Chapter 3 Hunter
Chapter 3 Hunter
Chapter 3 Hunter
Hunter, R. J.
Introduction to Modern Colloid Science
1. General considerations
2. Microscopy
3. Sedimentation methods
4. Electrical pulse counting
5. Light scattering methods
6. Hydrodynamic methods
7. Electroacoustics
8. Summary of sizing methods
3.1 General considerations
The size and shape of colloidal particles are amongst their
most important characteristics because they determine many
other features of the behavior of colloidal suspensions.
The rate of settling
The ease with which they can be filtered
Their flow properties when poured or pumped through a
pipe, all depend on particle size.
So too does their capacity to adsorb contaminants
The case of catalysts, their capacity per unit mass which
normally depends on the available surface area, onto which
reacting molecules must be adsorbed.
Colloidal suspension often exhibit a wide range of particle
sizes. For some purpose it may be enough to know the
minimum size, or the maximum, or some sort of average
value, but in many cases it is necessary to have a more or less
complete knowledge of the distribution, that is the number of
particles in each size range.
πd 2
= s
and (
d NA = ∑ f i d i )
2 1/ 2
= d ( )
1/ 2
Note that a system of N uniform spheres of diameter d NA has the
same surface area as he original sample, S. in a similar way one
can define a series of different average sizes, many of which are
directly measurable.
Important one is the volume average particle size which happens to
be the one most easily extracted form light scattering methods
and is closely related to the mass average size determined from
ultrasonic measurements using the ESA technique ( see Exercise
3.1.3) it is defined as 1/ 3 3 1/ 3
∑ niVi ∑ ni d i
d NV = = K
3. The continuous distribution function. Figure 3.2 shows that the
histogram can be replaced by a smooth curve but it is important
to note that this is not a plot of ni against di. For the continuous
curve, F(di)ddi, the number of particles dni in the range di to ddi
is given by dn = F (d )ddi
i i
Figure 3.4. The continuous distribution function, F(di), and its
relation to the frequency histogram.
4. The theoretical distribution functions. The most commonly used
and important of the theoretical functions is the normal or
Gaussian distribution
In fact , the distribution of sizes obtained from grinding a solid
down to form small particles is often very far from’normal’ or
Gaussian (Figure 3.5).
D. Fraunhofer diffraction
Larger particles >10nm) laser beam/ collected diffracted light
with lens then detection
Best for particle above colloidal size large.
2. Dynamic QELS
Spectrum analyzer to determine the certain angle asa
function of frequency