Bible Reading Plan
Bible Reading Plan
Bible Reading Plan
T i m e W i t h H im
GOD BLESSED the seventh day and made it holy, (Genesis 2:3). PRAY FOR: THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Out of [Bethlehem] will come a ruler who willShEphErD my people (Matthew 2:6). PRAY FOR: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
My rainbowwill be the sign of the covEnant between me and the earth (Genesis 9:13). PRAY FOR: URUGUAY
Man does not live on bread alone, but on EvEry worDfrom the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). PRAY FOR: UZBEKISTAN
I am your shield, your exceedingly GrEat rEwarD (Genesis 15:1). PRAY FOR: VANUATU
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44).
Keep the way of the LORD by doing what is rIGht anD JUSt (Genesis 18:19). PRAY FOR: VENEZUELA
SEEK FIrSt his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you (Matthew 6:33). PRAY FOR: VIETNAM
May the name of the LorD BE praISED (Job 1:21). PRAY FOR: YEMEN
[Jesus] tooK up oUr InFIrMItIES and carried our diseases (Matthew 8:17). PRAY FOR: SERBIA & MONTENEGRO
[God] pErForMS wonDErS that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted (Job 5:9). PRAY FOR: ZAMBIA
[Jesus said] Take heart, son; your sins are ForGIvEn (Matthew 9:2). PRAY FOR: ZIMBABWE
You will be SEcUrE, because there is hopetake your rest in safety (Job 11:18). PRAY FOR: AFGHANISTAN
Hegave them aUthorIty to drive out evil spirits and to heal (Matthew 10:1). PRAY FOR: ALBANIA
The righteous will hold to their ways, andwill Grow StronGEr (Job 17:9). PRAY FOR: ALGERIA
coMEall you who are weary and burdened I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). PRAY FOR: ANDORRA
I will put my Spirit on him [Jesus]he will procLaIM JUStIcE to the nations (Matthew 12:18). PRAY FOR: ANGOLA
I will teach you about the powEr of God; (Job 27:11). PRAY FOR: ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
The KnowLEDGE of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you (Matthew 13:11). PRAY FOR: ARGENTINA
The righteous will ShInE like the sun in the kingdom of their Father (Matthew 13:43). PRAY FOR: ARMENIA
It is the breath of the aLMIGhty that givesunderstanding (Job 32:8). PRAY FOR: AUSTRALIA
His eyes are on the ways of men; he SEES their every step (Job 34:21). PRAY FOR: AUSTRIA
If they oBEy anD SErvE him, they will spendtheir days in prosperity (Job 36:11). PRAY FOR: AZERBAIJAN
[Jesus said,]I have coMpaSSIon for these people (Matthew 15:32). PRAY FOR: THE BAHAMAS
[Jesus said,] Whoever loses his life for me wILL FInD It (Matthew 16:25). PRAY FOR: BAHRAIN
If you have FaIth.Nothing will be impossible for you (Matthew 17:20). PRAY FOR: BANGLADESH
ForGIvE your brother from your heart (Matthew 18:35). PRAY FOR: BELARUS
The Son of Man will becrucified. On the third day he will be raISED to LIFE! (Matthew 20:18,19). PRAY FOR: BELIZE
God has been gracious to me and I have aLL I nEED (Genesis 33:11). PRAY FOR: BENIN
Time With Him
Genesis 41,42 Matthew 22:1-39 LovE yoUr nEIGhBor as yourself (Matthew 22:39).
The LORD was with him andgave him SUccESS in everything he did (Genesis 39:3)
yoU wILL Know that I am the LORD your God (Exodus 6:7). PRAY FOR: BURKINA-FASO
I have raISED yoU Up[so] that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth (Exodus 9:16). PRAY FOR: CAMBODIA
My blood of the covEnantis poured outfor the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28). PRAY FOR: CAMEROON
StanD FIrM. The LORD will fight for you; (Exodus 14:13,14). PRAY FOR: CANADA
I know that you are looking for Jesus, hE haS rISEn, just as he said (Matthew 28:5,6). PRAY FOR: CHILE
I will MEEt with you and give you all my commands (Exodus 25:22).
I havE FILLED [you] with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge (Exodus 31:3). PRAY FOR: REPUBLIC OF CONGO
The LORD,the coMpaSSIonIatE and gracious God, abounding in love (Exodus 34:6,7). PRAY FOR: DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONG
Othershear the word, accept it, and proDUcE a crop (Mark 4:20).
Moses could not enterbecausethe GLory oF thE LorD filled the tabernacle (Exodus 40:35). PRAY FOR: CROATIA
Go home to your familytELL thEM how much the Lord has done for you, (Mark 5:19). PRAY FOR: CUBA
Among those who approach ME I will show myself holy (Leviticus 10:3).
Wherever [Jesus] went.all who touched him were hEaLED (Mark 6:56).
