1G Torque Specsv2
1G Torque Specsv2
1G Torque Specsv2
0L Engine
Item Nm ft.lbs. Notes
Accelerator cable adjusting bolts 4-6 3-4 2.0L Engine
Accelerator cable clamp 10-13 7-9 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Air conditioning compressor to bracket 23-27 17-20 2.0L Engine
Air outlet fitting (J-pipe) <2.0L Turbo> 9-14 7-10 Intake and Exhaust
Auto tensioner (hydraulic tensioner) 20-27 14-20 2.0L Engine
Battery tray mounting bolt 9-14 7-14 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Battery tray to battery 2-3 1.5-2 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Camshaft bearing cap 19-21 14-15 2.0L Engine
Camshaft sprocket 80-100 58-72 2.0L Engine
Castle plug (plug cap) 34-40 25-29 2.0L Engine
Center cover 2.5-3.5 2-3 2.0L Engine
Centermember installation bolt 80-100 58-72 2.0L Engine
Charge air cooler air pipe B (hard pipe w/ BOV) 12-15 9-11 2.0L, Intake and Exhaust
Charge air cooler turbocharger bypass valve <Turbo> 15-22 11-16 2.0L, Intake and Exhaust
Connecting rod bearing cap nuts 50-53 37-39 2.0L Engine
Control harness clamp bolt 10-12 7-9 2.0L, Intake Manifold
Control harness protector to intake manifold 4-6 3-4 2.0L, Intake Manifold
Crankshaft angle sensor 10-13 7-9 2.0L Engine
Crankshaft bearing cap bolts 65-70 47-51 2.0L Engine
Crankshaft position sensor 10-13 7-9 2.0L Engine
Crankshaft pulley 20-30 14-22 2.0L Engine
Crankshaft sprocket 110-130 80-94 2.0L Engine
Cylinder head bolt (cold engine) <From 1993 models> 20 + 1/4 turn + 1/4 turn 14 + 1/4 turn + 1/4 turn 2.0L Engine
Cylinder head bolt (cold engine) <Up to 1992 models> 90-100 65-72 2.0L Engine
Damper pulley, crankshaft pulley 20-30 14-22 2.0L Engine
Delivery pipe to engine <2.0L> 10-13 7-9 2.0L Engine
EGR temperature sensor 10-12 7.3-8.6 2.0L, Emissions Control Systems
EGR valve 15-22 11-16 2.0L, Intake Manifold
Electrical fuel pump (Bolt - at lower side) 9-14 6.5-10 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Electrical fuel pump (Screws) 2-3 1.4-2.2 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Engine coolant temperature sensor 20-40 15-29 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Engine cooler pipe to engine front case 40-45 29-33 2.0L Engine
Engine hanger to engine 12-15 9-11 2.0L, Exhaust Manifold
Engine mount bracket nut or bolt 50-65 36-47 2.0L Engine
Engine mount bracket to bracket nut or bolt 17-26 12-19 2.0L Engine
Engine mount insulator nut (large) 60-80 43-58 2.0L Engine
Engine mount insulator nut (small) 30-40 22-29 2.0L Engine
Engine oil cooler mounting nut <2.0L, 1990 only> 8-12 6-9 2.0L Engine
Engine oil feed hose assembly to Feed/Return tube assembly <2.0L, 1990 only> 40-50 29-36 2.0L Engine
Engine oil hose mounting bolt <2.0L, 1990 only> 3-5 2-4 2.0L Engine
Engine oil level gauge guide mounting bolt 12-15 9-11 2.0L Engine
Engine supplemental bracket (from belt side engine mount to power steering bracket) 17-26 12-19 2.0L Engine
Evaporative emission canister holder mounting bolt 9-14 7-10 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Exhaust fitting (O2 housing to turbine housing) 55-65 40-47 2.0L Engine
Exhaust manifold cover (A) <2.0L DOHC Engine (Non-turbo)> 12-15 9-11 Top side of manifold
Exhaust manifold cover (B) <2.0L DOHC Engine (Non-turbo)> 12-15 9-11 Under side of manifold
Exhaust manifold to cylinder head <2.0L DOHC Engine> 25-30 18-22 Cooling
Exhaust manifold to turbocharger 55-65 40-47 2.0L, Exhaust Manifold
Exhaust pipe clamp bolt 30-40 22-29 2.0L Engine
Exhaust pipe to rubber hanger 10-15 7-11 2.0L Engine
Eye bolt (Engine oil cooler side) <1990 only> 30-35 22-25 2.0L Engine
Eye bolt (fuel) 25-35 18-25 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Eye bolt (Oil filter bracket side) <1990 only> 40-45 29-33 2.0L Engine
Feed/Return tube assembly to oil filter bracket <1990 only> 3-5 2-4 2.0L Engine
Front case 20-22 14-16 2.0L Engine
Front case large bolt 27-34 20-25 2.0L Engine
Front exhaust pipe to engine support bracket 30-40 22-29 2.0L Engine
Front exhaust pipe to exhaust fitting <Turbo> 40-60 29-43 Intake and Exhaust
Front exhaust pipe to exhaust manifold <Non-turbo> 30-40 22-29 2.0L, Exhaust Manifold
Front roll stopper bracket to centermember 40-50 29-36 2.0L Engine
Front roll stopper insulator nut 50-65 36-47 2.0L Engine
Fuel filter mounting bolts 9-14 7-10 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Fuel gauge unit mounting screws 2-3 1.4-2.2 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Fuel high pressure hose to fuel rail 4-6 3-4 2.0L Engine
Fuel main pipe to fuel filter 30-40 22-29 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Fuel pipes clip attaching bolt 9-14 7-10 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Fuel pressure regulator to fuel rail 8-10 6-7 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Fuel rail mounting bolts 10-13 7-9 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Fuel tank drain plug 15-20 11-14 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Generator brace bolt 14 10 2.0L DOHC, Generator and Ignition System, MISC.
