Fire Norms Design Standards
Fire Norms Design Standards
Fire Norms Design Standards
NBC 2016
Design standards
6.1 Exits from the upper floor should be so located that no point in
the floor is more than 22.5 m from the nearest exit, for the Type I,
Type II and Type III construction. NOTE - Type IV construction is not
allowed for construction of educational buildings.
6.2 Exits should be so arranged that at least two separate exits are
available in every floor area. Exits shall be as remote from each
other as practicable and so arranged that there are no pockets or
dead ends of appreciable size in which occupants may be trapped.
6.5 Fire escapes constitute only means of the required exit and
should not be taken into account in calculating the evacuation time
of the building. Fire escapes shall always be kept in sound operating
8.1 No exit doorway shall be less than 1 m in width except assembly
halls where door width should not be less than 2 m.
8.5 These shall be openable from inside and shall not be opening
immediately on flight.
9.1 Any building having area more than 500 m2 on each floor and 15 m
or more in height shall have minimum two staircases of enclosed type;
at least one of these shall be on external wall and shall directly
IS 14435 : 1997;,2
open to exterior, interior open space or to an open place of safety.
Further the provision or otherwise of alternative staircase shall be
subject to the requirements of travel distance being complied with.
9.2 Internal Staircases
9.2.1 Internal stairs shall be constructed of noncombustible
materials throughout. Hollow combustible construction shall not be
9.2.6 Minimum width of treads shall not be less than 300 mm. The
treads should be constructed and maintained in a manner to prevent
9.2.7 Maximum height of riser shall not be more than 150 mm and
number shall be limited to 15 per flight.
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IS 14435 : 1997; 2
IS 14435 : 1997; 2
9.3 External Stairs
9.3.1 All external stairs shall be directly connected to the ground.
9.3.8 Hand rails shall be of a height not less than 1 m and not
exceeding 1.2 m.
9.4 In case the educational building has got a mixed occupancy such
as auditorium, etc, necessary recommendations for exits as per the
requirements as given in SP 7 : 1983 shall be followed.
10.1 In some educational institutions, a part of it may be having air
conditioning arrangement. In case of room air conditioning, no extra
precautions than laid down are required. In cases, like auditorium
and laboratories having central air conditioning system, the measures
as laid down in IS 1642 should apply.
11.1 Where chimneys are used, the requirements shall be as laid down
in IS 1642 and IS 164
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15.1 Emergency lighting shall be powered from a source independent of
that supplying normal Iighting.
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