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Specifications For Reference Concretes To Be Used For Evaluating Fibres For Concrete Reinforcement

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ICI-TC / FRC 01-02

I C I Report of Technical Committee

Indian Concrete Institute

ICI Recommendation on

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ICI Recommendation on

Indian Concrete Institute

ICI Technical Committee on Fibre Reinforced Concrete
ICI-TC / 01


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Price: ` 600/- | US$ 15 (For Set of All 4 Recommendations)

The Recommendation was drafted by ICI Technical Committee on Fibre Reinforced Concrete
(ICI-TC / 01)

Indian Concrete Institute (ICI)

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79, 3rd Main Road, Gandhi Nagar,

Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600020.
Phone:+91 44 2491 2602
Email: ici4@airtelmail.in
Website: www.indianconcreteinstitute.org
Cover Image: www.euroquarz.de
Designed and Printed by: The Masterbuilder, Chennai

A Recommendation of the ICI Technical Committee on Fibre Reinforced Concrete

First Edition - 2017
Technical Board Members
Er. Jose Kurian Er. A K Jain
Prof. S Saraswati Prof. Gajanan Sabnis
Er. V R Kulkarni Er. Sanjay Pant

Technical Committee (ICI-TC / 01) Members

Chairman - Er. L K Jain
Vice-Chairman - Prof. Ravindra Gettu

Dr. B H Bharatkumar Er. R M Telang
Er. G Sivakumar Dr. R Nagendra
Er. Ganesh Chaudhari Er. Rajiv Gauri
Dr. K Balasubramaniam Er. Rakesh Gupta
Er. K R S Narayan Er. S Ramakrishnan
Dr. Manu Santhanam Ms. Sujatha Jose
Dr. N P Rajamane Ms. Sunitha K Nayar
Er. Navneet Narayan Prof. V Ramakrishnan
Prof. Nemkumar Banthia Er. V Senthil Kumar
A Recommendation of ICI Technical Committee on Fibre Reinforced Concrete


Title Page

Members III
Specifications for Reference Concretes to be Used for Evaluating 1-3
Fibres for Concrete Reinforcement
(A Recommendation of ICI Technical Committee on Fibre Reinforced Concrete)

1.0 Foreword 1
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
2.1 Normative References 1
2.2 Informative References 1
3 Principle 1
4 Equipment 2
4.1 Concrete Mixer 2
4.2 Moulds 2
4.3 Vibrating Table 2
5 Materials 2
5.1 Aggregates 2
5.2 Mixing Water 2
5.3 Cement 2
5.4 Admixtures 2
5.5 Fibres 2
6 Reference Concrete Composition and Properties 2
6.1 General 2
6.2 Parameters of Reference Concrete 2
6.3 Fibre content 2
6.4 Workability (Consistency) 2
6.5 Specimen Preparation 3
6.6 Concrete Curing and Storage 3
7 Compressive Strength Evaluation 3
8 Flexural Strength Evaluation 3
9 Report 3
1 w ICI-TC / 01-02

ICI-TC / 01-02
Specifications for Reference Concretes
to be Used for Evaluating Fibres for
Concrete Reinforcement
(A Recommendation of ICI Technical Committee on Fibre Reinforced Concrete)

1.0 Foreword 2.2 Informative References

For drafting this document, ISO 13270 & EN 14845-1 stand- The following documents may be referred to by user for under-
ards have been used as the bases. standing international and national practices.
1 Scope ICI-TC FRC 01.3, Definitions, specifications and conformity re-
quirements for steel fibres to be used as concrete reinforcement.
These guidelines specify the composition and characteristics
of reference concretes used to evaluate the performance of ICI-TC FRC 01.4, Definitions, specifications and conformity
fibres in concrete. requirements for polymeric fibres to be used as concrete re-
1.1 The reference concretes considered are of three types:
ISO 1920-2:2005, Testing of concrete - Part 2: Properties of
(i) Mandatory reference concrete as specified in Table 1. fresh concrete
(ii) Optional reference concrete as specified in Table 1. ISO 6274:1982, Concrete - Sieve analysis of aggregate
(iii) Specified reference concrete by the purchaser or user of ISO 12439:2010, Mixing water for concrete
the fibre.
ASTM C1609 M-10, Standard test method for flexural per-
1.2 The fibre manufacturer, purchaser or user can have the fi- formance of fiber reinforced concrete (using beam with third
bres tested with mandatory and optional reference concretes. point loading)
The end users may additionally need to satisfy themselves
about the effectiveness of the fibre in their (own and/or) spec- EN 197-1:2011, Cement - Part 1: Composition, specifications
ified reference concrete. and conformity criteria for common cements

