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Analysis of Lubricating Grease: Standard Test Methods For

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Designation: D128 − 98 (Reapproved 2014)´1

Standard Test Methods for

Analysis of Lubricating Grease1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D128; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

ε1 NOTE—A section reference in subsection 21.1 was corrected editorially in July 2015.

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 These test methods for analysis cover greases of the 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
conventional type, which consist essentially of petroleum oil D95 Test Method for Water in Petroleum Products and
and soap. The constituents that can be determined are soap, Bituminous Materials by Distillation
unsaponifiable matter (petroleum oil, and so forth), water, free D156 Test Method for Saybolt Color of Petroleum Products
alkalinity, free fatty acid, fat, glycerin, and insolubles. (Saybolt Chromometer Method)
D217 Test Methods for Cone Penetration of Lubricating
NOTE 1—Any of the test methods described herein are best used by an Grease
experienced grease analyst who may also be able to make appropriate
adaptations of the techniques as occasion requires. D445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent
and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscos-
1.2 A supplementary test method is provided in Appendix ity)
X1. This test method is intended primarily for application to D473 Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oils and Fuel Oils
greases containing thickeners that are essentially insoluble in by the Extraction Method
n-hexane, and to greases that cannot be analyzed by conven- D804 Terminology Relating to Pine Chemicals, Including
tional methods because of the presence of such constituents as Tall Oil and Related Products
nonpetroleum fluids or nonsoap-type thickeners, or both. In D1078 Test Method for Distillation Range of Volatile Or-
some cases, these constituents can react with strong acid or ganic Liquids
alkaline solutions. D1193 Specification for Reagent Water
1.3 These test methods appear in the following order: D1353 Test Method for Nonvolatile Matter in Volatile Sol-
vents for Use in Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related
Ash Determination 7 – 11 Products
Insolubles, Soap, Fat, Petroleum Oil, 12 – 20
and Unsaponifiable Matter 3. Terminology
Free Alkali and Free Acid 21 – 23
Water 24 3.1 Definitions:
Glycerin (Quantitative) 25 – 29
3.1.1 asphalt, n—a dark brown-to-black cementitious mate-
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as rial in which the predominating constituents are bitumens.
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this Discussion—Asphalt can be a natural product or a
standard. material obtained from petroleum processing.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.1.2 candle pitch, n—a dark brown-to-black, tarry or solid,
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the by-product residue from soap and candle stock manufacture,
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- refining of vegetable oils, refining of wool grease, or refining of
priate safety and health practices, and determine the applica- refuse animal fats.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.1.3 cup grease, n—any lubricating grease having physical
properties, such as consistency and texture, suitable for its use
in spring-loaded or screw-type lubricating cups.
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and are the direct responsibility
of Subcommittee D02.G0.01 on Chemical and General Laboratory Tests. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2014. Published November 2014. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1922. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as D128 – 98(2008). Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
DOI: 10.1520/D0128-98R14E01. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D128 − 98 (2014)´1 Discussion—Cup greases are predominantly NLGI expressed as equivalent milligrams of potassium hydroxide per
No. 3 or 4 calcium greases, but grease types other than calcium gram of sample. D804
are also used. 3.1.12 NLGI, n—National Lubricating Grease Institute.
3.1.4 degras (wool fat, wool grease, wool wax), n—a fat-like
3.1.13 NLGI number, n—a numerical scale for classifying
material comprised primarily of sterols, other higher alcohols,
the consistency range of lubricating greases and based on the
and fatty acids, obtained from the solvent extraction of sheep’s
Test Methods D217 worked penetration.
NLGI Lubricating Grease Guide
3.1.5 free alkali, n— in lubricating grease, unreacted basic
3.1.14 non-soap thickener (synthetic thickener, inorganic
(alkaline) material present in the product.
thickener, organic thickener), n—in lubricating grease, any of Discussion—Many greases are made with a slight
several specially treated or synthetic materials, excepting
excess of alkali to ensure complete saponification. Free alkali
metallic soaps, that can be thermally or mechanically dispersed
is determined by acidification of a solvent-thinned specimen
in liquid lubricants to form the lubricating grease structure.
and back titration with standardized, alcoholic potassium
NLGI Lubricating Grease Guide
hydroxide. It is expressed in terms of the predominating alkali
and a mass % of the total grease composition (for example, 3.1.15 residuum, n—a liquid or semi-liquid product ob-
mass % lithium hydroxide). tained as residue from the distillation of petroleum and
3.1.6 free fatty acid, n—in lubricating grease, unreacted consisting primarily of asphaltic hydrocarbons.
carboxylic acid(s) present in the product. Discussion—Also known as asphaltic oil, asphal- Discussion—Some greases are made with a slight tum oil, liquid asphalt, black oil, petroleum tailings, and
excess of carboxylic acid to ensure a non-alkaline product. residual oil.
Free fatty acid is determined by neutralization of a solvent- 3.1.16 rosin oil, n—a viscous, oily liquid obtained as a
thinned specimen with standardized, alcoholic potassium hy- condensate when the residue (rosin) from turpentine produc-
droxide. Regardless of the actual composition of the carboxylic tion is subjected to dry, destructive distillation.
acid(s), it is expressed as free oleic acid and as a mass % of the Discussion—Also used to describe specially com-
total grease composition. pounded oils having a rosin base.
3.1.7 insolubles, n—in lubricating greases analysis, the 3.1.17 saponification, n—the interaction of fats, fatty acids,
material remaining after the acid hydrolysis, water extraction, or esters generally with an alkali to form the metallic salt,
and solvent extraction of soap-thickened greases. which is commonly called soap. Discussion—Consisting of such products as Discussion—Soap thickeners are most often made
graphite, molybdenum disulfide, insoluble polymers, and so by in situ saponification in the lubricating grease base oil.
forth. However, the use of pre-formed soaps is also common;
3.1.8 lubricating grease, n—a semi-fluid to solid product of dispersion is effected by mechanical means and usually with
a dispersion of a thickener in a liquid lubricant. heat. NLGI Lubricating Grease Guide Discussion—The qualifying term, lubricating, 3.1.18 single base, adj— in lubricating grease, relating to a
should always be used. The term, grease, used without the thickener comprised of soaps of only one metal.
qualifier refers to a different product, namely certain natural or
processed animal fats, such as tallow, lard, and so forth. 3.1.19 soap, n—in lubricating grease, a product formed in
the saponification (neutralization) of fats, fatty acids, or esters
3.1.9 mixed base, adj—in lubricating grease, the description
by inorganic bases.
of a thickener system composed of soaps of two metals. Discussion—Although mixed-base grease can be 3.1.20 Soxhlet apparatus, n—a device, usually of glass,
made with soaps of more than two metals, in practice, such is used to extract soluble material from a mixture of soluble and
rarely, if ever, encountered. All of the soaps need not be insoluble (generally solid) materials, by passing a volatile
thickeners, although the major soap constituent will be one solvent through the sample and recirculating the solvent by
capable of forming a lubricating grease structure. Because the refluxing.
mixed soaps are seldom present in equal amounts. The pre- 3.1.21 tar, n—a brown or black, bituminous, liquid or
dominant soap is referred to first. semi-solid comprised primarily of bitumens condensed in the
NLGI Lubricating Grease Guide3 processing of coal, petroleum, oil-shale, wood, or other organic
3.1.10 montan wax, n—a wax-like material comprised pri- materials.
marily of montanic acid and its ester, higher aliphatic alcohols, 3.1.22 thickener, n—in lubricating grease, a substance com-
and resins obtained from the solvent extraction of lignite. posed of finely divided solid particles dispersed in a liquid
3.1.11 neutralization number, n—of petroleum oil, the quan- lubricant to form the product’s structure.
tity of acid or base required to titrate to neutrality and Discussion—The thickener can be fibers (such as
various metallic soaps) or plates or spheres (such as certain
non-soap thickeners), which are insoluble or, at most, only very
Available from National Lubricating Grease Institute, 4635 Wyandotte St., slightly soluble in the liquid lubricant. The general require-
Kansas City, MO 64112-1596. ments are that the solid particles be extremely small, uniformly

