Order Taking (Food)
Order Taking (Food)
Order Taking (Food)
All guests' orders are taken in a timely, polite and accurate manner, following a set of steps to ensure logical,
standardized sequence.
Employees are to pay attention to the guest's body language prior to approaching the table, as this will
indicate if they need help or are ready to order e.g., menus closed, looking around
For staff
• Approach table with a smile and warm salutation:
Have pen/order pad ready.
• Inquire if guests are ready to order.
• Write down the table number, your initials and guest number of guests on each order.
• Take the ladies' orders first, going clockwise around the table. Take host's order last.
• Write the order down according to position number.
Circle all female position numbers on order pad.
Separate each course with a line.
• Use proper modifiers to identify items.
• Make suggestions to compliment guest's meal (i.e., appetizers, salads, wine, side dish).
• Repeat the order back and clarify all special requests.