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12089 : 1997
Thermal insulating products |
for building applications Ð |
Determination of bending |
behaviour |
The European Standard EN 12089 : 1997 has the status of a |

British Standard |
ICS 91.100.99; 91.120.10 |
Copyright British Standards Institution
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BS EN 12089 : 1997

National foreword
This British Standard is the English language version of EN 12089 : 1997.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee
B/540/1, European Standards for thermal insulation, which has the responsibility to:

± aid enquirers to understand the text;

± present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the
interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed;
± monitor related international and European developments and promulgate
them in the UK.

A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to

its secretary.
The British Standards which implement international or European publications
referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the
section entitled `International Standards Correspondence Index', or by using the
`Find' facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 8, an inside back cover and a back cover.

This British Standard, having Amendments issued since publication

been prepared under the
direction of the Sector Board for Amd. No. Date Text affected
Building and Civil Engineering,
was published under the
authority of the Standards Board
and comes into effect on
15 October 1997

 BSI 1997

ISBN 0 580 28619 3


Copyright British Standards Institution

Provided by IHS under license with BSI
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ICS 91.100.99

Descriptors: Buildings, thermal insulation, thermal insulating materials, bend tests, determination, flexural strength, tests specimen,
procedure, computation, fidelity

English version

Thermal insulating products for building applications Ð

Determination of bending behaviour

Produits isolants thermiques destineÂs aux WaÈrmedaÈmmstoffe fuÈr das Bauwesen Ð

applications du baÃtiment Ð DeÂtermination du Bestimmung des Verhaltens bei
comportement en flexion Biegebeanspruchung

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1997-04-26. CEN members are
bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the
conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard
without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards
may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom. --`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

European Committee for Standardization
Comite EuropeÂen de Normalisation
EuropaÈisches Komitee fuÈr Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

 1997 CEN Ð All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national

Ref. No. EN 12089 : 1997 E

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Page 2
EN 12089 : 1997

Foreword EN 1602 Thermal insulating products for

building applications Ð
This European Standard has been prepared by Determination of the apparent
Technical Committee CEN/TC 88, Thermal insulating density
materials and products, the Secretariat of which is held
EN 1603 Thermal insulating products for
by DIN.
building applications Ð
This European Standard shall be given the status of a Determination of dimensional
national standard, either by publication of an identical stability under constant normal
text or by endorsement, at the latest by laboratory conditions (23 ÊC/50 %
December 1997, and conflicting national standards shall relative humidity)
be withdrawn at the latest by December 1997.
EN 1604 Thermal insulating products for
This European Standard is one of a series of standards building applications Ð
which specify test methods for determining dimensions Determination of dimensional
and properties of thermal insulating materials and stability under specified temperature
products. It supports a series of product standards for and humidity conditions
thermal insulating materials and products which derive
from the Council Directive of 21 December 1988 on the EN 1605 Thermal insulating products for
approximation of laws, regulations and administrative building applications Ð
provisions of the Member States relating to Determination of deformation under
construction products (Directive 89/106/EEC) through specified compressive load and
the consideration of the essential requirements. temperature conditions
This European Standard has been drafted for EN 1606 Thermal insulating products for
applications in buildings, but it may also be used in building applications Ð
other areas where it is relevant. Determination of compressive creep
In pursuance of Resolution BT 20/1993 Revised, EN 1607 Thermal insulating products for
CEN/TC 88 have proposed defining the standards listed building applications Ð
below as a European `package' of standards, setting Determination of tensile strength
31 December, 1997 as the date of withdrawal (dow) of perpendicular to faces

national standards which conflict with the European EN 1608 Thermal insulating products for
Standards of this `package'. building applications Ð
The `package' of standards comprises the following Determination of tensile strength
group of inter-related standards on test methods for parallel to faces
determining dimensions and properties of thermal EN 1609 Thermal insulating products for
insulation materials and products, all of which come building applications Ð
within the scope of CEN/TC 88: Determination of short term water
absorption by partial immersion
EN 822 Thermal insulating products for
building applications Ð EN 12085 Thermal insulating products for
Determination of length and width building applications Ð
Determination of linear dimensions
EN 823 Thermal insulating products for of test specimens
building applications Ð
Determination of thickness EN 12086 Thermal insulating products for
building applications Ð
EN 824 Thermal insulating products for Determination of water vapour
building applications Ð transmission properties
Determination of squareness
EN 12087 Thermal insulating products for
EN 825 Thermal insulating products for building applications Ð
building applications Ð Determination of long term water
Determination of flatness absorption by immersion
EN 826 Thermal insulating products for EN 12088 Thermal insulating products for
building applications Ð building applications Ð
Determination of compression Determination of long term water
behaviour absorption by diffusion

