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Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services For Policy: A Pilot Study On Green Infrastructure in Oslo

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1114 Economic valuation of ecosystem services for


A pilot study on green infrastructure in Oslo

David N. Barton
Erik Stange
Stefan Blumentrath
Nora Vågnes Traaholt
NINA Publications

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Economic valuation of ecosystem services for
A pilot study on green infrastructure in Oslo

David N. Barton
Erik Stange
Stefan Blumentrath
Nora Vågnes Traaholt

In collaboration with

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA Report 1114

Barton, D.N., E. Stange, S. Blumentrath, N. Vågnes Traaholt

(2015) Economic valuation of ecosystem services for policy. A pi-
lot study on green infrastructure in Oslo. NINA Report 1114. 77 pp.

Oslo, February 2015

ISSN: 1504-3312
ISBN :978-82-426-2736-0
© Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
The publication may be freely cited where the source is acknowl-
Digital document (pdf)
Henrik Lindhjem, Signe Nybø
Research director Erik Framstad (sign.)
Norwegian Environment Agency
Petter Andreas Gudding
David N. Barton
- Norway, Oslo
- Urban ecosystem services
- Green infrastructure
- Economic valuation
- Policy
- Decision-support

- Norge, Oslo
- Urbane økosystemtjenester
- Blågrønn infrastruktur
- Økonomisk verdsetting
- Politikk
- Beslutningsstøtte

NINA Rapport 1114

Executive Summary
Barton, D.N., E. Stange, S. Blumentrath, N. Vågnes Traaholt (2015) Economic valuation of eco-
system services for policy. A pilot study on green infrastructure in Oslo. NINA Report 1114.

This study aims to demonstrate economic valuation of ecosystem services using available data in
a pilot study area in Norway. Oslo Municipality was chosen because it provides a number of gra-
dients, spatial scales and different levels of spatial resolution in which to discuss urban ecosystem
services. The EU FP7 research project OpenNESS and an ongoing collaboration with Oslo Mu-
nicipality made it possible to demonstrate a number of value transfer methods. Value transfer is a
rapid assessment approach that uses available studies transferred to a new context.

The study outlines a framework for evaluating the information requirements of economic valuation
of ecosystem services in different decision contexts. We use the framework to discuss information
requirements of economic valuation to support different decision-contexts. Ecosystem services
valuation and mapping unmotivated by specific decision context risks being both irrelevant and

In the present study we use value transfer methods for the general purpose of awareness-raising,
which can be considered the least demanding in terms of requirements for accuracy and reliability.
Valuation for awareness raising is illustrated with 6 different examples, four of which are economic
valuation methods:
Economic valuation examples:
1. Meta-analysis of willingness-to-pay for green spaces in the built zone
2. Hedonic pricing of green infrastructure in the built zone of Oslo
3. Time use value of Marka peri-urban forest outside the built zone of Oslo
4. Liability value of urban trees in the built zone

Non-economic valuation examples:

5. Blue green factor scoring of property in the built zone of Oslo
6. Health impacts of green infrastructure in Oslo as a whole

The two methods looking at recreation in green spaces (1) and the peri-urban forest (3) found
annual values between one and several billion Norwegian kroner. The value of green spaces in
property prices (2) and the liability value of city trees (4) revealed capital values in the range of tens
of billions of Norwegian kroner.

Despite uncertainty inherent in value transfers we feel confident that nature in Oslo has a total
annual value of several billion kroner. This is conservative because we have used lower bound
estimates. Furthermore, we know that our examples represent only a fraction of ecosystem ser-
vices provided by green infrastructure, in our case mainly cultural ecosystem services. Regulating
services remain largely unvalued in this study.

We think these economic valuation results may be awareness raising for;

 citizens of Oslo who use green infrastructure on a regular basis, but who may take it for
granted or not recognise how their individual use contributes to overall value for Oslo’s
population as a whole.
 commercial interests in recreation and property development, who have not recognised
how their business depends on green infrastructure in and around the city.
 municipal policy-makers providing them with additional arguments vis a vis property de-
velopers for conserving and improving green infrastructure.
 national authorities in environment and economics ministries the results may raise
awareness regarding the economic importance of urban green infrastructure which is small
in area, but intensively used.
 research authorities and the research community itself regarding the high ‘economic re-
turns’ to research on urban ecosystem services.

NINA Report 1114

In moving on from pilot study examples for awareness raising to using economic valuation for de-
cision-support three main directions could be taken.

Widening scope for awareness raising: awareness could be raised about the economic value of
a number of other ecosystem services and some green infrastructure that were not addressed in
the pilot study
Increasing resolution for decision-support: in some cases valuation methods are available and
data could be collected to increase the resolution of valuation studies to a point where they would
be relevant in decision-support. Some hypothetical examples include, hedonic property pricing
disaggregated at city district level and used to justify differential municipal fees to maintain and
improve green infrastructure; recreational time use studies in Oslo’s parks used to better target
further upgrades in access to and quality of green infrastructure; further spatial studies of recrea-
tional opportunities, current and projected to inform plans to re-regulate parts of Oslo’s peri-urban
forest to recreational “activity zones”; further valuation studies of ecosystem services of city trees
to justify economic liability for and regulation of trees on private land within the built zone.
Increasing scale for awareness raising across jurisdictions: the scale of a valuation study
could address neighbouring municipalities of Greater Oslo to address whether there were ecosys-
tem service benefit or cost spillovers across municipalities that could be relevant for regional plan-
ning policy.
Ecosystem services are designated as “unpriced impacts” in Norwegian guidance documents on
impact assessment and economic analysis of infrastructure projects. A sustained research pro-
gramme on ecosystem services– similar to the effort made since the 1980’s on the health and
economic impacts of air pollution and noise from traffic - holds out the promise of accounting for
hitherto unpriced importance of green infrastructure.

David N. Barton
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA Rapport 1114

Sammendrag – extended summary in Norwegian

Kapittel 1. Økosystemer er uunnværlige for menneskelig velvære. Fra et nytteperspektiv er øko-
systemer verdifulle fordi de står for støttende, regulerende, forsynende, opplevelses- og kunn-
skapstjenester1. Naturens goder og tjenester kan sammenfattes i begrepet økosystemtjenester.
Utgangspunktet for rapporten er en antagelse om at naturen ikke tas tilstrekkelig hensyn til av
individer, næringsliv og forvaltning uten bevissthet om økosystemtjenestene, og at bevisstheten er
større dersom verdiene måles i penger.

Målsettingen med denne rapporten er derfor å illustrere bruk av økonomiske verdsetting av øko-
systemtjenester til folkeopplysning. Rapporten diskuterer også hva mer som må til for at verdset-
tingsmetodene skal brukes som beslutningsstøtte av forvaltningen – fra bevisstgjøring til beslut-

Det ligger betydelig større utfordringer i anvendelse av økonomisk verdsetting av økosystemtje-

nester som underlag for å fatte politiske beslutninger enn i bruk til bevisstgjøring. Dersom økono-
misk verdsetting av økosystemtjenester oppnår sitt mål med bevisstgjøring, vil den oppnå større
legitimitet, og det vil kunne komme ytterligere etterspørsel etter metodene i fra forvaltningen. Øko-
nomisk verdsetting av økosystemtjenester for folkeopplysning betyr ikke nødvendigvis en tilslutning
til ‘prising’ av økosystemtjenester som politisk virkemiddel.

Rapporten tar i den forstand utgangspunkt i anbefalingene fra NOU 2013:10. Med utgangspunkt i
regneeksempler fra Oslo, tar rapporten et steg videre og spør hva som skal til for at økonomisk
verdsetting av økosystemtjenester kan brukes i ulike former for beslutningsstøtte. Dette er et rele-
vant spørsmål for Europa de nærmeste årene. For eksempel skal EUs medlemsland frem mot
2020 kartlegge økosystemtjenester og –verdier. Denne innsatsen står i fare for å bruke betydelige
ressurser på romlig datainnsamling som ikke er tilpasset behov for beslutningsstøtte på ulike for-

Kapittel 2. Økonomiske verdier av økosystemtjenester er betinget av valg og beslutnings-sam-

menheng. Utgangspunktet vårt er at verdier – økonomiske og ikke-økonomiske – er uttrykk for
preferanser til personer i bestemte roller, i møte med handlingsalternativer til en gitt tid og på et gitt
sted. Dette betyr at verdier av natur er mangfoldige. En bevissthet om kilder til slik usikkerhet i
verdsetting er nyttig når man skal vurdere om og hvordan økonomisk verdsetting skal tas i bruk.
Rapporten legger frem et metoderammeverk for å beskrive kilder til usikkerhet i økonomisk verd-
setting av økosystemtjenester. Den har som mål å hjelpe forvaltningen med tolkning av hvorvidt
verdiestimater er nøyaktige og pålitelige nok i forhold til behovene i ulike beslutningskontekster.

Et rammeverk kan hjelpe forvaltningen i å beskrive sine forventninger til presisjon og pålitelighet
for økonomisk verdsetting avhengig av kontekst. Rammeverket skiller mellom kontekstene (i) fol-
keopplysning, (ii) bokføring og regnskap, (iii) tiltaksprioritering og –rangering, (iv) virkemiddelutfor-
ming og (v) økonomisk ansvar. Kravene til dokumentasjon stiger også med romlig skala og opp-
løsning – berører beslutningen mange personer over et stort område er kravene til dokumentasjon
store. Informasjonskostnadene stiger i takt med kravene til presisjon og pålitelighet i beslutnings-
konteksten, og i takt med krav til romlig skala og romlig oppløsning av naturinngrepet. Dokumen-
tasjonskrav til økonomisk verdsetting av økosystemtjenester bør derfor vurderes i forhold til omfang
og kompleksitet av naturinngrepet. De bør stå i forhold til kravene som stilles til dokumentasjon av
økonomisk utbytte.

Ofte er usikkerheten stor på begge sider av brøken utvikling / natur. Føre-var prinsippet taler endog
for at kravene til dokumentasjon av kostnader ved tap av økosystemtjenester ikke skal være så
høy som for de sektorene som argumenterer for utvinning, inngrep og avvikling. Rammeverket
oppfordrer forvaltningen til å differensiere informasjonskrav til verdsetting av natur og til å vurdere
informasjonskostnader, avhengig av beslutningskonteksten som er til vurdering.

1 også kalt kulturelle økosystemtjenester

NINA Report 1114

Kapittel 3. På tross av NOU 2013:10 er økosystemtjenester knapt nok et forvaltningsbegrep i

Norge. Det er lite integrert i forvaltningsveiledere på konsekvensutredning, samfunnsøkonomisk
analyse eller grønnstruktur. På tross av flere tiår med forskning på miljø- og ressursøkonomi i
Norge, er økonomisk verdsetting av økosystemtjenester bare unntaksvis anvendt i konseptvalg- og
konsekvensutredninger (KVU og KU). Noe av forklaringen kan ligge i at veiledere i samfunnsøko-
nomisk analyse definerer økosystemtjenester som ‘ikke-prisede’ konsekvenser. Det kan, nærmest
per definisjon, ha ført til manglende anvendelse av verdsettingsmetoder i KVU og KU, metoder
som ellers har vært i relativ hyppig bruk i akademiske miljøer. Derimot har det vært flere tiår med
utprøving av metoder for ‘prising’ av skader og dødelighet fra trafikkulykker, luftforurensning og
støy i veiprosjekter. Selv om kompleksiteten er større og effektene mer indirekte for flere av øko-
systemtjenestene, har man sett at økonomisk verdsetting er blitt utprøvd og innpasset over tid for
det som engang også var ‘eksterne virkninger’.

Kapittel 4. Pilotstudien ser på økosystemtjenester innenfor Oslo Kommune. I hvilken grad omtales
økosystemfunksjon og -tjenester fra grønnstruktur i kommunale planleggingsdokumenter og veile-
dere? Kommunens planleggingsdokumenter og veiledere er omfattende på kunnskaps- og opple-
velsestjenester og på støttende tjenester som vern av habitat for biomangfold. Regulerende øko-
systemtjenester er mye omtalt innenfor byggesonen (f.eks. overvannshåndtering), men noe mindre
angående hvilken rolle landskapet rundt byen spiller for innbyggernes velferd. Regulerende tje-
nester er ikke så godt dokumentert når det gjelder grønnstrukturens rolle i karbonlagring og opptak,
pollinering og demping av støy og luftforurensing.

Kapittel 5. Verdsettingseksemplene fra Oslo utgjør rapportens kjerne. Vi har valgt ut fire eksemp-
ler på økonomisk verdsetting og to eksempler på metoder for verdsetting uten bruk av penger.
Eksemplene på økonomisk verdsetting er valgt ut basert på tilgjengelighet av data og en gjennom-
gang av verdsettingsstudier fra andre byer som antyder hvilke økosystemtjenester som kan repre-
sentere store økonomiske verdier. Eksemplene er i hovedsak verdioverføringer. Verdioverføring
betyr bruk av eksisterende verdsettingsestimater i en ny beslutningssammenheng, ofte på et annet
sted enn den opprinnelige studien ble gjennomført. Verdioverføring er nødvendig om økonomisk
verdsetting av økosystemtjenester skal gjennomføres når man ikke har tid eller ressurser til ny
datainnsamling. Rapporten viser hvor langt vi kunne komme ved å bruke forholdsvis enkel metoder
som ikke krever nye undersøkelser.

Rekreasjonsverdien av parker og grøntområder. Til sammen utgjør grøntområdene i Oslos

byggesone om lag 28 km2 fordelt på mer enn 500 ulike lokaliteter i byen. Oslos totale grøntareal i
byggesonen er anslagsvis verdt minst 1 milliard kroner per år, hvis vi legger til grunn betalingsvil-
lighetsstudier gjennomført blant bybefolkninger i andre land. Dette tilsvarer i snitt en betalingsvillig-
het på kr. 1 985 per år for alle innbyggere over 15 år. Man antar at Oslos befolkning faktisk ville
være villig til å betale det samme som befolkninger i en rekke andre land har sagt at de er villige til
å betale for grøntområder. Vi har kalibrert tallene fra utenlandske studier for faktorer som inntekts-
nivå, befolkningstetthet og størrelse på grøntområdene.

Kapitalverdi av blågrønne arealer i eiendomspriser. Vi har gjennomført en statistisk analyse

av sammenhengen mellom leilighetspriser i Oslo og grønnstruktur, basert på dokumentasjon for
alle leiligheter solgt i Oslo i perioden 2004-2013. Innenfor 500 meter fra en bypark øker i gjennom-
snitt verdien av leiligheten med kr. 162-368 per meter (alt etter hvor nær parken leiligheten er). Det
finnes 160 722 leiligheter innenfor 500 meter fra offentlige parker i Oslo. Samlet sett er merverdien
for nærhet til park for alle disse leilighetene mellom kr. 8,3 og 18,9 milliarder. Hvis parken har et
vannelement er den enda mer verdifull. Den ytterligere merverdien for leiligheter i nærheten av
parker med vannelement ligger på mellom 2,8 og 6,6 milliarder. Store parker har videre en tilleggs-
verdi på 0,3-2,3 milliarder kroner. Nærhet til fjorden, til markagrensen, og til kirkegårder har også
samlet merverdi i milliardklassen, viser eiendomsstatistikken. Til sammen er et forsiktig anslag på
merverdien grønnstruktur har på leilighetspriser i Oslo per 2013 om lag 19 milliarder kroner.

Fritidsverdien av Marka. Basert på en spørreundersøkelse om fritidsvaner har vi funnet at

Oslos befolkning over 15 år bruker omlag 73 millioner timer per år i den bynære skogen. Verdien

NINA Rapport 1114

av denne tiden kan anslås med forskjellige metoder, for eksempel reisekostnadsundersøkelser
eller vurderinger av om alternativ tidsbruk er trening eller arbeid. De ulike metodene gir et anslag
på verdien av Marka-bruk på 2,3-13,3 milliarder kroner per år. Verdien er usikker fordi det finnes
flere måter å beregne reisekostnader, verdien av fritid, og verdien av hvert besøk. Likevel kan vi
med ganske stor sikkerhet si at rekreasjonsverdien av Marka er på flere milliarder kroner per år.

Verdien av erstatningsansvar for bytrær. Det finnes 0,7-1,2 millioner bytrær med høyde over
5 meter i Oslos byggesone. Hver Osloborger deler byrommet med 1-2 store trær. Oslo Kommune
krever at skade på bytrær eid av kommunen erstattes etter en bestemt takstmodell som tar høyde
for treets tilstand og stedsspesifikke kvaliteter, deriblant økosystemtjenester. Takstmodellen viser
at gjennomsnittsverdien av Oslos bytrær er på ca. 40 000 kroner på kommunal grunn. Vi har an-
vendt takstmodellen på alle bytrær (både på privat og offentlig grunn) i byggesonen for å anslå
deres samlede verdi. Samlet erstatningsansvar for alle store bytrær i byggesonen blir da på mellom
28 og 42 milliarder kroner (avhengig av antall og kvaliteten på bytrærne).

Sett under ett har eksemplene på økonomisk verdsetting et klart budskap, “Naturen i Oslo er
verdt milliarder av kroner” (Barton et al., 2015b). Verdsettingseksemplene i denne rapporten
dekker likevel bare en brøkdel av urbane økosystemtjenester i Oslo.

Rapporten ser på fire ulike økonomiske verdsettingsmetoder. I tillegg omtaler vi to eksempler på

ikke-økonomisk dokumentasjon av verdien av grønnstruktur.

Blå-grønn faktor (BGF) er et system for scoring av blå og grønne strukturer i nye bygge-pro-
sjekter. BGF ble utviklet av Oslo og Bærum kommuner i samarbeid med rådgivningsfirma innen
landskapsarkitektur, overvannshåndtering og eiendomsutvikling (Framtidens Byer 2014). BGF kan
brukes av utbyggere til å dokumentere i hvilken grad byggeprosjektet leverer økosystemtjenester
med fokus på naturlig overvannshåndtering, og kan brukes av kommunen til å sette minstekrav til
eiendomsutvikling differensiert etter behov for blågrønnstruktur i hver bydel. BGF er således et
godt eksempel på både en verdsettingsmetode og et mulig virkemiddel i arealforvaltning.

Det siste verdsettingseksemplet er en gjennomgang av litteratur på betydningen av grønnstruk-

tur for fysisk og mental helse. Et voksende antall internasjonale epidemiologiske studier viser
betydelige helseeffekter av grønnstruktur i by. Oslo har så vidt vi vet ingen slik epidemiologisk
studie for betydningen av grønnstruktur for byens befolkning. Likevel har studier av lokale parker
i Oslo vist at innbyggerne har klare preferanser for blå- og grønnstruktur for fysisk og mental ‘re-
kreasjon’. Litteraturgjennomgangen gir grunn til å tro at fremtidige studier på sammenhengen
grønnstruktur-helse i Oslo vil vise store verdier. Det vil være bevisstgjørende om betydningen av
støttende økosystemtjenester fra bynatur som habitat for mennesker.

Ytterligere diskusjon om antagelser og data som er brukt i de ulike eksemplene, kan finnes i Barton
et al. (2015) Materials and methods appendix for valuation of ecosystem services of green infra-
structure in Oslo. NINA Report 1115.

Kapittel 6. Rapporten foreslår i siste kapittel mulig videre bruk av økonomisk verdsetting av øko-
systemtjenester i Oslo i en rekke hypotetiske forvaltningssammenhenger.

Øke romlig oppløsning for beslutningsstøtte. For noen økosystemtjenester har vi tilgjengelige
verdsettingsmetoder og kan samle nye data til et detaljnivå som kunne gjøre dem relevante for
beslutningsstøtte i forvaltning. Eksempler på dette kunne være:
 hedonisk prising av betydningen av grønnstruktur for eiendomspriser på bydelsnivå som
grunnlag for kommunale avgifter for vedlikehold (på lik linje med andre avgifter for kommu-
nale tjenester);
 beregning av fritidsbruk i ulike parker som grunnlag for nytte-kostnadsvurderinger av nye
parker, oppgradering- og tilretteleggingstiltak for grønnstruktur;
 romlig kartlegging av fritidsbruk i markas randsone som grunnlag for beslutninger om, plas-
sering eller utforming av ‘aktivitetssoner’ i forslag til ny kommuneplan;

NINA Report 1114

 verdsetting av økosystemtjenester av bytrær som grunnlag for å fastsette erstatningsan-

svar for store bytrær også på privat eiendom i byggesonen.