Generator mounting bolt 24 17 2.0L DOHC, Generator and Ignition System, MISC.
Ground cable to air intake manifold 4-6 3-4 2.0L Engine
Gusset to crossmember 70-80 51-58 Front Suspension
Heat protector to exhaust manifold 12-15 9-11 2.0L Engine
High pressure fuel hose to electrical fuel pump 30-40 22-29 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
High pressure fuel hose to fuel main pipe 30-40 22-29 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
High-pressure fuel hose to fuel rail 4-6 3-4 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Idle air control motor attaching screws 2.5-4.5 1.8-3.3 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Ignition coil 20-27 14-20 2.0L, Intake Manifold
Ignition power transistor unit 10-12 7-9 2.0L, Intake Manifold
Intake manifold stay 25-30 11-16 2.0L, Intake Manifold
Intake manifold to engine mounting bolt (M8) 15-20 11-16 2.0L, Intake Manifold
Intake manifold to engine mounting nut and bolt (M10) 30-42 7-9 2.0L, Intake Manifold
Intercooler air by-pass valve (BOV) to pipe B 15-22 11-16 Intake and Exhaust
Intercooler to body 12-15 9-11 Intake and Exhaust
Lateral rod attaching bolt 80-100 57-72 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Left engine support bracket 30-42 22-30 2.0L Engine
Left member installation bolt (front) <AWD> 80-100 58-72 Front Suspension
Left member installation bolt (rear) <AWD> 70-80 51-58 Front Suspension
Oil delivery body bolt 11 8 2.0L DOHC, Camshafts and Rocker Arms, MISC.
Oil feed pipe to engine <Turbo> 14-19 10-14 2.0L Engine
Oil feed pipe to turbocharger <Turbo> 28-34 20-25 2.0L, Exhaust Manifold
Oil jet (oil squirter) <Turbo> 30-35 22-25 2.0L Engine
Oil pan (bolts) 6-8 4-6 2.0L Engine
Oil pan (nuts) 5-7 3.5-5 2.0L Engine
Oil pan drain plug 35-45 25-33 2.0L Engine
Oil pump driven gear bolt 34-40 25-29 2.0L Engine
Oil pump sprocket 50-60 36-43 2.0L Engine
Oil return pipe <Turbo> 8-10 6-7 2.0L, Exhaust Manifold
Oil screen nut or bolt 15-22 11-16 2.0L Engine
Oxygen sensor 40-50 29-36 2.0L Engine
Power steering oil pump bracket to engine 25-33 18-24 2.0L Engine
Power steering oil pump to bracket 35-45 25-33 2.0L Engine
Power transistor unit 10-12 7-9 2.0L Engine
Rear roll stopper bracket to centermember 40-50 29-36 2.0L Engine
Rear roll stopper insulator bolt/nut 40-50 29-36 2.0L Engine
Rocker cover 2.5-3.5 2-3 2.0L Engine
Self-locking nut (fuel tank support band mounting nuts) 21-31 15-22 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Silent shaft sprocket (front) 34-40 25-29 2.0L Engine
Spark plug 25 18 2.0L DOHC, Generator and Ignition System, MISC.
Tension pulley bracket for air conditioner 23-27 17-20 2.0L Engine
Tensioner arm mounting bolt 22 16 2.0L DOHC, Timing Belt, MISC.
Thermal vacuum valve <Vehicles for Federal> 20-40 15-30 2.0L, Emissions Control Systems
Thermovalve <Federal and Canada> 20-40 15-30 Emission Control Systems
Throttle body 15-22 11-16 2.0L, Intake Manifold
Throttle body stay (engine hoist bracket) 15-22 11-16 2.0L Engine
Throttle position sensor attaching screws 1.5-2.5 1.1-1.8 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Timing belt "B" tensioner bolt 15-22 11-16 2.0L Engine
Timing belt front cover bolts 10-12 7-9 2.0L Engine
Timing belt front cover bolts (washer assembled) 8-10 6-7 2.0L Engine
Timing belt idler pulley bolt 34-42 25-30 2.0L Engine
Timing belt rear cover 10-12 7-9 2.0L Engine
Timing belt tensioner pulley bolt 43-55 31-40 2.0L Engine
Transaxle mount insulator bolt/nut 60-80 43-58 2.0L Engine
Transaxle mount to body 40-50 29-36 2.0L Engine
Transfer assembly installation bolt (ATX) 60-80 43-58 Front Suspension
Transfer assembly installation bolt (MTX) 55-60 40-43 Front Suspension
Turbocharger to exhaust manifold bolt and nut 60 43 Exhaust Manifold and Water Pump, MISC.
Turbocharger waste gate actuator 10-13 7-9 2.0L, Exhaust Manifold
Vapor pipe assembly mounting bolt 9-14 7-10 2.0L Multiport Fuel Injection
Water inlet pipe installation bolt 12-15 9-11 2.0L Engine
Water pipe (A) mounting bolt <Turbo> 10-12 7-9 2.0L Engine
Water pipe (A) to turbocharger 35-50 25-36 2.0L, Exhaust Manifold
Water pipe (B) to turbocharger 35-50 25-36 Cooling
Water pipe (B) to water inlet pipe <Turbo> 40-50 29-36 2.0L, Exhaust Manifold
Water pipe to engine (Mounting bolt - M6) 10-12 7-9 On pipe to lower bracket
Water pipe to engine (Mounting bolt - M8) 12-15 9-11 Lower bracket to block
Water pipe to turbocharger mounting bolt 8-10 6-7 On turbocharger compressor housing
Water pump bolt (generator brace bolt) 20-27 15-19 Exhaust Manifold and Water Pump, MISC.
Water pump bolts (shorter 4) 12-15 9-10 Exhaust Manifold and Water Pump, MISC.