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Page 3
EN 12089 : 1997

EN 12089 Thermal insulating products for Contents

building applications Ð
Determination of bending behaviour Page
EN 12090 Thermal insulating products for Foreword 2
building applications Ð 1 Scope 4
Determination of shear behaviour
2 Normative references 4
EN 12091 Thermal insulating products for
building applications Ð 3 Definitions 4
Determination of freeze-thaw 4 Principle 4
5 Apparatus 4
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, 6 Test specimens 5
the national standards organizations of the following 7 Procedure 6

countries are bound to implement this European

Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, 8 Calculation and expression of results 6
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, 9 Accuracy of measurement 6
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, 10 Test report 7
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

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Page 4
EN 12089 : 1997

1 Scope 4 Principle
This European Standard specifies the equipment and The test method consists of applying, at a given speed,
procedures for determining the bending behaviour of a force by means of a loading edge in an axial
full size products (method A) and test specimens direction to the faces of a squarely cut rectangular test
(method B) under the action of three-point loading. It specimen, which is placed on two support edges. The
is applicable to thermal insulating products. force is applied to the test specimen at a position
The test is designed to determine the bending strength midway between the supporting positions (see
of products and their deflection at a given load. figure 1).
The method can be used to determine the resistance of
the product to bending stresses during transport and

2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates, by dated or
undated reference, provisions from other publications.
These normative references are cited at the
appropriate places in the text and the publications are
listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent a) Bending strength
amendments to or revisions of these publications apply
to this European Standard only when incorporated in
it by amendment or revision. For undated references
the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.
EN 822 Thermal insulating products for
building applications Ð
Determination of length and width
EN 823 Thermal insulating products for b) Deflection
building applications Ð
Determination of thickness
EN 12085 Thermal insulating products for Figure 1. Principle of test method
building applications Ð
Determination of linear dimensions
of test specimens
5 Apparatus
ISO 5725-1 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of
measurement methods and results Ð 5.1 Test machine
Part 1: General principles and A test machine suited to the range of force and
definitions displacement involved, and with a loading edge and
ISO 5725-2 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of adjustable support edges.
measurement methods and results Ð It shall be capable of operating at a constant rate of
Part 2: Basic method for the movement of the movable head.
determination of repeatability and
5.1.1 Support edges
reproducibility of a standard
measurement method Test specimen supports shall consist of two adjustable
cylindrical support edges placed parallel to each other
and in the same horizontal plane. The diameter of the
3 Definitions supports shall be (80 ± 3) mm or (30 ± 3) mm (see
For the purposes of this standard, the following figure 2). The length of the support edges shall be at
definitions apply. least equal to the width of the test specimens.
3.1 bending strength sb The span L (see figure 2) between the support edges
The maximum stress calculated from the maximum shall be adjustable in the range 300 mm to 1200 mm
force Fm recorded during the bending procedure. (method A) or 200 mm to 500 mm (method B).
3.2 bending stress sX 5.1.2 Loading edge
The stress calculated from the force FX at the The test specimen loading edge shall have the same
deflection X. shape and dimensions as the support edges. The

loading edge shall be located centrally between and

3.3 deflection X
parallel to the supporting edges.
The vertical displacement of the test specimen at mid
span, at the force FX, measured at the loading edge.

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Page 5
EN 12089 : 1997

5.1.3 Load distribution plates 6 Test specimens

For products which may be subject to crushing by the
6.1 Dimensions of test specimens
loading and support edges, steel load distribution
plates with a thickness of at least 1 mm shall be used. 6.1.1 Method A
The width of the distribution plates shall be The test specimen is a full size product. It shall be a
(30 ± 1) mm and their length shall be at least equal to squarely cut rectangle having the following dimensions:
the width of the test specimen.
± thickness: original product thickness;
5.2 Measuring devices for displacement and ± length: length of the full size product, with a
force maximum of 1300 mm;
5.2.1 Measurement of displacement ± width: width of the full size product. If this is
The test machine shall be fitted with a system that impossible because of limitations caused by the
allows continuous measurement of the displacement of testing machine, the width shall be at least 300 mm.
the movable loading edge with an accuracy of ± 5 % 6.1.2 Method B
or ± 0,1 mm, whichever is the smaller. The measured
displacement corresponds to the deflection X of the The test specimen shall be a squarely cut rectangle
test specimen. having the following dimensions:
± thickness: original product thickness of the
5.2.2 Measurement of force product with a maximum of 100 mm;
A force sensor shall be fixed to the loading edge in ± length: 5 times the nominal thickness plus 50 mm
order to measure the force F produced by the reaction

(but not greater than 550 mm);

of the test specimen upon the edges during the test.
This sensor shall be such that its own deformation ± width: 150 mm.
during the course of the measuring operation is NOTE. Other dimensions of the test specimen may be given in the
relevant product standard or any other European technical
negligible compared with that being measured or may specification or agreed between parties.
be taken into account by calculation. In addition it
shall allow the continuous measurement of the force at
all times permitting reading to ± 1 %.
A device shall be used for the simultaneous recording
of the force F and the deflection X to provide the
force-deflection curve, required in clause 7.

