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IEC Lab Report 5

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Faculty of Engineering

Lab Report
Experiment # 05
Experiment Title: Study of Thevenin’s Theorem.
Date of Perform: 20 June 2023 Date of Submission: 04 July 2023
Course Title: Introduction to Electrical Circuits Lab
Course Code: EEE2109 Section: B
Semester: Summer 2022-23 Degree Program: BSc in CSE
Course Teacher: Prof. Dr. Engr. Muhibul Haque Bhuyan
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Group # 06
2 SAZID MOHSIN 22-48219-2 BSc in CSE
3 MD. TAUHID ANAM 22-48183-2 BSc in CSE
4 NISHAT SUBAH JEEM 22-48225-2 BSc in CSE
5 NAIMUR HOSSEN OVI 22-48208-2 BSc in CSE

Faculty use only

Marks Obtained

Total Marks

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Table of Contents

Experiment Title 03
Objectives 03
Introduction 03
Theory and Methodology 03
Equipment List 06
Circuit Diagram 06
Simulation 07
Experimental Procedure and Calculation 10
Discussion 11
Answers to the Questions 11
References 12

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Title of the Experiment:
Study of Thevenin’s Theorem.


The objectives of this experiment are to

a) Investigate the application of Thevenin’s theorem to a DC source circuit.
b) Construct Thevenin’s equivalent circuit.
c) Verify Thevenin’s theorem for a DC circuit through load voltage and load
current measurements.
d) Compare the measured, simulated, and computed values.


Thevenin’s theorem is a very powerful circuit analysis technique. It can convert complex circuits to a
simpler series equivalent circuit for easier analysis. The analysis involves removing part of the circuit across
two terminals to aid calculation, later combining the circuit with the Thevenin equivalent circuit..

Theory and Methodology:

The Thevenin Theorem is a process by which a complex circuit is reduced to an equivalent series circuit
consisting of a single voltage source, VTH, a series resistance, RTH, and a load resistance, RL. After creating the
Thevenin’s equivalent circuit, you may then easily determine the load voltage, VL, and the load current, IL.

Thevenin’s theorem states that,

In any linear circuit containing at least one independent sources, it is possible to simplify that linear
circuit, irrespective of how complex it is, to an equivalent simple circuit with a single voltage source and
a resistance connected in series across any load having two terminals.

When determining the equivalent resistance of the complex circuit, we disable all the remaining independent
sources. That is, all the remaining voltage sources are made zero by replacing them with short circuits, and all
remaining current sources are made zero by replacing them with open circuits. Also, it is important to note that if
a dependent source is present; it must remain active (unaltered) during this process.

Action Plan:
(i) In a circuit comprising of at least one independent source, measure the open circuit voltage, Voc, load
voltage, VL, and the load current, IL.
To deactivate a voltage source, replace it with a short circuit, and to deactivate a current source,
replace it with an open circuit. Then measure the short circuit current, Isc. Divide Voc by Isc to obtaine
the Thevenin’s equivalent resistance, RTH.
Construct the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit and measure the load voltage, VL, and the load
current, IL again to verify the Thevenin’s theorem. The procedures are illustrated in Figure 1.

Limitations: Thevenin’s is a fundamental property of any linear circuits. So, this circuit theorem can’t be
applied to any non-linear circuits.

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(a) Original circuit to verify Thevenin’s theorem (b) Th
Figure 1:

Equipment List:
1. Trainer Board
2. Voltmeter
3. Ammeter
4. Multimeter
5. DC power source
6. Resistors
7. Connecting wires

Circuit Diagram & Simulation:


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I R4

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Original Circuit Diagram (Voltage)

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Original Circuit Diagram (Current)

Experimental Procedure and Calculation:

1. Connect the circuit as shown in Figure 2.

2. Remove the portion of the circuit for which Thevenin’s equivalent circuit will be determined, here the
load the resistance is R4 between terminals A and B of Figure 2.
3. Remove the voltage source by a short circuit and replace the current source by an open circuit.
4. Determine the Thevenin equivalent resistance, RTH for the load.
5. Now, return the sources to their original position and determine the open circuit voltage between
terminals A and B of Figure 2.
6. Connect back the load resistance, R4 and measure the load voltage across terminals A and B and current
through the load resistance and hence verify Thevenin’s theorem. Compute the load power.
7. Complete Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 with the necessary data.
8. Check the deviation between experimental, simulation, and theoretical values. Use the following
formula for the computation of the percentage of deviations:
Percentage of deviation (theoretical vs. experimental), 𝜀𝑡𝑒 𝑉𝐴𝐵𝑡−𝑉𝐴𝐵𝑒
= 𝑉𝐴𝑡 × 100%

Percentage of deviation (theoretical vs. simulation), 𝜀𝑡𝑠 𝑉𝐴𝐵𝑡−𝑉𝐴𝐵𝑠

= 𝑉𝐴𝐵𝑡 × 100%

Percentage of deviation (theoretical vs. experimental), 𝜀𝑡𝑒 𝐼𝑅4𝑡−𝐼𝑅4𝑒

= 𝐼𝑅4𝑡 × 100%

Percentage of deviation (theoretical vs. simulation), 𝜀𝑡𝑠 𝐼𝑅4𝑡−𝐼𝑅4𝑠

= 𝐼𝑅4𝑡 × 100%

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Figure 2: Series-parallel resistance connected with two DC voltage sources.

