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KMBN 207 (Full Syllabus)

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Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the process
of gaining market online by purchasing Ads on
search engines; say Google, Yahoo, or Bing.
SEM involves the promotion of websites by
increasing their visibility in Search Engine
Result Page (SERP).
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the process
of gaining market online by purchasing Ads on
search engines, say Google, Yahoo, or Bing.
SEM involves the promotion of websites by
increasing their visibility in Search Engine
Result Page (SERP).
Search Marketing Approaches
Search marketing works with two approaches −
● Earning traffic through unpaid or free search
listings (SEO Methods)
● Buying traffic through paid search listings
(PPC Ads)
In the first type of search marketing where
advertisers earn traffic through unpaid listings,
there are two popular methods
− organic and non-organic search.

Organic SEO

It takes more time to create as more concentrated toward

content creation, building hyperlinks, meta-tag optimiza
keyword enhancement, etc.

It yields late effect.

It focuses on long term results.

It is inexpensive.

They cannot be affected financially.

Once the design of the website and its content is good, it

requires less management.

Organic SEO is called White Hat search tactic.

How to Get Organic Results

Organic results can be achieved by Search
Engine Optimization. You need to invest time
and expertise in creating an appealing yet
efficient website that can work to build long
lasting trust in your business.
You need to build your business website
according to SEO techniques which use White
Hat Tactics for rank improvement.
Inorganic results are instantly reflected. Here
is a checklist for inorganic search
● Mine keywords properly. Group them into
relevant themes.
● Use correct match types. Estimate bid on all
match types. Choose the benefiting one.
● Keep testing your Ad copies and landing
● Aim for higher quality score.
● Target relevant locations. Only look for the
places that seem to give you business.
● Run search query report. Filter prominent
keywords. Bid higher on most searched
● Bid your keywords accordingly. Calculate
and strategize methods to achieve ROI.