D128 − 98 (2014)´1
dispersed, and capable of forming a relatively stable, gel-like TABLE 1 Physical Requirements of n-hexane
structure with the liquid lubricant. D217 Test Requirement ASTM
3.1.23 thimble, n—in Soxhlet apparatus, a closed-end po-
Initial boiling point, min, °C 66.1 D1078
rous cylinder used to hold the material to be extracted, usually Dry point, max, °C 68.9 D1078
made of thick matted filter paper but sometimes made of Nonvolatile matter, max, g/100 mL 0.001 D1353
ceramic. Color, Saybolt, min + 30 D156
Reaction with alkalies ...
3.1.24 total fluid constituent, n—in lubricating grease A
Boil 125 mL of n-hexane with 10 mL of 0.5 N alcoholic KOH solution and 50 mL
analysis, the n-hexane-soluble material extracted from the of neutral 50 % alcohol for 11⁄2 h on a hot plate. Use a glass tube about 7 mm in
lubricating grease sample. inside diameter and 750 mm in length as a reflux condenser. After cooling, titrate
the solutions with 0.5 N HCl using phenolphthalein as the indicator. Not less than Discussion—Typical materials include petroleum 9.8 mL of 0.5 N HCl shall be required for neutralization. The amount of alkali
oil, non-petroleum fluid, soluble fats, and soluble additives. consumed in this test shall be deducted as a blank correction in the fat
determination on Solution E.
3.1.25 total n-hexane-insoluble material, n—in lubricating
grease analysis, that portion of grease (excluding free alkali)
that is essentially insoluble in n-hexane. Discussion—Typical materials include thickeners,
fillers, inorganic salts, asphaltenes, or any combinations of 5.3 Acetone—American Chemical Society Reagent Grade
these (also includes insoluble materials found in the analysis of Acetone. (Warning—Extremely flammable. Vapors may cause
contaminated grease). Free alkali content is generally insignifi- flash fires.)
5.4 Alcohol (50 %)—The alcohol shall be prepared from
3.1.26 unsaponifiable matter, n—in lubricating grease, or- commercial 95 % ethanol or denatured alcohol8,9 (Warning—
ganic materials, either added or found with fatty materials, Flammable. Denatured. Cannot be made nontoxic) by distilling
which do not react during saponification. from NaOH and neutralizing exactly with NaOH or KOH using
phenolphthalein as the indicator. (Warning —In addition to
4. Significance and Use
other precautions, avoid skin contact or ingestion.) Dilute with
4.1 These test methods can be used to identify and estimate an equal volume of water.
the amount of some of the constituents of lubricating greases.
5.5 Ammonium Carbonate—(NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 . (Warning—
These test methods are applicable to many, but not all, greases.
Harmful if swallowed.) (Warning—Harmful if swallowed.)
4.2 Composition should not be considered as having any
5.6 Butter Yellow Indicator (0.02 g ⁄mL)—Toluene solution
direct bearing on service performance unless such correlation
(Warning—Flammable. Vapor harmful) of
is established.
p-dimethylaminoazobenzene. (Warning—Suspected carcino-
NOTE 2—Details on other test methods for grease analysis can be found gen. In addition to other precautions, avoid inhalation or skin
in other reference material.4,5,6 contact.)
5. Reagents 5.7 t-Butyl Alcohol, melting point 24 °C to 25.5 °C
5.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals shall be (Warning—Flammable liquid; causes eye burns).
used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that 5.8 Carbon Disulfide (CS2). (Warning—Extremely flam-
all reagents shall conform to the specifications of the Commit- mable. Poison. Vapor may cause flash fire. Vapor harmful.
tee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, Capable of self-ignition at 100 °C or above. Harmful or fatal if
where such specifications are available.7 Other grades may be swallowed. May be absorbed through the skin.)
used, provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of 5.9 Ethyl Ether. (Warning—Extremely flammable. Harmful
sufficiently high purity to permit its use without lessening the if inhaled. May cause eye injury. Effects may be delayed. May
accuracy of the determination. form explosive peroxides. Vapors may cause flash fire. Mod-
5.2 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated, references erately toxic. Irritating to skin.)
to water shall be understood to mean reagent water conforming 5.10 n-hexane, high-purity grade,9,10 conforming to the
to Specification D1193, Type III. requirements of Table 1. (Warning—Extremely flammable.
Harmful if inhaled. May produce nerve cell damage. Vapors
Stanton, G. M., “Examination of Grease by Infrared Spectroscopy,” NLGI may cause flash fire.)
Spokesman, Vol 38, No. 5, August 1974, pp. 153–165.
Stanton, G. M., “Grease Analysis, a Modern Multitechnique Approach,”
Preprint NLGI Annual Meeting, Oct 26–29, 1975.
6 8
Bonomo, F. S., and Schmidt, J. J. E., “Development of Schematic Analytical The sole source of supply of denatured grain alcohol known to the committee
Procedures for Synthetic Lubricants and Their Additives,” WADC Technical Report at this time is Formulas 1, 23-A, 30, and 35-A, as described in Publication No. 368,
54-464, Part IV, July 1957 (U.S. Government No. AD-130922). “Formulas for Denatured Alcohol,” U.S. Treasury Dept., Internal Revenue Service.
7 9
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to
Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For Suggestions on the testing of reagents not ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consider-
listed by the American Chemical Society, see Annual Standards for Laboratory ation at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend.
Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia The sole source of supply of n-hexane, high-purity grade, known to the
and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville, committee at this time is Phillips Petroleum Co., Special Products Div., Bartlesville,