Utvide studieomfang for bredere bevisstgjøring. En rekke økosystemtjenester fra grønnstruk-

tur ble ikke dekket av denne pilotstudien. Mest grunnleggende er sammenhengen mellom grønn-
struktur og menneskelig helse – støttende økosystemtjenester fra vårt urbane habitat. Det gjelder
også kunnskapstjenester fra grønnstruktur for barns læring. Studien dekket ikke opplevelsestje-
nester for friluftsliv til sjøs og på øyene i Oslofjorden. Spesielt regulerende økosystemtjenester er
ikke dekket av denne studien. De viktigste kan være naturlig overvannshåndtering, avløpsrensing,
vannrensing, reduksjon av støy og luftforurensning fra grønnstruktur. Betydning av grønnstruktur
for biomangfold i byen ble ikke dekket. For eksempel har pollinatorer betydning for flere økosys-
temtjenester samtidig.

Øke skala for bevisstgjøring på tvers av kommunegrenser. Ved å øke den romlige skalaen på
fremtidige studier av økosystemtjenester kunne man se på i hvilken grad nabokommuner i Stor-
Oslo ‘utveksler’ økosystemtjenester på tvers av kommunegrensene. Hvis det er en betydelig skjev-
het i byrde- og fordelsfordeling i forsyning og bruk av økosystemtjenester mellom kommunene,
kunne dette være gjenstand for en fremtidig ‘økosystemtjeneste-justering’ av nøkkelen for tildeling
av statlige ressurser til kommunene.

Metodeutvikling for verdsetting økosystemtjenester i Statens Veivesens Håndbok 140. Hånd-

bok 140 beskriver hvordan samfunnsøkonomisk analyse skal ta hensyn til effekter av naturinngrep
av samferdselsprosjekter. HB140 brukes også av andre sektorer. Med bakgrunn i en gjennom-
gang av samfunnsøkonomisk analyse i veiledere for KVU og KU ser vi mangleri forhold til økosys-
temtjenester. Et forskningsprogram over lenger tid på konsekvensene av infrastruktur på økosys-
temtjenester vil sannsynligvis gjøre det mulig å ‘prise’ flere av dagens ‘ikke-prisede’ konsekvenser,
spesielt innen helse og rekreasjon. Denne påstanden er inspirert av forskningen på helseøkono-
miske konsekvenser av ulykker, støy og luftforurensning som har pågått siden 1980-tallet, og som
er tatt i bruk i dagens HB140.

NINA Rapport 1114

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 3

Sammendrag – extended summary in Norwegian ..................................................................5

Foreword ...................................................................................................................................11

1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 12

2 Valuation of ecosystem services for policy .....................................................................15

2.1 Values in the ecosystem services cascade framework ................................................. 15
2.2 Context specific values of ecosystem services ............................................................. 16
2.3 Values in the policy cycle .............................................................................................. 17
2.4 A framework for decision-contexts of economic valuation ............................................ 18

3 Urban ecosystem services of green infrastructure at national level............................. 21

3.1 Concept choice assessment (“konseptvalgsutredning”) ............................................... 21
3.2 Impact assessment (“konsekvensutredning”) ............................................................... 22
3.3 Planning of green infrastructure in cities and urban areas............................................ 25

4 Urban ecosystem services from green infrastructure in Oslo .......................................26

4.1 Identifying priority urban ecosystem services ............................................................... 26
4.2 Ecosystem service ‘gaps’ in municipal planning documents ........................................28

5 Valuation of ecosystem services from green infrastructure in Oslo............................. 29

5.1 Willingness to pay for recreation urban parks in Oslo................................................... 31
5.1.1 Ecosystem services ............................................................................................ 31
5.1.2 Valuation for awareness-raising .........................................................................32
5.1.3 Valuation for further policy support .....................................................................33
5.2 The capital value of green infrastructure in property prices ..........................................36
5.2.1 Ecosystem services ............................................................................................ 36
5.2.2 Valuation for awareness raising .........................................................................37
5.2.3 Valuation for further policy support .....................................................................39
5.3 The recreational value of the Marka forest....................................................................42
5.3.1 Ecosystem services ............................................................................................ 42
5.3.2 Valuation for awareness raising .........................................................................43
5.3.3 Valuation for further policy support .....................................................................45
5.4 The liability value of city trees........................................................................................ 46
5.4.1 Ecosystem services ............................................................................................ 46
5.4.2 Valuation for awareness raising .........................................................................46
5.4.3 Valuation transfer results for awareness raising ................................................ 48
5.4.4 Valuation for further policy support - information gaps.....................................49
5.5 Non-economic valuation of green infrastructure in property development ................... 51
5.5.1 Ecosystem services ............................................................................................ 52
5.5.2 Ecosystem function assumptions .......................................................................53
5.5.3 Value transfer assumptions and results ............................................................. 54
5.5.4 Valuation for further policy support .....................................................................54
5.5.5 Information gaps - challenges in assessing flood mitigation and recreation function
of urban green structures.................................................................................... 55
5.6 Non-economic valuation of supporting services of green infrastructure for human health
5.6.1 Ecosystem services and health – a complex web of interactions ...................... 57

NINA Report 1114

5.6.2 Ecosystem supporting services of green infrastructure - human health and urban
habitat ................................................................................................................. 58
5.6.3 Preferences for green and blue structures ......................................................... 62
5.6.4 Valuation for further policy support .....................................................................63

6 Recommendations regarding information gaps and research needs ........................... 65

6.1 Pilot study valuation results ........................................................................................... 65
6.2 Increasing resolution: from awareness raising to decision-support .............................. 66
6.2.1 Natural capital accounting .................................................................................. 66
6.2.2 Priority setting – benefit-cost analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis ............. 66
6.2.3 Instrument design ............................................................................................... 67
6.2.4 Natural damage assessment and litigation ........................................................ 67
6.3 Widening scope: valuation for awareness raising on other urban ecosystem services67
6.3.1 Integrating across ecosystem services – urban habitat and human health .......68
6.3.2 Experiential and cognitive services - fjord and island recreation ...................... 68
6.3.3 Experiential and cognitive services – tourism in natural areas in Oslo .............. 68
6.3.4 Experiential and cognitive services – environmental education......................... 69
6.3.5 Regulating service – stormwater management .................................................. 69
6.3.6 Regulating services - waste water treatment .................................................... 69
6.3.7 Regulating service – noise and air pollution mitigation ......................................70
6.3.8 Regulating and provisioning service – drinking water treatment and supply .....70
6.3.9 Supporting, experiential and cognitive service – urban pollinators .................... 70
6.4 Increasing scale: assessing ecosystem services across jurisdictions .......................... 71
6.4.1 Watershed boundaries........................................................................................ 71
6.4.2 Marka forest ecosystem boundaries...................................................................71
6.4.3 Neighbouring municipalities ................................................................................ 71
6.4.4 Commuter and housing market boundaries ....................................................... 71
6.4.5 Importing virtual ecosystem services - the ecological footprint of Oslo ........... 71
6.5 Methodology development - pricing ecosystem services in impact assessment.........72

7 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 74

8 References ........................................................................................................................... 77

9 Appendix 1 – Norwegian ecosystem service terminology in urban planning guidance80

NINA Rapport 1114

We gratefully acknowledge the Norwegian Environment Agency for their financial support for pre-
paring this report. The contents and evaluations in this report are entirely the responsibility of the

This report responds to a tender in November 2014 from the Norwegian Environment Agency for a
report on valuing ecosystem services in a pilot case study area, to be completed within a few weeks
before the end of 2014. As a pilot case study NINA proposed valuation of ecosystem services in
Oslo, based on work in progress as part of the EU FP7 financed project “OpenNESS – Operation-
alisation of natural capital and ecosystem services.”

The report would have not have been possible to write in a few weeks were it not for the ongoing
collaboration since 2013 in the OpenNESS project between NINA, VISTA Analyse A/S and Oslo

We gratefully acknowledge the collaboration with Oslo Municipality’s Urban Environment Agency
(BYM), Planning and Building Agency (PBE) and Water and Sewage Agency (VAV) in making this
study possible, both through the contribution of databases and for discussions with their experts at
regular meetings regarding the role of economic valuation of ecosystem services in Oslo Munici-
pality. In particular, we acknowledge the Future Cities Project coordination at BYM which has been
the OpenNESS project’s main facilitator of contacts with other colleagues within Oslo Municipality.

The report owes an intellectual debt to the OpenNESS project collaboration. All the valuation ex-
amples discussed in the report were developed during 2014 as part of an ongoing study on eco-
system service values. They have been largely reproduced here from an OSLOpenNESS case
study report by Barton et al. (2014) “Er naturen i Oslo verdt milliarder? Verdsetting av utvalgte
urbane økosystem-tjenester fra blågrønn infrastruktur. NINA Rapport 1113. The framework for
policy-relevant ecosystem service valuation was developed as part of the methodological frame-
work for valuation of ecosystem services in OpenNESS. Further discussion of the framework and
valuation assumption can be found in Barton et al. (2015) Materials and methods appendix for
valuation of ecosystem services of green infrastructure in Oslo. NINA Report 1115 available at

A number of researchers have contributed to the case study in different ways. Erik Stange reviewed
municipal policy documents in relation to ecosystem services, as well as ecosystem service map-
ping methods. Nora Vågnes Traaholt (former M.Sc. University of Copenhangen) and Stefan Blu-
mentrath conducted the hedonic pricing study on which parts of the report is based. Erik Gómez-
Baggethun (NINA) participated in development of the framework for policy relevant valuation. An-
ders Often (NINA) and Sergi Nuss Girona (Ph.D. student, U. of Girona), contributed to the tree
valuation model. Vegard Gundersen (NINA) contributed to the study of recreational time use in the
Marka forest. Oscar Haavardsholm (M.Sc. student UiO) helped collect data on time use in Oslo’s
parks. Berit Köhler (NINA) participated in discussions on a planned survey on recreational use of
Oslo’s green infrastructure. Henrik Lindhjem (NINA) contributed to the analysis of time use in
Marka forest and in discussions about valuation in a planned stated preference survey. Emma Soy
Massoni (Ph.D. student, U. of Girona) accessibility and population density around Oslo’s parks.
Graciela Rusch(NINA) participated in discussions on valuation of biodiversity of Oslo’s green infra-
structure. Signe Nybø and Henrik Lindhjem ( NINA) conducted quality assurance of the study.

February 2015
David N. Barton

NINA Report 1114

1 Introduction

This report responds to a tender in November 2014 from the Norwegian Environment Agency for a
report on valuing ecosystem services in a pilot case study area. As a pilot case study NINA pro-
posed valuation of ecosystem services in Oslo, based on work in progress as part of the EU FP7
financed project “OpenNESS – Operationalisation of natural capital and ecosystem services.”

Oslo Municipality was proposed as a pilot study area because it provides a number of gradients,
spatial scales and different levels of spatial resolution in which to discuss urban ecosystem ser-
vices. Oslo Municipality contains both intact nature and ecosystems (e.g. the peri-urban Marka
forest and its watersheds), managed cultural landscapes (e.g. farming in the Maridal landscape
protected area), as well as an urban mosaic of forest, farming and built land. Within the city nature
is present as ‘green infrastructure’ in between artificial landuses, or represented as individual struc-
tures such as city trees. Oslo is also an interesting pilot because it represents individual ecosys-
tems and their services that can be found in most of Southern Norway.

At the same time the urban area and its peri-urban landscape represent a number of pedagogical
and methodological challenges in how to operationalize ecosystem services in planning and policy.
Population growth and urbanisation are a common phenomenon in Oslo, Norway and globally.
Ecosystems are going through a more or less regulated de construction. Choosing a city for a pilot
project on ecosystem services provides a challenging context for discussing trade-offs between
multiple services from ecosystems versus manmade alternatives. The urban context challenges
both the role of economic valuation of ecosystem services and benefit-cost analysis, as well as
precautionary principles and the very definition of sustainability.

Accounting for ecosystem services in policy and planning requires spatially explicit modelling of
ecosystem function that can be highly data intensive depending on the requirements for spatial
resolution, accuracy and reliability in the decisions at hand. Towards 2020 EU member states are
carrying out ecosystem service mapping and valuation. This effort runs the risk of expending con-
siderable resources collecting spatial data that is not targeted at specific decision-problems.

The Norwegian Climate and Environment Ministry aims to follow closely how the EU implements
valuation of ecosystem services as part of the “EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020” and ”Green Infra-
structure (GI) — Enhancing Europe’s Natural Capital” (KMD, 2014). One aim is to exchange ex-
periences with EU member states regarding Norway’s follow-up of the Official Norwegian Report
NOU 2013:10 on “Natural benefits – on the values of ecosystem services”.

Given the interest in learning from EU experiences in applying valuation of ecosystem services it
is worth pointing out that “ecosystem services” is not a legally recognised concept or principle in
the main legislation on nature management in Norway - the Norwegian Nature Diversity Act. NOU
2013:10 recognises some fundamental challenges with the ecosystem services concept in the con-
text of Norwegian environmental policy (Box 1).

NOU 2013:10 argues that “[..] nature values must be demonstrated, but not necessarily in terms of
monetary value”; “[..] some ecosystem services can and should be valued in monetary terms, while
others can at best be highlighted quantitatively.” Further the report underlines “ [..] that an eco-
system services approach does not, in principle, favour a certain type of policy instrument. The fact
that nature delivers services that are useful to human beings is not in itself an argument for or
against the use of economic policy instruments, or for or against the use of legislation and regula-

NINA Rapport 1114

Box 1. Challenges and limitations of the ecosystem services approach

“The ecosystem services approach can be viewed as a supplement to ecological, ethical and so-
cial science arguments. The Norwegian Nature Diversity Act is based on nature being assigned
fundamental values such as utility and use value, experience value, value in relation to sense of
identity and belonging, ecological value and intrinsic value. In certain situations, values in nature
can be strengthened by highlighting utility values in parallel with nature’s intrinsic value, while, in
other situations, it will be more expedient to apply the two types of values separately. As in any
other environmental and natural resource management, there are challenges relating to the eco-
system services approach. Ecological complexity, ethical considerations, conflicts of interest and
short-term thinking are particularly relevant. There is a distinction between economic valuation
aimed at demonstrating the values of nature and the facilitation of new markets for ecosystem
services at the expense of legal instruments. The ecosystem services approach must also be seen
in a broader social and management context that takes account of Norwegian management tradi-
tions and environmental policy instruments, and that strengthens the basis for better cooperation
between sectors and more coherent (ecosystem-based) management.”

Source: NOU 2013:10

The choice of ecosystem services that have been valued in this report is largely opportunistic,
conditioned by (i) available valuation studies, (ii) the aim of demonstrating a variety of economic
valuation methods and (iii) the aim of assessing ecosystem services with potentially large values.
The pilot study therefore represents a ‘quick, cheap and dirty’ approach to valuation of ecosystem
services (Barton, 1999), using mostly value transfer2 methods, for the purpose of awareness rais-
ing. Awareness raising can be considered the simplest policy context for the economic valuation
of ecosystem services, requiring lower accuracy and reliability than contexts where decision-sup-
port is needed. Economic valuation refers to assessing the importance of ecosystem services
using monetary measures. Non-economic valuation refers to quantification of social or ecological
importance of ecosystem services using metrics other than money (Gómez-Baggethun et al.,

The aim of the report is also to look beyond the awareness-raising role of economic valuation. If
economic valuation of ecosystem services succeeds in raising awareness, it gains legitimacy and
there will be a demand for applying the methods more specifically. There will be considerable
practical challenges if that happens. As an example, despite several decades of environmental
economic research in Norway, economic valuation of ecosystem services is only practiced to a
very limited extent as part of Norwegian EIA regulations under the Planning and Building Act
(Catrinu-Renström et al., 2013).

We aim to raise questions about ‘policy-relevant’ valuation throughout the report. What is re-
quired in moving from awareness raising to natural capital accounting, priority setting, instrument
design and natural resource damage assessment and even valuation in litigation? It is important
to underline here that the decision-contexts discussed in the report will be hypothetical and do not
necessarily represent actual policy questions in Oslo. We also agree with NOU 2013:10 in that
testing the relevance of economic valuation for policy analysis, does not imply that economic val-
uation itself is a policy instrument, nor an endorsement of market-based instruments.

We hope that the discussion of ‘policy-relevant valuation’ will show that there is no single defini-
tion of ‘reliable and accurate valuation of ecosystem services’ - what is acceptable to the deci-
sion-maker depends on the decision-making context. We hope that this discussion will assist au-
thorities in deciding when and to what extent to scale up valuation of ecosystem services.

2 Value transfer takes estimates of ecosystem service values from an existing study site and applies
them to new policy context and/or a new policy site. Value transfer is discussed further in a companion
study to this report: Barton, D.N., Vågnes Traaholt, N., Blumentrath, S., 2015a. Materials and methods
appendix for valuation of ecosystem services of green infrastructure in Oslo. NINA Report 1115..

NINA Report 1114

Green infrastructure terminology

The natural system terminology used for urban ecosystem services depends on the scale of anal-
ysis, ranging from individual blue and green structures and spaces at property and street level to
blue-green infrastructure and urban ecosystems at neighbourhood, city and landscape level. For
example, Oslo Municipality has emphasised the role water in its blue-green factor (BGF) method-
ology at property level. For ease of presentation we use the term ‘green infrastructure’ to cover
all these concepts. In some places we refer to ‘structures’ and ‘spaces’ when it is necessary to
be more precise about the spatial resolution of the examples.

Structure of this report

The report is structured as follows.

In chapter 2 we present a framework for identifying the decision-contexts of the economic valua-
tion of ecosystem services. The different policy contexts of valuation are the ‘red thread’ running
through the report.

Chapter 3 provides background on the extent to which valuation of ecosystem services is consid-
ered in national level policy on urban green infrastructure and impact assessment guidelines. The
chapter links the relatively new ecosystem services concept to the more established ‘unpriced im-
pacts’ and ‘green structure’ terminology of national guidance documents.

Chapter 4 reviews municipal policy and planning documents for the City of Oslo. Here we dis-
cuss the extent to which ecosystem services categories identified at national level (NOU,
2013:10) are addressed by municipal plans. We identify some potential ecosystem service infor-
mation gaps that could be subject to further study.

Chapter 5 constitutes the main body of the report containing four economic and two non-eco-
nomic valuation examples. The economic valuation estimates are summarised, followed by a dis-
cussion of what further information would be needed to address a series of hypothetical policy ap-
plications. For the interested reader, the four economic valuation examples are documented
more extensively in a companion report (Barton et al., 2015a).

Chapter 6 provides recommendations for further economic valuation of ecosystem services in

and around Oslo.

Chapter 7 concludes the report with the main methodological lessons learned from the valuation
examples and a synthesis of future research needs.

Methodological appendix

Further discussion of the methodological framework, the data and assumptions behind the valua-
tion examples can also be found in Barton et al. (2015) Materials and methods appendix for valu-
ation of ecosystem services of green infrastructure in Oslo. NINA Report 1115 available at

NINA Rapport 1114

2 Valuation of ecosystem services for policy

In this chapter we provide the conceptual framework for the examples of valuation of urban eco-
system services to follow in the rest of the report. We discuss the ecosystem services cascade
and the importance for economic valuation of identifying the incremental impacts of decisions with
costs. We then go deeper to outline a number of ways in which economic values of ecosystem
services are context dependent. We discuss how the context dependence of values – value het-
erogeneity – is the principle source of uncertainty in economic valuation of ecosystem services.
We then briefly discuss the notion that economic values are not “fixed” – neither in space nor in
time. We argue that economic values of ecosystem services have a limited ‘shelf life’ because they
are specific to decision-making at particular times in the policy cycle. Different stages in the policy
cycle require different types of values with varying demands on reliability and accuracy. This leads
to the framework for policy-relevant valuation of ecosystem services at different scales. The frame-
work brings together the notions that economic valuation is specific to particular spatial scale and
resolution, and to different policy uses of valuation.