Water pump pulley 8-10 6-7 2.0L Engine
1.8L Engine
Item Nm ft.lbs. Notes
Accelerator cable adjusting bolts 4-6 3-4 1.8L Engine
Air conditioning compressor to bracket 23-27 17-20 1.8L Engine
Air intake plenum stay 15-20 11-14 1.8L Engine
Air intake plenum to intake manifold 15-20 11-14 1.8L Engine
Battery tray mounting bolt 9-14 7-14 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Battery tray to battery 2-3 1.5-2 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Camshaft bearing cap bolt (6 x 20 mm) 20-27 14-20 1.8L Engine
Camshaft bearing cap bolt (8 x 65 mm) 19-21 14-15 1.8L Engine
Camshaft sprocket 80-100 58-72 1.8L Engine
Connecting rod bearing cap 32-35 24-25 1.8L Engine
Control harness protector to intake manifold plenum 4-6 3-4 1.8L, Intake Manifold
Cooling fan bolt 11 8 1.8L SOHC, Generator and Ignition, MISC.
Cover 10-13 7-9 Intake and Exhaust
Crankshaft bearing main cap 50-55 37-39 1.8L Engine
Crankshaft damper pulley 15-18 11-13 1.8L Engine
Crankshaft sprocket 110-130 80-94 1.8L Engine
Cylinder head bolt (cold engine) 70-75 51-54 1.8L Engine
Delivery pipe to intake manifold 10-13 7-9 Intake and Exhaust
Distributor nut 11 8 1.8L SOHC, Generator and Ignition, MISC.
EGR temperature sensor <Vehicles for California> 10-12 7-9 1.8L, Intake Manifold
EGR valve 10-15 7-11 1.8L, Intake Manifold
EGR valve installation bolt <Federal and Canada> 10-15 7.2-10 Emission Control Systems
EGR valve installation bolt <Vehicles for California> 10-15 7.2-10 1.8L, Emissions Control Systems
Electrical fuel pump (Bolt - at lower side) 9-14 6.5-10 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Electrical fuel pump (Screws) 2-3 1.4-2.2 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Engine coolant temperature sensor 20-40 15-29 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Engine hanger 15-20 11-14 1.8L, Intake Manifold
Engine mount bracket nut or bolt 50-65 36-47 1.8L Engine
Engine mount insulator nut (large) 60-80 43-58 1.8L Engine
Engine mount insulator nut (small) 30-40 22-29 1.8L Engine
Engine oil level gauge guide mounting bolt 12-15 9-11 1.8L Engine
Evaporative emission canister holder mounting bolt 9-14 7-10 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Exhaust manifold cover (A) <1.8L Engine> Flange bolt: 8 x 12 mm (.31 x. 47 in.) 27-33 20-24 Top side of manifold
Exhaust manifold cover (A) <1.8L Engine> Washer assembled bolt: 6 x 14 mm (.24 x .55 in.) 8-10 6-7 Top side of manifold
Exhaust manifold cover (A) to exhaust manifold cover (B) 8-10 6-7 1.8L, Exhaust Manifold
Exhaust manifold cover (B) 20-28 14-20 Under side of manifold
Exhaust manifold to cylinder head 15-20 11-14 1.8L Engine
Exhaust pipe clamp bolt 30-40 22-29 1.8L Engine
Exhaust pipe to exhaust manifold 30-40 22-29 1.8L Engine
Exhaust pipe to rubber hanger 10-15 7-11 1.8L Engine
Eye bolt 25-35 18-25 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Front case 15-18 11-13 1.8L Engine
Front exhaust pipe to engine 30-40 22-29 1.8L, Exhaust Manifold
Front roll stopper bracket to centermember 40-50 29-36 1.8L Engine
Front roll stopper insulator nut 50-65 36-47 1.8L Engine
Fuel filter mounting bolts 9-14 7-10 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Fuel gauge unit mounting screws 2-3 1.4-2.2 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Fuel high pressure hose to fuel rail 4-6 3-4 1.8L Engine
Fuel main pipe to fuel filter 30-40 22-29 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Fuel pipes clip attaching bolt 9-14 7-10 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Fuel pressure regulator to fuel rail 7-11 5-8 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Fuel rail mounting bolts 10-13 7-9 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Fuel tank drain plug 15-20 11-14 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Generator brace bolt 14 10 1.8L SOHC, Generator and Ignition, MISC.
Generator mounting bolt 24 17 1.8L SOHC, Generator and Ignition, MISC.
Ground cable to air intake manifold 4-6 3-4 1.8L Engine
Ground cable to intake manifold plenum 10-12 7-9 1.8L, Intake Manifold
High pressure fuel hose to electrical fuel pump 30-40 22-29 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
High pressure fuel hose to fuel main pipe 30-40 22-29 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
High-pressure fuel hose to fuel rail 4-6 3-4 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Ignition coil bolt 14 10 1.8L SOHC, Generator and Ignition, MISC.
Ignition power transistor nut 18 13 1.8L SOHC, Generator and Ignition, MISC.