Steps Involved in Search Engine Marketing

These are the general steps involved in search
engine marketing −
Step 1 − Define Effective Strategy
● Define your target audience.
● Identify their needs and motivations.
● Highlight how your product is best to serve
their needs.
● Review your business position in the
● Identify your competitors.
● Identify your specific goals and benchmarks,
such as search ranking, sales, website traffic,
and other ROI metrics.
Step 2 − Choose Right Keywords
● Select most important phrases relevant to
your business.
● Also select the phrases that are frequently
searched by your target customers.
● Conduct brainstorm sessions for potential
terms your customers use when thinking
about your products and capabilities.
● Interact with your sales and customer service
teams, and best customers to know the
frequently used phrases.
● Employ a keyword research tools to compile
a list of highly searched terms.
Step 3 − Optimize Your Website Content
● Focus on your website structure. Keep it
● The search engines looks for the underlying
code of your website when they visit your
● Create crisp, clear, and correct content that
can retain users’ attention.
● Use your keyword phrases relevantly in
pages title tags, heading tags, directory
names, file names, alt tags and meta tags.
● Pay attention to meta description. It is shown
in the search results below your link,
providing a great opportunity for you to bring
visitors to your Website.
Step 4 − Submit Your Website for Indexing
To be visible online to the customers, ensure that
all the pages of your website are completely
indexed by the search engines such as Google,
Yahoo, and Bing.
For speedy process of getting indexed by the
other engines, submit your website to the
DMOZ.org, an Open Directory Project. Once
DMOZ accepts your website, Yahoo and other
search engines have no problem indexing your
Step 5 − Add Quality Links to Your Website
● Build links to your website from valued links
of other websites that are frequented by your
targeted visitors.
● The more quality inbound links you have,
the more popular your website is with Google
and other engines.
● Make your website content is link-worthy.
Create interesting and informative content on
your website such as a library of best
practices articles, blog trends in your
industry, etc.
● You can also garner links from vendors,
customers, business partners, and trade
● Distribute press releases and articles online.
Step 6 − Manage Paid Search Advertise
● Bid on the most relevant keywords. Do not
pick them based on only popularity.
● Make sure your product offer is interesting to
the potential customer.
● Tie the bidding strategy to business results. In
many cases a lower Ad position will produce
a higher ROI.
● Finally, include a compelling ‘call to action’
in the Ad and send traffic to a relevant
landing page tied to the Ad.
Step 7 − Measure Success of Advertise
● Check how well you performed in the past.
● Measure CPC, CPR, Clicks, Bounce rate,
Impressions, ROI, etc.
● Employ Web Analytics to monitor progress
and problems.
● Monitor your position regularly in the search
● Identify problems and plan strategies to
improve your results in the future.
Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing is a multi-channel, digital
marketing strategy aimed at reaching a target
audience on their smartphones, tablets, and/or
other mobile devices, via websites, email, SMS
and MMS, social media, and apps.
Mobile marketing is any promotional activity
that takes place on smartphones and other
handheld devices such as tablets. Mobile
marketing aims to reach an audience of mobile
device users through methods such as push
notifications, marketing emails, and
How to Create a Mobile Marketing Strategy?
As with any marketing effort, every brand and
organization will develop a unique mobile
strategy based on the industry and target
audience. Mobile technology is all about
customization and personalization, which means
mobile marketing is, too.
Step 1 – Create Mobile Buyer Personas
A simple way to start is to research big data
reports on mobile usage. Some interesting
observations include:
● 65% of all email is first opened on a mobile
● 48% of users start their mobile internet
sessions on a search engine.
● 56% of B2B buyers frequently use
smartphones to access vendors’ content.
● 95% of adults primarily use their
smartphones to access content/information.
To better understand your specific target market,
monitor Google Analytics for your site’s mobile
traffic numbers.
Step 2 – Set Goals
Identify goals by asking your team some of these
● What are we currently doing for mobile? This
will define your starting point, and make sure
everyone is on the same page as you begin.
● If you are already doing mobile marketing,
how are those initiatives performing? This
conversation will identify what is already
working, what is not, and what’s not even
being measured.
● What are your main objectives for including
mobile marketing in your overall strategy?
Discuss why you’re considering mobile now,
what conversations have led up to this point,
and what you expect from mobile marketing.
● Who are your key audiences for mobile