D128 − 98 (2014)´1
5.11 Hydrochloric Acid (37 %) —Concentrated acid (HCl). g, depending on the consistency of the grease, which is chiefly
(Warning—Poison. Corrosive. May be fatal if swallowed. determined by the percentage of soap present. A 10 to 20-g
Liquid and vapor cause severe burns. Harmful if inhaled.) sample is usually a convenient amount for No. 3 cup grease,
5.12 Hydrochloric Acid, Standard Solution (0.5 N)— while softer greases require a larger sample. The original
Prepare and standardize a 0.5 N solution of HCl. sample shall be stirred or mixed until uniform.
5.13 Hydrochloric Acid (10 %), a solution containing 10 % 6.2 Samples need not be weighed more closely than to 0.1 g.
by weight of concentrated HCl in water, with a permissible ASH DETERMINATION
variation of 0.5 %.
5.14 Hydrochloric Acid (1 + 3) —Mix one volume of con- 7. General
centrated HCl (37 %) with three volumes of water. 7.1 The percentage of ash shall not be included in the total
5.15 Methyl Red Indicator Solution. (Warning— of the analysis.
Flammable. Avoid skin contact or ingestion.) NOTE 3—The determination of the total ash should not in general be
regarded as of any great importance. It is, however, sometimes required.
5.16 Nitric Acid (1 + 4) —Mix one volume of concentrated This determination is often unsatisfactory because of interaction between
nitric acid (70 %) (Warning—Poison. Corrosive. Strong oxi- Na2CO3 derived from the soap and inorganic insolubles. There is always
dizer. Contact with organic material may cause fire. May be likelihood of reaction with the porcelain crucible itself on account of the
harmful if swallowed. Liquid and vapor cause severe burns) long continued heating necessary to burn off all carbon. Moreover, if much
with four volumes of water. Na2CO3 or K2CO3 is present, the ash is fusible and often encloses carbon,
making complete removal of the latter very difficult. Results will always
5.17 Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution—The phenol- be low in the presence of easily reducible oxides of volatile metals. There
phthalein solution shall be prepared by dissolving 1.0 g phe- is also uncertainty as to when CaCO3 has been completely ignited to CaO.
nolphthalein (Warning—In addition to other precautions, Ash determinations made on the same sample in different laboratories are
likely to vary widely.
avoid skin contact or ingestion) in 50 mL of alcohol distilled as
described in 5.4, adding 5 mL of water and neutralizing with 8. Rapid Routine Test Method
NaOH or KOH. 8.1 Place a 2 g to 5 g sample of the grease in a weighed
5.18 Potassium Hydrogen Sulfate (KHSO4). (Warning— porcelain crucible and weigh the sample to the nearest 0.1 g. If
Poison. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Causes severe eye and lead or zinc soap is known to be absent, a platinum crucible is
skin irritation or injury. Dust or mist may be harmful.) more convenient. Slowly burn off the combustible matter, and
5.19 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH), Alcoholic (0.5 N)— finally ignite the residue until the ash is free of carbonaceous
Prepare and standardize a 0.5 N solution of alcoholic potassium matter. Cool the crucible and contents in a desiccator and
hydroxide. (Warning—Poison. Causes eye and skin damage.) weigh, reporting the result as percentage of ash.
5.20 Potassium Periodate (KIO4). (Warning—May be irri- 9. Alternative Test Method
tating to skin and eyes. May react vigorously with reducing 9.1 Burn the sample in accordance with 8.1 until the ash is
agents.) nearly free from carbon. Cool the crucible and contents,
5.21 Sodium Carbonate—(Na2CO3). (Warning—Harmful dissolve the soluble portions in a little water, and add a slight
if swallowed. May cause skin irritation.) excess of H2SO4 (1 + 4), (Warning—Poison. Corrosive.
5.22 Sodium Hydroxide (240 g ⁄L)—Dissolve 240 g of so- Strong oxidizer. Contact with organic material may cause fire.
dium hydroxide (NaOH) (Warning—Poison. Causes eye and May be fatal if swallowed. Liquid and vapor cause severe
skin damage) in water and dilute to 1 L. burns. Harmful if inhaled. Contact with water liberates large
amounts of heat) running the acid in carefully from a pipet
5.23 Sodium Hydroxide Solution, Standard (0.05 N)— inserted under a small watch glass covering the crucible. Warm
Prepare and standardize a 0.05 N NaOH solution. the crucible and contents on a steam bath until effervescence
5.24 Sulfuric Acid (1 + 4) —Carefully mix one volume of has ceased. Rinse the watch glass with water into the crucible.
concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4 95 %) with four volumes of The solution, when tested with methyl red (Warning—
water. (Warning—Poison. Corrosive. Strong oxidizer. Contact Flammable. Avoid skin contact or ingestion) for free acidity,
with organic material may cause fire. May be fatal if swal- shall show free acid present. Evaporate the contents of the
lowed. Liquid and vapor cause severe burns. Harmful if crucible to dryness and ignite the whole at a low red heat,
inhaled. Contact with water liberates large amounts of heat.) adding a few small pieces of dry (NH4)2CO3 (Warning—
Harmful if swallowed) to drive off the excess SO3. After
5.25 Sulfuric Acid (3 + 20) —Carefully mix 3 mL of con-
cooling and weighing, report the result as percentage of ash as
centrated sulfuric acid (95 %) with 20 mL of water.
5.26 Toluene. (Warning— Flammable. Vapor harmful.)
NOTE 4—This test method gives more concordant results than the
routine method (Section 8), but it requires more time and manipulation.
6. Sample
6.1 The sample size for the soap determination (Test Meth- 10. Qualitative Examination
ods I and II for determination of insolubles, soap, fat, petro- 10.1 An easily fusible ash, dissolving completely in water to
leum oil, and unsaponifiable matter) shall be from about 8 to 30 give a strongly alkaline solution, indicates a grease containing