T i m e W i t h Him
Our thought for today is OVERWHELMED WITH AMAZEMENT. People were overwhelmed with amazementHe makes the deaf hear and the mute speak (Mark 7:37). PRAY FOR: CZECH REPUBLIC
Our word for today is COMPASSION. I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat (Mark 8:2). PRAY FOR: DENMARK
Our thought for today is DAY OF ATONEMENT. On this day atonement will be made for you, to cleanse you (Leviticus 16:30).
Our word for today is BELIEVE. [Jesus said] Everything is possible for him who believes (Mark 9:23).
Our thought for today is BE HOLY. Be holy, because I am the LORD your God.Who makes you holy (Leviticus 20:7,8). PRAY FOR: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Our word for today is CHILDREN. Let the little children come to mefor the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (Mark 10:14). PRAY FOR: ECUADOR
Our thought for today is FOLLOW JESUS. [Jesus said], your faith has healed you. Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus (Mark 10:52). PRAY FOR: EGYPT
Our word for today is HOSANNA. Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! (Mark 11:9).
Our thought for today is FAVOR AND FRUITFULNESS. I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers (Leviticus 26:9). PRAY FOR: EQUATORIAL GUINEA
Our word for today is INTEGRITY. They came to him and said, Teacher, we know you are a man of integrity (Mark 12:14). PRAY FOR: ERITREA
Our thought for today is SET APART. I set apart for myself every firstborn in Israel. They are to be mine (Numbers 3:13). PRAY FOR: ESTONIA
Our word for today is WITNESSES. On account of me you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them (Mark 13:9). PRAY FOR: ETHIOPIA
Our thought for today is VOICE OF THE LORD. Mosesheard the voice [of the Lord] speaking to him (Numbers 7:89). PRAY FOR: FIJI
Our word for today is PERFUME. She has done a beautiful thing to me. She poured perfume on my bodyto prepare for my burial (Mark 14:6,8). PRAY FOR: FINLAND
Our thought for today is FACE TO FACE. With [Moses] I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles; (Numbers 12:8).
Our word for today is CLOUDS. You will see the Son of Mancoming on the clouds of heaven (Mark 14:62).
Our thought for today is THE GIFT. Youmay serve as priests.I am giving you the service of the priesthood as a gift (Numbers 18:7). PRAY FOR: THE GAMBIA
Our word for today is HEARD. When the centurion heard his cry and saw how he died, he said, Surely this man was the Son of God! (Mark 15:39). PRAY FOR: GEORGIA
Our thought for today is NOT A MAN. God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind (Numbers 23:19). PRAY FOR: GERMANY
Our word for today is PRAYER. But the angel said to him: Do not be afraid,your prayer has been heard (Luke 1:13). PRAY FOR: GHANA
Our thought for today is MAKE A VOW. When a man makes a vow to the LORDhemust do everything he said (Numbers 30:2). PRAY FOR: GREAT BRITAIN
Our word for today is GLORIFY. My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God (Luke 1:46,47).
Our thought for today is I DWELL AMONG YOU. Do not defile the land where I dwell, for Idwell among the Israelites (Numbers 35:34). PRAY FOR: GRENADA
Our word for today is JOY. Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people (Luke 2:10). PRAY FOR: GUATEMALA
Our thought for today is DO NOT BE AFRAID. Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you (Deuteronomy 3:22).
Our word for today is PLEASED. A voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased (Luke 3:22). PRAY FOR: GUINEA
Our thought for today is GOOD LAND. God is bringing you into a good landwithsprings flowing in the valleys (Deuteronomy 8:7). PRAY FOR: GUYANA
Our word for today is SENT. I must preach the good newsbecause that is why I was sent (Luke 4:43).
Our thought for today is TREASURED POSSESSION. The LORD has chosen you to be his treasured possession (Deuteronomy 14:2). PRAY FOR: HONDURAS
Our word for today is REPENTANCE. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32). PRAY FOR: HUNGARY
Our thought for today is COMPLETELY RESTORED. [Jesus] said Stretch out your hand. He did so, and his hand was completely restored (Luke 6:10). PRAY FOR: ICELAND
T i m e With Him
Love your enemies Do GooD to those who hate you (Luke 6:27).
Look down from heavenand BLESS yoUr pEopLE (Deuteronomy 26:15). PRAY FOR: IRELAND
Deuteronomy 28,29 Luke 7:31-50 Jesus said to her, Your sins are ForGIvEn (Luke 7:48).
