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TRICAT High Speed Ferry - Redesign For The U.S. Market

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Marine Technology, Vol. 36, No. 1, January 1999, pp.


TRICAT High Speed Ferry - Redesign for the U.S. Market

W i l l i a m A. W o o d I a n d J o h n A. H u n t e r 2

Ferries are making a comeback in the U.S. because they are a cost-effective alternative for
traffic-weary commuters and travelers. The U.S. gave up most of its ferries by the 1960's in
favor of bridges and tunnels because we could afford them. Most of the rest of the world
continued to operate and improve on the much lower cost ferry system. The U.S. marine
industry was, therefore, not a major participant in the development of modern high speed
ferries. Now, with the resurgence of ferries, especially high speed passenger ferries, many U.S.
entrepreneurs are looking for proven foreign designs. This paper discusses some of the design
issues including the IMO High Speed Craft Code, classification and problems encountered
when the British-designed 318 passenger, 45 knot TRICAT ferry was Americanized for
construction and operation in the U.S.

INTRODUCTION designed and built a number of the 45 m, 318 passenger

TRICAT ferries for service in Hong Kong. The TRICAT
When the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation is an aluminum and fiberglass 45 knot catamaran
decided they wanted a high speed ferry to transport propelled by gas turbines and waterjets. Informed that
visitors to their Foxwoods casino and resort in the Jones Act prohibited a foreign-built vessel from
Southeastern Connecticut from New York City, they operating in ferry service in the United States, the
approached the British firm FBM Marine, Ltd. FBM had Pequots decided to establish their own shipyard, the

S N A M E Member. Vice President, Seaworthy Systems, Inc., Voorhees, NJ

S N A M E Member. Assistant Vice President, Seaworthy Systems, Inc., Essex, CT
Paper presented at the September 11, 1997 meeting of the S N A M E NY Metropolitan Section

JANUARY 1999 0025-3316/99/3601-0045500.45/0 MARINE TECHNOLOGY 45

Pequot River Shipworks (PRS), and build the TRICAT American public.
themselves. A 1996 licensing agreement with FBM gave Although some foreign designed high speed ferries
the Pequots exclusive rights to build all FBM designs for had already been built in the U.S. under Subchapter T for
the Western Hemisphere and Hawaii. U.S. Flag service, none had been built to the new HSC or
The FBM TRICATs were designed, built and under DNV classification. Seaworthy Systems, Inc., was
classed under the Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Rules and retained by PRS to modify the TRICAT design to meet
the International Maritime Organization (IMO) the regulations and to "Americanize" the vessel. This
Dynamically Supported Craft Rules (DSC). The U.S. paper describes some of the design issues involved in
Flag TRICATs to be built by the PRS were to meet the implementing the HSC within the framework of Sub K,
requirements of the new IMO High Speed Craft Code including lowering the tonnage to less than U.S. 100 GT,
(HSC), were to be classed by DNV and were to be use of DNV for plan approval and classification, use of
certified by the United States Coast Guard (USCG) as a U.S. suppliers of material and equipment and the
Subchapter K (Sub K) passenger ferry under 100 U.S. modification of the interior accommodations for the U.S.
gross tons. Under the International Tonnage Convention public.
(ITC), the FBM TRICATs had a gross tonnage (GT) of Much of the background on the Mashantucket
605. The USCG, on behalf of the United States Pequot Tribal Nation, the TRICAT design, their
Government, is the flag administration for the acquisition of construction facilities in New London, CT
implementation of the HSC. The HSC had been and planned operations were presented in a paper in May
developed, in part, from the old DSC and had come into 1997 (1) when the first TRICAT was still on the building
effect in January 1966. Sub K allows the USCG to ways. Since that time the TRICAT has been outfitted and
accept the HSC as an equivalent to the Sub K regulations launched and has made some preliminary speed trials.
on a case-by-case basis. In accordance with Navigation PRS is building a second TRICAT tor their own account
and Inspection Circular (NVIC) 10-92, DNV was and has an order for another TRICAT from the Argentine
granted, also on a case-by-case basis, the status of a ferry company BUQUEBUS for operation between Fort
professional engineer in terms of its plan review function. Myers and Key West, Florida, with an option for three
PRS also was committed to maximizing the use of U.S. more TRICATs. It is also noteworthy to realize that PRS
suppliers, materials and equipment in the construction of was operating its shipbuilding facility and infrastructure
the TRICATs and to having the TRICAT concurrently with the construction of Sassacus.
accommodations meet the highest expectations of the