D128 − 98 (2014)´1

FIG. 1 Scheme of Grease Analysis

sodium, potassium, or both. Lithium is indicated by a white 11. Quantitative Examination

infusible ash, readily soluble in water, giving a strongly 11.1 For the quantitative examination of ash, use any
alkaline solution. A white infusible ash, practically insoluble in standard analytical procedure, basing the choice of methods on
water but imparting to it an alkaline reaction, may indicate the information gained from the qualitative tests. If only one
calcium, with or without magnesium or aluminum. Zinc is base is present, a quantitative determination is, in general,
shown by the yellow color of the ash while hot, and lead may unnecessary.
be indicated by the presence of metallic globules or by the
yellow color of the ash when cold. INSOLUBLES, SOAP, FAT, PETROLEUM OIL, AND
10.2 Dissolve the ash in HNO3 (1 + 4) (Warning—Poison. UNSAPONIFIABLE MATTER
Corrosive. Strong oxidizer. Contact with organic material may
cause fire. May be harmful if swallowed. Liquid and vapor 12. Choice of Test Method
cause severe burns) or HCl (1 + 3) (Warning—Poison. Cor- 12.1 Examine greases containing residuum, asphaltic oils
rosive. May be fatal if swallowed. Liquid and vapor cause and asphalt, tars, and so forth, using Test Method II, as these
severe burns. Harmful if inhaled.) Confirm the presence of the ingredients usually cause stubborn emulsions if a vigorous
several bases by suitable chemical tests, following any stan- agitation process is applied at the start. Analyze all other
dard scheme of qualitative analysis. greases using Test Method I. (See Fig. 1.)

D128 − 98 (2014)´1
Test Method I 10 min to 15 min are usually sufficient. Disregard any inor-
ganic salts that may precipitate. Cool the contents of the beaker
13. Insolubles to room temperature.
13.1 If insolubles are present (see Note 5), weigh the sample 14.4 Transfer the contents of the flask or beaker to a
(see section 6) in a small beaker, add 50 mL of HCl (10 %), and separatory funnel, using n-hexane and water as washing
warm the beaker on a steam bath, stirring until all soap lumps liquids. Allow this solution (or the combined filtrate and
have disappeared and the upper layer is clear. If undissolved washings, except the alcohol washings, from the determination
mineral matter or other insoluble is present, filter both layers of insolubles, Section 13, transferred to a separator), to clear
while warm through a Gooch crucible provided with a suitable and draw the aqueous layer, A, which contains all the bases as
mat, wash the beaker and crucible with warm (60 °C to 63 °C) well as glycerin, into another separator. Wash the n-hexane
water (see Note 6) and n-hexane, (Warning—Extremely layer, B, three times with 25 mL portions of water to remove
flammable. Harmful if inhaled. May produce nerve cell dam- HCl, adding the washings to A. Wash the aqueous solution, A,
age. Vapors may cause flash fire.) Finally, wash the crucible
twice with 20 mL portions of n-hexane, C, and then set
with alcohol (Warning—Flammable. Denatured. Cannot be
Solution A aside for examination for glycerin (Section 16).
made nontoxic.) collecting the alcohol washings separately,
Wash Solution C once with 15 mL of water, which may then be
and discarding them. Dry the crucible and contents at 120°C
discarded, and add C to B. If Solutions B and C are compara-
and weigh, reporting the result as percentage of insoluble
tively light-colored, an approximate determination of free fatty
matter (graphite, molybdenum disulfide, and so forth).
acids and fatty acids from soap can now be made by titrating
NOTE 5—If no insolubles are present, omit the procedure given in the solution in the separator with 0.5 N alcoholic KOH
Section 13. solution (Warning—Poison. Causes eye and skin damage)
NOTE 6—Throughout the test method where the word warm is used, it using phenolphthalein (Warning—In addition to other
is to be understood that a temperature of 60 °C to 63°C is to be used.
precautions, avoid skin contact or ingestion) as the indicator,
14. Soap and using 200 as the average neutralization value of the fatty
acid (that is, 1.0 g of fatty acid requires 200 mg of absolute
14.1 If insolubles are absent, decompose a sample of the KOH for neutralization). If Solutions B and C are dark, add a
grease, either by the two-phase procedure as described in 14.2 few drops of phenolphthalein solution and sufficient 0.5 N
or by the single-phase procedure as described in 14.3. In either alcoholic KOH solution to make the alcoholic layer distinctly
case, if the contents of the flask or beaker remain liquid, follow alkaline after vigorous shaking.
the procedure described in 14.4. If contents congeal, or if, in
the case of the two-phase decomposition, solid particles form, NOTE 7—Capital letters reference solutions given in Fig. 1.
follow the procedure described in 14.5. 14.5 Heat the contents of the flask or beaker to approxi-
14.2 Weigh the grease sample (see Section 6) into either a mately 63 °C and transfer to a separator that has been previ-
250 mL or a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask, spreading the sample ously warmed by flushing with warm water, using warm
over the lower inside surfaces of the flask. Add 20 mL of n-hexane and warm water as washing liquids (Warning—see
n-hexane followed by 50 mL of HCl (10 %) and several boiling 14.5.1). Allow this solution to clear and draw the aqueous
chips. Digest the sample by boiling under a reflux condenser layer, A, which contains all the bases as well as glycerin, into
until it is completely decomposed. Formation of a clear oil another separator. Wash the n-hexane layer, B, three times with
layer is evidence of complete decomposition. A digestion time 25 mL portions of warm water to remove HCl, adding the
of 3 h is generally sufficient; however, more vigorous boiling washings to A. Wash the aqueous solution, A, twice with 20 mL
or use of a stronger HCl solution or additional n-hexane will be portions of warm n-hexane, C, and then set Solution A aside for
found necessary for greases difficult to decompose. Allow the examination for glycerin (see Section 16). Wash Solution C
contents of the flask to cool to room temperature. once with 15 mL of warm water, which can then be discarded,
14.3 Weigh the grease sample (see Section 6) into a 250 mL and add C to B. If Solutions B and C are comparatively
beaker. Add a TFE-fluorocarbon-coated magnetic stirring bar, light-colored, an approximate determination of free fatty acids
50 mL of t-butyl alcohol (Warning—Flammable liquid; causes from soap can now be made by titrating the solution, which is
eye burns), 50 mL of n-hexane, 2 drops of butter yellow at approximately 63 °C, in the separator with 0.5 N alcoholic
indicator (Warning—Flammable. Vapor harmful) and 2 mL of KOH solution using phenolphthalein as the indicator, and using
HCl (37 %). For heavy greases, 50 mL of toluene (Warning— 200 as the average neutralization value of the fatty acid (that is,
Flammable. Vapor harmful) may be substituted for n-hexane. 1.0 g of fatty acid requires 200 mg of absolute KOH for
Note also that t-butyl alcohol will solidify if the temperature is neutralization). If Solutions B and C are dark, add a few drops
approximately 24 °C to 27 °C or below. Heat the beaker and of phenolphthalein solution and sufficient 0.5 N alcoholic KOH
contents on a magnetic stirring hot plate. Stir magnetically and solution to make the alcoholic layer distinctly alkaline after
break up large lumps with a glass rod, but avoid boiling the vigorous shaking.
solution. If the indicator becomes yellow, add concentrated 14.5.1 (Warning—Extreme care should be exercised in
HCl (37 %) in 1 mL increments until the color remains red. handling warm n-hexane because of pressure developing in the
Continue the heating and stirring until all grease has dissolved, stoppered separatory funnel. Invert the funnel and release
which indicates complete decomposition. For most grease, pressure through the stopcock occasionally.)