1.3 Along with references to documents, optional references EN 206-1:2013, Concrete - Part 1: Specification, performance,
have been indicated within brackets for guidance. production and conformity

2 References EN 933-2:2012, Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates

- Part 2: Determination of particle size distribution - Test sieves,
2.1 Normative References nominal size of apertures

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the EN 1008:2002, Mixing water for concrete - Specification for
application of this guideline document. For the references, the sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water, includ-
latest edition of the document (including any amendments) ing water recovered from processes in the concrete industry,
applies. as mixing water for concrete

ICI-TC FRC 01.1, Test method for the flexural strength and EN 1766:2000, Products and systems for the protection and
toughness parameters of fibre reinforced concrete repair of concrete structures - Test methods - Reference con-
cretes for testing
IS 383:2016, Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from
EN 12350-1:2009, Testing of fresh concrete - Part 1: Sampling
natural sources for concrete
EN 14845-1:2007, Test methods for fibres in concrete - Part 1:
IS 456:2000, Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete Reference concretes
IS 1199:1959, Method of sampling and analysis of concrete EN 14845-2:2006, Test methods for fibres in concrete - Part 2:
Effect on strength of concrete
IS 2386 Part 1:1963, Method of test for aggregates for con-
crete: Part 1: Particle size and shape EN 14889-1:2006, Fibres for concrete - Part 1: Steel fibres -
Definitions, specifications and conformity
IS 9103:1999, Specification for admixtures for concrete EN 14889-2:2006, Fibres for concrete - Part 2: Polymer fibres
IS 10086:1982, Specifications for moulds for use in tests of - Definitions, specifications and conformity
cement and concrete 3 Principle
IS 269:2015, Specification for grade ordinary Portland cement 3.1 This document prescribes the constituents and propor-
Specifications for Reference Concretes to be Used for Evaluating Fibres for Concrete Reinforcement w 2

tions for plain reference concretes to be used to evaluate the cal admixture, complying to IS 9103 (EN 934-2) may be used
performance of fibres in the concrete under standard labora- to control the workability. If an admixture is used, its generic
tory conditions. name and dosage must be mentioned with all the results.
3.2 The reference concrete shall be designed to meet a pre- 5.5 Fibres: The fibres being used should be described, along
scribed flexural strength, as defined in Table 1. with the type and properties.
3.3 Tests using reference concretes are performed as com- 6 Reference Concrete Composition and Properties
parative tests. That is, the performance of fibres (effect on
strength and consistency) is determined by comparing the 6.1 General: This document specifies three types of reference
properties obtained with the reference concrete to which fibres concretes (mandatory, optional and specified), defined by the
are added with those of the same reference concrete without flexural tensile strength, maximum size of the aggregate and
the addition of fibres. maximum cement content. The reference concrete(s) can be
selected according to the type of product or system in which
4 Equipment the fibre is to be incorporated. However, all fibre manufactur-
ers shall declare the performance of their product, using the
Reference concretes shall be made using the equipment de- test method described in ICI-TC FRC 01.1 in the mandatory
scribed in the following. reference concrete mix (see 6.2).
4.1 Concrete Mixer: A forced action concrete pan-mixer shall 6.1.1 Proportions of the reference concrete shall be adjusted
be used to mix the concrete. with the limits prescribed in 6.2 to achieve an average flexural
4.2 Moulds: Cube and beam moulds for producing hardened strength within the range defined in Table 1. The average flex-
concrete specimens, of non absorbent and rigid material, ural strength shall be tested as per ICI-TC FRC 01.1.
such as steel, not attacked by cement paste; Refer IS 10086. 6.2 Parameters of Reference Concrete: The average flexural
4.3 Vibrating Table: A high frequency vibrating table suitable strength, the maximum cement and the maximum water ce-
for compaction of the concrete in the moulds for testing shall ment ratio shall be as given in Table 1 for the reference con-
be used. cretes without fibres.

