4re VC
4re VC
4re VC
i • den • ti • ty (n.)
Your identity is who you are.
ex • pe • ri • ence (n.)
Your experience is made up of past events
and feelings.
cyn • ic (n.)
A cynic is someone who always expects bad things
to happen.
de • fi • ance (n.)
If you act in defiance, you know something is not
allowed, but you do it anyway.
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4 Brainstorm other words that come to mind when you
hear the word consumed.
de • scend • ed (v.)
If something descended, it moved downwards.
o • bliged (v.)
If you obliged, you did what you were asked or
expected to do.
an • cient (adj.)
If something is ancient, it is very, very old.
doubts (n.)
If you have doubts, you aren’t sure about something.
re • ly • ing (v.)
When you are relying on someone, you are trusting
or depending on that person.
clum • sy (adj.)
If an action is clumsy, it happens in a careless way.
trick • le (n.)
A trickle is a small amount of slowly flowing liquid.
might • y (adj.)
Something that is mighty is strong and powerful.
hoard (n.)
A hoard is a group of valuable things that is usually
kept secret and carefully guarded by someone.
a • ro • ma (n.)
An aroma is a strong, pleasant smell.
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4 Make a list of synonyms and antonyms for the
word tactile.
lu • mi • nous (adj.)
If something is luminous, it gives off light.
re • flect (v.)
When light reflects off a surface, it bounces back
without passing through the surface.
il • lu • mi • nates (v.)
Something that illuminates gives off light and
makes the area around it brighter.
judge (v.)
If you judge, you form an opinion about something.
sa • vor (v.)
If you savor something, you take your time
enjoying it.
en • hance (v.)
If you enhance something, you make it into
something better or improve upon it.
ac • cept • ed (v.)
If you have accepted a situation, you understand
that it can’t be changed.
de • ny • ing (v.)
Denying something means not believing that
it’s true.
a • dapt (v.)
If you adapt to something, you figure out how to
deal with it.
ab • surd (adj.)
If something is absurd, you think it is silly
or ridiculous.
taunt (n.)
A taunt is something someone says to anger or
upset someone else.
de • spised (v.)
If you despised something, you felt a strong dislike
for it.
fe • ro • cious (adj.)
Something that is ferocious is very fierce, mean,
and violent.
cov • et • ed (v.)
If you coveted something, you wanted it very much.
damp (adj.)
If something is damp, it feels a little wet.
spare (v.)
Something you can spare is something extra that
you have and that you don’t really need.
vers • es (n.)
The verses of a song are the different sections that
usually change throughout the song.
surge (n.)
If there is a surge of water, there is a sudden large
increase in its depth.
de • bris (n.)
Debris is the pieces of something that was broken
or destroyed.
ca • pa • ble (adj.)
If a person is capable, he or she has the skill or
ability to do something.
burst (v.)
If something is about to burst, it is about to
break open.
as • pire (v.)
When you aspire to do something, you have strong
hopes to achieve it.
en • deav • or (v.)
If you endeavor to do something, you try very hard
to do it.
el • e • gant (adj.)
Someone or something that is elegant is stylish
and graceful.
ep • i • sode (n.)
An episode is an event or period of time that is
important in some way.
scowled (v.)
If you scowled, you frowned or had an angry look on
your face.
rig • id (adj.)
Something that is rigid is stiff and does not
bend easily.
feist • y (adj.)
Someone who is feisty is bold, energetic,
and determined.
sulked (v.)
If you sulked, you were angry or upset about
something and refused to talk about it.
tim • id (adj.)
Someone who is timid is shy and may lack courage
or confidence.
de • vised (v.)
If you devised a plan, you figured out a way to
achieve that plan.
od • ys • sey (n.)
An odyssey is a long journey that is exciting
and eventful.
des • ti • ny (n.)
A person’s destiny is what will eventually happen in
his or her life.
fu • ri • ous (adj.)
Someone who is furious is very, very angry.
ty • rant (n.)
A tyrant is a powerful person who rules others in a
cruel or unreasonable way.
oc • ca • sion • al • ly (adv.)
If you do something occasionally, you do it only
once in awhile.
se • cure (v.)
When you secure an area, you make it safe by
guarding or protecting it.
stunned (adj.)
If you are stunned, you are shocked or amazed
by something.
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3 Use the word trampled in your own sentence.
4 Brainstorm other words that come to mind when
you hear the word trampled.
cu • ra • tor (n.)
A curator is the person who is in charge of the works
of art or objects in a museum.
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3 Use the word necessary in your own sentence.
4 Make a list of synonyms and antonyms for the
word necessary.
stir (n.)
To stir something is to mix it up. If you cause a stir,
you create a change in feeling around you.
plung • es (v.)
