8.economics Chalisa by Manish Dua
8.economics Chalisa by Manish Dua
8.economics Chalisa by Manish Dua
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1. The words Economics have been derived from Greek word Oikonomia.
3. Adam Smith define economics in 1776 as “Enquiry into the nature about causes of
11. What to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce are the 3 economic problems
which arises due to scarcity of resources.
13. Normative science explains “What ought to be” or “What ought not to be”
the relationship.
16. PPC is also known as Production Possibility Frontier and Transformation curve.
17. Combination lying on or inside the PPC are attainable but combination lying outside
the PPC are unattainable.
18. PPC is concave to the origin due to increasingly marginal opportunity cost.
20. Movement from inside PPC to the PPC shows reduction in unemployment. It does not
shift the PPC.
21. In socialist, controlled or command economy resources are owned by public but
controlled by govt. In such economy, economic decision are taken by planning authority.
22. In capitalist, or free economy resources are owned by private sector and economic
decision are taken by forces of market demand and supply curve.
26. Micro economic theory deals with allocation of resources it is also known as Price
28. Substitute goods are also known as alternative goods. Substitution effect is positive
i.e. increase in price of one substitute results in increase in demand of other substitute
29. Demand for complementary goods is also known as Tied and Joint demand.
30. Income effect of normal good is positive and of inferior goods is negative.
35. Giffen goods exhibit positive price effect and their demand curve is upward sloping.
36. Goods demanded not because of their intrinsic worth but because of the prestige
attached to them is called Veblen effect.
39. Change in demand is due to change in factors like, Income, Price of related goods,
Taste & Pref.
40. Change in quantity demand is shown by movement along with demand curve.
42. Price elasticity measures degree change in demand due to change in price of the
44. Point method measures elasticity of demand for very minute change in price.
45. Arc method is used to measure elasticity of demand between two points of demand curve.
53. No commodity have perfectly inelastic demand not even salt. Salt have almost inelastic
54. Cross elasticity measures degree change in demand due to change in price of related
55. The value of cross elasticity if positive then two good are substitute goods.
56. The value of cross elasticity is negative then two goods are complementary goods.
57. In case of value of cross elasticity is zero then two goods are unrelated.
61. When the demand is elastic increase in price will results in decrease in total
62. When demand is inelastic increase in price will results in increase in total expenditure.
63. When demand is unitry elastic, and change in price brings no change in total
65. Derived demand is the demand of inputs which arised due to demand of final goods.
66. When we demand shirt, manufacturer demands cloths thus cloth is derived demand.
68. According to cardinal approach, utility derived from a commodity can be measured.
70. When marginal utility is positive, the total utility keep on rising.
76. Consumer surplus is the difference between what the consumer is willing to pay and
what be actual pays.
77. Consumer surplus is maximum in case of necessities and minimum in case of luxuries.
78. Consumer surplus is the area lying below demand curve and above price line.
79. For explaining consumer surplus Marshall used concept of perfect competition.
82. Indifference curve provides same level of satisfaction. It is also know as Iso-Utility Curve.
87. When MRS = 0, the Indifference Curve is L-shaped, this is the case of perfect
88. In case of perfect substitute MRS =1 & constant and IC curve is straight line.
89. Higher IC curve provides higher level of satisfaction, IC do not cut each other.
91. In the left hand above corner of IC curve MRS xy is very high.
92. In the right hand below corner of IC curve MRS is very low.
93. Budget line represents various combination of 2 goods X & Y which consumer can
purchase out of given income.
94. Combination lying on or inside the budget line are attainable but the combination
lying inside the budget line are unattainable.
96. In case consumer purchases commodity, X only, then budget line merged with X-axis.
97. In case consumer purchases commodity Y only then budget line will merged with Y-
i) MRS xy = Px/Py
101. Change in supply is due to change in technology, Increase in number supplier, change
in price of related good, change in government policy.
102. Elasticity of supply measures degree change in supply due to change in price. ER 3
106. Short Run is too short the time period when at least one factor is fixed.
107. Long Run is too long the time period when all the factors are variable.
111. Very short period price is also known as market period price.
114. Alfred Marshall explained the impact of time element on price and output.
116. In the law of variable proportion the proportion between fixed and variable factor
keeps on changing.
117. Out of MP, AP & TP , MP reaches at its maximum point at first and TP at last.
123. When AP = 20 & MP = 15, then both MP & AP both are falling.
125. Returns to scale is long run production function, here the inputs are increased in
same proportion.
