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Governor Notes

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Prabin Timilsina (073BME621)

A Governor or speed limiter or controller, is a device used to measure and regulate the speed of a
machine, such as an engine.

Function of Governor
The function of a governor is to regulate the mean speed of an engine, when there are
variations in the load. This is achieved by the governor automatically adjusting the engine fuel
pump settings to meet the desired load at the set speed.
When the load on an engine increases, its speed decreases, therefore it becomes necessary to
increase the supply of working fluid. On the other hand, when the load on the engine decreases,
its speed increases and thus less working fluid is required. The governor automatically controls
the supply of working fluid to the engine with the varying load conditions and keeps the mean
speed within certain limits.

Terms Used in Governors

The following terms used in governors are important
from the subject point of view:

1. Height of a Governor
It is the vertical distance from the center of the ball
to a point where the axes of the arms (or arms
produced) intersect on the spindle axis. It is usually
denoted by h.
2. Equilibrium Speed
It is the speed at which the governor balls, arms etc.,
are in complete equilibrium and the sleeve does not
tend to move upwards or downwards. Fig 1. Governor
3. Mean Equilibrium Speed
It is the speed at the mean position of the balls or the sleeve.

4. Maximum and Minimum Equilibrium Speed

The speeds at the maximum and minimum radius of rotation of the balls, without tending to move
either way are known as maximum and minimum equilibrium speeds respectively.
Note: There can be many equilibrium speeds between the mean and the maximum and the mean
and the minimum equilibrium speeds.

5. Sleeve Lift
It is the vertical distance which the sleeve travels due to the change in equilibrium speed.
Types of Governor

Fig 2. Types of Governor

Centrifugal Governors
The centrifugal governors are based on the balancing of centrifugal force on the rotating balls with
by an equal and opposite radial force also known as controlling force.

It works on the principle of balancing centrifugal force of the rotating balls.

A Centrifugal Governor has a simple design. This type of governor has multiple masses known as
governor balls which rotate at the distance from the axis of a shaft and driven through suitable
gearing from the engine crankshaft. It has two balls of equal masses attached to the arm. These
balls are provided by the combination of dead weight or spring. Spindle axis is connected to the
sleeve and driven by bevel gear mechanism connected with crankshaft. Throttle valve is connected
to the sleeves and operate by the actual change of speed of engine. As load increases speed got
decreases and the speed of governor ball as well as governor also decreases which is geared with
the crankshaft.

It works as the mechanical link between the throttle which is responsible for fuel supply and the
speed. The governor balls revolve with spindles and create a centrifugal force in the inward
direction which is generally known as the controlling force. A governing action depends upon the
change of speed and centrifugal force provided by the balls. As soon as the throttle valve opens it
increase the supply of fluid increasing speed of the engine. The inward and upward movement of
the ball is transmitted by the governor sleeve to the throttle valve which controls the amount of
fuel supplied to the engine. As soon as the shaft rotates, the object start rotating around the shaft
and goes away from it due to action of centrifugal force which operate the throttle valve.

Easy to balance revolving parts.

Slow response and less sensitive.

1. It limits the rotation speed in the internal combustion engine of automobile and keep it
controlled according desired speed.
2. It is used to control speed of turbine shaft in Hydro-electric power plant.
3. Centrifugal governors are also used to control speed of mechanical music box.

The Centrifugal Governors are further classified into two types. Pendulum and spring control

Pendulum Type Governor

Watt Governor is a pendulum governor according to their design.

Watt Governor:
It is oldest and simplest type of Centrifugal governor. Previously it was used by James watt in his
steam engine.

In Watt governor two balls are arranged on the sleeves consisting arms. Upper side of the arm is
connected to the spindle to move the ball in the upward and downward direction when they revolve
with Spindle. The lower arm is connected to the sleeve which is joined to the spindle to operate
the throttle valve. The spindle gets drives through a bevel gear and two stoppers are provide to the
bottom and top of the spindle to restrict the movements of the sleeves.
Fig 3. Watt Governor

Fig 4. Relation between height and speed of shaft

When the load at the engine increases the angular velocity as well as speed of the engine
automatically decreases. At the uniform speed controlling force is equal to the centrifugal force
which balances each other but when centrifugal force on balls decreases, the balls and spindle start
to move inward and downward direction, respectively. These movements are responsible for the
mechanism of the throttle valve and cause it opening widely which increases the fuel supply to
maintain the speed.

Suitable for only vertical position application.
1. It is used in ship and train to maintain the speed of engine.
2. It can be used in AC generators to maintain electric supply.

Gravity Loaded Governor or Dead-weight Governors

There are two different design of gravity controlled centrifugal governor, Porter Governor and
Proell Governor

Porter Governor
It is a dead weight loaded type governor works on the action of gravity. Porter Governor is a
modification of Watt governor.

In Porter Governor two balls are located at the top and load is attached to the sleeves. The lower
link is connected to central sleeve and two stoppers are provided to control the movements of
sleeves. A mechanism is attached to the sleeves to operate the throttle valve.

Fig 5. Porter Governor

On comparing similar expression for the Watt governor, we find that the mass of the central load
increase the height of the governor in the ratio of (1+M/m).
The balls tend to moves up and down on the spindle due to the speed of revolution of the spindle.
As load at the engine decreases speed of the engine as well as spindle also tends to increases.
Centrifugal force is responsible for movement of balls in the upward direction while lower arm
pushes the sleeves upward to move the ball outward. These movements actuate the throttle valve
and fuel supply gets decreases through the mechanism connected to the sleeves.

