Monograph #402 - The Order of ST Jerome - Cthulhu Invictus - The Gods Hate Me
Monograph #402 - The Order of ST Jerome - Cthulhu Invictus - The Gods Hate Me
Monograph #402 - The Order of ST Jerome - Cthulhu Invictus - The Gods Hate Me
Hate Me
And Six Other Scenarios for
Cthulhu Invictus
Oscar Rios
Liam Jones
Jason Williams
JP Chapleau
H Jesseman
Simon Yee
Max Nelson
Blood and Glory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Clockwork Rome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Death and Bane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Lights on the Vesuvius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Ursinus’ Animal show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
The Gods Hate Me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
The God Unknown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Blood and Glory
An Original Scenario for Cthulhu Invictus
By Oscar Rios
One illustr ation by Daniel Song
Introduction – This scenario takes place dur- or neither of these cases in the allotted time. If
ing a three-day holiday celebrated with gladi- either threat remains unresolved on the night
atorial games. Precisely where or when is up after the close of the festival a great massacre
to individual Keepers. The scenario can take occurs. Investigators should be unaware of the
place anywhere in the empire as long as there time restraints they face. The two investigations
is a suitable urban center, market place, slum are called “Blood” and “Glory”.
and amphitheatre. For simplicity sake “Blood
and Glory” is written to take place in the city Blood – A wealthy woman in attendance at the
of Rome. The market place is Trajan’s Market games is not what she seems. The pale beautiful
on Quirinal Hill and the slum is Rome’s Subura woman, calling herself Vatina Corvillia, is not
neighborhood. The arena where these games human. She is the offspring of the cursed half-
take place is the Flavian Amphitheatre, also serpent creature, called Lamia. Vatina, a daugh-
known as The Coliseum. ter of the Lamia, is one of the first vampires.
Just why the games are being held is un- She is exceptional among her kind and has con-
important. They could be to celebrate a holi- cealed herself within Roman Society. By using
day, a military victory or sponsored by a poli- her good looks, charm, and money she has so
tician to gain favor before an election. During far managed to avoid detection. Vatina makes
the games strange things happen which inves- certain to keep her gaze lowered when speaking
tigators can become embroiled in if they so to anyone, so that her serpentine eyes do not
choose. Blood and Glory works well as a “drop- betray her inhuman nature. She owns a high-
in” scenario between longer more involved ad- end metalworking shop, which produces some
ventures. It is also suitable for smaller groups of the finest blades in the city.
of investigators, although Keepers may wish to The trio of smiths she employs also serves
scale back some of the encounters. It is ideal her as bodyguards. They are also not what they
as an unexpected adventure, something inves- seem. They are Bouda, shape-changing crea-
tigators fall into while trying to enjoy a day at tures able to shift between human form and
the games (“Why does this keep happening to that of an enormous hyena. Such creatures are
us?”). famed for their metalworking skills and these
are no exception, producing weapons of re-
Keeper’s Information – During the holiday markable quality, which are then sold from
events unfold over the three days and nights Vatina’s shop.
of the celebration. What may confuse investi- Gladiatorial games always bring out the
gators is that Blood and Glory is actually two worst in Vatina. Being in large crowds, listen-
unrelated mysteries, involving completely dif- ing to the screams of the dying and smelling
ferent mythos adversaries, happening at the copious amounts of spilled blood send her
same time. Investigators may solve one, both, into a near frenzy of hunger. She has heard that
women of her means, such as herself, some- “one who fulfills his promises”), claims to be
times pay to have access to handsome gladia- an alchemist of the Igbo people who dwelt in
tors after the arena closes to sate their sexual land south of Regio Deserta (present day Nige-
urges. For these games the vampire has decid- ria). He is very dark-skinned, with black eyes
ed to treat herself and enjoy a “taste” of such and teeth. Ekwueme is The Black Man, Avatar
pleasures for herself. of Nyarlathotep. He offered Hadrianis a very
Vatina feeds off the gladiators she cou- special tonic, which would restore not only his
ples with. Her activities become more reckless vitality but grant him great strength as well,
each night as she drains the men closer and for the price of a single denarius.
closer towards the point of death. The gladi- After the aged gladiator purchased the
ators she feeds upon appear tired the follow- tonic the Black Man delivered a warning,
ing day and deliver lackluster performances. “Drink no more than a few sips. The gods do
Men famed for vitality and physical prowess not like mortals to raise up to rival their might.
take the sands appearing weak and sickly. The A few sips and no more”. The bottle contained
promoters and crowds are not pleased. Final- five full swallows of the enchanted tonic. The
ly gladiators begin to die, first from accidents stage is set for chaos and tragedy, which is just
Vatina indirectly causes and later by her direct what Nyarlathotep intended.
actions. Unless stopped by investigators Vatina Hadrianis takes a few sips, and feels as
completely loses control at a party (Bacchana- strong and fit as he did in his prime. He re-
lia) held after the closing of the games, going turns to the sands of the arena restored to the
on a blood soaked rampage at the hedonistic full measure of his abilities. But soon he can-
celebration. not resist drinking more of the elixir, keep-
ing it on his person at all times. With each sip
Glory – There are very few old gladiators, his strength increases, but his self-control and
which is fortunate because theirs is a sorrow- humanity slip away. Hadrianis grows more
ful existence. They remember the roar of the bloodthirsty and bestial with each dose he im-
crowds, being a moment from death and never bibes until he becomes an abomination. The
feeling more alive, the admiration of tens of main ingredient of the tonic is the tear of a Cy-
thousands of fans. For one such man, the days clops, a creature known for it’s great strength
of glory are gone and life has become a slow, and cannibalistic tendency. In the end Hadri-
miserable march to the grave. Once called “The anis gains a hunger for human flesh. Unless in-
Lion of the Sands”, Hadrianis is long past his vestigators stop him the gladiator becomes a
prime. At forty-seven years old he is past the monster, a danger to everyone and everything
age where he can compete in the games, too around him.
slow and weak to do more than disgrace him-
self. He earned his freedom long ago but in his Mistaken Connections – The two threads of
heart remains enslaved to the arena. Desperate investigation are fairly straightforward. Their
for money Hadrianis recently accepted a posi- opposing natures (an older man gaining vitali-
tion as a coach and trainer with Ludus Gallicus ty while younger men are debilitated), may lead
(a gladiator training school) owned by Sestius investigators into thinking these are connected
Donicus. events. A careful look at the evidence eventually
Hadrianis feels his life is barely worth liv- shows investigators these events are unrelated.
ing and would give anything to return to his Should investigators not realize this one of the
glory days. He said as much to Didius Asina, threats may reach it ultimate, and tragic, con-
his usual apothecary, who referred him to an clusion.
African potion dealer he’d dealt with in the
past. The man, named Ekwueme (meaning
Badru, Bakari and Baruti – Bouda in the service A Day at the Games
of Vatina Corvillia. A day of games opens with a parade led by the
editor, or organizer, of the games. The games
Hadrianis – Troubled former gladiator currently
begin with staged mock combat matches fol-
under the influence of Nyarlathotep. lowed by displays of exotic animals. Some ani-
mals are trained to perform tricks while others
Ekwueme – African Alchemist and The Black
were pitted against one another in combat. Just
Man, Avatar of Nyarlathotep. before lunch there might be a wild animal hunt
where specialized gladiators, called Bestiarii,
Ludus Gallicus or Gallic School would dispatch captured beasts.
Sestius Donicus – School official and manager At lunchtime come public executions where
who offered Hadrianis a trainer’s position. criminals and prisoners of war are put to deaths
in the most degrading, dramatic and painful
Corvus - A well-known gladiator who defeated, ways imaginable. The condemned are fed to
yet admires, Hadrianis before his retirement. beasts, pitted against one another in lethal com-
bat or even reenact famous historical deaths
Vocula, Tasius, Pantera, Rullus and Pennus - and battles. This is thought to be a deterrent to
Gladiators of the Ludus Gallicus petty crime and insurrection.
Afternoon brings on the main events, the gladi-
Agorix, Docilus, Laena and Fronto - Guards in ators. These men, well armed and superbly
the employ of Ludus Gallicus trained, are masters of their art. They are very
expensive to own and maintain, possibly only
Ludus Dacicus or Dacian School performing a handful of times each year. Gladi-
ators are celebrities and sex symbols who are
Junis Noster - School official, manager and greatly admired. However they are also despised
veteran trainer. for being public performers and often slaves.
Timeline – Blood and Glory is an open-ended Newsreaders publicly announce that the
scenario. Just how investigators conduct their legendary Hadrianis is making a return
investigation is up to them. Keepers need only to the arena. He will fight in a re-match
follow the time line of events and react to the against Corvus, the only man who ever
actions of the investigators. Investigators who beat him.
sit back watching and waiting for the keeper to
engage, or “hook” them may run out of time as The parade takes place. Hadrianis marches
events spiral out of control. in it to the surprise of many looking very
fit. Vatina Corvillia and her bodyguards
Hadrianis drinks a few sips of the Essence Staged combat matches take place followed
of Vitality tonic, then visits the editor of by the animal acts. All proceeds normally.
the games to request a match in the up-
coming events. The organizer, stunned Lunchtime arrives and war captives are ex-
by the aged champion’s excellent physical ecuted, possibly from Judea. Some are fed
condition, agrees and puts Hadrianis on to hungry bears while others are made to
the schedule. duel one another to the death.
Vatina Corvillia visits the pens of Lu- Afternoon arrives and the gladiatorial
dus Gallicus in the arean. She bribes the matches begin. Vocula and Tasius perform
guards Agorix and Laena to have access poorly. Both men seem tired, slow and
to two gladiators. She couples with Vocu- clumsy. They quickly lose their match-
la and then Tasius, draining both but re- es, soundly and to the annoyance of the
strains her urges and doesn’t seriously crowd.
harm either. Hadrianis walks out onto the sands look-
Vatina Corvillia runs into Nectiva Fadil- ing as vigorous as a man half his age. He
la as she leaves the arena. The women talk fights Corvus, toying with his opponent
and Nectiva boasts of having visited the before beating him badly. It is a stunning
gladiators of Ludus Davicus. Both agree to upset and the crowd goes wild with excite-
switch places the following night, to sam- ment.
ple the men of the other training schools. Corvus is badly hurt. Arena physicians say
he’ll likely need a year to recover before he
The First Day can possibly fight again. Sestius Donicus is
furious as the match was not supposed to
Hadrianis meets with Sestius Donicus, of
be to the death.
the Ludus Gallicus, at the Flavian Amphi-
theatre. He informs the manager the he Hadrianis schedules another match with
can’t accept the position as a trainer but is the games editor for the following day.
instead making a comeback to the arena. His opponent will be a group of prison-
Sestius and Corvus desperately try to talk
The gladiator matches begin. In a match Vatina, her hunger heightened by the sav-
between Aratus of Ludus Dacicus and Flax agery of the day, heads to a bathhouse (The
of Ludus Gallicus tragedy occurs. Aratus, baths of Agrippa). She loses control and
weakened from his encounter with Va- feeds on her lovely young male attendant,
tina, accidentally stumbles and drops his named Piso. She drains the young man to
guard too soon. He fails to block a tele- the point of death rendering him uncon-
graphed blow from his opponent, and the scious. Vatina claims to the owner that the
blade sails in opening a deep wound in his boy has fallen asleep, joking that she must
throat. Both men appear shocked as Ara- have worn him out. The vampire gives
tus falls to the ground bleeding. the owner, a man named Cerco, an aureus
(100 sesterii gold coin), asking that he not
The spectators are stunned as Aratus is a be punished and that she found him quite
crowd favorite and this wasn’t supposed to pleasing. Cerco lets the incident pass and
be a match to the death. Physicians quick- thinks nothing more of it. Piso slips into a
ly rush the fallen man into the arena for coma by midnight and dies the following
treatment, but he is done for. The gladia- afternoon.
tor is dead before he can be removed from
the sands. Hadrianis is rapidly losing control. His
hand is broken. He’s exhausted and dizzy.
In the final match of the day, between Pan- Hadrianis is very hungry. He buys various
tera of Ludus Gallicus and Cenaeus of Lu- food items on the way home but nothing
dus Dacicus, the match takes an ugly turn. tries to eats stays down. Hadrianis stum-
Out of nowhere Cenaeus goes full on for bles home, arriving there just before dark.
his opponent. What was supposed to be
a competitive display turns into a life or Vatina arrives at her home and remains
death struggle. This is sparked by the ear- there for a few hours. Her hunger still not
lier accidental death, the gladiator try- sated, the bathhouse boy’s blood only mak-
ing to gain vengeance for his fallen broth- ing it more acute. She impatiently awaits
er. With their owners screaming for the nightfall and a third visit to the Coliseum’s
men to stop, the gladiators brutally maim gladiator pens.
one another. Both are near death when
as they are carried off the sands*. Many The Second Night
in the crowd enjoy this spectacle, while
many others feel its “poor showmanship”. Hadrianis paces his apartment, in turmoil.