Intake manifold cover 10-13 7-9 1.8L, Intake Manifold
Intake manifold plenum stay 15-20 11-14 1.8L, Intake Manifold
Intake manifold plenum to intake manifold 15-20 11-14 1.8L, Intake Manifold
Intake manifold stay bolt 18-25 13-18 1.8L Engine
Intake manifold to engine 15-20 11-14 1.8L, Intake Manifold
Lateral rod attaching bolt 80-100 57-72 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Left engine support bracket 30-42 22-30 1.8L Engine
Oil filter bracket 15-22 10-15 1.8L Engine
Oil pan (bolts) 6-8 4-6 1.8L Engine
Oil pan (nuts) 5-7 3.5-5 1.8L Engine
Oil pan drain plug 35-45 25-33 1.8L Engine
Oil pressure gauge unit 8-12 6-8.5 1.8L Engine
Oil pressure switch 8-12 6-8.5 1.8L Engine
Oil pump bracket to engine (Front side) <1.8L Engine> 27-41 20-30 Power steering gear box
Oil pump bracket to engine (left side) <1.8L> 25-33 18-24 Power Steering Oil Pump
Oil pump cover 15-16 11-13 1.8L Engine
Oil pump sprocket and driven gear 34-40 25-29 1.8L Engine
Oil screen 18-25 13-18 1.8L Engine
Oxygen sensor 40-50 30-36 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Power steering oil pump to bracket 35-45 25-33 1.8L Engine
Rear roll stopper bracket to centermember 40-50 29-36 1.8L Engine
Rear roll stopper insulator nut 40-50 29-36 1.8L Engine
Rocker cover 5-7 4-5 1.8L Engine
Self-locking nut (fuel tank support band mounting nuts) 21-31 15-22 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Silent shaft sprocket 34-40 25-29 1.8L Engine
Spark plug 25 18 1.8L SOHC, Generator and Ignition, MISC.
Tension pulley bracket for air conditioning (1.8L Engine) 18-22 13-15 Cooling
Tensioner "B" bolt 19 14 1.8L SOHC, Timing Belt, MISC.
Tensioner pulley bracket (air conditioning compressor) 23-27 17-20 1.8L Engine
Throttle body 15-22 11-16 1.8L, Intake Manifold
Throttle position sensor attaching screws 1.5-2.5 1.1-1.8 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Timing belt "B" tensioner bolt (balance shaft) 15-22 11-16 1.8L Engine
Timing belt front cover 10-12 7-9 1.8L Engine
Timing belt rear cover (lower) 12-15 9-11 1.8L Engine
Timing belt rear cover (upper) 10-12 7-9 1.8L Engine
Timing belt tensioner nut or bolt 22-30 16-22 1.8L Engine
Transaxle mount insulator nut 60-80 43-58 1.8L Engine
Transaxle mount to body 40-50 29-36 1.8L Engine
Vapor pipe assembly mounting bolt 9-14 7-10 1.8L Multiport Fuel Injection
Water inlet pipe installation bolt (Engine block side) <1.8L Engine> 10-12 7-9 Cooling
Water outlet fitting 17-20 12-14 1.8L, Intake Manifold
Water pump bolt (generator brace bolt) 20-27 15-19 1.8L Cooling
Water pump bolt (others) 12-15 9-10 1.8L Cooling
Water pump pulley 8-10 6-7 1.8L Engine
FWD Specific
Item Nm ft.lbs. Notes
Automatic seat belt guide ring attaching bolt 17-26 12-19 FWD M/T
Bell housing cover 10-12 7-9 FWD M/T
Brake hose and tube bracket mounting bolt 17-26 12-19 FWD, Rear Suspension
Caliper assembly mounting nut 50-60 36-43 FWD, Rear Suspension
Centermember installation bolts 80-100 58-72 FWD, Power Plant Mount
Clutch release cylinder mounting bolt 15-22 11-16 FWD M/T
Clutch tube to transaxle assembly 15-22 11-16 FWD M/T
Crossmember to body, lower arm clamp 80-100 58-72 FWD, Small bolt for clamp
Front exhaust pipe to exhaust manifold <FWD> 30-40 22-29 Exhaust
Joint assembly and gear box connecting bolt 15-20 11-14 FWD, Steering gear box to steering column
Lateral rod mounting bolt (axle beam side) 100-120 72-87 FWD, Rear Suspension
Lateral rod mounting nut (body side) 80-100 58-72 FWD, Rear Suspension
Lever (A) to bracket assembly 17-26 12-18 FWD M/T, Side-to-side pivot arm
Lower arm mounting bolt 100-120 72-87 FWD, Largest fastener for control arm, pivot bolt
Lower arm ball joint to knuckle 60-72 43-52 FWD M/T
Lower arm clamp shaft to body 100-120 72-87 FWD, Large bolt for clamp, aligned with a nut/washer on either side
Lower arm clamp to crossmember (bolt) 80-100 58-72 FWD, Clamp goes over largest bushing on front control arms
Lower arm clamp to crossmember (nut) 35-47 25-34 FWD, Clamp goes over largest bushing on front control arms
Piston rod tightening 20-25 14-18 FWD, Rear Suspension
Pressure hose bracket 9-14 7-10 FWD, For power steering
Rear axle caliper assembly mounting nut 50-60 36-43 FWD Rear Axle
Rear axle hub to rotor 9-14 7-10 FWD Rear Axle
Rear axle speed sensor brackets 9-14 7-10 FWD Rear Axle
Rear axle wheel bearing nut 200-260 144-188 FWD Rear Axle
Rear speed sensor mounting bolt 9-14 7-10 FWD, Rear Suspension
Self-locking nut 21-31 15-22 FWD fuel tank bands
Shift cable and select cable to body 9-14 7-10 FWD M/T
Shift cable and select cable to transaxle bracket 15-22 11-16 FWD M/T
Shift lever assembly to body 9-14 7-10 FWD M/T
Shift lever to lever (A) 19-28 13-20 FWD M/T, Front-to-back pivot arm
Shock absorber lower mounting nut 80-100 58-72 FWD, Rear Suspension
Shock absorber upper mounting nut 40-50 29-36 FWD, Rear Suspension
Stabilizer bar bracket to crossmember 30-42 22-30 FWD, Power Plant Mount
Stabilizer link installation bolts 35-45 25-33 FWD, Power Plant Mount
Starter motor mounting bolt 27-34 20-25 FWD M/T
Stay installation bolts 70-80 51-58 FWD, Triangular, 3 bolts/washers; located by control arms on either side
Steering gear box assembly to crossmember 60-80 43-58 FWD, Power Plant Mount
