacity of the specified Verify the available range for LDEV W
LDEV is not within the available expansion, and then retry the
range for LDEV expansion. operation.

03405 078007 Failed to expand the V-VOLs, Retry the operation. W

because it took time for the

03405 078009 The capacities of the virtual Verify the settings. W

volumes that are being used by
the following program products
cannot be expanded:
• ShadowImage
• ShadowImage for
• Thin Image
• Volume Migration
• TrueCopy
• TrueCopy for Mainframe
• Universal Replicator
• Universal Replicator for
• Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
• Compatible Software for
IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE
• Compatible XRC
• Global-active device

03405 078019 The operation cannot be Check the specified logical volume, then W
executed, because the specified retry the operation.
logical volume is not a Dynamic
Tiering volume.

03405 078032 The specified MP Blade is not Verify the specified MP blade. W

03405 078047 Enough cache management Delete unnecessary volumes, and then W
devices cannot be allocated to retry the operation. When there is a
the target volumes. Thin Image pair, delete all the pairs
related to the unnecessary primary
volumes, and then retry the operation.

5-58 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
If this problem persists, call the Support

03405 078049 The operation cannot be Power on the storage system, and then W
performed because the storage retry the operation.
system is in the power-off

03405 078061 The specified emulation type is Specify the same emulation type as the W
different from the emulation pool.
type of the selected pool.

03405 078062 The specified values of CU and Set the values of CU and pool ID to the W
pool ID do not follow the rule to odd or the even number.
create a volume of TSE

03405 078063 A TSE-VOL cannot be associated Specify a pool where the multi tier pool W
with a pool where the multi tier setting is disabled.
pool setting is enabled.

03405 078065 The storage system is in internal Wait for a while, and then retry the W
process, or a different user is operation.
changing the configuration.

03405 078076 The operation cannot be Set the specified virtual volume to W
performed because the specified offline, and then retry the operation.
virtual volume is set to online
from the OS that does not
support EAV.

03405 078077 The operation cannot be Release the Compatible XRC setting, W
performed because the specified and then retry the operation. If this
virtual volume is being used by problem persists, contact the Hitachi
Compatible XRC. Data Systems Support Center.

03405 078078 The operation cannot be Release the Compatible FlashCopy(R) W

performed because the specified V2 or Compatible Software for IBM(R)
virtual volume is being used by FlashCopy(R) SE setting, and then retry
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 or the operation. If this problem persists,
Compatible Software for IBM(R) contact the Hitachi Data Systems
FlashCopy(R) SE. Support Center.

03405 078197 The operation cannot be Wait until the installation of additional W
performed because the shared memory is complete, and then
additional shared memory is retry the operation.
being installed.

03405 078198 The specified page range is not Specify the start page number and the W
valid. length of the page range within the
available range of the volume.

03405 078199 The specified page tiering level Verify the specified page tiering level. W
of the tiering policy is invalid.

03405 078200 The processing of this page Verify and correct the error in the W
cannot be performed because an different setting, and then retry the
error occurred during the operation.
process of a different page.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-59

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03405 078264 The operation cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
performed because the operation.
monitoring data is changing.

03405 078266 The specified pool is not a Verify the settings for the specified W
Dynamic Provisioning pool. pool.

03405 201001 The operation cannot be Take the following actions: W

performed because the • If a different user is changing the
configuration is changing. configuration, wait for a while, and
then retry the operation.
• If a task is in progress, wait for a
while, and then retry the operation.
• If there is a task in the waiting
state, perform Suspend Tasks to
not start new tasks.

03405 201002 This function is not supported. Check whether the DKCMAIN microcode W
version and the SVP microcode version
are mismatched.

03405 201003 The specified LDEV with the SLU Unbind the LDEV with the SLU attribute W
attribute cannot be deleted from the LDEV with the ALU attribute,
because it is bound to an LDEV and then retry the operation.
with the ALU attribute.

03405 203001 The number of LDEVs with the Reduce the number of LDEVs with the W
ALU attribute will exceed the ALU attribute, and then retry the
maximum. operation.

03405 203002 The operation cannot be Set a virtual LDEV ID for the specified W
performed because a virtual LDEV ID, and then retry the operation.
LDEV ID is not set for the
specified LDEV ID.

03405 203003 The specified ALU ID or SLU ID Verify the configuration of the LDEV W
does not exist. with the ALU attribute or the LDEV with
the SLU attribute, specify an existing
ALU ID or SLU ID, and then retry the

03405 203004 The operation cannot be - W

performed because the LDEV ID
and the virtual LDEV ID do not

03405 203005 No commands are issued. If the problem persists despite retrying, W
please call the Support Center.

03405 203006 The same IDs are included in Verify the ALU IDs or SLU IDs. W
the specified ALU IDs or SLU

03405 203007 The specified volume cannot be Specify a different LDEV ID or release W
used as an LDEV with the ALU the Compatible PAV setting, and then
attribute or that with the SLU retry the operation.
attribute because it is used by
Compatible PAV.

5-60 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03405 203008 An LDEV with the SLU attribute Wait until the shrinking operation is W
cannot be created because the complete, and then retry the operation.
specified pool is in shrinking

03405 203009 The specified volume is not a Specify a virtual volume of Thin Image. W
virtual volume of Thin Image.

03405 207001 An error occurred during Verify the details of the error. W

03405 207002 An error occurred during SVP Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
processing. Support Center.

03405 207003 The binding information cannot Retry the operation. W

be acquired because the number
of bound LDEVs with the ALU
attribute and the SLU attribute
exceeds the maximum that can
be operated at once.

03405 208001 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 208002 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 208003 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 208004 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 208005 The specified LUN path does not Verify the settings, and then retry the W
exist. operation.

03405 208006 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 208007 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 208008 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 208009 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 208010 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-61

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03405 208011 The snapshot data of the Thin Assign the snapshot data of the Thin W
Image pair is not assigned to Image pair to the virtual volume of Thin
the virtual volume of Thin Image, and then retry the operation.

03405 208012 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 208013 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 208014 The operation cannot be Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
performed because different Support Center to change the
microcode versions coexist on microcode, and then retry the
the storage system. operation.

03405 208020 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 208021 An error occurred on the storage Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
system. Support Center.

03405 208022 The specified LDEV does not Specify an existing LDEV ID, and then W
exist. retry the operation.

03405 208023 An error occurred on the storage Retry the operation. If this problem E
system. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

03405 208040 The specified volume is currently Release the global-active device setting, W
used by global-active device. and then retry the operation. If this
problem persists, contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

03405 208041 The capacity of the specified DP- Wait until the operation on the journal W
VOL cannot be expanded volume is complete, and then retry the
because the configuration of the operation.
journal volume is changing.

Part code 03505

Table 5-11 Error codes (part code 03505)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 005512 Failed in setting Compatible Install the necessary program E

FlashCopy(R), because either product(s).
ShadowImage for z/OS(R)
or Compatible FlashCopy(R) is
not installed.

5-62 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 005625 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
Support Center.

03505 005626 The specified volume cannot be Release the write-protection by the W
used because it is write- Data Retention Utility.
protected by Data Retention

03505 005655 The capacities of the volumes Specify volumes with the same W
specified as the primary volume capacity.
and the secondary volume do
not match.

03505 005821 This operation has been Change the setting of Data Retention W
rejected. Utility so that the specified volumes can
The Data Retention Utility be used as S-VOLs.
setting does not allow the
specified volume(s) to be
specified as S-VOL(s).

03505 006502 Processing in progress. Please Wait for a while, and then retry the W
wait for a while, and then retry operation.
the operation.

03505 006503 The target volume status is Wait for a while, and then retry the W
being changed to SMPL. operation.

03505 006520 The command has been Perform either of the following W
rejected, because the specified operations:
volume was registered in the • Change the attribute of the security
Security Group that cannot group so that the secondary
specify T-VOL(Secondary volume can be specified.
• Remove the specified volume from
the security group.

03505 006537 The setting could not be applied Verify the error factor in another setting W
because there is an error in a and then retry the operation.
different setting.

03505 007310 This error code is not registered. If this problem persists, contact the W
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

03505 008001 A time-out error occurred. Verify the status of the controller, and W
then retry the operation.

03505 008500 Sufficient amount of shared Add shared memory or confirm whether W
memory is not installed or the necessary program product key is
the program product is not installed.

03505 008501 The command has been Wait for a while, and then retry the W
rejected, because the command operation.
specified last time is being

03505 008503 You cannot create the new pair, Delete the Remote Copy pair. W
because a remote copy pair

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-63

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
exists in the same storage
system frame.

03505 008504 The specified command cannot Take either of the following actions, and W
be run due to one of the then retry the operation.
following reasons: • See the ShadowImage User Guide
• The current pair to verify the pair configuration or
configuration or status, or status, or the volume status.
volume status dose not • Perform the pair operation
meet the requirements for respectively on the pairs of one-to-
the command. multiple volumes or the L1 and L2
• A pair operation is pairs.
performed on some pairs of
one-to-multiple volumes or
L1 and L2 pairs at the same

03505 008505 The command cannot be run See the ShadowImage User Guide for E
because the pair operation the relation between the pair status and
cannot be performed in the the operation that can be performed.
current pair status, or because Perform the pair operation respectively
there is a pair operation that on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
cannot be performed if it is done or the L1 and L2 pairs.
on some pairs of one-to-multiple
volumes or L1 and L2 pairs at
the same time.

03505 008506 The command cannot be run Vary the secondary volume offline from W
because the specified secondary the host, and then retry the operation.
volume is used by the host.

03505 008507 The Pairsplit (Split Pairs) The Pairsplit command cannot be run W
command was issued to the because the pair is already in the PSUS
pairs in a PSUS status. status.

03505 008508 The Paircreate (Create Pairs) The Paircreate command cannot be run W
command was issued to the because the pair is already in the PSUS
pairs in the PSUS status. status.

03505 008509 The Pairsplit (Split Pairs) Verify the settings, and then retry the W
command with the QUIESCE operation.
specification was issued to a
secondary boot device.

03505 008510 The P-VOL Suspend command Verify the settings, and then retry the W
was issued to a secondary boot operation.

03505 008512 Cannot perform Pairresync Detach the S-VOL from the host, or W
(Resync Pairs) or Pairsplit-E delete the Remote Copy path.
(Suspend Pairs) operation
because of the path group

03505 008513 The command could not be Run the vary offline command to W
executed because the specified disable the primary volume from the
primary volume is used by the mainframe host, and then retry the
host. operation.

5-64 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 008516 The number of P-VOL cylinders Verify the settings, and then retry the W
exceeds the maximum. operation.

03505 008517 The number of S-VOL cylinders Verify the settings, and then retry the W
exceeds the maximum. operation.

03505 008518 You cannot create a pair Check if the specified emulation type is W
because the track format is the same or not.

03505 008519 The capacities of the volumes Specify volumes with the same W
specified as the primary volume capacity.
and the secondary volume do
not match.

03505 008520 The pair cannot be created Select volumes with the same W
because the volume types are emulation type, and then retry the
different. operation.

03505 008521 The number of multiple copy Verify the settings, and then retry the W
jobs exceeded the maximum. operation.

03505 008522 The emulation type of the P-VOL Specify the emulation type supported in W
is not supported. HOMRCF.

03505 008523 The emulation type of the S-VOL Specify the emulation type supported in W
is not supported. HOMRCF.

03505 008525 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

03505 008526 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

03505 008527 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

03505 008528 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

03505 008529 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

03505 008530 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

03505 008531 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

03505 008532 The command has been Stop the usage by the host. W
rejected, because the P-VOL or
the S-VOL is being used by the

03505 008535 A processor failure was Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected. Support Center.

03505 008536 A cache failure was detected. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-65

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 008537 The cache capacities do not Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
match. Support Center.

03505 008538 An SM failure was detected. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

03505 008539 There is not enough shared The shared memory on the local E
memory on the local storage storage system is not enough. Contact
system to create 4096 pairs. the Hitachi Data Systems Support

03505 008540 There is sufficient shared Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
memory to create 4096 pairs, Support Center.
but initial storage system setup
is required before creating pairs.

03505 008541 There is sufficient shared Close the message box. i

memory to create 4096 pairs,
and the initial storage system
setup is complete.

03505 008542 Failed to complete the initial Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
shared memory setup. Support Center.

03505 008543 The shared memory size is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
different. Support Center.

03505 008544 16 Mbytes of shared memory is - i


03505 008545 A power supply failure is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected. Support Center.

03505 008546 The command was rejected. The Retry the operation with power ON. W
PS OFF is in progress.

03505 008547 A data transfer failure is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected (CHA). Support Center.

03505 008548 A data transfer failure is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected (DKA). Support Center.

03505 008549 The P-VOL is not implemented. Operations cannot be performed on W

unconfigured volumes.

03505 008550 The command could not be Restore the blocked volume, or select a E
executed because the specified volume that is not a system disk, and
primary volume is blocked or then retry the operation.
used as a system disk.

03505 008551 The primary volume is being Wait until the volume is formatted, and W
formatted or shredded. then retry the operation.

03505 008552 This volume cannot be specified Check the target volume. W
as an P-VOL because it is used
as a command device.

03505 008553 The S-VOL is not implemented. Operations cannot be performed on W

unconfigured volumes.

5-66 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 008554 The command could not be Restore the blocked volume, or select a W
executed because the specified volume that is not a system disk, and
secondary volume is blocked or then retry the operation.
used as a system disk.

03505 008555 The secondary volume is being Wait until the volume is formatted, and W
formatted or shredded. then retry the operation.

03505 008556 This volume cannot be specified A volume that is not used as a W
as an S-VOL because it is used command device shall be specified as
as a command device. an S-VOL.

03505 008557 The volume is not implemented. Operations cannot be performed on W

unconfigured volumes.

03505 008559 The volume is being formatted. Wait until the volume is formatted, and W
then retry the operation.

03505 008560 This volume cannot be specified Specify a volume that is not used as a W
because it is used as a command device.
command device.

03505 008569 The command cannot be run See the ShadowImage User Guide or W
because the area of the the Thin Image User Guide for the
differential table or the pair relation between the number of pairs
table to set pairs is not enough. that can be created and the shared

03505 008570 The selected volume does not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
exist. operation.

03505 008572 The volume is already defined as Check the status of the volume. W
a P-VOL.

03505 008573 The volume is defined as a Release the Volume Migration setting. W
source volume for Volume

03505 008574 The volume is defined as a Release the Volume Migration setting. W
target volume for Volume

03505 008582 The emulation type of the target Wait for a while, and then retry the W
volume is being changed. operation.

03505 008583 The RAID level of the specified Specify a volume of the supported RAID W
volume is not supported. level.

03505 008586 The number of groups that can Verify the settings, and then retry the W
be set in the same storage operation.
system is invalid.

03505 008587 The number of pairs that can be Verify the settings, and then retry the W
set in the same group is invalid. operation.

03505 008588 The specified group number is Verify the settings, and then retry the W
not set. operation.

03505 008589 The specified group name is Verify the settings, and then retry the W
invalid. operation.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-67

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 008590 The group name and the Verify the settings, and then retry the W
number do not match. operation.

03505 008591 The specified pair is already set Verify the settings, and then retry the W
in another group. operation.

03505 008592 The command was rejected Check the capacity of the installed W
because the licensed capacity license key. To create more pairs,
was exceeded. purchase a license key for larger

03505 008593 The P-VOL is a source volume Release the Volume Migration setting. W
for Volume Migration.

03505 008594 The P-VOL is a target volume for Release the Volume Migration setting. W
Volume Migration.

03505 008595 The specified P-VOL does not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
exist. operation.

03505 008597 No more pairs can be created See the ShadowImage User Guide or W
with the specified primary the Thin Image User Guide for the pair
volume. configuration.

03505 008598 The specified volume is not a P- Check the volume status. W

03505 008599 The specified volume is already Select a different volume, and then W
used as a primary volume. retry the operation, or release the pair
of the selected volume, and then retry
the operation.

03505 008600 The RAID level of the specified Select a volume of the supported RAID W
volume is not supported. level, and then retry the operation.

03505 008601 The specified S-VOL (Primary Verify the settings, and then retry the W
Volume) cannot be paired with a operation.
backup server volume.

03505 008602 The command has been The volume used as S-VOL of the other W
rejected, because the specified pair cannot be used as P-VOL.
P-VOL has already been used as
S-VOL of the other pair.

03505 008603 The target volume is set as a Please delete a Data Migration pair. E
primary volume for Data

03505 008604 The target volume is set as a Please delete a Data Migration pair. E
secondary volume for Data

03505 008605 The Pairresync (Resync Pairs) Check the pair status. W
command was issued to a device
in the SMPL status.

03505 008606 The operation to create an L2 When the P-VOL of the L1 pair is used W
pair was rejected because the P- as a P-VOL of a TrueCopy pair, the L2
VOL of the L1 pair is used as the pair cannot be created.
P-VOL of a TrueCopy pair.

5-68 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 008607 The command cannot be run See the ShadowImage User Guide for W
because the specified secondary the relation between the pair status of
volume is used as a primary TrueCopy and the ShadowImage
volume of a TrueCopy pair. operations. See the Thin Image User
Guide for the relation between the pair
status of TrueCopy and the Thin Image

03505 008608 The specified S-VOL is not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
defined. operation.

03505 008610 The S-VOL is a target volume for Release the Volume Migration setting. W
Volume Migration.

03505 008611 The operation failed because the Specify another volume. W
specified S-VOL was used as S-
VOL of other pairs.

03505 008612 The specified volume is not an Check the status of the volume. W

03505 008613 The RAID level of the specified Specify the volume number of the W
S-VOL is not supported. supported RAID level.

03505 008614 The command was rejected The requested command cannot be W
because the specified S-VOL is executed in the current TrueCopy pair
used as a P-VOL of a TrueCopy status. See the ShadowImage User
pair. Guide for the relation between the
TrueCopy pair statuses and the
ShadowImage operations.

03505 008615 The command cannot be run Specify a different volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume is used as a secondary
volume of a TrueCopy pair.

03505 008616 The S-VOL is used as a primary Please delete a Data Migration pair. E
volume for Data Migration.

03505 008617 The target S-VOL is used as a Please delete a Data Migration pair. E
secondary volume for Data

03505 008618 The S-VOL is already defined as Check the volume number. W
a P-VOL.

03505 008619 The specified S-VOL is defined Release the Volume Migration setting. W
as a source volume for Volume

03505 008624 The command has been Verify if the specified P-VOL and S-VOL W
rejected, because there is no are correct.
pair to be operated.

03505 008625 The P-VOL(S-VOL) and S-VOL(T- Check the specified volume number. W
VOL) have the same number.

03505 008626 The SMPL command could not Wait until the quick split operation is W
be executed because the quick complete, and then retry the operation.
split operation is in progress.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-69

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 008627 The Pairresync operation has Wait until the status of the pair changes W
been rejected, because pair to PSUS.
status is COPY(SP)/COPY.

03505 008628 The operation of the L1 pair Wait until the L2 pair status changes to W
failed because the L2 pair was in PSUS, and then retry the operation.
COPY(SP)/COPY status or
PSUS(SP)/COPY status.

03505 008631 The specified CU number is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
invalid. Support Center.

03505 008632 The timing of issuing the Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
command is invalid. Support Center.

03505 008633 The abnormal status is invalid. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

03505 008637 The specified P-VOL is used as a Specify other volume(s), or release the W
source volume for Volume Volume Migration setting.

03505 008638 The command could not be Release the Cache Residency Manager W
executed because the specified setting, or select a different volume,
primary volume is set for use in and then retry the operation.
Cache Residency Manager.

03505 008639 The command could not be Release the Cache Residency Manager W
executed because the specified setting, or select a different volume,
secondary volume is set for use and then retry the operation.
in Cache Residency Manager.

03505 008640 The command cannot be run Wait until the Reverse Copy or Quick W
because there is a pair in the Restore operation is complete, and then
status of Reverse Copy or Quick retry the operation.
Restore among pairs that share Perform the pair operation respectively
a primary volume, or because on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
there is a pair operation that or the L1 and L2 pairs.
cannot be performed if it is done
on some pairs of one-to-multiple
volumes or L1 and L2 pairs at
the same time.

03505 008641 The L1 pairs contain a pair in Wait until the Reverse Copy or Quick W
the Reverse Copy or Quick Restore operation is complete, and then
Restore status. retry the operation.
Perform the pair operation respectively
on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
or the L1 and L2 pairs.

03505 008642 The command has been Wait until the status of the pair sharing W
rejected, because the specified the primary volume becomes PAIR, and
S-VOL is shared as the P-VOL of then retry the operation. See the
the other pair and the pair is in section "Operations permitted for L1, L2
the COPY(RS-R)/RCPY status. pairs" in the ShadowImage User Guide
for the relation between the status of
pairs and ShadowImage operations.

5-70 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 008643 The Resync Pairs operation See the section "Pair resynchronization" W
cannot be performed because in the ShadowImage User Guide for the
the specified pair is not in the relation between the pair status and the
PSUS status. Or the command ShadowImage operations.
cannot be run because there is a Perform the pair operation respectively
pair operation that cannot be on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
performed if it is done on some or the L1 and L2 pairs.
pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
or L1 and L2 pairs at the same

03505 008644 The operation failed because the Verify the status of the pairs that share W
pairs sharing a P-VOL contain a the P-VOL.
pair in other than PSUS or PSUE

03505 008645 The Reverse Copy command Release the remote replication pair, and W
could not be executed because then retry the operation.
the primary volume was shared
with the primary volume of a
remote replication pair.

03505 008646 The Reverse Copy request was Delete the Remote Copy pair. W
rejected, because the P-VOL was
shared with a Remote Copy pair
in the non-suspend status.

03505 008647 The Reverse Copy command Release the remote replication pair, and W
could not be executed because then retry the operation.
the secondary volume was
shared with the primary volume
of a remote replication pair.

03505 008648 The boot device and the P-VOL Check the specified volume number. W
do not match in the Paircreate
(Create Pairs) command.

03505 008649 Because the boot device is the Check the specified volume number. W
S-VOL in the Pairsplit-S (Delete
Pairs) command, the flag does
not match.

03505 008650 The boot device and the P-VOL Check the target volume number. W
do not match in the Paircreate
(Create Pairs), Pairresync
(Resync Pairs), or Pairsplit-S
(Delete Pairs) command.

03505 008651 The SSID is invalid. Verify the settings, and then retry the W

03505 008652 The boot device is not a P-VOL Check the target volume number. W
nor S-VOL.

03505 008653 Because the boot device is the Check the target volume number. W
P-VOL in the Pairsplit-S (Delete
Pairs) command, the flag does
not match.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-71

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 008654 Boot device and S-VOL do not Check the target volume number. W
match in Paircreate (Create
Pairs), Pairresync (Resync
Pairs), or Pairsplit-S (Delete
Pairs) instruction.

03505 008655 An invalid secondary SSID is Verify the settings, and then retry the W
specified for the Paircreate operation.
(Create Pairs) or Pairresync
(Resync Pairs) command.

03505 008656 The secondary SSID specified Verify the settings, and then retry the W
for the Pairsplit-S(Delete Pairs) operation.
or Pairsplit(Split Pairs) command
is invalid.

03505 008657 The Swap&Freeze option cannot Please call the Support Center. E
be specified, because the mode
80 is on.

03505 008695 The specified MU number is not Correct the MU number, and then retry W
less than or equal to 2. the operation.

03505 008696 The command has been Delete the Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 W
rejected, because the specified pair or Compatible Software for IBM(R)
S-VOL(Primary Volume) is being FlashCopy(R) SE pair, or specify
used as a volume of a another volume.
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
pair or a Compatible Software
for IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE

03505 008697 The command has been Delete the Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 W
rejected, because the specified pair or Compatible Software for IBM(R)
T-VOL(Secondary Volume) is FlashCopy(R) SE pair, or specify
being used as the volume of a another volume.
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
pair a Compatible Software for
IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE pair.

03505 008698 The command could be executed Delete the Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 W
because the specified volume is pair or Compatible Software for IBM(R)
being used as a volume of a FlashCopy(R) SE pair, or specify
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 another volume.
pair or a Compatible Software
for IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE

03505 008699 The command of Reverse Copy Delete the Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 W
or Quick Restore has been pair or Compatible Software for IBM(R)
rejected, because the specified FlashCopy(R) SE pair, or specify
S-VOL(Primary Volume) is being another volume.
shared with the volume of a
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
pair or a Compatible Software
for IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE

5-72 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 008920 The operation on the L2 pair Wait until the L1 pair changes to the W
cannot be performed because PSUS status, and then retry the
the L1 pair is not in the PSUS operation.
status. Or the command cannot Perform the pair operation respectively
be run because there is a pair on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
operation that cannot be or the L1 and L2 pairs.
performed if it is done on some
pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
or L1 and L2 pairs at the same

03505 008941 Failed to make or cancel a Refresh the window, and then verify the E
reservation of consistency status of the consistency group.

03505 008946 A pair status cannot be changed Reset the Split time of Consistency W
because the Split time of Group from the mainframe host.
Consistency Group is set.

03505 008991 The command has been Withdraw the Compatible FlashCopy(R) W
rejected, because the V2 relationship.
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
relationship exists.

03505 008992 The command has been Install additional shared memory. E
rejected, because sufficient
amount of shared memory is not

03505 008993 The command has been Set the shared memory extension E
rejected, because the shared setting for Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2.
memory is not set for
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2.

03505 008994 The command has been Wait for a while, and then retry the W
rejected, because the storage operation.
system is busy.

03505 008995 The command has been Withdraw the Compatible FlashCopy(R) W
rejected, because the V2 relationship.
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
relationship exists.

03505 008996 The command has been Wait for a while, and then retry the W
rejected, because the storage operation.
system is busy.

03505 055264 The command was rejected You cannot create a pair with these W
because you tried to create a volumes.If you want to create a pair,
pair using a volume with VMA you must use the volumes to both of
setting by Data Retention Utility which VMA is set or not.
and a volume without VMA

03505 055301 You cannot create the pair Increase the licensed capacity of Data W
because the licensed capacity of Retention Utility, and then retry the
Data Retention Utility is operation.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-73

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 055645 Quick Restore cannot be Use the Reverse Resync option. W
performed because the specified
pair is composed of the external
volumes with different cache
mode settings.

03505 058000 The command has been rejected Select a different volume or release the W
because the cascade request for consistency group setting.
creating cascade pairs composed
of volumes belonging to the
same consistency group was

03505 058001 The operation on the L2 pair Wait until the L1 pair changes to the W
cannot be performed because PSUS or PAIR status, and then retry the
the L1 pair is in the COPY(SP)/ operation.
COPY, PSUS(SP)/COPY, or Perform the pair operation respectively
COPY(RS-R)/RCPY status. Or the on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
command cannot be run or the L1 and L2 pairs.
because there is a pair operation
that cannot be performed if it is
done on some pairs of one-to-
multiple volumes or L1 and L2
pairs at the same time.

03505 058002 The Quick Restore command has The quick restore operation cannot be W
been rejected because the performed when the pair is composed of
specified pair is composed of a a normal volume and a customized
normal volume and a volume (CV). Select a different pair.
customized volume (CV).

03505 058003 The command has been rejected To continue the operation, delete the W
because a Remote Copy pair remote copy pair.
exists in the same storage
system frame.

03505 058259 The Quick Restore command Delete the remote replication pair or W
could not be executed because perform the operation on other pairs.
the specified pair contains
external volumes and also is
used as a remote replication

03505 058260 The command was rejected The requested command cannot be W
because the specified P-VOL is executed in the current TrueCopy pair
used as a P-VOL of a TrueCopy status. See the ShadowImage User
pair. Guide for the relation between the
TrueCopy pair statuses and the
ShadowImage operations.

03505 058261 The command has been The requested command cannot be W
rejected, because the specified executed in the current status of
P-VOL is used as S-VOL of TrueCopy pair. See the section "Sharing
TrueCopy pair. ShadowImage volumes" in the
ShadowImage User Guide for the
relation between the state of TrueCopy
pair and the ShadowImage operations.

5-74 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 058262 A pair cannot be created Add sufficient shared memory to create i
because shared memory for a pair.
differential tables is in sufficient.

03505 058299 The operation failed because the Check the requirements for using the W
specified P-VOL was a data volume with Universal Replicator.
volume of Universal Replicator.
Check the requirements for
using the volume with Universal

03505 058300 The operation failed, because Release the Universal Replicator setting W
the specified S-VOL was a data or specify another volume.
volume of Universal Replicator.

03505 058351 The Quick Restore command Delete the Universal Replicator pair, or W
could not be executed because perform the operation on a different
the specified pair contains pair.
external volumes, and also is
used as a Universal Replicator

03505 058356 The command was rejected Release the pair of Universal Replicator W
because the specified volume is or the pair of TrueCopy, and then retry
used by the Universal Replicator the operation.
and the TrueCopy.

03505 058451 The storage system is busy If the problem persists despite retrying, W
(internal processing). please call the Support Center.

03505 058476 The operation cannot be Release the Thin Image pair, or select W
performed, because the another volume.
specified P-VOL is a P-VOL for
Thin Image.

03505 058477 The operation cannot be Select a different volume. W

performed, because the
specified P-VOL is a V-VOL for
Thin Image.

03505 058478 The operation cannot be Release the pool volume or select W
performed, because the another volume.
specified P-VOL is a pool

03505 058479 The operation cannot be Delete the ShadowImage pair or the W
performed because the specified Thin Image pair, or select a different
secondary volume is a primary volume.
volume of ShadowImage or Thin

03505 058480 The operation cannot be Select a different volume. W

performed, because the
specified S-VOL is a V-VOL for
Thin Image.

03505 058481 The operation cannot be Release the pool volume or select W
performed, because the another volume.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-75

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
specified S-VOL is a pool

03505 058518 The operation failed, because To continue the operation, delete all W
the Thin Image pair(s) existed. Thin Image pair(s) and retry.

03505 058519 The operation failed, because To continue the operation, delete all W
the Thin Image pair(s) existed. Thin Image pair(s) and retry.

03505 058520 The operation failed, because Replace the microcode, and then retry E
different versions of microcodes the operation.
coexisted in the storage system.

03505 058533 The operation failed, because Release the journal volume setting, or W
the specified P-VOL was a specify another volume.
journal volume.

03505 058534 The operation failed, because Release the journal volume setting, or W
the specified S-VOL was a specify another volume.
journal volume.

03505 058536 The operation could not be Check the requirements for using the W
performed because the specified volume with Universal Replicator.
secondary volume is a Universal
Replicator volume.

03505 058579 The operation could not be Verify that the shredding is complete in W
performed because the specified the Data Retention Utility window, and
volume is being shredded by then retry the operation.
Data Retention Utility.

03505 058582 The command has been The specified command cannot be W
rejected, because the specified executed with the current pair
S-VOL is used as P-VOL of Thin composition. See the section about the
Image or the specified MU interoperability with other products and
number is already used. functions and the ShadowImage
described in the Thin Image User Guide
for the condition of sharing the volumes
between Thin Image and

03505 058583 The operation failed because the To continue the operation, release the W
volume was shared by a Thin Thin Image setting.
Image pair.

03505 058584 The operation failed because the Check the conditions for using W
volume was shared by a Thin ShadowImage in conjunction with Thin
Image pair in COPY (RS-R)/ Image.
RCPY status.

03505 058585 The operation failed because the Volumes that do not belong to CU group W
CU group of the specified 0 are currently not supported. Specify
volume is not supported. another volume.

03505 058630 The operation cannot be See the ShadowImage User Guide for W
performed because the specified the relation between the pair status of
primary volume is used by a Universal Replicator and the
delta resync pair of Universal ShadowImage operations. See the Thin
Replicator. Image User Guide for the relation
between the pair status of Universal

5-76 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Replicator and the Thin Image

03505 058631 The operation failed because the The P-VOL of Universal Replicator pair W
specified S-VOL was used by for Delta resync cannot be specified as
Delta resync of Universal S-VOL. Specify another volume.

03505 058711 The operation could not be Refresh the ShadowImage window, and W
performed because the specified check the MU number that can be used.
MU number is already used.

03505 058906 The operation failed because the Verify the pair configurations. See the W
volume specified as the P-VOL ShadowImage User Guide for the
was used as the S-VOL of relation between the configuration and
another pair and the volume the operation of pairs.
specified as the S-VOL was used
as the P-VOL of another pair

03505 068021 0 cannot be specified as the MU Specify other MU numbers. W

number of L2 pair.

03505 068737 The command has been Associate the Dynamic Provisioning W
rejected, because the specified volume with a pool, and then retry the
P-VOL is a Dynamic Provisioning operation.
volume not associated with a

03505 068738 The command has been Associate the Dynamic Provisioning W
rejected, because the specified volume with a pool, and then retry the
S-VOL is a Dynamic Provisioning operation.
volume not associated with a

03505 068743 The command has been Retry the operation after quick W
rejected, because Quick Format formatting is complete.
is performed on the specified P-

03505 068744 The command has been Retry the operation after quick W
rejected, because Quick Format formatting is complete.
is performed on the specified S-

03505 068745 FICON(R) Data Migration Source FICON(R) Data Migration source volume W
Volume is specified as a T-VOL. cannot be used as a T-VOL. Use other
FICON(R) Data Migration Source volumes.
Volume cannot be used as a T-

03505 068746 The command has been rejected The specified pair cannot be operated W
because the pair uses FICON(R) because the pair uses FICON(R) Data
Data Migration Source Volume. Migration source volume.

03505 068747 The command has been rejected Release the setting in which the W
because the FICON(R) Data secondary volume is used by different
Migration source volume is used program products, and then retry the
in the specified pair, and T-VOL operation.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-77

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
is used by one of the following
program products.
• TrueCopy for Mainframe
• Universal Replicator for
• Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
• Volume Retention Manager

03505 068749 The command has been The Command cannot be executed E
rejected, because the specified because the TrueCopy Asynchronous
TrueCopy Asynchronous pair pair is not in the state of PSUS. See the
was not in PSUS status. section about the interoperability with
other products and functions described
in the ShadowImage User Guide for the
relation between the state of TrueCopy
Asynchronous pair and the
ShadowImage operations.

03505 068750 The Quick Restore command has Quick Restore cannot be performed in W
been rejected, because the the current pair configuration.
specified pair is composed of the
Dynamic Provisioning volume
and the volumes other than
Dynamic Provisioning volume.

03505 068755 The Quick Restore command has Quick Restore cannot be performed in W
been rejected, because device the current pair configuration. Select a
information (Inquiry pair whose device information (Inquiry
information) of P-VOL and S- information) is the same, and then
VOL was different in the perform Quick Restore.
specified pair.

03505 068760 Quick Restore cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
performed because the operation.
configuration is being backed up
in the target volume.

03505 068767 The SI Operation for FICON(R) The SI Operation for FICON(R) Data W
Data Migration failed because Migration failed because the specified
the specified pair consists of pair consists of either a primary volume
either a primary volume other other than a FICON(R) Data Migration
than a FICON(R) Data Migration source volume or a secondary volume
source volume or a secondary that is a FICON(R) Data Migration
volume that is a FICON(R) Data source volume.
Migration source volume.

03505 068768 The SI Operation for FICON(R) The SI Operation for FICON(R) Data W
Data Migration failed, because Migration cannot be performed in the
the pair status of the specified current pair status. Change the status
pair was not SIMPLEX or of the pair to SIMPLEX or DUPLEX, and
DUPLEX. then retry the operation.

03505 068769 The SI Operation for FICON(R) The SI Operation for FICON(R) Data W
Data Migration failed, because Migration cannot be performed in the
the pair status of the specified current pair status. Change the status
pair was not Suspend(Mig.). of the pair to Suspend(Mig.), and then
retry the operation.

5-78 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 068770 The SI Operation for FICON(R) Release the Cache Residency Manager W
Data Migration failed because for Mainframe setting in the T-VOL.
the Cache Residency Manager
for Mainframe setting was set in
the T-VOL of the specified pair.

03505 068771 The SI Operation for FICON(R) Release the Volume Retention Manager W
Data Migration failed, because setting in the T-VOL or specify another
the Volume Retention Manager volume, and then retry the operation.
setting was set in the T-VOL of
the specified pair.

03505 068772 The SI Operation for FICON(R) Delete the Universal Replicator for W
Data Migration failed because Mainframe pair, or select a different
the T-VOL of the specified pair volume, and then retry the operation.
was used by Universal Replicator
for Mainframe.

03505 068773 The SI Operation for FICON(R) Delete the TrueCopy for Mainframe pair W
Data Migration failed, because or specify another volume, and then
the T-VOL of the specified pair retry the operation.
was used by TrueCopy for

03505 068774 The SI Operation for FICON(R) Universal Volume Manager volume W
Data Migration failed, because cannot be used as a T-VOL. Specify
the T-VOL of the specified pair another volume.
was used by Universal Volume

03505 068775 The command could not be The specified operation cannot be W
executed because the primary performed in the current pair
volume of the specified pair is a configuration. Select volumes other
FICON(R) Data Migration source than FICON(R) Data Migration source
volume. volume for the primary volume, and
then retry the operation.

03505 068776 The command could not be The specified operation cannot be W
executed because the secondary performed in the current pair
volume of the specified pair is a configuration. Select volumes other
FICON(R) Data Migration source than FICON(R) Data Migration source
volume. volume for the secondary volume, and
then retry the operation.

03505 068777 The command has been The specified operation cannot be W
rejected, because the specified performed for FICON(R) Data Migration
volume is a FICON(R) Data source volume. Select a volume other
Migration Source Volume. than FICON(R) Data Migration source
volume, and then retry the operation.

03505 068808 The command has been The operation is not available because W
rejected, because the specified the target volume has capacity
P-VOL is a Dynamic Provisioning changes. Verify the capacity of the
volume whose capacity is being volume, and then apply the setting.

03505 068809 The command has been The operation is not available because W
rejected, because the specified the target volume has capacity
S-VOL is a Dynamic Provisioning

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-79

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
volume whose capacity is being changes. Verify the capacity of the
added. volume, and then apply the setting.

03505 068832 The command has been Use another CTG, or release the pair of W
rejected, Thin Image where the specified CTG is
because the specified CTG is in use.
used by Thin Image.

03505 068834 The command has been Use another CTG, or release the pair of W
rejected, because the specified ShadowImage where the specified CTG
CTG is used by ShadowImage. is in use.

03505 068835 The command could not be Release the pair of Thin Image that is W
executed because the specified using the specified P-VOL, then retry
primary volume is used by a pair the operation.
of Thin Image that is registered
in the CTG.

03505 068836 The command has been Release the pair of Thin Image that is W
rejected, using the specified S-VOL, then retry
because the specified S-VOL is the operation.
used by a pair of Thin Image,
which is registered in the CTG.

03505 068837 The command has been Wait until the zero page reclamation is W
rejected, because the specified completed, and then retry the
P-VOL is a volume of Dynamic operation.
Provisioning whose zero page is
being reclaimed.

03505 068838 The command has been Wait until the zero page reclamation is W
rejected, because the specified completed, and then retry the
S-VOL is a volume of Dynamic operation.
Provisioning whose zero page is
being reclaimed.

03505 068854 The SI Operation for FICON(R) Specify the volume not used as S-VOL W
Data Migration failed, because of SI Operation for FICON(R) Data
more than one T-VOL was Migration, or retry the operation after
assigned for the specified S- deleting the current pair.

03505 068867 The command has been Specify another volume. W

rejected, because the volume
specified as P-VOL is a quorum

03505 068868 The command has been Specify another volume. W

rejected, because the volume
specified as S-VOL is a quorum

03505 068922 The specified P-VOL is a volume The operation cannot be performed in W
of using two mirrors, which are the current status of Universal
included in 3DC cascade, 3DC Replicator pair. See the section
multi target, or Delta resync "Interoperability with other products
configuration. The operation for and functions" in the ShadowImage
this P-VOL failed due to one of User Guide for the relation between the
the following reasons.

5-80 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• The specified volume was state of Universal Replicator pair and
used by Delta resync of the ShadowImage operations.
Universal Replicator.
• The specified volume was
used by a data volume of
Universal Replicator.

03505 068923 The specified secondary volume The operation cannot be performed in W
is a volume of using two the current status of Universal
mirrors, which is included in the Replicator pair. See the section
3DC cascade, the 3DC multi- "Interoperability with other products
target, or the delta resync and functions" in the ShadowImage
configuration. The operation for User Guide for the relation between the
this secondary volume cannot be state of Universal Replicator pair and
performed due to one of the the ShadowImage operations.
following reasons:
• The specified volume is
used by a delta resync pair
of Universal Replicator.
• The specified volume is
used by a data volume of
Universal Replicator.

03505 068924 The specified volume is a Specify another volume. W

volume of using two mirrors,
which are included in 3DC
cascade, 3DC multi target, or
Delta resync configuration. The
operation for this volume failed
due to one of the following
• The specified volume was
used by Delta resync of
Universal Replicator.
• The specified volume was
used by a data volume of
Universal Replicator.

03505 075002 The command was rejected, Associate the specified Dynamic W
because the Dynamic Provisioning volume with a pool, and
Provisioning volume specified as then retry the operation.
P-VOL was not associated with a

03505 075003 The command was rejected, Associate the specified Dynamic W
because the Dynamic Provisioning volume with a pool, and
Provisioning volume specified as then retry the operation.
S-VOL was not associated with a

03505 075005 The command could not be Set an LUN path to the specified W
executed because no LUN path primary volume, and then retry the
is set to the volume specified as operation.
a primary volume.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-81

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 075006 The command could not be Set an LUN path to the specified W
executed because no LUN path primary volume, and then retry the
is set to the volume specified as operation.
a secondary volume.

03505 078053 The operation failed because the Check the microcode version of the W
current microcode version does storage system.
not support the capacity of
specified P-VOL.

03505 078054 The operation failed because the Check the microcode version of the W
current microcode version does storage system.
not support the capacity of
specified S-VOL.

03505 078069 The operation failed because the Specify another volume. W
emulation type of the specified
S-VOL(Primary Volume) was

03505 078070 The operation failed because the Specify another volume. W
emulation type of the specified
T-VOL(Secondary Volume) was

03505 078071 The operation failed because the Specify another volume. W
emulation type of the specified
volume was 3390-V.

03505 078072 3390-A cannot be used as an S- If no Mainframe Fibre CHA is mounted W

VOL(Primary Volume) due to on the storage system, mount a
one of the following reasons: Mainframe Fibre CHA. If all the
• The Mainframe Fibre CHA is Mainframe Fibre CHAs are blocked,
not mounted. restore those Mainframe Fibre CHAs.

• All the Mainframe Fibre

CHAs are blocked.

03505 078073 3390-A cannot be used as a T- If no Mainframe Fibre CHA is mounted W

VOL(Secondary Volume) due to on the storage system, mount a
one of the following reasons: Mainframe Fibre CHA. If all the
• The Mainframe Fibre CHA is Mainframe Fibre CHAs are blocked,
not mounted. restore those Mainframe Fibre CHAs.

• All the Mainframe Fibre

CHAs are blocked.

03505 078108 The command was rejected, Wait until the initialization of the pool is W
because the pool associated with completed, and then retry the
the Dynamic Provisioning operation.
volume that is specified as the
P-VOL was being initialized.

03505 078109 The command was rejected, Wait until the initialization of the pool is W
because the pool associated with completed, and then retry the
the Dynamic Provisioning operation.
volume that is specified as the
S-VOL was being initialized.

5-82 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 078121 The operation failed because the Select a different volume. W
specified S-VOL(Primary
Volume) was used by
Compatible Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE, or was a TSE

03505 078122 The operation failed because the Select a different volume. W
specified T-VOL(Secondary
Volume) was a TSE volume.

03505 078128 The operation cannot be Specify volumes other than those in the W
performed because the specified online data migration process.
volume is in the online data
migration process.

03505 078129 The operation cannot be Specify volumes other than those in the W
performed because the volume online data migration process.
specified as the primary volume
is in the online data migration

03505 078130 The operation cannot be Specify a different volume. W

performed because the volume
specified as the secondary
volume is a migration volume of
nondisruptive migration.

03505 078139 The operation cannot be done Verify the status of the specified pool. W
because a pool cannot be used.

03505 078140 The operation cannot be When you create multiple Thin Image W
performed because the specified pairs by specifying two or more
pool number is not the same as secondary volumes to one primary
the pool number for the existing volume, be sure to specify the same
pairs. pool number as the existing pairs.

03505 078141 The operation cannot be done Release the Thin Image pair setting or W
because the specified primary specify another volume.
volume is a secondary volume of
Thin Image.

03505 078142 The operation cannot be done Release the Thin Image pair setting or W
because the specified secondary specify another volume.
volume is a secondary volume of
Thin Image.

03505 078143 The specified snapshot number Specify another snapshot number or W
is used in another pair of Thin release the Thin Image pair setting.

03505 078144 The operation cannot be done Install additional license keys to expand W
because the license capacity has the license capacity of the program
been exceeded. product.

03505 078145 The command cannot be run in Refresh the window, and then retry the W
the current pair status. operation.

03505 078146 The command cannot be run Verify the status of the specified pair. W
because the command

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-83

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
previously specified could not be Perform the pair operation respectively
run in the current pair status. Or on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
the command cannot be run or the L1 and L2 pairs.
because there is a pair operation
that cannot be performed if it is
done on some pairs of one-to-
multiple volumes or L1 and L2
pairs at the same time.

03505 078147 A pair could not be created Specify a Thin Image pool. W
because a pool other than the
pool type of Thin Image was

03505 078148 The command was rejected Release the secondary volume W
because the specified volume unavailable setting, and then retry the
was set unavailable to specify as operation.
a secondary volume.

03505 078149 An error occurred during Thin Perform one of the following, and then W
Image operations due to one of retry the operation.
the following reasons: • Specify another LDEV number.
• The LDEV number specified • Verify the status of the specified
for the primary volume or pair.
secondary volume is wrong.
• Specify another MU number.
• The LDEV specified as the
primary volume or • Verify the status of the specified
secondary volume is not pool.
paired. • Verify the license capacity of the
• The pair status of the Thin Image.
specified primary volume or • See the section "Planning number
secondary volume is wrong. of Thin Image pairs" in the Thin
• The specified Snapshot ID Image User Guide for the relation
(MU number) is wrong. between the number of pairs that
can be created and the shared
• The specified Snapshot ID memories.
(MU number) is already
• The specified pool is not in a
usable status.
• The license capacity has
exceeded the maximum.
• The control table for Thin
Image is depleted.

03505 078150 The command was rejected Install the necessary program product. W
because the program product of
Thin Image or ShadowImage
was not installed.

03505 078151 The command was rejected Add sufficient shared memory. W
because the shared memory
(FC, TPF, or Extension1) of
necessary capacity was not

5-84 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 078152 The command was rejected Add sufficient shared memory. W
because the shared memory
(SS1 or more) of necessary
capacity was not installed.

03505 078153 The LDEV number that is Specify another LDEV number. W
specified as a primary volume is

03505 078154 The command was rejected Specify a volume of supported W

because the emulation type of emulation type.
the specified primary volume
was not OPEN-V.

03505 078155 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the TrueCopy pair W
because the primary volume of to PSUS or PSUE, and then retry the
Thin Image is used as the operation.
primary volume of TrueCopy,
and the pair status of TrueCopy
is other than PSUS or PSUE.

03505 078156 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the Universal W
because the primary volume of Replicator pair to PSUS or PSUE, and
Thin Image is used as the then retry the operation.
primary volume of Universal
Replicator, and the pair status of
Universal Replicator is other
than PSUS or PSUE.

03505 078157 The operation cannot be done Select a different volume. W

because a volume is used as the
primary volume of Thin Image
and the secondary volume of

03505 078158 The operation cannot be done Select a different volume. W

because the primary volume of
Thin Image is used as the
secondary volume of Universal

03505 078159 The operation cannot be done Verify the setting of the specified W
because VMA is set for the volume.
specified primary volume.

03505 078160 The command was rejected Specify a volume whose emulation type W
because the emulation type of is supported.
the specified secondary volume
was not OPEN-V.

03505 078161 The operation cannot be done Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume is an external volume.

03505 078162 The operation cannot be done Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume is not a virtual volume.

03505 078163 The command was rejected Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-85

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
volume was used as a primary
volume of Universal Replicator.

03505 078164 The command was rejected Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume was used as a secondary
volume of Universal Replicator.

03505 078165 The command was rejected Release the secondary volume W
because the specified volume unavailable setting, and then retry the
was set unavailable to specify as operation.
a secondary volume.

03505 078166 The operation cannot be done Verify the setting of the specified W
because VMA is set for the volume.
specified secondary volume.

03505 078167 The command was rejected Verify the Max LBA size of the volume. W
because the Max LBA size of the
specified primary and the
secondary volumes was

03505 078168 The command was rejected Verify the number of slots of the W
because the number of slots is volume.
different between the specified
primary and the secondary

03505 078169 The specified secondary volume Specify another volume. W

is a virtual volume of Dynamic

03505 078171 The command was rejected Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume was used as a primary
volume of ShadowImage.

03505 078172 The command was rejected Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume was used as a secondary
volume of ShadowImage.

03505 078174 A pair of Thin Image cannot be Install additional shared memory, or W
created due to one of the wait until the initializing process is
following reasons. complete and then retry the operation.
• The required capacity of
shared memory is not
• It is in the initializing

03505 078175 The specified operation cannot Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
be done. Support Center.

03505 078176 The operation cannot be done Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
because the PSUE option is Support Center.

5-86 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 078177 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the TrueCopy pair W
because a volume is used as the to other than COPY, and then retry the
primary volume of Thin Image operation.
and the secondary volume of
TrueCopy, and the pair status of
TrueCopy is COPY.

03505 078178 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the Universal W
because a volume is used as the Replicator pair to other than COPY, and
primary volume of Thin Image then retry the operation.
and the secondary volume of
Universal Replicator, and the
pair status of Universal
Replicator is COPY.

03505 078179 When the primary volume of Select a different MU number. W

Thin Image and the primary
volume of ShadowImage volume
share the volume, the MU
number currently used by
ShadowImage cannot be

03505 078180 When the primary volume of Select a different MU number. W

Thin Image and the secondary
volume of ShadowImage share
the volume, 0 cannot be
specified as a MU number of the
primary volume for Thin Image.

03505 078181 The command was rejected Wait for the status of the ShadowImage W
because the primary volume of pair to change to PAIR, and then retry
Thin Image and the primary the operation.
volume of ShadowImage share a
volume, and the pair of
ShadowImage was in re-
synchronizing processing.

03505 078182 The command was rejected Change the status of the ShadowImage W
because the primary volume of pair to PSUS, and then retry the
Thin Image and the secondary operation.
volume of ShadowImage share a
volume, and the pair of
ShadowImage was not in the
state of PSUS.

03505 078183 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the ShadowImage W
because the primary volume of pair to PSUS, and then retry the
Thin Image and the primary operation.
volume of ShadowImage share a
volume, and the pair status of
ShadowImage is other than

03505 078184 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the ShadowImage W
because the primary volume of pair to PSUS, and then retry the
Thin Image and the secondary operation.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-87

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
volume of ShadowImage share a
volume, and the pair status of
ShadowImage is other than

03505 078185 The operation cannot be done Restore the blocked pools or pool W
because the pools or the pool volumes, and then retry the operation.
volumes are blocked.

03505 078186 A Thin Image pair cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
restored due to one of the operation.
following reasons.
• Snapshot data of restore
target Thin Image pair is
being obtained per
consistency group.
• Snapshot data of another
pair whose primary volume
is the restore target Thin
Image primary volume is
being obtained.

03505 078187 A Thin Image pair with Verify the specified consistency group W
consistency group number number.
specified cannot be created due
to one of the following reasons.
• The specified consistency
group number is used by
the ShadowImage.
• The number of pairs defined
in a consistency group
exceeds the maximum.
• The pair created by using
the same primary volume
already exists in the
specified consistency
group .

03505 078188 The specified consistency group Verify the consistency group number. W
number is invalid.

03505 078189 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the TrueCopy W
because the primary volume of Asynchronous pair to PSUS, and then
Thin Image and the secondary retry the operation.
volume of TrueCopy
asynchronous pair share a
volume, and the status of
TrueCopy asynchronous pair is
other than PSUS or PSUE.

03505 078190 The operation cannot be done Verify the setting of the specified W
because the specified secondary volume.
volume is incorrect.

03505 078191 The command was rejected Install the necessary program product. W
because the program product of
Thin Image was not installed.

5-88 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 078195 The command was rejected Select a volume other than the external W
because the primary volume is volume mapped for the online data
used as an external volume that migration, and then retry the operation.
is mapped for online data

03505 078196 The command was rejected Select a volume other than the external W
because the secondary volume volume mapped for the online data
is used as an external volume migration, and then retry the operation.
that is mapped for online data

03505 078201 The operation failed because the Select a Snapshot pool. W
specified pool is not a Thin
Image pool.

03505 078202 The operation failed because the Install the Thin Image program product. W
Thin Image program product is
not installed.

03505 078203 The operation failed because the Check the microcode versions of SVP W
microcode versions of SVP and and DKCMAIN.
DKCMAIN do not match.

03505 078204 The operation failed because Delete unnecessary external volumes or W
there are not enough cache virtual volumes, and then retry the
management devices. operation. When there is a Thin Image
pair, delete all the pairs related to the
unnecessary primary volumes, and then
retry the operation. If this problem
persists, call the Support Center.

03505 078205 The operation failed because the Specify a volume whose capacity is 4TB W
capacity of the specified volume or less.
exceeds 4 TB.

03505 078207 The operation cannot be Wait until the Quick Restore operation is W
performed because there is a complete, and then retry the operation.
pair in the status of Quick Perform the pair operation respectively
Restore among ShadowImage on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
pairs that share a primary or the L1 and L2 pairs.
volume. Or the command cannot
be run because there is a pair
operation that cannot be
performed if it is done on some
pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
or L1 and L2 pairs at the same

03505 078208 The operation failed because the Check the pool number. W
specified pool number is wrong.

03505 078210 A Thin Image pair cannot be Verify the consistency group of the pairs W
created because the consistency that belong to the snapshot group.
group used by the specified
snapshot group is one of the

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-89

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• The consistency group
number is used by
• The number of pairs that
can be defined in a
consistency group exceeds
the maximum.
• A pair created by using the
same primary volume
already exists in the
consistency group .

03505 078255 The operation failed because the Verify the status of the volume. W
volume specified as the S-VOL is
a root volume.

03505 078256 The operation failed because the Verify the status of the volume. W
volume specified as the S-VOL is
a node volume.

03505 078257 The operation failed because the Verify the status of the volume. W
volume specified as the P-VOL is
a leaf volume.

03505 078258 The operation failed because the Verify the status of the volume. W
volume specified as the S-VOL is
a leaf volume.

03505 078259 The operation failed because the The operation cannot be performed in W
specified P-VOL that uses two the current pair status of Universal
mirrors in 3DC cascade, 3DC Replicator. See section "Interoperability
multi target, or Delta resync with other products and functions" in
configuration is in one of the the Thin Image User Guide for the
following statuses. relation between the pair status of
• The volume is in the Universal Replicator and the Thin Image
Universal Replicator Delta operations.
resync configuration.
• The volume is a Universal
Replicator data volume.

03505 078260 The operation failed because the The operation cannot be performed in W
specified S-VOL that uses two the current pair status of Universal
mirrors in 3DC cascade, 3DC Replicator. See section "Interoperability
multi target, or Delta resync with other products and functions" in
configuration is in one of the the Thin Image User Guide for the
following statuses. relation between the pair status of
• The volume is in the Universal Replicator and the Thin Image
Universal Replicator Delta operations.
resync configuration.
• The volume is a Universal
Replicator data volume.

03505 078261 The command ended abnormally Make sure the MU number can be W
because the specified MU specified.
number is out of the range that
can be specified.

5-90 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 078289 A Thin Image pair with the CTG Check the respective consistency group W
mode specified cannot be status or create a Thin Image pair
created because all the without specifying the CTG mode.
consistency groups have already
been defined.

03505 078290 A Thin Image pair cannot be Select a different volume. W

created because the snapshot ID
(MU number) that can be used
for the volume specified as the
primary volume is depleted.

03505 078291 A Thin Image pair cannot be Check the defined snapshot groups or W
created because all the snapshot select a different snapshot group.
groups have already been
defined, or the number of pairs
that can be registered in the
specified snapshot group has
exceeded the maximum.

03505 078292 A Thin Image pair in which a V- Wait until the initialization of the pool is W
VOL of Dynamic Provisioning is complete, and then retry the operation.
set as the primary volume
cannot be created because the
Dynamic Provisioning pool is
being initialized.

03505 078293 Failed to create a Thin Image Wait until the initialization of the pool is W
pair because the Dynamic complete, and then retry the operation.
Provisioning pool is being

03505 078294 The Add Pair (Paircreate) Check the specified pair type. W
operation failed because the
specified pair type does not
match the specified pool type.

03505 078310 The Thin Image pair operation Change the status of pairs related to W
cannot be performed because all the specified primary volume to enable
Thin Image pairs that share the the pair operation, and then retry the
specified primary volume are in operation.
PSUE status.

03505 208041 A pair cannot be created Release the migration attribute, or W

because of the migration specify a different volume.
attribute of the volume specified
as the primary volume or the
secondary volume.

03505 208042 The operation cannot be Release the migration attribute. W

performed because of the
migration attribute of the
volume specified as the primary
volume or the secondary

03505 208043 A pair consisting of three Create a pair consisting of one or two W
secondary volumes cannot be secondary volumes, or specify a
created because of the

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-91

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
migration attribute of the different volume for the primary
volume specified as the primary volume.

03505 208044 The operation cannot be Release the migration attribute. W

performed because of the
migration attribute of the
secondary volume of the
specified pair.

03505 208045 The volume specified as the Verify the setting of the online data W
primary volume is a migration migration.
volume of nondisruptive
migration. The operation cannot
be performed because the
setting of the online data
migration for the volume is not

03505 208047 The command cannot be run Specify a different volume, or verify the W
because the volume specified as status of the global-active device pair,
the primary volume is a and then retry the operation.
reserved volume of global-active
device, or the status of the
global-active device pair is not

03505 208048 The command cannot be run Specify a different volume, or delete the W
because the volume specified as global-active device pair, and then retry
the secondary volume is a the operation.
reserved volume of global-active
device, or the volume is used by
the global-active device pair.

03505 208049 The command cannot be run Specify a different volume, or verify the W
because the volume specified as status of the global-active device pair,
the primary volume is a and then retry the operation.
reserved volume of global-active
device, or the status of the
global-active device pair is not

03505 208050 The command cannot be run Specify a different volume, or delete the W
because the volume specified as global-active device pair, and then retry
the secondary volume is a the operation.
reserved volume of global-active
device, or the volume is used by
the global-active device pair.

03505 208051 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified primary operation.
volume is not a primary volume
of a Thin Image pair.

03505 208052 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified pair does operation.
not exist.