Love the LORDwalk in his waysthen you will live and IncrEaSE (Deuteronomy 30:16). PRAY FOR: ITALY
Then he said to her, Daughter, your faith has hEaLED you (Luke 8:48). PRAY FOR: IVORY COAST
BE StronG and courageousfor the LORD your God will be with you (Joshua 1:9). PRAY FOR: JAMAICA
Give glory to the Lordand give Him the praISE (Joshua 7:19).
rEJoIcE that your names are written in heaven (Luke 10:20). PRAY FOR: KAZAKHSTAN
Ifollowed the LORD my God whoLEhEartEDLy (Joshua 14:8). PRAY FOR: KENYA
Ask and it will be given to you; SEEK and you will find (Luke 11:9). PRAY FOR: KIRIBATI
Not one of all the Lords good proMISESfailed; every one was fulfilled (Joshua 21:45). PRAY FOR: SOUTH KOREA
Dont be afraid; you are worth MorE than many sparrows. (Luke 12:7). PRAY FOR: NORTH KOREA
[Jesus] said to her, Woman, you are SEt FrEE from your infirmity (Luke 13:12). PRAY FOR: KYRGYZSTAN
Blessed is he who comes in the naME oF thE LorD (Luke 13:35). PRAY FOR: LAOS
He who hUMBLES himself will be exalted (Luke 14:11). PRAY FOR: LATVIA
Whatever the Lord our God has given us, wE wILL poSSESS (Judges 11:24). PRAY FOR: LEBANON
There is rEJoIcInG over one sinner who repents (Luke 15:10). PRAY FOR: LESOTHO
Samson prayed O God, please StrEnGthEn ME (Judges 16:28). PRAY FOR: LIBERIA
Whoever can be trUStED with very little can also be trusted with much (Luke 16:10). PRAY FOR: LIBYA
May you be rIchLy rEwarDED by the LORD (Ruth 2:12). PRAY FOR: LIECHTENSTEIN
And will not God bring about JUStIcE For hIS choSEn onES? (Luke 18:7) PRAY FOR: LUXEMBOURG
What is impossible with men is poSSIBLE with God (Luke 18:27). PRAY FOR: MACEDONIA
The Spirit of the LORD will come upon you and yoU wILL BE chanGED (I Samuel 10:6). PRAY FOR: MADAGASCAR
The whole world will Know that there is a God (I Samuel 17:46).
T i m e W i t h H im
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my worDS will never pass away (Luke 21:33). PRAY FOR: PALAU
My enemies will turn back when I call for help.In God I trust; I will not BE aFraID (Psalms 56:9,11). PRAY FOR:
Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find StrEnGth In GoD (I Samuel 23:16). PRAY FOR: PAPUA NEW GUINEA
Long life to you! Good hEaLth to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours! (I Samuel 25:6). PRAY FOR: PARAGUAY
Jesus, rEMEMBEr ME when you come into your kingdom. Jesus answered him Today you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:42,43). PRAY FOR: PERU
Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; hE haS rISEn! (Luke 24:5,6).
May the LORD now show you kindness and FaIthFULnESS (II Samuel 2:6).
We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and trUth (John 1:14). PRAY FOR: PORTUGAL
Your words are trustworthy, and you have promised these GooD thInGS to your servant (II Samuel 7:28). PRAY FOR: QATAR
His disciples remembered that it is written: ZEaL for your house will consume me (John 2:17). PRAY FOR: ROMANIA
Let us FIGht BravELy for our people and the cities of our God. The LORD will do what is good in his sight (II Samuel 10:12). PRAY FOR: RUSSIA
For God so loved the world that he gave hisSon, that whoever BELIEvES in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
The water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to EtErnaL LIFE (John 4:14). PRAY FOR: ST. KITTS AND NEVIS
We have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the SavIor of the world (John 4:42). PRAY FOR: ST. LUCIA
It may be that the LORD will see my distress and rEpay me wIth GooD (II Samuel 16:12). PRAY FOR: ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
A time is coming when the dead will hEar the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live (John 5:25). PRAY FOR: SAMOA
Let thE rIGhtEoUS rEJoIcE in the LORDlet all the upright in heart praise him! (Psalms 64:10). PRAY FOR: SAN MARINO
I am the BrEaD of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry (John 6:35). PRAY FOR: SO TOM AND PRINCIPE
When one rules over men in righteousness he is like the LIGht oF MornInG at sunrise (II Samuel 23:3,4). PRAY FOR: SAUDI ARABIA
Jesus answered, My tEachInG comes from him who sent me (John 7:16).
O LORDhow majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory aBovE thE hEavEnS (Psalms 8:1). PRAY FOR: SENEGAL
...If you FoLLow me, you wont have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life. (John 8:12) PRAY FOR: THE SEYCHELLES
But I trust in your UnFaILInG LovE. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. (Psalms 13:5). PRAY FOR: SIERRA LEONE
May the words of my mouth and the MEDItatIon oF My hEart be pleasing in your sight (Psalms 19:14). PRAY FOR: SLOVAKIA
I am the good ShEphErD; I know my sheep and my sheep know meand I lay down my life for the sheep (John 10:14,15). PRAY FOR: SLOVENIA
I love the house where you live, O LORD, the place where yoUr GLory DwELLS (Psalms 26:8). PRAY FOR: THE SOLOMON ISLANDS
Jesus caLLED Lazarus, come out! The dead man came out (John 11:43,44).
