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Arkham Gazette 2 May24

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The issue focuses on exploring the desolate town of Innsmouth through 18 articles covering diverse topics related to its history and culture.

Topics such as Polynesian culture in Innsmouth, Innsmouth's burying grounds, real world inspirations for Innsmouth, Massachusetts' 'Sacred Cod', the Ponape Scripture, the Feejee 'mermaid', Innsmouth's gold, a guide to Newburyport, an annotated list of Innsmouth scenarios, and a scenario called 'Drawn from the Water' are covered.

Greater Innsmouth, Falcon Point, Boynton Beach, and the locations mentioned in relation to them such as Innsmouth's burying grounds are described.


Arkham Gazette
Issue 2
November 2013
Revised May 2018

L. T. BARKER The Hymnal of the Esoteric Order of Dagon
NICOLAS BRESINSKY Edward Morse, The Isles of Shoals and Other
Innsmouth Inspiration
CHARLES GERARD Shadows of Polynesia
CHRIS HUTH Innsmouth Curios, The Wreck of the Elizabeth Wright
BRET KRAMER Various Articles
BEN WENHAM Innsmouth Curios
illustrations CHRIS HUTH, IAN MACLEAN,
cartography RICHARD LEDUC
proofreading CHITIN PROCTOR
Page 6, Marae sur l’île de Huahine (Polynésie française) by Michel-Georges Bernard
Page 39, “The volcanic ‘log’ city of Nan Madol”; smwd0023, NOAA’s Small World Collection
Photographer: Lieutenant Commander Matthew Wingate, NOAA Corps


licensed by chaosium inc.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Deep Background: Locations in Greater Innsmouth  3 The Biblio-file: The Hymnal of the Esoteric Order of Dagon  32
From the History Books: Shadows of Polynesia  5 The Biblio-file: The Ponape Scripture  35
Deep Background: Innsmouth’s Burying Grounds  9 Curious New England: The Feejee Mermaid  43
New Location: The Wreck of the Elizabeth Wright  16 New Items: Innsmouth Curios  46
Arcane Etymology: On The Name ‘Dagon’  20 Deep Background: Innsmouth Gold  53
Deep Background: The Marine Abyss beyond Devil Reef  23 Gaming History: Cancelled Innsmouth Books  62
New Person: Edward Morse  24 Location Guide: A Guide to Newburyport  65
From the History Books: The Isles of Shoals and Other Scenario: Drawn from the Water  87
Innsmouth Inspiration  26 Annotated Scenario Bibliography: Innsmouth
Curious New England: The Sacred Cod  31 and Deep Ones  106

The Arkham Gazette is the creation of Sentinel Hill Press. They had talked about dying and half-deserted Innsmouth for
nearly a century, and nothing new could be wilder or more
© May, 2018
hideous than what they had whispered and hinted years before.
All Rights Reserved.
Welcome back to Innsmouth!
Call of Cthulhu is Chaosium’s role-playing game of wonder We are pleased to present the revised and expanded
and horror. Citations, references, and quotations from Call of second issue of the Arkham Gazette. The focus of this issue
Cthulhu gaming material is done in the spirit of collaboration is Innsmouth, that desolate and half-deserted port town at
that has marked Lovecraft’s work since the very beginning the mouth of the Manuxet. We invite you to explore this
and implies no ownership. benighted old town through the eighteen articles of this
Discussion of works published by other companies is issue, where we talk about topics as diverse as:
done in the same collaborative spirit. „„ Polynesian culture in Innsmouth
Call of Cthulhu is the Registered Trademark of Chaosium „„ Innsmouth’s burying grounds
Inc., and is used with their permission. „„ Real world inspirations and parallels for Innsmouth
www.chaosium.com „„ Massachusetts’ “Sacred Cod”
„„ The Ponape Scripture
The names, descriptions, and depictions applied to this
„„ The Feejee “mermaid”
supplement are derived from works copyrighted by and
„„ Innsmouth’s gold
include trademarks owned by Chaosium Inc., and may not be
„„ A guide to Newburyport
used or reused without its permission.
„„ An annotated list of Innsmouth scenarios
Why yes, I am using Cristoforo, an expanded version of the „„ “Drawn from the Water,” an Innsmouth-connected
Columbus font developed by Thomas Phinney. scenario of mystery and madness
www.thomasphinney.com So take your seat on Joe Sargent’s bus and enjoy on a ride
to fear-shadowed Innsmouth… Here’s hoping you live to
see the dawn.
The Arkham Gazette is a publication of Sentinel Hill Press and
Bret Kramer
welcomes submissions. The focus of the Gazette is Lovecraft
May 2018
Country and submissions should have a strong connection to
that fictive region and the real-world history and locations
that informs it. It is recommended that writers be familiar
with Lovecraft Country as it has been established in works
like Arkham Unveiled. While consistency is the hobgoblin of
small minds, we like those little 1 HD monsters; submissions
that expand and improve Lovecraft Country rather than
rewriting or reinventing it are more likely to be published. For
more information see:

Submissions should be sent to ArkhamGazetteMagazine@
gmail.com with words “Arkham Gazette Submission” in the
subject line.

Locations in Greater Innsmouth • Skivern Rock Lighthouse

Deep Background

Locations in Greater Innsmouth

by Bret Kramer

Skivern Rock Repeated petitions to the Massachusetts colonial (and

later state) government were finally answered when funds
Lighthouse (1014) were allotted in 1810 for the establishment of a lighthouse.
Unfortunately, the outbreak of hostilities with Great
Southeast of Innsmouth in Innsmouth Harbor
Britain delayed the construction of the light until 1819.
Source: “The Occulted Light,” Before the Fall p. 48 by A bell and cannon system was also established at
Lucya Szachnowski and Gary O’Connell that time due to the persistent foul weather that would

often obscure Skivern Rock and its surrounding reefs.
nnsmouth has had two lighthouses — the Old
In 1824 the first two keepers of the lighthouse were
Lighthouse (I904), aka the Innsmouth Harbor Light,
tragically drowned while loading the fog cannon. The
and the Skivern Rock Light. The former collapsed
lighthouse itself was badly damaged in the same storm
during the Great Blizzard of 1888. The later still stands,
and was replaced by the 80-foot-tall brick lighthouse
but has been abandoned for decades.
still standing today. This structure proved inadequate as a
Skivern Rock and the surrounding reefs have been
significant number of ships continued to founder in the
recognized as a hazard to navigation since the earliest visits
vicinity for the next decade. Dark rumors suggested the
to the area by European sailors; Captain John Smith made
mention of it as “a shoale near to this place [Plum Island],
made up of a great twin rock, with eddys and forceful
currents.” The rock, still unnamed, was cited as the cause
of numerous shipwrecks on the approach to Innsmouth
throughout the Colonial period. According to one Colonial
source the natives called the place Katumaketic, “where the
rocks are met by the ocean.”
The origin of the rock’s name is unclear. The earliest
record of its use come from a property dispute involving
the owners of the ship Constance in 1699: “ye hull was
breech’d by ye Skiverin Rock sou-sou’east of the Port of
Innsmouth yet sunk off ye Mother Ann one day later.”
One possible origin is suggested by the authors of
Folgers’ Sailor’s Atlas of New England, who suggest it
was named for the Scottish sea captain Charles Skillven
whose ship, The Cormorant, foundered off the southern tip
of Plum Island in 1722. Another origin for the name is
given by Professor Elmer Pitts-Derby in his monograph
Massachusetts Light-Houses, from Boston Harbor to Points
North (1896), in which he points out that in most
Scandinavian languages the word skiven means ‘round’. He
then tries to use this as proof of Viking visitation to the
Massachusetts coast, though how this ‘Viking’ name was
passed on to English colonists, or why this irregular rock
was named ‘round’ is not explained.
Whatever the case, the rock and surrounding shoals
were a hazard to navigation and, in 1745, a committee of
Innsmouth merchants petitioned the colonial governor to
place a light here, as had been done in Boston harbor decades
earlier. With no funds forthcoming, the Innsmouthers
privately established a small beacon and bell here in 1750.
Locations in Greater Innsmouth • Falcon Point Cemetery and Rawson Memorial Company


The Rawson Memorial
Readers will note that the history of the Skivern
Company (408)
Rock Lighthouse provided here does not align 188 Martin Street
with the one provided by its source scenario. We’ve
Established in 1786 by Jasper Rawson and owned and
changed the following elements to better reflect the
operated by four generations of the Rawson family,
historical record:
the Rawson Memorial Company was Innsmouth’s sole
„„ Date of establishment: 1750 is too early for
gravestone maker. Using a now-collapsed factory on the
a light to have been built here; it would have
Manuxet to cut and plane slate brought in from a quarry on
been only the fourth constructed in all of New
the Newburyport town line, the company sold stones not
just in Innsmouth, but across Essex County and beyond.
„„ The Foghorn: Mechanical foghorns were not
Eliot Rawson’s only surviving heir enlisted in the Union
developed until the 1850s.
Army in 1862, never to return, leaving no one to operate
„„ Abandonment: Lighthouses were too
the company after Eliot’s death in 1872.
important to be simply left empty or not be
Of the company itself, a few buildings remain.
replaced. In a real-world case most similar to
Enclosed by a battered wooden fence and gate are a small
the case of the Skivern Rock Light — the Minot’s
warehouse, a grinding shed, a small smithy, a finishing
Ledge Light southeast of Boston — the wrecked
house, and an office. A small well stands at the middle
lighthouse was replaced, first by a light ship,
of the compound. It is still functional, but the water is
then a new lighthouse. 
brackish. The buildings’ interiors are bare, save for the
occasional piece of scrap slate, the spoor of nesting animals
(including several hazardous wasp nests), and a small anvil,
which has so far proved too heavy to be moved by casual
complicity of the light’s crew. After the accidental deaths
vandals. It is possible some invoices or other documents
of two more keepers, the lighthouse was shuttered in 1838
linger, forgotten and moldering, in some neglected corner.
and replaced by a permanently anchored lightship (now
Investigators would almost certainly pay little heed
long sunk) a few hundred yards out from Skivern Rock
to this now-abandoned cluster of buildings if not for the
and augmented by the newly constructed Innsmouth
fact that, in the decades since the closure of the company,
Light. The lighthouse likely would have been demolished
locals have made use of their stock of cut and semi-
or replaced had Innsmouth’s economic circumstances not
finished gravestones as a sort of rough sidewalk around the
caused the closure of the custom house in 1866.
intersections of Place of Hawks, Church, and Martin Streets.
Today the lighthouse remains, though battered by
Most of these are slate blanks: stones cut into the
storms and stripped of paint. Forgotten by all but local
traditional straight-sided, rounded-top shape of 19th century
fishermen, it is likely that within the next few years either
gravestones, but without inscription. The rest (perhaps one in
time or government action will bring down this badly
six) are a mix of cracked, incomplete, undelivered, or discarded
neglected structure.
stones bearing some inscription. Investigators passing
through this area on foot should make an Idea roll to realize
Falcon Point Cemetery (1010a) that they are not, in fact, treading on uprooted gravestones.
The compound could, because of its location and
Intersection of South Woods and Falcon Point roads
availability of fresh water, make a practical hideout for
See page 15 of this issue for details. squatters, runaways, criminals, or investigators looking for
somewhere to lay low in Innsmouth. 

Shadows of Polynesia • The ‘Kanakys’

From the History Books

Shadows of Polynesia
by Charles Gerard

I s’pose you know — though I can see you’re a Westerner by your In-Game Use
talk — what a lot our New England ships — used to have
Incorporating elements of Polynesian culture (as described
to do with queer ports in Africa, Asia, the South Seas, and
later in this article) is a great way of accentuating the
everywhere else, and what queer kinds of people they sometimes
otherness of Innsmouth without revealing the town’s
brought back with ‘em.

deepest, inhuman, secret. Players — should they have
aptain Obed Marsh’s ships carried many strange not read “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” — may even
cargoes into the somnambulant harbor of begin to second guess their suspicions about Innsmouth
Innsmouth. What enduring customs might betray if they suspect their concerns are rooted in racism or
links to lost uncharted islands? What exotic treasures ethnocentrism. Polynesian cultural influences also provide
might still linger in the curious moldering cabinets of the Keeper with an expanded arsenal of tension-building
worm-eaten homes? signposts beyond the standard hints of hybridism or
degeneracy to suggest the malign reach of the Deep Ones.
The ‘Kanakys’ Ancient Rites, New Home
We do not know the name of the people Obed Marsh
The Kanakys appear to be culturally Polynesian, albeit
encountered on that unnamed island “east of Othaheite
with some unique indigenous religious practices. Walakea
[Tahiti].” ‘Kanak’ is a Hawaiian term adopted by sailors
would have then been a powerful ari’i rahi who revered
and used as a catch-all for native Pacific Islanders. Though
the old gods and would have insisted upon respect for
there is at least one group in New Caledonia that now goes
tradition, likely teaching some of it to Obed Marsh. In
by that name, it is a modern adoption. We will use ‘Kanaks’
turn Marsh may have preserved elements of Kanaky culture
and ‘Kanakys’ for the sake of convenience — but it is no
either as part of his interaction with the Deep Ones or as
more accurate than calling Native Americans “Indians.”
part of the rites of the Esoteric Order of Dagon. Here
When New England whaling expeditions returned
are some suggested artifacts or practices and their use
with crewmen from Hawaii and the Sandwich Islands in the
in Innsmouth; recognizing their Polynesian connection
early nineteenth century, war-hardened New Englanders
should require an Anthropology roll at a minimum. More
looked with suspicion at the new “heathen youths.” In
likely the investigators would need to contact a specialist:
Nantucket, such foreign sailors bunked in special boarding
While there are no Polynesian experts at Miskatonic
houses, safely sequestered from Quaker townsfolk.
University, Rev. Ezekiel Wallace of Arkham’s Asbury
Crew members aboard the Sumatra Queen, the Hetty,
M.E. Church is known to have a passing interest in the
and the Columbia had a great deal of experience with the
people and culture of Polynesia, having worked there
rites and practices of the Kanakys they encountered. It is
as a missionary. As discussed in Escape from Innsmouth,
possible — August Derleth* included it in his story “The
gaining the minister’s trust is no easy thing; the Keeper
Seal of R’lyeh” — that even some intermarriage occurred
might consider introducing him to investigators seeking
between Obed Marsh’s sailors and native women. This
more information about their Polynesian discoveries in
would allow even more of the idiosyncratic culture of
Innsmouth in advance of his role in that scenario.
Walakea’s people, even before Marsh made contact with
the Deep Ones of Y’ha-nthlei, to leave its mark on this
Altar Rocks
shadow-blighted port.
Curious flat stones may be found in nearby salt marshes
or emerging offshore during the lowest of tides. These
could be a local iteration of the Tahitian marae, sacred
ritual sites protected by unbreakable tapu and stone idols
* Usually a red-flag to avoid, but while the primary plot conceit of of family ancestors, unu, frozen in exaggerated expressions
“The Seal of R’lyeh” runs counter to the central notions of “The not unlike the faces of frogs. If active, these sites may also
Shadow Over Innsmouth,” there is no reason Keepers cannot include a tall carved pole for use in binding sacrifices. On
crib the plot but excise the direct Innsmouth connection. Walakea’s island, altars and temple walls were carved with
Shadows of Polynesia • Pacific Mummies to Innsmouth Chowder

— sometimes with multiple heads or arms. These items

were considered the tools of sorcerers. In the Solomon
Islands, malicious half-fish creatures known as Adaro
were depicted with wings, horns, and dolphins for feet.
Certainly the Kanakys encountered by Obed Marsh had
their own carved figurine tradition, informed by both their
encounters with the Deep Ones as well as the grotesque
carved figures on the nearby unnamed volcanic island.

The Red Feather Cult

Chieftains in Tahiti identified themselves with belts of red
feathers — likely the prized spectacular tail feathers of the
tuaki kula, or plumage of crimson-backed tanagers. Captain
Cook described the use of red feather bundles in human
monstrous benthic horrors that predated human habitation.
sacrifices, where they served as a kind of spiritual garnish.
Perhaps the artwork on Innsmouth’s marae reflects
The Red Feather Cult of Polynesia, which spread across
a hybrid of styles.
all of the Society Islands and peaked around the arrival
of European explorers, used such bundles to call forth
Pacific Mummies their gods. This might explain the curious use of cardinal
plumage to adorn some fishing equipment in Innsmouth,
By custom, Tahitians preserved the corpses of their leaders
and the scattered bits of red down found seasonally along
and interned them in mountain caves and other sacred
lower Church Street or outside of some of Innsmouth’s
sites. Early Kanaky generations may have continued this
churches after May-Eve and Halloween.
practice in secret — the island’s royalty after all remained
wholly human. Perhaps Obed or his progeny may have
incorporated such rites into the customs of his new faith, Innsmouth Chowder
secreting ancestors away in some crevice of Carson’s Hill
Another mark of Polynesian influence could be seen in a
or one of Innsmouth’s many sealed attics. Perhaps some
dubious local delicacy, the murky dish townsfolk call Marsh
sorcery allows for communication with the mummified
Chowder (or, when outsiders are not around, Ia’ Yota). More
dead and Obed Marsh controls the Esoteric Order from
a porridge than a chowder, the base is formed by grinding
beyond the grave...
an unknown tuber into a thick grey paste, much like the
Hawaiian taro stew called poi. It includes bits of raw fish
Evil Eye Fetishes and viscera, and so emits a powerful odor of piscine rot.
The name is one of the strongest connections to Tahitian
In Polynesia, tufts of hair and a single eye were removed
culture, where it was called e’ia ota, now more commonly
from ritual sacrifices and wrapped in a leaf, to be used later
known by the French name Poisson Cru. Traditionally, it is
as fetishes. Perhaps one of the enchantments Walakea
taught Marsh included the use of the evil eye. This might
explain the reports from hospitals in Newburyport and
Arkham that describe indigents discovered blinded on one
side, unable or unwilling to explain their injuries.

Piscine Figurines
Among the inhabitants of the Polynesian underworld,
called the Po, was the half-fish god Rua-hatu, known as the
Source of Fruitful Myriads. Two brothers once snagged the
god’s titanic head with fishhooks, and in his rage he made
the seas boil and rise up, drowning all islands but one.
Small carved wooden fish heads served as a reminder of his
wrath. Versions of the sea god Tangaroa figure prominently
across the South Pacific, sometimes with powers over
death and fire. In Samoa, he is known to have created
humans out of sea worms. Figurines carved out of wood or
stone called ti’i represented lesser gods, usually depicting
a stocky build with broad shoulders and a protruding belly

Shadows of Polynesia • Refugees and Sea Gypsies to Gimcracks and Curios

comprised of raw fish marinated in coconut milk and lime oceans to their new homes. These artifacts could remain in
juice. No doubt Innsmouth’s chefs have learned to make the pantries or attics of long abandoned houses.
due with local ingredients... Most Polynesian artifacts were heavily decorated,
with both abstract geometrical designs as well as
Refugees and “Sea Gypsies” representations of their material and spiritual world. No
doubt items of Kanaky manufacture would do likewise,
Keepers may wish to consider the origins of Walakea’s though considering their desire to conceal their relations
people. They may have been indigenous to the island, with the Deep Ones from neighboring islanders such
settled, like the rest of Polynesia, between 1500 and 2000 representations would not be overt.
years ago. Perhaps they encountered some remnant of
long-sunken Mu and interbred with them, or simply fell
under the sway of the Deep Ones in the same way as would
later happen in Massachusetts. Walakea and his people
may have been later settlers, driven from their original
homes by famine, warfare, or even drawn there through
the dreams of Cthulhu.
Another possible origin for the Kanakys lies to the
west, in the shallower seas of Southeast Asia, where
nomadic tribes of land-fearing people follow fish
migrations and remain seaborne year round. They are
known by many names, and form distinct ethnic groups Ceremonial Adze
that have assimilated to varying degrees with the land-
Used as weapons, for boat carving, and
based cultures of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the
for sorcery, these family heirlooms would
Philippines, and southern China.
feature intricately carved handles depicting
The most isolated tribes are fiercely superstitious of
powerful gods and the spirits of ancestors, with
evil land spirits, and most do not set foot on dry land other
formidable stone or perhaps metal blades.
than for trade, otherwise dwelling adrift in boats or in stilt
houses built on reefs far from shore. Since much of their
War Club
food and trade items come from coral reefs, adults have
been known to spend up to eight hours a day underwater. Though named differently depending on the island of
Young children dive so deep and often that their origin, blunt weapons of many varieties were commonly
eardrums pop, so many adults are hard of hearing. Because used throughout the Pacific Islands, from New Guinea
of this, the people learn to shout at each other even in close to Easter Island. Clubs were not just tools but icons of
quarters, and life on such a boat can be cacophonous. Some warriors and tribes, and richly decorated.
research has shown that the eyesight of these so-called “Sea The great war-god Oro was depicted by an oblong
Gypsies” is better underwater, because their eyes adapt to object with a wooden core that was covered in a tightly
the way light bends through the lens of seawater. woven basket of coconut fiber, much like a club or rasp.
In China, they are known as the Tanka people, and The weaving included an odd arrangement of features that,
ancient writings claim they are the descendants of snakes with some imagination, appeared to be a humanoid face.
who can live up to three days underwater without surfacing.
In Indonesia, the Bajau people conduct a birth Tattoo Comb
ceremony in which the placenta of each newborn is
Evidence of tattoo magic can be seen across the Polynesian
“released” into the ocean, and named separately as a “sea
islands, though specific techniques and ink recipes were
brother” or sister that serves as a kind of guardian for life.
fiercely guarded and handed down from parent to child
If the Kanakys Marsh encountered were from such
and clan to clan. Toothed blades or rows of needles were
nomadic stock, versions of ritual deafening and placental
used to carve unique patterns into the skin. These tools
ceremony traditions could have been taken up by the
were used in coming of age ceremonies and for protection
people of Innsmouth. In sea gypsy artwork, humans and
against disease and evil. Membership in the higher levels
their boats were often carved out of the same block, as
of the Esoteric Order of Dagon might involve some sort
though the two are merely parts of the same being.
of ritual tattoos.

Gimcracks and Curios Fishhooks

Obed Marsh and his crews no doubt returned to Hooks often included two curved parts tightly lashed
Innsmouth with all sorts of souvenirs beyond Deep One together. Sturdy hooks were valuable and treasured, carved
gold. Likewise, transplanted Kanaky wives might have with intricate designs meant to improve luck. Bones from
brought dowry items and personal effects back across the large animals, hardwood, and soft stone were the preferred
Shadows of Polynesia • Statistics and Spells

materials, though some were made from human bone.

Ritually prepared fishhooks might form some element of REFERENCES
the Kanakys’ use of the spell
Gananath Obeyesekere. Cannibal Talk: The Man-
Attract Fish.
eating Myth and Human Sacrifice in the South
Seas. (2005)

Robert W. Williamson. Religion and Social

Organization in Central Polynesia. (1937)

War clubs: http://www.new-guinea-tribal-art.com/wp/

index.php/2013/08/23/polynesian-war-club/ 

Nose Flute
Evil Eye Fetish
Carved from
wood, bamboo, the Should the Keeper wish to imbue this ritual magic with
stem of a gourd, or some potency, then have the Order use this spell to
a whale’s tooth, these intimidate or even eliminate their enemies. One option
enchanting instruments were used for courting and for would be to have the fetish lower the victim’s Luck for one
ceremonies to please the gods. Masters were said to be day by 10% per Magic Point the fetish is imbued with, up
able to strike eerie and magical overtones with uncanny to a maximum of 5 points. Should a human sacrifice be
techniques and could chant with their voices while made during the fetish’s creation, the victim of a fetish
expelling air through the nose. empowered in such a way must make a POW versus POW
roll against the caster or suffer 2d6 points of damage from
Statistics and Spells an accident within 1d2 days.

Keepers wishing to incorporate elements of Polynesian Innsmouth Tattoos

material culture and rituals into Innsmouth should
All manner of supernatural effects might be granted via a
consider the following as suggestions.
tattoo. Bonuses to spell casting are possible; the tattoo might
Adze even be a prerequisite for casting certain Kanaky magics.
Base skill 20%, Damage 1d6+DB, HP 5 Potent curses might be worked into the tattoos required of
members of the Esoteric Order of Dagon that cause great
Adzes range in size from small hand tools to larger ‘war’
harm to those who break their oaths; Breath of the Deep
versions; likewise the blade may be made of stone or metal.
and Grasp of Cthulhu are both suitably awful options. 
The statistics above are for an average-sized one; damage
may range from 1d3 to 1d8 with HP ranging accordingly
from 3 to 7.
War Club
Base skill 30%, Damage 1d8+DB, HP 8

With metal weapons unknown until the arrival of

Europeans, these clubs would originally be made from
wood, stone, tooth, and bone. A wide range of styles and
designs were used throughout Polynesia, Micronesia, New
Guinea, and beyond, from shark-tooth-edged Hawaiian
specimens to the hooked Totokia of Fiji, intended to
puncture an opponent’s skull. As with the adze, the
statistics given are for a typical weapon; damage may range
from 1d6 to 1d10, with larger clubs requiring a minimum
STR of at least 13 to use.
Either adzes or war clubs might be used in conjunction
with many of the summon or bind spells used by the
Kanaky. Bodies dumped down into the depths at Devil
Reef may have been ritually dispatched using one of these
traditional weapons.

Innsmouth’s Burying Grounds • Church Street Burial Ground to Christchurch Cemetery

Deep Background

Innsmouth’s Burying Grounds

by Bret Kramer

This material has been drawn from Graveyards of Lovecraft surrounds the yard. The only entrance leads to a brick
Country from Sentinel Hill Press. This is a small preview of path from Church Street; the wrought iron gate has been
that work, modif ied to f it into the format of this magazine. All wrested out of its hinges and lies half-buried just in front
location numbering is taken from Escape from Innsmouth. of the wall.

ive burial sites have been established within
Innsmouth’s boundaries. Of these, three are still
in use as of the present day, although considering
Innsmouth’s greatly reduced population, burials are
infrequent at best. All of Innsmouth’s cemeteries
have suffered from significant neglect for more than a
generation. Visitors are unwelcome and are liable to be
watched, threatened, and even arrested on bogus charges.

Church Street Burying

Ground (I212)
Innsmouth’s oldest burying place, it was established only a
few months after the Elliot and Hogg families built their
fortified houses along the Manuxet. The first documented
burial here was of Matthew Hogg, aged 17 years (who
Christchurch Cemetery (I211)
died of a leg wound received cutting wood) in 1647. The Originally called “The New Burying Ground”, this site
earliest dated stone (for Mother Anne Southwick) is from was established nearly a century after the Church Street
1649 but this was back dated — a new stone erected more Burying Ground, which was rapidly running short on
than four decades after her death. Sadly, the stone has been space. A substantial plot was donated by the Gilman family
broken and is now in pieces. The last interment occurred for the purposes of burial in 1730, but due to a dispute over
here in 1765, the yard having run out of open space. There the boundaries, no interments occurred until 1732 when
are no family markers, tombs, or mausolea here; the only an influenza outbreak necessitated it. The earliest surviving
larger monuments are a trio of table graves (of which only stone is for the three Crawford children, Elizabeth (age
one survives intact), each for one of Innsmouth’s earliest 8), Stephen (age 4), and ‘daughter’ (age 6 mo.) dated to
ministers, near the fallen gate. 1733. While space is limited, a few larger family plots
There are many examples of stones carved by John remain open, so this cemetery receives interments even
Hartshorne and Ezekiel and Richard Leighton (all of into the present day, though these are quite rare. Some
the Rowley shop) as well as Innsmouth’s own Charles of Innsmouth’s human residents call this place “St. Toad’s
Whalley, who learned his craft from the younger Leighton. Cemetery” due to its proximity to the Congregational
Few cemeteries have a denser collection of tombstones in Church (I208), though always out of earshot of any hybrids
the Merrimack Valley style. or their sympathizers.
Unfortunately the condition of this yard is very Many of the older stones here were carved by Charles
poor. Though technically the responsibility of the city of Whalley or his son Benjamin Whalley; newer stones were
Innsmouth, and despite lying adjacent to Innsmouth’s generally carved by the Rawson shop (see page 15). The
Assembly Hall (I613), no upkeep has been done here in vast majority of burials here were performed before 1900.
decades and the combined forces of neglect and vandalism There are several substantial family monuments and
have toppled or broken many stones. Those still intact statues in the cemetery as well as nearly a dozen free-
often pitch severely. Weeds fill the stony ground between standing crypts done in sandstone or granite. Some of
the grave markers; shrubs and bramble have sprung up these crypts are well kept up but most are in serious need
around them. A low dry-stone wall, about three feet high, of repair; one in red sandstone has collapsed entirely.

Innsmouth’s Burying Grounds • Redemption Cemetery

The named ‘Eliot’ can barely be made out of the bramble-

draped fragments of the lintel.
There are several monuments within the cemetery as
well. The largest of these is a sixteen-foot-tall obelisk near
the southeast side of the grounds. Made of soot-stained
Quincy granite, it is dedicated to the seventeen men lost
with the sinking of the brig Elizabeth in 1837.
The cemetery grounds are enclosed by a fencing of
granite posts and iron bars. The posts are mostly in good
condition though many of the bars are corroded, bent, or
missing. An arched stone gate allows entrance from Church
Street. The gate remains intact but the lock is inoperable.
Investigators making an Idea roll after spending some
time in the cemetery notice that despite the numerous
burials dated to 1846, there is no monument to the dead
of Innsmouth’s ‘plague’. A Spot Hidden roll notes the
elaborate slate tombstone of Obed Marsh himself, topped
with an enormous symbol of the Esoteric Order of Dagon,
mostly hidden under a shroud of poison ivy vines.
Shockingly, this cemetery is still in use, albeit rarely,
despite its general decrepitude. When needed, Otis Fuller
(I610), the town’s gravedigger will clear a patch of grasses
and brambles before excavating a grave, but that is the limit
Redemption Cemetery (I711)
of his groundskeeping. Fuller takes little care in making As the ‘New’ Burying Ground became more crowded and
sure the spot for the new grave has not been previously obtaining larger plots more difficult, some of Innsmouth’s
occupied. Remains thusly uncovered are quietly disposed citizens (particularly members of the town’s Baptist,
of by the slovenly gravedigger. Methodist Episcopalian, Reformed Presbyterian and
This cemetery is also the final resting place of the Unitarian churches) established a private corporation
alleged sorcerer Ephraim Waite. His daughter Asenath, dedicated to creating a new cemetery for the town’s middle
currently a student at Miskatonic University, pays monthly class. This new ground was dedicated in 1808†, and for
visits to her father’s grave, usually to leave flowers. The nearly four decades it served as the primary burying place
grave, marked with a modest granite stone bearing the of Innsmouth’s struggling merchants and shopkeepers.
motto Spiritus Sunt Et Vita*, is well tended. Any visitors to the cemetery who make an Idea roll notice
the abundance of gravestones bearing the date 1846. The
most recent burial took place in 1904; while there are a few
open plots remaining, none of the owners have made use of
them in the intervening two decades.
There are no tombs here or large family monuments;
a few family plots were enclosed but most of those fences
have been vandalized. Here and there are small marble
obelisks memorializing individual families but these are
far outnumbered by saplings and shrubs that threaten
to overgrow the whole yard. The cemetery was once
surrounded by a fine wrought-iron fence, about 5 feet
high. It is now rusted and in poor very repair, with several
sections fallen or missing. The four gates have long ago lost
any locks and those few remaining on their hinges cannot
be closed.
The most unusual feature of this cemetery is the
remains of the steeple from the nearby Unitarian Church
(I709). Toppled in a severe storm in July of 1916, the
slate-roofed structure did serious damage to stones in
the southeast corner of the cemetery. While the wooden

† Escape from Innsmouth dates the oldest stone here to 1828 but
* Latin — “The spirit will live” says that “this cemetery was opened in the early 1800s”; I have
elected to follow the later dating.

Innsmouth’s Burying Grounds • South Woods Memorial Cemetery


Throughout New England burial records were kept stored with other similar papers they have instead been
haphazardly (if at all) until the 19th century when many lost amid the general chaos of the city clerk’s office.
town enacted specific regulations requiring basic Should investigators somehow gain the cooperation of
record keeping; in the late 19th century historical and Miss Eustace Eliot and get access to the office’s papers,
antiquarian groups in many towns would catalogue and it will still take several hours and a ½ Library Use roll to
publish gravestone inscriptions, providing at least some find the right folder buried between two bundles of
documentation of the earliest burials.* moldering probate records. At the Keeper’s discretion
Innsmouth, due to the unusual circumstances of the some scraps might also be found at one or more of the
town, has no such documentation or compilation of burial corporation’s affiliated churches, in particular the First
records and gravestone inscriptions. Some scattered Unitarian Church building (I709).
fragments recording Innsmouth’s burials before 1846 Some of the records of the Methodist Episcopalian
survive, but those seeking them would no doubt attract church (I103) were taken by that church’s pastor when
the malign attention of the hybrids and their allies. he fled town during Obed Marsh’s rise. Today they are
held at the Asbury M.E. church in Arkham (A208). Rev.
Dr. Wallace, the current minister of that church, is aware
of these papers, though he would be very suspicious of
What few records that existed for these two oldest burying
anyone asking after them.
grounds were preserved by the Congregational Church
(I208) but the Esoteric Order of Dagon has sorely neglected SOUTH WOODS MEMORIAL CEMETERY
them since its takeover of the church. It is possible that Like Redemption Cemetery, this too was founded by a
in some dank corner of this crumbling Gothic Revival private corporation, though this cemetery was officially
edifice these papers might be rediscovered; Rev. Hetfield, taken over by the town in the aftermath of Obed Marsh’s
the hybrid minister and his skulking “deacons” would no revolution. The original plot maps and later records are
doubt strongly object to any attempt to locate them. all kept in a filing cabinet at Assembly Hall, though the
records from 1846 and the next few years are fragmentary
at best. Burial records for the next few decades are much
The corporation that founded this cemetery kept better
better, almost meticulously, kept, while those of more
records than Innsmouth’s earlier burying grounds but
recent years are far more haphazard. An Accounting or ¼
the actions of time and neglect have destroyed many of
Idea roll notes patterns in the burial records suggesting
them. Those records that survive the town’s takeover of
some unusual patterns in interments of certain families,
the cemetery corporation were transferred to Assembly
hinting that the plots were purchased exactly one week
Hall (I213). While they are officially supposed to be
before the burial and were all handled by the same
representative of the cemetery; this discovery is worth
* Remember that, as a rule of thumb, only 1 in 100 people 1d3 points to Innsmouth Lore. As with the records from
in the 17th century had a gravestone, 1 in 50 in the 18th, Redemption Cemetery, Town Clerk Eustace Eliot must be
and 1 in 10 in the 19th. dealt with before any such searches are undertaken. 

structure has mostly rotted, it is still a simple matter to Initially the cemetery was to be constructed on the
recognize the heap of boards’ original purpose. eastern slope of Carson Hill, with a commanding view of
the town, but difficulties in securing the land forced the
South Woods Memorial project’s backers to make use of this less-than-ideal spot
south of town. While the ocean view was pleasant, the
Cemetery (I1001) ground was very wet and required a substantial investment
in drainage. The original plot, which occupies the land to
Modeled, in style if not in scope or artistry, after Boston’s
the west of South Woods Road, was first laid out in 1834.
Mount Auburn Cemetery, South Woods Memorial
The grounds were enclosed by a wrought-iron fence with
Cemetery was intended to be the dignified, august final
a large ornamental gate of stone and iron on the east side.
resting place of Innsmouth’s citizens, their mortal remains
On the grounds were also constructed a receiving vault,
shaded by flowers and monuments of granite and marble.
a caretaker’s building with attached carriage house, and a
Instead this burying ground is a shunned place, a weed-
small chapel.
choked, overgrown tangle of ornamental shrubs run amok
After the events of 1846 the cemetery’s careful
and invading sea grasses, made damp by persistent fogs
organization was wholly ignored and burials were made
and blanketed in the inescapable stench of the ocean.
wherever was convenient, resulting in chaos. Existing stones
Innsmouth’s Burying Grounds • South Woods Memorial Cemetery

The place is lonely and neglected save for the

INNSMOUTH’S ZINC MARKERS infrequent automobile traffic along South Woods Road.
The drainage system originally built for the cemetery has
Between 1875 and 1912 the Monumental Bronze
wholly failed; the land is slowly reverting to the bog it was
Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut sold what
formerly. This water-logged soil has in turn exacerbated
they called ‘white bronze’ grave markers, ‘white
the usual tilting and settling of gravestones, causing many
bronze’ being a term for an alloy made primarily
of the stones, even relatively new ones, to lean at irregular
of zinc. Because the markers could be ordered by
angles. Falcon Point’s more superstitious residents whisper
catalogue and were wholly customizable — plates
about flickering grave lights spotted within it, proving that
with decorations, names, and dates being attached
the cemetery is indeed unhallowed ground.
by bolts — the residents of Innsmouth were
The cemetery is overgrown with a mix of native sea
frequent customers. Zinc markers can be found at
grasses and ornamental shrubbery gone wild. Several species
Redemption Cemetery and (in greater numbers) at
of thorny climbing vines cover sections of both sides of the
the South Woods Memorial Cemetery. The markers
cemetery, while the sycamore trees planted on the original
themselves stand out against their slate and soot-
plot have mostly died, leaving only dead branches to hang
stained marble brethren — being bluish-grey or
overhead. The bare branches make an ideal perch for birds,
greenish in color and resistant to corrosion. The
with crows especially fond of the spot. In warm months
markers are also hollow and make a distinct sound
mosquitoes are ubiquitous, especially around twilight. At
if tapped. Unfortunately zinc is a brittle metal and
night, the cemetery is alive with sounds, between the call
larger monuments — prefabricated ones over 20’
of night birds and the incessant chorus of unseen frogs
were available — tend to suffer from metal fatigue
that fills the air. Unwholesome mists are an almost-nightly
and begin to sag or creep, causing them to tilt or
even collapse. Several of the larger zinc monuments
One increasing problem is the uncovering of human
suffering thusly can been seen on the grounds of
remains due to the ground’s boggy soil. The situation is
South Woods Memorial Cemetery. 
most severe in the area of the cemetery to the east of South
Woods Road, especially among the hastily dug graves of
1846. Due to the rarity of visitors the problem has been
minimal so far, but investigators there making a Spot
were toppled, burials were made across the once orderly
Hidden roll notice some suspect fragment during a visit
footpaths, and unmarked graves — sometimes mass-graves
to the cemetery. With an impaled roll they discover an
— abounded. Most problematic of all was the unsanctioned
unmistakable piece of bone or tooth, calling for a Sanity
expansion of the cemetery across South Woods Road. Like
roll or lose 0/1 points of Sanity to those not used to such
so many events in those dark days, the Esoteric Order of
macabre remnants.
Dagon’s need for secrecy trumped any other concerns.
After the Marshes restored order (of a sort) to
Innsmouth some work was done to mitigate the worst
problems at the cemetery — new footpaths were laid out,
some tombstones were righted, and the new burials across
the road were enclosed by a rough wooden fence. Once the
new order had established itself in Innsmouth, elaborate
family markers and crypts were erected by the town’s new
elite. For a time, while the first generation of hybrids were
coming of age, the grounds were kept up and elaborate fake
funerals were conducted but, as Innsmouth’s rulers grew
less human, the importance of such a charade diminished
and the cemetery was allowed to fall into semi-ruin.
One exceptional feature of this cemetery is the
abundance of zinc grave markers. After the closure of the
Rawson shop (see page 15), Innsmouth has had to rely on
imported gravestones; zinc markers were especially popular
as they could simply be ordered by mail. In some sections
of the cemetery as many as one-half of all burials have zinc
markers, weirdly bright white-grey spots amidst the foliage
and mossy slates and soot-blackened marbles. More than
a dozen large (12’ and higher) zinc monuments can be
counted here, though some are listing badly, suffering from
metal fatigue. Soon at least one will topple after a heavy rain.

Innsmouth’s Burying Grounds • South Woods Memorial Cemetery


While Innsmouth has four recognized burying grounds,
there are other places, now lost, which were used for
burials previously.
The Pearson Family Plot: The Pearson blockhouse,
built somewhere along what is now Eliot Street, was
one of Innsmouth’s earliest buildings. The rough-built
wooden fortification burned to the ground in 1668,
killing three members of the Pearson family, as well
as Jerusha, a Pequot slave. According to surviving
accounts of the incident — which at the time was widely
thought to be either sabotage or caused by “a skulking
Indian” — the remains of the deceased were buried
The “Indian Graves”: In 1841, workers excavating
beneath a poplar tree near to the ruined house. The
a cut into a hillside for the branch railway from Rowley
exact spot of either building or the burying ground has
discovered a mass grave on small rise west of town.
been lost to time.
More than a dozen skeletons were discovered by the
The Ipswich Road Burying Ground: Like the
work crew building the elevated causeway across the
other towns of New England, Innsmouth was not
swamp — more might have been discovered but the
immune to the ravages of disease. When measles swept
workers were instructed to avoid looking for additional
coastal Massachusetts in the Fall of 1739, the people of
bones. Newspaper men speculated that this was an
Innsmouth were particularly hard-hit, the children of
Indian burial ground, but as far as can be determined,
the city most of all. Unfortunately, the frigid winter of
no artifacts of any kind were uncovered. According to
1739-40 prevented any burials from taking place at the
newspaper accounts the remains were buried in an arc
Church Street or Christchurch burying ground, so blocks
partially exposed by the excavation and that only 4 of
of ice cut from the Manuxet River were used to preserve
the skeletons had skulls, and even these were broken.
the dead until the ground thawed enough in the spring
The bones were reburied a few days later in an unmarked
at several locations in the town. The remains held in a
grave near to where they were originally discovered;
barn on the Bascomb farm were not as well-preserved
Rev. Babcock of Innsmouth read a few prayers before
as other and it was decided to bury the more than two-
the remains were reinterred. This discovery is recorded
dozen of them as quickly as possible in late April of 1740
of in only a few local newspapers and in the Summer
on a parcel of land donated by Lemuel Boggs. While
issue (1843) of the Journal the Massachusetts Historical
several gravestones were apparently placed here, today
Society, which mentions it only in passing under “Other
there is no sign of this little graveyard and few, if any,
Items” at its rear. 
who remember it existed at all.