*Note – Both Pantera and Cenaeus are He wants to perform at the games tomor-
crippled by this incident and never per- row, but isn’t scheduled to appear. Hadri-
form again. anis cannot think straight or relax enough
to sleep. The gladiator feels terrible, from
After the games close Hadrianis demands his injuries, hunger and exhaustion.
another match from the editor, but is re-
Hadrianis, now a monstrous thing that was The beastarii recover from their shock
once a man, resists. He battles with guards, and charge the monster. They thrust at
badly injuring several people before es- him with their spears, scoring hits into his
caping into the tunnels under the arena. thick hide. Guards pour onto the sands
Hadrianis hides there while guards make a with weapons drawn. They quickly sur-
half-hearted search, having no wish to en- round Hadrianis.
counter the monster they were sent into
the tunnels to find. The creature that was once Hadrianis at-
tacks the beastarii and guards, going into a
The morning events proceed normally. rampage. He kills nine men with his bare
The “Legendarye Lion” is then released hands with the last of hs victims having
onto the sands for another wild animal his left arm torn off at the shoulder. Re-
hunt. It is now hunted by three of the flexively the creature lifts the arm to its
most famous beastarii in Rome. mouth, takes a hearty bite and swallows it
Drawn by the sound of cheering crowds
Hadrianis wanders up from the tunnels to The creature suddenly stops, apparently
just under the sands. shocked by his own actions. He dives back
below the sands and rushes back into the
The mane less white lion once again proves tunnels from which he came. None dare
itself to be intelligent and vicious. It man- follow and Hadrianis escapes into the sew-
ages to ambush and kill one of the hunt- ers. Those viewing this must make a sanity
ers. The other two close on it, working to- check for 0/1d3.
gether, to kill the now deadly predator.
The crowd roars with excitement and ex- Many in attendance are confused, unsure
pectation. if what they witnessed was part of the pro-
gram or not. People begin leaving until
Suddenly, from below the sands, bursts a about half the seats are empty.
monster that was once a man. With a howl
Hadrianis leaps at the lion, punching at it The spectacle continues, with more match-
with his massive, powerful fists. The lion es between exhausted gladiators, supple-
delivers several bites and rakes with its mented by new mostly unknown fighters.
claws, seriously maiming Hadrianis before
being killed. The hunters recoil in horror Vatina Corvillia stays until the end of day,
and are stunned with shock. enjoying the bloody spectacle. The Child of
the Lamia has gorged herself for days but
The inhuman monster, with huge rip- it has only whet her appetite for more.
pling muscles, crazed eyes and anvil like
fists roars in victory, holding the dead lion The games end on a sour note. Many spec-
over its head. It hurls the dead animal into tators rush to attend various dinner parties
the stands where the carcass kills two peo- being hosted across the city. Vatina, a vam-
ple and wounds dozens of others. Hadri- pire in the thrall of bloodlust, is among
anis prances around, waving it’s arms to them. She visits a bathhouse before setting
encourage the fans to cheer, instead they out for the home of Ovidius Glycia.
gasp in fear. Meanwhile, the terrible gash-
tion attempt somehow. This could make fur- into the machine like body of the Avatar
ther attempts a lot more interesting. through a series of electrical wires, tubes and
The scenario makes use of a technolog- other such devices. Still alive but barely con-
ically advanced Avatar of Nyarlathotep in an scious and existing in a living hell, these wor-
ancient setting so this needs to be emphasised shipers are providing power and sustenance to
as a significant horrific aspect of the scenario. the ever thirsty machine, caught like flies in a
To an ancient roman, a mechanical replica of a spider’s web.
real person would be a great source for induc- In order to gain influence and control of
ing insanity and confusion about their world. Roman society the Tic Toc Man and Raheem
It would probably have a greater impact on are constructing complex clockwork type Sim-
a roman’s sanity to witness such strange and ulacra, exact replicas of the sacrificed worship-
alien things than maybe seeing some other pers. The process of creating a Simulacrum is
more supernatural type creatures of the my- long and laborious so only suitably influen-
thos. It will also place a challenge on players tial people are singled out for these treatment.
who will play characters who would find the The rest have just simply disappeared. Ini-
concepts in the scenario very alien compared tially there was a delay in these replacements
with themselves, with a more modern per- so disappearances were for several weeks but
spective on technology. now there is sufficient material to quickly re-
place someone, within 24 hours.
Background The investigators will be drawn in by a
member of the Senate who has become suspi-
Raheem Seifeddin is a well travelled Magus. cious of the behaviour of some of the mem-
His travels from his home city of Zafar took bers of the senate. The family itself is the next
him through Egypt and eventually to Rome. target and a family member has disappearance
While in Egypt he acquired some ancient ar- and become a victim of Raheem and the Tic
tefacts and manuscripts. On arrival in Rome Toc Man which gives the family further moti-
he spent some time studying the manuscripts vation to investigate the disappearance.
and artefacts. These were of Mythos origin and
studying them had a severe effect on his san-
ity and left him vulnerable to the influence of
a golden orb, an alien device that had come to 1 Year
— Raheem Seifeddin arrives in
house the artificial intelligence that is the Tic Rome
Toc Man. The Tic Toc Man used the Magus to
build his nest in some manmade tunnels be- 10 Months — Raheem falls under the in-
neath Raheem’s residence. fluence of Nyarlathotep
Controlling Raheem became progressive-
ly easy and the Tic Toc Man now has complete 8 Months — Raheem gathers sufficient
control over his shattered mind. Using Ra- material to being constructing the Tic Toc
heem he quickly developed a cult based on a Man and slaves and poor from around
new religion dedicated to worshiping Nyarla- Rome begin to disappear
thotep. The Tic Toc Man has been growing in
size and strength ever since. He has imparted 7 Months — Worshipers drawn to the
much knowledge to Raheem who is doing his power of Nyarlathotep begin to meet reg-
bidding using the growing cult army to feed ularly with Raheem and first worshipers
the machine god. Many cult members have begin to disappear
been sacrificed by Raheem and incorporated
into the machine beneath his house, hooked
Clockwork Rome k 23
6 Months — Cult is established and be- and Rome will be drawn into civil war and
comes popular as a new fad religion corruption as Nyarlathotep spreads chaos
and violence.
5 Months — Driven mad by the Machine
God, Raheem limits his public appearanc- *These events are removed if the GM wishes to
es and starts to spend more time with the start the scenario without some of the players
Machine God. The first Simulacra and key as simulacra
cult worshippers take over day to day run-
ning of cult business Pl ay er s
4 Months — Simulacra start making ap- Infor m ation
pearances around Rome in the guise of The family, along with trusted friends, gathers
worshipers and begin taking strategic po- at the family home and enjoys a sumptuous
sitions in Rome society feast in the courtyard. While this is the oppor-
3 Months — The father of the family, Tibe- tunity to discuss family business the main topic
rius Oppius Aquila the elder, is drawn into of discussion is the suspicions of the Senator,
the cult* Sextus Voluminus Strabo and how his story re-
lates to the disappearance of Oppia. Between
2 Months — Tiberius Oppius Aquila the people in attendance the investigators
brings his wife, daughter and youngest son should be able to piece together the story of
into the cult* her disappearance. Oppia has become involved
with Raheem Seifeddin’s religious cult in Rome
1 Month — Tiberius Oppius Aquila is worshipping an ancient Egyptian god, Nyarla-
murdered by his wife thotep, known in this case as the New Order of
the Golden God. Not much is known about the
3 Weeks — Fluvia and Lucius disappear religion but it appears Oppia had become more
and a letter is received by Tiberius noting and more involved with group until finally she
they are away for a few days at the country has not made any contact with the family for
house (the GM should provide this infor- about three days. This is completely out of
mation to Tiberius if needed). They are character for her and this has caused a signifi-
sacrificed to the Tic Toc Man* cant concern amongst family members.
2 Weeks — Simulacra make an appearance
as Fluvia Aquilia and Lucius Oppius Bel- Ch a r acter s
The following characters are provided for con-
3 Days — Oppia disappears (soon to be vention or one-shot games and are specifically
replaced by a Simulacrum) designed for the scenario. The scenario could
also be incorporated into an ongoing campaign
Start — Family and friends gather to talk though the final confrontation could poten-
to Senator Strabo at dinner tially be more deadly without any investigator
Unfolding — The Tic Toc Man will grow in
power and continue to consume worship- Fluvia Aquilia – The family mother (Hus-
ers and replace prominent ones with sim- band is Tiberius Oppius Aquila). She has
ulacrum. People will begin to notice odd recently poisoned her husband and is now
behaviour and odd behaviour amongst scheming to get rid of older brother so
members of the senate and elected officials younger brother can take over the fami-
24 k Clockwork Rome
ly. She has been recently kidnapped by the stuff and will back him up. He thinks the
cult and is now below the cult house. The younger brother needs toughening up.
player will play a simulacrum of the char-
acter. As far as she knows she has been liv-
ing in the house for about a year. Other
Non-Pl ay er Ch a r acter s
characters will know she was missing for Oppia Aquila – Family sister. She has been
about a week. sacrificed to the Tic Toc Man and a simu-
Tiberius Oppius Aquila the younger – lacrum is being manufactured to take her
Older Brother and family head. He is a place. It will be ready in a few days time.
bit dim and jealous of his mother’s atten- Raheem Seifeddin – Head of the New Or-
tion towards his younger brother. He is der of the Golden God. He is quite mad
now trying to assert himself as head of the and totally consumed by the Avatar of
household and keep mother in place. Nyarlathotep.
Lucius Oppius Bellus – Younger Brother. Salvius Firmus – Praetor. He is a recent
He is a smart but weak individual and his escapee of the cult in hiding. There is a
mother’s favourite. Jealous of older broth- simulacrum for him but the cult does not
er’s position in the household and devas- want to risk sending it out so it is being
tated that father was poisoned, he is deter- kept deactivated at the cult location pend-
mined to find out what has happened. He ing his recapture.
suspects his older brother had something
to do with it. He has been recently kid-
napped by the cult and is now below the The In v estigation/
cult house. The player will play a simula-
crum of the character. As far as he knows
he has been living in the house for about
a year. Other characters will know he was The Dinner
missing for about a week.
The dinner will begin with everyone having
Titus Lucretius Aper – Family Friend of just arrived and beginning to eat. Tiberius will
older brother and soldier. An opportunis- make sure everyone is settled in and will have
tic individual, he is secretly sleeping with Livianus make sure the area is secure. Once he
mother and will try to use any opportuni- is satisfied he will then bring up the subject of
ty to improve his own lot. Oppia and the death of their father and his sus-
picions that the family is being targeted due to
Euripides – Greek Family Teacher. An ac- political manoeuvring. He should then bring
ademic. He hates the mother and dismiss- Senator Strabo out from another room in the
es the older brother as a dullard. He thinks house.
the younger brother has potential and en- Senator Strabo will outline his suspicions
couraging him to have good principles that there is a faction within the government
and morals for future leadership roles. He of Rome that is plotting to take over the gov-
hates the influence the corrupt mother has ernment and seize power. He will outline that
on her children. he has become suspicious of several Senators
and their rapid change of behaviour at offi-
Livianus Oppius Spurius – Freedman and cial senate meetings. He has also seen them
family guard. A fit and brutal individual. meeting secretly with other government offi-
He thinks the older brother has the right cials and soldiers several times. The only oth-
Clockwork Rome k 25
er thing that he can tell them about the peo- the investigators. If the panicked and slight-
ple is that they were all members of the New ly mad Praetor is approached aggressively he
Order of the Golden God, a new religious fad will either flee of fight for his life. Approach
in the city. None of them appear to be active in a suitably subtle way he will tell them all he
members any more. He can tell them where knows. This can be achieved with appropriate
the Order’s residence is. rolls such as a fast talk or persuade.
He further outlines his suspicions given Salvius Firmus knows where the cult is
the death of the family head and the disap- based and can tell the investigators how to
pearance of the sister Oppia. He suspects that get there. If pressed further he can describe
the family will be targeted because the change the sewers through which he gained access to
in behaviour of the senators could only have the house. He suspects that the cult is up to
come from black mail pressure and he suspects no good and is somehow trying to infiltrate
that Oppia has been kidnapped to apply that the Roman Government. He also knows that
same pressure to this family. He will ask the there are superhuman members of the cult
family to investigate and let him know if they who seem distant and detached and he sus-
find anything out. If he is asked about any oth- pects they do not sleep and is very nervous
er disappearances he will know of Salvius Fir- about these people finding him. He will also
mus’ disappearance but does not know if this warn the investigators that he has heard ru-
is related in any way though he will know that mours about something hideous in the sewers
at one stage Salvius was Firmus was involved below the cult’s rooms. He is concerned about
with the New Order of the Golden God. his credibility and an insight roll will reveal he
is hiding something. He is reluctant to tell the
Sa lv ius Fir mus, Pr a etor investigators but if pressed he will reveal that
he found parts of the Tic Toc Man and his own
Salvius Firmus, a well known Praetor, has wit- body in the basement area of the cult’s rooms
nessed the true horror of the cult and is now in under a shroud but he is concerned that re-
hiding. He was initially drawn to the cult but vealing this will make him seem quite mad.
suspicions led him to investigate late at night This was in fact a simulacrum that was des-
only to be set upon by the Simulacra after find- tined to replace him once completed.
ing an inactivated Simulacrum if himself. The A particularly persuasive investigator may
encounter left him badly wounded and horri- be able get Salvius Firmus to help. He can lead
fied and he is in hiding. Investigators should be the way through the tunnels and could also
able to locate him if they ask around about any provide some men to aid the group.