5-92 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 208054 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified pair has a operation.
secondary volume.

03505 208055 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified pair has operation.
no secondary volume.

03505 208056 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified pair has operation.
no secondary volume.

03505 208057 The operation cannot be Verify the microcode versions of the W
performed because the SVP and the DKCMAIN.
microcode versions of the SVP
and the DKCMAIN do not match.

03505 208058 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified pair has a operation.
secondary volume.

03505 208059 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the W
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists,
contradiction. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

03505 208060 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the W
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists,
contradiction. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

03505 208067 The operation cannot be Wait until the migration is complete, W
performed because the specified and then retry the operation.
primary volume is being
migrated by Volume Migration.

03505 208069 The operation cannot be Wait until the migration is complete, W
performed because the specified and then retry the operation.
secondary volume is being
migrated by Volume Migration.

03505 208071 The pair operation cannot be Wait until the initialization of the local W
performed because local replication pairs is complete, and then
replication pairs are being retry the operation.

03505 208431 The operation cannot be Specify a DP-VOL as an LDEV with the W
performed because the specified SLU attribute.
LDEV with the SLU attribute is
not a DP-VOL.

03505 208501 The operation cannot be Verify the setting. W

performed because a virtual
LDEV ID is set on the specified

03505 208962 The operation cannot be Verify the microcode versions of the W
performed because the SVP and the DKCMAIN.
microcode versions of the SVP
and the DKCMAIN do not match.

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-93

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 238701 The operation cannot be Specify an LDEV with the SLU attribute W
performed due to one of the used in the Thin Image pair in the PAIR
following reasons: status.
• The specified LDEV with the
SLU attribute is not a
volume of a Thin Image
• The Thin Image pair using
the specified LDEV with the
SLU attribute is not in the
PAIR status.

03505 238716 The operation cannot be Verify the settings. W

performed because the specified
LDEV does not exist.

03505 238723 The operation cannot be Specify an LDEV with the SLU attribute W
performed due to one of the used in the Thin Image pair in the PAIR
following reasons: status.
• The specified LDEV with the
SLU attribute is not a
volume of a Thin Image
• The Thin Image pair using
the specified LDEV with the
SLU attribute is not in the
PAIR status.

03505 238724 The operation cannot be Unbind the specified LDEV with the SLU W
performed because the specified attribute from the LDEV with the ALU
LDEV with the SLU attribute is attribute, and then retry the operation.
bound to an LDEV with the ALU

03505 238738 The operation cannot be Specify an LDEV with the same W
performed because the capacity capacity.
of the specified LDEV does not
match that of the assigned

03505 238740 The operation cannot be Specify an LDEV that is not a DP-VOL. W
performed because the specified

03505 238844 An error occurred during internal Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
processing on the storage Support Center.

03505 238852 The operation cannot be Specify a Thin Image pool. W

performed because the specified
pool is not a Thin Image pool.

03505 238860 The operation cannot be Verify the setting. W

performed because the specified
pool number is not set within
the available range.

5-94 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

03505 265296 The operation cannot be Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
performed because the specified Support Center.
SLU ID is in incorrect format.

03505 265297 The operation cannot be Verify the settings. W

performed because the specified
LDEV with the SLU attribute
does not exist.

03505 265298 The operation cannot be Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
performed because the specified Support Center.
SLU ID is in incorrect format.

03505 265299 The operation cannot be Verify the setting. W

performed because the specified
LDEV with the SLU attribute
does not exist.

03505 265300 An error occurred during internal Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
processing on the storage Support Center.

03505 265301 The operation cannot be Verify the setting. W

performed because the specified
start slot number exceeds the
maximum slot number of the

03505 265302 The operation cannot be Verify the settings. W

performed because the specified
end slot number exceeds the
maximum slot number of the

03505 265303 The operation cannot be Verify the setting. W

performed because the specified
number of slots exceeds the
maximum for search.

03505 265304 The operation cannot be Specify an LDEV with the SLU attribute W
performed due to one of the used in the Thin Image pair in the PAIR
following reasons: status.
• The specified LDEV with the
SLU attribute is not a
volume of a Thin Image
• The Thin Image pair using
the specified LDEV with the
SLU attribute is not in the
PAIR status.

03505 265305 The operation cannot be Specify an LDEV with the SLU attribute W
performed due to one of the used in the Thin Image pair in the PAIR
following reasons: status.
• The specified LDEV with the
SLU attribute is not a
volume of a Thin Image

Message (part code group 03nnn) 5-95

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• The Thin Image pair using
the specified LDEV with the
SLU attribute is not in the
PAIR status.

03505 265306 The operation cannot be Specify an LDEV with the SLU attribute W
performed due to one of the used in the Thin Image pair in the PAIR
following reasons: status.
• The specified LDEV with the
SLU attribute is not a
volume of a Thin Image
• The Thin Image pair using
the specified LDEV with the
SLU attribute is not in the
PAIR status.

5-96 Message (part code group 03nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 04nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 04005 to 04010.

□ Part code 04005

□ Part code 04010

Message (part code group 04nnn) 6-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 04005
Table 6-1 Error codes (part code 04005)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

04005 005010 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 005040 The number of requests exceeds Reduce the number of requests, then W
the maximum number that can retry the operation.
be processed.

04005 005099 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 006001 An error occurred during SVP If the Volume Migration operation is in E
processing. progress, wait until the Volume
Migration operation is complete, and
then retry the operation. If the Volume
Migration operation is not in progress
and if this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

04005 006011 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 006023 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 006040 An error occurred while If the same problem persists despite E
connecting to the storage retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
system. Systems Support Center.

04005 006502 Processing in progress. Wait for a while, and then retry the W
operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

04005 007060 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 007111 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 007202 The status of the storage system Verify the status of the storage system. E
requires maintenance (for If this problem persists, contact the
example, the storage system is Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
blocked, the shared memory is
inconsistent, or some other

6-2 Message (part code group 04nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

04005 007310 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 055243 The total cache residency size Check the settings, and then retry the W
for the CLPR does not match the operation.
one in the storage system.

04005 055244 The cache residency size set for Check the setting, then retry the W
the CLPR exceeds the maximum operation.
available cache residency size.
CLPR No:xxx
SLPR No:xxx

04005 055245 The number of cache residency Check the setting, then retry the W
areas set for the CLPR exceeds operation.
the maximum available number
of cache residency areas.
CLPR No:xxx
SLPR No:xxx

04005 055246 The total number of cache Check the setting, then retry the W
residency areas set for the operation.
CLPRs does not match the
maximum number of cache
residency areas in the storage

04005 055247 The cache residency size set for Check the setting, then retry the W
the CLPR is not a multiple of 512 operation.
CLPR No:xxx
SLPR No:xxx

04005 055265 The parity group that contains Remove the cache residency settings W
the volumes to which Cache from the volumes, and then migrate the
Residency Manager is set cannot parity group.
be migrated to a different CLPR.
CLPR No:xxx

04005 055530 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 055531 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 055532 The specified extent is over the Specify an extent area that does not E
size which can be specified. exceed the maximum extent area size,
and then retry the operation.

04005 055533 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

Message (part code group 04nnn) 6-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

04005 055534 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 055535 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 055536 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 055537 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 055538 The Cache Residency Manager Disable the IO suppression mode of this E
cannot be set to the specified volume, or remove the volume from the
volume because the IO volumes to be set, and then retry the
suppression mode is set to operation.

04005 055539 Cache Residency Manager Enable the cache mode of this volume, E
cannot be set for this volume or remove the volume from the volumes
because its Cache mode is set to to be set, and then retry the operation.

04005 055540 The specified function is not Install the necessary program E
available because it requires product(s).
Cache Residency Manager.

04005 055541 The specified function is not Install the necessary program E
available because it requires product(s).
Cache Residency Manager for

04005 055542 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

04005 055576 An LDEV number that does not Check the setting(s). E
apply to the selected CU group
has been specified.

04005 056526 The resources of other SLPR(s) If the problem persists despite retrying, E
cannot be accessed. please call the Support Center.

04005 056542 The prestaging is not performed Verify the cache residency setting. To E
because there is no prestaging use the prestaging function, set the
area. prestaging area by using Cache
Residency Manager.

04005 058511 The current Cache Residency Wait for a while, then retry the E
Manager setting cannot be operation.
changed because the sidefile
size exceeds the threshold.

04005 058512 The current Cache Residency Wait for a while, then retry the E
Manager setting cannot be operation.

6-4 Message (part code group 04nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
changed because the prestaging
operation is in progress.

04005 058513 Prestaging not completed. Wait for a while, refresh the window, E
and then retry the prestaging operation,
or verify that the storage system is not
blocked. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

04005 058514 Currently running microcode If the problem persists despite retrying, E
version does not support the please call the Support Center.
specified operation.

04005 058709 The specified operation cannot Wait for a while, then retry the E
be performed because one of operation.
the following maintenance
operations is in progress:
• LDEV formatting
• Correction Copy
• Drive Copy
• Changing CHA/DKA status
• Changing the cache status
• Replacing an OEM drive
• LDEV shredding or extent

04005 075041 Some of the specified volumes Specify volumes other than those in the W
are in the online data migration online data migration process.

Part code 04010

Table 6-2 Error codes (part code 04010)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

04010 001030 Part of the range is already in Correct the specified content, and issue i
use. the request again.

04010 001032 The specified value is outside Correct the specified content, and issue i
the valid range. the request again.

04010 002080 Prestaging not completed. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

04010 005010 The value specified as the Correct the values specified as the W
ending address for the data to starting and ending addresses, then
be placed in cache is smaller retry the operation.
than the value specified as the
starting address.

Message (part code group 04nnn) 6-5

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

04010 005011 The value specified as the Correct the specified content, and retry. W
Number of Cache Residency
Areas is equal to or less than
one cylinder.

04010 005030 No deletion area is specified. Verify the settings. W

Retry the operation to specify
the deletion area.

04010 005058 The Cache Residency Manager Verify the settings. W

settings that exceed the
maximum size or maximum
available area are invalid.

04010 007440 An error occurred during If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. If this problem Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
persists, please call the Support

04010 009000 Prestaging has completed. Click [OK]. i

04010 009010 This setting will take effect. To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click i

04010 009060 Do you want to delete? To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click i

04010 059035 Prestaging will be carried out to To continue, click [Yes]. Otherwise, click i
the selected LDEV. Do you want [No].
to continue?

04010 065643 The number of Extents in the Verify the settings. E

LDEV has exceeded the

6-6 Message (part code group 04nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 05nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 05105 to 05310.

□ Part code 05105

□ Part code 05107

□ Part code 05121

□ Part code 05122

□ Part code 05205

□ Part code 05221

□ Part code 05222

□ Part code 05305

□ Part code 05307

□ Part code 05310

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 05105
Table 7-1 Error codes (part code 05105)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05105 002002 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 002003 An error occurred during SVP Use the SVP to check if the DKC is in E
processing. the normal status, then retry. If the
same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

05105 002007 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 002015 A connection error has occurred. Retry the same operation. If the same E
error occurs despite retrying, please call
the Support Center.

05105 002145 A connection error has occurred. Retry the same operation. If the same E
error occurs despite retrying, please call
the Support Center.

05105 005010 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 005013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 005099 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 005202 This function is not Install the required program product. E
available.Performance Monitor is

05105 005400 Failed to access the monitoring Wait for a while, and then retry the W
data because accessing the operation. If this problem persists, call
monitoring data on the SVP is the Support Center.

05105 006000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 006002 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 006011 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 006022 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 006023 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 006036 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

7-2 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05105 006092 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 006501 There is no monitoring data. Change the monitor switch to ON, and W
accumulate the data.

05105 007007 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 007111 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 007428 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 008002 The storage system status is Retry the same operation several times. E
invalid. If the same error occurs, please call the
Support Center.

05105 008916 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 008918 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 008919 The storage system status is Retry the same operation several times. E
invalid. If the same error occurs, please call the
Support Center.

05105 055113 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 055114 There is no monitoring data. It Change the monitoring switch to W

might be deleted by another "Enable" for collecting data, then
user's operation. perform the operation.

05105 055500 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 055501 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05105 056524 This function cannot be used by Select another window. If you want to E
the storage partition set this function, please contact the
administrator. storage administrator.

05105 056525 Because the settings across the To continue the operation, please E
multiple SLPRs are contained, contact the storage administrator and
the authority has been shifted to have the settings across the multiple
the storage administrator from SLPRs cancelled, then retry the
the storage partition operation. To perform other operations,
administrator. please select a function button.

05105 056526 The resources of other SLPR(s) An error occurred during processing. If E
cannot be accessed. this problem persists, please call the
Support Center.

05105 066016 A monitoring switch cannot be Change the gathering interval, and retry E
enabled with the specified the operation.
gathering interval.

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05105 066017 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

Part code 05107

Table 7-2 Error codes (part code 05107)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05107 005099 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05107 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

Part code 05121

Table 7-3 Error codes (part code 05121)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05121 105001 No table rows are selected. Select one or more table rows. W

05121 105002 Two or more table rows are Select one table row. W

05121 105003 No table row, or two or more Select one table row. W
table rows are selected.

05121 107001 An internal logic error occurred. If this problem persists, call the Support E

05121 109001 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
remove the selected row(s)? [Cancel].

05121 109203 Are you sure you want to close To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click i
the graph? [Cancel].

05121 109204 The graph data will be deleted. To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
Do you want to continue? [Cancel].

05121 109206 The monitored CUs will be To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
deleted. Do you want to [Cancel].

05121 109207 The monitored WWNs will be To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
deleted. Do you want to [Cancel].

05121 109209 The graphs of some When you display the graphs in Short- i
performance objects cannot be Range, set CUs or WWNs to be

7-4 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
displayed in Short-Range monitored in [Edit CU Monitor Mode] or
because CUs or WWNs are not [Edit WWN Monitor Mode] window.
set to be monitored. Do you
want to continue?

Part code 05122

Table 7-4 Error codes (part code 05122)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05122 105101 The specified term of displaying Enter a correct value. W

graph is invalid.

05122 105102 The content has not been Edit the CU to be monitored. W

05122 105103 The specified HBA WWN is Specify another HBA WWN. W
duplicated in the DKC.

05122 105104 The specified WWN Name is Specify another WWN Name. W
duplicated in the WWN to be

05122 105105 There is no editable WWN as a Click [OK]. W

target of monitoring.

05122 105106 The WWN cannot be added, Check the additional WWN, and edit the W
because that WWN Name is duplicated WWN Name.
duplicated in the WWN to be

05122 105107 The content has not been Edit the WWN to be monitored. W

05122 105108 There is no available port to Click [OK]. W


05122 105109 There are no monitoring WWNs Click [OK]. W

to be deleted.

05122 105110 A new graph cannot be added, Delete the other graph display object, W
because the number of graph or close the other graph.
display objects has reached the

05122 105111 No more graph items can be Set the total number of graph items for W
added because the total number all of the graph panels to 16 or less.
of graph items that can be
displayed in all of the panels has
reached the maximum.

05122 105112 The graph cannot be displayed, Wait for a while, then retry the W
because there is no graph data. operation.

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-5

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05122 105113 The real time graph display will Retry the operation if you need the real W
end due to changing the time graph display.
monitoring switch.

05122 105114 The CU to be monitored cannot Reduce the number of CUs to be W

be added, because the number monitored to 64 or fewer.
of CUs that can be specified
exceeds the maximum.

05122 105115 A WWN to be monitored cannot Reduce the number of WWNs to be W

be added, because the number monitored to 2048 or fewer.
of graph display objects exceeds
the maximum.

05122 105116 A WWN to be monitored cannot Reduce the number of WWNs to be W

be added, because the number monitored to 32 or fewer per port.
of graph display objects per one
port exceeds the maximum.

05122 105226 The Graph Display Term cannot Click [OK]. W

be changed, because there is no
graph data.

05122 105227 The HBA WWN is unedited. Edit the HBA WWN. If you do not edit it, W
uncheck the check box.

05122 105228 The WWN Name is unedited. Edit the WWN Name. If you do not edit W
it, uncheck the check box.

05122 105229 No more WWNs to be monitored Delete unnecessary monitoring WWNs, W

can be added, because the and then retry the operation.
number of monitoring WWNs
has reached the maximum.

05122 105230 There are no selectable parity Click [OK]. W


05122 105247 The storage system is in internal If the same problem occurs again, close E
process, or some other user is the windows, and retry the operation
changing the configuration. after the internal processing or the
Wait, then retry the operation. configuration change has been
completed. If the internal processing or
the configuration change takes much
time to complete, please call the
Support Center.

05122 105254 No more graph items can be Set the number of graph items per one W
added because the number of graph panel to 8 or less.
graph items that can be
displayed in one graph panel has
reached the maximum.

05122 107001 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

05122 107002 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

7-6 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05122 107003 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

05122 107004 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

05122 107005 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

05122 107015 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

05122 205024 The specified term of displaying Set the term to 93 days or less. W
graph is invalid.

Part code 05205

Table 7-5 Error codes (part code 05205)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 001087 The volume specified as a Retry the operation after the formatting W
migration target is being or the shredding is complete.
formatted or shredded.

05205 001096 The command has been Run the vary offline command to W
rejected, because the volume disable the volume from the mainframe
specified as a target volume is host, and then retry the operation.
used by the host.

05205 001117 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration source is already used retry the operation.
as a volume of Concurrent Copy.

05205 001118 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration target is already used retry the operation.
as a volume of Concurrent Copy.

05205 001120 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration source is already used retry the operation.
as a volume of Compatible XRC.

05205 001121 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration target is already used retry the operation.
as a volume of Compatible XRC.

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-7

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 001122 The volume(s) is already being Select a different volume, and then W
used by Compatible XRC. retry the operation.

05205 001207 The volume types do not match. Retry the operation. If this problem W
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 001210 The shared memory to set a Install the shared memory if it is W
plan is insufficient. possible.
If it is impossible to install the shared
memory, the plan cannot be set any
See the section about the computational
methods of the number of movement
plans described in the Volume Migration
User Guide for the relation between the
number of plans that can be made and
the shared memory.

05205 001212 The source volume(s) is not Retry the operation. If this problem W
equipped. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 001213 The command was rejected due Recover the blocked volume, and then W
to one of the following reasons. retry the operation.
• The volume specified as a
migration source was

05205 001214 The volume specified as a Retry the operation after the formatting W
migration source is being or the shredding is complete.
formatted or shredded.

05205 001215 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration source is a command retry the operation.

05205 001216 The target volume(s) is not Retry the operation. If this problem W
equipped. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 001217 The command was rejected due Recover the blocked volume, and then W
to one of the following reasons. retry the operation.
• The volume specified as a
migration target was

05205 001218 The volume specified as a Retry the operation after the formatting W
migration target is being or the shredding is complete.
formatted or shredded.

05205 001219 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration target is a command retry the operation.

05205 001221 The volume(s) are already used Retry the operation. If this problem W
by Volume Migration. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

7-8 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 001222 The number of the See "Supported and prohibited source W
ShadowImage for Mainframe or and target volumes" in the Volume
ShadowImage pair volumes has Migration User Guide if the volumes of
reached the maximum. ShadowImage for Mainframe or of
ShadowImage can be migrated.

05205 001223 The volume(s) are already used Retry the operation. If this problem W
by Volume Migration. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 001224 The volume(s) are already used Retry the operation. If this problem W
by Volume Migration. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 001225 The selected source volume and Retry the operation. If this problem W
destination volume are the same persists, contact the Hitachi Data
volume. Systems Support Center.

05205 001228 The RAID level of the target Retry the operation. If this problem W
volume is not supported. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 001229 The specified volume(s) are See "Supported and prohibited source W
already used by ShadowImage and target volumes" in the Volume
for Mainframe or ShadowImage. Migration User Guide if the volumes of
ShadowImage for Mainframe or of
ShadowImage can be migrated.

05205 001230 The specified volume(s) are Select a different volume, and then W
already used by ShadowImage retry the operation.
for Mainframe or ShadowImage.

05205 001231 The volume(s) is already being Release the Data Migration. W
used by Data Migration.

05205 001232 The specified volume(s) are Select a different volume, and then W
already used by ShadowImage retry the operation.
for Mainframe or ShadowImage.

05205 001233 The specified volume(s) are Select a different volume, and then W
already used by ShadowImage retry the operation.
for Mainframe or ShadowImage.

05205 001234 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration target cannot be retry the operation.
migrated because it is used as
P-VOL of TrueCopy, or TrueCopy
for Mainframe.

05205 001235 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration target cannot be retry the operation.
migrated because it is used as
S-VOL or R-VOL of TrueCopy, or
TrueCopy for Mainframe.

05205 001236 The RAID level of the target Retry the operation. If this problem W
volume is not supported. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-9

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 001237 The specified volume(s) are Select a different volume, and then W
already used by ShadowImage retry the operation.
for Mainframe or ShadowImage.

05205 001238 The specified volume(s) are Select a different volume, and then W
already used by ShadowImage retry the operation.
for Mainframe or ShadowImage.

05205 001239 The volume(s) is already being Release the Data Migration. W
used by Data Migration.

05205 001241 The volume specified as the Select a different volume, and then W
migration source has the Cache retry the operation.
Residency Manager setting.

05205 001242 The volume specified as the Select a different volume, and then W
migration target has the Cache retry the operation.
Residency Manager setting.

05205 001243 The specified volume is not a Retry the operation. If this problem W
source volume. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 001246 The number of plans that could Retry the operation. If this problem W
be executed at once exceeds the persists, contact the Hitachi Data
maximum. Systems Support Center.

05205 001606 The program product of Volume Install the Volume Migration program W
Migration is not installed. product.

05205 001607 Volume Security settings exist Release the Volume Security settings. W
on the specified volume.

05205 001609 Volume Retention Manager Release the Volume Retention Manager W
settings exist on the specified settings.

05205 001610 Volume Retention Manager Release the Volume Retention Manager W
settings exist on the specified settings.

05205 001611 The specified volume has Read Release the Read Only/Protect/S-VOL W
Only/Protect/SVOL Disable Disable setting of Data Retention Utility.
setting of Data Retention Utility.

05205 002003 The SVP is busy (internal Wait until the internal processing or the W
processing), or a maintenance maintenance operation is complete, and
operation is in progress. then retry the operation.

05205 002004 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 002011 The storage system is busy. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 003002 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 003003 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

7-10 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 005013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 005099 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 005203 This functionality is not available Install the Volume Migration program W
because Volume Migration is not product.

05205 005504 The specified volume cannot be For the relation between TrueCopy, or W
migrated because it is used as TrueCopy for Mainframe and Volume
S-VOL in the following status. Migration, see the description of Volume
• A volume of TrueCopy, or Migration with TrueCopy and Universal
TrueCopy for Mainframe in Replicator DP-VOLs in the Volume
the Pending status. Migration User Guide.

05205 005505 The volume(s) is already being Please Release the Remote Copy Pair. W
used by Remote Copy.

05205 005506 The specified volume cannot be For the relation between TrueCopy, or W
migrated because it is used as TrueCopy for Mainframe and Volume
P-VOL in the following status. Migration, see the description of Volume
• A volume of TrueCopy, or Migration with TrueCopy and Universal
TrueCopy for Mainframe in Replicator DP-VOLs in the Volume
the Pending status. Migration User Guide.

05205 005507 The specified volume is not Retry the operation. If this problem W
defined as the target volume of persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Volume Migration. Systems Support Center.

05205 005510 This function is already in Wait for a while, and then retry the E
progress. operation.

05205 006000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 006001 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 006022 The system failed to access the If this problem persists, contact the E
file. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 006023 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 006036 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 006050 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 006502 Processing in progress. Wait for a while, and then retry the W
operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-11

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 006510 The storage system is busy. Wait for a while, and then retry the E
operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

05205 006511 Please check pair status. If this problem persists, contact the W
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 006512 Please check pair status. If this problem persists, contact the W
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 006531 The SVP is busy. Wait for a while, and then retry the W
operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

05205 006532 The SVP is now updating the Please retry after a while. If the E
statistics data. Please wait for a problem persists despite retrying,
while, and then retry the please call the Support Center.

05205 007060 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 007111 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 007400 The file may not exist in the Retry the operation. If this problem E
specified directory. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007401 The file may not exist in the Retry the operation. If this problem E
specified directory. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007402 The file may not exist in the Retry the operation. If this problem E
specified directory. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007403 The file may not exist in the Retry the operation. If this problem E
specified directory. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007404 The file may not exist in the Retry the operation. If this problem E
specified directory. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007405 The file may not exist in the Retry the operation. If this problem E
specified directory. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007406 The file may not exist in the Retry the operation. If this problem E
specified directory. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007407 Cannot make proper migration Retry the operation. If this problem W
plan for this function. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

7-12 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 007408 There is not enough valid Retry the operation. If this problem W
monitoring data in the specified persists, contact the Hitachi Data
term. Systems Support Center.

05205 007409 Failed to write to the plan file. Retry the operation. If this problem W
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007410 Failed to write to the plan file. Retry the operation. If this problem W
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007411 Failed to write to the plan file. Retry the operation. If this problem W
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007412 The file contains invalid data. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007413 The file contains invalid data. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007414 The file contains invalid data. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007415 The file contains invalid data. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007416 The file contains invalid data. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007417 The file contains invalid data. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007418 The configuration information is Retry the operation. If this problem E
invalid. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007422 A memory allocation error Retry the operation. If this problem W
occurred. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007423 An internal error occurred. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007424 Failed to delete all plans. Retry the operation. If this problem W
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 007426 Failed to delete plan. Retry the operation. If this problem W
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-13

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 008001 An error occurred while Retry the operation. If this problem E
connecting to the storage persists, contact the Hitachi Data
system. Systems Support Center.

05205 008002 The storage system status is Retry the operation. If this problem E
invalid. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 008100 This function is not supported. Retry the operation. If this problem W
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 008102 This function is not supported. Retry the operation. If this problem W
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 008525 An internal logic error occurred. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 008526 An internal logic error occurred. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 008528 An internal logic error occurred. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 008529 An internal logic error occurred. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 008530 An internal logic error occurred. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 008531 An internal logic error occurred. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 008671 The sizes of the source and the Select the volumes with the same size W
target volumes are not equal. for the migration source and target, and
then retry the operation.

05205 008971 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 055059 The specified volumes cannot be Select a different volume, and then W
used for migration, because the retry the operation.
specified source volume is a
TrueCopy volume, or a
TrueCopy for Mainframe volume,
and the specified target volume
is an external volume.

05205 055060 The specified volume migration Confirm the settings of the specified W
plan cannot be performed volumes.
because a volume on which VMA
for Data Retention Utility is set

7-14 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
is paired with a volume on which
VMA is not set.

05205 055201 If the migration source volume Check the setting of the migration E
is a normal volume, a CVS source volume and the migration target
volume of the same capacity as volume.
the migration source volume
cannot be specified as the
migration target volume. If the
migration source volume is a
CVS volume, a normal volume of
the same capacity as the
migration source volume cannot
be specified as the migration
target volume.

05205 055207 The auto migration plans cannot Specify the parameters other. E
be created because "None" is
specified in "Sampling Term".

05205 055223 The owner ID of the storage Select a volume that has the same W
system used by the user does owner ID.
not match the owner ID of the
specified target volume.

05205 055225 The specified plan is the one The specified plan cannot be released W
created by other than Storage with Storage Navigator.

05205 055226 The specified plan is the one The specified migration plan cannot be W
created by other than Storage stopped with Storage Navigator.

05205 055258 The volume(s) are already being Select a different volume, and then W
as a data volume used by retry the operation.
Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe.

05205 055259 The volume(s) are already being Select a different volume, and then W
as a data volume used by retry the operation.
Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe.

05205 055431 The specified volumes are Select a different volume, and then W
already being used by retry the operation.
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
orCompatible Software for
IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE.

05205 055432 The specified volumes are Select a different volume, and then W
already being used by retry the operation.
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
orCompatible Software for
IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE.

05205 055500 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-15

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 055521 The specified volumes are Select a different volume, and then W
already used as the volumes of retry the operation.
Thin Image.

05205 055522 The specified volume(s) are Select a different volume, and then W
already being used as V-VOL(s). retry the operation.

05205 055523 The specified volume(s) are Select a different volume, and then W
already being used as Pool- retry the operation.

05205 055524 The specified volumes are Select a different volume, and then W
already used as the volumes of retry the operation.
Thin Image.

05205 055525 The specified volume(s) are Select a different volume, and then W
already being used as V-VOL(s). retry the operation.

05205 055526 The specified volume(s) are Select a different volume, and then W
already being used as Pool- retry the operation.

05205 055530 The specified volumes are Select a different volume, and then W
already used as the volumes of retry the operation.
Thin Image.

05205 055550 The volume(s) are already being Select a different volume, and then W
used as a JNL volume by retry the operation.
Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe.

05205 055551 The volume(s) are already being Select a different volume, and then W
used as a JNL volume by retry the operation.
Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe.

05205 055552 The specified source volume is a Select a different volume, and then W
Universal Replicator volume or a retry the operation.
Universal Replicator for
Mainframe volume, andthe
specified target volume is an
external volume. Therefore, the
specified volumes cannot be
used for migration.

05205 055586 The specified volume cannot be Retry the operation after the shredding W
migrated, because it is in the is completed.
shredding operation.

05205 055592 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 055593 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 055598 The specified volume is used as Select a different volume, and then W
a Delta resync volumefor retry the operation.
Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe.

7-16 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 055599 The volume specified as a The volume of Delta resync cannot be W
migration target is used as a specified as a migration target. See
volume of Delta resync for "Supported and prohibited source and
Universal Replicator or Universal target volumes" in the Volume Migration
Replicator for Mainframe. User Guide.

05205 055646 Migration between external Select a different volume, and then W
volumes with different cache retry the operation.
modes is invalid.

05205 056301 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 056302 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 056303 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 056524 This function cannot be used by Select a different window. If you want E
the storage partition to use this function, contact the Hitachi
administrator. Data Systems Support Center.

05205 057101 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 057102 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 058451 The storage system is busy Retry the operation. If this problem W
(internal processing). persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

05205 058572 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, contact the E
side. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 058573 This function is not supported. Check if the DKCMAIN microcode and W
SVP microcode versions are

05205 058574 An error occurred while If this problem persists, contact the E
connecting to the storage Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 058575 An error occurred while If this problem persists, contact the E
connecting to the storage Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 058576 A communication time-out error If this problem persists, contact the E
occurred in the storage system. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

05205 065434 The specified volume(s) are the Select a different volume, and then W
leaf volume(s) of ShadowImage. retry the operation.

05205 065673 The specified volume(s) are Select a different volume, and then W
already being used as of retry the operation.
Dynamic Provisioning volume
(DP-VOL) (s).

05205 065674 The specified volume(s) are Select a different volume, and then W
already being used as of retry the operation.

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-17

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Dynamic Provisioning volume
(DP-VOL) (s).

05205 065697 The volume specified as a Retry the operation after the W
migration source cannot be quickformat is completed.
used, because it is in quick

05205 065698 The volume specified as a Retry the operation after the W
migration target cannot be used, quickformat is completed.
because it is in quick formatting.

05205 065700 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration source cannot be retry the operation.
used, because it is being used
by FICON(R) Data Migration.

05205 065701 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration target cannot be used, retry the operation.
because it is being used by
FICON(R) Data Migration.

05205 065705 The specified volume cannot be Select a different volume, and then W
moved because it is a Dynamic retry the operation.
Provisioning volume that is not
associated with a pool.

05205 065706 The specified volume cannot be Select a different volume, and then W
moved because it is a Dynamic retry the operation.
Provisioning volume that is not
associated with a pool.

05205 065708 Migration cannot be performed Check the setting of the specified W
because the Dynamic volume.
Provisioning volume that is the
migration source and the
Dynamic Provisioning volume
that is the migration target are
contained in the same pool.

05205 065709 The specified following volumes Select a different volume, and then W
cannot be migrated. The retry the operation.
migration source volume is
shared by a P-VOL or an S-VOL
of Universal Replicator or
TrueCopy , and the migration
target volume is a Dynamic
Provisioning volume.

05205 065714 Because the composition is Wait for a while, and then retry the W
being backed up, a volume operation.
concerned cannot be moved.

05205 065737 The specified volume cannot be Check the specified volume capacity W
used, because it is a volume of after the completion of the capacity
Dynamic Provisioning whose expanding operation.
capacity is being added.

05205 065738 The volume specified as a Confirm the capacity of the volume W
migration target cannot be used, specified as a migration target after the

7-18 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
because it is a volume of capacity expanding operation is
Dynamic Provisioning in capacity completed.

05205 065740 The configuration changing Check if the configuration changing W

processes are conflicting at DKC. process by the Command Control
Interface, the Volume Migration, or the
Quick Restore is not in operation, and
then retry the operation.

05205 065748 The volume specified as a Retry the operation after the zero data W
migration source cannot be page reclaiming is completed.
used, because it is a volume of
Dynamic Provisioning in zero
page reclaiming.

05205 065749 The volume specified as a Retry the operation after the zero data W
migration target cannot be used, page reclaiming is completed.
because it is a volume of
Dynamic Provisioning in zero
page reclaiming.

05205 065784 The volume specified as a Verify the specified volume. W

migration source cannot be used
because it is a quorum disk.

05205 065785 The volume specified as a Verify the specified volume. W

migration target cannot be used
because it is a quorum disk.

05205 065786 The pair operation cannot be Specify a different volume, or delete the W
performed because the volume global-active device pair, and then retry
specified as a migration source the operation.
is a reserved volume of global-
active device, or the volume is
used by the global-active device

05205 065787 The pair operation cannot be Specify a different volume, or delete the W
performed because the volume global-active device pair, and then retry
specified as a migration target is the operation.
a reserved volume of global-
active device, or the volume is
used by the global-active device

05205 065815 The specified volume is a Specify a different volume. W

volume of using two mirrors,
which is included in the multi-
target, the cascade, or the Delta
resync configuration of a
Universal Replicator pair.

05205 065816 The specified volume is a Specify a different volume. W

volume of using two mirrors,
which is included in the multi-
target, the cascade, or the Delta
resync configuration of a
Universal Replicator pair.

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-19

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 065817 The specified volume is a Specify a different volume. W

volume of using two mirrors,
which is included in the multi-
target, the cascade, or the Delta
resync configuration of a
Universal Replicator pair.

05205 075008 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration target volume has an retry the operation.
LU path setting.

05205 075010 The number of target volumes Correct the number of manual migration W
that could be executed at once instructions to 8 or less, and then retry
exceeds the maximum. the operation.

05205 075018 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration source cannot be used retry the operation.
because its emulation type is

05205 075019 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration target cannot be used retry the operation.
because its emulation type is

05205 075032 The volume, whose emulation If no Mainframe Fibre CHA is mounted W
type is 3390-A, specified as a on the storage system, mount a
migration source cannot be used Mainframe Fibre CHA. If all the
due to one of the following Mainframe Fibre CHAs are blocked,
reasons: restore those Mainframe Fibre CHAs.
• The Mainframe Fibre CHA is
not mounted.
• All the Mainframe Fibre
CHAs are blocked.

05205 075033 The volume, whose emulation If no Mainframe Fibre CHA is mounted W
type is 3390-A, specified as a on the storage system, mount a
migration target cannot be used Mainframe Fibre CHA. If all the
due to one of the following Mainframe Fibre CHAs are blocked,
reasons: restore those Mainframe Fibre CHAs.
• The Mainframe Fibre CHA is
not mounted.
• All the Mainframe Fibre
CHAs are blocked.

05205 075035 The volume specified as a Wait until the initialization of the DP W
migration source cannot be pools is completed, and then retry the
used, because the DP Pools are operation.
being initialized.

05205 075036 The volume specified as a Wait until the initialization of the DP W
migration target cannot be used, pools is completed, and then retry the
because the DP Pools are being operation.

7-20 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 075038 The Volume Migration does not Select a different volume, and then W
support the emulation type of retry the operation.
the specified volume.

05205 075039 The Volume Migration does not Select a different volume, and then W
support the emulation type of retry the operation.
the specified volume.

05205 076503 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource groupthat you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

05205 076504 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource groupthat you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

05205 076505 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource groupthat you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

05205 076506 The specified parity group Log out, and then log back in with W
belongs to a resource groupthat access to the resource group containing
you do not have permission to the specified parity group.

05205 076520 LDEVs specified as migration Make the auto migration plan again. W
source volume and target
volume, or parity groups contain
the LDEVs, belong to different
resource groups.

05205 078056 The operation failed, because Check the microcode version of the W
the current microcode version storage system.
does not support the capacity of
the specified source volume.

05205 078057 The operation failed, because Check the microcode version of the W
the current microcode version storage system.
does not support the capacity of
the specified target volume.

05205 078058 The operation failed, because Check the microprogram version of the W
the current microcode version storage system.
does not support the capacity of
the specified reserved volume.

05205 078125 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration source cannot be used retry the operation.
because it is used by Compatible
Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE or it is a TSE

05205 078126 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration target cannot be used retry the operation.
because it is used by Compatible
Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE or it is a TSE

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-21

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05205 078131 The volume specified as a Verify the settings for the online data W
migration source cannot be used migration, and then retry the operation.
because the volume settings for
the online data migration are
not valid.

05205 078132 The operation cannot be Specify a volume other than the W
performed because the specified external volume mapped for the online
volume is used as an external data migration, and then retry the
volume that is mapped for the operation.
online data migration.

05205 078133 The operation cannot be Specify a volume other than the W
performed because the specified external volume mapped for the online
volume is used as an external data migration, and then retry the
volume that is mapped for the operation.
online data migration.

05205 208543 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration source cannot be used retry the operation.
because it is a secondary
volume of a ShadowImage pair
whose primary volume has the
nondisruptive migration

05205 208544 The volume specified as a Select a different volume, and then W
migration target cannot be used retry the operation.
because of the nondisruptive
migration attribute of the

05205 208545 Nondisruptive migration is not Install nondisruptive migration. W


05205 208548 The specified migration plan Wait until the volume migration is W
cannot be canceled because the complete.
volume migration is already in
the final step.

Part code 05221

Table 7-6 Error codes (part code 05221)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05221 205001 No table rows are selected. Select one or more table rows. W

05221 205007 No table row is selected. Select one table row. W

05221 209009 Are you sure you want to delete To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
the selected migration plans? [Cancel].

7-22 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05221 209010 Are you sure you want to delete To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
all the operational histories? [Cancel].

05221 209011 Are you sure you want to delete To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
the selected rows? [Cancel].

Part code 05222

Table 7-7 Error codes (part code 05222)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05222 206086 There is no operational history Select a different page. W

that can be displayed on the
select page.

05222 206088 There is no migration plan. Perform the volume migration, and then W
start the Migration Plans window.

05222 206089 The selected migration plan Select the migration plan created by W
cannot be deleted because the Storage Navigator and then retry the
migration plan is created by a operation.
different program.

05222 206090 Nine or more migration plans Select eight or less migration plans, and W
are selected. You can only then retry the deletion.
delete up to eight migration
plans at once.

05222 206091 The selected migration plan Log off, and then log back on with W
cannot be deleted because the access to the resource group containing
source volume belongs to a the source volume that is used for the
resource group that you do not selected migration plan.
have permission to access.

05222 206092 The selected migration plan Log off, and then log back on with W
cannot be deleted because the access to the resource group containing
target volume belongs to a the target volume that is used for the
resource group that you do not selected migration plan.
have permission to access.

05222 206093 The selected migration plan Refresh Storage Navigator, and then W
cannot be deleted because it delete the migration plan.
does not exist anymore.

05222 206094 The operation cannot be Install the program product, or log off, W
performed because the program and then log back on with permission to
product is not installed or you edit.
do not have permission to edit.

05222 206095 The selected LDEV does not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
exist in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-23

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05222 206096 Migration plans cannot be Select a different LDEV, and then create W
created because the target the migration plan again.
volume for the selected volume
does not exist.

05222 206097 The volume that can be used to Create volumes that can be used for W
create migration plans does not migration plans, and then retry the
exist. operation.

05222 206098 You can only create up to eight Release the migration plans or apply W
migration plans. them once, and then set migration
plans again.

05222 206099 If the migration plan is To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
performed, the ratio of the used [Cancel].
capacity to the total pool
capacity will exceed the
depletion threshold for a pool
that is associated with the target
volume. Do you want to
continue this operation?

05222 206100 If the migration plan is To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
performed, the ratio of the used [Cancel].
capacity to the total pool
capacity will exceed the warning
threshold for a pool that is
associated with the target
volume. Do you want to
continue this operation?

05222 206101 The migration plan cannot be Increase the capacity of the pool W
performed because the ratio of associated with the target volume.
the used capacity to the total
pool capacity is equal to or
greater than 100% for a pool
that is associated with the target

05222 206102 This volume cannot be selected Select a different LDEV, and then retry W
because it is the intermediate the operation.

05222 206103 This volume cannot be selected Select a different LDEV, and then retry W
because it is not an external the operation.
volume, internal volume,
Dynamic Provisioning volume or
Dynamic Tiering volume.

05222 206104 This volume cannot be selected Select a different LDEV, and then retry W
because it is used as a pool the operation.

05222 206105 This volume cannot be selected Select a different LDEV, and then retry W
because it is used as a journal the operation.

7-24 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05222 206106 This volume cannot be selected Select a different LDEV, and then retry W
because it is set as a quorum the operation.

05222 206107 This volume cannot be selected Select a different LDEV, and then retry W
because the volume belongs to a the operation.
resource group that you do not
have permission to access.

05222 206108 This volume cannot be selected Select a different LDEV, and then retry W
because it is being migrated. the operation.

05222 206109 This migration plan extends To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
across multiple CLPRs. Do you [Cancel].
want to continue this operation?

05222 206110 This volume cannot be selected Select a different LDEV, and then retry W
because it is a TSE volume. the operation.

05222 206111 This volume cannot be selected Select a different LDEV, and then retry W
because it is set as a command the operation.

05222 206112 This volume cannot be selected Select a different LDEV, and then retry W
because its emulation type is the operation.

05222 206113 This volume cannot be selected Select a different LDEV, and then retry W
because its emulation type is the operation.

05222 206114 This volume cannot be selected Select a different LDEV, and then retry W
because it is an external volume the operation.
mapped for online data

05222 206170 The specified LDEV is a reserved Specify a different LDEV, and then retry W
volume of global-active device. the operation.

05222 207006 An internal logic error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

Part code 05305

Table 7-8 Error codes (part code 05305)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05305 001064 The specified WWN is already Correct the specified contents, and W
being used. request the setting of the configuration
information again.

05305 001258 This port is not properly Retry the same operation. If nothing W
equipped. changes, please call the Support

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-25

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05305 002002 An error occurred during SVP Failed to connect the communication E
processing. between DKCs (SVPs). If the same error
occurs despite retrying, please call the
Support Center.

05305 002015 A connection error has occurred. Retry the same operation. If the same W
error occurs despite retrying, please call
the Support Center.

05305 002145 A connection error has occurred. Retry the same operation. If the same W
error occurs despite retrying, please call
the Support Center.

05305 003003 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05305 005000 The WWN should be input with Correct the specified content, and retry. W
hex digits (0-9 and A-F) and 16

05305 005010 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05305 005013 An error occurred during SVP Retry the same operation. If the same E
processing. error occurs, please call the Support

05305 005018 Invalid value. Enter correct Enter a correct value. W


05305 005099 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05305 005101 The target WWN is not Check the specified content, and retry. W

05305 005102 The specified SPM group is not Check the specified content, and retry. W

05305 005104 The specified SPM group is Check the specified content, and retry. W
already registered.

05305 005105 The target port(s) does not Check the specified content, and retry. W
equip the monitored WWN(s).

05305 005106 The target WWN is already Check the specified content, and retry. W
registered in the port.

05305 005107 The specified Name is already Check the specified content, and retry. W

05305 005108 The specified Name is already Check the specified content, and retry. W

05305 005109 The number of WWN(s) that is Check the specified content, and retry. W
monitored exceeds the
maximum in the port.

05305 005110 The number of WWN(s) that is Check the specified content, and retry. W
monitored exceeds the

7-26 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05305 005111 The number of the WWNs Check the specified content, and retry. W
exceeds the maximum number
that can be registered on an
SPM group.

05305 005112 The specified WWN is registered Check the specified content, and retry. W
on a SPM group.

05305 005113 The specified WWN is registered Check the specified content, and retry. W
on a SPM group.

05305 005114 The target WWNs have different Check the specified content, and retry. W

05305 005204 This function is not Install the necessary program product. E
available.Performance Monitor is

05305 006000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05305 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05305 006022 A file open error has occurred. If the same error occurs despite E
retrying, please call the Support Center.

05305 006023 A file access error has occurred. If the same error occurs despite E
retrying, please call the Support Center.

05305 006036 An error occurred during SVP If the same error occurs despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Support Center.

05305 006050 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05305 006051 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05305 007111 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05305 007428 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05305 008002 The storage system status is Retry the same operation several times. E
invalid. If the same error occurs, please call the
Support Center.

05305 008918 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05305 008919 The storage system status is Retry the same operation several times. E
invalid. If the same error occurs, please call the
Support Center.

05305 008971 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05305 055500 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-27

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05305 056301 An error occurred during SVP The error may be caused by a E
processing. temporary communication failure.
Reboot the SVP or click [Refresh All] on
the File menu of Storage Navigator and
refresh the configuration information to
recover from the error. If this problem
persists, please call the Support Center.

05305 056302 An error occurred during SVP The error may be caused by a E
processing. temporary communication failure.
Reboot the SVP or click [Refresh All] on
the File menu of Storage Navigator and
refresh the configuration information to
recover from the error. If this problem
persists, please call the Support Center.

05305 056303 An error occurred during SVP The error may be caused by a E
processing. temporary communication failure.
Reboot the SVP or click [Refresh All] on
the File menu of Storage Navigator and
refresh the configuration information to
recover from the error. If this problem
persists, please call the Support Center.

05305 056524 This function cannot be used by Select another window. If you want to E
the storage partition set this function, please contact the
administrator. storage administrator.

05305 056525 Because the settings across the To continue the operation, please E
multiple SLPRs are contained, contact the storage administrator and
the authority has been shifted to have the settings across the multiple
the storage administrator from SLPRs cancelled, then retry the
the storage partition operation. To perform other operations,
administrator. please select a function button.

05305 056526 The resources of other SLPR(s) An error occurred during processing. If E
cannot be accessed. this problem persists, please call the
Support Center.

05305 057101 An error occurred during SVP The error may be caused by a E
processing. temporary communication failure.
Reboot the SVP or click [Refresh All] on
the File menu of Storage Navigator and
refresh the configuration information to
recover from the error. If this problem
persists, please call the Support Center.

05305 057102 An error occurred during SVP The error may be caused by a E
processing. temporary communication failure.
Reboot the SVP or click [Refresh All] on
the File menu of Storage Navigator and
refresh the configuration information to
recover from the error. If this problem
persists, please call the Support Center.

05305 058572 An error occurred while The error may be caused by a E

connecting to the storage temporary communication failure.
system. Reboot the SVP or click [Refresh All] on
the File menu of Storage Navigator and

7-28 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
refresh the configuration information to
recover from the error. If this problem
persists, please call the Support Center.

05305 058573 This function is not supported. Check if the DKCMAIN microcode and E
SVP microcode versions are

05305 058574 An error occurred while The error may be caused by a E

connecting to the storage temporary communication failure.
system. Reboot the SVP or click [Refresh All] on
the File menu of Storage Navigator and
refresh the configuration information to
recover from the error. If this problem
persists, please call the Support Center.

05305 058575 An error occurred while The error may be caused by a E

connecting to the storage temporary communication failure.
system. Reboot the SVP or click [Refresh All] on
the File menu of Storage Navigator and
refresh the configuration information to
recover from the error. If this problem
persists, please call the Support Center.

05305 058576 A communication time-out error The error may be caused by a E

occurred in the storage system. temporary communication failure.
Reboot the SVP or click [Refresh All] on
the File menu of Storage Navigator and
refresh the configuration information to
recover from the error. If this problem
persists, please call the Support Center.

05305 075040 This functionality is not available Install the necessary program product. E
because Server Priority Manager
is not installed.

05305 076510 The specified port belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified port.

05305 076519 Because microcode versions of Click [Refresh All] on the [File] menu, E
SVP and DKCMAIN worked in and then retry the operation. If the
the state of mismatched, a part problem persists despite retrying,
of PPC information was not read please call the Support Center.
into the SVP.

05305 078117 Server Priority Manager cannot The setting of Server Priority Manager E
be set for the storage because needs to be changed from SVP. Please
the setting is disabled. call the Support Center.

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-29

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 05307
Table 7-9 Error codes (part code 05307)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05307 005099 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

05307 005102 The specified SPM group is not Check the specified content, and retry. W

05307 005128 The number of the SPM groups Check the specified content, and retry. E
exceeds the maximum number
that can be registered.

05307 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

Part code 05310

Table 7-10 Error codes (part code 05310)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05310 001110 You can not use the following Remove the prohibited characters from W
characters for the name:\ / , : ; the nickname.
* ? " < > | You cannot use
leading and trailing spaces in
the name.

05310 005000 The specified WWN is invalid. Enter the WWN with 16 characters, W
using any of the following in
• Numerals (0-9)
• Letters (A-F)
• Dash (-)
• Spaces.
(You cannot specify 0 for all of the 16

05310 005067 The maximum value is not set Set the maximum value for the non- W
for the non-priority port. priority port.

05310 005068 The value is not set for the Set the value for the overall control. W
overall control.

05310 005069 The maximum value is not set Set the maximum value for the non- W
for the non-priority WWN. priority WWN.

05310 005107 The specified name is already Verify the settings, and then retry the i
used. operation.

05310 005108 The specified name is already Verify the settings, and then retry the i
used. operation.

7-30 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05310 005109 The number of WWNs of the Verify the settings, and then retry the i
specified port exceeds the operation.
maximum that can be

05310 005110 The number of WWNs to be Verify the settings, and then retry the i
monitored exceeds the operation.
maximum that can be registered
in the entire storage system.

05310 005111 The entered value exceeds the Verify the settings, and then retry the i
maximum number of WWNs that operation.
can be registered in a Server
Priority Manager group.

05310 005128 The entered value exceeds the Verify the settings, and then retry the i
maximum number of Server operation.
Priority Manager groups that can
be registered.

05310 005129 The specified WWN is already Verify the settings, and then retry the i
registered in another Server operation.
Priority Manager group.

05310 005134 The attribute of the WWN is Correct and reset the attribute. W
different from that of the Server
Priority Manager group.

05310 005136 The input WWN is already Verify the settings, and then retry the W
registered as a different operation.

05310 006518 Delete the WWN from the Delete the WWN from the Server W
Server Priority Manager group Priority Manager group.

05310 006519 Do you want to change the Click [Yes] if you want to change the i
WWNs of other ports too? WWNs of other ports.

05310 009077 Are you sure you want to delete To continue processing, click [OK]. To i
the WWN? stop processing, click [Cancel].

05310 009078 Are you sure you want to delete To continue processing, click [OK]. To i
the Server Priority Manager stop processing, click [Cancel].

05310 009079 The Server Priority Manager To continue processing, click [OK]. To i
group is deleted because no stop processing, click [Cancel].
WWN is registered in the Server
Priority Manager group.

05310 009312 The control status will change to Click [OK]. W

"Port Control".

05310 009313 The control status will change to Click [OK]. W

"WWN Control".

05310 009315 The monitoring switch is turned If you use the real time option for the i
OFF. first time, turn the monitoring switch

Message (part code group 05nnn) 7-31

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

05310 009326 The control status will change to If you accept the change in the control W
"No Control". status to "No Control", continue the

05310 009328 The settings for the removed To clear the settings, check the check W
ports remain. box of "Delete ports if CHA is removed,"
and then click [Apply].

05310 009329 Next, the initialization for the If you click [OK] on the next window, W
settings on Port control will be the settings on port control will be
performed. initialized. To quit the operation, click
[Cancel] on the next window.

05310 009330 Next, the initialization for the If you click [OK] on the next window, W
settings on WWN control will be the settings on WWN control will be
performed. initialized. To quit the operation, click
[Cancel] on the next window.

05310 009331 The specified WWN is already in Correct the specified contents, and W
use. request the setting of the configuration
information again.

05310 009333 Do you want to change the Click [Yes] to change the control status. i
control status to Port Control?

05310 009334 Do you want to change the Click [Yes] to change the control status. i
control status to WWN Control?

05310 009335 Do you want to change the Click [Yes] to change the control status. i
control status to No Control?

05310 059000 The Server Priority Manager To continue processing, click [OK]. To W
group extends across multiple stop processing, click [Cancel].
SLPRs. Do you want to

05310 065733 WWN cannot be registered Reduce the number of WWNs to be i

because the number of WWNs of monitored, which exceeds the
one of the ports to be monitored maximum, and then retry the
at the same time exceeds the operation.

7-32 Message (part code group 05nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 06nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 06005 to 06810.

□ Part code 06005

□ Part code 06007

□ Part code 06205

□ Part code 06505

□ Part code 06507

□ Part code 06805

□ Part code 06810

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 06005
Table 8-1 Error codes (part code 06005)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06005 005013 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06005 005099 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06005 005145 This function does not support Specify a different port. W
the specified port.

06005 006000 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06005 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06005 006023 The SVP is busy. Please wait for If the same problem persists despite W
a while, and then retry the retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
operation. Systems Support Center.

06005 006537 The setting cannot be applied Verify and correct the error in the other W
because there is an error in a setting, and then retry the operation.
different setting.

06005 008000 A time-out error occurred. Verify that all of the settings have been W
applied. Retry the setting on the items
that are not applied if there is any. If
this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008001 A time-out error occurred. Verify that all of the settings have been W
applied. Retry the setting on the items
that are not applied if there is any. If
this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008100 The operation cannot be Retry the operation. If this problem W
performed, or a communication persists, contact the Hitachi Data
time-out error occurred. Systems Support Center.

06005 008104 The storage system has Verify that the pair status has been W
accepted the request normally, changed. If the status is not changed,
but the pair status change verify the local storage system or
requires some time. remote storage system configuration
and the condition of the paths between
the local storage system and the
remote storage system, wait for a
while, and then retry the operation.

06005 008700 Please retry operation. Retry the operation. W

06005 008701 The remote path between the Verify the remote path status. For use W
local storage system and the by an open system, verify that a path

8-2 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
remote storage system is not whose connection type is System is
active. Or, the emulation type of registered. For use by a mainframe
the specified secondary volume system, verify the emulation type of the
is not supported. specified secondary volume.

06005 008702 The status of the primary Wait for a while, and then retry the W
volume is not valid. operation.

06005 008703 The specified number of remote Verify the number of normal remote W
paths is less than the minimum paths.
number of paths.

06005 008704 The specified number of remote Verify the remote path status, and then W
paths is less than the minimum restore the paths.
number of paths due to a
communication error between
the local storage system and the
remote storage system.

06005 008705 The remote paths cannot be Verify the CHA status of the local W
deleted due to a communication storage system. If the CHA is blocked,
error between the local storage contact the Hitachi Data Systems
system and the remote storage Support Center.

06005 008706 The operation cannot be Enter a correct value. When the status W
performed because any of the of the specified volume is SMPL
specified parameters is not (Simplex), delete the pair by specifying
valid. Delete Pair by Force, and then retry the

06005 008708 The pair status of the secondary Verify the pair status of the secondary W
volume is invalid for the volume.
specified operation.

06005 008709 Remote Copy operation was Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
rejected. Support Center to replace the CHA.

06005 008710 The pair status of the specified The pair status does not permit this W
volume is not valid. operation. Verify the pair status, and if
the operation is permitted retry.

06005 008711 The port name, host group ID, Verify if the specified port name, host W
LUN ID, CU, or LDEV of the group ID, LUN ID, CU, or LDEV exists in
specified volume is invalid. the local storage system.

06005 008712 The operation cannot be If this is a remote connection operation, W

performed due to a freeze recover from the freeze status, and
status. then retry the operation. If this is a pair
operation for TrueCopy or TrueCopy for
Mainframe, recover the remote path
status, and then retry the operation.

06005 008713 The port group already exists on The port type could not be changed W
the specified port. because the port group was set in the
specified package. Delete the group
setting, then change the port type.

06005 008714 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06005 008715 The number of remote paths is Verify the specified number of paths, W
invalid. and then retry the operation.

06005 008718 The specified remote path Verify all remote paths, and then select W
already exists. a different port name.

06005 008719 The serial number, SSID, or Verify the serial numbers, SSIDs, and W
model of the remote storage models of the specified remote storage
system is invalid. system and the registered remote
storage systems, and select the correct
values. If the values are correct, verify
the cable connection of the remote
storage system, and then retry the
operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06005 008720 The operation cannot be Reduce the number of registered W

performed because the number remote storage systems, and then retry
of remote storage systems is in the operation.
one of the following statuses:
• Maximum 4 remote storage
systems are already
registered in one CU.
• Maximum 64 remote
storage systems are already
registered while System is

06005 008721 The remote path creation was Verify the path connections between the W
incomplete. local storage system and the remote
storage system, and then retry the

06005 008722 The remote path could not be Verify the path connections between the W
created. local storage system and the remote
storage system, and then retry the

06005 008723 The operation cannot be Create a different remote path or delete W
performed because the specified all pair volumes on the remote storage
remote path is the last path of system, and then retry the operation.
the pair volume of any of the
• TrueCopy
• TrueCopy for Mainframe
• Universal Replicator
• Universal Replicator for
• Global-active device

06005 008724 The specified number of remote Increase the number of remote paths or W
paths is less than the minimum specify the minimum number of paths
number of paths. smaller.

8-4 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06005 008725 Current microcode version does Verify the version of the microcode. If W
not support the specified the microcode supports TrueCopy or
operation. TrueCopy for Mainframe, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008727 The number of normal remote Add normal remote paths, and then set W
paths is less than the minimum the minimum number of paths, or
number of paths. reduce the minimum number of paths,
and then delete the remote path.

06005 008728 The number of normal remote Please take either of the following W
paths is less than the minimum actions: Add normal paths, then delete
number of paths. the paths. Decrease the number of
minimum paths, then delete the paths.

06005 008729 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008731 The existing logical addresses Remove the remote connection, specify W
are not equal. the same logical address, and then
register a remote connection again.

06005 008732 Too many SSIDs(Only Four Verify the value of SSIDs of the remote W
SSIDs are allowed). storage system. If incorrect SSIDs are
registered, delete them, and then retry
the operation.

06005 008733 The remote replication function Install the required program product. E
is not installed on the local
storage system.

06005 008734 The remote replication function Install the required program product. E
is not installed on the remote
storage system.

