Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding of key concept of combination and probability.
Performance Standards
Is able to use the use precise counting technique and probability in formulating conclusion and
making decisions.
Learning Competencies
Illustrate the permutation of objects.
Derives the formula for finding the number of permutations of an object taken at a time.
Solve problems involving permutations.
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to;
a. define permutation,
b. solve problem involving permutation;, and
c. apply the key concept of permutation in the field of Entrepreneurship.
b. References:- Mathematics Learners Module ( Grade 10 pages 283-300 )
-www.actuarial teachers
c. Instructional Material: Teacher made visual/ Projector
d. Skills to develop: Computing and Solving
e. Values Integration: Accuracy and Productivity
f. Methodology: 4A’s
g. Concepts:
Is an arrangement of n objects (people, number, letters, etc.)
Is an arrangement of things in definite order
Refers to the different possible arrangement of a set of object.
The number of permutation ofn object at a time r at a time.
Permutation Formula:
( n−r ) !
Where n- the number of the objects or things and
r- Taken at a time
The number of permutation of n objects taken all a time is nPn=n!
Time Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity I.MS
3 min. A. Daily
a. Define Permutation,
b. Solve problem
involving permutation
c. Apply the key concept
of permutation in the
field of
B. Demonstrate the
possible arrangement
of the bear at least 3
possible ways.
Group 3
Group 4
A. Suppose that you own
the art gallery. You
have 4 pictures to be
arrange from left to
right on a wall of all art
Using the formula of
gallery, how many
Permutation with repetition you
ways or arrangements
will find the permutation.
are possible?
B. Demonstrate to the
class in how you
arrange the books
according to the 4P4 = 4!
subject at least 3 ways. =41x3! x2!x1!
=24! Arrangements are
C. Based on your activity possible.
what is Permutation?
Post Activity
Great! How about the
Permutation of object taken all
at a time?
Number of objects
In the given formula N stands
10 Generalization
To concretize your idea let’s
have another activity. Did you
know the concept of raffle
draw? The first 3 people who
will pick from the box they will
have a prize. But the one who
will pick a name will answer my
question first. You can race
your hand if you know the
Question # 1.
What is factorial of 8? 40320
Question # 2.
In how many different orders 5040
can 7 people be seated in a
Question # 3.
In how many possibilities that 43 possibilities.
your name will be pick out of
45 students not including the 2
students who won the prize.
Very Good how about the How many different order can 5
permutation of object taken all people seated in a room.
at a time?
3 Application
Absolutely correct! In everyday life we can use it,
It seems that you already knew especially in making positive and
our lesson for today, But how wise decision.
can you apply the concept of
permutation in the real world
Okay very well, what else? In raffle draw, just like a while
III. Evaluation
IV. Assignments
1.A teacher wants to assign 4 different tasks to her 4 students. In how many possible can
she do it?
2. How many ways can 5 Geometry, 4 Statistics and 3 Algebra can be arranged on a shelf if
they are arrange in:
a. According to subject
b. In order Geometry, Statistics and Algebra
3. In how many ways can be arrange the letters of the word LESSON.
4. Ten boys scouts are seated around a campfire, how many ways can be arrange?