For the Lord prESErvES thE FaIthFUL, but he harshly punishes the arrogant. (Psalms 31:23). PRAY FOR: SOUTH AFRICA
...because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who SErvES me. (John 12:26). PRAY FOR: SPAIN
Ti m e W i t h Him
Manyare the wonDErS you have done.Were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many (Psalms 40:5). PRAY FOR: SRI LANKA
Whoever accepts anyone I send accEptS me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me (John 13:20). PRAY FOR: SUDAN
He alone is My rocK and my salvation; my fortress, I will not be shaken (Psalms 62:6). PRAY FOR: SURINAME
pEacE I leave with you; my peace I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (John 14:27). PRAY FOR: SWAZILAND
For as high as the heavens are so GrEat is his LovE for [us] (Psalms 103:11). PRAY FOR: SWEDEN
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will GUIDE you into all truth (John 16:13). PRAY FOR: SWITZERLAND
How prEcIoUS to me are your thoUGhtS. Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand (Psalms 139:17,18). PRAY FOR: SYRIA
waLK In hIS waySso that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go (I Kings 2:3).
The LORD gives wisdom[and] protEctS the way of hIS FaIthFUL ones (Proverbs 2:6,8). PRAY FOR: THAILAND
Jesus did many other MIracULoUS signs that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ (John 20:30,31). PRAY FOR: TOGO
chooSE my InStrUctIon instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, (Proverbs 8:10). PRAY FOR: TONGA
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and be my wItnESSES in Jerusalem (Acts 1:8). PRAY FOR: TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
He who fears the LORD has a SEcUrE FortrESS, and for his children it will be a refuge (Proverbs 14:26). PRAY FOR: TUNISIA
You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your prESEncE (Acts 2:28). PRAY FOR: TURKEY
The lamp of the LORD searches the spirit of a man; it searches out his InMoSt BEInG (Proverbs 20:27). PRAY FOR: TURKMENISTAN
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other naME under heavenby which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). PRAY FOR: TUVALU
If your EnEMy is hungry, give him FooD to Eat; if he is thirstywater to drink.And the LORD will reward you (Proverbs 25:21,22). PRAY FOR: UGANDA
Tell the people the full MESSaGE of this new life (Acts 5:20). PRAY FOR: UKRAINE
[One] who FEarS thE LorD is to be praised (Proverbs 31:30). PRAY FOR: THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
So the word of God spread. The number of disciples IncrEaSED rapidly (Acts 6:7). PRAY FOR: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
How DELIGhtFUL is your lovemy bride! How much more pleasing is your love than wine (Song of Songs 4:10). PRAY FOR: URUGUAY
I have indeed seen the oppression of my people.I have heard their groaning and have come down to set them FrEE (Acts 7:34).
But now the LORD my God has given me rESt on EvEry SIDE, and there is no adversary or disaster (I Kings 5:4). PRAY FOR: VANUATU
Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they rEcEIvED the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17). PRAY FOR: THE VATICAN
praISE BE to the LORD your GoD, who has delighted in you (I Kings 10:9).
Jesussent me so that you may be FILLED with the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:17). PRAY FOR: VIETNAM
When God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, this is a GIFt oF GoD (Ecclesiastes 5:19). PRAY FOR: YEMEN
Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a MEMorIaL offering before God (Acts 10:4). PRAY FOR: YUGOSLAVIA
Ti m e W i t h Him
You know the message God senttelling the GooD nEwS of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all (Acts 10:36). PRAY FOR: ZAMBIA
Asa did what was right in the eyes of the LORD,Asas heart was FULLy coMMIttED to the LORD all his life (I Kings 15:11,14).
II Kings 7, 8, 9 James 3
When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was aMaZED at the teaching about the Lord (Acts 13:12). PRAY FOR: ALBANIA
He has shown kindness[and] provides you with pLEnty of food and fills your hearts with joy (Acts 14:17). PRAY FOR: ANDORRA
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should aSK GoD, who gives generously to all (James 1:5). PRAY FOR: ANGOLA
Peacemakers who Sow in pEacE raise a harvest of righteousness (James 3:18). PRAY FOR: ARGENTINA
SUBMIt yourselves, then, to GodCome near to God and he will come near to you (James 4:7,8).
The LORD was gracious to them and had coMpaSSIon and showed concern for them because of his covenant (II Kings 13:23). PRAY FOR: ARUBA
We believe it is through the GracE of our Lord Jesus that we are saved (Acts 15:11). PRAY FOR: AUSTRALIA
Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without rEvEaLInG hIS pLan to his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). PRAY FOR: AUSTRIA
The gospel I preached is not something that man made up,I received it by rEvELatIon from Jesus Christ (Galatians 1:11,12). PRAY FOR: AZERBAIJAN
Wehave put our FaIth In chrISt Jesus that we may be justified (Galatians 2:16).
Christ rEDEEMED us from the curse of the law.So that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit (Galatians 3:13,14).
Worship the LORD your God; it is he who will DELIvEr yoU from the hand of all your enemies (II Kings 17:39).
The FrUIt of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22,23).
Because your heart was responsive and you humbled yourself I havE hEarD you (II Kings 22:19). PRAY FOR: BELARUS
As [Paul and Silas] traveled from town to town,The churches were strengthened in the faith and GrEw daily in numbers (Acts 16:4,5).