D128 − 98 (2014)´1
14.6 If Solutions B and C from 14.4 and 14.5 have been where:
titrated, add 0.5 mL to 1.0 mL excess of alkali before separat- Mf = mean molecular weight of fatty acids, and
ing. The conservative addition of alcohol at this point can aid A = neutralization number of fatty acids.
in securing rapid and sharp separation. Allow the two solutions
15.1.3 Soap in Single-Base Greases—Calculate the percent-
to separate sharply and draw off the lower alcoholic layer, D,
age of soap in single-base greases as follows:
into another separator. Wash the upper n-hexane layer, E, three
times, with 30 mL, 25 mL, and 20 mL of neutral 50 % alcohol, Soap, % 5 M s C/M f E (3)
respectively, adding these washes to D. Wash Solution D with where:
25 mL of n-hexane, after which draw off D into a beaker and
Ms = mean molecular weight of the soap,
add the n-hexane to E. Evaporate Solution D to a small volume C = percentage of fatty acids from soap,
to remove alcohol, wash the residue of potassium soap into a Mf = mean molecular weight of fatty acids from soap, and
separator with hot water, acidify with HCl, and shake out twice E = number of moles of fatty acid per mole of soap.
with 50 mL and 25 mL of ethyl ether, F, respectively. Run
Solution F into another separator and wash twice with 20 mL 15.1.4 Soap in Mixed-Base Greases Soluble in Organic
portions of water, which can then be discarded. Transfer Solvents—If the grease is soluble in organic solvents, deter-
Solution F to a weighed beaker and evaporate to dryness on a mine the more accurately determinable metal (of the two soaps
steam bath, blowing with air to remove all traces of ethyl ether. present) in the solvent-soluble portion (see Note 8). Then
(Warning—Extremely flammable. Harmful if inhaled. May calculate the percentage of the soap having this metal as the
cause eye injury. Effects may be delayed. May form explosive base, as follows:
peroxides. Vapors may cause flash fire. Moderately toxic. Soap, % 5 FMs /M m (4)
Irritating to skin.) Heat the residue, consisting of free fatty
acids and fatty acids from soap, for a short time on a steam
bath, adding and evaporating 5 mL portions of acetone F = percentage of the metal determined,
(Warning—Extremely flammable. Vapors may cause flash Ms = mean molecular weight of the soap of the metal, and
Mm = molecular weight of the metal.
fires) until a constant weight is obtained and the last traces of
water are removed. Determine the exact neutralization value on Calculate the fatty acids necessary to form this amount of
as large a sample of these fatty acids as possible. normal soap. Subtract these acids from the total soap fatty
acids and then calculate the remaining soap fatty acids to the
14.7 The fatty acids may be identified to some extent by
soap of the second metal, as described in 15.1.3.
special tests, such as odor, crystal form, melting point, iodine
number, color reactions, and so forth. NOTE 8—The soluble portion may be separated from the insoluble
matter by continuous extraction through an extraction thimble.
14.8 If the grease is appreciably oxidized, the fatty acids
obtained by the ethyl ether extraction are likely to be dark in 15.1.5 Soap in Mixed-Base Greases Not Soluble in Organic
color and hard to identify. For further study and identification, Solvents—If the grease is not soluble in organic solvents,
the neutralized acids may be extracted again (qualitatively) determine the more accurately determinable metal and correct
with n-hexane and HCl (1 + 3), thus eliminating the small for free alkali if it is the predominant metal. Then proceed in
amount of more darkly colored matter. accordance with 15.1.4. The presence of insolubles can intro-
duce complications in the analysis of such a grease.
14.9 From the total quantity of fatty acid found, deduct the 15.1.6 Soap in Greases Containing Heavy Metal Soaps—In
free acid, if any (see Section 23), and calculate the remainder greases containing soaps of lead, aluminum, and so forth, the
as a percentage of soap as described in Section 15. soap content cannot be calculated accurately because free fatty
acids, for which correction must be made, are not directly
15. Calculation and Report determinable in the presence of such soaps. A good estimate of
15.1 Calculate and report the neutralization number, mo- the soap content may be obtained, however, by adding the
lecular weight of fatty acids, and percentage of soap in value for organically combined metal to that for free fatty acids
accordance with 15.1.1 – 15.1.6: plus fatty acids (free and from soap) to soap. If the acids are
15.1.1 Neutralization Number of Fatty Acids—Calculate the greatly in excess of those necessary for the normal soap of the
neutralization number of the fatty acids as follows: metal, it is advisable to calculate the metal to normal soap and
A 5 56.1BN/X (1) report the remaining acids as excess acids.