The cemetery’s buildings still stand but are in generally have been pried off their hinges and the interior is a mess
poor repair. The chapel is the best kept up as it still sees some of broken bottles and other trash. Otis Fuller has taken
use, though its quartet stained-glass windows depicting to dumping any remains he finds into one corner of the
the evangelists have been boarded over and whitewashed. vault, making for a horrific discovery, costing as much as
Overly curious visitors can locate a small store room in 1/1d3 points of Sanity for anyone unfortunate enough to
the rear of the chapel, heavily padlocked. Within are stumble upon them.
several crates holding folded robes of green and blue and The fence surrounding the original plot of the
a moth-eaten banner embroidered with the words “Praise cemetery is, surprisingly, generally intact. A Climb or Jump
Be Unto Dagon.” roll (whichever is higher) is needed to clear it safely (failed
The caretaker’s building is used by Otis Fuller as rolls indicate painful scratches or twisted ankles — 1 or
a part-time residence. The attached carriage house is a 2 points of damage worth — not a failure to get over);
dumping ground for old tools, broken stones, and odd alternatively, a Luck roll can find a section missing a bar
bits of salvage kept by Fuller for reasons known only to allowing easier access. Movement through the cemetery
him. Moving around within requires a DEX x 4 roll to itself is challenging due to the haphazard stone placement,
avoid causing some heap of junk to come crashing down, ubiquity of bramble, and soft, boggy soil.
inflicting 1d3-1 points of damage and possibly alerting The South Woods Road, as it passes through the
Fuller or anyone else in the area. The receiving vault is cemetery, takes several sharp turns to avoid clusters of
long unused and in poor repair. The wrought-iron doors hastily erected gravestones. While careless drivers have

Innsmouth’s Burying Grounds • South Woods Memorial Cemetery

Innsmouth’s first local gravestone carver was the mason Benjamin Whalley (1707-1770), the second son of Charles
Charles Whalley, born in Ipswich, Massachusetts in 1678. Whalley (and fourth of his surviving six children), was
Whalley was an apprentice of the carver Richard Leighton the only one to follow into his father’s vocation, working
and his style is largely derived from Leighton’s though as a stone carver and mason. Several sources note that
with a few idiosyncratic differences that allow them to be at birth his head was covered by a caul — a part of the
distinguished by scholars: amniotic sack — which was carefully removed by the
„„ Leighton’s five-pointed star rosettes are replaced attendant midwife. Prized as a good-luck talisman for
with six-pointed stars by Whalley sailors, the piece was divided between several of the
„„ Whalley’s spelling and grammar are poorer, with Whalley’s family’s extended relations and one fragment
haphazard capitalizations and spellings survives in the collection of the Peabody Museum in
„„ The stylized faces on the tympanum have semi- Salem — “Sailor’s Good Luck Charm, brass with silver
circular eyes rather than Leighton’s ovals, and the row chain. Donated 1919 by Mrs. Joyce W. Dwinell. Inscribed
of teeth at the bottom are jagged rather than square ‘B.W. 1707 — Innsmouth’. Contains dried tissue; likely
Whalley moved to Innsmouth at some point around 1704 fragment of infant’s caul.”
— his first carved stones in Innsmouth are dated to 1703 The younger Whalley’s earliest work came in
but these were almost certainly made later. His wife, finishing his father’s gravestones. His own work is not
Thomasina Bayles, who had been a servant in the Whalley easily distinguished from his father until the 1740s
household, was a Cornish girl of just 15 or 16 when the when he began to provide a larger segment of the
couple wed in Innsmouth in 1704. They went on to have family’s output. Whalley is somewhat unusual as he
eight children, six of whom survived into adulthood. carved in two styles — the Miskatonic Valley style of
Whalley died in 1760, forced to retire from stonecarving his father and a somewhat amateurish take on winged
the year before due to failing eyesight. He was buried cherub heads, probably driven to this change by popular
in Christchurch Cemetery but his gravestone is lost. tastes of the era.
Whalley’s carvings have been found, in addition Benjamin Whalley’s early stones are generally similar
to Innsmouth, in Ipswich, Essex, Newbury, Rowley, and to his father’s in style, but can be distinguished by the
Gloucester. On a few of his stones the small carver’s mark following features:
— “Fec.* C. W. Inns” — can be found on the lower portion „„ Spelling and grammar is better and capitalizations
of a stone. are consistent
„„ Stylized faces on the tympanum, unlike other Miskatonic
* Fec. short for this Latin Fecit Hoc, literally “He Made This.” Valley-style stones, have small triangular noses

served to remove a few of the most problematic stones,

driving through the grounds at any speed above a crawl
is a dangerous proposition; Keepers should consider at
least one Drive Auto roll if done at speed. Driving through
during a heavy fog is inadvisable at any speed.
Unlike the burying grounds within Innsmouth itself,
Constable Birch and the hybrid community at large takes
little interest in the goings-on here. Investigators seeking
to excavate a suspect burial have some chance to do so
here without being observed. A successful Luck roll once
per hour means that there are no visitors to the cemetery
during that period. Even if someone does pass through,
careful investigators might remain undiscovered. Hide,
Sneak, and possibly Conceal rolls may be called for as the
Keeper desires. Remember that the most obvious sign of
visitors will likely be whatever automobile the investigators
use; assuming that is hidden or parked some distance away,
it is unlikely for anyone to take notice of them.
The cemetery provides a good view of Innsmouth and
especially the harbor to the north. It is possible anyone

Innsmouth’s Burying Grounds • Falcon Point Cemetery


Border vines are more detailed, sometimes with
„„ gravestone production, initially at least, being a sidelight
clusters of grapes to their regular work as masons.
„„ None of the young Whalley’s stones are signed, but a Though not as gifted a carver as Emmes, Rawson
few bear price notations below ground provided a fair mimic of his master’s work, producing a
Whalley’s later stones were mostly in the cherub or soul- range of stones — winged effigies, skull and crossbones,
effigy style, with a simple oval face, almond-shaped and and even a few portrait stones. His stones tend to be
deeply cut, and pursed lips, hair parted in the middle. repetitious copies of each other, with little to distinguish
Border designs remained the same as his Miskatonic them but the inscription. They can be differentiated from
Valley-style stones — sinuous vines — though sometimes other Emmes stones by the relative crudity of the stones
instead of rosettes on the finials he included hourglasses and his use of capital letters to begin most words.
or crescent moons. Jasper Rawson served with the 3 rd Essex Militia
Whalley was married twice, first to Amity Garrison during the Revolutionary War, being injured during the
(1716-1739) then to Sarah Pike (1720-1803). He had two siege of Fort Stanwix in 1777. Afterwards he returned
daughters with Amity; the elder, (Susannah, b. 1737) lived to Innsmouth and returned to work with his father,
into adulthood while the younger daughter died shortly marrying Hannah Berwick in 1781. The couple had five
after birth in 1739, as did Amity. Sarah and Benjamin had children together, four of whom survived to adulthood,
five children together, four daughters and one son; only as well as two children from her previous marriage
two, Bethanny (b. 1743) and Rebekah (b. 1748) survived to Isaiah Waite. Rawson purchased some property in
to adulthood. Benjamin Whalley died in 1770, killed in Newbury with a series of what proved to be some very
an accident during the construction of a house, when he productive slate ledges. With access to an easy supply of
was struck in the head by a collapsing block and tackle. good quality stone, the young Rawson, aided by his sons,
opened up a full-time stone-carving business in 1786; for
more information on that firm, see page 4.
(ACTIVE 1773-1872)
Jasper, trained by his father, continued to produce
Adonai Rawson (b.1722-d.1784) and his eldest son Jasper stones in the Emmes style, though with a higher degree
(b.1741-d.1818) moved to Innsmouth after the death of technical skill than his father. With the rise of willow
of Benjamin Whalley. Innsmouth was without a stone and urn style stones around 1800 it becomes more
carver and the elder Rawson, who had apprenticed with difficult to distinguish between various carvers of the
Henry Emmes of Boston, is generally believed to have Rawson shop; in addition to Jasper, other Rawson carvers
held Tory sympathies and moved to Innsmouth to avoid included his sons Matthew, Joshua, Isaiah, and Adonai,
the increasing tensions there in the years just prior to grandsons George, Nathaniel, and Joshua Jr., and (the
the American Revolution. Like the Whalley’s before them, only Rawson to survive the events of 1846) Eliot. 
the Rawsons primarily worked as masons with their

wishing to surveil the town might make use of the grounds are marked, and of these only three are carved stone —
as a good place to conceal themselves or to store equipment. simple initials on field stones gathered from the rocky
cliff face. Most markers here are instead made of pieces
Falcon Point Cemetery of wood scrap, roughly carved with the deceased’s name
and perhaps year of birth or death and nailed to a post.
(I1010a) So far, the authorities in Innsmouth have ignored this
unlicensed burial ground, content to leave the locals alone,
The fishermen of Falcon Point and Boynton Beach have,
in life and in death. The inhabitants of Falcon Point do
in the past few years, avoided the swampy and dank South
take an interest in anyone visiting here, and suspicious
Woods Cemetery in favor of this open field at the corner
characters will be watched closely. Anyone being less than
of South Woods and Falcon Point Roads, though it is
respectful to the dead will be approached by a small party
unofficial and unlicensed by the town or the state. There
of locals who encourage them to depart. In the case of
is no gate here, nor walls, or very many proper markers.
serious problems, the Essex County Sheriff will be called
There are perhaps two dozen graves (the total is hard to
for, but they will take some time to arrive. 
determine precisely), of which only a little more than half

The Wreck of the Elizabeth Wright • Location to Visiting the Wreck

New Location

The Wreck of the

Elizabeth Wright
by Chris Huth and Bret Kramer

ashed up on the sandbars and salt flat islands child or teen. Criminals, particularly bootleggers,
that encircle Ipswich Bay you will find traces of may use it as a convenient meeting place or hidden
centuries of people working on and up against drop site. And then law enforcement officers might
the sea. One large piece of this flotsam is the singed wreck be at the site to disrupt either the above delinquency
of a fishing boat named Elizabeth Wright, found adrift in or rum running. Academics involved in the natural
1917 and washed ashore during a strong autumnal storm. sciences might find it a useful stopping place during
Today it is a landmark of sorts, the subject of paintings and a trip to collect animal specimens, water samples, take
sketches; a place for young people to congregate; a place meteorological readings, and generally poke about.
for mothers to warn children not to visit; a place for ghost Finally, beachcombers, sea-bathers, hikers, hunters,
stories to be told… and told about. bird-watchers, clam diggers, picnickers, wayward
tourists, moon-eyed lovers, and recluses of any sort
Location might take shelter from a sudden squall under the
ship’s battered bulk.
The exact site of the wreck is left to the Keeper, but it A clue, or warning, about Innsmouth. Investigators
can be placed anywhere between Newburyport and Cape asking for information about Innsmouth might hear of
Ann (excluding Innsmouth, of course). It should be the vessel as a sign that something is not right with the
close enough to populated spots that people can visit it waters off Innsmouth. Most such warnings are veiled
with relative ease, but not so close as to remove its air of and contradictory — the story of the loss of the ship
seclusion and rough proximity to Innsmouth. is always heard second-hand at best — and no one can
say with certainty exactly what happened to her crew.
Use in Play Yet, somehow, everyone near enough to Innsmouth to
have dark impressions of the place knows that, though
The wreck of the Elizabeth Wright can appear in a number there is no definitive proof, the near-deserted port had
of roles: something to do with the Wright’s condition. Those
„„ A landmark. There are few geographical features on who visit her will find the damaged ship holds clues of
the low, sandy beaches that run from Cape Ann to a different, more immediate kind — the queer sets of
the mouth of the Merrimack River. The Elizabeth parallel scratches and gouges within and without the
Wright makes a useful landmark, especially to those ship could not have been made by any animal… and
sailing close to shore. Noticing it in passing, NPCs what purpose would it serve a person to disfigure the
or investigators might select it for a rendezvous point, hull and interior in such a weird manner?
a place to stow gear, or just to orient themselves,
perhaps before a clandestine attempt to motor out to
Devil Reef...
Visiting the Wreck
„„ A colorful spot for an encounter. You can enliven The battered hull of the Elizabeth Wright is known mostly to
a local mundane NPC or make a meeting with an locals, and it does not appear in any tourist guide or official
NPC more memorable and atmospheric by setting maps save perhaps the most detailed town or state maps —
it near the overturned, partially burnt and wholly which simply mark the spot as a “shipwreck.” Investigators
mysterious beached shipwreck. While not every NPC must learn of the site by word of mouth, or stumble across
might be found hanging around the Elizabeth Wright, it themselves. The likeliest source of these stories will be
many would be drawn there for their own purposes children and teenagers in the towns closest to the place,
or out of duty. Young people flock to it as a place as they’re the most common visitors to the ship and the
away from adult supervision; their parents might most eager to brag about being familiar with it, either as
find their way to the wreck looking for a wayward a sign of youthful courage (braving the spooky, creaking

The Wreck of the Elizabeth Wright • Visiting the Wreck

wreck) or maturity (in hanging around a notorious spot Exterior

for lovers). For local young men and women, “Going to see
The storm that grounded the Elizabeth Wright left it
Mrs. Wright” is a code-phrase for a romantic encounter
flipped two-thirds of the way over, with the hull facing the
or illicit romp. Besides talkative (or braggadocious) young
ocean. Its twisted masts and cabins kept it from turning
people, anyone who has been to the site can offer general
over completely. Now, the ship is held in place by drifting
directions back to it. Even locals who have not visited it
sands and the occasional piece of driftwood jammed or
personally can offer enough specifics that, due to the wide
hammered under the hull by visitors. Sea-grasses have
flat beach and lack of obscuring terrain, the shipwreck is
grown up around it, sheltered from the worst of winds by
easy to find in good weather.
the hull, making it a little green oasis in the tawny sands.
The site is about a mile from the nearest road — little
From the seaward side, only the grey-black hull is visible,
more than a pair of tire-carved ruts in the sea-grass on
though one of the broken masts has been planted behind
the landward side of the low dunes that mark the border
the ship and stands a good fifteen feet above it, topped
between beach and the more vegetated and populated
by whatever tattered piece of cloth someone has tied to
interior. Several footpaths lead away from this track and
the top. For local teens, placing a “flag” on the mast is a
over or around the dunes — these tend to come and go
game of sorts. The flag should change every time the
with the season — and down to the broad, sandy beach.
investigators visit — first a red gingham tablecloth, a
The hull of the Elizabeth Wright is impossible to miss on
torn pair of trousers next, then a slip hung sideways by its
a clear day from the top of any nearby dune. If someone’s
shoulder straps, or a Miskatonic University scarf (triple-
lit a campfire there, the smoke from it is visible from even
knotted around the tip of the mast).
further away. Beyond the dunes, the effect of the wind
Anyone getting close enough to the hull will see that
(and even closer to the wreck, the tides) erases any sign of
nearly every inch of the tarred surface has been scarred
human footprints after a few hours, and even tire-tracks
with graffitti of one sort or another — initials, names,
after a day or two, should someone brave driving out to the
dated or otherwise, bits of doggrell (some inspired, some
place. If someone is driving there, taking an automobile
obscene, most insipid), arrows-in-hearts testifying to
over the dunes to the site requires a Drive Auto roll. Failure
youthful romance, and roughly scratched figures. Amidst
means the vehicle becomes stuck in the sand and will need
all these very human markings are other, less familiar
to be freed by bringing 25 points of STR to bear on it.
sets of scratches — dozens of parallel gouges, two, three,
A critical failure mean some damage was done to the
sometimes four lines, each set from a few inches to more
automobile, necessitating a repair or a tow to prevent it
than a foot long. These cuts, while not piercing the hull, are
from becoming another wreck on the dunes.
deep enough that they would require a hatchet or chisel
Poor weather complicates finding the wreck. A
or other serious tool to make, something more substantial
Navigate roll is necessary to find the site in rain, snow, or
than the pocket-knives and screwdrivers common to the
fog if it has previously been visited, but if investigators are
average graffito. Those more familiar with the sea (from
relying on the direction of others, the skill is reduced by
previous experience or Pilot: Boat at 20% or higher) can
at least ½ or more. In extreme conditions — a pea-soup
tell that this was not caused by any action of rocks or
fog, during a gale, or Nor’easter, finding the wreck will
flotsam, and in fact they predate any of the graffiti on the
require both a halved Navigate roll and a Luck roll, unless
hull. An Idea roll notes the similarities to marks left by
the investigators come up with a clever approach.

The Wreck of the Elizabeth Wright • History

a human hand, but the depth of the cut and the wider-
than-human spacing dismisses this possibility. A Cthulhu
Mythos roll or knowledge of the physiology of the Deep A Library Use roll can gather the general details of the
Ones confirms that these gouges were likely made by those loss of the Elizabeth Wright: that, on the late morning of
aquatic horrors; this realization costs 0/1 point of Sanity November 1st, 1917, the Elizabeth Wright, a fishing boat out
unless the investigator has lost six or more points of Sanity of Gloucester, was spotted listing and adrift south of Plum
from witnessing the Deep Ones already. Island by a motor launch out of Rockport. Upon their arrival
On the landward side, there are several improvised in Portsmouth that evening, they reported the sighting to
awnings formed by hammering and staking fabric over the the authorities, but the Coast Guard was not notified until
side of the wreck, expanding the cover offered substantially. the next afternoon. A crew was dispatched on the morning
Observers see that only a small portion of the covering are of the 3rd to look for the vessel but, due to fog, failed to find
sails or tarps original to the wreck, the rest having been it. A trio of clam-diggers discovered the ship run aground
added by later visitors, some of whom repair damage to two days later, after a strong storm had apparently washed
it from the wind and waves. Under the awnings, there it ashore. Neither the clam-diggers nor an Essex County
are various pieces of battered furniture and wood scraps sheriff ’s patrol the next day found any sign of survivors.
turned into stools and improvised benches. A few spots Asking Cape Ann fishermen and old salts about the
in the sand look to have been routinely used for fires, and the Elizabeth Wright gets you an earful of ghost stories
at least one mostly intact wooden barrel has been pressed and speculation. The Elizabeth Wright is not notable,
into service as a trash can. A good supply of driftwood however, for the deaths that occurred on board. Everyone
has been gathered in a dry corner and a jumble of pots, knows fishing is a dangerous business. What is considered
pans, and battered cooking utensils (in varying states of remarkable about the Elizabeth Wright, and what helped
cleanliness) are stored in a broken lobster trap. secure its place in Cape Ann’s folklore, is that the sea
claimed the crew on a clear, calm night, with a bright
Interior moon to guide them.
The lost were captain Donald Kelley, along with his
The construction within the ship remains oriented roughly
father Andrew Kelley and four other fishermen — Italian
120° off from how its builders intended it to be used. Going
or Portuguese immigrants (the details vary here) whose
between cabins, for example, requires you step over the
names have been forgotten — who served as Kelley’s crew.
‘top’ of the old door. Moving between the cabins quickly
No trace of the crew was ever found, either on the ship or
is impossible; investigators crossing between sections in a
in the waters between Cape Ann and Plum Island. There
hurry may require DEX x 3 checks to avoid stumbling.
was no sign of violence onboard, aside from evidence of
On a fumble, the investigator takes 1d3-1 points of
a fire (although investigators who’ve seen the wreck may
damage. Everything in the ship smells of burnt wood and,
dispute this detail). Aside from some fishing gear, there
faintly, of fish.
was almost nothing missing. The official assessment was
Entrance into the ship can be made through a single
that the crew, panicked by the fire onboard ship, lept
cabin, the door long-gone, within the awning-covered
overboard and, tragically, were unable to reboard the vessel
section of the ship. (There are also a few portholes facing
and perished at sea.
upwards which can admit anything size 4 or less, but
Opinions vary widely regarding the fate of the crew.
these are less helpful to investigators.) There are two main
Popular theories are variations on the following:
sections of the vessel’s interior — the three top-deck
„„ Kelley owed money to someone. Exactly who
cabins and seven “below deck” rooms. The “upper” rooms
varies depending on the teller, but usually they’re a
all show signs of a fire, not enough to destroy them, but
suspicious out-of-towner, often a criminal. Kelley was
enough to char the wood; an Idea roll suggests it was lamp
either murdered as a warning to others, or faked his
oil. There are (noticed if looked for, otherwise found with a
death to avoid their wrath. Considering the majority
Spot Hidden roll) a few scratches similar to those found on
of Kelley’s wealth was the boat, the former seems
the hull on door-frames. Other than the charred wood and
especially unlikely.
a few shards of broken bottles, torn scraps of newspaper,
„„ Kelley was the victim of a German U-Boat. There had
and other detritus, there is nothing of interest within the
been rumors they had been spotted at various points
interior of the vessel — except for more of those strange
along the eastern seaboard of the U.S. even before the
gashes. Curious investigators may also crawl into the bilge
American declaration of war that spring. According
of the ship, though, aside from a briney-ocean stench,
to this rumor, the crew were kidnapped or killed by
there is nothing to find in that cramped space. It would
the dreaded Hun after being surprised by the sudden
seem like a good place to hide, though...
surfacing of a submarine. Precisely why the German
Imperial Navy might want to kill or capture half a
dozen American fishermen is unclear. (This theory
becomes especially popular after the shelling of
Orleans on Cape Cod in 1918.)
The Wreck of the Elizabeth Wright • The Truth, Scenario Seeds

A few old salts suggest that the loss of the crew was
the work of the dreaded Gloucester Sea Serpent.
Scenario Seeds
While it has not been spotted in some time, there is The Elizabeth Wright is a popular place with lovers. A
no reason it might not have reappeared to devour the young adult from Innsmouth who suddenly underwent
crew of the Elizabeth Wright. (It is suggested this tall the change, but who is not wholly willing to give up
tale is only shared by those likely to want to pull the their life on the surface, returns here to leave romantic
leg of gullible landlubbers.) notes for their human inamorata. Perhaps there is
It was the Innsmouthers! Kelley and his boat got
„„ another hybrid child on the way?
too close to the fishing grounds favored by the men Being so close to Innsmouth (and Y ’ha-nthlei beyond),
of Innsmouth and they did them in. Usually the the wreck might become the temporary home for a
Innsmouthers just intimidate fishing boats and confused, deranged hybrid who is yet unaware of their
their crews who intrude on their territory, but some true nature (like Donald Linderman [K119] in H.P.
folk mutter darkly about sabotage and even strange Loevcraft’s Kingsport). This squatter hides as best they
accidents that befall those who cross the fishermen of can from revelers, but stories start to circulate about a
that town. weird figure said to haunt the wreck, staring ceaselessly
out at the waves…
The Truth Kingsport’s many artists would no doubt find the
ruined, lonely ship a temping subject for a painting or a
It is up to the Keeper what actually happened to the crew sketch. Do they witness something coming up out of the
of the Elizabeth Wright, and whether that truth can be ocean? Does one of them vanish inexplicably? Perhaps
discovered by the investigators. Unless Kelley or one of it wasn’t Innsmouth at all that doomed the Elizabeth
his crew shared a secret with someone on shore, then the Wright, but a black galley from Leng in pursuit of the
cause of their destruction is only known to whomever, or fabled White Ship, and Kelley and his crew might
whatever, was responsible. Perhaps Kelley told this potential yet survive as slaves of the dreadful Moon-beasts.
confidante he had a lead on pirate treasure on Devil Reef, Weird lights have been spotted all about the wreck.
or that he had encountered a mermaid who had promised Are they late-night visitors? Camped-out clam diggers
him riches beyond his imagining. Some scrap of evidence awaiting dawn? Bootleggers signaling a mothership?
might be uncovered — a message in a bottle, a scrawled The spirits of the damned crew? Phosphorescent crab-
warning hidden in soot, a terrified eye-witness unwilling things from the deep, come to feed on some unknown
to come forward until now — that can help investigators Deep One spoor? Speaking of spirits, what is that
uncover whatever solution you wish there to be. light that can been seen offshore on certain nights? It
If the ship is to be a material warning to investigators cannot be the spectral form of the Elizabeth Wright,
of the dangers they face in Innsmouth, you should tailor the forever reenacting the final minutes before oblivion
precise cause of the loss of the crew to reflect the horrors claimed her crew... 
out of Innsmouth you want to emphasize — murderous
townspeople, lurking Deep Ones, or bubbling shoggoths.
If you want to terrify your players, have the hull bear the
impression of the titanic claws of Father Dagon, which
simply scooped the crew into its yawning maw.

On the Name ‘Dagon’ • A Short History of Dagon

Arcane Etymology

On The Name ‘Dagon’

by Bret Kramer

Once I sought out a celebrated ethnologist, and amused him fallen vpon his face on the ground before the Arke of the Lord,
with peculiar questions regarding the ancient Philistine legend and they tooke vp Dagon, and set him in his place againe. Also
of Dagon, the Fish-God; but soon perceiving that he was they rose vp earely in the morning the next day, and beholde,
hopelessly conventional, I did not press my inquiries. Dagon was fallen vpon his face on the ground before the Arke
– “Dagon” of the Lord, and the head of Dagon and the two palmes of his

hands were cut off vpon the thresholde: onely the stumpe of
any Cthulhu Mythos entities have names Dagon was left to him.
seemingly formed from a jumble of consonants, in 1 Samuel 5:2-4*
the hope of creating the impression of something
wholly alien and unnatural: Mnomquah, Q’yth-az… even Most famously, Samson, in his final moments, brought
Cthulhu itself. In other cases, these names have been drawn down the Philistine temple of Dagon at Gaza with his
from real world mythology and language. In the case of bare hands ( Judges 16:24-31).
those beings, Keepers would benefit to learn as much as Marnas, the chief god of the port city of Gaza, is
they can of these sources of inspiration. thought to be a Hellenized version of Dagon, being a
god of rain and agricultural bounty. His worship persisted
A Short History of Dagon in Gaza until the Byzantine emperor Arcadius had the
temple burned in 402 at the behest of the Bishop Porphyry
Dagon his name, sea-monster, upward man of Gaza as part of campaign against the remaining vestiges
And downward f ish; yet had his temple high of paganism in the eastern Empire.
Reared in Azotus, dreaded through the coast The transformation of Dagon from a Mesopotamian
Of Palestine, in Gath and Ascalon, grain god to the modern idea of a fish-god most likely
And Accaron and Gaza’s frontier bounds. comes from the confluence of two factors — his importance
– Paradise Lost to coastal societies like the Phoenicians (who depended on
the ocean for food) and erroneous readings of scripture.
Dagon (𒀭𒁕𒃶) was originally a Mesopotamian grain Dagon, as an agricultural deity, was associated with
god; the earliest mentions date to around 2500 BC. His fertility. This role gradually expanded to include other
name is synonymous with ‘grain’ in several ancient languages elements of food and general bounty; fish served both as
in the Fertile Crescent. While initially a secondary member a literal source of food and wealth as well as a symbolic
of his pantheon, his significance (and divine portfolio) one, as they were plentiful and very fertile. (We feel
expanded over time, so that by the end of the Bronze Age obliged to note William Bradford’s account in Of Plymouth
he was the chief god in many cities, especially those of the Plantation, of Squanto teaching the Pilgrims to plant corn
Mediterranean coast between Anatolia and Egypt. Sadly using fish as a fertilizer; while this technique was probably
few texts from these civilizations survive; much of what learned by Squanto during his enslavement in Spain rather
we know of Dagon either comes from archaeological or than something practiced by the Wampanoag people, the
secondary sources. cultural elements linking fish and bounty were no doubt
The best known of these second-hand sources, is of quite durable, especially in New England.)
course, the Bible. Dagon is described therein as the primary In the Biblical description of the destruction of the
god of the Philistines, that he had temples at Ashdod, idol of Dagon by the Ark (quoted above) the idol’s head
Beth-Dagon, and Gaza (and likely elsewhere). When the and hands broke off and the passage states “only Dagon
Ark of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines it was left to him.” Medieval Jewish scholars interpreted
was taken to Dagon’s temple at Ashdod, resulting in the this to be a reference to the Hebrew word ‘Dag’ (fish)
supernatural destruction of his idol there:
* We are using the 16th century Geneva Bible, as that was a
Euen the Philistims tooke ye Arke of God, and brought it into translation used by the Pilgrims. If you are wondering what verses
the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon. And when they of of scripture were recited when the men of Plymouth pulled down
Ashdod rose the next day in the morning, beholde, Dagon was the Maypole at Merrymount (see below), look no further.

On the Name ‘Dagon’ • Dagon in New England

Like Dagon, Hydra has its origins in Near Eastern
mythology. The spawn of Typhon and Echidna,
Hydra was a nine-headed serpentine creature of
great size and toxicity, famed for its regenerative
abilities. It lived in the Lake of Lerna, an entrance to
the Underworld. 

such as writing.
This erroneous notion of Dagon as, fundamentally, a
human headed, fish-bodied god, was first challenged in
1928 by the German scholar Hartmut Schmökel in his
book Der Gott Dagan. The modern academic consensus
wholly endorses this interpretation, rejecting the half-
man, half-fish god as incorrect, albeit an error with some
long-lasting impact theologically and culturally.

Dagon in New England

In Colonial New England, drawing on the Puritan
world-view, the name Dagon was often used as a sort of
shorthand for irreligiousness, especially idolatry. ‘Dagon’
was often used symbolically to stand in for some enemy
of Puritan faith — be it Charles II or Catholic ritual
— while the Puritans imagined that they embodied the
Ark of the Covenant.
Consider the case of “Merrymount.” It was founded
by Thomas Morton in 1625 as Mount Wollaston, but
nicknamed Mare Mount after the Latin word for ‘sea’,
then later dubbed “Merrymount” in jest. Morton’s goal
was trade; he established friendly relations with the
natives; he also permitted the sort of revelry (dancing,
drinking, etc.) that the Puritans despised, including
folk-religious practices like the Maypole. They dubbed
it “Mount Dagon.” Eventually Morton was arrested
and forced to return to England. Soon after, “Mount
Dagon” was abandoned. The incident eventually
became iconic of Puritan intolerance and insistence
on conformity, as in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s fictional
account of the incident “The May-Pole of Merry Mount.”
Mermaids are infrequently found in 17th and 18th
century New England art. While there is no one single
attribution, some are likely to be depictions of Dagon
suggesting his body was in the form of a fish. This is
or similar figures, not out of some secret pagan rite, but
almost certainly incorrect; probably they simply meant
rather as a symbol of idolatry or sin. Conversely however,
the statue’s torso. Nevertheless by the 19th century this
the revival of Classical learning offered another version of
interpretation was generally accepted in popular and
the half-man, half-fish in the figure of Triton, and the dual
academic texts, with Dagon being half-man and half-fish.
nature of this mythological figure was seen as echoing the
Other Mesopotamian ‘merman’ figures were interpreted,
dualist nature of Christ. We must wonder, then, how to
inaccurately, as depictions of Dagon, including Adapa, also
interpret the merman figures used by one late 17th century
called Uan and later called Oannes, a mythological figure,
stone carver in Boston who made frequent use of them on
human from the waist up and fish below, who taught the
his finely carved gravestones. These mermen (later dubbed
first kings of ancient Ur many of the arts of civilization,
“Dagons” by some modern scholars) hold aloft urns, a

On the Name ‘Dagon’ • Dagon in Lovecraft

Classical symbol of death. Showing a symbol of sin (and/

or of Christ) contrasted with a symbol of Death likely was
intended to causes viewers to reflect on the state of their
own immortal souls.

Dagon in Lovecraft
Lovecraft, as with so many other things, drew from the
iconography of New England’s past, which he loved so
much, and incorporated the name Dagon in his writings.
There are two primary uses of ‘Dagon’ in Lovecraft’s
writings — the stories “Dagon” and “The Shadow Over
Innsmouth.” In “Dagon” the monstrous aquatic being
that drives the narrator to madness and death is left
unnamed, save by implication. Unlike how 19th and 20th
century sources described Dagon, this nightmarish being
is humanoid but monstrous.
Vast, Polyphemus*-like, and loathsome, it darted like a
stupendous monster of nightmares to the monolith, about which
Stones, inside which he say’d Prayers to the Divell, and sung
it flung its gigantic scaly arms, the while it bowed its hideous
certain Rites of Magick abominable by Scripture.
head and gave vent to certain measured sounds.
We should note that there is also an essay by Lovecraft
In “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” he uses the name ‘Dagon’
later dubbed “In Defense of Dagon” (1921), but this is
both in the name of the Deep-One-controlled cult and as
an argument in favor of Weird fiction rather than in any
one of the entities worshiped by said cult, appending the
appreciable way a discussion of either the Semitic god or
title ‘Father’ to its name:
Lovecraft’s cyclopean aquatic horror.
It was called, she said, “The Esoteric Order of Dagon”, and was The Call of Cthulhu RPG made the implicit link
undoubtedly a debased, quasi-pagan thing imported from the between “Dagon” and “The Shadow Over Innsmouth”
East a century before, at a time when the Innsmouth f isheries explicit, describing Dagon and Hydra as titanic Deep
seemed to be going barren. Ones, suggesting that they are not unique entities but
rather simply very large and unspeakably old Deep
He also pairs Dagon with other “Babylonish abominations”
One specimens. While some later authors have offered
(i.e. false gods) — Astarte, Belial, the Golden Calf, and
alternative interpretations for Dagon, especially Dennis
Beelzebub, making clear these connections. Zadok Allen
Detwiller in his chapter Black Cod Island from Targets of
(Zadok being one of the first priests of the Temple and an
Opportunity, Lovecraft’s titanic, scaled humanoid persists
implacable foe of paganism) even quotes from scripture,
as the generally accepted version of Dagon rather than any
“Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin”, a prophecy of doom from
Philistine merman.
the Book of Daniel. Finally the three “Oaths of Dagon” are
increasingly undesirable pledges of loyalty and obedience
to the Order and its masters, the third oath being so Conclusion
detestable that Zadok Allen insisted “I’d a died ruther’n
Dagon is almost certainly not the name that Dagon or other
take that [oath].”
inhuman entities would use in reference to it. The name
There is a third, brief mention of Dagon in the
instead is derived from the Christian traditions of the New
Lovecraft fragment later dubbed “Of Evill Sorceries Done
England sailors who applied it to what they interpreted as
in New England by Daemons of Not Humane Shape”
a Fish-God. Lovecraft’s use of it was intended to highlight
(later incorporated by August Derleth into his novella The
the blasphemous nature of the activities of the people of
Lurker at the Threshold):
Innsmouth. Dagon, to New Englanders, had an especially
‘Tis said, one Richard Billington, being instructed partly by dark association in the popular culture, even into Lovecraft’s
evill- Books, and partly by an antient Wonder-Worker amongst day, a fact clearly employed by old Howard in his use of the
the Indian Savages, so fell away from good Christian Practice name and depiction of the being. Dagon is then more than
that he not only lay’d claim to Immortality in the Flesh, but just something inhuman or even something heretical, it is
sett up in the Woods a Place of Dagon, namely a great Ring of an inhuman abomination, a monster of nightmare. 

* Better known as the Cyclops of The Odyssey; a huge, ravening

man-eating monster.

The Marine Abyss beyond Devil Reef • Locations

Deep Background

The Marine Abyss

beyond Devil Reef
by Bret Kramer

Only one paper—a tabloid always discounted because of its wild

policy—mentioned the deep diving submarine that discharged
torpedoes downward in the marine abyss just beyond Devil Reef.
An’ tell me why Obed was allus droppin’ heavy things An oceanographic survey in 1965 determined that
daown into the deep water t’other side o’ the reef whar the there was a significant basin centered at 42 o 30’N,
bottom shoots daown like a cliff lower’n ye kin saound? 70o 20’W near Tillies Bank. Subsequent sonar surveys

in the mid-1990s determined that there was in fact
’ha-nthlei, as Lovecraft describes it, lies close to
no basin at this location. Oceanographers chalked
Devil Reef, which in turn is about a mile and a half
this up to human error, but Call of Cthulhu Keepers
from the shore at Innsmouth. Unfortunately, in the
likely know better. 
decades since “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” was written,
extensive sonar mapping of the southern Gulf of Maine has
demonstrated that the ocean waters in this region are but a
few dozen fathoms deep, at best. This is far from a “marine
Jeffrey’s Ledge Deeps
abyss.” For Keepers with an interest in extreme accuracy,
we present three nearby likely spots where one might Location: About 25 miles offshore, north-northeast of
plausibly hide a “Cyclopean and many-columned” city. Cape Ann.
Maximum Depth: 130 meters.
To Hell with Bathyography! Notes: Jeffrey’s Ledge is a large glacial deposit running
northeast of Cape Ann for about 30 miles. On the
The Keeper is free to change the ocean floor off
northwestern side are a series of deep points, some up
Massachusetts as they see fit. The waters just off Devil
to 130 meters in depth.
Reef can be hundreds of fathoms deep and Y ’ha-nthlei
can fester wherever you would like near the shore.
Gloucester Basin
Location: 42o 30.6’ N, 70o 23.7’ W
Maximum Depth: 180 meters.
Notes: This small, irregularly-shaped depression is 15
For eighty thousand years Pth’thya-l’yi had lived in miles east-southeast of Cape Ann, along the northern
Y’ha-nthlei, and thither she had gone back… end of the Stellwagen Bank. Its numerous canyons
have long snared fishing nets.
The location of Y’ha-nthlei grows even more
problematic we take into account the sea-level
Wilkinson Basin
lowering effects of an Ice Age. Accepting Pth’thya-
l’yi’s claims about her age, she was born near the Location: A substantial area, about 100 miles offshore
beginning of the most recent period of glaciation, from Portsmouth to southern Cape Cod
during which sea levels were as much as 120 m lower Maximum Depth: 270 meters.
than they are today and much of the Gulf of Maine Notes: One of the Gulf of Maine’s three major basins, this
was covered in thick layers of ice. Additionally many is by far the largest of the deep points listed. Modern
of the current features of the Gulf of Maine were exploration suggests the floor is relatively uniform and
formed by glacial deposits, so even if Y’ha-nthlei is covered in a thick layer of muddy sediment. 
were deep enough, the Deep Ones would have had
to contend with a rain of mud, sand, and rock from
above. 

Edward Morse • Keeper’s Information

New Person

Edward Morse
by Nicolas Bresinsky

hould investigators be in need of expert advice
regarding aquatic life, there are few New
Englanders better able to answer their questions
than Professor Edward S. Morse. He is also an expert
on Asian (especially Japanese) art, history, and language;
considering the misidentification of the tiara at the
Newburyport Historical Society “as of probable East-
Indian or Indochinese provenance” Dr. Morse provides a
unique combination of talents in New England.

Keeper’s Information
Edward Sylvester Morse is an historic figure that can readily
inhabit a Gaslight or 1920s Call of Cthulhu adventure
or campaign. As a lifelong resident of New England
(both Maine and Massachusetts), he makes a suitable
inhabitant of Lovecraft Country as well. Investigators will
undoubtedly enjoy the sage counsel of a genuine historic
figure as Morse helps them unlock the mysteries behind
peculiar marine specimens or incongruous Asian artifacts.
Keepers wishing to use Morse more prominently might
decide to cast Morse as a patron or perhaps even as a villain.
Morse is best known for his expertise in marine
zoology (particularly malacology, the study of shelled
organisms), and his travels to Japan as an o-yatoi gaikokujin
(foreign advisor) during the Meiji Restoration. From these
travels, Morse became the leading expert on Jōmon (“rope-
patterned”) pottery, which was made in ancient Japan from
roughly 10,500 BCE to 300 BCE.
While both of these accomplishments are noteworthy, many of his drawings. The next year, he published his first
what makes Morse such a curious character is that he was a scientific work regarding shellfish: Observations on the
self-taught man. As a youngster, Morse was expelled from Terrestrial Pulmonifera of Maine, Including a Catalogue of
every school he attended. He had a reputation for being All the Species of Terrestrial Mollusca and Fluvial Known
disorderly, and was kicked out of Bridgton Academy in to Inhabit the State. In his thirties, he became chair of
Maine at age 16 for carving on school desks. He much comparative anatomy and zoology at Bowdoin College in
preferred to explore the seashore looking for shells or Brunswick, Maine and a lecturer at Harvard University.
snails than learn in a classroom. In 1877, Morse’s interest in coastal brachiopods took
This precociousness and rebellion paid off. By age 12, him to Japan on a three-year visit. There, he started a
he had discovered two new species of land snail. While marine laboratory, became the first Professor of Zoology at
still an adolescent, his amateur collections had scientists the Tokyo Imperial University, and discovered the Omori
from Boston, Washington D.C., and the United Kingdom shell mound in a southwestern district of Tokyo. The
coming to visit him. exploration of this shell mound ushered in the beginning
A draftsman by trade in early adulthood, Morse was of Japan studying its own archaeology, anthropology,
a skilled illustrator and applied this talent to his amateur and prehistory.
studies of the natural world. At age 25, he cofounded the This was during the Meiji Era when Japan was trying
scientific journal The American Naturalist, which included to modernize, and anything traditional was shunned as

Edward Morse • Scenario Seeds

being backward. Morse, however, recognized the value in own, private beliefs and worshipped Foul Entities From
preserving the artifacts he encountered which were rapidly the Beyond? Perhaps that preacher wasn’t Morse’s real
being replaced by modernisms. So in addition to helping father. If not, who was? And exactly what was the
Japan explore its own past, Morse recognized the value nature of those carvings that got young Morse kicked
in more contemporary expressions of Japanese culture. out of Bridgton Academy? Morse died on December
During his stay, he wrote a book called Japanese Homes and 20th, 1925, which is within hours of the winter
Their Surroundings, once again supplying the illustrations. solstice. Perhaps he didn’t really die, but changed into
He studied Japanese Stone Age pottery and provided something else? If so, what, and what is he up to now?
the nomenclature “cord-marked” (Jōmon in Japanese) to Salem, Massachusetts is in the vicinity of Innsmouth.
describe it, which since has become the name for an entire Has Morse discovered strange seashells or marine
era of Japanese pre-history. specimens on his walks on the beach? Or maybe they
For his services toward understanding and preserving have been brought to him by curious or bewildered
Japanese history, government official Okuma Shigenobu beachcombers? Either Morse could hire the
gave Morse a large collection of artifacts, which has become investigators to explore more deeply on his behalf (he’s
the Morse Collection at the Museum of Fine Art in Boston. 82 in 1920, so his beachcombing expeditions are likely
He was also inducted into the Japanese Order of the Rising rather limited), or investigators could use him as their
Sun and Order of the Sacred Treasures. Morse’s personal own consultant after encountering some Innsmouth
collection of artifacts reflecting Japanese life during his oddity.
stay has become a part of the Peabody Museum of Salem Perhaps investigators discover an artifact that
(named the Peabody Academy of Science in the 1890s). resembles Jōmon pottery, and Morse is consulted
In a Gaslight campaign, Dr. Morse will most likely because he is the world’s leading expert on the subject.
be encountered by investigators in his role as Director of Maybe it’s odd, however, that the artifact is made from
the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology in local Innsmouth clay...
Cambridge, Massachusetts, a post he held from 1880- Morse donated over 10,000 books to the Tokyo
1914. He might also be referred to investigators in his Imperial University after his death. What if the
role as member of the American Association for the investigators learn that one of those books contains
Advancement of Science, of which he was president from something humanity was not meant to know? This
1886 to 1889. could provide the impetus for a journey to Japan in an
In a Classic Era campaign, investigators will need to attempt to recover the book before nefarious elements
encounter Morse (a retiree at this point) before his death consult it or steal it.
in Salem, Massachusetts in December of 1925. Keepers Curious ‘Asian’ relics, of course, are not solely the
may also simply rewrite history and have Morse survive purview of Innsmouth. Options include Cthulhu’s
for a few years more. cult, Muvian fragments, the Tcho-Tcho people, etc.
In either era, he will probably be referred to investigators
because of his knowledge in matters concerning marine
(JUNE 18, 1838 — DECEMBER 20, 1925),
zoology or his expertise regarding Japanese artifacts and
Self-taught Naturalist, Malacologist, and Orientalist
history. His connections to the Peabody Museum might
Age 52 (in 1890)
also bring him to the attention of investigators who
STR: 14 CON: 14 SIZ: 13 INT: 17 POW: 15
contact that museum or others in the region seeking help
DEX: 13 APP: 14 EDU: 20 SAN: 75 HP: 14
with a tome or artifact.
Age 82 (in 1920)
STR: 11 CON: 9 SIZ: 11 INT: 17 POW: 15
Scenario Seeds DEX: 12 APP: 12 EDU: 22 SAN: 75 HP: 10
skills: Accounting 35%, Anthropology 65%, Archaeology 65%,
Beyond simply being a helpful expert, the Keeper has a variety
Art (Illustration) 85%, Art History (Japanese) 80%,
of options for incorporating Dr. Morse into their campaign.
Autodidacticism† 85%, Bargain 25%, Biology 85%,
„„ Young Morse was a
Credit Rating 45%, Defy Authority 40%, History 50%,
precocious and unruly
History (Japanese) 75%, Library Use 55%,
child for a reason —
Museum Management 65%, Natural History 90%,
perhaps because he’s
Other Language (Japanese) 35%, Spot Hidden 45%
not entirely human.
† Morse can teach himself new skills at an exceptional
History tells us that
rate. For every week of study he may add 1d6 points
Morse’s father was
in any academic skill up to 40 points. Beyond this level
a Congregationalist
he must learn normally. He may only add one new skill
preacher, but that his
at a time. Morse, of course, will only study those topics
mother did not share
of interest to him and will not simply learn Aramaic or
her husband’s beliefs.
Geology because investigators ask him to. 
Perhaps she had her
The Isles of Shoals • Introduction

From the History Books

The Isles of Shoals

and Other Innsmouth Inspiration
by Nicolas Bresinsky

hen Lovecraft’s inspirations for Innsmouth are What makes them unusual? First of all, geography:
discussed, a couple of New England towns are they are remote. The state border between New Hampshire
often associated with Lovecraft’s degenerate and Maine extends out seaward to divide them. Duck,
fishing village, foremost among them Newburyport. Appledore, Malaga (not to be confused with another island
Lovecraft himself made clear that connection in his letters. with the same name existing further north on the Maine
There are other locations in New England that potentially coast; see text box on pages 28-29), Smuttynose, and
inspired him that are less frequently discussed. Cedar Islands lie in Maine waters. Star, White, Seavey, and
This article will look in depth at one of these places: Lunging Islands are part of New Hampshire. Collectively,
The Isles of Shoals, which lie in the waters off the coast along with a variety of ledges and rocks, these islands are
of Maine and New Hampshire. Perhaps the only thing known as the Isles of Shoals. The closest point on the
these islands share with Lovecraft’s town is that, by virtue mainland to them is Straw Point on Rye Beach in New
of their isolation, they developed a culture quite different Hampshire, which is about 6.5 miles from Lunging Island,
from the communities that existed near to them. Where the westernmost island. It is said that from the dock in
historians and fantasists might part company is if other, Portsmouth (where consistent summer ferry service to the
more sinister, similarities exist as well… At the very least, Shoals has operated) to the pier on Star Island is around
by examining real locations and their histories, such as the ten miles.
Isles of Shoals, we can gain some insight into how, in the Certainly, there are other islands in New England
heart of long-settled New England, communities could that are further offshore than 6.5 miles, but the populated
exist in isolation, even into the 19th and 20th centuries, and ones are all much larger than any Shoals island. Though
how isolation can allow for what we might term darkness no stranger to the forces of Mother Nature, those other
to grow. Innsmouth, after a fashion, is not as fantastic as it islands’ size renders them less bleak, and protects them
might appear on the surface. from being as harried by the wind and waves. The Shoals,
One historical fact that we note (before letting our however, collectively encompass a mere 200 acres, divided
imaginations run loose) is that while he never visited them, amongst nine islands. When one considers that the two
Lovecraft did reference the Isles of Shoals: largest islands, Appledore and Star, are 95 and 39 acres
respectively, and have elevations no greater than 55’-60’
There was a lone southward-sailing ship, and far out the eye
above sea level, one can begin to imagine how inhospitable
could barely discern the misty suggestion of the half-fabulous
such a place might be in a gale or nor’easter. Celia Thaxter,
Isles of Shoals. I had not seen the ocean before for six years—the
glimpses one gets in harbours are nothing.”
(H.P. Lovecraft, June 1922, Selected Letters I, p. 185.)

We also have this item from his “Commonplace Book”:

168  Lonely bleak islands off N.E. coast. Horrors they
harbour—outpost of cosmic influences.
(H.P. Lovecraft, story idea #168 in his
“Commonplace Book”)

While New England has its share of lonely, bleak islands,

an argument can be made that the Isles of Shoals are
perhaps the loneliest and bleakest of them all. These nine
islands, combined with the various ledges and rocks that
are their neighbors, comprise an archipelago quite unlike
anything else found on the New England seacoast.
The Isles of Shoals • History

thought to mean the many ledges (shoals) that lie in the

surrounding waters, there is even more reason to believe
the rationale that “shoals” refers to the “shoaling” — an
archaic variation of “schooling” — fish the island waters
had in incredible abundance.
Native Americans knew of the islands and made
transitory summer fishing camps there. Capt. John Smith
mentions them (and gave them their name) in his A
Description of New England (1616). Sir Christopher Levett,
who visited the islands in 1623 said of them:
The f irst place I set my foot upon in New England was the
Isles of Shoulds [sic], being islands in the sea about two leagues
from the main… Upon these islands I neither could see one
good timber tree, nor so much ground as to make a garden. The
place is found to be a good f ishing place for six ships, but more
cannot well be there, for want of convenient stage room, as
this year’s experience hath proved. The harbor is but indifferent
good. Upon these islands are no savages at all.
(Lyman V. Rutledge, The Isles of Shoals
in Lore and Legend, p. 9)

It is with the establishment of fishing settlements (the first

was Appledore, in 1661) that Innsmouth’s shadow begins
to fall on the wind-swept Shoals, as does the islands’
potential influence on Lovecraft. Consider this description
of the settlers:
… were under no government but their own. Law and
order were maintained by ship’s command until colonial
governments were formed. Shoalers had no truck with the
political life of the mainland. Orders from the Crown and
from the Massachusetts Bay Colony were ignored. Even in
the celebrated 19th-century poet who lived on the Shoals
later years, when they perforce had to accept the authority of
for much of her life, described them thusly:
Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, they continued to
Swept by every wind that blows, and beaten by the bitter be the most independent of colonials. Without oath or ceremony
brine for unknown ages, well may the Isles of Shoals be barren, they owed f irst allegiance to their island empire, and to the
bleak, and bare. At f irst sight nothing can be more rough and customs which had grown up among them as islanders.
inhospitable than they appear. The incessant influences of wind (Rutledge, p. 10-11).
and sun, rain, snow, frost, and spray, have so bleached the tops
of the rocks, that they look hoary as if with age, though in the John Scribner Jenness, in his The Isles of Shoals, An Historical
summer-time a gracious greenness of vegetation breaks here and Sketch (1898), makes a similar observation:
there the stern outlines, and softens somewhat their rugged aspect
The indifference, or rather dislike towards all established
(Celia Thaxter, 1873, Among the Isles of Shoals, p. 13, 1994
authority, to which we have referred, was a very natural
characteristic of the motley shifting community of f ishermen,
seal hunters, sailors, smugglers, and picaroons*, who made the
What makes the Shoals special then, geographically
Isles of Shoals their rendezvous, and their home. Too remote
speaking, is that they are both quite small and quite far
from the mainland to be within effective reach of the feeble
from the mainland. Star Island, where the fishing village of
governments established there; able to set the law and its
Gosport once existed, is only about 1800’ going east-west,
off icers at open def iance, or to elude them by a ready escape
and 2000’ north-south. In the wildest of winter storms,
into the open sea, these rude and hardy men would naturally
it is not unheard of for the ocean to move and deposit
despise all courts and their minions, and would come to look to
large rocks and boulders a great distance away from what is
their own sturdy right arms alone for the redress of grievances
usually thought of as the waterline. In a gale, on an island
(pp. 128-129, 6th edition).
this small and this far from the mainland, the fury of the
sea is inescapable.
So, then, who would live on a rock in the sea such
as this? The name “shoals” gives us an answer. Often * “A rogue or scoundrel.”

The Isles of Shoals • History

While this article has explored the parallels between MATINICUS ISLAND
Innsmouth and the Isles of Shoals, other real-world Even more remote than the Isle of Shoals is Matinicus
locations may have inspired Lovecraft or offer us insight Island, which sits 20 miles off the coast of Maine and is
into Innsmouth. Consider the four following places: generally regarded as the most isolated of the state’s
inhabited islands. Before the coming of the Europeans,
the Penobscot fished, hunted sea birds, and collected
Lovecraft specifically stated that this run-down port was
their eggs on the island and its close neighbors, giving
his primary inspirations for Innsmouth. We explore the
the island its name (meaning “distant island” in their
connections between the two more fully in “A Guide to
language). Fish were plentiful here and a permanent
Newburyport” on page 69.
European settlement was established here in the late 18th
GLOUCESTER century. The remote little fishing village was mostly left
Lovecraft scholar Will Murray has suggested that to itself. In the 19th century the residents of Matinicus had
Innsmouth was inspired not just by Newburyport but developed a reputation for being somewhat inbred (“not
by the town of Gloucester on Cape Ann. Murray, as part so much a family tree as a wreath”) and exceptionally
of a larger case, argued * that Lovecraft, despite multiple hostile to outsiders, particularly anyone they felt was
statements regarding their inspiration, based his primary intruding on “their” fishing grounds. Even today there
Lovecraft Country towns not just on the real-world are stories of threats, suspected sabotage, and open acts
analogs of Salem (Arkham), Newburyport (Innsmouth), of vandalism against outsiders who come into the waters
Marblehead (Kingsport), and the Wilbraham area the locals view as their birthright.
(Dunwich) but on unstated secondary places. In the case
of Innsmouth, Murray claims this role for Gloucester,
Maine’s Malaga Island has odd echoes of Innsmouth. One
citing certain unenumerated parallels in layout between
of the hundreds of small coastal islands of Casco Bay, this
the two and being approximately as far from Salem as
rugged blob of land just a few hundred yards off the
Innsmouth was said to be from Arkham. His thesis was
mainland was home, from the early 1860s to 1912, to a
generally dismantled by Robert Marten in a later issue
mixed-race community. Almost all were descendants of
of Lovecraft Studies†, but is mentioned here for Keepers
Benjamin Darling, a so-called “free black” who purchased
looking for other possible bits of Innsmouth inspiration.
nearby Horse Island in 1794. By the start of the Civil War,
a few dozens squatters had set up a hardscrabble fishing
* “In Search of Arkham Country.”Lovecraft Studies #13 (Fall, 1986).
community on Malaga.
† “Arkham Country: In Rescue of the Lost Searchers.”
Lovecraft Studies #39 (Summer 1998).