126. When returns to scale is increasing doubling the inputs results in more than double
the output.
127. When returns to scale is constant, then doubling the inputs results in double the output.
128. When returns to scale is diminishing then doubling the inputs results in less than
double the output.
130. In the 1st stage of law of variable proportion, TP is increasing with Increasing rate
initially then with diminishing rate.
133. When the distance between successive isoquant diminishes we call it Increasing returns
to scale.
134. When the distance between successive isoquant diminishes we call it increases returns
to scale.
135. When the distance between successive isoquant remains same we call it constant
returns to scale.
141. Saving, mobilization of saving and investment are the 3-stages of capital formation.
142. Initiating business process, risk bearing and innovation are function of entrepreneur.
(c) Specialisation.
149. Accounting cost is the cost incurred on hired factor of production. It is also known as
explicit cost.
152. The pain and discomforts which labour suffer during production process is called as
real cost.
154. Implicit cost is the cost which incurred on owned factor of production.
155. Implicit cost is calculated on the basis that what we could have earned if we have
employed our resources some where else.
161. When TVC increases with diminishing rate, The returns to factor was increasing.
162. When TVC increases with the increasing rate, the returns to factor was diminishing.
170. AVC is u-shaped cost curve. Initially it diminishes due to increasing return and after
172. The difference between AC & AVC keeps on falling because AFC continues to fall. But
these two curves never touches x-axis as AFC never becomes zero.
173. Out of MC, AC &AVC , MC reaches at its minimum point at first then AVC and then
174. Initially MC and AC both are falling but falling rate of MC > AC.
162. When TVC increases with the increasing rate, the returns to factor was diminishing.
176. MC = 20, AC = 15, both MC & AC are rising.
178. Long run Avg. cost curve is also known as planning curve and envelop curve.
182. Only one short run Average cost curve (SAC) is tangent to long run average cost curve
Ed < 1 - ve
Ed = 1 0
Ed > 1 + ve
189. In perfect market TR is upward sloping straight line. ∴ when output is double the TR
193. In perfect market , number of seller are very large ∴ one firm cannot influence the price.
194. In perfect market , firm sells homogeneous product ∴ cross elasticity is infinity.
198. In perfect market the firms earns, super normal profit, normal profit or may suffer
the loss in short run.
199. In long run the competitive firms only normal profit because entry is free.
205. In monopoly the firm experience super normal profit even in the long run ∴ the entry
is restricted.
211. In monopolistic competition the firm earns normal profit in the long run because
entry and exit is free.
212. Long run outcome of monopolistic competition is similar to that of perfect competition
i.e. normal profit because in both market entry is free.
213. The pr i m e dif f erenc e of per f ec t and mono poli sti c c o mpe titio n is of product
214. In short run the firm continue to produce even in situation of loss as long as .
215. In short run the firm leave market when AR < AVC.
216. In long run the firm leaves market when AR < AC.
223. Higher the elasticity, lower is the difference between price and marginal cost therefore
lower is monopoly power.
228. Where delivery of goods takes place on the spot the market is called spot market.
229. Where delivery of goods takes place in future we call it future market.
236. In kinked demand curve, the response to decrease in price is more than increase in
238. Price discrimination can be carry out for different use, person and place.
239. There must exists monopoly for carry out price discrimination.
240. There must exists difference in elasticity on two sub-market for carrying out price
242. In 2nd degree price discrimination the firm charges different price for different quantity
243. In 3rd degree price discrimination the firm divide the total market into small sub-
245. In pure competition there exist large no. of firm, free entry and homogeneous product.
247. Increase in supply with demand remaining constant results in decrease in price.
251. Oligopoly firm do not enter in price competition they carry out non-price competition.
254. In India the number of people dependent upon agriculture has decreased in relative
sense but increased in Absolute sense.
255. National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) measures poverty in every 5years.
256. 22% of Indian population is still below poverty line during (2015-16).
259. Longivity, knowledge and standard of living are three indicators of HDI.
266. India’s Gini Index is .334 in 2011-12 earlier it was .368 (2010-11).
268. India’s National Income Increases 18 times but percaptita National Income Increases
only 5 times.