I I qcI

Fig. 1. O u t b o a r d Profile



The 45m TRICAT fast passenger catamaran was The HSC was developed by IMO in recognition of
originally built by FBM for service in Hong Kong. It was the growth in size and types of high speed craft.
designed by the yard's in house design staff in International conventions ratified with respect to the
association with designers of luxury yachts and mini design, construction and operation of conventional ships
cruise liners. An outboard profile, general arrangement have focused on steel construction materials and minimal
and typical section are shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3, operational controls. The requirements for ships engaged
respectively. The TRICATwas theresult of an extensive on long international voyages have been framed in such
research and development program to build a passenger a way that once the ship has all its certificates, the ship
catamaran that can achieve very high speeds with good may travel anywhere in the world without any operational
passenger comfort without the use of sophisticated foils restrictions being imposed. The HSC was developed
or air cushioned systems. The hull design is an updated with the assumption that this traditional method of
version of a previous design, the 30m SOLENT Class regulating steel ships is not the only manner in which to
catamaran, which made its inaugural trip in 1990. This produce an appropriate level of safety. Over many years,
design was subsequently chosen by the Royal Navy for numerous designs of marine vessels have been developed
their new Submarine Support Vessel in 1991 to operate and placed into services where these vehicles do not fully
in the Irish Sea. The SOLENT Class catamarans are comply with the provisions of international safety
currently logging 3500 hours per year and it was on this standards relating to conventional steel ships. These
foundation of R&D that the TRICAT design was based. vessels demonstrated an ability to operate successfully
Table 1, below, presents the general characteristics of the under restricted weather conditions and with class
TRICAT. approved maintenance and shoreside supervision
The first U.S. built and flagged vessel in the
TABLE 1 TRICAT class, Sassacus, was to be constructed in
TRICAT General Characteristics accordance with the new HSC. One of the code's new
safety requirements not included in the DSC is the
LOA 45.0 installation of a fixed sprinkler system which must
LWL 40.0 protect all public spaces, service spaces and storage
Beam (mid) 11.8 rooms. The design is in accordance with IMO Resolution
Depth (amidships) 4.8 MSC.44(65) "Standardsfor Fixed Sprinkler Systemsfor
Design Draft (mid) 1.5 High Speed Craft." The sprinkler system installed is an
Navigational Draft (m) 2.2 automatic dry pipe system attached to a piping system
Displacement (half load) 203 MT containing compressed air. The air pressure is monitored
Capacities by pressure sensors, and when a sprinkler head opens, the
- Fuel 200000 liters loss in air pressure causes the fire pump to start. A dry
- Fresh Water 500 liters system was chosen to reduce the impact of the system on
- Sewage Holding 1890 liters light ship weight. Schedule 10 galvanized pipe was used
- Lube Oil 2000 liters in the overhead of the two decks and was connected to
- Hydraulic Oil 150 liters CU-NI supply lines from the seachests and pumps.
Passengers Unfortunately, from a weight impact point of view, it was
- Main Salon 218 not possible to use plastic pipe since the overhead
- Upper Salon 47 joinerwork was not certified for a 15 minute fire rating.
Total Passengers 265 Thin wall stainless steel pipe was also considered but was
- 50% Load 45 knots rejected due to its excessive cost. The sprinkler system
Gas Turbine MCR (2) 5108 BkW is a two-zone system supplied by two 300 gpm pumps,
Gas Turbine RPM 13000 each capable of meeting the entire system requirements.
Reduction Gear Ratio 17.58:1 The TRICAT's radar antennas had to be redesigned
Gensets (2) 170kW (each) by the manufacturer to meet a draft IEC specification for
Water Jets KAMEWA 90 radars fitted to high speed craft that requires the antennas
to rotate in excess of 40 rpm in winds up to 100 knots. In
addition, the bridge console had to be redesigned to