We also know that in the 1700s, pirates were known to ply By the time of the American Revolutionary War, most
all the waters of New England, and the Shoals putatively Shoalers took the side of the Crown, but not out of any
received visits from many of them, including Edward honest love for it; it simply was the seat of authority
Teach (a.k.a. Blackbeard) and John Quelch, both of whom furthest away from them, and therefore the easiest to
(legend has it) buried treasure there (which has yet to be ignore. Because of this, many Shoalers were ordered to leave
found, naturally). What is not legend is that mainland the islands during this time, and many did so reluctantly,
officers of the King’s Navy asked the Shoalers to report the some even moving their homes over the sea with them to
presence of any known pirates harboring there. Only one the mainland. Some of these dwellings still stand in places
such report was made, in 1724, and when the promised such as York, Maine, but are original to the Isles of Shoals.
monetary reward did not manifest, neither did any further History tells us that some of these independent
reports. Shoalers refused to leave, and thus the islands became even
It is not hard to imagine the independent, law- more lawless, and attracted even more outlaws. Soon
shunning fishermen of the Shoals sympathizing with the
Stories circulated on the mainland about the immortality of the
pirates, who also made a life far out to sea and outside the
islanders and their abandonment of all religious practices. So it
law. Jenness continues
was no surprise when the wooden church was burned down in
There is strong ground of suspicion, indeed, that the islanders 1790, reportedly by renegade members of what had once been
were generally indulgent, and sometimes friendly and a pious community
serviceable in their intercourse with the numerous pirate ships (Lyman V. Rutledge, 1949, Ten Miles Out,
which visited their harbor p. 7, 1997 edition).
(p.128, 6th edition).
The Isles of Shoals • History


In a state where less than one percent of the they would not be evicted, just three weeks later he
population was of African descent, the village of mysteriously ordered the eviction of all residents off the
intermarried white and African-American families stood island. In December 1911, eight Malaga residents were
out as an oddity. In the 1880s and early 1900s, sensational committed to the Maine School for the Feeble Minded.
newspaper reports and articles in national magazines The remaining 30 residents were told they had one
like The Atlantic painted Malaga as an island of “immoral month to vacate, and their houses would be burned
and shiftless degenerates,” used as proof of the principles to the ground if they refused. All of them fled. Many of
of eugenics and a cautionary tale against miscegenation. them ended up wandering up and down the coast in
The nearby towns of Phippsburg and Harpswell on the houseboats, but none of the villages wanted to accept
mainland fought for decades, hot-potato like, to keep them or provide them with services.
Malaga from incorporating into their boundaries. Finally, Later, the state exhumed bodies from a graveyard on
the state took over governance of the island in 1905. Malaga, moving a total of 17 bodies that were reburied
White, Protestant missionaries soon arrived and together, crowded into only three graves, at the Maine
built a school to educate the children and teach the School for the Feeble Minded. Over the subsequent
inhabitants “middle class” values. In 1911, Maine decades, Malaga families and mainland residents alike
Governor Frederick Plaisted visited Malaga to take buried the island’s ugly history of forced eviction in shame.
stock of improvements. Despite telling the residents Historians have speculated that Gov. Plaisted was
getting revenge on missionaries who had adopted the
island. Maine had temperance laws in place long before
national prohibition took effect. One of the governor’s
campaign promises had been to relax those restrictions, but
he’d been blocked by temperance supporters, including
outspoken members of the Malaga missionary group.
While it’s plausible that H.P. Lovecraft would have
read the provocative reports about Malaga island and its
“degenerate” inhabitants, it’s not clear if he would have
caught wind of the forced eviction. Governor Plaisted’s
sudden change of heart and the decision to evict was
made quietly, without any fanfare. Still, eerie parallels
between this unusual dispersion of a mixed-race fishing
community in New England and Lovecraft’s federal raids
on Innsmouth are difficult to dismiss.

The Shoalers earned such a reputation for lawlessness and But the Shadow Over Gosport still lingered into this
degeneracy— intemperance, blatant disregard for religion, gilded age. A young school teacher, Nancy Underhill, went
etc., that it caught the attention of a missionary society to the Shoals to teach and met her untimely death at the
in Newburyport with the following long-winded name: age of 34 in 1848. She made a habit of sitting on a ledge on
The Society for Propagating the Gospel Among the Indians the seaward side of Star Island every day after school, and
and Others in North America. The Shoalers aptly qualified one day a rogue wave swept her away. Her body was found
as such “others.” Considered a community in peril, the a week later on York Beach, Maine, unmolested in the
Society took it upon itself to restore morality and godliness slightest manner by the sea, bonnet still in place, earrings
upon the Shoals. still in her ears, shawl and pin just as they were when she
The Society was largely successful, and the Shoalers left the small schoolhouse. Supposedly, just before that
soon returned to decency. The fishing villages soon gave wave swept her away, she was joined on the rock ledge
way to grand and posh hotels, most notably the Appledore by a mysterious gentleman about whom much has been
House on Appledore Island in 1848. The Oceanic Hotel speculated but few facts are recorded, save that he escaped
on Star Island followed, opening in 1873, and boasting one the deadly wave.
of the first elevators in a hotel in all of America. The grit Samuel Adams Drake commented on the devout Miss
of the fishing village era slowly gave way to the refined Underhill in his Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast:
elegance of what were then luxury hotels, and the Shoals
were considered one of the finest places for the wealthy Hearing from one who had been at the Isles of Shoals that the
East Coast elites to vacation. people were in great need of a missionary as those of Burmah

The Isles of Shoals • History

Day, Holman. “The Queer Folk of the Maine Coast.”
The Harper’s Monthly, Sept. 1909. p. 521-530.

Drake, Samuel Adam. Nooks and Corners of the New

England Coast. 1903.

Haden, David. “Lonely bleak islands off N.E. Coast.”


___________. “More on the Isles of Shoals as an

inspiration for Devil Reef” https://tentaclii.

Jenness, John Scribner. The Isles of Shoals, An

Historical Sketch. 1898.
or of the Gold Coast, it became an affair of conscience with her
to go there and teach. Lovecraft, H.P. The Notes & Commonplace Book.
[Underhill] came to the islands, and applied herself with Necronomicon Press 1978.
ardor to the work before her, a labor from which any but an
___________. Selected Letters, vol. I.
enthusiast would have recoiled. It is asserted that no spot of
American soil contained so debased a community as this. Marten, Robert D. “Arkham Country: In Rescue
of the Lost Searchers.” Lovecraft Studies #39,
Isolation affected more than the civility and morality of the Summer 1998.
Shoalers. They were known on the mainland for the peculiar
Murray, Will. “In Search of Arkham Country.”
way in which they walked. Celia Thaxter commented on
Lovecraft Studies #13, Fall 1986.
this in ways that sometimes echo Lovecraft’s description
of Innsmouthers: Rutledge. Lyman V. The Isles of Shoals in Lore and
Legend. 2011.
Nearly all the Shoalers have a singular gait, contracted from
the effort to keep their equilibrium while standing in boats, ___________. Ten Miles Out: Guidebook to the Isles of
and from the unavoidable gymnastics which any attempt at Shoals. 1964.
locomotion among the rocks renders necessary. Some stiff-jointed
Thaxter, Celia. Among the Isles of Shoals. 1873. 
old men have been known to leap wildly from stone to stone on
the smooth, flat pavements of Portsmouth town, f inding it out
of the question to walk evenly and decorously along the straight
and easy way. This is no fable. Such is the force of habit. Most
Lovecraft wrote The Shadow Over Innsmouth just a
of the men are more or less round-shouldered, and seldom row
month after visiting Portsmouth, one of the closest ports-
upright, with head erect and shoulders thrown back. They stoop
of-call to the Isles of Shoals, and it is tempting to imagine
so much over the f ish-tables — cleaning, splitting, salting,
some hints of the islands’ peculiar history and geography
packing — that they acquire a permanent habit of stooping
inspired him, though unlike Newburyport, Lovecraft
(Thaxter, pp. 73-74).
makes no specific mention of it. While Innsmouth is
wholly imagined, it does contain within it a horror that
Compare this to Lovecraft’s description of the bus driver
is most real. There are places, even in recent times, that
Joe Sargent “He was a thin, stoop-shouldered man not
were only lightly connected to the greater world, even
much under six feet tall… As he walked toward the bus
in ‘modern’, industrial New England, isolated places
I observed his peculiarly shambling gait….” Later, our
where wider community values were rejected or adjusted
narrator describes one of his pursuers: “The gait of this
to meet the needs of locals. In a Lovecraftian milieu,
figure was so odd that it sent a chill through me — for it
we must wonder what horrors, old and new, festers
seemed to me the creature was almost hopping.”
in such isolation? 

The Sacred Cod • History

Curious New England

The Sacred Cod

by Bret Kramer

“He howled of shocking abysses and monsters, of terrible In 1895 A History of the Emblem of the Codf ish in
carvings and statues” the Hall of the House of Representatives was published at
- H.P. Lovecraft the behest of a special committee of the Massachusetts

House of Representatives which had been tasked with
he codfish has long served as an emblem of deciding whether or not to relocate the Cod to the newly
Massachusetts, as the fishing industry was essential constructed House chamber. It was decided to continue
to the economic growth of the colony almost since the tradition and display the Cod in the House chamber,
its founding. Those with an inclination to the occult will where it was relocated there with great pomp.
note that this included the Court of Oyer and Terminer The Cod has hung there ever since, barring a necessary
of Salem Witch Trial fame… One of the most prominent repainting once or so a generation, except for two brief
displays of an iconic codfish is the five-foot long carved periods when it was stolen by pranksters — first by
pine fish statue hung in the Representatives Hall of the members of the Harvard Lampoon in 1933, and again by
Massachusetts State House in Boston, often called the University of Massachusetts Boston students in 1968.
“Sacred Cod.”
It was not the small ancient car I had expected from Akeley’s
The precise origins of the “Sacred Cod” are unclear, but
descriptions, but a large and immaculate specimen of recent
the first written records we have of it date from 1784 when
pattern—apparently Noyes’s own, and bearing Massachusetts
John Rowe, a state representative, moved that a painted
licence plates with the amusing “sacred codfish” device of that year.
wooden effigy of a cod, “a memorial of the importance of
- The Whisperer in Darkness
the Cod-Fishery to the welfare of this Commonwealth”, be
mounted in the Massachusetts House of Representatives.
Of particular interest to Lovecraft Country enthusiasts is a
Mr. Rowe likely paid for the creation of the Cod himself.
slightly smaller representation of a cod, not in wood, but in
Some sources claim that there was an earlier Cod
tin. In 1928 the Massachusetts Bureau of Motor Vehicles
erected by Samuel Sewall, who readers may recall was a judge
modified the state’s license plates by adding a small figure
at Salem, and that Rowe’s Cod was meant as a replacement
of a fish. According to tradition, there was an immediate
for the earlier version which had been destroyed when
negative reaction by the fisherman of Massachusetts who
the House of Assembly burned to the ground in 1747.
blamed the poor fishing that year on the image of the cod on
Unfortunately, Sewall made no reference to any cod in his
the license plate figuratively swimming away from the state.
diary, which undermines this colorful story. We do have
The plate was revised the next year, with the fish
evidence for an earlier Cod at the Old State House, as
only included on the license plates issued to trucks and
there are records of a payment of 15 shillings “for painting
other commercial vehicles. The position of the year and
codfish” to Mr. Thomas Crafts in 1773. This earlier Cod
state were also swapped (as was the usual policy) possibly
or Cods are assumed to have been lost at some point
calming the codfish and helping restore the prosperity
during the American Revolution, but this, like so much
of Massachusetts’ fisherman. We note that the historical
about the earliest history of the Cod, is just a supposition.
record does show that 1928 was a poorer than average year
for fishing, but it was by far not the worst in state history.
So, when you envision those trucks full of Marines
entering Innsmouth in February of 1928*, we might
imagine each one bearing a freshly minted tin plate bearing
the sign of a fish…
They get a lot of f ish and lobsters and do exporting by truck.
Queer how the f ish swarm right there and nowhere else.
-The Shadow Over Innsmouth 

* Assuming you go with Lovecraft and not the Lovecraft Country

series’ timeline, which sets it in 1929.

The Hymnal of the Esoteric Order of Dagon • Physical Description, Thorough Reading

The Biblio-file

The Hymnal of the

Esoteric Order of Dagon
by L.T. Barker

ere is a curiosity that investigators in Lovecraft “Our Father of the Mighty Oceans”, “Lord of the Abyss”,
Country might encounter in some forgotten corner etc. Other hymns condemn (often with the promise of
of Innsmouth, among the papers of a member of violence) enemies of “the Order.”
the Esoteric Order of Dagon, or even as evidence recovered The hymnal concludes with several curious pieces,
by an escapee from the town hoping to prove something called psalms, each dedicated to specific figures, who seem
unnatural is going on there. to be some sort of saint or supernatural beings “Father
Dagon,” “Mother Hydra,” “The All-Mighty King of
Physical Description Waters,” etc. Most of the psalms are keyed oddly, not reusing
older music but using unsettling keys and disharmonies.
A slim book, 4” by 7 ½”, one-hundred twenty pages, bound The psalms’ lyrics consist of phonetically spelled-out words
in red cloth. The title is stamped in gold leaf on the cover in an unknown language; an EDUx1 roll can identify the
along with an unusual symbol — an Occult roll can identify language as being one of the many Polynesian tongues,
it as a form of the vesica piscis formed by two overlapping though determining the exact one (a rather guttural
ichthys. The former is a geometric figure known at least since dialect of Tahitian Paumotu) requires the aid of an expert.
the time of Archimedes, sometimes used in Kabbalism or Anyone making an Art (Music) roll will note that some
Freemasonry, while the latter is most often associated with of the lowest bass parts listed in certain hymns and
the early Christian church. The combined shape bears no psalms are well below notes most people are able to sing.
small resemblance to a staring eye. Aside from Dagon and Hydra no explicit references
A red cotton cloth ribbon is attached to the spine, are made to the names of Cthulhu Mythos entities, though
undoubtedly intended to be used as a bookmark. No a successful Cthulhu Mythos skill roll can provide likely
printer is listed nor is there any publication information possibilities for the various divine epithets offered within.
to be found within.
The condition of the work will vary greatly by the
circumstance of how it was obtained. Discarded volumes
Thorough Reading
may show signs of wear, pages folded over to mark a Despite a patina of Christian theology, this is most assuredly
passage or the spine broken to reveal a particular hymn. something far from orthodox. Indeed, this hymnal would
Some might have once been waterlogged, or bear unusual be condemned as blasphemy by nearly all the world’s
scratches on the cover. Alternatively, it might be uncut and Christian denominations, regardless of some superficial
unbound, only recently turned up in the inventory of a elements borrowed from traditional Christianity.
now-bankrupted New England printer. The songs contained within offer a religious vision in
almost diametrical opposition to traditional Christianity.
Skimming Fundamentally, they present a Christ-less vision of
a purely physical resurrection, one born of a vaguely
This is a collection of hymns, superficially resembling described baptism in the ocean, but only for the elect ‘sons
those sung in Christian Protestant churches, in many and daughters of the Great One’. There is no message
cases reusing the melodies of those hymns. Investigators of humility or spiritual enlightenment, only promises of
familiar with such songs recognize the original tunes with material reward for loyal service to ‘the elect’ and menacing
a successful Know roll. threats against those who are not loyal to ‘the Order’ up to
There are, however, some striking differences in and including threats of death and dismemberment.
the lyrics of the hymns that are obvious to even the The Hymnal is divided into two sections — hymns
most cursory inspection. First and foremost, all explicit and psalms. The hymns are mostly preexisting Christian
references to Jesus Christ have been omitted. References to hymns with new lyrics, though a few appear original
the divine often include aquatic or oceanic descriptions — (and are all credited to one “O. Marsh”). The psalms are

The Hymnal of the Esoteric Order of Dagon • Locating a Copy, Research


One likely owner of the Hymnal is the deranged
ex-minister Harold Snowden, the head of a
small group of humans and Deep One hybrids
conducting a bizarre experiment testing if humans
raised in proximity to Deep Ones would overcome
their seemingly instinctive loathing of the vile
amphibians. Considering his warped piety and
obsession with the Deep Ones, a work such as this
book would very likely be of great interest to him
and might be used by him as part of his program of
education and indoctrination. As a member of the
Esoteric Order of Dagon he would have no difficulty
in obtaining a copy. Snowden might even have
begun penning his own hymns and other devotional
entirely original pieces in both their lyrics and music, and
writings blurring his Christian faith with his insane
are wholly odd. No credit for lyrics or music are given.
affinity for the Deep Ones.
Each is intended as praise of a specific entity, identified
Alternatively, Danny Ames, profoundly
only with a descriptive appellation (“The Great Watcher
disturbed young man who escaped from Rev.
in the Mountain,” for example) and includes passages in
Snowden’s group and now a patient at the Danvers
an unknown language (as mentioned above, an expert can
State Asylum, might, on occasion, be overheard
identify this as as an otherwise unknown and guttural
singing one or more of the hymns from the book.
dialect of Tahitian Paumotu, though a direct translation is
For more information on Rev. Harold Snowden
unlikely). The music itself is unnerving — tonal, dissonant,
and his group, see the scenario “Bless the Beasts and
and arrhythmic — very much in contrast with the earlier
Children” in Adventures in Arkham Country. 
songs. Investigators making a successful Cthulhu Mythos
roll recognize eerie similarities in these ‘Psalms’ and
certain litanies and invocations of certain Mythos entities,
primarily, but not exclusively, Cthulhu.
via theft; a waterlogged copy is held in an evidence locker
Locating a Copy of the Arkham Police as part of the investigation into the
death of a Aylesbury man, his feet shackled to an anchor in
Copies of the “Hymnal” were distributed to Innsmouth the waters beneath the Peabody Avenue bridge in Arkham
churches after the establishment of the Esoteric Order in October, 1924.
of Dagon in 1846. Innsmouth families who are (or were) After the federal investigation of Innsmouth begins it
members of the E.O.D. may possess a copy in their homes. is likely that Bureau of Investigation agents will attempt
Copies may also be uncovered at any of Innsmouth’s to obtain a copy, perhaps crossing paths with investigators
churches, though visitors there are most assuredly should they be seeking a copy around this time.
unwelcome. A copy might be found in abandoned houses
in the region (a ¼ Luck roll can turn up a legible copy if it
is sought) should the Keeper allow it. It is unclear if there
were any subsequent printings after the original 1846 While the most useful investigation regarding this work
one. Judging by the conditions and markings of extant would, by necessity, take place in Innsmouth, some
copies, it appears unlikely. elements of the work can be plumbed elsewhere.
More rarely, copies may appear in bookshops or with
used book dealers. Should one be advertised in catalogues, Printer
it is snapped up by agents from Innsmouth, who offer
Someone who works professionally with books (such as a
an inflated price to a secure it. In Lovecraft Country,
librarian, antiquarian, etc.) can offer a general estimation for
Kingsport’s New and Used Books (K524) would be most
the date when the Hymnal was printed — roughly 1850 —
likely to have a Hymnal on hand; Harden’s (A444) in
based on the techniques and materials used. Determining
Arkham might, rarely, have one as well. Edwin Tillinghast
the printer is more challenging but an expert versed in the
(A125) of Arkham may be able to obtain a battered copy —
New England publishing world could narrow down the
for the right price, of course — but he would not normally
possible printers to one or two likely suspects, otherwise
carry this work in his stock.
unremarkable mid-sized presses in the Boston area.
Libraries do not normally retain copies of the Hymnal
in their collections, either due to disinterest or removal
The Hymnal of the Esoteric Order of Dagon • Scenario Hooks

Symbol more information on this work and why it is so valuable.

There is also the possibility that Innsmouth’s hybrids are
The symbol used on the cover, the vesica piscis, is an
unwilling to risk a public auction and will orchestrate a
ancient one with multiple meanings beyond those already
break-in to obtain the Hymnals immediately.
mentioned. A halved Occult roll offers one additional
meaning — the Sakana o shōmetsu, (literally ‘the annihilating
The Heirloom
fish’), the symbol of a Japanese Buddhist sect from 17th
century. The sect, a minor Zen offshoot, was especially The investigators, as a favor or for hire depending on their
interested in the loss of self through meditation. As part of circumstances, are engaged to research a curious volume
their rites, they would meditate upon the thought of two held in the Fairbanks family’s collection. Joan Fairbanks-
fish attempting to eat each other. Ford, the heir to the Fairbanks fortune, is attempting to
If viewed by anyone with a Mathematics skill above trace her family’s lineage and has determined that this
base they suggest that it may represent the intersection work was once owned by her great-grandfather, a man
of two sets with an inscribed circle, representing some whose origins are shrouded in mystery. And what of the
distinct group formed by the joining of two others. curious symbols scratched onto the end papers? What
secrets do they hold?
Dagon and Hydra Alternatively, it is an investigator who finds the
Hymnal among their family library or inherits it from an
‘Father Dagon’ and ‘Mother Hydra’, of course, are names
elderly relation.
that are drawn from the wider body of mythology and
history. The information provided in the article “On
the Name Dagon” (page 20) can be obtained with a Statistics
successful History, Occult, or Library Use roll. Anyone
The Hymnal imparts no Cthulhu Mythos skill or other
familiar with New England history will wonder why
skill check. If the Keeper is using the Innsmouth Lore skill
Dagon, traditionally used as a Puritan shorthand for
described in Escape from Innsmouth, studying this work
idolatry, would be embraced by any Christian sect or cult
allows a skill gain of 1d6+1 points. Devout Christian
from the region.
readers might suffer a very minor Sanity loss (0/1 points)
if the Keeper wishes, but the work otherwise causes no
Scenario Hooks loss. It takes eight hours to study the Hymnal, or a few
minutes to skim it.
A Bad Lot
An investigator has some connection to the recently- Quotes
defunct publisher Chadwick and Sons, formerly of
We sing our praise to you Great Father
Sommerville, Massachusetts. In an attempt to cover
Carry us to life’s clear water
their debts and recoup their losses, the company is being
Return us to the Sea’s Embrace
liquidated, including not only presses and binderies, but
And Keep us in your own sweet Grace
also a small stock of long-forgotten warehouse inventory.
Woe to those who displease God
This includes seventeen unbound copies of the Hymnal;
Break their bones with smiting rod
perhaps they contained a printing error or were otherwise
Waves will crash and winds will blow
damaged in production, or perhaps they were simply
‘Til every sinful Man’s brought low
mislaid. The whole of the printer’s moveable assets are soon
to be put up for auction. In the meantime, the investigator Fisherman that brings Salvation
or their connection to the sale is contacted by a rare book We bring this light to every nation
collector, perhaps Kermit Allen Rawes (I601) or a proxy for When your Judgement is at hand
some member of the Marsh family (I302), who offers five We shall serve as you command
times the list price for the lot. No doubt the investigator,
on their own or on behalf of their contact, will seek out

The Ponape Scripture • Overview, Physical Description

The Biblio-file

The Ponape Scripture

by Bret Kramer

umerous Mythos texts discuss the Deep Ones — Copeland Version
Chaat Aquadingen, Hydrophinnae, The R’lyeh Text,
In 1907 Harold Hadley Copeland, an anthropologist
et cetera. The Ponape Scripture is the one tome of
working at Miskatonic University, published an annotated
this type that investigators in Lovecraft Country have the
version of the Scripture based on his study of both Hoag’s
greatest chance of obtaining without invoking the wrath
translation and the original text.
of Innsmouth’s secret leaders. While not originating in
Innsmouth, manuscripts circulated among some members
of the Esoteric Order of Dagon, possibly serving as Physical Description
inspiration for some of the weird rites practiced by the Order.
While copies will vary in condition, each edition can
be generally described. Individual books will no doubt
Overview possess certain distinct features befitting their history and
the Keeper is encouraged to develop their own unique
A most unusual tome, purported to be the translation
versions — possible variations include damage (water
of the sacred text of a heretofore unknown South Seas
damage is obvious but effective), comments in the margins,
religious group which worshiped bizarre supernatural
or even indicators of previous owners — a bookplate for
aquatic entities. Best known from a widely ridiculed 1906
Onesiphorus Marsh makes a lovely lead or scenario hook.
translation by the now-discredited anthropologist Harold
Hadley Copeland, it is generally considered a distasteful
The Original
hoax. Due to the circumstances of history, copies are most
often to be found in New England, especially in Lovecraft A collection of cut sheets (mostly 3” x 6” though they are
Country itself. rather irregular) of some sort of papyrus (a Biology roll
identifies it as palm leaf ), carefully painted with columns
Versions of paired symbols of some kind. An Idea roll suggests
they are some sort of glyphs, though not in any known
There are four distinct versions of the Ponape Scripture script. There are about eighty sheets, with writing on
in circulation: an original text and three translations of both sides. The sheets were originally bound between two
varying quality. carved boards (a Biology roll identifies it as some sort of
cycad) measuring 3¾” x 7” and also engraved with the
The Original odd symbols. According to Capt. Hoag, the sheets were
originally held between the boards with a pair of catgut
This is the version of the text that Captain Hoag discovered
cords, but these have been lost. The whole assortment is
somewhere, allegedly Ponape, in the Caroline Islands.
kept in a cardboard archivist’s box with markings from the
Written on palm leaves in the lost Muvian script, Naacal.
Kester Library of Salem. The pages bear a few faint pencil
markings, apparently recording their sequence.
Hoag Manuscript
Captain Hoag worked for several years to translate his Hoag Manuscript
discovery with the assistance of Yogash, a Ponapean native.
While exact dimensions and condition varies between
His handwritten translation was circulated among a small
copies, most manuscript copies of the Scripture were
group of interested correspondents in New England
recorded on loose sheets of foolscap (8½” x 13½”) of
and beyond.
marginal quality. The work is written in iron gall ink,
most likely prepared by the writer; the script is highly
Adams Edition idiosyncratic and suggests a limited formal education.
In 1794 Beverly Hoag Adams, one of Captain Hoag’s Most copies include a title sheet (typically just “The
grandchildren, had his work published in an expurgated Ponape Scripture, Cpt. A.E. Hoag trans”) and sometimes
and error-riddled form. a short dedication. Some manuscripts have been bound by
their owners but it does not appear that any were bound
The Ponape Scripture • Skimming, Thorough Reading

warns that in ancient times a great human empire was not

AN E.O.D. VERSION? only destroyed by these beings due its failure to please them,
but that it’s very lands were shattered and cast into the sea.
Certain rare book dealers in New England have
Throughout the work are repeated exhortations to the
reported a previously unknown version of the
reader to obey unquestioningly, to conceal the secrets of
Ponape Scripture, printer unknown but likely made
the faith from outsiders, and to be willing to give their
between 1850 and 1870. The text is nearly identical
lives should it be asked of them.
to the Adams version save for some minor new
typographical errors and the omission of any plates.
The only identifying feature of the text is an odd Thorough Reading
symbol on the first page — an Occult roll identifies it
Presented as a dialog between the author and the reader,
as a modified vesica piscis. 
this is a horrific catalog of blasphemous practices in the
service of an alien and utterly unwholesome pantheon.
The author identifies himself as one Imash-Mo, the
high priest in the service of Gahantanoha, a vaguely-
originally. Most manuscripts are about 170 sheets in
described divinity residing — perhaps trapped — in
length, text to one side of each sheet. Sometimes there are
a great extinct volcanic cone in what was once the
corrections to the text, often in Captain Hoag’s hand.
continent of Mu. Due to the natives’ failure to worship
him appropriately, he, with the assistance of several other
Adams Edition inhuman supernatural beings, sank Mu beneath the waters
4” x 6 ¾”, bound in cracking black leather. No title on front of what is now the Pacific Ocean.
or spine, but does appear on the frontispiece. About 140 Imash-Mo, a loyal servant to Gahantanoha, seeks to
pages long. A title page lists a printer (Dunn and Greene instruct the readers in the worship of his god and the other
of Arkham) along with the year, 1794. There is also usually gods who destroyed the Muvians for their impertinence.
a painted plate included depicting Captain Hoag. The What follows is a curious pattern of questions asked
work is dedicated to his memory and a short introduction by the author followed by the appropriate response,
(by B[everly] H[oag] Adams) notes his nautical instructing the reader in the nature, rites, and strictures
accomplishments, describing the Scripture as an important of Gahantanoha and his brothers Soto Moga, Hithogga,
means to understand the heathen religion of the savages their ‘father’ Thooloo, and their aquatic servitors, a race of
of the Pacific in order to rescue them from darkness. The malign sentient sea-slugs and a race not quite men, not
work was published and bound poorly; most surviving quite fish, who dwell beneath the world’s oceans and live
copies are quite fragile and require careful handling. in thrall of the old gods of Mu.
The lessons that Imash-Mo imparts are wholly awful,
Copeland Version little more than a catalog of blasphemy and unquestioning
obedience to his masters under the threat of not just
A soft-backed academic edition (6½” x 10”) with the title
death, but sadistic torture and threats of terrible magical
given on the cover and spine. Printed by the Miskatonic
punishments — including being transformed to living
University Press in 1907, the work includes frequent
stone or being slowly devoured by any one of a dozen
endnotes and contains a few small diagrams and one
monstrous beings.
wholly unsatisfying blurry photograph of a single sheet
This faith is entirely organized and regulated by the
from the original version of the Scripture. Copeland’s work
aquatic fish-men, who have been granted dominion over
is 186 pages long.
man by ‘Thooloo, the Lord of the Ocean Abyss, himself.
Men are little more than cattle to these creatures (Imash-
Skimming Mo apparently being one of them), forced to interbreed
with them and provide frequent human sacrifices for their
A deeply disturbing work outlining the religious rites of
own rites to the gods.
an unnamed group dedicated to the “Lord of the Abyss,”
There is no hope in these pages, no future, save for
a monstrous aquatic being, and its offspring. The readers
an eternal service to the nightmarish gods and monsters
are instructed to obey the intermediaries of these gods,
of Mu, for even in servitude, it is clear the fate of men, as
especially their agents, a race of “men but not men” that
presented here, is first the extinction of the mind, followed
live beneath the waves.
later by the flesh.
The text is presented as a series of questions asked of
the author about the nature of the “Lord of the Abyss,”
its attendant beings, and the rites which propitiate them. Differences Between Editions
The author presents these entities as of great might and
While the preceding summaries outline the general
ceaseless cruelty, their malice only matched by their
contents of the varying editions of the Ponape Scripture,
seemingly impossible physical properties. The text often
there is content unique to the various different editions.
The Ponape Scripture • Research

The original papyrus version is the most complete. The

various rites and rituals are the most clearly explained INNSMOUTH AND THE ‘SCRIPTURE’
herein and the names of various entities are rendered
The Esoteric Order of Dagon, despite being a
most clearly, or at least as well as the human tongue
Mythos cult, is a human creation and as such has
can form.
at best only a partial and flawed understanding of
Copies of Hoag’s manuscript are generally similar
the Mythos. During the earliest days of the Order,
to the original, though the translation has frequent
some of its members attempted to expand their
inconsistencies of translation. Certain especially
knowledge beyond what Obed Marsh had learned
disturbing passages have been glossed over and
from Walakea and later from the Deep Ones. Among
elements of some rituals simplified. Anyone taking
the discoveries they made was the Ponape Scripture.
the time to compare this translation (or the Adams
Immediately recognizing its inhuman origins,
edition) who succeeds in an Idea roll comes to the
members of the Order began adopting certain ritual
conclusion that these omissions were deliberate.
elements from the book in a misguided attempt to
There are some textual variations between different
more fully worship ‘Dagon’. Eventually the Order had
copies of Hoag’s manuscript, suggesting that he was
a small run of copies of the Adams edition of the
revising his translation. It is possible that other material
Scripture printed to be circulated among its leaders.
normally omitted from this version is contained in a
As the Order became dominated by Innsmouth’s
specific manuscript; a letter from Captain Hoag to
hybrids, the importance of the Scripture waned,
one of his mysterious correspondents, a note about
though portions incorporated into the rites of the
translation from Yogash, diagrams of Naacal symbols,
E.O.D. remain. Certain members of the Order remain
explanatory notes about a particular spell, etc.
interested in acquiring select Mythos texts, such as
The Adams version clearly bowdlerized Hoag’s
one of Captain Hoag’s original manuscripts, though
manuscript, as anyone who compares the two will
for their own purposes. 
recognize. The most disturbing elements from
the original text have been omitted or sometimes
even changed to make less awful. There is also a
short introduction by Mrs. Beverly Hoag Adams,
Additional research, as determined by the Keeper,
explaining how she decided to have her grandfather’s
will uncover the specifics of the book (history, editions,
work published, to demonstrate his importance as an
translators) as outlined earlier in this article.
explorer and his (alleged) desire to convert the South
Seas heathens he encountered.
The Copeland version is heavily annotated and includes
a lengthy forward by Copeland outlining his gradual Today referred to as Pohnpei (meaning “upon a stone altar”
discovery of the underlying truth of Mu, highlighting in Pohnpeian), this is one of the largest of the Caroline
multiple parallels between widely disparate Polynesian Islands in the western Pacific, east-southeast of the
and Southeast Asian mythologies. Included as a Philippines, northeast of New Guinea; 6°53’N 158°14’E.
footnote, Copeland also compares the rites calling Like much of Micronesia, the island is thought to
upon “the Sea Brothers” described in the Scripture have been first settled more than four thousand years ago.
to certain rituals he witnessed practiced by a sect on Ponape’s settlers developed a distinctive language but had
Ouvéva Island (in the Loyalty Islands). no system of writing until one was created by German
missionaries in the 19th century. The island was generally
Research governed by a system of competing clans, though between
c. 1100 and 1600 the island was unified under the rule
Investigators can discover additional information on a wide of the Saudeleurs, a foreign dynasty who ruled from the
range of topics about and related to the Ponape Scripture. coastal city of Nan Madol.
The information presented here can be uncovered with a While Europeans first discovered the island in 1529,
single Library Use roll per topic unless otherwise noted. contact was rare until the 19th century. The Spanish claimed
the island in the 17th century but did not establish formal
The Ponape Scripture control until 1886. The island then passed to the Germans
(1899), then the Japanese (1914).
An obscure text (supposedly of Polynesian origins and
The ruined city of Nan Madol has attracted much
generally considered a hoax) which was ‘translated’ by a
attention from fringe writers, who view it as proof of
Professor Copeland and fatally damaged his academic
lost advanced ancient civilizations. Constructed atop an
career. The work was originally obtained a century earlier
off-shore reef (likely no earlier than 1200) the city was
by a Yankee merchant from the island of Ponape, hence the
a religious and administrative center for the island’s elite.
title. (The same can be learned through an Occult or halved
The structures there were formed by stacking naturally-
Archaeology or Anthropology roll.)
occurring columns of hexagonal basalt; many thousands
The Ponape Scripture • Research

of tons were brought here from elsewhere on the island Capt. Abner Ezekiel Hoag
to create structures up to fifty feet in height. Local oral
Little known beyond his connection to the Scripture,
tradition claims the city’s founders had great magical
discovering information about Captain Hoag is difficult
powers, including levitation, and were allied with dragons.
outside of Lovecraft Country. Fortunately several libraries
Beyond these prosaic facts, investigators making an
in the region have a copy of A History of Kingsport, from
Occult roll may also recall that the ruins of Nan Madol
Its Founding to the Centennial of the Republic (1880) which
are often seen as proof of the Muvian hypothesis — that
reports the following:
a now-lost continent (dubbed Mu) once stretched from
Japan to South America, and upon which arose the earliest Hoag, Capt. A(bner) E(zekiel)- b.1697 d. 1749.
civilizations of man. Son of Rev. Absalom Hoag (Salem) and Samantha Prescott
(Kingsport). Married Sarah Endicott 1721; five children.
Naacal Served on several of his uncle Benjamin Hoag’s ships
The odd system of writing used on the original version of including the whaler Winter and Lady of the Indies. Captain
this book has almost no parallels in other human writing of the Panther. One of the first of Massachusetts merchants
systems. Most sources identify Augustus Le Plongeon as to seek his fortune in the South Pacific. Excellent returns
the first to mention this language, claiming it to be the allowed him to retire from the sea in 1734 and devote himself
written script of Mu, though sources widely differ as to to the study of the many curios he carried back from the
the nature of the script (just as they do about the nature Islands, including a supposed heathen religious text (pub.
of Muvian society). Several alleged Muvian works are 1794). A native manservant lived in the Hoag household and
supposed to be written in the script, including The Zanthu was the source of much idle gossip for his Mongoloid visage,
Tablets and The Ponape Scripture, but are universally head-to-toe tattoos, and unfounded rumors of cannibalism
dismissed as frauds. Most supposed examples of Naacal and pagan devotions. Captain Hoag’s expertise in South Seas
bear little or no relation to each other. An Occult roll can matters was well-known and he was frequently consulted by
also provide this basic summary. sailors and speculators. He is buried in Kingport’s Central Hill
Burying Ground, along with his wife and an infant son.

Investigators seeking additional information on Hoag’s

Ponapean servant Yogash will find no record of him after
The Ponape Scripture • Availability

the Captain’s death. Curiously, they may note that a man Certain members of Miskatonic University’s
wanted in connection for a disturbance at the Sanbourne Anthropology department faculty — Drs. Bethnell and
Institute in 1928 very closely matches his description… Scottsdale — knew him best. Bethnell, the chair of the
department, is reluctant to speak about his now-fallen
Prof. Copeland colleague, but if his trust is gained he will frankly admit
that while he admired Copeland’s drive and curiosity, he
Born in 1860, this academic specialized in the aboriginal
could never understand what drove him to continue his Mu
peoples of the Pacific, particularly in Polynesia and
investigations, even as it destroyed not only his career but
Micronesia. A pioneering ethnographer, he spent much of
his life. Bethnell owns several of Copeland’s works (unread
the 1890s traveling in Asia and the Pacific. While his early
and unopened) and, at the Keeper’s discretion, is willing
work was very well regarded, his increasing obsession with
to loan them out. Dr. Scottsdale knew Copeland far less
the ‘Mu’ theories of Le Plongeon and Churchward derailed
well, having only been on the faculty together for a single
any further professional advancement and eventually made
year, but is more than happy to share his derision for “that
a laughingstock of him.
lunatic Copeland.” He is willing to expound ceaselessly
As part of this search for proof of Mu, in 1913 he
about the racial inferiority of Pacific Islanders and other
led an expedition inland from Rangoon towards a remote
Asiatics and how that unambiguously proves that such talk
portion of Tibet; Copeland was the only survivor. Three
of Mu is utter claptrap. Thule, on the other hand…
years later, he published The Zanthu Tablets, the translation
of a text he recovered during his expedition. He was forcibly
confined to an insane asylum soon after. He remained Availability
institutionalized until his death in 1926. His papers and
Ultimately, the availability of Mythos texts is left to the
other effects were donated to the Sanbourne Institute of
judgment of the Keeper based upon the needs of your game.
Pacific Antiquities.
What follows are our suggestions, based on the description
Should investigators have some connection to
for the Scripture from the original fiction, references from
Miskatonic University or contact Copeland’s former
previous Lovecraft Country (and other Call of Cthulhu)
colleagues or students, little more can be learned, save for
books, and the scope and content of real-world libraries.
the fact that Copeland, towards the end, began to express
a belief in the reality of reincarnation and suffered from a
Lovecraft Country
recurring series of increasingly-disturbing nightmares.
Kester Library, Salem — This little-known private
institution dedicated to folklore, history, and
archaic religious practices is also the home of the
original papyrus sheets recovered by Captain Hoag.
Investigators with academic credentials or those with
a high enough social standing (Credit Rating 40% or
higher) will be permitted to examine the aged sheets
as well as a corresponding Hoag manuscript. Hours
are limited to 10-4, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Also among the related papers are notes recording
Yogash’s translation of various symbols used in the
text. Investigators who study these may gain a very
rudimentary understanding of Nacaal script; a base
Read Naacal skill of ½ the investigator’s INT can be
gained with one week’s study.
Miskatonic University, Arkham (A620) — Miskatonic
University’s Orne Library has two copies of the text,
an Adams version as well as the Copeland translation.
Both have been quietly removed to the Restricted
Collection. There is a note to library staff instructing
them that anyone asking after either version is to be
referred to Dr. Llanfer.
While officially out of print (and with no plans
to release a new edition), it is possible that one or two
copies of the 1907 edition remain in the storerooms of
the Miskatonic University Press, mislaid, misplaced,
or used to level out an uneven table.

The Ponape Scripture • Availability

Professor Copeland prepared several other works that unknown connection. +1 Cthulhu Mythos, 0/1
might attract further investigator interest. All of these points of Sanity. 4 weeks to study.
books, save the last, were published by the Miskatonic (M) The Ponape Figurine (1910) — See the box opposite.
University Press. Expanded details of these works are (M) The Prehistoric Pacific in Light of the Ponape
left to the Keeper (and perhaps a future Arkham Gazette Scripture (1911) — A revision of his earlier work,
article). Considering how these works draw upon The attempting to incorporate Copeland’s discoveries
Ponape Scripture (and each other) the Keeper may wish regarding the existence of Mu, Cthulhu, the Deep
to consider them a series of derived works and limit the Ones, et cetera. While Copeland attempts to couch
Cthulhu Mythos skill increase. his discoveries in academic language, his claims
Those titles published by Miskatonic University (M) destroyed his career. +2 Cthulhu Mythos, 1/1d3
are generally available with a little searching — a Luck points of Sanity. 6 weeks to study.
roll for each day spent searching will locate one available The Zanthu Tablet: A Conjectural Translation (1916)
for sale. The Zanthu Tablets, despite being published only — Privately printed, this short work claims to be the
a few years previously, is more difficult to locate, with translation of a Muvian text recounting the fall of Mu
Luck rolls being made weekly. which Copeland discovered during the disastrous
„„ (M) Prehistory in the Pacific: A Preliminary Investigation Copeland-Ellington Expedition. +3 Cthulhu Mythos,
with Reference to the Myth Patterns of Southeast 1d3/1d6 points of Sanity. 8 weeks to study.
Asia (1902) — The work that cemented Copeland’s The Civilization of Mu: A Reconstruction in Light of
academic reputation. Considered the standard work Recent Discoveries, with a Synoptic Comparison of the
on the topic. No Cthulhu Mythos gain or Sanity cost; R’lyeh Text and the Ponape Scripture — Copeland’s
+1 Anthropology. 2 weeks to study. unpublished, incomplete, and generally incoherent
„„ (M) Polynesian Mythology (1906) — A mostly manuscript which is only held by the Sanbourne
conventional work but includes certain suggestive Institute. +5 Cthulhu Mythos, 1d4/1d10 points of
elements about widely dispersed mythological Sanity. 10 weeks to study. 
beliefs that suggest some underlying and otherwise

Kingsport Historical Society, Kingsport (K205) — Held Several members of the Esoteric Order of Dagon
in the Society’s small library are some of Capt. Hoag’s are thought to possess copies of the Adams edition
personal papers, including his heavily annotated (see page 36 for more information on this unofficial
personal manuscript of the Ponape Scripture. While printing). The Marsh Family (I302) owns one of the
most of the notes involve minor corrections to the rare manuscript versions.
text, some offer deeper insights into some of the rituals Members of the Miskatonic University faculty —
otherwise glossed over in the regular edition. like Dr. Bethnell, as mentioned earlier — may have
Kingsport Public Library (K517) — Investigators may be their own copies as well, either given as gifts by Dr.
surprised to learn a copy of the Adams version still Copeland or picked up incidentally, as academics are
remains in general circulation. The names recorded on wont to do.
the borrower’s card may be of great interest. Theft is
likely to be an issue if this version’s availability were to Elsewhere
become widely known.
A few larger libraries in New England own the Adams
Private collections, various — Investigators might be able
edition — the copy in Harvard’s Widener Library is in
to access other copies of this work, depending on their
long-term storage; Yale’s Sterling Memorial Library’s copy
social and professional connections.
was reported stolen in 1879. The Boston Public Library
Arkham’s Eye of Armara Society (A909) is known
has a copy of Copeland’s translation.
to have a copy of the 1907 version in its collection; from
The Sanbourne Institute for Pacific Antiquities in
comments made by Society members, this is a dog-
Santiago, California holds all of Professor Copeland’s
eared galley proof “borrowed” from the Miskatonic
notes and papers (as well as the original Zanthu Tablets),
University Press.
including his translational notes regarding the Ponape
Kingsport’s Terrible Old Man (K110), a
Scripture. Elsewhere in California, a copy of Copeland’s
contemporary of Capt. Hoag, owns a copy of the 1734
translation is part of the exclusive Zebulon Pharr Collection.
edition, though how investigators learn this, let alone
Only a few European libraries possess copies — the
convince the Old Man to permit them to consult it, is
British Museum Library has two copies of the Copeland
left to the Keeper.
version, one bearing marginal notes in an unknown cipher.
The Ponape Scripture • Availability


In 1909, a diver on the island of Ponape recovered a
bizarre, 19” high figurine of green-grey jade depicting a
nightmarish, chimeric monster, part lizard, part anemone,
and part starfish, inscribed with unknown symbols.
Tentatively identified as of Chinese manufacture, the
figurine was sold, eventually, to Professor Copeland, who
studied it as part of his research into Mu and the wider
Cthulhu Mythos.
In 1910 he published a small monograph presenting
his findings about the strange figurine, including a pair
of sketches of the figurine from both sides. Copeland
identified the figurine as a representation of a being
he called “Zoth-Ommog”, a monstrous alien referenced
in the mythologies of multiple cultures in Polynesia
and Southeast Asia — called Zatamaga by Cook
Islanders, Zhmog-yaa in New Guinea, and Z’otomogo
in the Marquesas. Additionally Copeland stated that
the inscription on the statuette was “R’lyehian”, an
ancient, possibly pre-human script used on the lost
continent of Mu.
The figurine itself has become the object of
much superstitious rumor. After Professor Copeland’s
death in 1926, it passed into the collection of the
Sanbourne Institute. Current plans to display it may be
put on hold due to a series of fatal accidents befalling
the museum staff.

+2 Cthulhu Mythos, 1/1d4 points of Sanity. No spells.

2 week to read and study. 

France’s Bibliothèque nationale houses a manuscript of Purchase

an incomplete French translation of the Adams edition,
Investigators seeking a copy of the Ponape Scripture have
discovered among the papers of the late Paul-Martin
several options, depending on which version they seek.
Reidelé (1831-99), a former colonial official in Tahiti and
As ever, it is left to the Keeper whether or not they wish
amateur anthropologist. Investigators who speak German
their players to obtain a copy. What we present here are
will also find references to several carved wooden boards
guidelines to rarity and difficulty in obtaining the book;
using unknown symbols (similar to the glyphs used in the
not rules that must strictly be adhered to.
Ponape Scripture) in the collection of Germany’s Museum
The original version recovered by Captain Hoag is
für Völkerkunde (Museum of Ethnology) in Berlin. The
unique and cannot be purchased at any price. It is possible
boards are described as recovered from Kusaie Island in
that similar texts, perhaps even a Muvian original, survive
1903; they are currently being restored and are unavailable
somewhere in the vastness of the Pacific… a whole
for examination.
scenario might be spun off of the search for a Muvian
Investigators who make a Library Use roll (or
copy of the work.
alternatively hire a clipping service to track down
Hoag’s handwritten manuscripts have never appeared
information about this work) uncover a short article (dated
for sale and would command a very high price, and would
to 1919) in the Sydney Morning Herald mentioning an
likely be the subject of much interest to certain individuals
American scholar who was sought by the University of
from Innsmouth or similar locations. The sale of a Hoag
Sydney for allegedly stealing a copy of the Adams version
version and the intrigue surrounding it might make a
from its library. The local authorities suspected he was
scenario unto itself.
using a pseudonym as his identification gave his name
Copies of the Adams edition are very rarely found on
as “John Scott.”
the open market and, due to their age and rumors about
the contents, often fetch a very high price. A ¼ Luck roll

The Ponape Scripture • Statistics, Quotes

may be attempted every three months to see if any become

available by catalogue or auction, though there are no SOURCES
guarantees the investigators can secure them. A select few
The Ponape Scripture was created by Lin Carter,
rare book dealers might possess or be able to get a hold
first appearing in his story “Out of the Ages.” It also
of a copy as well, for the right price for the right sort of
appears in “The Dweller in the Tomb” and “The Fisher
customer (a Credit Rating roll at a minimum should be
from Outside”, among others.
required). As with the Hoag manuscript version, all sorts
Other useful sources of information were:
of excitement may result from the sale of an Adams edition.
The (relatively) easiest version to obtain is of course The Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia by Daniel Harms.
the 1907 Copeland translation. While listed as out of print Various entries but especially The Ponape
by the Miskatonic University Press, it is possible that they Scripture, The Ponape Figurine, Harold Hadley
have a few copies misfiled or misplaced in their stock. Copeland, and The Sanbourne Institute of Pacific
Otherwise a Luck roll may uncover a copy for sale through Antiquities
a dealer or catalog; it is too recently published to appear
Ex Libris Miskatonici by Joan C. Stanley, p. 32-33
at auction. Investigators with connections in the fields of
anthropology or archaeology may, if making a successful “Fishbuchs” by Kevin Ross. The Unspeakable Oath #2,
skill check, recall a professional associate who has a copy p 44-48
who may be willing to lend it.
H.P. Lovecraft’s Kingsport by Kevin Ross, p. 47

Statistics Keeper’s Companion vol. 1, p. 70-71. 

As ever, the ultimate arbiter of the nature and content

of Mythos tomes should be the Keeper. These statistics
— the spells included within especially — should be
considered as suggestions rather than law. Spells in italics
are, at best, incomplete. What is to be given unto those who dwell beneath? All that
they wish, for they are mighty and we owe all unto them. Give
up your foodstuffs, and your goods, and your offspring. Give up
sanity loss :1d6+1/2d6+2; Cthulhu Mythos +12; average 42 your wives and your daughters, yourself and your sons. Give
weeks to study/84 hours to skim and deny them not.
spells : Contact Cthulhu, Contact Deep One, Contact Father What is to be taken from the brothers of the water? Any
Dagon, Contact Mother Hydra, Contact Yuggya, Contact child of them given unto you is a great boon and must be raised
Zoth-Ommog, Enchant Dream-Focus, Mist of R’lyeh, and cared for as your most precious own. Cause no harm unto
Wave of Oblivion the Children of the Ocean. Teach them the rites as we have
taught them unto you so that the Lord of the Abyss will be
appeased. Teach them to hold Him above all and to serve
sanity loss :1d4/1d8; Cthulhu Mythos +7; average 16 weeks Him and His Sons, for as His Sons serve Him, and the Ocean
to study/32 hours to skim Children serve Him, you serve them.
spells : Contact Cthulhu, Contact Deep One, Contact Father
What is the nature of the Great Lord and His sons? Know
Dagon, Contact Mother Hydra, Contact Yuggya, Contact
that the great one ‘Thooloo brought forth three sons from Idyeh,
Zoth-Ommog, Mist of R’lyeh, Wave of Oblivion
and they are Hithogga, the Deformed One of deep water, Soto
ADAMS EDITION Moga, His Home within the water, and Gahantanoha, the
One of the Hill. All mighty ‘Thooloo in great house in Rulah,
sanity loss :1d3/1d6; Cthulhu Mythos +5; average 10 weeks
the dwelling of water. All will rise up after moon and sun and
to study/20 hours to skim
moon again. They are chief over f ish and great ocean worms.
spells : None
Upon what Island were the Great Ones born? On the great sky
island of Kasob, in the black night sea, where the green suns
sanity loss :1d3/1d6; Cthulhu Mythos +6; average 13 weeks burn, beyond the lands of Habeth. They landed upon this shore
to study/26 hours to skim when the world was young, when land and waters were one.
spells : Contact Deep One When sky and ocean were one, They ruled then as they shall
rule again. When the kingdom of the Old Ones was a land
Note: While these stats are based on those provided in the
above the waters, when Mu waxed mighty, and His priests
Keeper’s Companion Vol. 1, they have been adjusted by
brought forth His worship and the worship of His Sons, They
the author, in particular the Sanity costs.
ruled as well. 

