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Introduction to Digital


By Selomon B.

 Continuous quantities: quantities which has

infinity values over specific interval of time.
 Discrete quantities: finite sequence of
numbers, with finite possible values
 A signal is a physical quantity (sound, light,
voltage, current) that carries information
 Analog signal == Continuous
 Digital signal == discrete (step by step)
Analog vs discrete signal

Discrete signal

Analog signal
Digital vs Analog Systems

 A digital system: Devices designed to manipulate

logical information that are represented in digital form.
 Examples: digital computers, calculators, digital
audio/video equipment, telephone system…
 Analog system: Devices designed to manipulate
information that are represented in analog form.
 Examples: digital computers, calculators, digital
audio/video equipment, telephone system…
Advantages of Digital Techniques

 Digital systems are generally easier to design.

 Information storage is easy.
 Accuracy and precision are greater.
 Operation can be programmed.
 Digital circuits are less effected by noise.
 More digital circuitry can be fabricated on IC
Limitations of Digital Techniques

 The real world in mainly analog.

 To deal with analog inputs, three steps must be
– Convert the real-world analog inputs to digital form
(analog-to-digital converter, ADC)
– Process (operate on) the digital information
– Convert the digital output back to real-world analog
form (digital-to-analog converter,DAC)
Temperature Control System
Digital vs. Analog
 Added complexity and expense due to ADC, DAC
 Extra time required to perform conversions
 In most applications, digital techniques are favored
because of the advantages discussed before.
 One notable exception: signal amplification is most
easily achieved using analog circuitry.
 Hybrid systems: combination of digital and analog
 The future is digital.
Representing digital Quantities
• In digital systems the information that is being
processed is usually presented in binary form. Binary
quantities can be represented by any device that has
only two operating states or possible conditions.
• For example, a switch has only open or closed. We
arbitrarily (as we define them) let an open switch
represent binary 0 and a closed switch represent
binary 1.
• Thus we can represent any binary number by using
series of switches.
Typical Voltage Assignment

 Binary 1: Any voltage between 2V to 5V

 Binary 0: Any voltage between 0V to 0.8V
 Not used: Voltage between 0.8V to 2V, this may cause
error in a digital circuit.
Digital Pulse
 Base line
 Amplitude
 Rise time (tr)
 Pulse width (tw)
 Fall time (tf)
Digital Waveforms

 tw = pulse width
 T = period of the waveform
 f = frequency of the waveform
Digital Waveforms characteristics
 Periodic Square Wave

 Non-periodic Square Wave

Clock and Timing Diagram
 Clock –a basic timing waveform that is used to
synchronize all waveforms in digital systems
 Must be periodic!!!
 Used to synchronize all waveforms in digital systems
 Each interval between pulses in clock equals the time
for one bit
 It, itself does not carry any information
 Timing diagram –a graph of digital waveforms showing
the actual time relationship of two or more waveforms,
and how each waveform changes in relation to the
Timing Diagram:
Digital Circuits
 Digital circuits are designed to produce output voltages
that fall within the prescribed 0 and 1 voltage ranges.
 A digital circuit responds to an input’s binary level (0 or
1) and not to its actual voltage.
 The manner in which a digital circuit responds to an
input is referred to as the circuit’s logic.
 Each type of digital circuit obeys a certain set of logic
 For this reason, digital circuits are also called logic
Digital Integrated Circuits

 Almost all of the digital circuits used in modern

digital systems are integrated circuits (ICs).
 Several fabrication technologies are used:
Parallel and Serial Transmission

Circuit Circuit
 Parallel: A B

 Serial: A B

• Tradeoff: Speed versus circuit simplicity

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