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Rutuja Kawade (EN2030)

Prathamesh Jadhav (EN2028)
Avinsh Kamble (EN2029)
Under the Guidance of

Ms.Ritu rani madum


PUNE - 411 048


I hereby certify that the work which is being presented for Employability skills and mini project
report entitled “Automatic smoke detector alram”, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
the second year of Engineering in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and submitted to the
Electronics & Communication Engineering department of KJEI’s Trinity research of Engineering, Pune is an
authentic record of my own work carried out during a period from march 2021 to May 2022 under the
supervision of Ms. Ritu rani ,Assistant Professor, E&TC Department.

The matter presented in this project Report has not been submitted by me for the award of any other degree
elsewhere. This is to certify that the above statements arecorrect to the best of my knowledge.

Prof. Ritu Rani madum Dr. S.M.Handore



To put an effort like this requires the determination and help of many people around us and we would not be
doing justice to their efforts by not mentioning each helping hand in person.
We are highly thankful to Ms.Ritu Rani madum for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for
providing necessary information regarding the project
We express our sincere gratitude to Ms. Ritu rani for Project Coordinator (E&TC Dept), Ms. S.M.Handore
(Head of E&TC Engineering Department), Dr. Abhijit. Auti Principal of Institute and other Teaching and Non-
teaching staff members of the Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department for their kind co-
We would like to give sincere thanks to the Library Department for their kind co-operation throughout our
work. And people who have willingly helped us out with their abilities.
We would like to express gratitude towards our parents for their kind co-operation and encouragement which
help us in working on this project.


A smoke detector alarm is a fire protection device that automatically detects smoke and also gives us warning. In
the proposed system, a smoke detector upon senses smoke activates its alarm, sends a low voltage signal to all
other smoke detectors in the vicinity. This low voltage signal activates the individual relays in the other smoke
detectors causing them to emit a tone that alerts residents that one of the smoke detectors senses smoke. In this
system the transmitter and receiver are installed in a unit and the need for a base is eliminated. The individual
smoke detectors are equipped with all the electronics required to both send and receive signals. They are battery
operated and therefore they require no external connections. They can be installed by a homeowner just as they
would a normal smoke detector. The proposed design is aiming to have Cost efficient system, Compact design,
easily expandable, Simple to install, Replaceable components. The system was tested indoor and outdoor with
different distance and with the presence of noise. Standard for Safety of Smoke Alarms, to measure the
performance of a large number of existing smoke alarms. The standard calls for additional fire tests with
smoldering and flaming polyurethane foam as well as a cooking nuisance test. The research included 45 distinct
smoke alarm models.


Acknowledgement i

Abstract ii





3.1 Block Diagram vi

3.2 Circuit Diagram vii

3.3 Hardware Used viii,ix

3.4 Software Used x

3.5 Implementation Procedure/Methodology xi


4.1 Hardware Results xiii



1. Introduction

Smoke detector is a device that senses smoke, typically as an indicator of fire. Commercial smoke detectors
issue a signal to a fire alarm control panel as part of a fire alarm system. Household smoke detectors, also
known as smoke alarms, generally issue an audible or visual alarm from the detector itself or several
detectors if there are multiple devices interlinked.
Smoke detectors are usually housed in plastic enclosures, typically shaped like a disk about 150 millimetres in
diameter and 25 millimetres thick, but shape and size vary. Smoke can be detectedeither optically (photoelectric)
or by physical process (ionization). Detectors may use one or bothsensing methods. Sensitive alarms can be used
to detect and deter smoking in banned areas. Smoke detectors in large commercial and industrial buildings are
usually connected to a central fire alarm system. Domestic smoke detectors range from individual battery-
powered units to several interlinked units with battery backup. With interlinked units, if any of them detects
smoke,all of the alarms will trigger. This happens even if household power has gone out.

