Case Study Scenario
Case Study Scenario
Case Study Scenario
Case Study
Company profile:
Cybersoft Solutions is a leading cybersecurity company in Australia. It offers a
variety of services from information security consulting to assessing, testing and
improving the protection of applications and networks for companies operating in
healthcare, manufacturing, banking, retail, telecommunications, and other industries.
Poorly coded and insufficiently protected applications can put a company at risk and
result in data breaches. Cybersoft offers their skills and knowledge in assessing and
testing the security of applications (web, mobile, desktop), as well as finding ways to
help their customers to achieve the effective protection of the corporate data stored
locally or remotely.
By increasing corporate network security specifically, you may decrease the risk of
becoming the victim of privacy spoofing, identity or company’s proprietary
information theft, Man-in-the-Middle and DDoS attacks.
The training organisation has approached your company to perform at least one
vulnerability test assessment and define and run at least one basic penetration test.
You will perform the vulnerability assessment on the organisation’s medium size
LAN network. The Network consists of Two switches, one Router and 10-15
Computer systems. Several confidential applications are installed on these systems.
You are the penetration tester in your company. The management of the
organisation wants you to perform a vulnerability test assessment and define and run
a basic penetration test. They also want you to assess web-based, network-based
and hardware-based vulnerabilities and adhere to organisational procedures and
document and report activities. This includes:
Assessment Overview This section should clearly and concisely state the
validation, investigation, and deliverables given by the
vulnerability assessment. The open-source, commercial,
and custom tools used by the scan should be included.
Results and Mitigation This section lists and describes each security vulnerability,
Recommendations including (ideally):
Name of the vulnerability
Date of discovery
Vulnerability score
Detailed description
The process to detect the vulnerability
Proof of concept of the vulnerability
Guidance for remediation
Organisations should have regard to their obligations under the Privacy Act,
Archives Act 1983 (Archives Act) and TIA Act when creating standards for the
collection, use and storage of particular information.
Cybersecurity Standards
In July 2019, APRA issued CPS 234 on Information Security. This regulation
requires APRA-regulated financial, insurance and superannuation entities to comply
with legally binding minimum standards of information security, including by:
Specifying information security roles and responsibilities for the entities’
board, senior management, governing bodies and individuals;
Implementing and maintaining appropriate information security capabilities;
Maintaining tools to detect and respond to information security incidents in a
timely way; and
Notifying APRA of any material information security incidents;
These standards provide that an entity’s board is ultimately responsible for
information security and that the board must ensure that its entity maintains
information security in a manner that is commensurate with the size and
vulnerability of that entity’s information assets.
If organisations are non-compliant, they may be required to issue breach notices and
create rectification plans. If organisations are unable to comply with the standards
following this process, APRA may undertake a more formal enforcement process
which may include enforceable undertakings or court proceedings.
The Privacy Act APPs provide a legally binding framework for APP entities to the
collection, processing, use, storage and dissemination personal information.
The Privacy Act APPs comprise legally binding obligations for APP entities for:
Managing personal information openly and transparently (APP1);
Permitting individuals the right to anonymity/pseudonymity (APP2);
Collecting solicited personal information (APP3);
Dealing with unsolicited personal information (APP4);
Notifying individuals about their collected information (APP5);
Using or disclosing personal information (APP6), including for direct
marketing (APP7);
Disclosing personal information overseas (APP8);
Using government-issued identifiers of individuals (APP9);
Ensuring the accuracy, currency completeness of personal information
Securing personal information (APP11); and
Permitting individuals to access (APP12) and correct (APP13) their personal
ET-005 ET-005
ET-099 ET-099
EX-004 Graphic Technology
IS-001 IS-001
IT-001 Information Systems - Interconnection
Organisational needs
To provide Network Security Network security is a technique that enables
organisations to secure computer networks from
intruders, targeted attackers, and opportunistic
malware. As the Internet has an assortment of
networks associated with various websites, it is often
observed that the organisations become targeted with
unauthorised intrusion, with malicious intent.
To provide Cloud Security Most organisations are now inclined towards utilising
artificial intelligence to improve their businesses,
enhance customer experience, and for efficient
operations. With the plethora of data available at
each step of organisational set-up, it becomes difficult
for organisations to store these data in physical form.