276. Share of commercial crop like sugarcane, cotton and oilseeds is increasing.
280. According to rent regulation act the rent is 25 to 50% of gross produce.
283. National Bank for Agriculture and rural development (NABARD) was established in
286. Industrial development and per capital income are +vely correlated.
291. Durgapur, Rourkele and Bihlai Iron & Steel plant were made in 2nd F.Y.P.
292. In the 1st F.Y.P we have 5 PSU with total investment of 30 crore and now we have 277
296. In Xth F.Y.P the target growth rate was 10% but actual growth rate was 8.7%.
297. XIth F.Y.P target the growth rate of 10%. but actual growth rate was 7.4%.
298. Our Industries are under utilized, the maximum capacity utilization is 50 to 60%.
299. Our Industries have increment capital output ratio, In 1 F.Y.P it was 2.95, in 7 th F.Y.P
300. 50% of factories are situated in Gujarat, Maharastra, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu.
f o r t h r e e m on t h s o r m o r e, o r , b ) t h er e i s e r os i on d u e t o a c c u m u la t ed l os s es t o t h e e xt en t
o f 5 0 % o f i t s n et wo r t h d u ri n g t h e p r e vi ou s a c c ou n t i n g yea r .
302. 2.50 lakh units are sick in India. Out of which 90% are small and medium scale units.
309. Burden of Direct Tax can’t be shifted and burden of Indirect Tax can be shifted.
297. XIth F.Y.P target the growth rate of 10%. but actual growth rate was 7.4%.
310. Incidence of tax lies on the person who ultimately bears the burden of Tax.
311. Income Tax, corporate tax, capital gain tax, and gift tax are direct tax.
312. Custom duty, Excise duty, VAT Service tax are indirect tax.
38.5 : 6 1 . 5 ( 2 0 1 5- 1 2 )
318 GST is applicable on supply of goods & services rather than manufacture or sales of goods & services.
327. In pre-reform time custom duty was 125% but in post reform time it reduced to 10%.
328. National Income is equal to Net National Product at factor cost (NNPFC).
333. Indian Economy is divided into 3 sectors primary, secondary and tertiary.
334. Primary sector is divided into Agriculture, Animal Husbandry Fishery, Forestry,
Minning and Querring.
335. We use production method for entire primary sector and Registered manufacturing.
345. Chellian Raja and Bhoot lingam committee were set up for tax reform.
01 102.7 cr
10 117 cr
11 121 cr
2016 128 cr
347. India population every year ↑es equal to the population of Australia.
355. In 1st state of demographic transition BR & DR both are very high.
367. Among Union Territory Delhi has highest density of population 11297 (2012).
Ratio 01 16
368. Sex ratio 933 943
Literacy 63% 73%
Life exp. 64.4 yrs 66.1
IX 30/100 1/1000
X 43/1000 2/1000
XI 28/1000 1/1000
379. National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) measures poverty in every 5 years.
381. ACC.to UNDP Report 54% Indians are multi dimensionally poor.
383. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) was started to connect villages with all
weather roads.
B. Pradhan Mantri Bharat Jodo Priyojna was started to connect metro cities with four
384. Swarn Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna (SGSY) started to help poor peoples in villages
by opening micro enterprises. (JRY + EAS = SGRY → NREGA)
385. Jawahar Rojgar Yojna + Employment Assurance Scheme = SGRY later on merged
with MNGEGA.
386. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was started to provide
387. SJSRY = Swarn Jayanti Shari Rojgar Yojna. (NRY + UBSP = SGSRY → NULM)
388. Every 6th person of world is an Indian and every 3rd poor person in the world is also an
393. If a person is unemployed for round the year he is said to be unemployed on usual
395. If a person had worked for 1 hr. or more is said to be worked for ½ of the day and if he
worked for 4 hrs. or more during the day is said to employed for whole day.
403. Coal, Oil & gas are both primary and final energy source.
406. Electricity generated from coal, oil & gas is called as Thermal energy.
407. Our energy installed capacity has increased from 2300 MW to 3 ,19,000 MW.
410. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikarn Programme was started to provide electricity
to villages now it is replaced by Deendayal Upadhaya Gram Jyoti Yojna
413. Plant Load Factor (PLF) measures operational efficiency of Thermal Power Plant.
414. Sourthern region has highest PLF of 82% and Eastern region has lowest of 62%.
415. Among Central, SEB and private sector,Central highest PLF(65) and SEB has lowest
421. National Highway route length = m o r e t h a n 1 la c Km. It handles 40% total road traffic.
423. Air India and Indian airlined was amalgamated to form National Aviation Co. Ltd.
424. Name National Aviation Co. Ltd. has been changed to Air India.
425. Our coastal line is 7517 Km having 13 major parts and 200 minor parts.
426. 13 major parts handles 57 of total traffic with Kandla as top traffic handler.