prominent citizens who have recently disap-
peared. They will also be given his name if they
ask about for prominent Romans who are also
R a heem Seifeddin
members of the New Order of the Golden God. Investigation into Raheem Seifeddin will de-
Bribing the right person and some good inves- pend on who the investigators contact. If they
tigation should lead them to Salvius Firmus’ ask around the foreign quarters of Rome, par-
hiding place in the Aventine Hill area where he ticularly the areas where Arabian ethnic groups
has hidden himself in a small flat above some are congregating they will find that he is a Ma-
shops. His wife knows where he is and is taking gus of some repute. Further digging will find
supplies and food to him so if the investigators that he had access to some rare documents and
watch the house and follow her they will be able artefacts, including an amazing glowing ball
to find his hiding place. of gold, and had been studying these for some
The encounter with Salvius Firmus will time. Finding people that have close dealings
very much depend on the approach made by with Seifeddin (luck roll or carful investiga-
26 k Clockwork Rome
tion) will reveal that he had become increas- Man through means of Mythos magic and he
ingly withdrawn and acted strangely up until has an inexhaustible supply.
about five months ago when he disappeared all Enquiries with family and friends of peo-
together. ple who have been part of the cult will bring
The truth is that Seifeddin has become to light a number of disappearances. Re-
so mad from his dealings with the Machine cently (1 or 2 weeks ago) several people who
God that he no longer interested in venturing have disappeared (elected officials) and have
out and remains inside the complex, a hollow turned up changed. Talking to these people
husk of his former self and totally under the that are close to them will reveal that they are
influence of the Tic Toc Man. Most of the cult not quite themselves. Cursory investigation
business is now conducted by the Simulacra will reveal these people are distant and seem
and unsuspecting members of the cult. to have a lack of emotion. More detailed in-
Investigators will not get the opportunity vestigation might reveal such things as unusu-
to talk with Seifeddin unless they venture into al behaviour, probably late at night, that they
the Cult’s rooms or he leaves the cult cellars do not seem to sleep much if at all, suffer from
for some reason. nightmares and have become more and more
Investigations into Seifeddin’s business distant along with other behaviour that would
goings on will find that he was sourcing rare indicate that they are in fact a Simulacrum
and unusual materials for some time up un- rather than a real person.
til five months or so ago including precious
metals and iron. Materials now continue to be
sourced by the cult to supply the Machine God
Rumour s
with what he needs. Rumours and gossip are a daily fact of life in
Rome. Rumours relating to the Tic Toc Man
The Or der of the that might be heard by frequenting the many
Golden God bath houses and public places of Rome are:
Clockwork Rome k 27
rumoured to be the front for worshippers Simul acr a
of Bacchus, the Roman God of Wine. The
morally corrupt cult of Bacchus had been The Simulacra are technological mythos crea-
banned mainly due to the organised crim- tures, created in the image of a living being with
inal nature of the cult and the stories will their consciousness transferred. Each Simula-
involve sexual depravities and other evil crum can act and behave in the same way as the
obscenities. original person but intuitive people (Success-
ful Insight role) will notice there is something
A rumour is heard that a dead man had not quite right about the person and their be-
been seen walking. A body of Appius haviour is a bit off. An observant person (suc-
Decius Brocchus, a senator, has been found cessful spot hidden) will notice the body move-
in the sewers but soon after he was seen to ments are a bit jerky and there is something a
be walking around. The rumour could be bit off about the way the person looks. The Tic
that he is some demon from the afterlife Toc Man keeps in contact with his Simulacra via
or some victim of some evil magic such as some sort of transmission means. He is able to
shape shifting or necromancy. The body is observe through a Simulacrum at will though
still there and the investigators could po- he will not necessarily be paying attention or
tentially stumble across it or track down doing this all the time. He is able to observe
the worker that found it and get them to using all the senses available to the Simulacrum
lead them to it. he is using.
Because it contains the replication of the
There is the rumour of something hor- person’s mind as its driving force, the Simu-
rible in the tunnels below Rome. The lacrum itself will believe it is truly the per-
creature can be described as a snake like son that it has replaced. Over time the Tic
creature with wings like a bat. Perhaps a Toc Man will need to assert his influence on
worker barely escaped with his life after the Simulacrum to slowly destroy the will that
his friend was eaten. This rumour refers represents the remnants of the human mind
to the Hunting Horror that is serving as and take over control. Until this happens the
a guardian in the sewers and aqueducts Tic Toc Man does not have any direct influ-
around the Cult’s rooms. ence or control of his new creation. If simula-
cra in this stage are confronted with their own
A crone or soothsayer in the streets grabs
self then there is a percentage chance of break-
the investigators as they pass by and talk
down or insanity depending on the power of
about the one who is coming to bring
the person copied.
doom to Rome. He or she gets more and
The Cult itself is now managed by four
more desperate as the investigators walk
Simulacra built based on original cult mem-
by and attracts the attention of passersby.
bers and of no particular note in Roman Soci-
This may happen several times. Any in-
ety. To date they have been able to assimilate
vestigator that is a simulacrum will be ac-
another four into society including:
cused of being a devil or a demon.
Three Senators
There are strange lights and sparks oc-
curring near some sewers in the Subur- •• Decimus Otacilius Citus
ra which have become quite an attraction •• Gaius Decius Brocchus
there (see the section under The Sewers). •• Appius Ogulnius Maius
A prefect
•• Servius Sulpicius Macro
28 k Clockwork Rome
A soldier Feelings of something boring into their
•• Oppius Adjutor Celsus brains and dark things crawling in their
A Praetor
•• Quintus Papirius Senecio A dream where they walk into a room and
stare at themselves snared in a web of pipes
These will not reveal themselves or come to and wires.
the aid of others unless the cult is significantly
threatened. The original people that were cop- A dream where they wake up and find
ied have been incorporated into the machine themselves in great pain, snared in pipes
god beneath the cult buildings except for Ap- and wires some of which pierce their skin.
pius Decius Brocchus, who’s body is in the sew- They begin to scream in horror only to
ers below the city. wake up screaming in their own bed.
If the investigators visit or interview these
people they will try to put the investigators off A dream where their skin falls off in chunks
and dismiss Senator Strabo’s accusations as ri- to reveal metal or clockwork workings un-
diculous political infighting and an attempt to derneath.
discredit them. If the investigators mention After every dream they should do a power vs
Strabo by name then he will likely disappear power with the Tic Toc Man and lose 1d10 San
within a few days, possibly followed by the in- if they fail. The GM can keep this San loss a se-
vestigators themselves if they press matters cret which may take some careful management.
further. Should their sanity reach zero then they are ful-
ly under the control of the Tic Toc Man and the
Rules for Pl ay er GM should take the player aside and explain
Simul acr a that their character is now a simulacrum and
fully under the influence of the Tic Toc Man.
GMs should have the players continue to play They should continue to play the characters as
their characters as they are and keep their addi- normal but should be working for the cult now
tional stats (HPs, Str, Dex) a secret. It will take and doing all they can to prevent the investi-
some careful management but every time the gators bringing the downfall of the New Order
player makes a role involving these stats then of the Golden God. If they leave Rome then
the GM will need to secretly make adjustments the dreams will become less frequent and they
or rolls. This will help to add to the player con- should only do a test every week.
fusion. The GM should emphasis the confu- If the investigator realises what has hap-
sion by describing these effects as unusual for pened at any stage they will start to lose san-
example describing how what should have been ity automatically each round at a rate of 1d6
a fatal blow mysteriously bounces off the inves- until they reach zero when they will become
tigator. fully aware simulacrum. Investigators will re-
At night each player that has become a alise this if they become aware of themselves
simulacrum will have nightmares which will as being physically different (ie a very bad
involve things such as: wound reveals their inner workings), they cut
themselves open with a deep wound (though
Vague dreams of lying on a table in a room this would take quite some significant digging
with bright lights, sharp metal knives around before they realised they were com-
and other strange instruments and being pletely machine), they come face to face with
in pain with dark figures hunched over their actual bodies and find themselves as part
them. of the Tic Toc Man or some other event that
Clockwork Rome k 29
triggers realisation. Once they start losing san If the GM wants to use other characters
every round they should not check for tem- for the game then the game can be modified as
porary or permanent loss of sanity but should this aspect is not critical but adds to the atmo-
be seen as becoming more and more panicked sphere and players’ confusion and it may also
until all of a sudden they will regain their calm make the confrontation with the Tic Toc Man
(at zero sanity). They will still be capable of and Raheem a bit more deadly.
free action until they reach zero sanity. This is
best timed for the end of the scenario during
the final confrontation.
The At tack
There is potential that players could be If Raheem gets wind of the characters investi-
kidnapped and replaced with Simulacrum. gations he will attempt to put them off. Initial-
This will only happen if the cult has one pre- ly this will be by intimidation. If this does not
pared which will take several weeks. The cult work then the four Simulacra attendants from
will need to kidnap the player then Raheem the Cult will attempt to kidnap one of the play-
will need to perform the necessary physical ers for use as a simulacrum. The idea will be to
operations and mythos magical rituals to copy continue to replace all the investigators and use
the investigators consciousness to the Simula- them as part of the ongoing plot to take over
crum. This will take one to two days at which Rome.
stage the investigator will reappear not realis-
ing they are a Simulacrum. It is suggested the The Order of the Golden God
GM keeps the player in the dark as much as
The residence is a multi-story residential house
they can just playing out the kidnap attempt
(see GM Map 1) in a street of similar residences
then have the other investigators find the kid-
in the poorer part of town in the Suburra area.
napped investigator wandering the streets
The cult rooms have a number of people
with no recollection as to what happened or
staying in the house attended by four simu-
how they got away.
lacra. The normal members of the order will
have no idea that the cult is a cult of Nyarla-
Sta rting the Ga me thotep and believe in the Raheem’s teachings
with Simul acr a of peace and love. Additionally if Fluvia or
Pl ay er s Lucius turn up they will be welcomed as old
order members that had disappeared a few
The game is written with Fluvia and Lucius weeks ago even though they have no recollec-
starting the game as simulacra. Their modi- tion of ever being there. This will induce some
fied Str, Dex and HP should be determined and confusion in the minds of these two investiga-
kept secret by the GM. Additionally they will tors and suspicions in the minds of the rest.
experience the nightmares from the beginning Careful observation of the four attendants
of the game. If they visit the New Order of the will note that they are odd in their behaviour
Gold God then people there will recognise them and manner (see under the section on Simula-
and treat them as long lost friends as they spent cra). Any character that has had an attempted
some time there, although they themselves will kidnap attempt on them may recognise one or
have no recollection of this. The timeline indi- more of them but this is unlikely as they will
cates the events relevant to this course of events have taken care to disguise themselves during
to make it easy to remove them. Additionally the kidnap attempt. The attendants will be un-
any reference to Fluvia and Lucius’ two week helpful and will answer questions briefly and
absence will need to be removed from the char- will attempt to get the investigators away from
acters’ background text. the house as soon as they can. They will not
30 k Clockwork Rome
stop them looking around unless the investi- The Body
gators discover a way to get below the house. If the players investigate the sewers then they
Any investigator that asks questions of will come across a small pile of dead bodies.
other order members about the attendants This is one of the dumping grounds for Raheem
will be told they have been promoted by Ra- to get rid of bodies that have been exhausted by
heem and are senior members of the order. the Tic Toc Man. If searched one of the bod-
Any questions about Raheem himself will re- ies will be that of Appius Decius Brocchus,
veal that he hardly appears in public and run- a prefect who is very much alive and walking
ning of the order is left to the attendants. around. The body will be decomposed and ap-
Further questions will reveal that he is com- pear to have been there for some time. None
muning with the Golden God. If they are con- of the other bodies will be recognizable. Sanity
vinced to reveal further secrets (successful fast loss for finding the dead bodies is 1/1d6.
talk or Persuade) or intimidated or induced
to talk in any other way they will reveal that
The Hunting Horror
Raheem goes to the holy place below the Or-
ders residence. They are forbidden to go be- If the investigators get close to the area un-
low and anyone that has gone down there has der the cult’s house then they will encounter a
disappeared and Raheem has explained that hunting horror summoned by Raheem to pro-
he had to thrown out of the order for disobe- tect the lower levels of the cult. It will attack on
dience. They were in fact sacrificed to the Tic site. It may also be sent out at night to deal with
Toc Man. any troublesome investigators that are getting
too close to the cult’s real purpose.
The Sew er s The Tic Toc Man’s Lair
GM Map 2 shows the layout of the Tic Toc
The Lights
Man’s lair. The Tic Toc Man will not attack
An area of the sewers near to the residence has unless provoked. Raheem will be found at the
become quite an attraction in the Suburra. Talk- centre of the machine in a trance like state but
ing to the residence nearby will reveal that ev- once he becomes aware of the investigators he
ery few weeks there have been lights and sparks will take all actions necessary to protect himself
leaping up from between the pavements with and his God. The Raheem usually keeps himself
lots of green and blue glowing light from below. covered in public but down in the rooms below
It last for an hour or two and people have taken he will be stripped naked to the waist and it will
it to be some sort of witchcraft or the gods hav- be obvious that he has bits of metal protrud-
ing fun. Some people are even starting to set up ing from his body as well as strange shapes out-
small shrines and making small sacrifices. lining odd shaped objects below his skin. His
This is caused by part of the magic pow- body will be crisscrossed with scars and recent
er from the creation of the simulacra seeping wounds held together with rough thick stitches
up from the sewers into the streets. Asking where he has tried to become one with his god.
the residents how long this has happened will The Tic Toc Man himself is intertwined
get answers ranging from five to twelve. Simi- into all the rooms with tubes and wires pass-
larly asking how long will give a range of be- ing through walls and snared in into a jumble
tween one and four months. The lights started that makes it hard to walk through any of the
around four months ago (along with the first rooms. There is a low unearthly hum and the
Simulacra). Each happening relates to the cre- entire area is lit by artificial light coming from
ation of one Simulacrum. glowing balls suspended from the ceiling. All
in all the sight will be quite shocking for a ro-
Clockwork Rome k 31
man with no understanding of technology to The simulacra attendants will come fairly
see and much of it will be confusing. quickly at the first sign of trouble. The oth-
In the centre of the main room near Ra- er simulacra in Rome will only come to the
heem is a suspended glowing golden orb with aid of the Tic Toc Man if things are looking
a number of wires and tubes emanating from dire. It will then summon them but they will
it. This is the heart of the machine and the take some time to arrive as they will be scat-
only way to stop the Tic Toc Man. tered over various parts of Rome. Their arriv-
Scattered around the room with various al times are left to the GM to determine.
wires and tubes embedded into them are the Any simulacra, including investigators
bodies of those that have been sacrificed to the will cease to work if the globe is disconnected.