2.Literature Survey
The A smoke detector is a device that senses smoke typically as an indicator of fire or non smoking zone. In
order to ensure human safety and safeguard property against fire in both domestic and commercial settings,
different solutions for smoke detection have been developed. These designs vary depending on the method of
smoke detection. However, the different designsare derived . the two basic types of smoke detectors, namely:

1. The photoelectric smoke detector

2. The ionization chamber smoke detector (ICSD) The photoelectric smoke detector uses an optical beam to
search for smoke. When smoke particles cloud the beam, a photoelectric cell senses the decrease in light
intensity and triggers an alarm. This type of smoke detector reacts most quickly to smoldering fires that release
relatively large amounts of smoke. On the other hand, the ionization chamber smoke detector is quicker at
sensing flaming fires that produce little smoke. It employs a radioactive material to ionize the air in a sensing
chamber; the presence of smoke affects the flow of the ions between a pair of electrodes, which triggers the

In a typical system, the radioactive material emits alpha particles that strip electrons from the air molecules,
creating positive oxygen and nitrogen ions. The electrons attach themselves to other air molecules, forming
negative oxygen and nitrogen ions. Two oppositely charged electrodes within the sensing chamber attract the
positive and negative ions, setting up a small flow of current in the air space between the electrodes, but when
the smoke particles enter the chamber,they attract some of the ions, disrupting the current flow.

3.Present Work

3.1. Block Diagram

Figure-1 Smoke Detector Block Diagram

Smoke Detectors are very useful in detecting smoke or fire in buildings, and so are the important safety
parameters. In this project, we are going to build a Simple Smoke Detector Circuit without using any
Microcontroller. This circuit triggers the Buzzer whenever it detects Smoke or fire near by it. This circuit mainly
uses MQ6 Smoke/Gas sensor to detect the level of smoke. MQ6 gas sensor is also sensible to LPG, Alcohol, and
Methane etc. Here we have used Buzzer as a Smoke alarm, which is driven by BC547 NPN transistor.

3.2.Circuit Diagram

Figure-2 Smoke Detector Circuit Diagram

In this circuit, we have used an MQ6 Smoke Or Gas Sensor Module for detect smoke present in the air. A
BC547 NPN transistor is used to to drive buzzer whenever it detects smoke. A 10K pot is also used for
calibration. Basically, in this project, we have designeda Voltage Divider Circuit by using MQ6 smoke sensor (as
resistor) and potentiometer. MQ6 has a resistance and its value changes whenever it senses smoke.

3.3.Hardware used

Components required

1. BC547
2. Bread Board
3. Smoke Sensor (MQ6)
4. L7805
5. Potentiometer
6. Power Supply
7. LED
8. Buzzer
9. Register


In this fire alarm circuit, we have used an infrared detector LED. The infrared emitted from the fire is
detected by the infrared LED and voltage across the infrared led changed. The Anode of the infrared
LED is connected with the base of the BC547 NPN transistor. Due to the positive pulse in the base, the
transistor turns on and current can flow in through buzzer –> Collector –> Emitter.

2. Smoke Sensor(MQ6)
This circuit triggers the buzzer whenever it finds smoke or fire nearby it.
This circuit mainly uses the MQ6 smoke/gas sensor for detecting the level of smoke.MQ6 gas
sensor is also sensible to the LPG, alcohol, and methane.

3. LED

A smoke detector includes a smoke detection chamber containing a white light LED and a light detector.
The light detector detects light within at least two distinct optical wavelength bands, and generates
respective signals indicative of the intensities of the detected light. An analyzer determines, based on the
measured light intensities of the different wavelengthbands, whether a dangerous smoke/fire condition is

4. Buzzer
A buzzer is an audio signaling device which may be used in alarm devices, timers andother forms of
alerts. They may be mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric.

5. Power Supply
The circuit can be powered from a 9V battery.

6. Resister 1K
Instead of bulb you can use a bright LED with a 1K resistor series to it.

Components Costing

Sr.No Components Costing

1 BC547 Transistor 5rs
2 Smoke Sensor MQ6 200rs
3 L7805 20rs
4 Register 1rs
5 Potentiometer 15rs
6 LED 5rs
7 Buzzer 15rs
8 Battery 45rs
9 Breadboard 100rs

3.4.Software required

Figure-3 Smoke Detector Circuit Diagram

Working on this smoke detector alarm circuit is easy. In this article, we used the transistor operating properties
to work with this circuit as a smoke detector. BC547 NPN transistor will turn on whenever it gets at least 0.70v at
its base terminal. We, therefore, applied a voltage dividercircuit at its base.

