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SECTION 02781 Interlocked Pa Vers: Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Air Force King Faisal Air Academy, Majma'ah 02781-1

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1. Concrete paver units, matching curbstone, bedding sand and joint sand and all
appurtenances related thereto shall be supplied and installed.

2. Furnish all labour, materials, tools, equipment and services for all concrete
paving including, special block moulds, block pavers, blocks and feature
strips, block paving work, special mortar setting beds, sand/cement setting
beds, concrete base, sand/cement base, control joints, expansion joints and
other items as indicated, in accordance with provisions of the Contract

3. Completely coordinate with work of all other trades

4. Although such work is not specifically indicated, furnish and install all
supplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental
to or necessary for a sound, secure and complete installation.

5. Furnish and install pavers on grade. Pavers shall be concrete precast, complete
with base courses, setting beds, control joints, sizes, bevels and surface
finishes and colours as specified.

6. Ensure that all paving areas will drain properly. It is the responsibility of the
Contractor to make Owner of any areas where additional drainage may be
required, other than indicated in the drawing.

7. The work shall include all sealant with special BAL surface sealing products -
giving a 10 year warranty, or approved equal.


Section 02315-Excavation And Backfilling For Buildings

Section 02322-Granular Base And Subbase Course

Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Air Force 02781-1

King Faisal Air Academy, Majma'ah

A. The general requirements under Division 1 apply to work specified in the section.

B. The Contractor shall examine all other sections of the specification for requirements
which may affect work of this section.

C. The Contractor shall coordinate work with all other trades affecting or affected by
activities of this section. Cooperate with such other trades to assure the steady
progress of all operations under the Contract.


A. Source Quality Control

1. Sampling for Testing: Take all samples at random for checking dimension tolerances,
strengths and absorption take three samples products for every order of 2000 or less
and for every 2000 products in addition.

2. Dimensions: Check for length, width, height, straightness and winding. For length,
width and thickness the average dimension of the- twelve values obtained from the
four measurements on_ each of the three units shall be within+/- 1 mm of the specified
dimensions, but none of the individual values shall vary from the average by more
than+/- 0.5 mm. For straightness and winding, the maximum deviation from a 400
mm straight edge place in any position on the wearing surface of each paver and tile
shall not exceed 1 mm.

3. Strength: The test for strength shall be similar to that detailed in Section 02770, Curbs
and Gutters 1.5 A.3. No unit shall fail at a bending stress of 4 N/mm2 or less at an age
of 28 days after manufacture.

4. Water Absorption
Follow test as set out in Section 02770, Curbs and Gutters 1.5 B


Inspection of the production plant may be made by the Owner to check compliance of
manufacture with all items of these specifications. Any defects, poor quality of
components; materials, or final products that are, in the opinion of the Owner,
unsatisfactory shall be rejected.


A. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM):

1. C 33, Specification for Concrete Aggregates.

C 136, Method for Sieve Analysis for Fine and Coarse Aggregate.

Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Air Force 02781-2

King Faisal Air Academy, Majma'ah
2. C 140, Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units.

3. C 144, Standard Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar.

4. C 979, Specification for Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete.

5. D 698, Test Methods for Moisture Density Relations of Soil and Soil Aggregate
Mixtures Using a 5.5-lb (2.49 kg) Rammer and 12 in. (305 mm) drop.

6. D 1557, Test Methods for Moisture Density Relations of Soil and Soil Aggregate
Mixtures Using a 10-lb (4.54 kg) Rammer and 18 in. (457 mm) drop.

7. D 2940, Graded Aggregate Material for Bases or Sub-bases for Highways or Airports.

8. C 936, Specification for Solid Interlocking Concrete Paving Units.

B. Materials and methods of construction shall comply with the following standards or
association recommendations:

American Society for Testing and Materials Standards (ASTM)

ASTMC144, Aggregate for Masonry Mortar.

ASTM C150, Specification for Portland Cement.
ASTMC206,. Finish Hydrated Lime.
ASTM C207 Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes.
ASTME96, Water Vapour Transmission of Materials.
ASTMD1557, Proctor Density Test. (Modified)
ASTM D1751 Pre-moulded Expansion Joint Fillers
BS 7263 Precast Concrete Flags
BS 6717 Precast Concrete Paving Blocks
ASTM C936 Solid Concrete Interlocking Paving Units.

C. Provide each type of paver from a single source to ensure consistent colour range and

D. Qualifications:

Paving work of this Section shall be executed by a company who uses labour skilled
in the installation of block paving Work and related Products. This is also applicable
for manufacturing of pavers. Development, research should be done by expert
technician in close coordination with Owner.

