Arts 4 Am
Arts 4 Am
Arts 4 Am
Assessment Matrix
Fourth Monthly Examination
Learning Area: Arts
Grade Level: 4
Quarter: 4th
CONTENT: Tie Dyeing and Mat Weaving
Standards and Learning Method of Assessment Cognitive process Scoring Guide Total Points Supervisor’s
Competencies to be assessed Dimension Remarks
Content Standard IV. INTERPRETIVE TEST Understading and Applying 3 points each 15 points
The learner demonstrates
understanding on color (dyes), The pupils will observe the
values, and repetition of motifs pictures and answer the following
through tie dying and mat questions.
Performance Standard
The learner applies individually
the intricate procedures in tie
dyeing in clothes or t-shirts and
compares them with one another
and replicates traditional skills in
mat weaving from indigenous
material like abaca tapestries.
4. Identify the different mats of III. MULTIPLE CHOICE Remembering 1 point each 5 points
cultural communities
The pupils will identify what is
being descriebed in each sentence.
Choose your answer from the box.