General Arrangement

Fig. 2. General Arrangement Principal Dimensions

LOA 45.00m
LWL 40.OOm
_m Beam 11.80m
Draft 1.57m

=aloon roof E54B planking
....... /" .._, . . . . . . . . ~

..,,,°, \ W '°'°'''°°

,to,n, . . . . t.e,
W ,
~ ~_..~.'~e et, .............. ,oo.

~ m m p h lte
78=25x3mm engle

ceiling J ~'~ \
beams 200xSmm web. lOOxlOmm Hder pl~tl
longitudinal to be iImtl~r

..~pdlar= 78.2~x3.2mm ItGinleu ~te©l frame T ~ect]on =ee drg 50/04/00~

1646mm off centre w~th 101x6.35mm fb welded on out~bo~rdface

450, 11_26
~ dheal only7
l o iI. / 4ram long. web planking 6mm~brkt plate
__ftl deck tR4 & 185 tub,'2ongle

~ R 6 0 0 ~ ~- ( 30/0"8/100"12 I R 4 0 ~t 3 L / ,2L

5 0 . 8 x 6 . 3 5 fb 76 x 4.3 mm bulb bar t see

bottom of raft, except j 11L
.,~r. gO=tO ~,. °%\ ,0~

275xS/100xt2 Note:- At the fwd end

from ff 25 & 26 fwd 22L
inter. Ion,9 are fitted
between ~tL & 26L wall tube topside plate obQve 5L to deck
lee fwd end arrgt, on every
6rrtm plate 8L
above 18L

=tfi~lger pit. brat

lgt g0xtOmm flat bar from 6L-t3L
riot bdr below 6L & 19L 350ram aport, above 4OOmm

