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OCTOBER 5, 2016
TIME 1:00-2:00

Content Standards
 Demonstrate understanding of key concept of combination and probability.

Performance Standards
 Is able to use the use precise counting technique and probability in formulating conclusion and
making decisions.
Learning Competencies
 Illustrate the permutation of objects.
 Derives the formula for finding the number of permutations of an object taken at a time.
 Solve problems involving permutations.

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to;
a. define permutation,
b. solve problem involving permutation;, and
c. apply the key concept of permutation in the field of Entrepreneurship.

b. References:- Mathematics Learners Module ( Grade 10 pages 283-300 )
-www.actuarial foundation.org/pdf.com
-project.math.ie/documents/T&L/By teachers
c. Instructional Material: Teacher made visual/ Projector
d. Skills to develop: Computing and Solving
e. Values Integration: Accuracy and Productivity
f. Methodology: 4A’s
g. Concepts:
 Is an arrangement of n objects (people, number, letters, etc.)
 Is an arrangement of things in definite order
 Refers to the different possible arrangement of a set of object.
 The number of permutation ofn object at a time r at a time.

 Permutation Formula:

( n−r ) !
Where n- the number of the objects or things and
r- Taken at a time
 The number of permutation of n objects taken all a time is nPn=n!
Time Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity I.MS
3 min. A. Daily

Greetings Good afternoon class! Good afternoon ma’am.

How’s your day? Great and fantastic!

Okay let us all stand up and
have a word of prayer.

Securing the Before you take your seats,

cleanliness and kindly arrange your chairs and
orderliness of pick up all the pieces of plastic
the classroom and paper that scattered on
the floor.

Checking the Class beadle kindly check the Yes ma’am.

attendance attendance of your classmates.

5min. Recall Okay class, before we proceed

to our new topic; let’s have
first a simple recap about our
topic last meeting.

Last meeting we tackled the Event is a subset consisting of

fundamental principles of one or more possible outcomes.
counting, now what is event?

Absolutely. How about the Compound event is when

compound event? several events occur together.

Very well said, now do you still

remember this symbol? Factorial symbol
What is the use of this symbol? Factorial symbol is used when
multiplying series of descending

Very good. Let’s try this

problem. Cartoli
If four coins are tossed, how 1. 2
many combinations are 2. 2
possible? 3. 224 =16
4. 2
possible ways of coins to be toss
Excellent! It seems that you
learned much from our
previous lesson, now before
moving on with our new topic
let’s have first an activity.

10min Motivation Drawin

This activity will be called “Find g
. My Pair” all you need to do is
to find the pair of the picture
from this set of cards,

You will be given, onlyone

chance to give it a tryand fail to 1 2 3 4
get the card will lose a turn
then we will proceed to
another volunteer, until we
find the corresponding card,
and prepare for some

Okay very good! How did you

find the activity? The activity is exciting but
somehow difficult because were
only given one chance to pick
the card so we have to be
But then we find a pair of picture
out of different cards.
How many possible cards are
there for you to get the correct There are 12 possible cards.

Very good what are the

possibilities of getting the right There are 3 possibilities
picture in column 1?

Did you become wise of getting

the right pair of the picture? In Yes ma’am, we think first before
what way? choosing a card and we do not
pick a card which does
correspond to the picture, just
like the one being chosen by our
classmate, which is wrong.
Presentation of Very good class, This set of
the Lesson cards are called PERMUTATION
And that will be our lesson for

Presentation of For today’s discussion we have

objectives the following objectives:

a. Define Permutation,
b. Solve problem
involving permutation
c. Apply the key concept
of permutation in the
field of

Now let’s have another

activity, I will group you in to 4.
Let’s assume that we are
businessmen, you will choose
your leader, secretary and a
presenter who will stand in
front as your sales committee.
You have 5 minutes to do your
activity and another 5 minutes
to present your work.

Presentation of You will be graded by the

the rubrics following rubric.
Criteria G G G G
1 2 3 4
Clarity of
veness 20%

10 Activity Proper For your Activity observe first

mins. the equation below in order to
answer your activity.
1. n!
2. 6P3=
( 6−3 ) !
6 x5 x 4 x3
¿ 120
3. nPnxnPn(nPn)
Group 1
By using the formula of
A. assuming that you are
permutation taken all at a time
working at the” Create-
or permutation with repetition.
a Bear Store” in the
mall. Your job is to
make at least 5
possible ways the
bears can be place in a
=720 Permutation in
line. If the bears have 2
which to line up the bears.
green,2 red, and 2 blue
taken all at a time.

