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Depth June 19 - OCR

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Oxford Cambridge and RSA

Thursday 23 May 2019 – Morning

AS Level Chemistry A
H032/02 Depth in chemistry
Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes

You must have:

* 7 6 4 9 0 9 1 6 8 4 *

• the Data Sheet for Chemistry A

(sent with general stationery)
You may use:
• a scientific or graphical calculator

* H 0 3 2 0 2 *

Please write clearly in black ink. Do not write in the barcodes.

Centre number Candidate number

First name(s) �

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• Use black ink. You may use an HB pencil for graphs and diagrams.
• Answer all the questions.
• Where appropriate, your answers should be supported with working. Marks may be
given for a correct method even if the answer is incorrect.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided. If additional space is
required, you should use the lined page(s) at the end of this booklet. The question
number(s) must be clearly shown.

• The total mark for this paper is 70.
• The marks for each question are shown in brackets [ ].
• Quality of extended responses will be assessed in questions marked with an
asterisk (*).
• This document consists of 20 pages.

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Answer all the questions.

1 This question is about the properties and reactions of the Group 2 element strontium.

(a) The relative atomic mass of strontium can be determined using a mass spectrometer.

(i) Explain what is meant by the term relative atomic mass of an element.




...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) A sample of strontium has a relative atomic mass of 87.73.

The sample consists of:

• 82.9% Sr-88
• 6.9% Sr-87
• one other isotope.

Determine the other isotope of strontium in the sample.

isotope of strontium = .......................................................... [2]

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(b) The table below shows two physical properties of the element strontium.

Melting point high

Electrical conductivity very good

Explain these physical properties of strontium, in terms of bonding and structure.

Include a labelled diagram in your answer.


Explanation ...............................................................................................................................






.............................................................................................................................................. [5]

(c) A student adds a small amount of strontium to water.

When the reaction has finished, the student measures the pH of the final solution.

(i) Write the equation for the reaction of strontium with water.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Describe two observations which would be different if the student had used calcium in
place of strontium.

1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................

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(d) When hydrated strontium chloride is heated, the water of crystallisation is removed, leaving a
residue of anhydrous strontium chloride.

A student carries out an experiment to find the value of x in the formula of hydrated strontium
chloride, SrCl2•xH2O.

The student’s method is outlined below.

Step 1
Weigh an empty crucible.
Add SrCl2•xH2O to the crucible and reweigh.

Step 2
Heat the crucible and contents for 10 minutes.
Allow to cool and reweigh.

Step 3
Heat the crucible and residue for another 5 minutes.
Allow to cool and weigh the crucible and residue.

Repeat step 3 a further two times.

The student’s results are shown below:

Mass of empty crucible / g 15.96

Mass of crucible + SrCl2•xH2O / g 18.65
First mass of crucible + residue / g 17.66
Second mass of crucible + residue / g 17.61
Third mass of crucible + residue / g 17.58
Fourth mass of crucible + residue / g 17.58

(i) Calculate the value of x in SrCl2•xH2O.

Give your answer to 2 significant figures.

x = .......................................................... [3]
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(ii) Suggest why the student takes four readings of the mass of the crucible and residue.


...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Suggest two modifications to the method that would reduce the percentage uncertainty
in the mass of the residue.

1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................


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2 Magnesium nitrate is used in fertilisers as a source of nitrogen.

(a)* A student plans to prepare 250.0 cm3 of a 0.4000 mol dm–3 solution of magnesium nitrate,
starting from magnesium nitrate crystals, Mg(NO3)2•6H2O.

Describe how the student would prepare the solution, giving full details of quantities,
apparatus and method. [6]
















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(b) A solution of magnesium nitrate can be prepared by reacting magnesium carbonate, MgCO3,
with nitric acid, HNO3(aq).

The equation is shown below.

MgCO3(s) + 2HNO3(aq) Mg(NO3)2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

Calculate the minimum volume, in cm3, of 1.75 mol dm–3 HNO3 that is needed to prepare a
solution containing 5.00 g of Mg(NO3)2.

Give your answer to 3 significant figures.

volume = ................................................... cm3 [3]

(c) Magnesium nitrate decomposes when heated, as shown in the equation.

2Mg(NO3)2(s) 2MgO(s) + 4NO2(g) + O2(g)

Using oxidation numbers, show which element has been oxidised and which has been
reduced when magnesium nitrate decomposes.

State the changes in oxidation numbers, including all signs.

Element oxidised ......................................................

Oxidation number change: from ............. to .............

Element reduced ......................................................

Oxidation number change: from ............. to .............


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3 This question is about 1-iodopentane, CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2I.

(a) 1-Iodopentane can be hydrolysed by aqueous sodium hydroxide.

(i) Outline the mechanism for this reaction.

Include curly arrows, relevant dipoles and the final product(s).



(ii) 1-Iodopentane can also be hydrolysed by water using aqueous silver nitrate, with ethanol
as the solvent.