Tic Toc Man. They are still alive but barely All sacrifices will slowly regain consciousness
conscious and in agony, slowly having their life and will suffer 1d10 hp of damage as the tubes
force drained away. Any investigator that has and wires fall away from their bodies and the
been replaced will recognise this scene from floor becomes covered in their blood.
their dreams and will quickly spot their own There are three rooms off the main room.
body. This will of course trigger rapid sanity One room contains supplies, materials and
loss for them. Others witnessing this will lose machinery for the inner workings of the Tic
the regular sanity. Other victims around the Toc Man and a route to the surface nearby that
room may be recognized including Oppia. the attendants use to bring in material from
The Tic Toc Man can speak through Ra- outside. The second room is Raheem’s private
heem or any combination of his victims scat- quarters that includes his private belongings
tered around the room if he so wishes. including other artifacts as the GM sees fit as
Any person caught in the machine will well as a Egyptian Mythos Scroll similar to the
have to make a Con X 5 roll every day. A fail scroll of Thoth-Amon. The third room con-
will result in the loss 1 point of Con and 1 HP tains several unfinished Simulacra including
until either one reaches zero at which point one of Oppia if the GM has not brought it into
they will die and be discarded. They are em- play earlier as well as the one for Salvius Fir-
bedded into the machine so any attempt to be mus again if it has not been brought into play.
torn free will cause significant damage and al- There may also be one or two being prepared
most certain death. Someone with medical for one or more investigators.
knowledge could remove a sacrifice over a one If the machine is stopped then the in-
to two hour period for a loss of 1d10 hp. vestigators have foiled a significant evil and
Defeating the machine will require the should get 1d10 sanity for doing so. If any of
investigators to disconnect the golden globe their family members survived they should get
from the machine (This may require an idea a further 1d6 of sanity each. If the investiga-
roll if the players don’t realize this). It can- tors report the findings to Senator Strabo then
not be destroyed doing 50hp of damage will a fire burns down the whole section of houses
cause it to be disconnected. Getting a hit will soon after.
require a successful hit at twice the normal % If the machine god is not stopped then
chance. Raheem and any simulacra that are slowly any investigators left disappear one by
in the room will try to prevent this. Any in- one and replaced by simulacra. Eventually
vestigators that are simulacrum will not be at- Rome is overtaken by a ruling machine elite
tacked by the machine but will be attacked by who thrust the city into a spiral of debauchery,
other simulacra and by Raheem. Any investi- chaos and ruin.
gators that are human will be attacked by the
machine as well as other simulacra and Ra-
32 k Clockwork Rome
My thos Scroll , in Decimus Otacilius Citus
Egy pti a n, untitled a nd Gaius Decius Brocchus
unat tr ibu ted Appius Ogulnius Maius
Servius Sulpicius Macro
This scroll appears to be very similar to that of Oppius Adjutor Celsus
Thoth-Amon and relates similar but less infor- Quintus Papirius Senecio
mation. It details the power of various artifacts Four Attendants of the New Order of the
including a glowing golden orb. They detail the Golden God
power of Nyarlathotep and some of his avatars Simulacra are exact copies of their originals and
including the Black Pharaoh, Nyarlatophis and believe they have all the original characteristics
the Queen in Red. Sanity loss 1d4/1d8; Cthul- as their replacements. All the attributes are the
hu Mythos +10; Occult +5; average 15 weeks to same as the original except for Str, Dex and HP
study and comprehend. Spells: Augury, Con- which are higher than usual and the damage
tact Nyarlathotep, Create Simulacrum, Deflect bonus is adjusted if required due to the increase
Harm, Dominate, Enthral Victim, Mental Sug- in Str.
gestion, Summon/Bind Hunting Horror, With- At night each simulacrum will have night-
er Limb, Wrack mares which will involve things such as:
Clockwork Rome k 33
frequent and they should only do a test every The Tic Toc Man will try to snare a victim with
week. several tendrils made of metal and other ma-
If the simulacrum realises what has hap- terials to hold them immobile while inserting
pened to them at any stage they will start to further tendrils into the body. Once tendrils
lose sanity automatically each round at a rate are inserted into the body the victim becomes
of 1d6 until they reach zero when they will be- helpless and part of the machine until other-
come fully aware simulacrum and a dedicated wise freed by someone else.
servant of the Tic Toc Man. Once they start The Tic Toc Machine will use tendrils
losing san every round they should not check each round to attack a victim. The number
for temporary or permanent loss of sanity but is determined by the GM and is dependant
should be seen as becoming more and more on the situation. Each tendril will have its
panicked until all of a sudden they will regain own Str (1d6), Dex (12 + 1d6) and HP (1d8).
their calm (at zero sanity). They will still be For the attack the victim can use his normal
capable of free action until they reach zero dodge, parries and attacks for that round to
sanity. dodge or attack any tendrils. Each tendril that
hits the victim will grapple the victim. Once
Hunting Horror the tendrils combined strength is greater than
STR 2d6+16 DEX 2d6 + 16
the victim’s size the victim is held immobile
INT 2d6 + 6 CON 3d6 and off the ground and needs to break free
SIZ 2d6 + 6 APP 3d6 using strength vs combined tendril strength.
POW 3d6 HP 2d6+16 One round after the victim is held and if he
Attack: Bite 65% (1d6), Tail 90% (Grapple) does not break free he is penetrated by a ten-
Sanity loss: 0/1d10 dril and is disabled completely with no chance
See Call of Cthulhu rulebook for specifics of the Hunt- of escape.
ing Horror.
Raheem Seifeddin
The Ch a r acter s
STR 12 DEX 8 INT 17 CON 14 SIZ 15 Fluvia Aquilia Age 40
APP 14 POW 14 EDU 13 HP 15
STR 10 DEX 13 INT 13 CON 14 SIZ 10
Damage Bonus – None
APP 15 POW 15 EDU 14 SAN 45 Damage
Skills: Art (Orate) 40, Cthulhu Mythos 30, Dodge 65, Bonus – None HP 12
Hide 60, Insight 30, Jump 55, Listen 65, Other King-
Skills: Civics 60 Empire 75 First Aid 55 Insight 30 Other
dom (Rome) 30, Other Language (Latin) 40, Write
Kingdom (Greece) 21 Other Language (Greek) 21
Language (Egyptian) 50, Write Language (Latin) 40,
Persuade 65 Potions 51 Status 75 Sword- Short 25
Persuade 60, Sneak 55, Spot Hidden 35
Write Language (Latin) 40 Art (Painting)15
Weapons: Dagger 30 (1d4), Short Sword 35% (1d6+1)
Weapons: Dagger 25 (1d6)
Spells: Contact Nyarlathotep, Create Simulacrum,
Deflect Harm, Dominate, Enthral Victim, Summon/ You are the mother of the Oppius family and
Bind Hunting Horror, Mental Suggestion, Wrack have three children, Tiberius the oldest, Lucius
the youngest and Oppia your daughter. Your
The Tic Toc Man Husband, Tiberius Oppius Aquila, was recently
STR N/A DEX N/A INT 78 CON 50 deceased due to poisoning. Unfortunately you
SIZ Varies APP N/A POW 95 HP 95 were responsible for the poisoning due to his
Attack: Tendril (Metal tubes, wires etc) 70% (Grapple) philandering ways and the high expectations
Sanity loss: 1/1d10
and hopes you have for your youngest son Lu-
cius. You are a bit nervous that Tiberius will
find out that you poisoned his father and now
34 k Clockwork Rome
that he is head of the household he could have Tiberius Oppius Aquila Age 24
you exiled, sold into slavery or worse still, ex-
STR 14 DEX 16 INT 9 CON 15 SIZ 15
ecuted. You should find a way to eliminate him APP 10 POW 10 EDU 12 SAN 50 HP 15
so that your youngest son can take his rightful Damage Bonus – 1d4
place at the head of the family.
Skills: Climb 50, Dodge 52, Drive 40, Empire 45, Jump
You are a spiritual woman and have a 45, Ride 45, Sneak 30, Spot Hidden 35, Pilum 40, Status
good knowledge of potions and poisons and 65, Sword-Long 60, Tactics 45, Track 30
of medicine from your mother. You are also
Weapons: Long Sword 60 (1d8 + 1d4db), Pilum 40 (1d8
well versed in the politics of Rome and the po- + 1d4db)
litical goings on of the city. You are well con-
You are the oldest Oppius child and your
nected with many government and societal
father and namesake was recently found dead
figures and can usually find out the right per-
of poisoning. You have sworn revenge on
son to ask to get an answer to any questions or
whoever killed him and suspect that it was one
to find out what is going on.
of your family’s enemies, though you are sur-
You are a lady of Rome first and foremost
prised about the blatant way your father was
and your reputation is very important to you.
murdered as this is expressly forbidden. You
Your family is the most important thing to you
are jealous of your younger brother Lucius
and doing the best by them before all else and
getting most of your mother’s attention and
improving yours and their lot in life is your
affection because you are now the family head
motivation. You always put yourself first how-
and she should be respecting you. She keeps
ever and having Tiberius in charge just will not
usurping your authority and as paterfamilias
do. Lucius is a far better choice for that role.
your word is law in the family. You need to
You have been living at your house in
assert yourself as head of the household and
Rome continuously for the last year and miss
keep mother in place. Your younger broth-
the country side. You are starting to feel a bit
er is too smart for his own good and needs to
claustrophobic in Rome and you are current-
toughen up. The way to get on in Rome is to
ly planning a trip to your country house with
have a strong arm and the courage and convic-
your youngest son Lucius, once the weather
tion to do the right thing.
gets better in about a month.
You are strong and well schooled at the
You are not too worried about Oppia dis-
arts of war and combat. Your skill with the
appearing she is probably off with some man
sword grows daily with the teaching of Livi-
for a few days and Tiberius is probably just over
anus, the family’s trusted man, and you enjoy
reacting. He has, however, called the family to
sparing with Titus, a family friend and accom-
a meeting over dinner to discuss the issue.
plished soldier, when he is around the house,
Besides your sons other people in the
which seems to be rather frequent lately.
house this evening are:
You have no time for Euripides, the fam-
•• Titus Lucretius Aper, a celebrated sol- ily tutor as he spouts a lot of rubbish that you
dier of Rome and your secret lover, do not understand and is weak. He does, how-
•• Livianus Oppius Spurius, your close ever, know quite a lot about Greek warfare and
friend and body guard who was feed every now and again says something useful in
from being a slave by your husband, this regard.
and Your sister Oppia has been missing for
•• Euripides, the family’s Greek tutor, who several days now and your concern for her safe-
you have distinct dislike for as he makes ty and welfare is growing. Your mother and
you feel stupid, appears arrogant and brother left the house for a week or so about
should know his place. a month ago but this was explained in a letter
Clockwork Rome k 35
from your mother that they had gone to the are devastated by this as you worshipped your
country to check the house after your father’s father. You are not sure who was responsible
death. There has been no such letter from but it is probably one of the many enemies
Oppia and you are worried. She has been in- your family has. You also suspect that your
volved in a new religion recently and has been older brother had something to do with it as he
spouting all sorts of silly notions but it is un- is now the head of the household and he gains
usual for her to be away from home for three a lot from the death. Since your father’s dead
or four days. Just as things could not have got your mother has been paying you a great deal
any worse you now have Senator Strabo telling of attention, to the point of annoyance and you
you a story of political infighting that poten- are concerned that she is not showing your old-
tially explains your father’s death and your sis- er brother the proper respect.
ter’s disappearance. You have called the family You find combat training a bore and very
and some trusted friends to a dinner to discuss difficult given your slight stature and Livianus
Senator Strabo’s story, your father’s death and can be cruel and brutal during training. You
your sisters disappearance so you can work enjoy your studies with Euripides and you
out a way forward. You have Senator Strabo hope one day to move into the world of poli-
waiting in another room and will bring him tics, following in your father’s footsteps.
out once everyone has arrived and you have You have been living at your house in
had Spurius make sure the area is secure. Rome continuously for the last year but you
You have invited the following people to love Rome so it has been no hardship. Your
dinner tonight: mother is currently planning a trip to the fam-
•• Fluvia Aquilia, your mother, ily’s country villa once the weather gets better
•• Lucius Oppius Bellus, your younger in about a month which you feel indifferent
brother, about.