The Feejee Mermaid • Description

Curious New England

The Feejee Mermaid

by Bret Kramer

Mebbe they was the kind o’ critters as got all the mermaid
stories an’ sech started…

nvestigators seeking information on curious aquatic
humanoids are likely to come across references to this
infamous hoax. While there is no direction connection,
the location of the “mermaid’s” supposed discovery, the
mid-19th century dating of the find, and the actual New
England origins of this oddity all provide certain suggestive
hints to Innsmouth. Such hints, however — whether from
Barnum’s “mermaid” or from other related things — are
left to the Keeper, and they may be used as red herrings
as easily as they could be leads to that shadowed port.

Unlike traditional mermaids from mythology, the Feejee
(sometimes spelled Fejee or Fiji) Mermaid was not a
beautiful woman with a fish’s tail. It was much smaller
than a human, under four feet in height (or, perhaps we
should say, length), with features in the upper section
more reminiscent of an ape. The thing was apparently
female, with a pair of withered breasts. The hands were
claw-like, the teeth numerous and pointed, like the teeth
of a fish, and not those of a human or ape. For the sake of
preservation the body had been dried or cured by some
means, rendering the flesh blackish and causing the skin
to stretch and contort like a mummy. One contemporary
examiner described it thusly:
“[A] microscope actually revealed what seemed to be minute
f ish scales lying in myriads amongst the hair. The teeth and
formation of the f ingers and hands differed from those of any
monkey or orangoutang ever discovered while the location of
the f ins was different from any species of f ish. The mermaid
was an ugly dried up black-looking and diminutive specimen
about three feet long. Its mouth was open its tail turned over
and its arms thrown up as if it had died in the greatest agony.”
— Chambers’s Journal

We have two very different histories of the Feejee Mermaid
— the story that P.T. Barnum presented to visitors to his
“museum” and its actual history.
According to Barnum, the Mermaid was owned by
one Dr. J. Griffin of London’s esteemed Lyceum of Natural

The Feejee Mermaid • Display and Destruction, What Was It?

but the item’s exact status is unclear. Several of the

‘Mermaids’ that survived into the modern day claim to
be the original Feejee Mermaid (including one at Salem’s
Peabody Museum) but most are physically dissimilar from
contemporary descriptions of Barnum’s piece and all lack
documentary evidence to prove they are the original.

What Was It?

“Mr. Barnum confessed that he did not pursue his studies in
Natural History too far, or he might learn too much.”
– Francis Trevelyan Buckland, Curiosities
of Natural History.

Many observers at the time regarded the Mermaid as an

obvious hoax, a taxidermical ‘chimera’, blending bits of a
fish and some sort of monkey. The truth is more complex
and more interesting.
The Mermaid was almost certainly of Japanese
manufacture, constructed as part of a traditional belief
in creatures known as ningyo 人魚, literally “human fish.”
Ningyo were thought to be more bestial than the European
mermaid, sometimes little more than fish with a human
face, or at most with thin arms ending in claws. They were
believed to possess a variety of magical powers, including the
ability to grant magical favors in exchange for their freedom
History. Griffin in turn had obtained the creature, at great as well as flesh that, if eaten, would confer immortality.
expense, from the waters near the island of Fiji. From Preserved ‘ningyo’ were often displayed at traveling
there it had come to the United States, under a special Japanese festivals, similar to a carnival sideshow, called
arrangement by Mr. Barnum, for public display. misemono. There was a lucrative market in their manufacture
Barnum’s story is, of course, untrue. Dr. Griffin was in in the 18th and 19th centuries in Japan; the Feejee Mermaid
fact an accomplice of Barnum’s, and was neither British nor is thought to have been sold to its original British owner for
a naturalist. There was no such thing as London’s Lyceum about $6000 in 1822, roughly $120,000 in modern currency.
of Natural History. The ‘mermaid’ did not come from Fiji There are traditionally two different poses these
but was instead made by hand, probably in Japan. ‘mermaids’ took — one upright, with the one arm held up
In reality it was leased to Barnum by Moses Kimball, over the face, the other laying on its belly, arms stretched
proprietor of the Boston Museum, a ‘dime’ museum, a 19th forward as if crawling.
century tourist attraction, more like a carnival sideshow Modern scholars have examined several “mermaids”
rather than a scientific institution, where natural oddities, and determined that they are a combination of taxidermied
historical artifacts (of varying degrees of authenticity), animal remains and human manufacture. While the Feejee
and living and dead animal ‘freaks’ were put on display Mermaid itself has been lost, we can assume it was of a
for a paying audience. Kimball himself had purchased the similar make as to these still-surviving samples. The tail
“mermaid” from a British exhibitor who had obtained the portion was constructed using the body of a carp from the
original from its makers.

Display and Destruction

After the immediate public furor over the Mermaid (about
which see the box on the next page), it divided its time
between Barnum’s American Museum in New York City
and Kimball’s Boston Museum. On several occasions,
Barnum took the Mermaid on tour, including visits to the
American South and, later, London.
The ultimate fate of the Feejee Mermaid is uncertain.
Barnum’s Museum was destroyed in a fire in 1865; Kimball’s
Boston Museum suffered several fires subsequently. The
Mermaid was likely destroyed in one of these blazes,
The Feejee Mermaid • Scenario Hooks and Musings


A Taxedermical horror
Viscardi, Paolo et al. “Mermaids Uncovered.” Journal
of Museum Ethnography, # 27 (2014), pp. 98-116 char. rolls averages
STR 2d6 7
CON 4d6 14
SIZ 1d6+2 5-6
http://cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/ INT* 1d3+2 4
japanese-feejee-i/  POW* 1d6+3 6-7
DEX 3d6+2 12-13
move : 1 / 5 swimming HP 10
av . damage bonus : -1d6 to -1d4.
gills down. The upper body was made from a combination attacks : Bite: 60%, 1d4+DB
of carved wood, wire, and paper-mâché, as well as the jaw Claw (x2) 20%, 1d2+DB
of a fish. armor : 1-point of scales
(Readers hoping to make their own version of the spells : None, but see below*
‘Mermaid’ may consult the November 2009 issue of sanity loss : 0/1d6 points of Sanity
Fortean Times, which contains detailed instructions on * The statistics provided assume a Feejee
how to assemble one. Please pass along photos of your Mermaid is more animal than human. If the
completed “mermaid” should you construct your own.) Keeper is creating a ningyo, increase the INT
to 3d6+1, POW to 3d6. The ningyo would likely

Scenario Hooks and Musings have several spells, including Alter Weather,
Bait Human, Evil Eye, Raise Fog, and Wave of
While the Feejee Mermaid was a hoax, that does not mean Oblivion. Eating the flesh of a ningyo is said to
an enterprising Keeper cannot use it for their campaign. grant extended life or even immortality.
Though the Mermaid is thought lost, perhaps it
instead escaped the fire… why would someone want to
conceal its disappearance? To what ends? If the Keeper wishes to give weight to legends of
Why did Barnum suggest the Mermaid came from ningyo’s flesh granting immortality, the following
Fiji? Had he heard some rumors of inhuman fish-men in is suggested.
the South Seas? Someone who consumes ningyo flesh must roll
Considering the effect of viewing Ghatanothoa, is the on the Resistance table against a poison with a POT
Mermaid simply a young Deep One who fell afoul of the equal to the ningyo’s CON, or half the ningyo’s CON if
God of the Volcano? the flesh is well-cooked, or if they eat less than one
The scenario “Freak Show” (from Tales of the Miskatonic cup of flesh. If the Keeper is feeling cruel, anyone
Valley) involves a living creature similar to the ‘Feejee eating one of the ningyo’s organs automatically fails
Mermaid’, in this case a young Deep One held by a small the Resistance roll.
travelling circus. See page 112 for more information If the eater fails to resist the poison, they do, in
about this scenario. fact, become immortal. After a number of months
Mermaids and other preserved remains of unknown equal to half their CON, they start to display the
species often served as attractions in private ‘Curiosity physical traits of a Deep One hybrid — narrowing
Cabinets’, such as Kingsport’s Neil’s Curiosity Shop skull, bulging eyes, thinning lips, shifting nostrils
(K409) or the private Wilcox Museum in Arkham (see (0/1d4 SAN to notice, or 1/1d6 SAN if they know what
Arkham Gazette #1 p. 7). What if Wilcox used a more local it means). After a number of months equal to half
source for his ‘mermaid’? their POW they are afflicted with the psychic traits
In certain magical traditions, preserved fetuses are — a fascination with the sea and sensitivity to the
thought to form the basis of potent magical talismans. In dreams of dead Cthulhu. Eventually, the character
the case of the ‘mermaid’, it may be an immature Deep transforms wholly into a Deep One, living forever in
One taken and transformed by a particularly reckless the dark depths below. (See Escape from Innsmouth
human sorcerer, or perhaps it is a chimerical creation, for more on the Innsmouth Look and stages of Deep
assembled with human and fish parts with the intention of One transformation.) 
allowing its creator power or influence over the Deep Ones
themselves. Just how effective this magical artifact will be
is left to the Keeper. 

Innsmouth Curios • Polynesian Stick Map

New Items

Innsmouth Curios
by Bret Kramer and Ben Wenham with Chris Huth

In each case, the item was obtained by someone in or

Polynesian Stick Map around Innsmouth. The first two options suggest the owner
was one of the members of Obed Marsh’s crew on the
Sumatra Queen. The third option suggests it was secured
from the Hoag estate, by means legal or not, in Kingsport.
The final option might be something recovered by sailors
as a souvenir or something brought by one of the small
contingent of Ghatanothoa cultists drawn to the Boston area
by the dreadful ‘Eradinus’ mummy at the Cabot Museum.

Depending on the nature of the information contained
within the maps (see below), the map is either in the
possession of the Marsh family or their allies, forgotten in
some dusty attic or neglected corner of a once-great home,
held by some unaware third party, or held by someone
seeking information about the rise of Capt. Marsh and his
curious dealings in the Pacific.
If held by the Marshes or an ally, it can be a necessary
clue for investigators to recover from them. If forgotten
or lost, or possessed by an ignorant third party, the
investigators might be dispatched to recover it, either
knowing it contains some essential secret or perhaps only
realizing it has some deeper occult significance as part

of their investigation. Finally, if held by some enemy of
complicated grid of woven coconut fronds and
the Marshes and their allies, it might require finding a
shells, about 20” by 32”. An Anthropology roll can
specialist to make sense of the profoundly esoteric chart or
identify it as something akin to the so-called ‘stick
need to be secured against the agents of the Marsh family
maps’ made to assist traditional navigators in the Marshall
dispatched to recover it.
Islands. Traditionally each strand represents oceanic
currents encountered traveling from island to island, the
size and intensity reflected in the shape and thickness of
each strand. Unlike most maps produced in the Marshall The map shows some secret of the Deep Ones, long
Islands, which would only mark locations with cowrie sunken Mu, or even some outpost of lost R’lyeh. This
shells, this map uses a variety of shells, some quite could be as simple as revealing the location of the “island
uncommon or found only at extreme depths. The grid is east of Otaheité,” a map used by Walakea’s tribe to plan
extremely fragile and is at least fifty years old, if not older. kidnapping raids on their human neighbors, a guide
to other Deep One-tainted islands in Polynesia, or a
History directory of undersea sites of interest — sunken Muvian
locales, Deep One cities, titanic aquatic entities, or even
This is indeed a Polynesian navigational aid, though not
the drowned nightmare city of R’lyeh itself. Realizing
manufactured by any Marshall Islands’ native. There are
that the map is a record of places that should be utterly
several possible sources for the item:
inaccessible and unknown to any native Polynesian may
„„ Walakea’s tribe
cost 0/1d2 points of Sanity; this could be higher if the
„„ Human enemies of the hybrids there
map’s revelation is more terrible, such as depicting dozens
„„ Yogash, the associate of Capt. Hoag of Kingsport
of Deep One cities across the Pacific.
„„ Polynesian members of the Cult of Ghatanothoa
Innsmouth Curios • Powder Horn, Kanaka Carved Harpoon

Matt Eliot’s The exact contents of the horns are left to the Keeper

Powder Horn — the horn is effectively a historical MacGuffin which

is important only for its contents. Consider any of the
following options:
„„ Eliot gave a sworn statement against Obed Marsh
and left it in his family’s care. While something
happened to the horn before it reached the authorities,
contemporary investigators might find a historical
document detailing Marsh’s earliest contact with the
Deep Ones to the birth of the Esoteric Order of Dagon
vitally important, particularly in making the case to
Federal Authorities that something preternatural is
going on in Innsmouth.
„„ Eliot heard much from Walakea and the other
islanders. Perhaps he recorded some potent ritual-
Dismiss Father Dagon/Mother Hydra is just one
option, preserved the coordinates of where he buried
a coffer of ‘Star Stones’ recovered from the ruined
Deep One island, or otherwise secured some potent
supernatural aid against the Deep Ones and their
inhuman allies.
„„ Eliot learned of a particular flowering plant, native
An engraved ox horn, converted into a powderhorn. The
to only a few islands in Polynesia, which causes a
horn is 16 ½” long, capped with tarnished brass fittings; an
strong rash to anyone bearing the blood of the Deep
expert could date it to the Revolutionary War era or just
Ones. He stored some of these seeds in the horn for
before. The name ‘ELIOT, L’ has been carved into the horn
future use, but fell prey to Obed Marsh before he had
and darkened with lamp-black. The horn is battered and
a chance to use them. Investigators (and later, the
worn but generally intact despite being about one hundred
Federal Government) should be quite eager to find an
and fifty years old.
effective way of identifying Deep One hybrids. Even if
the seeds are no longer viable, a botanist might be able
History to identify the plant after examining them.
This horn was owned by members of the Eliot family,
including, ultimately Matt Eliot, first mate upon the
Sumatra Queen, an early opponent of Obed Marsh. Since
the whole of the Eliot family was wiped out during
Marsh’s rise to power or in the immediate aftermath of the
Kanaka Carved
‘riots’, few would recognize it today, except perhaps a few
genealogists or military historians particularly schooled in
the history of Massachusetts’ various town militias — the
horn was originally owned by Lemuel Eliot and was carried
by him during his service in the Continental Army. Before
A single-flued iron harpoon (of mid-19th century
his disappearance, Matt Eliot placed something important
manufacture) attached to an intricately carved wooden
in the disused but watertight horn for safe-keeping in case
handle. The whole item is 73” long; of that the metal
he was unable to persuade his old captain to give up the
portion is 24” with the remainder being wood. The ropes
dark bargain he had embarked upon.
normally attached to the harpoon have been severed,
though several sections remain cord-wrapped, suggesting
Placement it was intended for display. The exposed wooden sections
The horn might be found in many of Innsmouth’s are intricately carved in what superficially appears to be a
abandoned buildings, in the possession of some uncorrupted Polynesian style.
family (or in some forgotten corner of a hybrid family’s A closer look at the carved portion reveals that, instead
home), or held by some distant Eliot relation in one of of complex geometrical patterns, the carvings depict a
the many communities in the vicinity of Innsmouth. Eliot writhing mass of batrachian figures crawling, grappling,
was a Mason so it is possible he attempted to use those devouring, rutting, fighting, and less-clear activities.
connections, either to hide the horn or use it to pass along Other strange aquatic figures are intertwined among the
some urgent plea to the authorities. fish-frog creatures — squids with arms and legs, fanged
Innsmouth Curios • Crowder Family Bible

anemones, lizards-headed star-fish things. detail upon waking and will, without knowing how or why,
Anyone familiar with R’lyeh glyphs will know the name CTHULHU (costing 1d3/1d6+1 points of
recognize some of the figures as representing Sanity). The harpoon may also quicken the transformation
characters in that alien script; at the Keeper’s of a Deep One hybrid.
discretions some message or invocation might This is a sacred item to the hybrids of Innsmouth.
be discovered. The Marsh family will, if they discover its whereabouts,
do all they can to recover it, especially if it is possessed
History by humans.
This harpoon belonged to Aaron Court, one
of the sailors on the Sumatra Queen. Very early

The Crowder
on he was drawn to Walakea and his people.
Going increasingly ‘native’ on subsequent

Family Bible
visits, he eventually had his harpoon reworked
by the islanders. Court was one of the first
priests of the new Esoteric Order of Dagon
and he made use of his special harpoon
during certain offerings to the Deep Ones at
Devil Reef, having been assured the weapon
was now sacred to those who dwell in the
waters and their gods.

This is a family heirloom and as such might
still be in the possession of some descendent
of Obed Marsh’s crew, perhaps some relation
to Court — he had no children of his own —
might have it, or some other member of the
Esoteric Order of Dagon. It may also have
been lost when Marsh and his followers were
arrested, seized by the authorities, and then
forgotten after Marsh’s takeover. If discovered in some
ruined building or half-deserted Innsmouth manse, the
elaborate carvings would undoubtedly tempt all but the
This is a large (9”x13”) Bible, printed in 1821 in Hartford,
most dimwitted discoverer to consider it as, at a minimum,
Connecticut, and used by members of the Crowder family
a likely valuable piece of foreign art.
as their personal Bible. Several of the blank endpapers
have been covered in miniscule notes, in several hands,
Secrets recording the notable events — birth, marriages, deaths —
This weapon was transformed into a sacred tool for of the extended Crowder family. A carefully drawn family
sacrifice to the Deep Ones and other aquatic horrors. tree traces the Crowder line beginning in 1635.
Whenever it spills blood in open ocean water, it attracts
the nearest 1d3+1 Deep Ones; if it delivers the killing History
blow, the bearer will automatically cast Contact Cthulhu
The Crowder family are all descended from Amon Crowder
the next time they sleep (at no point cost though Sanity
who emigrated to the Massachusetts Bay colony in 1656,
losses still apply). Any aquatic beings associated with the
eventually settling in Ipswich. One of his sons, Belshazzar
Deep Ones or Cthulhu (such as Star Spawn of Cthulhu,
Crowder, relocated to Innsmouth and this Bible comes from
Thralls of Cthulhu, Father Dagon, Yuggs, etc.) will not
that line of the family. The Crowders, at the time of Obed
attack the bearer unless attacked first, though intelligent
Marsh’s rise to power, lived on one of the now-abandoned
creatures who discover that the bearer is not a priest of the
farms on the edge of the salt marshes surrounding the
Order (through observation or conversation) may attack at
town and as such were not directly affected by the “riot”
will. The harpoon will open the minds of anyone touching
and its aftermath, though at least one of the Crowder’s
it to the dream-sendings of Cthulhu; those rolling under
three sons was required to take Deep One wife when he
their POWx5 will have dreams of underwater cities,
reached maturity. By 1900 the family members had either
strange aquatic creatures, and nightmarish dim titans
died, were married into other Innsmouth families, or had
(costing 1/1d3 points of Sanity). Those who roll under
fled Innsmouth.
their POWx1 will be able to recall their dreams in great

Innsmouth Curios • Innsmouth Clay

Placement feel, and resists extremes of temperature, remaining roughly

room temperature unless subjected to very high heat. Most
This Bible might still be held by descendants of the
will balk at the odd and inexplicably greasy stuff.
Innsmouth Crowders, been unwittingly donated to one
Should the clay be subject to examination by an expert
of many location historical societies like the Arkham
(Chemistry or Geology skill of 60% or higher) with access to
Historical Society (A901) or Kingsport Historical Society
laboratory facilities, they can determine that the clay is a
(K205), or turn up in the now-deserted Crowder farm,
variety of marine clay, similar to gault, a blue clay found in
which sits isolated on one of the marshy plots that skirt
parts of Great Britain, though lacking in any of the large
the edge of Innsmouth.
marine fossils that clay is known for. Microscopic analysis
does reveal tiny fragments of seashells ground down to an
Secrets unusually consistent size. Interspersed amidst the layers
Coded references in the genealogical information of silicates are microscopic strands of some sort of elastic
contained within can provide at least partial insight into plant fiber or other organic residue.
which families are in part or wholly Deep One hybrids,
once the investigators realize that such a program is in place History
in Innsmouth. Even those not fully aware of the situation
This “clay” was discovered by the sculptor Jeffrey Corey who
in Innsmouth will recognize that whomever was keeping
lives in a cottage south of Innsmouth, just outside Boynton
track of marriages and births among the Crowders and their
Beach. Corey has recently returned to the the United States
relations regarded certain pairing and offspring as unusual
after several years in Paris, France, seeking an isolated
in some distinct and apparently undesirable way. Other
studio in the hopes of finding inspiration. He discovered
information might be contained within, scribbled into
several large masses of this strange clay on the beaches near
the margins, as the Keeper desires. Studying the cryptical
his cottage, taking most of it for use in his latest sculpture,
and guarded Crowder genealogy give the reader +2d6
“Goddess of the Sea.” Corey shared several samples with
points of Innsmouth Lore and costs 0/1d2 points of Sanity.
his friend Kenneth Shipman, and possibly with others.


Innsmouth Clay This clay might be discovered in Corey’s now-abandoned

studio, after his mysterious disappearance Ken Shipman
might possess some small samples of it. Likewise, Corey
had some occasional contact with the artist colony in
Kingsport, and might have shared some of the clay with
a fellow artist there. Other beachcombers besides Corey
might turn up some blue clay washed up along the shore near
Innsmouth; a specimen might be turned over to a scientist
or academic for study, drawing them into this mystery.

This material was formerly part of the undersea city of
Y ’ha-nthlei, an excretion of a certain variety of shoggoth,
which produces the material for construction purposes.
The resultant substances combines natural ocean clays
This entry is inspired by the August Derleth story “Innsmouth
with ground ingested shells and rocks as well as a matrix
Clay.” The story states that Jeffrey Corey discovered the titular
of shoggoth-stuff, that makes the substance easily shaped
clay in the immediate aftermath of the Innsmouth raid, almost
and molded via Deep One telepathy.
certainly heaved to the surface from the depths by the Navy’s
This material, while not intended for human use,
attack on Y ’ha-nthlei. Since the Lovecraft Country series has
affects humans exposed to it in several ways:
adjusted the date of the Raid on Innsmouth, we have modif ied
„„ Working with or examining the properties of the clay
the origins of this curio to reflect a “pre-Raid” timeline
costs 0/1d2 point of Sanity.
for its discovery.
„„ Physical contact with the clay opens the mind to visions
A blue-tinged clay smelling faintly of the sea, roughly of Y ’ha-nthlei (or whatever Deep One city is closest),
shaped into 12”x12”x6” blocks. The clay is, without being the duration and potency are left to the Keeper;
worked, somewhat prone to crumbling, but if kneaded, the the greater the exposure, the more severe the effect.
material is surprisingly elastic and resilient. The clay, if „„ Humans with some Deep One taint will suffer these
handled by an experienced sculptor (Art (Sculpture) of 20% effects even more profoundly. These dreams may
or higher) will note that the material possesses an unusual accelerate their transition from human to Deep One.

Innsmouth Curios • Carved Mermaid, White Fur Costume

Should the clay absorb enough quantities of organic

„„ Museum (now held by the Historical Society of that town);
material, it may take on the properties of the source see page 81. It might also be found washed up on shore,
creature and potentially even become animate. These left at the investigator’s room at the Gilman House as a
animate clay things will act like and, eventually, be warning, or in the pockets of a drowned sailor.
indistinguishable, from mundane varieties.
This isn’t simply a wooden statuette, but a supernatural

Carved Mermaid artifact. Consider any of the following powers:

„„ The statuette, when cast into the ocean, will attract
a Deep One — perhaps Conger’s peculiar friend —
usually within 1d3 hours.
„„ As with the above, but the Deep One attracted is
This curio was inspired by the August Conger himself. Depending on how he is treated,
Derleth story “The Fisherman of he may be cordial or enraged. While he may recall
Falcon Point.” with some fondness the humans of Falcon Point, his
loyalties are wholly with his new family in Y’ha-nthlei.
This is a roughly carved small
„„ Conger’s statuette is cursed, a malign token of the dark
wooden figurine, about 7” long, of
dreams of Cthulhu. Those who carry it are destined to
what appears to be a mermaid. The
drown; Swim, Navigate, and Pilot: Boat rolls are made
upper half is obviously human, with
at ½ as are all Luck rolls made on the open water. Like
flowing hair and bare breasts. A tiny
a bad penny it will keep turning up in the pockets of
bent wire crown has been carefully
drowned fishermen or clutched in the hands of another
set on the figurine’s head. The
waterlogged corpse. Cruel Keepers might imbue the
bottom half is overtly fish-like, with
statuette with the power to drive bearers to suicide,
each ‘leg’ being a codfish, including
losing 1d3 points of Sanity each day it is carried.
eyes and a mouth seeming to almost
engulf some appendage of the scaly
lower torso. A closer examination

The White Fur

notes two oddities in the upper
portion as well — there are faint

gills on the woman’s neck and the
teeth visible behind her full red lips
are shark-like. The whole piece has
been colored by the application of
several different waxes and lined
with carefully applied India ink. A costume, made from heavy white-furred hide and what
appears to be ivory, sized to fit a woman or a larger child
History (roughly 5’-4’6”), representing a strange six-legged beast.
There are two large tusks or possibly horns, a large fanged-
This weird carving was made by
lined mouth, and the hands end in long, yellowed claws.
Enoch Conger, of Falcon Point, a
The four surplus arms are held out from the body with a
physical embodiment of his beloved “mermaid,” a half-
simple harness of hide and bone. A Natural History or ½
human, half-fish he claimed to have rescued after finding
Biology roll can identify the component materials as polar
her entangled in his nets. After his disappearance, the piece
bear and seal fur, walrus ivory, and bones, mostly whale. An
was found among the other items in his shack in Falcon
Anthropology roll will recognize it as of Inuit (then usually
Point and pilfered, like the rest of Conger’s old things, by
called “Eskimo” by whites) manufacture; an impale result
the curious who came to see from where the eccentric old
will recognize it as a rarely mentioned personification of
man had disappeared.
blizzards, though there are no previously known examples
of it in traditional religious costume. A Cthulhu Mythos roll
Placement or access to texts like the Book of Eibon can identify this
This curio might be found anywhere one might justifiably as a stylized representation of the dreaded gnoph-keh, a
encounter a sailor or a sailor’s things in Lovecraft terrible creature of the far north said to control the wind.
Country, including Arkham’s Curios & Antiques (A418), The piece has been poorly cared for — the hide is
Miskatonic University’s Exhibit Museum (A624), held by shedding fur while the leather is cracked badly in several
one of the aged mariners at St. Erasmus’ Home (K103), spots; conservation efforts will be needed to preserve this
or sold at Curios & Gifts (K209). Alternatively, it could costume much longer.
be a forgotten relic of the Newburyport Marine Society’s
Innsmouth Curios • White Fur Costume

At the Keeper’s discretion wearing the costume might

aid in casting certain spells involving the gnoph-keh,
Ithaqua, or related entities; a +10% chance perhaps, higher
if the investigators can learn the appropriate Inuit ritual
associated with the costume.

Scenario Options
Here are three scenario options for the white fur suit; they
may be combined or modified as desired.
„„The Academic — The costume has attracted the
interest of one of the faculty of Miskatonic University
— Terrence Bhule (from The Trail of Tsathoggua) is one
option — who asks one or more of the investigators
to personally visit Innsmouth and attempt to borrow
the piece from the East India Marine Merchant Bank,
or at least get permission for the scholar to study it at
their “museum.” Having never been to Innsmouth, the
investigators’ academic associate might be shocked to
hear how poorly they are treated by the staff and other
locals. Potentially the Marsh family misinterprets their
interest in the costume as a cover for something more
dangerous for the Deep Ones; the investigators (and/or
History their friend) might be followed or surveilled, perhaps
even fall victim to theft or sabotage, at least until the
This costume was originally brought to Innsmouth in
Marsh family is sure they are who they claim to be.
1813, by the merchantman Jeremiah Gilman. Supposedly
„„The Cultist — The costume comes to the attention
purchased by Gilman the previous year from an
of someone with an inkling of the Mythos — perhaps
unidentified Norwegian on the west coast of Greenland,
a dabbler, a moderately talented sorcerer, or even a
during a mostly fruitless attempt to hunt whales in the
cultist of Ithaqua. They want the costume to further
Greenland Sea. The costume was donated to the little
some larger scheme, perhaps hoping it was actually
museum of the East India Marine Merchant’s Bank of
made from the (rare and supernaturally potent) hide
Innsmouth (I210) where it was displayed for many years.
of a gnoph-keh, or for use in a ritual, etc. Knowing
All of this information is (or at least was) displayed on a
that there are forces operating in Innsmouth they
card posted with the costume there.
do not wish to cross, the investigators might serve as
useful dupes to obtain the costume while distracting
Placement the Deep Ones and their hybrid allies.
Unless the Keeper wishes, the costume remains draped „„The Hooligans — The costume has been stolen! One
loosely over a rack at the Merchant’s museum in Innsmouth; or more of the ghastly Gilman boys (I401) snuck into
see below for some scenario options for this oddity. the East India Marine Merchant Bank while the scant
staff was at lunch and spirited away the costume and
Secrets one or two other items to amuse themselves with.
The bank’s manager, a pliant human named Robert
This is indeed a representation of a gnoph-keh, crafted
Jenckes, wants to avoid any strife with the E.o.D. and
probably some time in the 18th century by one of the
decides he might swap a favor with these outsiders —
degenerate, Hyperborean-descended tribal groups that
help him get the stolen goods back and he will help
have been encountered in Greenland. It was originally used
expedite whatever financial transactions are needed
in certain shamanic rites of the tribe invoking the powers of
by the investigators. The unfortunate Mrs. Gilman
the gnoph-keh and its supernatural might against enemies
can do little to help the investigators track down her
of the tribe — a careful examination of the costume can
malicious offspring, resulting in a wide-ranging hunt
locate dried blood in several crevices and faint traces of
for the boys anywhere the Keeper might like the
symbols of some sort daubed onto the hide. This is a very
investigators to explore. Eventually they should be run
degenerate form of the Hyperborean script Tsath-yo.
to ground but the condition of the costume might be
quite dire once they have finished “playing” with it.

Innsmouth Curios • Sketchbook of Aleksy Zamoyski

Zamoyski’s body was never found, just his satchel,

The Sketchbook of which was fished from the sea off Falcon Point.
Lucas Mackey (I703), once he is aware of the
Aleksy Zamoyski
investigator’s interest in Innsmouth, passes along the
sketchbook and asks them to look into the creator
and his final days. Mackey is using this to test the
investigators thoroughness and reliability in advance
of revealing his actual intentions to them.

Select one of the following options, as best supports your
game, or create your own:
„„ Zamoyski was indeed driven mad by his visions of
Cthulhu and the rise of R’lyeh. His psychic connection
to the Great Old One did not go unnoticed by the
Deep One hybrid priest of Innsmouth. The artist
was imprisoned by Jeremiah Brewster (I207), who
attempted to use the doomed Pole as a conduit
to Mighty Cthulhu himself. Certain sketches
This sketchbook has been battered and moisture-damaged.
in Zamoyski’s book might reveal where he was
The binding is starting to come apart, and some pages have
started to mildew. Where the book is legible, it contains
„„ Zamoyski was driven mad not just by Cthulhu but
dozens of sketches of the people of Innsmouth. The artist
by his own, previously unknown, connection to the
has captured them in their tumble-down poverty (and the
town. His mother had been one of the “Poles and
distinctive ‘Innsmouth Look’) in a sensitive, naturalistic
Portuguese who had tried [to settle in Innsmouth but]
sketching style. As the book progresses, the sketches
had been scattered in a peculiarly drastic fashion.”
become increasingly bizarre, and include drawings of alien
Zamoyski’s young mother, who had been impregnated
landscapes, a vast undersea city of impossible angles, and
by an Innsmouth local, returned to Poland but Aleksy
fantasies of some vast, bat-winged monster.
was drawn back to the town by forces beyond his
understanding. The transformed Aleksy Zamoyski is
History housed in a semi-ruined warehouse on Water street.
These sketches were rendered in 1925, by Aleksy Zamoyski, Mutated by his mental contact with Cthulhu, he is
a down-on-his-luck Polish artist. Zamoyski was an now a half-ton aquatic abomination (use the statistics
itinerant sketch-artist, drifting from town to town on the for a Thrall of Cthulhu on page 28 of The Malleus
east coast of the U.S. Due to his melancholic temperament Monstrorum) who spends his days singing bits of songs
(what would today be called bipolar disorder), he found in his native Polish and drawing nightmare vistas of
it challenging to hold down a job. Zamoyski arrived in R’lyeh on every surface. When he sleeps, he is watched
Kingsport in 1924, drawn to the artist colony there, but over by a pair of hybrid priests, hoping to record some
never really became a part of it. Like many other sensitive fragment of Cthulhu’s thoughts, whispered from what
minds in the late winter of 1925, R’lyeh’s rise pushed him were once the artist’s lips.
towards madness. On March 1st of that year Zamoyski was „„ Zamoyski was fully human but due to his contact with
found dead in nearby Innsmouth. Cthulhu, the Deep One hybrids of Innsmouth decided
to capture him in order to exploit his dream contact
Placement with Cthulhu. He lives still, though physically decrepit
and his mind thoroughly damaged, imprisoned in
The Keeper may place the sketchbook in many places in
a room beneath the Esoteric Order of Dagon Hall
and around Innsmouth
(I207) or the Marsh Mansion (I302), or one of the
„„ The sketchbook was hidden under a floorboard at the
city’s corrupted churches. He is forced to record his
Gilman House Hotel (I703).
every inkling of the dead city of R’lyeh, despite his
„„ Zamoyski’s effects, including his notebook, were
link to Cthulhu ending almost entirely by mid-May
passed along to one of his acquaintances in Kingsport
of 1925. 
— Corla Fistiene is a romantic option, Elizabeth
Brundage a more maternal one (see H.P. Lovecraft’s
Kingsport p. 106). They might offer up his sketchbook
to someone investigating Innsmouth or, optionally,
as a lead upon hiring the investigators to discover
the artist’s fate in Innsmouth. In this latter option,
Innsmouth Gold • Where It Can Be Found

Deep Background

Innsmouth Gold
by Bret Kramer

[He] says the natives around thar… sported bracelets an’

armlets an’ head rigs made aout o’ a queer kind o’ gold an’
Lovecraft Country
covered with picters o’ monsters… sorter f ish-like frogs or
froglike f ishes that was drawed in all kinds o’ positions likes Newburyport Historical Society
they was human bein’s…
[I]t was clearly enough a sort of tiara, as the description had
The material seemed to be predominantly gold, though a
said. It was tall in front, and with a very large and curiously
weird lighter lustrousness hinted at some strange alloy with an
irregular periphery, as if designed for a head of almost
equally beautiful and scarcely identif iable metal.

freakishly elliptical outline… [with] striking and puzzlingly
he shadow that fell over Innsmouth was in part untraditional designs — some simply geometrical, and some
a golden one, as it was Obed Marsh’s lust for the plainly marine — chased or moulded in high relief on its surface
metal that drew him into his unholy alliance with with a craftsmanship of incredible skill and grace…. Among
the Deep Ones. The gold supplied to Marsh and his these reliefs were fabulous monsters of abhorrent grotesqueness
descendants is the easiest pieces of evidence pointing and malignity — half ichthyic and half batrachian in suggestion
towards Innsmouth’s unnatural circumstances. Several
The tiara on display in Newburyport is probably the best
pieces of Innsmouth’s weirdly shaped white gold jewelry
known example of Innsmouth jewelry. Its existence is
can be located at museums in the region, and the Marsh
the most often mentioned in the usual Massachusetts or
refinery continues to sell small amounts of gold bullion.
Essex County histories and it is likely the first sample of
Investigators looking into the secrest of Innsmouth are
Innsmouth gold of which investigators are likely to learn.
likely to come into the possession of a sample of Innsmouth
There are no photographs of the piece in print sources
gold, at least temporarily, and here we examine what they
but the descriptions typically describe it as of Asian
can learn from, and about, the gold, and what dangers
manufacture, brought back on one of Innsmouth’s many
come with that knowledge.
merchant ships.
The Newburyport Historical Society, at the corner of
High and Winter Streets, is open Monday through Friday

Where It 10 am to 3 pm and from 12 pm to 4 pm on Saturdays.

The current curator is the elderly Miss Anna Tilton,

Can Be Found who is happy to discuss the tiara at length with anyone
demonstrating some knowledge on the subject (a History,
Anthropology, Art, or even a Know roll may suffice).
The tiara itself — displayed on a velvet pillow in a
dusty case in one corner of the Society’s exhibit room —
Lovecraft mentions at least two places where examples is oblong and would not fit well on any normal human
of Innsmouth gold can be viewed — in Arkham at head. The weird geometric designs and nightmarish
the Miskatonic University Exhibit Museum and at aquatic figures match no human culture or artistic styles,
Newburyport’s Historical Society. Additionally. he also something that an expert can determine, though at a cost
mentions that some of Obed Marsh’s crewmen brought of 0/1 points of Sanity. Tilton will not permit the piece
back Deep One gold “an’ dispose[d] of it naow and then” as to be removed from the display for examination or study
well as pieces of “jewelry that the sailors and refinery men without some extreme necessity or the express consent of
sometimes sold on the sly.” It is reasonable to assume that the Historical Society’s board of directors.
careful investigators will be able to obtain some example of Tilton is happy to relate the history of the piece,
Innsmouth gold without ever having set foot in Innsmouth as far as she knows it. It was purchased by an unknown
itself. What follows are a list of locations and sources — donor from a Newburyport jeweler in 1873, having
drawn from statements and infereneces in fiction and been previously pawned by a drunken Innsmouth sailor.
gaming material — where such specimens might be found. The sailor, his name now lost, was soon after killed in a
brawl. When the Historical Society was founded in 1877

Innsmouth Gold • Where It Can Be Found

be some sort of twisting worm or slug, ending in a circular

lamprey-like mouth surrounded by teeth or tendrils. A
Cthulhu Mythos roll identifies it as a Yugg (0/1 Sanity).

Caselius Fine Jewelers

Investigators who frequent Arkham’s shopping district
might recall seeing similar pieces on display at Caselius Fine
Jewelers (A424B) on Church Street. Scattered amid a tray
of mundane pieces are a ring, a necklace, and an irregularly
shaped pendant or possibly gorget. The ring is unnaturally
large, with a diameter of over one inch, and contains
nearly an ounce of gold. The necklace, about 16” long, is
far more delicate. Closer examination notes that each link
has been engraved with tiny scales. Finally the pendant,
which is about 3” across, depicts a monstrous aquatic being
with a fish-head and an amorphous body curling out
the piece was part of the original collection. While the from which can be seen several tentacles or pseudopods.
identification card suggests it was manufactured in French All three pieces were given to Mr. Caselius as collateral
Indo-China or perhaps India, she is uncertain of who made on a personal loan to the jeweler Edgar Waite (A422),
that designation or upon what basis; it was before her time. formerly of Innsmouth. Out of loyalty to the younger
Tilton will also admit that the Marsh family of man, Caselius will generally refuse to part with any of the
Innsmouth has made several attempts to purchase the tiara pieces, though an exceedingly generous offer will tempt
at increasingly outrageous prices. These offers, she feels, are him. For his part, Waite nervously works to pay off his
proof that Obed Marsh discovered some sort of pirate horde debt to Caselius, fearful that his purloined jewelry might
and that his descendants would like to protect his (and be noticed by someone from his former home.
their) reputation. Considering the depravity of the foreign
cult he and his friends imported, she sees no real chance Rev. Ezekiel Wallace
that the Marsh family’s reputation can been redeemed.
Though it is unlikely that investigators will learn of the
She is unwilling to discuss the dark stories surrounding
minister’s growing concern over the circumstances of
the piece. If asked about rumors that the tiara moves when
Innsmouth during their preliminary investigations, Rev.
not watched or sometimes sweats sea-water, she refuses
Ezekiel Wallace of Arkham’s Asbury M.E. Church (A208)
to comment.
has in his possession several pieces of evidence suggesting
something unnatural has occurred in Innsmouth, including
Miskatonic University Exhibit Museum a fragmentary gold tablet of the same strange white gold.
Located on the campus of Miskatonic University (A624), The tablet, measuring 2” x 4” and just over ½” thick,
the Miskatonic University Exhibit Museum houses a depicts a crouching priapic humanoid with protuberant
substantial collection of artifacts from around the world. eyes, webbed hands and feet, and gills. Below the figure are
As part of that collection are five specimens of Innsmouth curious symbols; a Cthulhu Mythos roll can recognize these
gold — a necklace, a small tiara, and three bracelets. The as R’lyeh glyphs. On the reverse someone has roughly
quintet is displayed in the corner of the Contemporary scratched, in English, the word “Dagon.”
Cultures hall in a case dedicated to New England folk art. The tablet seems to have been broken from a larger
They are identified with a card that simply says they come plate or tablet. All but the bottom sides are irregular and
from Innsmouth, Massachusetts. Should investigators suggest substantial force was used to separate this piece
somehow gain access to the museum’s records, they would from the whole. Rev. Wallace can relate a few more details
learn that two of the pieces were anonymous donations, about the piece; it was purchased from a Boston jeweler
while the others were purchased from jewelers or antique who discovered it among a stock of scrap gold. The piece
shops in New England, all between 1839 and 1880. had been shown around to several academic groups in the
All five are made of that strange whitish gold, shaped city just before the start of the Great War, seeking some
into a mixture of ichthyoid figures and geometric shapes. explanation of its origins (or its somewhat curious physical
The tiara depicts two large fish, tails raised, behind which properties). The fragment was sold to a Professor of Greek
squats a curious toad-thing. It would fit most adult heads, history at Amherst who in turn sold it to Rev. Wallace, a
but the proportions make wearing it uncomfortable. The fellow Yale alumnus, after his return to the United States
necklace is formed of irregular links, carefully crafted to due to his interest in such matters. While his former
look like fish bones. The bracelets are too large to be worn schoolmate thought the tablet was perhaps of an obscure
comfortably. Two are mostly geometrical in design, with electrum alloy, perhaps Minoan in origin — the script being
hints of coral forms or aquatic life. The third appears to possibly Linear A or even Cretan Hieroglyphics with the
Innsmouth Gold • Where It Can Be Found

male figure some sort of Chthonic religious figure, even a it. The expedition launched from Boston and that city is
primitive form of Poseidon — Rev. Wallace knows better. the likeliest point for one of the raiders to have sold (or
perhaps lost in a card game, pawned, had stolen, etc.) some
Boston Innsmouth gold. In the late 1920s Boston has two naval
facilities — the Charleston Navy Yard (which also houses
“A guardian had deposited funds in a Boston bank to maintain
a Marine barracks) and the South Boston Naval Annex.
her and her French governess… The Frenchwoman — now
Sailors and Marines often frequent Boston’s seedy Scollay
long dead — was very taciturn, and there were those who said
Square, an area known for prostitution, gambling, and
she would have told more than she did.”
pawn shops. It is a likely point for Innsmouth gold to be
It is possible that some portion of these funds set aside lost… or found.
for the young Marsh girl’s education were in the form of
Innsmouth gold, either jewelry or converted to ingots, or
that one or more pieces of jewelry were sold in Boston to
Points Beyond
raise money. Likewise some portion of these funds might “[The jewelry was of a] very grotesque and almost repulsive
yet linger in one or more vaults. The gold tablet fragment design, and had never to his knowledge been publicly worn...
now held by Rev. Wallace might be part of this or a similar Vague legends of bad luck clustered around them, and my great-
deposit — there is every possibility that the Olmsteads grandmother’s French governess had said they ought not to be
were not the only family duped into marrying a Marsh worn in New England, though it would be quite safe to wear
or another member of Innsmouth’s leading families. No them in Europe.”
doubt any bank still holding some piece of Innsmouth
Other specimens of Deep One jewelry unconnected to
jewelry might seek out academics or specialists to identify
Innsmouth may be located by diligent research. Once the
and evaluate it, potentially attracting the attention of the
investigators have a basic familiarity with the details of
Marshes as well as the investigators.
the material and design of Innsmouth jewelry, they may
Boston is also the most likely spot for purloined
uncover one or more of these similar pieces. A minimum of
pieces of Innsmouth gold to be sold by larcenous refinery
one Library Use roll should be required for each discovery;
employees or corrupt factory inspectors. Pieces of jewelry
additional language skills may be called for as well.
might be fenced with the help of one or more of Boston’s mob
groups — in the West End, North End, or South Boston
Manila, Philippines
— or refined ingots sold legally, if covertly, to jewelers.
After the raid on Innsmouth, it is possible that one or A gold tiara, thought to be of Aztec manufacture, is listed
more raiders may have obtained a specimen of Innsmouth in a 1913 catalog of the Philippines Library and Museum
gold, either as a souvenir or with the intention of selling in Manila. The tiara is said to be made from a white gold
alloy and depicts a deformed human figure flanked by
stylized fishes. No illustration is given but the item was said
to have been recovered from a Spanish wreck in Manila
Bay circa 1909 and was damaged in recovery, causing its
unusual proportions. The piece has twice been the target of
thieves (both unsuccessful), one fellow going so far as to
gain employment at the museum as custodian.

Shetland, United Kingdom

Several Scottish newspaper reports dating 1856-7 describe
a find of a ‘Viking gold’ horde in the Scalloway Islands
by some local fishermen. The fishermen had apparently
quarreled over their find, resulting in the death of one
man and the near fatal stabbing of another before the
matter came to the attention of the authorities. Much
of the hoard consisted of thick white-gold chain, along
with a few necklaces, bracelets, and “a small ladies’ crown.”
According to the fishermen they had been buried in a large
iron pot near a ruined hut, though the specific island is
not mentioned. As for the jewelry, described as likely of
Arab or Byzantine manufacture due to its aquatic themes
and “Oriental decadence,” it disappeared in shipment to
Glasgow before it could be further examined.