2.1 Values in the ecosystem services cascade framework

The ecosystem services cascade emphasises the links between biodiversity, ecosystem services
and different measures of human well-being (Haines-Young and Potschin, 2010). In its most basic
sense economics is about choice between decisions with costs that have outcomes with different
welfare impacts. Costs and (values of) benefits are compared to aid in selecting decisions with
most welfare and least cost (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1 Ecosystem services cascade – ecosystem values are determine by decisions

Valuation of ecosystem services is decision-context specific because values are an expression of

preferences for alternative courses of action with alternative benefits and values. In this sense
“total economic valuation” of ecosystems has limited usefulness for decision support (Brouwer et
al., 2013). While total economic valuation is relevant only for the special case of total loss of the
ecosystem in question, we argue below that such a scenario may still play a role for awareness-

How do we know if economic valuation is decision-relevant? From the simple framework in Figure
2.1 we can guess that the «benchmark» requirement for accuracy and reliability of ecosystem val-
ues is conditional on the accuracy and reliability of the costs of decisions. We want to know with a
certain level of confidence whether the value of benefits exceeds costs. The «benchmark» accu-
racy and reliability requirement for ecosystem services values cannot be established until the de-
cision context and our confidence about costs of decisions is identified.

NINA Report 1114

2.2 Context specific values of ecosystem services

Next we go deeper to outline a number of ways in which economic values of ecosystem services
are context dependent. We discuss how the context dependence of values – value heterogeneity
– is the principle source of uncertainty in economic valuation of ecosystem services.

Figure 2.2 summarises in a conceptual diagram the different ways in which ecosystem service
values are conditioned by context. Lacking knowledge in each of the ecosystem service cascade
steps is one way of thinking about sources of uncertainty in economic valuation. “Integrated valu-
ation uncertainty” is the combination of these factors. Here we argue that awareness of sources of
uncertainty is important in knowing the appropriate decision-support contexts for economic valua-
tion. It is also a useful conceptual tool for thinking about potential errors in value transfer.

Figure 2.2 Ecosystem service values are context specific. Cities are high context density envi-

Figure 2.2 can be explained with an example from a relatively simple example of lake eutrophica-
tion in a rural setting. Starting at the left in the figure, the watershed and lake constitute the study
area. The combination of spatial scale and resolution determines information about ecosystem
structure. A change () in ecosystem structure through watershed management measures such
as artificial wetlands, buffers strips, reduced tillage, winter stubble reduces nutrient run-off relative
to a baseline landuse situation. Nutrient run-off, the run-off mitigation function of new vegetation
and waterways, and the lake processes that lead to reduced nutrient concentrations are specified
across a number of locations and time steps using dynamic models. The number of locations and
time steps in the catchment monitoring programme determine the information about ecological
function of the catchment system. Reduced nutrient concentrations (g/m3) result in reduced
algal blooms at specific places and times in the lake. These can be perceived by people and so
constitute the basis for an ecosystem service. The number of locations and times we record per-
ceptions determine the extent of our knowledge about the ecosystem services of nutrient mitigation

NINA Rapport 1114

provided by blue-green structures in the catchment. The combined variation across ecosystem
structures, function and service end-points describe biophysical heterogeneity. Ecosystem service
supply mapping aims at describing this heterogeneity. Heterogeneity that is not described is uncer-

Ecosystem benefits are determined by how well we can identify potential lake user occasions and
the population of lake users’ personal characteristics (child, man, woman, family, single etc.). Dif-
ferent catchment management measures determine the potential improvement in lake suitability
according to a classification system) for a potential lake use (red-yellow, red-green etc.). Individual
willingness-to-pay for nutrient mitigation measures depends on how the management decisions are
framed in terms of the number of management choice alternatives and the time between payment
and improvement in use suitability. The extent to which researchers know decision alternatives
and horizons and the different individuals’ reactions to them determine their knowledge of ecosys-
tem values. Values are therefore place, time, group and person specific. The combined variation
from ecosystem service end-point, benefits and values is called social heterogeneity in Figure 2.2.
Ecosystem service demand mapping aims at describing this heterogeneity. Heterogeneity that is
not described is uncertainty.

The combination of uncertainty about biophysical and social heterogeneity constitutes integrated
valuation uncertainty in Figure 2.2. Even for this relatively simple example of a rural catchment
experiencing lake eutrophication we can envisage a large number of value contexts.

We now invite the reader to image an urban context with higher fragmentation of green structures,
higher population density and higher cultural diversity. Cities are high context density environ-
ments. They represent one of the most challenging contexts for ecosystem service valuation
(Gómez-Baggethun and Barton, 2013).

2.3 Values in the policy cycle

We now briefly discuss the notion that the contexts in which economic value estimates are to be
used is not “fixed” either – neither in space nor in time. This means that economic values of eco-
system services have a ‘shelf-life’. Values are specific to decision-making at particular points in
the policy cycle. Different stages in the policy cycle require different types of values with varying
demands on reliability and accuracy.

Starting in the top right hand corner of Figure 2.3, ecosystem services valuation is typically seen
as being the assessment of final ecosystem services outcomes of landuse planning decisions.
Valuation is seen as an “end-point” in benefit-cost analysis of what policy is most efficient to imple-
ment. When valuation of final ecosystem service outcomes is not possible or too expensive, we
move ‘back’ in the policy cycle to simpler cost-effectiveness analysis of intermediate outcomes or
of policy outputs is a commonly used approach. This is the part of the policy cycle focusing on
evaluating the ex post results of policy.

However, in a policy cycle ecosystem services valuation may also be seen as a starting point.
Starting in the left hand upper corner of Figure 2.3, valuation may be conducted for awareness
raising and as scoping exercise before identifying ecosystem service needs and wants. Used in
this way economic valuation can provide arguments for policy formulation. Economic valuation
may also help to assess goals, justify the use of resources and assess costs of implementation
(Figure 2.3).

NINA Report 1114

Figure 2.3. What is the role of ecosystem services valuation in the policy cycle?
Source: Barton et al. (2014)

The policy cycle perspective helps us place the role of economic valuation of ecosystem services
in perspective. In a policy cycle there are also other types of arguments than “economic value” that
support decisions (sense of justice, process legitimacy, opportunities and constraints imposed by
other policies). Economic valuation of ecosystem services has to compete as just one more argu-
ment on the table. Nor is there “one right” answer regarding the economic value of ecosystem
services. Ecosystem services values – when they are available – should continuously be updated
by new information as new decision contexts arise. Even in the special case of the “total economic
value“ (TEV) of ecosystem services, TEV needs to be updated as landuse opportunities shift and
policy priorities are updated as a result.

2.4 A framework for decision-contexts of economic valuation

There is a need to continually update economic valuation of ecosystem services as the policy cycle
proceeds from awareness raising towards decision support. This leads us to a proposal for a
framework for decision-relevant valuation of ecosystem services adapted to the urban context
(Gómez-Baggethun and Barton, 2013) . The framework brings together the notions that economic
valuation is specific to particular spatial scale and resolution, and to different decision contexts with
increasing requirements for accuracy and reliability of economic valuation.

Figure 2.4 presents a framework in which to identify ecosystem service valuation fit for different
decision-support purposes. The framework has three axes. Geographical scale of the study in-
creases with the vertical axis from a study of a single property to a study of a whole region such as
Greater Oslo. On the depth axis, spatial resolution indicates at what level of detail ecosystem
services are mapped, for example with data on every single property right up to simple aggregate
values for regions. The highest mapping information requirement comes with a regional scale map
with information on every single property. On the horizontal axis suggests that decision-support
contexts will have increasing requirements for reliability and accuracy of economic valuation.

NINA Rapport 1114

Figure 2.4. A Framework for policy-relevant valuation of ecosystem services at different scales
Source:adapted from Gómez-Baggethun and Barton (2013)

Figure 2.4 suggests 5 main types of decision context3 from awareness-raising, accounting, priority-
setting, through instrument design to calculation of economic liability. The framework suggests
that requirements for accuracy and reliability should increase successively when moving from a
policy setting requiring simply awareness raising (e.g. regarding costs of ecosystem service loss);
to including ecological infrastructure in accounting of municipal assets; to priority-setting (e.g. for
location of new neighbourhoods); to instrument design (e.g. user fees to finance public utilities); or
finally to calculation of economic liability for damage compensation in a litigation case (e.g. destruc-
tion of city trees due to negligence). This logic is reflected in the TEEB reports’(TEEB, 2010) ref-
erence to first recognizing value, then demonstrating value, and finally capturing value.

Information costs increase with the increasing demand for accuracy and reliability of valuation
methods. Information costs of economic valuation increase as we successively when moving from
a policy setting requiring simply awareness raising (far left) to calculation of economic liability that
is evaluated in a court of law. Information demands also increase with increasing geographical
scale and spatial resolution of the decision-support context4. Recall Figure 2.2 – the requirements
for accuracy and reliability encompass uncertainty of integrated valuation across the ecosystem
services cascade, not just to the uncertainty of the final economic valuation step.

3 In the methodological appendix to this report ibid. we review frameworks that have other ways of
looking at policy contexts of economic valuation.
4 In the methodological appendix to this report ibid. we give further examples from Oslo of decision

contexts at the different spatial scales and resolutions referred to in Figure 2.4.

NINA Report 1114

We argue that specification of the decision context is a condition for carrying out valuation that is
perceived as plausible and useful relation to the quality of decision-making. It also encourages the
decision-maker to think through whether it is plausible that economic valuation will provide credible
decision-support, before commissioning a study.

In Chapter 5 a number of examples illustrate value transfer with available information for “aware-
ness raising” purposes. We then use the framework to discuss how far we think the available
information can be used for more demanding types of decision-support.

NINA Rapport 1114

3 Urban ecosystem services of green infrastructure at

national level
In the previous section we discussed the importance of decision-making contexts in ecosystem
service valuation. Now we will examine some typical public policy decision-contexts in Norway
where further application of economic valuation of urban ecosystem services may be particularly
relevant in future; concept choice assessment, impact assessment and green structure planning.
The aim of this chapter will be to determine what requirements currently exists for economic valu-
ation of ecosystem services, with emphasis on urban settings.

3.1 Concept choice assessment (“konseptvalgsutredning”)

Projects of more than 500 MNOK are subject to concept screening of alternatives following Ministry
of Finance guidance (Finansdepartementet, 2010). This involves conducting an “economic anal-
ysis” also following the Ministry of Finance’s guidance (Finansdepartementet, 2005). The guidance
on social economic analysis discusses valuation methods for public goods not traded in markets.
These impacts are ‘externalities’ to the investment decision and the guidance argues that they will
be mainly ‘unpriced impacts’.

Figure 3.5. Recommended separation between project economic analysis, analysis of goal
achievement and distributional impacts in choice of concept assessments.

Source: translated from Bull-Berg et al. (2014)

Bull-Berg et al. (2014) reviewed “unpriced impacts” in social economic analysis in choice of concept
studies. They found that assessments of ‘unpriced impacts’ were often confounded with multiple
criteria assessment (MCA) of goal achievement and assessment of distributional impacts. They
recommend a clear distinction between these types of assessments (Figure 3.5).We think that
confounding is in part due to the ecosystem function that links different parts of landscape and
landusers. We think that ecosystem service assessment methodology might contribute to better
classification of impacts.

For ‘unpriced impacts’ the Ministry of Finance recommends using the Roads Authority´s Impact
Evaluation Handbook 140 (StatensVegvesen, 2006). ‘Unpriced impacts’ in Handbook 140 are
defined as impacts on landscape, local environment and recreation, natural environment, cultural
environment, natural resources (forest, farming, drinking water etc) (Figures 3.6 - 3.7 below).

We also see a problem in how a ‘cascade of guidance documents’ from the Ministry of Finance to
the Roads Authority’s guidance constrains assessment of impacts on ecosystem services in prac-
tice. What NOU 2013:10 defines as regulating, cultural5 and supporting ecosystem services are
categorised by definition by the Roads Authority’s Handbook 140 as ‘unpriced’, independently of

5NOU 2013:10 uses the Norwegian translation of “experiential & knowledge-based services” instead of
cultural ecosystem services.

NINA Report 1114

whether there is site-specific data and methods available to value impacts monetarily. Further-
more, the guidance terminology of ‘priced’ (‘prisede’) impacts is somewhat at odds with the con-
clusions of NOU 2013:10 that valuation of ecosystem services does not necessarily imply an en-
dorsement of pricing as a policy instrument (e.g. through payments for ecosystem services). In our
opinion the ‘pricing’ terminology used in Handbook 140 makes it more challenging to communicate
cases where ‘valuation’ of assessing ecosystem services is feasible and relevant.

3.2 Impact assessment (“konsekvensutredning”)

As there are no Norwegian EIA guidelines of more general nature, the standard procedure for en-
vironmental impact assessment also outside also outside the road sector is the Roads Authority
Impact Evaluation Handbook 140 (StatensVegvesen, 2006). Ecosystem service terminology is
not employed in Handbook 140. The impact terminology focuses on making clear operational
distinctions between ‘priced impacts’ and ‘unpriced impacts’ (Figure 3.6). What we would call eco-
system services impacts according to NOU 2013:10 – impacts on landscape, local environment
and recreation, natural environment, cultural environment, natural resources (forest, farming, drink-
ing water) – are defined as ‘unpriced impacts’ (Figure 3.7).

Figure 3.6 Terminology for priced and unpriced impacts in Norwegian impact assessment. Eco-
system services are defined as ‘unpriced’ advantages and disadvantages, even where methods
are available to value costs and benefits.

Source: adapted from Impact assessment Handbook 140 (StatensVegvesen, 2006).

Magnussen and Lindhjem (2013) review the arguments for social economic pricing of the loss of
farmland and other natural resources in Handbook 140. They recommend that the fixed evaluation
categories / criteria for ‘unpriced impacts’ used in Handbook 140 be more flexible in terms of what
impacts are grouped together. More flexibility would make it possible to employ economic valuation
techniques that jointly ‘price’ several different ‘unpriced impacts’ associated with loss of particular
farmland and forest. Furthermore, they find that current impact categories can lead to double count-
ing of impacts. They suggest that ‘pricing’ of hitherto ‘unpriced impacts’ will improve transparency
in accounting of impacts and may reduce double counting. ‘Pricing’ impacts requires more rigour
in the definition of what biophysical impacts are included in the analysis. They also find the
distinction between ‘’priced and unpriced impacts’ artificial as many impacts on natural resources
such as farmland and forest are currently include as ‘priced impacts’. They recommend further
exploring ecosystem services as concepts for impact assessment.

NINA Rapport 1114

Figure 3.7 ‘Unpriced impacts’ in Norwegian Impact Assessment methodology.

Source: Handbook 140, p.145 (StatensVegvesen, 2006). Landscape, local environment and
recreation, natural environment, cultural environment, natural resources (forest, farming, drink-
ing water).

NINA Report 1114

Figure 3.8 provides an overview of the definition of priced and unpriced effects in Handbooks 140.
Impacts on traffic and transport users, operators and the public budget are priced. Residual infra-
structure value, tax financing costs are priced impacts on wider society. Mortality and morbidity
due to traffic accidents, noise and pollution are also priced using methodology specifically devel-
oped for Handbook 140. Other impacts are defined as ‘unpriced’.

The importance of terminology in public guidance documents is trivial in the sense that significant
impacts will be evaluated in large public investment projects whatever terminology is used. How-
ever, lacking use of ecosystem services terminology is non-trivial in the sense that assessment
methodologies developed under the wider the ecosystem approach (NOU, 2013:10) and economic
valuation for the purpose of ‘capturing value’ in decision processes (TEEB, 2010) are less likely to
become operational in Norwegian impact assessment. It is worth noting that before the first Impact
Assessment guidance in 1988, and a revision in 1995, morbidity and mortality due to accidents,
noise and pollution were ‘external effects’ to social economic analysis. It is worth asking whether
three more decades of operational research would make it possible to price some ecosystem ser-
vices, and integrate ecosystem service science into impact assessment.

Figure 3.8 An overview of priced and unpriced effects in Norwegian impact assessment guid-

Source: based on p.62 and p.64 Roads Authority Handbook 140

Looking back to the Framework in Figure 2.4 it is also worth noting that this will increase information
costs of impact assessment. Further work is needed on these information costs relative to the size
of the public investment and the values of ecosystem services impacts.

NINA Rapport 1114

3.3 Planning of green infrastructure in cities and urban areas

As we saw Scott (2014) argues that ecosystem ser-
vices language can be alienating to professionals
working with the built environment.

We therefore reviewed the use of ecosystem termi-

nology the Norwegian Environment Agency’s Guid-
ance Document M100 on “Planning of green infra-
structure in cities and urban areas”
(Miljødirektoratet, 2014). Ecosystem services ter-
minology is referred to briefly as a potential new
concept to urban planning of green infrastructure in
Norway. Ecosystem services terminology is re-
ferred to briefly in a single text box in the M100 guid-
ance document. However regulating, experiential
and cognitive (cultural) and supporting services are
referred to throughout the planning guidance using
established terminology from landscape ecology,
ecosystem function and user interests (Table A1.1
in Appendix).

Economic valuation of ecosystem services is not re-

ferred to anywhere as a possible type of decision-
support in the planning of urban green infrastruc-
ture. One ‘non-economic’ valuation method - the
blue-green factor (BFG) - is mentioned as a method Norwegian Environment Agency Guid-
for coarse grain evaluation of ecological effective- ance Document M100 on “Planning of
ness and setting minimum requirements of green green infrastructure in cities and urban
structures in urban development projects. The areas” (Miljødirektoratet, 2014)
guidance document underlines that “requirements
for a blue-green factor cannot replace functional requirements for continuous green structures in
area planning, coverage of different types of green space etc, nor requirements that certain areas
must be preserved for biodiversity or landscape integrity” (p. 40, author’s translation).

The fact that a qualitative scoring methods such as BGF are not part of municipal landuse planning
approach, suggests that the integration of economic valuation methods as policy support will be an
even more unfamiliar approach and at least partially in conflict with current municipal regulatory
and planning approaches.

NINA Report 1114

4 Urban ecosystem services from green infrastructure in

In the previous chapter we reviewed the requirements for valuing ecosystem services currently in
Norwegian national level guidance documents on assessing public policy and projects, and in ur-
ban planning. In this chapter we zoom in to the municipal level and Oslo in particular. To what
extent are different ecosystem services the focus of municipal policy in Oslo? This provides
backdrop for our choice of ecosystem services to value in chapter 5.

4.1 Identifying priority urban ecosystem services

Lindhjem and Sørheim (2012), based on Bolund and Hunhammar (1999), presented a list of urban
ecosystem services expected to be associated with different green infrastructure in cities in Nor-
way. Reinvang et al. (2014) developed a list of ecosystem services in collaboration with Oslo
Municipality. In Table 4.1 we look at the extent to which these urban ecosystem services have
been mentioned6 in the following recent key policy documents on environment and land use plan-
ning in Oslo.

Green infrastructure features prominently in many key planning documents for the municipality of
Oslo. Both the current and proposed Municipal Master Plans describe how the green infrastructure
located within the municipality’s borders give the city its character that planning strategies must
strive to maintain. For example, approximately two-thirds of the 454 km2 within Oslo’s municipal
borders qualified as nature areas, with most of it located in the “Marka” ‘greenbelt’ woodlands that
surround the built area in the city centre.

Planning policy and goals are explicit about both protecting and further enhancing the city’s existing
green infrastructure. Both master plans and plans for the green infrastructure specify that Oslo’s
future development is to occur within areas that are already developed, and should thereby not
encroach upon either the borders of the peri-urban Marka or green spaces within the built zone.
Initiatives in these plans also promote continued restoration and re-opening of the waterways that
connect the Marka forest to the fjord.

