Advance Control System Eee 052 2016 17
Advance Control System Eee 052 2016 17
Advance Control System Eee 052 2016 17
1 Explain the following : (10×2=20)
a) Write down properties of STM..
b) Write down a note on Jury stability criterion.
c) Write down different properties of Z-transform.
d) Write about way to find out controllability and observability of a system.
e) What do you mean by Bilinear transformation?
f) What are the sufficient conditions of lyapunov stability
g) Give the advantages and disadvantages of canonical variables.
h) What do you mean by STM? Give its formula
i) Predict the stability of the following system: F(Z)= 8Z4 + 4Z3 + 2Z2 +4Z
j) Define Popov’s criterion for stability.
2 Attempt any five of the following : (10×5=50)
a) What are Fuzzy logics? Write an explanatory note on evolution of fuzzy logics.
b) What do you mean by linear quadratic equation and derive Hamilton Jacobi equation.
c) Obtain the unit step response of the system shown below
f) Differentiate between the SISO and MISO systems.
g) What is non- linearity and explain different types of non linearities?
h) Derive the describing function of On-off nonlinearity with hysteresis
Attempt any two of the following : (15×2=30)
3 Explain pontryagin’s minimum principle and then solve given problem. Consider the linear,
constant system
With u(t) unrestricted .Find u(t) which minimizes trade-off between terminal error and
control effort.
4 What are neural networks? Write an explanatory note on evolution of neural networks. Also
give difference between Neural and Fuzzy networks.
5 Explain Ricatti equation and give solution for it.