Innsmouth Gold • Selling and Buying


Selling and Buying
Despite the hopes of several early explorers, there
have never been any productive gold mines in New
England. While on rare occasions small grains and
even nuggets have been uncovered in streams, To fund their activities, the Marsh family sells the gold
there have never been active gold mines in any they “refine” at their plant in Innsmouth to buyers in New
New England state — save in Vermont, which had England and beyond. It is possible that investigators may
its own miniature gold rush around Bridgewater be able to track some of these smelted Innsmouth gold
and Plymouth in the mid-19 th century. None of bars to their new owners. Discovering where and to whom
these Vermont mines ever turned a profit however the gold is sold is a difficult endeavor. The Marsh family
and there were accusations of fraud that called the and the refinery staff are entirely unwilling to discuss their
whole enterprise into doubt. Some legends claim customers, and anyone who lingers too long in Innsmouth
that John Winthrop the Younger, former governor after asking too many questions tends to disappear.
of Connecticut (and an alchemist), discovered Persistent and careful investigators do have several options
a source of gold at Great Hill in East Haddam, to track down Marsh refinery gold after sale.
Connecticut (very near to the site of the infamous
‘Moodus Noises’) but, despite some gold ore being Surveillance
located there in the 1980s, no significant vein
A dangerous option, considering the difficulty of
was ever discovered.
remaining undiscovered by Innsmouth’s hybrids, but one
Innsmouth is not the only town with legends of
that will yield good results — it worked for the Bureau of
secret gold mines in Lovecraft Country. In the obscure
Investigations, after all. All sales and other transactions are
rural village of Dunwich there have long swirled
handled out of the Marsh Refinery business office (I707)
rumors of gold being discovered, either from a mine,
on New Town Square. Shipments of gold are handled by
a stolen horde, or even alchemy, though like most
refinery employees who transport the gold ingots directly
tales out of such places, sensible people disregard
from the refinery (I501) by truck.
them as the delusions of ill-lettered bumpkins. 
Ultimately it is left to the Keeper to work out the
logistics and the challenges required to successfully
observe the refinery or the business office; consider the
factors discussed below and complicate or simplify things
Amami Islands, Japan for your players as desired.
In the diary of Jeroen Taffe, an otherwise unremarkable In the case of the factory, there are several abandoned
captain for the Dutch East India Company, there is his warehouses and disused factories in the area that overlook
account of being forced by a storm to seek harbor on the refinery; entering and exiting unnoticed should require
an unspecified small island in the Amami archipelago at least one Sneak roll apiece and a Conceal roll to remain
in 1610. There, he discovered the burned remains of a unnoticed during the period of surveillance. Following a
village. Assuming that it had been destroyed as part of the delivery truck is another matter entirely; concealing an
Satsuman invasion of the region, Taffe ordered his men automobile or even a motorcycle is challenging (at least
to replenish their stocks, repair the sails, and to look for one Hide roll), following and remaining unnoticed nearly
any survivors so that they might purchase supplies. Several impossible due to Innsmouth’s empty streets (Drive Auto
charred bodies were located, one of whom was wearing what and Sneak rolls at a minimum; Luck rolls and additional
Taffe described as ‘Chinese’ jewelry: a white-gold bracelet other rolls may be necessary for enough other traffic to use
depicting entwined seaweed and frogs. He took the bracelet as concealment).
when the ship departed two days later. A footnote states As for the business office, surveillance may be possible,
that it was on display in the Mauritshuis in The Hague though with similar difficulties as are faced at the factory.
as part of its display of Asian art but it disappeared some The Gilman House Hotel (I703) is directly across New
time before the dedication of the Rijksmuseum in 1885. Town Square from the office and many of Innsmouth’s still
The diary was published, in English, by the Hakluyt operating businesses are in the vicinity, which allows some
Society (collected along with three other V.O.C. captains) possibility of covert observation of the office’s entrance on
in 1878. Federal Street. Officially open 9 am to 5 pm every weekday,
Unfortunately for overly curious investigators, the office often keeps far shorter hours based on the whims
discovering evidence that suggests the Deep Ones are a of Jacob Marsh, a oleaginous, smarmy glad-hander (and
global phenomenon not limited to a single accursed spot son of refinery owner Sebastian Marsh). Marsh comes late
has a Sanity cost of 1d2/1d6+1 points. and leaves early, leaving his secretary Lucy James to mind
the office (and complete another hand of solitaire). Visitors
to the office are rare; for every hour spent observing
Innsmouth Gold • Selling and Buying

the entrance there is only a 10% cumulative chance of a front door and Marsh’s office door are both locked (STR
customer coming by (and on any roll ending in a 0 Marsh 12 doors) and all of the firm’s records, such as they are, are
goes home for the day, closing the office). Additionally, kept in a locked filing cabinet (STR 9). The papers not only
while the New Town Square is probably the busiest spot record, erratically, the names of refined gold purchasers
in Innsmouth (for humans, at least), out-of-towners who but the suppliers of their raw ore. As with the papers at
linger will attract dangerous attention from the authorities. the refinery itself, an Accounting roll can determine that
The Keeper may call for Fast Talk, Sneak, Hide, or Luck the refinery takes in far too little ore compared to their
rolls to avoid attention. Investigators may also attempt finished output even under ideal conditions, let alone with
to observe the office from the Gilman House Hotel but the low-grade ore they purchase.
the desk manager generally avoids putting anyone in the
rooms best overlooking the entrance. Sneaking into an Purchase by Subterfuge
unoccupied room is not particularly difficult (Sneak rolls
Quicker than surveillance, but no less risky, investigators
are doubled) but anyone found skulking about the hotel
may attempt to purchase a sample of Innsmouth gold
will be dealt with harshly.
directly from the refinery. There are several layers of
Determining the identity of refinery customers can be
difficulty that they must overcome here:
challenging. If they arrived by car, one might surreptitiously
„„ Credentials — While the Marsh Refinery is not the
gain information off the registration card mounted on
most sophisticated enterprise, they will not simply sell
the steering column (depending on the state of the car’s
gold to anyone showing up at their office and waving
registration) or copy down the license plate number and
cash about. Investigators approaching Jacob Marsh at
attempt to determine the owner that way.
his office must be able to demonstrate that they are
A better plan might simply stake out the main roads
employed by or acting on the behalf of a legitimate
out of Innsmouth for a shipment departing the refinery.
buyer. Either a legitimate company should be used or
Such deliveries occur weekly at most; most shipments
a reasonably thorough fake one created (with business
would go south along Federal Street (and then Arkham
cards, a letterhead, perhaps a telephone number).
Road) towards Arkham and Boston, though some might
„„ Expertise — Marsh will be deeply suspicious of
take Federal Street north through town to Newburyport
anyone who does not seem to have an understanding
Road. Following a delivery truck outside of Innsmouth’s
of the basic elements of gold buying and selling, as
lonely streets is easier, requiring only a few Drive Auto rolls
well as whatever their ostensible industry is. Some
(at a minimum). Recognizing a truck from the refinery
academic skills may be of help here (Chemistry, Geology,
would require familiarity with the facility; the trucks are
and Natural History are all possibilities) but penalize
not marked or bear any signage.
Fast Talk rolls for anyone who fails to research their
supposed industry.
Theft „„ Financing and respectability — Once an agreement
Those inclined towards slightly less covert methods might is struck the investigators will still need to secure
simply use the old Call of Cthulhu standby of breaking financing to pay for their purchase. Most gold
and entering. payments will be done by cashier’s check. Cash is a
By day, the factory grounds are nearly impossible to possibility but raises Jacob Marsh’s suspicions. A
enter unnoticed due to the presence of the employees. Credit Rating check will likely be necessary. Likewise
By night, there is only one guardsman, but he is under investigators with criminal histories or those with a
orders to shoot to kill. At the factory itself are a scattering reputation for dealing in occult matters — especially
of records, kept only haphazardly, mostly consisting of if they have been publicly involved in anti-Mythos
production and delivery orders (often addresses only) in activity! — will be refused.
Jacob Marsh’s sloppy handwriting It takes a thorough „„ No small orders — Marsh will not agree to any
search of the facility to find the records, considering the purchased of less than $2000. Those looking to do this
poor state of organization there. While finding the names on the cheap will be referred elsewhere.
and addresses of buyers is a simple matter with these „„ Caution trumps Greed — Most of these conditions
records, getting any deeper understanding of the workings may be overcome if Jacob Marsh thinks he will
of the refinery (and uncovering the various signs that no personally profit from the deal; bribery is a viable
gold is actually being refined, etc.) would require at least option. There is a point of diminishing returns however;
one Accounting roll. The “ore” that the factory purchases, if the bribe or offer seems excessive it is likely that
irregularly at best, mostly comes from abroad and, should Sebastian Marsh, the refinery’s nominal owner, will be
this lead be pursued, comes from mines only sometimes alerted to the deal and will be on guard. The Deep
producing gold ores. Ones and their hybrid allies have remained hidden
Breaking into the refinery’s business office is for eight decades. They are not typically reckless.
challenging but not impossible. The greatest danger comes At a minimum any overly generous deal will inspire
simply from moving about in Innsmouth at night. The one or both Marshes to increase their scrutiny of the

Innsmouth Gold • Selling and Buying

investigators. When in doubt, the gold purchase will

be finalized at the refinery itself, allowing the hybrids IDLE SPECULATION
to search the investigators’ and their transportation.
Among those aware of the Marsh refinery in
Innsmouth, there is a great deal of speculation
Factory Inspectors about the source of the Marsh refinery’s gold ore,
The safest method, though providing somewhat more ranging from the unlikely to the absurd.
limited information, is to simply interview one or more The most common theory (and one that
of the factory inspectors who have visited the Marsh Innsmouth’s hybrids stoked rumors of ) is that Obed
Refinery. Locating the name of one or more inspectors Marsh discovered a stash of pirate gold, either on
simply requires a Library Use roll. Gaining their confidence Devil Reef or somewhere in the South Pacific. Treasure
should require at least a plausible explanation as to their hunters are in for a most rude surprise should they
interest and perhaps a Fast Talk or Persuade roll. Innsmouth attempt to track down Marsh’s supposed hoard…
has a poor reputation — and perhaps even a dangerous Another popular rumor is that the Marsh family
one among state and federal agencies, considering the is engaged in smuggling, either contraband or
fate of some men assigned to visit it — so investigators liquor. This rumor is more common further from
are at an advantage if they make clear they are working Innsmouth, as those living closer by are aware
against the Marshes and their allies, unless, as noted that the liquor sold in large quantities within
below, the inspectors are on the Marsh payroll. A Luck roll Innsmouth are brought into town from Arkham by
may be in order. the O’Bannion Gang.
Most will relay similar information about the Marsh Investigators who somehow track down one
facility — that it is poorly run and maintained, has often or more factory inspectors who have visited the
paid fines for poor conditions but makes necessary repairs Marsh Refinery may hear another theory — that
and upgrades after some pressure, that the workers are the Marsh family has been secretly dredging
ill-mannered, often crippled or hunched fellows, and that the sea floor, either off Innsmouth or further
the owners are unpleasant and somewhat unnerving. It is afield, in order to collect a heretofore unknown
possible they may be able to recall the identities of some source of gold ore. While ocean mining is still in
of the refinery’s customers (see ‘Gold Buyers’ below) if its infancy even in the modern day, the existence
the Keeper wishes. There is some chance that a particular of gold and other metals in the ocean was common
inspector has been bribed by the Marsh family to ignore knowledge by the 1920s (see ‘The Rise and Fall of the
dubious safety practices and conditions. These fellows Electrolytic Marine Salts Company,’ opposite). 
might downplay the problems at the factory and would
seek to protect themselves from future problems. It is even
possible they might contact Jacob Marsh and inform him
that the investigators are asking questions. „„ The Lewis Dental School. Located in Portland,
One final element to consider is that, either while Maine. The school trains dentists, which includes
looking for or interviewing factory inspectors, the training in the creation of gold amalgam fillings, the
investigators might learn about George Cole, the former gold for which they purchase from the Marshes once
factory inspector now confined to the Massachusetts State or twice a year.
(Mental) Hospital in Danvers; see Escape from Innsmouth „„ Thierry, Horowitz, & Clarke, Jewelers. Located in
p. 18 for more information about what information he has Albany, New York. These jewelers make purchases
and the cause of his madness. three or four times a year.
„„ Moreland Electro-plating Company. Located in Fall
Gold Buyers River, Massachusetts. Manufactures decorated gold-
plated clock parts and other mechanical components
The ultimate destination of much of the gold sold by the
for other firms. They make monthly purchases.
refinery is used for industrial purposes — manufacturing,
Keepers wishing to draw their campaigns into a wider Call
cheap jewelry, gold plating, sign-making, etc. Most of the
of Cthulhu meta-narrative might include some connection
buyers will be based in the United States, and most of those
from the Marsh refinery to the highly suspicious New
will be in New England. To save the Keeper difficulties,
World Industries or certain companies manufacturing
here are four sample purchasers:
unusual electronic parts on behalf of Ho Fong Exports, a
„„ Osgood and Sons, Signs. Located in Boston, this
Shanghai-based company.
family firm makes a small annual purchase of gold for
use in decorative signage, adding gold-leaf to windows
and as a decorative trim to signs.

Innsmouth Gold • Analysis


In 1897 a curious demonstration took place in the waters quintupled in value. Soon a second factory was begun, with
of Narragansett Bay, near Providence. It was the first space for five thousand accumulators, twenty times the size
public test of the Jernegan Gold Accumulator. Consisting of the first facility. Hundreds of men flocked to the remote
of an electrically charged mercury solution housed in a fishing town on the Canadian border, looking for work.
wooden box, the device was supposed to extract gold The scheme soon collapsed just as speculation
from seawater. The inventor, Rev. Prescott Jernegan, reached a fever-pitch. Jernegan and his partner and
was so confident of his design — inspired by a divine boyhood friend Charles Fisher had unexpectedly
vision, he claimed — that he simply gave the device to disappeared, and, with their disappearance, the
his potential investors and allowed them to test it in his accumulators ceased working. Jernegan apparently fled
absence. When they withdrew the box from the water to Europe taking about $400,000 with him. It was soon
the next day there were gold flakes amid the muck. determined that Fisher and Jernegan had been ‘salting’
The successful test attracted investment, mostly the accumulators with gold in advance of customer
from Jernegan’s fellow Swedish-Americans. A full-scale testing. Within days the company was defunct and its
plant was created in Lubec, Maine, where a grist-mill was shareholders were penniless. While Jernegan eventually
converted to the extraction of gold from seawater. To returned a portion of his ill-gotten money and became
fund the project, shares were sold for the newly-founded a missionary in the Philippines, Fisher’s fate remains
Electrolytic Marine Salts Company, which rapidly unknown, though he may have moved to Australia. 

isotope 53Mn (which will not be discovered until the mid-

Analysis 1950s) which is exceptionally rare in the Earth’s crust.

Even if the isotopic form of manganese is discovered
there are still certain irregularities in the chemical analysis
of the gold that cannot be satisfactorily explained. It is
possible that there are trace levels of some extraterrene
Should investigators obtain a sample of Innsmouth gold, metals like tok’l, yal, or “the copper from above” or even
they can subject it to a variety of analyses. The results of some supernatural quality infused into the gold by the
these vary slightly between the jewelry and ingot and the Deep Ones during the creation of their jewelry.
results will be covered in turn. Should a jeweler or someone with training in
metallurgy examine a sample of jewelry, they will be able
Jewelry to determine that the work itself bears no marks indicating
casting or cutting — the jewelry was instead formed and
Innsmouth jewelry is made of a very pure gold, about 22
shaped, possibly cold. Considering the gold alloy used, this
karats,* with very little variation between individual pieces.
would require exceptional force and skill.
A spectrographic analysis (requiring a Chemistry roll
and the use of a laboratory) can determine the chemical
composition of the gold alloy used. Aside from gold, the
largest component element is manganese, with traces of There are two varieties of processed gold sold by the Marsh
palladium and silver.† Refinery. The first is a standard pure poured gold ingot.
Outside these elements there are certain inconsistencies Each weighs 400 troy ounces (about 28 pounds) and is
between results that cannot be satisfactorily explained. stamped “MARSH CO — 99.9%”.
Additional prolonged research may eventually discover The Marsh Refinery also occasionally sells gold bars
that up to 1/6 of the manganese is of the relatively stable intended for jewelers of around 18 karats in purity, with a
blend of copper, nickel, and zinc added. While the elemental
* Gold’s purity is rated on a scale using ‘karats’ (K) from 0 to 24, composition of this gold can be determined (again with a
in which 24 is equivalent to 100% gold. In this case Innsmouth Chemistry roll and access to a laboratory), it is far more
gold is about 92% gold (by volume), much purer than typical difficult to detect the irregularities described above.
gold jewelry sold in the United States. These ingots are poured and stamped “MARSH 18K”.
† Should an investigator live long enough to learn of the discovery The refinery is generally unconcerned about metal purity
of the abundance of manganese at deep ocean vents and in in the case of the 18K ingots and has been known to steal
nodules on the seafloor, they will most likely not be surprised, scrap copper and zinc from locations around town. A stock of
though they will no doubt be deeply concerned about attempts old roofing, pipes, and even the occasional zinc tombstone
to mine these sources. Charles Stross wisely connects Howard might be found in the courtyard there awaiting smelting.
Hughes and Project Azorian/Jennifer to the Deep Ones…

Innsmouth Gold • Strange Effects

Strange Effects

He seemed to expect some demonstration when the f irst piece—

the tiara—became visible, but I doubt if he expected quite what
actually happened. I did not expect it, either, for I thought I
was thoroughly forewarned regarding what the jewelry would
turn out to be. What I did was to faint silently away…
From that day on my life has been a nightmare of brooding
and apprehension nor do I know how much is hideous truth
and how much madness.
Deep One gold may produce some supernatural effects
on both those bearing the Innsmouth taint and those free
from it. Consider the following optional properties for
Innsmouth gold:
„„ Even for those without the taint of Deep One
ancestry, Innsmouth gold may serve as a conduit for
dreams, both of the Deep Ones and perhaps even
Great Cthulhu itself.
„„ There is some hint in “The Shadow Over Innsmouth”
that Olmstead’s viewing of his family’s Innsmouth
heirlooms spurred his transformation into a Deep One.
Perhaps anyone bearing the Deep One taint will more
rapidly transform into one if exposed to their jewelry.
Assuming the Deep Ones or hybrids are familiar with
this effect, it might explain why some take to wearing
Carrying or especially wearing the gold might aid in
it before their transformation is complete. They also
the casting of certain spells related to the Deep Ones,
might use it as a method for determining if someone
including Contact Deep One, Contact Dagon, Contact
has the taint — though we might also assume that full
Yugg, Contact Cthulhu, etc. Assume a bonus of at least
Deep Ones might simply possess some innate instinct
10% to spells, as applicable, perhaps more for larger
for recognizing their yet-human kin.
or specially-empowered pieces. Likewise, the jewelry
„„ Deep Ones may also be sensitive to the presence of
may act as a conduit for spells like Send Dreams or
Innsmouth gold, making it difficult for investigators to
cause a Resistance Roll penalty, if worn, against spells
hide or escape the notice of nearby Deep Ones should
like Breath of the Deep, Shriveling, Wrack, etc. if the
investigators be carrying any. Canny investigators
attacker is a Deep One or hybrid.
might realize this and use a discarded tiara to draw
A piece of jewelry might be imbued with a certain spell
pursuers off their trail, if only momentarily.
or spells, causing them to be cast automatically when
„„ Those bearing the taint might be especially sensitive
worn; a ring that allows a Deep One to masquerade
to the presence of the gold and be able to sense it
as a human, or a tiara that works as a Contact Zoth-
instinctually or even might develop an irresistible and
Ommog spell. Such innate magical powers should be
inexplicable urge to obtain it by any means.
almost universally inimical to human wearers. The
„„ Due to the presence of unusual isotopes and alien
author favors Breath of the Deep, but that borders on
metals in the alloy, the gold may possess inexplicable
excessive cruelty…
physical properties, such as hyper- or non-conductivity,
Some scholars have suggested that the gold itself bears
weird magnetic properties, interference with electronic
a curse. Owners suffer a -25% penalty to all Luck rolls
devices, function as a shape-memory alloy (a.k.a.
so long as the gold is in their possession, rolls that
‘memory metal’), emit a phosphorescent light when
are rounded are always done so to the investigator’s
immersed in salt water or in the presence of Mythos
detriment, etc.
entities, emit a curious form of radioactivity, etc.

Innsmouth Gold • Scenario Seeds


“The Shadow Over Innsmouth” The Deep Ones of Innsmouth and their hybrid
children share a common body of knowledge,
Escape from Innsmouth, in particular pages 18 and 83.
including magical lore. It seems likely that they
Miskatonic University, p.75 would know many of the same spells and, as such, we
have attempted to recreate a hypothetical ‘grimoire’
The Great Gold Swindle of Lubec, Maine by Ron
of Deep One magic for the use of the Keeper in
Pesha. The History Press, 2013.
developing their own spell-casting NPCs. We have
http://woodstockhistorical.org/wp-content/ divided the list into three tiers: Standard, spells that
uploads/2013/01/Gold-Mines-: Bridgewater- any Deep One or hybrid with the proper aptitude
Plymouth-.pdf  would know; Common, spells that magically adept
Deep Ones and hybrids might know; and Rare, spells
that the typical Innsmouth sorcerer might only know
one of and that only a small number of the town’s
inhuman leaders might know most of. Individual

Scenario Seeds
spell-casters, especially those that have undertaken
a study of magic from the greater Mythos can, of
course, know any spell the Keeper wishes. Consider
this list a baseline to be built upon. Spells only
hybrids would possess are in italics.

Jewelry and gold from Innsmouth plays an important role Standard: Attract Fish, Contact Deep One,
in the fiction and in scenarios. Here are some additional Lobster Charm
ideas for incorporating both into scenarios of your own: Common: Breath of the Deep, Command Shark,
„„ The Claim Slip — A younger member of one of Contact Father Dagon, Curse of the Stone,
Innsmouth’s hybrid families, looking to make a life for Enchant Stone Tablet
themselves, steals their family’s pieces of Innsmouth Rare: Alter Weather, Cause Disease, Cloud Memory,
jewelry and escapes to the big city, Boston or New Command Porpoise, Contact Cthulhu,
York. The investigators might be hired to track the Contact Mother Hydra, Dread Curse of Azathoth,
missing youngster down by their hybrid parents, or Grasp of Cthulhu, Implant Fear, Power Drain,
by locals near the rogue hybrid’s place of residence, Shriveling, Siren’s Song, Voorish Sign,
investigating a recent arrival in town and his or her Wave of Oblivion 
unexplained fortune of foreign-looking, strange
gold. Alternatively, a string of strange robberies of
pawnshops and jewelers might put them onto the trail
of the missing youth. Malign Amalgams — Horace Petersen was a normal
„„ The Executor — Arkham’s First National Bank is young man until he began to tell his friends he was
attempting to track down the heirs to a neglected safety hearing voices — voices coming from his newly
deposit box full of strange pieces of gold jewelry. All received fillings. Even after ripping out his teeth poor
signs point to Innsmouth but who was the late owner Horace is hearing (and now seeing) terrible visions
and why did they leave? What will the hybrids do to of underwater cities and horrid mermaids. What of
get the jewelry back if there are no legitimate heirs? his dentist, a recent émigré from New England, Dr.
Barnabas Seward, a rather homely fellow… 

Cancelled Innsmouth Books • Children of the Deep, Horror at Innsmouth

Gaming History

Cancelled Innsmouth Books

by Bret Kramer

hen researching this issue, I discovered that
there were two Innsmouth-related products
in development by Chaosium which were
Horror at Innsmouth
announced in promotional materials but later cancelled.
One was a scenario collection, the other an illustrated
book in the style of the S. Petersen’s Field Guides. While
I believe this product was announced via a catalog
they were never completed, I thought the fate of these
listing but I have not been able to see a copy personally.
projects might be of interest to our readers.
Nevertheless it appears on several lists of unreleased
Chaosium products. With that in mind I reached out to
Kevin Ross, Call of Cthulhu author par excellence, who

Children of the Deep graciously filled me in on what he knew, which was quite a
bit. Kevin’s comments are in italics:
I personally can’t f ind reference to that specif ic title in the notes
and correspondence I have, but I’m almost positive this is the
book I’m about to describe.
Among other Chaosium products listed in Before the Fall
In the late 80s/early 90s, Chaosium had published the two
(and several other Chaosium titles released around that
Petersen’s Field Guides art-books, and were just starting to
time) was Children of the Deep. It was apparently far enough
establish Lovecraft Country as a setting for Call of Cthulhu.
along in the development process that catalog listings
With these two factors in play, a third art-book was planned
included it and from them we can gather that it was a
that would combine the two. I’m not sure who originated the
64 page scenario collection by Fred Behrendt, described
idea, but the plan was for a book describing a present-day
as “1930s Adventures in Innsmouth for Call of Cthulhu.”
archaeological excavation at the site of ruined, abandoned
There was even an ISBN: 1-56882-139-5.
Innsmouth. What would begin as an investigation of what
Based on comments made by Mr. Behrendt on Yog-
happened to the town would turn into a study of its history
Sothoth.com, the project was abandoned out of concern
which would in turn unearth the intervention of Obed Marsh
that Chaosium lacked the resources to pay him, said
and the deep ones, thus leading to further revelations about the
publisher having failed to pay several other authors for
forces which doomed the town.
their work due to financial difficulties in the aftermath of
The text for the book was to be written by Keith Herber,
the collapse of the collectible card game market. The notes
perhaps assisted by Lynn Willis, given the amount of detail
for the scenarios (which, intriguingly Behrendt describes
outlined in Lynn’s art assignments. The art would consist of
in his comments as a “campaign”) were put into a 3-ring
dozens of color paintings and black and white illustrations by
binder and stored in his office. He further suggested he
Tom Sullivan. Lynn’s notes indicate a book of 72 pages.
was unsure of the current whereabouts of the notes.
I contacted Fred Behrendt regarding the book and he
The Notes
had little additional information about the project as it was
originally conceived. He did, however, suggest that while I have photocopies of three different sets of notes for this project.
he has given up on it as an RPG release, he does continue (I was writing and editing the Escape from Innsmouth book
to work on some alternative version, the nature of which at this time, and when I visited Chaosium I was allowed to
he left unspecified, for a different medium. There was no copy them to mine for ideas for the game book, so that the books
date offered for a release of this hypothetical reincarnation would share a common background and setting.) I can only
of the collection. speculate as to the order of the three sets, but here goes:
One final word of caution — despite never having The f irst set of notes is titled “Innsmouth Book” and
been written, some online booksellers will list this work consists of three pages of Keith Herber’s handwritten outline
solely based on its ISBN and limited title information. of the contents of the text; I’m assuming these notes are f irst
Don’t be fooled, or disappointed. because they’re handwritten, and very sketchy compared to
the increased amount of detail in the other sets of notes. The
Cancelled Innsmouth Books • Horror at Innsmouth

book begins with historical records of the raid on Innsmouth,

followed by inquiries into the Marsh family history, then
following the trail of Marsh’s mysterious benefactors back to
the islands in the South Pacif ic, with much on the culture —
tainted and otherwise — of the Polynesians there. The effects
of Marsh’s new religion are then discussed, followed by details
of the much-later raid and its aftermath. The book would close
out with investigation into the government cover-up of the
Innsmouth tragedy, with some discussion of deep one physiology
and culture, and further archaeological discoveries deep beneath
Innsmouth indicating the deep ones had influenced other
cultures that had lived in the area (Indians, Norse colonists).
The second set of notes I have is titled “Innsmouth
Outline” and consists of 8 pages of typewritten text by Keith;
the typewritten format corresponds to other manuscripts I
have of Keith’s dating to the 1980s, so I’m assuming this was
written before he went to work for Chaosium in 1990 or so.
These notes are the f irst of Keith’s to indicate a page-by-page
description of the book’s contents, mostly adding many many
details to the earlier handwritten notes. I’m assuming he’s
responding to another page-specif ic outline, perhaps by Lynn
(see below). There are a few of Keith’s handwritten notes in
the margins. (I note with some amusement that Keith and
Lynn were both still wondering where the island of Otaheite
— mentioned in Lovecraft as near the islands where Marsh
met the deep ones — was located. I had discovered in an old
encyclopedia that Otaheite was an early name for Tahiti, and
informed them of this. Seems odd when now you can just hop
online and head for Wikipedia to f ind out such info with a
handful of keystrokes...) Keith’s notes add many many more
details, including the involvement of New World Incorporated
in the modern development of the Innsmouth property, the fate
of the prisoners taken in the raid, and the artifacts discovered
in the excavations. Keith’s notes describe a 63-page book
(probably 64, given signature sizes).
Taxi to Innsmouth by Tom Sullivan
The third and f inal set of notes is the most extensive. It
consists of 18 pages of typed art assignments written by Lynn
Willis for artist Tom Sullivan. There is no title, other than The Art
“Innsmouth Paintings and Drawings”, with a prefatory note to
This was to be a massive undertaking on the part of
Sullivan indicating this set of instructions supersedes a previous
Chaosium and Tom Sullivan, perhaps Tom’s magnum opus.
set (perhaps the one Keith was working from in the second set
For whatever reason (perhaps including Chaosium’s f inancial
of notes, described above?). Lynn’s notes are very extensive,
diff iculties in the early 90s) the project was never f inished
describing in considerable detail each of the drawings and
and published.
paintings to be included in the book; in the margins Keith has
Several pieces of art were completed, however. When Scott
written several comments suggesting additional details. Lynn’s
Aniolowski and I visited Chaosium in 1991 (I believe?) we
notes indicate that by this time the book had grown to 72 pages,
were shown several of Tom’s black and white sketches and some
incorporating a number of maps and fold-out illustrations. All
f inished art. These were on huge rolls of paper, some as much as
told, Lynn’s art assignments describe more than 40 black and
2 feet by 3 feet. There must have been 15-20 of them, including
white illustrations and over 20 paintings, along with several
lots and lots of Deep One pics. I recall shots of hordes of them
maps and building plans. Many of the art pieces are small, but
crossing a road, perhaps an illustration of the pursuit of the
several are full-page or two-page, and there is a massive four-
narrator of Lovecraft’s story — Keith even does a crude sketch
page (!) fold-out painting of the raid on Innsmouth. The text
of this in the margin next to Lynn’s art instructions. I believe
also refers to maps that I had drawn, apparently for the game
there was also a rough B&W sketch of the huge raid pic, with
book, which would be professionally recreated herein and used
soldiers and deep ones f ighting in various fronts across the
to situate sites and events in the art-book.
burning city.

Cancelled Innsmouth Books • Horror at Innsmouth

Sometime later, perhaps in the fall of ’91 or early ‘92,

Chaosium sent me a top-secret (as in “don’t make a copy of this
like you have of all those obscure movies you’ve been sending
us”) videotape made by Tom Sullivan in which he displayed
several of the Innsmouth paintings he had completed for the
project. My memory of it is pretty fuzzy, other than the jaw-
dropping quality of the paintings — and Tom’s use of Enya’s
“Orinoco Flow” throughout the 15-20 minute video. I can
remember only a few of the paintings, including a resplendently
robed and bejeweled deep one priest holding a human infant,
an old-fashioned portrait of Captain Obed Marsh, and a huge
underground chamber containing an enormous shoggoth. (I may
be mistaken, but I recall the latter creature churning a series
of turbines as some sort of power-source, a scene I impressed
To Worship Cthulhu by Tom Sullivan
upon J. Todd Kingrea for use in the new “Marsh Ref inery”
section of the “Raid on Innsmouth” adventure in Escape from
Innsmouth 2nd edition.) There may also have been a painting I contacted the project’s illustrator Tom Sullivan and
of the excavated skeletal remains of a woman and her tadpole- sought to see if he might be able to add anything to Kevin’s
like hybrid infant, and another of the city of Y ’ha-nthlei. Tom recollections. As he described it, the intent of the book was
f ilmed the paintings at full-length, then zoomed in to show to retell the events of “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” as if
detail. Again, my memory is faulty (yes, I honestly/foolishly they’d been uncovered using Freedom of Information Act
didn’t make a copy of the tape) but I remember at least 6 or 8 requests. From his notes he was to create twenty-six large
paintings, maybe more. painting of various Innsmouth scenes as well as at least fifty
So what happened? I haven’t the foggiest idea. Much of the smaller black and white drawings. Most of the illustrations
art was f inished, and I believe Tom was given a substantial were completed, though some remained unpainted pencil
advance. But no book. I have no idea what happened to the sketches. He mentioned several specific illustrations he
art, though there is a painting of a Deep One priest in the could recall, including a case of Innsmouth artifacts at
gallery on Tom’s website. Oddly enough, I remember the priest Miskatonic University, a shoggoth, Great Cthulhu being
painting on the tape as being different than this one, but again, worshiped by swarms of Deep Ones, and maps of the
that was 20-some years ago... town. According to Mr. Sullivan, it was financial concerns
If I had to speculate on what happened to the project, I’d that killed the project, coupled with some unspecified but
say that f inancial diff iculties were a major factor: those art pressing family issues.
books were expensive to produce, and I remember one horror Today Mr. Sullivan has the original work he completed
story about Chaosium turning a f irehose on a dumpster full of for the book, including several paintings that he completed
them to avoid having to pay taxes on stock in their warehouse. and sells as prints at the sci-fi and fantasy conventions he
God, I hope that was apocryphal... ’92 was also the start of attends (readers no doubt remember that, among his other
the “diff iculties” between Chaosium and Keith, leading to his works, Sullivan was behind the special effects and props
f iring the next year. for the Evil Dead film series). Perhaps, when the stars are
But that’s what I can tell you about the Horror at right, he might finish the uncompleted pieces up... 
Innsmouth project, seen 20-odd years later through the eyes of
an outsider with some inside knowledge.

A Guide to Newburyport • General Notes

Location Guide

A Guide to Newburyport
by Bret Kramer

General Notes on

We approached the suburbs of Newburyport & began to get

whiffs & glimpses of the neighboring sea, & more to descry
the ancient houses & chimney-pots of the famous town which,
though said a century and quarter ago to possess a social life
more cultivated & brilliant than that of Washington, is today
known locally as the “City of the Dead.”
- H.P. Lovecraft to Samuel Loveman, April 29, 1923.*

ewburyport is a small city at the mouth of the
Merrimack River, shielded from the worst effects
of Atlantic storms by the bulk of Plum Island to
the east. Across the Merrimack River are Amesbury and
Salisbury, to the west is West Newbury, and to the south
is Newbury. The port city, originally part of Newbury, saw
its heyday in the late 18th to mid-19th century, when its HISTORICAL NEWBURYPORT VS.
ship’s captains could be found around the world. Today its FICTIONAL NEWBURYPORT
shipyards are barren, its docks rotten, and its old custom
The information presented in this guide was
house used to store hay. Newburyport is also one of the few
compiled with the goal of presenting Newburyport
places outside of shunned Innsmouth where the curious
as the narrator of “The Shadow Over Innsmouth”
can see a sample of the strange jewelry for which that
might have found it, though in keeping with other
strange port is known...
books from the Lovecraft Country series we have
adjusted those events slightly forwards. The nominal
Using This Guide date for the locations described below is the fall of
1928. When possible we have included information
While Lovecraft Country’s towns like Arkham offer the
accurate to that date, but in some cases the details
Keeper a wide variety of places and people for use in play,
have been adjusted to fit what information research
New England is a far larger place than just the Miskatonic
uncovered or to enliven the narrative — for example,
Valley. Real world places such as Newburyport offer
it is likely that the New China restaurant relocated
alternatives to Lovecraft Country’s primary towns, allowing
to Haverhill, MA in 1926, but we decided to leave
a change of setting, of characters, and of circumstances
it in place as a bit of color. All of the locations —
that can improve game play. Our Newburyport guide is
save Hammond’s Drugs, which was invented by
primarily intended to supplement scenarios involving
Lovecraft (see page 72 for more information)
Innsmouth but you are not bound to use it solely in
— were actual places in Newburyport, but specific
relationship to Innsmouth. For example, Newburyport can
details regarding certain locations and individuals
be a model for any number of economically depressed New
are purely the invention of the author. 
England port towns. Newburyport can also serve as an

* Unless otherwise noted, all other italicize passages in this

article come from this letter.

A Guide to Newburyport • Getting There, History

of a Federal numbering
CALL OF CTHULHU on telephone poles that
previously used to mark
Lovecraft included Newburyport in two of his stories,
the route can still be seen
“The Thing on the Doorstep” and “The Shadow Over
scattered along the road.
Innsmouth.” In the former story it is mentioned in
As the main automobile
passing as one of the cities that Daniel Upton and
route between Boston
Edward Pickman Derby pass through on their drive
and points north, Route 1
back from Maine to Arkham.* The latter story features
carries an ever-increasing
Newburyport prominently, as a launch point for
flow of people through
the narrator’s discovery of, and investigations
Newburyport; planning is
into, Innsmouth.
already underway to demolish the blocks between Summer
Newburyport also only appears in two Call of
and Winter Streets north of High Street to allow Route 1
Cthulhu scenarios. The first is Escape from Innsmouth,
to pass directly through the center of town.
where Newburyport and, in particular, the Historical
Recently an airport has been established just east of
Society is presented as they related to Innsmouth.
downtown Newburyport along the Plum Island Turnpike.
The second scenario is Solace Games’ Arkham Case
While there are no commercial flights, the airport is
Files: Deep Morgue, a modern day scenario nominally
along the Boston-Portland air route as established by the
set in the Newburyport morgue. As far as we can
Civil Aviation Administration. The airport has limited
determine, this PDF-only scenario, released in
maintenance facilities, including servicing and refueling.
2012, is no longer available for sale. Whatever the
case, the scenario focused on the horrors within the
morgue rather than utilize the city of Newburyport History
in any fashion. 
“Newburyport is exactly as it was in colonial times, a study in
* “Derby did not offer to relinquish the wheel, and I colourful stagnation.”
was glad of the speed with which Portsmouth and H.P. Lovecraft to Clark Ashton Smith, August 30, 1927
Newburyport flashed by.”
Before the coming of the English, what is now Newburyport
was the territory of the Agawam people. Devastated by
European-introduced diseases and ongoing wars with
embarkation point for seaborne scenario. Likewise, because tribes to the north, they assimilated into the expanding
of its maritime past, any number of strange artifacts might English colony, allowing settlements in their territory in
have passed through the port. Who knows what lingers in exchange for protection from their enemies. Unlike many
one of the half-deserted mansions on High Street? other neighboring tribes, the Agawam did not join in King
For discussion of specific scenario hooks and seeds in Philip’s War, but the tribe’s numbers continued to decline
Newburyport, see page 85. and the scattered remnants of the tribe sold their lands off
piecemeal to the English.
Getting There Newburyport was first settled by the English in
1635, as part of Newbury (the original settlement sits
Newburyport is on the south side of the Merrimac River at about 4 miles to the southeast). These early colonists soon
its mouth and as such is a crossroads on the Massachusetts determined that the location of modern Newburyport was
and New Hampshire border. Regular rail service to the a far better harbor than what was offered by the shallow
city is provided by the Boston and Maine Railroad, with Quascancunquen River* to the south. Almost immediately
passenger service from the depot on Winter Street (see what would become Newburyport (sometimes called
page 76). Inter-city trolley lines connect Newburyport “Water-side Newbury”) began to be settled by the city’s
to the cities of the Merrimack Valley, Amesbury and merchants and traders while Newbury proper remained
Portsmouth, New Hampshire to the north, and Ipswich wholly agricultural. Newburyport gained independence
and cities beyond to the south A more direct option are the from its mother city in 1764 through an act of the
multiple bus routes that connect the same towns, though Massachusetts General Court. From an initial population
with fewer stops in between — this includes the generally of just under 3000, Newburyport grew rapidly, doubling in
shunned Innsmouth bus. Market Square (see page 71) is size by 1800.
the hub of both trolley and bus routes. Newburyport’s first boom was driven by ship
Route 1 and 1A both pass through Newburyport. building, merchant traders, and foreign imports. Because
Route 1, formerly called “The Atlantic Highway,” is the of this, the economic effects of the Napoleonic Wars
only one of New England’s major roads not to be given a
different numerical designation during the recent adoption * This river was later renamed the Parker River.

A Guide to Newburyport • History

It is said there are only three places left in New England in town’s government to prohibit the celebration, people
which Pope Night continues to be celebrated. These are continued to mark the occasion. As one report notes:
Newburyport… Portsmouth and New Castle*…
“The stranger who chances to be travelling on the road
— John Albee
between Newburyport and Haverhill, on the night of the 5th
Guy Fawkes Night, celebrated on the 5 th of November, of November, may well fancy that an invasion is threatened
was once celebrated in the British colonies of North from the sea, or that an insurrection is going on inland;
America, including New England, where it was more for from all the high hills overlooking the river tall fires
commonly known as “Pope Night.” While in many places are seen blazing redly against the cold, dark, autumnal
the holiday, closely associated with the British monarchy, sky, surrounded by groups of young men and boys busily
declined after the Revolution, the traditions of parades, engaged in urging them with fresh fuel into intenser activity.”
effigy burning, and revelries persisted in some places - John Greenleaf Whittier, “Pope Night.”
at least into the late 19th century. One of these places
While the historical record is ambiguous as to when Pope
was Newburyport. Despite sporadic attempts by the
Night ceased to be observed in Newburyport, Keepers
should feel free to worry investigators with odd bonfires
* We must note that Albee is in error here, as there are
in the hills about town, fed by roaming gangs of gleeful
accounts of “Pope Night” observances continuing in towns
young men in Jack-o-Lantern-led processions carrying
beyond this trio, including nearby Amesbury, Marblehead,
off every unclaimed scrap of lumber in the vicinity off
and Norwich in Connecticut, where the fires of “Pope Night”
to be incinerated in raucous gatherings, the reason for
evolved into a Thanksgiving tradition of teams of youth
which has been long forgot. 
gathering barrels for bonfires in the hills around town.

were felt especially hard in the town; the War of 1812

was nearly catastrophic. Compounding the effects of the
collapse of international trade, much of the central part
of Newburyport was destroyed in a fire in 1811. Because
of this much of the architecture of Newburyport is the
same Federalist style, streets lined by rows of two- and
three-storey brick buildings. After a decade or so of
stagnation, Newburyport began to grow again thanks to
the Industrial Revolution. In addition to shipbuilding and
fishing, new industries like rum distilleries and silverware
manufacturing brought a new prosperity to Newburyport.
A new population boom doubled the city’s size between
1830 and 1860.
Newburyport was a center of the Abolitionist
movement, home to William Lloyd Garrison and his
newspaper The Liberator. As a shipping and transportation
hub, the city was also an important link in the expanding
Underground Railroad. Newburyporters served with
distinction in the Union army and navy, as their ancestors
had before during the American Revolution.
After the Civil War, Newburyport entered into a
General Notes
slow but apparently inexorable decline, as one by one the
industries that fueled its second boom diminished or moved Newburyport is part of Essex County, Massachusetts. The
elsewhere. As the era of the sailing ship ended, so did the built-up portion of Newburyport sits on a low ridge on
prominence of Newburyport’s shipyards. Compounding the south shore of the Merrimack River, with most city
matters, the town’s harbor was increasingly silted, despite streets running parallel or perpendicular to the river. High
attempts to dredge channels. By 1912 the city lost its port Street, which runs along the crest of the low hill upon
of entry status, a final end to a place that, for a time just a which much of the city is built, is flanked by mansions
century before, was second only to Boston in its activity in built by the wealthy merchants and industrialists during
New England. the city’s heyday, creating a distinctive skyline visible
from the waters of the harbor below. Unfortunately much
A Guide to Newburyport • General Notes

Newburyport has lost most of its industry in the past
When I had tried to question the natives in the shops, fifty years. Once a center of shipbuilding, the dry-docks
the lunch room, the garages, and the fire station, are now derelict, while manufacturing has moved to the
I had found them even harder to get started than midwest or, in the case of textiles, the Carolinas. Thanks
the ticket-agent had predicted; and realised that to Prohibition, the rum distilleries have all been shuttered,
I could not spare the time to overcome their first save Caldwells on Kent Street, which soldiers on producing
instinctive reticences. industrial alcohol and small quantities of medicinal liquor.
“The Shadow Over Innsmouth” Even the silverware manufacturers are closed or on limited
shifts, with only Towle remaining open and even they have
Investigators looking for more information about
reduced hours. While fishing has declined, small-scale
Innsmouth while in Newburyport can pursue several
fisheries continue and individual captains put out to sea
avenues of inquiry. While we have noted at some
daily. One bright spot economically is the Chase-Shawmut
locations what might be learned there, the Keeper
Electrical manufacturing plant on Merrimac Street, which
should use the following as a guide to what might
relocated from Boston to Newburyport in 1905.
generally be uncovered in Newburyport. Places with
some specific Innsmouth clues are marked with a
 (the astrological symbol for Pisces). Additionally, Media
these notes may be extrapolated for use at any of
Newburyport has one daily newspaper, The Newburyport
the communities in the vicinity of Innsmouth. In
Daily News and Newburyport Herald, since the merger of
general, no-one has been to Innsmouth or knows
the Newburyport Daily News and Herald in 1915. The paper
anyone who lives there. At most they may have seen
is published daily, in the morning, though exceptional
Joe Sargent, his bus, or some of his passengers. Much
events have from time to time warranted a special edition
of what is known about Innsmouth is secondhand at
(such as the death of President Harding in 1923). The
best — rumors of degeneracy, disease, and piracy
newspaper’s offices are on Inn Street, just off Market
predominate but any manner of causes are blamed
Square; a combined ‘morgue’ holds copies of the Daily
for the port’s decline depending on the teller.
News (founded 1888) and the Herald (founded 1797).†
Mild curiosity about Innsmouth, especially from
strangers, is tolerated, but those who seem too keen
Law and Order
to learn more about the place will be shunned by
the average Newburyporter.  In addition to the local police and fire department,
Newburyport is served by the Essex County Sheriff ’s
department (headquartered in Salem) and the state roads
are patrolled by the Massachusetts State Police (the nearest
of the city’s waterfront lies vacant, with rows of disused barracks is in Topsfield). There is a small Massachusetts
warehouses, shuttered factories, derelict and rotting National Guard armory on Merrimac Street and a Coast
wharves, and abandoned dockyards. Guard Station at the north end of Plum Island.
In 1928 the population of Newburyport is about Crime in Newburyport is primarily small-scale,
15,000 — which is roughly the same size as the town was save for rum-runners who use the city as a secondary
in 1900, a clear sign of the city’s ongoing economic woes. smuggling route for liquor when Boston becomes too
The city is predominantly Yankee — white Protestants, risky. In Newburyport itself there are more than two
many of whom can trace their ancestry back two centuries dozen speakeasies of varying sizes (see John J. O’Connor’s
or more — with Irish, Italian, Armenians, Greek, French- on page 72 for one example), which anchor the town’s
Canadians, and African Americans (in decreasing order of limited organized crime syndicate — controlled by the
size) making up the town’s ethnic minorities. The recent Boston Irish mob — who supplement their income with
election of Mayor Gillis (see page 73) has shown that prostitution, extortion, and numbers-running.
the old families no longer have an unbreakable grip on
power but the situation remains volatile. the other of a young girl said to have once stalked the kitchen
There are no colleges or institutions of higher learning — with another spirit, that of a colonial gentleman killed in a
in Newburyport, though the Dummer Academy, a private duel, said to haunt the grounds.
boys prep school (grades 9-12), established in 1763 and † There were several newspapers in Newburyport before the
recently revitalized under President Dr. Charles Ingham, Herald or Daily News. The first newspaper here was The Essex
occupies the former site of the Governor William Dummer Journal, starting in 1773. Other titles include The Impartial
mansion* in neighboring Newbury, just off Route 1. Herald (1793), The Morning Star (1794), The Political Gazette
(1795), The Newburyport Gazette (1797; from the merger
* The old Dummer mansion is said to be haunted by at least two of the Impartial Herald and Political Gazette), the American
ghosts — one of Dummer himself riding a horse up the stairs, Intelligencer (1801), and many more.

A Guide to Newburyport • Visitor’s Information

Visitor’s Information
It was the past brought to life — flashes of 18th century bye-
streets, silhouettes of Christopher Wren steeples, kaleidoscopic Newburyport was Lovecraft’s primary inspiration
etchings of old-time skylines, snatches of glistening harbour for Innsmouth and there are many shared elements
beyond delectably rambling & alluringly antediluvian between the real and fictional port towns. While
alleys that wind lazily down hill-a true paradise of the such connections are of literary interest, the Keeper
born antiquarian! can utilize the parallels between Newburyport and
Innsmouth as a means to foreshadow the darkness
that overwhelmed that town. Innsmouth has all
of Newburyport’s problems exaggerated to an
even greater degree. Newburyport’s economy is
in decline; Innsmouth’s has effectively collapsed.
Newburyport’s buildings are neglected and
dilapidated; Innsmouth’s are literally falling apart.
Establish Newburyport’s failings and dark side
and, when the investigators encounter Innsmouth,
they will recognize it immediately as an order of
magnitude worse. 

„„ Fitzgerald Brothers. 9 Main St. Mon.-Fri. 11 am-7 pm.

Newburyport is not a popular destination. There is no Higher quality than other local options but hardly fine
tourism industry, per se, and while there are a few spots dining. Serves white-collar workers (those looking to
popular with out-of-towners to see while visiting, it will be avoid mixing with laborers and ‘foreign types’) lunch
several decades more until Newburyport is widely regarded and dinner to elderly Yankees.
as Lovecraft regarded it: a remarkable exemplar of 18th „„ Hick’s Lunch Wagon. This horse-drawn wagon
and 19th century architecture and history. Nevertheless, usually sits at corner of Liberty St. in Market Square.
travelers can make do with the following options for a Breakfast and lunch; specialized in pasties, sweet and
place to stay and something to eat while visiting. savory pies, and hot-crossed buns.
„„ Ideal Lunch. 5 State St. See page 72.
Places to Stay „„  Lyon’s Lunch. 29 Market Square. A lunch counter
with just a dozen stools, open 10:30 am to 6 pm
Garrison House Hotel — Brown Square, at the corner
Mon.-Sat. Unlike most other options around Market
of Pleasant and Titcomb Streets. See page 74.
Square, Innsmouth travelers will occasionally linger
Hotel Waverly — 18 Merrimac St. Just off Market Square,
here to wait for the bus.
this run-down 24 room hotel (all single occupancy) is
„„ New China Restaurant. 54 State St. Offering
teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. Once respectable,
“American and Chinese food” as best they can with
it now caters to poor businessmen, poorer travelers, and
domestic ingredients; open for lunch and dinner.
indigents. Local gossip suggests, rightly, that liquor and
„„ O’Donnell’s Grill. 14 Pleasant St. Cheap food,
other vices can be found here if one knows who to ask.
catering to working class men, with a similar menu to
Wolfe Tavern — 100 State St. As run-down as the
Ideal Lunch, but without any of the niceties meant to
Waverly but without the rumors of vice. More than
attract female customers.
half the rooms are rented by long-term tenants, like
In addition to these regular restaurants, many stores
the Adams Inn (see page 71) before it.
offered some limited food selections — most groceries
YMCA — 75 Main St. See page 76.
sell sandwiches and cold drinks; scattered ‘tea houses’
cater to female diners with finger sandwiches and hot
Dining and cold drinks; drug stores often have a soda fountain;
Considering the town’s diminished fortunes, there are ‘confectionaries’ sell candy, drinks, and ice cream. For
fewer dining choices than modern readers might expect. more general information and details about typical
The following establishments can be found in and around menus for diners and other middle- and lower-class
‘downtown’ Newburyport. dining establishments, see “Diners of Arkham” in
„„ A.C. Ryan’s Confectionary. 86 State St. Candies, teas, Arkham Gazzette #1.
sandwiches, and ice-cream. See page 73.
„„ The Adams House Cafe. 4-8 Inn St. See page 71.