marketing? Talk about your customer
personas in light of mobile usage updates.
How similar or different is each persona’s
mobile usage?
● How are you engaging your mobile audience
cross-channel? This discussion will help
analyze how the channels you’re currently
using can be included in your mobile
marketing strategy.
Step 3 – Establish KPIs
Just like your other marketing efforts, mobile
marketing needs to be tested and optimized.
Determine which realistic, measurable KPIs
define your mobile campaign’s success. For
● Engagement—Provide mobile-friendly
content for potential customers who are
searching for information about your industry
or product. Make sure your website is
mobile-responsive to improve mobile SEO.
● Acquisition—Make sure lead nurturing
emails are mobile-friendly with clear calls-
to-action. Buttons in emails should be near
the top of the message and be big enough to
easily tap in order to facilitate click-throughs.
Then make it as easy as possible for someone
to fill out a form on your mobile-optimized
landing page.
● Customer Service—In a connected, social
marketplace, customer service is very much a
marketing opportunity. Allow your
customers to easily reach you through any
platform they want, including simple click-
to-call buttons for smartphone users.
In order to identify the right KPIs for your mobile
marketing campaign, ask yourself:
● Do I want to increase conversions from email
● Am I trying to improve traffic to sales pages?
● How important is it that I generate more
qualified prospects?
● Does our brand need to improve sales by
converting more traffic on certain pages?
Step 4 – Monitor Mobile Metrics
Google Analytics can help monitor mobile usage
of your site:
● Mobile behavior data reveals how well your
mobile content engages your audience.
● Mobile conversion data will indicate whether
or not some of your key landing pages still
need to be optimized for mobile browsing.
Adding the Device Category field to the Site
Content dashboard will display the quantity and
quality of much mobile traffic to each individual
page on your site.
That information can hint at which search queries
may be leading mobile traffic to your site, what
content your mobile audience is most interested
in, and which pages to optimize for mobile
browsing first.
Types of Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing has proven to be effective as
now, the consumer has an increased control over
the kind of advertisements that are sent to him.
There was a time when most messages sent to
consumers were not very useful, posing a serious
threat to mobile marketing.
Corrective actions, both by corporations and
network providers have helped to weed out
unscrupulous elements, making mobile
marketing an ethical way of promotion and
publicity. Some types of mobile marketing are as
1.Short Message Service (SMS)
Short message service initiated the concept of
mobile marketing and still is used to promote a
variety of products and services. Although, it has
been put to a lot of abuse, regulations in the past
few years have meant a revival of this form of
mobile marketing.
The biggest advantage of SMS marketing is its
reach and the low cost of marketing. Every cell
phone has an ability to receive an SMS, which
essentially means a larger target audience for
2.Multimedia Message Service (MMS)
Multimedia messages score over SMS as being a
more effective form of marketing as it provides
the user with images, audio and video. MMS can
also be used to run advertisements as one gets to
see on a TV, and offers a more efficient way of
marketing a product, however, the cost of
sending an MMS is more than that of an SMS.
3.Mobile Applications
Mobile applications have proved to be a great
tool for mobile marketers, as these are innovative
and offer the user a host of features. There are
certain widgets that are displayed on the home
screen of mobile phones, allowing the user to
directly log into them, and advertisements can be
placed on these applications to promote a
4.Bluetooth Mobile Marketing
This type of marketing helps in customizing the
type of advertisements a user will receive, and
most of it is based upon the geographical location
of the user. This is an effective form of marketing
as it helps in delivering relevant information to
the user, and helps in filtering the advertisements
which may not be useful for the user.
For example, the probability of a person
enrolling for a dancing or a yoga course is more
if the venue is closer to where he stays. This is
the prime reason why Bluetooth mobile
marketing is an effective tool for serving custom
ads to the user.
5.Mobile Internet Advertisements
When you are online, you might have seen
several advertisements popping up on your
computer screen. Mobile Internet advertisements
work in the same way, and deliver high-quality
content to users. These are mostly built for
smartphone users who have a reliable Internet
Apart from the general consumer advertisements,
mobile marketing has also helped entrepreneurs
to expand their business and network with
people. The QR (quick-response barcodes)
allows interested parties to know more about a
business project.