Table 1 Data for studying Thevenin’s theorem using Figure 2 through open circuit voltage and
short circuit current measurement.
Values of Voltage Sources: E1 = 10 V, E2 = 15 V
Thevenin Equivalent Voltage (Eth), V Thevenin Equivalent Resistance (Rth), 
Measured Value Measured Value
Calculated Value Simulated Value Calculated Value Simulated Value
(Experimental) (Experimental)
-5.66V -5.70V -5.634V 8.29kΩ 8.835kΩ 8.835kΩ

Table 2 Data for studying Thevenin’s theorem using Figure 2 through load voltage measurement.
Values of Voltage Sources: E1 = 10 V, E2 = 15 V
VABe Experimental Deviation
Source Circuit VABt Theory VABs Simulation 𝗌𝒕𝒆 𝗌𝒕𝒔
Original Circuit -4.03V 4.30V -4.02V 2.66% 0.0074%
-4.05V 4.82V -4.02V 2.29% 0.0002%
Equivalent Circuit

Table 3 Data for studying Thevenin’s theorem using Figure 2 through load current measurement.
Values of Voltage Sources: E1 = 10 V, E2 = 15 V
Source Circuit IR4t Theory IR4e Experimental IR4s Simulation
𝗌𝒕𝒆 𝗌𝒕𝒔
Original Circuit -0.63mA -0.69mA -0.637mA -0.095% -0.011%
-0.62mA -0.66mA -0.637mA -0.064% -0.027%
Equivalent Circuit


a. The trainer board and the multimeter were checked before the start of the experiment.
b. The resistor was placed properly according to the figure.
c. The value of the voltage was increased gradually as applying a large voltage can damage the
d. Finally, all the data was placed in the data table. For the given equation, a result was

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In this experiment the data/findings were interpreted and determined to the extent to which the
experiment was successful in complying. The goal was initially set. The ways of the study were
improved, investigated and described by measuring, converting and calculating the circuit of
Thevenin’s Theorem.

Answers to the Questions:

How much is the difference between theoretical values and measured values using the
multimeter? If you have found any difference, then explain the reason.
The difference between theoretical values and measured values using a multimeter in a
Thevenin’s Theorem can occur due to several factors. Here are ten possible reasons for such
1. Component tolerances: The actual values of resistors, capacitors, and other components used in
the circuit may deviate slightly from their specified values. This can lead to variations between
theoretical and measured values.
2. Multimeter accuracy: Multimeters have certain limitations and measurement errors. The
accuracy of the multimeter used can impact the measured values, causing discrepancies with
the theoretical values.
3. Contact resistance: The connections between components and the multimeter can introduce
additional resistance due to imperfect contacts or loose connections. This resistance can affect
the measured values.
4. Parasitic elements: Real-world components often exhibit parasitic elements such as stray
capacitance and inductance. These elements can influence the behavior of the circuit and lead
to deviations from theoretical predictions.
5. Environmental factors: Temperature, humidity, and other environmental conditions can affect
the performance of components. Such variations can result in differences between theoretical
and measured values.
6. Wire resistance: The resistance of the wires used in the circuit can contribute to the overall
resistance and impact the measured values, especially in circuits with low resistance values.
7. Instrument loading: The act of connecting a multimeter to measure a circuit can affect the
circuit itself. The multimeter can introduce additional resistance or alter the voltage levels,
thereby influencing the measurements.
8. Signal distortion: High-frequency signals or rapidly changing signals can experience distortion
or attenuation due to various factors such as impedance mismatches, signal reflections, or non-
linear behavior of components. These effects can lead to differences between theoretical and
measured values.
9. Measurement technique: Incorrect measurement techniques or improper handling of the
multimeter can introduce errors. It is crucial to follow appropriate procedures and ensure proper
calibration of the instrument.
10. Circuit non-idealities: Theoretical calculations often assume ideal circuit conditions, neglecting
factors such as stray capacitance, resistance, or inductance. These non-idealities can impact the
circuit's behavior, resulting in deviations between theoretical and measured values.

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1. Verify Thevenin Theorem for the circuit in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Series-parallel resistance connected with a DC voltage source.


E th

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[1] Robert L. Boylestad, “Introductory Circuit Analysis,” 12th Edition, Prentice Hall, New York, 2005-2006, p. 524.
[2] Multisim 14.2 Tutorial Part 01 (Getting started: Introduction and circuit construction), YouTube video
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Jiasd0K7Co, accessed on 13 June 2023.
[3] Multisim 14.2 Tutorial Part 02 (DC Sweep and Parameter Sweep), YouTube video
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld1aqfOlm3w, accessed on 13 June 2023.

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