A student uses this method to compare the rates of hydrolysis of 1-iodopentane and

What measurement and observation would allow the student to compare the rates of


...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) 1-Iodopentane was found to react faster than 1-bromopentane.

Explain why.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]

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(b) The mass spectrum of 1-iodopentane is shown below.



relative 60 Y

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

(i) What information is given by the peak labelled X (m/z = 198)?

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Write the structural formulae of the ions responsible for the peaks labelled Y and Z.

Y (m/z = 71) .......................................................................................................................

Z (m/z = 43) .................................................................................................................. [2]

(c) 2-Iodo-2-methylbutane is an isomer of 1-iodopentane.

(i) Draw the structure of 2-iodo-2-methylbutane.


(ii) Suggest one similarity and one difference between the mass spectra of 1-iodopentane
and 2-iodo-2-methylbutane.

Similarity ............................................................................................................................


Difference ..........................................................................................................................

...................................................................................................................................... [2]

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4 Zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid, HCl (aq), as shown in the following equation.

Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) ZnCl 2(aq) + H2(g)

A student investigates the rate of this reaction.

(a) The student plans to react 50.0 cm3 of 0.100 mol dm–3 HCl with 0.200 g of zinc (an excess).

Calculate the volume, in cm3, of hydrogen that should be produced at RTP.

volume = ................................................... cm3 [3]

(b) The student uses the apparatus in the diagram.

100 cm3 gas syringe

The student’s method is outlined below:

• Pour 50.0 cm3 of 0.100 mol dm–3 HCl into the conical flask.
• Add 0.200 g of zinc (an excess), and quickly attach the delivery tube and gas syringe.
• Measure the volume of gas collected every 20 seconds until the reaction stops.

The student obtains the results shown in Table 4.1.

Time / s 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 160 200

Volume of gas / cm3 0 16 27 37 39 50 53 58 58

Table 4.1

(i) On the graph paper in Fig. 4.1, label the x axis and plot the results in Table 4.1. [1]

(ii) Circle any anomalous results present in the graph you have drawn in Fig. 4.1. [1]

(iii) Draw a best-fit smooth curve on the graph you have drawn in Fig. 4.1. [1]

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/ cm3




Fig. 4.1

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(c) The student repeats the experiment using:
• zinc with the same mass (0.200 g) and same surface area
• the same temperature and pressure
• 40.0 cm3 of 0.125 mol dm–3 HCl, instead of 50.0 cm3 of 0.100 mol dm–3 HCl.

On your graph in Fig. 4.1 sketch the curve you would expect in this experiment. [2]

(d) The graph shows that rate of reaction decreases over time.

Explain why, in terms of collision theory.





.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(e) (i) The rate of the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid can be increased using a
solution of copper(II) sulfate as a catalyst.

Explain how a catalyst increases the rate of reaction.





...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Why is it difficult to classify the solution of copper(II) sulfate as a homogeneous or

heterogeneous catalyst in this reaction?



...................................................................................................................................... [1]

© OCR 2019
5 This question is about hex-1-ene, CH3CH2CH2CH2CH=CH2.

(a) Hex-1-ene is reacted with H2, HCl and Br2 as shown in the flowchart below.

(i) Complete the flowchart to show the structures of the organic products of these reactions.

major product

Reaction 1 H2 HCl Reaction 2


Reaction 3 Br2


(ii) State the catalyst needed in reaction 1.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) What would you observe in reaction 3?


...................................................................................................................................... [1]

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(b) Hex-1-ene is a liquid with a boiling point of 63 °C and a density of 0.67 g cm–3.

Hex-1-ene can be prepared by refluxing hexan-1-ol (boiling point 157 °C) with an acid catalyst.

Hexan-1-ol is a liquid with a boiling point of 157 °C and a density of 0.82 g cm–3.

The equation is shown below.

+ H2O

After reflux, the resulting mixture contains unreacted hexan-1-ol, hex-1-ene and water.
The mixture is then purified.

The expected percentage yield of hex-1-ene from hexan-1-ol is 62.5%.

(i)* A student plans to prepare 4.20 g of hex-1-ene by this method.

Calculate the mass of hexan-1-ol that the student should use and explain how you could
obtain pure hex-1-ene from the mixture obtained after reflux. [6]
















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(ii) Another student suggested that hex-1-ene could be prepared from hexan-2-ol by the
same method.

Would you expect the percentage yield of hex-1-ene to be greater than, less than or
about the same as when using hexan-1-ol?

Explain your answer.




...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) Hex-1-ene can also be polymerised to form poly(hex-1-ene).

(i) Draw a section of poly(hex-1-ene) containing two repeat units.


(ii) Waste poly(hex-1-ene) can be disposed of usefully by recycling.

State two other methods of disposing of polymers that can be beneficial to the

1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................



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Oxford Cambridge and RSA

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