Video Marketing on YouTube

With over 2.5 billion monthly active users,
YouTube is the second largest social media
platform in the world. But YouTube’s large
user base isn’t the only reason brands
shouldn’t sleep on including the platform in
their overall social marketing strategy.
YouTube marketing is the process of
promoting your brand, product or service on
YouTube. Primarily, there are three ways
marketers use YouTube:
● Create original videos: YouTube is
primarily a video hosting platform.
Publishing high-quality videos is key to
succeeding on the platform.
● Partner with influencers: There’s a
reason brands spent over $600 million on
YouTube influencer marketing in 2021. The
platform is an excellent place to work with
creators and build credibility in your niche.
● Run video ads: 70% of consumers say
they’ve bought a product after seeing it on
YouTube. Running ads on the platform can
deliver high returns for your brand.

YouTube marketing has tons of benefits for

your business. Below are a few reasons
investing in YouTube should be your top
Reach a large audience
● YouTube has an incredibly large, active user

base. Publishing quality content consistently

and partnering with influential creators in
your niche can get you massive exposure
and traffic.
● Better yet, YouTube lets you tap into an
international audience. The platform is
available in 100+ countries in 80 different
languages. With features like auto-
translated captions, it’s easy to create
targeted content for global audiences.
Improve search visibility
● While YouTube is a big enough search
engine on its own, it’s also great for
boosting your visibility on Google. A
significant number of Search Engine Results
Pages (SERPs) now include video carousels,
and more than 94% of those videos are
from YouTube.
● Conducting keyword research on Google
and YouTube lets you choose the right
topics, match search intent, and optimize
your videos to rank higher on both search
Increase brand awareness
● YouTube is a great place for generating
brand awareness. According to
Google, 90% of people around the world
use YouTube to explore new brands and
● Publishing content like product reviews,
how-to videos, explainers and video ads can
help you spread the word about your
business. Additionally, using tactics like
visual branding and brand voice consistency
can help your audience connect with and
remember your brand.
Build trust and credibility
● YouTube is the most trusted social media
platform for finding and purchasing
products. If you’re looking to build
credibility around your brand, YouTube is a
great place to start.
Drive sales and traffic
● YouTube marketing can positively
impact your bottom line. In fact, 81% of
marketers say video has directly
increased sales for their business.
● With YouTube’s shopping features like
cards, end screens, channel stores and
tagged products, marketers have tons of
opportunity to sell products both
internally and externally through the
Generate leads
● YouTube is also an effective lead
generation tool. Along with using
features like lead form ads, you can
share webinar promos and online
course trailers to encourage people to
sign up.
Additionally, you can add links to landing
pages and lead magnets in your video
descriptions. Share your videos on other
platforms like social media or
websites to get more exposure.
Make extra revenue
● YouTube can boost your existing
marketing strategy, but it can also
become an additional revenue stream
on its own for your business.
● Channels that meet YouTube Partner
Program’s eligibility criteria can
monetize their videos and make money
based on the number of views and
engagement. Check out our article
on YouTube monetization to learn
more about how you can earn revenue
on the platform.
YouTube marketing strategies and tips
YouTube marketing is competitive but highly
rewarding if done right. Simply creating a
channel and publishing videos is not enough.
Brands need to strategically approach the
process of planning, producing and distributing
content on the platform to see tangible success.
1. Create and brand your YouTube channel
The first step to YouTube marketing is setting
up your channel — your brand’s “home” on the
platform. This is where you’ll publish videos,
create playlists, respond to comments, view
analytics and more.
2. Define your YouTube audience
Before you start creating content, know who
your videos are for.
Not all potential customers are watching your
videos on YouTube, so find out who makes up
your target audience on the platform.
● Are they males or females?
● What’s their age range?
● Where are they located?
3. Conduct a competitive analysis
Identify channels your audience is watching and
learn from their efforts. This is important for
spotting trends, finding keywords and
understanding audience interests. Analyzing the
competition also helps you set realistic goals
and benchmarks for video performance.
4. Create quality YouTube video content
There are billions of videos on the platform and
not everything is worth watching. Users have to
sift through the noise daily to find meaningful
content on the platform. This is also why
YouTube’s smart algorithm favors some videos
over others.
5. Experiment with YouTube Shorts and
other features
YouTube Shorts is a recent feature that lets you
leverage the power of short-form video — the
latest short-form video marketing feature for
quick content viewing and increased mobile
6. Optimize your videos with SEO best
YouTube SEO is an often overlooked aspect of
video marketing on the platform. But it’s crucial
for showing up at the right time. Otherwise,
your videos will get lost in the sea of unwatched
content and stay there for good.
optimize the following elements when
publishing on YouTube to maximize visibility:
● Titles and descriptions: Use primary and
secondary keywords naturally. You can also
translate your video titles in multiple
languages to reach a global audience.
● Thumbnails: Browse top videos and
identify which thumbnails perform well for
a particular keyword. Thumbnails with
faces, expressions and text often stand out
from others and drive more clicks.
● Tags: Add relevant words and phrases to
tell both YouTube and viewers what your
video is about. While tags are less important
than they used to be, they can still impact
your search rankings.
7. Actively engage with your audience
YouTube marketing is all about building an
engaged subscriber community. And interacting
directly with your audience is a great way to do
8. Attract more YouTube subscribers to your
Subscribers are the bread-and-butter of all
YouTube channels. The more subscribers you
have, the more exclusive features you’ll be able
to access. Plus, YouTube’s algorithm is likely to
rank your videos higher if you have more
9. Use YouTube ads to drive targeted traffic
Running YouTube ad campaigns can help you
reach a wider audience, drive traffic to your