We must calibrate it by using pot. During calibration, we applied voltage just below 0.70v at the base of the
transistor. Whenever the sensor detects smoke, it reduces its strength, because of this reduction in resistance, the
voltage across the base of the transistor rises. Now when the voltage at the terminal of a transistor becomes
greater than or equal to 0.70v, then the transistor turns on, and the LED lights up, and the buzzer also starts
beeping. And when we do not find smoke, both the indicator components turn off as the voltage across the base
terminal of the transistor falls below the 0.70v

3.5.Implementation Procedure/Methodology

A methodology for predicting smoke detector response with computational fluid dynamics is presented. The
general phenomena associated with the overall smoke detection process are provided. The overall smoke
detection process has been organized into five categories; property generation, bulk property transport, local
property transport, sensor modulation, and alarm condition. Each component of the smoke detection process
is discussed in terms of available methods for quantifying the associated variables. introduction The
accurate prediction of smoke detector response is an important consideration in assessing the performance
of a detection system. As occupant and fire department notification can be dependent upon smoke detector
response, more realistic objectives in terms of occupant evacuation times and fire department operations
may be possible with reliable predictions ofdetector response.

Property Generation The production of detectable properties by a fire is critical to predicting detector
response. The most sophisticated and accurate predictive tool is of little value without proper inputs.
Therefore, it is of primary importance to identify the combustion precursors or byproducts that influence the
response of the sensor. In general terms, property generation is primarily influenced by the chemical
composition of the fuel, local oxygen concentration, combustion mode, and heat release rate.

4.Result and Discussion

A smoke detector is an electronic fire-protection device that automatically senses thepresence of smoke, as
a key indication of fire, and sounds a warning to building occupants.
Commercial and industrial smoke detectors issue a signal to a fire alarm control panel as part of a
building’s central fire alarm system. By law all workplaces must have a smoke detection system.
Household smoke detectors, or smoke alarms, issue an audible and/or visual alarm locally from the
detector itself. They can be battery-powered single units or several interlinked hardwired (mains-
powered) devices backed up by batteries. The latter must be installed in all new buildings and after
major refurbishments.
Smoke detector types
There are two basic types of passive smoke detectors: photoelectric (optical) and ionisation (physical
process). A combination of the two types of alarm (dual sensor smoke alarm) is recommended for
maximum protection from both fast flamingand slow smouldering fires.
Combined optical smoke and heat alarms and combined smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are also
A photoelectric detector senses sudden scattering of light when smoke enters the detector chamber,
triggering the alarm.
Photoelectric smoke detectors respond an average of 15 to 50 minutes faster to fire in its early,
smouldering stage, before it breaks into flame, than ionisation alarms. They can be installed near
kitchens. Some dual optical models are available.
Ionisation smoke alarms are highly sensitive to small smoke particles and typically respond about 30 to
90 seconds faster to fast flaming fires than photoelectric smoke alarms, but not to smouldering fires.
They may be too easily set off if they are installed too close to kitchens, or garages.
Ionisation alarms carry a small amount of radioactive material between two electrically charged plates,
which ionises the air and causes current to flow between the plates. When smoke enters the chamber, it
disrupts the flow of ions, thus reducing the flow of current and activating the alarm.

4.1 Hardware Result

 The heating element in the Smoke Sensor must be preheated before it can senseany smoke or gas.
 The sensor gets hot because of the heating coil and it is advised not to touch thesensor while it is
switched on.
 The sensitivity of the circuit to different concentrations of smoke can be adjustedby using the POT.
 The output LED can be replaced with a loud buzzer for effective alarm.

5.Conclusion and Future Scope


Smoke detectors are great because they save lives. You should place a smoke detector a certain inches
far from a wall. Smoke detectors must always be associate exceedingly house or an housing. There are
totally different shapes of smoke detectors, however those that area unit a circle form are those who are in
most homes. There also are smoke detectors formed as noses, to smell for smoke. There should be a
minimum of two or three smoke detectors in your home. You should install a smoke detector on each
floor of a house. Always have a smoke detector and fire alarm system in your home for your own safety

Future Scope:

Interconnection between multiple system. Android application for the system tocontrol it either automatic
or manually. Different Gas Sensor can be used.


“Simple Smoke Detector Alarm Circuit”

Author- Saddam, Circuit Digest, Published on 19 July 2017


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