Ask of me, and I will make the nations yoUr InhErItancE, the ends of the earth your possession (Psalms 2:8). PRAY FOR: BELIZE
This is my prayEr: that your love may abound more and morefilled with the fruit of righteousness (Philippians 1:9,11). PRAY FOR: BENIN
May all the peoples praise you. May the nations BE GLaD and sing for joy (Psalms 67:3,4). PRAY FOR: BHUTAN
I consider everything a loss compared to the SUrpaSSInG greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord (Philippians 3:8). PRAY FOR: BOLIVIA
Your love, O LORD, supported me.Your consolation brought Joy to My SoUL (Psalms 94:18,19). PRAY FOR: BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA
Worship the LORD in the splendor of his hoLInESS (Psalms 96:9). PRAY FOR: BOTSWANA
Shout for joy to the LORD worShIp the LORD wIth GLaDnESS (Psalms 100:1,2). PRAY FOR: BRAZIL
Weremember your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance InSpIrED by hope (I Thessalonians 1:3). PRAY FOR: BRUNEI
Great are the works of the LORD; GLorIoUS anD MaJEStIc are his deeds (Psalms 111:2,3). PRAY FOR: BULGARIA
May the Lord make your love increase and ovErFLow for each other and for everyone else (I Thessalonians 3:12). PRAY FOR: BURKINA-FASO
Praise the LORD, all you nationsor great is his love toward us, and [His] faithfulness endures ForEvEr (Psalms 117:1,2). PRAY FOR: BURUNDI
Time With Him
Psalms 119:89-176 II Thessalonians 1 I love yoUr coMManDS more than gold (Psalms 119:127).
Psalms 130,131,132 I Corinthians 1 Put your hopE in the LORD (Psalms 130:7).
May our Lord EncoUraGE your hearts and strengthen you (II Thessalonians 2:16,17). PRAY FOR: ARUBA
Do good, O LORD to those who are UprIGht in heart (Psalms 125:4). PRAY FOR: AUSTRALIA
I aM wIth yoU, and no one is going toharm you (Acts 18:9,10). PRAY FOR: AUSTRIA
I Chronicles 4,5,6
I Corinthians 7:1-19
I Chronicles 7,8,9
I Corinthians 7:20-40
The LORDSUStaInS the fatherless and the widow (Psalms 146:9). PRAY FOR: BAHRAIN
At that time each will receive his praISE from God (I Corinthians 4:5). PRAY FOR: BANGLADESH
Praise God for his SUrpaSSInG greatness (Psalms 150:1,2). PRAY FOR: BARBADOS
Your body is a temple of the hoLy SpIrIt (I Corinthians 6:19). PRAY FOR: BELARUS
Oh, that you would BLESS meand keep me from harm (I Chronicles 4:10). PRAY FOR: BELGIUM
They were able men, responsible for MInIStErInG (I Chronicles 9:13). PRAY FOR: BELIZE
I Chronicles 10,11,12
I Corinthians 8
I Chronicles 13,14,15
I Corinthians 9
I Corinthians 10:1-18
Psalms 45,46,47
I Corinthians 10:19-33
Psalms 48,49,50
I Corinthians 11:1-16
Psalms 73, 85
I Corinthians 11:17-34
The LORD brought about a great vIctory (I Chronicles 11:14). PRAY FOR: BENIN
By day the LORD directs his love, at night his SonG is with me (Psalms 42:8). PRAY FOR: BOLIVIA
Whatever you do, do it all For thE GLory oF GoD (I Corinthians 10:31). PRAY FOR: BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA
But God will rEDEEM my life from the grave (Psalms 49:15). PRAY FOR: BOTSWANA
The LORD Jesus said, thIS IS My BoDy, which is for you (I Corinthians 11:23,24). PRAY FOR: BRAZIL
I Chronicles 17,18,19
I Corinthians 13
I Chronicles 26,27
I Corinthians 15:1-28
I Chronicles 28,29
I Corinthians 15:29-58
Love is patient, love is kindLovE nEvEr FaILS (I Corinthians 13:4,8). PRAY FOR: BULGARIA
Be strong and coUraGEoUS. Do not be afraid or discouraged (I Chronicles 22:13). PRAY FOR: BURKINA-FASO
Come togetherfor the StrEnGthEnInG of the church (I Corinthians 14:26). PRAY FOR: BURUNDI
The LORD had promised to make Israel as numerous as the StarS (I Chronicles 27:23). PRAY FOR: CAMBODIA
The trumpet will soundand we will be chanGED. (I Corinthians 15:52). PRAY FOR: CAMEROON
Give me wISDoM and knowledge, that I may lead this people (II Chronicles 1:10). PRAY FOR: CANADA
It is God Who makesus StanD firm (II Corinthians 1:21). PRAY FOR: CAPE VERDE
II Chronicles 10,11,12
II Corinthians 3
They worshiped and GavE thanKS to the LORD (II Chronicles 7:3). PRAY FOR: CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FrEEDoM (II Corinthians 3:17). PRAY FOR: CHAD
God is with us; he is oUr LEaDEr (II Chronicles 13:12). PRAY FOR: CHILE
We implore youBe rEconcILED to God (II Corinthians 5:20). PRAY FOR: CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF JIABAO WEN.