Your older brother has called a meeting
•• Titus Lucretius Aper, a family friend, over dinner as your older sister Oppia has been
•• Euripides, the family tutor, and missing for a few days and he is concerned, as
•• Livianus Oppius Spurius, a freed man are you.
and, with your father’s death you are At the dinner is:
his patron. •• Fluvia Aquilia, your mother,
•• Tiberius Oppius Aquila, your older
Lucius Oppius Bellus Age 19
STR 11 DEX 12 INT 17 CON 10 SIZ 09 •• Titus Lucretius Aper, a family friend,
APP 14 POW 14 EDU 16 SAN 70 HP 9
Damage Bonus – None •• Euripides, the family tutor, and
Skills: Bargain 25, Civics 50, Empire 55, Fast Talk 50, •• Livianus Oppius Spurius, a freed man
First Aid 50, Insight 65, Library Use 30, Listen and, with your father’s death you are
45, Other Language (Greek) 21, Other Kingdoms his patron.
(Greece) 21, Persuade 60, Science (Greek Philoso-
phy) 21, Science (Mathematics) 21, Spot Hidden 45, Titus Lucretius Aper Age 36
Status 55, Sword – Short 25, Write Language (Latin)
50 STR 16 DEX 15 INT 11 CON 15 SIZ 16
Weapons: Short Sword 25 (1d6) APP 16 POW 09 EDU 14 SAN 50 HP 16
Damage Bonus – 1d4
You are the youngest in the Oppius family with
Skills: Climb 61, Empire 65, Fast Talk 25, Jump 45,
an older sister, Oppia and an older brother
Pilum 40, Repair/Devise 50, Ride 15, Spot Hidden
Tiberius. Your farther, Tiberius Oppius Aquila, 65, Status 45, Shield 45, Sword – Short 60, Tactics 75,
was murdered recently by being poisoned. You Throw 45
36 k Clockwork Rome
Weapons: Long Sword 60 (1d8 + 1d4db), Medium Skills: First Aid 40, Insight 65, Knife 25, Library Use
Shield 45, Pilum 40 (1d8 + 1d4db) 60, Occult 25, Other Kingdom (Rome) 41, Other
Language (Latin) 21, Own Kingdom (Greece) 70,
You are a family friend of the Oppius Fam- Persuade 65, Science (Greek Philosophy) 41, Science
ily. As a successful warrior you are a proud (Mathematics) 51, Science (Astrology) 41, Write
and successful man of Rome. You were a good Language (Latin) 40, Write Language (Greek) 40
friend of Tiberius who was recently murdered Weapons: Knife 25 (1d4)
and you feel responsible for the security of the You are a Greek by birth, an academic and the
family now that he has gone. You are running private tutor for the Oppius family. You are a
a bit short of cash currently as you have been typical academic, very knowledgeable but not
enjoying the good life a little too much with lots very practical and you much prefer to stay out
of wine, women and gambling. of the way and let other people do the hard
You are having a secret affair with Flu- work. You detest the mother, Fluvia as she is
via and secretly hope to take advantage of the totally uncultured and you suspect she has been
death of her husband after a suitable period of having an affair with the soldier, Titus. The
mourning. Fluvia is very well connected and older brother, Tiberius has no potential what so
quite wealthy which will improve your stand- ever and is a real dullard. The younger brother
ing in Rome significantly. Perhaps if you were has much more potential and you have been
to find and expose her husband’s murderer encouraging him to have good principles and
she would show her appreciation. morals for future leadership roles you are sure
You feel that the boys will need a fa- he is destined for. That is if his mother does not
ther figure and you are just the man to pro- corrupt him and her other children first.
vide it. The older boy Tiberius has potential You are worldly and educated having trav-
but is maybe a little slow on the uptake some- elled through much of Rome and Greece but
times. The younger boy Lucius seems a bit you are truly an academic and do not have any
smarter but could do with a bit of toughen- significant skills in weapons and warfare. That
ing up though Livianus seems to be doing the is better left to harder men than you. You like
job there. working for the family, apart from the moth-
Tiberius is concerned that his sister has er. The money is good, you are looked after
been missing for a few days and has called for food and have a roof over your head. Life
family and friends together to discuss the is- could be worse.
sue over dinner. Last you heard she was mix- That silly girl Oppia has been missing
ing with some unusual company in Suburra for a few days and the older brother Tiberi-
somewhere. At the dinner is: us has called a meeting over dinner to discuss
•• Fluvia Aquilia, your lover, the matter as he is obviously concerned. She
•• Tiberius Oppius Aquila, the older is so flighty that she has probably taken off to
brother, commune with nature for a few days or joined
•• Lucius Oppius Bellus, the younger some religious group of some description fol-
brother, lowing the latest fad. She can be so militant
and rebellious sometimes.
•• Euripides, the family tutor, and
Besides Lucius and Fluvia were away for
•• Livianus Oppius Spurius, a freed man a week or so recently and no one made a fuss
and family body guard. then.
At the dinner is:
Euripides Age 45
•• Fluvia Aquilia, the mother,
STR 12 DEX 14 INT 16 CON 10 SIZ 10
•• Tiberius Oppius Aquila, the older
APP 10 POW 12 EDU 17 SAN 70 HP 10
Damage Bonus – None brother,
Clockwork Rome k 37
• Lucius Oppius Bellus, the younger essential tasks for you master. You carry the
brother, wounds of your past including a savage scare
• Titus Lucretius Aper, a family friend, across your face. Your Patron, Tiberius Op-
and pius Aquila, was recently poisoned and security
• Livianus Oppius Spurius, a freed man of the remaining family is in your mind. You
and family body guard. know that Fluvia is having an affair with Titus
so you suspect that she is responsible as she is
Livianus Oppius Spurius Age 39 probably as brutal as you in some ways. The
older brother is now your patron and you owe
STR 16 DEX 15 INT 12 CON 14 SIZ 14 your complete loyalty to him. He is made of
APP 08 POW 12 EDU 14 SAN 70 HP 14
the right stuff but could use a few more brains
Damage Bonus – 1d4
in his head and will need your help going into
Skills: Climb 60, Empire 40, Fast Talk 50, Jump 45, Pi- the future. Thinks younger brother is ok too
lum 40, Knife 40, Persuade 30, Ride 25, Spot Hidden
65, Status 20, Shield 50, Sword – Short 60, Tactics 75,
but needs toughening up before he goes the
Throw 45, Track 34 same way as the Greek, Euripides. You now that
Weapons: Sword 60 (1d8 + 1d4db), Medium Shield 50, your now deceased master, his wife, Fluvia, and
Pilum 40 (1d8 + 1d4db), Knife 40 (1d4) Lucius spent a lot of time away from the house
sometimes till late at night several months ago
You are a freed man and family guard. You are
but this has stopped more recently. You also
a fit and brutal man who has done his fair share
know that about three weeks ago Fluvia and
of hard work, including some undesirable but
38 k Clockwork Rome
Lucius spent some time away from the city,
probably to get over the death of your master,
the month before. Tiberius has confided in you
he has some security matters he needs to attend
to but he has not discussed the specifics with
you and intends to share the details with you
and the family tonight.
At the dinner is:
•• Fluvia Aquilia, the mother,
•• Tiberius Oppius Aquila, the older
•• Lucius Oppius Bellus, the younger
•• Titus Lucretius Aper, a family friend,
•• Euripides, family tutor and a Greek.
Clockwork Rome k 39
Death and Bane
by Jason Williams
I will not be afraid of death and bane, cestral lands. The group that the investigators
Till Birnam forest come to Dunsinane. will come into contact with is led by a heavily
-- Macbeth Act V Scene 2 tattooed war chieftain named Wradd who is ad-
vised by a Pictish wizard named Morrbrech.
Introduction The Pictish tribes have been watching
with growing alarm as Hadrian’s Wall has been
Following the visit of Emperor Hadrian to Bri- constructed. They realize that it will place lim-
tannia he ordered that a wall be constructed its on their cross border raiding abilities in re-
across the northern frontier to delineate Rome’s gards to stealing cattle and capturing slaves for
territory. Portions of this six year project (122 forced labour and sacrifice. The local band led
to 128 CE) can still be seen today and is known by Wradd has decided to harass the Roman
as Hadrian’s Wall. building crews in an attempt to slow down or
Hadrian’s Wall had the added advantage deter the construction.
of making it difficult for northern tribes to A recent Pictish raid has come to the at-
conduct cross border cattle raids and by lim- tention of the authorities since the leader of
iting access through gates, the movement of the Roman Contubernium (eight man unit
trade goods could be monitored and taxed. plus two servants) was the youngest son of
These latter points have not gone unnoticed a citizen of some importance in Rome. The
by the local natives. young Decanus (leader of a squad of 8 le-
This scenario is set during the construc- gionaries) named Marcus Scibonius Strabo
tion of the wall on the frontier and requires was a junior non-commissioned officer sent
that the investigators interact with some of the to choose a likely spot for a small watchtower
locals. It is recommended that at least one of called a milecastle. His men had begun work
the characters have some skill in Other Lan- on the earthwork and timber milecastle while
guage — Gaelic. also working on the foundations of the stone
Descriptions and statistics for the NPC’s signal towers. They had regular contact with
appear at the end of the scenario. a weekly supply caravan that visited them to
deliver food, tools and building materials. The
most recent visit of the caravan revealed a dev-
K eeper s Infor m ation astated camp and strangely mutilated bodies
The Cthulhu Invictus source book (Page 31) de- of the legionnaires. The body of young Marcus
scribes the Picts as living in underground war- was not found amongst the rest of the dead
rens. To protect their own interests some small at the camp. The wall construction in the area
groups are living on the surface to gather infor- had not started but was planned to begin af-
mation about the Roman invasion of their an- ter the signal towers and milecastle was com-
The investigators should be free to follow Attacks on the milecastle during the first
the clues and visit the various sites that are de- three days
tailed in whatever order they see fit. Obvious-
ly a group that charges directly to the Pictish Attack on the fourth day during the night
crannog will find themselves in a great deal of
The aftermath
trouble. If they do not think of speaking to the
caravan leader before departing from the Ro- This scenario is set out as a series of scenes so
man fort then feel free to introduce several of that the investigators can proceed in a non-lin-
the more obvious clues for them to discover ear fashion if they so desire. Each scene bears
when they arrive at the ruined milecastle. the title of an area or an event to make naviga-
tion somewhat easier for the keeper.
List of Loc ations a nd Before running this scenario the keeper
should read through the section on Britannia
Scenes in the Cthulhu Invictus book. This will famil-
iarize them with the background of the Roman
Main camp of the Legio XX Valeria Victrix occupation of the island and provide more de-
where the investigators set out from tail about the Picts as they should be present-
ed in the scenario. If the keeper requires a list
Milecastle that had been attacked and will
of Gaelic names for NPC’s during the scenar-
be the investigators base of operations
io there is a list of sample names provided on
Village of Cirigford page 28 of the Cthulhu Invictus book.
Main Camp of the Legio XX - Investigator If the Picts appear to be involved, the in-
Briefing vestigators should scout north of the wall
to see if they can determine the size of the
Titus Livius Canina, the commander of the Le-
enemy force.
gio XX, has ridden north from Deva (Chester)
If the investigators can locate the missing They were on a routine supply trip bring-
centurion or his body they are requested ing food, equipment and two wagons full
to return with him so that he can receive of cut stone from a nearby quarry.
a proper military burial. They should ex-
hume the bodies from the mass grave in As they approached closer to the site
case the caravan leader made a mistake. they noticed that much of the outer pali-
The commander of the Legio XX provides sade had been destroyed. There was also a
information about identifying scars, tat- strong smell of decay “like a tomb”.
toos, and healed broken bones by which
The bodies of the Romans were in an aw-
they can identify the young man’s body.
ful state. Each of them was beheaded and
(Note: Should the investigators choose the
only their personal possessions recovered
exhume the bodies make sure that an ap-
from the bodies enabled their identifica-
propriate SAN loss is applied to the grisly
The partially constructed signal towers
At the end of one week they are to leave the
were both pulled down and the stones
two Contubemiums at the site of the mile-
tumbled down the steep bank to the north
castle and return to the main camp with a
of the site.
report of what they have found out.
If the investigators make a successful In-
Although the topic remains unspoken, sight skill roll they will detect that the caravan
the investigators leave the briefing with leader that they are talking to may be holding
the impression that if they fail in their as- back some information. A Persuade skill roll
signed tasks they will be greatly disgraced. will elicit the following additional details.
Cir igfor d
make amends. A sincere apology will suffice
but gifts will also be gratefully accepted.
Located one hour due south of the course of He welcomes the Roman presence in the
the wall lays a Gaelic farming village of approx- area of his village if their goal is to sup-
imately two hundred and fifty men, women press the Pictish tribes north of the wall
and children. that is being constructed.
It is located at the bottom of a shallow val-
ley surrounded by forest. The immediate area His village has been living in fear for sev-
around the village is cleared and the investiga- eral days now since a child was taken from
tors can see cattle and sheep in pastures with its bed during the night. The villagers all
much of the lower and flatter area ploughed blame the Picts who are rumoured to spill
for crops. A narrow stream runs through the the blood of children during worship of
village with a shallow ford visible near the cen- their dark gods.
ter where a number of huts are clustered to-
gether. The villagers believe that the Pictish war-
riors in the area are capable of turning
into wolves.