website and deliver personalized messaging to
your target audience.
10. Partner with YouTube influencers
There are millions of creators on the platform
with thousands of loyal subscribers. Brands can
partner with YouTubers in their niche to
promote their products and services in creative
Here are some ideas for YouTube influencer
marketing campaigns:
● Unboxing videos
● Product reviews
● How-tos and tutorials
● Day-in-the-life vlogs
● Contests and giveaways
11. Monitor your YouTube analytics
Tracking YouTube analytics helps you identify
your best (and worst) performing videos,
understand what type of content resonates with
your audience, and find out which specific
factors impact video performance.
Introduction to Facebook, Twitter, Google+,
LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and
Pinterest; their channel advertising and
How to Use Facebook for Marketing
It’s important to start by building your fanbase on
Facebook. Publicize your page and post a link to
it anywhere you can, including adding a social
icon onto your website.
Once you’ve created a strong following it’s
important to use status updates or photos to share
your products, offers, services. You should also
post things that get your audience to engage with
your posts. Things that they will click, “like,”
comment on, and share. The more people are
engaging, the more frequently you’ll appear in
others timelines.
Tool to Utilize: Advertising
Facebook Advertising is really picking up speed
in the business world.
It uses social graph and activities to pinpoint
those who fall into your buyer demographics,
making Facebook Ads incredibly effective.
Facebook ads are more likely to bring in strong
leads that are actually looking for your services.
It’s important to keep in mind that many use
Facebook as a personal network to connect with
their friends or loved ones. Your brand needs to
fit into this atmosphere naturally in order to keep
people interested in what you’re posting. So
don’t make it solely about selling.
Tool to Utilize: Advertising
Facebook Advertising is really picking up speed
in the business world.
It uses social graph and activities to pinpoint
those who fall into your buyer demographics,
making Facebook Ads incredibly effective.
Facebook ads are more likely to bring in strong
leads that are actually looking for your services.
They help make sure your advertising budget
isn’t wasted on those who aren’t really interested
in what you’re offering and helping to put
product or service put into the hands of the exact
person who wants or needs it. To go much deeper
into mastering Facebook, download this free
Twitter is fast-paced, concise, and easy way to
connect with your audience. With over 310
million registered users (and growing), Twitter is
a sea of information of 140 character or less
content waiting to be read, clicked, followed, and
How to Use Twitter for Marketing
Twitter generates over 175 million tweets daily
and allows you to share quick pieces of
information and photos in an effort to drive
people back to your site or landing pages. You
only get a small amount of characters, so make
them count!
When marketing on Twitter, you need to have
content that is enticing enough for people to stop
and click through. People are normally scrolling
through quickly so it takes more than just simple
text to stop them in their tracks. Make sure when
you’re constructing your tweets, you’re making
people want to click through.
Tool to Utilize: Hashtags
Hashtags (#) are you key tool on Twitter. These
tags allow you to reach a wider audience than just
your followers by getting involved in existing
People searching for specific information will
often check hashtags to see what’s out there. Do
some research what your buyer persona is
hashtagging to make sure your posts are going to
be found by the right people.
How to Use LinkedIn for Marketing
LinkedIn is different from the rest of the social
media outlets because it’s specifically designed
for business and professionals. Users mainly go
to LinkedIn to showcase their job experience and
professional thoughts, making it one of the more
important platforms to use for those in B2B.
Between features like LinkedIn Pulse, Company
Pages, InMail, Groups, and “Get Introduced” and
the ability to see who’s viewed your personal
profile, LinkedIn is a valuable tool for not only
driving traffic, but prospecting, establishing
thought leadership, as well as recruiting.
Content Marketing
Content marketing refers to the approach of
creating and sharing of informative, relevant,
valuable, and consistent content to convert a
group of audience into customers and retain
them. Content marketing is non-interruptive
way of marketing.
Good content helps customers become more
knowledgeable about the product or service and
make better buying judgment.
Goals of Content Marketing
The goals of content marketing are as follows:
● Brand Awareness: It marks the presence of
your brand.
● Sale: It boosts lead generation at quicker
● Customer-Vendor Relationship
Building: It helps in creating engagement
between buyer and the company.
● Customer Retention: Pleasing content
attracts customers and helps one in retaining
Types Of Content
Let us see what each type of content gives −
They contain news about new product release,
updates on products, etc. For example, news of
releasing new mobile handset on website of
NDTV gadgets.
SEO webpages can hold the content in the best
possible way and sell the content.
They say, video is the second best thing to pursue
a viewer in person. Creating crisp and compact
videos can bring good market at doorstep.
Promote your business videos across multiple
channels, and ensure that your videos are
optimized for mobile viewing, as an increasing
number of users view them from their mobile
These are long, vertical graphics or columns that
include graphs, charts, statistics, and other
information. Infographics makes use of the fact
that 90% information transmitted to human brain
is visual, which makes people perceive it faster
than text.
They are digital files available in the form of
episodes, which can be downloaded on the PC.
They can come in various formats such as audio,
video, e-Pub, and pdf. It allows people to
subscribe and it can prove as a powerful medium
to communicate a range of ideas, products, and
information to audience. The businesses engaged
in podcasting are − IBM, Oracle, Yarn Craft, etc.
Business blogs deliver excellent content
marketing. Blogs are required for a business to
survive in the race of content marketing.
Case Studies
Case studies are detailed studies pertaining to a
particular problem, action, individual,
organization, event, or action, existing at a
specific place at a given time. They encourage
content marketing to build trust in the product
and in turn business.
A picture speaks a thousand words. Pleasant and
relevant pictures can stand as a good content for
content marketing and boosts the business.