Recreational activities constitute perhaps the ecosystem service provided by the city’s green infra-
structure that receives the greatest attention. All municipal policy documents we reviewed men-
tioned this service explicitly and in greater detail than other services. The outdoor recreational op-
portunities available in the peri-urban natural areas of the Marka are quite popular among Oslo
residents: 42 % of Oslo’s population reports visiting the Marka weekly (OsloKommune, 2013c).
Policy documents lauded the existing green infrastructure’s capacity for providing opportunities for
recreation, aesthetic enhancements, and a sense of place/ cultural heritage: all ecosystem services
that are highly correlated or “bundled”. To facilitate residents’ access to these bundled services
from green infrastructure, planning policy address green infrastructure’s dispersion within the mu-
nicipality and its proximity for city residents. Planning and zoning strategies seek to ensure that a
range sizes and types of green areas - from developed parks to natural areas - are within walking
distance of residents’ homes.

All policy documents, excluding the Action Plan for Noise Reduction, addressed the role that green
infrastructure has as a supporting service for habitat for biodiversity. The current Master Plan states
that “conservation of the city’s biodiversity is an important premise for a sustainable development
of Oslo” (p. 45)(OsloKommune, 2008 ). The proposed Master Plan states, “The city’s biodiversity
is dependent upon varied and continuous natural areas” (p. 31)(OsloKommune, 2013a). The Green
Plan addresses the importance of preserving and maintaining unique or threatened habitat types

6 In terms of ecosystem services (‘økosystemtjenester’) or related concepts in Norwegian such as user

interests (‘brukerinteresser’), nature values (‘naturverdier’), nature’s goods and services (‘naturgoder’),
health values (‘helseeffekter’).

NINA Rapport 1114

as a basis for conservation of rare and threatened species including “fungi, mosses, vascular plants
and insects.” (p. 42)(OsloKommune, 2006). The Urban Ecology Programme (2011) includes the
target that “Oslo will protect and enhance biodiversity” (p. 15)(OsloKommune, 2011). However,
any discussion of specific benefits provided by urban biodiversity is either cursory or absent.

Surface water management is another ecosystem service that features prominently in Oslo policy
addressing green infrastructure. Surface water and storm water management is a service that is
anticipated to have progressively increasing importance as a function of projected climate changes
that will bring more frequent extreme precipitation events. “The green infrastructure filtrates and
processes surface water. Especially large trees with well-developed root systems make important
contributions to processing. The green infrastructure… functions as Oslo’s largest transport me-
dium for surface water.”(p.42) (OsloKommune, 2010). Policy promotes the re-opening of Oslo’s
waterways that connect the Marka woodlands with the fjord are a central measure “climate” strategy
that recognizes the green infrastructure’s contributions to both surface water management and air
quality regulating services. These waterways serve as transport corridors of large masses of cooler
air, removing and diluting air with higher concentration of pollutants.

Table 4.1 Urban ecosystem services of green infrastructure mentioned in selected municipal strategy
and policy documents

Sources: Icons developed by Oslo Municipality, Vista Analyse and nxt oslo reklamebyrå

Municipal documents reviewed in the table:

1. Oslo Municipal Master plan (2008): “Kommuneplan 2008: Oslo mot 2025”
2. Oslo Municipal Master Plan (proposed) Smart, Safe and Green: “Smart, Trygg, Grønn.
Kommuneplan for Oslo: Oslo mot 2030 (Høringsutkast)”
3. Green Plan for Oslo. Municipal subplan for the green infrastructure (2010): “Grøntplan for Oslo:
Kommunedelplan for den blågrønne strukturen i Oslos byggesone”
4. Plan for Sport and Outdoor recreation in Oslo (2013-2016): “Plan for Idrett og Friluftsliv i Oslo
5. City of Oslo Urban Ecology Programme 2011-2016
6. Action Plan for Noise Reduction 2008-2013: “Handlingsplan mot støy i Oslo 2008-2013”
7. Strategy for Surface water management 2013-2030.

Note: municipal documents listed have not all been approved politically. Therefore, the table gives
an overall impression of focus areas as ‘work in progress’ by 2014 on ecosystem service and green
infrastructure topics.

NINA Report 1114

4.2 Ecosystem service ‘gaps’ in municipal planning documents

Some ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructure were not mentioned in any of the
planning documents we reviewed (Table 4.1). For example, we found no mention of CO2 seques-
tration and storage, the process by which vegetation—primarily trees—fixes carbon through pho-
tosynthesis and stores the carbon as biomass. Urban tree carbon sequestration is a function of the
total amount of tree cover. Accordingly, the area capable of having the largest impact on the supply
of this service is the peri-urban Marka woodlands. Most aspects of management and planning of
the Marka are generally dictated by the Markalov or “woodland legislation.” Nonetheless, the Marka
is located within the municipality’s borders and features prominently in policy addressing other eco-
system services like recreational opportunities and habitat for biodiversity. Tree cover is expected
to be noticeably lower in urban built areas than Oslo’s peri-urban Marka, but even there carbon
sequestration can be substantial. Estimates of the mean carbon storage rates per square meter
tree cover in US urban areas are actually slightly higher those of woodlands(Heath et al., 2011;
Nowak et al., 2013).

Pollination and seed dispersal was another ecosystem service category not mentioned in the
policy we reviewed. Pollination provided by domestic honeybees, wild bees and other insect groups
is an ecosystem service with substantial importance to agriculture. On a global basis, approximately
35 % of food crops depend on animal pollination (Klein et al., 2007). Large or even moderate
scale agriculture is virtually absent within the municipality of Oslo. Yet pollinator services have
important roles outside of crop production. Animal pollination is absolutely necessary for continued
existence of the flowering plants that provide aesthetic benefits, prevent erosion, increase the ex-
periential value provide habitat or food resources for rare and threatened species or simply support
the greater biodiversity. Oslo’s green infrastructure includes many older villas with apple gardens
that are both a food source and landscape components that provide sense of place and cultural
heritage. These apple gardens depend on pollinators to produce fruit and serve as an important
resource for the pollinators themselves. Natural regeneration of certain tree and herbaceous plant
species is also dependent upon animals that disperse seeds across the urban and peri-urban land-
scape. One such example with potential relevance for Oslo is the Siberian jays that enable natural
regeneration of the oak dominated landscape in Stockholm’s National Urban Park (Hougner et al.,
2006). In some contexts, however, animal dispersal of seeds is also a clear ecosystem disservice
that facilitates the spread of undesirable plant species within the urban environment.

Planning documents addressed the capacity for green infrastructure to provide noise-reduction.
However, the exact role of green infrastructure in reducing noise was ambiguous. The noise action
plan and the green plan both explicitly recognize the role that Oslo’s pockets of undeveloped land
have in terms of providing refuges from noise, but the plans seem to imply that this is because
these areas are devoid of roads and industrial activities that would produce noise. We found no
recognition that the biophysical attributes of green infrastructure might actually ameliorate noise,
either absorbed by the vegetation found within large continuous green areas or as elements within
the built environment such as green walls, as has been demonstrated(Fang and Ling, 2003; Wong
et al., 2010) (Fang and Ling 2003, Wong et al 2010). In settings where the vegetation itself is not
sufficient to provide adequate noise attenuation, the presence of vegetation also may be used in
combination with technological measures that reduce noise pollution to produce a psychological
effect that increases the overall perception of the setting.

NINA Rapport 1114

5 Valuation of ecosystem services from green

infrastructure in Oslo
In this chapter we discuss four examples of economic valuation of ecosystem services of green
infrastructure and their potential policy applications. We end the chapter with two sections on non-
economic valuation.

Economic valuation examples:

1. Meta-analysis of willingness-to-pay for green spaces in the built zone
2. Hedonic pricing of green infrastructure in the built zone of Oslo
3. Time use value of Marka peri-urban forest outside the built zone of Oslo
4. Urban trees in the built zone

Non-economic valuation examples:

5. Blue green factor scoring of property in the built zone of Oslo
6. Health impacts of green infrastructure in Oslo

Figure 5.1 Spatial and decision contexts of the valuation examples

The economic valuation examples (1-4) are all at the scale of aggregate values for population
of Oslo Muncipality, while the spatial resolution of the data varies from data on individual trees
(4) and properties (2), through population densities per km2 around neighbourhood parks (1), to
the whole Marka forest ecosystem(3). Regarding the non-economic valuation; the blue green-
factor is an accounting system at property scale with a building structure resolution (5). The
health studies document the effect of green infrastructure at neighbourhood scale on individual
perception of own health (6). The valuation examples in this report are all for awareness raising
purposes with a level of reporting that should be able to satisfy relatively low requirements for
documenting accuracy and reliability.

NINA Report 1114

The choice of ecosystem service valuation examples in chapter 5 was made based on the following

- Convenience – availability of data

- Triangulation - comparison across different valuation methods addressing the same eco-
system service

- A review of valuation studies from other cities showed that cultural services were expected
to be among the most important within the built area (Barton et al., 2015a).

- Demonstrating valuation focused on a bundles of services from a particular type of green

structure (city trees) versus focusing on a particular type of ecosystem service (recreational

In chapter 6 we provide some suggestions for further studies of ecosystem services in Oslo based
on our subjective opinion as researchers. We emphasise that future policy- applied valuation of
ecosystem services for Oslo should be based on consultation with policy makers at different spatial
administrative levels. Consideration could then be given to such criteria as:

- What ecosystem services are currently considered unpriced in national level guidance doc-
uments (see chapter 3)
- What ecosystem services have not been addressed by municipal policy documents (see
chapter 4)
- What urban ecosystem services have been identified by Oslo Municipality as important for
«awareness raising» regarding the importance of green infrastructure,
- What land use planning and investment decisions are a public concern as indicated by their
prominence in political debate and in the media.
- What the research literature has found to be high value urban ecosystem services
- Costs of investment alternatives
- Cost of obtaining new data
In this pilot study we have not conducted a consultation across administrative levels of these issues.
The discussion of potential policy contexts that follows each valuation example is therefore hypo-

NINA Rapport 1114

5.1 Willingness to pay for recreation urban parks in Oslo

5.1.1 Ecosystem services
Valuation results in brief
For the first example of monetary valua-
tion of ecosystem services from green in- Total open green space in Oslo’s built area is
frastructure we start with urban open approximately 2837 ha distributed across 548
space. The term ‘urban open space’ is distinct locations. Oslo’s total open green space
defined by Brander and Koetse (2011) could be worth approximately 1 billion NOK/year
and includes urban parks, forests, green in terms of willingness-to-pay to conserve them.
spaces such as sporting facilities, unde- This is equivalent to an average 1985 NOK/year
veloped land, and agricultural land. per inhabitant>15 years old. This is based on a
value transfer method which assumes that
As urban open space represents a range Oslo’s population would be willing-to-pay what
of landuses it also provides the full range other populations have said they would be will-
of ecosystem services identified in the in- ing to pay for open space in a number of different
troduction of the report (Reinvang et al., countries.
2014). Only the value of recreation ser-
vices of parks is valued in this example.
Value transfer may include some other aspects of experiential and knowledge based services,
although this is not well documented. They are partial because value estimates do not account for
structural qualities of open spaces (only area).

Category Ecosystem services of urban parks Potential here
Recreation, physical and mental health X X
Aesthetics X (X)
Cultural Education, cognitive development X (X)
services Sense of place and cultural heritage X (X)
Tourism X
Art/toys X
Storm water mangement X
Erosion control X
Regulating Local climate regulation X
services cleaning soil, water or air X
CO2 sequestration X
Noise reduction X
Food production
Fiber production
Water provision
Habitat Habitat for biodiversity X
services Pollination and seed dispersal X

NINA Report 1114

5.1.2 Valuation for awareness-raising

Contingent valuation is a method that asks people directly about their willingness to pay (WTP) to
finance measures that protect or improve ecosystems. Strand and Wahl (1997) have conducted
the only willingness-to-pay study in Oslo. They show that maximum willingness-to-pay can exceed
the price of undeveloped land. They call for further studies to differentiate willingness to pay be-
tween city districts.

In this chapter we wanted to demonstrate the use value transfer with meta-analysis which adjusts
values by amongst others size of green space and local population density. The meta-analysis by
Brander and Koetse (2011) uses 20 different studies of willingness-to-pay for parks and green
space, agricultural and undeveloped land and forests. Meta-analysis looks across a number of
study sites and as such can only adjust for ecosystem characteristics that can be classified at all
sites. The description of ecosystem services in the meta-analysis is limited to broad categories of
recreation, preservation, aesthetics and environmental/agricultural services. All supporting and
regulating services are grouped as a single category.

Meta-analysis produces a weighted average of WTP from the original studies, where the weights
used are the coefficients in the meta-analysis function, and the input values are the characteristics
of the study site. The approach adjusts original willingness-to-pay estimates in countries with dif-
ferent income levels to Norway’s GDP/capita. We tried several approaches to adjusting population
density around the green space(s), and the size(s) of green space(s) in Oslo. Furthermore, we
predict the willingness-to-pay specifically for the ecosystem service recreation and the type of open
space parks . This means that the meta-analysis ‘borrows statistical power’ from the studies that
have these characteristics.

The original studies for parks and recreation in cities were from the US, Australia and China, which
are culturally different from Oslo. On the other hand, the meta-analysis also borrows power for the
effects of income, population density and open space area on willingness-to-pay from the whole
sample (including several European countries). Our value transfer assumes that Oslo’s population
would actually be willing to pay what the populations said they were willing to pay for protecting
parks for recreation in the countries where the original studies were carried out.

The accuracy and reliability of meta-analysis transfer depends on the original studies from which it
is calculating. We use it in Oslo for purposes of demonstrating the value transfer technique. An
alternative approach would have been to select a single ‘best’ study from a European city more like
Oslo, or update the values in Strand and Wahl (1997) to 2014 values.

Table 5.1 shows the sensitivity of the meta analysis function to park size and population density.

Table 5.1 Marginal willingness-to-pay (US$/ha yr) for recreation in parks of different sizes and
surrounding population densities

Source: meta-analysis values based own elaboration based on Brander and Koetse (2011)

NINA Rapport 1114

The dotted black line in Table 5.1 represents the minimum area and maximum population density
in the original meta-analysis data used by Brander and Koetse (2011). The dotted rectangle rep-
resents the approximate mean predicted value for the meta-analysis data – the area of the model
that is most reliable. Most of Oslo’s parks and green spaces are smaller than the minimum values
and most population densities in Oslo are greater than the maximum.

We therefore used the total area of green spaces within Oslo’s built area of 2837 hectares distrib-
uted across more than 500 different locations within the city. Plugging a total area of 2837 hectares
and a population density of 2600 persons/km2 into the meta-analysis function we obtain an estimate
of US$ 43 178 per year per hectare (2003 dollars). Using Oslo’s average population density of
2600 pers/km2 for the outer city is expected to underestimate value of green space in the inner

Adjusting to 2013 values and using a purchasing power parity adjusted exchange rate, then multi-
plying by 2837 hectares, we obtain a total value transfer estimate for parks in Oslo. We estimate
that willingness-to-pay could be about 1 billion NOK/year for conserving this total area of 2837.
This is equivalent to an average NOK 1 985 per Oslo citizen older than 15 years. The value
estimate is conservative because we have applied the meta-analysis assuming that the 2837 hec-
tares are a single green space. If we applied the meta-analysis to each green space individually,
with site specific population densities, and summed over all the more than 500 green spaces the
aggregate value would be much higher7. However, the Brander and Koetse meta-analysis does
not have observations of small urban parks, and the studies they draw on are also from areas with
lower population density than Oslo. For this reason the model has little explanatory power for the
individual green spaces in Oslo and could overpredict marginal WTP.

The meta-analysis value transfer estimate above is equivalent to a capital value of 4,3 million
NOK/ha8. For a rough comparison we come back to Strand and Wahl (1997) 9 study of maximum
willingness to pay of Oslo residents to preserve green space in the face of property development
in three of the city’s districts. They found a maximum willingness to pay of 60 million NOK/ha10
which at the time of the study exceeded average land prices of 13,5 million NOK/ha (all values in
1997-NOK). This confirms that our value transfer approach is indeed a lower bound estimate which
would likely be considerably higher where a new study to be carried out in Oslo.

5.1.3 Valuation for further policy support

Throughout this chapter we have also assumed that willingness-to-pay is accepted as a valid
method for awareness-raising (Figure 5.2.). Despite the numerous assumptions required to carry
out value transfer using meta-analysis, we argue that the values may generate awareness of rec-
reational values of urban green space that are typically taken for granted.

Are the values reliable enough even for the least demanding context of awareness raising at an
aggregate regional level (with no spatial resolution)? While aggregate values initially seem very
large, breaking them down to per person per year, and per person per weekend estimates helps
reflection about whether they seem reasonable.

What is reasonable is determined relative to points of comparison or benchmarks. So far we have

no such benchmarks in this report, but with other chapters we will be able to compare the values
generated with meta-analysis with other methods. Compared to the estimates of the recreational

This and other assumptions of the meta-analysis are discussed further in Barton, D.N., Vågnes
Traaholt, N., Blumentrath, S., 2015a. Materials and methods appendix for valuation of ecosystem
services of green infrastructure in Oslo. NINA Report 1115. ,
8 2003 NOK, 3,5% interest over 20 years.
9 Reported in Lindhjem and Sørheim 2012
10 1997 NOK, 3,5% interest, we don’t have information about the number of years over which present

value was calculated.

NINA Report 1114

value of Oslo’s Marka forest –using a different value transfer method – which is discussed in a later
section, the estimates here do not seem unreasonable.

Figure 5.2 Willingness-to-pay for recreation in urban parks and green spaces for the purpose of
awareness raising

Could meta-analysis valuation estimates be used for any policy purposes other than awareness
raising and at a lower spatial scale and finer spatial resolution? Barton et al. (2015a) discuss in
detail why the meta-analysis function does not have the spatial resolution required to use it for
valuation at the level of the majority (if not all) of Oslo’s parks and green spaces.

As we shall see in the valuation example of recreational time use in Marka in this report (section
5.4), it is feasible with internet survey methods to periodically collect estimates of recreational time
use in green spaces which can be used for aggregate valuation estimates. It may also be possible
to assess recreational trip destination, purpose and travel time using representative surveys of the
population. Online surveys – while relatively cheap to carry out relative to the ecosystem service
values identified – do not adequately represent children and the elderly and some immigrant groups
(which is also the case with other survey modes, except personal interviews). There is also a prob-
lem of re-call regarding how recreational trips depend on seasonal and weather conditions.

Currently there is no monitoring of the use of public parks and green spaces (“friområder”) in Oslo
which hampers the assessment of investments in providing better public access (“tilretteleg-
gingstiltak”) (Reinvang et al., 2014). Reinvang et al. (2014) demonstrated that relevant data for
valuation can be collected with low cost rapid survey techniques. Season specific on-site surveys
of visitor recreation purpose, time use and access time across (a sample) of Oslo’s public green
spaces would provide spatially disaggregated data that could be used in planning investments.
On-site surveys would also address the problem in online surveys of lacking representation of chil-
dren, elderly and immigrants, seasonal and weather conditional visitation.

There is a wider question of how to consider childrens’ preferences and demand for recreation in
green spaces in economic analysis. Standard practice is not to account for childrens’ preferences

NINA Rapport 1114

directly, but estimate by assessing guardians’ willingness-to-pay. There are several rationales for
this. Children do not vote nor have disposable income. Economic analysis assumes that guardi-
ans are fully able to internalise childrens’ welfare in their own welfare when responding to willing-
ness-to-pay questions. A question for further research is whether guardians’ WTP for recreation is
significantly different for single persons versus household heads with children.

The question of whether and how to account for childrens’ use of green spaces is raised again in
section 5.3 on time use and section 5.6 on health impacts.

NINA Report 1114

5.2 The capital value of green infrastructure in property prices

5.2.1 Ecosystem services
Valuation results in brief
What are the ecosystem services from urban
green space that could be reflected in hedonic For every meter an apartment is closer to a
valuation using property prices? What environ- city park its value is expected to increase by
mental amenities are home buyers and sellers between NOK 162-368. There are 160 722
aware of when negotiating a property price? apartments within 500 meters of public parks
While a review of this question remains to be in Oslo. The combined additional value of
done we assume that accessibility to cultural park proximity for these apartments is NOK
ecosystem services are the potentially most im- 8.3 – 18.9 billion. If the park has a water
portant neighbourhood characteristics of city feature it is even more valuable – the addi-
housing: tional value across apartments close to water
: features in Oslo is estimated at NOK 2,8 - 6,6
- Recreation, physical and mental health billion. The effects are uncertain and require
- Aesthetics further research.
- Sense of place and cultural heritage

The following ecosystem services could be reflected in property prices in Oslo, but are likely to be
specific to certain locations and kinds of buildings.
- Water management. Repeated flooding may be cause water damage to properties with
- Local climate regulation. Tree cover provides shading in the summer, but also restriction
of view. The effect is person and location specific.
- Noise reduction. Noise is a significant determinant of housing prices. Vegetation and open
space has an effect on noise attenuation in some cases.