A Guide to Newburyport • Downtown Map

A Guide to Newburyport • Locations: Market Square

2.  Bradford’s Garage
Locations 22 Market Square
Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5; Sat. 9-2. A full-service mechanic,
offering automobile repair, tire replacement, and general
service. There is no gasoline pump, but they sell it by the can.
Market Square The staff are used to giving directions within Newburyport
and beyond, but are very reluctant to do so for Innsmouth.
All at once the car reached a spacious square, lined on every side If asked about Innsmouth or the Innsmouth bus, several of
with the quaint brick mercantile buildings of the Revolutionary the mechanics can relate a story from a few years previous
period. It was a sight such as we had never seen before-a city when the Innsmouth bus suffered a breakdown on Market
business section of the 18th century, preserved in every detail. Square and the driver could not restart it. Mr. Bradford,
the owner, and one of the mechanics attempted to assist
the driver in mending the battered and ill-maintained
engine, eventually getting the car going again. The next day
a new black sedan with curtained rear windows stopped at
the shop and rather unpleasant looking fellow — it was
Sebastian Marsh, but the employees only know it was a
member of the Marsh family — paid twenty dollars for the
parts needed and their labor, almost twice what was owed.

3.  Brooks Pawn
3 Merrimac St.
[The tiara] had been pawned for a ridiculous sum at a shop
in State Street in 1873, by a drunken Innsmouth man shortly
afterward killed in a brawl. The Society had acquired it
directly from the pawnbroker.
Like Lovecraft (and the narrator of “The Shadow Over
“The Shadow Over Innsmouth”
Innsmouth”) our main interest in Newburyport lies in
the area around Market Square, the business center of the
A typical pawn shop, that, due to Newburyport’s poor
city, where Merrimac becomes Water Street and Liberty
economy, does a steady business. Harry Brooks, the
intersects with State Street. Named for the Old Market
56-year-old proprietor, has run this shop since 1911, when
building (which now serves as Newburyport’s Central
he inherited the shop from his father. While it was his
Fire Station) the Square is where most visitors begin their
father’s shop where the Newburyport Historical Society’s
explorations of the Clipper City.
tiara was pawned more than half a century ago, back when
the store was on State Street, he has no knowledge of
1. Adams House Cafe the sale nor do any records of it survive. If asked about
4-8 Inn St. Innsmouth, Brooks will state that he’s never heard a good
word about it and that his father, in no uncertain terms,
We partook of a meal at the one decent restaurant of the ‘city’,
warned him away from ever dealing with an Innsmouther
(the cafe of the more than one century old Adam’s House) where
and especially avoid the gold they sometimes traded it,
for 65¢ we were served with more than I could eat.
telling him that it was cursed.
Once an inn, the Adam’s House serves as a residential hotel
with an attached café. While the facilities are run-down, 4. Central Fire Station
the café continues to do a brisk business, serving a wide
1-3 Market Sq.
selection of New England staples for a very fair price that
pleases even the most frugal of travellers. There is a desk This large brick building was formerly the Newburyport
clerk Mon.-Sat. 7:30-6 for the Inn’s rooms who collects market until becoming the city fire department, police
mail and takes messages for guests. The café is open 10:30- department, and jail in 1864. The fire department has had
1 and 4:30-7 daily. the whole of the building to itself since the police station
was built in 1912. There is always someone on duty and
often a handful of firemen lounge around one of the large
garage doors, which are kept open save for in cold weather.
Anything illegal or untoward going on in Market Square
will likely be noticed by the firefighters.

A Guide to Newburyport • Locations: Market Square

departs again at or around 7. The drive takes about 35

minutes in good weather, longer if conditions are poor.

8.  Ideal Lunch
5 State St.
As the hour for its arrival drew near I noticed a general drift of
the loungers to other places up the street, or to the Ideal Lunch
across the square.
“The Shadow Over Innsmouth”

5. Chase’s Candies A counter-service style restaurant, open twenty-four hours

a day, even Sundays. The fare is simple but filling — eggs
33 State St.
and bacon, sandwiches, soups — and the coffee’s always hot.
Open Mon.-Fri. 9-5; Sat. 9-2. In business since 1871, Frequent diners recommend the beef stew and clam chowder.
this confectionary is known for its handmade hard Despite the proximity to the pickup and drop off point
candies and, at Christmas time, ribbon candy. The store is for the Innsmouth bus, travelers to and from Innsmouth
busiest just after school gets out each day, when a rush of avoid the restaurant. Investigators asking the employees or
schoolchildren mob the place. The shop’s front window is a clientele about Innsmouth will be told it is a disreputable
delight of colors and shapes with jars displaying hundreds place that decent people avoid. Persistent questioners will
of chocolates, candies, and sweet treats of all kinds. be ignored or even asked to leave.

6. Fowle’s News Co 9. John J. Connor, Undertaker (and Speakeasy)

17 State St. — Ad page 391 7 Liberty St.
Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30-6; Sat. 9-7. Sells newspapers from While the Connor funeral home is a legitimate business,
across New England and a wide selection of magazines the upper floor of the building is occupied by one of
(including pulps), cigars and cigarettes, candies, and Newburyport’s several speakeasies. Prospective clients
fountain drinks — Moxie and Cliquot Club. Nicholas must know the ever changing password given to a doorman
Arkelian purchased the store from Hannah Fowle, widow watching the back stairs. Upstairs, in addition to liquor,
of Stephen Fowle (the owner and founder of the store), in there is music, dancing, gambling, and general carousing
1920. Joe Sargent’s business is not welcome here, though few every night but Sunday. Lookouts stationed on the roof
other than Sargent and the elderly Mrs. Fowle know why. keep watch for the police; a heavy beam is at the ready to
Travelers coming from Innsmouth avoid the place entirely. block the front entrance long enough to dump any liquor
on hand.
7.  Hammond’s Drug Store*
10. Pearson’s Books
2 State St.
35 State St.
Shortly before ten the next morning I stood with one small
valise in front of Hammond’s Drug Store in old Market Open Mon.-Fri. 9-5; Sat. 10-6. This bookstore sells new
Square waiting for the Innsmouth bus. works for fiction and nonfiction, with a predominance of
“The Shadow Over Innsmouth” popular fiction. Owner and operator George Pearson, age
67, is an avid reader, albeit with admittedly conventional
A typical pharmacy, offering the usual medicines and salves, tastes; he does not carry any used books and is not interested
as well as general medical supplies and a limited stock of in buying them. The store does do a brisk business in
household necessities. There is also a large newspaper rack stationary and offers a variety of personalized options,
by the entrance with papers from across the North Shore, including monogrammed letterhead and envelopes.
including Arkham and Bolton. Joe Sargent’s bus stops just Pearson also stocks the corner of the store closest to the
outside the shop, around 9:45 in the morning, departing entrance with children’s books and often gives young
a little after 10. He returns about 6:45 each evening and customers a free book on their birthday. He knows his
regular customers well and often can recommend a new
* Hammond’s Drugstore is the only wholly fictional place created book to their tastes. There are no works of Mythos or
by Lovecraft in Newburyport, replacing Perry’s Pharmacy. occult interest in the store.
The reason for this alteration are unclear; David Gousward
suggests it may have been inspired by Gammon’s Drug Store in
Haverhill’s Washington Square, which was the main bus stop in
Haverhill at the time.

A Guide to Newburyport • Locations: Central Newburyport


If “Lord” Timothy Dexter is Newburyport’s most eccentric Gillis’ governing
historical character, then Andrew Jackson Gillis (aka philosophy was “the
“Bossy” Gillis) is his closest modern competitor. Gillis’ winner get the gravy,
foray into politics was driven by practical concerns: the losers get dirt.”
in 1925 the city passed zoning laws to block him from He was more often
building a gas station at the corner of State and High found working out of
Street. Gillis protested this by erecting mock gravestones his service station in
on the lot, under a banner saying “The Spirit of Old Market Square than
Newburyport.” A meeting with then-Mayor Nelson went Town Hall, happily
so poorly it ended with Gillis punching him in the face greeting supporters
and spending 60 days in the county jail in Salem. or hurling insults and
Gillis, a red-headed Irishman and former Navy obscenities at his critics
sailor, continued his campaign against “the fossils and opponents. Though
that run this burg,” running and winning his campaign he cultivated the air of
for mayor in 1927. Gillis was a populist who reveled in a plain-spoken everyman, Gillis also ran his own weekly
tweaking the noses of Newburyport’s old families and newspaper, The Asbestos (because it was “red-hot”). He
political establishment. When he opened a new gas used this as a cudgel to batter his opponents and was
station and garage in Market Square next to the fire slapped with several libel suits because of it.
station, he ignored the necessary permits and licenses. Gillis’ control of Newburyport was not lasting
Because of this, in the fall of 1928 Gillis was arrested for and he was voted out of office in 1931, the citizenry
illegally storing gasoline. He spent, while still serving as having turned on him for failing to meet his grandiose
mayor, another two months in jail, conducting official promises of jobs. Many also tired of his love of stunts
business from his cell in Salem. After his release, Gillis, like announcing the city’s schools would be closed when
accompanied by a brass band, led a Thanksgiving the circus was in town, despite the School Board stating
parade though Newburyport, cheered on by as many as otherwise, with over 200 children being rounded up at
forty-five thousand well-wishers and gaining national the fairgrounds by truant officers. His political fortunes
publicity. Gillis’ slate of city councilmen were victorious waxed and waned over the years and he returned to the
that December and his control of the city was complete, mayorship in 1936-7, 1950-3, and finally 1958-9. Gillis
for a time at least.* died in 1965 while his filling station on Market Square
was demolished as part of the city’s revitalizations efforts
* There are echoes of Gillis’ two months incarceration in in the 1970s. 
1928 and his triumphal release with Obed Marsh’s arrest
and freeing from the Innsmouth gaol. While we cannot
state definitely that Gillis inspired Marsh (or Gilman for political situation in Newburyport and of the town’s
that matter), Lovecraft most definitely was aware of the outlandish mayor.

Central Newburyport area (open 10-4) that serves tea and coffee, sandwiches,
candy, and “college ices” (i.e. ice cream sundaes).
Ineffably quaint & archaic are the Georgian streets which
we saw from the window — fascinating hills lined with 12.  Brown’s Jewelry
venerable dwellings of every description, from 200-year-old
3 Pleasant St.
hovels huddled together in nondescript groups with rambling
extensions & lean-to’s, to stately Colonial mansions with One of several jewelry stores in Newburyport, a holdover
proud gables & magnif icent doorways. One feature possessed from when the city was a center of the silver-making
in common by nearly all the houses, great & humble alike, was and engraving industries. While owner Frank Brown
the curious old-world abundance of chimney-pots. is unaware of it, his assistant Michael Korhais has been
quietly buying small amounts of Innsmouth jewelry from
Jarvis Thatcher, an Innsmouth native who works in the
11. A.C. Ryan’s city. Buying the gold at a steep discount, Korhais has been
86 State St. pocketing the excess funds to finance several recreational
vices, in Newburyport and (sometimes) Boston.
Open Mon.-Sat. 7:30-5. This family-owned green grocer
offers primarily fresh fruit and vegetables but with a counter

A Guide to Newburyport • Locations: Central Newburyport

13. First and Ocean National Bank

55 State St.
Open Mon.-Fri. 9-12, 1-4. Built just a few years ago after
the merger of the First National and Ocean National
Banks of Newburyport, this lender is Newburyport’s
largest. There is an armed guard on duty most days here,
an off-duty police officer from Newburyport, Amesbury,
or Newbury.

14. Garrison Inn

Brown Square
15.  Newburyport Public Library
94 State St.
I spent that evening at the Newburyport Public Library
looking up data about Innsmouth.
“The Shadow Over Innsmouth”

Occupying what was formerly the Tracy mansion (built

1771), the Newburyport Public Library, established in
1854 and relocated to this site in 1866, holds what at best
can be described as a middling collection. The interior of
the old mansion still reflects it opulent origins, as do several
additions added in the 1880s, including the reading room.
Unfortunately in more recent years inadequate funds have
retarded the library’s acquisition of new volumes, leaving
notable gaps in the collection. This situation is more acute
for scholars than the average reader however, as the staff does
its best to keep abreast of the most popular titles and topics.
Newburyport’s finest hotel, though this says more about Research into Innsmouth will bear little fruit, though
Newburyport than the actual quality of the Garrison. the library has the standard Essex County histories, up
Named for Newburyport native William Lloyd Garrison, to William Arrington’s four-volume Municipal History
the famed abolitionist and publisher to whom there is of Essex County in Massachusetts (1922). The library has a
a statue dedicated in the adjoining Brown Square. The partial collection of issues of the Innsmouth Courier, but
lobby of the hotel is decorated with a variety of stuffed only scattered issues from 1835 to 1838, the rest being lost
waterfowl, including a rare (for the region) Shoveller duck due to an unfortunate accident in 1884, but the surviving
and partially-albino Carolina Rail. Placards note that all papers are of little interest. The staff, while sharing the near-
were shot in the nearby marshes between Newburyport universal dislike of Innsmouth found in Newburyport, will
and Plum Island. point respectable looking investigators asking after the
The hotel has thirty rooms to rent; larger rooms have unwholesome place to the Newburyport Historical Society
two beds and a private bath (including a shower) while and their specimen of Innsmouth’s odd jewelry and will
the individual rooms share bathrooms at the end of each provide a letter of reference to Miss Tilton.
hallway. The rooms are clean, if a little spartan and worn. While the rest of the library’s collection is otherwise
While there is no restaurant, coffee or tea, along with almost entirely mundane there is one oddity that can be
simple fare like toast, hard-boiled eggs, and hot cereal, can uncovered by the persistent or unfortunate. Among the
be requested at the desk. In the lobby is a public telephone personal papers haphazardly held by the library, are those
booth and there are usually a few small boys lingering of Dr. Randall Tolliver, a Newburyport physician (1809-
about to run to the telegram office on Pleasant Street. 1874) which includes a file regarding a case that hints of
the influence of the Cthulhu Mythos — see the box “The
Curious Case of Miss V.E.” opposite for more information.
There is also a copy of Thaumaturgical Prodigies in the New-
English Canaan (1801 edition), held in the non-circulating
collection due to the age and general fragility of the
book. For more information on that particular work, see
Arkham Gazette #1.
A Guide to Newburyport • Locations: Central Newburyport


Within this slim black notebook are the collected notes, she had run away from home (apparently after rejecting
newspaper clipping, and associated letters regarding a a marriage proposal arranged by her father) to the hill
case that Dr. Tolliver consulted on regarding a patient he country east-northeast of Aylesbury. Dr. L. became lost
identifies only as V.E. Tolliver was contacted by a former after being thrown by his horse, somehow finding his
student, Dr. L., then working for the Hampden Academy way to a cleft in a rocky hillside where he was cornered
in Aylesbury, who had a student — a 17 year old girl he by an enormous rattlesnake. Suddenly V.E. appeared and,
only identifies as “V.E.” — who was exhibiting symptoms with a short command in an unknown language, sent
of a most unusual mania. away the serpent. The final page of this letter is missing.
According to Dr. L.’s notes, the girl was shunned by A last letter in the file is from Mr. Hallam, the director
her classmates who claimed that she had been cursed of the Hampden Academy, requesting Dr. Tolliver’s aid in
just before birth when her mother had been fatally locating either his friend Dr. Latham or one Miss Violet
bitten by a rattlesnake. The girl was rumored to have Evans, late a student of the school. The letter guardedly
an unnatural affinity for snakes, and it was whispered implies that Mr. Hallam fears that there was some sort of
that, as a young girl, she had bitten another child. Dr. L. inappropriate relationship between the two, fears made
included summaries of his interviews with two students worse by the recent disappearance of both teacher and
who had seen V.E. seemingly conversing with snakes. The student. A few newspaper clippings from the Aylesbury
girl was known to be obsessed with snakes of all types, Transcript document the fruitless search for the missing
in nature, history, and mythology, and seemed to care girl; no mention is made of Dr. Latham.
for little else. Dr. Tolliver’s Notes on V.E. +1 point to Cthulhu Mythos.
The last pair of letters from Dr. L. report that, after V.E. 12 hours to read. Dr. Latham’s final letter may allow
was inexplicably absent from school, he discovered that someone, with a Navigate roll, to locate the strange rocky
chasm on a ridge south of Hale Mountain near Dunwich
* This document was inspired by the novel Elsie Venner (see H.P. Lovecraft’s Dunwich, Region 7, page 104). The
(1861) by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., though certain exact nature of Miss Evans’s ophidian connections, her
liberties were taken with the plot. fate, and the fate of Dr. Lantham, are left to the Keeper. 

16. Old Custom House The Newburyport Police have three patrol cars — none
of which is yet radio-equipped — a paddy-wagon, and half-
25 Water St.
a-dozen motorcycles. Foot-patrolmen are only armed with
This two-story granite building, now being used to store a nightstick, but have access to a small stock of revolvers,
hay, was until 1911 the Newburyport Custom House. shotguns, and rifles if needed. While there is no dedicated
While otherwise of little interest to investigators beyond harbor patrol, the police do have an understanding with
the historical, the cupola on the roof of the poorly secured the harbormaster and can get the use of a handful of small
building affords an excellent view of Newburyport harbor motor launches in an emergency.
and, to a lesser degree, Market Square to the south-southwest.
18. Post Office
17. Police Station 16 Pleasant St.
6 Green St.
Joe Sargent makes a stop here on his evening visit to
With a force of nearly thirty officers, the City Marshall Newburyport, before reaching Market Square, to drop off
does what he can to police the city. The department is Innsmouth’s limited mail and pick up whatever incoming
focused mostly on maintaining the peace rather than mail there might be.
investigating crimes. For the most part, only flagrant
liquor violations, such as public drunkenness, are punished. 19. Star Grocery
While the Marshall is not on the take, several individual
71 State St.
officers (among other staff ) are on the payroll of various
speakeasies and bootleggers, and nearly every raid is Open Mon.-Fri.7:30-5; Sat. 9-3. This market, part of a
preceded by a warning, leaving the Newburyport Police New England-spanning chain, has fresh vegetables, meats,
little to show for their work. The Green Street station, baked goods, etc. A sandwich counter (open 11-2) provides
built in 1912, is still sometimes called the “new” police an alternative to the restaurants and lunch counters around
station by locals. Market Square. It serves an affordable meal, popular with
shop girls and other less-affluent workers.

A Guide to Newburyport • Locations: Central Newburyport

20. Strand Theatre One of the station

agents, John Spaulding,
15 Green St.
originally from Panton,
Newburyport’s only purpose-built (in 1917) cinema, the Vermont, is exceptionally
Strand shows a wide variety of films. There is a matinée gregarious. He is happy
daily at 11 and regular showings at 2, 5, and 8 (with just a to talk at length about
1 and 4 pm showing on Sunday). The movies are all silent nearly any topic to
but the theater is not thanks to the enormous Wurlitzer anyone buying a ticket
organ and the passel of organists employed by the Strand. or looking for directions.
During October of 1928 the Strand is showing, in addition He is particularly friendly
to various short features and cartoons, Docks of New York, to out-of-towners with
The Fall of the House of Usher, Our Dancing Daughters, and whom he is happy to
The Singing Fool. For those interested in live entertainment, share a chuckle about
the Premiere Theater, on nearby Pleasant Street, provides local superstitions and the
an alternative to the cinema. credulity of Newburyport’s citizenry, who lack the canny
scepticism of this Green Mountain State native. While
21. Town Hall he’s familiar with all of Newburyport’s historical oddities
and curiosities (the Keeper might have one or more of the
60 Pleasant St.
boxed text entries about Goody Morse or the ‘haunted’
The municipal center of Newburyport, with the office of teacher Miss Perkins on hand for Spaulding to regale the
the mayor, tax assessor, and various other licensing offices investigators with), the ticket agent has taken a particular
and the other mundane bureaucratic offices that keep civil interest in the dark rumors around Innsmouth. At the
government moving. Of likely interest to investigators are Keeper’s option, Spaulding may be encountered elsewhere
the property records and birth and death certificates. Miss in Newburyport or northern Essex county, following up on
Louise Martin (see box, opposite) works as a switchboard leads looking for more details about Innsmouth. For the
operator here. sake of game-play, the conversation between the narrator
of “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” and the ticket agent is
22.  Train Station a good summary of Spaulding’s knowledge on the subject,
but one should avoid turning the encounter into quite the
Winter St.
extended piece of exposition that Lovecraft does.
JOHN SPAULDING, Sceptical Vermonter
skills : Innsmouth Lore 61%, Occult 18%

Aside from the chatty Mr. Spaulding, the station is a

typical sort of depot and is otherwise unremarkable.
(There is a second railroad station in Newburyport
— a freight-only station on the south side of the Frog
Pond near the Old Hill Burying Ground. While everyone
in town is aware of this, investigators relying solely on
maps to get around town may be in for no small amount
of disappointment when they arrive there instead of the
In Newburyport they told me that the steam train was Winter Street passenger station.)
the thing to take to Arkham; and it was only at the station
ticket-off ice, when I demurred at the high fare, that I learned 23. YMCA
about Innsmouth.
75 Main St.
“The Shadow Over Innsmouth”
At the YMCA the clerk merely discouraged my going to such a
An intermediate stop on the Boston and Maine railroad, dismal, decadent place…
Newburyport’s depot is only partially enclosed, with a “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” (Discarded draft)
ticket office, luggage handling, and seating area in a single
French Renaissance-inspired building (built in 1893 to This 3-storey brick building houses Newburyport’s branch
replace the previous station that was destroyed in a fire in of the YMCA. Formerly the home of the industrialist E.J.
March of 1892). M. Hale, the late 19th century Victorian building offered
guests a reading room, a gymnasium, and a swimming pool.
Lovecraft usually stayed here when visiting Newburyport,
though he described the place as “seedy and run-down.”

A Guide to Newburyport • Innsmouth’s Agents


While the Marsh family has no organized network of he is assigned to follow
agents outside of Innsmouth, the reach of the family and, occasionally steal
and their hybrid allies is such as they have an informal from, his targets. He
network of contact and allies in the communities has little aptitude for
surrounding Innsmouth, including Newburyport. Most violence. Unbeknownst
of this network is purely for information gathering, to anyone else, not
watching out for unusual interest in Innsmouth or the only has Thatcher
circumstances within the town. Should direct action secretly taken up
be required, the Marshes typically depend upon hybrid with a local girl (Celia
loyalists from Innsmouth itself, dispatched directly at Effinger, 20, who
the Marshes’ behest. Members of the Marsh network in works at the tobacco
Newburyport include: counter at Fowle’s
„„ Louise Martin, 27. (6)), he dreams of fleeing Innsmouth, to New
Switchboard operator. York perhaps, to become an artist. He has been
Louise works at the selling purloined bits of scrounged Innsmouth
telephone switchboard jewelry to the unscrupulous Mr. Korhais at
at Town Hall (21) Brown’s Jewelry.
which also handles John Argus Spring III,
incoming calls to the 37. Attorney. Spring
nearby police station. was a classmate of
A wholly human Ralsa Marsh at the
runaway from Essex, Lawrence Academy,
she was informally and was a willing
adopted by a mixed participant in several of
Innsmouth family nearly twenty years ago. While Marsh’s scandals there.
she was treated as little better than a maid, it was The two discovered
still a better life than before. Louise is unable to they shared certain
bear children and so has been allowed to leave proclivities, not limited
Innsmouth in exchange for her monitoring of to misogyny and a
the authorities in Newburyport. No one suspects taste for violence. The two reconnected a decade
the awkward, nervous young woman of spoiling ago, when Marsh was in need of discreet legal aid.
several police raids on suspected liquor shipments Marsh soon returned the favor, quietly helping
into Innsmouth. Spring dispose of the body of a young woman. Ever
„„ Jarvis Thatcher, 23. Laborer. Thatcher is a hybrid who unscrupulous, Marsh has from time to time forced
daily takes Sargent’s bus to and from Innsmouth his sometimes partner in crime to use his position
to Newburyport to work as an apprentice for the and wealth to neutralize threats against the Marshes
elderly Hermon Staples, the house, sign, and ship and their control of Innsmouth. Spring suspects that
painter. Thatcher honestly enjoys the work and there is something profoundly wrong about his old
imagines that taking up the trade will supply steady classmate and Marsh is considering offering him
work in tumbledown Innsmouth. Staples, nearly a new, inhuman, outlet for his sadism. At Marsh’s
70, is neither as sharp or dexterous as he once was behest, Spring has attempted, through a proxy, to
and his apprentices generally have free rein around purchase the Innsmouth tiara from the Newburyport
town. Thatcher has, on occasion, been asked to keep Historical Society. 
tabs on individuals who have crossed the Marshes;

A Guide to Newburyport • Goody Morse, Lighthouses


As with any self-respecting old colonial town, Powell was tried in March of 1680 on charges of
Newburyport has its own accused witch*: Elizabeth witchcraft. Despite testimony against him, including
Morse. She was the wife of the cobbler William Morse Mr. Morse who stated that Powell had vouched for his
and the pair lived near what is now Market Square. mystical bonafides by highlighting his foreign travels
Starting in the fall of 1679, the elderly couple, who and familiarity with astronomy and astrology, Powell was
also cared for their young grandson, were repeatedly found “not guilty but warranting suspicion,” forcing him
victims of inexplicable, apparently supernatural, acts of to pay for the costs of his trial and jailing. As the Morses
vandalism and mischief — primarily weird sounds, as if continued to suffer supernatural attack even while
rocks were hitting the house, or a pig was loose in the Powell was in jail, local authorities determined that it
home. When the frightened Mr. Morse confided in his was Mrs. Morse herself who was the witch responsible.
neighbor Caleb Powell, the canny sailor recognized that She was convicted in May of 1680 by a court in Boston
the young master Morse was a more likely cause than and sentenced to be executed by hanging. Repeated
any witchcraft. Powell offered to drive off whatever spirit petitions from her husband eventually swayed governor
or spell was afflicting the family if he might take the boy Bradstreet to spare her life, though local authorities
away for a time. When the strange noises and pranks again reopened the case in the spring of 1681 as the
stopped, the elder Morse decided that it must have been attacks continued. Though she avoided the noose, she
Caleb Powell who was to blame! was condemned to house arrest for the rest of her life.
The family’s supernatural misadventures ended once the
* And as we will see later on, Newburyport has another, young man left the household. 
later, witch, Madam Hooper; see box, opposite.

Within Newburyport proper there are three lighthouses,
two within the city proper and one at the northern tip of
Plum Island.
„„ Newburyport Harbor Light (aka Plum Island Light).
A lighthouse has stood here since 1788. The current
lighthouse, which stands about 50 feet above the
shifting sands, is visible as far as 12 miles away at sea.
Prohibition Bureau agents have used the lighthouse
as a lookout for rumrunners as the area is frequently
traveled by them and seizures off the north point of
Plum Island are common. Nearby is the Plum Island
Coast Guard Station.
„„ Front and Rear Range * Light. Both these lights were
erected in 1873, replacing an earlier privately-owned
set of lights which had been built in an attempt to
deal with the silting of Newburyport’s harbor. The
lower ‘front’ light is 35 feet high and sits at the
end of Bayley’s Wharf. Nearby, at 66½ Water Street,
stands the 53 foot high ‘rear’ light. Unlike the other
lights in Newburyport, it is a square tower. With the

* Range lights are navigational tools that allow ships decline of shipping into Newburyport, locals have
to approach port safely at night; the two lights, when complained that the range lights are too bright and
aligned, show that the ship is approaching harbor in a they will be significantly dimmed in 1933. The rear
safe channel, free of rocks, sandbars, and other dangerous light is a very visible landmark along Water Street
obstructions. and can be seen (and see) much of the town. 

A Guide to Newburyport • Locations: Greater Newburyport


A few blocks from Market Square, on Charles Street, once 1872. Their investigation put the blame on young Amos
stood the Male Primary school. In the fall of 1871 its four- Currier who, along with two or three other students,
dozen pupils (and Miss Lucy Ann Perkins, their teacher) had been, for their own amusement, producing all the
began witnessing apparently supernatural phenomena: ‘supernatural’ activity to harass Miss Perkins. Despite this
knocking and rapping noises, doors opening without official pronouncement, wild accounts of the ‘haunting’
cause, briefly glimpsed faces at the window, and once were published in Boston newspapers and sensationalist
a young boy who vanished when Miss Perkins chased pamphlets. Because of all the publicity, Miss Perkins was
him into the small attic. Rumors of the haunting began encouraged to take a leave of absence. All reports of ghostly
to spread around town, eventually involving the School happenings then ceased. A few years later the school
Committee and the Newburyport Police in the fall of building was sold and converted into a private residence. 

While Goody Morse is the best known “witch” in and threadbare, she would
Newburyport’s history, she was not alone, for a century go as she pleased in town,
afterwards there was a woman named Jane Hooper. demanding food or drink
Usually called Madam Hooper, she was thought to be in from startled townsfolk,
her middle 30s when she arrived in Newburyport around and terrifying small children
1760. While she at first served as a school teacher, her who fled at her approach,
talents as a fortune teller soon became widely known about fearful of her “evil eye.” One
town, and soon her house was often visited by the curious account claims that she was
and the desperate. ‘Lord’ Timothy Dexter (see page 80) forced to remain seated by
was a client. She cultivated an air of mystery with a hint a crossed pair of knitting
of menace, refusing to say where she had come from needles, as metal needles
originally and unafraid to suggest she was a witch or and pins were traditionally
even hint at some infernal source for her powers. For thought to ward against witches and witchcraft. By the
many years she kept a black cockerel as a pet, which she time of her death in May of 1798, she was nearly penniless
referred to as her familiar. The poor bird had a clipped and living in the town’s almshouse. Nevertheless she
beak, giving it an unsettlingly human profile. merited her own obituary, unlike most other residents
Physically she “was short and stout, with a strongly of that institution. It said, among other things, that she
marked countenance, glittering gray eyes, and a full set of “was for many years a terror to weak and superstitious
double teeth*.” Always clad in fine clothes, albeit antique minds, who honored her with the appellation witch.” 

* This expression is a colloquial one of the 18th and 19th

centuries, referring to teeth that show wear and look like suffering from hyperdontia, that is, extra teeth beyond the
molars, not, as a modern reader might interpret, someone normal human set of at most 32.

Greater Newburyport 25. The Dexter Mansion

201 High St.
24. Anna Jacques Hospital [We] set out for famous & opulent High St., where stands the
old mansion of the celebrated eccentric Timothy Dexter… In
25 Highland Avenue
our family there is an old print of Dexter’s house… shewing the
Founded in 1884, Newburyport’s sole hospital was ludicrous ornaments & the statues of celebrities atop fence posts...
established to care for the indigent and impoverished.
Though no longer as it had been in its heyday, this mansion
There is space for seventy-five patients at a time, but most
on High Street is one of the most famous landmarks in
serious or complicated cases require the visitors go instead
all of Newburyport. First built in 1771, it is best known
to Boston. The hospital offers 24-hour emergency services
as the home of the famed Newburyport eccentric “Lord”
on a limited basis, along with single ambulance.
Timothy Dexter. Dexter decorated the grounds according
to his unusual tastes, with gardens and fruit trees, but most
notable were forty painted carved wooden statues, life-
sized, modeled after famous figures of the day. To the house
A Guide to Newburyport • “Lord” Timothy Dexter


You must have heard of Dexter & his lucky speculations…
freakish extravagance, grotesque house & grounds,
ridiculous escapades… & absurd book[?]

Newburyport’s best known and most unusual son

is Timothy Dexter (1747-1806). Born in Malden,
Massachusetts, Dexter moved to Newburyport in 1769
where he married a wealthy widow. Dexter managed
to amass a large fortune — accounts of how he came
into his wealth tend to emphasize Dexter’s luck over
any supposed business sense, but modern historians
have cast doubt on some of the more absurd tales —
becoming one of the richest men in the town by the end
of the American Revolution. Dexter was an eccentric,
and it is difficult to sort fact from fiction regarding his
stranger exploits, but contemporary sources show that,
for example, he held his own mock funeral, gave himself
the title of Lord, and described his unusual choices of
decoration for his mansion on High Street. He was fond
of drink and was once arrested and jailed in Ipswich for
drunkenly shooting at a man who had offended him;
Dexter rode to and from the jail to serve his sentence in
his lavish black coach, cheered on by amused bystanders.
Dexter wrote a short book entitled A Pickle for
the Knowing Ones or Plain Truth in a Homespun Dress*
(1802; reprinted many times), a rambling monologue
about theology, politics, society, and his wife. Dexter,
perhaps due to his lack of a formal education, used no
punctuation in the document and made use of his own
rather idiosyncratic system of capitalization and spelling:†
with a sprig of parsley, praising his employer in verse
I will tell the trouth man is the best Annemel and the worst and song. According to one source ‡ “[he] was a dreamer
all men are more or less the Divel but there is sit of ods some of dreams, and professed to see visions and received
halfe some three quarters the other part beast of difrent communications from the spirit world that were
kind of beasts sum one thing and sum a Nother sum like startling, and, in his opinion, inexplicable.” After Dexter’s
a Dog sum like a horse sum bare sum Cat sum Lion sum lik death, Plummer continued to sell morbid chapbooks (for
ouls sum a monkey sum wild Cat sum Lam sum a Dove sum example, a lyric ode to those who perished during a heat
a hogg sum a oxe suma snake... wave in the summer of 1811), suffer strange visions, and
mutilate himself, until his own death in 1819.
Dexter had his own small “court” of odd hangers-on,
Timothy Dexter himself
including a hairless black dog that always accompanied
died in 1806. After the
him on his frequent walks about town, and the “witch”
city refused permission to
Madam Hooper. The most notable of Dexter’s “court” was
bury him in the crypt he
his “physician, preacher, and poet laureate” Jonathan
had built for himself at his
Plummer. Formerly a fishmonger and a chapbook
mansion, he was buried in
seller, Plummer was hired by Dexter to travel around
Old Hill Burying Ground.
Newburyport, clad in black finery and his hat topped
His epitaph reads, in part,
“He gave liberal donations
* Lovecraft himself examined the Haverhill Public for the support of the
Library’s copy of Dexter’s book just after his first visit to Gospel; For the Benefit
Newburyport in 1923 and copied down several passages. of the Poor; and for other
† In later editions, Dexter included a page with thirteen benevolent purposes.” 
lines of punctuation for the reader to use in the preceding
text if his own avoidance of it was irksome. ‡ John J. Currier’s The History of Newburyport, p. 436.

A Guide to Newburyport • Locations: Greater Newburyport

The collection was a notable one indeed, but in my present mood

I had eyes for nothing but the bizarre object which glistened in
a corner cupboard under the electric lights.
“The Shadow Over Innsmouth”

The Newburyport Historical Society, at the corner of

High and Winter Streets, is open Monday through Friday
10-3 and from 12-4 on Saturdays, though it may be
viewed outside of normal hours by arrangement with the
curator. The society (officially called the Antiquarian and
Historical Society of Old Newbury), was founded in 1877*
and was first housed in a room at the Newburyport Public
Library. In 1909 the Society was bequeathed this building,
the Pettingill-Fowler House. Built in 1792, the house was
a fine example of the Federal building style. A small brick
he added minarets and, to complete the effect, a gilded annex was added in 1912 for the storage of artifacts.
eagle was perched atop an enlarged cupola. He also had
built, though it was never used, a mausoleum, including an
elaborate mahogany casket. Prints were made of the house
and sold throughout New England.
After Dexter’s death, the house was sold. For a time it
served as a hotel, though by the 1920s it has again become
a private residence. While its subsequent owners had
removed all the statues and otherwise made the grounds
more conventional in appearance, the golden eagle remains
on the cupola. Even though Dexter’s odd adornments are,
like him, long gone, the house continues to be a popular
spot for curious visitors to the town. Lovecraft, for example,
recommended seeing Dexter’s house to anyone he knew
was planning to visit the town.
Some of the statues were lost to rot. Many others
toppled in the Gale of 1815 and were sold at auction. Only
one (of William Pitt) is known to survive into the modern
day. Canny Keepers presumably are doubtless already The bulk of the society’s collection is mundane, with
plotting out how to use one of Dexter’s lost statues in their all the usual artifacts and items you might find in a small
next scenario... Massachusetts town; the personal effects of early citizens,
deeds and titles from the town’s foundation, everyday goods
26.  Newburyport Historical Society from the Colonial era, etc. They are also in possession of
a most unusual collection — the former museum of
180 High St.
Newburyport’s Marine Society. A mutual insurance society
for the city’s merchants and ship’s captains, established
in 1772 and dissolved in 1911, the society maintained a
museum of unusual items which they donated the entirety
of to the Newburyport Historical Society in 1912.
Consider the following examples† for inspiration:

* Observant readers will note this is four years after the tiara
held by the Society was “pawned for a ridiculous sum”; the
description of this situation leaves open the possibly that the
pawn shop held the tiara for four years before it was added to
the newly formed Society’s collection. Otherwise, it may have
been first purchased by the Marine Society or an individual who
donated the oddity to the nascent organization a few years later.
† The full catalog is listed in Capts. Bayley and Jones’ History of
the Marine Society of Newburyport, as listed in our bibliography.

A Guide to Newburyport • Greater Newburyport Map

A Guide to Newburyport • Locations: Greater Newburyport

2 Heathen Gods or idols, taken by the British Army at Rangoon;

bottle containing sucker f ish; bottle containing centipedes… NEWBURYPORT’S OTHER
fancy battle axe from South Sea Islands… Hindoo Gods… BURYING GROUNDS
walrus teeth… 2 oil paintings, view of Mt. Vesuvius, night
In addition to Old Hill Burying Ground, Newburyport
and day; 1 ship wreck… sundry pieces of silver ornament taken
has six other cemeteries:
in the Abyssinian War presumed to be the house trappings of
„„ Belleville Cemetery. This cemetery on the west
the King of Abyssinia…
side of Newburyport, was originally established
Stranger and even more remarkable is the white-gold tiara, some time after 1711 when Queen Anne’s
said to be of “East-Indian or Indo-Chinese provenance,” Chapel was built for people on what was then
stored in a corner cupboard. This is one of the rare the west side of Newbury. While the chapel fell
specimens of Innsmouth jewelry held by someone outside into disuse and was closed in 1766, the small
of that city. For more information on Innsmouth gold graveyard was later incorporated into the much
see the article starting on page 53. larger 19th century Belleville Cemetery. The
The current curator oldest surviving gravestone dates from 1727,
is the elderly Miss Anna but most of the markers date after 1851 when
Tilton, who, though she Belleville Cemetery was founded. There are
prefers other topics, is about 1000 burials here.
happy to discuss the tiara „„ Highland Cemetery. Established in 1800, this
at length with anyone cemetery was in many ways an extension of the
demonstrating some crowded Old Hill Graveyard just to the north,
knowledge on the piece (a even being named New Hill burying ground
History, Anthropology, Art, initially. Additional land was purchased for the
Innsmouth Lore or even cemetery in 1870; there is still space for many
a Know roll may suffice). additional burials. About 1500 of Newburyport’s
While Tilton would balk citizens have been laid to rest here.
at any suggestion of the „„ Oak Hill Cemetery. Established in 1842 (and
supernatural, she holds the expanded in 1894), this plot to the east of
Marsh family in low regard Highland Cemetery was established as a
and will be distrustful of anyone asking to see the tiara garden-style burying ground, inspired by
who lacks the proper credentials or references, especially Mount Auburn cemetery in Boston. Most of
anyone who’s appearance even slightly hints of the ghastly Newburyport’s wealthiest citizens are laid to
Innsmouth look. rest here, with more than 1000 burials to date.
„„ St. Mary’s Cemetery. Newburyport’s newest
MISS ANNA TILTON, antiquarian
burial place (established in 1875), this cemetery
skills : Newburyport History 81%, Innsmouth Lore 24%
abuts Belleville Cemetery and was intended for
the town’s Catholic populace. There are already
27. Old Hill Burying Ground 500 coreligionists interred here.
Established in 1729, the Old Hill Burying Ground was „„ St. Paul’s Episcopal Cemetery. See page 84.
the primary burial site for the people of what would „„ Sawyer Hill Burying Ground. Also called the
become Newburyport. Across its nearly six acres, just Quaker Cemetery, this is Newburyport’s most
north of the Frog Pond, the remains of several thousand ancient burying ground, established in 1689,
of Newburyport’s deceased are buried. As with other parts for those citizens of the town in the far north-
of Newburyport, there are stories about tunnels under the western corner. About 500 people are buried
cemetery. An iron grating is said by nearby children to be here, many more than two centuries ago. 
the visible entrance into this underworld.
In addition to the usual roster of Revolutionary War
veterans, captains, elected officials, and more traditional
worthies, the Old Hill Burying Ground is the final resting Another curious location within the graveyard is the
place of the eccentric “Lord” Timothy Dexter (see page 80) Pierce family tomb. The largest of several family tombs
and Mrs. Mary McHard, who in 1780 was: in the cemetery, the Pierce family vault is built into the
side of the hill, an ornamental stone arch bearing the
[S]uddenly summoned to the skies & snatched from ye eager
motto “PIERCE 1863” marking the aboveground portion.
embraces of her friends… by swallowing a pea at her own table
According to local records seven members of the Pierce
whence in a few hours she sweetly breathed her soul away into
family were laid to rest here between 1863 and 1899. The
her Savior’s arms.
folklorist Robert Ellis Cahill states that in 1925 a group
of local boys dug into the hill behind the Pierce tomb and

A Guide to Newburyport • Locations: Greater Newburyport

Newburyport is a strange old city — half-deserted by its Lovecraft returned to Newburyport in August of
former industries, and with that air of sleepy hush and 1927 as part of a wide-ranging tour of northern New
partial desertion typical of a town which has lost about half England, including stops in Vermont, New Hampshire,
its population since its heyday. The harbour is half-filled and Maine. He arrived in Newburyport on August 29 and
with drifting sand, the wharves and marine warehouses are left the next day, staying overnight at the YMCA. After a
moss-grown and ruinous… It is one of my favourite towns day in Haverhill, he returned to Newburyport briefly the
— a sleepy little city full of ancient houses and looking next day, taking a leisurely walk from Market Square to
much as it did a century ago. the train station on Winter Street.
— Letter from H.P. Lovecraft to Mrs. It was not until October of 1931 that Lovecraft
Herlow H. Hughes, 1936 returned to the town, traveling by car with his friend Paul
Cook. The duo first drove to Newburyport on the 4 th and
Lovecraft first visited Newburyport in April of 1923, as
returned for a second time at the end of the month. It
part of a wider trip through the cities of the Merrimack
was not long after this visit that Lovecraft began writing
Valley, including Haverhill, Merrimac, and Amesbury. His
“The Shadow Over Innsmouth”, which he completed in
companion was the young Edgar J. Davis, then about
December of that same year.
fifteen, who had been a correspondent of Lovecraft and
Cook and Lovecraft returned to Newburyport in
a fellow member of the Amature Press Association, and
August of 1932 in order to view a total solar eclipse,
who lived in nearby Merrimac. On the 15th of the month
watching the event from Atkinson Common, a 21 acre
the pair took the trolley from Merrimac into Newburyport,
park west of the downtown area. Lovecraft returned again
walking around the center of town, from Market Square
to Newburyport in July of 1933 with Helen V. Sully, who
to the Dexter Mansion. As the day wore on they took in
was touring the East Coast and had been encouraged to
the Federal houses along High Street, until returning to
visit Lovecraft by Clark Ashton Smith (who was having
Market Square where, after a meal at the Adam’s House,
an affair with Sully’s mother). This was to be his final
the pair returned to Davis’ parent’s home in Merrimac.
visit to Newburyport. 

broke into the tomb itself. They proceeded to, among other Mercy Brown of Exeter, Rhode Island), and use that as a
things, pose the now-desiccated corpses as if they were start point for their own scenarios...
sitting up. The youths, for a time, used the Pierce tomb as a Visitors here, in addition to those of nearby Frog
club house until they undressed the deceased Pierce family Pond, may notice the old Newburyport Powder House,
members, put on their clothes, and marched around the built in 1754, on nearby Powder House Hill.
nearby Frog Pond. A policeman took notice of their odd
manner of dress and soon learned what the boys had been 28. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
doing with the Pierce tomb and its macabre contents. The
166 High St.
tomb was resealed and the dead Pierce family members
laid to rest once more. Strolling south from Dexter’s mansion, Edgar [Davis ] & I
On at least two subsequent occasions young people noted the ancient churchyard and the new church going up
broke into the Pierce tomb and violated the remains. within it.
First, in 1985, a group of teens broke into the tomb and,
among other things, attempted to share their liquor with
the deceased within. Twenty years later a young man broke
into the crypt and, after pulling a spine and skull from
one of the corpses within, played about in the cemetery,
including stopping to have photos taken of him with the
freshly looted skull. After he was caught, he was sentenced
to a 2 ½ year jail term for his acts of vandalism. Daniel
Boudillion wonders (facetiously, I suspect) if perhaps
there is some dark cycle at work, repeating every twenty
years, where young people are drawn to the Pierce tomb to
perform strange rites with the deceased within. The Keeper
may note that several members of the Piece family died
of tuberculosis, the same disease linked with incidences of
alleged “vampire corpses” in New England (most famously

A Guide to Newburyport • Scenario Hooks and Seeds

the likely role of the Morse’s young grandson, for

NEWBURYPORT’S TUNNELS example — of interest. What sort of occult secrets did
Caleb Powell learn in his travels?
A persistent, but at the time mostly unsubstantiated,
Madam Hooper (p. 79). Unlike Goodwife Morse,
rumor heard about Newburyport regards the
Madam Hooper did claim to possess supernatural
existence of a complex network of tunnels running
powers. What was the source of her claimed ability
up from the harbor to the great houses of High Street
to see the future? Where did she come from before
or even to the Old Hill Burying Ground. Over the
settling in Newburyport? Why did she dress in out-of-
years a few such tunnels have been uncovered, either
date costume? What of her curious avian companion?
through accident or intentional searches. In the late
‘Lord’ Timothy Dexter (p. 80). This eccentric figure
1920s a city worker repairing a damaged water main
might appear comic, but there are dark undercurrents to
is said to have fallen into a tunnel exposed due to
his story. Wealthy and alone, seemingly in an unhappy
the water leak and crawled to freedom hundreds
marriage, Dexter’s habits and interests have a macabre
of feet away. Several tunnels were also uncovered
tinge — his mock funeral for example — as do his
during Newburyport’s large-scale rehabilitation in
coterie of odd associates, including Madam Hooper,
the 1970s. Another tunnel, brick and about five feet
above, the manic fishmonger-cum-poet Jonathan
high, was unearthed in 2014 at the intersection of
Plummer, not to mention his hairless black dog. The
Merrimac and Green Street.
strange adornment of Dexter’s mansion may have
The popular wisdom about the origins
extended to the interior of his home, with all manner
of these tunnels differs widely — they were
of odd statues or geometries. Consider the nonsensical
supposedly intended to hide slaves (either as part
ramblings of A Pickle
of the Underground Railroad, or to get around
for the Knowing Ones: is
Massachusetts’ prohibition of slavery), for avoiding
there some occult secret
customs tariffs, for drainage, or even just for
within? Finally, Dexter
transporting mundane items. Historians dismiss
seemed like a magnet
most of these explanations — surviving accounts
for the strange and
of the Underground Railroad in Newburyport
the mad — was there
described escaped slaves being snuck in using hay
some supernatural force
wagons — but smuggling seems the most likely use.
behind this?
Of course, this does not explain why you might wish
Tunnels (see box). Unlike other cities where
to smuggle something to or from the cemetery... 
stories of secret tunnels are mostly or entirely
bogus, Newburyport does indeed have a network
of underground tunnels. Beyond the obvious ghoul
connection, consider the subterranean nightmares
While the church is brand new (1923), the small
of Joseph Curwen’s laboratory as just one option for
churchyard that encircles it was founded in 1742. While
how to use this curious feature. The scenario “The
not as large at the Old Hill Burying Ground, many of
Darkness Beneath the Hill” from Doors to Darkness
Newburyport’s most notable early citizens are buried here,
can be relocated from Providence to Newburyport
making it a popular stop for antiquarians and historically
with minimal effort.
minded visitors. There are thought to be several hundred
The Lucy Perkins Haunting (p. 79). While those
burials here.
strange events were are almost certainly a hoax, there is no
reason why the Keeper cannot use them as a model for
their own scenario, or have the hauntings begin again

Scenario Seeds — but this time, they’re not the work of schoolboys.
The Pierce tomb in the Old Hill Burying Ground

and Hooks (p. 83). Why do people continue to violate that

tomb? What draws them there? What ritual are they
unconsciously copying?
“The Case of Miss V.E.” (p. 75). Investigators
might stumble across this strange story or seek it out
While Newburyport, through its connection to Innsmouth when looking for more information on the fate on any
in fiction, might seem to be a place to launch scenarios of the individuals mentioned.
from, a closer look at the city’s history suggest that there Innsmouth’s Many Tentacles. Any number of leads
are plenty of options for adventures in Newburyport itself... connect the place, not least of all Joe Sargent’s bus
„„ The Goody Morse Witch Trial (p. 78). While — Newburyport might be the last place a traveling
Morse’s trial followed the usual course of such things, salesman or researcher was seen alive before they
the Keeper may find certain elements of the case — disappeared somewhere in Innsmouth. Newburyport is
A Guide to Newburyport • Scenario Hooks and Seeds


Investigators beginning to look for evidence of the Albee, John. “Pope Night: Fifth November.” The
Deep Ones may come across this (very real) passage Journal of American Folklore 6, no. 20 (1893):
from An Account of Two Voyages to New England 68-69.
by John Josselyn. Published in 1674 and reprinted
Bayley, Capt. William H. and Capt. Oliver O. Jones.
many times, this book was a popular, if often
History of the Marine Society of Newburyport,
fanciful, description of the the newly established
Massachusetts. Press of the Daily News, 1906.
British colonies in North America. Among its many
improbable tales is a second-hand account of a Blake, Euphemia Vale. The History of Newburyport.
“triton” in Casco Bay off the coast of what is now Maine. Damrell and Moore, 1854.