06005 008735 The serial number, SSID, or Check the serial number, SSID and link W
model of the remote storage address of the RCU, and set the correct
system is invalid. value. Then retry the operation. If the
same error occurs, please call the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008736 The operation cannot be Delete all pair volumes on the remote W
performed because a pair storage system, and then retry the
volume of any of the following operation.
exists on the specified remote
storage system:
• TrueCopy
• TrueCopy for Mainframe
• Universal Replicator
• Universal Replicator for
• Global-active device

06005 008737 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008738 The emulation type of the local The emulation type of the MCU does not W
storage system does not support support TrueCopy. If you want to use

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-5

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
TrueCopy or TrueCopy for TrueCopy, please call the Support
Mainframe. Center.

06005 008739 The NVS status of the local Verify the NVS status of the local W
storage system connected to the storage system, and then retry the
host is not active. setting. If you cannot set up, contact
the Hitachi Data Systems Support

06005 008740 The NVS status of the remote Verify the NVS status of the remote W
storage system connected to the storage system, and then retry the
host is not active. setting. If you cannot set up, contact
the Hitachi Data Systems Support

06005 008741 The remote paths between the Verify the remote paths status between W
local storage system and the the local storage system and the
remote storage system are not remote storage system.

06005 008742 Pinned tracks exist in the Restore the pinned tracks in the W
primary volume. primary volume.

06005 008743 Pinned tracks exist in the Restore the pinned tracks in the W
secondary volume. secondary volume.

06005 008744 The specified primary volume Verify if the primary volume is in any of W
cannot be used. the following conditions:
• The volume is in data copy process
(correction copy or drive copy).
• The volume is in the correction
access condition.
• The volume is blocked.
• The volume is being maintained.
• The access attribute of the volume
is Read Only.

06005 008745 A volume cannot be used as a Select a different volume. W

secondary volume when:
• It is used by Compatible
• It is used by PPRC,
TrueCopy, or TrueCopy for
• It is used by Concurrent
• It is in a reserved condition.
• It is used by Universal
Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe.
• It is used by ShadowImage
for Mainframe or
Compatible FlashCopy(R)

8-6 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06005 008746 The emulation type of the See the user guide to verify whether W
primary volume is not the emulation type of the specified
supported. volume is supported by TrueCopy or
TrueCopy for Mainframe.

06005 008747 Current microcode version does Verify the version of the microcode. If W
not support the specified the microcode supports TrueCopy or
operation. TrueCopy for Mainframe, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008749 The specified secondary volume Verify if the secondary volume is online. W
is online. If the volume is online, vary the volume
offline, and then retry the operation. If
the volume is connected to a VM
system, vary the volume offline from
the VM system.

06005 008751 The emulation type of the Verify the emulation type of the remote W
remote storage system does not storage system.
support TrueCopy or TrueCopy
for Mainframe.

06005 008753 An internal error occurred. Too many pairs might be specified. E
Verify the pairs whose statuses are
unchanged from those before the
operation, reduce the number of pairs
to be specified, and then retry the
operation on the pairs. If this problem
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

06005 008754 The serial number or SSID of Verify the serial number or SSID of the W
the local storage volume is local storage system, and then retry the
invalid. operation with the correct parameter.

06005 008756 The cache of the local storage Verify the cache status of the storage W
system is not active. system connected to the host. If the
cache is disabled, enable the cache. If
you cannot enable the cache, contact
the Hitachi Data Systems Support

06005 008757 One side of the cache or the Verify the status of the cache and the E
shared memory is blocked in the shared memory in the local storage
local storage system. system, and then contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008758 An unexpected error occurred in Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
the local storage system. Support Center.

06005 008759 The cache of the remote storage Verify the cache status of the local W
system is not active. storage system connected to the host.
If the cache is disabled, enable the
cache. If you cannot enable the cache,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-7

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06005 008760 The primary and secondary Verify the emulation types of the W
volume track formats do not specified primary and secondary
match. volumes.

06005 008761 The operation cannot be Specify a different volume for the W
performed due to one of the primary volume or the secondary
following reasons: volume.
• The emulation types of the
primary and secondary
volumes do not match.
• The capacities of the
primary and secondary
volumes do not match.
• The secondary volume is a
LUSE volume.

06005 008762 The cache of the secondary Verify the cache status of the secondary W
volume is not active. volume connected to the host. If the
cache is disabled, enable the cache. If
you cannot enable the cache, contact
the Hitachi Data Systems Support

06005 008763 The DFW status of the Verify the DFW status of the secondary W
secondary volume is not active. volume connected to the host. If the
DFW is disabled, enable the DFW. If you
cannot enable the DFW, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008764 The specified secondary volume Verify the status of the specified W
cannot be used. secondary volume.

06005 008766 TrueCopy or TrueCopy for Verify the emulation type of the W
Mainframe does not support the specified secondary volume.
emulation type of the secondary

06005 008768 The remote storage system is Delete the remote storage system if W
used by TrueCopy or TrueCopy necessary, and then retry the operation.
for Mainframe.

06005 008770 The cache on the local storage Wait for a few minutes, and then retry W
system is automatically the operation.

06005 008772 The operation cannot be Wait until the communication error is W
performed because a recovered or the secondary volume
communication error occurred or becomes normal status. And verify the
the secondary volume status licensed capacity for Volume Retention
was invalid. Manager of the remote storage system.
If the licensed capacity for Volume
Retention Manager is not enough,
purchase a license key of larger

06005 008773 The operation cannot be Resynchronize the primary volume, and W
performed because the primary then retry the operation.
volume is in the Split status.

8-8 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06005 008775 The multi platform feature is Remove the multi platform feature from W
already installed in the remote the remote storage system.
storage system.

06005 008776 A volume cannot be used as an Select a different volume. W

primary volume when:
• it is used by Universal
Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe.
• it is used by ShadowImage
for Mainframe or
Compatible FlashCopy(R)

06005 008777 The local storage system does See the user guide to verify whether W
not support connection with the the local storage system supports the
specified remote storage connection with the specified remote
system. storage system.

06005 008778 One side of the cache or the Verify the status of the cache and E
shared memory of the local shared memory of the remote storage
storage system is blocked. system, and then contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008780 The TrueCopy for Mainframe Install the TrueCopy for Mainframe W
function is not installed in the function in the local storage system.
local storage system.

06005 008781 The TrueCopy for Mainframe Install the TrueCopy for Mainframe W
function is not installed in the function in the remote storage system.
remote storage system.

06005 008786 The operation cannot be Release the LUSE configuration or W

performed because the specified specify a different volume.
secondary volume is a LUSE

06005 008788 The pair operation cannot be Verify the configuration of the remote W
performed because the specified storage system, and then specify an
secondary volume applies to one existing volume for the secondary
of the following: volume. Or verify the emulation type of
• A LUN path is not defined. the specified secondary volume.

• A mainframe volume.
• An intermediate volume.
• Its emulation type is not

06005 008789 The combination of the primary Verify the configurations of both the W
and secondary volume primary and secondary volumes.
configurations is not valid.

06005 008791 The primary volume is online to Vary the concerned path offline from W
the host. the other host, then retry the operation.

06005 008792 The operation cannot be Install the Volume Retention Manager W
performed because the Volume function in the remote storage system,
Retention Manager function was and then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-9

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
not installed in the specified
remote storage system.

06005 008793 The TrueCopy function is not Install the TrueCopy function in the W
installed in the local storage local storage system and the remote
system or the remote storage storage system, and then retry the
system. operation.

06005 008795 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the specified W
performed because the specified primary volume.
primary volume applies to any
of the following:
• A secondary volume of
ShadowImage or
ShadowImage for
Mainframe, which is not in
the Split pair (PSUS) status.
• A volume used in
ShadowImage or
ShadowImage for
Mainframe in the Reverse
Copy status.
• A target volume of
Compatible FlashCopy(R)
• A source volume of
FICON(R) Data Migration.

06005 008796 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the specified W
performed because the specified secondary volume.
secondary volume applies to any
of the following:
• A secondary volume of
ShadowImage or
ShadowImage for
• A target volume of
Compatible FlashCopy(R) or
Compatible FlashCopy(R)
• A reserved volume of
ShadowImage or
ShadowImage for
• A volume of ShadowImage
or ShadowImage for
Mainframe in the Reverse
Copy status.
• A volume of FICON(R) Data

06005 008797 If the specified primary volume Verify the status of the specified W
is a secondary volume of primary volume.

8-10 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
ShadowImage or ShadowImage
for Mainframe, one primary
volume must be paired with one
secondary volume. If the
specified primary volume is a
target volume of Compatible
FlashCopy(R) V2, one source
volume must be paired with one
target volume.

06005 008798 The pair cannot be registered Verify the use status of ShadowImage, W
because the local storage ShadowImage for Mainframe, or
system is already used in Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 in the local
ShadowImage, ShadowImage storage system.
for Mainframe, or Compatible
FlashCopy(R) V2.

06005 008799 The primary volume is already Verify the status of the primary volume. W
used in Volume Migration.

06005 008800 The secondary volume is already Verify the status of the secondary W
used in Volume Migration. volume.

06005 008801 The secondary volume is Verify the status of the secondary W
reserved, or the remote path or volume from the host. If the secondary
the remote storage system is in volume is not reserved, retry the
a high-load condition. operation.

06005 008808 The operation cannot be Wait until the pair status of the W
performed because the pair specified volume becomes available,
status of the specified volume in and then retry the operation.
the local storage system is

06005 008809 The operation cannot be Wait until the pair status of the W
performed because the pair specified volume becomes available,
status of the specified volume in and then retry the operation.
the remote storage system is

06005 008819 A volume cannot be used as a Select a different volume. W

secondary volume when:
• It is in an intervention-
required condition.
• It is in a protection
• It is in an unusable
• It is a secondary volume of
ShadowImage or
ShadowImage for
• It is a reserved volume of
ShadowImage or
ShadowImage for

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-11

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• It is a reserved volume of
Volume Migration.
• It is used by Universal
Replicator for Mainframe.

06005 008820 The specified secondary volume Verify that the secondary volume is not W
cannot be used for TrueCopy or in the following conditions:
TrueCopy for Mainframe. • The volume is blocked.
• The volume is under maintenance.
• The volume is in data copy process
(correction copy or drive copy).
• The volume is in the correction
access condition.

06005 008821 The specified secondary volume Verify the configuration of the specified W
cannot be recognized from the secondary volume.
connection port.

06005 008822 The operation cannot be Verify that the secondary volume is in W
performed due to one of the usable condition. If it is usable, verify
following reasons: that the microcode version of the local
• An I/O error occurred in the storage system supports this function or
secondary volume. configuration. If the microcode version
supports this function or configuration,
• The secondary volume is in contact the Hitachi Data Systems
unusable condition. Support Center.
• This function or
configuration is not
supported by the microcode
version of the local storage

06005 008826 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008827 The local storage system cannot Wait for a while, and then retry the W
accept the pair operation. operation.

06005 008831 The specified secondary volume Specify a different volume. W

is already used as a reserved
volume of Volume Migration.

06005 008832 The specified secondary volume Wait for a few minutes, and then retry W
is used by a Volume Migration the operation.
pair whose status is changing.

06005 008833 The specified secondary volume Wait for a few minutes, and then retry W
is used by a Volume Migration the operation.
pair whose status is changing.

06005 008834 The pair cannot be created See the license key and confirm the W
because the used capacity licensed capacity of the volumes. To
exceeds the licensed capacity. create more pairs, purchase a license
key that allows you to use a larger

06005 008835 The pair cannot be created Verify the licensed capacity of the W
because the used capacity remote storage system. To create more

8-12 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
exceeds the licensed capacity of pairs, purchase a license key that allows
the remote storage system. you to use a larger capacity.

06005 008836 No additional volume pairs Check the pair status and retry. W
waiting for copy.

06005 008837 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008838 Specified volume is not part of a Verify that the specified volume is used W
Remote Copy pair. by TrueCopy or TrueCopy for

06005 008840 The pair split operation for the Verify the pair status of the secondary W
secondary volume is invalid. volume.

06005 008841 The specified volume is not a Verify the secondary volume setting, W
secondary volume. and then retry the operation.

06005 008842 The secondary volume status Verify the secondary volume status. W
change failed after the primary
volume status changed.

06005 008843 The pair cannot be split because Verify the pair status of the specified W
the specified volume is not volume.

06005 008846 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008847 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06005 008848 Please wait a few minutes and The suspend pair (Pairsplit-r) operation W
retry the Suspend Pair(Pairsplit- failed. A few minutes later, refresh the
r) operation. window, confirm if the specified
volumes are in the permissible status,
then retry the operation.

06005 008849 The specified volume is not a Verify the TrueCopy or TrueCopy for W
TrueCopy or TrueCopy for Mainframe pair setting, and then retry
Mainframe pair volume. the operation.

06005 008860 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008861 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008862 Please wait a few minutes and A few minutes later, retry the operation. E
retry the Delete Pair(Pairsplit-S)

06005 008863 Unknown Error Code. Please call the Support Center. E

06005 008864 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008865 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-13

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06005 008866 An internal error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06005 008867 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008876 There are no PCBs Verify the PCB type, and then retry the E
corresponding to the specified operation with the correct parameters.
port type.

06005 008877 An internal error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06005 008881 An internal error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06005 008883 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008884 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008885 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008886 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008887 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008889 The specified port is not Specify a different port number. W

06005 008890 The specified port is being Wait for a while, then retry the W
initialized. operation.

06005 008892 Secondary volumes are defined Verify whether there is any alternate W
to the port of the remote path to all of the secondary volumes
storage system. defined to the specified port. Add an
alternate path to each secondary
volume with no alternate path, delete
all the secondary volumes defined to
the specified port, and then retry the

06005 008893 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008894 Jobs exist on the specified port. Stop the jobs on the host, then retry W
the operation.

06005 008895 Jobs remain running on the port Stop the jobs on the host, then retry W
of the remote storage system. the operation.

06005 008896 A parameter error occurred. Specify a correct value. W

8-14 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06005 008897 LUs exist on the port. Delete the LUs defined on the specified W
port, then retry the operation.

06005 008898 Pending data exists on the port. Wait for a while, then retry the W

06005 008899 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008900 An error occurred during the If this problem persists, please call the E
port change. Support Center.

06005 008901 An error occurred during the If the problem persists despite retrying, E
port change. please contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06005 008902 An error occurred during the If this problem persists, please call the E
port change. Support Center.

06005 008903 Unknown Error Code. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008904 No more space is left in the local Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
storage system for the Support Center.
differential management.

06005 008905 The extended shared memory is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
not installed in the local storage Support Center.

06005 008906 No more space is left in the Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
remote storage system for the Support Center.
differential management.

06005 008907 The extended shared memory is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
not installed in the remote Support Center.
storage system.

06005 008908 Invalid parameter. Specify a correct value. W

06005 008910 A Port exchange error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008911 A remote path is defined on the Remove the remote path on the W
specified port. specified port, and then retry the

06005 008912 Logical paths exist on the port. Delete the LUs defined on the specified W
port, then retry the operation.

06005 008913 Invalid port type. Refresh the window, and then retry the W
operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

06005 008914 Multi platform feature is already Check the configuration of the storage W
installed in the storage system. system.

06005 008915 The port type exchange Refresh the window, and then retry the W
operation is rejected because operation. If this problem persists, call
the host(s) is(are) processing the Support Center.
the port type exchange.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-15

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06005 008921 A volume cannot be used as a Verify the status of the specified W
primary volume when: primary volume.
• it is in an intervention-
required condition.
• it is in a protection
• it is in an unusable
• it is a secondary volume of
ShadowImage or
ShadowImage for

06005 008923 The specified remote storage If this problem persists, contact the E
system does not support the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
remote path using a serial port.

06005 008926 The specified secondary volume Verify the Volume Security setting of W
cannot be used because of the the specified secondary volume.
Volume Security setting.

06005 008927 The specified primary volume Verify the Volume Security setting of W
cannot be used because of the the specified primary volume.
Volume Security setting.

06005 008929 Invalid port type. Refresh the window, and then retry the W
operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

06005 008932 The remote path cannot be Specify a CU number that is defined in W
established because the the configuration of the local storage
configuration definition of the system.
specified CU number does not

06005 008936 The Create Pairs operation Verify the microcode version of the E
cannot be performed. The remote storage system.
microcode version of the
specified remote storage system
does not support an operation
using NAS volumes.

06005 008940 The operation cannot be Verify the Volume Retention Manager W
performed because the specified setting of the specified secondary
secondary volume is in a read- volume.
only status by Volume Retention

06005 008944 The specified secondary volume Verify the Data Retention Utility setting W
cannot be used because of the of the specified secondary volume.
access attribute changed by
Data Retention Utility.

06005 008945 Any of the following is invalid: Verify whether: W

• Primary volume parameters • the microcode version of the
(CU, port name, host group remote storage system supports

8-16 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• SSID or CU of the remote the parameters of the primary
storage system volume,
• Secondary volume • the parameters of the remote
parameters (port name, storage system are correct, and
host group ID, LUN ID) • the parameters of the secondary
volume are correct, and then retry
the operation with the correct
06005 008947 The external volume that is Release the setting of the external W
mapped to an internal volume is volume, then retry the operation.
connected to the port.

06005 008948 The specified port is receiving Stop the I/O operations, and then retry W
I/O requests. the operation.

06005 008949 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008950 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

06005 008975 The pair cannot be created Specify a different volume. W

because the secondary volume
is LUN path-defined from the
iSCSI port.

06005 008980 The operation cannot be To perform this operation, purchase a W

performed because the licensed license key that allows you to use a
capacity of Volume Retention larger capacity.
Manager on the remote storage
system exceeds the maximum.

06005 008982 The pair cannot be created Specify a different volume. W

because the specified primary
volume is a command device.

06005 008983 The pair cannot be created Specify a different volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume is a command device.

06005 008989 The specified primary volume is Verify if the specified primary volume W
a volume used by Compatible meets any of the reasons described in
FlashCopy(R) V2 or Compatible the message.
Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE. The operation
cannot be performed due to one
of the following reasons.
• The current microcode
cannot use a volume used
by Compatible FlashCopy(R)
V2 as a primary volume.
• The current microcode
cannot use a volume used
by Compatible Software for
IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE as
a primary volume.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-17

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• The primary volume is a
TSE volume.
• "Cylinder" is set for the
"Differential Management"
of the primary volume.
• The primary volume belongs
to a Sync Group.

06005 008990 The pair cannot be created Specify volumes that can be used to W
because the specified secondary create a pair, and then retry the
volume is used by Compatible operation.
FlashCopy(R) V2 or Compatible
Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE, or is a TSE

06005 057005 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06005 058319 The pair operation cannot be Remove the storage system that does W
performed due to one of the not support the specified pair
following reasons. configuration, or specify a different
• The specified primary volume, and then retry the operation.
volume is used by Universal
Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe.
• A storage system that does
not support the specified
pair configuration is

06005 058320 The pair operation cannot be If the Create Pairs operation cannot be W
performed due to one of the performed, take the following action:
following reasons. • If the remote storage system is in a
• The specified secondary 2DC configuration in which
volume is used by Universal Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator or Universal Replicator for Mainframe is
Replicator for Mainframe. combined with TrueCopy or
• A storage system that does TrueCopy for Mainframe, wait until
not support the specified the status of the Universal
pair configuration is Replicator or Universal Replicator
included. for Mainframe pair changes to
"PAIR", and then retry the
• If the remote storage system is not
in a 2DC configuration, specify a
different volume for the secondary
volume, and then retry the
• If one of the storage systems does
not support the specified pair
configuration, remove the storage
system, and then retry the

8-18 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
If the Resync Pairs operation cannot be
performed, restore the Universal
Replicator or Universal Replicator for
Mainframe pair first, and then retry the

06005 058322 The Create Pairs operation Specify a different volume for the E
cannot be performed because secondary volume.
the specified secondary volume
is a LUSE volume that is set
across multiple CLPRs.

06005 058357 A pair cannot be created, Check to ensure that you did not W
because you tried to create a mistakenly attempt to create a volume
volume pair formed with a with or without VMA.
volume to which VMA is set by
Data Retention Utility and a
volume without VMA.

06005 058358 A pair cannot be created using Wait for a while, then retry the W
the specified primary volume operation.
because the setting process of
VMA that is used for Data
Retention Utility is not yet

06005 058359 A pair cannot be created using Wait for a while, then retry the W
the specified secondary volume operation.
because the setting process of
VMA that is used for Data
Retention Utility is not yet

06005 058451 The storage system is in internal If the problem persists despite retrying, W
process. Please retry the please contact the Hitachi Data Systems
operation. Support Center.

06005 058452 The operation cannot be Verify the licensed capacity of Data W
performed because the licensed Retention Utility on the remote storage
capacity of Data Retention Utility system or if Data Retention Utility is
on the remote storage system is installed on the remote storage system.
not enough or Data Retention To perform this operation, purchase a
Utility is not installed on the license key that allows you to use a
remote storage system. larger capacity or install Data Retention
Utility on the remote storage system.

06005 058454 The operation cannot be Verify the licensed capacity of Data W
performed because the licensed Retention Utility on the local storage
capacity of Data Retention Utility system or if Data Retention Utility is
on the remote storage system is installed on the local storage system. To
not enough or Data Retention perform this operation, purchase a
Utility is not installed on the license key that allows you to use a
local storage system. larger capacity or install Data Retention
Utility on the local storage system.

06005 058460 The specified primary volume is Use a different volume, or create the W
already used as a primary Universal Replicator pair or the
volume for Universal Replicator Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-19

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
or Universal Replicator for again using a mirror ID other than 0,
Mainframe. and then retry the operation.

06005 058494 A pair cannot be created Select a different volume. W

because the specified primary
volume is being used by Thin

06005 058495 A pair cannot be created Select a different volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume is being used by Thin
Image or Copy-on-Write

06005 058496 A pair cannot be created Specify another volume. W

because the specified primary
volume is a virtual volume.

06005 058497 A pair cannot be created Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume is a virtual volume.

06005 058498 A pair cannot be created Specify another volume. W

because the specified primary
volume is being used as a pool

06005 058499 A pair cannot be created Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume is being used as a pool

06005 058509 A communication time-out error Wait a while, then retry the operation. W
occurred between the local
storage system and the remote
storage system.

06005 058568 A pair cannot be created Verify that the shredding is complete, W
because the specified primary and then retry the operation.
volume is being shredded by
Data Retention Utility.

06005 058569 A pair cannot be created Verify that the shredding is complete, W
because the specified secondary and then retry the operation.
volume is being shredded by
Data Retention Utility.

06005 058586 The operation cannot be Verify whether the specified volume W
performed because the specified number is correct or the usage status of
volume cannot be used as a the host for the specified secondary
secondary volume due to a host volume.

06005 058640 The pair cannot be created with Verify whether the microcode version of W
a time stamp set because the the remote storage system supports the
remote storage system does not 4x4x4 cascade function. If the version
support the 4x4x4 cascade does not support the 4x4x4 cascade
function. function, update the microcode of the
remote storage system to the version
that supports the function, or create a

8-20 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
pair with the setting that does not
transfer a time stamp.

06005 058712 The licensed capacity of Verify the licensed capacity of TrueCopy W
TrueCopy or TrueCopy for or TrueCopy for Mainframe.
Mainframe on the remote
storage system is insufficient.

06005 058714 The licensed capacity of Verify the licensed capacity of TrueCopy W
TrueCopy or TrueCopy for or TrueCopy for Mainframe.
Mainframe on the local storage
system is not enough.

06005 065740 The operation cannot be Wait until the configuration change W
performed because a performed by Command Control
configuration change is in Interface or Volume Migration and so on
progress in the local storage is complete, and then retry the
system. operation.

06005 068011 The operation cannot be Verify the primary volume setting, and W
performed because the specified then retry the operation.
primary volume is being used as
a Dynamic Provisioning volume.

06005 068012 The operation cannot be Verify the setting of the specified W
performed because the specified secondary volume, and then retry the
secondary volume is being used operation.
as a Dynamic Provisioning

06005 068020 The setting of Maximum Initial Confirm that no pairs are in COPY or W
Copy Activities (CU) cannot be Pending status, then retry the
changed to Enable or Disable, operation.
because there are pairs in the
COPY or Pending status.

06005 068022 The specified primary volume is Install the Disaster Recovery Extended W
used as a pair volume of function on the local storage system.
Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe.The
operation cannot be performed
because the Disaster Recovery
Extended function is not
installed on the local storage

06005 068023 The specified secondary volume Install the Disaster Recovery Extended W
is used as a pair volume of function on the remote storage system.
Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe.The
operation cannot be performed
because the Disaster Recovery
Extended function is not
installed on the remote storage

06005 068027 The operation cannot be Verify the CU or the LUN ID of the W
performed because the remote specified primary volume.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-21

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
storage system does not support
the CU or the LUN ID of the
specified primary volume.

06005 068757 The pair cannot be created Select a different volume that is not W
because the specified secondary used by different program products or
volume, which is a Dynamic cancel the use of the volume operated
Provisioning or Dynamic by different program products, and then
Provisioning for Mainframe retry the operation.
volume, is already used by a
different program product.

06005 068758 The Create Pairs operation Select a different volume or release the W
cannot be performed because setting of a system disk for the
the volume specified as the secondary volume, and then retry the
secondary volume is a system operation.

06005 068787 The operation failed because the Install the TrueCopy function to the W
TrueCopy function was not storage system.

06005 068789 The pair cannot be created Install the TrueCopy function on the W
because the TrueCopy function remote storage system.
is not installed on the remote
storage system.

06005 068791 The operation cannot be Verify the setting of the specified W
performed because the specified volume and then retry the operation.
volume is not a secondary

06005 068793 The Reverse Resync operation Refresh the window, and confirm W
failed because the status of the whether the status of the specified
specified volume was not SSWS. volume is SSWS.

06005 068795 The operation cannot be Contact the Support Center, and check E
performed. The shared memory the shared memory.
might not be enough.

06005 068812 A pair cannot be created Wait until the capacity change of the W
because the specified secondary secondary volume is complete, verify
volume is a Dynamic each capacity of the primary volume
Provisioning or Dynamic and the secondary volume, and then
Provisioning for Mainframe replan a combination of volumes for
volume whose capacity is pair creation.

06005 068813 A pair cannot be created Wait until the capacity change of the W
because the specified primary primary volume is complete, verify each
volume is a Dynamic capacity of the primary volume and the
Provisioning or Dynamic secondary volume, and then replan a
Provisioning for Mainframe combination of volumes for pair
volume whose capacity is creation.

06005 068816 A pair cannot be created The specified volume is a primary W

because the specified volume is volume of Universal Replicator used in
the 2DC configuration in which

8-22 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
used as a primary volume of TrueCopy is combined. Select a
Universal Replicator. different volume.

06005 068844 The operation cannot be Wait until the zero page reclamation on W
performed because the specified the specified volume is complete, and
primary volume is a volume of then retry the operation.
Dynamic Provisioning or
Dynamic Provisioning for
Mainframe in the zero page
reclamation process.

06005 068845 The operation cannot be Wait until the zero page reclamation on W
performed because the specified the specified volume is complete, and
secondary volume is a volume of then retry the operation.
Dynamic Provisioning or
Dynamic Provisioning for
Mainframe in the zero page
reclamation process.

06005 068846 The operation cannot be Wait until the pool initialization is W
performed because the pool complete, and then retry the operation.
associated with the Dynamic
Provisioning or Dynamic
Provisioning for Mainframe
volume that is specified as the
primary volume is being

06005 068847 The operation cannot be Wait until the pool initialization is W
performed because the pool complete, and then retry the operation.
associated with the Dynamic
Provisioning or Dynamic
Provisioning for Mainframe
volume that is specified as the
secondary volume is being

06005 068895 The operation cannot be Confirm the program product of the W
performed because the other specified pair.
program product is specified for
the TrueCopy pair.

06005 068899 The operation failed, because a If the problem persists despite retrying, E
quorum disk was not registered please call the Support Center.
in the specified quorum disk ID.

06005 068900 The operation failed, because If the problem persists despite retrying, E
the specified quorum disk ID please call the Support Center.
was different from the one used
by the specified pair.

06005 068928 The operation cannot be Select the remote paths of the system, W
performed because the specified and then retry the operation.
remote storage system supports
only the remote path of the

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-23

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06005 075015 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

06005 075027 The specified port cannot be Verify the resources allocation for the W
used because you do not have user with security administrator role.
permission to access a resource
group to which the port belongs.

06005 075028 The operation cannot be Verify the resources allocation for the W
performed because the port user with security administrator role.
belonging to a resource group
that the user does not have
permission to access is used as
the Initiator of the local storage

06005 075030 The specified port or the Verify the resources allocation for the W
Initiator port that is used by the user with security administrator role.
local storage system cannot be
used because the user does not
have permission to access a
resource group to which the port

06005 078001 The operation cannot be Verify the microcode version of the local W
performed because the current storage system.
microcode version does not
support the capacity of the
specified primary volume.

06005 078002 The operation cannot be Verify the microcode version of the W
performed because the current remote storage system.
microcode version does not
support the capacity of the
specified secondary volume.

06005 078066 The operation cannot be Call the Support Center. W

performed because no
Mainframe Fibre CHAs are
mounted or all Mainframe Fibre
CHAs are blocked on the remote
storage system.

06005 078129 The operation cannot be Perform either of the following W

performed because the specified operations:
primary volume is an external • Specify a volume other than the
volume that is mapped for the external volume that is mapped for
online data migration and its the online data migration.
cache mode is set to Through.
• Change the cache mode of the
volume specified as the primary

06005 078130 The operation cannot be Specify a volume other than the W
performed because the specified external volume mapped for the online
secondary volume is an external data migration.
volume that is mapped for the
online data migration.

8-24 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06005 078137 The operation cannot be Verify the models of the local storage W
performed because the system and the remote storage system.
combination of the models of
the local storage system and the
remote storage system is not

06005 078138 The operation cannot be Set the same SCSI-2 Reserve W
performed because the SCSI-2 transmission between the primary
Reserve transmission setting is volume and the secondary volume.
different between the primary
volume and the secondary

06005 078161 The operation cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
performed because the SCSI-2 operation.
Reserve information sent from
the other paired volume remains
in the primary volume.

06005 078278 The operation cannot be See the user guide and verify whether W
performed due to one of the the combination of the models of the
following reasons: local storage system and the remote
• A pair cannot be created storage system is supported. If it is
due to the combination of supported, take a note of the microcode
the models of the local versions of both the local storage
storage system and the system and the remote storage system,
remote storage system. and then contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.
• The microcode version of
the local storage system or
the remote storage system
does not support a pair
creation by using these

06005 078279 The specified serial number or Check the specified serial number and W
the controller ID is invalid. the controller ID.

06005 208008 The shared memory required for Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
the specified operation is not Support Center.
installed on the local storage

06005 208010 The shared memory required for Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
the specified operation is not Support Center.
installed on the remote storage

06005 208018 The operation cannot be Release the reserved volume setting, or W
performed because the specified specify a different volume.
primary volume is a reserved
volume of global-active device.

06005 208019 The operation cannot be Release the reserved volume setting, or W
performed because the specified specify a different volume.
secondary volume is a reserved
volume of global-active device.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-25

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06005 208050 The specified primary volume is Specify a different volume. W

used by a global-active device

06005 208051 The specified secondary volume Specify a different volume. W

is used by a global-active device

06005 208052 The operation cannot be Change the microcode, and then retry W
performed because different the operation.
microcode versions coexist on
the storage system.

06005 208521 The operation cannot be Specify a different volume. W

performed because the specified
primary volume is a
nondisruptive migration volume.

06005 208522 The local storage system does Verify the microcode version of the local W
not support nondisruptive storage system. Or, specify an LDEV on
migration. which the virtual access mode is

06005 208523 The remote storage system does Verify the microcode version of the W
not support nondisruptive remote storage system. Or, specify an
migration. LDEV on which the virtual access mode
is disabled.

06005 208524 The Create Pairs operation Set a virtual LDEV ID on the specified W
cannot be performed because no volume, or specify a different volume.
virtual LDEV ID is set on the
volume specified as the
secondary volume.

06005 208525 The Create Pairs operation Set a virtual LDEV ID on the specified W
cannot be performed because no volume, or specify a different volume.
virtual LDEV ID is set on the
volume specified as the primary

Part code 06007

Table 8-2 Error codes (part code 06007)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06007 005074 TrueCopy, High Availability Install TrueCopy, High Availability W

Manager, or TrueCopy for Manager, or TrueCopy for Mainframe.
Mainframe is not installed.

06007 006000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

8-26 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06007 006002 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06007 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06007 006022 The SVP is busy. Please wait for If the same problem persists despite W
a while, and then retry the retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
operation. Systems Support Center.

06007 006023 The SVP is busy. Please wait for If the same problem persists despite W
a while, and then retry the retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
operation. Systems Support Center.

06007 006024 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06007 006036 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06007 008001 A time-out error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

Part code 06205

Table 8-3 Error codes (part code 06205)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06205 005013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06205 006000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06205 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06205 006023 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06205 006537 The setting cannot be applied Verify and correct the error in the other W
because there is an error in a setting, and then retry the operation.
different setting.

06205 008000 A time-out error occurred. Verify that all of the settings have been W
applied. Retry the setting on the items
that are not applied if there is any. If
this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06205 008001 A time-out error occurred. Verify that all of the settings have been W
applied. Retry the setting on the items
that are not applied if there is any. If

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-27

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06205 008100 The operation cannot be Retry the operation. If this problem W
performed, or a communication persists, contact the Hitachi Data
time-out error occurred. Systems Support Center.

06205 008104 The storage system has Verify that the pair status has been W
accepted the request normally, changed. If the status is not changed,
but the pair status change verify the local storage system or
requires some time. remote storage system configuration
and the condition of the paths between
the local storage system and the
remote storage system, wait for a
while, and then retry the operation.

06205 008704 The number of specified remote Verify the remote path status, and then W
paths is less than the minimum restore the paths.
number of paths due to a
communication error between
the local storage system and the
remote storage system.

06205 008708 The pair status of the secondary Verify the pair status of the secondary W
volume is not valid for the volume.
specified operation.

06205 008714 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06205 008727 The number of normal remote Add normal remote paths, and then set W
paths is less than the minimum the minimum number of paths, or
number of paths. reduce the minimum number of paths,
and then delete the remote path.

06205 008741 The remote paths between the Verify the remote path status between W
local storage system and the the local storage system and the
remote storage system are not remote storage system.

06205 008742 Pinned tracks exist in the Restore the pinned tracks in the W
primary volume. primary volume.

06205 008743 Pinned tracks exist in the Restore the pinned tracks in the W
secondary volume. secondary volume.

06205 008744 The specified primary volume Verify if the primary volume is in any of W
cannot be used. the following conditions:
• The volume is in data copy process
(correction copy or drive copy).
• The volume is in the correction
access condition.
• The volume is blocked.
• The volume is being maintained.
• The access attribute of the volume
is Read Only.

8-28 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06205 008746 The emulation type of the See the user guide to verify whether W
primary volume is not the emulation type of the specified
supported. volume is supported.

06205 008758 An unexpected error occurred on Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
the local storage system. Support Center.

06205 008788 The pair operation cannot be Verify the configuration of the remote W
performed because the specified storage system, and then specify an
secondary volume applies to one existing volume for the secondary
of the following: volume. Or verify the emulation type of
• A LUN path is not defined. the specified secondary volume.

• A mainframe volume.
• An intermediate volume.
• Its emulation type is not

06205 008821 The specified secondary volume Verify the configuration of the specified W
cannot be recognized from the secondary volume.
connection port.

06205 008827 The local storage system cannot Wait for a while, and then retry the W
accept the pair operation. operation.

06205 008834 The pair cannot be created See the license key information and W
because the used capacity verify the licensed capacity of the
exceeds the licensed capacity. volumes. To create more pairs,
purchase a license key that allows you
to use a larger capacity.

06205 008835 The pair cannot be created Verify the licensed capacity of the W
because the used capacity remote storage system. To create more
exceeds the licensed capacity of pairs, purchase a license key that allows
the remote storage system. you to use a larger capacity.

06205 008904 No more space is left in the Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
difference management area of Support Center.
the local storage system.

06205 008906 No more space is left in the Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
difference management area of Support Center.
the remote storage system.

06205 058509 A communication time-out error Wait for a while, and then retry the W
occurred between the local operation.
storage system and the remote
storage system.

06205 068827 The operation cannot be If this problem persists, contact the E
performed because any of the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
specified parameters is not

06205 068829 The specified volume has Specify a different volume or quorum W
already been set to the quorum disk ID.
disk. Or, the specified quorum
disk ID has already registered.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-29

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06205 068879 The operation cannot be Select a different volume, or release the W
performed because the specified pool volume setting.
volume is a pool volume.

06205 068880 The operation cannot be Specify a different volume, or release W

performed because the specified the Volume Migration setting.
volume is used by Volume

06205 068882 The operation cannot be If this problem persists, contact the W
performed because the quorum Hitachi Data Systems Support Center. If
disk is not accessible. this is a Remove Quorum Disks
operation, perform LDEV formatting on
the specified quorum disk.

06205 068889 The operation cannot be Restore the specified quorum disk. W
performed because the quorum
disk is blocked.

06205 068891 The operation cannot be Specify the same quorum disk ID as the W
performed because the specified one set on the remote storage system.
quorum disk ID does not match
the one set on the remote
storage system.

06205 075015 The selected LDEV or an LDEV in Log out, and then log back in with W
the selected consistency group access to the resource group containing
belongs to a resource group that the selected LDEV or all LDEVs in the
you do not have permission to selected consistency group.

06205 075027 The specified port cannot be Verify the resources allocation for the W
used because you do not have user with security administrator role.
permission to access a resource
group to which the port belongs.

06205 075028 The operation cannot be Verify the resources allocation for the W
performed because the port user with security administrator role.
belonging to a resource group
that the user does not have
permission to access is used as
the Initiator of the local storage

06205 075030 The specified port or the Verify the resources allocation for the W
Initiator port that is used by the user with security administrator role.
local storage system cannot be
used because the user does not
have permission to access a
resource group to which the port

06205 078001 The operation cannot be Verify the microcode version of the local W
performed because the current storage system.
microcode version does not
support the capacity of the
specified primary volume.

8-30 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06205 078002 The operation cannot be Verify the microcode version of the W
performed because the current remote storage system.
microcode version does not
support the capacity of the
specified secondary volume.

06205 078128 The operation cannot be Specify a volume other than the one in W
performed because the specified the online data migration process.
volume is in the online data
migration process.

06205 078129 The operation cannot be Perform either of the following W

performed because the specified operations:
primary volume is an external • Specify a volume other than the
volume that is mapped for the external volume that is mapped for
online data migration and its the online data migration.
cache mode is set to Through.
• Change the cache mode of the
volume specified as the primary

06205 078130 The operation cannot be Specify a volume other than the W
performed because the specified external volume mapped for the online
secondary volume is an external data migration.
volume that is mapped for the
online data migration.

06205 208001 The specified volume cannot be See the user guide to verify the W
used as a quorum disk because capacity necessary for the quorum disk.
the capacity of the volume is not

06205 208002 The specified volume is not an Specify a external volume. W

external volume.

06205 208003 A LUN path is set to the Delete the LUN path of the specified W
specified volume. volume, or specify a different volume.

06205 208004 Two or more LDEVs are set in Specify a volume that belongs to the W
the parity group to which the parity group consisting of an LDEV.
specified volume belongs.

06205 208005 The specified volume is a journal Specify a different volume. W


06205 208006 The specified volume is a Specify a different volume. W

command device.

06205 208007 A virtual LDEV ID is set on the Delete the virtual LDEV ID of the W
specified volume. specified volume, or specify a different

06205 208008 The specified volume is not a Verify the settings. W

quorum disk, or the specified
quorum disk ID is not

06205 208009 The specified quorum disk is in Wait for a while, and then retry the W
internal process. operation.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-31

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06205 208010 The operation cannot be Delete all of the global-active device W
performed because the specified pairs using the specified quorum disk,
quorum disk is used by a global- and then retry the operation.
active device pair.

06205 208011 The shared memory required for Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
the specified operation is not Support Center.
installed on the local storage

06205 208012 The operation cannot be Verify the settings, and then retry the E
performed because any of the operation with the correct parameter. If
specified parameters is not this problem persists, contact the
valid. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06205 208013 The specified remote path Specify the remote paths of the system, W
cannot be used for global-active and then retry the operation.

06205 208014 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the cache and the W
performed due to one of the shared memory on the local storage
following reasons: system. if the cache or the shared
• The cache on the local memory is blocked, contact the Hitachi
storage system is Data Systems Support Center. If it is
automatically recovering. not, wait for a few minutes, and then
retry the operation.
• One side of the cache or the
shared memory is blocked
on the local storage system.

06205 208015 The operation cannot be Specify a different volume. W

performed because the specified
primary volume is an external
volume that is mapped for the
online data migration.

06205 208016 The pair status of the primary Verify the pair status. If the pair is in W
volume is not valid for the operable status, retry the operation.
specified operation.

06205 208017 The operation cannot be See the user guide to verify the W
performed because the supported provisioning types.
provisioning type of the volume
that is selected as the primary
volume is not supported.

06205 208018 The operation cannot be Release the reserved volume setting, or W
performed because the specified specify a different volume.
primary volume is a reserved
volume of global-active device.

06205 208019 The specified primary or Wait until the status transition of the W
secondary volume is used by Thin Image pair is complete, and then
Thin Image. The operation retry the operation, or specify a
cannot be performed due to one different volume. See the Global-Active
of the following reasons: Device User Guide for the relation
• The status of the Thin between the Thin Image pair and the
Image pair is invalid for global-active device pair.

8-32 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
being shared with a global-
active device pair.
• The attribute of the Thin
Image pair is invalid for
being shared with a global-
active device pair.

06205 208020 No virtual LDEV ID is set in the Set a virtual LDEV ID in the specified W
specified primary volume. volume.

06205 208021 The specified secondary volume Verify if the secondary volume is in any W
cannot be used. of the following conditions:
• The volume is in data copy process
(correction copy or drive copy).
• The volume is in the correction
access condition.
• The volume is blocked.
• The volume is being maintained.
• The access attribute of the volume
is Read Only.

06205 208022 The vendors of the local storage Connect a remote storage system of the W
system and the remote storage same vendor as the local storage
system do not match. system.

06205 208023 The operation cannot be See the user guide to verify the W
performed because the supported provisioning types.
provisioning type of the volume
that is selected as the secondary
volume is not supported.

06205 208024 The specified primary volume Specify a volume on the storage system W
and secondary volume are on other than the specified local storage
the same storage system. system for the secondary volume.

06205 208025 The operation cannot be Set the reservation attribute on the W
performed because the specified volume, or specify a different volume.
secondary volume is not a
reserved volume of global-active

06205 208026 The operation cannot be Change the microcode, and then retry W
performed because different the operation.
microcode versions coexist on
the storage system.

06205 208027 A virtual LDEV ID is set on the Release the virtual LDEV ID in the W
specified secondary volume. specified volume.

06205 208028 The specified operation cannot Wait until the pair status of the W
be performed because the pair specified volume becomes available,
operation that the local storage and then retry the operation.
system has accepted is not

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-33

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06205 208029 The operation cannot be Verify the pair status, wait until the W
performed because the specified volume changes to the Suspend status,
volume is changing to the and then restore the volume.
Suspend status due to failure.

06205 208030 The shared memory required for Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
the specified operation is not Support Center.
installed on the remote storage

06205 208031 The emulation type of the See the user guide to verify whether W
secondary volume is not the emulation type of the specified
supported. volume is supported.

06205 208032 The specified primary or See the user guide to verify the pair W
secondary volume is used by status or pair attribute that allows the
ShadowImage. The volume to be shared by a global-active
ShadowIamge pair volume in device pair.
the current pair status or pair
attribute cannot be shared by a
global-active device pair.

06205 208033 The remote storage system does Verify the model and the microcode W
not support global-active device. version of the remote storage system.

06205 208034 A volume cannot be used as a Specify a different volume. W

secondary volume when:
• It is in an intervention-
required condition.
• It is in a protection
• It is in an unusable

06205 208035 The operation cannot be Verify that the secondary volume is in W
performed due to one of the usable condition, and then retry the
following reasons: operation.
• An I/O error occurred in the
secondary volume.
• The secondary volume is in
unusable condition.

06205 208036 The pair status of the secondary Verify the pair status of the secondary W
volume is not valid for the volume.
specified operation.

06205 208037 Global-active device is not Install the required program product. W
installed on the remote storage

06205 208038 The capacities of the primary Specify a different volume for the W
and secondary volumes do not primary volume or the secondary
match. volume.

06205 208039 This function is not available. Install the necessary program product W
Resource Partition Manager is license key.

8-34 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06205 208040 Resource Partition Manager is Install the necessary program product W
not installed on the remote license key.
storage system.

06205 208041 The operation cannot be Wait until the pool initialization is W
performed because the pool complete, and then retry the operation.
associated with the Dynamic Or, wait until the capacity expansion is
Provisioning volume that is complete, and then verify the capacity
specified as the primary volume of the specified volume.
is in either of the following
• It is being initialized.
• The capacity is being

06205 208042 The operation cannot be Wait until the pool initialization is W
performed because the pool complete, and then retry the operation.
associated with the Dynamic Or, wait until the capacity expansion is
Provisioning volume that is complete, and then verify the capacity
specified as the secondary of the specified volume.
volume is in either of the
following conditions:
• It is being initialized.
• The capacity is being

06205 208043 The I/O mode setting of the Verify the I/O mode setting of the W
specified secondary volume is specified secondary volume.
not valid for the specified

06205 208044 The I/O mode setting of the Verify the I/O mode setting of the W
specified primary volume is not specified primary volume.
valid for the specified operation.

06205 208045 The operation cannot be Verify the pair status and the I/O mode W
performed because the specified setting of the specified primary or
primary or secondary volume is secondary volume. If the I/O mode
in either of the following setting is not Local, delete the pair by
conditions: specifying Delete Pair by Force.
• The pair status is not PSUS
or PSUE.
• The I/O mode setting is not

06205 208046 The specified primary or See the user guide to verify the pair W
secondary volume is used by status or pair attribute that allows the
TrueCopy. The TrueCopy pair volume to be shared by a global-active
volume in the current pair status device pair.
or pair attribute cannot be
shared by a global-active device

06205 208047 The specified primary or See the user guide to verify the pair W
secondary volume is used by status or pair attribute that allows the
Universal Replicator. The

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-35

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Universal Replicator pair volume volume to be shared by a global-active
in the current pair status or pair device pair.
attribute cannot be shared by a
global-active device pair.

06205 208048 Global-active device is not Install the required program product. W
installed on the remote storage

06205 208049 The virtual LDEV ID same as Specify a different primary volume, or W
that set on the specified primary release the definition of the virtual LDEV
volume is defined on a virtual ID on the virtual storage machine on
storage machine on the remote the remote storage system.
storage system.

06205 208050 The specified primary volume is Specify a different volume. W

used by a global-active device

06205 208051 The specified secondary volume Specify a different volume. W

is used by a global-active device

06205 208052 The attribute (primary or Verify the specified operation and the W
secondary) of the specified attribute of the specified volume.
volume is not valid for the
specified operation.

06205 208053 The attribute (primary or Verify the specified operation and the W
secondary) of the other paired attribute of the other paired volume.
volume of the specified volume
is not valid for the specified

06205 208054 The pair status of the primary or Verify the pair status of the primary or W
secondary volume is not valid secondary volume.
for the specified operation.

06205 208055 The primary volume detects one If this message is displayed when W
of the following conditions: creating pairs, verify that the specified
• A quorum disk is not remote storage system is the same as
registered. the one that has been specified to add
the quorum disk.
• The quorum disk ID is not
valid. If the quorum disk or the connection
path between the quorum disk and the
• The registered information storage system is blocked, restore the
of the remote storage disk or the path first, wait more than
system does not match the five minutes, and then retry the
actual condition. operation.
• The quorum disk is not If the pair is changing to the Suspend
accessible. status, wait until all of the pairs using
• The pair is changing to the the quorum disk change to the Suspend
Suspend status. status, and then retry the operation.

06205 208056 The secondary volume detects If this message is displayed when W
one of the following conditions: creating pairs, verify that the specified
• A quorum disk is not remote storage system is the same as

8-36 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• The quorum disk ID is not the one that has been specified to add
valid. the quorum disk.
• The registered information If the quorum disk or the connection
of the remote storage path between the quorum disk and the
system does not match the storage system is blocked, restore the
actual condition. disk or the path first, wait more than
• The quorum disk is not five minutes, and then retry the
accessible. operation.

• The pair is changing to the If the pair is changing to the Suspend

Suspend status. status, wait until all of the pairs using
the quorum disk change to the Suspend
status, and then retry the operation.
06205 208057 The operation cannot be Verify the serial numbers or the models. W
performed because the serial
numbers or models of the virtual
storage machines of the
specified primary and secondary
volumes do not match.

06205 208058 The setting information of Data Install Data Retention Utility on the W
Retention Utility on the primary remote storage system.
volume cannot be transmitted
because Data Retention Utility is
not installed on the remote
storage system.

06205 208059 The operation cannot be Specify a different volume. W

performed because the specified
secondary volumes is used as a
global-active device pair

06205 208060 The operation cannot be Specify a different volume. W

performed because the specified
primary volume is a command

06205 208061 The operation cannot be Specify a different volume. W

performed because the specified
secondary volume is a command

06205 208062 The operation cannot be Specify a different volume. W

performed because the access
attribute of Data Retention
Utility has been changed.

06205 208063 The operation cannot be Specify a different volume. W

performed because Cache
Residency Manager is set on the
specified volume.

06205 208064 The operation cannot be To delete volumes in the COPY status, W
performed because the selected select the volume access as follows:
volume access for the volume in • Enable for the primary volume.
the COPY status is not valid.
• Disable for the secondary volume.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-37

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06205 208065 The operation cannot be Delete the ShadowImage pair, and then W
performed because the pair retry the operation.
volume on the remote storage
system is used by

06205 208066 The operation cannot be Delete the Thin Image pair, and then W
performed because the pair retry the operation.
volume on the remote storage
system is used by Thin Image.

06205 208067 The operation cannot be Verify the microcode version of the local W
performed because the current storage system.
microcode version does not
support consistency groups.

06205 208068 The operation cannot be Verify the microcode version of the W
performed because the remote storage system.
microcode version of the remote
storage system does not support
consistency groups.

06205 208069 The operation cannot be Wait until the pair operation being W
performed because a different performed on the consistency group is
pair operation is being complete, and then retry the operation.
performed on volumes that
belong to the specified
consistency group.

06205 208070 The operation cannot be Wait until the pair operation being W
performed because a different performed on the consistency group is
pair operation is being complete, and then retry the operation.
performed on the consistency
group that contains the specified

06205 208071 The operation cannot be Wait until the pair operation being W
performed because a different performed on the consistency group is
pair operation is being complete, and then retry the operation.
performed on the specified
consistency group.

06205 208072 The operation cannot be Delete the Universal Replicator pair, and W
performed because the specified then retry the operation.
volume or its pair volume is
used by Universal Replicator.

06205 208073 The operation cannot be Wait until the pair operation being W
performed because a different performed on the consistency group is
pair operation is being complete, and then retry the operation.
performed on the consistency
group to which the specified pair

06205 208074 The operation cannot be Wait until all of the pairs change to the W
performed because pairs in the Suspend status, and then retry the
specified consistency group are operation.
changing to the Suspend status
due to failure.

8-38 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06205 208075 The operation cannot be Enter the correct consistency group W
performed because the entered number, and then retry the operation.
consistency group number is not

06205 208076 The operation cannot be Verify the number of pairs in the W
performed because the number specified mirror.
of pairs in the specified mirror
exceeds the maximum.

06205 208077 The operation cannot be Specify the existing combination of the W
performed because the consistency group number and quorum
combination of the specified disk ID, and then retry the operation.
consistency group number and
quorum disk ID is different from
the existing combination.

06205 208078 The operation cannot be Specify the existing combination of the W
performed because the consistency group number and mirror
combination of the specified ID, and then retry the operation.
consistency group number and
mirror ID is different from the
existing combination.

06205 208079 The operation in which Retry the operation on the GAD Pairs W
consistency groups are selected window.
cannot be performed because
the pair configurations in the
consistency group have

06205 208080 The operation in which volumes Retry the operation on the GAD W
are selected cannot be Consistency Groups window.
performed because the pair
configurations in the consistency
group have changed.

06205 208081 The operation cannot be Refresh the window, and then retry the W
performed because an invalid operation.
relation is detected between the
consistency group number and
the volume number.

06205 208082 The operation cannot be Set the same I/O mode for all of the W
performed because the I/O pairs in the consistency group.
mode of the specified global-
active device pair and those of
global-active device pairs in the
consistency group do not match.

06205 208083 The operation cannot be Verify the pair configurations of global- W
performed because the following active device, Universal Replicator, and
requirements are not met. delta resync of Universal Replicator.
• The primary volume of a
global-active device pair is
the primary volume of a
Universal Replicator pair.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-39

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• The secondary volume of a
global-active device pair is
the primary volume of a
delta resync pair of
Universal Replicator.

06205 208084 The operation cannot be Verify the microcode version of the W
performed because the remote storage system.
microcode version of the remote
storage system does not support
the provisioning type of the
volume selected as the
secondary volume.

06205 208085 The operation cannot be Select a primary volume and a W

performed because the secondary volume with the same
provisioning types of the provisioning type.
primary volume and the
secondary volume do not match.

06205 208086 The operation cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
performed due to one of the operation. If the problem persists,
following reasons: contact the Hitachi Data Systems
• A temporary failure on the Support Center.
storage system.
• The storage system is in
internal processing.
• The storage system is being

06205 208087 The operation cannot be Perform LDEV formatting, and then W
performed because the specified retry the operation.
external volume is not

06205 208088 The operation cannot be Verify the following conditions. W

performed because the specified • The selected external volume is in
external volume is not normal status.
• The volume of the external storage
system is in normal status.
• The external path is in normal
Restore all abnormal states back to
normal, and then retry the operation.

06205 208089 The operation cannot be Verify the specified LDEV number and W
performed because any of the mirror ID of the primary volume, and
specified parameters is not then retry the operation with the correct
valid. parameter.

8-40 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 06505
Table 8-4 Error codes (part code 06505)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 003003 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 005013 An error occurred during SVP Retry the operation. If this problem E
processing. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

06505 005040 Too many objects are specified. Specify fewer objects, and then retry W
the operation.

06505 005511 The program product is not Install the program product. W

06505 006000 An error occurred during SVP Retry the operation. If this problem E
processing. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

06505 006001 An error occurred during SVP Retry the operation. If this problem E
processing. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

06505 006012 An error occurred during SVP Retry the operation. If this problem E
processing. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

06505 006022 A file open error has occurred. Retry the operation. If this problem E
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

06505 006023 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 006502 Processing in progress. Wait for a while, and then retry the W
operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06505 006537 There is no error in this setting. Correct the error in the other setting, i
However, there is an error in and then retry the operation.
another setting and the setting
processing has not been

06505 007060 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 007111 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 007310 This error code is not registered. Please contact the Support Center when E
it is a same deal even if it operates it

06505 008000 An error occurred during SVP Wait for a while, and then retry the E
processing. operation. If this problem persists,

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-41

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06505 008001 A communication time-out error Wait for a while, and then retry the W
occurred in the local storage operation.

06505 008002 A communication time-out error Wait for a while, and then retry the W
occurred in the local storage operation.

06505 008100 An error occurred during SVP Retry the operation. If this problem E
processing. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

06505 008102 This function is not supported. Check whether the DKCMAIN microcode E
version and the SVP microcode version
are mismatched.

06505 008700 Please retry operation. Wait for a while, and then retry the W

06505 008701 The pair operation could not be Verify the status of the remote path in W
performed due to one of the the local storage system and the status
following reasons: of the remote path and the pair in the
• The remote path between remote storage system, and then
the local storage system perform the following operations:
and the remote storage • If the LUN path is invalid,
system is invalid. reestablish the remote path by an
• The status of the specified Edit Path operation.
secondary volume is SMPL. • If the status of the secondary
volume is SMPL, delete the pair
from the primary volume, and then
retry Create Pairs.

06505 008702 The status of the primary Refresh the window, and then verify the W
volume is invalid. status of the primary volume. Retry the
operation if the primary volume is

06505 008703 The specified number of remote Verify the number of remote paths, and W
paths is less than the minimum then retry the operation.
number of paths.

06505 008704 The specified number of remote Verify the status of the remote paths, W
paths was less than the and then recover the paths.
minimum number of paths due
to a communication error
between the local storage
system and the remote storage

06505 008705 The remote paths could not be Verify the CHA status of the local W
deleted due to a communication storage system. If the CHA is blocked,
error between the local storage contact the Hitachi Data Systems
system and the remote storage Support Center.

8-42 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 008706 Parameter specified by Remote Enter the correct data. W

Copy operation is invalid.

06505 008708 The pair status of the secondary Refresh the window, and then verify the W
volume is invalid. pair status. Retry the operation if the
secondary volume is available.

06505 008709 Remote Copy operation was Replace the channel adapter, then retry E
rejected. the operation.

06505 008710 The pair status of the specified Refresh the window, and then verify the W
data volume is incorrect. pair status. If the pair is in operable
status, retry the operation.

06505 008711 The specified parameter is Verify that the specified port name, W
incorrect. host group ID, LUN ID, CU, or LDEV
exists in the local storage system.

06505 008712 The operation was rejected due If it is a remote path operation, recover W
to a 'FREEZE' state. from the freeze status, and then retry
the operation.
If it is a remote replication pair
operation, recover the remote path
status, and then retry the operation.

06505 008713 The port group already exists on Exchange the port type after deleting W
the specified port. the group setting.

06505 008714 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008715 The number of remote paths is Verify the number of remote paths, and W
invalid. then retry the operation.

06505 008719 The serial number, SSID, or Verify the serial numbers, SSIDs, and W
model of the remote storage models of the specified remote storage
system is invalid. system and the already registered
remote storage systems, and then enter
the correct value. If the values are
correct, verify the cable connection of
the remote storage system, and then
retry the operation. If this problem
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

06505 008720 The number of registered Reduce the number of registered W

remote storage systems already remote storage systems, and then retry
reached the maximum (64). the operation.

06505 008721 The remote path creation is not Verify the remote path connections W
complete yet. between the local and the remote
storage systems, and then retry the

06505 008722 The remote path could not be Verify the remote path connections W
created. between the local and the remote
storage systems, and then retry the

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-43

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 008723 The operation could not be Add a different remote path, or delete W
performed because the specified all remote replication pairs on the
remote path is the last path of remote storage system, and then retry
the remote replication pairs. the operation.

06505 008724 The specified number of remote Increase the number of remote paths, W
paths is less than the minimum or reduce the minimum number of
number of paths. paths.

06505 008727 The Minimum Number of Paths Add normal remote paths, and then set W
exceeds the number of normal the minimum number of paths, or
Remote Paths. reduce the minimum number of paths,
and then delete the remote paths.