where: 16. Glycerin (Qualitative)

A = neutralization number of fatty acids,
16.1 To determine whether a grease has been made from
B = millilitres of KOH solution required for titration of the
whole fats or from fatty acids, neutralize Solution A with dry
N = normality of KOH solution, and Na2CO3 (Warning—Harmful if swallowed. May cause skin
X = grams of fatty acid titrated. irritation) and add sufficient excess to precipitate calcium or
other metals. Then evaporate the whole mass to dryness,
15.1.2 Molecular Weight of Fatty Acids—Calculate the mo- extract the residue several times with alcohol, filter the
lecular weight of the fatty acids as follows: combined alcoholic extracts, and evaporate the alcohol. The
M f 5 56,100/A (2) residue will then contain most of the glycerin with a little

D128 − 98 (2014)´1
sodium chloride (NaCl). The presence or absence of glycerin in sand, and 5 mL of water. Heat the dish and contents on a steam
the residue shall be confirmed by suitable qualitative tests. bath, while stirring frequently, until all water is driven off, 2 h
usually being sufficient. After cooling and breaking up lumps
17. Fat with a small pestle, transfer the mixture quantitatively to an
17.1 Concentrate the n-hexane solution, E (see Section 14), extraction thimble, which has been previously placed in a
containing free fat, petroleum oils, and unsaponifiable matter to Soxhlet apparatus, using a little n-hexane to wash the last
a volume of about 125 mL in a 300 mL Erlenmeyer flask, traces into the thimble. Extract the thimble thoroughly with
adding 10 mL of 0.5 N alcoholic KOH solution and 50 mL of n-hexane, concentrate the extract somewhat if necessary, and
neutral alcohol, and boil on a hot plate with an air condenser titrate the free fatty acid and fatty acid from soap with 0.5 N
for 11⁄2 h. Titrate the uncombined alkali with 0.5 N HCl, and alcoholic KOH solution as in Solutions B and C, 14.4. Proceed
from the alkali consumed, corrected for the blank determina- in accordance with Sections 14, 17, and 18.
tion as specified in 6.1, calculate the percentage of free fat, 20. Asphalt and Tarry Matter
using 195 as the average saponification value (that is, 1.0 g of
fat requires 195 mg of absolute KOH for specification). 20.1 Extract the thimble a second time with CS2
(Warning—Extremely flammable. Poison. Vapor may cause
17.2 Place the titrated solution, G, in a separator, draw off flash fire. Vapor harmful. Capable of self-ignition at 100 °C or
the alcoholic lower layer, H, into another separator, and remove above. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. May be absorbed
the remaining traces of soap as described for Solutions B and through the skin.) Evaporate the extract to dryness, heat at
C (see Section 14), making only two washes with 30 mL and 120 °C for 1 h, and then weigh, reporting the results as
20 mL of 50 % alcohol, I . Combine Solutions H and I, wash asphaltic and tarry matter. Discard the residue in the thimble.
once with a little n-hexane, which is added to Solution G, and
then evaporate Solutions H and I to a small volume and isolate FREE ALKALI AND FREE ACID
the fatty acid as described for D (see 14.6). The percentage of
21. Free Alkali
fat can be checked by weighing and titrating the free fatty acid.
21.1 Weigh a 10 g to 30 g sample of the grease in a small
NOTE 9—Multiplying the weight of fatty acid by 1.045 gives very close
approximation of the weight of fat from which it was derived. This factor beaker, dissolve as completely as possible in 75 mL of
varies very little with the molecular weight of the fat. n-hexane by stirring with a spatula, wash the mixture into a
250 mL Erlenmeyer flask with a small amount of n-hexane,
18. Petroleum Oil and rinse the beaker with 50 mL of 95 % alcohol (see 5.4),
pouring the alcohol into the flask. Then add a few drops of
18.1 Evaporate the n-hexane solution, G, now containing all
phenolphthalein solution and shake the contents vigorously. If
the hydrocarbon oils and unsaponifiable matter, to dryness in a
the alcoholic layer, after setting for a few seconds, is pink, add
weighed beaker as described for F (see 14.6), weigh the
10 mL of 0.5 N HCl, boil the solutions on a hot plate for 10 min
residue, and report the result as petroleum oils plus unsaponi-
to expel CO2, and titrate the excess acid back with 0.5 N
fiable matter.
alcoholic KOH solution. Calculate the free alkalinity in terms
18.2 The viscosity of the petroleum oil can be determined of hydroxide of the predominating base.
using Test Method D445. If a complete characterization of the
petroleum products is required, decompose a new sample of 22. Insoluble Carbonates
from 150 g to 200 g of grease as described in Section 13, 22.1 If chalk or any other form of alkaline earth carbonate,
except that all quantitative operations shall be omitted, as well or lead carbonate, is present as an insoluble, it will be detected
as the isolation of the free fatty acids, and the use of standard by effervescence on adding the HCl. As the amount of such
alkali and acid is not necessary. carbonates is likely to be considerable, increase the volume of
18.3 If the grease contains rosin oil, beeswax, degras, 0.5 N HCl added sufficiently to dissolve all carbonate and leave
montan wax, or other materials containing a large amount of a slight excess of acid. Boil the solution for 2 min, titrate the
unsaponifiable substances, the petroleum oils isolated from excess acid back with 0.5 N alcoholic KOH solution, and, from
Solution G will contain the unsaponifiable matter, and the the acid consumed, calculate its equivalent in CaCO3, and so
physical properties will differ from those of the petroleum forth, disregarding any other forms of alkalinity that may have
products used in making the grease. In most cases, no further been present.
separation is possible except in the hands of skillful and 23. Free Acid
experienced operators, who can devise special methods to suit
the individual conditions. 23.1 If the original alcoholic layer is not pink, titrate the
unheated solution carefully with 0.5 N alcoholic KOH
Test Method II solution, shaking well after each addition. Calculate the acidity
as oleic acid.
19. Dark Greases 23.2 If soaps of iron, zinc, aluminum, or other weak bases
19.1 Weigh the sample in a 76 mm (3 in) porcelain dish, and are present, a determination of free acid is not possible since
add 10 g of granulated KHSO4 (Warning—Poison. Harmful or these metallic soaps react with KOH. Up to the present, no
fatal if swallowed. Causes severe eye and skin irritation or means has been devised whereby this determination can be
injury. Dust or mist may be harmful), 10 g of clean, dry ignited made directly.

