Essent - Unit 1 (Issue 2)
Essent - Unit 1 (Issue 2)
Essent - Unit 1 (Issue 2)
This issue focuses on the process of founding the churches in the
traditions and instructions and how the early leaders attempted to preserve
the truth in the churches after they were established.
The term “tradition” (from Greek word “paradosis” that which passed on)
refers to the teaching delivered by Paul and other apostles. Paul’s early writings
were delivered to the church as a body of teachings that he is received from god.
He says the people who not follow the traditions will be referred to
someone who is out of step. Apostle’s teaching was briefly illustrated in acts.
This teaching began orally and grew throughout the life of the church in the
form of letters.
Two keywords which used are “attitude” which is the word refers to the
pattern of thinking and living, and “standard” which refers to the rule of
standard of faith delivered by Paul. He referred the body if truth is “faith”.
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Paul began to focus on sound doctrines in his last two letters which were
written to his two key leaders: Timothy and Titus. “Doctrine” means didachae
which portrays the teachings of Paul. This teaching also centered the kerygma,
the proclamation of gospel.
Paul continued even his absence, to nurture the churches he had founded
and shaped. Paul responds to the church in three ways: by sending timothy as
his emissary, by writing the letter, and by directing them to continue among
themselves what he taught. Paul prays for an opportunity to visit them and fill
up what is lacking in their faith. Since it is impossible he writes a letter.
As mission was a collective enterprise and that his co-workers Silas and
Timothy performed a wide range of functions in Thessalonica in the absence of
Paul. Timothy orally conveyed Paul’s concerns to the church. Church should be
organized as whole including the believers who eager in taking part in missions.
This shows the strong growth of the church in a spiritual way. The co-workers
should cooperate with the pastor.
Paul gives advices on the matters of the conduct, and he portrays his self
description by reminding them of his example. Today’s pastors should be the
believer’s model like Paul.
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Nurturing congregation:
Paul expected Thessalonians to nurture when he was not with them and
instructed his converts on their relationship with one another. Pastors should
maintain the fellowship between the believers.
Conclusion: Paul ends his letter with the thanksgivings that shows the closest
relationship with his converts.
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