d6 Places Characters (1-3) Events (4-6)
1 Meadow/River A knight/A lady A villain attacks!
Written by Ronaldo Riley
2 Mountain/Cave Lady of the Lake A beast appears!
This game was made using Dominus, a masterless RPG system. You will find all Dominus rules on
3 Forest/Swamp Merlin A knight errant challenges you!
the back of this sheet.
4 Castle/Tower Sir Lancelot One person is in danger!
1 War Destroy Joseph of Dragon Morgan Le Black Hostile
Plot Arimathea's Fay
d6 Something happened... You need... Otherwise...
2 Disease Capture Round Table Questing Sir Mordred Red Wounded
1 A Villain invaded the kingdom Kill a Beast The kingdom will be
3 Treachery Stealing Merlin’s Staff Giant Emperor Green Sad
2 An Artifact has been stolen Protect a Character King Arthur will die
3 Queen Guinevere's romance with Confronting a Villain Demons will invade Earth
4 Honor Conquer Spear of Dire Bear King Blue Scared
Sir Lancelot is discovered
Destiny Maleagant
4 Morgan Le Fay has cast a curse on Rescue a Character Many people will die
5 Tournament Find Excalibur Griffin Sir Accolon Purple Cheerful
the kingdom
6 Love Investigate Holy Grail Giant Boar King Saxon Striped Pleasant
5 King Arthur has been poisoned Destroying an Artifact Merlin will be imprisoned in a
crystal cave
6 A Character has been kidnapped Find an Artifact A loved one will be killed Rule 6 - Hit Points and Fights: Each character starts with 5 Hit Points. To face an opponent, roll a combat
challenge. If you win, subtract -1 HP from your opponent. If you lose, subtract -1 HP from the character.
Normal attacks do 1 Wound, spells do 2 Wounds.
Archetypes (roll to 4 characters)
Rule 7 - Artifacts : Joseph of Arimathea's Shield (advantage to defend himself); Round Table (Advantage to
1 Thief - advantage in challenges involving agility and stealth. negotiate); Merlin's Staff (Advantage for casting spells); Spear of Destiny and Excalibur (Advantage in
These are the rules of the Dominus system.
Rule 1: Preparation
Choose (or roll) an Archetype from the table and name your character. Then roll a die for each of
the three columns in the Plot table.
Rule 2: Story
To start your story, choose (or roll) a Place in the Scenes table. Whenever you enter a Scene, roll
a die. If it roll 3 or less, roll a Character. If you roll 4 or more, roll an Event. You can move to a new
scene if you see fit (and have resolved any apparent conflicts).
Rule 3: Challenge
Whenever your character tries to do something that could go wrong, you have a Challenge: roll a
die. If you roll 4 or more, you've managed to beat him. If there is something in this situation that
gives you an advantage in this Challenge, roll 2 dice and choose the highest result. If something
disadvantages you, roll 2 dice and choose the smallest result.
Rule 4: Dilemma
Whenever you have a question whose answer is not obvious, determine two possible options
(yes or no, left or right, happens A or happens B etc) and roll a die. Result 3 or less is the first
option, and result 4 or more is the second option.
Rule X: Special
The Setting can have special and unique rules.
Written by
Ronaldo Riley
This work was created by the collective “Iniciativa Dominus” and is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.