Steering gear box assembly to pressure hose 12-18 9-13 FWD, Power Plant Mount
Steering gear box assembly to return tube 12-18 9-13 FWD, Power Plant Mount
Tie rod end ball joint to knuckle 24-34 17-25 FWD, Power Plant Mount
Trailing arm mounting bolt 100-120 72-87 FWD, Rear Suspension
Transaxle mount bracket to transaxle 60-80 43-58 FWD M/T
Transaxle mounting bolt [10 mm (.40 in.) diameter bolt] 30-35 22-25 FWD M/T
Transaxle mounting bolt [12 mm (.47 in.) diameter bolt] 43-55 32-39 FWD M/T
Transaxle mounting bolt [8mm (.31 in.) diameter bolt] 10-12 7-9 FWD M/T
Under cover (passenger wheel well splash guard) 9-13 7-10 FWD M/T
Wheel bearing nut 200-260 144-188 FWD, Rear Suspension
AWD Specific
Item Nm ft.lbs. Notes
Bearing cap installation bolt 40-60 29-43 AWD Rear Axle
Bell housing cover mounting bolt 10-12 7-9 AWD M/T
Brake tube bracket to rear shock absorber 17-26 12-19 AWD, Rear Suspension
Center bearing bracket installation bolts 36-46 26-33 AWD
Center bearing self locking nut 30-40 22-29 AWD Propeller Shaft
Center exhaust pipe to front exhaust pipe installation nut 30-40 22-29 AWD, Rear Suspension
Center exhaust pipe to main muffler installation bolt 40-50 29-36 AWD, Rear Suspension
Center propeller shaft to center yoke 160-220 116-159 AWD Propeller Shaft
Clutch release cylinder mounting bolt 15-22 11-16 AWD M/T
Clutch tube to transaxle assembly 15-22 11-16 AWD M/T
Companion flange to drive pinion 160-220 116-159 AWD Rear Axle
Companion flange to drive shaft 55-65 40-47 AWD, Rear Suspension
Companion flange to Löbro joint assembly 30-40 22-29 AWD Propeller Shaft
Companion flange to rear drive axle shaft 160-220 116-159 AWD, Rear Suspension
Cover to gear carrier 30-42 22-30 AWD Rear Axle
Crossmember bracket to body 70-85 51-61 AWD, Rear Suspension
Crossmember bracket to crossmember 110-130 80-94 AWD, Rear Suspension
Crossmember to body 80-100 58-72 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Differential carrier to differential support member 80-100 58-72 AWD, Rear Suspension
Differential carrier to propeller shaft 30-35 22-25 AWD, Rear Suspension
Differential support member to body 110-130 80-94 AWD, Rear Suspension
Drain plug 60-70 43-51 AWD Rear Axle
Drive gear to differential case 80-90 58-65 AWD Rear Axle
Filler plug 40-60 29-43 AWD Rear Axle
Flange yoke to differential companion flange 30-35 22-25 AWD Propeller Shaft
Front exhaust pipe hanger installation bolt 10-15 7-11 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Front exhaust pipe rear installation bolt 40-60 29-43 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Front exhaust pipe to engine support bracket 30-40 22-29 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Front exhaust pipe to exhaust manifold 40-60 29-43 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Front roll stopper insulator nut 50-65 36-47 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Front roll stopper to No. 1 crossmember 40-50 29-36 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Gusset installation bolt 70-80 51-58 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Hanger installation bolt 10-15 7-11 AWD, Rear Suspension
Joint assembly and gear box connecting bolt 15-20 11-14 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Left member installation bolt (front) 80-100 58-72 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Left member installation bolt (rear) 70-80 51-58 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Lower arm mounting bolt 100-120 72-87 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Lower arm ball joint to knuckle 60-72 43-52 AWD M/T
Lower arm clamp shaft to body 100-120 72-87 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Lower arm clamp to crossmember (bolt) 80-100 58-72 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Lower arm clamp to crossmember (nut) 35-47 25-34 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Lower arm to crossmember 90-110 65-80 AWD, Rear Suspension
Lower arm to knuckle 60-72 43-52 AWD, Rear Suspension
No. 1 crossmember installation nut 80-100 58-72 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Piston rod tightening nut 20-25 14-18 AWD, Rear Suspension
Pressure hose bracket 9-14 7-10 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Rear axle axle shaft installation nut 160-220 116-159 AWD Rear Axle
Rear axle differential carrier to crossemember 100-120 72-87 AWD Rear Axle
Rear axle differential carrier to differential support member 80-100 58-72 AWD Rear Axle
Rear axle differential carrier to propeller shaft 30-35 22-25 AWD Rear Axle
Rear axle differential support member to bolt 110-130 80-94 AWD Rear Axle
Rear axle drive shaft to companion flange 55-65 40-47 AWD Rear Axle
Rear brake assembly installation bolts 50-60 36-43 AWD Rear Axle
Rear propeller shaft to companion flange 160-220 116-159 AWD Propeller Shaft
Rear speed sensor brackets 9-14 7-10 AWD Rear Axle
Rear speed sensor installation bolt 9-14 7-10 AWD, Rear Suspension
Right member installation bolt (front) 80-100 58-72 AWD M/T, (3) bolts, self guiding
Right member installation bolt (rear) 70-80 51-58 AWD M/T, (2) bolts, differing lengths
Shift cable and select cable bracket mounting bolt 15-22 11-16 AWD M/T