06505 008728 The number of normal remote Add normal remote paths, and then set W
paths is less than the minimum the minimum number of paths, or
number of paths. reduce the minimum number of paths,
and then delete the remote paths.

06505 008729 An internal error occurred. Verify the SSB log, and then contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008731 The existing logical addresses Delete the remote storage systems, W
are not the same. then add theremote storage systems
using the same logical address.

06505 008733 The program product license of Install the program product license of W
Universal Replicator or Universal Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe is not Replicator for Mainframe on the local
installed on the local storage storage system.

06505 008734 The program product license of Install the program product license of W
Universal Replicator or Universal Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe is not Replicator for Mainframe on the remote
installed on the remote storage storage system.

06505 008735 The serial number, SSID, or Verify the serial numbers, SSIDs, and W
model of the remote storage models of the specified remote storage
system is not valid. system and the already registered
remote storage systems, and then enter
the correct values. If the values are
correct, verify the cable connection of
the remote storage system, and then
retry the operation. If this problem
persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

06505 008736 The specified remote storage Delete pairs for the specified remote W
system contains journals or storage system. After that, delete
pairs for remote replication. journals if any. Verify that there are no
pairs or journals, and then retry the

06505 008737 An internal error occurred. Verify the SSB log, and then contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

8-44 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 008742 Pinned tracks exist in the Restore the pinned tracks in the W
primary volume. primary volume.

06505 008743 Pinned tracks exist in the Restore the pinned tracks in the W
secondary volume. secondary volume.

06505 008744 The specified primary volume Verify that the primary volume is in any W
cannot be used. of the following conditions:
• The volume is in data copy process
(correction copy or drive copy).
• The volume is in correction access
• The volume is blocked.
• The volume is being maintained.
• The access attribute of the volume
is Read Only.

06505 008745 The Secondary Volume is A volume cannot be used as a W

already in use by another Secondary Volume when:
system. • it is used by Compatible XRC.
• it is used by PPRC or Remote Copy.
• it is used by Concurrent Copy.
• The attribute of the volume is read-

06505 008746 The emulation type of the See the user guides to verify if the W
primary volume is not emulation type of the specified volume
supported. is supported.

06505 008749 The specified secondary volume Verify if the secondary volume is online. W
is online. If the volume is online, vary the volume
offline, and then retry the operation. If
the volume is connected to a VM
system, vary the volume offline from
the VM system.

06505 008753 An internal error occurred. Verify the SSB log, and then contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008757 One side of the cache or the Verify the status of the cache and the E
shared memory is blocked in the shared memory in the local storage
local storage system. system, and then contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008758 An unexpected error occurred in Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
the local storage system. Support Center.

06505 008764 The operation could not be Verify that the secondary volume is not W
performed due to one of the blocked, the restore journal is
following reasons: registered, or the journal volumes of
• The secondary volume is the restore journal are not blocked,
blocked. respectively.

• The restore journal is not


Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-45

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• The journal volumes of the
restore journal are blocked.

06505 008770 The cache in the local storage Wait for a few minutes, and then retry W
system is automatically the operation.

06505 008776 The primary volume is already Select a different volume. W

used by Compatible XRC.

06505 008778 One side of the cache or the Verify the status of the cache and the E
shared memory is blocked in the shared memory in the remote storage
remote storage system. system, and then contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008788 The specified volume is not Verify if the specified port name, host W
defined in the remote storage group ID, LUN ID, CU, or LDEV exists in
system. the remote storage system.

06505 008791 The specified primary volume is Run the offline command to disable the W
online to the host. path from a different host, and then
retry the operation.

06505 008795 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the primary volume W
performed because the volume from the host or the SVP.
specified as the primary volume
is used by ShadowImage or
ShadowImage for Mainframe
and applies to either of the
• A secondary volume, which
is not in the PSUS status.
• A volume in the Reverse
Copy status.

06505 008819 A volume cannot be used as a Verify the status of the volume specified W
secondary volume when: as a secondary volume.
• It is in an intervention-
requested condition.
• It is in a protection
• It is in an unusable
• It is a ShadowImage or
ShadowImage for
Mainframe secondary
• It is in use by Volume
• It is a ShadowImage
primary volume in the Swap
or Reverse Copy status.
• It is a ShadowImage for
Mainframe primary volume

8-46 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
in the Swap or Reverse
Copy status.

06505 008822 An I/O error occurred in the Verify the SSB log, and then contact the E
secondary volume. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008832 The Create Pairs operation Wait for a while, and then retry the W
cannot be performed because operation.
data volume migration by
Volume Migration is in progress
on the specified primary volume.

06505 008833 The Create Pairs operation Wait for a while, and then retry the W
cannot be performed because operation.
data volume migration by
Volume Migration is in progress
on the specified secondary

06505 008834 The operation failed because See the license key and confirm the W
you tried to create volume pairs licensed capacity of the volumes. To
which exceeded the licensed create more pairs, purchase a license
capacity. key that allows you to use a larger

06505 008835 The operation failed because See the license key information of the W
you tried to create volume pairs remote storage system and verify the
which exceeded the licensed licensed volume capacity. To create
capacity of the Remote Storage more pairs, purchase a license key that
System. allows you to use a larger capacity.

06505 008887 An internal error occurred. Verify the SSB log, and then contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008888 An internal error occurred. Verify the SSB log, and then contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008889 The specified port is not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
equipped. operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06505 008890 The specified port is being Wait until the initialization of the W
initialized. specified port is complete, and then
retry the operation.

06505 008891 LUN paths are defined on the Delete the LUN paths on the specified W
specified port. port, and then retry the operation.

06505 008893 An internal error occurred. Verify the SSB log, and then contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008894 Jobs exist on the specified port. Stop the jobs from the host, and then W
retry the operation.

06505 008895 Jobs exist on the port of the Stop the jobs from the host, and then W
remote storage system. retry the operation.

06505 008896 A parameter error occurred. Refresh the window, and then retry the W
operation. If this problem persists,

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-47

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06505 008897 LUs exist on the port. Delete the LUN paths defined on the W
port, and then retry the operation.

06505 008898 Pending data exists on the port. Retry the operation. W

06505 008899 An internal error occurred. Verify the SSB log, and then contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008900 An error occurred during the If this problem persists, contact the E
port change. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008901 An error occurred during the If this problem persists, contact the E
port change. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008902 An error occurred during the If this problem persists, contact the E
port change. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008903 Unknown Error Code. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008915 Storage Navigator attempted to Verify the status of the port, and then W
change the port type. However, retry the operation.
this attempt could not be made
because the same operation was
in progress from a host.

06505 008924 LUN paths are defined to the Delete the LUN paths on the specified W
port on the remote storage port, and then retry the operation.

06505 008929 Invalid port type. Verify the port type of the specified W
port, and then retry the operation.

06505 008930 LUN paths are defined to the Delete the LUN paths on the specified W
port on the remote storage port, and then retry the operation.

06505 008931 LUN paths are defined to the Delete the LUN paths on the specified W
port on the remote storage port, and then retry the operation.

06505 008934 The Create Pairs operation Verify the configuration of the volume W
cannot be performed because specified as the secondary volume.
the volume specified as the
secondary volume is a NAS
system volume.

06505 008936 The Create Pairs operation Verify the microcode version of the W
cannot be performed. The remote storage system.
microcode version of the
specified remote storage system
does not support the remote
replication function using NAS

06505 008944 The specified secondary volume Verify the access attribute of the W
cannot be used because of the specified secondary volume.

8-48 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
access attribute changed by
Data Retention Utility.

06505 008947 The external volume that is Release the setting of the external W
mapped to an internal volume is volume, then retry the operation.
connected to the port.

06505 008948 The specified port is receiving Stop the I/O operations, and then retry W
I/O requests. the operation.

06505 008949 An internal error occurred. Verify the SSB log, and then contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008950 An internal error occurred. Verify the SSB log, and then contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 008977 The Create Pairs operation Verify the status of the specified W
cannot be performed because secondary volume.
the specified secondary volume
is used by Cross-system Copy.

06505 008980 The pair operation cannot be Verify the licensed capacity of Volume W
performed because the licensed Retention Manager on the remote
capacity of Volume Retention storage system. To perform this
Manager on the remote storage operation, purchase a license key that
system exceeds the maximum. allows you to use a larger capacity.

06505 056524 This function cannot be used by Select another window. If you want to E
the storage partition set this function, please contact the
administrator. storage administrator.

06505 056535 The Assign Remote Command Wait for a while, and then retry the W
Devices operation cannot be operation. If this problem persists,
performed due to a temporary contact the Hitachi Data Systems
path failure. Support Center.

06505 058005 Too many requests. Reduce the number of requests to be W

processed at one time, and then retry
the operation.

06505 058006 Invalid parameter (LDEV ID). Verify the specified LDEV ID. W

06505 058007 The parameter (Journal ID) is Verify whether; W

not valid or the specified journal • the specified journal ID is correct,
is not registered. and
• the specified journal is registered.

06505 058008 The command was rejected by If this problem persists, contact the E
the storage system because the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
command is unknown.

06505 058009 No more remote storage Reduce the number of registered W

systems can be registered. remote storage systems, and then retry
the operation.

06505 058010 Invalid parameter (path group Check the specified path group ID. W

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-49

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 058011 The specified operation failed Refresh the window, and check the W
due to the mirror status of the mirror status of the journal.

06505 058012 Invalid parameter (number of Check the specified number of initial W
initial copy activities). copy activities.

06505 058013 The specified volume does not Check the status of the specified W
exist or is unusable. volume.

06505 058014 Pinned slot(s) exists. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 058015 The specified volume is blocked. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 058016 The cache or the shared If this problem persists, contact the E
memory is in an abnormal state. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 058017 The specified volume is being Check the status of the specified W
connected by a mainframe host. volume from the mainframe host.

06505 058019 The specified volume is already Use the program product to check the W
used by another program status of the specified volume.

06505 058020 The specified volume is already Check the status of the specified W
used by Compatible XRC. volume from Compatible XRC.

06505 058021 The specified volume cannot be Check the status of the specified W
used as an S-VOL because of volume in the Volume Retention
Volume Retention Manager Manager window or the Data Retention
settings or Data Retention Utility Utility window.

06505 058022 A Concurrent Copy operation is Check the status of the specified W
in progress on the specified volume.

06505 058023 The specified CLPR ID is invalid. Verify the specified CLPR ID. W

06505 058024 The specified cache value for Check the specified cache value for W
master journal is invalid. master journal.

06505 058025 The specified cache value for Check the specified cache value for W
restore journal groups is invalid. restore journal.

06505 058026 The specified threshold for Check the threshold for ending creation W
ending creation of asynchronous of asynchronous journal.
journal is invalid.

06505 058027 The specified threshold for Check the threshold for ending creation W
ending creation synchronous of synchronous journal.
journal is invalid.

06505 058028 The specified threshold for Check the threshold for ending creation W
starting creation of of synchronous journal.
asynchronous journal is invalid.

8-50 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 058029 The specified threshold for Check the threshold for starting W
starting creation synchronous creation of synchronous journal.
journal is invalid.

06505 058030 The threshold for starting Ensure that the threshold for starting W
creation of synchronous journal creation of synchronous journal is larger
must be larger than the than the threshold for starting creation
threshold for starting creation of of asynchronous journal.
asynchronous journal.

06505 058031 The threshold for starting Ensure that the threshold for starting W
creation of asynchronous journal creation of asynchronous journal is
must be larger than the larger than the threshold for ending
threshold for ending creation of creation of asynchronous journal.
asynchronous journal.

06505 058032 The threshold for starting Ensure that the threshold for starting W
creation of synchronous journal creation of synchronous journal is larger
must be larger than the than the threshold for ending creation
threshold for ending creation of of synchronous journal.
synchronous journal.

06505 058033 The total cache capacity is Verify the cache capacity of the local W
incorrect. and remote storage systems.

06505 058034 The operation is impossible Wait until the storage system is ready. W
because the storage system is
being powered on.

06505 058035 No more journal volumes can be Verify the number of journal volumes in W
registered, or too many volumes the specified journal and the number of
are selected. the selected volumes.

06505 058036 The device emulation type of the Check the emulation type of the W
specified volume is not specified volume.

06505 058037 The specified journal cannot be Verify the status of the specified W
deleted because a data volume journal.

06505 058038 No more path group IDs can be Check the number of registered path W
registered. group IDs.

06505 058039 The specified volume is already Specify a different volume. W

used as a journal volume or a
data volume.

06505 058040 An internal error occurred. Verify the SSB log, and then contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 058064 Too many requests. Reduce the number of requests to be W

processed at one time, and then retry
the operation.

06505 058065 Invalid parameter (LDEV ID). Verify the specified LDEV ID. W

06505 058066 The parameter (Journal ID) is Verify whether; W

not valid or the specified journal • the specified journal ID is correct,
is not registered. and

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-51

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• the specified journal is registered.

06505 058067 Invalid parameter (Mirror ID). Check the specified mirror ID. W

06505 058068 Invalid parameter (Journal Check the specified JNL Control W
Control). parameter.

06505 058069 Invalid parameter (Suspend Verify the specified suspend condition W
Condition - Journal Full). parameter.

06505 058070 Invalid parameter (Suspend Verify the specified suspend condition W
Condition - Master Journal parameter.

06505 058071 Invalid parameter (Suspend Verify the specified suspend condition W
Condition - Restore Journal parameter.

06505 058072 The pair status has not changed The current configuration of the storage W
yet. systems and the current status of lines
connecting the storage systems may
not satisfy the operating conditions.
Check the configuration of the storage
systems and the status of lines
connecting the storage systems, then
check whether the status of the Remote
Copy pair is changed.

06505 058073 The storage system is busy. Wait for a while, and then retry the W
operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06505 058075 The specified serial number is Check the specified serial number. W

06505 058078 The specified volume does not Check the status of the specified W
exist or is unusable. volume.

06505 058079 The specified primary volume Verify the status of the specified W
cannot be used as a secondary primary volume on the Volume
volume due to the settings of Retention Manager or Data Retention
Volume Retention Manager or Utility window.
Data Retention Utility.

06505 058080 A Concurrent Copy operation is Verify the status of the volume specified W
in progress on the volume as the primary volume.
specified as the primary volume.

06505 058081 The specified primary volume Check the status of the specified W
belongs to an access group or a volume in the Volume Security window.
pool group of Volume Security.

06505 058082 The specified consistency group Verify the consistency group status on W
is already used. the Universal Replicator window of the
local and remote storage systems.

06505 058083 The specified master journal is Check the status of the specified master W
not registered. journal.

8-52 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 058084 The pair cannot be registered Verify the status of the volume specified W
because the volume specified as as the primary volume.
the primary volume is already
used as a journal volume.

06505 058085 The specified primary volume is Verify the data volumes in the specified W
not registered in the specified master journal.

06505 058086 The specified master journal is Check the status of the specified master W
not registered. journal

06505 058087 The emulation type of the Verify the emulation type of the volume W
volume specified as the primary specified as the primary volume.
volume is invalid due to one of
the following reasons:
• The emulation type is not
• The combination of
emulation types within the
journal is invalid.
• The combination of
emulation types between
journals is invalid.

06505 058088 The specified mirror ID differs Check the specified mirror ID. W
from the registered mirror ID.

06505 058089 A pair cannot be created Verify the journals and mirror ID, and W
because the selected mirror ID then retry the operation.
of the master journal is already
used by a mirror of a different
restore journal.

06505 058090 The SLPR number of the Check the SLPR number of the specified E
specified data volume does not data volume and the journal volume in
match the SLPR number of the the journal.
journal volume in the specified

06505 058091 The specified primary volume is Verify the status of the specified W
already registered. primary volume.

06505 058092 No more pairs can be registered Check the number of pairs in the W
in the specified master journal. specified master journal.

06505 058093 The specified primary data Verify the journal in which the volume W
volume is already registered specified as the primary volume is
in another journal group. registered.

06505 058094 The specified primary volume Verify the journal in which the specified W
cannot be deleted because the primary volume is registered.
volume is already registered in a
different journal.

06505 058097 Universal Replicator or Universal Install Universal Replicator or Universal W

Replicator for Mainframe is not Replicator for Mainframe in the local

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-53

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
installed in the local storage storage system, and then retry the
system. operation.

06505 058098 The cache or the shared If this problem persists, contact the E
memory is in an abnormal state. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 058099 The cache or the shared If this problem persists, contact the E
memory is in an abnormal state. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 058100 The serial number or the model Verify the serial numbers and the W
of the remote storage system is models of the specified remote storage
invalid. system and the already registered
remote storage system, and then enter
the correct values. If the specified
values are correct, verify the cable
connection of the remote storage
system. If this problem persists, contact
the Hitachi Data Systems Support

06505 058101 The pair status is incorrect. Refresh the window, and then verify the W
pair status.

06505 058102 An internal error occurred. The pair status may be different E
between the local and remote storage
systems. Wait for a while, and then
retry the operation. If the pair status of
the pair does not match between the
local and remote storage systems,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center. In the volume attached
to Fujitsu OS, the Universal Replicator
for Mainframe pair cannot be created by
specifying System for the timer type.
Specify Local for the timer type, and
then retry the operation.

06505 058104 The volume specified as the Verify the status of the volume specified W
secondary volume is already as the secondary volume from the
used by Compatible XRC. mainframe host.

06505 058105 Universal Replicator or Universal Universal Replicator or Universal W

Replicator for Mainframe is not Replicator for Mainframe must be
installed in the remote storage installed in both the local and remote
system. storage systems when you create paths
or pairs with Universal Replicator or
Universal Replicator for Mainframe.
Install Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe to the remote
storage system.

06505 058106 The operation cannot be Verify the following for the specified W
performed because the specified primary and secondary volumes:
volumes are in either of the • The capacities of primary volume
following conditions: and secondary volume are the
• The capacities of the same.
primary and secondary
volumes do not match.

8-54 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• The current microcode • The current microcode version
version does not support supports the specified capacity of
the specified capacity of the the secondary volume.
secondary volume.

06505 058264 Journal volumes cannot be Install the program product license of W
registered because the program Universal Replicator.
product license of Universal
Replicator is not installed.

06505 058265 Journal volumes cannot be Install Universal Replicator for W

registered because Universal Mainframe.
Replicator for Mainframe is not

06505 058266 The use of the specified volume Check the Volume Security settings on W
is prohibited by Volume the specified volume.

06505 058269 The specified restore journal is Check the status of the specified restore W
not registered. journal.

06505 058270 The pair cannot be created due Check the mirror status and the mirror E
to one of the following reasons: ID of the specified restore journal.
• The specified restore journal
is already paired with a
different journal.
• The combination of the
restore journal and the
mirror ID specified when
creating Delta resync
volume pairs is already used
by the ordinary (not Delta
resync) volume pairs.

06505 058271 The volume specified as the For the volume specified as the W
secondary volume cannot be secondary volume, verify the following
used due to one of the following on the Data Retention Utility window if
reasons: it is an open system volume or on the
• S-VOL Disable is set by Volume Retention Manager window if it
Data Retention Utility. is a mainframe system volume.

• The VMA setting differs Open system:

between the primary • S-VOL Disable is set to the
volume and the secondary specified secondary volume.
volume. • The VMA setting differs between
• Protection is set by Volume the primary volume and the
Retention Manager. secondary volume.
Mainframe system:
• The Protection attribute is set.

06505 058272 A concurrent copy operation is Verify the status of the volume specified W
in progress on the volume as the secondary volume.
specified as the secondary

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-55

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 058273 By the Volume Security function, Verify the status of the specified W
the volume specified as a secondary volume by using Volume
secondary volume is in either of Security.
the following conditions.
• The volume belongs to the
access group or the pool
• The volume cannot be used
as a secondary volume.

06505 058275 The specified restore journal is Check the specified restore journal. W
not registered.

06505 058276 The pair cannot be registered Verify the status of the volume specified W
because the volume specified as as the secondary volume.
the secondary volume is already
used as a journal volume.

06505 058277 The specified secondary volume Verify the data volumes in the specified W
is not registered in the specified restore journal.

06505 058278 The specified restore journal is Check the specified restore journal. W
not registered.

06505 058279 The emulation type of the Verify the emulation type of the volume W
volume specified as the specified as the secondary volume or of
secondary volume or of the the restore journal volume.
restore journal volume is invalid
due to one of the following
• The emulation type is not
• The combination of the
emulation types within the
journal is invalid.
• The combination of the
emulation types between
the master and restore
journal volumes is invalid.
• The emulation types of the
primary and secondary
volumes do not match.

06505 058280 The specified secondary volume Verify the status of the specified W
is already registered. secondary volume.

06505 058281 No more pairs can be registered Check the number of pairs in the W
in the specified restore journal. specified restore journal.

06505 058282 The specified secondary volume Verify the journal in which the specified W
is already registered in a secondary volume is registered.
different journal.

06505 058283 The specified secondary volume Verify the journal in which the specified W
cannot be deleted because the secondary volume is registered.

8-56 Message (part code group 06nnn)

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Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
volume is already registered in a
different journal.

06505 058284 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 058285 No more pairs can be registered Check the number of pairs. W
because the number of pairs will
exceed the maximum.

06505 058286 The command cannot be Check the command parameters. W

executed because the command
that should be issued to the
secondary volume is issued to
the primary volume.

06505 058287 The command cannot be Check the command parameters. W

executed because the command
that should be issued to the
primary volume is issued to the
secondary volume.

06505 058288 The specified primary volume is If the status of the primary volume is W
already paired with a different Simplex (SMPL), delete the pair by
volume. selecting [Force] for the Delete Mode,
and then retry the operation.

06505 058289 The specified secondary volume If the status of the secondary volume is W
is already paired with a different Simplex (SMPL), delete the pair by
volume. selecting [Force] for the Delete Mode,
and then retry the operation.

06505 058290 The specified primary volume is Verify the status of the specified W
not paired with any volumes. primary volume.

06505 058291 The specified secondary volume Verify the status of the specified W
is not paired with any volumes. secondary volume.

06505 058292 The specified volume cannot be Verify that the specified volume is in W
used as a journal volume. any of the following conditions:
• The volume is in data copy process
(correction copy or drive copy).
• The volume is in correction access
• The volume is blocked.
• The volume is being maintained.
• The access attribute of the volume
is Read Only.

06505 058293 The specified operation cannot Check the status of the specified pair. W
be performed on the data
volume pair.

06505 058294 The specified operation cannot Check the status of the specified pair. W
be performed because the status
of the data volume pair is

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-57

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 058295 An internal error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 058296 The specified volume cannot be Release the setting of the different W
used because it is being used by program product that uses the specified
any of the following program volume and then retry the operation, or
products: select a different volume.
• Volume Migration
• Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
• Dynamic Provisioning
• ShadowImage
• ShadowImage for

06505 058297 The volume specified as the Verify if the volume specified as the W
primary volume is being used by primary volume is being used by any of
a different program product. the following program products
• ShadowImage for Mainframe
• TrueCopy for Mainframe
• Volume Migration

06505 058298 The volume specified as the Verify if the volume specified as the W
secondary volume is being used secondary volume is being used by any
by a different program product. of the following program products:
• ShadowImage for Mainframe
• TrueCopy for Mainframe
• Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
• Volume Migration

06505 058302 The specified volume is used as Check the configuration of the specified W
a command device. volume.

06505 058305 A path is defined to the specified Check the configuration of the specified W
volume. volume.

06505 058306 The volume specified as the Verify the configuration of the volume W
secondary volume is used as a specified as the secondary volume.
command device.

06505 058307 The volume specified as the Verify the configuration of the volume W
secondary volume is an On- specified as the secondary volume.
Demand (Just in Time)volume.

06505 058308 The volume specified as the Verify the configuration of the volume W
primary volume is used as a specified as the primary volume.
command device.

06505 058325 The volume specified as the Verify the status of the volume specified W
primary volume is used by as the primary volume from the window
TrueCopy or TrueCopy for of TrueCopy or TrueCopy for Mainframe.
Mainframe. The operation If the primary volume is in PSUS, PSUE,
cannot be performed because or Suspend status, restore the volume,
the status of the TrueCopy pair and then retry the operation. If the
primary volume is in COPY or Pending

8-58 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
or the TrueCopy for Mainframe status, wait until the status of the
pair is invalid. volume changes to PAIR or Duplex, and
then retry the operation.
06505 058328 The operation of Create Pairs or If this problem persists, contact the E
Resync Pairs cannot be Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
performed because data remains
in the journal cache for the
restore journal.

06505 058333 The parameter related to the Check the attribute of the specified W
inflow cannot be changed journal.
because the specified journal is
other than the master journal.

06505 058334 The parameter related to the Verify the status of the specified W
inflow cannot be changed, journal.
because the status of the
specified journal is neither
"Initial" nor "Stopped".

06505 058335 The timer type cannot be Verify the status of the specified W
changed, because the status of journal.
the specified journal is not

06505 058336 The specified volume cannot be Check the CLPR number of the W
registered as a journal volume registered journal volume, and specify
because the CLPR number of the the volume that has the same CLPR
specified volume is different number.
from the CLPR number of the
journal volume that has already
been registered.

06505 058337 The operation cannot be Check the CLPR number of the journal W
performed because the CLPR volume in the specified master journal,
number of the volume specified and then select a volume that has the
as the primary volume is same CLPR number.
different from the CLPR number
of the journal volume in the
specified master journal.

06505 058338 The operation cannot be Check the CLPR number of the journal W
performed because the CLPR volume in the specified master journal,
number of the volume specified and then select a volume that has the
as the secondary volume is same CLPR number.
different from the CLPR number
of the journal volume in the
specified restore journal.

06505 058341 The specified volume cannot be Check the specified volume and specify W
used as a journal volume a non-external volume.
because the specified volume is
an external volume.

06505 058342 The specified volume cannot be Check the setting of the volume in the W
used as a journal volume Data Retention Utility window or the
because of a Data Retention Volume Retention Manager window.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-59

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Utility setting or a Volume
Retention Manager setting.

06505 058343 The specified volume cannot be Check the setting of the specified W
used as a journal volume volume in the Volume Security window.
because of a Volume Security

06505 058345 The Create Pairs operation Verify whether the IO suppression mode W
cannot be performed due to one of the specified secondary volume is
of the following reasons: enabled from the Universal Volume
• The IO suppression mode of Manager window. If the IO suppression
the specified secondary mode is disabled, take a note of the
volume is enabled. DKCMAIN microcode version of the
remote storage system, and then
• The microcode version of contact the Hitachi Data Systems
the secondary storage Support Center.
system does not support
external volumes.

06505 058346 The Create Pairs operation Verify the settings of the volume W
cannot be performed because specified as the secondary volume from
VMA of Data Retention Utility is the Data Retention Utility window.
set on the volume specified as
the secondary volume.

06505 058347 The Create Pairs operation Verify the settings of the volume W
cannot be performed because specified as the secondary volume from
Volume Security is set on the the Volume Security window.
volume specified as the
secondary volume.

06505 058348 The Create Pairs operation Verify the settings of the specified W
cannot be performed because primary volume from the Data
VMA of Data Retention Utility is Retention Utility window.
set on the volume specified as
the primary volume.

06505 058349 The Create Pairs operation Verify the settings of the volume W
cannot be performed because specified as the primary volume from
the Protect access attribute is the Volume Retention Manager window.
set on the volume specified as
the primary volume by Volume
Retention Manager.

06505 058353 The operation cannot be Extract a possible combination of W

performed because the volume program products from the program
specified as the secondary products combinations described in the
volume applies to any of the message, and then verify the status of
following: the volume specified as a secondary
• A secondary volume of volume from the program product
ShadowImage. window.

• A secondary volume of To use the Dynamic Provisioning

ShadowImage for volume as a secondary volume, release
Mainframe or Compatible the attribute of a program product
FlashCopy(R). combined with the Dynamic
Provisioning volume, and then retry the

8-60 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• A primary volume of To use the primary volume of
ShadowImage in the Swap ShadowImage for Mainframe as a
or Reverse Copy status. secondary volume, if it is shared by the
• A primary volume of consistency groups that belong to
ShadowImage for Business Continuity Manager and
Mainframe in the Swap or Command Control Interface, release the
Reverse Copy status. shared status, and then retry the
• A primary volume of
ShadowImage used in
conjunction with TrueCopy.
• A primary volume of
ShadowImage used in
conjunction with High
Availability Manager.
• A primary volume of
ShadowImage for
Mainframe or Compatible
FlashCopy(R) used in
conjunction with TrueCopy
for Mainframe.
• A Dynamic Provisioning
volume used as a primary
volume of ShadowImage.
• A Dynamic Provisioning
volume and a source
volume of Volume
• A Dynamic Provisioning
volume used as a primary
volume of Thin Image.
• A Dynamic Provisioning
volume used as a primary
volume of Copy-on-Write
• A primary volume of
ShadowImage for
Mainframe used in
conjunction with the
consistency groups that
belong to Business
Continuity Manager and
Command Control Interface.

06505 058354 The specified volume cannot be lease the setting of the different W
used as a primary volume program product that uses the specified
because it is being used by any volume and then retry the operation, or
of the following program select a different volume.
• ShadowImage
• TrueCopy
• Volume Migration

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-61

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 058355 The pair operation cannot be Select a different volume, or delete the W
performed because the volume pair whose volume is used by a
specified as the secondary different program product, and then
volume is being used by one of retry the operation.
the following program products:
• Copy-on-Write Snapshot
• ShadowImage
• Thin Image
• TrueCopy
• High Availability Manager
• Volume Migration

06505 058451 The storage system is in internal If this problem persists, contact the W
process. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 058456 The Create Pairs or Resync Pairs Verify the status of the specified W
operation cannot be performed primary volume from the window of
because the specified primary Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2,
volume applies to one of the Compatible Software for IBM(R)
following: FlashCopy(R) SE, or the mainframe
• A Compatible FlashCopy(R) host.
V2 volume
• Being used by Compatible
Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE
• A volume of the
PreserveMirror FlashCopy
function for Compatible
FlashCopy(R) V2

06505 058457 The specified primary volume is Select a mirror ID other than zero (0), W
used by TrueCopy or TrueCopy and then retry the operation.
for Mainframe.

06505 058458 A different mirror ID has already Specify the same mirror ID as the W
been registered in the specified registered mirror ID, then retry the
master journal.Specify the same operation.
mirror ID, because only one
mirror ID can be registered in
one journal.

06505 058459 The Create Pairs or Resync Pairs Verify the status of the specified W
operation cannot be performed secondary volume from the window of
because the specified secondary Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 or
volume applies to one of the Compatible Software for IBM(R)
following: FlashCopy(R) SE.
• Being used by Compatible
FlashCopy(R) V2.
• Being used by Compatible
Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE.

8-62 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 058485 The Create Pairs operation Verify the status of the volume specified W
cannot be performed because as the primary volume from the Local
the volume specified as the Replication window.
primary volume applies to either
of the following:
• A primary volume of Thin
Image in Reverse Copy
• A secondary volume of Thin

06505 058486 The Create Pairs operation failed Select a different volume, and then W
because the volume specified as retry the operation.
the primary volume is a V-VOL
for Thin Image.

06505 058487 The Create Pairs operation Verify the status of the volume specified W
cannot be performed because as the primary volume.
the volume specified as the
primary volume is a pool

06505 058490 The pair option was updated for A communication error between the E
the primary volume but not local and remote storage systems
updated for the secondary occurred, or the microcode of the
volume. remote storage system does not
support the change pair option function.
Take a note of the DKCMAIN microcode
of the remote storage system, and then
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center to verify that the
microcode supports the change pair
option function. If the microcode
supports the function, a communication
error might have occurred. Contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center to
solve the problem.

06505 058500 The Add Pair (Paircreate) Verify the DKCMAIN microcode version W
operation failed because the of the remote storage system, and then
Universal Replicator or the contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Universal Replicator for Support Center to verify whether the
Mainframe function of the Universal Replicator or the Universal
remote storage system does not Replicator for Mainframe function
support external volumes. supports external volumes.

06505 058501 The Create Pairs operation failed Take a note of the DKCMAIN microcode W
because the Universal Replicator version of the remote storage system,
function of the Remote Storage and then contact the Hitachi Data
System does not support VMA of Systems Support Center to verify
Data Retention Utility. whether the Universal Replicator
function supports VMA of Data
Retention Utility.

06505 058502 The operation failed because the Verify the licensed capacity of Data W
capacity of the secondary Retention Utility for the remote storage
storage system system. To perform the specified

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-63

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
has exceeded the licensed operation, purchase a license key that
capacity of Data Retention allows you to use a capacity larger than
Utility. the current capacity.

06505 058503 The specified operation failed Check the attribute and the mirror W
due to the attribute or the status of the journal.
mirror status in the journal.

06505 058504 The operation cannot be Refresh the window, and then retry the W
performed. operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06505 058508 The Create Pairs operation Disable the IO suppression mode of the W
cannot be performed because volume specified as the primary volume
the IO suppression mode of the from the Universal Volume Manager
volume specified as the primary window.
volume is enabled.

06505 058510 The Create Pairs operation Verify the mirror ID assigned to the W
cannot be performed. The specified primary volume from the
combination of the specified remote storage system, assign a mirror
primary volume and the mirror ID that is not used, and then retry the
ID is the same as the operation.
combination specified from a
different local storage system.

06505 058530 The capacity of the specified Verify the capacity of the volume, and W
volume is too small. specify a volume with larger capacity.

06505 058531 A journal volume cannot be Check the emulation types of the W
added because the combination specified volumes.
of the emulation types for the
journal volumes is not correct.

06505 058550 The operation to add journal Verify the status of the mirrors in the W
volumes failed due to the mirror specified journal.
status of the specified journal.

06505 058552 The operation cannot be Install the program product license of W
performed because the program Volume Retention Manager on the
product license of Volume remote storage system, or change the
Retention Manager is not access attribute of the specified primary
installed on the remote storage volume to Read/Write.

06505 058553 The specified volume cannot be Check whether the specified volume is W
used as a journal volume used by Compatible PAV.
because it is used by Compatible

06505 058560 A journal volume cannot be Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
added because the capacity of Support Center and install the
shared memory is insufficient. additional shared memory.

06505 058561 The Create Pairs operation or Check the timer type of the master and W
the Resync Pairs operation the restore journal.
cannot be performed because
the timer type of the master

8-64 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
journal is different from that of
the restore journal.

06505 058562 The specified volumes or the Block the volumes that could not be W
volumes in the specified journal blocked. If this operation cannot be
were deleted, but the volumes performed, contact the Hitachi Data
could not be blocked. Systems Support Center.

06505 058563 The specified volume could not If the problem persists despite retrying, W
be registered because the execute Format LDEVs.
volume failed to recover from

06505 058564 The Create Pairs operation Wait until the shredding of the specified W
cannot be performed because volume is complete, and then retry the
the volume specified as the operation.
primary volume is being

06505 058565 The Create Pairs operation Wait until the shredding of the specified W
cannot be performed because volume is complete, and then retry the
the volume specified as the operation.
secondary volume is being

06505 058566 The specified volume cannot be Wait until the shredding is complete, W
registered as a journal volume and then retry the operation.
because the volume is being
shredded by Data Retention

06505 058590 The Create Pairs or the Resync Check the journal volumes statuses of W
Pairs operation cannot be the specified master journal.
performed because the journal
volumes of the specified master
journal are blocked.

06505 058591 The Create Pairs or the Resync Check the journal volumes statuses of W
Pairs operation cannot be the specified restore journal.
performed because the journal
volumes of the specified restore
journal are blocked.

06505 058592 The specified operation failed Check the status of the storage system. W
because the storage system was Retry the operation after the storage
being powered on or powered system has started.

06505 058593 The storage system has Refresh the window. If this message is W
accepted the request normally, displayed after:
however the processing requires • the setting operation, verify that
some time. the setting is reflected.
• the operation of changing pair
status, verify the status of the
primary and secondary volumes. If
the settings are not reflected, retry
the operation.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-65

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• the Create Pairs or Resync Pairs
operation, perform the Split Pairs
operation for the pair in the Copy
status, and then perform the
Resync Pairs operation.

06505 058594 The Create Pairs operation Release the LUSE configuration or W
cannot be performed because specify a different volume.
the specified secondary volume
is in LUSE configuration.

06505 058596 The operation to change the Check if the At-Time Split is set to the W
status to the status ready for specified restore journal with Business
delta resync cannot be Continuity Manager.
performed because At-Time Split
is set to the specified restore

06505 058597 Journals cannot be added to the Verify the specified model. W
extended consistency group
(EXCTG) because the specified
model is invalid.

06505 058600 Journals cannot be added to the Install the program product licenses of W
extended consistency group Universal Replicator for Mainframe and
(EXCTG) because the program Disaster Recovery Extended on the local
product license of Universal storage system.
Replicator for Mainframe or
Disaster Recovery Extended is
not installed.

06505 058601 Journals cannot be added to the Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
extended consistency group Support Center and install the
(EXCTG), because the additional additional shared memory.
shared memory is not installed.

06505 058602 Journals cannot be added to the Check the number of storage systems in W
extended consistency group the specified extended consistency
(EXCTG), because the number group (EXCTG).
of storage systems in the EXCTG
exceeds the maximum.

06505 058603 Journals cannot be added to the Check the number of journals in the W
extended consistency group specified extended consistency group
(EXCTG), because the number (EXCTG).
of journals in the EXCTG
exceeds the maximum.

06505 058604 The specified journal is already Check the number of journals in the W
registered in the extended specified extended consistency group
consistency group (EXCTG). (EXCTG).

06505 058605 Journals cannot be added to the Check the mirror ID of the specified W
extended consistency group extended consistency group (EXCTG).
(EXCTG) because the specified
mirror ID is different from the
mirror ID existed in the EXCTG.

06505 058606 Journals cannot be deleted from Check the status of the specified W
the extended consistency group extended consistency group (EXCTG).

8-66 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
(EXCTG), because the specified
EXCTG is not registered.

06505 058607 Journal groups cannot be Verify the journals in the specified W
deleted from the extended extended consistency group (EXCTG).
consistency group (EXCTG),
because the specified journal
group was not registered.

06505 058608 The Resync Pairs operation Update the microcode of the local W
cannot be performed. The storage system to the version that
restore journal belongs to an supports the EXCTG function.
extended consistency group
(EXCTG), but the local storage
system does not support the
EXCTG function.

06505 058609 The timer type cannot be Release the setting of the extended W
changed, because the specified consistency group (EXCTG) in the
journal belongs to an extended specified journal, and then retry the
consistency group (EXCTG). operation.

06505 058610 The parameter specified in the Refresh the window, and then retry the W
extended consistency group operation. If this problem persists,
(EXCTG) operation is not valid. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06505 058611 The specified operation cannot Wait until all of the microcode W
be performed because the exchanges are complete, and then retry
microcode exchange is in the operation.
progress or interrupted on the
storage system in the extended
consistency group (EXCTG).

06505 058612 The previously performed Wait for a while, and then retry the W
update processing of the operation.
extended consistency group
(EXCTG) is not complete.

06505 058613 The command device is specified Verify whether the specified LDEV ID W
incorrectly. indicates a command device.

06505 058614 The specified journal cannot be Verify the status of the specified W
added to the extended journal.
consistency group (EXCTG)
because the journal is not
registered, or the journal is in
the Initial state.

06505 058615 Journals cannot be added to the Check the mirror ID of the specified W
extended consistency group journal.
(EXCTG), because the specified
mirror ID is not registered in the
specified journal.

06505 058616 The specified journal cannot be Verify the status of the journal on the W
added to extended consistency storage system to which the specified
group (EXCTG). journal belongs or the installation

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-67

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
statuses of the program product

06505 058617 Journals cannot be added to the Check the attributes of the specified W
extended consistency group extended consistency group (EXCTG)
(EXCTG), because the attributes and the journal.
of the EXCTG and the journal
are different.

06505 058618 Journals cannot be added to the Check the timer type of the specified W
extended consistency group journal.
(EXCTG), because the timer
type of the specified journal is
not "System".

06505 058620 The status of the extended Wait for a while, refresh the window, W
consistency group (EXCTG) is then retry the operation.

06505 058621 Journals cannot be added to the Check the attribute of the specified W
extended consistency group journal.
(EXCTG), because the attribute
of the specified journal is

06505 058624 Journals cannot be added to the Check if the specified command device W
extended consistency group exists in the device of specified serial
(EXCTG), because the number.
combination of the serial
number and the command
device is invalid.

06505 058625 Journals cannot be added to the Check if the specified journal is being W
extended consistency group used by other program product you are
(EXCTG), because the specified using.
journals are being used by
another program product.

06505 058627 The specified operation failed Check the status of the command W
because the command device device.
was not registered or has been

06505 058628 Journals cannot be added to the Check the attribute of the journals in W
specified extended consistency the specified extended consistency
group (EXCTG), because group(EXCTG).
different journal attributes
coexist in the EXCTG.

06505 058629 The specified operation failed If this problem persists, contact the W
because of a temporary path Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 058641 The specified volume cannot be Confirm whether the specified volume is W
used as a journal volume set by Cache Residency Manager or
because the volume is set by Cache Residency Manager for
Cache Residency Manager or Mainframe.
Cache Residency Manager for

8-68 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 058683 The operation cannot be Verify the DKCMAIN microcode version W
performed because Universal of the remote storage system, and
Replicator or Universal contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Replicator for Mainframe of the Support Center to verify that Universal
remote storage system does not Replicator or Universal Replicator for
support the delta resync Mainframe supports the delta resync
function. function.

06505 058684 The operation to change the Verify the status of the specified W
status to the status ready for primary volume from the TrueCopy or
Delta resync failed. The TrueCopy for Mainframe window.
specified primary volume should
meet the following
• The specified volume is a
secondary volume for
TrueCopy, or TrueCopy for
• The pair status of TrueCopy,
or TrueCopy for Mainframe
is PAIR or Duplex.

06505 058685 The delta resync operation Verify that the specified primary volume W
cannot be performed because applies to the followings:
the specified primary volume is • The volume is a primary volume of
not a data volume of TrueCopy a synchronous pair and the pair
or TrueCopy for Mainframe, or status is PAIR or Duplex on the
the pair status of the primary TrueCopy window, the TrueCopy for
volume is invalid. Mainframe window, Command
Control Interface, or Business
Continuity Manager.
• The volume is a secondary volume
of a synchronous pair and the pair
status is SSWS or Swapping on
Command Control Interface or
Business Continuity Manager.

06505 058686 The specified operation failed, Check the attribute of the journal of the W
because the attribute of the remote storage system.
journal of the remote storage
system was not "restore".

06505 058687 The status of the other mirror of If this problem persists, contact the W
the Delta resync did not change. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06505 058688 The delta resync operation Verify the status of the specified W
cannot be performed because primary volume.
the specified primary volume is
not ready for delta resync.

06505 058689 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the mirrors in the W
performed because the status of specified journal.
some mirrors in the master or
restore journal is invalid.

06505 058690 The recovery to the status ready Verify the status of the specified W
for delta resync cannot be made primary volume.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-69

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
because the specified primary
volume is in one of the following
• The volume is in data copy
process (correction copy or
drive copy).
• The volume is in correction
access status.
• The volume is blocked.
• The volume is being
• The access attribute of the
volume is Read Only.

06505 058691 The pair operation cannot be Specify a different mirror ID, or verify W
performed due to one of the the pair operation for the specified
following reasons: mirror ID.
• The Create Pairs or Resync
Pairs operation (for delta
resync pairs) is performed
while specifying the mirror
ID used by pairs other than
delta resync pairs.
• The Create Pairs or Resync
Pairs operation (not for
delta resync pairs) is
performed while specifying
the mirror ID used by delta
resync pairs.

06505 058692 The specified master journal Check the status of the specified master W
cannot be used for Delta resync, journal.
because it is registered in the
extended consistency group

06505 058693 The specified restore journal Check the status of the specified restore W
cannot be used for Delta resync, journal.
because it is registered in the
extended consistency group

06505 058694 The delta resync operation Verify the status of the secondary W
cannot be performed. volume or the connected
communication line. If no abnormality is
found in the status, contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

06505 058695 No more journals can be Delete the journal registered in the W
allocated to the specified extended consistency group (EXCTG),
command device. and then retry the operation with a
different command device.

06505 058696 The specified volume cannot be Check the I/O suppression mode of the W
used as a journal volume specified volume.
because the volume is an

8-70 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
external volume to which the
I/O suppression mode is

06505 058697 The journal volume cannot be Verify the status of the mirrors in the W
deleted from the specified specified journal.
journal due to the mirror status.

06505 058698 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the specified W
performed because the specified secondary volume.
secondary volume is used by
delta resync.

06505 058699 The operation to change the Verify the status of the specified W
status to Ready for Delta resync secondary volume from the Local
cannot be performed because Replication window.
the specified secondary volume
is used by one of the following
program products:
• ShadowImage
• ShadowImage for
• Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
• Thin Image
• Copy-on-Write Snapshot

06505 058700 The operation to change the Verify the status of the specified W
status to Ready for Delta resync secondary volume.
cannot be performed. The
specified secondary volume
should meet the following
• It is a secondary volume of
a different mirror.
• It is in PAIR or Duplex

06505 058701 The delta resync operation Delete the Ready for Delta resync pair, W
cannot be performed because and then copy all data into the primary
journal data of the master volume.
journal is not enough.

06505 058702 The delta resync operation Check the number of pairs for each W
cannot be performed because mirror of the restore journal.
the number of pairs for each
mirror of the restore journal is

06505 058703 The delta resync operation Delete the Ready for Delta resync pair, W
cannot be performed because and then copy all data into the primary
the secondary volume has been volume.

06505 058704 The operation to change the Verify the status of the data volumes in W
status to Ready for Delta resync the TrueCopy, TrueCopy for Mainframe,

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-71

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
cannot be performed because Universal Replicator or the Universal
the status of the volumes is one Replicator for Mainframe window.
of the following:
• The primary volume for
TrueCopy and the primary
volume for Universal
Replicator do not match.
• The primary volume for
TrueCopy for Mainframe and
the primary volume for
Universal Replicator for
Mainframe do not match.

06505 058705 The delta resync operation Verify the status of the specified W
cannot be performed. The secondary volume.
specified secondary volume
should meet the following
• It is a secondary volume of
a different mirror.
• It is in PSUS, PSUE,
Suspend, PAIR, or Duplex

06505 058707 The Create Pairs operation or Verify the status of the specified W
the Resync Pairs operation secondary volume.
cannot be performed because
the status of the specified
secondary volume is Not Ready.

06505 058708 The Create Pairs operation with If this problem persists, contact the W
Delta specified, or the Resync Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
Pairs operation on the pair in
Ready for Delta resync status
cannot be performed.

06505 058716 The licensed capacity of Verify the licensed capacity of this W
TrueCopy or TrueCopy for program product and the related
Mainframe on the remote program products. See the TrueCopy
storage system is not enough. User Guide or TrueCopy for Mainframe
User Guide for the remote storage
system for the details of the licensed
capacities. The related program
products are:
• TrueCopy or TrueCopy for
• Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe

06505 058718 The licensed capacity of Verify the licensed capacity of this W
Universal Replicator or Universal program product and the related
Replicator for Mainframe on the program products. See the Universal
remote storage system is not Replicator User Guide or Universal
enough. Replicator for Mainframe User Guide for
the remote storage system for the

8-72 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
details of the licensed capacities. The
related program products are:
• TrueCopy or TrueCopy for
• Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe

06505 058719 The licensed capacity of Verify the licensed capacity of this W
TrueCopy or TrueCopy for program product and the related
Mainframe on the local storage program products. See the TrueCopy
system is not enough. User Guide or TrueCopy for Mainframe
User Guide for the local storage system
for the details of the licensed capacities.
The related program products are:
• TrueCopy or TrueCopy for
• Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe

06505 058721 The licensed capacity of Verify the licensed capacity of this W
Universal Replicator or Universal program product and the related
Replicator for Mainframe on the program products. See the Universal
local storage system is not Replicator User Guide or Universal
enough. Replicator for Mainframe User Guide for
the local storage system for the details
of the licensed capacities. The related
program products are:
• TrueCopy or TrueCopy for
• Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe

06505 068003 The operation failed, because Check if the specified journal is W
the specified journal was not registered.

06505 068004 The operation failed, because Check the number of registered journal. W
the number of journals
exceeded the maximum.

06505 068005 The operation failed, because Check if the LDKC number of the W
more than one LDKC numbers journal to be registered and the LDKC
cannot coexist in one journal. number of the specified volume is the

06505 068006 The Create Pairs operation Specify a volume with the same LDKC W
cannot be performed because number as that of the master journal,
the LDKC number of the volume and then retry the operation.
specified as the primary volume
is different from the LDKC
number of the master journal.

06505 068007 The Create Pairs operation Specify a volume with the same LDKC W
failed. The LDKC number of the number as that of the restore journal,
volume specified as the and then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-73

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
secondary volume is different
from the LDKC number of the
specified restore journal.

06505 068008 The Create Pairs operation Verify the capacity of the shared E
cannot be performed because memory of the local storage system.
the capacity of the shared
memory of the local storage
system is not enough.

06505 068009 The Create Pairs operation Verify the capacity of the shared E
cannot be performed because memory of the remote storage system.
the capacity of the shared
memory of the remote storage
system is not enough.

06505 068010 The specified journal cannot be Verify the status of the specified W
added to extended consistency journal.
group (EXCTG), because the
specified journal is not
registered, or the status of the
specified journal is "Initial".

06505 068013 The operation cannot be Specify a Dynamic Provisioning volume, W

performed because the specified and then retry the operation.
volume is not a Dynamic
Provisioning volume.

06505 068014 The operation failed because the Check whether the specified volume is a W
specified volume was a pool pool volume of Dynamic Provisioning.
volume of Dynamic Provisioning.

06505 068017 The operation cannot be Specify a volume other than a Dynamic W
performed because the volume Provisioning volume, and then retry the
specified as the secondary operation.
volume is a Dynamic
Provisioning volume.

06505 068018 The operation cannot be Specify a volume other than a pool W
performed because the volume volume of Dynamic Provisioning, and
specified as the secondary then retry the operation.
volume is a pool volume of
Dynamic Provisioning.

06505 068019 The remote storage system does Specify the LDEV ID that is supported W
not support the LDEV ID of the by the remote storage system, and then
specified primary volume. retry the operation.

06505 068024 The operation failed because the Check the connected storage system's W
current microcode version does microcode version.
not support Delta Resync.

06505 068025 The volume specified as the Install the program product license of W
primary volume is used as a pair Disaster Recovery Extended on the local
volume of TrueCopy or storage system.
TrueCopy for Mainframe. The
operation cannot be performed
because the program product
license of Disaster Recovery

8-74 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Extended is not installed on the
local storage system.

06505 068026 The volume specified as the Install the program product license of W
secondary volume is used as a Disaster Recovery Extended on the
pair volume of TrueCopy or remote storage system.
TrueCopy for Mainframe. The
operation cannot be performed
because the program product
license of Disaster Recovery
Extended is not installed on the
remote storage system.

06505 068028 Journals cannot be added to the Confirm the LDKC number of the W
extended consistency group specified extended consistency group.
(EXCTG), because the current
microcode version does not
support LDKC numbers other
than 0.

06505 068759 The status of the specified Verify that the LDEV ID or LUN ID, and W
volume is Simplex or SMPL. the mirror ID of the specified volume
are correct.

06505 068779 The Create Pairs operation Select a different volume or release the W
cannot be performed because setting of a system disk for the
the volume specified as the secondary volume, and then retry the
secondary volume is a system operation.

06505 068781 The specified operation cannot The specified master journal runs in the W
be performed because LU is 2DC configuration in which TrueCopy is
specified for the error level. combined. Specify Mirror for the error

06505 068782 The Create Pair operation cannot The specified master journal runs in the W
be performed because (0) is 2DC configuration in which TrueCopy is
specified for the mirror ID. combined. Specify other than (0) for
the mirror ID, and then retry the

06505 068783 The Create Pairs operation The specified master journal runs in the W
cannot be performed because 2DC configuration in which TrueCopy is
the specified primary volume is combined. Delete the TrueCopy pair,
used by TrueCopy. and then retry the operation, or specify
the volume that is not used by

06505 068784 The Resync Pairs operation The master journal of the specified W
cannot be performed because primary volume runs in the 2DC
the status of the specified configuration in which TrueCopy is
primary volume is either of the combined. Delete or suspend the
following. TrueCopy pair .
• The volume is not used by
• The volume is used by
TrueCopy, but the pair
status is not PSUS or PSUE..

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-75

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 068804 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the specified W
performed because the specified primary volume from the host or the
primary volume is used as a SVP.
FICON(R) Data Migration

06505 068805 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the specified W
performed because the specified secondary volume from the host or the
secondary volume is used as a SVP.
volume of Mainframe Fibre Data
Migration or Data Migration.

06505 068811 The specified volume cannot be Specify a volume that is not used by W
used as a journal volume FICON(R) Data Migration.
because it is used by FICON(R)
Data Migration.

06505 068812 A pair cannot be created Check the volume capacity after the W
because the volume specified as capacity change of the volume ends,
the secondary volume is a and then plan again a combination of
Dynamic Provisioning or volumes to form a pair.
Dynamic Provisioning for
Mainframe volume whose
capacity is being changed.

06505 068813 A pair cannot be created Check the volume capacity after the W
because the volume specified as capacity change of the volume ends,
the primary volume is a and then plan again a combination of
Dynamic Provisioning or volumes to form a pair.
Dynamic Provisioning for
Mainframe volume whose
capacity is being changed.

06505 068815 The pair cannot be released The specified volume is being used in W
because the specified volume is the 2DC configuration in which
used as the pair volume of TrueCopy is combined. Delete the
TrueCopy. TrueCopy pair, and then retry the

06505 068842 The operation cannot be Wait until the zero page reclamation on W
performed because the volume the specified volume is complete, and
specified as the secondary then retry the operation.
volume is a volume of Dynamic
Provisioning or Dynamic
Provisioning for Mainframe in
zero page reclaiming.

06505 068843 The operation cannot be Wait until the zero page reclamation on W
performed because the volume the specified volume is complete, and
specified as the primary volume then retry the operation.
is a volume of Dynamic
Provisioning or Dynamic
Provisioning for Mainframe in
zero page reclaiming.

06505 068848 The operation failed, because Wait until the initializing processing is E
the specified primary data complete, and then retry the operation.
volume was being initialized by

8-76 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
ShadowImage or ShadowImage
for z/OS(R).

06505 068849 The operation cannot be Wait until the initializing processing is W
performed because the pool complete, and then retry the operation.
associated with the volume of
Dynamic Provisioning or
Dynamic Provisioning for
Mainframe that is specified as
the secondary volume is being

06505 068850 The operation cannot be Specify "Mirror" for the [Range], then W
performed because the retry the operation.
consistency group of the
specified data volume is shared
with multiple local and remote
storage systems, and LU is
specified for Range.

06505 068851 The operation cannot be Select a different consistency group, W

performed because the specified and then retry the operation.
consistency group is shared with
multiple local and remote
storage systems.

06505 068853 The operation cannot be Select a different journal, and then W
performed because the specified retry the operation.
journal is shared with multiple
local and remote storage

06505 068857 The operation failed, because a Check if a remote command device is W
remote command device has assigned to the specified mirror.
already been assigned to the
specified mirror.

06505 068858 The operation failed, because Check the status of the specified mirror. W
the specified mirror was invalid.

06505 068859 The operation failed, because Check the status of the specified remote E
the specified remote command command device.
device was blocked.

06505 068860 The operation cannot be Verify that the serial number of the W
performed because the serial external volume that is used as a
numbers of the remote remote command device matches the
command device and the mirror one of the storage system connected to
do not match. the mirror.

06505 068861 The operation failed, because Check the status of the specified W
the specified journal was not in journal.
the configuration of 3DC
cascade or 3DC multi target.

06505 068862 The specified remote command Specify another remote command W
device cannot be assigned to a device, then retry the operation.
mirror any further.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-77

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 068863 The operation failed, because Check the number of remote command W
the number of assignable devices which has been assigned to a
remote command device to a mirror.
mirror exceeded the maximum.

06505 068870 The operation failed, because a Check if a remote command device was W
remote command device was assigned to the specified mirror.
not assigned to the specified

06505 068885 The operation failed, because Release the quorum disk, or select W
the specified volume was a another volume.
quorum disk.

06505 068886 The operation cannot be Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
performed because the remote Support Center to verify that the
storage system does not support microcode version supports the setting
the setting operation of remote operation of remote command devices.
command devices.

06505 068887 The operation cannot be Confirm the relationship status of W

performed because the specified Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 and the
primary volume is in one of the pair status of TrueCopy for Mainframe.
following statuses:
• It is used as a secondary
volume of Compatible
FlashCopy(R) V2.
• It is used as a primary
volume of TrueCopy for
Mainframe and is suspended
by either of the following
pair settings:
• A pair in a synchronous
consistency group.
• A pair that Cylinder is set
for Differential

06505 068888 The operation cannot be Confirm the relationship status of the W
performed because the specified Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2.
primary volume is used as a
secondary volume of Compatible
FlashCopy(R) V2 that might be
in an abnormal state due to a

06505 068904 The operation to create a pair of Verify the restore journal specified for W
the second mirror cannot be the second mirror.
performed because the specified
restore journal applies to either
of the following.
• A master journal of the first
• A restore journal of the first

8-78 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 068905 The operation cannot be Verify the attribute of the specified W
performed because the specified journal.
journal is either a master journal
or a restore journal.
The following options cannot be
changed with master and
restore journals.
• Data overflow watch.
• Use of cache.

06505 068906 A journal volume cannot be If this problem persists, contact the W
added to the specified journal in Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
the operation environment of
the current storage system.

06505 068907 The operation failed because the Verify the number of mirrors in the W
number of mirrors registered in specified journal.
the specified journal exceeded
the upper limit.

06505 068908 The operation to create a pair of Verify the restore journal specified for W
the second mirror cannot be the first mirror.
performed because the restore
journal of the first mirror is not
a journal in a 3DC configuration
of three Universal Replicator or
three Universal Replicator for

06505 068909 The operation failed because the Verify the specified restore journal. W
restore journal specified for the
second mirror was used as the
restore journal of the first

06505 068910 The operation cannot be Verify the specified restore journal. W
performed because the specified
restore journal does not support
Universal Replicator 3DC.

06505 068911 The operation failed because the Verify the specified master journal. W
specified master journal does
not support Universal Replicator

06505 068912 The operation cannot be Install the program product license of W
performed because the program Disaster Recovery Extended on the local
product license of Disaster storage system, and then retry the
Recovery Extended is not operation.
installed on the local storage

06505 068913 The operation cannot be Install the program product license of W
performed because the program Disaster Recovery Extended on the
product license of Disaster remote storage system, and then retry
Recovery Extended is not the operation.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-79

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
installed on the remote storage

06505 068914 The operation failed because the Verify the status of the pair in the W
specified primary volume was different mirror, wait until the status
used by another mirror of the transition is complete, and then retry
journal and the pair status of the operation.
the mirror was in transition
(COPY/ Suspending/ Deleting/

06505 068915 The Create Pairs operation failed Verify the journal status of the different W
because the status of a different mirror if the purpose of this operation is
mirror in the journal to which to create a 3DC cascading configuration
the volume specified as the of three Universal Replicator sites. In
secondary volume belonged is other cases, verify the pair operations.
not "Initial" or "Stopped".