5 Materials 6.3 Fibre content: Where the performance of a particular fibre

is being evaluated by incorporating it in a reference concrete,
Following specifications apply to mandatory and optional ref- the quantity of fibres added shall be that required to achieve
erence mixes. the level of performance specified for that type of fibre.
5.1 Aggregates 6.4 Workability (Consistency): The workability of the refer-
ence concrete, without fibres, shall be 100 mm ± 20 mm. The
5.1.1 Coarse aggregates shall be crushed stone, with low wa- concrete shall be free from bleeding or segregation.
ter absorption (less than 2%, by mass). The coarse aggregate
should have elongation and flakiness indices together not 6.4.1 The time delay from the time of mixing to the time of
more than 30%. As far as possible aggregates should be from workability measurement shall be similar, both for concrete
hard rocks, such as basalt or granite. with and without fibres, and it shall be done within 15 minutes.
For the specified reference concrete, a longer delay may be
5.1.2 Fine aggregate shall be the sand conforming to Zone II stipulated by the purchaser or user of fibres.
as defined in IS 383, with a maximum of 3% of the material, by
mass, passing through the 75 micron sieve. 6.5 Specimen Preparation
5.1.3 The aggregate grading, measured according to IS 2386- The preparation of the reference concrete shall be done as
1 (ISO 6274), shall conform to IS 383 (EN 1766:2000 Annex A). follows:
5.2 Mixing Water: Water for mixing in concrete and for curing a) Prepare a concrete batch, the volume of which shall be of
shall confirm to the requirements of IS 456 Clause 5.4 (ISO 50% to 90% of the mixer capacity
b) Pour all (air-) dried aggregates into the mixer, add half of
5.3 Cement: Ordinary portland cement of 53 grade according the batch water and mix for a minute
to IS 269 shall be used. c) While continuing the mixing, add the cement and the other
half of the batch water during the next minute of mixing.
5.4 Admixtures: A plasticizer or superplasticizer, as chemi-

Table 1 - Parameters of Reference Concrete

Average flexural strength Nominal maximum size of Maximum water cement
Reference concrete type Maximum cement content
in MPa aggregate ratio
1. Mandatory 3.8 to 4.6 20 mm 400 kg/m³ 0.50
2. Optional 5.0 to 5.8 20 mm 450 kg/m³ 0.40
3. Specified Average flexural strength and other limiting parameters or concrete mix proportions specified by the purchaser /user.
3 w ICI-TC / 01-02

d) After adding the admixture (if applicable) mix for a mini- 8 Flexural Strength Evaluation
mum 2 minutes.
8.1 Six prismatic “150 mm × 150 mm × 550” mm (or longer)
e) The fibres shall be added at the appropriate stage in ac- specimens, made from a reference concrete without incorpo-
cordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. rating fibres shall be tested for flexural strength at 28 days un-
Generally, fibres can be added after the aggregates have der third-point loading (at one third span) on a 450 mm span
been added to the mixer. The mixing time after adding all following the procedure of ICI-TC FRC 01.1, for reporting the
the ingredients shall not be more than 3 minutes. average flexural strength.
6.5.1 Care shall be taken to ensure that the fibres are evenly 9 Report
distributed throughout the mix.
The following information shall be recorded for each set of ref-
6.5.2 Test specimens shall be made according to the relevant
erence concrete specimens:
test method of ICI-TC FRC 01.1 for the property under con-
sideration. a. Origin and particle size distribution of coarse and fine ag-
gregates, brand and type of cement and admixtures used
6.6 Concrete Curing and Storage
b. Mix composition including dry aggregates and admixtures
The concrete specimens shall be cured in the moulds for 24 h in kg/m³ and details of mixing procedure
after casting at 27 (±2)°C, either under polyethylene sheeting
or at not less than 95% relative humidity, then demoulded and c. Fibre type (including, length, diameter and tensile strength)
cured for 27 days under moist condition of not less than 95% described according to this standard /norm/guide
relative humidity or under water at 27 (±3)°C. After the curing d. Workability and compressive strength of the plain and fibre
period, the specimens shall be tested. concretes
7 Compressive Strength Evaluation e. Date and time of casting and testing of specimens
f. Slump in mm, Vebe time in seconds, or other measure of
7.1 Compressive strength shall be determined using 150 mm
workability or compactability
×150 mm ×150 mm cubes at the age of 28 days, for both the
concrete mixes without and with fibres. g. Flexural strength to the nearest 0.05 MPa (average and
individual values) for the plain concrete
7.2 If the compressive strength of the concrete with fibres is
found to be significantly less (i.e., by more than 5%) than that h. Reference to this document
of the concrete without fibres, the reference concrete shall be i. Any deviation from this document
checked for cohesiveness, air entrainment and voids, and the
reference mix could be corrected, if necessary.
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