Shock absorber installation bolt 90-110 65-80 AWD, Rear Suspension
Shock absorber installation nut 40-50 29-36 AWD, Rear Suspension
Stabilizer bar bracket to crossmember 30-42 22-30 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Stabilizer link installation nut 35-45 25-33 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Starter motor mounting bolt 27-34 20-25 AWD M/T
Steering gear box assembly to crossmember 60-80 43-58 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Steering gear box assembly to pressure hose 12-18 9-13 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Steering gear box assembly to return tube 12-18 9-13 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Tie rod end to knuckle 24-35 17-25 AWD M/T
Trailing arm to crossmember 140-160 101-116 AWD, Rear Suspension
Transaxle mount bracket mounting bolt 60-80 43-58 AWD M/T
Transaxle mounting bolt [10 mm (.40 in.) diameter bolt] 30-35 22-25 AWD M/T
Transaxle mounting bolt [12 mm (.47 in.) diameter bolt] 43-55 32-39 AWD M/T
Transaxle mounting bolt [8 mm (.31 in.) diameter bolt] 10-12 7-9 AWD M/T
Transfer assembly installation bolt (ATX) 60-80 43-58 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Transfer assembly installation bolt (MTX) 55-60 40-43 AWD, Power Plant Mount
Under Cover (passenger wheel well splash guard) 9-13 7-10 AWD M/T
Upper arm to crossmember 140-160 101-116 AWD, Rear Suspension
Upper arm to knuckle 60-72 43-52 AWD, Rear Suspension
Common Specifications
Item Nm ft.lbs. Notes
A/C compressor bracket mounting bolt 45-55 33-39 Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilation
A/C compressor front housing installation bolt 24-28 18-21 Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilation
A/C compressor mounting bolt 23-27 17-19 Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilation
A/C Dual pressure switch 9-11 7-8 Passenger side of engine bay, in front of battery, front port
A/C tension pulley center nut (bolt) 32-48 24-36 Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilation
Accelerator arm bracket to body 8-12 6-9 At the pedal
Accelerator arm side inner cable to body 4-6 3-4 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Accelerator cable adjusting bolts 4-6 3-4 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Accelerator cable clamp 10-13 7-9 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Air cleaner bracket 12-15 9-11 Intake and Exhaust
Air cleaner resonator 10-13 7-9 Intake and Exhaust
Air cleaner to body 8-10 6-7 Intake and Exhaust
Air conditioning engine coolant temperature switch 30-40 22-29 Plug on thermostat housing
Auto-cruise vacuum pump 4-6 3-4 Vacuum pump mounting nuts
Automatic seat belt buckle mounting bolt 35-55 25-40 Interior
Automatic seat belt guid ring attaching bolt 17-26 12-19 Interior
Automatic seat belt guide rail mounting bolt (A), (B) 4-6 3-4 Interior
Automatic seat belt guide rail mounting bolt (C) 17-26 12-19 Interior
Automatic seat belt motor mounting bolt 4-6 3-4 Interior
Automatic tensioner installation bolt 20-27 14-20 Timing Belt
Automatic transaxle oil cooler hose cramp 4-6 3-4 Inlet and outlet of cooler hose
Automatic transaxle oil cooler hose mounting bolt 3-5 2-4 Cooling
Axle shaft installation nut (rear) 160-200 116-159 Service Brakes
Battery tray mouning bolt 9-14 7-14 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Battery tray to battery 2-3 1.5-2 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Bleeder plug (slave cylinder) 9-13 7-9 Clutch
Bleeder screw (brake caliper) 7-9 5-7 Service Brakes
Bracket between engine mount bracket and engine 17-26 12-19 Mounts
Brake booster installation nuts 11-17 8-12 Service Brakes
Brake hose bracket installation bolts 17-26 12-19 Service Brakes
Brake hose to caliper body (rear) 25-35 18-25 Service Brakes
Caliper assembly mounting bolt (front) 80-100 58-72 Front Axle, To knuckle
Catalytic converter to center exhaust pipe 30-40 22-29 Intake and Exhaust
Center exhaust pipe to main muffler 30-40 22-29 Intake and Exhaust
Centermember to body 80-100 58-72 Steering gear box
Clutch cover assembly 15-22 11-16 Clutch, Pressure plate
Clutch master cylinder installation nuts 10-15 7-11 Service Brakes
Clutch pedal installation nut 20-25 14-18 Service Brakes
Clutch pedal support bracket 8-12 6-9 Clutch
Clutch pedal support bracket to firewall 10-15 7-11 Clutch
Clutch pedal to clutch pedal support bracket 20-25 14-18 Clutch
Clutch release cylinder 15-22 11-16 Clutch
Clutch release cylinder to union bolt 25 18 Clutch, Banjo bolt
Clutch tube clamp to body 8-12 6-9 Clutch
Clutch tube flare nut 13-17 9-12 Clutch
Column support 8-12 6-9 Steering
Connector to pump body 50-70 36-51 Power steering gear box
Cooler tube clamp 3.0-4.5 2-3 Power steering gear box
Cooler tube to body 9-14 7-10 Power steering gear box
Cooler tube to hood lock stay 4-6 29-43 Power steering gear box
Crankshaft sprocket installation bolt 110-130 80-94 Engine
Crossmember to body 100-120 72-87 Front Suspension
Deck crossmember stay to deck crossmember 4-6 3-4 Body
Door hinge to body 17-26 12-19 Body
Door hinge to door 17-26 12-19 Body
Door latch assembly mounting screws 5-7 4-5 Body
Door striker mounting screws 9-14 7-10 Body
Drive shaft nut 200-260 144-188 Front Axle