06505 068916 The pair operation cannot be Release the setting of the different W
performed because the specified program product that uses the specified
primary volume applies to one volume and then retry the operation, or
of the following: select a different volume.
• Its consistency group is
shared by multiple local and
remote storage systems.
• Being shared by TrueCopy.
• Being shared by TrueCopy
for Mainframe.
• Being shared by Thin
• Being shared by Volume
• Being shared by Compatible
FlashCopy(R) V2.

06505 068917 The pair operation cannot be Release the setting of the different W
performed because the specified program product that uses the specified
secondary volume applies to one volume and then retry the operation, or
of the following: select a different volume.
• Its consistency group is
shared by multiple local and
remote storage systems.
• A LUSE volume.
• Being shared by TrueCopy.
• Being shared by TrueCopy
for Mainframe.
• Being shared by Thin
• Being shared by Copy-on-
Write Snapshot.
• Being shared by Volume

8-80 Message (part code group 06nnn)

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Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• Being shared by Compatible
FlashCopy(R) V2.

06505 068919 The pair operation failed Verify the status of mirror between the W
because the mirror status primary and the intermediate sites.
between the primary and
intermediate sites in the
Universal Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe 3DC
cascading configuration is

06505 068925 The operation to create a pair Verify the status of the specified W
for delta resync cannot be primary volume.
performed because the pair
status of the specified primary
volume is not PAIR.

06505 068926 The delta resync operation Verify that the specified primary volume W
cannot be performed because applies to the following:
the pair status of the specified • The volume is a primary volume of
primary volume is not a different mirror but the pair
appropriate. status is not PAIR, PSUS, PSUE, or
Suspending on the Universal
Replicator window or the Command
Control Interface.
• The volume is a secondary volume
of a different mirror but the pair
status is not SSWS on the
Command Control Interface.

06505 075015 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

06505 075021 The specified operation cannot Specify LDEVs defined in a same W
be done because there is an resource group.
LDEV that has been set to a
different resource group.

06505 075027 The specified port cannot be Verify the resources allocation for the W
used because the user has no user with security administrator role.
access right to a resource group
to which the port belongs.

06505 075028 The operation cannot be Verify the resources allocation for the W
performed because the port user with security administrator role.
belonging to a resource group
that you do not have permission
to access is used as the Initiator
port of the local storage system.

06505 078003 The specified journal cannot be Check the specified journal. W

06505 078004 The specified consistency group Check the specified consistency group. W
cannot be used.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-81

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 078050 The operation failed because the Verify the specified capacity of the W
specified capacity of the primary primary volume and the current
volume is not supported by the microcode version.
current microcode version.

06505 078066 The operation failed. The If this problem persists, contact the E
Mainframe Fibre CHA of Remote Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
Storage System is not mounted
or all the Mainframe Fibre CHA
are blocked.

06505 078141 The Create Pairs operation Specify a volume other than the W
cannot be performed because external volume mapped for the online
the volume specified as the data migration, and then retry the
secondary volume is used as an operation.
external volume that is mapped
for online data migration.

06505 078160 The journal registration failed Set the 2DC Cascade as disabled, and W
because the 2DC cascade was then retry the operation.
specified as enabled.

06505 078265 A request to create a pair using Verify the settings. W

a journal in the configuration
consisting of three Universal
Replicator sites was received.
However, the operation failed
because a pair creation for the
Delta resync is specified.

06505 078270 A Create Pairs failed because the Verify the serial number, the model, W
serial number, the model, or the and the path group ID of the specified
path group ID of the specified secondary storage system.
Remote Storage System is

06505 078271 The Create Pairs operation Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
cannot be performed because Support Center to verify that the
one of the storage systems does microcode versions of the storage
not support the 2DC or 3DC systems support the 2DC or 3DC
configuration. configuration.

06505 078272 The Create Pairs operation Verify the microcode version of the W
cannot be performed due to specified remote storage system. If the
either of the following reasons: microcode version supports the
• The microcode version of connection with the local storage
the specified remote storage system, select a different volume, and
system does not support then retry the operation.
the connection with the
local storage system.
• The specified secondary
volume is already used by

06505 078273 The Create Pairs operation Verify the microcode version of the local W
cannot be performed because storage system and the models of the
the local storage system is in local and remote storage systems.

8-82 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
either of the following
• Its microcode version does
not support the connection
with the remote storage
• It is a storage system that
cannot be connected with
the remote storage system.

06505 078274 The Create Pairs operation Verify the microcode version of the local W
cannot be performed because storage system and the models of the
the local storage system is in local and remote storage systems.
either of the following
• Its microcode version does
not support the connection
with the remote storage
• It is a storage system that
cannot be connected with
the remote storage system.

06505 078275 The Resync Pairs operation In a configuration in which 3 Universal W

cannot be performed because Replicator sites are combined, perform
the specified restore journal is reverse resync for a pair, whose
already used as a restore secondary volume is also used for a pair
journal. in the specified mirror, in a different
mirror from Command Control Interface
or Business Continuity Manager, and
then retry the operation.
In other configurations than the above,
delete a pair, whose secondary volume
is also used for a pair in the specified
mirror, in a different mirror, and then
retry the operation.

06505 078276 The Resync Pairs operation Verify the status of the secondary W
cannot be performed because volume from Command Control
the specified secondary volume Interface or Business Continuity
is already used as a secondary Manager, and then perform the
volume of a pair in a different following operations:
mirror and the pair status is not • In a configuration in which 3
applicable to the operation. Universal Replicator sites are
combined, perform reverse resync
for a pair, whose secondary volume
is also used for a pair in the
specified mirror, in a different
mirror from Command Control
Interface or Business Continuity
Manager, and then retry the
• In other configurations than the
above, delete a pair, whose
secondary volume is also used for a

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-83

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
pair in the specified mirror, in a
different mirror, and then retry the

06505 078277 The specified volume cannot be Specify a volume with capacity of 1.5 W
used as a journal volume GB or more, and then retry the
because the capacity of the operation.
volume is not enough.

06505 078281 The Create Pairs operation Verify the microcode version of the W
cannot be performed because remote storage system. If the
the remote storage system does microcode version only supports Default
not support the specified path for the path group ID, specify Default
group ID. for the ID, and then perform the Create
Pairs operation.

06505 078285 A pair operation cannot be Wait until the status transition of the W
performed because a different different mirror is complete (Initial/
mirror of the specified restore Stopped), and then retry the operation.
journal is in status transition
(Halting/ Stopping).

06505 078294 The Create Pairs operation If the extended shared memory is not W
cannot be performed because installed on the local storage system,
there is not enough space left in install it, and then retry the operation.
the difference management area If the extended shared memory is
of the local storage system. already installed on the local storage
system, a new pair cannot be created
because the number of pairs that can
be created on the system exceeds the

06505 078295 The Create Pairs operation Install the extended shared memory on W
cannot be performed because the local storage system, and then retry
the extended shared memory is the operation.
not installed on the local storage

06505 078296 The Create Pairs operation failed If the extended shared memory is not W
because there is not enough installed on the remote storage system,
space left in the difference install it, and then retry the operation.
management area of the If the extended shared memory is
Remote Storage System. already installed on the remote storage
system, a new pair cannot be created
because the number of pairs that can
be created on the system exceeds the

06505 078297 The Create Pairs operation failed Install the extended shared memory in W
because the extended shared the Remote Storage System, and then
memory is not installed in the retry the operation.
Remote Storage System.

06505 078299 Failed to change the journal Verify the parameter of the specified W
option because the parameter of Inflow Control.
Inflow Control is invalid.

8-84 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 078300 Failed to change the journal Verify the parameter of the specified W
option because the parameter of Data Overflow Watch.
Data Overflow Watch is invalid.

06505 078301 Failed to change the mirror Verify the parameter of the specified W
option because the parameter of Copy Pace.
Copy Pace is invalid.

06505 078302 Failed to change the mirror Verify the parameter of the specified W
option because the parameter of Path Watch Time.
Path Watch Time is invalid.

06505 078303 Failed to change the mirror Verify the parameter of the specified W
option because the parameter of Transfer Speed.
Transfer Speed is invalid.

06505 078304 Failed to change the journal Verify the parameter of the specified W
option because the parameter of Timer Type.
Timer Type is invalid.

06505 208004 The pair operation of Universal Wait until the microcode exchange is W
Replicator or Universal complete, and then retry the operation.
Replicator for Mainframe cannot
be performed because the
microcode exchange is in
progress or interrupted.

06505 208005 The operation of Universal Install shared memory. W

Replicator or Universal
Replicator for Mainframe cannot
be performed because the
shared memory is not installed
on the storage system.

06505 208007 The specified pair or journal Refresh the window, and check the pair W
does not exist. status or journal status.

06505 208009 The operation cannot be Wait until the maintenance is complete, W
performed because the specified and then retry the operation.
volume is being maintained.

06505 208020 The Create Pairs operation Select a different volume, and then W
cannot be performed because retry the operation.
the specified primary volume is
used by global-active device.

06505 208021 The Create Pairs operation Select a different volume, and then W
cannot be performed because retry the operation.
the reservation attribute of
global-active device is set on the
specified primary volume.

06505 208022 The Create Pairs operation Select a different volume, and then W
cannot be performed because retry the operation.
the specified secondary volume
is used by global-active device.

06505 208023 The Create Pairs operation Select a different volume, and then W
cannot be performed because retry the operation.
the reservation attribute of

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-85

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
global-active device is set on the
specified secondary volume.

06505 208100 The remote command device Verify the selected mirror ID. If the W
cannot be assigned because correct mirror ID is selected, delete the
Universal Replicator pairs in the global-active device pairs that share the
selected mirror ID share the same volumes with Universal Replicator
same volumes with global-active pairs in the mirror ID, and then retry
device pairs. the operation.

06505 208101 A Universal Replicator pair for Meet the requirements, and then retry W
delta resync cannot be created. the operation.
The selected primary volume of
the Universal Replicator pair for
delta resync must meet either of
the following requirements:
• The volume is the
secondary volume of a
global-active device pair
and the pair status of the
global-active device pair is
• The volume is the primary
volume of a global-active
device pair and the I/O
mode is Block.

06505 208102 A Universal Replicator pair Verify the configurations of the global- W
cannot be created due to either active device pair and the Universal
of the following reasons: Replicator pair, and then retry the
• A global-active device pair operation.
that uses the selected
primary volume does not
belong to a consistency
• A global-active device pair
that shares the same
volume with a different
Universal Replicator pair
using the selected journal
belongs to a different
consistency group of global-
active device.

06505 208103 A delta resync pair cannot be Verify the selected primary volume. If W
created. The selected mirror ID the correct volume is selected, select a
is used by a global-active device mirror ID that is not used by a global-
pair that uses the selected active device pair, and then retry the
primary volume. operation.

06505 208104 A delta resync pair cannot be Verify that all of the global-active device W
created due to either of the pairs that share the same volumes with
following reasons: delta resync pairs with the selected
• The selected journal ID journal ID belong to the same
does not match the one consistency group of global-active
associated with a device, and then retry the operation.

8-86 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
consistency group of global-
active device.
• A global-active device pair
that shares the same
volume with a different
delta resync pair using the
selected journal belongs to
a different consistency
group of global-active

06505 208105 A Universal Replicator pair Verify that the selected primary volume W
cannot be created. The selected is used as the primary volume of the
primary volume of the Universal global-active device pair. If the volume
Replicator pair must meet the is used as the primary volume, change
following requirement: the pair status of the global-active
• The volume is the primary device pair to PAIR, and then retry the
volume of a global-active operation.
device pair and the pair
status of the global-active
device pair is PAIR.

06505 208106 A delta resync pair cannot be Verify the configurations of the global- W
created due to either of the active device pair and the delta resync
following reasons: pair, and then retry the operation.
• A global-active device pair
that uses the selected
primary volume does not
belong to a consistency
• A global-active device pair
that shares the same
volume with a different
delta resync pair using the
selected journal belongs to
a different consistency
group of global-active

06505 208107 A Universal Replicator pair Verify the selected primary volume. If W
cannot be created. The selected the correct volume is selected, select a
mirror ID is used by a global- mirror ID that is not used by a global-
active device pair that uses the active device pair, and then retry the
selected primary volume. operation.

06505 208108 A Universal Replicator pair Verify that all of the global-active device W
cannot be created due to either pairs that share the same volumes with
of the following reasons: Universal Replicator pairs with the
• The selected journal ID selected journal ID belong to the same
does not match the one consistency group of global-active
associated with a device, and then retry the operation.
consistency group of global-
active device.
• A global-active device pair
that shares the same
volume with a different

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-87

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Universal Replicator pair
using the selected journal
belongs to a different
consistency group of global-
active device.

06505 208109 A Universal Replicator pair Verify the selected primary and W
cannot be created. The secondary volumes of the Universal
secondary volume of the global- Replicator pair. The primary and
active device pair that uses the secondary volumes of the Universal
selected primary volume of the Replicator pair must meet all of the
Universal Replicator pair and the following requirements:
primary volume of the Universal • The selected primary volume of the
Replicator pair for delta resync Universal Replicator pair uses the
that uses the selected secondary secondary volume (A) of the global-
volume of the Universal active device pair.
Replicator pair do not match.
• The selected secondary volume of
the Universal Replicator pair is used
by a different Universal Replicator
pair for delta resync, and the
primary volume (B) of this pair is
the secondary volume of the global-
active device pair.
• Volume A and volume B are on the
same storage system.

06505 208110 The resync operation cannot be Verify the selected volume. If the W
performed because the pair in correct volume is selected, change the
which the selected volume is status of the global-active device pair or
used applies to either of the the delta resync pair, and then retry the
following: operation.
• The status of the global-
active device pair is not
• The status of the delta
resync pair is not HLDE.

06505 208111 The delta resync operation Verify the selected volume. If the W
cannot be performed because correct volume is selected, change the
the status of the global-active status of the global-active device pair to
device pair that uses the SSWS, and then retry the operation.
selected primary volume is not

06505 208112 A Universal Replicator pair or a Verify the selected primary volume. If W
delta resync pair cannot be the correct volume is selected, take a
created because the selected note of the DKCMAIN microcode version
remote storage system does not of the remote storage system, and then
support the connection contact the Hitachi Data Systems
configuration of global-active Support Center.
device and Universal Replicator.

06505 208113 The operation cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
performed because the storage operation.
system is in internal process.

8-88 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 208119 A Universal Replicator pair Verify the selected primary and W
cannot be created because the secondary volumes. If the correct
secondary volume of a global- volumes are selected, share the
active device pair that uses the secondary volume of the global-active
selected primary volume is not device pair with the delta resync pair,
shared with a delta resync pair. and then retry the operation.

06505 208120 A Universal Replicator pair for Verify the selected primary and W
delta resync cannot be created secondary volumes of the Universal
because either of the following Replicator pair for delta resync. The
requirements is not met. primary and secondary volumes of the
• The primary volume of the Universal Replicator pair for delta
Universal Replicator pair for resync must meet all of the following
data resync uses the requirements:
primary volume of the • The selected primary volume of the
global-active device pair. Universal Replicator pair for delta
• The secondary volume of resync uses the primary volume of
the Universal Replicator pair the global-active device pair.
for delta resync is used by a • The selected secondary volume of
Universal Replicator pair the Universal Replicator pair for
that is created by a different delta resync is used by a Universal
mirror. Replicator pair that is created by a
different mirror.

06505 208150 A Universal Replicator pair for Verify the selected primary and W
delta resync cannot be created. secondary volumes of the Universal
The secondary volume of the Replicator pair for delta resync. The
global-active device pair that primary and secondary volumes of
uses the selected primary Universal Replicator pair for delta
volume of the Universal resync must meet all of the following
Replicator pair for delta resync requirements:
and the primary volume of the • The selected primary volume of the
Universal Replicator pair that Universal Replicator pair for delta
uses the selected secondary resync uses the secondary volume
volume of the Universal (A) of the global-active device pair.
Replicator pair for delta resync
do not match. • The selected secondary volume of
the Universal Replicator pair for
delta resync is used by a different
Universal Replicator pair and the
primary volume (B) of this pair is
the secondary volume of the global-
active device pair.
• Volume A and volume B are on the
same storage system.

06505 208530 The Create Pairs operation Verify the status of the specified W
cannot be performed because no secondary volume.
virtual LDEV ID is set on the
volume specified as the
secondary volume.

06505 208531 The specified local storage Verify the microcode version of the local W
system does not support storage system. Or specify an LDEV on
nondisruptive migration. which the virtualization management is

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-89

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06505 208532 The specified remote storage Verify the microcode version of the W
system does not support remote storage system. Or specify an
nondisruptive migration. LDEV on which the virtualization
management is disabled.

06505 208533 The Create Pairs operation Verify the status of the specified W
cannot be performed because no primary volume.
virtual LDEV ID is set on the
volume specified as the primary

06505 208534 The specified volume cannot be Verify the status of the specified W
registered as a journal volume volume.
because it is an LDEV on which
the virtualization management is

06505 208535 The specified volume cannot be Verify the status of the specified W
registered as a journal volume volume.
because it is an LDEV on which
the virtualization management is

06505 208536 The Create Pairs operation Verify the status of the specified W
cannot be performed because primary or secondary volume, or the
the volume specified as the serial number or model of the virtual
primary volume or the storage machine.
secondary volume applies to any
of the following:
• The volume already
registered in the selected
mirror is an LDEV on which
the virtualization
management is disabled,
but the specified volume is
one on which it is enabled.
• The volume already
registered in the selected
mirror is an LDEV on which
the virtualization
management is enabled,
but the specified volume is
one on which it is disabled.
• The serial number or model
of the virtual storage
machine of the specified
LDEV, on which the
virtualization management
is enabled, is not valid.

06505 208537 The Create Pairs operation Verify the status of the specified W
cannot be performed because primary or secondary volume, or the
the volume specified as the serial number or model of the virtual
primary volume or the storage machine.
secondary volume applies to any
of the following:

8-90 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• The volume already
registered in the selected
journal group is an LDEV on
which the virtualization
management is disabled,
but the specified volume is
one on which it is enabled.
• The volume already
registered in the selected
journal group is an LDEV on
which the virtualization
management is enabled,
but the specified volume is
one on which it is disabled.
• The serial number or model
of the virtual storage
machine of the specified
LDEV, on which the
virtualization management
is enabled, is not valid.

06505 208538 The Create Pairs operation Specify a volume other than the W
cannot be performed because external volume mapped for the online
the cache mode of the external data migration, and then retry the
volume that is mapped for operation. Or specify an external
online data migration and is volume mapped for the online data
specified as the primary volume migration, whose cache mode is other
is set to Through. than Through, and then retry the

06505 208539 The Create Pairs operation Specify a volume other than the W
cannot be performed because external volume mapped for the online
the volume specified as the data migration, and then retry the
primary volume is an external operation. Or delete the Volume
volume mapped for the online Migration pair, and then retry the
data migration, and is also used operation.
as the pair volume of Volume

Part code 06507

Table 8-5 Error codes (part code 06507)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06507 005036 Two or more commands which Verify the settings, and then retry the W
were not able to be processed operation.
were demanded.

06507 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-91

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06507 006036 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06507 007070 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

06507 007071 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

Part code 06805

Table 8-6 Error codes (part code 06805)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06805 005099 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

06805 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. If this problem please call the Support Center.
persists, please call the Support

06805 006023 The SVP is busy. If the problem persists despite retrying, W
please call the Support Center.

06805 007060 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

06805 007111 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

06805 007310 This error code is not registered. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

06805 008001 A communication time-out error If the problem persists despite retrying, E
occurred in the storage system. please call the Support Center.
Please wait for a while, and then
retry the operation.

06805 008002 Communication busy. Retry later. W

06805 008110 The configuration could not be If the problem persists despite retrying, E
changed. please call the Support Center.

06805 008310 The storage system status is If the problem persists despite retrying, E
invalid. please call the Support Center.

06805 008659 No PCBs are installed. Install necessary PCBs. E

06805 055009 An invalid CLPR No. was Correct the cache resource number E
detected. (CLPR No.), then retry the operation. If
this problem persists, please call the
Support Center.

8-92 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06805 055209 The maximum number of CLPRs Specify the number of CLPRs within the E
that can be created was valid range.

06805 055210 The Block Option setting is Correct the setting, then retry. If the E
incorrect. same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

06805 055211 The Do not Block (Volume Level) Verify the setting, and then retry the E
option setting is not valid. operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06805 055212 Block Option and Do not Block Verify the setting, and then retry the E
(Volume Level) cannot be operation. If this problem persists,
specified at the same time. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

06805 055213 The Level 1 Threshold setting is Correct the setting, then retry. If the E
incorrect. same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

06805 055214 The Level 2 Threshold setting is Correct the setting, then retry. If the E
incorrect. same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

06805 055215 The Level 1 SIM setting is Correct the setting, then retry. If the E
incorrect. same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

06805 055216 The Level 2 Suspend setting is Correct the setting, then retry. If the E
incorrect. same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

06805 055218 The Level 1 Sleep setting is Correct the setting, then retry. If the E
incorrect. same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

06805 055219 The Sleep Time setting is Correct the setting, then retry. If the E
incorrect. same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

06805 055221 The CLPR number is duplicated. Correct the setting, then retry. If the E
same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

Part code 06810

Table 8-7 Error codes (part code 06810)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06810 005122 No data has been changed. The operation has been rejected i
because there is no data to set. Click
[OK], then go on to the next operation.

Message (part code group 06nnn) 8-93

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

06810 007440 An error occurred during If the same problem persists despite E
processing. If this problem retrying, please call the Support Center.
persists, please call the Support

06810 009101 Do you want to cancel? To cancel the operation, click [OK]. W

06810 009102 Do you want to apply? To execute the operation in Preview, W

click [OK].

06810 009106 The value that is under setup is To change the mode, click [OK]. i
not reflected yet. Do you want Otherwise, click [Cancel].
to change the mode?

06810 009107 The value that is under setup is To continue the processing, click [OK]. i
not reflected yet. Do you want Otherwise, click [Cancel].
to continue the operation?

06810 009111 Do you want to delete the To delete the specified line of settings i
specified line of settings from from the Preview list, click [OK].
the Preview list? Otherwise, click [Cancel].

06810 055214 The Level 2 Threshold setting is Correct the setting, then retry. If the i
incorrect. same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

06810 055219 The Sleep Time setting is Correct the setting, then retry. If the i
incorrect. same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

06810 059046 This function will apply the To continue processing, click [OK]. To i
setting to all the target CLPRs. stop processing, click [Cancel].
This function will overwrite the
setting on a CLPR if the setting
is already applied to the CLPR.
Are you sure you want to
continue this operation?

06810 059047 If a CC pair exists, it may To continue processing, click [OK]. To i

become suspended depending stop processing, click [Cancel].
on the settings. Are you sure
you want to continue this

8-94 Message (part code group 06nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 07nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 07005 to 07105.

□ Part code 07005

□ Part code 07007

□ Part code 07105

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 07005
Table 9-1 Error codes (part code 07005)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 005013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

07005 005099 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

07005 005625 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
Support Center.

07005 005626 The specified volume cannot be Release the write-protection by the W
used because it is write- Data Retention Utility.
protected by Data Retention

07005 005655 The capacities of the volumes Specify volumes with the same W
specified as the primary volume capacity.
and the secondary volume do
not match.

07005 005821 This operation has been Change the setting of Data Retention W
rejected. Utility so that the specified volumes can
The Data Retention Utility be used as S-VOLs.
setting does not allow the
specified volume(s) to be
specified as S-VOL(s).

07005 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

07005 006023 The SVP is busy. Wait for a while, and then retry the W
operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

07005 006502 Processing in progress. Please Wait for a while, and then retry the W
wait for a while, and then retry operation.
the operation.

07005 006503 The target volume status is Wait for a while, and then retry the W
being changed to SMPL. operation.

07005 006537 The setting could not be applied Verify the error factor in another setting W
because there is an error in a and then retry the operation.
different setting.

07005 007310 This error code is not registered. If this problem persists, contact the W
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07005 008000 A time-out error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, W
please call the Support Center.

07005 008001 A time-out error occurred. Verify the status of the controller, and W
then retry the operation.

07005 008100 A time-out error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, W
please call the Support Center.

9-2 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 008500 Sufficient amount of shared Add shared memory or confirm whether W
memory is not installed or the necessary program product key is
the program product is not installed.

07005 008501 The command has been Wait for a while, and then retry the W
rejected, because the command operation.
specified last time is being

07005 008503 You cannot create the new pair, Delete the Remote Copy pair. W
because a remote copy pair
exists in the same storage
system frame.

07005 008504 The specified command cannot Take either of the following actions, and W
be run due to one of the then retry the operation.
following reasons: • See the ShadowImage User Guide
• The current pair to verify the pair configuration or
configuration or status, or status, or the volume status.
volume status dose not • Perform the pair operation
meet the requirements for respectively on the pairs of one-to-
the command. multiple volumes or the L1 and L2
• A pair operation is pairs.
performed on some pairs of
one-to-multiple volumes or
L1 and L2 pairs at the same

07005 008505 The command cannot be run See the ShadowImage User Guide for E
because the pair operation the relation between the pair status and
cannot be performed in the the operation that can be performed.
current pair status, or because Perform the pair operation respectively
there is a pair operation that on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
cannot be performed if it is done or the L1 and L2 pairs.
on some pairs of one-to-multiple
volumes or L1 and L2 pairs at
the same time.

07005 008506 The command cannot be run Vary the secondary volume offline from W
because the specified secondary the host, and then retry the operation.
volume is used by the host.

07005 008507 The Pairsplit (Split Pairs) The Pairsplit command cannot be run W
command was issued to the because the pair is already in the PSUS
pairs in a PSUS status. status.

07005 008508 The Paircreate (Create Pairs) The Paircreate command cannot be run W
command was issued to the because the pair is already in the PSUS
pairs in the PSUS status. status.

07005 008509 The Pairsplit (Split Pairs) Verify the settings, and then retry the W
command with the QUIESCE operation.
specification was issued to a
secondary boot device.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 008510 The P-VOL Suspend command Verify the settings, and then retry the W
was issued to a secondary boot operation.

07005 008512 Cannot perform Pairresync Detach the S-VOL from the host, or W
(Resync Pairs) or Pairsplit-E delete the Remote Copy path.
(Suspend Pairs) operation
because of the path group

07005 008513 The command could not be Run the vary offline command to W
executed because the specified disable the primary volume from the
primary volume is used by the mainframe host, and then retry the
host. operation.

07005 008516 The number of P-VOL cylinders Verify the settings, and then retry the W
exceeds the maximum. operation.

07005 008517 The number of S-VOL cylinders Verify the settings, and then retry the W
exceeds the maximum. operation.

07005 008518 You cannot create a pair Check if the specified emulation type is W
because the track format is the same or not.

07005 008519 The capacities of the volumes Specify volumes with the same W
specified as the primary volume capacity.
and the secondary volume do
not match.

07005 008520 The pair cannot be created Select volumes with the same W
because the volume types are emulation type, and then retry the
different. operation.

07005 008521 The number of multiple copy Verify the settings, and then retry the W
jobs exceeded the maximum. operation.

07005 008522 The emulation type of the P-VOL Specify the emulation type supported in W
is not supported. HOMRCF.

07005 008523 The emulation type of the S-VOL Specify the emulation type supported in W
is not supported. HOMRCF.

07005 008524 The emulation type is not Specify the emulation type supported in W
supported. HOMRCF.

07005 008525 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07005 008526 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07005 008527 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07005 008528 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07005 008529 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

9-4 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 008530 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07005 008531 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07005 008532 The command has been Stop the usage by the host. W
rejected, because the P-VOL or
the S-VOL is being used by the

07005 008535 A processor failure was Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected. Support Center.

07005 008536 A cache failure was detected. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07005 008537 The cache capacities do not Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
match. Support Center.

07005 008538 An SM failure was detected. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07005 008539 There is not enough shared The shared memory on the local E
memory on the local storage storage system is not enough. Contact
system to create 4096 pairs. the Hitachi Data Systems Support

07005 008540 There is sufficient shared Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
memory to create 4096 pairs, Support Center.
but initial storage system setup
is required before creating pairs.

07005 008541 There is sufficient shared Close the message box. i

memory to create 4096 pairs,
and the initial storage system
setup is complete.

07005 008542 Failed to complete the initial Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
shared memory setup. Support Center.

07005 008543 The shared memory size is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
different. Support Center.

07005 008544 16 Mbytes of shared memory is - i


07005 008545 A power supply failure is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected. Support Center.

07005 008546 The command was rejected. The Retry the operation with power ON. W
PS OFF is in progress.

07005 008547 A data transfer failure is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected (CHA). Support Center.

07005 008548 A data transfer failure is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected (DKA). Support Center.

07005 008549 The P-VOL is not implemented. Operations cannot be performed on W

unconfigured volumes.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-5

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 008550 The command could not be Restore the blocked volume, or select a E
executed because the specified volume that is not a system disk, and
primary volume is blocked or then retry the operation.
used as a system disk.

07005 008551 The primary volume is being Wait until the volume is formatted, and W
formatted or shredded. then retry the operation.

07005 008552 This volume cannot be specified Check the target volume. W
as an P-VOL because it is used
as a command device.

07005 008553 The S-VOL is not implemented. Operations cannot be performed on W

unconfigured volumes.

07005 008554 The command could not be Restore the blocked volume, or select a W
executed because the specified volume that is not a system disk, and
secondary volume is blocked or then retry the operation.
used as a system disk.

07005 008555 The secondary volume is being Wait until the volume is formatted, and W
formatted or shredded. then retry the operation.

07005 008556 This volume cannot be specified A volume that is not used as a W
as an S-VOL because it is used command device shall be specified as
as a command device. an S-VOL.

07005 008557 The volume is not implemented. Operations cannot be performed on W

unconfigured volumes.

07005 008559 The volume is being formatted. Wait until the volume is formatted, and W
then retry the operation.

07005 008560 This volume cannot be specified Specify a volume that is not used as a W
because it is used as a command device.
command device.

07005 008561 The command code is invalid. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07005 008562 The command code sender is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
invalid. Support Center.

07005 008563 The volume type is invalid. Verify the settings, and then retry the W

07005 008564 The volume type is invalid. Verify the settings, and then retry the W

07005 008565 The command code sender is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
invalid. Support Center.

07005 008567 The number of effective lists is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
invalid. Support Center.

07005 008568 The emulation type is invalid. Specify the volume of the supported W
emulation type.

07005 008569 The command cannot be run See the ShadowImage User Guide or W
because the area of the the Thin Image User Guide for the
relation between the number of pairs

9-6 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
differential table or the pair that can be created and the shared
table to set pairs is not enough. memory.

07005 008570 The selected volume does not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
exist. operation.

07005 008572 The volume is already defined as Check the status of the volume. W
a P-VOL.

07005 008573 The volume is defined as a Release the Volume Migration setting. W
source volume for Volume

07005 008574 The volume is defined as a Release the Volume Migration setting. W
target volume for Volume

07005 008580 The specified volume is for Select a different volume, and then W
backup servers only. retry the operation.

07005 008581 The specified volume is not for Verify the settings, and then retry the W
backup servers only. operation.

07005 008582 The emulation type of the target Wait for a while, and then retry the W
volume is being changed. operation.

07005 008583 The RAID level of the specified Specify a volume of the supported RAID W
volume is not supported. level.

07005 008586 The number of groups that can Verify the settings, and then retry the W
be set in the same storage operation.
system is invalid.

07005 008587 The number of pairs that can be Verify the settings, and then retry the W
set in the same group is invalid. operation.

07005 008588 The specified group number is Verify the settings, and then retry the W
not set. operation.

07005 008589 The specified group name is Verify the settings, and then retry the W
invalid. operation.

07005 008590 The group name and the Verify the settings, and then retry the W
number do not match. operation.

07005 008591 The specified pair is already set Verify the settings, and then retry the W
in another group. operation.

07005 008592 The command was rejected Check the capacity of the installed W
because the licensed capacity license key. To create more pairs,
was exceeded. purchase a license key for larger

07005 008593 The P-VOL is a source volume Release the Volume Migration setting. W
for Volume Migration.

07005 008594 The P-VOL is a target volume for Release the Volume Migration setting. W
Volume Migration.

07005 008595 The specified P-VOL does not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
exist. operation.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-7

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 008597 No more pairs can be created See the ShadowImage User Guide or W
with the specified primary the Thin Image User Guide for the pair
volume. configuration.

07005 008598 The specified volume is not a P- Check the volume status. W

07005 008599 The specified volume is already Select a different volume, and then W
used as a primary volume. retry the operation, or release the pair
of the selected volume, and then retry
the operation.

07005 008600 The RAID level of the specified Select a volume of the supported RAID W
volume is not supported. level, and then retry the operation.

07005 008601 The specified S-VOL (Primary Verify the settings, and then retry the W
Volume) cannot be paired with a operation.
backup server volume.

07005 008602 The command has been The volume used as S-VOL of the other W
rejected, because the specified pair cannot be used as P-VOL.
P-VOL has already been used as
S-VOL of the other pair.

07005 008603 The target volume is set as a Please delete a Data Migration pair. E
primary volume for Data

07005 008604 The target volume is set as a Please delete a Data Migration pair. E
secondary volume for Data

07005 008605 The Pairresync (Resync Pairs) Check the pair status. W
command was issued to a device
in the SMPL status.

07005 008606 The operation to create an L2 When the P-VOL of the L1 pair is used W
pair was rejected because the P- as a P-VOL of a TrueCopy pair, the L2
VOL of the L1 pair is used as the pair cannot be created.
P-VOL of a TrueCopy pair.

07005 008607 The command cannot be run See the ShadowImage User Guide for W
because the specified secondary the relation between the pair status of
volume is used as a primary TrueCopy and the ShadowImage
volume of a TrueCopy pair. operations. See the Thin Image User
Guide for the relation between the pair
status of TrueCopy and the Thin Image

07005 008608 The specified S-VOL is not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
defined. operation.

07005 008610 The S-VOL is a target volume for Release the Volume Migration setting. W
Volume Migration.

07005 008611 The operation failed because the Specify another volume. W
specified S-VOL was used as S-
VOL of other pairs.

9-8 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 008612 The specified volume is not an Check the status of the volume. W

07005 008613 The RAID level of the specified Specify the volume number of the W
S-VOL is not supported. supported RAID level.

07005 008614 The command was rejected The requested command cannot be W
because the specified S-VOL is executed in the current TrueCopy pair
used as a P-VOL of a TrueCopy status. See the ShadowImage User
pair. Guide for the relation between the
TrueCopy pair statuses and the
ShadowImage operations.

07005 008615 The command cannot be run Specify a different volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume is used as a secondary
volume of a TrueCopy pair.

07005 008616 The S-VOL is used as a primary Please delete a Data Migration pair. E
volume for Data Migration.

07005 008617 The target S-VOL is used as a Please delete a Data Migration pair. E
secondary volume for Data

07005 008618 The S-VOL is already defined as Check the volume number. W
a P-VOL.

07005 008619 The specified S-VOL is defined Release the Volume Migration setting. W
as a source volume for Volume

07005 008624 The command has been Verify if the specified P-VOL and S-VOL W
rejected, because there is no are correct.
pair to be operated.

07005 008625 The P-VOL(S-VOL) and S-VOL(T- Check the specified volume number. W
VOL) have the same number.

07005 008626 The SMPL command could not Wait until the quick split operation is W
be executed because the quick complete, and then retry the operation.
split operation is in progress.

07005 008627 The Pairresync operation has Wait until the status of the pair changes W
been rejected, because pair to PSUS.
status is COPY(SP)/COPY.

07005 008628 The operation of the L1 pair Wait until the L2 pair status changes to W
failed because the L2 pair was in PSUS, and then retry the operation.
COPY(SP)/COPY status or
PSUS(SP)/COPY status.

07005 008629 The status mode specification is Verify the settings, and then retry the W
invalid. operation.

07005 008630 The status mode type is invalid. Verify the settings, and then retry the W

07005 008631 The specified CU number is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
invalid. Support Center.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-9

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 008632 The timing of issuing the Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
command is invalid. Support Center.

07005 008633 The abnormal status is invalid. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07005 008637 The specified P-VOL is used as a Specify other volume(s), or release the W
source volume for Volume Volume Migration setting.

07005 008638 The command could not be Release the Cache Residency Manager W
executed because the specified setting, or select a different volume,
primary volume is set for use in and then retry the operation.
Cache Residency Manager.

07005 008639 The command could not be Release the Cache Residency Manager W
executed because the specified setting, or select a different volume,
secondary volume is set for use and then retry the operation.
in Cache Residency Manager.

07005 008640 The command cannot be run Wait until the Reverse Copy or Quick W
because there is a pair in the Restore operation is complete, and then
status of Reverse Copy or Quick retry the operation.
Restore among pairs that share Perform the pair operation respectively
a primary volume, or because on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
there is a pair operation that or the L1 and L2 pairs.
cannot be performed if it is done
on some pairs of one-to-multiple
volumes or L1 and L2 pairs at
the same time.

07005 008641 The L1 pairs contain a pair in Wait until the Reverse Copy or Quick W
the Reverse Copy or Quick Restore operation is complete, and then
Restore status. retry the operation.
Perform the pair operation respectively
on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
or the L1 and L2 pairs.

07005 008642 The command has been Wait until the status of the pair sharing W
rejected, because the specified the primary volume becomes PAIR, and
S-VOL is shared as the P-VOL of then retry the operation. See the
the other pair and the pair is in section "Operations permitted for L1, L2
the COPY(RS-R)/RCPY status. pairs" in the ShadowImage User Guide
for the relation between the status of
pairs and ShadowImage operations.

07005 008643 The Resync Pairs operation See the section "Pair resynchronization" W
cannot be performed because in the ShadowImage User Guide for the
the specified pair is not in the relation between the pair status and the
PSUS status. Or the command ShadowImage operations.
cannot be run because there is a Perform the pair operation respectively
pair operation that cannot be on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
performed if it is done on some or the L1 and L2 pairs.
pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
or L1 and L2 pairs at the same

07005 008644 The operation failed because the Verify the status of the pairs that share W
pairs sharing a P-VOL contain a the P-VOL.

9-10 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
pair in other than PSUS or PSUE

07005 008645 The Reverse Copy command Release the remote replication pair, and W
could not be executed because then retry the operation.
the primary volume was shared
with the primary volume of a
remote replication pair.

07005 008646 The Reverse Copy request was Delete the Remote Copy pair. W
rejected, because the P-VOL was
shared with a Remote Copy pair
in the non-suspend status.

07005 008647 The Reverse Copy command Release the remote replication pair, and W
could not be executed because then retry the operation.
the secondary volume was
shared with the primary volume
of a remote replication pair.

07005 008648 The boot device and the P-VOL Check the specified volume number. W
do not match in the Paircreate
(Create Pairs) command.

07005 008649 Because the boot device is the Check the specified volume number. W
S-VOL in the Pairsplit-S (Delete
Pairs) command, the flag does
not match.

07005 008650 The boot device and the P-VOL Check the target volume number. W
do not match in the Paircreate
(Create Pairs), Pairresync
(Resync Pairs), or Pairsplit-S
(Delete Pairs) command.

07005 008651 The SSID is invalid. Verify the settings, and then retry the W

07005 008652 The boot device is not a P-VOL Check the target volume number. W
nor S-VOL.

07005 008653 Because the boot device is the Check the target volume number. W
P-VOL in the Pairsplit-S (Delete
Pairs) command, the flag does
not match.

07005 008654 Boot device and S-VOL do not Check the target volume number. W
match in Paircreate (Create
Pairs), Pairresync (Resync
Pairs), or Pairsplit-S (Delete
Pairs) instruction.

07005 008655 An invalid secondary SSID is Verify the settings, and then retry the W
specified for the Paircreate operation.
(Create Pairs) or Pairresync
(Resync Pairs) command.

07005 008656 The secondary SSID specified Verify the settings, and then retry the W
for the Pairsplit-S(Delete Pairs) operation.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-11

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
or Pairsplit(Split Pairs) command
is invalid.

07005 008657 The Swap&Freeze option cannot Please call the Support Center. E
be specified, because the mode
80 is on.

07005 008695 The specified MU number is not Correct the MU number, and then retry W
less than or equal to 2. the operation.

07005 008920 The operation on the L2 pair Wait until the L1 pair changes to the W
cannot be performed because PSUS status, and then retry the
the L1 pair is not in the PSUS operation.
status. Or the command cannot Perform the pair operation respectively
be run because there is a pair on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
operation that cannot be or the L1 and L2 pairs.
performed if it is done on some
pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
or L1 and L2 pairs at the same

07005 055264 The command was rejected You cannot create a pair with these W
because you tried to create a volumes.If you want to create a pair,
pair using a volume with VMA you must use the volumes to both of
setting by Data Retention Utility which VMA is set or not.
and a volume without VMA

07005 055301 You cannot create the pair Increase the licensed capacity of Data W
because the licensed capacity of Retention Utility, and then retry the
Data Retention Utility is operation.

07005 055645 Quick Restore cannot be Use the Reverse Resync option. W
performed because the specified
pair is composed of the external
volumes with different cache
mode settings.

07005 056301 The storage system is in internal Wait for a while, and then click W
process, or some other user is [Refresh].
changing the configuration.

07005 056302 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07005 056303 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07005 057101 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07005 057102 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07005 058000 The command has been rejected Select a different volume or release the W
because the cascade request for consistency group setting.
creating cascade pairs composed
of volumes belonging to the

9-12 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
same consistency group was

07005 058001 The operation on the L2 pair Wait until the L1 pair changes to the W
cannot be performed because PSUS or PAIR status, and then retry the
the L1 pair is in the COPY(SP)/ operation.
COPY, PSUS(SP)/COPY, or Perform the pair operation respectively
COPY(RS-R)/RCPY status. Or the on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
command cannot be run or the L1 and L2 pairs.
because there is a pair operation
that cannot be performed if it is
done on some pairs of one-to-
multiple volumes or L1 and L2
pairs at the same time.

07005 058002 The Quick Restore command has The quick restore operation cannot be W
been rejected because the performed when the pair is composed of
specified pair is composed of a a normal volume and a customized
normal volume and a volume (CV). Select a different pair.
customized volume (CV).

07005 058003 The command has been rejected To continue the operation, delete the W
because a Remote Copy pair remote copy pair.
exists in the same storage
system frame.

07005 058004 The command has been rejected The requested operation cannot be W
because the issued request is an performed. Check the status of the
operation that cannot be specified volume.
performed with a volume that
can be used from either the
mainframe or open-system

07005 058259 The Quick Restore command Delete the remote replication pair or W
could not be executed because perform the operation on other pairs.
the specified pair contains
external volumes and also is
used as a remote replication

07005 058260 The command was rejected The requested command cannot be W
because the specified P-VOL is executed in the current TrueCopy pair
used as a P-VOL of a TrueCopy status. See the ShadowImage User
pair. Guide for the relation between the
TrueCopy pair statuses and the
ShadowImage operations.

07005 058261 The command has been The requested command cannot be W
rejected, because the specified executed in the current status of
P-VOL is used as S-VOL of TrueCopy pair. See the section "Sharing
TrueCopy pair. ShadowImage volumes" in the
ShadowImage User Guide for the
relation between the state of TrueCopy
pair and the ShadowImage operations.

07005 058262 A pair cannot be created Add sufficient shared memory to create i
because shared memory for a pair.
differential tables is in sufficient.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-13

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 058299 The operation failed because the Check the requirements for using the W
specified P-VOL was a data volume with Universal Replicator.
volume of Universal Replicator.
Check the requirements for
using the volume with Universal

07005 058300 The operation failed, because Release the Universal Replicator setting W
the specified S-VOL was a data or specify another volume.
volume of Universal Replicator.

07005 058351 The Quick Restore command Delete the Universal Replicator pair, or W
could not be executed because perform the operation on a different
the specified pair contains pair.
external volumes, and also is
used as a Universal Replicator

07005 058356 The command was rejected Release the pair of Universal Replicator W
because the specified volume is or the pair of TrueCopy, and then retry
used by the Universal Replicator the operation.
and the TrueCopy.

07005 058451 The storage system is busy If the problem persists despite retrying, W
(internal processing). please call the Support Center.

07005 058476 The operation cannot be Release the Thin Image pair, or select W
performed, because the another volume.
specified P-VOL is a P-VOL for
Thin Image.

07005 058477 The operation cannot be Select a different volume. W

performed, because the
specified P-VOL is a V-VOL for
Thin Image.

07005 058478 The operation cannot be Release the pool volume or select W
performed, because the another volume.
specified P-VOL is a pool

07005 058479 The operation cannot be Delete the ShadowImage pair or the W
performed because the specified Thin Image pair, or select a different
secondary volume is a primary volume.
volume of ShadowImage or Thin

07005 058480 The operation cannot be Select a different volume. W

performed, because the
specified S-VOL is a
V-VOL for Thin Image.

07005 058481 The operation cannot be Release the pool volume or select W
performed, because the another volume.
specified S-VOL is a pool

9-14 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 058492 The Pairsplit-S (Delete Pairs) Refresh the window, and check whether W
operation has failed. the pair exists.

07005 058493 The PCB required for this Mount the required PCB, and then retry E
operation is not mounted. the operation.

07005 058520 The operation failed, because Replace the microcode, and then retry E
different versions of microcodes the operation.
coexisted in the storage system.

07005 058533 The operation failed, because Release the journal volume setting, or W
the specified P-VOL was a specify another volume.
journal volume.

07005 058534 The operation failed, because Release the journal volume setting, or W
the specified S-VOL was a specify another volume.
journal volume.

07005 058536 The operation could not be Check the requirements for using the W
performed because the specified volume with Universal Replicator.
secondary volume is a Universal
Replicator volume.

07005 058572 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, contact the E
side. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07005 058573 This function is not supported. Check if the DKCMAIN and SVP E
microcode versions are mismatched.

07005 058574 An error occurred while If this problem persists, contact the E
connecting to the storage Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07005 058575 An error occurred while If this problem persists, contact the E
connecting to the storage Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07005 058576 A communication time-out error If the problem persists despite retrying, E
occurred in the storage system. please call the Support Center.

07005 058579 The operation could not be Verify that the shredding is complete in W
performed because the specified the Data Retention Utility window, and
volume is being shredded by then retry the operation.
Data Retention Utility.

07005 058582 The command has been The specified command cannot be W
rejected, because the specified executed with the current pair
S-VOL is used as P-VOL of Thin composition. See the section about the
Image or the specified MU interoperability with other products and
number is already used. functions and the ShadowImage
described in the Thin Image User Guide
for the condition of sharing the volumes
between Thin Image and

07005 058583 The operation failed because the To continue the operation, release the W
volume was shared by a Thin Thin Image setting.
Image pair.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-15

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 058584 The operation failed because the Check the conditions for using W
volume was shared by a Thin ShadowImage in conjunction with Thin
Image pair in COPY (RS-R)/ Image.
RCPY status.

07005 058585 The operation failed because the Volumes that do not belong to CU group W
CU group of the specified 0 are currently not supported. Specify
volume is not supported. another volume.

07005 058630 The operation cannot be See the ShadowImage User Guide for W
performed because the specified the relation between the pair status of
primary volume is used by a Universal Replicator and the
delta resync pair of Universal ShadowImage operations. See the Thin
Replicator. Image User Guide for the relation
between the pair status of Universal
Replicator and the Thin Image

07005 058631 The operation failed because the The P-VOL of Universal Replicator pair W
specified S-VOL was used by for Delta resync cannot be specified as
Delta resync of Universal S-VOL. Specify another volume.

07005 058711 The operation could not be Refresh the ShadowImage window, and W
performed because the specified check the MU number that can be used.
MU number is already used.

07005 058906 The operation failed because the Verify the pair configurations. See the W
volume specified as the P-VOL ShadowImage User Guide for the
was used as the S-VOL of relation between the configuration and
another pair and the volume the operation of pairs.
specified as the S-VOL was used
as the P-VOL of another pair

07005 068021 "0" cannot be specified as the Specify other MU numbers. W

MU number of L2 pair.

07005 068737 The command has been Associate the Dynamic Provisioning W
rejected, because the specified volume with a pool, and then retry the
P-VOL is a Dynamic Provisioning operation.
volume not associated with a

07005 068738 The command has been Associate the Dynamic Provisioning W
rejected, because the specified volume with a pool, and then retry the
S-VOL is a Dynamic Provisioning operation.
volume not associated with a

07005 068743 The command has been Retry the operation after quick W
rejected, because Quick Format formatting is complete.
is performed on the specified P-

07005 068744 The command has been Retry the operation after quick W
rejected, because Quick Format formatting is complete.
is performed on the specified S-

9-16 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 068749 The command has been The Command cannot be executed E
rejected, because the specified because the TrueCopy Asynchronous
TrueCopy Asynchronous pair pair is not in the state of PSUS. See the
was not in PSUS status. section about the interoperability with
other products and functions described
in the ShadowImage User Guide for the
relation between the state of TrueCopy
Asynchronous pair and the
ShadowImage operations.

07005 068750 The Quick Restore command has Quick Restore cannot be performed in W
been rejected, because the the current pair configuration.
specified pair is composed of the
Dynamic Provisioning volume
and the volumes other than
Dynamic Provisioning volume.

07005 068755 The Quick Restore command has Quick Restore cannot be performed in W
been rejected, because device the current pair configuration. Select a
information (Inquiry pair whose device information (Inquiry
information) of P-VOL and S- information) is the same, and then
VOL was different in the perform Quick Restore.
specified pair.

07005 068760 Quick Restore cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
performed because the operation.
configuration is being backed up
in the target volume.

07005 068808 The command has been The operation is not available because W
rejected, because the specified the target volume has capacity
P-VOL is a Dynamic Provisioning changes. Verify the capacity of the
volume whose capacity is being volume, and then apply the setting.

07005 068809 The command has been The operation is not available because W
rejected, because the specified the target volume has capacity
S-VOL is a Dynamic Provisioning changes. Verify the capacity of the
volume whose capacity is being volume, and then apply the setting.

07005 068835 The command could not be Release the pair of Thin Image that is W
executed because the specified using the specified P-VOL, then retry
primary volume is used by a pair the operation.
of Thin Image that is registered
in the CTG.

07005 068836 The command has been Release the pair of Thin Image that is W
rejected, using the specified S-VOL, then retry
because the specified S-VOL is the operation.
used by a pair of Thin Image,
which is registered in the CTG.

07005 068837 The command has been Wait until the zero page reclamation is W
rejected, because the specified completed, and then retry the
P-VOL is a volume of Dynamic operation.
Provisioning whose zero page is
being reclaimed.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-17

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 068838 The command has been Wait until the zero page reclamation is W
rejected, because the specified completed, and then retry the
S-VOL is a volume of Dynamic operation.
Provisioning whose zero page is
being reclaimed.

07005 068867 The command has been Specify another volume. W

rejected, because the volume
specified as P-VOL is a quorum

07005 068868 The command has been Specify another volume. W

rejected, because the volume
specified as S-VOL is a quorum

07005 068922 The specified P-VOL is a volume The operation cannot be performed in W
of using two mirrors, which are the current status of Universal
included in 3DC cascade, 3DC Replicator pair. See the section
multi target, or Delta resync "Interoperability with other products
configuration. The operation for and functions" in the ShadowImage
this P-VOL failed due to one of User Guide for the relation between the
the following reasons. state of Universal Replicator pair and
• The specified volume was the ShadowImage operations.
used by Delta resync of
Universal Replicator.
• The specified volume was
used by a data volume of
Universal Replicator.

07005 068923 The specified secondary volume The operation cannot be performed in W
is a volume of using two the current status of Universal
mirrors, which is included in the Replicator pair. See the section
3DC cascade, the 3DC multi- "Interoperability with other products
target, or the delta resync and functions" in the ShadowImage
configuration. The operation for User Guide for the relation between the
this secondary volume cannot be state of Universal Replicator pair and
performed due to one of the the ShadowImage operations.
following reasons:
• The specified volume is
used by a delta resync pair
of Universal Replicator.
• The specified volume is
used by a data volume of
Universal Replicator.

07005 068924 The specified volume is a Specify another volume. W

volume of using two mirrors,
which are included in 3DC
cascade, 3DC multi target, or
Delta resync configuration. The
operation for this volume failed
due to one of the following

9-18 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• The specified volume was
used by Delta resync of
Universal Replicator.
• The specified volume was
used by a data volume of
Universal Replicator.

07005 075002 The command was rejected, Associate the specified Dynamic W
because the Dynamic Provisioning volume with a pool, and
Provisioning volume specified as then retry the operation.
P-VOL was not associated with a

07005 075003 The command was rejected, Associate the specified Dynamic W
because the Dynamic Provisioning volume with a pool, and
Provisioning volume specified as then retry the operation.
S-VOL was not associated with a

07005 075005 The command could not be Set an LUN path to the specified W
executed because no LUN path primary volume, and then retry the
is set to the volume specified as operation.
a primary volume.

07005 075006 The command could not be Set an LUN path to the specified W
executed because no LUN path secondary volume, and then retry the
is set to the volume specified as operation.
a secondary volume.

07005 075015 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

07005 075046 The LDEVs of a specified pool Log out, and then log back in with W
contain an LDEV that belongs to access to the resource group containing
a resource group that you do the specified LDEV.
not have permission to access.

07005 078053 The operation failed because the Check the microcode version of the W
current microcode version does storage system.
not support the capacity of
specified P-VOL.

07005 078054 The operation failed because the Check the microcode version of the W
current microcode version does storage system.
not support the capacity of
specified S-VOL.

07005 078108 The command was rejected, Wait until the initialization of the pool is W
because the pool associated with completed, and then retry the
the Dynamic Provisioning operation.
volume that is specified as the
P-VOL was being initialized.

07005 078109 The command was rejected, Wait until the initialization of the pool is W
because the pool associated with completed, and then retry the
the Dynamic Provisioning operation.
volume that is specified as the
S-VOL was being initialized.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-19

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 078128 The operation cannot be Specify volumes other than those in the W
performed because the specified online data migration process.
volume is in the online data
migration process.

07005 078129 The operation cannot be Specify volumes other than those in the W
performed because the volume online data migration process.
specified as the primary volume
is in the online data migration

07005 078130 The operation cannot be Specify a different volume. W

performed because the volume
specified as the secondary
volume is a migration volume of
nondisruptive migration.

07005 078139 The operation cannot be done Verify the status of the specified pool. W
because a pool cannot be used.

07005 078140 The operation cannot be When you create multiple Thin Image W
performed because the specified pairs by specifying two or more
pool number is not the same as secondary volumes to one primary
the pool number for the existing volume, be sure to specify the same
pairs. pool number as the existing pairs.

07005 078141 The operation cannot be done Release the Thin Image pair setting or W
because the specified primary specify another volume.
volume is a secondary volume of
Thin Image.

07005 078142 The operation cannot be done Release the Thin Image pair setting or W
because the specified secondary specify another volume.
volume is a secondary volume of
Thin Image.

07005 078143 The specified snapshot number Specify another snapshot number or W
is used in another pair of Thin release the Thin Image pair setting.

07005 078144 The operation cannot be done Install additional license keys to expand W
because the license capacity has the license capacity of the program
been exceeded. product.

07005 078145 The command cannot be run in Refresh the window, and then retry the W
the current pair status. operation.

07005 078146 The command cannot be run Verify the status of the specified pair. W
because the command Perform the pair operation respectively
previously specified could not be on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
run in the current pair status. Or or the L1 and L2 pairs.
the command cannot be run
because there is a pair operation
that cannot be performed if it is
done on some pairs of one-to-
multiple volumes or L1 and L2
pairs at the same time.

07005 078147 A pair could not be created Specify a Thin Image pool. W
because a pool other than the

9-20 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
pool type of Thin Image was

07005 078148 The command was rejected Release the secondary volume W
because the specified volume unavailable setting, and then retry the
was set unavailable to specify as operation.
a secondary volume.

07005 078149 An error occurred during Thin Perform one of the following, and then W
Image operations due to one of retry the operation.
the following reasons: • Specify another LDEV number.
• The LDEV number specified • Verify the status of the specified
for the primary volume or pair.
secondary volume is wrong.
• Specify another MU number.
• The LDEV specified as the
primary volume or • Verify the status of the specified
secondary volume is not pool.
paired. • Verify the license capacity of the
• The pair status of the Thin Image.
specified primary volume or • See the section "Planning number
secondary volume is wrong. of Thin Image pairs" in the Thin
• The specified Snapshot ID Image User Guide for the relation
(MU number) is wrong. between the number of pairs that
can be created and the shared
• The specified Snapshot ID memories.
(MU number) is already
• The specified pool is not in a
usable status.
• The license capacity has
exceeded the maximum.
• The control table for Thin
Image is depleted.

07005 078150 The command was rejected Install the necessary program product. W
because the program product of
Thin Image or ShadowImage
was not installed.

07005 078151 The command was rejected Add sufficient shared memory. W
because the shared memory
(FC, TPF, or Extension1) of
necessary capacity was not

07005 078152 The command was rejected Add sufficient shared memory. W
because the shared memory
(SS1 or more) of necessary
capacity was not installed.

07005 078153 The LDEV number that is Specify another LDEV number. W
specified as a primary volume is

07005 078154 The command was rejected Specify a volume of supported W

because the emulation type of emulation type.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-21

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
the specified primary volume
was not OPEN-V.

07005 078155 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the TrueCopy pair W
because the primary volume of to PSUS or PSUE, and then retry the
Thin Image is used as the operation.
primary volume of TrueCopy,
and the pair status of TrueCopy
is other than PSUS or PSUE.

07005 078156 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the Universal W
because the primary volume of Replicator pair to PSUS or PSUE, and
Thin Image is used as the then retry the operation.
primary volume of Universal
Replicator, and the pair status of
Universal Replicator is other
than PSUS or PSUE.

07005 078157 The operation cannot be done Select a different volume. W

because a volume is used as the
primary volume of Thin Image
and the secondary volume of

07005 078158 The operation cannot be done Select a different volume. W

because the primary volume of
Thin Image is used as the
secondary volume of Universal

07005 078159 The operation cannot be done Verify the setting of the specified W
because VMA is set for the volume.
specified primary volume.

07005 078160 The command was rejected Specify a volume whose emulation type W
because the emulation type of is supported.
the specified secondary volume
was not OPEN-V.

07005 078161 The operation cannot be done Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume is an external volume.

07005 078162 The operation cannot be done Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume is not a virtual volume.