One Mr. Mittin related of a Triton or Merman which he Boudillion, Denis. “Pierce Tomb & Old Burying Ground,
saw in Casco Bay, the Gentleman was a great Fowler, Newburyport Massachusetts.” http://www.
and used to go out with a small Boat or Canoe, and boudillion.com/piercetomb/piercetomb.htm
fetching a compass about a small Island, (there being
many small Islands in the Bay) for the advantage of a
shot, was encountered with a Triton, who laying his Currier, John J. The History of Newburyport (1764-
hands upon the side of the Canoe, had one of them 1906). 1906.
chopped off with a Hatchet by Mr. Mittin, which was in
Currier, John J. Ould Newbury: Historical and Biographical
all respects like the hand of a man, the Triton presently
Sketches. Damrell and Upham, 1896.
sunk, dyeing the water with his purple blood, and was
no more seen.  Dexter, Timothy. A Pickle for the Learned Ones. 1802.

Emery, Sarah Smith. Reminiscences of a Newburyport

Nonagenarian. Huse, 1879.

a likely place of refuge for someone fleeing Innsmouth, Goudsward, David. H.P. Lovecraft in the Merrimack
at least temporarily. Strange artifacts originating in Valley. Hippocampus Press, 2013.
Innsmouth have ended up in Newburyport — any of
Lovecraft, H.P “The Shadow Over Innsmouth”
the items from “Innsmouth Curios” (page 46) or a
copy of the Hymnal of the Esoteric Order of Dagon http://mhc-macris.net/ (The Massachusetts Cultural
(page 32) could turn up; likewise the dreadful Resource Information System)
crown at the center of the scenario “Dark Dreams
The Works Progress Administration — Massachusetts:
of Innsmouth” (The Unbound Book #2, see page 111)
A Guide to Its Places and People, 1937
could be discovered in Newburyport or brought there
to compare the town’s well-known tiara. We have also Wallis, James. H. The Politician, His Habits, Outcries,
provided three NPCs in the thrall, at least in part, and Protective Coloring. Fredrick A. Stokes,
to the Marsh family (page 77). Of these, Jarvis Company, 1935. 
Thatcher is the most likely to create trouble for the
Marshes, between pawning small bits of Innsmouth
jewelry and his dreams of big city life. J. A. Spring
III, Ralsa Marsh’s old school friend, might prove an
unusual lead into Innsmouth, either recoiling in terror
from what Marsh reveals to him about Innsmouth or, if
caught up in legal matters unrelated to his Innsmouth
friends, might reveal what he knows about the Marsh’s
in exchange to leniency. 

Drawn from the Water • Keeper’s Information, Involving the Investigators


Drawn from the Water

by Bret Kramer

eep Ones are not the only aquatic menace in the he too formed a psychic bound with the terrible creature,
waters off of Innsmouth. In these black depths giving him both inspiration for his work, but also ever-
lurks a Yugg, a terrible servitor of Zoth-Ommog, worsening nightmares which are rapidly eroding his sanity.
called away from its Pacific home by a long-forgotten Walton is now on the brink of madness. He has
Mythos artifact. When the artifact is rediscovered by abandoned his social and professional connections in
Kingsport painter Michael Walton, the Yugg begins to Kingsport and his art has taken a very dark turn. He has
quicken, unleashing madness and death upon the coastal not been in contact with any of his friends for several
towns of Lovecraft Country. The Yugg’s revival may also weeks, causing them to fear for him. The investigators are
attract the attention of a conniving Innsmouth-born Deep asked to locate this missing artist and will discover, likely
One hybrid, Jonas Birch, a recent Miskatonic University too late, that the powers of the Deep One artifact are not
graduate who hopes to obtain the artifact for his own easily ended. Even after Walton has been turned over to
malign purposes. the authorities for treatment, the Yugg will continue to
draw nearer and nearer to him until the creature, the man,
the tooth, or perhaps all are destroyed.
Optionally complicating matters are the actions of
Keeper’s Information Jonas Birch, one of Innsmouth’s hybrids. (See the box
on page 89.) Jonas, one of Constable Nathan Birch’s
children, is a recent graduate of Miskatonic University and
is currently a resident of Arkham. Birch stumbled across
Walton’s research into the scrimshaw tooth and, recognizing
Michael Walton (né Wolanowski) is a struggling artist
it as a potent Mythos artifact, has begun his own attempt to
who has recently took up residence in Kingsport. Living
track down the now-missing artist and his occult treasure.
off a small inheritance, he has been seeking his muse, the
One unusual element in this scenario is that it has
inspiration that will transform his work from technically
what might be called a false conclusion — the investigators
competent but unremarkable to innovative, perhaps even
should be able to resolve the initial problem (finding the
missing Walton) only to discover that locating him only
That inspiration unexpectedly came in the form of an
further complicates matters. Indeed, the scenario can only
antique piece of scrimshaw — a bizarre carving on a whale’s
be truly resolved once the Yugg is either killed, driven off,
tooth. Walton became fixated on the piece, inspiring him
or is able to fulfill its accursed duty.
to research its origins and, soon after, he relocated to a
new, more private home, closer to Innsmouth. Walton had
traced the origin of the carved tooth to that desolate port,

Involving the
and he was drawn there for reasons he could not articulate.
Innsmouth had once

been the home of the
tooth, brought back from
the Pacific by one of Obed
Marsh’s crew. The carved
tooth is a ritual artifact
used in the worship of Depending on the nature of the investigators, there are
Cthulhu and its spawn. In several avenues that the Keeper can use to draw them into
distant centuries past the the scenario. Canny Keepers who have the time can even
tooth had been enchanted introduce Walton in a previous scenario, and remove the
to act as conduit between middle-man, so to speak.
a Deep One hybrid „„ Hired by family or friends. In the case of private
shaman and a malign Yugg. investigators or similar investigative types, the players
Unbeknownst to Walton, may be hired to find Walton, either by members of
Drawn from the Water • Involving the Investigators



Biography: Michael Walton (né Wolanowski), age 27, is a painter who has lived in
Kingsport for the past two years.
Originally born in Bolton, both parents are dead, has one brother (Peter) who is
a dentist in Bolton. Walton attended Miskatonic University, but did not graduate. He
has no criminal record.

Physical Description: 5’ 7”, with a slight build. Light brown hair, blue eyes. Wears
reading glasses.

Current Address: 131½ Carter Street, Kingsport

„„ Jonas Birch. Keepers looking to add a complicating

HELPFUL TOMES factor could have the conniving hybrid sorcerer Jonas
Birch hire the investigators as part of his search for
While it would be lovely if every Keeper had a shelf
Walton and the scrimshaw tooth. He will pose as a
full of Lovecraft Country books, we understand if
mild-mannered academic acquaintance of Walton,
you may have a gap or two. We have attempted to
but eventually the investigators should see through
provide enough details about any locations visited
this ruse. Birch is a dangerous opponent and can, in
in the scenario, as written, to guide the Keeper
an emergency, call upon some assistance from his
along but offer the following suggestions for those
Innsmouth family. Investigators who are students
who wish to learn more:
or staff at Miskatonic University would be good
„„ H.P. Lovecraft’s Kingsport — Kingsport and
candidates for Birch to seek aid from. Otherwise,
especially the artist colony therein
he might contact anyone who has a reputation,
„„ Escape from Innsmouth — Innsmouth
professional or otherwise, for taking an interest in
These scenarios provide additional details about
missing people or curious events.
certain spots and may prove useful:
Whoever instigates the investigation can provide roughly
„„ “Bless the Beasts and Children” (from Adventures
the same information about Walton:
in Arkham Country) — Falcon Point
„„ His name and background
„„ H.P. Lovecraft’s Arkham — Arkham
„„ A physical description
„„ “Dust to Dust” (from Dead Reckonings) —
„„ His address in Kingsport
Martin’s Beach 
(This information is summarized in handout #1.)
If the investigators have been hired by Walton’s friends
or family, they will also provide a telephone number for
Captain Blair, a officer with the Kingsport police who is
his family or by his friends in Kingsport. Walton’s
nominally in charge of investigating of his disappearance.
surviving family lives in the Bolton area; a brother
Friends and family are frustrated by the police response
(Peter Wolanowski) of Bolton will hire them after
and rightly assume they will not locate Walton. (Birch
having not heard from his brother in over a month.
has avoided contact with the Kingsport authorities
Should the Keeper wish, Walton’s friends in Kingsport
and will not suggest the investigators contact them.)
may hire them instead after Walton goes missing.
Use the descriptions that follow as a basis for what
Elizabeth Brundage is the most likely spokesperson
the party seeking Walton can report — an artist will likely
for the artist’s colony.
know what Elizabeth Brundage has to say, while Walton’s
The friend of a friend. If investigators are students
brother might only know what the police have told him.
or artists, they might be asked to locate Walton by his
Controlling the information given to the investigators
friends in Kingsport artists’ colony, not in an official
at the start will help to determine how long the initial
capacity, but as a favor. Elizabeth Brundage is again
investigative phase of the scenario will take.
the most likely representative, otherwise whichever
Kingsport artist they know best may serve this role.

Drawn from the Water • Kingsport


Jonas is the third-oldest many decades-long archives of the various newspapers
son of Innsmouth constable of the Miskatonic Valley and beyond. Birch is tolerated
Nathan Birch (I202). He by his coworkers due to his diligence and thorough-
is deeply ambitious and mindedness, but due to his demeanor, and the first
hopes, despite his age hints of his coming transformation, no one particularly
and relative obscurity, to cares for him.
replace Robert Marsh and Birch lives alone in a cheap walk-up apartment in
Jeremiah Brewster as the French Hill, on South Sentinel Street. The apartment
chief priest of the Esoteric is sparsely furnished save for a substantial collection
Order of Dagon. To this end of books, most owned by Birch, but a few currently on
he has persuaded his father unofficial loan from Orne Library (a fact which would likely
to pay for his education at cost him his job). Most of these books are mundane —
Miskatonic University, where he has been a middling many titles about Massachusetts history, nautical history
student, at best. The younger Birch has recognized that and legends, and the occult. A few of the later might
the Miskatonic University library has certain occult grant from 1 to 3 points in Occult if studied, which takes 1
tomes of interest but, due to the restrictions placed week per point granted. Birch owns a copy of Copeland’s
on the Special Collection, has been forced to confine translation of The Ponape Scripture (see page 35 for
his research to the open stacks for whatever unusual details), which bears his frequent marginal notations. In
materials Dr. Armitage has missed. Birch hopes to addition to what is normally gained from this version are
eventually gain entry into the Special Collection but has added the spells Contact Dagon and Attract Fish. Birch also
no concrete plans on how to do so currently. carries a private journal of sorts, not so much a diary as a
Birch has obtained a part-time position working scrapbook to record his discoveries about the Deep Ones
for the library, serving as a librarian’s assistant in the and the Cthulhu Mythos. Reading this takes 3 weeks and
periodicals department. Most of his time working is costs 1/1d4+1 points of Sanity and adds 2 points of Cthulhu
spent returning newspapers and magazines to their Mythos skill. Birch’s scrapbook contains the following
rightful shelves. When he can, he pours over the card spells: Breath of the Deep, Command Shark, Contact Dagon,
catalog looking for occult knowledge and scanning the Curse of the Stone, and Dread Curse of Azathoth. 


All investigations into Walton’s disappearance begin in

Kingsport. The investigators may approach these leads in
any order, so, depending on their route and thoroughness,
be prepared to shift clues about as needed to make sure the
investigators are put onto Walton’s trail.

The Kingsport Police (K519)

Kingsport’s police will be willing to share what little
Based on the lack of a suitcase and some missing
they know about Walton’s whereabouts with respectable
clothing, it seems probable that he packed his bags
investigators or those with some specific connection to
and departed to points unknown.
him or his family; if that is in doubt, anyone succeeding in
According to a ticket taker at the Talbot pier, he was
a Law roll will secure their cooperation. Captain Blair has
seen getting on the ferry to Martin’s Beach the day
been assigned the case and, while polite, he does not view
before he went missing, and was often seen bicycling
the case as particularly important or urgent.
to and from Kingsport.
Captain Blair can relate the following information:
Captain Blair believes that Walton is just another
„„ There were no signs of struggle or any evidence of a
temperamental artist, who wandered off and will turn
theft in Walton’s room at his boarding house.
up sooner or later.

Drawn from the Water • Kingsport

1 Gannon Boarding House 5 Curios & Gifts

2 White Pier Cafe 6 Kingsport Public Library
3 Arthur Lushkin 7 Kingsport Historical Society
4 Mercer gallery 8 Martin’s Beach Ferry
3 1


The Gannon Walton’s room is surprisingly spare. An examination

Boarding House of it provides the following information:
„„ Some of Walton’s personal effects are missing, but it
Walton lives at the Gannon
does not appear that he has fled — clothing and art
boarding house on Carter
supplies are absent but most of his other things have
Street, a stone’s throw from
been left behind.
Blake’s Creek. It is a three-
„„ Looking more closely at his art supplies (or a Spot Hidden
story Federal-style house
if the supplies are not specified), investigators will confirm
now divided into a dozen
that Walton’s easel, paints, and brushes are all gone.
individual apartments.
„„ In a closet there are several small partially finished
The house is operated by
paintings, all of seasides or nautical gear. An Idea roll
Mrs. Nelson Gannon, 68,
recognizes them all as sites around the Kingsport
and her son Lawrence, 47.
harbor. All are dated from last year and are well-done,
Mrs. Gannon is a member
if somewhat pedestrian. There is also a box holding a
of Kingsport’s Baptist
jumble of bric-a-brac — a gaff hook, knotted bits of
Church (K404) and she offers a discount to any boarders
rope, a broken metal barometer, etc. There is a receipt
who regularly attend their services. She is reluctant to
for $18.30 from Curios and Gifts of Kingsport (see
allow anyone permission to examine Walton’s room,
below) for the contents of the box; one piece (listed
wrongly convinced that the Kingsport Police will arrest
simply as “scrimshaw”) is absent.
her for interfering with their investigations. It will require
„„ Looking through Walton’s mail (stacked on a small
a Law or ½ Persuade roll to reassure her that she is not
secretary desk), the investigators will notice several
in legal danger should the investigators visit his room.
invoices, some now overdue, from Washburne & Allen,
Should the investigators initially be turned away, upon any
an art supply retailer in Arkham. Walton had ordered
return visit Lawrence Gannon will be present and he will
a large amount of painting supplies two months ago
argue with his mother, allowing the investigators to make
and wood-carving tools about six weeks ago.
another attempt. Failure here does not bar examination of
„„ A Spot Hidden roll will catch sight of a crumpled
the room, but the investigators will have to wait upwards
scrap of paper under Walton’s bed. It is a short note
of an hour for the two of them to hash things out. A Sneak
in Walton’s handwriting. The text of this is given in
roll will permit an investigator to slip away to examine
Handout #2.
Walton’s room, if desired.

Drawn from the Water • Kingsport


Drawn from the Water • Kingsport

„„ Within the secretary desk (unlocked with a Locksmith

roll or roll versus a STR 6 lock) are Walton’s private THE TREASURES OF THE SEA
papers — a few old love letters from school, and some
Purchased from the Mercer Gallery by Caroline Illsley
family photos — and his checkbook. Examining this
(wife of Owen Illsley, the shipbuilder), this painting
shows that Walton received a monthly dividend at the
now hangs in the Illsely house on Ocean Drive.
Arkham First Bank (A214) and has been sometimes
Investigators who secure Evelyn Mercer’s trust will be
selling his work at the Mercer Gallery (K404), most
referred to Mrs. Illsley, who happily shows off her latest
often within the past month. His expenses are few (he
acquisition, which is on display in the dining room.
is living within his means) but he did withdraw a large
The painting is a still-life of a desk cluttered with
sum two months ago. Either Gannon will object to
nautical gear. Behind the desk is a curtained window
forcing or picking the lock, if present, and will contact
through which can be seen the steeples of Kingsport
the police if anything is taken.
and beyond them the ocean. The painting is skillfully
Walton’s room is otherwise unremarkable.
rendered and well composed, a play of light and
Should the investigators question either Gannon or
shadow. Investigators will notice, partially obscured
any of their borders, most had very little contact with
behind a brass barometer, a large piece of scrimshaw.
Walton and regard him as a private man, focused on his
The carving, done on what looks to be a tooth, depicts
art. Mrs. Gannon will happily point out a painting of
some sort of weird sea-creature and fragments of
Walton’s she has hanging in the dining room. It depicts a
some unknown script. A Biology roll can identify the
scene of lobster boats and fishermen unloading their wares
tooth as likely belong to a whale; an Anthropology
onto the docks of Harborside. He gave it to her the first
roll tentatively suggests the carving is Polynesian
month he moved in, as he was a little short on his rent.
in style but the specific source culture is unclear. 
With a successful Luck roll the interviewee does mention
that Walton frequently rode his bicycle everywhere in
Kingsport. No sign of the bicycle can be found.
though she knows that he’s been unsatisfied of late and has
The Artist’s Colony (K713) been looking for new inspiration. Brundage can relate the
Considering Walton’s professional interests, investigators additional following details:
familiar with Kingsport should quickly realize that the „„ Walton has several pieces for sale at the Mercer
town’s artist’s colony is a likely source of information about Gallery (see below) and investigators should speak
Walton and his whereabouts. (Should they somehow fail with Elizabeth Mercer if they have questions about
to consider the town’s art community as a source, allow his work.
Idea rolls or even have Arthur Lushkin directly contact „„ Walton was primarily a landscape painter until the
them out of concern for his friend.) Asking around about past few months, when he began to do more still-life
the art community, the investigators will be referred to the compositions. These have been received well.
painter Elizabeth Brundage. „„ Walton was well-liked, though considered a little
standoffish by other members of the community.
Elizabeth Brundage His closest friend is probably Arthur Lushkin, the
decorative glass maker, who can usually be found in
(Kingport p. 106)
his studio in an old garage of Howard Street.
The doyenne of the
„„ Walton could often be seen bicycling around Kingsport
Kingsport art scene,
(a challenging proposition at times due to steep hills)
investigators asking
carrying his easel and paints, looking for the exact
questions about Walton’s
scene to paint or the perfect light.
work or his whereabouts
In the case where Brundage initiates the investigation, she
will likely be directed to
can relate any or all of this information when they begin
speak with her. She can be
their work.
found any number of places
in Kingsport — the White
Arthur Lushkin
Pier Café (K407) is a likely
spot for a meeting over a Primarily working in blown and colored glass, Lushkin,
coffee and a sweet roll. like Walton, is of Polish descent and the two men struck
Brundage, a stylishly-dressed zaftig woman in her up a friendship based on their mutual creative interests
mid-40s, has known Walton since he moved to Kingsport and similar background. Lushkin, lanky, mostly bald, and
two years ago. Like Walton, she is a painter, though in his fifties, owns a small house on Howard Street and has
Brundage makes her living from her work. She respects turned the garage into a studio where he blows glass and
Walton as an artist — he favors a more impressionistic makes stained glass pieces. He can almost always be found
approach than she does, but is technically skilled — working there. He makes his living as a glazier and doing
Drawn from the Water • Kingsport

He has not seen Walton in person in several weeks for

KINGSPORT’S FERRIES any span longer than a short chat. When Lushkin did
see Walton, he seemed distracted and very anxious.
Kingsport is connected to several nearby ports
He can confirm that Walton often rides his bicycle,
by a small network of ferries, most of which are
sometimes far afield. He often takes it in to Arkham
operated by the Kingsport Steamship Company,
and sometimes as far as Bolton or along the shore
which operates a fleet of five ships. The newest
through Martin’s Beach to Cape Ann.
ship is almost 20 years old, the oldest, just over
When he last saw Walton he was bringing a rolled up
forty; the ships are all worn, but sturdy. All of their
canvas with him to the Mercer Gallery in Kingsport.
ships depart from the Talbot pier, in the shadow of
Later, when he stopped by the gallery again, he was
Kingsport Head. The company is not particularly
impressed with the quality of Walton’s latest pieces on
profitable and will be absorbed by the Boston and
display there. This was two weeks ago.
Nantasket Steamship Company in 1933.
As far as he knew Walton had no enemies, romantic
The Kingsport Steamship Company maintains
entanglements, or debts.
the following routes:
„„ Martin’s Beach. Twice daily; more often in summer.
Mercer Gallery (K408)
„„ Namacknowatt Island. Twice daily; more often
in summer. Walton’s work is sold here,
„„ Gloucester and Rockport. Twice daily. with some pieces still
„„ Salem. Three times daily. on display in the gallery.
„„ Portsmouth, New Hampshire (Summers only). Anyone asking after
A day trip with stops at ports such as Gloucester, Walton’s work will be shown
Rockport, Newburyport, and Portsmouth; varies the pieces available. Most
by year. of these are mundane, but
There is a once-daily round-trip between Boston and some can provide additional
Kingsport (operated by the Boston and Nantasket clues. There are currently six
Steamship Company as well) which also docks paintings in the gallery:
at Talbot pier; the ship arrives just before 10 and „„ Untitled #1 — A
departs around 11:30.  small port town of
church-steeples and
warehouses, viewed by night. A full moon gives the
run-down town an unearthly glow. Investigators
repair work on stained familiar with Innsmouth will recognize this as a view
glass windows in the area of the town from the south.
and selling blown glass „„ Untitled #2 — Depicts storm clouds rolling in over
pieces at shops in town and the buildings of Kingsport.
in nearby Arkham. When „„ Untitled #3 — A low cliff-face, at the top of which appear
the investigators call he is to be several small houses. Oddly, the point of view is
preparing to make a batch so close to the water that it is almost like the viewer
of decorative glass floats. is swimming. The cluster of houses can be recognized
Luskhin can relay as Falcon Point by anyone who has seen the place.
the same information „„ “Pearl Street, April” — A view of Kingsport’s Pearl
as Brundage, with the Street in the spring. A tag notes it has just been sold.
following additions: „„ “Fish-Head Rock, Dawn” — Depicts a profile view
„„ He had recommended of Fish-Head Rock, a landmark near Falcon Point,
to Walton, who was partially obscured by heavy, crashing sea. It can be
feeling stifled creatively, to look for new subject matter identified by those familiar with the area or with a
instead of making more landscapes. In recent months, Library Use roll.
Walton has seemed in good spirits, saying he’d had a „„ “A House in a Heavy Sea” — Shows a lighthouse
new burst of creativity. battered by heavy waves. The lighthouse is the Skivern
„„ If the investigators ask about the scrimshaw piece or Rock Light, which can be identified by sailors and
Walton’s purchase from Curios and Gifts, Lushkin can fishermen, or with a Library Use roll.
definitely confirm that the piece was purchased in a lot Gallery owner Evelyn Mercer is happy to talk about
of nautical items Walton used in a series of still-lifes. Walton and his paintings. He has recently sold several
Walton showed them to him soon after their purchase, pieces, predominantly still-lifes, and she was hoping to get
taking particular interest in the carved whale’s tooth, more pieces to display. Mercer can provide the following
suggesting the very unusual style of the piece excited him. additional details about Walton:

Drawn from the Water • Kingsport


If you intend to use the hybrid sorcerer as an opponent Kingsport Public Library. Birch examines the
of the investigators, they should briefly encounter library’s copy of the Ponape Scripture and, regarding
Jonas Birch as he conducts his own (less successful) the Adam’s version as unworthy of his interest,
investigation into Walton’s whereabouts. Unless it is leaves it laying out. If your investigators arrive after
useful to the Keeper for Birch to be more successful in his Birch, they will find the shelf spot for the Ponape
hunt, his stops include: Scripture empty but should they make a successful
„„ The Gannon Boarding House. The elderly Mrs. Luck roll a helpful librarian reshelves it while they
Gannon refuses Birch entrance to Walton’s room are standing there looking perplexed; otherwise it is
after he’s caught in a lie about being a friend of the returned by the next day.
missing artist (only adding to the elderly woman’s At some point during his search, Birch will run across the
innate distrust of the glassy-eyed Birch). Birch may investigators while they are talking with a witness and
return and break into Walton’s room later (especially realize they are also looking for Walton. He will attempt
if the investigators missed any clues there) looking to tail them for the remainder of their time in Kingsport;
for leads and stealing anything that may be of use. at this point call for Spot Hidden rolls each time the
Lawrence Gannon telephones them (presuming they investigators travel to a new location. With a success,
gave either Gannon a calling or business card) the the investigator briefly suspects someone is following
day after to report his mother discovered Walton’s them but they cannot now locate their pursuer. Birch
door had been forced overnight. Mrs. Gannon will abandon his tail once he is spotted and return to
has taken to her bed, terrified at the prospect her Arkham by bus. (Should the investigators lead Birch to
boarding house has been burgled. some places not listed on his itinerary, the Keeper should
„„ Mercer Gallery. Birch views Walton’s paintings decide what, if any, information he gains.)
on sale but learns nothing of interest from a brief If the investigators are hired by Birch, he will avoid
conversation with Mrs. Mercer (who is adept at coming to Kingsport, hoping to avoid complicating
sorting gawkers from buyers). the situation — he doesn’t want to seem distrustful. 

Mercer is impressed with the quality of Walton’s work of

„„ tooth, Whitmarsh can only
late, after he found some sort of spark of inspiration that provide a few details. It is
his previous (technically accomplished but dull) work definitely a sperm whale
does not. It has been selling well. If asked, she can identify tooth with scrimshaw
the newer paintings (those not depicting Kingsport). carvings, most likely done
The last few times he delivered work to Mercer he has
„„ by a South Sea islander
seemed somewhat out of sorts, distracted and anxious. during the 17th or 18th
He always rode his bicycle and, judging by the mud centuries. It was purchased
on his trousers, had ridden some distance. Walton said six years ago as part of a lot
he had come from his studio, which she assumed was of miscellaneous decorative
outside Kingsport. pieces from the estate of
Mercer has payments for Walton for the last two
„„ Mrs. Artemus Pike, of
paintings sold. He has not responded to several letters Innsmouth. Its provenance
and a telephone call. before that point is
To respectable seeming investigators (Credit Rating
„„ unknown. He told Walton the same thing soon after he
roll) Mercer is willing to provide names of several of purchased it. A few moments of searching finds the address
her customers who purchased some of Walton’s work. for the late Mrs. Pike on Martin Street in Innsmouth; the
All of the pieces previously sold are mundane still- house located there is now in ruins.
lifes but one, “The Treasures of the Sea” (see page Whitmarsh suggests investigators wishing to know
92), depicts the scrimshaw tooth. more about it visit the Kingsport Public Library (K517)
or perhaps the Kingsport Historical Society (K205) for
Curios and Gifts (K209) additional information.
This shop was the source of the scrimshaw tooth that
The Kingsport Public Library (K517)
has doomed Michael Walton; the junk box in Walton’s
apartment is the most overt lead here. Kingsport’s public library is certainly not the equal of
The shop’s owner, Stephen Whitmarsh, is happy to talk Miskatonic’s Orne Library or even Arkham’s Public
about any of the tchotchkes in his shop. If asked about the Library, but fortunately for investigators, it holds several
Drawn from the Water • Kingsport

only in passing, a strange case

from the mid-19th century of
an unnamed sailor found in
a dinghy adrift off Kingsport
head, delirious and clutching
a large scrimshaw tooth. At
best, these accounts only note
that the man was treated by
the village’s resident physician
Dr. Cross, but provide no other
details. There is no additional
information about Dr. Cross
at the Kingsport Library (but
see the Kingsport Historical
Society below for another lead).
If the investigators continue
to search, they can discover the
library’s copy of the Ponape
Scripture; a relevant note from
that text is given as handout #3.
(Do not forget that investigators
skimming that book might
suffer a Sanity loss!) As with
the other related works, Walton
had checked this book out as
well. More details about the
Ponape Scripture are available
on page 35, but this reference
is the only one which is of
particular interest regarding the
scrimshaw tooth.

The Kingsport
Historical Society (K205)
Members are free to consult the
small collection of documents
held by the Historical Society.
Curator Aaron Carter’s mind
is slipping but, with a Luck roll,
he will be coherent enough
to assist, somewhat, with any
research. While not all of the
works available at the Kingsport
Public Library can be found
here, the Historical Society
has a manuscript version of
The Ponape Scripture. Note that
this version is annotated and
useful works related to the scrimshaw tooth. A Library Use
contains more spell information than a typical copy, as
roll turns up several works related to scrimshaw or art from
desired by the Keeper.
the South Seas; a Spot Hidden roll will notice that nearly all
The Historical Society is also home to the sole copy
of the books on these topics had previously been checked
of The Diary of Dr. Allen Cross, which can be located
out by Michael Walton about two months previous.
with a Library Use roll. Dr. Cross, a physician who lived
A second Library Use roll can be made if the
in Kingsport in the early- to mid-19th century, makes
investigators are willing to cast their nets more widely
reference to a case involving a supposedly cursed whale
and look to non-academic sources. Several historical
tooth — the account of the sailor Lyman Jones (handout #4).
discussions of Kingsport mention, very generally and
Drawn from the Water • Kingsport

The Martin’s Beach Ferry HANDOUT 4

The twice-daily (or, in summer,
as often as four times daily) ferry
trip from Kingsport to Martin’s
Beach begins and ends on the
Talbot pier at the end of Baxter
Street. The ferry is operated by the
Kingsport Steamship Company,
which also operates the ferry
lines to Gloucester, Rockport, and
Namacknowatt Island.
If showed a photograph of
Michael Walton, the Kingsport
Steamship Company agent at the
booth at the end of Talbot pier
will recognize him as a frequent
traveler, always with a bicycle,
always heading to Martin’s Beach.
He was last seen a few weeks ago,
but no one can recall exactly when.
The route’s primary ship is the
Henry Samson, a small (85’) coal-
powered, sidewheel steam ferry.
The boat has a crew of six, with
two more for handling tickets and
passengers. There is seating for 45
passengers in an enclosed upper
deck, with additional seating for
30 on the lower deck (and standing
room for at least 60 more, but
anything over 100 would make the
boat feel extremely crowded and
potentially top-heavy). The Henry
Samson typically carries sightseers
and day-trippers (mainly in
summer) as well as Martin’s
Beach’s mail and occasionally
small shipments of fish on ice for
the markets in Kingsport. There
is space for carrying two-dozen
bicycles and one (possibly two, depending on size and blows two quick blasts of his horn to bid the lighthouse
how full the ship is) automobiles. There are also six small keeper Basil Elton greeting. Beyond that point the shore
lifeboats that can sit about 15 people each and about 50 grows larger until the vessel reaches the small dock at the
life-preservers, though no instruction in the use of either end of Bayles Street in Martin’s Beach.
in the event of some accident at sea is offered. A round-trip
ticket to Martin’s Beach costs 5¢; bringing a bicycle costs Other Leads
1¢ more. Tickets may be purchased at a booth at the end of
Investigators are not confined to the Kingsport area during
the pier, while boarding the ship, or at the company’s office
their investigations and should be able to find much of what
on Washington Street.
can be learned in Kingsport’s libraries elsewhere, such as at
The trip of Martin’s Beach takes about 25 minutes
the Orne Library in Arkham. Investigators asking around
from dock to dock and, assuming the day is clear, it is a
Kingsport will, with a Luck roll, encounter a witness who
picturesque trip. The boat first heads east-southeast out of
saw Walton riding his bicycle out of town, either towards
Kingsport Harbor past scattered rocky outcroppings of the
Arkham or taking the ferry to Martin’s Beach.
Jersey Reef before turning north-northeast and rounding
Pilot Island. To the east, on a clear day, the North Point
lighthouse can been seen; the captain of the Henry Samson

Drawn from the Water • Arkham


Birch is more at home in Arkham and, assuming that
he knows the investigators are coming, he will tail
them as well. Birch is unable to discover Walton’s
There are fewer clues for those seeking leads toward whereabouts via Washbourne & Allen’s ledger
Walton’s whereabouts in Arkham, but they include the (Allen recognizes Birch as an Innsmouth native
most direct one. In addition to whatever might be learned and is suspicious of him) but has no difficulty with
in Arkham’s libraries about the carved tooth, investigators Joe Sargent who willingly informs him that Walton
may be able to find the location of his secret studio in would take the bus as far as Falcon Point. Birch is
Falcon Point. also a regular at the Fleetwood and is known well
enough to Jim Moulton who can describe him as a
Washburne & Allen, Miskatonic University student named Joe or Jonah
Art Supply who comes in at least weekly before taking the
Innsmouth bus.
While other shops carry
As soon as Birch has a solid lead on Walton’s
some of the supplies needed
whereabouts he will make haste to Falcon Point
by artists, Washburne &
where he will attempt to obtain the tooth (see below
Allen (at 227 Church
for how well that goes for him.) 
Street, just across from the
Old Arkham Graveyard)
are by far the largest
suppliers of art supplies in
The Fleetwood Diner (A202)
the greater Arkham area.
Most of the customers Should the investigators suspect that Walton may have
are Miskatonic University taken the bus to Innsmouth at some point, anyone familiar
students, with a smaller with Arkham will know to check at the Fleetwood Diner.
portion of their buyers coming from the Kingsport artists’ The diner caters to working men (a few women do take
colony. Paints, canvases, paper of various types, wood, lunch here) and is generally no-nonsense. Due to its
tools, clays, and many other kinds of art materials are proximity to the Innsmouth Bus’ drop-off/pick-up point,
divided between two relatively cramped floors while stone it is favored by the few Innsmouthers who regularly take
and other supplies are available by order. the bus. The grim, iron-grey-haired manager Jim Moulton
Investigators asking after Michael Walton or the works nearly every shift the place is open and he can confirm
invoices discovered at his apartment will be directed that Walton has been at the Fleetwood, as recently as two
to Mr. Hamilton Allen, the proprietor. He is willing to weeks ago, give or take a day. He was always parking his
relate what little he knows of the missing painter — he bicycle out front. He also recalls that the last time he was
was a regular customer (at least by his receipts) and at in, Walton seemed distracted and abruptly left after yelling
least until recently considered trustworthy enough to “No, no, no!”, which was quite odd because he was alone.
run a monthly tab. He has not been at the shop for at For more information about the Fleetwood, see The Arkham
least two months, nor has he paid his bills in just as long. Gazette #1, p. 31.
Allen will be willing to share the delivery address Walton
has most recently used to investigators with some law- The Innsmouth Bus (A203)
enforcement connection (including private investigators
Even once investigators
and former police) as well as those making a Credit
have evidence that Walton
Rating roll. It is “M. Walton c/o Abigail Harding, Falcon
has been taking the
Point — Innsmouth.”
Innsmouth bus recently,
Joe Sargent will be wholly
Other Witnesses unwilling to discuss any
Asking at likely points, such as the Phillips 66 station of his passengers. Should
(A235) or the Esso Station (A434) can locate someone investigators persist, he can
who saw Walton on his bicycle heading north along the call on a pair of burly hybrids
Bolton and Ipswich Road. The same Luck roll can be made to help him intimidate them
along the road, eventually leading towards Falcon Point. into silence. Sargent will
A ½ Luck roll will also uncover a witness who saw Walton refuse to carry anyone who
taking the Innsmouth Bus on Independence Square. has previously persisted in
asking unwanted questions.

Drawn from the Water • Martin’s Beach (and Points Beyond)


Points Beyond) Should Jonas Birch discover that Walton is in Falcon

Point before the investigators do, he will race there in
hopes of taking the tooth from the now-mad painter.
The people of Falcon Point generally recognize
Birch as an Innsmouth native and avoid him, but
This small fishing village (K811), across the Miskatonic eventually he wheedles Walton’s location out one
River and down the coast from Kingsport, caters mainly of the local fishermen and heads towards Walton’s
to tourists during the summer months. As with Arkham, makeshift studio at dusk (or dawn, depending on
investigators asking around for anyone who might have when your investigators locate Walton).
spotted Walton on his bicycle should make a Luck roll, a Walton refuses to let him enter the house, and
success meaning that they find a witness who can recall Birch responds by attempting to bash down the
seeing him and which direction he was heading. Walton door. At this point, the Yugg — which had been
passed through Martin’s Beach several times, always laying in mud in nearby Falcon Creek — slithers
travelling north towards Essex Falls. Further along his its way through the grass towards the house and
route, additional witnesses can be similarly located, startles Birch as it looms into view. Birch, wrongly
eventually forming a trail all the way towards Falcon Point. assuming his hybrid nature and knowledge
of the Mythos might allow him to control the

Falcon Point creature, is knocked flat by the thing, saved

only by Walton who threw himself between the
This small fishing village (I1010) sits atop a series of low creature and Birch. Birch then empties his revolver
cliffs on the shore south of Innsmouth. Nearly all the into the creature before fleeing at top speed.
residents are fishermen and most are very reluctant to The sounds of the Yugg’s defense of Walton and
talk with outsiders (due more to their fear of reprisals Birch’s gunshots are heard by many in Falcon Point,
by Innsmouth’s hybrids than any innate unpleasantness). but no one in the village contacts the County Sheriff;
Investigators asking after Walton will be referred to either they may mention it to investigators. 
Jedediah Harper (by fishermen) or Abigail Harding (by
everyone else).
The aged Jedediah Harper, retired, is a taciturn and
unfriendly conversant. After the disappearance of fellow
fisherman Enoch Conger, he has been extremely reluctant
to talk with outsiders. Even if the investigators have been
Spoor of the Yugg
hired by Walton’s family or friends, only on a ½ Persuade
roll will he grudgingly admit the Walton has been living in
a little house nearby, though he’s unsure of which specific
Investigators approaching Walton’s residence will, with a
one. Unless the investigators fail their normal roll, he will
Spot Hidden roll, notice some curious tracks in the tall sea
suggest they ask Abigail Harding.
grass, almost as if something quite large had been dragged
Mrs. Abigail Harding, a bird-faced woman in her
over it. Here and there are patches of a drying viscous
early seventies and unofficial postmaster, is far more willing
substance; a Natural History or Biology roll determines it
to discuss Walton. She is very curious about what exactly
is similar to the mucus produced by a slug or snail (though
he is up to in Falcon Point and will reveal what she knows
a chemical analysis finds that the material contains
if investigators are willing to do likewise. She knows he is
proteins wholly unlike those found in mundane snail
staying in the old Groton place near the south branch of
slime, including strange silicoid structures). The tracks are
Falcon Creek and has delivered several large parcels (art
far too large to have been made by any known terrestrial
supplies) there since his arrival about two months ago.
mollusk by several orders of magnitude. The Sanity cost for
Investigators might also visit the sole business
this discovery is 0/1d2 points; a Cthulhu Mythos roll can
in Falcon Point, the Bait and Tackle shop owned by
identify the creature as a Yugg
Delmar Van de Ford. Stocking fishing gear as well as a
few necessities — canned food, tobacco, and gasoline —
The Old Groton Place
the shop is the central point in the small community. If
investigators make a plausible case (or a Persuade roll) Little more than a one-room shack in the saltbox style,
Van de Ford will confirm he recognizes a description or Walton’s home in Falcon Point was once owned by a
photograph of Walton (who he knows solely as “Mike”) man named Groton but has sat empty for over a decade
but he is uncertain of where the artist lives. now. A rutted and mostly overgrown track leads from
Falcon Point Road to the house. Investigators will almost

Drawn from the Water • Spoor of the Yugg

There are six shots left in the revolver before Walton

WALTON AND THE will need to reload. He will shoot to kill (as best he can,
MARTIN’S BEACH MONSTER his skill is at base) should anyone else attempt to enter
the shack. The investigators have several options — they
Keepers wishing to add a complication to the
can wait for Walton to calm down or try to calm him
scenario or to use it to lay the groundwork for a future
(requiring a Psychology roll), allowing for a second (and
scenario can expand Walton’s activities as follows:
final) Persuade roll. They may attempt to overpower him
Beset by nightmarish visions of the Yugg,
— an Idea roll suggests that he has a limited number of
Walton attempted to discover the cause of his
shots and if he can be tricked into firing them off he might
horrible visions through research (as per his notes in
be captured while reloading; the door provides full cover,
handout #2) Walton uncovered newspaper articles
reducing Walton’s chance to hit by 90% (i.e. to 3%).
about the tragedy at Martin’s Beach in 1922. Hoping,
If the investigators consider calling the police, anyone
wrongly, that there was some connection between
from Falcon Point will strongly discourage this. The
that horror and his own, Walton spent the better
Innsmouth Police will not come out to the village under
part of a day asking around the village trying to
any circumstances (and are not welcome here, though this
get some additional information about the events
is not admitted) while the Essex County Sheriff will only
there. Investigators visiting there can find several
send a car after a delay of several hours, at best. The nearest
people who remember his trip. All describe Walton
telephones are in Innsmouth anyway.
as seeming agitated and anxious, and that he
The interior of the shack is a chaotic mess, lit by a
asked about the tragic events of August 8, 1922. He
single kerosene lamp hung from the roof. The few pieces of
dismissed attempts to explain away the drownings
furniture are shoved to one side. Most of the inside walls
as a result of drunk revelers, perhaps suffering the
are covered in an enormous mural depicting the ocean
effects of methanol in their liquor, being carried
view from the cliffs at Falcon Point. It is a fantastically
off by an unexpectedly strong tide. In addition to
detailed and skillfully rendered painting, a masterpiece of
visiting the small office of the historical society off
sorts, though exuding an overwhelming sense of dread.
the common and the Wavecrest Inn (and the small
Looking carefully at the waves however, viewers catch sight
memorial to the dead nearby), Walton attempted to
of a legion of nightmarish creatures lurking just beneath
interview several fishermen on the shore. They recall
the water — something between a fish or frog and men,
he was asking specifically if they had seen some sort
phosphorescent formless masses of malevolence, writhing
of monster in the waters off Kingsport. 
and monstrous snake-slug creatures, and the shadowy
hints of an octopoid titan — all rendered with the same
degree of care and detail as the mundane rocks and waves
of the shoreline. Viewing the painting costs 1/1d4 points
immediately notice Walton’s bicycle leaning against one
of Sanity.
side of the shack. A Spot Hidden roll will catch sight of
Against one wall, on a stool surrounded by candle
several shredded canvases stuffed into a heap of trash
stubs, there are two strange artifacts. One is a carved
behind the building. If examined, they are the remains
whale’s tooth, a little over one foot long — the scrimshaw
of several paintings that can be recognized as Walton’s
piece from Walton’s painting. The second is larger, a freshly
work. The shack’s few windows are covered with rags from
carved piece of oak, perhaps three feet long, an abstract
within, blocking any attempt to look inside.
rendering of some sort of tentacular entity, carved in a way
Lights visible through the cracks (and indistinct
reminiscent of the woodworking of Pacific Islanders or
mutterings with a Listen roll) suggest Walton is inside.
perhaps the Maori of New Zealand. Viewing the smaller
Unfortunately for the investigators, the deranged
carved tooth causes a Sanity loss of 0/1 points; the larger
painter cannot leave behind his latest project and is
wooden piece costs 0/1d2 points.
potentially dangerous if threatened. Knocks at the locked
Walton is busy adding more detail to his creation. No
door and shouted questions will be met with shouts to go
roll is needed to determine that Walton is dangerously
away or simply ignored.
unstable. He is barely able to converse beyond a few
Negotiations with Walton through the closed door are
difficult. A Persuade roll is needed to get him to allow the
investigators to enter the shack. A successful Psychology
roll will double the chance that a Persuade roll will succeed.
Should the investigators be accompanied by Walton’s
brother or Arthur Lushkin (or someone else close to him),
they will be allowed in without a roll. Should anyone force
their way inside, Walton will shout a warning that they
cannot disturb his work or there will be dire consequences.
He will then fire a warning shot from his pistol.

Drawn from the Water • Spoor of the Yugg

While nearly all of the leads towards Walton’s location
point towards Falcon Point, it is possible that investigators
may go looking for information (or even seek out the
authorities) in Innsmouth.
If your investigators have not yet been to Innsmouth,
this is a good time to present the town’s mood of looming
dread and decay — but not to so great a degree that the
players become distracted. Hint that something is wrong
with Innsmouth but offer plausible causes for the town’s
state of decay — economic decline, political and social
corruption — so that your players will not want to start
looking for an occult cause.
While in Innsmouth there are a few locations
investigators might wish to visit:
„„ Innsmouth Bus — As in Arkham, bus driver Joe
Sargent is unwilling to answer questions about his
passengers. In Innsmouth he is far more willing to
threaten or even use violence to stop unwanted
questions. Outsiders will unfortunately discover that
no one will come to their aid in a fight.
„„ New Town Square — Investigators should realize
that the best place to ask after Walton in the mostly
deserted town is in the shops around New Town
Square (I701), as this is where Sargent’s bus lets
out its passengers and one of the few places where
people congregate in any number (an Idea roll will
be confirmed by the human Bernard Slocum at the
suggest this if they fail to consider it). Since visitors
Innsmouth Fuel Stop (I712), who happily adds that
are rare, Walton’s occasional bicycle ride towards
he saw Walton turn onto South Street and head
Falcon Point was most definitely noticed. Brian
towards Falcon Point.
Burnham, at First National Grocery (I702) is the
Innsmouth Jail (I202) — Investigators asking after
safest person (and one of the few normal humans) to
the local police will be, reluctantly, directed here.
ask, but the employees at the Gilman House (I703),
The loathsome hybrids who make up Innsmouth’s
the Innsmouth Café (I704), or Eliot’s Drugstore
constabulary have no interest in looking for some
(I705) all saw Walton ride past, though all three of
wayward painter and anyone who will not take no for
these locations are run and staffed by hybrids who
an answer will find themselves thrown in jail, given a
may be unwilling to talk to outsiders or perhaps
beating, and then dumped on the outskirts of town with
want a small bribe first. All witnesses saw him ride
a warning that they are not welcome in Innsmouth. 
out of the Square along Marsh Street. His route can

repeated statements — that “It” is watching him and Zoth-Ommog, and ensure the rise of Cthulhu — though
knows his thoughts, that he must stop “It” from causing he cannot articulate them much beyond inchoate terror.
some great harm, and that he must continue his work if He has been attempting to control the Yugg to at least
he is to control “It.” He cannot be convinced to leave the keep it distracted, though he can truly do neither, at least
shack or to stop his painting or carvings. for long. His art is part of that attempt, and he cannot be
If asked about the tooth, he will say that it is a token convinced to stop his work. He is certain that his work is
of “It”, made ages ago on Fiji, or Tahiti, or Ponape by those the only thing preventing the end of the world.
that serve it. He created the larger carving at the urgings Investigators must find a way to deal with the
of “It” for reasons he cannot articulate, though he thinks insane artist. Without ammunition he is little threat; he
doing so stopped “It” from committing some terrible crime. may be knocked unconscious or grappled by an average
Due to his psychic connection to the Yugg, Walton investigator, as he has been weakened due to his lack of
has gone mad. He has some insight into its apocalyptic sleep and eating. Investigators looking for a more subtle
desires — to unleash its siblings, to release its master approach could drug him; a successful Medicine roll will

Drawn from the Water • Interlude


This scenario is written assuming that Michael Some Keepers may wonder why Walton is sent to
Walton is captured, either by the investigators or Danvers rather than the Arkham Sanitarium. This is
the police. Should the Keeper wish to shorten things done in part for the sake of variety, but primarily to
considerably, Walton could be killed at this point. lull the investigators into a false sense of closure.
The scenario then would become the investigators Moving Walton out of the immediate area implies
looking for a way to stop the Yugg as it moves to that the scenario has concluded. Walton being
recover the scrimshaw tooth. While the specifics moved further inland slows the Yugg’s approach as
are left to the Keeper, assume that the Yugg would it takes longer for it to reestablish its connection
continue its gradual approach to wherever the tooth to him, allowing a few weeks, at least, before the
is kept, as outlined below, though likely at a faster scenario’s active phase resumes. 
pace. The immediate aftermath of his death (and
removal of the tooth) will cause the Yugg to lash out
at the poor residents of Falcon Point with storms
and destruction, causing numerous deaths.  else of Walton’s things he can get). If they demure or resist
turning the tooth over to him, Birch will feign acceptance
of their refusal but makes plans to steal it at the soonest
opportunity. Birch is not the most subtle or clever of
allow someone to concoct some sort of stupefying agent villains and the investigators should likely uncover his
that could be added to his food or drink. A Persuade or scheming before Walton is captured; once he has gained
Psychology roll can convince Walton to eat something what he wants (presumably the tooth) he should betray the
surreptitiously prepared to render him unconscious. investigators in a visible and overt way.
Investigators might contact the authorities in Arkham
or Salem and report that Walton is a danger to himself
(or others if he is still armed). Convincing the police
to act should be relatively easy (since it is important to
move the scenario forward); roleplay things out, call for
a Persuade, Law, or Medicine roll, and then say the police
are convinced. The police arrive within 2d3 hours and,
after a standoff, take Walton into custody. He will then be
As mentioned previously, this scenario is structured in
taken to the Danvers State Insane Asylum. The police will
such a way to allow a break between the two sections,
declare the shack a crime scene and the two Yugg-related
either to run a second scenario or for investigators to
carvings will be taken as evidence.
pursue mundane activities — study, hospital stays, or long-
translation projects. The precise duration of the interlude
“Saving” Walton is left to the Keeper.
While at Danvers, Walton will be treated by the staff
Walton is hopelessly mad. Even if the investigators
there. Due to his ranting and violent behavior, he will start
turn him over to his brother, he will seek to have him
to be given powerful sedatives, substantially weakening,
institutionalized shortly thereafter. Institutionalizing
but not wholly stopping, his connection to the Yugg.
Walton requires a professional psychological exam and he
Investigators who decide to monitor Walton’s state will be
is certain to fail it. The investigators’ testimony may also be
allowed to see him, but he spends most days in a bromide
taken by the police, if they were involved. Walton’s lunatic
haze, barely aware of his surrounding, let alone visitors.
ranting will all but ensure he will be taken to Danvers for
Other scenarios can be run during this interlude,
a long stay. Unless the Yugg is somehow killed in the next
though probably no more than one, so as to keep up the
few weeks, the steady drain on Walton’s mind will destroy
continuity of the investigative party (as so few investigators
what vestiges remain of his sanity.
have long careers) and to make sure their memories of
Walton are fresh. Scenarios that may be of interest to the
Ending the Charade? Keeper include:
„„ “A Painted Smile” — Tales of the Miskatonic Valley
If you have Jonas Birch pose as a friend of the missing
„„ “The House on the Edge” — H.P. Lovecraft’s Kingsport
Walton, it is very likely this deception ends in the aftermath
„„ “Ghosts of the Florentina” — More Adventures in
of the artist’s discovery and capture. If the investigators
Lovecraft Country
have not seen through his deception, Birch will do
„„ “Dust to Dust” — Dead Reckonings
everything he can to persuade or force the investigators
to give over to him the scrimshaw tooth (and whatever

Drawn from the Water • The Scrimshaw Tooth


Engraved or carved whale teeth were often used in
the religious and cultural practices of many groups
in the South Pacific. Used as symbols of social bonds
and alliances, these carved pieces became commonly
imitated by Western sailors, and the art form we know as
scrimshaw was born.
The piece Walton discovered is unusual in several
respects. It is definitely of South Pacific Islander
manufacture; judging from the condition of the tooth, it
was probably carved in the late 17th century, somewhere
in French Polynesia, making it much older than most
a bonus of +10 to any spells relative to Yuggs, Deep Ones,
similar pieces, many of which were created in the 19th
or Xothic gods. The holder also gains ½ of the Yugg’s INT
century. This piece is about 18” in length and on average
when making any Idea rolls, ½ the Yugg’s POW in magic
about 2” thick. A Biology roll can confirm that it is indeed
points, and feels mentally invigorated.
a sperm whale’s tooth.
For each day the tooth is in one’s possession, the
More unusually, the image carved into the tooth
holder also suffers 0/1d2 points of Sanity loss, suffering
is some sort of worm or serpent, with a huge circular
nightly visions of the Yugg, Zoth-Ommog, and other
toothed maw. The creature seems to be surrounded
Xothic entities. Momentary flashes grow longer; once
by waves. At several points on the tooth are curious
the victim has lost 20% of their original Sanity, they are
symbols in an unknown script, corresponding to no
considered bound to the tooth and have become fully
known human language.
linked to the Yugg. The creature has limited access to the
The image is that of a Yugg, and can be identified
victim’s memories and knowledge — and vice versa —
as such with a Cthulhu Mythos roll. Likewise, the symbols
and the pair have an instinctual knowledge of where the
are R’lyeh glyphs and, if they are read, form a prayer
other is, a sense that grows stronger as they grow nearer.
to Zoth-Ommog.
Eventually humans affected by the tooth will either
EFFECTS become worshipers of the Mythos or seek out the Yugg
This carved tooth was used by Deep One hybrid priests as to attempt to destroy it, likely dying in the process
part of their rites to Zoth-Ommog and Cthulhu. It creates Destroying the tooth costs bound humans and
a psychic link between the holder and a Yugg, which is of Yuggs 1 point of POW, 2d6 Magic Points, 2d6 points of
great benefit to a Deep One priest, but causes significant Sanity and stuns both for 2d6 rounds due to massive
psychological harm to normal humans. The holder gains psychic trauma. 


