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Why Does My Throat Burn - Causes of A Sore, Burning Throat

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8 Reasons Your Throat

Covid isn't likely to be one of them.




B S I P/ U N I V E R S A L I M AG E S G R O U P // G E T T Y I M AG E S

Not only is it uncomfortable, it's

disconcerting when you develop a
scratchy throat that has kind of a
burning feeling to it. Usually, a burning
throat isn't a sign of a serious illness, but
it's important to =gure out what's wrong
rather than stressing out about all the
things you think it could be. Instead, use
this guide to discover potential culprits
of a throat that feels like it's on =re, and
=gure out what kind of doctor you
should see and how to tame the burning.
Check out eight common reasons you
feel like your throat is burning.

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1.) Common cold

Viral infections, such as colds, are
usually the most common cause of a sore
throat (pharyngitis). A scratchy throat is
usually the =rst symptom, followed by a
runny nose, sneezing, cough, and
fatigue. Typically, you can shake a cold in
a few days and meds like ibuprofen or
acetaminophen can soothe your burning
throat, as well as lozenges or a throat
spray (look for one that’s a topical
analgesic, it will say that on the label),
and even hot tea. As with any viral
infection, being precautious is key to
prevention. “Good hand hygiene,
limiting contact with people who are
sick, and keeping your immune system
as strong as possible with exercise, lots
of vegetable intake, and good self-care to
reduce stress, which may weaken the
immune system,” says Joseph A. Ladapo,
M.D., Ph.D., an associate professor of
medicine at the David Geffen School of
Medicine at UCLA. Have a fever, too?
Then it could be the Uu or a bacterial

What about Covid? “Sore throats can be

seen with Covid-19 symptoms,” says Dr.
Ladapo. “During this pandemic, it’s not
unreasonable to consider getting tested if
you have a sore throat. But it is probably
unlikely to be coronavirus if there are no
other symptoms.”

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2.) Flu
If, along with your burning throat, you
have a fever, chills, congestion, a
headache, and feel like you’ve been run
over by a truck, chances are you have
InUuenza (Uu). Like a cold, most people
recover in a few days with plenty of rest,
a pain reliever like Tylenol or Advil, and
even some chicken soup (check out these
additional strategies for relieving
symptoms). But if your sore throat and
the rest of your symptoms are getting
worse, or lasting longer than two weeks,
call your doctor. “A person should call a
physician regarding a sore throat
whenever it is accompanied by fever of
100.4 F or greater, chills or body aches,
difficulty swallowing or chewing, a stiff
or painful neck and/or swollen glands or
a sore throat that lasts more than =ve to
seven days, despite supportive
measures,” says Ayanna Kersey-
McMullen, D.O., who specializes in
osteopathic medicine and integrative
wellness. People who have certain
chronic medical conditions (such as
asthma, diabetes, or heart disease) and
come down with the Uu are at high risk
of developing serious complications. So
if you fall into that category, de=nitely
call your doctor.

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3.) Strep throat

This generally mild infection of the
throat and tonsils, caused by bacteria
called group A Streptococcus, can be
culprit behind that burning feeling that
has you afraid to swallow. Strep is
usually spread the same way as the
common cold or Uu—by an infected
person coughing or sneezing, expelling
respiratory droplets. If you touch a
surface with those germs, like a
doorknob, or handle, and touch your
nose or your mouth, then you can pretty
much guess what happens next. See your
doctor if you are experiencing chills,
nausea, have a headache, and a red,
swollen throat, or white patches on your
tonsils. Your physician can give you a
rapid antigen test, or simple throat swab
test that garners results in minutes. If
you indeed have strep, you will be
prescribed antibiotics.

4.) Burning Mouth

Yes, this is a real thing and an actual
medical term. According to the Mayo
Clinic, burning mouth syndrome
typically entails a burning sensation in
areas such as the lips, gums, tongue and
palate, or even all over your mouth, and
your throat. It sometimes also presents
with dry mouth or a bitter or metallic
taste in your mouth. Your doctor will
usually want to rule out other causes for
your symptoms before nailing down this
diagnosis, so talk to them to help come
up with an appropriate treatment plan.

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5.) GERD/Acid
Gastroesophageal reUux disease (GERD)
happens when stomach acid frequently
Uows back into your esophagus. This
backwash, otherwise known as acid
reUux, can wreak havoc on the lining of
your esophagus and cause that burning
sensation in your throat. In general,
“avoid spicy foods, caffeine, large meals,
or eating late at night especially when
close to bedtime as these will exacerbate
your symptoms,” says Dr. Kersey-
McMullen. (Just be aware that some
men may be able to get away with eating
certain foods that are off limits for
others.) Over-the-counter (OTC)
treatment for GERD includes antacids
that neutralize or stop the production of
stomach acid, such as Mylanta, Rolaids
and Tums, Prilosec, or Pepcid. If they
don’t work, your physician may prescribe
something stronger. Don’t ignore
prolonged symptoms, either. “Make sure
you talk to your doctor about treating
your GERD, because if left untreated,
GERD may lead to changes in the lining
of the esophagus which can then lead to
throat cancer,” she says. Also, see your
doctor if your symptoms include chest

6.) Allergies
A burning, irritated throat can also be
caused by an allergic reaction to pollen,
dust, cigarette smoke, mold, or pet
dander. These allergies can bring on
post-nasal drip (when congestion in the
nose and sinuses drains down to the
throat) leading to that tickly, scratchy
feeling. OTC medications, including
antihistamines like Claritin or Zyrtec,
decongestants, and nasal sprays can help
alleviate symptoms—so can taking
certain steps to prevent them. And if
your allergies are severe, see an allergist
who can come up with a plan of action
to combat the problem. But if you have a
sore throat with fever and body aches, it
might be a cold or the Uu, and not your

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7.) Tonsillitis
If your tonsils are red and swollen or
have white pus spots, and you’re
experiencing throat pain and tenderness,
or have white or yellow coating over
your tongue, a stiff neck, and bad breath,
it could be tonsillitis. The good news is
this viral infection often goes away on its
own after four to 10 days. But if you
have a sore throat, a sudden severe fever,
swollen lymph nodes, and no cold
symptoms, you more than likely have a
bacterial infection such as strep throat.
Contact your doctor for a strep test.

8). Esophagitis
Esophagitis, AKA inUammation of the
esophagus, is another potential culprit of
burning in your throat. It’s often caused
by GERD/acid reUux, according to the
Mayo Clinic, which, unsurprisingly, will
typically lead to that telltale burning
sensation in your throat. Esophagitis can
also lead to difficulty or pain with

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GERD isn’t the only cause of this

condition, though. It can also be a result
of existing infections, certain
medications or treatments for other
illnesses, and food allergies. Since a
doctor will need to treat the underlying
causes, it's important to get correctly
diagnosed. That means it's key to not just
withstand a burning throat that isn't
explained by simple causes and to see
someone about it.

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C R E D I T: .


LaShieka Hunter is a health and

entertainment writer whose articles have
appeared in The New York Times; O, The
Oprah Magazine; Essence; Huffington
Post; Dr. Oz The Good Life; and Ebony.
She currently lives on Long Island. 



Emilia Benton is a Houston-based

freelance writer and editor. In addition to
Runner's World, she has contributed
health, =tness and wellness content to
Women's Health, SELF, Prevention,
Healthline, and the Houston Chronicle,
among other publications. She is also an
11-time marathoner, a USATF Level 1-
certi=ed running coach, and an avid

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