E. Pre-installation meetings:

Prior to commencing Work of this Section, arrange for the technical representative of
the supplier/fabricator to review with the Contractor and Owner procedures to be
adopted, conditions under which the Work will be done, and inspect the surfaces to
receive the Products, in order that any alternate recommendations may be made
should adverse conditions exist.

Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Air Force 02781-3

King Faisal Air Academy, Majma'ah
F. Reporting:

a) The Contractor shall maintain a qualified representative on-site during all

stone operations. Weekly Quality Control Report shall be supplied to the
Owner summarising the following:

1 Daily inspection reports

2 Materials delivery records
3 Rock test results (from previous week's samples)
4 Samples taken this week (and amount of work represented by each
individual sample)
5 Quality control perfonnance

b) A Monthly Quality Control Report will be supplied to the Owner summarising

the following:

1 Weekly quality control report

2 Control charts (showing previous 60 days plotted test results/control
measurement, etc.).
3 Proposed quality control programme improvements, if appropriate.
4 Revisions to frequency of testing
5 Work recommended for acceptance
6 The monthly Quality Control Report shall be approved by the Owner
before being admissible as a contract record.

G. Setting Out

a) The Contractor shall provide full time dedicated surveyors and technicians to
undertake surveying and for the presentation of results. The Contractor shall
provide curricula vitae of key personnel including the head surveyor and
technicians. If the Owner believes for any reason that the personnel are
unsuitable the Contractor shall remove them from site and quickly find a

b) The Contractor shall establish a quality assurance procedure to internationally

recognised standards in order to assure the accuracy of the placing and quality
of the information. An independent company approved by the Owner shall
undertake three monthly audits. Audit reports will be issued directly to the
Owner. All surveys for payment and handover shall be carried out by
qualified surveyors, approved by the Owner, and performed in the presence of
the Owner or his representative.

c) Horizontal, slope and vertical control of paver placement shall be related to

the site grid and based upon setting out control points. The Contractor shall be
responsible for setting out to this grid and setting out control points, and
working with sufficient accuracy to achieve the specified horizontal, slope and
vertical tolerances. The Contractor shall construct, protect and maintain
control monuments for horizontal location and level. The monuments shall be
robustly constructed and placed in such a position that they will not be
damaged by traffic or construction plant.
Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Air Force 02781-4
King Faisal Air Academy, Majma'ah
d) The Contractor shall submit for the Owner's approval the horizontal control
system and setting out.

e) Vertical control shall be related to Saudi Arabian Land Datum. The Contractor
shall be responsible for erection and dismantling of all temporary benchmarks
and the like, and for levelling these in to the correct datum, to enable work to
proceed with sufficient accuracy to achieve the specified vertical tolerances.

f) All plans and cross sections shall be presented to the Owner in AutoCAD
2010 format or latest version. Access to the digital records will be required at
all time by the Owner. The Contractor shall agree the format of drawings and
the system of digital documentation control with the Owner.


A. Three samples each of pavers, of different sizes each - giving showing individual
size, different colour options/hues and colour combinations, showing all aspects of
finish for approval by the Owner before proceeding with the work. Samples of texture
options due to different shot blasting techniques, and rumbling techniques. Samples of
all accessories required.

B. Shop or product drawings of moulds and product data

C. Sieve analysis for grading of bedding and joint sand.

D. Test results from an independent testing laboratory for compliance of paving unit
requirements to ASTM C 936 or other applicable requirements.

E. Manufacturer's certification of concrete units by ICPI as having met applicable ASTM

or CSA standards.

F. Manufacturer's certification of concrete pavers by ICPI asj having met applicable

ASTM or CSA standards.

G. Indicating drawing layout, pattern, and relationship of paving joints to fixtures and
project formed details.

H. Certificates of Compliance:
Before delivery of pavers to the project site, the Contractor shall submit certification
from the supplier attesting that the pavers proposed for use in the work meet all
requirements specified herein.

I. Submit cutting and setting out shop drawings for all paver work showing dimensions,
arrangement and provision for jointing.

J. Samples:

K. Submit samples of concrete units for each type to the Owner before the
commencement of any work. The Contractor is also required to furnish evidence that
Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Air Force 02781-5
King Faisal Air Academy, Majma'ah
the manufacturer can supply sufficient pavers to complete all of the works within this
Contract using materials that are consistent in quality, colour and texture and have all
the required moulds for the work.

L. Full-size Mock-up:

M. The Contractor shall construct full size mock-ups of typical paver areas after
individual samples are approved. Supply a separate mock-up for each paving type,
showing all patterns, elements in the drawings. A mock-up shall be not less than six
(6) meters in length and width. Mock-up shall remain in place until the accepted
completion of the paving work or as otherwise directed by the Owner for
conformance with design intent of the Drawings and Specifications. The Contractor
shall be responsible for revision and rebuilding all or any portion of the mock-up as
directed by the Owner, until approval of materials or combination of materials is
obtained. The paving mock-ups shall be used as a standard for the site paving work.