07005 078163 The command was rejected Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume was used as a primary
volume of Universal Replicator.

07005 078164 The command was rejected Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume was used as a secondary
volume of Universal Replicator.

07005 078165 The command was rejected Release the secondary volume W
because the specified volume unavailable setting, and then retry the

9-22 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
was set unavailable to specify as
a secondary volume.

07005 078166 The operation cannot be done Verify the setting of the specified W
because VMA is set for the volume.
specified secondary volume.

07005 078167 The command was rejected Verify the Max LBA size of the volume. W
because the Max LBA size of the
specified primary and the
secondary volumes was

07005 078168 The command was rejected Verify the number of slots of the W
because the number of slots is volume.
different between the specified
primary and the secondary

07005 078169 The specified secondary volume Specify another volume. W

is a virtual volume of Dynamic

07005 078171 The command was rejected Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume was used as a primary
volume of ShadowImage.

07005 078172 The command was rejected Specify another volume. W

because the specified secondary
volume was used as a secondary
volume of ShadowImage.

07005 078174 A pair of Thin Image cannot be Install additional shared memory, or W
created due to one of the wait until the initializing process is
following reasons. complete and then retry the operation.
• The required capacity of
shared memory is not
• It is in the initializing

07005 078175 The specified operation cannot Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
be done. Support Center.

07005 078176 The operation cannot be done Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
because the PSUE option is Support Center.

07005 078177 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the TrueCopy pair W
because a volume is used as the to other than COPY, and then retry the
primary volume of Thin Image operation.
and the secondary volume of
TrueCopy, and the pair status of
TrueCopy is COPY.

07005 078178 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the Universal W
because a volume is used as the Replicator pair to other than COPY, and
primary volume of Thin Image then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-23

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
and the secondary volume of
Universal Replicator, and the
pair status of Universal
Replicator is COPY.

07005 078179 When the primary volume of Select a different MU number. W

Thin Image and the primary
volume of ShadowImage volume
share the volume, the MU
number currently used by
ShadowImage cannot be

07005 078180 When the primary volume of Select a different MU number. W

Thin Image and the secondary
volume of ShadowImage share
the volume, 0 cannot be
specified as a MU number of the
primary volume for Thin Image.

07005 078181 The command was rejected Wait for the status of the ShadowImage W
because the primary volume of pair to change to PAIR, and then retry
Thin Image and the primary the operation.
volume of ShadowImage share a
volume, and the pair of
ShadowImage was in re-
synchronizing processing.

07005 078182 The command was rejected Change the status of the ShadowImage W
because the primary volume of pair to PSUS, and then retry the
Thin Image and the secondary operation.
volume of ShadowImage share a
volume, and the pair of
ShadowImage was not in the
state of PSUS.

07005 078183 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the ShadowImage W
because the primary volume of pair to PSUS, and then retry the
Thin Image and the primary operation.
volume of ShadowImage share a
volume, and the pair status of
ShadowImage is other than

07005 078184 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the ShadowImage W
because the primary volume of pair to PSUS, and then retry the
Thin Image and the secondary operation.
volume of ShadowImage share a
volume, and the pair status of
ShadowImage is other than

07005 078185 The operation cannot be done Restore the blocked pools or pool W
because the pools or the pool volumes, and then retry the operation.
volumes are blocked.

07005 078186 A Thin Image pair cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
restored due to one of the operation.
following reasons.

9-24 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
• Snapshot data of restore
target Thin Image pair is
being obtained per
consistency group.
• Snapshot data of another
pair whose primary volume
is the restore target Thin
Image primary volume is
being obtained.

07005 078187 A Thin Image pair with Verify the specified consistency group W
consistency group number number.
specified cannot be created due
to one of the following reasons.
• The specified consistency
group number is used by
the ShadowImage.
• The number of pairs defined
in a consistency group
exceeds the maximum.
• The pair created by using
the same primary volume
already exists in the
specified consistency
group .

07005 078188 The specified consistency group Verify the consistency group number. W
number is invalid.

07005 078189 The operation cannot be done Change the status of the TrueCopy W
because the primary volume of Asynchronous pair to PSUS, and then
Thin Image and the secondary retry the operation.
volume of TrueCopy
asynchronous pair share a
volume, and the status of
TrueCopy asynchronous pair is
other than PSUS or PSUE.

07005 078190 The operation cannot be done Verify the setting of the specified W
because the specified secondary volume.
volume is incorrect.

07005 078191 The command was rejected Install the necessary program product. W
because the program product of
Thin Image was not installed.

07005 078195 The command was rejected Select a volume other than the external W
because the primary volume is volume mapped for the online data
used as an external volume that migration, and then retry the operation.
is mapped for online data

07005 078196 The command was rejected Select a volume other than the external W
because the secondary volume volume mapped for the online data
is used as an external volume migration, and then retry the operation.
that is mapped for online data

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-25

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 078201 The operation failed because the Select a Snapshot pool. W
specified pool is not a Thin
Image pool.

07005 078202 The operation failed because the Install the Thin Image program product. W
Thin Image program product is
not installed.

07005 078203 The operation failed because the Check the microcode versions of SVP W
microcode versions of SVP and and DKCMAIN.
DKCMAIN do not match.

07005 078204 The operation failed because Delete unnecessary external volumes or W
there are not enough cache virtual volumes, and then retry the
management devices. operation. When there is a Thin Image
pair, delete all the pairs related to the
unnecessary primary volumes, and then
retry the operation. If this problem
persists, call the Support Center.

07005 078205 The operation failed because the Specify a volume whose capacity is 4TB W
capacity of the specified volume or less.
exceeds 4 TB.

07005 078207 The operation cannot be Wait until the Quick Restore operation is W
performed because there is a complete, and then retry the operation.
pair in the status of Quick Perform the pair operation respectively
Restore among ShadowImage on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
pairs that share a primary or the L1 and L2 pairs.
volume. Or the command cannot
be run because there is a pair
operation that cannot be
performed if it is done on some
pairs of one-to-multiple volumes
or L1 and L2 pairs at the same

07005 078208 The operation failed because the Check the pool number. W
specified pool number is wrong.

07005 078209 The operation failed because the The pair of Thin Image cannot be W
specified pair is a Thin Image deleted from the sub window. Delete
pair. the pair from the main window.

07005 078210 A Thin Image pair cannot be Verify the consistency group of the pairs W
created because the consistency that belong to the snapshot group.
group used by the specified
snapshot group is one of the
• The consistency group
number is used by
• The number of pairs that
can be defined in a
consistency group exceeds
the maximum.
• A pair created by using the
same primary volume

9-26 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
already exists in the
consistency group .

07005 078255 The operation failed because the Verify the status of the volume. W
volume specified as the S-VOL is
a root volume.

07005 078256 The operation failed because the Verify the status of the volume. W
volume specified as the S-VOL is
a node volume.

07005 078257 The operation failed because the Verify the status of the volume. W
volume specified as the P-VOL is
a leaf volume.

07005 078258 The operation failed because the Verify the status of the volume. W
volume specified as the S-VOL is
a leaf volume.

07005 078259 The operation failed because the The operation cannot be performed in W
specified P-VOL that uses two the current pair status of Universal
mirrors in 3DC cascade, 3DC Replicator. See section "Interoperability
multi target, or Delta resync with other products and functions" in
configuration is in one of the the Thin Image User Guide for the
following statuses. relation between the pair status of
• The volume is in the Universal Replicator and the Thin Image
Universal Replicator Delta operations.
resync configuration.
• The volume is a Universal
Replicator data volume.

07005 078260 The operation failed because the The operation cannot be performed in W
specified S-VOL that uses two the current pair status of Universal
mirrors in 3DC cascade, 3DC Replicator. See section "Interoperability
multi target, or Delta resync with other products and functions" in
configuration is in one of the the Thin Image User Guide for the
following statuses. relation between the pair status of
• The volume is in the Universal Replicator and the Thin Image
Universal Replicator Delta operations.
resync configuration.
• The volume is a Universal
Replicator data volume.

07005 078261 The command ended abnormally Make sure the MU number can be W
because the specified MU specified.
number is out of the range that
can be specified.

07005 078289 A Thin Image pair with the CTG Check the respective consistency group W
mode specified cannot be status or create a Thin Image pair
created because all the without specifying the CTG mode.
consistency groups have already
been defined.

07005 078290 A Thin Image pair cannot be Select a different volume. W

created because the snapshot ID
(MU number) that can be used

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-27

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
for the volume specified as the
primary volume is depleted.

07005 078291 A Thin Image pair cannot be Check the defined snapshot groups or W
created because all the snapshot select a different snapshot group.
groups have already been
defined, or the number of pairs
that can be registered in the
specified snapshot group has
exceeded the maximum.

07005 078292 A Thin Image pair in which a V- Wait until the initialization of the pool is W
VOL of Dynamic Provisioning is complete, and then retry the operation.
set as the primary volume
cannot be created because the
Dynamic Provisioning pool is
being initialized.

07005 078293 Failed to create a Thin Image Wait until the initialization of the pool is W
pair because the Dynamic complete, and then retry the operation.
Provisioning pool is being

07005 078294 The Add Pair (Paircreate) Check the specified pair type. W
operation failed because the
specified pair type does not
match the specified pool type.

07005 078310 The Thin Image pair operation Change the status of pairs related to W
cannot be performed because all the specified primary volume to enable
Thin Image pairs that share the the pair operation, and then retry the
specified primary volume are in operation.
PSUE status.

07005 205028 The operation cannot be Verify the number of Thin Image pairs W
performed because the total that share the selected primary volume.
number of Thin Image pairs that
share the selected primary
volume exceeds 32,768.

07005 208041 A pair cannot be created Release the migration attribute, or W

because of the migration specify a different volume.
attribute of the volume specified
as the primary volume or the
secondary volume.

07005 208042 The operation cannot be Release the migration attribute. W

performed because of the
migration attribute of the
volume specified as the primary
volume or the secondary

07005 208043 A pair consisting of three Create a pair consisting of one or two W
secondary volumes cannot be secondary volumes, or specify a
created because of the different volume for the primary
migration attribute of the volume.
volume specified as the primary

9-28 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 208044 The operation cannot be Release the migration attribute. W

performed because of the
migration attribute of the
secondary volume of the
specified pair.

07005 208045 The volume specified as the Verify the setting of the online data W
primary volume is a migration migration.
volume of nondisruptive
migration. The operation cannot
be performed because the
setting of the online data
migration for the volume is not

07005 208047 The command cannot be run Specify a different volume, or verify the W
because the volume specified as status of the global-active device pair,
the primary volume is a and then retry the operation.
reserved volume of global-active
device, or the status of the
global-active device pair is not

07005 208048 The command cannot be run Specify a different volume, or delete the W
because the volume specified as global-active device pair, and then retry
the secondary volume is a the operation.
reserved volume of global-active
device, or the volume is used by
the global-active device pair.

07005 208049 The command cannot be run Specify a different volume, or verify the W
because the volume specified as status of the global-active device pair,
the primary volume is a and then retry the operation.
reserved volume of global-active
device, or the status of the
global-active device pair is not

07005 208050 The command cannot be run Specify a different volume, or delete the W
because the volume specified as global-active device pair, and then retry
the secondary volume is a the operation.
reserved volume of global-active
device, or the volume is used by
the global-active device pair.

07005 208051 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified primary operation.
volume is not a primary volume
of a Thin Image pair.

07005 208052 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified pair does operation.
not exist.

07005 208053 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified pair operation.
cannot be identified.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-29

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07005 208054 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified pair has a operation.
secondary volume.

07005 208055 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified pair has operation.
no secondary volume.

07005 208056 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified pair has operation.
no secondary volume.

07005 208057 The operation cannot be Verify the microcode versions of the W
performed because the SVP and the DKCMAIN.
microcode versions of the SVP
and the DKCMAIN do not match.

07005 208058 The command cannot be run Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the specified pair has a operation.
secondary volume.

07005 208059 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the W
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists,
contradiction. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

07005 208060 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the W
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists,
contradiction. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

07005 208067 The operation cannot be Wait until the migration is complete, W
performed because the specified and then retry the operation.
primary volume is being
migrated by Volume Migration.

07005 208069 The operation cannot be Wait until the migration is complete, W
performed because the specified and then retry the operation.
secondary volume is being
migrated by Volume Migration.

07005 208071 The pair operation cannot be Wait until the initialization of the local W
performed because local replication pairs is complete, and then
replication pairs are being retry the operation.

Part code 07007

Table 9-2 Error codes (part code 07007)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07007 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

9-30 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07007 007111 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

Part code 07105

Table 9-3 Error codes (part code 07105)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 005099 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

07105 005512 Failed in setting Compatible Install the necessary program E

FlashCopy(R), because either product(s).
ShadowImage for z/OS(R)
or Compatible FlashCopy(R) is
not installed.

07105 005625 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
Support Center.

07105 005626 The specified volume cannot be Release the write-protection by Volume W
used because it is write- Retention Manager.
protected by Volume Retention

07105 006502 Processing in progress. Please Wait for a while, and then retry the W
wait for a while, and then retry operation.
the operation.

07105 006503 The volume status is being Wait for a while, and then retry the W
changed to simplex. operation.

07105 006520 The command has been Perform either of the following W
rejected, because the specified operations:
volume was registered in the • Change the attribute of the security
Security Group that cannot group so that the secondary
specify T-VOL(Secondary volume can be specified.
• Remove the specified volume from
the security group.

07105 006537 The setting could not be applied Verify the error factor in another setting W
because there is an error in a and then retry the operation.
different setting.

07105 007310 This error code is not registered. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07105 008500 Sufficient amount of shared Add shared memory or confirm whether W
memory is not installed or the necessary program product key is
the program product is not installed.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-31

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 008501 The command has been Wait for a while, and then retry the W
rejected, because the command operation.
specified last time is being

07105 008503 You cannot create the new pair, Delete the Remote Copy pair. W
because a remote copy pair
exists in the same storage
system frame.

07105 008504 The specified command cannot Take either of the following actions, and W
be run due to one of the then retry the operation.
following reasons: • See the ShadowImage for
• The current pair Mainframe User Guide to verify the
configuration or status, or pair configuration or status, or the
volume status dose not volume status.
meet the requirements for • Perform the pair operation
the command. respectively on the pairs of one-to-
• A pair operation is multiple volumes.
performed on some pairs of
one-to-multiple volumes at
the same time.

07105 008505 The command cannot be run See the ShadowImage for Mainframe E
because the pair operation User Guide for the relation between the
cannot be performed in the pair status and the operation that can
current pair status, or because be performed.
there is a pair operation that Perform the pair operation respectively
cannot be performed if it is done on the pairs of one-to-multiple volumes.
on some pairs of one-to-multiple
volumes at the same time.

07105 008506 The command cannot be run Vary the secondary volume offline from W
because the specified secondary the mainframe host, and then retry the
volume is used by the host. operation.

07105 008507 The Split Pair(s) command was The pair split operation cannot be W
issued to the pairs in the Split/ performed because the pair is already in
SUSPOP status. the split status.

07105 008508 The Add Pair(Create Pairs) The Add Pair operation cannot be W
command was issued to the performed on pairs in the split status.
pairs in the Split/SUSPOP status.

07105 008509 The Split Pairs command with Verify the settings, and then retry the W
the QUIESCE specification was operation.
issued to a secondary boot

07105 008510 The S-VOL(Primary Volume) Verify the settings, and then retry the W
Suspend command was issued operation.
to a secondary boot device.

07105 008512 Cannot perform Resync or Detach the S-VOL(Primary Volume) W

Suspend operation because of from the host, or delete the Remote
the path group setting. Copy path.

9-32 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 008513 The command has been Run the vary offline command to W
rejected, because the specified disable the primary volume from the
S-VOL(Primary Volume) is used mainframe host, and then retry the
by the host. operation.

07105 008516 The number of S-VOL(Primary Verify the settings, and then retry the W
Volume) cylinders exceeds the operation.

07105 008517 The number of T-VOL(Secondary Verify the settings, and then retry the W
Volume) cylinders exceeds the operation.

07105 008518 You cannot create a pair, Check the emulation type. W
because the track format is
different for each. Make sure
that the specified emulation type
is the same for both.

07105 008519 You cannot set a pair because Check the volume capacity. W
the number of cylinders is
different for each.

07105 008520 The pair cannot be created Select volumes with the same W
because the volume types are emulation type, and then retry the
different. operation.

07105 008521 The number of multiple copy Verify the settings, and then retry the W
jobs exceeded the maximum. operation.

07105 008522 The emulation type of the S- Specify the supported emulation type. W
VOL(Primary Volume) is not

07105 008523 The emulation type of the T- Specify the supported emulation type. W
VOL(Secondary Volume) is not

07105 008524 The emulation type is not Specify the supported emulation type. W

07105 008525 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07105 008526 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07105 008527 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07105 008528 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07105 008529 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07105 008530 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07105 008531 An internal logic error occurred. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-33

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 008532 The command has been Stop the usage by the host. W
rejected, because the S-
VOL(Primary Volume) or the T-
VOL(Secondary Volume) is being
used by the host.

07105 008535 A processor failure was Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected. Support Center.

07105 008536 A cache failure was detected. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07105 008537 The cache capacities do not Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
match. Support Center.

07105 008538 An SM failure was detected. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07105 008539 There is not enough shared The shared memory on the local E
memory on the local storage storage system is not enough. Contact
system to create 4096 pairs. the Hitachi Data Systems Support

07105 008540 There is sufficient shared Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
memory to create 4096 pairs, Support Center.
but initial storage system setup
is required before creating pairs.

07105 008541 There is sufficient shared Close the message box. i

memory to create 4096 pairs,
and the initial storage system
setup is complete.

07105 008542 Failed to complete the initial Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
shared memory setup. Support Center.

07105 008543 The shared memory size is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
different. Support Center.

07105 008544 16 Mbytes of shared memory is Verify the settings, and then retry the i
available. operation.

07105 008545 A power supply failure is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected. Support Center.

07105 008546 The command was rejected. The Retry the operation with power ON. W
PS OFF is in progress.

07105 008547 A data transfer failure is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected (CHA). Support Center.

07105 008548 A data transfer failure is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected (DKA). Support Center.

07105 008549 Operations cannot be performed Operations cannot be performed on W

because the primary volume is unconfigured volumes.
not configured.

07105 008550 The command could not be Restore the blocked volume, or select a W
executed because the specified different volume, and then retry the

9-34 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
primary volume is blocked or
used as a system disk.

07105 008551 The primary volume is being Wait until the volume is formatted, and W
formatted or shredded. then retry the operation.

07105 008552 This volume cannot be specified As the S-VOL, specify a volume that is W
as an S-VOL(Primary Volume) not used as a command device.
because it is used as a
command device.

07105 008553 Operations cannot be performed Operations cannot be performed on W

because the secondary volume unconfigured volumes.
is not configured.

07105 008554 The command could not be Restore the blocked volume, or select a W
executed because the specified different volume, and then retry the
secondary volume is blocked or operation.
used as a system disk.

07105 008555 The secondary volume is being Wait until the volume is formatted, and W
formatted or shredded. then retry the operation.

07105 008556 This volume cannot be specified Release the command device, and then W
as an T-VOL(Secondary Volume) retry the operation.
because it is used as a
command device.

07105 008557 The volume is not implemented. Operations cannot be performed on W

unconfigured volumes.

07105 008559 The volume is being formatted. Wait until the volume is formatted, and W
then retry the operation.

07105 008560 This volume cannot be specified Specify a volume that is not used as a W
because it is used as a command device.
command device.

07105 008561 The command code is invalid. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07105 008562 The command code sender is If this problem persists, contact the E
invalid. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07105 008563 The volume type is invalid. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
Support Center.

07105 008564 The volume type is invalid. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
Support Center.

07105 008565 The command code sender is Verify the settings, and then retry the E
invalid. operation.

07105 008567 The number of effective lists is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
invalid. Support Center.

07105 008568 The emulation type is invalid. Specify the volume of the supported W
emulation type.

07105 008569 The command cannot be run See the section "Planning number of W
because the area of the pairs" in the ShadowImage for
Mainframe User Guide for the relation

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-35

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
differential table or the pair between the number of pairs that can
table to set pairs is not enough. be created and the shared memories.

07105 008570 The selected volume does not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
exist. operation.

07105 008572 The volume is already defined as Verify the settings, and then retry the W
a primary volume. operation.

07105 008573 The volume is defined as a Release the Volume Migration setting. W
source volume for Volume

07105 008574 The volume is defined as a Release the Volume Migration setting. W
target volume for Volume

07105 008580 The specified volume is for Select a different volume, and then W
backup servers only. retry the operation.

07105 008581 The specified volume is not for Verify the settings, and then retry the W
backup servers only. operation.

07105 008582 The emulation type of the target Wait for a while, and then retry the W
volume is being changed. operation.

07105 008583 The RAID level of the specified Specify the volume of the supported W
volume is not supported. RAID level.

07105 008586 The number of groups that can Verify the settings, and then retry the W
be set in the same storage operation.
system is invalid.

07105 008587 The number of pairs that can be Verify the settings, and then retry the W
set in the same group is invalid. operation.

07105 008588 The specified group number is Verify the settings, and then retry the W
not set. operation.

07105 008589 The specified group name is Verify the settings, and then retry the W
invalid. operation.

07105 008590 The group name and the Verify the settings, and then retry the W
number do not match. operation.

07105 008591 The specified pair is already set Verify the settings, and then retry the W
in another group. operation.

07105 008592 The command was rejected Check the capacity of the installed W
because the licensed capacity license key. To create more pairs,
was exceeded. purchase a license key for larger

07105 008593 The S-VOL(Primary Volume) is a Release the Volume Migration setting. W
source volume for Volume

07105 008594 The S-VOL(Primary Volume) is a Release the Volume Migration setting. W
target volume for Volume

9-36 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 008595 The specified S-VOL(Primary Refresh the window, and then retry the W
Volume) does not exist. operation.

07105 008597 No more pairs can be created for Pairs cannot be created with the W
the specified S-VOL(Primary specified S-VOL any more. See the
Volume). ShadowImage for Mainframe User
Guide for the configuration of pairs.

07105 008598 The specified volume is not a S- Check the volume status. W
VOL(Primary Volume).

07105 008599 The specified volume is already Select a different primary volume, and W
used as a primary volume. then retry the operation, or release the
pair of the selected volume, and then
retry the operation.

07105 008600 The RAID level of the specified Select a volume of the supported RAID W
volume is not supported. level, and then retry the operation.

07105 008601 The specified S-VOL(Primary Verify the settings, and then retry the W
Volume) cannot be paired with a operation.
backup server volume.

07105 008602 The command has been The volume used as T-VOL of the other W
rejected, because the specified pair cannot be used as S-VOL.
Primary Volume has already
been used as Secondary Volume
of the other pair.

07105 008603 The target volume is set as a Please delete a Data Migration pair. E
primary volume for Data

07105 008604 The target volume is set as a Please delete a Data Migration pair. E
secondary volume for Data

07105 008605 The Resync Pairs command was Check the pair status. W
issued to a device in the Simplex

07105 008606 The operation to create L2 pair When the S-VOL of L1 pair is used as W
has been rejected, because the the M-VOL of TrueCopy for Mainframe
S-VOL of L1 pair is used as the pair, L2 pair cannot be created.
M-VOL of TrueCopy for
Mainframe pair.

07105 008607 The command has been The requested operation cannot be W
rejected, because the specified performed in the current pair status of
T-VOL is used as M-VOL of TrueCopy for Mainframe. See the
TrueCopy for Mainframe pair. section "Sharing ShadowImage for
Mainframe volumes" in the
ShadowImage for Mainframe User
Guide for the relation between
TrueCopy for Mainframe pair status and
ShadowImage for Mainframe

07105 008608 The specified T-VOL(Secondary Refresh the window, and then retry the W
Volume) is not defined. operation.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-37

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 008610 The T-VOL(Secondary Volume) Release the Volume Migration setting. W
is a target volume for Volume

07105 008611 The operation failed because the Specify another volume. W
specified T-VOL (Secondary
Volume) was used as T-VOL
(Secondary Volume) of other

07105 008612 The specified volume is not an Check the status of the volume. W
T-VOL(Secondary Volume).

07105 008613 The RAID level of the specified Specify the volume number of the W
T-VOL(Secondary Volume) is not supported RAID level.

07105 008614 The T-VOL(Secondary Volume) The requested operation cannot be W

is used as a Remote Copy M- performed in the current pair status of
VOL. TrueCopy for Mainframe. See the
section "Sharing ShadowImage for
Mainframe volumes" in the
ShadowImage for Mainframe User
Guide for the relation between
TrueCopy for Mainframe pair status and
ShadowImage for Mainframe

07105 008615 The T-VOL(Secondary Volume) The R-VOL of TrueCopy for Mainframe W
is used as a Remote Copy R- pair cannot be used as T-VOL of
VOL. ShadowImage for Mainframe. Specify
another volume.

07105 008616 The T-VOL(Secondary Volume) Please delete a Data Migration pair. W
is used as a primary volume for
Data Migration.

07105 008617 The target T-VOL(Secondary Please delete a Data Migration pair. W
Volume) is used as a secondary
volume for Data Migration.

07105 008618 The T-VOL(Secondary Volume) Check the volume number. W

is already defined as an S-
VOL(Primary Volume).

07105 008619 The specified T-VOL(Secondary Release the Volume Migration setting. W
Volume) is defined as a source
volume for Volume Migration.

07105 008624 The command has been Verify if the specified S-VOL(Primary W
rejected, because there is no Volume) and T-VOL(Secondary Volume)
pair to be operated. are correct.

07105 008625 The P-VOL(S-VOL) and S-VOL(T- Check the specified volume number. W
VOL) have the same number.

07105 008626 The Simplex command could not Wait until the quick split operation is W
be executed because the quick complete, and then retry the operation.
split operation was in progress.

9-38 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 008627 The Resync Pairs operation has Wait until the status of the pair changes W
been rejected, because pair to Split.
status is SP-Pend/TRANS.

07105 008628 An internal logic contradiction Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
occurred. Support Center.

07105 008629 The status mode specification is Verify the settings, and then retry the W
invalid. operation.

07105 008630 The status mode type is invalid. Verify the settings, and then retry the W

07105 008631 The specified CU number is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems W
invalid. Support Center.

07105 008632 The timing of issuing the Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
command is invalid. Support Center.

07105 008633 The abnormal status is invalid. Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
Support Center.

07105 008637 The specified S-VOL(Primary Specify other volume(s), or release the W
Volume) is used as a source Volume Migration setting.
volume for Volume Migration.

07105 008638 The command has been The specified operation cannot be W
rejected, because the specified performed. To perform this operation,
S-VOL(Primary Volume) is set release the Cache Residency Manager
for use in Cache Residency for Mainframe setting, and then retry
Manager for Mainframe. the operation.

07105 008639 The command has been The specified operation cannot be W
rejected, because the specified performed. To perform this operation,
T-VOL(Secondary Volume) is set release the Cache Residency Manager
for use in Cache Residency for Mainframe setting, and then retry
Manager for Mainframe. the operation.

07105 008640 The command cannot be run Wait until the Reverse Copy or Quick W
because there is a pair in the Restore operation is complete, and then
status of Reverse Copy or Quick retry the operation.
Restore among pairs that share
a primary volume.

07105 008641 The pairs contain a pair in the The specified operation cannot be W
Reverse Copy status. performed. To perform this operation,
release the Reverse Copy status, and
then retry the operation.

07105 008643 The Resync Pairs operation has The Resynchronize Volume Pair W
been rejected, because the operation cannot be performed in the
specified pair is not in the state current pair status. See the section
of Split/SUSPOP. The Resync "Resynchronize pairs" in the
Pairs operation cannot be ShadowImage for Mainframe User
executed in the current pair Guide for the relation between pair
status. status and ShadowImage for Mainframe

07105 008644 The operation failed because the Verify the status of the pairs that share W
pairs sharing a S-VOL (Primary the S-VOL.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-39

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Volume) contain a pair in other
than Split/SUSPOP or Suspend/
SUSPER status.

07105 008645 The Reverse Copy command The specified operation cannot be W
could not be executed because performed. To perform this operation,
the primary volume is shared as release the remote replication pair.
the primary volume of a remote
replication pair.

07105 008646 The Reverse Copy request was Delete the Remote Copy pair. W
rejected, because the S-
VOL(Primary Volume) was
shared with a Remote Copy pair
in the non-suspend status.

07105 008647 The Reverse Copy command has Delete the Remote Copy pair. W
been rejected, because the T-
VOL(Secondary Volume) is
shared with an M-VOL of a
Remote Copy pair.

07105 008648 The boot device and the S- Check the specified volume number. W
VOL(Primary Volume) do not
match in the Add Pair(Create
Pairs) command.

07105 008649 Because the boot device is the Check the specified volume number. W
T-VOL(Secondary Volume) in
the Delete Pairs command, the
flag does not match.

07105 008650 The boot device and the S- Check the specified volume number. W
VOL(Primary Volume) do not
match in the Add Pair(Create
Pairs), Resync Pairs, or Delete
Pairs command.

07105 008651 The SSID is invalid. Verify the settings, and then retry the W

07105 008652 The boot device is not a S- Check the target volume number. W
VOL(Primary Volume) nor T-
VOL(Secondary Volume).

07105 008653 Because the boot device is the Check the target volume number. W
S-VOL(Primary Volume) in the
Delete Pairs command, the flag
does not match.

07105 008654 The boot device and the T- Check the target volume number. W
VOL(Secondary Volume) do not
match in the Add Pair(Create
Pairs), Resync Pairs, or Delete
Pairs command.

07105 008655 An invalid secondary SSID is Verify the settings, and then retry the W
specified for the Add Pair(Create operation.
Pairs) or Resync Pairs command.

9-40 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 008656 An invalid secondary SSID is Verify the settings, and then retry the W
specified for the Delete Pairs or operation.
Split Pairs command.

07105 008657 The Swap&Freeze option cannot Please call the Support Center. W
be specified, because the mode
80 is on.

07105 008696 The command has been Delete the Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 W
rejected, because the specified pair or Compatible Software for IBM(R)
S-VOL(Primary Volume) is being FlashCopy(R) SE pair, or specify
used as a volume of a another volume.
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
pair or a Compatible Software
for IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE

07105 008697 The command has been Delete the Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 W
rejected, because the specified pair or Compatible Software for IBM(R)
T-VOL(Secondary Volume) is FlashCopy(R) SE pair, or specify
being used as the volume of a another volume.
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
pair a Compatible Software for
IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE pair.

07105 008698 The command could be executed Delete the Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 W
because the specified volume is pair or Compatible Software for IBM(R)
being used as a volume of a FlashCopy(R) SE pair, or specify
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 another volume.
pair or a Compatible Software
for IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE

07105 008699 The command of Reverse Copy Delete the Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 W
or Quick Restore has been pair or Compatible Software for IBM(R)
rejected, because the specified FlashCopy(R) SE pair, or specify
S-VOL(Primary Volume) is being another volume.
shared with the volume of a
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
pair or a Compatible Software
for IBM(R) FlashCopy(R) SE

07105 008920 Because a L1 pair is F-Copy, you Wait for Flash Copy processing of a L1 E
cannot operate to L2. pair being finished, then execute
operation of target pair.

07105 008941 Failed to make or cancel a Refresh the window, and then verify the E
reservation of consistency status of the consistency group.

07105 008946 A pair status cannot be changed Reset the Split time of Consistency W
because the Split time of Group from the mainframe host.
Consistency Group is set.

07105 008991 The command has been Withdraw the Compatible FlashCopy(R) W
rejected, because the V2 relationship.
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
relationship exists.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-41

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 008992 The command has been Install additional shared memory. E
rejected, because sufficient
amount of shared memory is not

07105 008993 The command has been Set the shared memory extension E
rejected, because the shared setting for Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2.
memory is not set for
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2.

07105 008994 The command has been Wait for a while, and then retry the W
rejected, because the storage operation.
system is busy.

07105 008995 The command has been Withdraw the Compatible FlashCopy(R) W
rejected, because the V2 relationship.
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
relationship exists.

07105 008996 The command has been Wait for a while, and then retry the W
rejected, because the storage operation.
system is busy.

07105 055645 Quick Restore cannot be Use the Reverse Resync option. W
performed because the specified
pair is composed of the external
volumes with different cache
mode settings.

07105 056301 The storage system is in internal Wait for a while, and then click W
process, or some other user is [Refresh].
changing the configuration.

07105 056302 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07105 056303 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07105 057101 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07105 058000 The command has been rejected Select a different volume or release the W
because the cascade request for consistency group setting.
creating cascade pairs composed
of volumes belonging to the
same consistency group was

07105 058001 The Add Pair(Create Pairs) Wait until the L1 pair status changes to W
command for adding the L2 pair Split, and then retry the operation.
has been rejected because the
L1 pair is in V-Split/SUSPVS

07105 058002 The Quick Restore command has Quick restore operation cannot be W
been rejected because the performed when the pair is composed of
specified pair is composed of a a normal volume and a customized
normal volume and a volume (CV). Select a different pair.
customized volume (CV).

9-42 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 058003 The command has been rejected To continue the operation, delete the W
because a Remote Copy pair Remote Copy pair.
exists in the same storage

07105 058004 The command has been rejected The requested operation cannot be W
because the issued request is an performed. Check the status of the
operation that cannot be specified volume.
performed with a volume that
can be used from either the
mainframe or open-system

07105 058259 The Quick Restore command Delete the remote replication pair or W
could not be executed because perform the operation on other pairs.
the specified pair contains
external volumes and also is
used as a remote replication

07105 058260 The Reverse Copy or Quick The requested operation cannot be W
Restore command has been performed in the current pair status of
rejected, because the S- TrueCopy for Mainframe. See the
VOL(Primary Volume) is also section "Sharing ShadowImage for
used as the M-VOL of a Remote Mainframe volumes" in the
Copy pair whose status is not ShadowImage for Mainframe User
Suspend. Guide for the relation between
TrueCopy for Mainframe pair status and
ShadowImage for Mainframe

07105 058261 The Reverse Copy or Quick The requested operation cannot be W
Restore command has been performed in the current pair status of
rejected, because the S- TrueCopy for Mainframe. See the
VOL(Primary Volume) is also section "Sharing ShadowImage for
used as the R-VOL of a Remote Mainframe volumes" in the
Copy pair whose status is not ShadowImage for Mainframe User
Suspend. Guide for the relation between
TrueCopy for Mainframe pair status and
ShadowImage for Mainframe

07105 058262 A pair cannot be created Please add sufficient shared memory to E
because shared memory for create a pair.
differential tables is insufficient.

07105 058299 The operation failed because the Check the requirements for using the W
specified S-VOL(Primary volume with Universal Replicator for
Volume) was a data volume of Mainframe.
Universal Replicator for
Mainframe. Check the
requirements for using the
volume with Universal Replicator
for Mainframe.

07105 058300 The operation failed because the Release the Universal Replicator for W
specified T-VOL(Secondary Mainframe setting, or specify another

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-43

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Volume) was a data volume of
Universal Replicator for

07105 058351 The Quick Restore command Delete the Universal Replicator for i
could not be executed because Mainframe pair, or select a different
the specified pair contains pair, and then retry the operation.
external volumes and is used as
a Universal Replicator for
Mainframe pair.

07105 058356 The command could not be To continue the operation, release the i
executed because the specified Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair
volume was used by Universal or the TrueCopy for Mainframe pair, and
Replicator for Mainframe and then retry the operation.
TrueCopy for Mainframe.

07105 058451 The storage system is in internal If the problem persists despite retrying, W
process. Please retry the please call the Support Center.

07105 058518 The operation failed, because To continue the operation, delete all W
the Thin Image pair(s) existed. Thin Image pair(s) and retry.

07105 058519 The operation failed, because To continue the operation, delete all W
the Thin Image pair(s) existed. Thin Image pair(s) and retry.

07105 058520 The operation failed, because Replace the microcode, and then retry E
different versions of microcodes the operation.
coexisted in the storage system.

07105 058533 The operation failed, because Release the journal volume setting, or W
the specified S-VOL(Primary specify another volume.
Volume) was a journal volume.

07105 058534 The operation failed, because Release the journal volume setting, or W
the specified T-VOL(Secondary specify another volume.
Volume) was a journal volume.

07105 058536 The operation failed because the Check the requirements for using the W
specified T-VOL(Secondary volume with Universal Replicator for
Volume) was a data volume of Mainframe.
Universal Replicator for

07105 058572 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, contact the E
side. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07105 058573 This function is not supported. Check if the DKCMAIN and SVP E
microcode versions are mismatched.

07105 058575 An error occurred while If this problem persists, contact the E
connecting to the storage Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

07105 058585 The operation failed because the Volumes that do not belong to CU group W
CU group of the specified 0 are currently not supported. Specify
volume is not supported. another volume.

07105 058630 The operation failed because the See the section "Sharing ShadowImage W
specified primary volume is used for Mainframe volumes" in the

9-44 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
by Delta resync of Universal ShadowImage for Mainframe User
Replicator for Mainframe. Guide for the relation between the state
of Universal Replicator for Mainframe
pair and the ShadowImage for
Mainframe operations.
07105 058631 The operation failed because the The P-VOL of Universal Replicator for W
specified T-VOL(Secondary Mainframe pair for Delta resync cannot
Volume) was used by Delta be specified as S-VOL. Specify another
resync of Universal Replicator volume.
for Mainframe.

07105 058711 The operation could not be Refresh the ShadowImage for W
performed because the specified Mainframe window, and then verify the
MU number is already used. MU number that can be used.

07105 068743 The command has been Retry the operation after quick W
rejected, because Quick Format formatting is complete.
is performed on the specified S-
VOL(Primary Volume).

07105 068744 The command has been Retry the operation after quick W
rejected, because Quick Format formatting is complete.
is performed on the specified T-
VOL(Secondary Volume).

07105 068745 FICON(R) Data Migration Source FICON(R) Data Migration source volume W
Volume is specified as a T-VOL. cannot be used as a T-VOL. Use other
FICON(R) Data Migration Source volumes.
Volume cannot be used as a T-

07105 068746 The command has been rejected The specified pair cannot be operated W
because the pair uses FICON(R) because the pair uses FICON(R) Data
Data Migration Source Volume. Migration source volume.

07105 068747 The command has been rejected Release the setting in which the W
because the FICON(R) Data secondary volume is used by different
Migration source volume is used program products, and then retry the
in the specified pair, and T-VOL operation.
is used by one of the following
program products.
• TrueCopy for Mainframe
• Universal Replicator for
• Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2
• Volume Retention Manager

07105 068749 The command has been The Command cannot be executed E
rejected, because the specified because the TrueCopy Asynchronous for
TrueCopy Asynchronous for z/ Mainframe pair is not in the state of
OS(R) pair was not in Suspend Split. See the section about the
status. interoperability with other products and
functions described in the
ShadowImage for Mainframe User
Guide for the relation between the state
of TrueCopy Asynchronous for

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-45

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Mainframe pair and the ShadowImage
for Mainframe operations.

07105 068750 The Quick Restore command You cannot execute the Quick Restore W
was rejected because the command with the current pair
specified pair was composed of a configuration.
Dynamic Provisioning for
Mainframe volume and a volume
other than the Dynamic
Provisioning for Mainframe

07105 068767 The SI Operation for FICON(R) The SI Operation for FICON(R) Data W
Data Migration failed because Migration failed because the specified
the specified pair consists of pair consists of either a primary volume
either a primary volume other other than a FICON(R) Data Migration
than a FICON(R) Data Migration source volume or a secondary volume
source volume or a secondary that is a FICON(R) Data Migration
volume that is a FICON(R) Data source volume.
Migration source volume.

07105 068768 The SI Operation for FICON(R) The SI Operation for FICON(R) Data W
Data Migration failed, because Migration cannot be performed in the
the pair status of the specified current pair status. Change the status
pair was not SIMPLEX or of the pair to SIMPLEX or DUPLEX, and
DUPLEX. then retry the operation.

07105 068769 The SI Operation for FICON(R) The SI Operation for FICON(R) Data W
Data Migration failed, because Migration cannot be performed in the
the pair status of the specified current pair status. Change the status
pair was not Suspend(Mig.). of the pair to Suspend(Mig.), and then
retry the operation.

07105 068770 The SI Operation for FICON(R) Release the Cache Residency Manager W
Data Migration failed because for Mainframe setting in the T-VOL.
the Cache Residency Manager
for Mainframe setting was set in
the T-VOL of the specified pair.

07105 068771 The SI Operation for FICON(R) Release the Volume Retention Manager W
Data Migration failed, because setting in the T-VOL or specify another
the Volume Retention Manager volume, and then retry the operation.
setting was set in the T-VOL of
the specified pair.

07105 068772 The SI Operation for FICON(R) Delete the Universal Replicator for W
Data Migration failed because Mainframe pair, or select a different
the T-VOL of the specified pair volume, and then retry the operation.
was used by Universal Replicator
for Mainframe.

07105 068773 The SI Operation for FICON(R) Delete the TrueCopy for Mainframe pair W
Data Migration failed, because or specify another volume, and then
the T-VOL of the specified pair retry the operation.
was used by TrueCopy for

9-46 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 068774 The SI Operation for FICON(R) Universal Volume Manager volume W
Data Migration failed, because cannot be used as a T-VOL. Specify
the T-VOL of the specified pair another volume.
was used by Universal Volume

07105 068775 The command could not be The specified operation cannot be W
executed because the primary performed in the current pair
volume of the specified pair is a configuration. Select volumes other
FICON(R) Data Migration source than FICON(R) Data Migration source
volume. volume for the primary volume, and
then retry the operation.

07105 068776 The command could not be The specified operation cannot be W
executed because the secondary performed in the current pair
volume of the specified pair is a configuration. Select volumes other
FICON(R) Data Migration source than FICON(R) Data Migration source
volume. volume for the secondary volume, and
then retry the operation.

07105 068777 The command has been The specified operation cannot be W
rejected, because the specified performed for FICON(R) Data Migration
volume is a FICON(R) Data source volume. Select a volume other
Migration Source Volume. than FICON(R) Data Migration source
volume, and then retry the operation.

07105 068808 The command was rejected The operation cannot be done because W
because the specified S- the capacity of target volume changes.
VOL(Primary Volume) was a Verify the capacity of the volume, and
Dynamic Provisioning for then retry the operation.
Mainframe volume whose
capacity was being added.

07105 068809 The command was rejected The operation cannot be done because W
because the specified T- the capacity of target volume changes.
VOL(Secondary Volume) was a Verify the capacity of the volume, and
Dynamic Provisioning for then retry the operation.
Mainframe volume whose
capacity was being added.

07105 068832 The command has been Use another CTG, or release the pair of W
rejected, Thin Image where the specified CTG is
because the specified CTG is in use.
used by Thin Image.

07105 068834 The command has been Use another CTG, or release the pair of W
rejected, because the specified ShadowImage where the specified CTG
CTG is used by ShadowImage. is in use.

07105 068854 The SI Operation for FICON(R) Specify the volume not used as S-VOL W
Data Migration failed, because of SI Operation for FICON(R) Data
more than one T-VOL was Migration, or retry the operation after
assigned for the specified S- deleting the current pair.

07105 068922 The specified S-VOL(Primary The operation cannot be performed in W

Volume) is a volume of using the current pair status of the Universal
two mirrors, which is included in Replicator for Mainframe. See the
the 3DC cascade or the 3DC section "Interoperability with other

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-47

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
multi-target configuration. The products and functions" in the
operation for this specified ShadowImage for Mainframe User
volume failed due to the Guide for the relation between the pair
following reason. status of the Universal Replicator for
• The specified volume is Mainframe and the ShadowImage for
used by a data volume of Mainframe operations.
the Universal Replicator for

07105 068923 The specified T-VOL(Secondary The operation cannot be performed in W

Volume) is a volume of using the current pair status of the Universal
two mirrors, which is included in Replicator for Mainframe. See the
the 3DC cascade or the 3DC section "Interoperability with other
multi-target configuration. The products and functions" in the
operation for this specified ShadowImage for Mainframe User
volume failed due to the Guide for the relation between the pair
following reason. status of the Universal Replicator for
• The specified volume is Mainframe and the ShadowImage for
used by a data volume of Mainframe operations.
the Universal Replicator for

07105 068924 The specified volume is a Specify a different volume. W

volume of using two mirrors,
which is included in the 3DC
cascade or the 3DC multi-target
configuration. The operation for
this specified volume failed due
to the following reason.
• The specified volume is
used by a data volume of
the Universal Replicator for

07105 075002 The command was rejected, Associate the specified Dynamic W
because the Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe volume with
Provisioning for Mainframe a pool, and then retry the operation.
volume specified as S-
VOL(Primary Volume)was not
associated with a pool.

07105 075003 The command was rejected, Associate the specified Dynamic W
because the Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe volume with
Provisioning for Mainframe a pool, and then retry the operation.
volume specified as T-
VOL(Secondary Volume)was not
associated with a pool.

07105 075015 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

07105 078069 The operation failed because the Specify another volume. W
emulation type of the specified
S-VOL(Primary Volume) was

9-48 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 078070 The operation failed because the Specify another volume. W
emulation type of the specified
T-VOL(Secondary Volume) was

07105 078071 The operation failed because the Specify another volume. W
emulation type of the specified
volume was 3390-V.

07105 078072 3390-A cannot be used as an S- If no Mainframe Fibre CHA is mounted W

VOL(Primary Volume) due to on the storage system, mount a
one of the following reasons: Mainframe Fibre CHA. If all the
• The Mainframe Fibre CHA is Mainframe Fibre CHAs are blocked,
not mounted. restore those Mainframe Fibre CHAs.

• All the Mainframe Fibre

CHAs are blocked.

07105 078073 3390-A cannot be used as a T- If no Mainframe Fibre CHA is mounted W

VOL(Secondary Volume) due to on the storage system, mount a
one of the following reasons: Mainframe Fibre CHA. If all the
• The Mainframe Fibre CHA is Mainframe Fibre CHAs are blocked,
not mounted. restore those Mainframe Fibre CHAs.

• All the Mainframe Fibre

CHAs are blocked.

07105 078108 The command was rejected, Wait until the initialization of the pool is W
because the pool associated with completed, and then retry the
the Dynamic Provisioning for operation.
Mainframe volume that is
specified as the S-VOL(Primary
Volume) was being initialized.

07105 078109 The command was rejected, Wait until the initialization of the pool is W
because the pool associated with completed, and then retry the
the Dynamic Provisioning for operation.
Mainframe volume that is
specified as the T-
VOL(Secondary Volume) was
being initialized.

07105 078121 The operation failed because the Select a different volume. W
specified S-VOL(Primary
Volume) was used by
Compatible Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE, or was a TSE

07105 078122 The operation failed because the Select a different volume. W
specified T-VOL(Secondary
Volume) was a TSE volume.

07105 208067 The operation cannot be Wait until the migration is complete, W
performed because the specified and then retry the operation.
primary volume is being
migrated by Volume Migration.

Message (part code group 07nnn) 9-49

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

07105 208069 The operation cannot be Wait until the migration is complete, W
performed because the specified and then retry the operation.
secondary volume is being
migrated by Volume Migration.

07105 208071 The pair operation cannot be Wait until the initialization of the local W
performed because local replication pairs is complete, and then
replication pairs are being retry the operation.

9-50 Message (part code group 07nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 08nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 08005 to 08905.

□ Part code 08005

□ Part code 08107

□ Part code 08222

□ Part code 08505

□ Part code 08507

□ Part code 08521

□ Part code 08522

□ Part code 08605

□ Part code 08621

□ Part code 08622

□ Part code 08805

□ Part code 08905

Message (part code group 08nnn) 10-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 08005
Table 10-1 Error codes (part code 08005)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08005 002002 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

08005 002015 A connection error has occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, W
please call the Support Center.

08005 002145 A connection error has occurred. Retry the same operation. If the same W
error occurs despite retrying, please call
the Support Center.

08005 003003 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 005010 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 005099 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 005510 The storage system is in internal Please wait for a while, and then select W
process, or some other user is [Refresh].
changing the configuration.

08005 006000 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 006023 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 006036 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 006040 An error occurred while Wait, then retry the operation. If the E
connecting to the storage same problem persists despite retrying,
system. please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08005 006050 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 006051 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 006531 The SVP is busy. Wait, then retry the operation. If the W
same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08005 007060 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 007111 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

10-2 Message (part code group 08nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08005 008001 An error occurred while Wait, then retry the operation. If the E
connecting to the storage same problem persists despite retrying,
system. please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08005 008100 An error occurred while Wait, then retry the operation. If the E
connecting to the storage same problem persists despite retrying,
system. please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08005 056301 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 056302 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 056303 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 057101 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08005 058572 An error occurred while Wait, then retry the operation. If the E
connecting to the storage same problem persists despite retrying,
system. please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08005 058573 This function is not supported. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

08005 058574 An error occurred while Wait, then retry the operation. If the E
connecting to the storage same problem persists despite retrying,
system. please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08005 058575 An error occurred while Wait, then retry the operation. If the E
connecting to the storage same problem persists despite retrying,
system. please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08005 058576 A communication time-out error Wait, then retry the operation. If the E
occurred in the storage system. same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08005 065727 The password is different from Check the password and the backup W
the one that was input at the file.
time of backup. Or, the backup
file might be broken.

08005 068761 An error occurred on the DKC If the problem persists despite retrying, E
side. please call the Support Center.

08005 068762 This function is not available. Install the required program product. W
Encryption License Key is

08005 068766 The serial number of the Use the correct encryption key. W
encryption key does not match.

Message (part code group 08nnn) 10-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08005 108101 The number of characters for Enter the password using from 6 to 255 W
the password is not valid. characters.

08005 108105 The serial number of the Use the correct encryption key. W
encryption key does not match
the serial number of this storage
system because the key is
restored by using the backup file
created by a different storage

Part code 08107

Table 10-2 Error codes (part code 08107)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08107 005641 The number of lines exceeds the If the problem persists despite retrying, E
maximum number of lines of a please call the Support Center.

08107 005642 The number of characters If the problem persists despite retrying, E
exceeds the maximum number please call the Support Center.
of characters of a spreadsheet.

08107 005643 A time-out error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
Please wait for the SVP to please call the Support Center.
reboot, and then retry the

Part code 08222

Table 10-3 Error codes (part code 08222)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08222 105001 The form of Storage System Check the settings. W

Name is wrong.
Please input the alphanumeric
character and the sign (except
\ / : , ; * ? " < > | % & ^) from
1 to 180 characters.

08222 105002 The location form is wrong. Check the settings. W

Enter it with less than 180
alphanumeric characters and
symbols (except \ / : , ; * ? " <
> | % & ^).

10-4 Message (part code group 08nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08222 105003 The form of where to make Check the settings. W

contact is wrong. Enter it with
less than 180 alphanumeric
characters and symbols (except
\ / : , ; * ? " < > | % & ^).

Part code 08505

Table 10-4 Error codes (part code 08505)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08505 002007 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08505 005099 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08505 006011 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08505 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08505 006022 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08505 006024 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08505 007110 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08505 008001 A communication time-out error If this problem persists, contact the W
occurred. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08505 008002 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08505 008401 The storage system requires Verify the status of the storage system E
maintenance. (if the storage system is blocked,
shared memory is inconsistent, or some
other factor). If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08505 055009 An invalid CLPR No. was Correct the CLPR No., and then retry W
detected. the operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08505 055010 An invalid SLPR No. was If the problem persists despite retrying, E
detected. please call the Support Center.

Message (part code group 08nnn) 10-5

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08505 055011 An invalid CLPR name was Correct the CLPR Name, and then retry W
detected. CLPR No:xxx the operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08505 055012 An invalid SLPR Name was If the problem persists despite retrying, E
detected. SLPR No:xxx please call the Support Center.

08505 055013 Invalid logon information is Contact the Hitachi Data Systems E
detected. Support Center.

08505 055014 This name is already used as the Enter a different CLPR name, and then W
CLPR name. CLPR No:xxx CLPR retry the operation. If this problem
No:xxx persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

08505 055015 This name is already being used If the problem persists despite retrying, E
as the SLPR name. SLPR No:xxx please call the Support Center.
SLPR No:xxx

08505 055016 The value set as the maximum If the problem persists despite retrying, E
number of connections to each please call the Support Center.
SLPR is invalid. SLPR No:xxx

08505 055017 The total of the values If the problem persists despite retrying, E
registered as the maximum please call the Support Center.
number of users that can
connect to each SLPR exceeds
the value set as the maximum
number of connections to the
storage system.

08505 055018 The number of SSIDs exceeds Delete the unnecessary SSIDs, and E
the maximum that can be then retry the operation. If this problem
registered. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

08505 055019 An invalid SSID was detected. Correct the SSID setting, and then retry E
the operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08505 055020 The same SSID is already If the problem persists despite retrying, E
registered in a different SLPR. please call the Support Center.

08505 055021 The specified CU number is Correct the CU number, and then retry W
invalid. the operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08505 055022 An attempt has been made to Correct the CLPR settings, and then W
either register newly a CLPR that retry the operation. If this problem
is already registered, or delete a persists, contact the Hitachi Data
CLPR that is not registered. Systems Support Center.

08505 055023 An attempt has been made to If the problem persists despite retrying, E
either register newly a SLPR that please call the Support Center.
is already registered, or delete a
SLPR that is not registered.

10-6 Message (part code group 08nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08505 055024 The configuration of the CLPR is Select a different parity group, and then W
already changed, or some parity retry the operation. If this problem
groups or some virtual volumes persists, contact the Hitachi Data
are registered in a different Systems Support Center.

08505 055025 The configuration of the CLPR is Correct the parity group settings, and W
already changed, or the settings then retry the operation. If this problem
of the parity group or the virtual persists, contact the Hitachi Data
volume are not valid. Systems Support Center.

08505 055026 The specified port name (port Correct the port name (port number), W
number) is invalid. and then retry the operation. If this
problem persists, contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

08505 055027 The configuration of the CLPR is Correct the cache size setting, and then E
already changed, or the cache retry the operation. If this problem
size is not valid. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

08505 055028 The configuration of the CLPR is Correct the cache size to be equal to or W
already changed, or the greater than the minimum required
specified cache size excluding value, and then retry the operation. If
the cache residency size is less this problem persists, contact the
than the minimum. CLPR No:xxx Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08505 055029 The configuration of the CLPR is Correct the cache size, and then retry W
already changed, or the total the operation. If this problem persists,
cache size is not valid. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08505 055033 The same port is already If the problem persists despite retrying, E
registered in a different SLPR. please call the Support Center.

08505 055228 This function is not available. Install the program product. W
Virtual Partition Manager is
required to create CLPR.

08505 056501 The logon information of the Contact the storage administrator. (To i
partition management function the storage administrator: Reconfigure
has been initialized because the the logon information. If this problem
conflicting information is persists, contact the Hitachi Data
detected. Systems Support Center.)

08505 056502 The operation to set the Reduce the number of users currently E
maximum number of logged on, and then retry the setting, or
connections has been cancelled specify a value larger than the number
because an attempt has been of users currently logged on.
made to specify this value to
less than the number of users
who are currently connected.
Check the maximum permissible
number of connections.

08505 056524 This function cannot be used by If the problem persists despite retrying, E
the storage partition please call the Support Center.

Message (part code group 08nnn) 10-7

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08505 056527 While another user is logged If the problem persists despite retrying, E
into Storage Navigator, you please call the Support Center.
cannot edit the information of
the SLPR that the user owns.
SLPR No:xxx

08505 056536 The licensed capacity exceeds Correct the licensed capacity on the W
the maximum because of the License Key Partition Definition panel.
configuration change.

08505 057002 An unknown error was detected. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08505 058310 Some of the shared memories of Verify the status of the storage system. W
the storage system may be If this problem persists, contact the
blocked, or the storage system Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
is being maintained.

08505 058311 Some of the cache memories of Verify the status of the storage system. W
the storage system may be If this problem persists, contact the
blocked, or the storage system Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
is being maintained.

08505 058312 The configuration cannot be Wait until the write pending rate falls, E
changed because the write and then retry the operation.
pending rate of the intended
CLPR is too high.

08505 058313 The configuration cannot be Check the Cache Residency size and the W
changed because the available number of Cache Residency areas.
Cache Residency size or the
number of Cache Residency
areas in the intended CLPR is

08505 058315 A maintenance job is running in Retry the operation after the E
the storage system (Correction maintenance job is complete. If none of
Copy, Drive Copy, LDEV LDEV formatting, LDEV shredding or
formatting, LDEV shredding, and Extent shredding is running, contact the
Extent shredding). Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08505 058316 Parity groups in CLPR are being Wait until the parity group migration is E
migrated in the storage system. complete, and then retry the operation.

08505 058317 The CLPR capacity is being Wait for a while, and then retry the E
changed on the storage system. operation.

08505 058318 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, contact the E
while obtaining information Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.
about the progress of CLPR

08505 058339 The CLPR to which the parity Specify the parity groups that contain W
groups belong cannot be all of the journal volumes in the journal.
changed, because the specified
parity groups do not include all
of the journal volumes in a
journal of Universal Replicator

10-8 Message (part code group 08nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
and Universal Replicator for

08505 065740 The operation cannot be Wait until the configuration change W
performed because a performed by Command Control
configuration change is in Interface or Volume Migration, or the
progress on the local storage Quick Restore operation is complete,
system. and then retry the operation.

08505 075013 The cache capacity of the CLPR Refresh the window, and then retry the W
cannot be reduced because the operation. If Cache Residency Manager
configuration of the CLPR is is set to the CLPR, release the setting,
already changed, or Cache and then reduce the cache capacity of
Residency Manager is set to the the CLPR.

08505 075015 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

08505 075026 The specified parity group or Verify the resources allocation for the W
virtual volume cannot be used user with security administrator role.
because you do not have
permission to access a resource
group to which the parity group
or the virtual volume belongs.

Part code 08507

Table 10-5 Error codes (part code 08507)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08507 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

08507 007070 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

08507 007071 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

Message (part code group 08nnn) 10-9

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 08521
Table 10-6 Error codes (part code 08521)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08521 105001 No parity group or virtual Select one or more table rows. W
volume is selected.

08521 105002 No CLPR is selected. Select one table row. W

Part code 08522

Table 10-7 Error codes (part code 08522)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08522 105001 No table row is selected. Select one table row. W

08522 105002 No table rows are selected. Select one or more table rows. W

08522 105003 A CLPR name is not entered or Verify the setting of the CLPR name, W
the entered name is too long. and then retry the operation.

08522 105004 The specified CLPR name cannot Verify the setting of the CLPR name, W
be used because it is reserved and then retry the operation.
by the system.

08522 105005 The value set for Total Cache Verify the setting of Total Cache Size, W
Size is invalid. and then retry the operation.

08522 105006 The value set for Resident Cache Verify the setting of Resident Cache W
Size is invalid. Size, and then retry the operation.

08522 105007 The value set for Number of Verify the setting of Number of Resident W
Resident Extents is invalid. Extents, and then retry the operation.