Time With Him
Jehoshaphat cried out, and the LORD hELpED him (II Chronicles 18:31). PRAY FOR: COLOMBIA
I have great conFIDEncE in you; my joy knows no bounds (II Corinthians 7:4). PRAY FOR: COMOROS
II Chronicles 22; Joel 1 II Corinthians 9 God is able to make aLL GracE abound to you (II Corinthians 9:8).
Isaiah 1,2
II Corinthians 11:16-33
The day of the LORD IS nEar for all nations (Obadiah 15). PRAY FOR: CONGO, REPUBLIC OF
I will poUr oUt my Spirit on all people (Joel 2:28). PRAY FOR: COSTA RICA
The trUth of Christ is in me, nobodywill stop this boasting (II Corinthians 11:10). PRAY FOR: CROATIA
Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as whItE aS Snow (Isaiah 1:18). PRAY FOR: CUBA
My powEr is made perfect in weakness (II Corinthians 12:9). PRAY FOR: CYPRUS
Holy is the LORD Almighty; the whoLE Earth is full of his glory (Isaiah 6:3). PRAY FOR: CZECH REPUBLIC
II Chronicles 29,30
Acts 19:21-41
II Chronicles 31,32
Acts 20:1-16
God did extraordinary MIracLESand their illnesses were cured (Acts 19:11,12). PRAY FOR: DENMARK
Godwill not turn his FacE from you if you return to him (II Chronicles 30:9). PRAY FOR: DJIBOUTI
[Paul] traveled speaking many words of EncoUraGEMEnt (Acts 20:2). PRAY FOR: DOMINICA
I will wait for the LORD I will put my trUSt in Him (Isaiah 8:17). PRAY FOR: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
May [God] give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may Know hIM better (Ephesians 1:17). PRAY FOR: ECUADOR
I pray that you mayGraSpthe love of Christ (Ephesians 3:17,18). PRAY FOR: EL SALVADOR
When they cry out to the LORDhe will send them a SavIor (Isaiah 19:20). PRAY FOR: EQUATORIAL GUINEA
Live a LIFE of love, just as Christ loved us (Ephesians 5:2). PRAY FOR: ERITREA
From the ends of the earth we hear singing: GLory to the Righteous One (Isaiah 24:16). PRAY FOR: ESTONIA
Be aLErt and always keep on praying (Ephesians 6:18). PRAY FOR: ETHIOPIA
The effect of righteousness will be quietness and conFIDEncE forever (Isaiah 32:17). PRAY FOR: FRANCE
Blessed are they whose transgressions are ForGIvEn. (Romans 4:7). PRAY FOR: GABON
yoU aLonE arE GoD over all the kingdoms of the earth (Isaiah 37:16). PRAY FOR: THE GAMBIA
If we died with Christwe will also LIvE with him (Romans 6:8). PRAY FOR: GEORGIA
Do not FEar I will strengthen you and help you (Isaiah 41:10). PRAY FOR: GERMANY
There is now no conDEMnatIon for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). PRAY FOR: GHANA
Let the earth open wide, let SaLvatIon spring up (Isaiah 45:8). PRAY FOR: GREAT BRITAIN
The children of the proMISE are regarded as Abrahams offspring (Romans 9:8). PRAY FOR: GREECE
T i m e W i th Him
It is the Sovereign LORD who hELpS ME. (Isaiah 50:9). PRAY FOR: GRENADA
The word is nEar you; it is in your mouth and in your heart (Romans 10:8). PRAY FOR: GUATEMALA
Shout it aloud. raISE yoUr voIcE like a trumpet. (Isaiah 58:1). PRAY FOR: GUINEA-BISSAU
Hosea 1, 2, 3, 4 Romans 14
Gods gifts and his call are IrrEvocaBLE (Romans 11:29). PRAY FOR: GUINEA
You will be a crown oF SpLEnDor in the LORDs hand (Isaiah 62:3). PRAY FOR: GUYANA
Do what is right and he will coMMEnD you (Romans 13:3). PRAY FOR: HAITI
Yet I will Show LovE to the house of Judah (Hosea 1:7). PRAY FOR: HONDURAS
We who are strong ought to BEar with the failings of the weak (Romans 15:1). PRAY FOR: HUNGARY
Sowrighteousness, reap the fruit of UnFaILInG LovE (Hosea 10:12). PRAY FOR: ICELAND
Be wise about good, and InnocEnt about what is evil (Romans 16:19). PRAY FOR: INDIA
Micah 6, 7 Acts 22
Zephaniah 1, 2, 3 Acts 24
I am FILLED wIth powEr, with the Spirit of the LORD (Micah 3:8). PRAY FOR: INDONESIA
Paulreported what God had done through his MInIStry (Acts 21:19). PRAY FOR: IRAN
I watch In hopE for the LORDfor God my Savior (Micah 7:7). PRAY FOR: IRAQ
