HAP E-Help: Modeling Induction Beams in HAP v4.8
HAP E-Help: Modeling Induction Beams in HAP v4.8
HAP E-Help: Modeling Induction Beams in HAP v4.8
Ever since Willis Carrier designed the first modern air-conditioning system in 1902, Carrier has led the world in the
discovery of innovative ways to provide occupant comfort using sustainable technologies that emphasize efficiency and
environmental integrity. The induction beam of today is based on technology invented by Willis Carrier himself in the
1930s and refined by today’s pioneers to meet the needs of the high performance building of the future.
An induction beam (IB) takes a source of primary outdoor air at an inlet static pressure ranging from 0.4 to 0.8 in. wg.
Induction beams use conditioned (cooled and dehumidified) primary air in a quantity necessary to ensure good air quality
for the occupied area. The system distributes this primary air through a bank of specially designed aerodynamic nozzles
and discharges the air at a high velocity into a mixing chamber (see Figure 1). This creates a differential pressure which
enables a draw of room air across a coil. This imparts either cooling or heating to the induced air as it passes over the
coil. The primary air and induced air are mixed and discharged through a supply air louver in a Coanda effect air
distribution pattern at the ceiling.
With the ability to provide both sensible and latent cooling, the ActivAIR induction beam delivers more capacity per unit
sensible-only active chilled beams, so spaces can be conditioned using fewer units. The unit’s unique air distribution
design creates a uniform temperature within the space, thus providing a comfortable environment with no stratification. In
addition, ActivAIR requires only a simple thermostat connected to the coil valves, with no additional controls needed.
What are the advantages of induction beam systems over conventional designs? Induction beam systems provide a
cost-saving alternative to traditional commercial zoning systems for new construction or retrofit. They are suitable for use
in a variety of single- to multi-floor facilities, from schools and universities to healthcare, office spaces and all applications
in between. Compared with a system where the cooling duty is supplied entirely by air (all-air systems), an induction
beam system reduces the fan power requirements and space needed for air-handling plant equipment and ducting.
Induction beam systems have the following advantages:
What are the typical design conditions used for the chilled water and primary air for an induction beam system
and how are they controlled?
Induction beams can be used with chilled water entering temperatures ranging from 42° to 60° F due to inclusion of a full
drain pan to handle condensation.
The induction beam inlet primary air temperatures are typically between 55° and 70° F. The lower end of the ranges
should be used when the zone latent loads are higher, such as conference rooms, school classrooms, etc. while the
higher end of the range may be used in applications with low zone latent loads. Unlike active chilled beams, where the
latent cooling in the space needs to be handled solely by the primary air, the induction beam coil with a drain pan provides
additional latent cooling capacity in the space. This allows for primary air supply temperatures closer to neutral space air
temperature, reducing the risk of overcooling the space.
How do you model an induction beam system in HAP v4.8 (and later versions)?
HAP v4.8 (and later versions) have the ability to directly model induction beam (IB) systems. Construction of a model for
an example IB system in HAP will be described in the following paragraphs to explain the basic modeling procedure.
For our modeling example, assume the induction beam system is a 4-pipe system with cooling and heating provided in
the beam terminals. The system serves four separate office zones. A Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS)
preconditions outdoor ventilation air and supplies the treated air to the induction beam terminals. The DOAS will also use
an air-to-air energy recovery device to increase system energy efficiency.
To begin construction of the system model specify the following on the General tab of the HAP air system properties
window (Figure 3):
"Common ventilation system" is HAP's term for the DOAS unit. Note that the selection of a common ventilation system is
defaulted and locked because it is mandatory. It is what drives the operation of the induction beam terminals.
Figure 3. Air System Properties, General Tab Figure 4. Vent System Components Tab,
Ventilation Air Data
Next, on the Vent System Components tab select the components in the left-hand panel as shown in Figure 4. Then,
working from top to bottom, review and revise data for each of the components:
1. Ventilation Air Data – Sample inputs are shown in Figure 4. Note that outdoor air dampers are marked as closed for
the unoccupied period. Because the ventilation fan needs to run to power the induction beam terminals, there can be
value in closing the outdoor air dampers during the unoccupied period to reduce the loads on the DOAS cooling and
heating coils. In cold climates this can result in substantial savings for heating energy.
Figure 5. Vent System Components Tab, Figure 6. Vent System Components Tab
Ventilation Reclaim Data Ventilation Cooling Coil Data
3. Ventilation Cooling Coil – Sample inputs are shown in Figure 6. Induction beam terminals that include a drain pan
can operate as total cooling devices, handling both sensible and latent loads in the zone. For this reason control of
DOAS supply air temperature and humidity is not as critical as it is for an active chilled beam terminal, which is a
sensible-only device. The DOAS generally is designed to handle the outdoor ventilation air sensible and latent loads,
and often part of the zone sensible and latent. A DOAS primary air leaving air temperature (LAT) setpoint of 60 F will
be used in this example. Because 60 F is below zone-neutral conditions it will meet the ventilation sensible load and
part of the zone sensible loads.
4. Ventilation Heating Coil – We will use the same DOAS supply air discharge setpoint for heating as for cooling (see
Figure 7). Therefore when discharge air from the ERV is below 60 F it will be heated to maintain a 60 F discharge
temperature from the DOAS unit. When it is above 60 F it will be cooled to maintain a 60 F discharge temperature.