Category Ecosystem service tial Valued
Recreation, physical and mental health X X
Aesthetics X X
Cultural Education, cognitive development
services Sense of place and cultural heritage X X
Storm water mangement X
Erosion control
Regulating Local climate regulation X
services cleaning soil, water or air
CO2 sequestration
Noise reduction X
Food production
Fiber production
Water provision
Habitat ser- Habitat for biodiversity
vices Pollination and seed dispersal

NINA Rapport 1114

If a policy-maker were to put this method to use could she tie individual ecosystem services to the
hedonic results? Hedonic pricing is not able to distinguish between individual ecosystem services
unless structural characteristics of properties are observable and can be linked to individual ser-
vices. An example might be noise reduction where noise maps are available and noise is a signif-
icant determinant of property price. Soundproofing vegetation could in principle be characterised
for each property and included as a variable in a hedonic price function. The inability of hedonic
pricing to identify individual ecosystem services for green infrastructure is not necessarily a problem
for policy applications of valuation. Investment decisions that involve changing the overall acces-
sibility for green infrastructure in the neighbourhood can use hedonic pricing results.

5.2.2 Valuation for awareness raising

Hedonic pricing is the study of multi-correlation between environmental characteristics of a property

and sales price. Vågnes Traaholt (2014) used different spatial statistical models to identify the
connection between sales prices of more than 9000 apartments sold in Oslo between 2003-2013
and characteristics of blue-green structures (Figure 5.3). The analysis was limited to apartments.

Figure 5.3. Location of apartments sold 2004-2013 and green infrastructure considered in the
hedonic pricing study. Source: Vågnes Traaholt (2014). GIS data: BYM, Oslo Kommune. and
Norges Eiendom

Vågnes Traaholt tested a number of different econometric models, changing the assumptions about
the spatial correlation between blue and green structures and other neighbourhood characteristics.
The simplest linear regression model showed a number of significant blue green structure varia-
bles. However, the variables were not statistically significant across all model specifications that
were tested. In the following we base our value estimates on the simple linear model. The data,
different model specifications and assumptions are discussed in more detail in (Barton et al.,

NINA Report 1114

Results of the hedonic pricing aggregated across apartments in Oslo are summarised in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 The aggregate marginal values of blue green infrastructures across all apartments in

Although this is a study using actual sales data from Oslo we could call the hedonic property pricing
function a type of value transfer (with relatively high accuracy and reliability relative to study con-
ducted in a different city). However, we do conduct value transfer in extrapolating the results from
more than 9000 apartments to all apartments in Oslo. The 95% confidence estimate on aggregate
values is a reflection of the reliability of this extrapolation.

For every meter an apartment is closer to a public park the expected value increases between
kr./m. 162-36 per apartment. This effect is the mean marginal prices effects out to a radius of 500
meters. There are 160 722 apartments within 500 meters of public parks in Oslo. The aggregate
value added across all these apartments of park proximity is estimated at 8.3-18.9 billion NOK.
This is a capital value (i.e. not per annum). The range of values has been calculated based on the
95% confidence interval of the model parameter values.

If the public park has a water element such as a pond, lake, stream or river the aggregate value
added is estimated at 2,8-6,6 billion NOK for a total 53 083 apartments within 500 meters of parks
with blue structures. If the closest park is also a large parks this has a value added of 0,3-2,3
billion NOK for the 31 147 apartments within 500 meters.

Apartment owners also value the silence of cemeteries, as it were. The 45 356 apartments within
500 meters of cementaries have an estimated value added of NOK 2.1 – 5 billion.

If an apartments lies within 1000 meters of the fjord coastline the value added is between NOK 4,7
– 7 billion (34 965 apartments). The value of Oslo’s peri-urban forest is also reflected in property
prices. The value added of a total 36 310 apartments within 500 meters of the Marka forest is
estimated to be between NOK 0,8 – 4,1 billion.

The negative value for green area within 500m indicates that property value is lower the more green
area there is in the neighbourhood. This effect is independent of pure proximity effect to the closest
and may be an indirect indicator of prices decreasing with distance to the city centre.

There is also uncertainty as to which model specification is most correct. Model testing shows
large spatial autocorrelation. Spatial autocrrelation can be problematic for valuation of green
spaces when other neighbourhood characteristics co-vary with availability of green space. This
could mean that blue-green structures are proxies for other unobserved factors that are driving
property prices. When corrected for this may reduce or eliminate the significance of a number of
model parameters. This will require further model testing, but we put results forward here as

NINA Rapport 1114

indicative of potential values of green infrastructure in combination with other unobserved neigh-
bourhood characteristics.This and other modelling issues are discussed further in Barton et al.

Finally, we have not transferred our results to individual or semi-detached housing. They constitute
separate housing markets which should be the subject of separate studies. As such the aggregate
values presented here can be interpreted as conservative.

5.2.3 Valuation for further policy support

The total value-added estimates for apartments were generated for awareness-raising purposes.
Are they relevant for private or public policy decisions?

Vågnes Traaholt (2014) points out that the hedonic price function that was estimated is valid for
assessing marginal (small) changes in availability of green infrastructure. This raises the difficult
question of “how small is marginal”? A new medium sized park may add only a fraction of a percent
to the overall park area of the city (small), but if located in neighbourhood with below average park
access may have a non-marginal effect on property prices in that neighbourhood. As a rule of
thumb the value-added estimates are more uncertain the larger the change in green space area,
but we don’t know by how much.

For this reason, we suggest that the current hedonic pricing model should not be used for cost-
benefit analysis of establishment (or loss) of green spaces at particular locations. Nor should the
current estimates be used for ranking different park development alternatives, because the model
does not distinguish between park characteristics, nor park locations. However, we do argue below
that documentation of the added value of green spaces on property prices in aggregate could be
used as one – of several – arguments for property taxation.

Figure 5.4 Potential policy contexts for use of hedonic pricing could be in national accounting or
instrument design

NINA Report 1114

We look in further detail at some additional data requirements should hedonic pricing be used for
national accounting (at regional scale and resolution) or for instrument design in terms of adjusting
property taxes for utility from green-blue space (at regional scale and property resolution) (Figure

1. National accounting of capital value of ecosystem services from blue green infra-
structure ?

Mapping of ecosystem services is under discussion as part of experimental ecosystem accounting

(UN, 2013). Thus far accounting has not focused on urban ecosystems. However, despite their
limited spatial extent, their large demand may make them relevant also at national level. National
accounting does not require spatial resolution below regional level. Valuation methodologies are
preferably based on market prices. A challenge with accounting studies is converting flows to
capital values, because assumptions about the discount rate must be made. The hedonic pricing
method assesses capital values so no such assumptions need be made. In all these regards then,
the city-level hedonic pricing study such as Vågnes Traaholt (2014) should provide the required
accuracy and reliability for national accounting.

2. Priority-setting – justifying earmarking of a property tax ?

Fjord, forest and parks are maintained through public financing. From the point of view of the
municipality of Oslo the hedonic pricing results may be an additional justification for private-public
cost sharing in maintenance of public green infrastructure. For example, the hedonic pricing re-
sults could provide additional justification for introducing private property taxes, or increasing ex-
isting rates where these are currently too low to finance public green infrastructure.

We have shown how the hedonic pricing data we have for apartments can be sufficient – under
certain modelling assumptions - to compute expected (average) price effects across the whole of
Oslo. We have also argued that it is not sufficient to compute the added value of specific parks in
specific neighbourhoods (there are not enough sales data per neighbourhood). However, think
the method could provide support at an aggregate level. The aggregate value-added of green
infrastructure relative to total property market value could give some indication as to the portion of
the tax that could be justified based on financial needs to maintain public green infrastructure.

As stated the results shown here do not include detached and semi-detached housing. Hedonic
property pricing in these markets could be expected to reveal different value added from green
infrastructure. That would raise the question of whether hedonic pricing results could be used as
justification for differentiating property tax levels according to property type. Distributional effects
and taxation are a political question. From a technical point of view there would not be statistical
support for such tax differentiation unless there were significant differences between housing
types in value added by green infrastructure (at e.g. 95% confidence levels) and these differ-
ences were consistent across several modelling approaches (reliability requirement).

The hedonic pricing study shows that the welfare contribution to the home owner of proximity to
green infrastructure is at least to some extent ‘priced in’. If property taxes were made propor-
tional to property market value there would be no need to use hedonic pricing results to differenti-
ate property tax levels. Hedonic pricing would nevertheless be an additional argument for mu-
nicipal government to earmark part of property taxes to green infrastructure maintenance and in-

NINA Rapport 1114

3. Instrument design – capturing value-added at property level through utility fees ?

Could the findings on value-added of green infrastructure be applied in instrument design, even
though the hedonic pricing provides only expected (average) value added estimates across the
whole city?

For private property developers the findings that properties close to green infrastructure have –
on average - higher value is not a surprise to the extent that they can observe buyers willingness-
to-pay every day. Views of the fjord, forest and parks are regularly featured in property advertise-
ment and priced in by developers and real estate agents. We do not have data on blue-green
structural features of properties themselves, but future research could focus on documenting will-
ingness-to-pay for structures promoted in the blue-green factor (see section 5.5).

Private property developers may be interested in the findings of hedonic pricing of green infra-
structure to the extent that they co-finance maintenance of public spaces and need arguments to
recover their costs from home owners. However, hedonic pricing results do not identify particular
ecosystem services of green infrastructure – particular public utilities - to home owners (or only
very indirectly). So it may be difficult to use them at the level of specific projects or neighbour-
hoods to justify per household public utility fees for maintaining specific public green infrastruc-

NINA Report 1114

5.3 The recreational value of the Marka forest

5.3.1 Ecosystem services

An estimated 86% of Oslo’s population aged 15 Valuation results in brief

or older uses the ‘Marka’ peri-urban forest for
recreation in the course of a year (Synnovate, The recreational value of Oslo’s Marka forest
2011). A large majority use it for multiple pur- for the adult population (>15 years) was esti-
poses including trekking, physical recreation, mated at between 2.3 - 13.3 billion NOK/year,
skiing and experiencing nature. based on estimates of total annual visitation
and average time use.
Oslo’s peri-urban forests provide all the ecosys-
tem services identified by Oslo Municipality policy documents as important for city’s population (see
Table 4.1). In this valuation example we focus on the economic valuation of recreation time in
the forest.

Category Ecosystem service Potential Valued

Recreation, physical and mental health X X
Aesthetics X
Cultural Education, cognitive development X
services Sense of place and cultural heritage X
Tourism X
Art/toys X
Storm water mangement X
Erosion control X
Regulating Local climate regulation X
services cleaning soil, water or air X
CO2 sequestration X
Noise reduction X
Food production X
Fiber production X
Water provision X
Habitat ser- Habitat for biodiversity X
vices Pollination and seed dispersal X

NINA Rapport 1114

5.3.2 Valuation for awareness raising

The hedonic property pricing study observed

value of proximity to the “Marka” forest in
apartment prices. We have also estimated
the value of the forest in terms of number of
recreational visits and time spent by Oslo’s
population over a whole year. From a recent
survey of Oslo’s population by Synnovate
(2011) we have an estimate of the number of
visits made to Marka by the population older
than 15. The study asked residents to state
their visitation frequency in different seasons.
We use this information to calculate that
Oslo’s adult population makes 23,4 million
trips per year to Oslo’s peri-urban forest.
Based on an independent study (Gundersen
et al., submitted) we also know that the aver-
age time for each trip was roughly 3 hours.
Simple multiplication suggests that Oslo’s
population spends 73 million hours per year in Figur 5.5 Characteristics of recreational
the Marka forest. These figures do not ac- use of Oslo’s Marka forest
count for children 15 or younger. Source: OsloKommune (2013c)
Armed with estimates for total number of annual visits and time use, what is the value of each visit
and each hour of recreation time? We used several independent approaches which are further
documented in Barton et al. (2015a).

The largest estimates are obtained by valuing recreation time. If we assume that the alternative
use of recreation time is paid employment we can use an average wage rate after tax as a reflection
of the opportunity cost of recreation time. This is a conservative estimate of the value of time spent
in recreation. The average wage after tax of NOK 187/hour for Oslo’s adult population is used as
our marginal estimate of the value of time. The aggregate economic value of recreation time spent
is then 13.2 billion NOK per year (Table 5.3).

Table 5.3 Total value of visits to Marka forest by Oslo’s adult population

A rule of thumb in travel cost studies has been to use 1/3 of the wage rate after tax to value travel
time. Using this assumption the time value of visits to Marka is 4,4 billion NOK. Recent studies
travel time valuation studies (Fezzi et al., 2014; Ovaskainen et al., 2012) show that travel time is
valued at around 75% of the after tax wage rate. Judging by these results the opportunity cost of
time spent in Marka probably lies closer to about 10 billion NOK/year.

NINA Report 1114

Alternatively, we could assume that people used Marka only for physical exercise and the cost of
alternative physical exercise in a training studio could be taken as a replacement cost. Assuming
a monthly subscription and a 12 hour training week in a health studio we estimated a ‘training
replacement cost’ of 38 NOK per hour. This is also a conservative estimate of the value of physical
recreation. Using this replacement cost we estimate an aggregate value for physical recreation
only of 2,7 billion NOK/year.

Sælen and Ericson (2013) interviewed skiers at several entry points to Marka, asking their willing-
ness to travel different distances to alternate Marka sites under different snow cover conditions.
They use a choice experiment format to explore a number of alternative distances and conditions.
Based on their results transferred to the whole of Oslo’s adult population we estimate a willingness-
to-pay of 3,6 billion NOK per year. Each trip incurs travel expenses as well as time costs in travel.
Subtracting time costs of travel and expenses we estimate a consumer surplus to forest recreation
of approximately NOK 2,3 billion per year (Table 5.3).

Finally, we looked at values we would obtain from a meta-analysis of travel cost studies for forest
recreation (Zandersen and Tol, 2009). An average trip had a consumer surplus of NOK 149 –
resulting in an aggregate consumer surplus of 3,4 billion NOK per year.

In summary, we used four different valuation methods for the marginal value of visits or visit time.
The methods seen together place the aggregate recreational value of Marka in the range from 2,3
– 10 billion NOK per year.

Figure 5.6 Proposed “Activity zones” within the Marka forest border in the Oslo Municipal
Plan 2030. Activity areas indicated in grey on green background within Marka border.

Source: (OsloKommune, 2013b).

NINA Rapport 1114

5.3.3 Valuation for further policy support

A hypothetical policy context for valuation estimates would be conducting a benefit-costs analysis
of land use regulation proposals for the Marka forest in the new Municipal Plan for 2030. For
example, what are the potential costs and benefit of the proposed «activity zones» versus «current
forest» in Marka forest bordering the built area? What kind of reliability and accuracy requirements
would be required of monetary valuation of forest recreation in such a context? The policy context
is at city level as the proposed “activity zones” (Figure 5.6 previous page) run along almost the
entire length of the border identified in the Marka Act. The analysis would need to have a spatial
resolution at least at neighbourhood level to distinguish between different sections of the forest as
different city neighbourhoods have different accessibility to the forest.

Figure 5.7. Potential policy contexts for further valuation of recreational use of forests
- benefit cost analysis of landuse zoning within Marka.

Priority-setting studies have large information requirements (Figure 5.7 below). Valuation for pri-
ority-setting would have to differentiate forest qualities; access to forest from different neighbour-
hoods, distance decay of willingness-to-pay from the Marka border, from access points. It would
also have to assess proposals for alternative uses of forest area for e.g. sports facilities. Willing-
ness-to-pay for additional sports facilities in activity zones could be seen as opportunity costs of
conserving the forest in its present state. Other policy contexts for valuation would be relevant if
time use in Marka could be spatially disaggregated for different forest activities, for example time
use on forest roads, and marked trails (winter, rest of year) versus hiking off-trail. With regular
surveys, spatial patterns in recreation in clear-cut forests might be observed, and could be used in
cost-benefit analysis of forestry permits. As with any increase in data resolution one would have
to consider at what point increased data collection costs outweighed the incremental benefits of
better distribution of forestry concessions.

NINA Report 1114

5.4 The liability value of city trees

5.4.1 Ecosystem services

City trees constitute perhaps the single Valuation results in brief

most important green structure in addi-
tion to open green space in cities. City Oslo’s city trees have a total environmental liability
trees potentially provide a bundle of value of between 28 billion NOK (700 000 trees)
ecosystem services. As we shall see
and 42 billion (1 200 000 trees).
the liability valuation methodology used
in this example explicitly assesses aesthetics and visibility (recreation), but bundles other eco-
system services under a variable called “environmental factors”. We are therefore not able to
identify individual regulating ecosystem services from habitat services for example.

Category Ecosystem service Potential Valued

Recreation, physical and mental health X X
Aesthetics X X
Cultural Education, cognitive development X
services Sense of place and cultural heritage X (X)
Art/toys X
Storm water management X (X)
Erosion control X (X)
Regulating Local climate regulation X (X)
services cleaning soil, water or air X (X)
CO2 sequestration X (X)
Noise reduction X (X)
Food production
Fiber production
Water provision
Habitat ser- Habitat for biodiversity X (X)
vices Pollination and seed dispersal

5.4.2 Valuation for awareness raising

Based on a LiDAR laser scanning Oslo has between 0.7 and 1.2 million trees taller than 5 meters
in the built zone (Bymiljøetaten, 2015). In other words every citizen of Oslo shares the city
environment with 1-2 large trees. This is a conservative estimate as we have not included forest
patches within the built zone where individual tree crowns could not be identified.

Oslo Municipality has a strategy to replace every tree that is felled within the built zone with at
least one new one. Damage to trees on Municipal land is subject to a fine and an environmental
damage claim. Environmental liability for city trees is calculated using the VAT03 assessment
model developed by Randrup (2005). The VAT03 assessment model is based on the replace-
ment cost of a city tree, including purchase and planting costs. This base value is then adjusted

NINA Report 1114

for the tree’s structural health and for its qualities in a neighbourhood context, including adapta-
tion and contribution to its local environmental. Environmental qualities include aesthetics, noise
and pollution reduction, in other words several regulating ecosystem services. An overview of
the VAT03 model structure is provided in Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8 Liability value distribution using the VAT03 model

Value per tree and total assuming a conservative estimate of 700 000 city trees. The variance
(2) around the expected value () is very large as also illustrated by the probability distribu-
tions in green in the panels called “tree compensation value (NOK/tree)” and “Total expected
compensation value (NOK)”.

Based on the VAT03 method which is presently being used for Oslo Municipality’s city trees we
conducted a value transfer to all trees on both private and public land. There is currently no
environmental liability on trees on private land from a legal point of view. However, there is no
reason to believe that trees have less regulating functions just because they are located on pri-
vate land. Private land might be correlated with other spatial factors that differentiate demand
for a tree’s regulating services. Considering the projected growth of Oslo City, trees that are
currently in less population dense locations, may within their lifetime provide increasing ecosys-
tem services. As a precautionary principle one could argue that also trees on private land should
have environmental liability because a number of the regulating and cultural ecosystem services
are public goods.

NINA Report 1114

With this in mind we asked, ‘what would be the total liability value of all city trees in the built zone
if assessed according to VAT03?’ This hypothetical liability value is based on a regulatory defi-
nition of value, rather than a willingness-to-pay-based estimate. Some trees on private property
represent a disservice for property owners in terms of shade, blocking of views, leaves and al-
lergies. In this sense, our aggregate liability value represents an overvaluation. Again, our esti-
mates are made for awareness raising purposes with the aim of encouraging further discussion
about the value of green infrastructure. With this upward bias in mind, our application of the
VAT03 assessment model tells us that the aggregate economic value of the liability amounts to
between 28 – 42 billion NOK. The aggregate value also depends on the assumption about how
many large city trees there are registered (Figure 5.8).