Drive shaft to companion flange 55-65 40-47 Service Brakes
Dust shield to axle beam 9-14 7-10 Service Brakes
Electrical fuel pump (Bolt - at lower side) 9-14 6.5-10 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Electrical fuel pump (Screws) 2-3 1.4-2.2 Fuel supply and Engine Control
End plug 50-70 36-51 Power steering gear box
Engine coolant temperature gauge unit 10-12 7-9 Single spade connector on thermostat housing
Engine coolant temperature sensor (Engine control) 20-40 14-29 Double spade connector on thermostat housing
Engine hanger to engine bracket 12-15 9-11 To engine mount bracket, NOT exhaust manifold nuts
Engine mount bracket bolt/nut 50-65 36-47 Power Plant Mount
Engine mount bracket to engine bracket 50-65 36-47 Both nuts (in front of power steering pump) and bolts (by cam gears)
Engine mount insulator nut (large) 60-80 43-58 Driver side, nut on rear of mount to body
Engine mount insulator nut (small) 30-40 22-29 Driver side, nuts on front of mount to body
Engine mounting bracket to engine 17-26 12-19 Power Plant Mount
Evaporative emission canister holder mounting bolt 9-14 7-10 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Exhaust pipe support bracket to engine 30-42 22-30 Cooling
Eye bolt 25-35 18-25 Top side of fuel filter
Feed tubes 12-18 9-13 Power steering gear box
Fender mounting bolts 4-6 3-4 Body
Fitting 15-18 11-13 Service Brakes
Flared brake line nuts 13-17 9-12 Service Brakes
Front bumper absorber mounting bolts 17-26 12-19 Exterior
Front bumper absorber mounting nuts (large type bumper) 35-44 25-32 Exterior
Front bumper absorber mounting nuts (normal type bumper) 35-55 25-40 Exterior
Front disc brake assembly installation bolts 80-100 58-72 Service Brakes
Front door window regulator to door window glass 2.0-4.0 1.5-3.0 Body
Front exhaust pipe to support bracket mounting bolt 30-40 22-29 Exhaust
Front exhaust pipe mounting nut (to exhaust manifold) 30-40 22-29 Exhaust
Front exhaust pipe to catalytic converter 40-60 29-43 Intake and Exhaust
Front exhaust pipe to rubber hanger 10-15 7-11 Exhaust
Front roll stopper bracket to centermember 40-50 29-36 Power Plant Mount
Front roll stopper insulator nut 50-65 36-47 Power Plant Mount
Front seat adjuster mounting bolt 9-14 7-10 Interior
Front seat frame mounting bolt (inner) 10-15 7-11 Interior
Front seat frame mounting bolt (outer) 35-55 25-40 Interior
Front seat mounting bolt 35-55 25-40 Interior
Front seat mounting nut 24-36 17-26 Interior
Front seat slider bracket mounting bolt 35-55 25-40 Interior
Front seat slider rail mounting bolt 35-55 25-40 Interior
Front speed sensor bracket (vehicles with ABS) 9-14 7-10 Front Axle
Front toothed rotor (vehicles with ABS) 9-14 7-10 Front Axle
Fuel filter mounting bolts 9-14 7-10 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Fuel gauge unit mounting screws 2-3 1.4-2.2 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Fuel main pipe to fuel filter 30-40 22-29 Bottom side of fuel filter
Fuel pipes clip attaching bolt 9-14 7-10 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Fuel rail mounting bolts 10-13 7-9 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Fuel tank drain plug 15-20 11-14 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Fulcrum 35-42 25-30 Clutch
Gear box mounting bracket to crossmember 60-80 43-58 Steering gear box
Guide pin (front brake caliper) 64-86 46-62 Service Brakes
Guide pin (rear brake caliper) 22-32 16-23 Service Brakes
Guide ring bracket mounting bolt 9-14 7-10 Interior
Hanger bracket to body 10-15 7-11 Intake and Exhaust
Heat protector installation nut 9-14 7-10 Power steering gear box
High pressure fuel hose to electrical fuel pump 30-40 22-29 Fuel supply and Engine Control
High pressure fuel hose to fuel main pipe 30-40 22-29 Fuel supply and Engine Control
High pressure fuel hose to fuel rail 4-6 3-4 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Hood hinge to body (bolt) 17-26 12-19 Body
Hood hinge to body (nut) 9-14 7-10 Body
Hood hinge to hood 9-14 7-10 Body
Hood latch to body 7-11 5-8 Body
Hood lock support to body 4-6 3-4 Body
Hook to center exhaust pipe 10-15 7-11 Intake and Exhaust
Joint assembly to gear box 15-20 11-14 Steering Gear Box
Knuckle to ball joint 60-72 43-52 Front Suspension
Knuckle to strut assembly 110-140 80-101 Front Suspension
Lever assembly (A) installation nut 20-25 14-18 Service Brakes
Lever assembly (B) installation nut 20-25 14-18 Service Brakes
Liftgate hinge to body 11-16 8-12 Body
Liftgate hinge to liftgate 9-14 7-10 Body
Liftgate latch to body 7-11 5-8 Body
Liftgate striker to liftgate 9-14 7-10 Body
Link assembly 9-14 7-10 Cruise control mounting bolts
Link protector 4-6 3-4 Cruise control unit cover
Lock pin (front brake caliper) 64-86 46-62 Service Brakes
Lock pin (rear brake caliper) 22-32 16-23 Service Brakes
Lower arm clamp to crossmember (bolt) 80-100 58-72 Front Suspension
Lower arm clamp to crossmember (nut) 35-47 25-34 Front Suspension
Lower arm to crossmember 100-120 72-87 Front Suspension
Lower bracket 8-12 6-9 Steering
Master cylinder to brake booster 8-12 6-9 Service Brakes
Master cylinder to firewall 10-15 7-11 Clutch
Moulding to main muffler 4-6 3-4 Intake and Exhaust
Nipple installation screw 1.5-3.0 1-2 Service Brakes
Oil level gauge 12-15 9-11 Cooling