Proell Governor
It is another type of governor works on the gravity control. The function of Porter and Proell
governor are same with little difference in working.

Construction and working

The construction and working of the Proell Governor is nearly similar to the porter governor. Here
revolving balls are attached to the extension link situated at lower part and it reduces the change
in the speed responsible for movement of the sleeves. The movements of sleeve and balls operates
the throttle valve and decreases fuel supply to the engine.

Fig 6. Proell Governor

Spring Controlled Governor
There are four different design of spring control governor; Hartnell Governor, Wilson Hartnell
Governor, Hartung Governor and Pickering Governor.

Hartnell Governor

Fig 7. Hartnell Governor

Hartnell Governors consists two bell cranks situated the different points of the frame. A frame is
attached to the spindle, each lever carries a ball to the horizontal roller at the end of vertical arm.
The helical ring is provided to maintain the equal level force on the rollers and arrangement of the
screw is there to adjust a force of the spring.

The working of Hartnell governor is depends on control of spring force. Here spring rotates around
the spindle axis and controls the movement of the ball and sleeves. The spring applies the
downward force while sleeves move upward and downward depending on the speed. Two bell
cranks situated at the frames carries a ball at one end and roller carry it at the other end. As speed
of the engine increases ball moves outward and bell crank lever moves at the pivot lifting sleeves
upward against the spring force. These movements then passed to the throttle valve with the help
of mechanism and it results in lowering fuel supply as well as speed.
1. Suitable for very high speed
2. Pre-compression can be adjusted to achieve desired equilibrium speed.
Relation between centrifugal forces at intermediate, maximum and minimum
Wilson- Hartnell Governor
Construction and working:
The balls are associated with the vertical arm and attached to the spring arranged on either side of
the sleeves. The spring consists two parts which belongs to the each ball. At the horizontal arm
roller comes into contact with sleeves and press it and make the bell-cranks to rotate along the
spindle. Speed tends to improve the ball movement and spring gets exerted at the inward pressing
roller against the sleeves due to centrifugal force. One end of the spring is attached to the spring
and other is connected to the lever and it tends to remain the sleeves down.

Fig 8. Wilson-Hartnell Governor

Hartung Governor:
Construction and working:
This is another type of governor work on the principle of controlled by the movement of spring.
In Hartung type governor bell crank levers are connected with the rotating spring balls. These balls
are compressed against the frame of the governor while rollers are pressed against the sleeves at
the horizontal arms.

Fig 9. Hartung Governor

Pickering Governors
Construction and working:
In Pickering Governor there are three springs arranged around the spindle. The arrangement ids
angular and each spring hold similar weight at the centers. The revolving balls act against these
flat spring and weights move outwards. Spring tends to bend as the ball rotate about the axis of the
spindle with greater speed.
Fig 10. Pickering Governor

1. Quick response to the change in load
2. Great durability and reliability
1. It is used in Gramophone for adjusting the speed of turntable.
Inertia Governor
Inertia governor is completely different from the centrifugal governor. The combination of angular
and centrifugal force is used to control the position of the balls as well as operation of the
Governor. Since it is not very popular, it is preferred when a rapid response is the main concern.

It works on the principle of movement of inertia due to both centrifugal and inertia force.

This type of governor is connected to the crankshaft and flywheels of an engine. The governor
balls are arranged in such a way that the position of it is affected by the force due to angular
acceleration of the shaft. A suitable spring is loaded inside the governor to control the amount of
displacement of governor balls and the mechanism of governor alters the supply of energy to the

In inertia governor more rapid response is obtained to the change of load as the position of the
balls are affected by the rate of change of speed of the governor shaft. This type of governors
action is depends upon acceleration and not due to the finite change in speed. A movement of the
ball is controlled by spring and mechanism of governor and through this the supply of air fuel
mixture can be controlled.

1. Highly sensitive to varying load
2. Quick response due to fast reaction

1. Hard to balance revolving parts

1. It is used in the steam turbine to control and maintain desired speed of the turbine when load
increase or decrease during working.
2. It is used in a diesel engine to control speed of the engine at a particular set point.

Performance of Governors
Sensitiveness of Governors
Sensitiveness is defined as the ratio of the difference between the maximum and minimum
equilibrium speeds to the mean equilibrium speed.
Stability of Governors
A governor is said to be stable when for every speed within the working range there is a definite
configuration i.e. there is only one radius of rotation of the governor balls at which the governor
is in equilibrium. For a stable governor, if the equilibrium speed increases, the radius of governor
balls must also increase.

Isochronous Governors
A governor is said to be isochronous when the equilibrium speed is constant (i.e. range of speed is
zero) for all radii of rotation of the balls within the working range, neglecting friction. The
isochronism is the stage of infinite sensitivity.

A governor is said to be hunt if the speed of the engine fluctuates continuously above and below
the mean speed. This is caused by a too sensitive governor which changes the fuel supply by a
large amount when a small change in the speed of rotation takes place.

Example Numerical
A loaded governor of the Porter type has equal arms and links each 250 mm
long. The mass of each ball is 2 kg and the central mass is 12 kg. When the ball
radius is 150 mm, the valve is fully open and when the radius is 185 mm, the
valve is closed. Find the maximum speed and the range of speed. If the
maximum speed is to be increased 20% by an addition of mass to the central
load, find what additional mass is required.

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