Web analytics-Meaning, Key Metrics & Tools

Web analytics

Web analytics involves collecting, measuring, and analyzing website data. Web Analytics tools can provide lots of
useful information about the origin of website traffic, how website users navigate and interact throughout a website,
what content and web pages they're most engaged with, and how they exit the site.

Web analytics sits at the heart of any digital marketing campaign as it helps understand visitors' demographics,
behavior, and interests. Using this information, you can build more informed and impactful marketing campaigns
and strategies and scale your business faster.

The focus of web analytics is to understand the users of a site, their behavior, and activities. The study of online user
behavior and activities generate valuable marketing intelligence and provides −
 Performance measures of the website against targets.
 Insight on user behaviors and needs, and how the site meets those needs.
 Optimization ability to make modifications to improve the website based on the results.

Analytics can help in the following ways:

 Determine the likelihood that a given customer will repurchase a product after purchasing it in the past.

 Personalize the site to customers who visit it repeatedly.

 Monitor the amount of money individual customers or specific groups of customers spend.

 Observe the geographic regions from which the most and the least customers visit the site and purchase specific


 Predict which products customers are most and least likely to buy in the future.

Web analytics tools

Web analytics tools report important statistics on a website, such as where visitors came from, how long they stayed,

how they found the site and their online activity while on the site. In addition to web analytics, these tools are

commonly used for product analytics, social media analytics and marketing analytics.

Web analytics tools, like Google Analytics, report important website statistics to analyze the behavior of visitors as
part of CRM analytics to facilitate and streamline business decisions.

Some examples of web analytics tools include the following:

 Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web analytics platform that monitors website traffic, behaviors and

conversions. The platform tracks page views, unique visitors, bounce rates, referral Uniform Resource Locators,

average time on-site, page abandonment, new vs. returning visitors and demographic data.

 Optimizely. Optimizely is a customer experience and A/B testing platform that helps businesses test and

optimize their online experiences and marketing efforts, including conversion rate optimization.

 Kissmetrics. Kissmetrics is a customer analytics platform that gathers website data and presents it in an easy-to-

read format. The platform also serves as a customer intelligence tool, as it enables businesses to dive deeper into

customer behavior and use this information to enhance their website and marketing campaigns.

 Crazy Egg. Crazy Egg is a tool that tracks where customers click on a page. This information can help

organizations understand how visitors interact with content and why they leave the site. The tool tracks

visitors, heatmaps and user session recordings.