I have FULFILLED my duty to God in all good conscience (Acts 23:1). PRAY FOR: IRELAND
Because you humbled yourself before meI havE hEarD yoU (II Chronicles 34:27). PRAY FOR: ISRAEL
I StrIvE always to keep my conscience clear before God and man (Acts 24:16). PRAY FOR: ITALY
I StanD In awE of your deeds, O LORD (Habakkuk 3:2). PRAY FOR: IVORY COAST
Jeremiah 1, 2 Acts 26
Jeremiah 7, 8, 26 Acts 28
Turn them from darkness to LIGht, and fromSatan to God (Acts 26:18). PRAY FOR: JAMAICA
Shepherds aFtEr My own hEart will lead you (Jeremiah 3:15). PRAY FOR: JAPAN
Ask for the ancient pathsthe good way and waLK in it (Jeremiah 6:16). PRAY FOR: JORDAN
Boldly and without hindrance he prEachED thE KInGDoM (Acts 28:31). PRAY FOR: KAZAKHSTAN
I am the LORD, who exercises KInDnESS, justice and righteousness (Jeremiah 9:24). PRAY FOR: KENYA
Like clay in the hand of the pottEr, so are you in my hand (Jeremiah 18:6). PRAY FOR: SOUTH KOREA
Jeremiah 50 Hebrews 6
DEvotE yoUrSELvES to prayer,watchful and thankful (Colossians 4:2). PRAY FOR: NORTH KOREA
Do not FEar, O Jacob my servant for I am with you (Jeremiah 46:28). PRAY FOR: KUWAIT
Because hewas tempted, he is able to hELp those who aretempted (Hebrews 2:18). PRAY FOR: KYRGYZSTAN
For every house is built by someone, but God is the BUILDEr oF EvErythInG (Hebrews 3:4). PRAY FOR: LAOS
This is the name by which he will be called: The LORD Our rIGhtEoUSnESS (Jeremiah 23:6). PRAY FOR: LATVIA
He became the source of EtErnaL SaLvatIon for all who obey him (Hebrews 5:9). PRAY FOR: LEBANON
Bind [yourselves] to the LORD in an everlasting covEnant (Jeremiah 50:5). PRAY FOR: LESOTHO
T i m e With Him
The Lordwill not change his mind: You are a prIESt ForEvEr (Hebrews 7:21). PRAY FOR: LIBERIA
Make your praISES heard, and say, O LORD, save your people (Jeremiah 31:7). PRAY FOR: LIBYA
He entered the MoSt hoLy pLacE once for all by his own blood, (Hebrews 9:12). PRAY FOR: LIECHTENSTEIN
oBEy the LORD. Then it will go well with you (Jeremiah 38:20). PRAY FOR: LUXEMBOURG
We have been made holy throughJesus Christ oncE For aLL (Hebrews 10:10). PRAY FOR: MACEDONIA
Lamentations 1, 2 Hebrews 12
Lamentations 3, 4, 5 Hebrews 13
I am with you and willdeliver you.I will show you coMpaSSIon (Jeremiah 42:11,12). PRAY FOR: MADAGASCAR
By FaIth the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land (Hebrews 11:29). PRAY FOR: MALAWI
arISE,pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord (Lamentations 2:19). PRAY FOR: MALAYSIA
May the God of peaceEQUIp yoU with everything good for doing his will (Hebrews 13:20,21). PRAY FOR: MALDIVES
Daniel 3, 4 Titus 2
Daniel 5, 6, 7 Titus 3
He rEvEaLS deep and hidden things;and light dwells with him (Daniel 2:22). PRAY FOR: MALI
We wait forthe GLorIoUS appEarInG of ourSavior (Titus 2:13). PRAY FOR: MALTA
His kingdom will not be destroyed, his DoMInIon will never end (Daniel 6:26). PRAY FOR: MARSHALL ISLANDS
Daniel 8, 9, 10 Philemon
I always thank my God as I remember you In My prayErS, (Philemon 4). PRAY FOR: MAURITANIA
Everyone whose name is found written in the bookwill be DELIvErED (Daniel 12:1). PRAY FOR: MAURITIUS
Ezekiel 3, 4 I Timothy 3
Ezekiel 5, 6, 7 I Timothy 4
Ezekiel 8, 9, 10 I Timothy 5
There isonE MEDIator between God and men,Christ Jesus (I Timothy 2:5). PRAY FOR: MEXICO
The glory of the LORD was standing there, and I FELL FacEDown (Ezekiel 3:23). PRAY FOR: MICRONESIA
Set an EXaMpLE for the believers in lovefaith and purity (I Timothy 4:12). PRAY FOR: MOLDOVA
The court was full of thE raDIancE oF thE GLory of the LORD (Ezekiel 10:4). PRAY FOR: MONACO
GoDLInESS with contentment is great gain (I Timothy 6:6). PRAY FOR: MONGOLIA
They will BE My pEopLE, and I will be their God (Ezekiel 14:11). PRAY FOR: MOROCCO
If we endure, we will also rEIGn with him (II Timothy 2:12). PRAY FOR: MOZAMBIQUE