432. We have 1.55 lakh post office out of which 9 0 % post offices are in rural areas.
441. Sarv Siksha Abhiyan started in 2001-02.Padhe Bharat -Badhe bharat. Started under SSA
programme in 2014 which meant for making student independent in writing & reading.
443. Malaria, T.B. & Polio cases has reduced but AIDS, Cancer & Blindness cases has
447. Fiscal Responsibility of Budget Management Bill was passed in 2003. (FRBM)
448. The aim of FRBM bill was to reduce fiscal deficit by 3 % every year.
454. As per the World Bank’s International debit statistics 2017, India continues to be amongst the
less vulnerable countries. India’s key debt indicators compare well with other indebted countries.
457. Balance of trade is the balance of goods exported and imported by a country. It is also
known as visible trade.
459. In Xth plan our export was 23% and import was 30%.
461. Upto 2008-09, USA was the top desination of our export.
463. At present 60% of total export import is don e with Asia & ASEAN countries.
466. If prices ↑es due to increase in demand, we call it demand pull inflation.
467. If prices ↑es due to increase in cost of production, we call it cost push inflation.
471. In the pre-reform period India has very poor economic condition.
(a) National debt was 60% of GDP
472. Industrial licensing has been abolised for 18 industries now reduced to 5 industries.
473. No. of industries reserved for public sector are 2. A) ATOMI C ENERGY B)RAILWAY OPERATION
474. Defence has been dereserved in 2001. Now private company can invest in defence but
minimum requirement is 100 for entry.
475. For importing capital goods no permission is required provided the amount of imported
capital is not more than 2 crore and availability of foreign exchange is ensured.
476. Mandatory convertibility clause from lending operation hyas been abolished.
FDI Areas
100% Drug & P harma, Airport, E-commerce, Oil refining, Film H o t e l &
To r u i s m a n d Ag r i c u lt u r e a nd An i m a l Hu s b an d ry
49% Telecom ,Defense
74% Pvt. Banking, Air Transport
26% Print media, Insurance
489. CRR was 15%, SLR was 38.5% but now it has reduced to 4 and 20% respectively in AU G 2016.
482. Basel II reform was launched in 2008 Basel III frame work were launched in 2013 and it is mandatory
486. Devaluation has been 4 times since independence (a) 1949 (b) 1965 (c) twice in 1991.
489. In 2000-01, 714 items has been removed from negative list in 01-02, 715 more items
has been removed. Now few items have quantitative restriction.
491. Export Promotion of Capital Good (EPCG) Scheme was started for promotion of import
of captial good in 1990 and liberalized in 1992.
494. Foreign Exchange includes (a) foreign currency (b) gold reserve (c) SDR.
498. Vishes Krishi Upaj Yojna started for promotion of agricultural goods.
499. “Served from India Scheme” was started for promotion of export of services.
502. Chelliah Raja and Bhoot Lingam committee are related to Tax reform.
506. FRBM Bill = Fiscal Responsibility of Budget Management Bill was passed in 2003.
509. Privatisation means selling of public sector company share to private sector company.
510. 100% disinvestment has been done in 1 8 Hotels of ITDC and 3 Hotel of HCI.
B. Minorty disinvestment means were public company after disinvestment keep 51% or more share
along with management and control. NTPC and NHPC has been disinvested in this way.
C. Majority disinvestment means were public company after disinvestment keep less than 51% share
And no control over management and operations. MRL, BRPL was sold to IOC. Modern Food to HLL,
511. Cross Holding, Ware Housing, Strategic sale method are method of disinvestment.
513. 2009 - National Hydropower Corporation was disinvested through domestic issue.
514. Globalisation means integrating the domestic economy with world economy.
520. Capital Account Convertibility (CAC) is being done under phased manner.
522. MIGA, IDA & ICSID are bank in World Bank group.
524. Initially 31 countries have its member but now 189 countries are its member.
526. World Bank is also known as International Bank for reconstruction and development.
533. NM1 does not includes term deposit but NM3 includes term deposit.
556. One rupee note and all types of coins are issued by Central Government.
557. Under Lead Bank Scheme we appointed leader bank in every area for banking
559. A u g . 2016
Rate %
Bank rate 6.25%
561. Qualitative measures indiscriminately effect the entire economy. (Q.31 ICAI)
563. In order to encourage investment (credit expansion) decrease CRR,SLR,Bank rate,Repo rate & buy
the security.
564. In order to discourage investment (credit control) - CRR↑, BR↑, SLR↑, PLR↑, sell the
565. Change in margin requirement, moral suasion, credit rationing are qualitative measure.