Interview Skills PDF
Interview Skills PDF
Interview Skills PDF
Facilitating to level 3 students So, start things off, what’s everyone’s experiences with interviews like?
Is anyone working a part time job? How did the interview go?
General: out its (smart clothing for the role), travel and journey (note traf ic and time, weather and road closures). Key takeaway: Know yourself! Sometimes we go blank in an interview, which is normal
Assessment centres: group discussion
but a good preparation skill we can do is in the form of mind mapping.
Now that we’ve got the main stuff out the way, let’s go a little deeper into some of these things we’ve
discussed right now.
When I say presentation, what comes to mind? Listen to inputs by students.
We’ve talked about the main things so now let’s talk about the not so main things. What are some
How do you think we can present ourselves professionally? Listen to inputs by students. Wait until misconceptions of interviews you think people have? So in other words, what do you think people
someone says one of the below then elaborate on it, if not, prompt it. misunderstand about an interview, that really… is not that deep? Hear what students have got to say and
ask them why? If it’s quiet use prompt from below, if one says the point then piggyback off it.
Prompt : How do you think we should look like? What should we be wearing?
Prompt: do you think in an interview you’re not allowed to ask any questions?
Prompt: How should we be communicating with the interviewer?
1. Asking questions: You’re there to ind out if you would like to be there too. Understand why you’re
Verbal communication: iller words, taking a breath, enunciate your words asking the questions you’re asking. What do you want to know about that place? This is why you must do
your research, it’s your future and your team that you’re working with! As a side note, what questions do
Non verbal communication: body language, eye contact you think are important to ask your interviewer? Development opportunities and promotions.
Stress management is a big part of professionalism too. Being nervous is normal but you don’t wanna Prompt: Do you think you’ve got the job if you’ve got the highest grades?
look too super scared. How do you think we can manage this?
2. High grades = better job or you got the job. Nope! It’s mostly about you. Your personality (on how you
Let’s do a quick exercise! Breathe in drop shoulders breathe out. How do you feel? deal with people) and experience within a working environment, shapes the quality of your output which
is your work and is what gets you the job. Use the example of a commercial manager who is general and
knows about the site and the labourers, as opposed to a manager with no experience.
We’ve discussed broadly the main parts of an interview and also the small things. Our discussion
involved the constituents of preparations, such as what to do before an interview, we talked about
managing our professionalism which includes verbal and non verbal communication and inally
some misconceptions that we overcame together.
So to wrap things up… let’s share a golden nugget! Anyone know what a golden nugget is? *look
around and see for input*. A golden nugget is basically a piece of wisdom, it’s some gold advice that
will help us on our journey!
Here’s mine: be yourself. You’ll be exactly where you need to be if you stay true to yourself. If you are
honest with yourself, you will ind a job in a place which re lects you, be it values or personality and
that will be your yellow brick road to success.