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The Fertile Crescent

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Before they settled down in various parts of the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers. The two
the world, humans lived as nomads for tens of rivers travel in the same direction for
thousands of years. Nomads are people who thousands of miles before they combine to
have no permanent home and travel in search drain into the Persian Gulf. The Greeks called
of food and safety. this area Mesopotamia, which means "between
A typical nomadic group might include an the rivers." Very little rain falls in
extended family of about ten adults and their Mesopotamia, but water and nutrients from
children. They would temporarily camp in an the river soak into the land, creating an
area for a few weeks or months -- the men environment filled with plants and the animals
hunting animals and the women gathering that feed on the vegetation.
fruit, grains, seeds and nuts. When the
nomads exhausted the resources in that area
they moved on.
Civilization developed slowly in different
parts of the world. People began to settle in
areas with abundant natural resources. For
thousands of years, people have been attracted
to a part of the world archaeologists later called
the Fertile Crescent.
The Fertile Crescent is a boomerang-
shaped region that extends from the eastern
shore of the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian
Gulf. It is a rich food-growing area in a part of Many different civilizations flourished in
the world where most of the land is too dry for this small region. The Sumerians slowly
farming. developed one of the first civilizations in the
Some of the best farmland of the Fertile southeastern section of Mesopotamia as early
Crescent is on a narrow strip of land between as 7,500 years ago. The Sumerian civilization
lasted more than three thousand years, but in
NATURAL BOUNDARIES time the Sumerians lost their influence. The
The Tigris and Euphrates are natural Babylonians formed a centralized government
boundaries that were formed by nature under King Hammurabi. The Babylonian
instead of being drawn by people. Examples of culture lasted from about 1770BCE S to

natural boundaries include rivers, mountain about 1595BCE. Various other cultures
ranges, or deserts. dominated part or all of the Fertile Crescent
Straight lines on a map generally signify including Amorites, the Kassites, (c. 1531-
1155BCE) the Hittites (c. 1370 – 1205BCE) and
borders made by people, while natural borders
the Assyrians (c.890-600BCE). The land known
can follow many different paths. This is easy
as Mesopotamia was later controlled by the
to demonstrate on a map of the United States.
Persians, the Greeks under Alexander the
Most of the boundaries of the western states
Great, the Romans, and the Ottoman Turks.
are straight lines; Colorado and Wyoming and
The land between the Tigris and Euphrates has
rectangles. Many eastern states have jagged
been part of the modern nation of Iraq since
shapes because their borders are formed by 1932.
Fill in the Blanks
About 7,500 years ago, a group of people gave up their n__m__d__c lifestyles to settle in the
area between the T__g__is and the E__p__r__t__s Rivers. The Greeks later called this land
M__s__p__t__m__a, which means “b__t__e__n the r__v__rs.” Mesopotamia is part of the
F__r__i__e C__e__c__nt, a b_o__e__a__g -shaped region that extends from the e__s__e__n
shore of the M__d__t__r__a__e__n Sea to the P__r__i__n Gulf.
Several civilizations developed in Mesopotamia partly because the rivers provide the region with
ab__n__a__t natural r__s__u__c__s. The S__m__r__a_s first settled near the confluence of the
rivers about _______BC. Later Mesopotamian c__v__l__z__t__o__s included the
B_b__l__n_a__s and the A__s__r__a__s. Mesopotamia was later controlled by the P__r__i__ns,
the G__e__ks, and the R__m__ns. Mesopotamia is now part of the m__d__rn nation of I______.
5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 500 1000 1500 2000

1. Identify on the timeline the periods when the following civilizations flourished in Mesopotamia: the
Sumerians, the Babylonians, the Kassites, the Hittites, the Assyrians, modern Iraq. Note that the
civilizations may overlap.
Answer in complete sentences
2. What is the Fertile Crescent?

*3. What is the dictionary definition of crescent? Can you think of a food whose name in French means
crescent? Write it at the very bottom of the page if you can think of it.

*4. Why do you think people choose to settle in areas with abundant natural resources?

*5. What are the natural boundaries of Mesopotamia? Why do we call the land Mesopotamia?
*This is a higher order learning question. You must answer the question to the best of your ability, but any
reasonable answer will be graded as correct.

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