Two main categories of web analytics

The two main categories of web analytics are off-site web analytics and on-site web analytics.

Off-site web analytics

The term off-site web analytics refers to the practice of monitoring visitor activity outside of an
organization's website to measure potential audience. Off-site web analytics provides an industrywide
analysis that gives insight into how a business is performing in comparison to competitors. It refers to the
type of analytics that focuses on data collected from across the web, such as social media, search
engines and forums.

On-site web analytics

On-site web analytics refers to a narrower focus that uses analytics to track the activity of visitors to a
specific site to see how the site is performing. The data gathered is usually more relevant to a site's owner
and can include details on site engagement, such as what content is most popular. Two technological
approaches to on-site web analytics include log file analysis and page tagging.

Web analytics process

The web analytics process involves the following steps:

1. Setting goals. The first step in the web analytics process is for businesses to determine goals and the end results

they are trying to achieve. These goals can include increased sales, customer satisfaction and brand awareness.

Business goals can be both quantitative and qualitative.

2. Collecting data. The second step in web analytics is the collection and storage of data. Businesses can collect

data directly from a website or web analytics tool, such as Google Analytics. The data mainly comes

from Hypertext Transfer Protocol requests -- including data at the network and application levels -- and can be

combined with external data to interpret web usage. For example, a user's Internet Protocol address is typically

associated with many factors, including geographic location and clickthrough rates.

3. Processing data. The next stage of the web analytics funnel involves businesses processing the collected data

into actionable information.

4. Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs). In web analytics, a KPI is a quantifiable measure to monitor

and analyze user behavior on a website. Examples include bounce rates, unique users, user sessions and on-site

search queries.

5. Developing a strategy. This stage involves implementing insights to formulate strategies that align with an

organization's goals. For example, search queries conducted on-site can help an organization develop a content

strategy based on what users are searching for on its website.

6. Experimenting and testing. Businesses need to experiment with different strategies in order to find the one that

yields the best results. For example, A/B testing is a simple strategy to help learn how an audience responds to

different content. The process involves creating two or more versions of content and then displaying it to

different audience segments to reveal which version of the content performs better.

Marketing Strategies for the Digital World

In the emerging digital environment, marketing strategies have become a far more complex task. There are now vast arrays
of different marketing channels, tools, and tactics that must be unique in strategy while seamless and integrated in

Companies also need to connect and engage with customers, and create memorable, lasting experiences. Marketers
must establish clear, strategic, and targeted objectives and ensure that they are tactical in the rollout and
implementation of new campaigns.

Companies should also focus on the development of a separate team to identify and analyze emerging marketing
With technology’s rapid evolution also come changes in consumer behavior. Here are 10 strategies to emerge into a
smarter marketing era, grow as a company and strengthen the performance of your brand.

1.Marketing: integrate your sales and marketing for optimal performance.

Yes, it is a “thing” although you probably won’t find this word in Webster’s Dictionary. It means that you integrate
sales and marketing to optimize performance of marketing efforts.

Gone are the days when a consumer peruses an ad in print media then purchases that product later during the
appointed shopping day of the week. Digital ads are portals to online sales. Marketing and sales all happen in the
same place with the tap of a finger or click of a mouse.

If a potential customer has a question about a product, that, too, happens in the same place in cyber-world through
chat window features. If your company is not marketing, it is losing significant sales potential.

2. Experience: Reaching a digital customer, requires that you become one yourself.

Have you walked in the shoes of your customers? Have you surfed the web to map the path of discovery to your
product’s online ad? Did you click and see where your landed in cyberspace? What about the purchasing process?
Was it a secure experience?

If you have not walked a mile in your customer’s shoes, how can you know if the process is efficient? That’s one of
the best ways to fine tune your online presence.

Learning a new language requires complete immersion. Otherwise you’ll need an interpreter and in the case of
digital marketing, that mean a savvy digital marketing agency.