Death and Bane k 45
If the Romans promise at least a weekly Fearghas who apologizes to the investigators
patrol in the area of the village his people for the inhospitable treatment.
are willing to engage in trade of local food
for the local milecastles. The Druids Grov e
A woman named Deirdre, from the vil- On a nearby low hill, overlooking the valley
lage, had been captured by the Picts sev- that Cirigford is in, sits a small oak grove. This
eral years ago and held as a slave. She still is a sacred druid grove where Mànas lives and
retains the knowledge that she gained of conducts his ceremonies on behalf of the vil-
the foul Pictish language. She has never lage. He has several young apprentices who as-
fully recovered from the ordeal and can be sist him but it is unlikely that the investigators
spared to accompany the investigators in will meet them.
case they need an interpreter. Mànas has no love for the Romans and
sees their presence as disruptive to the natural
If the Romans at the milecastle are hard
order of things. The elderly man is civil and
pressed the village would be willing to
courteous to the investigators and will assist
come to their aid with a small force of
them at the request of Fearghas son of Calum
twenty men armed with spear and shield.
who is responsible for the protection of the
Fearghas will provide them with a hunt-
ing horn to blow if help is required. The
The druid is able to provide the following
sound should carry for several miles.
It is also suggested to the Roman group
The land has cried out to him that it has
that they may wish to consult with the
been violated by unnatural beings that
druid who lives in an oak grove located
have emerged from dark places hidden to
south of the village.
One of the dynamics that may come into play
during the course of this adventure is that one Trees and woodland creatures are living in
of the younger men in the village has been in fear of what now walks amongst them and
contact with the Picts. In exchange for informa- leaves trails of corruption.
tion about their magic he has been supplying
them with information about defences and pa- The Picts hold many prisoners all of whom
trols, along with metal arrowheads. At the mo- have been abused.
ment he is somewhat in fear that his dealings Picts are like starlings, they do not build
with his clan enemies will be discovered but he anything themselves, instead they steal
fears the Picts even more. The younger mans and dwell in homes built by others.
name is Domhnall and if he sees an opportu-
nity to aid the Picts he may betray the investi- The Picts are allied with powers that came
gators or even his fellow villagers. Domhnall is down from the stars when the world was
adept at concealing his true thoughts and feel- young. The dark gods that they worship
ings so that Insight skill rolls used against him are old ones that walked on the earth be-
are at -15%. fore man.
Domhnall, upon meeting the Romans,
is sullen and loudly proclaims that they have He is capable of performing an augury to
no business traveling across Gaelic lands. The see if there is anything to be foretold about
young man is rebuked for this outburst by the coming confrontation between the Ro-
mans and the Picts. If the investigators in-
A successful Spot Hidden roll allows an If any of the investigators take a promi-
investigator to spot what appears to be a nent leadership position, the Pictish wiz-
ard will attempt to target them with spells
to remove them from the battle. The most
Born and raised in Montréal, Québec, Canada. Pompey was acclaimed in Rome as a hero
JP got hooked into role-playing by his cousin at while Crassus (who actually defeated Sparta-
the age of 10. JP has settled in Colorado Springs, cus) was not. Both men would later form the
CO with his wife Julie and kids (Josiane, Marie- first triumvirate with Caesar.
Katherine “Kitty” and Jean-Patrick). Now he
spends his – few – free moments writing, and
painting miniatures.
A bou t Rom a n Weddings
Roman weddings were often informal affairs,
Timeline requiring both spouses and their family to pub-
licly announce their intentions. The approval
The adventure is set in 46AD, but it can eas- of the fathers was solicited, but not required.
ily be set at any time between 27BC (Augustus Weddings could be as private or as pub-
becomes emperor) and 79AD (the Vesuvius lic as the spouses and their families wanted it
erupts, burying Herculaneum and Pompeii). (or could afford). The presence of a public or
It is important to note that prior to the religious official was not necessary and no li-
79AD eruption, no one knew the Vesuvius was censes were required.
a volcano. It was covered in olive groves and its Many of our modern western customs
flanks were extremely fertile and sought-after. date back to the Romans. The bride wore a
white dress, her hair elaborately done. She
Histor ic a l Background threw a bouquet. The two exchanged rings,
etc. The details of the wedding are left up to
In 73BC, Spartacus led a rebellion of slaves and the Keeper.
gladiators throughout Italy, facing and defeat-
ing many Roman armies sent against him. At its A dv entur e
height Spartacus’s army is estimated at seventy
thousand. Background
In the spring of 72BC, the slave army
moved north towards Gaul. Spartacus’s army
then turned back south and wintered at Rhe-
Ssssr eshhtk ess
gium. Born in the last days of the second empire of
Crassus blockaded him but Spartacus and Valusia, Ssssreshhtkess went into hibernation
his army broke the siege. Spartacus tried to de- as the empire fell to man. He was roused from
stroy Crassus’s army but was surrounded, and his sleep in 7 BC by a crew of miners in Egypt.
crushed. Spartacus’ body was never found. Taking over the body of a slave, he changed his
name to Aspianus and went to Rome, looking From the slaves that are brought back the
to take advantage of the world. Serpent People use Consume Likeness on im-
Captured by Spartacus’s army, he pre- portant people to impersonate them.
tended to be Aspianus and became one of the
important members of the slave army, a friend
and confidant of Spartacus.
Domit us C a ssius Va r ro
Ssssreshhtkess’ plans to open a portal Domitius Cassius Varro (Cassius Varro for
to his revered Valusia and bring his brethren short) is an elegant man in his 50s who has ad-
through. With them, he would create a new ministered the family fortune very well. Some-
kingdom, with human slaves. thing of an ascetic, he takes his position in the
During the winter of 73-72BC, Spartacus Senate very seriously. Not a member of any par-
befriended Aspianus. He counseled Spartacus ty, Cassius Varro is seen by the people and by
on everything. It was him who “convinced” the Emperor as a level-headed and competent
Spartacus to head south when the way to Gaul man, his popularity is high with the Imperial
was open. family and the people of Rome.
Before the final showdown with Marcus Cassius Varro is a friend, patron or rela-
Crassus, Aspianus taught Spartacus words of tion of the PCs. He is a good man seeking the
power to save himself and the core of his forc- best for his family, himself and the Empire (in
es. Seriously wounded, Spartacus uttered the that order).
words of power and opened a door through He has two sons: Tiberius and Agrippa.
time. Thus, Spartacus and his closest allies dis- Tiberius is a tribune on the Danube
appeared. (Pannonia). Once married, his wife passed
away giving birth to Domitius Cassius Varro
Spa rtacus in Va lusi a (or Varro Minor). Varro Minor lives with his
In Valusia, Aspianus convinced both Spartacus Agrippa is an upcoming senator. But
and his men that they were chosen to destroy where the father is level-headed, young Agrip-
Rome and that the serpent people were agents pa strongly support the war party and endless
of the gods of Egypt. The uneducated gladia- expansion of the empire. He has yet to serve in
tors went along. the army. Cassius Varro found a suitable bride
Ssssreshhtkess spent his time creat- for Agrippa. The marriage will increase Cas-
ing growth juice to grow his slave army. He sius Varro’s influence in northern Italy.
gave Spartacus and his men growth serum in
large doses making them bigger, stronger and DOMITUS CASSIUS VARRO, 52, Senator
more aggressive but also made them dimmer Weapons: Dagger 65%, damage 1d4
and easier to manipulate. Ssssreshhtkess sent Skills: Accounting 45%, Aramaic 40%, Civics 85%,
Spartacus back to gather others, to create an Empire 75%, Greek 45%, Iberian 30%, Insight 50%,
army of slave-soldiers. Persuade 65%, Status 45%, Tactics 35%
For the last few nights, Spartacus has been
leading slave-gathering operations. They open AGRIPPA CASSIUS VARRO, 22, Young Sena-
portals at night and return before daybreak tor
when the portals disappear. His first raids tar- Weapons: Dagger 45%, damage 1d4
geted isolated travelers and thus went unno- Skills: Accounting 45%, Civics 55%, Empire 60%, Greek
ticed by the authorities. Spartacus now attacks 45%, Insight 40%, Speak passionately about imperial
villas, “freeing” the slaves by taking them back expansion 65%,
to the gate where they are sent to the serpent
people to re-open the gate every night.
For the past three weeks a number of peo- When the PCs agree, the prefect relaxes. He has
ple have disappeared around Hercula- his servants bring in wine and the musician re-
neum. This is nothing new as people go turns. If they ever need to speak with him, they
missing all the time. He did not worry are ushered in with all haste at any point in the
about it. adventure.
Ch apter 6:
POW 4 13 12 15 10
DEX 12 15 13 9 12
Spartacus APP 13 14 10 10 13
SAN 20 65 60 75 50
When and how the PCs meet with Spartacus HP 13 11 17 9 15
will vary heavily from group to group. This en-
DB - - +1d6 - +1d4
counter can take place in a number of locations
Weapons: Fist/Punch 75%, damage 1d3+db
at a number of sites.
Club 50%, damage 1d6+db
Spartacus and his men are competent Dagger 45%, damage 1d4+db
fighters (their statistics appear in below). Con- Gladius (Paulus only) 65%, damage 1d6+1+db
fronting them without preparation will result Grapple 45%, damage special
in a number of deaths. Kick 45%, damage 1d6+db
One of the gladiators holds a torch. He Armor: 1 point of thick clothes
stays out of combat unless challenged. They all Skills: Climb 45%, Dodge 30%, Hide 35%, Jump
carry a water skin each, filed with sweetened 35%, Listen 35%, Sneak 60%, Latin 50% Spot
Hidden 45%, Throw 45%
water. The water contains small quantities of
Ch apter 7: Through
a number of rounds equal to his CON. After
that, he must win against a 5. The roll increas-
the gate es by one every round. A PC who fails must
spend three minutes resting during which he
The time gate emits a dull green light, bright or she is at -30% to all physical skills.
enough to betray its presence. It has a strange As long as the PCs do not draw attention
rippling effect as though one was looking into a to themselves, nothing happens. Because of
pond or a pool of water. the large number of Consume Likeness spells
Through the gate is a city of ancient ba- used, most serpent people think nothing of a
saltic stones covered with moss and lichen. few humans walking around speaking Latin,
Anyone looking at the city has the impression since they assume they are other serpent peo-
that it is sinking under the weight of the veg- ple.
etation that covers it. If the PCs draw attention to themselves
A successful Spot Hidden check reveals such as freeing prisoners, taking prisoners
humans. Men, women and children are tied to through the gate, attacking a serpent person
strong wooden posts the plaza beyond. Some or whatever the Keeper thinks attracts atten-
move groggily as though drugged or asleep. tion. When this happens, proceed to Drawing
Many are completely still. attention, below.
A few people go about their business The serpent people consider the tied pris-
dressed in strange, long robes (those are ac- oners as a dog in a neighbor’s yard. They bark,
tually serpent people who have used the Con- moan, beg or scratch on the fence, but they are
sume Likeness spell). Serpent-headed men just minor annoyances.
also go about the streets, mingling with hu-
mans and talking with them. The scene costs Exploring the city
1/1d6 sanity points to watch because of the
alien nature of the vision. Long exploration is effectively impossible due
to the atmosphere here (see above). However,
the PCs should be able to discover a few things
Through the gate about the serpent people. There seem to be two
The PCs can go through the gate if they wish. distinct groups, who do not mingle with each
Crossing costs 1 magic point and 1 sanity point. other too much. The stone used to make the
The PCs can cross to and fro any number of statues is similar to soap stone but feels slimy
times, but each time, he must pay the cost to the touch.
above. The first group worships a large serpent
On the other side, the weather is tropical- or crocodile headed creature. A successful Oc-
ly warm (about 120F (50C)) and the humid- cult check identifies him as an aspect of the
ity is crushing (100%). Though there is no way Egyptian god Sobek while a successful Cthul-
for the PCs to know, the atmosphere at this hu Mythos identifies him as a very archaic ver-
time is thinner thus harder to breathe for ex- sion of Yig. This check also tells the PCs that
tended periods. The air smells strongly earth Yig is known to have cursed the serpent people
and animal. in the past with a powerful curse because they
Wedding CON)
Dagger, 25%, damage 1d4+db (during invasion
The wedding of Agrippa and Clodia Poppia is Armor: 1 point of scales
a public affair. Both Cassius Varro and Clodius Sanity Loss: 0/1d6 to see a serpent person
Popus use the wedding to further their influ-
ence and to display their status and wealth. A
Relatives: The PCs can send her to a rela- New Books: Mythos Tomes
tive. This takes a little time, but the PCs Aspianus’ Notes – In Latin, around 75-71BC,
can find an uncle who would take her in. Written by Aspianus the Augur. This papyrus
details a series of prophetic rites by Aspianus
Slavery: This includes straight slavery or during the years 75-71BC and presents an ex-
selling her to a brothel or any place where tended system for divination with additional
a young girl could not grow up to become theories and possible interpretations of signs
a “proper” young woman. Doing so costs and omen. The presence of some divine curse
the PCs some Sanity points. upon the city of Athens is mentions and ex-
Fabius Scipio panded upon by a series of divination. San-
The prefect keeps his word and offers the PCs ity loss 1/1d4; Cthulhu Mythos +1%, Empire
any property not claimed by descendants of the +1%, Science (Augury) +2%; average 1 weeks
murdered victims in a month (the other homes to study and comprehend. Spells: Augury, Gates
revert to the state and will be sold again). If the of Valusia
growth serum found in Day of the Beast and
Keeper Companion II, is ingested.
The juice is derived from the blood of H A NDOUT 1: THE
serpent men. The resulting juice is not as po-
tent as the serum developed from un-degener-
ated blood. The juice is still potent and induc-
es growth and partial mutation in humans.