While the liability valuation may be biased upward for trees on private land, our aggregate esti-
mates is conservative approach in the sense that it does not value any trees – public or private
- lower than 5 meters (nor other vegetation for that matter). The calculation was made assuming
that Oslo’s trees have a similar age and species distribution as those managed by Oslo Munici-
pality. Furthermore we have assumed an expected health and location factor is that of an aver-
age tree with a wide distribution. This uncertainty is reflected in the large variance of the ‘total
expected compensation value’ (Figure 5.8).

5.4.3 Valuation transfer results for awareness raising

Given our assumptions the expected compensation value for a randomly chosen city tree in Oslo
is roughly kr. 40 000. This is kr. 20 000 less than the (unscaled) replacement cost per tree in an
actual liability case we know from Akerselva and Kåresvei in 2014 (VaktmesterKompaniet,
2014). The average tree in Oslo is inferior to the trees that were damaged in these concrete
cases. Oslo Municipality imposes a fine on entrepreneurs or property owners for illegal damage
of trees equivalent to the VAT03 compensation value. This is the per tree environmental liability
of city trees proscribed by a public body, and as such an expression of social value. We saw
from the model structure that this is also a surrogate value for a number of ecosystem services
associated with trees.

Based on this assumption of the liability value of trees what would be the total expected social
value of trees in Oslo? The expectation is 27.6 billion NOK if we conservatively assume 700
000 trees or 43.3 billion NOK if we assume the upper range of 1 200 000 trees. Given the
uncertainty about the location, health and age characteristics of the population11 of trees the
uncertainty around this estimate is very large (see the probability distribution and explanation
under Figure 5.8.

We are using the best available data of trees on site and a valuation model that has been adopted
by the city authorities. Why is this a case of value transfer for ecosystem service? (1) It is value
transfer in the sense that we are extrapolating tree values and characteristics from a (very) small
sample to the total population, even though this is within the same study site. (2) we are as-
suming that the marginal environmental liability value also scales spatially to all city trees.

Can we confidently assume that the marginal environmental liability value can be interpreted as
an average value across the whole population of trees? Two reasons why this may not be so
come to mind:(1) the marginal social value of trees should be increasing with increasing scarcity,
which would indicate that current marginal liability value is lower than average value; (2) from a
economic welfare theory point of view there could be reasons to question whether value’s can
be aggregated across green structures or whether we first need to determine individual WTP per
tree and then aggregate across them.(3) the liability value method used here is based on the

11 We use the population concept because these are individual city trees, versus a forest stand.

NINA Report 1114

interpretation of a regulation as an expression of social value of trees. It is a different valuation

method from individual welfare based methods12.

5.4.4 Valuation for further policy support - information gaps

The value transfer conducted in this chapter was carried out in the context of “awareness raising”,
with low requirements for reliability and accuracy of valuation estimates.

Can we envisage policy-support contexts that would require greater reliability and accuracy of
the ecosystem service valuation of city trees, either using the VAT03 methodology or another
valuation method? Figure 5.9 suggests two hypothetical policy-support contexts in which the
ecosystem service valuation of trees could help to internalise.

Potential policy contexts for further valuation

Figure 5.9. Two hypothetical contexts for policy-relevant ecosystem services valuation of
trees (1) a city-wide ecosystem service utility fee for city trees and (2) environmental liability
for city trees at neighbourhood, street or property level.

12Further discussion of different market and non-market valuation methods can be found in Barton,
D.N., Vågnes Traaholt, N., Blumentrath, S., 2015a. Materials and methods appendix for valuation of
ecosystem services of green infrastructure in Oslo. NINA Report 1115.

NINA Report 1114

Two hypothetical policy-support contexts in which the ecosystem service valuation of trees could
help to internalise, are:

(1) A city-wide ecosystem service utility fee for city trees. If an average ecosystem ser-
vice value for city trees could be documented, there would be an economic rationale for
charging citizens a utility fee in a similar way to a water and sewage utility fee. In fact,
public utilities such as water&sewage and waste disposal are charged on a cost recovery
basis. rather than willingness-to-pay. The requirements for economic valuation in sup-
port of implementing an ecosystem service utility fee for trees could conceivably require
the following steps (i) cost accounting of city tree conservation, renewal and manage-
ment (ii) valuation of aggregate ecosystem services value of trees (iii) a benefit-cost
comparison to justify that aggregate benefits exceed aggregate costs (iv) calculation of
an average utility fee per household based on average cost recovery. Note that similar
to a water and sewage utility fee no attempt is made to differentiate the utility fee based
marginal cost or willingness-to-pay per user. The utility fee is determined based on an
equal cost-sharing principle per per citizen.

(2) environmental liability for city trees at neighbourhood, street or property level. In fact
the VAT03 method is already in use by the Environment Agency is a working example of
an instrument for environmental liability. However, we noted above that the importance
of regulating ecosystem services is limited to a single ‘environmental factor’ while three
different factors adjust for cultural ecosystem services. Further work may be justified on
determining the relative importance of cultural versus regulating services at different lo-
cations in the city.

NINA Report 1114

5.5 Non-economic valuation of green infrastructure in property

The property level is likely to be the finest Valuation results in brief
level of spatial resolution relevant for eco-
system service assessment in an urban The blue-green factor (BGF) is a non-economic
context. The framework for policy-relevant approach to assessing the importance of blue
valuation in Figure 2.4 reflected this. At and green structures for a selection of ecosys-
high resolution it is conceptually problematic tem services in new property developments.
to use the ecosystem service terminology BGF gives high priority to water and drainage
because ecosystems are larger spatial surfaces regulating run-off, as well as to trees.
units. It has been common to use the “envi- Structures providing biodiversity habitat, aes-
ronmental amenities” concept for benefits thetics and recreation are seen as ‘additional’
accruing to the home owner. Notwithstand- ecosystem services. The assessment ap-
ing this conceptual question there are some proach recognises that ecosystem services of
practical limitations to economic valuation of green infrastructure are ‘bundled’, and difficult
individual blue green structures at property to disentangle. Nevertheless, the BGF has de-
level. liberate focus on regulating hydrological ser-
vices in order to be simple to implement.
Assessing the costs of including blue-green
structures in property development is the
simplest approach, and is carried out by de-
fault as part of assessing financial feasibility
of blue-green structures. But this does not
answer the question of the off-property ‘ex-
ternality’ contribution of blue-green property
structures to ecosystem services.

Economic valuation methods at this level

will mostly capture environmental amenity
effects on property owners themselves. As
discussed above economic valuation meth-
ods such as hedonic pricing can value bun-
dles of environmental amenities of a prop-
erty, but need multi-annual data on a large
number of sales across homes to have suf- Figure 5.10 Blue-green factor calculation
ficient statistical power. Data on structural Source: translated from Framtidens Byer (2014)
proxies for environmental amenities must
also be available for all homes sold. Stated preference such as choice experiments could be
used, but the number of property characteristics that respondents can meaningfully assess in a
survey situation is in practice limited to perhaps 4-6 choice attributes and price. A choice exper-
iment can only assess a limited number of generic property types within which the levels of blue-
green attributes are varied. Stated preference methods are an alternative when wanting to focus
on home purchasers’ willingness-to-pay for specific blue-green property attributes, but such a
focus comes at the expense of observing how multiple property features determine a single
amenity. This is useful information for property developers in assessing financial feasibility,
but does not address all of the public planners concerns regarding the public goods – contribution
to urban ecosystem services off-property - created by the structure.

The location specific contribution to urban ecosystem function of individual blue-green structures
cannot be assessed on every property, so a system of standardised ecosystem service scoring
is needed. The blue-green factor approach addresses this information gap.

NINA Report 1114

5.5.1 Ecosystem services

Blue-green structures at property level contribute to all the priority urban ecosystem services that
were listed in Table 4.1. In this example, we focus on the ecosystem services addressed in the
Blue-Green Factor (BGF):
- Storm water management
- Recreation and mental health
- Aesthetics
- Pollination
- Habitat for biodiversity

Category Ecosystem service Potential by BGF
Recreation, physical and mental health X X
Aesthetics X X
Cultural Education, cognitive development X
services Sense of place and cultural heritage X
Tourism X
Art/toys X
Storm water management X X
Erosion control X
Regulating Local climate regulation X
services Cleaning soil, water or air X
CO2 sequestration X
Noise reduction X
Food production (X)
Fiber production (X)
Water provision (X)
Habitat ser- Habitat for biodiversity X X
vices Pollination and seed dispersal X X

Green space factors and points systems have been used in several European cities as a policy
instrument to attain desired levels of green and blue surfaces in new property developments.
Different green and blue ‘elements’ are scored based on their importance, and a weighted sum
score is calculated for proposed property developments. Green space factors can be regarded
as policy instruments in several ways. They may be used for certifying new building development
in relation to achieving a minimum total score. At the same time property developers are given
the flexibility in designing how to incorporate blue-green structures into building plans.

Through the Cities of the Future program Oslo Municipality Planning and Building Agency,
Bærum Municipality, Dronninga Landskap AS, Cowi AS, and C. F. Møller collaborated in devel-
oping a ‘blue-green factor’ scoring system to guide new urban development towards the overall
goals of the Green Plan for Oslo (FramtidensByer, 2014). The BGF proposal has been devel-
oped and tested on a number of case studies. However, the final proposal has as yet not been
incorporated into municipal building codes or regulation.

NINA Report 1114

The Blue-green factor (BGF) scores the ‘im-

portance’ of each structure based on perfor-
mance criteria mainly in relation to water infil-
stration and storage capacity Scores are given
for different kinds of blue-green surfaces in re-
lation to their hydrological regulating effect. Ad-
ditional points are then given for water and veg-
etation features that enhance run-off control in
conjunction with aesthetic qualities and biodi-
versity habitat (Figure 5.11).

The sum of scores is divided by the total prop-

erty area, so that each property has a normal-
ised BGF score/m2 which can be compared
across properties (Figure 5.10).

5.5.2 Ecosystem function assumptions

Scoring of each structure is based on the judge-

ment of technical experts in architecture,urban
planning, hydraulics and hydrology13. Judge-
ments were tested and adjusted through a
number of case studies in Oslo
(FramtidensByer, 2014).

Blue-green surfaces

- Open permanent water surfaces are rela-

tively more important than potentially permea-
ble or impermeable surfaces with regard to their
run-off storage capacity.

- Vegetation surfaces with direct drainage to

soil or bedrock are more important than sur-
faces with no drainage with regard to their infil-
tration potential. The deeper the soil for non-
connected surfaces the higher the water stor-
age capacity.

Blue additional qualities

- Natural edges and rain beds provide aes-

thetic and habitat qualities to water surfaces.

Green additional qualities

- Trees are scored individually relative to size

and growth potential, determining their im-
portance for rainfall interception and evapotran-
spiration, and for their functions as habitat and
for aesthetics. Trees may constitute a large
share of the total BGF score for a property.

Figure 5.11. Blue-green factor scores

13 Pers.com.
Source: Svein Ovefrom
translated Åsterbøl, COWI Byer
NINA Report 1114

- Native vegetation, perennials and other ground cover provide additional scores for their im-
portance for biodiversity habitat, including pollinators, and aesthetics.

- Hedges, bushes and green walls, give additional scores for their aesthetics value.

- Contiguous green areas and connection give additional score for their importance as recrea-
tion areas and connectivity with other urban green infrastructure structure.

5.5.3 Value transfer assumptions and results

While the BGF has yet to be implemented in policy it constitutes a practical example of ‘non-
economic’ valuation of ecosystem services. The BGF scores represent qualitative assessments
of the relative importance of different ecosystem functions. Scores are compared across differ-
ent types of green infrastructure providing different ecosystem services. In this sense BGF scor-
ing is hybrid of ecosystem service supply/potential and social ‘importance’ or demand.

The assessment approach recognises that ecosystem services of green infrastructure are ‘bun-
dled’, and difficult to disentangle. The BGF therefore has deliberate focus on regulating hydro-
logical services in order to be simple to implement. For this reason structures providing biodi-
versity habitat, aesthetics and recreation are seen as ‘additional’ ecosystem services. Their
relative importance in the overall BGF score is also smaller than for the hydrological regulating

The BGF focus on simplicity means that each structure is scored the same no matter where the
assessment takes place. The assumption is that the marginal value of each structure in terms
of surface area or number of individual trees is the same whether upstream or downstream in an
urban catchment.

5.5.4 Valuation for further policy support

BGF identifies relevant blue-green elements at a building permit level. It is a multi-criteria, non-
economic valuation method, balancing the objectives of comprehensiveness and simplicity. At
this resolution multi-criteria non-economic methods fill an information gap because they offer the
flexibility needed to assess across large local variation across properties with poor data quality.
However, as currently conceived it applies only to new property developments in the built area.
It is currently not a spatially representative classification system for both existing and new green
infrastructure in and around Oslo’s built area.

The blue-green factor methodology is currently not part of municipal regulation of private landuse
due to concern that it may be too complicated for property developers to implement. However,
the BGF may still be used by the municipality itself in evaluating its own building practices, and
in so doing provided inspiration to private developers 14. Standardised scoring also allows au-
thorities to develop minimum standards that property developments should attain in different
parts of the city. Here scoring supports a regulatory approach. Standardised ecosystem service
scoring can be combined with structure cost data to evaluate cost-effectiveness of alternative
property development plans towards providing ‘off-property’ ecosystem services.
How could BGF approach be extended also to existing green infrastructure and currently unbuilt
areas in the city?

14 Pers.com. Tove Dyblie, BYM.

NINA Report 1114

Two hypothetical extensions of the blue-green factor (BGF) to city-wide policy assessments of
green infrastructure include (Figure 5.12):

(1) Assessment of the flood mitigation benefits and costs blue-green structures versus tra-
ditional drainage systems,
(2) Using structural diversity scoring of urban green spaces for recreational gap analysis and
targeting of further municipal investments in accessibility

Potential policy contexts for further valuation

Figure 5.12. Two hypothetical extensions of the blue-green factor (BGF) to policy assess-
ments of green infrastructure (1) Assessment of the flood mitigation benefits and costs blue-
green structures versus traditional drainage systems, (2) using structural diversity scoring
of urban green spaces for citywide gap analysis and targeting of further municipal invest-
ments in accessibility

5.5.5 Information gaps - challenges in assessing flood mitigation and recreation

function of urban green structures

1. Assessing flood mitigation benefits and costs blue-green structures versus tradi-
tional drainage systems

One of Oslo Municipality’s priority areas for action in relation to environmental management is
urban flood control. Green infrastructure obviously fulfils ecological functions required for flood
risk mitigation, principally infiltration of run-off and flood control. However, the examples thus
far in the report have not addressed how we would proceed in quantifying and valuing flood
risk mitigation in monetary terms. What are the information requirements in moving from (i) a

NINA Report 1114

qualitative method such as BGF which does not differentiate properties in terms of hydrological
context to (ii) a quantification of flood risk that accounts for urban hydrology?

Preliminary work done by Reinvang et al. (2014) suggest that urban hydrological modelling that
accounts for specific local drainage conditions and specific property at risk is required to pro-
vide results that can be used – beyond awareness raising - for decision-support. Such site-
specific modeling work is information intensive and costly and should be weighed against the
marginal property values at risk. These methodological issues of ecosystem services valuation
could be addressed by the National Commission on Surface Water (“Overvannsutvalget”).

2. Recreational gap analysis using structural diversity of urban green space

The blue-green factor methodology could be combined with data on other ecosystem service
functions of green infrastructure and scaled up from property level to green infrastructure in gen-
eral. In particular Voigt et al. (2014) suggests a rapid assessment approach to characterising
the presence/absence of biotic, abiotic and built structures in urban green spaces. The method-
ology would combine most of the biotic and abiotic structures in the blue-green factor, with other
built structures of importance for recreation. The aim would be to generate a scoring system
which was more weighted towards cultural ecosystem services than the BGF. Oslo Municipality
has previously conducted gap analysis based on the accessibility to different sizes of parks
across the city (OsloKommune, 2006). This structural diversity index would provide more reso-
lution by looking at the correlation of park size with structural diversity and diversity of recrea-
tional uses. The structural diversity index could be used to identify areas of the city with low
multi-functional coverage of green spaces (Figure 5.13)(Soy-Massoni et al., in progress).

Figure 5.13. Relative value of green infrastructure in Oslo based on a structural diversity
indicator. A higher total normalized value indicates higher structural diversity.

Source: Soy-Massoni et al. (in progress). GIS data: PBE and Bymiljøetaten, Oslo Kom-

NINA Report 1114

5.6 Non-economic valuation of supporting services of green

infrastructure for human health
5.6.1 Ecosystem services and health – a Valuation results in brief
complex web of interactions
While hard to quantify the supporting ser-
None of the examples of economic valuation in vices of urban green infrastructure for human
this report quantify the benefits of urban green in- health are likely to be large. Human health is
frastructure to health of citizens. perhaps the most important mediator for how
important we consider provisioning, regulat-
As this is a scoping study we have not conducted ing and cultural ecosystem services also pro-
an in depth review of the literature, but we have vided by green infrastructure.
not found economic valuations of health effects
associated with ecosystem functions of vegeta-
tion and water. While there is economic valuation
of health impacts in terms of loss of income due to loss of quality adjusted life years and esti-
mates of medical treatment costs, these are usually linked to noise, air and water pollution. Veg-
etation mitigates noise and air pollution, wetlands abate water pollution, but these effects must
be disentangled from a number of other factors in an urban environment. In Figure 5.14 we
suggest that the ‘missing link’ between economic valuation of health benefits and use of green
infrastructure is the epidemiological study of physical and psychological health impacts.

Figure 5.14 Potential relationships between blue-green structures non-economic measures of

ecosystem service benefits and economic valuation methods.

NINA Report 1114

5.6.2 Ecosystem supporting services of green infrastructure - human health and

urban habitat

Establishing a causal relationship between green space and urban health are complicated be-
cause incidence rates are low and time spans for benefits to materialise long (Lee and
Mahaswaran, 2010). Even after controlling for socio-economic factors other unidentified con-
founding factors abound, and the role of green spaces in health while potential, may be unreal-
ised due to other context factors. For example, in a study of 10-14 year old boy scouts in Houston
Texas no environmental factors were found to be correlated to physical activity (Jago et al., 2006;
Jago et al., 2005). The only significant factor to positively influence physical activity was the
availability of sidewalks. While we do not know the particular configuration of green space and
transport habits in the study area, this finding would be consistent with lacking accessibility on
foot due to scarcity of sidewalks and predominance of car use. This is just one example of built
infrastructure and transportation habits around green spaces confounding the understanding of
what at first looks like a simple spatial proximity to green space.

With such site specific confounding effects it is an even greater challenge to associate the spe-
cific characteristics of green spaces to health effects. Gardsjord et al. (2014) found that studies
investigating the importance of specific park components and characteristics on use are scarce.
Studies identifying the link between urban park use and health are if anything even scarcer.

The ecosystem service framework has a problem dealing with the causal links of such a complex
phenomenon. In this chapter we cite studies which provide epidemiological evidence for the
importance of green spaces for physical and mental health. In the ecosystem services cascade
terminology epidemiological studies document how the urban habitat structure functions as ‘hab-
itat for humans’. This can simply be seen as the study of ecosystem function (in much the same
way we would study reproduction, morbidity and mortality dynamics of a species conditional on
changes in its natural habitat, but without making subjective considerations of importance).

Recreation is commonly classified as a ‘cultural ecosystem service’. However, green infrastruc-

ture plays a more fundamental role than as just a cultural benefit. In our largely technology
supported urban lives many of us may forget the original meaning of “re-creation”. Despite its
limited spatial extent, urban green infrastructure is still important for mental and physical re-gen-
eration and hence life-support. If we view re-creation as a “liveability” requirement of city habitat,
epidemiological studies are also non-economic valuation of “supporting services”.

Without conducting economic valuation, the epidemiological examples below make the case that
human health support is the most important of ecosystem services of urban green infrastructure.
Because supporting services underpin provisioning, regulating and cultural services they are
hard to identify separately.