N. Method Statement

0. The Contractor shall submit a method statement for the manufacture, development
programme, procurement, transport, storage, handling and placing of paving materials
before the commencement of any work. Should the methodology or source change
during the execution of the work then the Contractor shall submit a new or revised
method statement for approval by the Owner. The method statement shall include:

a) Work Plan, showing sequencing of the works

b) Details of the source of the material
c) Environmental Control Plan
d) Equipment to be used
e) Supervision and Control
f) Sample daily and weekly report sheets
g) Sample Weekly and Monthly Quality Control Reports
h) Method for survey measurement for tolerance control and

P. Reports

The contractor shall also supply the following reports:

a) Weekly and Monthly Quality Control Reports

b) Independent laboratory quality audits
c) Analysis of the results of testing as required, at intervals directed by
the Owner
d) Survey measurements for tolerance control and payment purposes at
intervals directed by the Owner.

Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Air Force 02781-6

King Faisal Air Academy, Majma'ah

A. Carefully pack pavers, curbs/gutter stones for transportation taking all reasonable
precautions against damage in transit.

B. Receive and unload all pavers at the Place of the Work with necessary care in
handling to avoid damaging or soiling. Store pavers on non-staining skids.

C. Accessories
Deliver, store and handle accessories to prevent weather damage and deterioration.


A. Cooperate with other Subcontractors and do cutting and making good of their Work
as may be required. Execute and complete Work before the finishing Work in the
area affected is commenced.

B. Commence and complete Work promptly as the Work of other Subcontractors will
permit and arrange and schedule Work as far as possible so as to avoid any
interference with the execution of the Work of other Subcontractors.


A. Protect partially completed paving work against weather damage and moisture, when
work is not in progress. Cover tops of walks with strong, waterproof, non-staining
membrane. Extend membrane to 750 mm beyond dimensions of paving.

B. Protect adjacent work from damage, soiling, and staining during masonry work


A. Verify and report discrepancies between drawings and site.

Verify and check all dimensions on site in relation to elements. It is the responsibility
of the Contractor to report discrepancies beforehand.

B. Ensure that all drainage requirements for paving have been provided for.

C. Coordinate installation with other materials or fixtures to be used, e.g. lighting and
special feature placements etc. Ensure correct level of installation, alignment with
elements and obtain approval for all layers of rock individually, before proceeding
with the next layer above this.

D. Elements are to be manufactured with coloured pigment. They shall match curbs and
gutterstones in finish as well as appearance. Pavers are to be manufactured to varying
sizes, according to the drawings and as indicated below. Gutterstones and curbs shall
also be installed where indicated.

E. Colour and surface finish of concrete pavers shall be as approved samples:

Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Air Force 02781-7

King Faisal Air Academy, Majma'ah


A. The sizes of the interlocking concrete paver units, inserts, etc. shown on the drawings
are modular. Final sizes shall recognize joints and layout patterns.


1. Paver nominal modular size and shape shall be as shown on drawings with a
thiclmess of 80 mm thick unless otherwise indicated in the drawings. And shall
meet compressive and absorption testing material as per ASTM: C 140 & C936,
and BS 6717.
2. Pavers shall be hydraulically pressed concrete of 49N/mm2 minimum
compressive strength.
3. Size shall not vary by more than 1.6 mm in any direction.
4. Absorption shall be 2% maximum in l0minutes and 5% maximum in 24 Hours.
5. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawing, colour to be selected from
manufacturer's standard range for approval by the OWNER.

C. MORTAR AND GROUTING - refer to section 04200 - Mortar, Beds, and

Adhesives for Paving Works with added Plasticizer as Admixture if approved by

Colour: Mineral non-fading, colour.

Grout materials shall be factory mixed as specified in Section 04060.


Clean washed river or bank sharp sand containing a maximum of 30% particle size of
2 mm sieve, with the thiclmess shown on the drawings and laid on either compacted
sub-grade or as per drawings.

Grading shall be done according to ASTM C 136. Bedding sand shall conform to the
grading requirements of ASTM C 33 shown in Table 1:

Grading Requirements for Bedding Sand - ASTM C 33

Sieve Size Percent Passing
3/8 in. (9.5 mm) 100
No. 4 (4.75 mm) 95 to 100
No. 8 (2.36 mm) 85 to 100
No. 16 (1.18 mm) 50 to 85
No. 30 (0.600 mm) 25 to 60
No. 50 (0.300 mm) 10 to 30
No. 100 (0.150 mm) 2 to 10

Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Air Force 02781-8

King Faisal Air Academy, Majma'ah
Clean washed beach soft sand containing maximum of 30% particle size of 2 mm

Note: Bedding sand may be used for joint sand. However, extra effort in sweeping
and compacting the pavers may be required in order to completely fill the joints. If
joint sand other than bedding sand is used, the gradations shown in Table 2 are
recommended. Joint sand should never be used for bedding sand.