The actions of the Yugg and of Walton will at least in Regarding who possesses it, remember that
part depend on the disposition of the scrimshawed prolonged exposure to the tooth opens one’s mind to
whale tooth after Walton is institutionalized. While some the Yugg, as discussed in “Walton’s Bond” on page 104.
specific variations are discussed below, there are two Should Walton be dead, someone else might be suffering
important considerations for the Keeper: where it is kept, the more severe effects from that connection. Again,
and who has contact with it. it is left to the Keeper to adjust the scenario to take
Regarding its location, the scenario is written this into account. The author’s assumption is that the
assuming that the tooth is kept somewhere in Lovecraft tooth will be in the hands of either the investigators or
Country, so that the Yugg will decide to makes its Walton’s brother in Bolton. Recall as well that Jonas Birch
approach via Kingsport Harbor and then the Miskatonic is attempting to obtain the tooth and will likely use his
River. If, somehow, it were to end up in New York City, abilities, supernatural and mundane, to get it as quickly
Cape Town, or Lhasa, the Keeper will need to improvise. as possible. 

Drawn from the Water • Return of the Yugg

It is possible that one or more investigators find the

resolution of the first section of the scenario unsatisfactory BREAKING NEWS
and may continue to research Walton’s case and the
Keeper’s looking for a highly realistic game should
accursed scrimshaw. There are plenty of clues to follow up
recall the publishing schedules of the newspapers
on in the aftermath of Walton’s institutionalization — the
in Lovecraft Country.
Ponape Scripture could be read, the strange case of Lyman
„„ Kingsport Chronicle — Wednesday and
Jones investigated, etc. — and the Keeper should welcome
Saturday; afternoon
this! These investigators are the most likely to notice the
„„ Arkham Gazette — Daily; morning (except
signs that the Yugg is stirring from the depths as the
Sunday edition, published Saturday night)
second and final phase of the scenario begins.
„„ Arkham Advertiser — Daily; mornings (except
Sunday edition, published Saturday night)
Only the Advertiser regularly publishes special

Return of the Yugg editions. 

handout #5. These stories are treated as little more than a

Having been psychically roused by Walton, the Yugg joke, a piece of ephemera used to pad out a column. Very
dwelling in the waters off of Innsmouth has been searching few people, perhaps save the investigators, will take these
for the carved tooth, which once linked it to the hybrid reports seriously.
priests of Zoth-Ommog it once served. With Walton in
a drug-induced stupor, the link it has with the benighted Gales and Fogs
painter is seriously weakened, but it is not broken.
As the Yugg approaches more populated areas, it chooses
Unfortunately for the artist (and unknown to the doctors
to mask its movements by using its magic to worsen storms
treating him) his contact, even limited as it is, with the
off the coast and create periods of intense fog. Initially
Yugg’s alien mind will continue to erode his sanity until his
you might simply mention that the weather has been
mind is left permanently broken. It is then that the scenario
unseasonably severe; eventually the weather causes enough
will resume.
damage to warrant handout #6. The storms come and go
His will broken, Walton comes to the conclusion that
with little warning, and confound the meteorologists of
the only way to be free from the nightmarish Yugg is his
the era. The scope of the storms is surprisingly narrow,
own death. In his derangement he has a moment of insane
covering an area only slightly larger than Cape Ann.
insight that the carved tooth remains dangerous and must
be eliminated as well. Walton ceases to resist the orderlies
The Missing Lobsterman
and staff at the asylum and as a result his dosage is reduced,
allowing him to form a plan to free himself and protect the Finally, one solid piece of evidence that something
world from the creature he awakened. potentially supernatural is going on offshore comes when
Meanwhile, his link to Walton restored, the Yugg Kingsport lobsterman Claudio Domenici’s battered, ooze-
begins to reach out for him, viewing him as an appropriate covered boat is found overturned near Pilot Island off of
sacrifice to Zoth-Ommog. The monster is also seeking the Kingsport (K809). Domenici was one of the earlier sea
scrimshaw tooth so it might find a more useful human serpent witnesses — which he had spotted while checking
servant. Depending on who ended up in possession of the the same traps near where his boat is found. The Coast
tooth, the Yugg will begin to draw closer and closer to it, Guard (K413) takes the lead in the investigation and are
using its spells to conceal its approach from any humans. unlikely to share details with the investigators. Rumors
The timeline presented below is based on a schedule of swirl in Kingsport that there were signs of a struggle on the
roughly one week; the Keeper can stretch or compress this boat, traces of blood on the deck. Domenici’s remains are
as desired. never found. His disappearance is reported in handout #7.
While the text presents the activities of the Yugg first,
followed by Walton, remember that they are occurring A Mass Sighting
simultaneously. What one does affects the actions of the
As the Yugg’s connection to Walton reaches its full
other and vice versa.
strength, the creature moves into Kingsport Harbor itself.
The monster, surfacing out of curiosity about the large
Sightings number of humans passing nearby, is spotted by passengers
The first sign of the Yugg’s return will be a rash of sightings on the afternoon ferry from Namacknowatt Island. Dozens
of a “sea serpent”, first near Falcon Point, then closer see the creature as it surfaces and then violently dives (the
and closer to Kingsport Harbor. Three short newspaper Yugg recognizes it may be in danger if attacked by too
articles suggesting the approach of the Yugg are given as large a group of humans). The story appears on the front
Drawn from the Water • Return of the Yugg

Due to the magical connection formed between
Michael Walton and the Yugg, the two are linked
in ways that may be of dramatic use to the Keeper.
Anyone bound to the Yugg will have increasingly
vivid flashes from the creature’s perspective — use
these to build tension. Scenes of the Yugg’s approach,
brief flashes of landmarks showing how it draws ever
closer, of how it hungrily observes unaware humans
— play up these moments in a cinematic manner. 


page of the morning newspapers in Arkham, as a smaller

article in Boston, and in the next issue of the Kingsport
Chronicle. A sample article reporting the sighting is given
as handout #8.

A Miskatonic Monster
Once Walton escapes from the Danvers Asylum, the Yugg
makes a foray up the Miskatonic River, where several early
risers witness it dragging a dog into the water. This article
is given as handout #9.

The Keeper’s Considerations

Generally the Keeper should consider the activities of the
Yugg as a background to the investigators work, as a means
to keep the pressure on them, and a nebulous menace that
draws ever-closer. Should investigators decide they want to HANDOUT 5C
hire a boat and go Yugg hunting, they will almost certainly be
disappointed, unless one of them is bound to the creature
as well. The Yugg’s approach is more a signifier that the
scenario is drawing to a close. The creature is as smart as
the average human and will not blindly attack well-armed
humans, let alone risk its life just to gain more victims.

Walton’s Actions
Walton, his sanity gone, has formulated a plan to deal with
the Yugg once and for all. His plan is as follows:
„„ Walton feigns recovery so that they reduce his dosage
of sedatives and move him to a less secure ward.
„„ He then escapes from the ward, aided in part by the
ongoing thunderstorms raised up by the Yugg. A short
Should the Keeper wish it, Walton may approach the
news item reports his escape and is given as handout #10.
investigators rather than simply steal it from wherever they
„„ Walton proceeds to wherever the scrimshaw tooth is
have stored it. Walton will attempt to explain his insane
being kept and steals it. This theft is not likely to be
theory as to how to finally deal with the Yugg, if he thinks
reported (assuming it was in his brother’s possession
that they are potentially amenable to that. Otherwise,
or held by the investigators).
Walton will either attempt to steal the tooth or blackmail
Since so much of Walton’s activities depend on the
the investigators into surrendering it too him, perhaps by
disposition of the tooth, it is left to the Keeper to work
holding one of the investigators or an ally hostage.
out these details. If the tooth is not in the possession of
the investigators, assume that Walton will be able to steal
it from wherever it is held.

Drawn from the Water • Return of the Yugg



Jonas Birch’s Actions Who has the tooth?

How securely is it kept?
The hybrid sorcerer’s primary goal is to obtain the
Has he discovered the Yugg is actively pursuing Walton?
scrimshaw tooth, whether it’s with the investigators or the
Are there any additional resources Birch can call upon
police. His plans are largely left to the Keeper, depending
(from Innsmouth); this will likely attract the attention
on the circumstances of how the scenario progressed.
of the Marsh family (see page 107 for what they
Consider the following factors when evaluating how Birch
might do).
goes about his work:
Drawn from the Water • Return of the Yugg

Birch favors stealth to violence but is not opposed to it,

assuming he can guarantee the fight is to his advantage. ALTERNATIVE RESOLUTIONS
Left to his own devices, Birch can at best call upon the
Should the Keeper wish, the investigator actions
help of 1d3+1 relatives, all hybrids from Innsmouth.
can prevent Walton’s escape from the asylum. In
Frontal attacks against foes known to be armed will always
this case, there are two likely actions for the Yugg
be avoided in favor of kidnapping and blackmail. Michael
— recovery of the scrimshaw tooth and the killing
Walton is an obvious choice, as Birch knows he has some
of Walton. While Yuggs prefer the water, they are
connection to the Yugg and the tooth. An investigator (or
able to move slowly on the land. Considering the
a close relative) is another option should they hold the
strength of the creature, it is likely able to force its
tooth; he will offer their safety in exchange for the artifact.
way through most buildings. Anything short of a
bank vault is unsafe from its attacks. Assuming the
Fear Death by Water tooth is in the investigators’ possession, imagine
a scene of barricaded investigators holed up in
Without any intervention by the players, the scenario will
some remote spot awaiting the Yugg’s approach
conclude in the waters of Kingsport Harbor; the precise
all the while some of them having visions from the
location where Walton goes to seek out the Yugg is not
creature’s point of view as it grows nearer.
important and can be adjusted by the Keeper depending
Should investigators neglect to act, the
on investigator action. Walton will make his way to the
death of Walton’s brother or someone else in
shore with the accursed scrimshaw tooth in his possession.
possession of the tooth or Walton’s own death in an
He can sense the location of the Yugg with remarkable
inexplicable collapse at the Danver’s State Asylum
precision and will, despite his limited knowledge of sailing,
and their resultant Sanity costs should serve as an
steal a rowboat under the cover of darkness. O’Herlihy’s
appropriate punishment. 
Boat Rental (K112) is a likely place for him to steal a boat
from, but there are plenty of small dinghies in and around
the harbor for him to choose from.
Walton then rows out into the harbor towards where
Follow-up with Walton
the Yugg lurks. Somewhere between Doyles’ Rock (K806)
and Pilot Island (K810), probably near the Jersey Reef, the Once the Yugg begins to stir, it is possible that investigators
Yugg rises from the water and Walton and the monster might wish to check in on the mad artist at the center
come face-to-face, likely for the first time. of things. Assuming that the investigators are viewed as
Walton’s final moments are left to the Keeper. He may trustworthy by the asylum’s administrators, they will be
simply wait until the Yugg devours him. He might throw told that Walton has finally started to escape his delusion
himself in the water to join the horror. He may even have of monsters and impending doom. As a response, they
equipped himself with a shotgun or even dynamite and have reduced his medication and will be moving him to a
attempt to kill the Yugg, having lured it out of the waters less restrictive ward soon.
using himself as bait. Without the intervention of the An interview is possible. Walton will be generally
investigators, his ultimate fate will be failure and death, quiet, mostly apologizing for his previous behavior, and
as the Yugg will make sure the tooth is soon again found thanking the investigators for their help. A Psychology roll
along the sandy beaches from Kingsport to points beyond. should suggest that Walton is not being wholly honest; an
impaled result perhaps suggesting that he has potentially
Investigator Actions decided to end his life.
Walton may attempt to sound out the investigators, as
Once the investigators realize that there is some sort of to whether they believe his stories about the Yugg. Should
nightmare monster with a psychic connection to the he believe them to be sincere, he will admit he still dreams
deranged artist Walton, they will, we assume, attempt to of the monster and that he knows it is still a dire threat
do something to eliminate or mitigate the threat. to the world. Action-oriented Keepers might coordinate
the investigator’s interview with Walton’s escape from the
Research asylum, allowing the investigators to witness events.
Should the investigators be at a loss for how to proceed
If the investigators have not fully researched the scrimshaw
in regards to research, the Keeper should use Walton as a
tooth, they will have several days to complete their work
means to push the investigators towards sources they may
before Walton’s escape. See page 102 (‘The Scrimshaw
have overlooked. Remember that before he went mad,
Tooth’), page 94 (‘Kingsport Public Library’), and
Walton was attempting to research the tooth and had
page 95 (‘the Kingsport Historical Society’) for more
discovered the Ponape Scripture among other sources.
information on what research might uncover.

Drawn from the Water • Return of the Yugg


The Keeper may further complicate the scenario or use family unity on this issue? — but their goals are no doubt
it to draw the investigators towards Innsmouth if they most malevolent…
decide that the Marsh family and the Esoteric Order of The Marsh family will deploy at least two toughs for
Dagon become aware of the Yugg, the scrimshaw tooth, every investigator in the scenario (and can replace them
and/or Jonas Birch’s hunt for both. The precise method as needed) and, while they will avoid open combat in a
by which the Marshes become involved depends on public place, these villains are more than willing to use
the course of the scenario — Walton’s capture in Falcon violence to achieve their ends. They prefer unexpected,
Point is one likely moment, considering its proximity overwhelming attacks that take the investigators (or
to Innsmouth. If you are using Jonas Birch, once he is other meddlesome humans) off-guard. For every six
defeated or otherwise given up hope of recovering the Innsmouth toughs, at least one will know a few spells —
tooth on his own, he will alert the Esoteric Order of Breath of the Deep and Contact Deep Ones being the most
Dagon to its existence (who then inform the Marshes) and likely. If they can manage it, the Innsmouth hybrids will
attempts, likely unsuccessfully, to remain part of the hunt. lure any potential victims closer to the sea so that they
Once the Marshes learn of the existence of the Yugg might enlist the help of some Deep One relations.
and its enchanted talisman, they will go to great lengths Less directly, the Marsh family, probably through
to obtain the artifact. The family has far greater resources Ralsa Marsh (I203), may begin legal proceedings to
than Jonas Birch and potentially a much greater reach. recover the tooth, offering “witnesses” to prove the piece
Walton or his brother may be kidnapped and interrogated, was an old family heirloom of some useful dupe or lackey
the investigators might be tailed the scrimshaw tooth of the Marsh family. Considering Ralsa’s weak grasp of
might be stolen or demanded through blackmail. the law, this avenue will likely fail but, as Ralsa is willing
Precisely what the Marsh family wants from the to offer top dollar bribes, he has a better than average
Yugg is left to the Keeper — and who is to say there is chance of winning even a marginal case. 

Other Preparation trenches where other Yuggs dwell awaiting the return
of Zoth-Ommog. Simply surrendering Walton to the
The investigators might also wish to follow up regarding
monster, even if it appears that he wishes for death at the
the security of the scrimshaw tooth, should it have ended
monster’s tentacles, should cost at least 1d2/1d6+1 points
up with Walton’s brother, at Miskatonic University, or in
of Sanity. There may be further legal complications as well
an evidence room for the Essex County Sheriff ’s office.
should the authorities learn that the investigators were the
It is very unlikely that they can convince these parties
last people to see the deranged artist alive. Keepers should
to increase their security for the tooth, unless perhaps
have the Yugg remain off the coast and use the tooth as a
Walton has already escaped the asylum. If the investigators
lure to future victims if the investigators felt no compassion
have some academic connections that are appropriate for
for Walton or other victims.
studying the tooth, they may be able to take possession of
Kill It! — When in doubt, resort to force. Normally
it, should the Keeper wish them to have it.
the Yugg will be lurking deep beneath the waters of the cold
Additionally, should the investigators be in possession
Atlantic, out of the reach of investigators. Should Walton
of the tooth, they also might be suffering from the effects
(or another victim of the scrimshaw tooth’s curse) draw it
of exposure to it, causing potential problems from ongoing
from the water, it could be attacked. There are several factors
degradation to Sanity as well as offering some possible insight
to recall when considering a full-scale assault on the Yugg.
into the ongoing activities of the Yugg (see page 102).
Firstly, the creature should have a strong idea of what
the investigators are up to should one or more of them be
Dealing with the Yugg suffering a psychic connection to the Yugg. While it will
not understand every detail of their plans, it will have an
Ultimately the investigators will need to decide how they
inkling of their general schemes and what sort of arsenal
wish to resolve Walton’s fate, the scrimshaw carving,
they plan to employ.
and the Yugg. What follows is a list of some potential
In a fight, the Yugg has at least 3 points of armor.
resolutions, though by all means not an exhaustive one.
Should some part of it remain in the water, investigators
Give it Walton and/or the Tooth — Effective, albeit
might suffer a cover penalty when attempting to attack the
antithetical to the ideal investigator ethos. Assuming that
creature. The Yugg is a creature with an INT of 12, not an
no one else has a psychic link with the Yugg via the tooth,
irrational beast; it will use the terrain to its advantage and
once the creature has it in its possession, it will return to
flee if injured. Note that the Yugg has several spells that it
the depths, perhaps even making its way back to the Pacific
will happily use:

Drawn from the Water • Conclusion

Breath of the Deep: Costs 8 magic points and requires

a round to cast (and requires a POW test). Only
requires line of sight, so best used on a particularly
dangerous foe, such as a ship’s captain or the sailor
manning a harpoon gun.
„„ Dominate: Costs 1 magic point, immediate effect,
There are few issues to resolve, once the matter of Walton
range limited to 10 yards. The Yugg will telepathically
and the Yugg has reached its conclusion:
communicate its desires. Likely target included heavily
„„ Walton’s family and friends. If Walton has died, it
armed investigators (to drop their weapons) or Walton
is likely his brother will demand justice. Who will
(to jump into the water).
inherit his things?
„„ Raise Night Fog: Used to raise up a fog to conceal the
„„ The Yugg. If it is still alive, where will it go? Return
Yugg’s movement and slow down pursuers.
to the Pacific? Make a new home near to Innsmouth?
Well prepared investigators may be able to gather more
„„ The scrimshaw tooth. Who has it? If the Yugg was
potent weapons in their fight with the Yugg — large bore
killed, does it draw another Yugg from the Pacific or is
firearms, harpoons snatched from museum display cases
it now inert? Are there other parties seeking it? Does
(1d8+1 perhaps, use Throw), dynamite (remember if there
Walton’s carved piece have some magical power?
are investigators in the water, underwater explosions are
„„ Crime and punishment. Did your investigators break
particularly dangerous — use double the normal radius for
the law? Is there any evidence pointing to them? Have
each die), homemade depth charges (Chemistry rolls, at a
they crossed the police and, if so, how does that impact
penalty, in a pinch; Demolition rolls would be far better), or even
their future activities?
explosive whaling harpoons, though those would be difficult
to obtain since the last New England whaler sailed in 1927.
Magic — Investigators may be able to discover certain Penalties and Rewards
spells that might be of use in dealing with the Yugg:
Walton Lives: +1d3 (+1d4+1 if he somehow is not yet
„„ Elder Sign: Should the investigators be able to create
entirely insane)
an Elder Sign, it will prove doubly useful. First, the
Walton Dies: -1d6
Yugg will avoid coming too close to any visible Elder
Jonas Birch Killed/Arrested: +1d3/+1d2
Sign, unless absolutely necessary — it is a deterrent
Yugg is Killed: +1d6
but cannot be used to chase a Yugg off. Secondly, if an
Yugg is Driven Off: +1d2
Elder Sign is inscribed on the scrimshaw tooth it will
Scrimshaw tooth destroyed or neutralized: +1d3
neutralize the powers of the tooth and break any bonds
Marshes (or some other malign party) gets the tooth: -1d6
between the Yugg and a human or hybrid, causing 2d6
Neutral party (police, Walton’s Brother) get the tooth: -1d3
points of Magic Point loss for both parties.
Other victims die due to investigator inaction: -1d2/-1d6+1
„„ Dread Curse of Azathoth, Shrivelling, Wither Limb,
per victim
et cetera: Offensive magics will have their normal
Mass Deaths Caused by the Yugg: -1d4+1/-2d6
effect on the Yugg and will also cause the creature to
reconsider attacking — it is used to being punished
by its hybrid masters via magic and, like a whipped
animal fears the lash, the Yugg is especially sensitive
to being wounded by a spell. At best it will hesitate
1d3 rounds before returning to the attack; if attacked
again magically it will almost certainly flee, otherwise
it will focus its attacks on the offending sorcerer.

Drawn from the Water • Statistics

Statistics Transplanted Aquatic Horror

STR: 26 CON: 15 SIZ: 31 INT: 12 POW: 16

DEX: 6 HP: 23 Move: 2 / 6 swimming
attacks : Bite: 40%, damage is 3d6+2d4 STR Drain
armor : 3-point
rubbery hide
27, Deranged painter, thrall of the Yugg
spells : Alter Weather,*
STR: 11 CON: 10 SIZ: 9 INT: 16 POW: 9 Breath of the
DEX: 12 APP: 13/10 EDU: 16 SAN: 45/12/0 HP: 10 Deep, Dominate,
attacks : Fist 50%, 1d3 Raise Night Fog,
.38 Revolver 30%, 1d8 Wave of Oblivion†
skills : Art (Painting) 58%, Library Use 46%, Pilot (Boat) 26%, sanity loss : 0/1d6
Rant 99%, Ride (Bicycle) 84% points of Sanity

JONAS BIRCH, * The Yugg’s version

25, Scheming hybrid and priest of Dagon of this spell is
more potent,
STR: 11 CON: 13 SIZ: 11 INT: 14 POW: 15
costing 1 magic
DEX: 15 APP: 9 EDU: 17 SAN: 0 HP: 12
point per level of
attacks : Fist: 55%, 1d3
change, with a
.22 Automatic 32%, 1d6+1
10 miles area of
spells : Attract Fish, Breath of the Deep, Command Shark,
Contact Deep Ones, Contact Father Dagon, Dread Curse
† The Yugg lacks
of Azathoth, Lobster Charm
the magic points
skills : Cthulhu Mythos 17%, Drive Auto 32%, Fast Talk 53%,
to cast this spell,
Library Use 61%, Sneak 56%, Spot Hidden 39%
but could do so
with the help of
others. 

Annotated Scenario Bibliography: Arkham • Bless the Beasts and Children to The Crawford Inheritance

Annotated Scenario Bibliography

Innsmouth and Deep Ones

by Bret Kramer

nnsmouth’s scenarios are fewer than Arkham’s and all The Contender
of them in some way are connected to the Deep One
Harlem Unbound, Darker Hue Studios
menace that has so blighted that town. Likewise, nearly
Author: Bob Geis
every Lovecraft Country scenario involving the Deep
Summary: Jack Johnson, former boxing champ, asks
Ones has some Innsmouth connection. For the sake of
the investigators to look into Stefano Rossi, a once
convenience we are including in this list both Innsmouth-
seemingly washed-up boxer who has been making a
specific scenarios as well as any Lovecraft Country
killing (sometimes literally) in the ring lately. They
scenarios involving the ichthyic horrors whose shadow
learn that his successes are due not just to his skill
darkens that town.
in the ring, but his new team of managers (late of
Innsmouth) and a unnatural, and in Rossi’s case,
Bless the Beasts and Children tragic, heritage that they all share.
Adventures in Arkham Country, Chaosium Settings: New York City (Harlem)
Author: Todd A. Woods Locations: N/A
Summary: A deranged, defrocked priest seeks to bridge Entities: Several Deep One hybrids of varying
the gap between humans and the Deep Ones (a race dangerousness, human goons
he, in his delusion, views as benevolent) by kidnapping Tomes: The Ponape Scripture
human children and raising them with Deep Ones Notes: While the scenario is set entirely in Harlem, the
and their hybrids. Investigators are hired to locate his vile Eliot brothers hail from Innsmouth and might
most recent victim and, in so doing, discover the priest retreat there when their schemes fall apart in the big
and his lunatic scheme. apple. Like other scenarios in Harlem Unbound, the
Settings: Arkham, Falcon Point investigators are assumed to be African-American.
Locations: Arkham Police Station (A228), Arkham Cab
Company (A226), Falcon Point (I1010). The Crawford Inheritance
Multiple other places in Arkham are mentioned
Escape from Innsmouth, Chaosium (2nd edition only)
(such as the Hotel Miskatonic or Arkham Farms
Author: Kevin Ross
Dairy) but no details about these places are provided
Summary: An investigator’s family inherits a property on
and they are incidental to the plot.
the outskirts of Innsmouth and asks the investigator
Entities: Hired thugs, a lunatic ex-priest, Deep Ones and
— the nearest member of the family available — to
Deep One hybrids
inspect the property and report back regarding its
Tomes: None, but the main villain has been documenting
condition. Discoveries abound, including a decrepit
his research extensively and these papers might serve
Deep One descendant of the titular Crawford family
as a tome of sorts.
and the possibility that the investigator also carries
Notes: Map of Arkham intended for scenario shows
the Innsmouth taint.
14 locations but the key provided only lists 12. 13
Settings: Innsmouth
appears to be the site of the kidnapping of Donna
Locations: Dr. Rowley Marsh & Son (I203), Innsmouth
Segreto; 14 the kidnapper’s hideout. The scenario
Assembly Hall (I213), South Woods Memorial
also includes a more detailed map of Falcon Point,
Cemetery (I1001); the scenario offers some suggestion
the small fishing settlement south of Innsmouth. The
of what might befall investigators arrested in
small cave mentioned in the scenario is without a
Innsmouth and taken to the Innsmouth Jail (I202)
map, unfortunately.
Entities: A decrepit Deep One, unfriendly locals
Tomes: No Mythos works but a pair of diaries that offer
some insight into what befell Innsmouth in 1846.

Annotated Scenario Bibliography: Arkham • Dark Dreams of Innsmouth to Freakshow

Notes: This scenario was written to serve as an introduction Notes: The scenario begins in Arkham, but after an initial
to Innsmouth, drawing in investigators without encounter and some possible research, the remainder
wholly giving away Innsmouth’s darkest secrets. For of the action shifts to Foxfield. The Deep Ones
space reasons it was cut from the first edition of Escape primarily provide physical aid for the cult; there is
from Innsmouth and was only restored with the release no Innsmouth connection or further details about
of the revised and expanded second edition. that race. Chaat and its “Children” were inspired
by the story “The Plague of St. James’ Infirmary”
Dark Dreams of Innsmouth by Ken Asamatsu.
The Unbound Book, #2
Do Not Call Up That
Author: Brian Courtemanche
Which You Cannot Put Down
Summary: A friend sends an investigator a curious piece of
jewelry he recently snared while fishing, a Deep One Fear’s Sharp Little Needles, Stygian Fox Publishing
artifact called ‘The Crown of Dagon’. Unfortunately Author: Brian Courtmanche
the friend has gone mad and has been committed Summary: Its Shark Week and the investigators are
to the state hospital in Danvers. The investigator invited to tag great white sharks off the Massachusetts
recipient begins to suffer the same nightmares and coast, but things take a turn to the bad when they go
real-world threats that drove their friend mad (and led to aid another boat, one that’s hooked the Monster of
to his near-drowning off Gloucester). The investigator Martin’s Beach…and to make matters worse, seeing
must survive nightly horrors and hybrid harassment the monster awakens the Deep One heritage in their
until they can track down a ritual to break the hold the guide, who, instead of helping the other boat, decides
crown has over them. to help the monster. Hard choices must be made if the
Settings: The Danvers State Hospital for the Insane, investigators are to make it back to the shore and safety.
Salem, Gloucester, Innsmouth Settings: Salem, The Ocean
Locations: Office of the Marsh Refining Company Locations: Pickering Wharf, the Wavedancer (on the ocean)
(I707); summary notes describe the area around Entities: Deep One hybrid, The Monster of Martin’s Beach
New Town Square (I701), including the Gilman Tomes: None
House Hotel (I703) Notes: A short Modern day scenario.
Entities: Deep Ones and Deep One hybrids
Tomes: Innsmouth: Superstition and the Sea; the needed Escape from Innsmouth
ritual might be found in the Ponape Scripture or other
Escape from Innsmouth, Chaosium
suggested Mythos texts.
Author: Fred Behrendt
Notes: A very short scenario; it may be expanded by
Summary: The young manager of Innsmouth’s First
having the artifact brought to an investigator rather
National Grocery store has gone missing. The
than the friend, forcing the investigators to track
investigators are tasked to find the missing man and
down its Innsmouth connection rather than having
in the process come into conflict with Innsmouth’s
that element presented from the start. A compact
hybrids and their allies.
Innsmouth map provided on page 14 might be a useful
Settings: Arkham, Ipswich, Innsmouth
resource for the Keeper.
Locations: Arkham Police Department (A228), Asbury
M.E. Church (A208), First National Grocery Store
Dead Leaves Fall (I702), Watie’s Variety Store (I708), Firehouse
Dead Leaves Fall, Chaosium (Monograph) (I503), Innsmouth Jail (I202), Esoteric Order
Author: Simon Yee of Dagon (I207)
Summary: The investigators are asked to recover several Entities: Deep Ones, hybrids; random encounters offered
pages stolen from a Mythos tome, discovering a cult during the ‘Escape’ phase of the scenario also includes
(The Fellowship within the Water) bent on summoning a lone shoggoth
their unholy god and transforming themselves into Tomes: The Book of Dagon
something inhuman. The investigators may be aided Notes: This scenario is designed to be a point of no return
or hindered by a doctor who has learned the horrible for investigators vis a vis Innsmouth. Once they
truth of the cult. undertake their rescue of the missing grocer, they
Settings: Arkham, Foxfield will no longer be able to openly enter Innsmouth and
Locations: Miskatonic University Library (A620); in will likely be the targets of reprisals by the hybrids.
Foxfield, the Unitarian Church is discussed. Keepers should consider the ‘Escape’ sequence at the
Entities: Children of Chaat, Deep Ones, Chaat end of the scenario as an excellent model to emulate
Tomes: The Cthaat Aquadingen in their own work. The tragic romance subplot is also
a rare but welcome inclusion of human-scale tragedy
that gives the scenario an extra bit of poignancy.
Annotated Scenario Bibliography: Arkham • The Hopeful to No Room at Innsmouth

Freak Show The Innsmouth Connection

Tales of the Miskatonic Valley, Chaosium Before the Fall, Chaosium
Author: Kevin Ross with Todd Woods Author: Gary Sumpter
Summary: Mishaps and accidents plague the Nichols Summary: The investigators are hired to inspect a long-
Carnival as it travels from town to town in New abandoned property south of Innsmouth, leading to
England. These accidents are caused by a group the discovery of secrets, both occult and mundane.
of Deep One hybrids who are hoping to force the The occult secret being the former owner’s ties to the
carnival to return a juvenile of their race currently on Deep Ones as well as his magical research (and pet
display. The investigator’s work is complicated by an shoggoth) while the mundane being that the house
unscrupulous professor from Miskatonic University is a waypoint for Danny O’Bannion’s bootlegging
who wants the little Deep One for himself. enterprise.
Settings: Arkham, Bolton, Aylesbury Settings: Boynton Beach
Locations: N/A Locations: Boynton Beach (I1009)
Entities: Deep One hybrids, deranged carnival folk, show Entities: A shoggoth, rum runners, a Thrall of Cthulhu
horses, a chimpanzee, a lion, and a juvenile Deep One Tomes: Sussex Manuscript (aka “The Cultus Malef icarum”),
Tomes: None assorted non-magical occult texts
Notes: The scenario is primarily set in the carnival which Notes: In many ways, a Call of Cthulhu take on the classic
retains its set-up regardless of location. Arkham is the AD&D module The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (U1),
first site of the carnival but it plays little part in the though a shoggoth is a fair bit tougher than gnolls
scenario. The scenario unusually portrays the Deep or illusionists.
Ones as not wholly unsympathetic.
The Hopeful Before the Fall, Chaosium
More Adventures in Arkham Country, Miskatonic River Press Author: Mike Lay
Author: Oscar Rios Summary: The investigators are hired to find the child
Summary: Arkham’s Andrew Fisher is widely anticipated a woman gave up for adoption more than twenty
to be a part of the United States’ Olympic swim team years ago. Journeying to Innsmouth they discover
for the upcoming Amsterdam Olympics. He hires the evidence leading them to Arkham, where they can
investigators to discover the source of the unexplained find themselves endangered not only by Innsmouth’s
trust fund that has provided for him since the death hybrids but by their inhuman client.
of his parents. This research discovers Andrew’s tragic Settings: Arkham, Innsmouth
connection to the Marsh family of Innsmouth… and Locations: Dr. Rowley Marsh & Son (I203), Assembly
also unleashes the wrath of Fisher’s mystery benefactor, Hall (I213), Arkham Police Department (A228),
putting the investigators’ lives (and Fisher’s) in danger. Timbleton Arms (A805)
Settings: Arkham, Boston, Innsmouth Entities: Deep Ones and Deep One hybrids
Locations: Arkham First Bank (A214), Arkham Police Tomes: Strange magnesium tablets written in R’lyeh
Station (A228), Liberal Arts Building (A611), glyphs, the contents of which are left to the Keeper.
Arkham Gazette (A108), Arkham Advertiser (A130), Notes: Presents a most unusual Deep One in the case
St. Mary’s Teaching Hospital (A623), Miskatonic of ‘Mary,’ who has more complicated motives than
University Library (A620), University Exhibit most of her aquatic brethren and prefers to live apart
Museum (A624), Rowley Marsh & Son (I203), Brick from Deep One society. Scenario includes a one page
and Stone Warehouses (I802) overview of Arkham as a well as a map.
Entities: Deep One hybrids and associated human
mobsters, overzealous G-Men No Room at Innsmouth
Tomes: None
Dagon #1 – #3
Notes: An excellent alternative introduction to Innsmouth
Author: Carl Ford
instead of “The Crawford Inheritance.” Scenario recaps
Summary: Set after the Raid, a disappearance draws the
much of Escape from Innsmouth’s information about
investigators to Innsmouth, wherein they discover the
researching Innsmouth’s mysteries, a useful resource
city is still in the thrall of the Deep Ones.
for Keepers unable to obtain a copy of the former.
Settings: Innsmouth
Historical sticklers will note that Rios mistakenly
Locations: N/A; the Innsmouth of the scenario has little
states that the island upon which Obed Marsh
to do with Lovecraft’s description of the town
encountered Walakea and his tribe was called Kanaka.
Entities: Deep Ones, Deep One hybrids, a scorpion, the
Chief Deep One
Tomes: The Scriptures of Jarvis Middleton

Annotated Scenario Bibliography: Arkham • The Occulted Light to The Raid on Innsmouth

Notes: This scenario, published in three sections in 1983- Entities: Hybrids, small but vicious crustaceans, a
4, nearly a decade before Escape from Innsmouth, often malevolent bibliophile.
presents a very different version of the town (sometimes Tomes: Monsters and Their Kynde, Thaumaturgical
contradicting “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” as Prodigies in the New England Canaan, The Eltdown
well). Very much a dungeon crawl with Lovecraftian Shards, Notes drawn from Monsters and Their Kynde
elements rather than a Call of Cthulhu scenario as they about the hybrids of Innsmouth
are traditionally written. Notes: Another scenario that can prove an introduction
The scenario is divided into three parts (one in to Innsmouth; unusually allows the investigators to
each issue): The Gilman House, The Lighthouse, and interact with some hybrids in a neutral, even helpful,
Devil Reef. way. Willy Harsen originally appeared in Return to
Dunwich (D509). Kermit Allen Rawes’s name (and
The Occulted Light picture) were inspired by the author of Escape from
Innsmouth, Kevin A. Ross.
Before the Fall, Chaosium
Author: Lucya Szachnowski and Gary O’Connell
The Raid on Innsmouth
Summary: The investigators are hired by a young woman
hoping to locate some papers and other family Escape from Innsmouth, Chaosium
memorabilia at an abandoned lighthouse southeast Authors: Keith Herber (Structure), Kevin Ross
of Innsmouth. Reaching the lighthouse is difficult; (Introduction and Devil Reef ), Fed Behrendt
leaving even more so due to a terrible curse. (Esoteric Order of Dagon), Scott Aniolowski (Marsh
Settings: Innsmouth Mansion), Mike Szymanski (Smugglers’ Tunnels),
Locations: Rawes and Hogg - Nautical Insurers (I209), Mark Morrison (Yha-nthlei), J. Todd Kingrea (The
Custom House (I905), Assembly Hall (I213), Marsh Refinery)
Fishermen’s Shacks (I903) Summary: This ‘mega’ scenario consists of six ‘objectives:’
Entities: Deep One hybrids, a Deep One priestess, a Star- the Esoteric Order of Dagon, the Marsh Mansion,
Spawn of Cthulhu the Smugglers’ Tunnels, Devil Reef, Y’ha-nthlei, and
Tomes: The Journal of Bartholomew Tagg the Marsh Refinery. In each section, the players may
Notes: The lighthouse is remarkably stocked with options either play their own character or one of several ‘extras’
for fighting the Star Spawn bound to prevent anyone — sailors, Marines, Coastguardsmen, and Treasury
leaving the island. More problematically, the lighthouse Agents, allowing the Keeper to be particularly ruthless.
is said to have been closed around 1838, a full eight Settings: Boston, Innsmouth
years before Innsmouth falls wholly under the sway Locations: New Church Green (I206), the Esoteric Order
of the Esoteric Order of Dagon and two years before of Dagon (I207), the Marsh Manions (I302), the
Captain Marsh encounters the Deep Ones. Despite Smuggler’s Tunnels (p. 122), Devil Reef (I1011), Y’ha-
a declining maritime trade, it seems unlikely that so nthlei (I1012), the Marsh Refining Company (I501),
dangerous a rock would remain unmarked; a revised Entities: Deep One hybrids, Deep Ones, ‘the Horror from
timeline is suggested in the discussion of Skivern Beyond the Door’ (similar to a Thrall of Cthulhu),
Rock on page 3 of this issue. weird arthropods, the Wailing Writher, shoggoth-
‘Sedna’, the name of the Deep One priestess in spawn, a large shoggoth, a star-spawn of Cthulhu,
question, is probably taken from Inuit mythology, Father Dagon*
where she is the Goddess of marine animals and ruler Tomes: Book of Dagon
of the Underworld. Notes: A six-part scenario, with each objective divided
into three scenes. The scenes are then run in a manner
Old Acquaintance weaving the sextet together in a wholly cinematic
manner — the failures and successes in each scene
Before the Fall, Chaosium
impacting the others, adding a sense of tension
Author: Mike Dula
and setting clear stakes. There is nothing truly like
Summary: The titular old acquaintance, Willy Harsen,
it anywhere else in Call of Cthulhu and perhaps in
asks for the investigator’s help after an accident in
roleplaying gamedom all together.
Innsmouth earns him the wrath of the inhabitants.
Much of the scenario served as ‘inspiration’ for
Soon he falls victim to an unknown party, leaving it
portions of the game Dark Corners of the Earth.
to the investigators to uncover the source of his attack.
Settings: Innsmouth
Locations: Nick Casper (I1006), Dr. Bloom (I608), First
National Grocery (I702), The Garden (I605), Fishermen’s
Shacks (I903), The Lodger [Kermit A. Rawes] (I601)
* Yes, that Dagon. There is a reason the players get machine
guns, flamethrowers, and naval artillery.

Section Name • Page Contents

Other Deep One Material Thor’s Anvil — Nocturnem, Book 2: Hollow Winds
The Watchers of Walberswick — White Dwarf #50
Deep Ones appear in numerous scenarios; those listed here The Yorkshire Horror — Cthulhu by Gaslight¶
make use of them in some way beyond simply including
them as a side encounter or as muscle for an otherwise
The Cairo Guidebook
unrelated cult.
Death in Luxor
The Bay of Nouadhibou — Aspirations
New England
The Brockford House (Maine) — Call of Cthulhu Rulebook*
Secrets of Japan
Deep Trouble (Boston) — Challenge Magazine #54
Shanghai — Masks of Nyarlathotep
The Horrible Secret of Monhegan Island (Maine)
The Lonely Point Lighthouse (Connecticut) Oceana
— Island of Ignorance Destroying Paradise, Hawai’ian Style — Atomic Age Cthulhu
The Star on the Shore Grace Under Pressure
The Walsh Family (Massachusetts) — Island of Ignorance† Project π — Worlds of Cthulhu #1
“The Dollars of Dagon” The Unspeakable Oath #19‡ The Vanishing Ensign — Ticket of Leave #4,
Convicts & Cthulhu
Further Afield Other/Multiple
North America The City in the Sea — Cthulhu Now
Arkham Case Files: Deep Morgue Delta Green (see box, opposite)
The Bermuda Triangle
Black Cod Island — Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity Other Lovecraftian Games
By the Bay — Day of the Beast
Heroes of the Sea (Achtung! Cthulhu)
Coming of Age — Unseen Masters
Guide to the Pacif ic Front (Achtung! Cthulhu)
Lurker in the Crypt — Fatal Experiments
Shadows of the North — Guide to the Eastern Front
Secrets of New Orleans
(Achtung! Cthulhu)
Secrets of New York
In the Pink — Shadows of Atlantis (Achtung! Cthulhu)
Secrets of San Francisco
Hideous Creatures: The Deep Ones (Trail of Cthulhu)
Spawn of the Deep§ — Blood Brothers
Sisters of Sorrow (Trail of Cthulhu)
The Starshrine — Lurking Fears
“The Wreck” — Arkham Detective Tales
Waiting for the Hurricane — Pulp Cthulhu
(Trail of Cthulhu)
South America
The Watchers of Easter Island — Shadows of Yog-Sothoth
‘Keeping’ Innsmouth
Here is a guide to the Call of Cthulhu books of use to a
The Blandford Manor — The Whisperer #1
Keeper hoping to run a scenario or even a campaign set
Blood and Water — Cthulhu Britannica: Avalon,
in Innsmouth. Scenarios are described in the previous
The County Somerset
annotated list.
Devil’s Hole — In the Shadows
Fenland Fog — Dagon #9
Escape from Innsmouth (Out of Print)
The Last of Joy — Minions
Mouthbreathers — Minions The fundamental book for Innsmouth, it is unfortunately
Murmillo — De Horrore Cosmico out of print. The book presents the whole of Innsmouth
The Secret of Marseilles — King of Chicago as well as the much smaller settlements of Falcon Point
The Songs of Fantari — Fatal Experiments and Boynton Beach, with descriptions of the major
Uisge Beatha — Shadows Over Scotland figures within Innsmouth, including the Esoteric Order
Terror from the Skies of Dagon. The book also includes a new skill, “Innsmouth
Lore,” offering a mechanical way to describe the growing
* 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Editions only. awareness of Innsmouth’s dark secret. Unfortunately for
† More of an encounter or possible opposition group. the Keeper, the evocative portrait illustrations included in
The scenario is set somewhere along the Massachusetts the book too often make the inhuman nature of hybrids far
coast. One of the Walshes has a piece of Innsmouth too obvious, including a few who are supposed to interact
jewelry and is aware of the town. with outsiders frequently. This limits their use as a handout.
‡ Not a scenario per se, but includes some interesting
ideas for Innsmouth and its gold.
§ Technically the creatures in this scenario are called “Gillmen.” ¶ 1st and 2nd editions only.

Section Name • Page Contents


Pagan Publishing’s Delta Green (the organization) has the Haida people in Alaska’s Alexander Archipelago.
its genesis in the Innsmouth Raid, so it follows that the Keepers running an Innsmouth game will find this
town and the story of its doom plays a recurrent part in alternate version of Innsmouth to be an interesting and
the setting. There are no roleplaying products outside informative contrast. Additionally, Detwiller reimagines
of Escape from Innsmouth that have given quite as much certain aspects of Deep One biology — namely that it is
thought and consideration to all things Innsmouth- not just a heritable genetic condition but a potentially
related as have those for this line. (In addition to the contagious one, and that ‘Dagon’ and ‘Hydra’ are not
RPG works mentioned below, there is a short story unique entities but a species that creates ‘Deep Ones’ by
which offers an account of the Raid from the perspective infecting whatever hosts are available — that offers fresh
of an elderly Marine: “Once More, From the Top” in the variety to those seeking alternatives to the traditional
collection Dark Theaters (2002).) Call of Cthulhu take.


The Delta Green organization has its roots in the The new stand-alone Delta Green RPG offers an updated
Innsmouth Raid and the United States government’s take on that group’s long-running war with the Deep
discovery of the occult menace of the Deep Ones. In Ones around the world and includes a modern version of
addition to these connections, at least one of Delta the Esoteric Order of Dagon.
Green’s then-current agents is fixated in learning more
about the Deep Ones.
The latest scenario release for the Delta Green RPG (also
DELTA GREEN: TARGETS by Dennis Detwiller) is set in a town that was once home
OF OPPORTUNITY (2010) to one of the “various naval and military prisons” to
The chapter “Black Cod Island” (by Dennis Detwiller) which the U.S. government consigned those captured
presents a Deep One-controlled community among during the Innsmouth Raid. 

There are currently two editions of this book; the second Before the Fall
is expanded from the first and includes two additional
A quartet of scenarios set, as the title suggests, before the
scenarios — “The Crawford Inheritance” and a sixth
Raid. Details of the scenarios are provided in the annotated
objective for the “Raid on Innsmouth,” the Marsh Refinery.
list earlier in this article.
H.P. Lovecraft’s Kingsport Miskatonic University (PDF)
Several leads here point towards Innsmouth: an aged
As part of its description of the students at the University,
fisherman who once made the mistake to look for a
there is presented a post-Raid attempt to revivify the
catch near Innsmouth, a wayward Deep One hybrid, and
Esoteric Order of Dagon by three Innsmouth residents
information on the Ponape Scripture.
currently enrolled there. There is also additional material
on former Innsmouth resident Asenath Waite. 


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