5. Dehumidification Control – Our sample system will use a humidistat at the DOAS unit discharge to control the
humidity of the primary supply air. A maximum relative humidity (RH) setpoint of 75% will be used (Figure 8). When
the discharge RH rises above 75% the ventilation cooling coil will sub-cool the air to condense additional moisture and
bring the humidity down to 75%. If necessary, the heating coil will provide dehumidification reheat to bring the DOAS
discharge temperature back up to the 60 F setpoint temperature.
If the zone cooling thermostat setpoint is 75 F, primary air at 60 F and 75% is slightly below zone neutral. As a result,
the DOAS cooling coil will not only handle the ventilation sensible and latent load, but will contribute to meeting part of
the zone sensible and latent loads.
Figure 7. Vent System Components Tab, Figure 8. Vent System Components Tab
Ventilation Heating Coil Data Dehumidification Control Data
6. Ventilation Fan – Sample fan inputs are shown in Figure 9. A forward curved fan with variable frequency drive will
be used. The total static pressure of 5 in wg represents static needed to overcome the pressure drops of the ERV,
filters, coils, and ductwork, and to supply the required static pressure at the induction beam terminal nozzles. The
efficiency is representative for this type of fan.
Note that an unoccupied airflow rate of 50% of design is also specified. In many applications, primary airflow for the
induction beam system can be turned down during unoccupied times when thermostat setpoints are set up or set
back and zone load levels are low. The DOAS can still provide sufficient dehumidification with the reduced airflow to
keep room humidities under control. When airflow turndown is used, airflow can be reduced to between 50% and
95% of design flow. HAP will not allow airflow to be turned down more than 50%. The reduced airflow combined with
the ventilation fan VFD will yield significant fan energy savings versus active chilled beam systems which cannot turn
down unoccupied airflow rates.
7. Duct System – The example system will use a ducted return. For the sake of simplicity we did not specify duct
leakage or duct heat gain. (Screen image of duct system inputs not shown).
8. Exhaust Fan – Finally, the exhaust fan will be the same type as the ventilation fan (forward curved, variable
frequency drive). The total static pressure of 1.5 in wg represents the pressure drops of the ERV and the ductwork.
(Screen image of exhaust fan inputs not shown).
Figure 9. Vent System Components Tab, Figure 10. Zone Components Tab
Ventilation Fan Data Thermostats Data
Next we move to the Zone Components tab shown in Figure 10. Working from top to bottom through the categories of
data shown in the left panel of this tab, review and revise the following data:
1. Spaces – Assign spaces to the zones in the system. Our example system has four zones, each with one space.
(Screen image of this data not shown).
3. Common Data – This data category is used to specify the capability of the induction beam terminals. As shown in
Figure 11, the terminals in our example have both cooling and heating capability.
4. Terminal Units Data – In this final category of data you can define one set of values applying to all induction beam
terminals, or can specify individual data for each zone's terminal equipment. This is done via the "All zones the same"
check box in the upper left (Figure 12). In our example, we'll specify one set of data applying to all zones.
The terminal type will always be "induction beam". The "induction ratio" is the ratio of total supply airflow produced by
the terminal to primary airflow entering the terminal. Typical values range from 2.7 to 4.0. If you have specific
induction beam equipment in mind, consult manufacturer's data to determine the appropriate value. A representative
value of 3.0 is used in our example. Finally, specify the bypass factor that is representative for the terminal cooling
coil. A value of 0.090 is used in our example.
Figure 11. Zone Components Tab, Figure 12. Zone Components Tab
Common Data Terminal Unit Data
At this point the induction beam air-side system is fully defined and can be saved and then used in system design and
energy analysis calculations.
A chilled water plant serving induction beam air systems uses a single supply water temperature, typically in the 42 F to
45 F range. There are no special modeling requirements. The plant would be modeled using the same principles as a
plant serving conventional systems such as VAV air handlers.
Induction beams are extremely flexible and enhance the savings and effectiveness of primary air systems such as those
using dedicated outdoor air. When using induction beams, the primary air system, which includes the dedicated outdoor
air handling unit, and the primary air and exhaust air ductwork, can be sized to handle only the required ventilation
outdoor air. This reduces the size of the equipment and ductwork compared to conventional systems, making it easier to
fit into a building space. This also reduces the energy required to supply the ventilation air to the building. The total room
air circulation is created solely by the induction process within the terminal; therefore, there is no motor requiring an
electric power source or maintenance for a fan and motor. As a result, the induction beam is a very quiet and efficient
way to provide comfort in a space.
The manufacturer's design application literature should always be consulted when designing an induction beam system.
1) Induction Beams, Engineered Comfort for Today's Buildings, Form 04-581068-01, Carrier Corporation, Syracuse, NY
2) 36IB Induction Beams Product Literature; Form 36IB-1PD; May 2012; Carrier Corporation, Syracuse, NY.
3) DOAS & Humidity Control; Larranaga, Michael D., Beruvides, Mario G., Ph.D., P.E., Holder, H.W., Karunasena,
Enusha, Ph.D. & Straus, David C, Ph.D.; ASHRAE Journal, May 2008; pp. 34-39.