08522 105009 The same CLPR name already Verify the setting of the CLPR name, W
exists. and then retry the operation.

08522 105011 The value of Initial Number is Verify the setting of Initial Number, and W
not entered. then retry the operation.

08522 105014 A parity group that contains an Delete the cache residency setting on W
LDEV with a cache residency the LDEV, and then retry the operation.
setting cannot be migrated.

08522 105017 No more CLPRs can be created Delete unnecessary CLPRs, and then W
because the number of CLPRs retry the operation.
that can be created has reached
the maximum.

08522 105018 No parity groups or virtual Select one or more table rows. W
volumes are selected in the
Available Parity Groups or
Available Virtual Volumes table.

08522 105019 No CLPR is selected. Select one table row. W

10-10 Message (part code group 08nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08522 105020 CLPR names cannot be assigned Verify the setting of Initial Number, and W
to all of the selected CLPRs with then retry the operation.
the specified value of Initial

08522 105022 The capacity of CLPR might not Set the CLPR capacity with the W
reach the recommended value. recommended value. If the capacity
Performance may be affected by reaches the recommended value,
this setup. Are you sure you continue the processing. For the
want to continue this operation? recommended value of CLPR capacity,
see "Cache capacity for a CLPR" in the
Virtual Partition Manager User Guide.

08522 106001 No more CLPRs can be created Delete unnecessary CLPRs, and then W
because the number of CLPRs retry the operation.
that can be created has reached
the maximum.

08522 106003 CLPR ID=00 cannot be deleted. Verify the CLPR to be deleted, and then W
retry the operation.

08522 106004 A CLPR in which parity groups or Verify the CLPR to be deleted, and then W
virtual volumes are set cannot retry the operation.
be deleted.

08522 106006 A CLPR cannot be created Verify the cache capacity of the CLPR, W
because the cache capacity and then retry the operation.
cannot be divided any further.

08522 106007 There are no resources that can Verify available parity groups or W
be migrated. available virtual volumes, and then
retry the operation.

08522 106008 There are no CLPRs with Create multiple CLPRs, and then retry W
resources that can be migrated. the operation.

08522 107001 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists,
contradiction. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

08522 107002 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists,
contradiction. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

Part code 08605

Table 10-8 Error codes (part code 08605)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08605 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

Message (part code group 08nnn) 10-11

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08605 006022 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. If this problem please call the Support Center.
persists, please call the Support

08605 007060 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08605 065753 Invalid character is included in Delete the characters that cannot be W
the e-mail addresses or the used.
server addresses.

08605 065754 The number of characters Enter with 1 to 255 characters. W

specified in an e-mail address or
a server address exceeds 255

08605 065755 An attribute of the registered Check the setting(s). W

destination of messages is

08605 065756 The SMTP authentication is Enter a correct value. W

enabled, but Account or
Password is not specified.

08605 065757 The same e-mail addresses are Exclude the duplicated setting, then W
specified. retry the operation.

08605 066821 There is no e-mail address Retry the operation. If this problem W
information file. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

08605 066822 The contents of the e-mail Retry the operation. If this problem W
address information file are persists, contact the Hitachi Data
invalid. Systems Support Center.

08605 066823 A failure occurred while Retry the operation. If this problem W
communicating with the SMTP persists, contact the Hitachi Data
server. Systems Support Center.

Part code 08621

Table 10-9 Error codes (part code 08621)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08621 209012 Are you sure you want to send a To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click i
test e-mail based on the entered [Cancel].
information in the window?

10-12 Message (part code group 08nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 08622
Table 10-10 Error codes (part code 08622)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08622 205032 No more e-mail address can be Reduce the number of e-mail W
registered because the number addresses, and then retry the
of registered e-mail addresses operation.
has reached the maximum.

08622 205033 No destination addresses are Register some destination addresses so W

registered. that the "Email Settings" has at least
one e-mail address.

08622 205034 The e-mail address is already Check the settings. W

being used.

08622 205035 A list of e-mail address Check the settings. W

attributes is not selected.

08622 205036 The form of the e-mail address Check the settings. W
is wrong.

08622 205037 The form of the Identifier is Check the settings. W


08622 205038 The form of the Account is Check the settings. W


08622 205039 The form of Password is wrong. Check the settings. W

08622 209002 A test e-mail was sent. Wait for a while, and then verify the i

Part code 08805

Table 10-11 Error codes (part code 08805)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08805 005010 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08805 005013 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08805 005018 No more report can be made. Delete unnecessary reports, then retry W
the operation.

08805 005099 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08805 006000 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08805 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

Message (part code group 08nnn) 10-13

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08805 006023 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08805 006024 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08805 006036 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08805 006091 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, E
compressing a file. please call the Support Center.

08805 006092 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

08805 006093 The report(s) has already been Refresh the both task window and W
deleted. report window, then confirm that the
report(s) has been deleted.

08805 008001 Making report was not Wait, then retry the operation. E
completed within the prescribed

Part code 08905

Table 10-12 Error codes (part code 08905)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

08905 005013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

08905 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

08905 006023 An inconsistency may have If this problem persists, contact the E
occurred in the syslog setting. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

08905 056524 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

08905 076518 Failed to send the test message. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

10-14 Message (part code group 08nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 09nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 09005 to 09610.

□ Part code 09005

□ Part code 09007

□ Part code 09010

□ Part code 09205

□ Part code 09210

□ Part code 09605

□ Part code 09610

Message (part code group 09nnn) 11-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 09005
Table 11-1 Error codes (part code 09005)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09005 005013 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 005040 The number of requests exceeds Reduce the number of requests, then W
the maximum number that can retry the operation.
be processed.

09005 005099 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 005201 This functionality is not Install the program product. E

Compatible PAV is required.

09005 006001 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 006011 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 006023 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 006036 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 006502 This key code is invalid. Wait for a moment and retry. E

09005 007111 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 007112 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 007113 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 007114 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 007115 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 007116 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 007117 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09005 007310 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

11-2 Message (part code group 09nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09005 008001 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, E
connecting to the storage please call the Support Center.
system. Please retry a little

09005 008100 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, E
connecting to the storage please call the Support Center.

09005 008102 This function is not supported. Check the DKC-MAIN version. E

09005 008103 The storage system status is Retry the operation. If this problem W
invalid. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

09005 008659 No PCBs are installed for Install PCBs for mainframe computers, E
mainframe computers. then retry the operation.

09005 075015 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

Part code 09007

Table 11-2 Error codes (part code 09007)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09007 005099 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09007 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09007 007070 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09007 007071 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

Part code 09010

Table 11-3 Error codes (part code 09010)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09010 007440 An error occurred during If the same problem persists despite E
processing. If this problem retrying, please call the Support Center.
persists, please call the Support

Message (part code group 09nnn) 11-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09010 009303 There are no valid volumes. Check the device emulation type or the i
definition of the journal volume.

09010 059341 If you add an alias volume to To add the alias volume to multiple i
multiple CUs at the same time, CUs, click [Yes]. Otherwise, click [No].
I/O performance may decrease.
Do you want to add the alias
volume to multiple CUs anyway?

09010 065703 The maximum permissible Install additional license key(s) to i

capacity of program product expand the license capacity of this
became insufficient. Please software title.
install additional license key(s)
to expand the license capacity of
this software title.

09010 079003 The used capacity is being Purchase the license when the licensed W
calculated now. The licensed capacity runs short.
capacity might be insufficient by
this operation.

Part code 09205

Table 11-4 Error codes (part code 09205)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09205 005013 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09205 005030 No commands are issued. If the problem persists despite retrying, W
please call the Support Center.

09205 005041 The number of issued Reduce the number of set demands. E
commands exceeds the

09205 005511 The program product is not Install the program product. E

09205 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09205 006023 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. If this problem please call the Support Center.
persists, please call the Support

09205 006038 The mistake is found in the set If the problem persists despite retrying, E
parameter. please call the Support Center.

09205 006502 Processing in progress. Wait for a while, then retry the W

11-4 Message (part code group 09nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09205 006533 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09205 006537 The setting process has not Check the error factor in the others W
been executed because there is settings.
no error in this setting, but an
error in the others settings.

09205 007060 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09205 007111 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09205 007310 This error code is not registered. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

09205 008001 An error occurred while Wait for a while, then retry the E
connecting to the storage operation.
system. Please retry a little

09205 008002 A communication time-out error Wait for a while, then retry the E
occurred in the storage system. operation.
Please wait for a while, and then
retry the operation.

09205 008102 This function is not supported. Microcode versions of DKCMAIN and E
SVP may not match each other. Verify
the microcode versions.

09205 008120 The specified logical volume Specify a mainframe Volume. W

does not exist.

09205 008121 This logical volume is an open Specify a mainframe Volume. W


09205 008122 This logical volume is busy. Verify the logical volume, and then retry W
the operation.

09205 008123 This function is not supported. Microcode versions of DKCMAIN and E
SVP may not match each other. Verify
the microcode versions.

09205 008126 This logical volume is configured Verify the logical volume, and then retry W
as a command device. the operation.

09205 008136 The command was rejected, The currently licensed capacity is W
because the licensed capacity insufficient. To increase the licensed
was exceeded. capacity, buy a new license key.

09205 008140 This logical volume cannot be Verify the logical volume, and then retry W
selected because the volume is the operation.
used as one for Compatible
FlashCopy(R) V2 or Compatible
Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE.

09205 008142 You cannot select this logical Verify the logical volume, and then retry W
volume because it is used as a the operation.

Message (part code group 09nnn) 11-5

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
Universal Replicator for
Mainframe volume.

09205 058422 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09205 058423 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09205 058424 The specified logical volume is Restore the blockade status of the E
blocked. logical volume.

09205 066000 The version number entered in Check the contents of the Volume W
the spreadsheet is incorrect. Retention Manager spreadsheet.

09205 066001 The function name entered in Check the contents of the Volume W
the spreadsheet is incorrect. Retention Manager spreadsheet.
(The function name is not VR.)

09205 066002 The process mode written in the Check the contents of the Volume W
spreadsheet cannot be specified. Retention Manager spreadsheet.

09205 066003 Two or more spreadsheet Check the contents of the Volume W
declaration statements and Retention Manager spreadsheet.
function tags cannot be entered
in the spreadsheet file.

09205 066004 The name of the function tag is Check the contents of the Volume W
invalid or not entered. Retention Manager spreadsheet.

09205 066005 The spreadsheet declaration Check the contents of the Volume W
statement or the definition Retention Manager spreadsheet.
statement is not entered in the
spreadsheet file.

09205 066006 The number of data items Check the contents of the Volume W
entered in the spreadsheet has Retention Manager spreadsheet.
exceeded the limit.

09205 066007 The number of characters for a Check the contents of the Volume W
row entered in the spreadsheet Retention Manager spreadsheet.
has exceeded the limit.

09205 066008 The number of digits is invalid. Check the contents of the Volume W
Retention Manager spreadsheet.

09205 066009 The entered value is outside the Check the contents of the Volume W
setting range. Retention Manager spreadsheet.

09205 066010 The format is invalid. Check the contents of the Volume W
Retention Manager spreadsheet.

09205 066011 An unnecessary item is included Check the contents of the Volume W
in the entered definition. Retention Manager spreadsheet.

09205 066012 The same definition exists in the Check the contents of the Volume W
spreadsheet file. Retention Manager spreadsheet.
(The combination of a CU
number and an LDEV number is

11-6 Message (part code group 09nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09205 066013 The access attribute set in the Enter a correct attribute in the W
[Attribute] of the spreadsheet is [Attribute] of the spreadsheet (enter
incorrect Read/Write, Read Only, or Protect).
(an attribute other than Read/
Write, Read Only, or Protect is

09205 075015 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

09205 078068 This logical volume cannot be Specify another logical volume, or W
selected because its emulation release the setting of the pool volume,
type is 3390-V or it is used as a then retry the operation.
pool volume.

09205 078280 This logical volume cannot be Verify the logical volume, and then retry W
selected because the volume is the operation.
used as a volume for FICON(R)
Data Migration.

Part code 09210

Table 11-5 Error codes (part code 09210)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09210 007060 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09210 007442 There is an invalid value in the If the problem persists despite retrying, W
Volume Retention Manager please call the Support Center.

09210 007443 The VTOC information contains If the problem persists despite retrying, W
one or more invalid values. please call the Support Center.

09210 008112 There is no valid volume. Mount volumes, then retry the W

09210 009107 The value that is under setup is To continue processing, click [OK]. To W
not reflected yet. Do you want stop processing, click [Cancel].
to continue the operation?

Message (part code group 09nnn) 11-7

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 09605
Table 11-6 Error codes (part code 09605)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09605 005013 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09605 005030 No commands are issued. If the problem persists despite retrying, W
please call the Support Center.

09605 005041 The number of issued Reduce the number of set demands. E
commands exceeds the

09605 005511 The program product is not Install the program product. E

09605 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09605 006023 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. If this problem please call the Support Center.
persists, please call the Support

09605 006038 The mistake is found in the set If the problem persists despite retrying, E
parameter. please call the Support Center.

09605 006502 Processing in progress. Wait for a while, then retry the W

09605 006533 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09605 006537 The setting process has not Check the error factor in the others W
been executed because there is settings.
no error in this setting, but an
error in the others settings.

09605 007060 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09605 007111 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09605 007310 This error code is not registered. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

09605 008001 An error occurred while Wait for a while, then retry the E
connecting to the storage operation.
system. Please retry a little

09605 008002 A communication time-out error Wait for a while, then retry the E
occurred in the storage system. operation.
Please wait for a while, and then
retry the operation.

09605 008102 This function is not supported. Microcode versions of DKCMAIN and E
SVP may not match each other. Verify
the microcode versions.

11-8 Message (part code group 09nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09605 008120 The specified logical volume Specify an open-system volume. W

does not exist.

09605 008122 This logical volume is busy. Verify the logical volume, and then retry W
the operation.

09605 008123 This function is not supported. Microcode versions of DKCMAIN and E
SVP may not match each other. Verify
the microcode versions.

09605 008124 This logical volume is a Specify an open-system volume. W

mainframe volume.

09605 008125 The attribute of the logical Review LDEV information, then retry. W
volume has been changed by
Command Control Interface.

09605 008126 This logical volume is configured Verify the logical volume, and then retry W
as a command device. the operation.

09605 008128 A parameter error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

09605 008132 This error code is not registered. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

09605 008134 The attribute of this logical To change the attribute, please call the E
volume cannot be changed to Support Center.

09605 008135 The specified volume is a If the pair is TrueCopy, change the W
TrueCopy secondary volume in status to PSUS, and then retry the
COPY or PAIR status or a operation. If the pair is ShadowImage,
ShadowImage secondary change the status to PSUS or PSUS
volume in COPY, PAIR, COPY (SP), and then retry the operation.
(SP), COPY (RS), or COPY (RS-
R) status.

09605 008136 The command was rejected, The currently licensed capacity is W
because the licensed capacity insufficient. To increase the licensed
was exceeded. capacity, buy a new license key.

09605 008138 The Reserved setting of the To release the Reserved setting, please E
specified volume cannot be call the Support Center.

09605 008139 The attribute of the Wait until the status of the pair changes W
ShadowImage primary volume to PAIR, and then retry the operation.
cannot be changed because the
pair status is COPY (RS-R).

09605 008142 You cannot select this logical Verify the logical volume, and then retry W
volume because it is used as a the operation.
Universal Replicator volume.

09605 008150 You tried to set a retention term Verify the logical volume, and then retry W
to a logical volume whose the operation.
access attribute is not Read Only
or Protect.

Message (part code group 09nnn) 11-9

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09605 008151 The retention term of the logical To change the attribute, please call the W
volume cannot be shortened. Support Center.

09605 008152 You cannot set a retention term Specify an open-systems volume. W
to any mainframe volumes.

09605 008153 The specified retention term Correct the retention term, then retry W
exceeds the maximum. the operation.

09605 008154 The retention term of the logical Check the retention term of the logical W
volume has been changed by volume, then retry the operation.
Command Control Interface.

09605 008155 You cannot change the access To change the access attribute of the W
attribute because a retention logical volume to Read/Write, please
term is set to the specified call the Support Center.
logical volume.

09605 008156 You cannot change the access Set the expiration lock to Disable, then W
attribute because the expiration change the access attribute.
lock is set to Enable.

09605 058404 The specified operation cannot Retry the operation after the process is W
be executed because the LDEV completed.
shredding or the LDEV format is
being executed.

09605 058412 The attribute of the pool volume Select another logical volume. W
cannot be changed.

09605 058413 The attribute of the Thin Image Change the status of the Thin Image W
secondary volume or the virtual pair to PAIR or PSUS.
volume cannot be changed
because the pair status is not

09605 058414 The attribute of the Thin Image Wait until the status of the pair changes W
primary volume cannot be to PAIR, and then retry the operation.
changed because the pair status
is RCPY.

09605 058418 The access attribute cannot be Release or suspend the Universal W
changed, because the status of Replicator volume.
the specified Universal
Replicator volume is in PAIR or
in COPY.

09605 058422 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09605 058423 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09605 058424 The specified logical volume is Restore the blockade status of the E
blocked. logical volume.

09605 058429 The protection period is set to Make the setting to another logical W
this logical volume. volume.

11-10 Message (part code group 09nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09605 058434 This logical volume is busy. Wait for a while, then retry the W

09605 058435 This logical volume is busy. Verify the logical volume, and then retry W
the operation.

09605 058436 The access attribute of the See the Data Retention Utility window W
logical volume has already been and check the following about the
changed. logical volume you have selected.
• The access attribute must be Read/
• The logical volume must be able to
be specified as an S-VOL
• You must be able to set a path to
the logical volume using the
Command Control Interface or
Storage Navigator
• No mode is set using the Command
Control Interface

09605 058438 This logical volume is configured Verify the logical volume, and then retry W
as a command device. the operation.

09605 058442 The emulation type of the logical Select a logical volume whose W
volume is not OPEN-V. emulation type is OPEN-V.

09605 058448 The specified logical volume is Retry the operation after the logical W
blocked, or the LDEV is being volume has recovered from the blocked
formatted or shredded. status or after the LDEV has been
formatted or shredded.

09605 058450 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09605 075015 The specified LDEV belongs to a Log out, and then log back in with W
resource group that you do not access to the resource group containing
have permission to access. the specified LDEV.

09605 076514 The setting operation cannot be Verify the available LDEVs. W
done because all LDEVs
allocated to the resource group
have no access right for the
resource group.

09605 085002 The access attribute of Data Verify the settings. W

Retention Utility cannot be set
because the specified volume is
a quorum disk.

Message (part code group 09nnn) 11-11

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 09610
Table 11-7 Error codes (part code 09610)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

09610 007060 An error occurred during SVP If the problem persists despite retrying, E
processing. please call the Support Center.

09610 007442 There is an invalid value in the If the problem persists despite retrying, W
Volume Retention Manager please call the Support Center.

09610 008112 There is no valid volume. Mount volumes, then retry the W

09610 009107 The value that is under setup is To continue processing, click [OK]. To W
not reflected yet. Do you want stop processing, click [Cancel].
to continue the operation?

09610 009362 Do you want to change the To change the mode, click [OK]. i
expiration lock mode? Otherwise, click [Cancel].

09610 009363 The specified retention term Correct the retention term, then retry W
exceeds the maximum. the operation.

11-12 Message (part code group 09nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 10nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 10021 to 10126.

□ Part code 10021

□ Part code 10022

□ Part code 10121

□ Part code 10122

□ Part code 10126

Message (part code group 10nnn) 12-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 10021
Table 12-1 Error codes (part code 10021)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

10021 209018 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click i
transfer the Audit Log to the [Cancel].
Primary Server based on the
applied information?

10021 209019 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click i
transfer the Audit Log to the [Cancel].
Secondary Server based on the
applied information?

Part code 10022

Table 12-2 Error codes (part code 10022)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

10022 205041 The Primary Server and the Set a different IP Address, User Name W
Secondary Server have the or Output Folder.
same settings.

10022 205048 The form of the User Name is Check the settings. W

10022 205049 The form of the Password is Check the settings. W


10022 205050 The form of the Output Folder is Check the settings. W

Part code 10121

Table 12-3 Error codes (part code 10121)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

10121 109208 It is restored by the encryption To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
key of the specified file. [Cancel].
Are you sure you want to
overwrite the encryption key

10121 109210 Creating encryption keys should To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
be limited to 30 in case of [Cancel].
necessity for updating those

12-2 Message (part code group 10nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

10121 209021 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
initialize the encryption settings? [Cancel].

Part code 10122

Table 12-4 Error codes (part code 10122)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

10122 105194 An error occurred while Retry the operation. If this problem E
formatting. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

10122 105195 An error occurred while Retry the operation. If this problem E
preparing the quick format. persists, contact the Hitachi Data
Systems Support Center.

10122 105196 The specified encryption key Release the selected encryption key W
cannot be deleted because it is that is not created.
not created.

10122 105197 The specified encryption key Select a different encryption key that is W
cannot be deleted because it is not used.
already used.

10122 105204 The operation cannot be Install the program product, or log out W
performed because the program and then log back in with permission to
product is not installed or you edit.
do not have permission to edit.

10122 105235 There is no parity group Verify the settings. W

available for making or releasing
encryption settings.

10122 105237 Format Type is not selected. Verify the settings. W

10122 105239 The encryption settings have not Verify the settings. W

10122 105240 The selected parity group is not Verify the settings. W

10122 105276 The encryption cannot be set for Verify the settings. W
the specified parity group
because it is for an external

10122 105461 Completed successfully. Continue the operation. i

10122 105462 The key management server is Set up the key management server. W
not set.

10122 105463 Invalid port number. Verify the settings. W

10122 105464 Invalid time-out value. Verify the settings. W

Message (part code group 10nnn) 12-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

10122 105465 Invalid retry interval. Verify the settings. W

10122 105466 The number of retries is invalid. Verify the settings. W

10122 105467 The password cannot be Verify the settings. W


10122 105470 The key management server is Enable the key management server. W

10122 105471 There are no encryption keys Verify the configuration of the W
already created. encryption keys.

10122 105480 The total of the entered values Set each value so as to have the total W
exceeds the maximum. to be within the maximum.

10122 105481 The value in the Total column Verify the Total column in the password W
was updated because the total policy table.
of the respective minimum
number of characters below
exceeded the value in the Total
• Numeric Characters (0-9)
• Uppercase Characters (A-Z)
• Lowercase Characters (a-z)
• Symbols

10122 105482 You have not agreed to the Read the notice for the key generation W
notice for the key generation protection, and then check the "I agree"
protection. check box if you agree.

10122 105490 The setting of the key Perform Rekey Key Encryption Key after W
management server is changed. the task is complete.

10122 105491 The key encryption key cannot Initialize the settings on the Edit E
be registered. Encryption Environmental Settings
window, and then apply the setting

10122 105493 The operation cannot be Edit the policies on the Edit Encryption W
performed because the Environmental Settings window.
encryption environmental
settings are initialized.

10122 105494 The specified encryption key Release the selected encryption key W
cannot be deleted because it is that is being used.
being used.

10122 105495 The encryption setting cannot be Create encryption keys. W

performed because there are not
enough encryption keys
available for the setting.

10122 105496 There are no certificate Verify the configuration of the W

encryption keys. encryption keys.

10122 105497 An encryption key is not created Create an encryption key on the key W
on the key management server. management server.

12-4 Message (part code group 10nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

10122 105498 A key encryption key is not Create a key encryption key on the key W
created on the key management management server.

10122 105499 A key encryption key cannot be Reacquire a key encryption key, and W
acquired from the key then contact the Hitachi Data Systems
management server. Support Center.

10122 105500 Reacquisition of a key Acquisition of a key encryption key is W

encryption key is unnecessary. unnecessary because it is complete

10122 105501 The edit encryption Verify the settings. W

environmental settings cannot
be initialized because there is a
parity group being encrypted.

10122 105502 The backup information of the Verify the backup information on the W
encryption key does not exist on key management server.
the key management server.

10122 105503 The backup information of the Verify the backup information on the W
encryption key does not exist on key management server.
the key management server.

10122 105504 No more encryption keys can be Verify the settings. W


10122 106081 The re-entered password does Verify the settings. W

not match the one entered

10122 106082 The operation cannot be Close the window, and then verify the W
performed because a task is in task status.
any one of the following
• In progress
• Waiting
• Suspended

10122 106083 A time-out error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

10122 106084 The size of the specified file is Verify the specified file. W
too large.

10122 106088 All LDEVs in a parity group on Block all of the LDEVs in the parity W
which encryption is enabled are group on which encryption is enabled,
not blocked. and then retry the operation.

10122 107001 An internal logic error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

10122 107002 An internal logic error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

10122 109029 Be sure to back up after the task Click [OK]. W

is complete.

Message (part code group 10nnn) 12-5

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 10126
Table 12-5 Error codes (part code 10126)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

10126 105001 The upper limit of encryption Delete the unnecessary encryption E
key backup is 256. keys, and then retry the operation.

10126 105002 The client certificate file or the Verify if the client certificate file and its E
password of client certificate file password are correct or not.
is invalid.

10126 105003 The root certificate file is invalid. Verify if the root certificate file is correct E
or not.

10126 105004 A message is returned from the The following message is returned from E
server. the server.
Result Status : xxx
Result Reason : xxx
Result Message : xxx
For the details of this message, contact
the administrator of key management
server, or see the key management
server manuals.

10126 105005 Failed to communicate with the Verify the following. E

key management server. • If the key management server is
• If the SVP server can communicate
with the key management server.
• If the host name and the port of
the key management server is
• If the client certificate file and the
password of the client certificate file
are correct.
• If the root certificate is correct.

10126 105006 Failed to communicate with the Verify the following. E

key management server. • If the key management server is
• If the SVP server can communicate
with the key management server.
• If the host name and the port of
the key management server is
• If the client certificate file and the
password of the client certificate file
are correct.
• If the root certificate is correct.

10126 105007 The specified encryption key The specified encryption key cannot be E
information is damaged. used. Specify another backed up
encryption key.

12-6 Message (part code group 10nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

10126 105008 The key wrapping key The specified encryption key cannot be E
information of the specified used. Specify another backed up
encryption key is damaged. encryption key.

10126 105009 The specified encryption key Verify the specified encryption key. E
was not found in the key
management server.

10126 105010 Failed to delete the specified The following message is returned from E
encryption key from the key the server.
management server. Result Status : xxx
Result Reason : xxx
Result Message : xxx
For the details of the message, contact
the administrator of key management
server, or see the key management
server manuals.
If two or more keys are to be deleted,
the message returned from the server
may include the information related to
another encryption key deletion.

10126 105011 The deletion operation of the The following message is returned from E
encryption key stopped because the server.
the key wrapping key of the Result Status : xxx
specified encryption key cannot
be deleted from the key Result Reason : xxx
management server. Result Message : xxx
For the details of the message, contact
the administrator of key management
server, or see the key management
server manuals.
If two or more keys are to be deleted,
the message returned from the server
may include the information related to
another encryption key deletion.

10126 105012 Failed to delete the specified The following message is returned from E
encryption key from the key the server.
management server. Result Status : xxx
Result Reason : xxx
Result Message : xxx
For the details of this message, contact
the administrator of key management
server, or see the key management
server manuals.

10126 105013 Failed to delete the key The following message is returned from E
wrapping key of the specified the server.
encryption key from the key Result Status : xxx
management server.
Result Reason : xxx
Result Message : xxx

Message (part code group 10nnn) 12-7

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
For the details of this message, contact
the administrator of key management
server, or see the key management
server manuals.

10126 105014 Deleting the specified encryption Verify the list of keys that are backed E
key has been executed, but the up in the key management server.
processing result could not be

10126 105015 The deletion operation of the Verify the list of keys that are backed E
encryption key stopped because up in the key management server.
the processing result could not
be obtained when deleting the
key wrapping key of the
specified encryption key from
the key management server.

10126 105016 The "Setup Key Management Configure the "Setup Key Management E
Server" is not configured. Server".

10126 105017 The "Setup Key Management Configure the "Setup Key Management E
Server" is not configured. Server".

10126 105018 The "Setup Key Management Configure the "Setup Key Management E
Server" is not configured. Server".

10126 105019 The "Setup Key Management Configure the "Setup Key Management E
Server" is not configured. Server".

10126 105020 The "Key Management Server" Enable the "Key Management Server". E
is disabled.

10126 105021 A time-out error occurred during Increase the value of Timeout on the E
communication with the key Edit Encryption Environmental Settings
management server. window, and then retry the operation. If
this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

10126 107001 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the problem E
due to an internal logic persists, close the dialog window, click
contradiction. [Refresh], and then retry the operation.
If this problem still persists, call the
Support Center.

10126 107002 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the problem E
due to an internal logic persists, close the dialog window, click
contradiction. [Refresh], and then retry the operation.
If this problem still persists, call the
Support Center.

10126 107003 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the problem E
due to an internal logic persists, close the dialog window, click
contradiction. [Refresh], and then retry the operation.
If this problem still persists, call the
Support Center.

10126 107004 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the problem E
due to an internal logic persists, close the dialog window, click
contradiction. [Refresh], and then retry the operation.

12-8 Message (part code group 10nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
If this problem still persists, call the
Support Center.

Message (part code group 10nnn) 12-9

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
12-10 Message (part code group 10nnn)
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 20nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 20020 to 20922.

□ Part code 20020

□ Part code 20121

□ Part code 20122

□ Part code 20123

□ Part code 20222

□ Part code 20305

□ Part code 20321

□ Part code 20322

□ Part code 20422

□ Part code 20520

□ Part code 20522

□ Part code 20525

□ Part code 20624

□ Part code 20705

□ Part code 20721

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
□ Part code 20722

□ Part code 20825

□ Part code 20921

□ Part code 20922

13-2 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 20020
Table 13-1 Error codes (part code 20020)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20020 107000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107001 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107002 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107003 Decryption failed. Check if the decryption parameter is E


20020 107004 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107005 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107006 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107007 Decryption failed. Check if the decryption parameter is E


20020 107008 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107009 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107010 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107011 The parameter is invalid. Specify a correct value. E

20020 107012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107013 Failed to get an IP address. Check the connection environment. E

20020 107014 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107015 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107016 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107017 A file or a directory of the Check the environment of file or E

specified path does not exist, or directory of the specified path.
the access is rejected.

20020 107018 A file or a directory of the Check the environment of file or E

specified path does not exist, or directory of the specified path.
the access is rejected.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20020 107019 A file or a directory of the Check the environment of file or E

specified path does not exist, or directory of the specified path.
the access is rejected.

20020 107020 A file or a directory of the Check the environment of file or E

specified path does not exist, or directory of the specified path.
the access is rejected.

20020 107021 A file or a directory of the Check the environment of file or E

specified path does not exist, or directory of the specified path.
the access is rejected.

20020 107022 The same path is specified in the Set a different path. E
output source and the output

20020 107023 A file or a directory of the Check the environment of file or E

specified path does not exist, or directory of the specified path.
the access is rejected.

20020 107024 A file or a directory of the Check the environment of file or E

specified path does not exist, or directory of the specified path.
the access is rejected.

20020 107025 A file or a directory of the Check the environment of file or E

specified path does not exist, or directory of the specified path.
the access is rejected.

20020 107026 A file or a directory of the Check the environment of file or E

specified path does not exist, or directory of the specified path.
the access is rejected.

20020 107027 A file or a directory of the Check the environment of file or E

specified path does not exist, or directory of the specified path.
the access is rejected.

20020 107028 A file or a directory of the Check the environment of file or E

specified path does not exist, or directory of the specified path.
the access is rejected.

20020 107029 A file or a directory of the Check the environment of file or E

specified path does not exist, or directory of the specified path.
the access is rejected.

20020 107030 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107031 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107032 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107033 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107034 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107035 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

13-4 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20020 107036 The capacity of a memory is Wait for a while, then retry the W
insufficient to login. operation.

20020 107037 The number of sessions per IP Log out the unnecessary sessions, then W
address exceeds the maximum. retry the operation.

20020 107038 The number of sessions per Log out the unnecessary sessions, then W
Tomcat session exceeds the retry the operation.

20020 107039 The number of sessions in the Log out the unnecessary sessions, then W
entire system exceeds the retry the operation.

20020 107040 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107041 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107042 Failed to start the session due to Confirm whether you are authorized. E
no user authority.

20020 107043 Failed to save the specific Check the environment. E

information of user.

20020 107044 Failed to save the specific Check the environment. E

information of user.

20020 107045 Failed to save the specific Check the environment. E

information of user.

20020 107046 A network error occurred. The Take the following actions: E
causes might be one of the • Verify the IP address. If the IP
following. address is correct, close the
• The SVP was not ready. browser and log on again.
• An error occurred in the • The version of Storage Navigator
SVP. might not match the version of the
• A timeout error occurred destination SVP. Clear the cache of
while communicating with JRE and the browser, restart the
the SVP. browser, and then retry the
• If you use a proxy server, check
with your network administrator
about the cache of the proxy
server. Storage Navigator runs a
program after downloading it via
the network, so if an old version of
a program remains in the cache of
the proxy server, it might be
downloaded and run instead of the
new version. If this problem
persists, contact your network
If this problem still persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-5

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20020 107047 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107048 The capacity of a memory is If this problem persists, please call the W
insufficient to handle requests. Support Center.

20020 107049 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107050 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20020 107051 Failed to login. Specify a correct value. W

20020 107052 Failed to convert an XML file. Check if the specified XML file is valid. E

20020 107053 The parameter is specified Specify a correct value. E


20020 107054 The parameter is specified Specify a correct value. E


20020 107055 The number of onetime keys has Wait for a while, then retry the E
exceeded the maximum. operation.

20020 107056 The specified onetime key Retry the operation. E

already exists.

20020 107057 The certificate does not exist. Check the environment. E

20020 107058 Failed to create a certificate Check the environment. E


20020 107059 The key store file does not exist. Check the environment. E

20020 107060 Failed to get a certificate. Check the environment. E

20020 107061 Failed to access the key store Check the environment. E

20020 107062 Failed to initialize the key store Check the environment. E

20020 107063 Failed to access the key store Check the environment. E

20020 107064 Failed to get a certificate. Check the environment. E

20020 107065 The key store file does not exist. Check the environment. E

20020 107066 Failed to read the key store file. Check the environment. E

20020 107067 The specified alias does not Check the environment. E

20020 107068 The key store file does not exist. Check the environment. E

20020 107069 The specified alias does not Check the environment. E

20020 107070 Failed to read the key store file. Check the environment. E

20020 107071 Failed to get a certificate. Check the environment. E

13-6 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20020 107072 The key store file does not exist. Check the environment. E

20020 107073 The specified alias does not Check the environment. E

20020 107074 Failed to access the key store Check the environment. E

20020 107075 Failed to delete a certificate. Check the environment. E

20020 107076 Failed to read a key store Check the environment. E


20020 107077 Failed to read a key store Check the environment. E


20020 107078 Failed to read a key store Check the environment. E


20020 107079 Failed to read a key store Check the environment. E


20020 107080 Failed to read a key store Check the environment. E


20020 107081 Failed to store a key store Check the environment. E


20020 107082 Failed to store a key store Check the environment. E


20020 107083 Failed to store a key store Check the environment. E


20020 107084 Failed to store a key store Check the environment. E


20020 107085 Failed to store a key store Check the environment. E


20020 107086 Failed to authenticate the Check the environment. E

onetime key.

20020 107087 Failed to authenticate the Check the environment. E

onetime key.

20020 107088 Failed to authenticate the Check the environment. E

onetime key.

20020 107089 Failed to authenticate the Check the environment. E

onetime key.

20020 107090 Failed to authenticate the Check the environment. E

onetime key.

20020 107091 Failed to authenticate the Check the environment. E

onetime key.

20020 107092 Failed to authenticate the Check the environment. E

onetime key.

20020 107093 Failed to register a onetime key. Check the environment. E

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-7

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20020 107094 The number of onetime keys has Wait for a while, then retry the E
exceeded the maximum. operation.

20020 107095 Failed to authenticate the user Check the environment. E


20020 107096 The specified group ID does not Check the environment. E

20020 107097 Failed to store the user Check the environment. E


20020 107098 The user information of the Check the environment. E

specified onetime key does not

20020 107099 Failed to get the user Check the environment. E

information from the specified
onetime key.

20020 107100 The user information of the Check the environment. E

specified global session ID does
not exist.

20020 107101 Failed to get the user Check the environment. E

information from the specified
global session ID.

20020 107102 The user session was Log in again. E


20020 108000 The application failed to start, or If the problem persists despite retrying, E
it was terminated forcibly. please call the Support Center.

Part code 20121

Table 13-2 Error codes (part code 20121)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20121 105001 No table rows are selected. Select one or more table rows. W

20121 105002 Two or more table rows are Select one table row. W

20121 105003 No table row, or two or more Select one table row. W
table rows are selected.

20121 105004 Other than the numeric value is Input the numeric value. W

20121 105005 Become the object of the To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click i
automatic deletion. [Cancel].

13-8 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20121 105006 Please specify two digits or four Check the settings, then retry the E
digits for a value specified for operation.
the data pattern.

20121 105007 No table row is selected. Select one table row. W

20121 106001 There is an error in the input Check the content of the error tool tip, E
content. correct the error, then retry the

20121 107021 An internal logic error occurred. Try again. If this problem persists, call E
the Support Center.

20121 107022 An error occurred during SVP Try again. If this problem persists, call E
processing. the Support Center.

20121 107023 An internal logic error occurred. Try again. If this problem persists, call E
the Support Center.

20121 107024 A communication error has Log in again. If this problem persists, E
occurred. contact the administrator who manages
the network in use. If this problem
persists even there is no problem found
in the network, please call the Support

20121 107025 The user session was Log in again. E


20121 107026 An internal logic error occurred. If the same problem persists despite E
retrying, please call the Support Center.

20121 107027 The window cannot be opened. Wait for a while, and then retry the E
If this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

20121 107090 An internal logic error occurred. If the same problem persists despite E
retrying, please call the Support Center.

20121 107091 An I/O error occurred during If the same problem persists despite E
downloading. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20121 107092 A security error occurred during If the same problem persists despite E
downloading. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20121 107093 An internal logic error occurred. If the same problem persists despite E
retrying, please call the Support Center.

20121 107094 An I/O error occurred during If the same problem persists despite E
uploading. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20121 107095 A security error occurred during If the same problem persists despite E
uploading. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20121 107096 A time-out error occurred on the If this problem persists, use the [x] E
Flash Player. button of Web browser or hold down
[Alt] key and press [F4] key to once
terminate the Storage Navigator main

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-9

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
If this problem occurs even after
restarting the Storage Navigator, call
the Support Center.

20121 107097 No response from the Flash Try again. If this problem persists, call E
Player. the Support Center.

20121 107098 No response from the Flash Try again. If this problem persists, call E
Player. the Support Center.

20121 107099 The Flash Player memory is not Wait for a while, and then retry the E
enough. operation.

20121 109001 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
remove the selected row(s)? [Cancel].

20121 109002 Do you want to cancel? To cancel, click [OK]. W

20121 109003 The settings that have been To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
done in the following windows [Cancel].
will be discarded or cancelled.
Are you sure you want to

20121 109004 Do you want to log out? To log out, click [OK]. Otherwise, click i

20121 109005 Do you want to apply? To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W

20121 109007 Storage system operations may To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
be affected significantly if you [Cancel].
forcibly unlock the locks. Before
unlocking the locks, contact the
administrators for the storage
system and confirm that the
locks can be forcibly
unlocked.Are you sure you want
to unlock the locks forcibly?

20121 109096 This download process cannot Click [OK] to continue the download i
be canceled. process.

20121 209020 Do you want to close this To close the window, click [OK]. i

20121 209022 The changes to the selected tab To continue, click [OK]. i
will be discarded. Do you want
to continue this operation?

13-10 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 20122
Table 13-3 Error codes (part code 20122)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20122 105054 The task cannot be changed to If the problem persists despite retrying, W
the specified status. please call the Support Center.

20122 105055 The number of registered tasks Wait for a while, then retry the W
has reached the maximum. operation. If the problem still persists,
close the window, and reduce the
unexecuted tasks in the task window,
then retry the operation.

20122 105056 The task execution is inhibited. The task cannot be executed, because W
the system is being stopped. If this
message appears even the system is in
operation, please call the Support

20122 105059 The task cannot be deleted. The status of the task might be W
changed. Close the window, then check
the task status.

20122 105061 The task cannot be suspended. The status of the task might be W
changed. Close the window, then check
the task status.

20122 105063 The task cannot be restarted. The status of the task might be W
changed. Close the window, then check
the task status.

20122 105065 The task cannot be aborted. The status of the task might be W
changed. Close the window, then check
the task status.

20122 105066 This task cannot be aborted. Check the settings. W

20122 105068 The auto delete has already Check the settings. W
been set to disable.

20122 105069 The auto delete has already Check the settings. W
been set to enable.

20122 105278 This operation has a possibility To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
to cause conflict of setting items [Cancel].
with the task of "In progress" or
"Not run". Note the conflict of
set items.
Do you want to continue?

20122 105369 IP address is not input in the Input in the form of IPv4. W
form of IPv4.

20122 105370 IP address is not input in the Input in the form of IPv6. W
form of IPv6.

20122 105477 The entered password is outside Set a password within the range shown W
the setting range. on the password window.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-11

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20122 105478 The entered password does not Set a password according to the W
meet the password policy. password policy shown on the password

20122 105479 Writing into the password policy Retry the operation. W
file cannot be performed.

20122 105489 The entered task name is Enter the task name within 32 W
invalid. characters using alphanumeric
characters and symbols (excluding
\ / : , ; * ? "< > |).

20122 106004 An unexpected error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20122 106039 An error occurred. Check the details of the error from the E
following error code list.

20122 106056 An error occurred. Check the details of the error from the E
following error code list.

20122 106057 An error occurred. Check the details of the error from the E
following error code list.

20122 106058 An error occurred. Check the details of the error from the E
following error code list.

20122 106059 An error occurred. Check the details of the error from the E
following error code list.

20122 106060 An error occurred. Check the details of the error from the E
following error code list.

20122 106061 An error occurred. Check the details of the error from the E
following error code list.

20122 106072 The tree node cannot be Collapse other tree nodes, then retry W
expanded any further. the operation.

20122 106073 Only a host registered in a To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
group is allowed to access a LUN [Cancel].
that is defined in the target
group. A host that is not
registered in any group is not
allowed to access any LUN. Do
you want to continue this

20122 106074 All the hosts connected to the To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
target ports are only allowed to [Cancel].
access a LUN that is defined in
the group #00. This will lead the
possibility that LUNs, which are
defined in the group other than
#00 being used at present,
cannot be recognized, then the
file system might be destroyed.
Do you want to continue this

13-12 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20122 106075 The configuration does not Turn the security switch on. W
become effective until the
security switch is turned on.

20122 106079 The specified item could not be Click [OK] and verify the current W
displayed because the configuration displayed in the list.
configuration had been changed.

20122 106089 Are you sure to execute "Shred If you do not want to continue, click W
LDEVs" ? This task execution [Cancel] and go back to Delete LUN
deletes all of the target LDEV Paths window, then click [Finish] to
data and the data cannot be complete.

20122 107019 An internal logic error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

20122 108029 Storage Navigator cannot be Verify the state of the installed licenses W
used because there is no license on the License Keys window. To use
of HDvM/Storage Navigator. Storage Navigator, set the license of
HDvM/Storage Navigator to the installed

20122 108030 There is a license that xxx Check the expiration date of the W
day(s) remain to end. program product on the license key
window. Purchase a new license if you
want to continue to use the program

20122 108031 There is a license that xxx Check the expiration date or the license W
day(s) remain to end, or a capacity of the program products on the
license whose capacity is license key window. Purchase new
insufficient. licenses if you want to continue to use
those program products.

20122 108032 Storage Navigator cannot be To use Storage Navigator, login again W
used because there is no with the user who has the reference
reference authority of Storage authority of Storage Navigator.

20122 108033 A time-out error occurred. Refresh the window, then retry the E
If the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

20122 109001 The processing is terminated Click [OK], then continue the operation. i

20122 109002 The processing is not executed. Click [OK], then continue the operation. W

20122 109003 The number of tasks with auto Open the task window, then set the W
delete disabled has reached the auto delete to disable for tasks in the
maximum. Therefore, the following status, which can be deleted
execution of the tasks are without any problem.
inhibited at present. • Completed status
• Failed status

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-13

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20122 109015 The task could not complete Check whether the setting has been W
execution. because the Storage enabled, then make the setting again.
Navigator stopped.

20122 109022 Storage system operations may To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
be affected significantly if you [Cancel].
forcibly unlock the locks. Before
unlocking the locks, contact the
administrators for the storage
system and confirm that the
locks can be forcibly
unlocked.Are you sure you want
to unlock the locks forcibly?

20122 109025 This operation resets your view To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
settings such as table columns [Cancel].
and filter conditions that you
customized. Are you sure you
want to execute "Reset View

20122 205072 There are no resources Verify the configuration, and then retry E
necessary to perform the the operation.
specified operation.

20122 205073 You do not have permission to Log on with permission to perform the E
perform the specified operation. operation, and then retry.

20122 205074 The program products necessary Install the necessary program products. E
to perform the specified
operation are not installed.

20122 207005 In the process of re-registering The configuration information has E

tasks in queue due to Storage changed. Verify the configuration
Navigator restart, a task could information, and then retry the setting
not be registered because an operation.
operation target in the task is
included in an already registered

20122 208001 In the process of re-registering Retry the setting operation. E

tasks in queue due to Storage
Navigator restart, a task could
not be registered because the
SVP microcode version is

13-14 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 20123
Table 13-4 Error codes (part code 20123)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20123 107000 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20123 107001 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20123 107002 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20123 107003 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20123 107004 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20123 107005 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20123 107006 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20123 107007 Refresh is being processed. Wait until the present processing is W
complete, and then retry the operation.

20123 107008 An error occurred while Wait for a while, and then retry the E
refreshing. operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

20123 107009 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, E
refreshing. please call the Support Center.

20123 107010 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, E
refreshing. please call the Support Center.

20123 107011 Failed to get the RMI Lock. Do the following. W

• This operation cannot be done
while another user is changing the
configuration. Wait for a while, and
then retry the operation.
• This operation cannot be done
while a task is in progress. Wait for
a while, and then retry the
operation. If there is a task in
waiting status, suspend it by
executing [Suspend Tasks] before
executing any new tasks.

20123 107012 Failed to release the RMI Lock. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20123 107013 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, E
refreshing. please call the Support Center.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-15

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20123 107014 An error occurred while If the problem persists despite retrying, E
refreshing. please call the Support Center.

20123 107015 A network error occurred. It is Log in again. If this problem persists, E
not possible to connect with the contact the administrator who manages
SVP due to one of the following the network in use. If this problem
reasons. persists even there is no problem found
• The SVP was not ready. in the network, please call the Support
• An error occurred in the
• A timeout error occurred
while communicating with
the SVP.

20123 107016 A network error occurred. It is Verify the IP address. If the IP address E
not possible to connect with the is correct, close the browser (also close
SVP due to one of the following the storage list browser), and then log
reasons. on again.
• The SVP was not ready.
• An error occurred in the

20123 107017 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20123 107018 A network error occurred. It is Log in again. E

not possible to connect with the
SVP because a timeout error
occurred while communicating
with the SVP.

20123 107019 Failed to restore the user If this problem persists, please call the E
account list file. Support Center.

20123 107020 An unsupported version of JRE is Install a supported version of JRE, and W
used. then retry the operation.

20123 107021 An internal logic error occurred. Refresh the window, and then retry the E
operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

20123 107022 An internal logic error occurred. Refresh the window, and then retry the E
operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

20123 107023 An internal logic error occurred. Click [Refresh All] on the [File] menu, E
and then retry the operation. If this
problem persists, contact the Hitachi
Data Systems Support Center.

20123 107024 The content of a task conflicts Wait for the tasks in process to finish, E
with a task already in process. verify the configuration, and then retry
the operation.

13-16 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20123 107025 The operation failed, because Wait for a while, then retry the W
the configuration information operation.
was being changed.

20123 107026 The operation failed because the Wait, then retry the refreshing W
storage system performed operation.
refreshing internally.

20123 107027 The refreshing operation was Wait, then retry the refreshing W
not completed because the operation.
configuration was changing.

20123 107028 A network error occurred. The Take the following actions: E
causes might be one of the • Verify the IP address. If the IP
following. address is correct, close the
• The SVP was not ready. browser and log on again.
• An error occurred in the • The version of Storage Navigator
SVP. might not match the version of the
• A timeout error occurred destination SVP. Clear the cache of
while communicating with JRE and the browser, restart the
the SVP. browser, and then retry the
• If you use a proxy server, check
with your network administrator
about the cache of the proxy
server. Storage Navigator runs a
program after downloading it via
the network, so if an old version of
a program remains in the cache of
the proxy server, it might be
downloaded and run instead of the
new version. If this problem
persists, contact your network
If this problem still persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

20123 108000 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20123 108001 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20123 108002 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20123 108003 An internal logic error occurred. If the problem persists despite retrying, E
please call the Support Center.

20123 108004 An error occurred in the disk Click [Refresh All] on the [File] menu, E
storage system. The then retry the operation. If the same
configuration may be problem persists despite retrying,
inconsistent. please call the Support Center.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-17

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 20222
Table 13-5 Error codes (part code 20222)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20222 105004 The task for the operation is not Select one or more table rows. W

20222 105005 A task which is not in the state Select another task which is in the state W
of suspend is in the specified of suspend. Or, check that you have the
task. Or, you have not a permission to operate, then retry the
permission to operate the task operation.

20222 105006 A task which is not in the state Select another task which is in the state W
of waiting is in the specified of waiting. Or, check that you have the
task. Or, you have not a permission to operate, then retry the
permission to operate the task operation.

20222 105007 A task which is being executed Select another task which is in the state W
is in the specified task. Or, you of executing. Or, check that you have
have not permission to operate the permission to operate, then retry
the task operations. the operation.

20222 105008 Failed to execute the task Check that you have the permission to W
operation. operate, then retry the operation. If the
same problem persists despite retrying,
please call the Support Center.

20222 105206 Failed to restore the If this problem persists, please call the E
confirmation data. Support Center.

20222 105306 You do not have permission to Log out, and then log back in with W
view the detailed information for access to perform the specified task or
the specified task. with Storage Administrator (System
Resource Management) access.

20222 105307 You do not have permission to Log out, and then log back in with W
view the status of the specified access to perform the specified task or
task. with Storage Administrator (System
Resource Management) access.

20222 106040 Detailed information cannot be If the same problem persists despite W
displayed due to status retrying, please call the Support Center.

20222 109004 The task (xxx) is not performed. - i

20222 109005 The task (xxx) is in progress. - i

20222 109006 The task (xxx) is complete. - i

20222 109007 An error occurred during the - E

task (xxx) processing.

20222 109008 An error occurred during the - E

task (xxx) processing.
Verify the details of the error
with the error code in the
following list.

13-18 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20222 109009 The task (xxx) is aborted. - i

20222 109010 The task (xxx) is suspended. - i

20222 109011 An error occurred during the - E

task (xxx) processing. Due to
the error, some settings cannot
be applied because the internal
processing has been interrupted.
Verify all configuration settings
of the task, including ones
applied normally, and then retry
the operation.

20222 109017 The task (xxx) to request a start - i

of processing is complete.

20222 109021 Check the error details with the - W

error code from the following

Part code 20305

Table 13-6 Error codes (part code 20305)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20305 005013 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20305 005099 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20305 006011 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20305 006012 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20305 006023 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20305 006036 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20305 007060 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20305 007310 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20305 008000 An error occurred during SVP If the same problem persists despite E
processing. retrying, please call the Support Center.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-19

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20305 008001 A communication time-out error If the same problem persists despite E
occurred. retrying, please call the Support Center.

20305 008100 An error occurred while If the same problem persists despite E
connecting to the storage retrying, please call the Support Center.

20305 076500 The specified MP Blade is not Verify the configuration, and then W
mounted. specify a mounted MP Blade.

20305 076501 The specified MP Blade is Recover the blocked MP Blade, and then W
blocked. retry the operation.

20305 078000 The specified MP Blade is not Verify the configuration, and then W
mounted. specify a mounted MP Blade.

20305 078001 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

20305 078002 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, contact the E
processing. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

Part code 20321

Table 13-7 Error codes (part code 20321)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20321 209023 When high temperature mode is To continue, click [OK]. W

enabled, the battery
replacement notice displays one
year earlier than when high
temperature mode is disabled.
After high temperature mode is
enabled, the date of the battery
replacement notice cannot be
changed back to normal.
If flash module drives (FMD) are
mounted on the storage system
and are used in high
temperature mode, the life of
the battery on the FMDs will be
reduced by up to 1.5 years.
Do you want to continue the

13-20 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 20322
Table 13-8 Error codes (part code 20322)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20322 107001 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

20322 107002 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists,
contradiction. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

20322 107003 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists,
contradiction. contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

20322 107004 The processing cannot continue Close the error dialog and wizard E
due to an internal logic windows, click [Refresh], and then retry
contradiction. the operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

20322 107005 The processing cannot continue Close the error dialog and wizard E
due to an internal logic windows, click [Refresh], and then retry
contradiction. the operation. If this problem persists,
contact the Hitachi Data Systems
Support Center.

20322 206171 The high temperature mode is Change the high temperature mode. W
not changed.

20322 206172 The high temperature mode Install the license of high temperature W
cannot be enabled because the mode.
license of high temperature
mode is not installed.

Part code 20422

Table 13-9 Error codes (part code 20422)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20422 105241 The operation can not be Enable the multi tier pool. Or if you W
performed due to one of the want to use the Dynamic Tiering
following reasons: function, contact the Hitachi Data
• The Dynamic Tiering Systems Support Center.
function is not enabled.
• The shared memory for the
Dynamic Tiering function is
not installed.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-21

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20422 105242 The operation can not be Enable the multi tier pool. Or if you W
performed due to one of the want to use the Dynamic Tiering
following reasons: function, contact the Hitachi Data
• The Dynamic Tiering Systems Support Center.
function is not enabled.
• The shared memory for the
Dynamic Tiering function is
not installed.

20422 105243 There is no pool information. Check the status of the pool. W

20422 105244 There is no V-VOL information. Check the status of the V-VOL. W

20422 105247 There is no pool or V-VOL Check the status of the pool or the V- W
information. VOL.

20422 105486 The operation cannot be Enable the Dynamic Tiering function for W
performed because the Dynamic the specified pool or the pool to which
Tiering function is not enabled. the specified V-VOL belongs.

20422 106076 The specified monitoring period Set the interval between the start and W
cannot be set. finish time to more than one hour, then
retry the operation.

20422 106077 Four or more drive types cannot Check the support configuration of W
be added to the specified pool. pools, then retry the operation.

20422 106080 A volume of different RAID level Check the support configuration of W
cannot be specified in the same pools, then retry the operation.
drive type.

20422 106110 The current monitoring data will To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
be deleted due to one of the [Cancel].
following reasons. Do you want
to continue?
• The tier management is
changed from Auto to
• The monitoring mode is

20422 107001 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

20422 107002 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

13-22 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 20520
Table 13-10 Error codes (part code 20520)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20520 107001 Failed to create a report. Check the environment. E

20520 107002 Failed to create a report. Check the environment. E

20520 107003 Failed to create a report. Check the environment. E

20520 107004 Failed to read the log Check the environment. E


20520 107005 The parameter is specified Specify a correct value. E


20520 107006 Failed to read the preference. Check the environment. E

20520 107007 There is no report to be created. Check the environment. E

20520 107008 There is no input directory. Check the environment. E

20520 107009 The contents of csv file are Check the csv file. E

20520 107010 Failed to create a report. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

20520 107011 Failed to create a report. Check the environment. E

20520 107012 Failed to create a report. Check the environment. E

20520 107013 Failed to create a report. Check the environment. E

20520 107014 Failed to create a report. Check the environment. E

20520 107015 Failed to create a report. Check the environment. E

20520 107016 Failed to create a report. Check the environment. E

20520 107017 Failed to create a report. Check the environment. E

20520 107018 Failed to create a report. Check the environment. E

20520 107019 Failed to create a report. Check the environment. E

20520 107100 Succeeded to create a report Click [OK]. i


20520 107107 Failed to create a report file. Check the environment. W

20520 109001 Succeeded to create a report. Click [OK]. i

20520 109002 Succeeded to create a report Click [OK]. W

except for a few report files.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-23

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 20522
Table 13-11 Error codes (part code 20522)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20522 105268 Failed to delete the report. The specified report has already been W
deleted or is in use. Retry the
If the same problem occurs again, once
switch the dialog window to another, or
click [Refresh], then retry.
If the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

20522 105269 Failed to create a report. If the problem persists despite retrying, W
please call the Support Center.

20522 105282 A report cannot be created any Delete unnecessary reports, then retry W
more because the number of the operation.
reports that can be created has
reached the maximum.

20522 105310 You do not have permission to Log out, and then log back in with W
access the specified report. access to the report or with Storage
Administrator (Initial Configuration)

Part code 20525

Table 13-12 Error codes (part code 20525)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20525 107001 The specified report does not Specify the correct name or ID of the W
exist. report.

20525 107002 You do not have permission to Log off and then log back on with the W
execute the specified command. user who has the required permission,
and then retry the operation.

20525 107003 The specified parameters are Specify the correct parameters. W

20525 107004 An internal logic error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

20525 107005 No more reports can be made. Delete unnecessary reports, and then W
retry the operation.

20525 107006 Failed to get a list of reports. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

20525 107007 The current microcode version Verify the current SVP microcode W
does not support the specified version.

13-24 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20525 107008 The specified function is not Install the necessary program product. W
available because the necessary
program product is not installed.

20525 107009 You do not have permission to Verify the resource groups that are W
perform operations on the allocated to user groups.
specified resources.

20525 107010 An internal logic error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

20525 107011 You do not need to delete the Verify the number of created reports. W
report because the number of
created reports does not reach
the maximum.

20525 107012 There is no created report. Display the list of reports and verify the W
status of the reports.

20525 107013 The specified report name is too Specify the report name within 32 W
long. characters.

20525 107014 The specified report name is Enter the report name within 32 W
invalid. alphanumeric characters and symbols
except the following: \ / : , ; * ? " < > |

20525 107015 There is no downloadable report. Display a list of reports and verify if W
there is any of reports that you created.
When you download a report created by
another user, you need to have
permission to download it.

20525 107016 The specified report cannot be Display a list of reports and verify if the W
downloaded. specified report is the one you created
or not.
When you download a report created by
another user, you need to have
permission to download it.

20525 107017 There is no deletable report. Display a list of reports and verify if W
there is any of reports that you created.
When you delete a report created by
another user, you need to have
permission to delete it.