[The righteous man] JUDGES FaIrLy between man and man (Ezekiel 18:8). PRAY FOR: MYANMAR
Preach the Word; be prEparED in season and out (II Timothy 4:2). PRAY FOR: NAMIBIA
You will know that I am the SovErEIGn LorD (Ezekiel 23:49). PRAY FOR: NAURU
Like LIvInG StonES, [you] are being built into a spiritual house (I Peter 2:5). PRAY FOR: NEPAL
I will show myself holyin the SIGht oF thE natIonS (Ezekiel 28:25). PRAY FOR: THE NETHERLANDS
Be clear minded and SELF-controLLED so that you can pray (I Peter 4:7). PRAY FOR: NETHERLANDS
The Sovereign LORD says: I myself will SEarch For My ShEEp (Ezekiel 34:11). PRAY FOR: NEW ZEALAND
He has given us his very great and prEcIoUS promises (II Peter 1:4). PRAY FOR: NICARAGUA
They will all have onE ShEphErD. They will follow my laws (Ezekiel 37:24). PRAY FOR: NIGER
T i m e With Him
Live hoLy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God (II Peter 3:11,12). PRAY FOR: NIGERIA
I saw the glory of the GoD oF ISraELthe land was radiant (Ezekiel 43:2). PRAY FOR: NORWAY
Your sins have been ForGIvEn on account of his name (I John 2:12). PRAY FOR: OMAN
How great is the love [of] the Fatherthat we should be called chILDrEn oF GoD! (I John 3:1). PRAY FOR: PAKISTAN
God lives in us and his love is made coMpLEtE in us (I John 4:12). PRAY FOR: PALAU
All the people gave a great ShoUt oF praISE to the LORD (Ezra 3:11). PRAY FOR: PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES
This is love: that we walk in oBEDIEncE to his commands (II John 6). PRAY FOR: PANAMA
I will return to Jerusalem with mercy, and there My hoUSE will be rebuilt (Zechariah 1:16). PRAY FOR: PAPUA NEW GUINEA
Build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit (Jude 20). PRAY FOR: PARAGUAY
yoUr KInG coMESrighteous and having salvation (Zechariah 9:9). PRAY FOR: PERU
To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden Manna (Revelation 2:17). PRAY FOR: PHILIPPINES
A fountain will be opened to the house of Davidand [to] Jerusalem, to cLEanSE thEM (Zechariah 13:1). PRAY FOR: POLAND
With your BLooD you purchased men for God from every tribe andnation (Revelation 5:9). PRAY FOR: PORTUGAL
You are the God who pErForMS MIracLES among the peoples (Psalms 77:14). PRAY FOR: QATAR
Salvation belongs to our God,and to the LaMB (Revelation 7:10). PRAY FOR: ROMANIA
In your distress you called and I rEScUED yoU (Psalms 81:7). PRAY FOR: RUSSIA
The Lord bestows Favor and honor (Psalms 84:11). PRAY FOR: RWANDA; PAUL KAGAME.
The angel. SworE By hIM who lives for ever (Revelation 10:5,6). PRAY FOR: ST. KITTS AND NEVIS
Because the hand of the LORD my God was on me, I took coUraGE (Ezra 7:28). PRAY FOR: ST. LUCIA
Now have come the kingdomand aUthorIty oF chrISt (Revelation 12:10). PRAY FOR: ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
I will Go to the king.And if I perish, I perish (Esther 4:16). PRAY FOR: SAMOA
[The pure] FoLLow thE LaMB wherever he goes. (Revelation 14:4). PRAY FOR: SAN MARINO
Their sorrow was turned into joy and cELEBratIon. (Esther 9:22). PRAY FOR: SO TOM AND PRINCIPE
Lord God Almighty, trUE anD JUSt are your judgments (Revelation 16:7). PRAY FOR: SAUDI ARABIA
I willbring them to the place I have chosen as a DwELLInG for my Name (Nehemiah 1:9). PRAY FOR: SCOTLAND
The Lamb will overcomeand with him will be his FaIthFUL FoLLowErS (Revelation 17:14). PRAY FOR: SENEGAL
All the people LIStEnED attentively to the Book of the Law (Nehemiah 8:3). PRAY FOR: SERBIA & MONTENEGRO
Praise our God, all you his servantsBoth SMaLL anD GrEat! (Revelation 19:5). PRAY FOR: THE SEYCHELLES
The sound of rEJoIcInG in Jerusalem could be heard far away (Nehemiah 12:43). PRAY FOR: SIERRA LEONE
Then I saw a new heaven and a nEw Earth (Revelation 21:1). PRAY FOR: SINGAPORE
I will send my MESSEnGEr, who will prepare the way before me (Malachi 3:1). PRAY FOR: SLOVAKIA