D128 − 98 (2014)´1
WATER 100 mL of n-hexane. Wash the first separator with two 30 mL
portions of distilled water and add these washings to the second
24. Procedure separator.
24.1 Determine water in accordance with Test Method D95. 27.4 Heat contents of the flask to approximately 63 °C and
For solvent, use the petroleum distillate described in 5.1.2 of transfer quantitatively to a 500 mL separator, washing the flask
Test Method D95. with 50 mL of warm n-hexane and 25 mL of warm distilled
24.2 Calculate and report water as percent by weight in water, and introducing these washings into the separator. Keep
accordance with Test Method D95. the contents of the separator warm, shake, and allow the two
layers to separate. Draw off the water layer into a second
GLYCERIN (QUANTITATIVE) separator containing 100 mL of n-hexane. Wash the first
separator with two 30 mL portions of warm distilled water and
25. Scope add these washings to the second separator.
25.1 This test method is intended for the determination of 27.5 Shake the second separator, allow the contents to
free glycerin in grease and for glycerin present as fat in grease. separate, and filter the water layer into a 300 mL ground-glass
The test method is applicable to greases containing 0.03 to stoppered Erlenmeyer flask. Wash the second separator once
1.6 % of glycerin and is accurate even in the presence of with 20 mL of distilled water and filter the washings into the
ethylene and propylene glycols. same Erlenmeyer flask. The n-hexane solutions may then be
26. Summary of Test Method 27.6 Add three drops of methyl red indicator solution (see
26.1 To determine free glycerin in grease, the sample is Note 10) to the aqueous solution and make almost neutral with
refluxed with dilute sulfuric acid and n-hexane. The warm NaOH solution (240 g ⁄L). Add two more drops of the indicator
mixture is extracted with warm water, the washings neutralized solution and carefully titrate the solution to a copper-colored
and oxidized with potassium periodate,11 (Warning—May be end point with 0.05 N NaOH solution.
irritating to skin and eyes. May react vigorously with reducing NOTE 10—The indicator is red in a neutral or acid solution. An alkaline
agents) and the resulting solution titrated with standard sodium (aqueous unadulterated) solution is yellow. In the glycerin determination
hydroxide solution (Warning—Poison. Causes eye and skin the solution is copper-colored, corresponding to faint alkalinity.
damage). Glycerin oxidizes to 2 mol of formaldehyde and 27.7 Blank—Prepare a blank by adding 23 mL of H2SO4
1 mol of formic acid, as follows: (3 + 20) to 80 mL of distilled water in a 300 mL glass-
C 3 H 8 O 3 12KIO 4 →2HCHO1HCOOH12KIO3 1H 2 O (5) stoppered Erlenmeyer flask, and neutralize the solution to the
26.2 To determine free glycerin and glycerin combined as methyl red end point as described in 27.6.
fat, aqueous sodium hydroxide is added before refluxing, 27.8 Add 3 g of cp KIO4 to each flask. Tie the stoppers
instead of sulfuric acid. After saponifying, the soaps are carefully in place and shake the flasks for 2 h. (A mechanical
decomposed by refluxing with mineral acid, the n-hexane is shaker is recommended for this purpose.) Remove excess KIO4
evaporated, and the determination completed as for free by filtering the solutions through close-textured paper and
glycerin. collect the filtrates in clean, 300 mL, glass-stoppered Erlen-
meyer flasks. Add six drops of methyl red indicator solution to
Determination of Free Glycerin each flask and titrate the solutions to a copper-colored end
point with 0.05 N NaOH solution. Record the amount of NaOH
27. Procedure solution used.
27.1 Weigh 10 g of the sample into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer
flask and add dilute H2SO4 (3 mL of concentrated H2SO4 plus Determination of Total Glycerin (Free and Combined)
20 mL of distilled water) and 20 mL of n-hexane. 28. Procedure
27.2 Reflux the mixture on a steam bath until the grease is 28.1 Weigh 10 g of the sample into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer
disintegrated. Allow the contents of the flask to cool to room flask. Add 10 mL of NaOH (100 g ⁄L) and heat the mixture
temperature. If contents remain liquid, follow the procedure under a reflux condenser for 2 h.
prescribed in 27.3. If contents congeal or if solid particles
form, follow the procedure prescribed in 27.4. 28.2 Cool the flask and substantially neutralize the NaOH
with H2SO4 (1 + 4); then add an excess of approximately
27.3 Add 50 mL of n-hexane and transfer the contents of the 25 mL of H2SO4 (1 + 4) followed by 20 mL of n-hexane.
flask quantitatively to a 500 mL separator, washing the flask
with 50 mL of n-hexane and 25 mL of distilled water, and 28.3 Complete the determination in accordance with 27.2 –
introducing these washings into the separator. Shake the 27.8.
contents of the separator and allow the two layers to separate.
Draw off the water layer into a second separator containing 29. Calculation
29.1 Calculate the percentage of glycerin as follows:
~ M 2 M 1 ! 3 N 3 0.0921
G5 3 100 (6)
Hoepe, G., and Treadwell, W. D., Chemical Abstracts, Vol 36, p. 4058. S 3 0.92