Oil pump to oil pump bracket 35-45 25-33 Power steering gear box
Oil reservoir bracket installation bolt 9-14 7-10 Power steering gear box
Oil reservoir installation bolt 9-14 7-10 Power steering gear box
Pedal rod to clutch pedal bracket 17-26 12-19 Clutch
Pedal rod to clutch pedal support bracket 17-26 12-19 Clutch
Pedal rod to pedal support bracket 17-26 12-19 Service Brakes
Pedal support bracket installation bolts 8-12 6-9 Service Brakes
Pedal support bracket installation nut 10-15 7-11 Service Brakes
Pinion and valve assembly to self-locking nut 20-30 14-22 Power steering gear box
Piston stopper bolt 1.5-3.0 1-2 Service Brakes
Positive crankcase ventilation valve 8-12 6-8.5 Emission Control Systems
Power steering oil pump bracket to engine 25-33 18-24 Cooling
Power steering oil pump to oil pump bracket 35-45 25-33 Cooling
Pressure hose bracket 9-14 7-10 Power steering gear box
Pressure hose to body 9-14 7-10 Power steering gear box
Pressure hose to oil pump 14-21 10-15 Power steering gear box
Pressure hose to pressure tube 30-40 22-29 Power steering gear box
Pressure tube to gear box 12-18 9-13 Power steering gear box
Pump cover to pump body 18-22 13-16 Power steering gear box
Rack support cover locking nut 50-70 36-51 Steering Gear Box
Radiator upper insulator 9-14 7-10 Cooling
Rear brake assembly installation bolt 50-60 36-43 Service Brakes
Rear bumper absorber mounting bolts 17-26 12-19 Exterior
Rear bumper absorber mounting nuts 35-55 25-39 Exterior
Rear disc brake assembly installation bolts 50-60 36-43 Service Brakes
Rear inner seat belt bracket mounting bolt 35-55 25-40 Interior
Rear roll stopper bracket to crossmember 40-50 29-36 Power Plant Mount
Rear roll stopper insulator nut 40-50 29-36 Power Plant Mount
Rear seat belt anchor plate attaching bolt 35-55 25-40 Interior
Rear seat belt retractor bracket mounting bolt (Front) 4-6 3-4 Interior
Rear seat belt retractor bracket mounting bolt (Rear) 35-55 25-40 Interior
Rear seat striker mounting bolt 4-6 3-4 Interior
Rear seatback mounting bolt 17-26 12-19 Interior
Rear speed sensor installation bolt 9-14 7-10 Service Brakes
Rear wiper arm locking nut 6-9 4-7 Exterior
Rear wiper motor bracket installing nut 7-10 5-7 Exterior
Reservoir band 5-7 4-5 Clutch
Retractor (for lap belt) mounting bolt (7/16 in. x 25 mm bolt) 35-55 25-40 Interior
Retractor (for lap belt) mounting bolt (8 x 20 mm bolt) 9-14 7-10 Interior
Retractor assembly (for shoulder belt) mounting bolt (Front) 9-14 7-10 Interior
Retractor assembly (for shoulder belt) mounting bolt (Rear) 35-55 25-40 Interior
Return tube to body 9-14 7-10 Power steering gear box
Return tube to gear box 12-18 9-13 Power steering gear box
Rotor to front hub 7-11 5-8 Service Brakes
Rotor to rear hub 9-14 7-10 Service Brakes
Rubber hanger 10-15 7-11 Intake and Exhaust
Speed sensor bracket installation bolt 9-14 7-10 Service Brakes
Spindle lever to parking brake lever 40-55 29-40 Service Brakes
Splash shield mounting bolts 4-6 3-4 Body
Splash shield mounting screws 2.0-2.2 1.4-1.6 Body
Stabilizer bar bracket 30-42 22-30 Steering gear box
Stabilizer bar bracket to crossmember 30-42 22-30 Front Suspension
Stabilizer link 35-45 25-33 Front Suspension
Stay to crossmember 70-80 51-58 Front Suspension
Steering shaft mounting bolt 8-12 6-9 Interior
Steering wheel lock nut 35-45 25-33 Steering
Stop lamp switch mounting nut 10-15 7-11 Service Brakes
Strut top end nut 60-70 43-51 Front Suspension
Strut upper mounting nut 40-50 29-39 Front Suspension
Suction connector to pump body 6-10 4-7 Power steering gear box
Tensioner pulley installation bolt 43-55 31-40 Cooling
Terminal assembly to pump body 25-30 18-22 Power steering gear box
Thermosensor to radiator 15 11 Cooling
Throttle body side inner cable to intake manifold plenum 4-6 3-4 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Tie rod end ball joint 24-34 17-25 Front Axle
Tie rod end lock nut 50-55 36-40 Steering
Tie rod end to knuckle 24-34 17-25 Steering
Tie rod to rack 80-100 58-72 Steering
Tilt bracket installation bolt 8-12 6-9 Steering
Timing belt B tensioner pulley bolt 15-22 11-16 Cooling
Timing belt front lower cover installation bolt 10-12 7-9 Cooling
Timing belt front lower cover installation bolt (washer assembled bolt) <From 1993 models> 8-10 6-7 Cooling
Top plug locking nut 50-70 36-51 Manual steering gear box
Transaxle mount bracket to body 40-50 29-36 Power Plant Mount
Transaxle mount insulator nut 60-80 43-58 Power Plant Mount
Turn-over spring mounting bolt 17-26 12-19 Service Brakes
Valve housing installation bolts 17-26 12-19 Power steering gear box
Vapor pipe assembly mounting bolt 9-14 7-10 Fuel supply and Engine Control
Water inlet pipe installation bolt (Transaxle side) 43-55 31-40 Cooling
Water outlet fitting bolts 17-20 12-14 Upper thermostat housing
Water pump installation bolt (head mark "4T") 12-15 9-11 Cooling
Water pump installation bolt (head mark "7T") 20-27 14-20 Cooling
Water pump pulley bolt 8-10 6-7 Cooling
Wheel bearing nut 200-260 144-188 Service Brakes
Wheel nuts 120-140 87-101 Front Axle
Windshield wiper arm locking nut 10-16 7-12 Exterior
Windshield wiper installing bolt 7-11 5-8 Exterior
Windshield wiper pivot shaft installing nuts 4-6 3-4 Exterior