If something plunges into something, it falls or is
thrown in that direction.
trench (n.)
A trench is a long, narrow groove or ditch.
thrive (v.)
When living things thrive, they grow well and
are healthy.
vi • tal (adj.)
If something is vital, it is needed or very important.
glimpse (n.)
A glimpse is a very quick look at something.
re • mote • ly (adj.)
If you use something remotely, you control it from
a distance.
or • gan • ic (adj.)
If something is organic, it is made up of living matter.
di • verse (adj.)
If something is diverse, it is made up of things that
are different from each other.
i • dle (adj.)
If something is referred to as idle, it is not
doing anything.
core (n.)
The core of something is its center.
fath • om (v.)
If you can’t fathom something, you can’t
understand it.
wrath (n.)
Wrath is strong anger.
chasm (n.)
A chasm is a deep crack or opening in the ground.
shrewd (adj.)
Someone who is shrewd is able to quickly
understand a situation to gain an advantage.
re • call (v.)
If you recall something, you tell about something
you remember.
viv • id • ly (adv.)
If you remember something vividly, you have a
clear, detailed memory of it.
ac • cen • tu • at • ed (v.)
If something is accentuated, it has attention drawn
to it.
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3 Use the word resourceful in your own sentence.
4 Brainstorm other words that come to mind when you
hear the word resourceful.
thrift • y (adj.)
If you are thrifty, you save your money and buy only
what you need.
clamped (v.)
When something is clamped, it is closed tightly.
as • sumed (v.)
If you assumed something, you believed it
without proof.
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4 Make a list of synonyms and antonyms for the
word prosper.
di • gest (v.)
When you digest food, it moves through your body
to your stomach.
as • sess (v.)
If you assess something, you think about it carefully
and judge it.
hy • drat • ed (adj.)
Something that is hydrated has taken in plenty
of water.
im • pact (n.)
Impact is the effect that one thing has on
something else.
u • nique (adj.)
Something that is unique is different or one
of a kind.
pests (n.)
Pests are insects or small animals that harm crops
or annoy people.
ed • i • ble (adj.)
If something is edible, it is safe for people to eat.
at • ti • tudes (n.)
Your attitudes are the ways you think and feel
about something.
re • act (v.)
When you react to something, you act in a way that
shows you are aware of it.
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quickly to tag the runner out.
a • stound • ed (v.)
If you are astounded by something, you are
completely surprised by it.
cu • li • nar • y (adj.)
Something that is culinary is connected to cooking.
of • fense (n.)
An offense is something that makes you feel hurt,
annoyed, or insulted.
opt • ed (v.)
If you opted for something, you chose it.
e • col • o • gy (n.)
Ecology is the relationship between the living things
in their environment.
re • cy • cle (v.)
If you recycle something, you put it through a
process so that it can be reused.
sanc • tu • ar • y (n.)
A sanctuary is where people or animals go to be
safe from danger.
o • a • sis (n.)
An oasis is a relaxing or peaceful spot in an area
that is unpleasant in some way.
ob • sessed (adj.)
If you are obsessed with something, you think about
it all the time.
blunt (adj.)
Something that is blunt is flat or rounded, rather
than sharp.
ap • point • ed (v.)
If you are appointed to a job, you are assigned to or
chosen for it.
strand • ed (v.)
If you are stranded, you are stuck somewhere
without a way to leave.
es • ti • mate (n.)
If you give an estimate, you give an amount or size
that is not exact.
de • cay (v.)
When things decay, they slowly break down and rot.
swirled (v.)
If something swirled, it moved quickly around
in circles.
sneered (v.)
If you sneered, you showed disapproval and lack of
respect by the look on your face.
can • o • py (n.)
A canopy is a rooflike covering, like the top branches
of trees in a forest.
en • vi • sion (v.)
If you envision something, you picture it in
your mind.
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3 Use the word envision in your own sentence.
4 Brainstorm other words that come to mind when you
hear the word envision.
blog (n.)
If you write a blog, you are writing regular and
informal updates, or entries, on a website.
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3 Use the word blog in your own sentence.
4 Brainstorm other words that come to mind when you
hear the word blog.
en • a • bled (v.)
If you are enabled to do something, you are given a
chance to do it.
peak (n.)
A peak can refer to the top of a mountain, but it
can also mean the top level or highest degree
of something.
plucked (v.)
If something is plucked, it is pulled away from where
it is.
in • stinct (n.)
An instinct is something you do or know naturally,
without being taught.
op • er • a • tion (n.)
An operation is a set of actions that are carried out
to meet a goal.
in • spect (v.)
If you inspect something, you look at it carefully to
judge its quality.
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Vocabulary Cards