Next to this poem the words “Beware the
Ingested in large doses, the drinker in-
man from the past” was written in clear
creases the subjects CON, SIZ and STR by
letters. The author of these words is un-
1d4 and increases the natural aggressively of
the recipient. The side effect costs 1/1d4 San-
ity point loss and the APP, INT and POW suf- The One Who is of Sparta
fer a permanent 1d6 loss. Repeated use of the will rise again
drug costs cost additional sanity, but the ef-
Destiny unfinished Hatred
fects are not cumulative. If used often and in
unquenched Blood un-
large quantities, human begin to form scales
that serve as armor.
Twice will he will lay waste
New Spells to Campania
Gates of Valusia: This spell opens a gate to Twice will he return
the Serpent People kingdom of Valusia, in the
The snake-Masked-Man
Permian era (about 250 million years ago). The
seeks Faded valusia
exact time varies from person to person, but
is always the same for a given caster. The gate The eyes of Kronos search
opens to one of the Serpent Peoples’ laboratory for the man from the past
in their first empire of Valusia. There is a cost
of 7 Magic Points per casting and a permanent
POW point.
Gates opened with this spell are identical
to a Create Time Gate spell.
Infor m ation
cited. So much so that when the crate contain-
ing the bear arrived at the carrier’s depot, a
mob of eager sports fans converged there and
There is a Republican plot afoot. Following the
caused much commotion in their eagerness to
failure of the Pisonian Conspiracy to overthrow
see the monstrous bear.
Nero and restore the Republic, the Emperor is
The main consequence of this over-ex-
becoming increasingly unpopular. There are a
uberance was that a number of consignment
number of plots brewing to overthrow Nero. In
dockets got knocked off a number of neigh-
Britain a group of officers in the IX Legion are
bouring crates. The haulier’s illiterate slave lat-
planning on sending the Emperor Nero a pres-
er re-attached the dockets and seals as best he
ent of two nightmarish beasts, captured from
could. Unfortunately some of the crates were
the druids, in the hope that the Emperor will be
mis-addressed, including the bear destined for
butchered by them and with no obvious heir,
the arena.
the Legion will march to Rome, joining other
The second consequence was that amongst
discontented soldiers and politicians on route.
the gambling fraternity the bear became such
Once there, they plan for the Republic to be re-
a firm favourite and the venatore became re-
stored like a phoenix rising from the ashes of
garded as no hoper that a criminal fraternity
the death throes of Nero’s empire.
decided to bribe the beastiarii (keepers) at the
arena, to tranquilise the bear and give the ve-
natore an unfair advantage.
The Arena foolishly rushed to the defence of the ventaore
The PCs are invited by their patron, Servius Ul- and then the arena slaves who are desperately
pius Ursinus to the arena to support his bid to trying to force their way through a side gate.
be elected as an aedile in the Londinium curia Shaking blood from it’s maw, the crea-
(council) and to share his largesse. ture then turns it’s baleful gaze on the audi-
Their patron is a wealthy Roman mer- ence. Seeing his dream of public office start-
chant who made a fortune from the slave trade ing to slip from his grasp, Ursinus orders the
following the native revolt. PCs to kill the creature and save the rest of the
Ursinus is in a buoyant mood and his crowd.
slaves have brought plenty of refreshments The seating is set seven feet above the are-
along to make the day a most enjoyable one. na floor, so the PCs shouldn’t take any damage
The arena is a wooden structure, which from jumping down unless they fumble.
has been here since the Iceni uprising and A number of spears have been abandoned
their patron whispers to them that the first by the beastiarii in the arena. It is unlikely that
building he’ll commission when he’s elected is the PCs would have taken any weapons to the
a new arena. games apart from daggers.
The PCs enjoy good views of various If the PCs do leap down to confront the
events: music, dancing troupes, wolves being beast, it will turn to face them but their display
hunted, a couple of bull fights (one where the will encourage some of the braver members of
venatore was gored) and there is even a lion the audience and after three rounds of combat
on show, although he does look rather mangy. D6 men will come to help the PCs.
But all of these displays are merely the warm Not much can be discovered from the
up to the eagerly awaited bout between the body of the beast, although a Natural World
bear and Ibor, the venatore. roll will reveal that it certainly isn’t the body
The PCs will have an opportunity to place of any known bear.
wagers on any events they care to make. How- Someone from the audience will reveal
ever following the problems at the haulier’s that it doesn’t look like the creature he saw at
depot nobody is allowed into the animal pens the depot the day before. If the man is spoken
to see the bear. to quietly he’ll reveal what happened at the
As the avid audience watch, Ibor enters depot and that he saw a great bear growling
the arena and to the cheers of the crowd he and slavering at them. It was certainly not this
poses and practises a few spear thrusts. A small creature. The man has spent time serving as a
portion of the crowd starts chanting that the huntsman for local nobles and has seen bears,
bear is going to eat his liver. Then everybody boars & wolves in the wild.
falls silent as the arena slaves slowly crank up Following their successful defeat of the
the gate to the animal pens. In the silence the beast, the PCs will find their patron star-
PCs can hear the growling and panting of some ing ruefully at the corpse of his venatore. He
large creature as it pads up the ramp. will thank the PCs for their efforts but then
The first sign that something is amiss ask them to do another job for him. He wants
is when Ibor screams in terror. However he them to find out how such a thing could have
gamely recovers and sets his spear as a night- happened and if possible bring someone to
mare erupts from the tunnel and barrels to- book for the debacle. Ursinus feels that if he
wards him. can prosecute someone for the deaths, he
The crowd are stunned as the awful crea- might still manage to win the popular vote in
ture tears the unfortunate man apart and then the election.
starts on a couple of the beastiarii who had
A fter m ath
If he isn’t mauled to death by the Palug Wolf,
Nero will commit suicide in June after being
abandoned by his Praetorian guards. So whilst
it is likely that Fabius will manage to destroy
possible for him to live in Epiru. In reality, the he has in Asis that could help the characters with
goat is the prized pet of his neighbor’s daugh- bypassing bureaucratic government procedures
ter, named Cassia, and was sacrificed by her in future events, which could be advantages for
to the voice beyond the Lake of Hali. Cassia players in later investigations.
had been having bizarre dreams of the fabled Publius suggests the players meet at his
city of Carcosa and the cities of Alar where the home before sundown with whatever they feel
King in Yellow rules. Drawn to the music in a will help with the investigation. He will en-
dream-like state, she trespassed onto Publius’ courage characters to talk with his two neigh-
property with her goat. At the request of the bors Sextus Fannius Afer, a retired statesman,
spectral voice, she killed her goat and saw the and Cassius Libo, middle-man merchant.
manifestation of the Lake of Hali waters from Publius hopes that investigators will talk with
the tile stones on the ground. She sat and talk- them and put their complaints to rest. If in-
ed with the mysterious voice but refused to vestigators ask to see his house, then Publius
jump into the water because she was afraid to will oblige and show his house and garden, but
leave her parents. Her plan is to get her par- will otherwise expect to see players before sun-
ents to the ruins at night and have them jump down when the fog has not yet rolled over the
in with her, or if that fails, she plans to have fields. Publius will insist that players talk with
them jump after her into the waters of Hali Accia at the Temple of Jupiter because she had
manifestation. She trusts her parents will go recommended them and she could vouch for
after her if she jumps into the water. Publius’ need of help.
rion Gnaeus or his men) and asked to leave the ing he heard a couple of night before today.
city proper. He will appreciate the investigators Sextus will also explain that he glimpsed a small
following up with his complaints about Publius person walking in the fog and that he thinks
and his property. He will not like characters Publius shape-changes into a small Kobalos or
that point out his odd behavior or try to ratio- sprite at night to spin his evil ways. Sextus will
nalize with him about the strange happenings add that Publius’ voice became child-like and
with Publius. For example, if players ask why that he was talking or chanting to himself. He
he is naked and covered in oil then he will say will suggest that Publius needs to be burned at
that he is preparing to die like all great Romans the stake and his house with him. “It’s the only
and that the character is an idiot for asking, un- way to be sure.” He will also add that Publius
like his faithful daughter at his feet (the statue), has seduced his two daughters and that he has
named Fannia, who always holds her tongue turned them against him, save Fannia. He will
with great wisdom. Continued discussion also say that Publius had cast a spell on his wife
will lead to Gibbly escorting characters off the and caused her to die of consumption. At this
property and a complaint filed with Gnaeus. point Sextus will have a spark of recollection
“Ungrateful plebeian! You are not a citizen of and remember that all of his daughters are dead
Epiru to treat me like this. You are like my other as a result of consumption. He will begin to
two ungrateful daughters who tried to strip me cry and collapse on the floor in a fetal position.
of all my wealth. Do you not know who I am?! I Gibbly will come to Sextus and wrap him up in
am Sextus Fannuus Afer!” If the players engage a towel. Since Gibbly is mute he will wave play-
Sextus with respect and honor then he will talk ers away and tend to Sextus. Players will not
about the strange music and the recent chant- be able to engage Sextus for the rest of the day.
The L a k e of H a li
This part of the scenario assumes that the play-
ers have stepped through the stone tiles on the
garden floor and entered the misty vaporous
waters to the Lake of Hali. It is up to the Keep-
er’s discretion that this part of the investigation
Cursed Garden at Night: Various things
be carried on for one reason or another, such as
can happen at this point but what will be a
Cassia has jumped through the stone and the
constant is the fog rolling in at the first sign of
players are chasing after her. As a result of step-
darkness. The fog will seem overly thick and
ping into the Lake of Hali have them make a
have a musty swamp smell about it. Investi-
SAN check at 1D6/1D20 cost for the immediate
gators will note that no swamp had been ob-
shock and initial realization that they are in a
served in the neighboring areas. As the night
place not meant for human understanding. For
passes a strange music will begin to play, ac-
The End
The players gain 1D12 SAN back if they destroy
the tablets
Add 1D6 SAN if they save Cassia from
the Lake of Hali
autumn they held the infamous rites on casionally to trade goods with outsiders (seek-
the peaks, their howlings and altar-fires ing to buy clay vessels and metal tools, which
throwing terror into the villages.” they do not make) but in recent years seem to
prefer to keep only to themselves. Their lan-
H. P. Lovecraft, “The Very Old Folk” in guage is unlike any other known in Europe.
Miscellaneous Writings Long ago they set up standing stones, some-
“... a hideous cult of nocturnal worshippers times in circles and alignments for mysteri-
whose strange customs—descended from ous reasons. They do not worship the gods of
pre-Aryan and pre-agricultural times the pantheons of the other European peoples
when a squat race of Mongoloids roved but an enigmatic entity (“the god unknown”),
over Europe with their flocks and herds— to whom they sacrifice human beings twice a
were rooted in the most revolting fertility- year in the anxious periods of seasonal transi-
rites of immemorial antiquity. This tion, from winter to summer and summer to
secret religion, stealthily handed down winter, when the prosperity of the community
amongst peasants for thousands of years is particularly in question (the Very Old Folk
despite the outward reign of the Druidic, have no calendar and thus they do not sacri-
Graeco-Roman, and Christian faiths in fice on specific days of the year, such as April
the regions involved, was marked by wild 31 and October 31, as their inheritors would).
“Witches’ Sabbaths” in lonely woods and The sages of the Celtic tribes, the druids, have
atop distant hills ...” long been thought guilty of these sacrifices by
H. P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in the Romans and therefore their religion has
Literature been abolished. Little do the Romans know
that there are forces much darker and more
The Very Old Folk (known in Latin as the Ve-
dangerous than those of nature-loving druid-
terrimi) are a people who settled throughout
Europe long before the Italic, Hellenic, Celtic,
While the Celts respect and worship all
Germanic and other groups migrated there
that is positive which nature provides for
thousands of years ago. Their territories have
them, such as springs, living trees, and hors-
gradually been taken over and their numbers
es, the Very Old Folk ally themselves with dark
depleted until the few scattered groups of them
forces in nature, including marshy morasses,
remaining have moved to higher elevations.
dead trees, and snakes. Long ago, after gener-
Some were known to inhabit the Pyrenees un-
ations of fighting, the Celts and the Very Old
til they clashed with Roman troops around the
Folk decided upon a territorial truce of sorts.
mid-first century B.C. Others remain in re-
The Very Old Folk were left in peace to live
mote enclaves in the Alps and Carpathians as
in their own secluded, noxious haunts, while
well as more modest hilltop homes such as on
the Celts thrived in their villages in wide open
the Cotswold range in Britain, only now being
glades. Most Celts have forgotten the hidden
expanded into by the Romans. Knowledge of
Very Old Folk, who have not been seen in de-
them has almost completely disappeared except
cades, but the bards (tribal loremasters) still
in half-forgotten fairy tales.
recount tales of these little peoples, and the
The Very Old Folk are stunted human-
druids too maintain remembrances of them
oids, most the size of human children, who live
and, often without the knowledge of their own
amid dark groves in small, mud hut villages,
people, bless amulets for protection against
each ruled by its own tribal leader. They hunt
and gather and only practice agriculture and
animal husbandry on very a meagre scale, and
do not have horses. They were once known oc-
Control Ser pents
Range: 1 mile from serpents
Duration: 10 minutes
Cost: 3 MP
Sanity: 1
Resistance: those with a Dobunni amulet may not be
attacked by controlled serpents
With a successful casting of this spell, serpents
of the five types listed above found in the forest
can be controlled.