20525 107018 The specified report cannot be Display a list of reports and verify if the W
deleted. specified report is the one you created
or not.
When you delete a report created by
another user, you need to have
permission to delete it.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-25

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 20624
Table 13-13 Error codes (part code 20624)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20624 107000 Failed to login. Specify a correct value. W

20624 107001 An internal logic error occurred. Verify the PCB type, and then retry the E
operation with the correct parameters.

20624 107002 Failed to access the system Check the Java security policy. E

20624 107003 An internal logic error occurred. If this problem persists, please call the E
Support Center.

20624 107004 An error occurred while Verify the status of the session control E
connecting to the session control server, and then retry.

20624 107005 An internal logic error occurred. Verify the PCB type, and then retry the E
operation with the correct parameters.

Part code 20705

Table 13-14 Error codes (part code 20705)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20705 002015 An error occurred while If the same problem persists despite E
communicating with the storage retrying, please call the Support Center.

20705 005013 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20705 005099 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20705 005827 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20705 005828 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20705 006012 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20705 006022 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20705 006533 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20705 006537 The setting process has not Check the error factor in the others W
been executed because there is settings.

13-26 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
no error in this setting, but an
error in the others settings.

20705 008000 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20705 008102 This function is not supported. Check whether the DKCMAIN microcode W
version and the SVP microcode version
are mismatched.

20705 008966 An error occurred on the DKC If this problem persists, please call the E
side. Support Center.

20705 065740 The configuration changing Check if the configuration changing W

processes are conflicting at DKC. process by the Command Control
Interface, the Volume Migration, or the
Quick Restore is not in operation, and
then retry the operation.

20705 072124 The specified operation type is Specify an operation type that is W
not supported. supported.

20705 075101 An error occurred during SVP If this problem persists, please call the E
processing. Support Center.

20705 076101 The number of requests exceeds Reduce the number of requests, and E
the maximum number that can then retry the operation.
be processed.

20705 076102 An incorrect ResourceGroupID Specify the registered W

was specified. ResourceGroupID, and then retry the

20705 076103 The specified ResourceGroupID Release the duplicated settings, and W
has already been specified. then retry the operation.

20705 076104 The number of characters for Correct the number of characters to be W
resource group name should be within the range.
from 1 to 32.

20705 076105 Invalid characters are used in Delete the characters that cannot be W
the specified resource group used.
name. \/:,;*?"<>| and any
spaces on the beginning and
ending of the name cannot be

20705 076106 The specified resource group Specify another resource group name. W
name is already registered.

20705 076107 The specified number of Reduce the number of resources to be W

resources has reached the upper specified, then retry the operation.

20705 076108 The resource to be migrated is Select a resource, and then retry the W
not specified. operation.

20705 076109 The LDKC, CU, and LDEV are not Verify the settings of the specified W
set within the available range. LDKC, CU, and LDEV.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-27

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20705 076110 The specified resource is already Release the duplicated settings, and W
used. then retry the operation.

20705 076111 The parity group ID is not set Check the setting of the specified parity W
within the available range. group ID.

20705 076112 The specified parity group is not Check the specified parity group ID. W

20705 076113 The specified resource is already Release the duplicated settings, and W
used. then retry the operation.

20705 076114 Invalid port number. Check the setting of the port number. W

20705 076115 The specified resource is already Release the duplicated settings, and W
used. then retry the operation.

20705 076116 The host group ID is not set Check the setting of the specified host W
within the available range. group ID.

20705 076117 The specified resource is already Release the duplicated settings, and W
used. then retry the operation.

20705 076118 The specified LDEVs cannot be Specify all LDEVs if you want to migrate W
migrated because they are a LDEVs that belong to a Pool-VOL.
part of a Pool-VOL.

20705 076121 The specified LDEVs cannot be Specify all LDEVs if you want to migrate W
migrated because they are a LDEVs that belong to a journal group.
part of a journal group.

20705 076122 The specified parity groups Specify all parity groups if you want to W
cannot be migrated because migrate parity groups registered in a
they are registered as a part of RAID Group.
a RAID Group.

20705 076123 Migration of resources that A part of specified resources might be W

belong to different resource migrated. Verify the configuration of the
groups cannot be done. resource group to which the resources
belong, and then retry the operation to
migrate the resources that belong to
one resource group.

20705 076124 The port to which the specified Select a host group belonging to the W
host group belongs cannot be port whose port attribute is Target or
used. RCU Target.

20705 076125 The specified virtual port name Specify a virtual port name that can be W
cannot be used. used in the virtual DKC.

20705 076126 The LUSE value of the specified Check the LUSE setting of the specified W
virtual LDEV is invalid. virtual LDEV.

20705 076127 The specified emulation type Check the setting of the specified W
cannot be used. emulation type.

20705 076128 The specified resource is already Release the duplicated settings, and W
used. then retry the operation.

20705 076129 Different virtual port numbers Select the same virtual port number for W
are specified on the same port. one port.

13-28 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20705 077101 Any of the virtual storage Verify the settings. W

system number, resource group
number, or resource group
name is not valid.

20705 077102 The specified resource group Release the duplicated settings, and W
name has already been then retry the operation.

20705 077103 The specified resource group Refresh the window, and then retry the W
does not exist in the operation. If this problem persists, call
configuration. the Support Center.

20705 077104 A resource group cannot be Release all the resources in the W
deleted because resources are specified resource group, then retry the
included in the specified operation.
resource group.

20705 077106 A resource group is not specified Adjust the number of resource groups W
or the number of resource to be within the range of 1 to 1024, and
groups that can be specified at a then retry the operation.
time exceeds the maximum.

20705 077108 The resources on which LU paths Select resources on which LU paths are W
are set cannot be added to or not set.
removed from the resource
group whose virtual mode is set
to ON.

20705 077109 The specified resource cannot be Select a resource belonging to the W
set because the resource resource group whose virtual mode is
belongs to a resource group set to ON.
whose virtual mode is not set to

20705 077110 The specified virtual fiber Check the setting of the specified virtual W
address is invalid. fibre address.

20705 077111 The channel package of the port Check the setting of the specified port. W
to which the specified host
group belongs is not supported.

20705 077112 Two or more resource groups Set the resource in the same resource W
are specified. group.

20705 077113 The resources on which LU paths Select resources on which LU paths are W
are set cannot be added to or not set.
removed from the resource
group whose virtual mode is set
to ON.

20705 077114 The specified resource is already Release the duplicated settings, and W
used. then retry the operation.

20705 077115 The value of SSID is not set Check the value of the specified SSID. W
within the available range.

20705 077116 The specified Virtual Storage Verify the settings. W

Machine does not exist.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-29

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20705 077117 There is a locked resource in the Unlock the resource, and then retry the W
specified resource group. operation.

20705 077118 The number of Virtual Storage Delete unnecessary Virtual Storage W
Machines exceeds the maximum Machines, and then retry the operation.
that can be registered. If this problem persists, contact the
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

20705 077119 The specified model is not Specify a model that is supported. W

20705 077120 The operation cannot be Specify a different model or serial W

performed because the specified number, and then retry the operation.
combination is already used by a
different Virtual Storage

20705 077121 The operation cannot be Specify LDEV IDs that belong to the W
performed because the specified same virtual storage machine, and then
LDEV IDs include an LDEV ID retry the operation.
that belongs to a different
virtual storage machine.

20705 077122 The device name or the virtual Verify the LDEV ID, set the device name W
LDEV information is not set for or the virtual LDEV information, and
the specified LDEV ID. then retry the operation.

20705 077123 The device name or the virtual Verify the LDEV ID, delete the device W
LDEV information is set for the name or the virtual LDEV information,
specified LDEV ID. and then retry the operation.

20705 077125 The operation cannot be Enable the global storage virtualization W
performed because the global function, and then retry the operation.
storage virtualization function is
not enabled.

20705 077126 The operation cannot be Change the Virtual Storage Machine W
performed because the specified number, and then retry the operation.
LDEV belongs to the Virtual
Storage Machine number 0.

20705 077127 The operation cannot be Change the Virtual Storage Machine W
performed because the specified number, and then retry the operation.
LDEV belongs to other than the
Virtual Storage Machine number

20705 077128 The operation cannot be Specify the same virtual LDEV ID as the W
performed because the LDEV ID LDEV ID, and then retry the operation.
and the virtual LDEV ID do not

20705 077129 The operation cannot be Specify a virtual LDEV ID that is W

performed because the LDEV ID different from the LDEV ID, and then
and the virtual LDEV ID match. retry the operation.

20705 077130 The operation cannot be Specify the same virtual LDEV ID as the W
performed because the LDEV ID LDEV ID, and then retry the operation.
and the virtual LDEV ID do not

13-30 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20705 077131 The operation cannot be Delete the global-active device pair, and W
performed because the specified then retry the operation.
LDEV is used by a global-active
device pair.

20705 077132 The operation cannot be Delete the Volume Migration pair, and W
performed because the specified then retry the operation.
LDEV is used by a Volume
Migration pair.

20705 077133 The operation cannot be Set the attribute to Normal, and then W
performed because the Virtual retry the operation.
Attribute is global-active device

20705 077134 The operation cannot be Set the attribute to Normal, and then W
performed because the Virtual retry the operation.
Attribute is not Normal.

20705 077135 The operation cannot be Wait for a while, and then retry the W
performed because the host I/O operation.
operation is performed for the
specified LDEV ID.

20705 077136 The operation cannot be Verify the settings. W

performed because an LDEV is
assigned to the specified LDEV

20705 077137 Host groups and LDEVs, to Verify the settings. W

which LU paths are set, cannot
be migrated to different Virtual
Storage Machines.

20705 077138 LDEVs, to which device names Verify the settings. W

or virtual LDEV information is
set, cannot be migrated
between resource groups of
different Virtual Storage

20705 077139 The operation cannot be Set the resource lock of Resource Group W
performed because the resource ID 0, and then retry the operation.
lock of Resource Group ID 0 is
not set.

20705 077141 The operation cannot be Verify the settings. W

performed because the specified
LDEV ID is used for a mainframe
volume or an intermediate

20705 077144 This function is not available. Install the necessary program product W
Resource Partition Manager is license key.

20705 077146 No more resource groups can be To delete all resource groups on the W
deleted because no resource virtual storage machine, delete the
virtual storage machine itself.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-31

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
group remains on the virtual
storage machine.

20705 077147 The operation cannot be Delete the TrueCopy pair, and then W
performed because the specified retry the operation.
LDEV is used by a TrueCopy

20705 077148 The operation cannot be Delete the Universal Replicator pair, and W
performed because the specified then retry the operation.
LDEV is used by a Universal
Replicator pair.

20705 077149 The operation cannot be Specify an LDEV ID to which LU paths W

performed because LU paths are are not set.
set to the specified LDEV ID.

20705 077150 The specified virtual LDEV ID is Specify a different virtual LDEV ID, and W
already used. then retry the operation.

20705 077151 The operation cannot be Release the journal volume setting, and W
performed because the specified then retry the operation.
LDEV is used as a journal

20705 077152 The specified serial number or Verify the settings. W

the controller ID is invalid.

20705 077153 Quorum disks are included in Release the quorum disks, then retry W
the items to be maintained. the operation.

20705 077154 The operation cannot be Delete the volume with the specified W
performed because the volume LDEV ID, or specify a different LDEV ID.
with the specified LDEV ID is an
LDEV with the ALU attribute.

20705 077155 The operation cannot be Delete the volume with the specified W
performed because the volume LDEV ID, or specify a different LDEV ID.
with the specified LDEV ID is an
LDEV with the SLU attribute.

Part code 20721

Table 13-15 Error codes (part code 20721)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20721 105001 No table rows are selected. Select one or more table rows. W

20721 105003 No table row, or two or more Select one table row. W
table rows are selected.

20721 105007 No table row is selected. Select one table row. W

20721 109001 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
remove the selected row(s)? [Cancel].

13-32 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 20722
Table 13-16 Error codes (part code 20722)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20722 105283 "meta_resource" cannot be Specify another resource group name. W

specified to the resource group

20722 105284 The specified resource group Specify another resource group name. W
name is already used or

20722 105285 No more resource groups can be Delete unnecessary resource groups, W
created. then retry the operation.

20722 105286 No more resource groups can be Delete unnecessary resource groups, W
created. then retry the operation.

20722 105287 The resource group name has Specify another resource group name. W
not been changed.

20722 105288 There are no resources that can Delete unnecessary resources in other W
be added. resource groups, and then retry the

20722 105289 There are no resources that can Delete unnecessary resources in other W
be added. resource groups, and then retry the

20722 105290 A resource group cannot be Release all the resources in the W
deleted because resources are specified resource group, then retry the
included in the specified operation.
resource group.

20722 105291 meta_resource cannot be Specify another resource group. W


20722 105292 meta_resource cannot be Specify another resource group. W


20722 105293 Resources cannot be added to Specify another resource group. W


20722 105294 Resources cannot be deleted Specify another resource group. W

from meta_resource.

20722 105295 An error occurred during the Perform the resource addition. W
resource addition. Although the
resource group was created, the
resource was not added.

20722 105303 The specified resource group Execute refresh. E

does not exist in the

20722 105311 You cannot delete the resource Release the resource group that has W
group that has been assigned to been assigned to the user group where
a user group. the "All Resource Groups Assigned" is
set to "No", and then retry the

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-33

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20722 105315 You cannot create a resource Release the unregistered resource W
group because an unregistered group that has been assigned to the
resource group has been user group where the "All Resource
assigned to the user group. Groups Assigned" is set to "No", and
then retry the operation.

20722 106039 An error occurred. Check the details of the error from the E
following error code list.

20722 106109 The setting process has not Verify the error factor in another setting W
been executed because there is and then retry the operation.
no error in this setting, but an
error in another setting.

20722 107001 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

20722 107002 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

20722 107003 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

20722 107004 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

20722 107005 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

20722 205059 The selected LDEV cannot be Release the definition of the virtual W
deleted because it belongs to a LDEV ID of the selected LDEV, and then
virtual storage machine other retry the operation.
than that of meta_resource and
a virtual LDEV ID is defined to it.

20722 205061 The selected host group cannot Delete the LUN path setting of the W
be deleted because it belongs to selected host group, and then retry the
a virtual storage machine other operation.
than that of meta_resource and
an LUN path is set to it.

20722 205062 There are no resources that can Delete unnecessary resources in other W
be added. resource groups, or set the resource so
as to be added to a different virtual
storage machine, and then retry the

20722 205063 The selected LDEV cannot be Release the definition of the virtual W
deleted because it belongs to a LDEV ID of the selected LDEV, and then
virtual storage machine other retry the operation.

13-34 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
than that of meta_resource and
a virtual LDEV ID is defined to it.

20722 205064 The selected LDEV cannot be Delete the LUN path setting of the W
deleted because it belongs to a selected LDEV, and then retry the
virtual storage machine other operation.
than that of meta_resource and
an LUN path is set to it.

20722 205066 The resource groups that belong Select resource groups that belong to W
to different virtual storage the same virtual storage machine.
machines cannot be deleted at
the same time.

20722 205067 The resource groups that belong Select resource groups that belong to W
to different virtual storage the same virtual storage machine.
machines cannot be deleted at
the same time.

20722 205097 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV on which no virtual W

performed because a virtual LDEV ID is set, and then retry the
LDEV ID is set on the selected operation.

20722 205098 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV on which no virtual W

performed because a virtual LDEV ID is set, and then retry the
LDEV ID is set on the selected operation.

20722 205099 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV whose virtual attribute W
performed because the virtual is not GAD Reserved, and then retry the
attribute of the selected LDEV is operation.
GAD Reserved.

20722 205100 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV whose virtual attribute W
performed because the virtual is not GAD Reserved, and then retry the
attribute of the selected LDEV is operation.
GAD Reserved.

20722 205101 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV whose virtual attribute W
performed because the virtual is not GAD Reserved, and then retry the
attribute of the selected LDEV is operation.
GAD Reserved.

20722 205102 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV whose virtual attribute W
performed because the virtual is GAD Reserved, and then retry the
attribute of the selected LDEV is operation.
not GAD Reserved.

20722 205103 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV whose virtual attribute W
performed because the virtual is GAD Reserved, and then retry the
attribute of the selected LDEV is operation.
not GAD Reserved.

20722 205104 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV that is not used by Data W
performed because the selected Migration, and then retry the operation.
LDEV is used by Data Migration.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-35

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20722 205105 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV that is not used by Data W
performed because the selected Migration, and then retry the operation.
LDEV is used by Data Migration.

20722 205106 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV that is not used by Data W
performed because the selected Migration, and then retry the operation.
LDEV is used by Data Migration.

20722 205107 This function is not available. Install the required program product. W
Resource Partition Manager is

20722 205108 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV that is not used as a W
performed because the selected mainframe volume, and then retry the
LDEV is used as a mainframe operation.

20722 205109 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV that is not used as an W
performed because the selected intermediate volume, and then retry the
LDEV is used as an intermediate operation.

20722 205110 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV to which no LUN path is W
performed because a LUN path set, and then retry the operation.
is set to the selected LDEV.

20722 205111 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV that is not used as a W
performed because the selected journal volume, and then retry the
LDEV is used as a journal operation.

20722 205112 The operation cannot be Select an LDEV that is not used as a W
performed because the selected quorum disk, and then retry the
LDEV is used as a quorum disk. operation.

20722 205113 The operation cannot be Select LDEVs of the valid combination W
performed for the combination or change the settings of Virtual ID and
of selected LDEVs. Virtual Configuration so as to enable the
operation, and then retry the operation.

20722 205120 There are (xxx) LDEVs on which Verify the initial number and the W
a virtual LDEV ID cannot be set. interval setting of the virtual LDEV ID.

Part code 20825

Table 13-17 Error codes (part code 20825)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20825 107001 An internal logic error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

20825 107002 An internal logic error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

13-36 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20825 107003 An internal logic error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

20825 107004 The specified command is Enter the correct command. W


20825 107005 The user session is not effective. Log on again. W

20825 107006 The SVP is busy. Wait for a while, and then retry the W

20825 107007 An internal logic error occurred. If this problem persists, contact the E
Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

20825 107008 The specified command is Enter the correct command. W


20825 107009 Failed to download the specified If this problem persists, contact the E
file. Hitachi Data Systems Support Center.

Part code 20921

Table 13-18 Error codes (part code 20921)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20921 105001 No table rows are selected. Select one or more table rows. W

20921 105009 The name of the new snapshot Enter a different snapshot group, or W
group is identical to one of the select one from the snapshot groups
existing snapshot groups. that are already defined.

20921 109211 The CLPRs of the primary and To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
secondary volumes are different. [Cancel].
Do you want to continue this

20921 109212 When you return to the top If you want to view the latest status, i
window, the latest status may click the Refresh View button on the top
not be displayed. window.

20921 109213 Some of the specified pairs do If you want to view the latest status, i
not exist in the configuration. close this window and click the Refresh
The window only displays the View button on the top window.
existing pairs.

20921 205001 The password is invalid. Verify the password, and then retry the W

20921 205002 No LDEV is selected. Select one or more table rows. W

20921 205003 No Snapshot Group is selected. Select one or more table rows. W

20921 205004 Two or more snapshot groups Select one table row. W
are selected.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-37

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20921 209006 The first page is displayed Click [OK]. i

because the history information
was updated.

20921 209008 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
initialize all the ShadowImage, [Cancel].
ShadowImage for Mainframe,
Volume Migration, Thin Image,
Compatible FlashCopy(R) V2 and
Compatible Software for IBM(R)
FlashCopy(R) SE pairs?

Part code 20922

Table 13-19 Error codes (part code 20922)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20922 105223 No table row, or two or more Select one table row. W
table rows are selected.

20922 105225 No table rows are selected. Select one or more table rows. W

20922 105442 This functionality is not available Install the necessary program product. W
because there is no
ShadowImage program product

20922 105443 This functionality is not available Install the necessary program product. W
because there is no
ShadowImage for Mainframe
program product installed.

20922 105472 The form of Snapshot Group is Enter a name within 32 characters using W
wrong. alphanumeric characters and the
following symbols: , - . / : @ \ _

20922 105474 This functionality is not available Install the necessary program product. W
because there is no Dynamic
Provisioning or Thin Image
program product installed.

20922 105475 The name of the new snapshot Enter a different snapshot group, or W
group is identical to one of the select one from the snapshot groups
existing snapshot groups. that are already defined.

20922 105488 The specified number of pairs Up to 1,024 pairs can be operated at a W
exceeds the maximum that can time. Retry the operation in several
be operated at a time. batches.

20922 105490 When a pair volume is set as a Select one each from the Available W
secondary volume, multiple rows LDEVs table and the Selected Pairs
cannot be set at the same time. table, and then click [Set].

13-38 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20922 106113 The operation cannot be done Verify if there is any volume that can be W
because there is no volume used to create a pair or not.
available for pair creation.

20922 106114 The operation cannot be Verify the copy type of the selected W
performed because the selected pair, and then retry the operation.
pairs have different copy types.

20922 106115 The operation cannot be done Verify the emulation type of the W
because there are different selected pair, and then retry the
emulation types in the selected operation.

20922 106116 A pool is not selected for the Select a pool at [Select Pool]. W
selected LDEV.

20922 106117 The configuration information Retry the operation. If the same W
may have been changed. problem occurs again, close the
windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

20922 106118 The input value is incorrect. Enter a correct value. W

20922 106119 There is no primary volume that Verify the configuration of the pair that W
can be used to create a pair. is created already and the contents of
the selected items.

20922 106120 The Mirror Unit of a pair that is Select a pair to be created. W
already created cannot be

20922 106121 No more pairs can be created Verify the device configuration of the W
because the number of created storage system.
pairs has reached the maximum.

20922 106123 The setting cannot be done Reduce the number of LDEVs, and then W
because too many LDEVs are retry the operation.

20922 106124 The setting cannot be done Reduce the number of LDEVs, and then W
because the number of pairs retry the operation.
shown under the selected row is
few at the [Selected Pairs] table.

20922 106126 No LDEV is added to the Add some LDEVs to the table, and then W
[Selected LDEVs] table. retry the operation.

20922 106127 The number of available Verify whether there are volumes that W
secondary volumes is not can be used to create a pair in the
enough for the number of configuration.
selected primary volumes.

20922 106128 The setting cannot be done Reduce the number of LDEVs, and then W
because the number of selected retry the operation.
LDEVs exceeds the number that
can be set.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-39

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20922 106129 The selected number of rows Reduce the number of LDEVs, and then W
does not match between retry the operation.
[Available LDEVs] table and
[Selected Pairs] table.

20922 106130 The capacity of the selected Select an LDEV that has the same W
LDEV does not match with that capacity with that of selected pair.
of selected pair.

20922 106132 The pair cannot be set because Release the secondary volume setting, W
the secondary volume is already and then retry the operation.
set to the selected pair.

20922 106133 The selected pair cannot be Verify the setting contents of the W
edited because the L2 pair is selected pair.
already set to the selected pair.

20922 106134 The selected pair cannot be Verify the setting of the selected pair. W
edited because the Mirror Unit is
already fixed.

20922 106135 A pair, whose setting is not Complete the settings for all the pairs, W
completed, remains in the and then retry the operation.
[Selected Pairs] table.

20922 106136 The selected volume cannot be Select a pair where the setting is W
displayed because the setting is completed.
not yet completed.

20922 106137 The selected LDEV can not be Verify the setting of the selected pair. W
set because the L2 configuration
of pair is already fixed.

20922 106141 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the selected pair, W
performed because the status of and then retry the operation.
the selected pair is incorrect.

20922 106142 The Thin Image pair cannot be Verify the copy type of the selected W
suspended. pair, and then retry the operation.

20922 106143 The operation cannot be Verify the copy type of the selected W
performed because the selected pair, and then retry the operation.
pairs have different copy types.

20922 106144 The specified pair cannot be Verify the resources allocation for the W
used because the user has no user who is assigned with the security
permission to access a resource administrator role.
group to which a primary
volume of the specified pair

20922 106145 The selected consistency group Verify the reservation status of the W
is not in the reserved status. selected consistency group, and then
retry the operation.

20922 106147 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the selected pair, W
performed because the status of and then retry the operation.
the selected pair is incorrect.

13-40 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20922 106149 There are no consistency group Release the unnecessary reserved W
that can be reserved. consistency groups, and then retry the

20922 106151 The pool volume of the selected Log off, and then log back on with W
Thin Image pair belongs to a access to the resource group containing
resource group that you do not the pool volume of the specified Thin
have permission to access. Image.

20922 106154 No more pairs can be created Verify the device configuration of the W
because the number of created storage system.
pairs has reached the maximum.

20922 106155 The operation cannot be done Verify the status of the selected pair, W
because the status of L2 pair in and then retry. If this problem persists,
the selected pair is incorrect. refresh the window, and then retry.

20922 106156 The operation cannot be done Verify the status of the selected pair, W
because the status of L1 pair in and then retry. If this problem persists,
the selected pair is incorrect. refresh the window, and then retry.

20922 106157 The operation cannot be done Verify the status of the selected pair, W
because the status of a pair that and then retry. If this problem persists,
shares a primary volume and is refresh the window, and then retry.
within the selected pairs is

20922 106158 The operation cannot be done Verify the status of the selected pair, W
because the status of a pair and then retry. If this problem persists,
within the selected pairs and in refresh the window, and then retry.
a cascade configuration is

20922 106159 The setting cannot be done Reduce the number of pairs to be W
because the number of pairs to created or verify the device
be created exceeds the configuration of the storage system.

20922 106160 Multiple mirror units in one pair Select one table row. W
configuration cannot be edited
at a time.

20922 106166 No more snapshot groups can Select a defined snapshot group from W
be registered because the the Existing Snapshot Group.
number of snapshot groups will
exceed the maximum.

20922 106167 A pair cannot be added to the Delete pairs in the snapshot group, and W
specified snapshot group then retry the operation. If there is no
because the number of pairs in pairs of snapshot groups that can be
one snapshot group will exceed deleted, select and set a different
the maximum. snapshot group.

20922 106170 The selected consistency group Verify the reservation status of the W
is not in the reserved status. selected consistency group, and then
retry the operation.

20922 106534 The specified pair does not exist Refresh the window, and then retry the W
in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-41

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20922 106536 The specified consistency group Refresh the window, and then retry the W
does not exist in the operation. If this problem persists, call
configuration. the Support Center.

20922 107001 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

20922 107002 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

20922 107003 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

20922 107004 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

20922 107005 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

20922 109026 The deleted items cannot be To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
restored.To retry the operation, [Cancel].
select the primary volume again
in the Select Primary Volumes
window.Are you sure you want
to delete the selected rows?

20922 205020 The operation cannot be Verify the selected pairs, and then retry W
performed because the selected the operation.
pairs include FICON(R) Data
Migration and the others.

20922 205021 The operation cannot be Verify the selected pairs, and then retry W
performed because the selected the operation.
pairs include FICON(R) Data
Migration and the others.

20922 205022 The Window cannot be displayed Refresh the window, and then retry the W
because the selected pairs operation. If this problem persists, call
configuration has been changed. the Support Center.

20922 205023 The password is invalid. Verify the password, and then retry the W

20922 205082 No LDEVs are added in the Add one or more LDEVs, and then retry W
[Selected Primary Volumes] the operation.

20922 205083 No more snapshot data can be Verify the number of the snapshot data. W
added to the primary volume
because the number of snapshot
data exceeds the maximum.

13-42 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20922 205084 Characters that are not numeric Enter numeric characters only. W
are entered into Number of
Snapshot Data per Primary

20922 205085 The value entered into Number Verify the settings. W
of Snapshot Data per Primary
Volume is outside the specified
setting range.

20922 205087 It is required to enter an initial Enter an initial number. W

number if multiple snapshot
groups are created.

20922 205088 If the number of digits of a Increase the number of digits of the W
snapshot group name increases specified initial number (for example, 0
due to the combination of values to 00 or 000), or reduce the specified
specified for Initial Number and number of snapshot data per primary
Number of Snapshot Data per volume.
Primary Volume, the snapshot
group name cannot be assigned.
If the same snapshot group
name is already assigned to a
different snapshot group, the
next snapshot group name in
order is assigned.

20922 205089 The number of the selected Reduce the number of the selected W
primary volumes exceeds the primary volumes, and then retry the
maximum. operation.

20922 205090 Multiple snapshot groups are Select one snapshot group. W

20922 205091 The selected LDEV is not a Verify the selected LDEV. W
primary volume of a Thin Image

20922 205092 No LDEVs are assigned to the Assign LDEVs. W

secondary volume.

20922 205093 Zero (0) cannot be specified for Verify the settings. W
Number of Snapshot Groups.

20922 205121 33 or more primary volumes are Select 32 or less primary volumes, and W
selected. then retry the operation.

20922 205132 The secondary volume of the Select a pair that has a secondary W
selected pair cannot be removed volume, and then retry the operation.
because it does not exist.

20922 205137 If the number of digits of a Increase the number of digits of the W
snapshot group name increases specified initial number (for example, 0
due to the combination of values to 00 or 000), or reduce the number of
specified for Initial Number and the selected primary volumes.
the number of primary volumes
selected in the Available Primary
Volumes table, the snapshot
group name cannot be assigned.
If the same snapshot group

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-43

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
name is already assigned to a
different snapshot group, the
next snapshot group name in
order is assigned.

20922 205138 If the number of digits of a Increase the number of digits of the W
snapshot group name increases, specified initial number (for example, 0
the snapshot group name to 00 or 000).
cannot be assigned. If the same
snapshot group name is already
assigned to a different snapshot
group, the next snapshot group
name in order is assigned.

20922 205152 The selected pairs cannot be Select a pair that has a secondary W
removed because they contain volume on the TI Pairs window, and
at least one pair whose then retry the operation.
secondary volume does not

20922 205159 The operation cannot be Verify the number of Thin Image pairs W
performed because the total that share the selected primary volume.
number of Thin Image pairs that
share the selected primary
volume exceeds 32,768.

20922 205160 The operation cannot be Verify the number of Thin Image pairs W
performed because the total in the selected snapshot group.
number of Thin Image pairs in
the selected snapshot group
exceeds 32,768.

20922 205161 The operation cannot be Verify the number of Thin Image pairs W
performed because the total that share the selected primary volume.
number of Thin Image pairs that
share the selected primary
volume exceeds 32,768.

20922 205162 The operation cannot be Verify the number of Thin Image pairs W
performed because the total in the selected snapshot group.
number of Thin Image pairs in
the selected snapshot group
exceeds 32,768.

20922 206121 The pool volumes registered in Log off, and then log back on with W
the selected pool belong to a access to the resource group containing
resource group that you do not the pool volumes in the specified pool.
have permission to access.

20922 206162 There is no available pool. Verify the pool settings. W

20922 206163 There is no LDEV that can be set Verify the LDEV settings. W
for a primary volume.

20922 206164 There is no available snapshot Verify the snapshot group settings. W

20922 206165 There is no pair to which a Verify the pair settings. W

secondary volume can be

13-44 Message (part code group 20nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

20922 206166 There is no pair to which a Verify the pair settings. W

secondary volume can be

20922 206167 There is no pair to which a Verify the pair settings. W

secondary volume can be

20922 206168 There is no LDEV that can be Verify the LDEV settings. W
assigned to a secondary volume.

20922 206169 The selected LDEV is not a Verify the selected LDEV. W
secondary volume of a
ShadowImage pair.

20922 206508 The specified pool does not exist Refresh the window, and then retry the W
in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

20922 207007 Pair information cannot be Close the error dialog and wizard W
acquired. windows, click [Refresh], and then retry
the operation. If this problem persists,
contact the HSSC.

20922 209005 There is no LDEV that can be Click [OK]. W

assigned to a secondary volume.

20922 209006 The specified snapshot group To continue, click [OK]. W

name is already used. The next
snapshot group name in order
will be assigned to the snapshot

20922 209008 The data in the selected LDEV - W

will not be recognized from the
host. It might be required to
unmount and then mount the
LDEV from the host to recognize
the data again. Do you want to
continue this operation?

Message (part code group 20nnn) 13-45

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
13-46 Message (part code group 20nnn)
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Message (part code group 21nnn)
This chapter includes the error messages with the part code 21021 to 21122.

□ Part code 21021

□ Part code 21022

□ Part code 21122

Message (part code group 21nnn) 14-1

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 21021
Table 14-1 Error codes (part code 21021)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21021 105001 No table rows are selected. Select one or more table rows. W

21021 105003 No table row, or two or more Select one table row. W
table rows are selected.

21021 105007 No table row is selected. Select one table row. W

21021 109001 Are you sure you want to To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
remove the selected row(s)? [Cancel].

21021 209001 Pairs whose Initial Copy Type is To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
"None" are included. Initial Copy [Cancel].
is not performed for the pairs.

21021 209002 Some of the specified pairs do If you want to view the latest status, i
not exist in the configuration. close this window and click the Refresh
The window only displays the View button on the top window.
existing pairs.

21021 209003 When you return to the top If you want to view the latest status, i
window, the latest status may click the Refresh View button on the top
not be displayed. window.

21021 209004 Through this operation, the To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
volumes on this storage system [Cancel].
will change to the SMPL status
forcibly, but the statuses of the
volumes on the other storage
system will not change. Do you
want to continue this operation?

21021 209005 Copying might not be complete To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
because the specified pair is in [Cancel].
the PSUS or PSUE status. Do
you want to continue this

21021 209006 The first page is displayed Click [OK]. i

because the history information
was updated.

21021 209007 The same mirror ID cannot be Verify the specified Mirror ID. W

21021 209008 Journal option information will To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
be initialized if all of the [Cancel].
assigned journal volumes are

21021 209009 The journals on the storage Log off, and then log back on with W
system cannot be deleted all at access to the resource group containing
once because a journal that you the journal volumes of the journal that
do not have permission to is registered on the selected local
access has been added to the storage system.
selected local storage system.

14-2 Message (part code group 21nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21021 209010 Copying might not be complete To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
because the specified pair is [Cancel].
suspended. Do you want to
continue this operation?

21021 209011 Copying might not be complete To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
for pairs in the Suspend status, [Cancel].
and the selected pairs will be
deleted, depending on their
status, with their settings
changed as follows.
• For the pairs in the Suspend
status and whose I/O mode
is BLOCK, the Delete Mode
setting will change to Force
and the Volume Access
setting will change to
• For the pairs in the Copy
status, the Delete Mode
setting will change to Force
and the Volume Access
setting for the primary
volume and the secondary
volume will change to
Enable and Disable
• For the pairs not in the
Suspend or Copy status, the
Delete Mode setting will
change to Force and the
Volume Access setting will
change to Disabled.
Do you want to continue this
operation to delete the pairs?

21021 209028 Through this operation, the To continue, click [OK]. Otherwise, click W
volumes on this storage system [Cancel].
will change to the SMPL status
forcibly but the statuses of the
volumes on the other storage
system will not change, and the
pairs in the Copy status will be
deleted with the Volume Access
setting for the primary volume
and the secondary volume
changed to Enable and Disable
respectively. Do you want to
continue this operation?

Message (part code group 21nnn) 14-3

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part code 21022
Table 14-2 Error codes (part code 21022)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21022 107001 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

21022 107002 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

21022 107003 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

21022 107004 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

21022 107005 The processing cannot continue Retry the operation. If the same E
due to an internal logic problem occurs again, close the
contradiction. windows, refresh it, then retry again. If
the same problem persists despite
retrying, please call the Support Center.

21022 205001 Pair creation cannot be Install the necessary program product. W
performed because any of the
following program products is
not installed.
• TrueCopy
• TrueCopy for Mainframe
• Universal Replicator
• Universal Replicator for

21022 205075 This function is not available. Install the necessary program product. W
Universal Replicator or TrueCopy
is required.

21022 205076 This function is not available. Install the necessary program product. W
Universal Replicator for
Mainframe or TrueCopy for
Mainframe is required.

21022 205077 This function is not available. Install the necessary program product. W
Global-active device is required.

21022 205078 A pair cannot be created Install the necessary program product. W
because any of the following
program products is not
• TrueCopy
• TrueCopy for Mainframe

14-4 Message (part code group 21nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21022 205079 A pair cannot be created Install global-active device. W

because global-active device is
not installed.

21022 205080 This function is not available. Install the necessary program product. W
TrueCopy is required.

21022 205081 This function is not available. Install the necessary program product. W
TrueCopy for Mainframe is

21022 206001 The selected volume cannot be Select different volumes. W

added because its CLPR is
different from the CLPR of the
added volume.

21022 206002 The selected volume cannot be Select different volumes. W

added because its resource
group is different from the
resource group of the added

21022 206003 There is no volume assigned in Verify the attribute of the selected W
this journal. journal, and then retry the operation.

21022 206004 The operation cannot be Verify the pair position of the selected W
performed because the pair pair, and then retry the operation.
position of the selected pair is

21022 206005 The operation cannot be Verify the pair position of the selected W
performed because the pair pair, and then retry the operation.
position of the selected pair is

21022 206006 The operation cannot be Verify the attribute of the selected W
performed because the attribute mirror, and then retry the operation.
of the selected mirror is

21022 206007 The operation cannot be Verify the attribute of the selected W
performed because the attribute mirror, and then retry the operation.
of the selected mirror is

21022 206008 The operation cannot be Verify the copy type of the selected W
performed because the selected pair, and then retry the operation.
pairs have different copy types.

21022 206009 The operation cannot be Verify the copy type of the selected W
performed because the selected pair, and then retry the operation.
pairs have different copy types.

21022 206010 The operation cannot be Verify the journal type of the selected W
performed because the selected mirror, and then retry the operation.
mirrors have different journal

21022 206011 The operation cannot be Verify the journal type of the selected W
performed because the selected journal, and then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 21nnn) 14-5

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
journals have different journal

21022 206012 The operation cannot be Verify the journal type of the selected W
performed because the selected journal, and then retry the operation.
journals have different journal

21022 206013 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the selected pair, W
performed because the status of and then retry the operation.
the selected pair is incorrect.

21022 206014 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the selected pair, W
performed because the status of and then retry the operation.
the selected pair is incorrect.

21022 206015 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the selected mirror, W
performed because the status of and then retry the operation.
the selected mirror is incorrect.

21022 206016 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the selected mirror, W
performed because the status of and then retry the operation.
the selected mirror is incorrect.

21022 206017 The operation cannot be Verify the attribute of the selected W
performed because the attribute journal, and then retry the operation.
of the selected journal is

21022 206018 The operation cannot be Verify the attribute of the selected W
performed because the attribute journal, and then retry the operation.
of the selected journal is

21022 206019 No more remote connections Remove unnecessary remote W

can be added because the connections, and then retry the
number of remote connections operation.
has reached the maximum.

21022 206020 The operation cannot be Remove unnecessary remote W

performed because the number connections for the system or set a
of remote connections for a mainframe volume for CU, and then
system exceeds the maximum retry the operation.
and there is no local CU
available to set.

21022 206021 The operation cannot be Verify the type and attribute of the port, W
performed because there is no and then retry the operation.
local port ID available to set.

21022 206022 Remote connections are not set. Verify the remote connection condition. W

21022 206023 The status of the port where the Verify the port status or attribute. W
LUN is set is incorrect.

21022 206024 There is no journal. Create a journal, and then retry the W

21022 206025 The operation cannot be done Verify if there is any volume that can be W
because there is no volume used to create a pair or not.
available for pair creation.

14-6 Message (part code group 21nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21022 206026 No more pairs can be created Verify the device configuration of the W
because the number of created storage system.
pairs has reached the maximum.

21022 206027 No more pairs can be created Change the master journal, or verify the W
because the number of created number of pairs in the specified journal.
pairs has reached the maximum
in the selected journal.

21022 206029 No more pairs can be created Verify the number of pairs in the W
because the number of specified CTG or select a different CTG.
registered pairs has reached the
maximum in the selected CTG.

21022 206033 Delta cannot be specified as an Verify the journal status or select an W
initial copy type in the selected initial copy type other than Delta.
journal status.

21022 206034 Only Delta can be specified as Verify the journal status or select Delta W
an initial copy type in the as an initial copy type.
selected journal status.

21022 206036 A pair cannot be created Select a different master journal or a W

because the number of mirrors mirror in which pairs are registered.
in the selected master journal
exceeds the maximum.

21022 206037 Pairs with different path group Select the same path group ID or a W
IDs exist in the selected mirror. different master journal.

21022 206038 Pairs cannot be selected Select pairs belonging to the same W
because the remote storage remote storage system (RCU) or remote
system (RCU) or the remote CU CU.
of the pairs is different.

21022 206039 There are not enough LDEV IDs Reduce the number of selected primary W
available in the selected CU of volumes, or select a different CU of the
the remote storage system. remote storage system.

21022 206040 No more remote path can be Add a remote path or reduce the W
removed from the selected minimum number of paths, and then
remote connection because the retry the operation.
number of remote paths set to
the remote connection is the
same as the minimum number
of paths.

21022 206041 The ports that are registered to Log off, and then log back on with W
the selected remote connection access to the resource group containing
belong to a resource group that the local ports of the selected remote
you do not have permission to connection.

21022 206042 There is no mainframe Please check whether composition has a W

command devices which can be mainframe command device.

21022 206043 Open and mainframe volumes Select either open volumes or W
cannot be selected at the same mainframe volumes, and then retry the
time. operation.

Message (part code group 21nnn) 14-7

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21022 206044 Open and mainframe volumes Select either open volumes or W
cannot be selected at the same mainframe volumes, and then retry the
time. operation.

21022 206045 The specified volume(s) are When you delete a pair, please delete W
already being used as True Copy from the pair delete function of a
or True Copy for Mainframe remote copy.

21022 206046 The specified volume(s) are When you delete a pair, please delete W
already being used as Universal from the pair delete function of a
Replicator or Universal remote copy.
Replicator for Mainframe

21022 206047 There is no volume that can be Verify whether there is a volume that W
set as a journal volume. can be set as a journal volume, and
then retry the operation.

21022 206048 Journals cannot be created Remove unnecessary journals, and then W
because there is no free journal retry the operation.

21022 206049 Volumes cannot be added to or Verify the journal status. W

removed from the selected

21022 206050 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the selected mirror, W
performed because the status of and then retry the operation.
the selected mirror is incorrect.

21022 206051 Volumes cannot be removed If you want to remove a journal W

from the selected journal and volume, verify the journal status. If you
there is no volume that can be want to add a journal volume, verify
set as a journal volume. whether there is a volume that can be
set as a journal volume, and then retry
the operation.

21022 206052 The journal volume of the Log off, and then log back on with W
selected journal belongs to a access to the resource group containing
resource group that you do not the journal volume of the selected
have permission to access. journal.

21022 206053 No more SSID can be added to Remove unnecessary SSIDs, and then W
the selected remote connection retry the operation.
because the number of SSIDs
has reached the maximum.

21022 206054 The operation cannot be Select a different remote connection, W

performed because the and then retry the operation.
connection type of the selected
remote connection is not CU.

21022 206055 No more remote path can be Remove unnecessary remote paths, and W
added to the selected remote then retry the operation.
connection because the number
of remote paths has reached the

14-8 Message (part code group 21nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21022 206056 No more SSID can be deleted Add SSIDs, and then retry the W
from the selected remote operation.

21022 206057 There is no volume that can be Verify whether there is a volume that W
set as a journal volume. can be set as a journal volume, and
then retry the operation.

21022 206058 No more remote path can be Remove unnecessary remote paths, and W
added to the specified then retry the operation.
connection because the number
of remote paths has reached the

21022 206059 No more remote path can be Add a remote path or reduce the W
removed from the selected minimum number of paths, and then
remote connection because the retry the operation.
number of remote paths set to
the remote connection is the
same as the minimum number
of paths.

21022 206060 No more SSID can be added to Remove unnecessary SSIDs, and then W
the selected remote connection retry the operation.
because the number of SSIDs
has reached the maximum.

21022 206061 No more SSID can be deleted Add SSIDs, and then retry the W
from the selected remote operation.

21022 206062 The operation cannot be Select a different remote connection, W

performed because the and then retry the operation.
connection type of the selected
remote connection is not CU.

21022 206063 The combination of the selected Select parameters to have a valid W
parameters is not allowed. combination.

21022 206064 No remote command device is Verify the selected mirror, and then W
assigned to the selected mirror. retry the operation.

21022 206065 No more pairs can be created Verify the device configuration of the W
because the number of created storage system.
pairs has reached the maximum.

21022 206066 The update of the history Wait for a while, and then retry the W
information is not completed. operation.

21022 206067 The operation cannot be Verify the attribute of the selected W
performed because the attribute mirror, and then retry the operation.
of the selected mirror is

21022 206068 The operation cannot be Verify the journal IDs of the selected W
performed because the selected mirrors, and then retry the operation.
mirrors belong to different
journal IDs.

Message (part code group 21nnn) 14-9

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21022 206069 The operation cannot be Verify the journal IDs of the selected W
performed because the selected mirrors, and then retry the operation.
mirrors belong to different
journal IDs.

21022 206070 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the mirror belonging W
performed because the selected to the selected journal, and then retry
journal has a mirror in invalid the operation.

21022 206071 The operation cannot be Create a remote command device for W
performed because there is no assignment, and then retry the
remote command device to set. operation.

21022 206072 There is no mirror to assign a Verify the status of the mirror belonging W
remote command device to in to the selected journal, and then retry
the selected journal. the operation.

21022 206074 The operation cannot be Verify the status of the mirror in the W
performed because the status of selected journal, and then retry the
the mirror in the selected operation.
journal is incorrect.

21022 206075 The selected volumes contain Select only removable volumes. W
volumes that cannot be

21022 206076 There is no change of the Verify the settings. W

journal volume.

21022 206077 No more volumes can be added Verify the number of journal volumes. W
because the number of journal
volumes has reached the

21022 206078 The journal creation failed. Verify the settings by the Task W
Properties window or the audit log file,
and then retry the operation.

21022 206079 An error occurred during the Verify the settings by the Task W
journal creation. Although the Properties window or the audit log file,
journal was created, some and then retry the operation.
journal volumes were not

21022 206080 The combination of the specified Select a different combination of port W
local port ID and remote port ID IDs, and then retry the operation.
is already used.

21022 206081 The SSID is duplicated. Select a different SSID, and then retry W
the operation.

21022 206082 The operation cannot be Change any of the local CU number, W
performed because the selected model name, serial number, remote CU
remote connection already number, and path group ID, and then
exists. retry the operation.

21022 206083 The operation cannot be Verify the attribute of the selected W
performed because the attribute journal, and then retry the operation.

14-10 Message (part code group 21nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
of the selected journal is

21022 206084 Remote command devices are Remove the remote command devices, W
already assigned to two mirrors and then retry the operation.
in the selected journal.

21022 206085 The number of specified pairs Reduce the number of selected pairs to W
exceeds the maximum. 256 or less.

21022 206115 The ports that are registered to Log off, and then log back on with W
the remote connection used by access to the resource group containing
the selected pair belong to a the local ports of the remote connection
resource group that you do not used by the selected pair.
have permission to access.

21022 206116 The ports that are registered to Log off, and then log back on with W
the remote connection used by a access to the resource group containing
pair in the selected mirror the local ports of the remote connection
belong to a resource group that used by the pair in the selected mirror.
you do not have permission to Or select [Force] for the Delete Mode,
access. and then retry the operation.

21022 206117 The journal volumes that are Log off, and then log back on with W
registered to the journal of the access to the resource group containing
selected mirror belong to a journal volumes of the journal to which
resource group that you do not the selected mirror belongs.
have permission to access.

21022 206118 The pair volumes that are Log off, and then log back on with W
registered to the selected access to the resource group containing
journal belong to a resource pair volumes of the selected journal.
group that you do not have
permission to access.

21022 206119 The pair volumes that are Log off, and then log back on with W
registered to the journal of the access to the resource group containing
selected mirror belong to a pair volumes of the journal to which the
resource group that you do not selected mirror belongs.
have permission to access.

21022 206120 The journal volumes that are Log off, and then log back on with W
registered to the selected access to the resource group containing
journal belong to a resource journal volumes of the selected journal.
group that you do not have
permission to access.

21022 206121 The pool volumes registered in Log off, and then log back on with W
the selected pool belong to a access to the resource group containing
resource group that you do not the pool volumes in the specified pool.
have permission to access.

21022 206122 The remote command device Log off, and then log back on with W
that is assigned to the selected access to the resource group containing
mirror belongs to a resource the remote command device assigned
group that you do not have to the selected mirror.
permission to access.

21022 206123 The setting process has not Verify the error factor in another setting W
been executed because there is and then retry the operation.

Message (part code group 21nnn) 14-11

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
no error in this setting, but an
error in another setting.

21022 206124 The value of Path Blockade SIM Verify the values of the specified Path W
Watch must be larger than that Blockade Watch and Path Blockade SIM
of Path Blockade Watch. Watch.

21022 206125 The selected journals contain Select journals that belong to the W
journals that do not belong to extended consistency group.
the extended consistency group.

21022 206126 The selected journals contain Select journals that belong to the W
journals that do not belong to extended consistency group.
the extended consistency group.

21022 206127 The operation cannot be Verify the available attribute, select an W
performed because the attribute extended consistency group, and then
of the selected extended retry the operation.
consistency groups is not valid.

21022 206128 The operation cannot be Verify the available attribute, select an W
performed because the attribute extended consistency group, and then
of the selected extended retry the operation.
consistency groups is not valid.

21022 206129 The journal volumes of the Log off, and then log back on with W
journal that is registered to the access to the resource group containing
selected extended consistency the journal volumes of the journal of
group belong to a resource the selected extended consistency
group that you do not have group.
permission to access.

21022 206130 No more journals can be added Reduce the number of the selected W
to the extended consistency journals, and then retry the operation.
group because the number of
journals exceeds the maximum.

21022 206131 No more journals can be added Delete unnecessary journals, and then W
to the selected extended retry the operation.
consistency group because the
number of journals has reached
the maximum.

21022 206132 No more journals can be added Delete unnecessary journals, and then W
to the selected extended retry the operation.
consistency group because the
number of journals has reached
the maximum.

21022 206133 There is no journal that can be Take either of the following actions, and W
added to the selected extended then retry the operation.
consistency group. • To add a journal on the local
storage system, define a journal
that can be added to the extended
consistency group.
• To add a journal on the storage
system, create a remote command

14-12 Message (part code group 21nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21022 206134 No new journal is added to the Add a new journal. W

[Journals] table.

21022 206135 The combination of the model Select a different combination of a W

and serial number specified for model and a serial number, and then
the storage system is the same retry the operation.
as the combination for the local
storage system.

21022 206136 The combination of the model Select a different combination of a W

and serial number specified for model and a serial number, and then
the storage system is the same retry the operation.
as the combination for a
different storage system.

21022 206137 The same remote command Select a different remote command W
device is selected for different device, and then retry the operation.
storage systems.

21022 206138 The selected journals cannot be Select only the new journals, and then W
deleted because a journal other retry the operation.
than the new journal is included.

21022 206139 There is no journal that can be Define the journal that can be added to W
added to the extended the extended consistency group, and
consistency group on the then retry the operation.
specified storage system.

21022 206141 No more journals can be added Reduce the number of journals to be W
to the extended consistency added, and then retry the operation.
group because the number of
journals exceeds the maximum.

21022 206142 No more remote paths can be Add remote paths, and then retry the W
removed from the selected operation.
remote connection because the
number of remote paths set to
the remote connection is less
than the minimum number of

21022 206143 No more SSIDs can be added to Add remote paths, and then retry the W
the selected remote connection operation.
because the number of remote
paths set to the remote
connection is less than the
minimum number of paths.

21022 206144 No more SSIDs can be removed Add remote paths, and then retry the W
from the selected remote operation.
connection because the number
of remote paths set to the
remote connection is less than
the minimum number of paths.

21022 206145 The option of the selected Add remote paths, and then retry the W
remote connection cannot be operation.
edited because the number of
remote paths set to the remote

Message (part code group 21nnn) 14-13

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level
connection is less than the
minimum number of paths.

21022 206146 No more remote paths can be Add remote paths, and then retry the W
removed from the selected operation.
remote connection because the
number of remote paths set to
the remote connection is less
than the minimum number of

21022 206147 No more SSIDs can be added to Add remote paths, and then retry the W
the selected remote connection operation.
because the number of remote
paths set to the remote
connection is less than the
minimum number of paths.

21022 206148 No more SSIDs can be removed Add remote paths, and then retry the W
from the selected remote operation.
connection because the number
of remote paths set to the
remote connection is less than
the minimum number of paths.

21022 206149 The option of the selected Add remote paths, and then retry the W
remote connection cannot be operation.
edited because the number of
remote paths set to the remote
connection is less than the
minimum number of paths.

21022 206150 The ports that are registered to Log off, and then log back on with W
the remote connection used by access to the resource group containing
the selected pair belong to a the local ports of the remote connection
resource group that you do not used by the selected pair. Or select
have permission to access. [Force] for the Delete Mode, and then
retry the operation.

21022 206152 A quorum disk cannot be added Release unnecessary quorum disks, and W
because there is no free quorum then retry the operation.
disk ID.

21022 206153 The operation cannot be Create a volume to add a quorum disk, W
performed because there is no and then retry the operation.
volume available to add a
quorum disk.

21022 206154 There is no available Remote Verify the remote connection condition. W

21022 206155 The quorum disk that is Log off, and then log back on with W
registered to the selected pair access to the resource group containing
belongs to a resource group that the quorum disk of the selected pair. Or
you do not have permission to select [Force] for the Delete Mode, and
access. then retry the operation.

14-14 Message (part code group 21nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21022 206156 The specified LDEV is used by a If you want to delete the pair, use the W
global-active device pair. Delete Pairs function of remote

21022 206157 The specified volume cannot be If you want to delete volumes, specify W
deleted because the emulation ones whose emulation type is OPEN-V.
type is not OPEN-V.

21022 206158 The operation cannot be Add a quorum disk, and then retry the W
performed because there is no operation.
available quorum disk.

21022 206159 The operation cannot be Add a quorum disk on which an W

performed because there is no available remote storage system is set,
quorum disk on which the and then retry the operation.
remote storage system
registered as the remote
connection is set.

21022 206160 The operation cannot be Select a combination of a status and an W

performed because the I/O mode so as to enable the Resync
combination of the status and Pairs operation, and then retry the
I/O mode of the selected pair is operation.
not valid.

21022 206161 The operation cannot be Select a combination of a status and an W

performed because the I/O mode so as to enable the Resync
combination of the status and Pairs operation, and then retry the
I/O mode of the selected pair is operation.
not valid.

21022 206244 The operation cannot be Select a different consistency group, W

performed because there is no and then retry the operation.
pair in the selected consistency

21022 206245 The operation cannot be Select a different consistency group, W

performed because there is no and then retry the operation.
pair in the selected consistency

21022 206246 The operation cannot be Select a consistency group whose W

performed because a Status is Resynchronizing, PAIR or
consistency group that cannot COPY, and then retry the operation.
be suspended is selected.

21022 206247 The operation cannot be Select a consistency group whose W

performed because a Status is Resynchronizing, PAIR or
consistency group that cannot COPY, and then retry the operation.
be suspended is selected.

21022 206248 The operation cannot be Select a different consistency group, W

performed because the and then retry the operation.
consistency group that contains
a pair whose volumes belong to
a resource group that you do
not have permission to access is

Message (part code group 21nnn) 14-15

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21022 206249 The operation cannot be Change the status of the pair in the W
performed because a selected consistency group to the
consistency group in which a following, and then retry the operation:
pair that cannot be suspended is • PAIR or COPY if the pair position is
registered is selected. Primary.
• PAIR if the pair position is

21022 206250 The operation cannot be Select a pair that applies to the W
performed because the selected following, and then retry the operation:
pairs contain a pair whose pair • A pair whose pair position is
position is Secondary that Primary.
belongs to a consistency group.
• A pair whose pair position is
Secondary that dose not belong to
a consistency group.

21022 206251 The operation cannot be Select a pair that applies to the W
performed because the selected following, and then retry the operation:
pairs contain a pair whose pair • A pair whose pair position is
position is Secondary that Primary.
belongs to a consistency group.
• A pair whose pair position is
Secondary that dose not belong to
a consistency group.

21022 206252 The selected LDEVs cannot be Select LDEVs that belong to the same W
added because different virtual virtual storage machine or select [Not
storage machines coexist in the Assign] for CTG ID, and then retry the
consistency group. operation.

21022 206253 The selected LDEVs cannot be Select a consistency group of the same W
added because different virtual virtual storage machine as the selected
storage machines coexist in the LDEVs, or select [Not Assign] for CTG
consistency group. ID, and then retry the operation.

21022 206254 The selected LDEVs cannot be Verify the number of pairs in the W
added because the number of consistency group or select a different
registered pairs in the CTG ID, and then retry the operation.
consistency group exceeds the

21022 206255 The operation cannot be Select a consistency group whose W

performed because a Status is Suspending, PSUS, PSUE or
consistency group that cannot SSWS, and then retry the operation.
be resynchronized is selected.

21022 206256 The operation cannot be Select a consistency group whose W

performed because a Status is Suspending, PSUS, PSUE or
consistency group that cannot SSWS, and then retry the operation.
be resynchronized is selected.

21022 206257 The operation cannot be Select a combination of PSUS, PSUE or W

performed because the SSWS for the pair status and Local for
combination of the status and the I/O mode, and then retry the
I/O mode of the pair registered operation.
in the selected consistency
group is not valid.

14-16 Message (part code group 21nnn)

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Part Error Severity
Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21022 206501 The selected remote connection Refresh the window, and then retry the W
does not exist in the operation. If this problem persists, call
configuration. the Support Center.

21022 206502 The specified pair does not exist Refresh the window, and then retry the W
in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

21022 206503 The specified mirror does not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
exist in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

21022 206504 The specified journal does not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
exist in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

21022 206505 The LDEV assigned to the Refresh the window, and then retry the W
selected journal does not exist operation. If this problem persists, call
in the configuration. the Support Center.

21022 206506 The specified LDEV does not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
exist in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

21022 206507 The specified journal does not Refresh the window, and then retry the W
exist in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

21022 206508 The specified pool does not exist Refresh the window, and then retry the W
in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

21022 206509 The specified extended Refresh the window, and then retry the W
consistency group does not exist operation. If this problem persists, call
in the configuration. the Support Center.

21022 206510 The journal in the specified Refresh the window, and then retry the W
extended consistency group operation. If this problem persists, call
does not exist in the the Support Center.

21022 206511 The specified quorum disk does Refresh the window, and then retry the W
not exist in the configuration. operation. If this problem persists, call
the Support Center.

Part code 21122

Table 14-3 Error codes (part code 21122)

Part Error Severity

Error Message Recommended Action
Code Number Level

21122 207001 The processing cannot continue Refresh the window, and then retry the E
due to an internal logic operation. If this problem persists, call
contradiction. the Support Center.

Message (part code group 21nnn) 14-17

Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
14-18 Message (part code group 21nnn)
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
Hitachi VSP G1000 Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
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