3. Playing Field Dynamics: Not every digital marketing challenge is solved by throwing more money at

In the olden days the playing field belonged to the company that could afford the biggest print ad or a prime-time
television/radio slot for a commercial.

Digital advertising has seriously leveled the playing field. Just look at what happens when a YouTube video goes
viral. A company doesn’t always have to outspend a competitor to solve a marketing problem.

4. Engagement: Having a Digital Presence is not enough.

So you have a company blog and a profile with every social media platform under the Sun. Yet you haven’t seen a
significant impact on sales. What is going on?

Creating a digital presence is only the first step. Now you have to engage, engage, engage. That means creating
content that inspires a reaction. Calls to action, surveys, asking viewers to name the new company cat rescued from
the alley are all great ideas to create intrigue and stimulate engagement.

You’ve got to do something with your digital presence: connect with people. offer value and get them
communicating with you.
5. Who’s In The Driver’s Seat? Let data drive the decision-making.

If data is not behind every decision, then your company is flying blind. The greatest thing about digital marketing is
that every single action can be measured.

Did switching background colors result in more traffic? Good decision. But, even if it had been a bad decision,
analytics reflecting a noted drop in traffic, or less time spent by visitors on your site, would have alerted you to the
need to re-adjust accordingly. Data must captain the ship.

6. Value: You must offer education & value.

There is more to value than getting a great product at a great price. Content is the most valuable commodity in the
digital age. The information you share needs to have value to viewers.

Cultivate an online reputation for being the premier authority on your particular industry. It’s easy to Google an
answer to a question. But believing in the integrity of a source is the value that will bring readers back time and
again to your site for reliable information

7. Personalized Automation: So you don’t lose that personal touch.

Automated e-mails and notifications don’t seem very personal, do they? It kind of has the flavor of SPAM. Au
contraire, mon ami. That’s the lovely thing about data!

As of 2014, nearly 70% of businesses were using a marketing automation platform.

Analytics identifies so many unique characteristics of customers and viewers that marketing automation can take on
amazing personalization aspects. You can send birthday greetings or religious holiday observances according to
each individual. An anniversary of a loyal customer’s first purchase can be noted.

A customer’s purchasing history can generate a suggestions list of other products of interest. Marketing automation
can definitely create that personal experience that online customers still crave.

8. Get Out More: Your customers don’t spend all their time in one place, and neither should you.

In the time of yester-year, sales executives had to get out and mingle in order to bring in more customers. It’s the
same in the digital age. Your content needs to get out more.

This is often called a multi-channel digital marketing strategy which means ads are delivered to other online targets.
For example, when Google recognizes the potential of a Facebook user to find your brand interesting, it places your
ad before their eyes as suggested content. Voila. You just mingled online.

9. Digital Agility is a must.

There are all sorts of technical lingo to explain concepts like “agile sales”. All you really need to know is that things
can change.

You’ve heard us say before: “your website is not an office building, so don’t treat it like one!” In the ever-changing
digital world, you must be ready to change with it– and that includes your website.
So that website you built? Is it turning out to be lousy? Don’t despair! Be agile! Change it! When you build
something to be accessed by others through the worldwide web, it’s not set in stone like a brick and mortar store.

If they turn out to be a bomb, tweak it. The digital age means everyone gets do-overs until you get it right.

10. Chatter Matters: Business practices, good and bad, will catch up with you eventually.

That old saying, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” does not apply to what your company or brand is doing
online. Reviews matter. Feedback matters. Social media chatter matters.

If you get a bad review, be responsive and get things resolved. Stay focused on good customers service because all
of your digital footsteps are out there for the entire world to see.

Online Campaign Management; Using Marketing Analytic Tools to Segment, Target And

Digital marketing campaign

A digital marketing campaign involves the execution of a marketing strategy across all the digital
channels where consumers engage with a brand, usually for the purpose of improving a
company's conversion rate.

Digital marketing campaign management

Digital marketing campaign management consists of a sequence of marketing-related activities

planned and executed to achieve the best results for your business. Digital marketing campaign
plans break down the business marketing goals into smaller, actionable tasks.

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