In vok e A br a sa x
Range: Sight
Duration: 4 hours preparation and then 10 minute spell
Cost: 1D10 +2 MP
Sanity: 1D6
Resistance: No
In a cauldron filled with the black liquid of the
dark grove serpents, roosters, and human sol-
diers must be stewed for 4 hours. Then after a
10 minute vocal invocation, Abrasax will arise
As for the Harii, not only are they superior for much of the period of Roman settlement,
in strength to the other peoples I have just as well as the occasional revolt. A Keeper with
mentioned, but they minister to their an established campaign can therefore change
savage instincts by trickery and clever the time of the setting quite easily, and simply
timing. They black their shields and rename the historical characters, and locate the
dye their bodies, and choose pitch-black setting within whichever imperial reign he de-
nights for their battles. The shadowy, awe sires. The action revolves around the raids of
inspiring appearance of such a ghoulish a pernicious Germanic tribe, the Harii, and so
army inspires mortal panic; for no enemy the location is fixed.
can endure a sight so strange and hellish. The scenario as written supposes that the
Defeat in battle starts always with the investigators find themselves attached as the
eyes. staff of the new governor of Germania Su-
perior, Sextus Calpurnius Agricola. Sextus
Tacitus, Germania, Calpurnius is an historic character, who real-
43 (Penguin Classics ly did govern Germania Superior in AD 158,
edition, translated by late in the reign of Antoninus Pius. If the in-
H.W. Mattingly) vestigators already have a patron, it would be
no complex matter simply to substitute him.
K eeper’s Background: If the investigators have some other reason to
be wandering around the nether regions of
“Defeat Starts Always with the Eyes” is designed the empire, then the Keeper can simply be-
as a short introductory scenario that can be gin the action as stated, on a hill overlooking
played as a stand-alone adventure, or expanded the mansio of Titus Adevinus. If, on the oth-
into a campaign by the Keeper for a group of er hand, the opening seems somewhat forced,
four to six investigators. The material present- the Keeper can play out a brief introductory
ed should not prove overwhelmingly compli- scene in Rome in which the investigators are
cated for inexperienced players, and provides brought into play, before beginning a long, but
a partial introduction to various aspects of the utterly uneventful, trudge northwards.
Mythos, as well as an opportunity for more tra- The action begins with the investigators
ditional forms of combat. The scenario is set in travelling with the new governor of the prov-
the year AD 158, late in the reign of the Emper- ince from the provincial town of Argentoratum
or Antoninus Pius, in the province of Germania (Strasbourg in France), north to the provin-
Superior. Germania Superior is a region which cial capital, Moguntiacum (Mainz in Germa-
runs, roughly, from just north of the modern ny). This distance, perhaps 100 miles today,
city of Mainz, to the modern city of Strasbourg. would take a Roman riding in ox-drawn carts
This province was frequently subjected to raids perhaps as long as five days. Though histori-
cally, several sites are recorded along
the route as possible stopping plac- Historical Note:
es, the scenario provides only one Sextus Calpurnius Agricola is a historic charac-
of any substance, a mansio operat- ter. He first appears on the consular list for AD 154,
ed by a wealthy equestrian contrac- as a suffect consul, serving, probably, for the latter
tor, Titus Adevinus Germanicus, at part of that year. This would place his birth date as
about the halfway point. When the no later than the 110’s and possibly earlier. There-
investigators arrive, however, they fore, he will be in his late forties or early fifties at the
find the mansio a plundered ruin, start of this adventure. In AD 158, historically, Sextus
with most of its occupants massa- Calpurnius is attested as the governor of Germania
cred. From the sole immediate sur- Superior. This was an unusually very peaceful time
vivor, Adevina, the daughter of Ti- for that province, but this adventure is going to tinker
tus Adevinus, the investigators can with that fact. If he enjoyed an average term length,
learn that many of the guests can- he would have remained in Germania Superior for
not be accounted for, nor can her three years, until AD 161. From AD 163 for an un-
father. Since mansio guests are, as certain length of time, he was governor of Britannia.
a rule, travelling on official busi- Sources suggest a variety of dates down to and includ-
ness, the capture of so many impor- ing AD 168, with AD 166 seeming most likely. In that
tant hostages is not an auspicious time, he confronted some sort of rebellion or inva-
start to the governorship of Sextus sion, which led to the burning of two towns. During
Calpurnius, who will eventually en- his governorship, the Antonine Wall was abandoned,
courage the investigators to follow and the Hadrianic Wall again became the frontier. In
the raiders while he returns to Ar- AD 168 and 169, he was governor of Lower Moesia,
gentoratum to organize a more vig- where he died, perhaps in the fighting of the Marco-
orous pursuit with the forces of the mannic War, or from the plague then decimating the
legion stationed there. A cursory population of the Empire.
investigation of the site will reveal This individual is not the same as Cnaeus Julius
that far more than a quick raid by Agricola, the subject of Tacitus’ biography. Cnaeus
a group of smelly, soot-covered bar- Julius Agricola was born over a century before the ad-
barians is underway here. Eventu- venture starts, and lived from AD 40-93.
ally, the investigators will have to set The author is aware of no surviving images of
off in pursuit of the Harii raiders, Sextus Calpurnius Agricola, though several surviv-
who have a fair head start, but who ing inscriptions mentioning him have been found in
are impeded by loot and prisoners. Britain.
The Harii are not without their own
advantages, and if the investigators
make poor tactical choices, they will er may wish to substitute the full-sized ver-
quickly find that they have taken on more than sion found in the core rules, but bear in mind
they have bargained for. that only one hand weapon available in the
The Harii are described in the Cthulhu Cthulhu Invictus rules is able to actually dam-
Invictus source book at pp. 138 and 139. Su- age the beast.) The Harii raid is really a cover
perficially, the Harii appear only to have sent for a treasonable plot coordinated by servants
a raiding party farther from home than usu- of Nyarlathotep on both sides of the limes, or
al. This party has, nevertheless, some signifi- border. The Harii, like all Germanic tribes,
cant strength in the form of a small hunting are chronically short of iron, and therefore are
horror bound to its service through an artifact busy raiding iron production dedicated to the
supplied by Nyarlathotep. (A naughty keep- use of the legions garrisoning Germania Supe-
the viscous brown surface. The air around the
stagnant pool reeks of the slow, offensive, de-
cay of dead and dying plant matter.
The Keeper should read the following to the
Rarely, the travelers will glimpse the lo-
players, or convey its general ideas:
cal inhabitants, foul, dirty, degenerate look-
“Roman roads are perfectly straight, per-
ing creatures tending cattle. Even the cattle
fectly paved, and, it seems, perfectly endless.
appear unwholesome; hopelessly puny, with
You have for weeks been travelling as part of
scraggly heads and insignificant horns com-
the official retinue of Sextus Calpurnius Agri-
pared to those found on their southern cous-
cola, the new governor of the province of Ger-
ins. Every thing, and every being and every
mania Superior, just embarking on a three-
person in the place looks contaminated, der-
year term, in the spring of the year of the
elict, and unhealthy. This will be home for the
consulships of Sextus Sulpicius Tertullus and
next three years for the Governor, and his sup-
Quintus Tineius Sacerdos Clemens, the twen-
porters, the investigators. ‘Go along with the
ty-first year of the reign of Caesar Titus Aelius
new governor as one of his clients,’ that was
Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, and the
your thought. Sextus Calpurnius is a man on
911th year ab urbe condita (vulga dicta “the
the rise in Rome. He is sent out when the Em-
year AD 158”). Three years away from Rome.
peror himself, Antoninus Pius, has a problem.
Three years away from Rome in a hellish hole
A one-man vigiles’ fire brigade, putting out
of a place. Italy was a warm and sunny place.
the fires of the Roman Empire. Sounded like
The Alpine mountains were cold, and sparsely
a good idea at the time. Of course, fires rare-
propert y of Titus
ring on his hand, which has not been stolen, in-
dicative of senatorial or equestrian rank.
A devinus: The bath house, not surprisingly, is quite
empty. Some odds and ends, like bath oils,
The mansio of Titus Adevinus is a charnel scents, and bathing tools remain, waiting for
house. Here and there throughout the proper- use. The place has been neither looted nor
ties, an occasional resident tried to make a fight damaged, it seems. The water, like the resi-
of it, and was cut down with the stab of a sword dents, has assumed room temperature.
or the thrust of a spear. Most of the inhabit- The mansio is a substantial two story
ants, free and slave, guest and resident, male structure, built around a courtyard. It has been
Non-Pl ay er
DEX 11 APP 14 EDU 15 SAN 25 HP 11
Ch ar acter s
Damage Bonus +0
Weapons: Small Knife, 40%
Languages: Latin, 90%; Greek, 70%; Aramaic, 30%;
Ahab ben Menachem, age 26, handsomest German, 35%, Oscan, 15%; Etruscan, 15% can read
corpse in the mansio, and a not unfriendly and write the first two.
ghost Skills: First Aid, 50%; Medicine, 30%; Sing, 80%; Make
Potion, 80%; Occult, 40%; Status, 40%
STR 11/0 CON 13/0 SIZ 10 INT 14 Spells: Create Bulla, Create Potion; Create Amulet;
POW 18/18 DEX 10/0 APP 17/17 Create Love Philter; Create Curse Tablet; Modified
EDU 18/18 SAN 90/1 HP 12/0+ Elysian Grace.
Note 1: Numbers with slashes indicate Ahab’s Adevina is the only child of Titus Adevinus, a
stat while alive/Ahab’s stat while a ghost. wealthy equestrian with powerful patrons. For
much of her life, she was raised in the House
Note 2: The HP value 0+ indicates that Ahab
of the Vestals in Rome, as a favor to her ma-
should be dead, but isn’t quite. The Keeper can
ternal aunt. She was not destined to become
decide whether Ahab lives or dies, as outlined
a Vestal herself, but learned much of their lore
in the scenario.
and something about their ceremonies. She is
Damage Bonus +0
dearly in love with Ahab, and insists that he can
Weapons: None for purpose of this scenario; he can do
no harm unless someone trips over him.
make a full recovery. She believes that the spell
Elysian Grace can stabilize his medical situa-
Languages: Aramaic, 95%; Latin, 75%; Greek, 50%;
German, 35%, can read and write the first three. tion. Whether this is correct or not is for the
Skills: Science (Judaism) 60% ; Science (Augury) 50%; Keeper to determine, and utterly irrelevant—
Library Use 60%; Occult 40%; Persuade 50%; Natu- she will insist on trying the experiment. The
ral World 40%; Accounting 60%. spell functions like that of the Cthulhu Invic-
Ahab has been fairly well explained in the sce- tus sourcebook. If it works, the poultice not
nario. He is a domestic slave, the correspon- only paralyzes the recipient, but also stabilizes a
dence and accounts clerk of Titus Adevinus. character with zero hit points for twelve hours,
Ahab has made several bad guesses over the last if it is applied within a reasonable time after
year, and has not quite been killed as a result. death. What constitutes a reasonable time is
STR 13 CON 17 SIZ 16 INT 10 POW 14 Harwulf is an important leader among the
DEX 13 APP 12 EDU 16 SAN 70 HP 17 Harii, entrusted with the keeping of the dragon
Damage Bonus +1d4 standard of the tribe, a most sacred gift from
Weapons: Gladius, 60%; Pilum, 70; Pugio, 50%
the tribal god. He has had a vision from that
Languages: Latin, 90%; Greek, 70%; can read and write.
god recently, telling him to raid, not among the
neighboring tribes, the Marcomanni and the
Skills: Many, but for the purposes of this scenario, none
useful: Speak at length about the painfully obvious, Quadi, but to strike deep within the Roman
90%; Quibble over legalities, 90%; Dither indecisive- Empire itself, and to retrieve two objects from
ly, 80%; Babble diplomatically, 80%; Issue definitive a large building which Nyarlathotep has shown
orders, 10%; Issue useful definitive orders, 01%, him. Nyarlathotep also showed him that the
Tactics, 50%; Status, 75%; Kick, 50%
Romans were manufacturing lots of iron weap-
Like most Roman bureaucrats of high rank, Sex- ons at this place, and that those weapons were
tus Calpurnius Agricola is from an impeccably stored there, available for the taking. This alone
noble family, and utterly reliant on lower rank- would be well worth a raid, even if it were not
ing retainers or clients to be of any use what- commanded by the deity. Using these weapons,
soever. He did begin his career in the military, the Harii will be well able to thoroughly destroy
rose through it, and is effective in a fight, or in their neighbors.
directing a fight as a military commander. He
has held a consulship, and is now being sent to Hardoric, Age 30, Horn bearer of the Harii
a province as governor on the sudden death of STR 12 CON 7 SIZ 13 INT 15 POW 9
the previous incumbent. He is a close confidant
of the Emperor, Antoninus Pius, and, deserved- DEX 10 APP 10 EDU 09 SAN 0 HP 10
ly or not, has a reputation as man able to solve Damage Bonus +1d4
difficult problems. His method is quite simple. Armor: 5 point leather armor
He surrounds himself with young, talented in- Weapons: Spatha/longsword, 60%
dividuals serving as his subordinates. He then Languages: German, 90%;
turns over to these subordinates any problems Skills: Climb 45%; Hide 55%; Jump 40%; Other King-
which do not admit of a good swift kick as the dom (Rome) 40%; Ride 30%; Sneak 35%; Occult
solution. He can then smile benevolently and 50%; Track 50%
take credit for any successes, or scowl thought-
fully and allocate the blame for any failures. To