Human health is perhaps the most important mediator for how important we consider provision-
ing, regulating and cultural ecosystem services also provided by green infrastructure. Hence,
human health returns in different guises in every one of the economic valuation chapters to fol-

NINA Report 1114

Health thresholds for green space availability

In a study from the Netherlands, Jonker et al. (2014) found that the quantity and quality of urban
green spaces is positively correlated with small-area life expectancy and healthy life expectancy.
Their study concurs with a growing body of evidence that urban green space provides supporting
services in the sense of healthy habitat for city dwellers, reducing stress, stimulating physical
activity, improving micro-climate and reducing ambient air pollution.

In a study from four UK cities, Mitchell et al. (2011) found a significant association between the
amount of green space in an area and mortality rates, and self-reported morbidity rates (Figure
5.15). Their study shows very clearly that increased green space area does not lead to propor-
tional gains in health. For mortality rates, we see no significant effect of increasing green space
area in the range from 20-59%. Only when green space surpasses a threshold of 60-79% do
we see a significant drop in mortality rates (across all three spatial measures used by research-

Figure 5.15 The association of green space with mortality and with morbidity in populations
of four cities in the UK.

Source: Mitchell et al. (2011), Figure 4, p.857

Note: IRR. Incidence rate ratios. All cause mortality does not include external causes. Mor-
bidity incidence is measured using self-reported illness. The study used three different in-
didcators of green space as seen by the triple bars in the diagrams.

For self-reported morbidity the threshold lies even higher at >80% green space area. This study
suggests that there are important threshold effects – once residents’ access to green space falls
below 60-80% there may be significant health costs. The study also helps us understand that
what we define as health ‘benefits’ or ‘costs’ depends on the benchmark or reference level for
citizens’ access to green space.

NINA Report 1114

In a national level study from Denmark Stigsdotter et al. (2010) recorded 36 indicators of self-
reported health (Figure 5.16). For all indicators there was little or no significant effect of green
space proximity within 1 km. However, when distance to green space increased beyond 1 km
significant effects on health were observed across all indicators.

Figure 5.16 Gender and age-adjusted health scores as a function of distance to nearest green
space as rated in a population-wide study from Denmark

Source: Stigsdotter et al. (2010), Figure 1, p. 413

Note: The SF-36 health score is composed of 36 measures divided into 8 subscales: BP, bodily
pain; GH, general health; MH, mental health; PF, physical functioning; RE, role emotional; RP,
role physical; SF, social functioning; VT, vitality.

Children’s health

Economic valuation of ecosystem services frequently under-estimates benefits to children be-

cause economic theory takes as the accounting unit the household, only records preferences of
the household head (although they will incorporate consideration for family children), or esti-
mates benefits based on national statistics related to employment and income. We are con-
scious of this omission in all of the valuation examples in the rest of this scoping report.

In their review, Gardsjord et al. (2014) found that youth is an understudied age group when
investigating the importance of specific park components and characteristics. They found access
to green spaces as the most frequently reported predictor of park use among youth.

Having recreation facilities in the neighbourhood leads to higher physical activity among youth
in a study from Canada (Tucker et al., 2009). A study of US adolescents found that outdoor
spaces can particularly benefit female adolescents who tend to have lower physical activity
(Boone-Heinonen et al., 2010).

NINA Report 1114

In Minneapolis and San Diego, US, the odds of higher physical activity are higher in places with
parks, schools and high population density during weekdays, and lower in places with more
roads and food outlets (Rodriguez et al., 2012).

In a longitudinal study following children from age 9-10 to 18 in Southern California Wolch et al.
(2011) found significantly lower body mass index (BMI) at age 18 for individuals who had lived
with more green area within 500m of their homes. Effects were larger for boys than girls.

The documentation of health effects in children due to specific green structures is sparse. How-
ever, Faber Taylor and Kuo (2011) found in the US that green space as open grass and big trees
& grass significantly reduce parent-reported severity of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD) in their children (Figure 5.17). The benchmark was play “deep indoors” in “built indoor”

Figure 5.17 Interaction of play setting and symptom diagnosis determine ADD and ADHD symp-
tom severity. ADHD: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder (no

Source:Faber Taylor and Kuo (2011)

The researchers also show that the type of green space characteristics matter for symptoms.
Green space with big trees or just open grass made no significant difference on children who did
not have hyperactivity symptoms (ADD). However, for children with hyperactivity symptoms
(ADHD) play in open grass meant a significant reduction in symptoms relative to an area with
big trees & grass. The authors do not discuss a mechanism that would explain this finding. A
possible explanation is that “open space” represents more opportunities for high physical activity
than areas with “big trees and grass” (assuming that grass is not as open). The study shows
that green space characteristics can be symptom specific, as well as age group specific. In very
well designed studies such context specific effects are measurable.

NINA Report 1114

5.6.3 Preferences for green and blue structures

A number of methods for measuring relative

preferences for specific green space charac-
teristics (Nordh, 2012) and mapping and
measuring accessibility are available
(Koppen et al., 2014).

Of particular relevance for Oslo is the large

amount of research conducted at NMBU by
Helena Nordh and colleagues for small city

In a study of 72 parks in Stockholm Nordh et

al. (2009) show that the size of parks is cor-
related with the number of park components
(Figure 5.18). Interviewing university stu-
dents they found that the self-reported likeli-
hood of restoration (re-creation) is correlated Figure 5.18 Number of small urban park compo-
with the number of park components (park nents with above-median values as a function of
structural diversity). Particular structural park size, as rated by a sample of students in
components elicit particular emotional reac- Stockholm
tions with “fascination” associated with water
and size, and “being away” associated with Source: Nordh et al. (2009), Figure 5. p. 232
grass, bushes, trees and size.

In a conjoint study of Oslo residents’ prefer-

ences for characteristics of small parks,
Nordh et al. (2011) find similar preferences
across age groups for trees, bushes, pres-
ence of people (Figure 5.19). Water and
flowers were relatively more preferred by
those older than 60, while grass was rela-
tively more preferred by those younger than
29. Preferences were broadly similar across
men and women.

In another study of small urban parks -

“pocket parks” - Nordh and Østby (2013) in-
terviewed university students in Oslo for their
relative preference for natural and designed Figure 5.19 Average importance of different
characteristics, management and park sur- small urban park components by age group, as
roundings (Figure 5.20, next page). natural rated by a sample of Oslo residents
characteristics were most frequently associ-
ated with restoration likelihood, while enclo- Source: Nordh et al. (2011), Fig. 7, p.100
sure, calm and lack of traffic and seating pos-
sibilities were also quite important. The study
emphasises the importance of conserving natural features of also the smallest urban parks.

NINA Report 1114

Figure 5.20 Structures of small urban parks with highest likelihood of having a restorative
effect on visitors, as rated by a sample of students in Oslo

Source: Nordh and Østby (2013), Table 1, p.14

5.6.4 Valuation for further policy support

This chapter has provided a number of examples of epidemiological studies and preferences
studies indicating the importance of green infrastructure. Common to epidemiological studies
that have observed significant effects is a regional scale data set controlling for variation at dif-
ferent resolutions (park, neighbourhood and home characteristics). The studies were all non-
monetary assessments of impacts and preferences. Future economic valuation studies for
awareness raising purposes regarding health benefits could try to transfer epidemiological find-
ings to Oslo to make rough estimates of changing incidence of mortality and morbidity with dif-
ferent proximity to and total available green space. Proximity and availability thresholds would
have to be controlled for. Incidence likelihoods per capita could be valued using assumptions
about the value of Quality Adjusted Life Years (QUALYs) transferred from the air pollution valu-
ation literature. The resulting estimates would be associated with very high uncertainty, but
might still provide orders- of-magnitude that spur further policy and research interest.
If epidemiological does-response studies were available on green infrastructure impacts on
health, and awareness raising valuation studies had been conducted, what would be the next
steps in the policy-relevant valuation hierarchy? Given the current state of knowledge this is
highly speculative. Nevertheless, we can use the example of the Handbook 140 on impact as-
sessment of transport projects (see chapter 3). Since the first version appeared in 1988 several
decades of research have succeeded in internalising valuation of health effects from accidents,
air pollution and noise in the social economic analysis of transport projects. This has been made
possible by a concerted research agenda on estimating dose-response functions and then de-
veloping simplified look-up tables for guidance documents and operationalisation in Impact As-
sessments. Given the dose-response examples cited in this chapter we know that the method-
ology is available. What is needed is sufficiently large samples and longitudinal studies that can
capture cumulative and chronic health effects. Such relationships could be transferred from
other cities, but would ideally be commissioned for Norwegian cities specifically. Once green

NINA Report 1114

infrastructure does-response functions are mapped to morbidity and mortality end-points, avail-
able economic estimates of e.g. QUALYs could be ‘plugged in’ in the same way they are done
for the currently ‘priced’ health effects in Handbook 140. ‘Priced’ health effects of green infra-
structure could then be evaluated as part of economic analysis of public infrastructure invest-

In summary, there is still some way to go before health impacts could be considered ‘priced im-
pacts’ in impact assessment of green infrastructure. For the near future studies are needed for
awareness raising at an aggregate level using different kinds of methods with different data
resolutions (Figure 5.21).

Figure 5.21 Awareness-raising of potential health benefits of green infrastructure – multi-level

resolution studies needed.

NINA Report 1114

6 Recommendations regarding information gaps and

research needs
6.1 Pilot study valuation results
In this report we have discussed valuation for awareness-raising through 6 different examples,
four of them using economic valuation methods:
Economic valuation examples:
1. Meta-analysis of willingness-to-pay for green spaces in the built zone
2. Hedonic pricing of green infrastructure in the built zone of Oslo
3. Time use value of Marka peri-urban forest outside the built zone of Oslo
4. Urban trees in the built zone

Non-economic valuation examples:

5. Blue green factor scoring of property in the built zone of Oslo
6. Health impacts of green infrastructure in Oslo as a whole

The two methods looking at recreation in green spaces (1) and the peri-urban forest (3) found
annual values of 1 to more than ten billion Norwegian kroner. The value of green spaces in
property prices (2) and the liability value of trees (4) revealed capital values in the range of tens
of billions of Nowegian kroner. These values partially overlap and should not be added arith-
metically. Recreational value of parks and green spaces overlap with property values and value
of city trees in parks. The recreation time value of the peri-urbn forest overlaps with property
value of proximity to the edge of Marka.

Nevertheless, for awareness raising purposes we can with great certainty say that nature in
Oslo has a total annual value of several billion kroner (Barton et al., 2015b). We know that
this value represents mainly cultural ecosystem services. Regulating services remain largely

In moving on from a pilot study consideration should be given to the uses of further economic
valuation. Depending on the use context there will be different requirements for accuracy and
reliability, involving different information requirements and study cost. We see three main direc-
tions that could be taken. They are not mutually exclusive, but each involve further studies and
in most cases new studies on ecosystem function and ecosystem service valuation.

Increasing resolution for decision-support: in some cases valuation methods are available
and data could be collected to increase the resolution of valuation studies to a point where they
would be relevant in decision-support.
Widening scope for awareness raising: awareness could be raised about the economic value
of a number of ecosystem services and some green infrastructure that were not addressed in
the pilot study. This could in some cases be done without new primary economic valuation
Increasing scale for awareness raising across jurisdictions: the scale of a valuation study
could address neighbouring municipalities of Greater Oslo to address whether there were eco-
system service benefit or cost spill-overs across municipalities that could be relevant for regional
planning policy.
Methodology development: based on our review of Norwegian guidance documents we see a
gap in impact assessment and economic analysis in relation to ecosystem services.

NINA Report 1114

6.2 Increasing resolution: from awareness raising to decision-

What are the additional information requirements of moving further along in the ‘decision-context
hierarchy’ ? What are the demands on further ecosystem service mapping in terms of require-
ments on accuracy and reliability? Are new primary valuation studies needed? What valuation
methods are relevant in those cases? Here we synthesise the discussion on “valuation for fur-
ther policy support” from each of the 6 examples.

We emphasise that the decision-contexts suggested here do not necessarily reflect actual policy

6.2.1 Natural capital accounting

National economic and environmental accounting (NEEA) is evaluating standards for ecosystem
accounting (UN, 2013). To the best of our knowledge ecosystem service accounting studies
have not focused on urban ecosystem services (Schröter et al., 2014). While urban ecosystem
services are relatively small in surface area in a national context, they represent the habitat for
the majority of the world’s population and ecosystem service values per unit of area are expected
to be high (Gómez-Baggethun and Barton, 2013). In our pilot study we also find large cultural
ecosystem service values. These values represent methodological challenges for NEEA stand-
ards which only admit market-price and revealed preference valuation methods, and not meth-
ods based on consumer surplus. Cultural services such as recreation have to a large extent
been valued using stated preference methods which estimate consumer surplus.

In our pilot study NEEA standards would reject the findings of the meta-analysis of contingent
valuation of park recreation, but accept the revealed preference values of hedonic property pric-
ing. In this sense further ecosystem services valuation work in Greater Oslo represents a rich
testing ground for operationalizing NEEA in Norway, and even at municipal level.

For example, the hedonic property pricing results could be used to evaluate the extent to which
the capital values uncovered could be integrated into ‘municipal experimental ecosystem ac-
counts’, downscaling NEEA methodology.

6.2.2 Priority setting – benefit-cost analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis

Hedonic pricing of urban green space could be used in assessing the economic benefits of cre-
ating new public parks in low coverage areas in Oslo. Mapping of low coverage areas has already
been carried out (OsloKommune, 2006). Once a green space is regulated as a recreation area,
economic valuation could at best be used as one more ex post hoc justification for the decision.
For open spaces that are still legally ‘unprotected’ it would be interesting to test benefit-cost
analysis as decision support ex ante, using the results of the hedonic pricing study. Does the
aggregate hedonic value-added to existing housing in the neighbourhood outweigh the foregone
property development value? How do we avoid double counting when aggregate partially over-
lapping hedonic property values with values from stated preference willingness-to-pay studies
and time value studies? In order to use hedonic pricing to evaluate specific parks spatially rep-
resentative data is needed on property values and characteristics. The local relevance of the
method is limited by the actual number and location of property sales.

Regarding the time use values uncovered for recreation in the Marka forest, next steps involve
disaggregating time use to particular locations and recreational activities. One important hypoth-
esis that could be tested is the extent to which urban parks and peri-urban forest are comple-
ments and substitutes for different types of recreational activity. This would be relevant for the

NINA Report 1114

assessment of proposals to create public parks within the built zone close to the marka border
versus built sports facilities in the proposed activity zones within the Marka forest.

For this question in particular a bespoke stated preference study could evaluate the willingness
to pay for a limited set of alternative investments in sports and recreation facilities.

6.2.3 Instrument design

The Blue-green factor (BGF) has been proposed as a method for scoring and providing incen-
tives for ecosystem service performance in building design, and as a tool for screening building
plans (FramtidensByer, 2014). Weighting of individual blue and green structures is based on
expert knowledge, and focuses on importance for surface water regulation. Stated preference
/market research methods such as choice experiments could be used to evaluate the extent to
which property buyers’ preferences for green structures diverge from the weighting in the BGF.

Property development within the Marka border has been proposed in several places in recent
years, with proposals for extending the Marka border in other locations to offset the development.
Recreation use mapping and stated preference methods such as choice experiments could be
used to assess whether the proposed development offsets were equivalent from a consumer
surplus point of view.

6.2.4 Natural damage assessment and litigation

Oslo Municipality currently uses the VAT03 methodology (Randrup et al., 2003) for assessing
economic liability of city trees. The methodology goes quite far in adjusting the liability value for
neighbourhood characteristics in terms of aesthetics and recreation. However, it does not differ-
entiate between trees with regards to their neighbourhood effects on regulating services. Be-
cause VAT03 is currently being used to calculate compensation claims that could be challenged
in court, we think the method could be strengthened by further calibrating the model for trees in
different contexts. This could be done by applying the model to a randomly selected sample of
trees across different neighbourhoods on both public and private land.

Further work could also be done, in collaboration with legal specialists, on the scope for extend-
ing the VAT03 model to assess the compensation value of trees on private property, e.g. in
disputes between neighbours.

In summary, there are a number of opportunities for exploring the relevance of valuation methods
by commissioning new studies that have higher spatial resolution.

6.3 Widening scope: valuation for awareness raising on other urban

ecosystem services

In the pilot study we were not able to address a number of ecosystem services which have been
identified as important in the urban ecosystem services literature (Gómez-Baggethun et al.,
2013) because there was no easily available mapping data, use data, dose-response modeling
and/or valuation studies. In some cases there were available meta-analyses, but the spatial
resolution was too rough for the urban context of our study. For example, this was the case for
willingness-to-pay urban wetlands using a meta-analysis on wetland valuation by Brander et al.

NINA Report 1114

Here we summarise ecosystem services we were unable to address in this report, but which are
potentially important based on the following criteria:
(i) blue-green structures – landscapes and respective ecosystem services which are
relatively under-represented in municipal policy documents would be more likely to
achieve and awareness raising effect from applying economic valuation
(ii) ecosystem services with high values from other cities
(iii) contested ecosystem services, where there is disagreement on their importance
(iv) availability and cost of valuation methods

We suggest what types of spatial and biophysical mapping and valuation data might be relevant
to consider for awareness-raising valuation in each case. The following ideas are intended as a
starting point for further brainstorming on study design, aided by a substantial international case
study literature15.

6.3.1 Integrating across ecosystem services – urban habitat and human health

Justification: quantifying ecosystem services ultimately aims at quantifying ecosystems im-

portance for human health and well-being. Recent epidemiological studies have succeeded in
establishing the significance of urban green structures for human health. In effect, they docu-
ment supporting services of urban blue green habitat for humans. Lifestyle illnesses place a
large economic burden on public health systems, as well as private costs.

Spatial and biophysical data: epidemiological studies controlling for individual physical activity,
access to green infrastructure, and quality of green infrastructure. See section 5.6.

Valuation method: Costs of morbidity and mortality (quality adjusted life years).

6.3.2 Experiential and cognitive services - fjord and island recreation

Justification: the pilot study only valued the hedonic property value of proximity to the Oslofjjord
coastline. It did not address coastal and marine recreation on the Oslofjord nor on its islands.

Spatial and biophysical data: map destination and time use for coastal and marine recreational
activities such as picnicking, bathing, and boating.

Valuation method: value of time use

6.3.3 Experiential and cognitive services – tourism in natural areas in Oslo

Justification Non-residents’ recreational values from using the islands, fjord, coastline, parks
and Marka forest were not addressed in the recreational valuation of the pilot study. Oslo has
around 300 000 cruise boat visitors (InnovationNorway, 2013) and 3 million guests nights per
year16. Oslo aims at profiling itself as a green capital (OsloKommune, 2013c). What is the
economic importance of green infrastructure for Oslo’s tourism sector?

Spatial and biophysical data: survey trip purposes, time spent by location and expenses of for-
eign and domestic visitors to Oslo.

Valuation method: value of recreation time and expenses on different dedicated outdoor activities

15 It was not within the scope of this pilot study to conduct a review of this literature, and there are
many available sources such as TEEB and UK NEA.
16 www.visitoslo.com

NINA Report 1114

6.3.4 Experiential and cognitive services – environmental education

Justification: Oslo’s schools use neighbourhood forests, lakes, streams and the coastline in out-
door exercises in the environmental science curriculum. What is the value of having natural
areas within walking distance of a school?

Spatial and biophysical data: survey schools for the number of pupil outdoor teaching days
across Oslo

Valuation method: value outdoor teaching time per pupil directly; or value replacement cost as-
suming outdoor teaching is replaced by indoor teaching; or value additional travel time to alter-
native natural areas

6.3.5 Regulating service – storm water management

Justification: urban stormwater management entails large investments and there is interest in
evaluating the extent to which green and blue structures within the built zone can reduce design
requirements for urban drainage and/or reduce costs of flood damage(Reinvang et al., 2014).
The restoration of urban streams and rivers has been taking place in Oslo over the last decades.
Only recently have restoration measures been subject to benefit-cost analysis focusing mainly
on recreational benefits (Magnussen et al., 2014). In both cases the assessment of benefit from
stormwater management have been constrained by the lack of urban hydrological modelling.