The joint sand shall conform to the grading requirements of ASTM C 144 shown

Grading for Joint Sand - ASTM C 144

Natural Sand Manufactured Sand

Sieve Size Percent Passing Percent Passing
No. 4 (4.75 mm) 100 100
No. 8 (2.36 mm) 95 to 100 95 to 100
No. 16 (1.18 mm) 70 to 100 70 to 100
No. 30 (0.600 mm) 40 to 75 40 to 100
No. 50 (0.300 mm) 10 to 35 20 to 40
No. 100 (0.150 mm) 2 to 15 10 to 25
No. 200 (0.075 mm) 0 0 to 10



Inspect subgrade and verify that grade elevations and gradients are correct, smooth
and capable of supporting pavers and imposed loads and that subgrade density is a
minimum of 95% of the maximum density measured by ASTM D1557, prior to
commencing work. Perform scarification and re-compaction and finished grading as
necessary to correct deficiencies. Notify the Owner of any unsatisfactory conditions.
Do not proceed with this Work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
Commencement of Work implies acceptance of surfaces and conditions.


Set out work from lines and elevations indicated on drawings. Maintain such lines
and levels.

Sort and lay out pavers, curbstones according to layouts indicated on drawings.
Distribute pieces over entire area to produce homogeneous colour blending.

Wash off stone dust prior to installation.

Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Air Force 02781-9

King Faisal Air Academy, Majma'ah

Set pavers plumb and accurately in position. Make all alignment and adjustments
immediately following setting. Patterns and combinations of varying sizes are to be
decided on site during mock-up. Lines should constantly vary and alternate. Break
lines with larger and smaller pavers - or as directed on site by Owner. Coordinate all
work with that of Curbstones, and any other adjacent or related element.


A. Sand Bed

Provide sand or setting bed at all locations shown on the drawings

1. Construct to thickness shown on drawings.

2. Dampen base prior to placing sand/cement setting bed.

3. Spread sand bed and screed to provide smooth dense bed in true planes
at the required elevations and gradients to receive pavers.


A. Including that required to accommodate the work of others, shall be done by masons.
Wherever possible, full units of the proper size shall be used in lieu of cut units. Cut
edges shall be clean, true and sharp.

B. No openings to be filled with mortar or cement. Use paving or stone material. Spaces
around any fittings and built-in items shall be filled solidly with pavers and according
to pattern required on site.


1. Set pavers level, plumb and square to the elevations, gradients and patterns
with uniform joints to widths as shown on drawings.
2. Tap each paver with a rubber mallet to set into the underlying dry sand/cement
3. After pavers are to proper line and grade, sweep in the sand to completely fill
all joints.
4. Flush pavers with clean, potable water and repeat sand sweeping the joints
until all settlement has occurred and the joints remain filled with the sand
5. Remove, clean and reset pavers which are not properly and accurately set.
6. Finish surface tolerance to be plus or minus 6 mm in a smooth plane with no
deviations at joint edges.

Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Air Force 02781-10

King Faisal Air Academy, Majma'ah

A. All paving should be solidly supported around all edges. Unless otherwise indicated
edging pavers shall be placed on a concrete foundation according to the drawings or
as directed by the Owner, including sufficient haunching. The sub-grade adjacent the
installation shall be levelled and compacted as necessary.

B. Set edgings butt-jointed.

C. Install special edging at play areas and secure properly.


A. Upon completion of the Work of this Section, or at such time or times as directed by
the Owner, remove protective coverings and clean down the finished paving leaving it
in a condition satisfactory to the Owner.

B. Clean adjacent surfaces which have been soiled or otherwise marred, in an approved
manner, to completely remove evidence of material causing same.

C. After the paver work is installed, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to see
that it is properly and adequately protected from damage. Boxing or other suitable
protection shall be provided wherever required, but no lumber which may stain or
deface the pavers shall be used. All nails used shall be galvanized or non-rusting.

D. All work in progress shall be protected at all times during construction by use of a
suitable, strong impervious membrane or fabric, securely held in place.

E. After work has thoroughly set, sponge and wash pavers thoroughly and diagonally
across joints. Remove all surface cement and take care not to damage adjacent
materials. Do not use acid cleaners. Use Specialised paving and grouting as approved
by Owner.
F. All elements to be pre-treated with approved sealant. After installation apply one
more coat of Impregnating Sealer.

G. Maintain protective coverings in good condition until the Owner orders their removal.


Ministry of Defense, Royal Saudi Air Force 02781-11

King Faisal Air Academy, Majma'ah

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