1 Loading edge
2 Test specimen with the thickness d
3 Support edges
a = 50 mm for method A, 25 mm for method B

Figure 2. Principles of apparatus for testing of bending behaviour

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Page 6
EN 12089 : 1997

6.2 Number of test specimens 8 Calculation and expression of results

The number of test specimens shall be as specified in
8.1 General
the relevant product standard or any other European
technical specification. In the absence of such a The results shall be the mean values of the individual
specification at least 3 test specimens shall be used. values and shall be expressed to three significant
NOTE. In the absence of a product standard or any other figures.
European technical specification the number of test specimens Results shall not be extrapolated to other thicknesses.
may be agreed between parties.
If the direction of the bending force on the product in 8.2 Bending strength
its application is not known, and/or the product has Calculate the bending strength sb, in kilopascals, using
different surface skins, facings and/or coatings on its equation (1):
two main faces, then additional sets of test specimens F 3L
shall be used. sb = 3 3 103 3 m (1)
2 3 b 3 d2
6.3 Preparation of test specimens where:
Cutting of the test specimens shall be by methods that
do not change the original structure of the product. Fm is the maximum applied force, in newtons;
Any skins, facings and/or coatings shall be retained. L is the span between support edges, in
6.4 Conditioning of test specimens millimetres;
The test specimens shall be stored for at least 6 h at b is the width of the test specimen, in millimetres;
(23 ± 5) ÊC. In case of dispute they shall be stored at d is the thickness of the test specimen, in
(23 ± 2) ÊC and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity for the time millimetres.
stated in the relevant product standard with a
mimimum of 6 h. 8.3 Bending stress and deflection
All displacements X and the corresponding force FX
7 Procedure can be derived from the force-deflection curve. This
procedure is illustrated in figure 3.
7.1 Test conditions
Bending stress sX can be calculated in kilopascals
The test shall be carried out at (23 ± 5) ÊC. In case of using equation (2):
dispute it shall be carried out at (23 ± 2) ÊC and
FX 3 L
(50 ± 5) % relative humidity. sX = 3 3 103 3 (2)
2 3 b 3 d2
7.2 Test procedure where:
Measure the length and width for full size products
(method A) in accordance with EN 822 and the FX is the applied force corresponding to the
thickness in accordance with EN 823. displacement X, in newtons;
Measure the length, width and thickness of test L is the span between support edges, in
specimens (method B) in accordance with EN 12085 millimetres;
with an accuracy of ± 1 %.
b is the width of the test specimen, in millimetres;
The span L between the support edges shall be within
± 0,5 % of the following: d is the thickness of the test specimen, in
± method A: the length of the full size product
minus 100 mm; NOTE 1. This method is not intended for the calculation of the
± method B: five times the nominal thickness. bending modulus of elasticity.
NOTE. Other spans may be given in the relevant product standard NOTE 2. The calculated stress sX is not a material constant, it is
or agreed between parties. dependent on the test and product parameters and cannot be
compared with other mechanical properties.
Place the test specimen symmetrically upon the
support edges so that the direction of loading is
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the test 9 Accuracy of measurement
specimen. Following the experience from a `round robin test',
Adjust the speed of the test machine to 10 mm/min, where comparable test equipment and test specimen
with a tolerance of ± 10 %. preparation were used, the accuracy for bending
Record the force-deflection curve and note the strength sb can be estimated as given below:
maximum force Fm obtained (see figure 3). ± 95 % repeatability limit: approximately 5 %;
Record the way in which the product failed. ± 95 % reproducibility limit: approximately 15 %.
The above-mentioned terms are applied as described in
ISO 5725-1 and ISO 5725-2.


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Page 7
EN 12089 : 1997

Fm = maximum force
FX = force corresponding to the displacement X
Xm = displacement for maximum force Fm
X = displacement for force FX

Figure 3. Example of a force-deflection curve

10 Test report 4) date of testing;

The test report shall include the following information: 5) general information relating to the test:
a) reference to this European Standard; 5.1) method A or B used;
b) product identification: 5.2) the direction of application of the force
during the test;
1) product name, factory, manufacturer or
supplier; 5.3) the dimensions of the test specimens;
2) production code number; 5.4) the span used;
3) type of product; 5.5) load distribution plates, if any;
4) packaging; 5.6) position of the facing (or coating) in
relation to the loading edge;
5) the form in which the product arrived at the
laboratory; 6) events which may have affected the results;
NOTE. Information about the apparatus and identity of the
6) presence of facing or coating; technician should be available in the laboratory, but it need
7) other information as appropriate, e.g. nominal not be recorded in the report.
thickness, nominal density; d) results:
c) test procedure: 1) all individual values of the bending strength and
1) pre-test history and sampling, e.g. who sampled the corresponding deflection or the bending stress
and where; at a given deflection or the deflection
2) conditioning; corresponding to a given load, mean values;
3) if any deviation from clauses 6 and 7; 2) all force-deflection curves.


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