> ,c ~130x12nlmflct bar from 1L to 5L and 14L to 1BL

Z ~i]rnrn bottom plata up to 1OOmrn above 5L and 18L
o,1- ~tS0xl0mm keel bar increQsed in area of dockinq ~eal
accommodate the larger display screen, also mandated by station. Good visibility is required and provided by a 360
the draft IEC specification. degree field of vision on the bridge. During periods of
The HSC requires a marine evacuation (MES), reduced visibility, such as at night or in fog, an additional
which is defined as an appliance designed to rapidly night vision operator is required on the bridge to monitor
transfer a large number of persons from an embarkation the vessel's course. Glare on the bridge from instruments
station by means of a passage into life rafts. The system reflecting off of the aft windows at night was a problem
chosen has been approved by the USCG for a maximum for the engineer and night vision operator in earlier
freeboard of three meters. The TRICAT's maximum TRICATs but was eliminated by raking the windows aft
freeboard is 4 m. The system is presently undergoing 10 degrees.
final review by the USCG for the greater freeboard.
Additional testing of the life raft system itself, not
necessarily the ferry and the life raft together, is required USCG AND SUB K
to demonstrate that the rafts can be deployed in both
windward and leeward conditions in 3 m seas and As part of a growing trend to harmonize maritime
Beaufort Force 6 winds, even though the ferry will only rules and regulations worldwide, the USCG, through Sub
carry passengers on a Lakes, Bays and Sounds route. K is now able to accept the HSC as an equivalent design
This is an example of one of the inconsistencies in the standard, as long as it is adopted in its entirety. In effect,
HSC and Sub K regulations that should be addressed. if a design meets the HSC, even though it did not meet all
The HSC specifies that all public and crew spaces of the USCG Sub K regulations, then the USCG will
must be located and designed to protect their occupants accept the international standard. There are nineteen
under a design collision acceleration of 3.63 m/s 2. chapters comprising the HSC. Seaworthy was
Additionally, these spaces cannot be located any closer responsible for redesigning the TRICAT to meet the new
than 7.4 m from the vessel's stem. Baggage in public HSC. DNV reviewed the design and inspected the ferry
spaces must be placed in dedicated, protected areas on the during construction to assure compliance with all of the
main deck forward so that it remains in the stowed chapters except chapter 18, Operational Requirements,
position when exposed to the collision design which was left totally to the purview of the USCG. The
acceleration. All foundations and equipment mounting plan approval process required an initial review by DNV.
details such as transformers and panel boxes located in After its review, DNV then submitted them to the USCG
vital spaces were also designed to meet these collision Marine Safety Center in Washington, DC, and the local
loads. OCMI, New Haven, for final approval. As usual, the
The HSC also requires that the design of passenger local OCMI has final authority on all issues.
and crew seating is tested and proven capable of For the most part it has been a successful plan
withstanding the design collision acceleration forces in a review process. Most USCG comments addressed the
manner similar to seats used in jet aircraft. In addition, subject of structural fire protection and safety. For
the seats must have high back with protective padding. example, the original TRICAT design had a winding
The seats, seat tracks and deck structure were laboratory stairway between the two passenger decks which was not
tested employing instrumentation to record forces on allowed by the USCG for safety reasons. Also, the
crash dummies so that injury criteria such as thoracic original DNV approved fire detection system, as installed
trauma index, forces in the femur and extension and on the FBM TRICATs, was initially rejected by the
flexion of the neck could be calculated. Crew seating on USCG since it did not have a USCG approval number.
the bridge is the same as that utilized in the new USCG This system was finally approved after much discussion
Motor Life boats and had been tested in accordance with with the USCG. Documentation of fire properties such
MIL specs. However, it had to be retested to show as flame spread and smoke developed for interior joiner
compliance with the HSC. The VIP lounge seating materials has also been a troublesome area since the
design had to be modified since no athwartships seating entire joiner package was supplied from the U.K.. All of
is allowed per the HSC. Additionally, seat belts are the materials met the old DSC. However, due to the short
required on all seats where there is no protective structure time that the HSC has been in effect, the test data was not
forward of the seat, such as another seat. up to date and, in many cases, the materials were tested
In accordance with the HSC, the bridge is designed to British Standards for which equivalency with more
and arranged to permit the crew to operate the TRICAT familiar U.S. test standards, such as ASTM, has been
without causing undue fatigue, while also minimizing difficult to determine.
injury during a collision. All controls are in easy reach of
the captain or first officer with redundant controls at each