D128 − 98 (2014)´1
where: 30.2 Bias—There are no interlaboratory test data available
G = percentage of glycerin. to establish a statistical statement on bias.
M = millilitres of 0.05 N NaOH solution used to titrate
the sample, 31. Keywords
M1 = millilitres of 0.05 N NaOH solution used to titrate
31.1 analysis; extraction; fat content; fluid content; free
the blank,
N = normality of the NaOH solution, alkali content; free fatty acid content; glycerin content; in-
S = grams of sample used, and solubles content; lubricating grease; petroleum oil content;
0.92 = an empirical factor derived from experimental data soap content; Soxhlet apparatus; thickener content; water
(not to be confused with 0.0921, which is the content
stoichiometric glycerin value).
30. Precision and Bias
30.1 Precision—There are no interlaboratory test data avail-
able to establish a statistical statement of precision.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Scope corrosion-resistant wire basket below the condenser in such a

X1.1.1 This test method includes procedures for the deter- position that the condensed solvent will enter the thimble.
mination of the total fluid constituent and the total n-hexane- X1.5 Procedure
insoluble material. It is primarily intended for application to
greases of the types discussed in 1.2. X1.5.1 Weigh to the nearest 1 mg 10 g 6 0.2 g (see Note
X1.3) of a representative sample into the n-hexane-washed,
NOTE X1.1—The determination of free fatty acid (see Section 23), and dried, tared extraction thimble, and place the thimble in the
free alkali (see Section 21) are also involved in these procedures, since
their respective test results are involved as correction terms in the extraction apparatus to which 125 mL of n-hexane (see 5.10)
calculations. has previously been added. Place the assembly on a steam plate
(see Note X1.4) and extract for 12 h (see Note X1.5). Remove
X1.2 Summary of Test Method the thimble from the apparatus, dry the insoluble material for
X1.2.1 Total Fluid Constituent (Note X1.2)—The grease is 30 min in a convection oven at 100 °C, and record the weight
extracted with n-hexane. The resultant n-hexane-soluble (see Note X1.3). To ensure complete removal of fluid
fraction, when corrected for free fatty acids, is designated as constituent, re-extract the insoluble material for 1 h. Dry and
total fluid constituent. reweigh (see Note X1.3). If the weight loss is greater than
20 mg, re-extract for 4 h more. Repeat the drying operation.
NOTE X1.2—Fats that are n-hexane-soluble will be included in the total
fluid constituent but usually are not present in sufficient quantity to NOTE X1.3—A weighing bottle9,12 should be used in this operation to
seriously affect the total fluid constituent properties. minimize the absorption of moisture by the extraction thimble. The
extraction is facilitated by spreading the grease sample uniformly to
X1.2.2 Total n-hexane-Insoluble Material—The n-hexane within 10 mm from the top of the thimble.
insoluble portion of the grease minus any free alkali is NOTE X1.4—As a safety precaution, a steam plate or other suitable safe
reported. heating device should be used for heating the solvent during the extraction
step and for evaporating the solvent from the extracted fluid constituent.
X1.3 Terminology NOTE X1.5—The reflux rate should be such that the solvent level in the
extraction thimble is maintained between the top surface of the grease and
X1.3.1 total fluid constituent—the mineral oil, or nonpetro- the top of the thimble. It may be necessary to insulate the extraction flask
leum fluid and n-hexane-soluble fats, or all three. from the steam plate to obtain a satisfactory reflux rate. As the extraction
progresses, it may then be necessary to remove at least part of the
X1.3.2 total n-hexane-insoluble material—soap, nonsoap insulation to increase the reflux rate in order to keep the extraction thimble
thickeners, fillers, inorganic salts from free alkali, asphaltenes, full of solvent.
or any combination of these, essentially insoluble in n-hexane. X1.5.2 If the n-hexane-soluble portion is not clear, indicat-
ing the presence of n-hexane-insoluble material or free acid, or
X1.4 Apparatus both, filter while warm through a weighed, chemically
X1.4.1 Extraction Apparatus, conforming to requirements
given in Test Method D473. A 1000 mL flask shall be used. A 12
The sole source of supply of the weighing bottle of suitable size known to the
double-thickness filter paper extraction thimble, 33 mm by committee at this time is Catalog No. 15840, New York Laboratory Supply Co., 510
94 mm, shall be suspended by corrosion-resistant wire or by a Hempstead Turnpike, West Hempstead, NY 11552.

D128 − 98 (2014)´1
resistant, medium-porosity fritted-glass crucible (for example, Total fluid constituent, % 5 ~ 100 A/W ! 2 B (X1.1)
borosilicate glass). With hot n-hexane, transfer the remaining
residue from the extraction flask into the glass crucible and
then wash the crucible and contents with hot n-hexane to A = n-hexane-soluble residue, g, (X1.5.3),
remove all traces of fluid constituent. This will remove the W = sample used, g, and
B = percentage of free fatty acid as oleic (Section 23).
insoluble material while the free acid will remain in the
n-hexane solution. The free acids may recrystallize on cooling. X1.6.2 Calculate the percentage of total n-hexane-insoluble
Dry the crucible and contents for 30 min at 100 °C in a material as follows:
convection oven. Cool and reweigh. This amount of material
Total n 2 hexane 2 insoluble material, % 5 ~ 100C/W ! 2 D
should be added to the weight of the total n-hexane-insoluble
material. (X1.2)

X1.5.3 Transfer the n-hexane filtrate to a tared beaker. where:

Evaporate the solvent on the steam plate with a jet of air or C = residue from n-hexane extraction, g, (X1.5.1),
inert gas impinging on the surface for 3 h, and place in a W = sample used, g, and
convection oven for 1 h at 100 °C. Heat to constant weight. D = percentage of free alkali as the hydroxide of the
predominating base (Section 21).
NOTE X1.6—A 5 mg weight loss after a 15 min heating period in the
oven can be considered to be constant weight.

X1.6 Calculations
X1.6.1 Calculate the percentage of the total fluid constituent
as follows:

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