Spatial and biophysical data: flood risk mitigation of urban green infrastructure depends mainly
on three hydrological processes (i) evapotranspiration from vegetation (ii) soil infiltration and (iii)
delay runoff through temporary storage. Of these three delaying run-off through temporary stor-
age is perhaps the most important for mitigating extreme rainfall events in small urban catch-
ments17. Understanding the latter so-called hydrological routing effect requires spatially explicit
modelling. Further studies should characterise urban green spaces in terms of vegetation cover
and soil types and hydrological network in terms of storage capacity, and routing times using
hydrological simulation models.

Valuation method: assess property value at risk at flooding locations predicted by the urban
hydrological model.

6.3.6 Regulating services - waste water treatment

Justification: until the 1970’s the Oslo fjord was used as a sewage waste treatment basin for the
city. Since regular sewage started being treated water quality has improved, although sewage
still reaches the fjord during high intensity rainfall. Investments in sewage treatment have been
large and are ongoing. Costs of sewage treatment represent the revealed willingness to pay for
minimum standards of water quality in the Oslo fjord.

Spatial and biophysical data: What is the sewage treatment capacity of the Oslofjord in terms of
population equivalents that would still keep water quality within minimum regulatory require-
ments? This question could be answered using a marine water quality simulation model.

Valuation method: the replacement cost approach could be used to evaluate what the sustain-
able population-equivalent sewage load to the Oslo fjord represents in terms of costs of equiva-
lent sewage plant treatment

17 Pers.com. Nils Roar Sælthun, hydrologist

NINA Report 1114

6.3.7 Regulating service – noise and air pollution mitigation

Justification: noise is a significant predictor of the price of apartments in the built zone according
to the hedonic pricing study. Vegetation mitigates the perception of noise both in terms of re-
ducing the energy of sound waves and through visual impression of screening. The economic
value of vegetation in mitigating the disamenities of traffic is potentially large, but spatially dis-
tributed and undocumented in Oslo.

Spatial and biophysical data: air pollution and noise have been mapped in detail in Oslo. Map-
ping of city trees and overlay with pollution maps would map potential mitigation. Data on actual
mitigating effect of individual structures could be transferred from studies in the literature, or
ideally studied for representative vegetation in Oslo. Seasonal differences would need to be
accounted for.

Valuation method: hedonic pricing estimates in this study can be ascribed to changes in noise
level. Hedonic pricing of air pollution might also produce significant results.

6.3.8 Regulating and provisioning service – drinking water treatment and supply

Justification: The economic role of wetlands and lakes in the supply and pre-treatment of Oslo’s
drinking water from Maridalsvannet could raise awareness about another ecosystem service of
Oslo’s Marka greenbelt. Economic analysis is not required to justify policy as watershed pro-
tected around Maridalsvannet is a century old and drinking water safety is fully regulated. How-
ever, peri-urban watershed protection for drinking water purposes is an ‘iconic’ ecosystem ser-
vice internationally and one that is easy to communicate.

Spatial and biophysical data: determine added water treatment steps required by regulation in
the hypothetical situation that Maridalsvannet catchment was impermeable or built area. The
assessment of the effectiveness of water treatment functions depends on assumptions about
pollution loading.

Valuation method: replacement cost in terms of investment in and maintenance of additional

treatment processes

6.3.9 Supporting, experiential and cognitive service – urban pollinators

Justification: Bees require intact green space and floral diversity to be sustainable. As such they
are an indicator of how well the urban landscape mosaic provides supporting services as biodi-
versity habitat. Urban beekeeping is rapidly gaining popularity in Oslo. Bees are easily identifi-
able, and perform pollinating services in gardens and orchards. While pollinating services are
not commercially important in Oslo, bees are iconic in communicating knowledge about and
concern for ecosystem function and services.

Spatial and biophysical data: survey the presence of pollinators across a rural-urban gradient in
which green structures and foraging resources are also mapped. Map actual and potential
demand for beekeeping (in collaboration with ByBi). Map Oslo’s apple orchards.

Valuation method: only very partial economic valuation is possible. Commercial value of Oslo’s
apple orchards. Costs of maintaining floral diversity throughout Oslo’s public parks and private
gardens. Willingness-to-pay for beekeeping.

NINA Report 1114

6.4 Increasing scale: assessing ecosystem services across

This study has focused on valuation of ecosystem services within the administrative boundaries
of Oslo Municipality. Future ecosystem service mapping and valuation studies could have other
systems boundaries depending on the policy purpose of the analysis as discussed in chapter 4.
Here we suggest some alternative system boundaries related to hypothetical policy questions.

6.4.1 Watershed boundaries

Awareness raising. The role of the Marka greenbelt in providing regulating services that benefit
Oslo’s population living in the built zone may be taken for granted by the wider population.
Oslo’s own catchments lie largely with municipal boundaries. Oslo’s water supply comes from
the Maridalsvann catchment. The role of peri-urban forests in regulating drinking water quality
is an iconic ecosystem service that has received attention in a number of international studies.
Hydrological modelling discussed under 6.3.5 could be extended to assess the role played by
Marka’s forest vegetation cover, wetlands and lakes– outside the built zone - in regulating run-
off and to Oslo’s streams and rivers. Assessment of the flood mitigation and drinking water
supply services may serve to raise awareness about the multi-functionality of Oslo’s watersheds.

6.4.2 Marka forest ecosystem boundaries

Natural capital accounting. The Marka forest to the north, west and east of Oslo extends to
other municipalities. The relative importance of cultural, provisioning, regulating and supporting
ecosystem services is likely to vary between neighbouring municipalities, depending i.a. on prox-
imity and density of the population. In the peri-urban landscape around Oslo we argue that
ecosystem services are multiple, partially overlapping and conflicting to a greater extent than in
rural landscapes. The Marka forest provides a good testing ground for how to implement natural
capital accounting within relatively clear ecosystem boundaries that span several local govern-
ment jurisdictions.

6.4.3 Neighbouring municipalities

Instrument design of ecological fiscal transfers. Study of ecosystem services provided by

neighbouring municipalities to Oslo and vice versa. To what extent does Oslo’s land use regu-
lations benefit or impose costs on neighbouring municipalities? Are there arguments for making
ecosystem service adjustments to the current state-to-municipal fiscal transfers (through adjust-
ments to the so-called “kommunenøkkel”)?

6.4.4 Commuter and housing market boundaries

Instrument design of property taxes. Municipalities around Oslo provide residential space for
commuters who work largely in Oslo itself. Peri-urban municipalities are likely to have a smaller
commercial tax base than Oslo, while providing natural amenities to residents. Such an argu-
ment may be the basis for assessing differential municipal property taxes, justified in part by
differential access to ecosystem services. A hedonic property pricing study of the Greater Oslo
region could evaluate residential choice and prices based on access to municipal utilities,
transport services and ecosystem services.

6.4.5 Importing virtual ecosystem services - the ecological footprint of Oslo

NINA Report 1114

Awareness raising. What ecological equivalent land area outside Oslo, within Norway, does
Oslo depend on for provisioning services? What ecological equivalent land area outside Norway
does Oslo depend on for provisioning services? The study would be aimed at awareness raising
about urban sustainability in Norway.

6.5 Methodology development - pricing ecosystem services in

impact assessment
In chapter 3 we discussed the extent to which ecosystem services are priced in economic anal-
ysis at the concept design and impact evaluation stages of infrastructure projects in Norway.
Further research could evaluate how ecosystem service concepts could improve the assessment
of unpriced impacts in Norwegian impact assessment methodology of Handbook 140
(StatensVegvesen, 2006).

For example, the identification of ecosystem functional linkages between “unpriced” and “priced”
impacts (Figure 6.1) could help avoid double counting. National efforts to map nature types
could take into consideration the spatial resolution that would be required to assess impacts on
ecosystem services from infrastructure projects.

Figure 6.1 Relationship between Norwegian impact assessment methodology and ecosys-
tem services.

Ecosystem services science may improve understanding of interlinkages between “unpriced”

and “priced” impacts. The question mark at the top of the figure asks whether any of the
“unpriced” ecosystem services at the bottom of the figure may in future be “priced” as part of
national Impact Assessment guidelines.

NINA Report 1114

Some ecosystem services valuation methods make “pricing” possible, but lack implementation
due to high information investment costs. This may provide justification for starting a longterm
research programme to include ecosystem service impacts as priced impacts in Norwegian im-
pact assessment methodology (Figure 6.1). Such a research programme could focus on eco-
system services were statistical modelling methods exists, but lack implementation in Norway
due to high costs of obtaining large enough cross-section and longitudinal data to document

NINA Report 1114

7 Conclusions
Chapter 1. Towards 2020 EU member states are carrying out ecosystem service mapping
and valuation. This effort runs the risk of expending considerable resources collecting spatial
data which is not targeted at specific decision-problems. While the aim of the report is to look
beyond the awareness raising role of economic valuation, there are considerable practical
challenges to be faced in applying economic valuation of ecosystem services to policy. De-
spite the difficulties, if economic valuation of ecosystem services succeeds in raising aware-
ness, it gains legitimacy and there will be a demand for applying the methods more specifically.
Conducting economic valuation of ecosystem services for awareness raising does not endorse
“pricing” of ecosystem services as a policy instrument.

Chapter 2. Valuation of ecosystem services is decision-context specific because values are

an expression of preferences for alternative courses of action at particular times and places.
Awareness of sources of uncertainty is important in knowing the appropriate decision-support
contexts for economic valuation. A framework for identifying sources of uncertainty in eco-
nomic valuation of ecosystem services can aid decision-makers with the interpretation of
whether value transfer errors meet their requirements for accuracy and reliability in specific de-
cision-contexts. A conceptual framework for the decision-contexts of the economic valuation of
ecosystem services can help policy-makers define their expectations when commissioning new
economic valuation studies.

Chapter 3. Despite several decades of environmental economic research in Norway, economic

valuation of ecosystem services is only practiced to a very limited extent as part of Norwegian
project concept assessment and impact evaluation. The definition of ecosystem services as
“unpriced impacts” by definition has limited development of economic valuation methods as de-
cision-support. Ecosystem services are not an integrated concept in green infrastructure plan-

Chapter 4. Oslo Municipalities planning documents have an extensive coverage of cultural

ecosystem services and supporting services related to biodiversity conservation. Regulating
ecosystem services are extensively addressed in the built area, although less so for the peri-
urban area. Regulating services that are relatively poorly documented in municipal policy doc-
uments include carbon sequestration and storage, pollination and seed dispersal and noise re-
duction of green infrastructure.

Chapter 5. The valuation examples from Oslo constitute the main body of the report, with four
economic and two non-economic valuation examples. The examples demonstrate economic
valuation of ecosystem services for awareness-raising purposes. The examples illustrate the
framework in chapter 2 where the awareness-raising context has relatively low requirements
for accuracy and reliability.

Recreational values of parks and green spaces. Green spaces in Oslo’s built zone con-
stitute roughly 28 km2 across more than 500 different areas. Oslo’s total green space is conser-
vatively estimated to be worth 1 billion kroner per year. The estimate is based on willingness-
to-pay studies transferred from a number of studies of urban populations in other countries. This
value is equivalent to about kr. 1985 per inhabitant older than 15 years. The value transfer has
been adjusted for a number of factors including differences in income level, size of green space
and population density.

Capital value of green infrastructure in property prices. We carried out a statistical anal-
ysis of the relationship between the price of apartments in Oslo and proximity to green infrastruc-
ture. The study used sales data from 2004-2013. Within 500 meters from city parks the ex-
pected value of an apartment rises by NOK 162-368 for every metre closer to the closest park.
There are 160 722 apartments within 500 meters of public parks in Oslo. The aggregate value
of proximity to parks for all these apartments is NOK 8,3-18,9 billion. If the park has a water

NINA Report 1114

structure it is even more valuable. The added value of blue structures in parks is between NOK
2,8-6,6 billion. Large parks have an added value of NOK 0,3-2,3 billion.

Proximity to the Oslo fjord, Marka forest and cementaries has a further added value of several
billion Norwegian kroner, according to property price statistics. All values are capital values (not
annual) and as such appropriate for urban natural capital accounting. Aggregating the lower
bound of all the hedonic price values gives a conservative estimate of NOK 19 billion for the
capital value of green infrastructure in Oslo’s built zone as reflected in apartment prices.
The estimate does not include other types of housing.

Value of recreation time in Marka peri-urban forest. Based on a survey of recreational

activities of Oslo’s adult population, approximately 73 million hours per year are spent in the peri-
urban forest called Marka. The value of this recreational time can be estimated using a number
of different methods, such as travel costs, costs of physical training alternatives and opportunity
costs of work time. The different methods produce a range for the value of recreational time in
Marka of between NOK 2,3-13,3 billion per year. The value is uncertain because of the uncer-
tainty about the correct way to value recreational visits and time. While uncertainty is quite large
we are confident that the value is at least several billion per year.

Value of economic liability for city trees. There are 0,7-1,2 million city trees taller than 5
metres in Oslo’s built zone. Every citizens shared the built zone with 1-2 large trees. Oslo
Municipalilty has a policy of replacing every tree that dies with a new one. Damage or destruction
of trees on municipal land carried an economic liability. Liability is calculated according to an
assessment models that accounts for the species, age and health of the tree, as well as charac-
teristics of the location, including ecosystem services. The assessment model predicts that the
expected liability value of an average city tree on municipal land is about NOK 40 000.
We used the assessment model on all city trees – both on private and public land – within the
built zone to determine an aggregate (hypothetical) liability value for all city trees. Total liability
of large trees in the built zone is between NOK 28-42 billion depending on the number of trees
that are assessed. Liability value does not consider that trees may be perceived as a nuicance
– ecosystem disservices - on private land. The method does not account trees smaller than 5
metres tall.

The valuation examples in this report cover only a fraction of urban ecosystem serices. Never-
theless these scoping examples collectively convey the awareness-raising messages that “na-
ture in Oslo is worth billions” (Barton et al., 2015b). Further discussion of assumptions un-
derlying the four economic valuation examples can be found in Barton et al. (2015a).

Two further non-economic valuation examples are provided in chapter 5. The blue-green factor
(BGF) is a system for scoring the relative importance of blue and green structures at the property
level. The BGF was developed by Oslo and Bærum Municipality in collaboration with landscape
architects, entrepreneurs and consultants. The BGF is also a scoring tool that can be used to
set minimum building standards for blue green structures. As such it demonstrates how valuation
methods can also be used to design policy instruments. The final section in the chapter reviews
a number of international epidemiological studies that find significant health benefits of urba
green infrastructure. While a handful of studies document Oslo citizens preferences for blue and
green structrures in parks, there is to our knowledge currently no epidemiological study docu-
menting the health benefits of green infrastructure in Oslo. Based on the review, we expect
potential health benefits to be large, although their documentation requires a substantial new

NINA Report 1114

Chapter 6. The last chapter in the report provides recommendations for further economic val-
uation of ecosystem services in and around Oslo.

Increasing resolution for decision-support: in some cases valuation methods are available
and data could be collected to increase the resolution of valuation studies to a point where it
would be relevant in decision-support. Some examples of applications include;,hedonic property
pricing could be disaggregated at city district level and used to justify differential municipal fees
to maintain and improve green infrastructure; recreational time use studies in Oslo’s parks could
be used to better target further upgrades in access to and quality of green infrastructure; further
spatial studies of recreational opportunities, current and projected use would inform plans to re-
regulate parts of Oslo’s peri-urban forest to recreational “activity zones”; further valuation studies
of ecosystem services of city trees could justify economic liability for and regulation of trees on
private land within the built zone.
Widening scope for awareness raising: awareness could be raised about the economic value
of a number of other ecosystem services and some green infrastructure that were not addressed
in the pilot study
Increasing scale for awareness raising across jurisdictions: the scale of a valuation study
could address neighbouring municipalities of Greater Oslo to address whether there were eco-
system service benefit or cost spill-overs across municipalities that could be relevant for regional
planning policy.
Methodology development for ecosystem services in Impact Assessment Handbook 140
(HB140) of the Norwegian Roads Authorities. Based on our review of Norwegian guidance
documents we also see a gap in impact assessment and economic analysis in relation to eco-
system services. A sustained programme of research on impacts of infrastructure on urban
ecosystem services – such as has been conducted for noise and air pollution since the 1980s -
holds out the promise of internalising economically important, but currently ‘unpriced impacts’ on
particularly recreation and health.

NINA Report 1114

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NINA Report 1114

9 Appendix 1 – Norwegian ecosystem service

terminology in green infrastructure guidance
The following table maps the ecosystem terminology adapted from the Norwegian Official Report
on ecosystem services (NOU, 2013:10) to and urban context (Reinvang et al., 2014) to the
Environment Agency Guidance Document M100 on “Planning of green infrastructure in cities
and urban areas” (Miljødirektoratet, 2014).

Table A1.1 Mapping of Norwegian green infrastructure guidance terminology to ecosystem ser-
vices terminology
Nevnt i veil-
Økosystemtjeneste eder Alternativ formulering
Regulerende Pollinering og frø- 2.23
Vannhåndtering 2.23, 2.3 Overvannshåndtering og flomdemping, forvaltning av ned-
bør og overflatevann, lokal overvanndisponering, infiltra-
sjon og fordøye avrenning, redusere intense avrenningssi-
Motvirke erosjon 2.2 , 2.3 erosjonsbeskyttelse
Lokal klimaregulering 2.3 Temperaturregulering, vinddemping, ventilasjonskanaler,
Rensing av vann 2.23, 2.3 Vannrensing, rense overflatevann
Rensing av jord
Rensing av luft 2.23, 2.3 Luftkvalitetsregulering, filtrering av luft, forbedring av luft-
kvalitet, avleding av lokal luftforurensing, redusere lokal
CO2 opptak og lagring
Støyreduksjon 2.1 Stille soner, miljøvennlig transport, skjerming mot støy2
Forsynende4 Matproduksjon
Friskt vann
Opplevelse Rekreasjon, mental 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Friluftsliv og fysisk aktivitet, Naturopplevelser, turgåing,
og kognitive og fysisk helse Naturens stressreduserende og, Rekreativ effekt, velvære,
Estetikk 2.1, 2.2 Opplevelseskvalitet,
grønt preg, naturpreg
Utdanning og kognitiv 2.2 Pedagogisk verdi, læringsarenaer
Stedsidentitet og kul- 2.1, 2.2 Norsk naturarv, kulturminner og -miljøer, kulturmiljøver-
turarv dier, naturområder knyttet til tradisjons- og historiske ver-
Støttende Habitat for truede ar- 2.1, 2.2 Naturgitte forhold, som … sjeldne eller sårbare naturty-
ter per1, intakte resteområder, naturrestarealer
Biologisk mangfold 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Bevart (urørt) naturpreg; Stedegen vegetasjon; Norsk na-
turarv; Verdifullt naturmangfold, variert dyre- og planteliv,
hverdagsnatur, biotopmangfold, artsmangfold
1Navngitt i veilederen som en mulig begrensing for universal utforming av grønnstruktur for friluftsliv
(s 19).

NINA Report 1114

2Nevner at “den psykologiske effekten av grønnstruktur er ofte større enn den målbare ved at vege-
tasjonen bidrar til en generelt positiv opplevelse av omgivelsene” og at “Tre og busker kan brukes for
å øke den opplevde effekten av anlagte støyavskjermingstiltak.” Mer kunnskap kan finnes i M-128-
2014 Klima og Miljødepartement
3Disse tjenestene er nevnt på side 35, men ikke utdypet eller forklart.
4Denne kategorien er nevnt på side 35, men uten noen spesifikke tjenester.

A review of M100 reveals that ecosystem services terminology is referred to briefly as a potential
new concept to urban planning of green infrastructure in Norway. While ecosystem services
terminology as such is not applied throughout the M100 guidance document consideration of
regulating, experiential and cognitive (cultural) and supporting services is amply integrated into
planning guidance using established terminology for ecosystem function and user interests (Ta-
ble A1.1).


ISSN: 1504-3312
ISBN: 978-82-426-2736-0

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