TONNAGE REQUIREMENTS TRICAT to Sub K? The vessel is =0,5 knots slower
because of the additional weight due to the tonnage
As is the case with most small passenger vessels in considerations. Accessibility during construction and for
the U.S., the TRICAT Sassacus admeasures under 100 routine maintenance has been diminished. Also,
GT. The original FBM design was longitudinally framed restrictions on building a Sub H passenger vessel as
below the tonnage deck. In order to meet the 100 GT written in USCG NVIC 6-80 appear to be easily
U.S. requirement, it was necessary to adopt a addressed by the USCG as regulatory matter, particularly
combination framing system consisting of both with respect to its acceptance of the HSC. Unfortunately,
longitudinal framing forward and aft and transverse at this time, the HSC can only be applied to U.S. vessels
framing amidships. All of the longitudinal framing for through Sub K and not through Sub H for larger
the FBM TRICATs was bulb bar purposely optimized passenger vessels over 100 GT. Reduced USCG
and extruded for a high strength to weight ratio. To meet licensing requirements have traditionally been a reason
tonnage requirements, these bulb bars had to be replaced for building to Sub T and now Sub K regulations. Even
by ordinary intercoastal flat bars between transverse though the TRICAT's engine room is unmanned, the
frames amidships. In addition, transverse frame spacing USCG requires an unlimited third engineer's license for
had to be reduced and deep floors added. This change in the ferry' s engineer billet due to the complexity of the gas
frame spacing required a major redesign effort to modify turbine main propulsion systems and controls, and the
the original detailed structural drawings midships. This sophisticated electrical and electronics systems installed.
change has been, on more than one occasion, a significant Also, Sub H passenger vessels over 100 GT require
source of confusion during construction. The flat bar, documented, able bodied (AB) seamen although there is
specialized transition plates between the bulb bar and flat a precedent for reducing this requirement for ABs in light
bar, and deep floors increased the TRICAT's structural of recent reductions in the requirements for ABs required
aluminum weight by 8,000 pounds. on newer offshore supply vessels. It would appear that
Further, some spaces originally designated as voids traditional thinking concerning tonnage and manning
were converted to ballast tanks with associated pumps requirements should be re-evaluated when high speed
and piping to exempt them from inclusion in the craft are considered.
underdeck tonnage. The addition of the deep floors
greatly reduced the accessibility of the compartments
below the main deck and has also had an adverse impact DNV CLASSIFICATION
on the arrangement of pumps, piping and valves. The
maximum opening in each deep floor is 18 inches in DNV was chosen by the owner to review the design
diameter, which is barely enough shoulder room for a for compliance with the HSC, inspect the vessel while
worker or crew member to climb through. under construction, admeasure it for regulatory and
Tonnage openings also had to be added to the aft international tonnage, and class the ferry. DNV was
bulkhead on the main deck to exempt most of the main chosen because of its reputation as a worldwide leader in
deck passenger area from inclusion in the gross tonnage the area of high speed passenger craft design,
calculations. Also for tonnage reasons, the food service construction and operation. Most of the review process
areas are officially designated as galleys so that they are has proceeded smoothly due, in part, to seven sister
exempt from inclusion in the gross tonnage above the vessels having been designed and built under DNV rules
main deck. However, for structural fire protection and classification in the U.K.. Due to DNV's fairly
purposes, they are not considered galleys, but serveries. recent entry into the U.S. maritime industry, there are
(Per USCG regulation, a galley is defined as a space with very few domestic sources of DNV type approved
cooking surface temperatures of greater than 250 ° F that equipment. In many instances, approval has been granted
requires additional structural fire protection boundaries.) at the local level by DNV with onboard testing of
Another major impact on the general arrangement equipment for satisfactory operation if it has also met a
of the PRS TRICAT was the requirement for clear 36" recognized U.S. standard such as ABS, UL or ASTM.
wide aisles, fore and aft, between the seats on the main
deck in order to carry the tonnage exemption from the
tonnage openings all the way forward through the U.S. SUPPLIERS, MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT
passenger space. This requirement necessitated an entire
redesign of the seating arrangement that resulted in the The original FBM TRICAT design was optimized
reduction in the number of seats that could be fitted. using aluminum alloys 5083 for plate and 6082 for
In retrospect, the question arises as to why build the extrusions and tube, both of which are commonly


available in the U.K.. Unfortunately, this is not the provided more stowage space for passenger belongings
situation in the United States where 5086 plate and 6061 and a cell phone area in the first class accommodations
extrusions and tube are the more common alloys. on the upper deck. Crew members now sit in jump seats.
Working closely with the regulatory bodies has enabled The VIP space on the port side, aft, on the upper level
the substitution of 6061 for 6082 and 5086 for 5083 was reduced from six to four passengers to comply with
alloys, which has relieved some of the initial material the new HSC, which allows only forward or aft facing
supply problems. seats. Approximately 10% of the total number of seats in
The availability of service and parts, along with the the original design were also eliminated on both decks by
United States standard of 60 HZ AC for shipboard increasing the distance from seat front to seat front in
electrical power vs. 50 HZ AC in the U.K., also order to provide more knee room in keeping with U.S.
necessitated the respecification of most equipment comfort standards.
standards and sources of supply. The FBM TRICAT's
diesel generators also were specified at 410/208 V. In
accordance with accepted U.S. practice, the generators LAUNCH
were specified to produce 440 volts, with transformers
providing 120 volt electrical power. Unfortunately, the Sassacus was rolled out of the building shed and
engine room combustion air and ventilation fans were transported 500 yards to the bank of the Thames River.
supplied from the U.K. with 50 Hz fan motors. Alongside the river the ferry was picked up by two cranes
Subsequently, the fan blades were replaced with re- and set into the water on June 11, 1997. Figures 4 and 5
pitched blades that were optimized to provide the show the ferry in the slings just prior to launch and
required flow at the increased fan motor speed resulting floating free immediately after launch.
from the change to system frequency.