B. Demonstrate the
possible arrangement
of the bear at least 3
possible ways.

C. Based on your activity

what is permutation?
Group 2 Solution:
A. You own a simple By using the formula of
parlor shop. You have permutation of objects taken ‘r’
5 costumer to at a time.
accommodate N=8 r=5
unfortunately you have n!
only 3 chairs. How ( n−r ) !
many different way can
5 costumer be seated 5!
into 3 chairs 5 P3=
( 5−3 ) !
5x 4 x 3
B. Demonstrate to the
class in how many
60= Permutation in which the
ways can 5 costumers
costumer can be seated.
be seated in 3 chairs.
At least 3 possible

C. Based on your activity

what is permutation?

Group 3

A. You own a book store,

you have to arrange
the books in a different
way. As a shelf
By the use of the formula of
contains 1
permutation with repetition
N= 7, 5, 2
Analytic and 2
Statistics. In how many
different orders can
they be arrange if all
books of same subject
must be kept together?
=48 ways can books be arrange
in a shelf
B. Demonstrate to the
class in how you
arrange the book
according to its
subject, at least 3

C. Based on your activity

what is Permutation?

Group 4
A. Suppose that you own
the art gallery. You
have 4 pictures to be
arrange from left to
right on a wall of all art
Using the formula of
gallery, how many
Permutation with repetition you
ways or arrangements
will find the permutation.
are possible?
B. Demonstrate to the
class in how you
arrange the books
according to the 4P4 = 4!
subject at least 3 ways. =41x3! x2!x1!
=24! Arrangements are
C. Based on your activity possible.
what is Permutation?
Post Activity

Okay time is up, kindly present

your output on the board and
3 explain your work.
mins. Analysis

Excellent class! Now let us

discuss your output.
Ma’am we analyse the given
Okay class, based on your problem.
activity what did you do to get
the answer?
We observe that each problem
Very good, what did you needs an arrangement and
observe in each problem? order.

Each problem asks how many

What else? possible outcomes or ways can
arrange the object.

That’s correct, What Multiplication and Subtraction

mathematical operation did
5 you use most of the time?
mins. Abstraction
Permutation is an ordered
Excellent class! Now for you arrangement of an object like
what is Permutation? people, number and letters.

Very good, what about the n!

formula did you use for finding ( n−r ) !
permutation taken r at a time?

Great! How about the
Permutation of object taken all
at a time?
Number of objects
In the given formula N stands

The number of objects taken at a

Very good! How about the time.
symbol r?

10 Generalization
To concretize your idea let’s
have another activity. Did you
know the concept of raffle
draw? The first 3 people who
will pick from the box they will
have a prize. But the one who
will pick a name will answer my
question first. You can race
your hand if you know the

Question # 1.
What is factorial of 8? 40320

Very good! You may draw the

lucky one.

Question # 2.
In how many different orders 5040
can 7 people be seated in a

Excellent! You may draw the

second luck student.

Question # 3.
In how many possibilities that 43 possibilities.
your name will be pick out of
45 students not including the 2
students who won the prize.

Excellent, Now who can The permutation of object r at a

differentiate the permutation time , example:
of object taken at a time? How many different ways can 5
books are arrange in shelf taken
2 at a time.

Very Good how about the How many different order can 5
permutation of object taken all people seated in a room.
at a time?

3 Application
Absolutely correct! In everyday life we can use it,
It seems that you already knew especially in making positive and
our lesson for today, But how wise decision.
can you apply the concept of
permutation in the real world

Very good, in what particular Ma’am when we are about to

situation in your life you apply arrange our dress in our closet.
the concept of permutation?

Okay very well, what else? In raffle draw, just like a while

Nice. What else? When we are about to arrange

our favourite ice cream flavour
in a cone.

Absolutely even the little things

we do we apply the concept of
permutation which is
arrangement of the objects,
and probably in the field of
business we can apply the
concept of permutation, just
like what we did in our activity
a while ago.

Class do you have any None ma’am.

questions, clarification or
wanted to add insights or

III. Evaluation

1. In how many ways can 20 books be arranged in 2 shelves?

2. Five dice are tossed, how many possible pattern can be made?
3-5. List all of the possible order of the numbers 0 3 5 8?

IV. Assignments

1.A teacher wants to assign 4 different tasks to her 4 students. In how many possible can
she do it?
2. How many ways can 5 Geometry, 4 Statistics and 3 Algebra can be arranged on a shelf if
they are arrange in:
a. According to subject
b. In order Geometry, Statistics and Algebra
3. In how many ways can be arrange the letters of the word LESSON.
4. Ten boys scouts are seated around a campfire, how many ways can be arrange?

References:- Mathematics Learners Module ( Grade 10 pages 283-300 )

-www.actuarial foundation.org/pdf.com
-project.math.ie/documents/T&L/By teachers
Prepared By:
Abegail Burce Ama

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