During the last week of August, 1997, Sassacus
The TRICATs now operating in Hong Kong do not went through dock trials and some preliminary speed
ha,ve any heating capacity in the passenger trials and wake height measurements. Engine start up
accommodation areas. Year round operation on Long and final alignment were commenced under the
Island sound required the addition of a heating system supervision of both the SOLAR gas turbine and
and a cabin window defrosting system. This additional KAMEWA representatives. The next day the ferry was
heating load required larger generators, which had to be taken out into the Thames River and the controls and
arranged in an already tight machinery space. The water jets were successfully operated at headway speeds.
potable water system had to be relocated from a void At that point, since all was proceeding smoothly, the
below the main deck to the upper servery in order to speed was increased to 32 knots. Trials on the following
prevent freezing. Fresh water lines to the heads also had day were disappointing in that the ferry attained a speed
to be rerouted out of the raft area between the hulls and of only 42 knots. After returning to the pier, the tunnels,
under the main deck to heated spaces within the ride control foils and water jet impellers were examined.
accommodation areas. The CO z system for fire The ferry had been launched in early June and two
suppression in the engine rooms is in a non climate- month's worth of marine growth had fouled the
controlled locker and had to be heated to maintain a propulsion units, which were not designed to be coated
minimum of 0 deg F at all times. Overboard drains for with an antifouling paint. After careful cleaning, the
gray water were also eliminated to ensure zero effluent ferry made 47.5 knots through the water. This speed is
discharge into Long Island Sound. right in line with the predicted speed for the light trial
The accommodation arrangement was, initially, displacement of 188 MT.
very similar to that of the previous TRICATs. However, Noise measurements were taken during the
as the ferry was being redesigned, it became evident that preliminary trials and the noise in the main deck
changes had to be made. The dumb waiter from the passenger spaces was found to exceed by 2 dB(A) the
lower servery on the main deck to the servery on the HSC specified noise level of 75 dB(A) due to the high
upper deck was eliminated as it was not needed (this also velocity HVAC system. Corrective measures are
provided weight savings). The crew lounge area was presently being investigated and implemented.
eliminated, since all crew members will be fully occupied Minimal wake has always been a key advantage of
for the short 2.5 hour duration of the voyage. This the TRICAT design. Preliminary wake measurements at


22 knots showed a height of only 8 inches at a distance of REFERENCES
700 feet from the ferry. A preliminary trial trip was
successfully completed down to New York City from 1. Cummings, T.R., Hunter, J.A., "A High Speed
New London and back. Ferry for Long Island Sound," presented at the
The inclining experiment was conducted on SNAME NY Metropolitan Section 1997
September 6, 1997, and preliminary calculations show the Transportation, Operations, Management and
light ship weight to be 172.07 tons, which we are glad to Economics Symposium, May 1997.
report is 2% below the weight estimate.

The second TRICAT will be constructed under
The TRICAT Sassacus, is the first high speed ferry USCG Sub H regulations and with DNV plan review and
to be built in the U.S. in accordance with the HSC. In classification. It is hoped that much of the passenger
spite of the burden of attempting to implement and capacity lost in the effort to get under 100 US Gross Tons
interpret a new and, sometimes intentionally, vaguely will be regained without a great additional expense.
worded code for the first time, and other minor bumps in
the road during the plan review and construction process,
all parties involved have worked hard and well together
to bring to fruition this exciting project. The USCG,
DNV and PRS should be commended for a job well done.

Fig. 4. Sassacus in L a u n c h i n g Slings



Fig. 5. Sassacus Afloat after Launch

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